My Hot Roleplay - Masssive Turn On free porn video

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Josh says:
ok. we've been together for 2 years now when one night at a party, after ignoring the rumours about you, i show up early from work to catch you stradling another guys lap as you both kiss. its the next day and your still a bit hung over when you wake up, im already up and downstairs watching tv, dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt

Naomi says:
I slide out of bed and walk into the bathroom, my hair is a mess and my head is aching. I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh as I bend down and find one of your t-shirts to chuck over my bra & panties. I walk back into the room and notice you are not here, I panic as I remember bits & pieces of last night. I wonder downstairs quietly as I see you on the lounge. "Morning Baby" I say
softly waiting to see what your reaction to me will be... a little unsure as to how much of the night I remember is true.

Josh says:
im mad as hell but try not to show it, concentrating on the music clips on tv "morning" i say tensely, my face going slightly red "sleep well?" i shift a little on the couch trying to control my temper, to make sense of what to do about us, about you

Naomi says:
I walk over and sit myself onto the lounge next to you, placing my hands beneath my legs as I glance over to you with worry. "Slept well" I reply. I notice you fidgeting with your hands and after knowing you very well for 2 years I know this is a sign that something is wrong. "Did... you.... ummm... Did you sleep well?" I struggle to put these words together as I watch your handa
Josh says:

i let out a snort "barely, and i think you know why. why didnt i listen to my friends? why did i believe you, you!" i jump to my feet glaring down at you "they all said you get loose when im not around....and I saw you last night at the party. i was early and...and you...." my face gets even redder, voice louder as i start to loose my temper "why did you do it!" i ball my hands into fists
by my side "am i not good enough for you anymore!? or is it a thrill thing!?"

Naomi says:
I bite my bottom lip hard as you get to your feet and glare down at me. "Baby" I say softly "Please just listen to me." I slowly get up off the lounge and to my feet standing infront of you as I make eye contact... my heart is racing as I see the anger in your face. "I love you.. I did not mean for this to happen." I reach out and try to put my hands onto your shoulders to calm you a little

Josh says:
i shrug you off stepping back "didnt mean for what to happen, for me to catch you slutting around!" my arm twitches but i resist the urge to strike out at you "so say your piece now Naomi, why shouldn't i just pack up and leave you?" i breathe hard, looking down at the ground at the end of my little rant

Naomi says:
My face is blank as I hear those words come out of your mouth ' why shouldnt i pack up and leave' I fight back tears as I move closer to you again with another attempt to calm you down. " Baby you are the only guy I want to be with.. You are the only one that pleases me" I take a deep breathe and place my hand onto the side of your face trying to get you to look at me.. I need to know that you can
still stand the sight of me. "Please... I am sorry... I will do whatever it takes... Just do not leave"

Josh says:
my eyes snap up to look straight into yours "you looked pretty pleased last night, grinding in that guys lap....tongueing him....letting his hands touch your girlfriends body!" i grab hold of your upper arms holding them tight "so dont fucking pull that bullshit on me, that only i please you anymore!" something seems to snap in my mind as i register that your wearing my shirt "and still
you walk around in my clothes, in my house...proving i've wasted my time thinking you loved me" i let go of one arm to grab a fistful of my shirt handing loose on you, tearing it at the collar from the force, exposing some of your cleavage

Naomi says:
My whole body is frozen as I stand there speechless and ashamed of myself. I am looking toward the ground and I am scared to move, to even look up to you... incase you have not finished. "He meant nothing" I whisper not moving a bone in my body, not even glancing up to look at you. Your T-shirt shrugged up and my cleavage still exposed, my hair is still messy and now I have tears running down my

Josh says:
"meant nothing, so you want my pitty? what did he mean then? what do i mean to you?" i force myself to calm down, my breathing hard and ragged when i briefly loose control again pushing you back down onto the couch, anger and confusion written across my face "well what does anything mean to a girl like you?"

Naomi says:
I sit there with my hair brushed across my face, your shirt barley covering my panties. "A girl like me?" I begin to breathe heavier looking up to you. "I fucked him Josh!" I raise my voice for a second forgeting who I am speaking to and what I have done "You can think what you want about me... It will not change the fact that I love you". My gaze instantly drops back to the floor and I place my
hands into my lap, begining to play with my fingers nervously.

Josh says:
" fucking fucked him! i was hoping you only made out with him, maybe teased each other but you go and fuck him!" i completely loose it, looking down at you, defenceless and remorseful on the couch before me, the sight of you never failing to turn me on, looking at your legs going to your panties...i frown, confused at how you can make me so mad, betray me yet i still want you at the most
basic level "you fucked him....who else? how many other guys did you fuck in our two years together!" i lean down over you, one hand braced on the back of the couch, my face right up infront of yours "well!"

Naomi says:
I hold my breathe as you lean in towards me. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs tightly, lying my head into my lap as I sulk. "He was the only one Josh! I promise." I feel your breathe against my neck and it reminds me how close you are, in a weird way it makes me feel a little more secure then having you half way across the room, even when you are raging mad.

Josh says:
"how the fuck do you expect me to believe anything that you have to say to me now?" i lower my voice a fraction "you lied, you cheated...and want me to trust you?" i lean in lower, my free hand reaching down to your jawline making you look back up at me "the trust between us is gone now Naomi...your just a sad little girl in a ruined shirt, trying to make me feel sorry for you but i just can't"

Naomi says:
As my vision is snapped back to your face I feel worthless seeing the pain and anger that I have caused in your stare. My arms are aching from where you had ahold of me and my face is locked in your grip. My glassy wet eyes study your face as I breathe carefully, my legs feeling weak and my body dirty. I try one last time, I lean quickly before I can be stopped by you and press my lips against
yours softly but firmly.

Josh says:
i instinctively kiss you back, moaning slightly, letting myself get carried away i slip my tongue briefly past your lips, i then break our kiss. i stand up with a glazed look in my eyes, my mind furious but body lusting for you still. "well thats your answer to everything is it?" my eyes wander up and down your body, watching the shivering, semi-naked girl on my couch, tears staining her cheeks
"am i just another root, another cock for you to get what you want out of?" i make up my mind as i look at you "then thats what you'll get. do what you want Naomi I cant control you or trust you...the only thing we have left is sex"

Naomi says:
I look at you blankly, confussed. Are you telling me everything else is gone. My eyes slowly wonder from your sturn face to your chest, stomach all the way down your body looking at the man who one day ago would have done anything to protect me, love me or care for me. I feel embarressed that I have thrown all that away and ashamed that I am the one who has made you the man who is standing infront
of me now. I glance catches yours again. "Fine".
My glance*

Josh says:
"fine" i echo your words then finally give in, letting all the dark thoughts i've ever had come to the surface. i lean back over you and kiss you again forcibly, any sense of love or caring that you felt when we used to kiss is gone, a look of wild lust in my eyes as i stare into yours, my hands on your shoulders i grip your shirt pulling it down along your arms, lengthening the split till its
just a rag, completely open at the front, my hands never leaving your body keeping you pinned down in place

Naomi says:
I do not fight back, you will get your way with me. My body is weak and vulnerable. I do not take my eyes from yours as you are ripping away at the T-Shirt that once was covering any bit of innocence I had left. I try to see if there is any sense of feeling left in your hard eyes, but see nothing. "Sorry" I say one last time before every bit of feeling is ripped from my body.

Josh says:
i hear your words but they dont seem to register with my brain, my lips kissing and biting down your neck, one hand sliding up your arm to the other side of your neck, gripping slightly before my hand relaxes once more, sliding down your chest between your breasts, over your thin bra and down your smooth flat stomach. it rests for a moment before sliding slowly up again, this time further towards
your side, cupping one of your soft young breasts, squeezing it over your bra

Naomi says:
My eyes close and I moan softly as your lips trace over my neck and I begin to feel your hands venture across my body and to my breasts. Your touch is rough and cold, something I have never felt before, espeacially from you. I slide myself, sinking into the couch a little lower as I arch my in reaction to your bite on my neck, I moan slightly louder. My breathe warm against your neck.
arch my back*

Josh says:
i continue to kiss and lick your neck, my bites getting harder as my lips move lower, kissing along your collarbone. i squeeze your breast a little firmer still, feeling your nipple start to stiffen up under your bra. after another minute i stop and stand up straight again, the stirrings in my jeans now a visible lump over my crotch. i look down over your body licking my lips without realising it
my hands go to my hips gripping my shirt lifting it up and off, tossing it aside "Naomi, get up and strip off if you want me in any way at all" my eyes bore into yours

Naomi says:
Following your instructions carefully, I quickly get to my feet, my body inches from yours as shrug what is left of your T-Shirt off me, it slides down my body and onto the floor. I then very cautiously run my hands around to my back tugging at my bra until it releases itself and falls loose, I around my shoulders, I run my fingertips up my arm and assist my bra straps to slide down my arms and
dropping to the floor, revealing my soft round breasts, my pink nipples hard. I stare into your eyes, my face still blank as I then take me right hand running it down my side and sliding my fingertips into the side of my panties and continue to move my hand down, my panties following until they are lying on the floor along side my bra and your ruined T-Short

Josh says:
my pulse quickens as i watch you strip down, your good looks never failing to excite me even now, the sight of your young flesh...soft, pert nipples almost getting the better of me. i step up close against you, my hands going to your waist and sliding up stopping just under your breasts then down. my left hand stops on your hip as my right hand moves down and around your body feeling
your firm, perfect your ass in my palm, i lean over your shoulder to whisper to you "your just a body to me now. all the wicked things I've always wanted from you I'll have from you..." i slap your ass hard with a loud crack, then take half a step back "now finish stripping me off Naomi. Now"

Naomi says:
I fight back every tear but one as thoses words spill out of your mouth, shooting at me like knives. I brush my hair back off my face as my gaze falls down your body sfotly and I slowly get down onto my knees infront of you, taking a deep breathe. I reach out, my fingers slightly brushing against the massive buldge in your jeans as I rip as the button on your jeans. It comes loose, I then tug
at the zipper softly, my fingers wonder to the sides of your jeans as I use little force to pull them to the floor. I glance up to you quickly, forgetting that this is no longer, one bit about 'us' but you. I quickly refocus leaning into your body running my lips from your belly button, to the very seams of your boxers

Josh says:
i let out a soft moan, looking down at you with glassy, lust filled eyes. my pulse quickens feeling your breath on my skin so close to my now rock-hard cock, the sight of you obediently kneeling, trying not to cry would have a day ago upset me, but now i cant help but feel turned on, your submissive state, the look in your eyes strangely erotic. "all the way girl....its not like THIS cock is a new
experiance for you is it now?" i reach down with one hand to run my fingers through your hair

Naomi says:
I stare blankly at the rock hard buldge awaiting me in your boxers. Trying to push all the mixed emtions aside I close my eyes for a second, my head spinning. As my head clears I firmly press my lips back against your lower stomach as I almost instantly slide my fingers into each side of your boxers bringing them to the floor, my lips also moving lower. I run my left hand back up your leg and to
your thigh as I squeeze it slightly. My mind now completly blank and ready for anything, I move my hand to your throbbing hard cock and grip your shaft firmly as I run my tounge across the very tip of your cock, kissing it soflty.

Josh says:
i groan in pleasure, you now how much i love it when you suck me off, having been together so long you know by instinct every sensitive spot on my body. i look down at you, my cock briefly throbbing quicker at your first touch, your first lick with your warm wet tongue "look at me while you play with my cock Naomi, and tell me why you wanted another besides my own" i stroke your hair, my hand
moving down the side of your head brushing loose hair from your face so i can see into your eyes, the hand moving slowly down the back of your neck to rest on your shoulder, the sight of you nervously licking along my shaved-smooth shaft turning me on even more

Naomi says:
I hesintantly look up to you as my warm wet tounge glides across your thick shaft, my eyes lock with yours. Trying to avoid the humiliation of discussing last night with you again I swirl my tounge around the head of your cock, quickly taking it into my mouth, my lips tight around your shaft, I move my hand up your shaft slightly and begin to take your cock in and out of my mouth, working
my grip of your cock at the same time. Your cock always fills my mouth only half way down your shaft, this turns me on thinking of how good it is going to feel deep inside my tight little pussy. I break my gaze with you and close my eyes softly as Ibegin to take your cock deeper and deeper into my mouth, the head of your cock already burshing against the back of my throat

Josh says:
i moan low and long, feeling your hot wet mouth take my length in inch by inch, my hips rocking slightly as you suck on my cock, feeling your spongy tongue rub the sensitive lower side of my cock. i then lose control to lusty urges once more, my hands going to the back of your head. my fingers run through your hair as i hold you steady in place, i take a step closer as i thrust my hips forwards
forcing you to take more of my cock than you're ready for, letting out a pleasurable groan feeling you gag a little "thats right....ah....if your going to act the slut i'm going to use you like one. no more holding back or playing nice for you..."

Naomi says:
My instant reaction is to pull away, but with the grip you have on me this is imposible. I struggle a little as I try to pull away, your cock shoved so far into my mouth / throat. My eyes begin to water as my reflex's kick in, tears running down each side of my face as I try my hardest to continue breathing with my mouth full of your throbbing hard cock. I place my hands onto your sides
and squeeze as I struggle for breathe, my head then pushed down even further.

Josh says:
my eyes roll back briefly in pleasure ive never experianced before, feeling your throat constrict the head of my cock as you gag, you helpless and useless struggles turning me on more and more, finally getting your lips to touch the base of my shaft, my balls resting against your chin. i moan loudly looking down at you "fuck me Naomi, why havent i done this with you sooner...ah..." i begin to
grind against your face, my cock sloshing around in your mouth before i pull my hips back again. my cock popping from your mouth, strands of salive connecting your lips to the tip. on a whim i move in again, this time letting the wet, slick length slide up past your lips and up your cheek till my balls rub your soft lips "lick them Naomi, suck my balls..."

Naomi says:
Gasping for air the moment your cock slides out of my mouth I look up to you helpless. I catch my breathe quikly not knowing what to expect from this man who once treated me with respect and love. As your wet cock slides against my face and your balls press firmly against my soft slightly opened lips I open my mouth a little more taking one of them into my mouth, my tounge moves closer to my lips
as i run it along the bottom of your balls, hoping this was my order. I run my fingers through my hair brushing it from my shoulder, as I concerntrate on pleasing you.

Josh says:
i moan and groan above you. your tongue and lips heaven on my balls, tightening in their sack as you work your magic. "dont think you get all the fun" i step back then kneel down to your level, looking into your eyes as i reach out to cup your breasts. i squeeze them gently at first. moving my hands so i can pinch your nipples between thumb and finger, twisting slightly. within 30 seconds i
increase the pressure, squeezing firmly before sliding my left hand down your body ever so slowly, my fingertips brushing over the soft mound above your young smooth pussy. not wanting your right breast to be ignored i tilt my head down, kissing over your breast till my lips brush your nipple, my eyes looking up into yours. my left hand moves again continuing south, my middle finger running along
the slit between the soft lips protecting your entrance

Naomi says:
My eyes are fixed on yours as your fingers send waves of pleasure through my body. My nipples aching with pleasure as your lips brush against them, my pussy now screaming for attention. I cannot control my body anymore and it surrenders to your every touch. As I feel your finger slide gently across my wet pussy lips I maon softly, biting my lip to control myself. I continue to watch your fingers
squeezing and teasing my nipples, along with your lips brushing over them, making them as hard as they have been ever. The amount of pleasure I am feeling shoot through my body with you still so mad at me, makes it almost impossible to beleive. I run my fingers through your hair and rest my hand on the back of your neck as my mind goes wild.

Josh says:
i suck your nipple harder, my wet tongue flicking your hard nub, the tip of my tongue circling around it i let out a moan against your chest, the hand on your other breast pinching your nipple harder. my hand over your pussy slides lower still, down between your slightly-spread legs to stroke your inner thigh then back up along your slit once more, pressing my middle finger more firmly against
your skin parting your lips, dipping between them feeling the heat of your pussy as your getting more excited at the attention i lay on you, the tip of my finger ever-so-lightly brushing over your clit then back down again towards the entrance of your pussy, pressing down a little firmer before moving it back up to rub your clit again

Naomi says:
"Ah..." my breathing drops heavier, each moan gets longer and louder. My grip on your neck tightens as your finger slips between my pussy lips, my whole body is now relying on your strength to keep me upright. "Josh.." I moan your finger now firm against my clit "I need you to love me." I bring my other hand up your arm and rest it onto your shoulder also tightening the grip I have on you. My l
body pressed hard against you I can feel every move you make. I lean my head down and press my lips against your forehead kissing it firmly between moans.

Josh says:
i rub your clit faster, pressing firmer still. my hand on your breast moves around to your back sliding down your soft skin, eventually reaching your ass rubbing over your firm cheeks while i finger you. i look up as my lips move away from your nipple, kissing and licking over the soft flesh of your breast to the base of your neck. i then slide my hand lower against your fingertip
replace by my thumb, the finger that was on your clit trailing down to your pussy itself, pushing the tip of it to the first knuckle inside you. the hand on your ass gripping firmer, spreading your ass open slightly

Naomi says:
I can no longer control my breathing and I give up trying. I am now focusing on the feel of your fingers exploring my warm tight pussy, causing my body to ache. As your thumb is place onto my clit with an unusual amount of pressure and your finger slides effortlessly into my tight little pussy, my back arches "Oh baby... I have never felt this before" I say quite loudly "Ahh.. Please do not stop"
I beg looking down at you and your fingers working my body so good I couldnt imagine life without you. Seeing you look at me with those lust filled, hard eyes turns me on even more.
I lick my lips at the thought of your warm hard throbbing cock entering my aching tight young pussy. My mind filled with these rough pleasurable thoughts as I continue to watch you with pain.

Josh says:
i slowly feed more of my finger to your eager pussy, feeling just how warm and tight you are. once most of a finger is inside you i slip a second finger in, the moment it enters your body my thumb flicks your clit faster, my hand on your ass stretching out, slapping your ass suddenly, spanking your soft sensitive rear hard before squeezing again, a fingertip brushing against your tiny puckered
asshole, pressing more of my body to yours, starting to bite your neck harder leaving slight marks on your skin. after a moment i bite your neck harder than before simultaneously pushing a fingertip into your tight young ass

Naomi says:
My soaking wet little pussy becomes even tighter around the two fingers sliding in and out of it as I feel asthough i one millions sensations have entered my body at the one time, not possible to control them. My legs open a fraction more as your fingers venture further and futher into my soft tight hole. The moment your finger is pressed against my tight sensitve asshole I lose control,
a feeling of pleasure washes over me, as my body shivers and my body goes weak against yours. My moans soften and my grip on your shoulder and neck loosen.

Josh says:
i let out a low growl as i feel you loosing your strength and will "thats right just give in to what your body wants, you slut" i let go of you, licking the juices made by your wet pussy from my fingers, the taste driving me on before i place my hands on your shoulders and shove, pushing you onto your back on the floor "you want to be fucked dont you. tell me what you want Naomi. beg for it" i
kneel between your legs, my body between your knees as my eyes travel up your slender legs taking in the sight of your wet pussy now visibly glistening, further up to your breasts watching them rise and fall as your breathe hard. a hand goes to my shaft without me even realising it until i glance down at my fist pumping slowly along its entire length, the swollen head aimed directly at you prone
before me

Naomi says:
I lye on the floor weak, but my pussy still aching for your cock to be burried deep inside of me. I lift myself slightly, my eyes aiming straight at the throbbing cock you are holding in your smooht palm, i moan soflty just at the site of it. My gaze then moves slowly up your body, taking in every detail as I have so many times before, but everything about this seems so different, my eyes finally
reach yours and I am ready to play the game you want me to. "Babe I need your thick wet cock deep inside of me...right now" I beg "My pussy is screaming for your cock."

Josh says:
i lean down crawling over you, my hands on the floor just above your shoulders as i position myslef, my chest pressed to yours feeling your hard nipples as your soft breasts are pressed to my body, feeling your heat against my skin as my hips lower down between your thighs, the head of my thick cock pressed against your pussy i start to rock, teasing you with my shaft before i thrust down slowly
gasping in bliss as the head of my cock parts your smooth pussy lips and stretches your entrance slipping inside easily, feeling how hot and tight your pussy is as it grips my cock. after a minute of this teasing i thrust down hard and fast shoving the entire length inside your eager body with a loud pleasure-laced groan

Naomi says:
My body twitches with shock when the entire length of your massive cock is forced deep inside of me, forced so deep I am in pain. I lift my legs beside you moving my hips back slightly forcing your cock even further into my body. I let my pleasure be known as I moan deeply and loudly, my breathing yet again to fast. My legs wrap around your waist as your cock is massaged with the tightness of my
contracting pussy. I run my nails along your back as my head turns to the side, my body trying to deal with the enormous amount of pressure that has just been pounded inside of it. My nipples run smoothly along your chest, giving me a tingling sensation as I continue to moan.

Josh says:
the feeling of your body under mine, the sensation of being in complete control, the sounds of your pleasured moans and the waves of pleasure traveling from my shaft wrapped up in your pussy makes me almost shout out my moans, looking straight into your eyes, gritting my teeth your pussy never feeling as tight as it does right now, my hips rocking against yours. slowly pulling out before thrusting
back in hard and fast. "is this how he fucked you Naomi? sweating ontop of you?" still mad at you yet powerless to stop my lust i speed my pace up before arching my back, sitting upright. my hands move to your hips as i rise, lifting you changing the angle of penetration into you, my cock rubbing against your g-spot, my hips slowly speeding up again. my hands keep a firm grip on you, pulling you
back against me with every thrust i make into your tight young pussy, my cock throbbing harder with each passing moment i fuck you

Naomi says:
My legs still wrapped firmly around your waist, I move my hips from side to side as your cock moves its way in and out of my tight little pussy. My hands firmly gripped against your shoulders and my back arched, lying my head back with pleasure each time your cock penetrates every inch of my pussy. "Fuck me harder... like I am your little slut" I whisper sop softly you have to wonder if I said
anything at all, my breathe so heavy against your neck. I run my tounge along your lips before pressing my lips against them, playfully biting your bottom lip, as I tighten my legs around you and press my body so hard against yours every single inch of your cock is inside of me.

Josh says:
"ah...thats right...i'll fuck you like a common whore....shit..." i buck a few more times then pull out of you, grabbing you by your waist i flip you over suddenly onto your belly, spanking one cheek of your firm young ass then the other "you know I've always admored your sexy little ass...." i grab it with both hands roughly, bending down to place the tip of my warm wet tongue against your tiny
asshole, swirling it in circles around it stopping only briefly to speak "and now im going to split it wide open..." i go back to licking, pushing the tip inside your rear

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Roleplay with meeta

febian : Story will be like this.febian : we will meet at ur freinds marriage. U had come to attend one of my friends marriage where I saw u and got attracted towards and told ur friend(Sana) about you and send proposal thorough that friend.meeta : okayfebian : and i will proposed ur family thorugh that freindsfebian : i will be alonemeeta : kmeeta : i say yes for the propsalfebian : yes… as u have seen me at the marriage.febian : why dont make a scene of our first meet to know about...

4 years ago
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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 4

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Aajchi story mhanje mi ek 38 vayachya mast tanch bhariv masal auntychi ani mazi ahe ya madhe aamchyat je chat kele te lihit ahe. Mala ek auntyne msg kela aani mazya maitrin banalya maga tyana mazyashi roleplay...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 2

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe.Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara....

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Roleplay

We had talked about roleplaying several times since we had met but hadn’t exactly found the right time to do something about it. I had decided that this weekend would be perfect since you were coming home Friday morning and we would have the whole night to ourselves. I wasn’t sure which roleplay to pick at first but I decided that I wanted to be a very naughty student and you would be my teacher. I decided to use your office so I took mostly everything off of it placing it in one of your...

1 year ago
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pretty hot internet Roleplay

You: its ok You: m usa 22 You: how r you tonight? Stranger: Awesome, hey I got a question, do you like werewolves, or roleplay? You: both You: why? Stranger: Yes!! you're perfect. Would you like to play a werewolf for me? Stranger: You could pick the scenario if you want You: like me be a warewolf and rape you? Stranger: Yeess You: hmm never done this b4. sounds like fun though Stranger: Hehe me either, have never been able to find...

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My Sophie roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.Maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it.Let's start!Alexandr:I have not seen Aunt Sophie for a long time, the last time was 10-12 years old. But today she suddenly appeared at our home. Mom said that aunt travels and therefore visited us. As a c***d I didn’t care, but now I noticed that Sophie is very sexy in her tight-fitting dress. Mom said...

4 years ago
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Our bedroom game of roleplay

Somewhat often, My man and I roleplay out a random, hot, sexy and always wet scenario. It begins near the beginning of our love making session and runs throughout until we both enjoy the most explosive orgasm. I'm going to share our last session. We share an evening of watching some porn, reading stories, enjoying drinks, and holding our bladders. All along, teasing one another until Our bodies are both highly aroused. Both of us feeling the pressure of our full bladders building and greatly...

2 years ago
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Latest Capture Roleplay

Latest Capture and **** RoleplayPre-story:The stage was set. Sara my wife said that she was up for role play last Saturday night. We finally got the k**s in to bed then I set up the webcam in the living room opened the blinds and then stepped out to walk the dog.The Role-play Begins……..I quietly entered the house ski mask on cuffs and blind fold on and in hand, ready to capture a milf. She was laying in the bed on her iPad the baby a sleep in the crib on the other side of the room. I came up...

3 years ago
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Roleplay Starter Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Parking lot He's leaning against the driver's door of her car when she gets off work. His western boots, well-worn faded jeans and white tank top don't do much to hide his form. She knows what's underneath and it's like Superman's kryptonite for her. He sees her coming and holds his arms out, elbows at his side and smiles. "How's my babygirl?" he says a little too loudly. "Forget it, Ted."...

4 years ago
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Roleplay Starter Mountain Meadow

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Mountain Meadow"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Mountain meadow in the early fall. Not quite above the tree line. Small clusters of evergreens dot the area. They'd been hiking for several hours now and decide to stop and make camp for the night near a clump of pines. They take off their large packs and begin to make camp. They work well as a team and soon there's a cozy fire, plenty of dry fuel and a small tent. Their canteens filled from a nearby...

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Roleplay Starter Scent of a Woman

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 or more Female, 1 Male. "Scent of a Woman" Interior: typical kitchen Nadia and Hank had been neighbors for some time now. At one point after Hank's divorce, they had been lovers briefly. Winnie, Hank's ex-wife, and Hank were still on good terms and occasionally got together. Winnie and Nadia were friends socially. Winne had even thrown several not-so-subtle hints to Nadia until Nadia explained that she wasn't into women the way Winnie was. Hank was in the...

2 years ago
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Roleplay on skype

This is a roleplay I had with a girl over Skype, I thought it was hot enough to share it. It stops a bit abruptly because she fell asleep before we could finish. Warning: i****t themed.Eliza Rei: I mean, I couldn't trust my devious little sister just like that, right ;)?Paprika: .. true. :xEliza Rei: Now, what should we do with lying little sisters?Paprika: .. nothing. :(Eliza Rei: But then how are you going to learn how to be a good sister to your bigger sister?Paprika: .. I.. I don't...

2 years ago
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Omegle Roleplay Random day at the office

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You both like roleplay.You: Its 3pm, you get to your desk and on your computer you get an anonymous message: “You look great in that skirt today!”Stranger: I'm kinda startled, but, after a second, answer anyway. "Thanks, I guess... Who is this?"You: I chuckle and respond: "Well that would spoil the fun, if i told you, wouldn't it?"Stranger: "How do you even know I'm wearing a skirt? I don't have a webcam..." I start feeling a little...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 3

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25 varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara. Maza...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 1

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe.Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara....

4 years ago
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Team Lead Ke Sath Femdom Sex And Roleplay

‬Hello iss readers mera naam ashwini hai aur mai basically bhopal se hu . Waise to meri life me sex experiences kaafi saare h jo mai aapko aage ki stories me bataunga. And here is my 1st story ,jo mai aap logo se share karna chahta hu.To baat tab ki hai jab mai apni internship k liye mumbai gaya hua tha.Mai bahut excited tha kyuki mai hamesha se hi mumbai me rehna chahta tha n waha ki life style jeena chahta tha. Waha pe mere already friends the isliye mera sab fixed tha k kaha rehna h.Waise ab...

1 year ago
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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

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Husband Wife Incest RoleplayPart 1

Hi all ISS fans and all incest lovers. I am big fan of ISS and this is my first posting on ISS. I am rahul from mysore karnataka. I live here with my wife. I got married one year back. And luckily my wife pooja is more crazy than me about sex. Pooja is not that fair she is wheatish and looks more like Asin. But she has boobs bigger than asin. She is almost 36 24 36. And she hit gym daily. Shaadi se pehle pooja k boobs itne bade nahi the par shaadi k baad mere choosne k wajah se shayad wo abhi...

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Makeover Roleplay

Makeover Roleplay By Deborah Lewis-Smith Synopsis: A recently divorced man decided to try a makeover service advertising 'role-play'. He gets a little more than he expected and has to rethink his own sexuality. ------------------------------------------------------------ I sat in the car, my knees shaking as I turned the key, killing the engine. I'd arrived twenty minutes early, and now sat in my quiet car, trying to get my heart to slow it's rapid beat. My legs felt odd and...

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My Masterfriends Games or What Happened to Roleplay

My Masterfriend's Games or What Happened to Roleplay? It has been a few delicious weeks since I met my "Master" in person, and our relationship has quickly grown into something else. Our first few encounters were pretty straightforward. Not that there is anything straightforward about being on my back with my legs over his shoulders! It was something else. There has been a concerted effort to know more about me and some of my fantasies too. It's not like they were hidden and all. ...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Roleplay

This is my first submission hope u like it. This is a real steamy chat session from the net of myself. This is the story of a horny housewife who has been seduced and fucked by her dewar and introduced her to the new realms of sexual life. Introduction Rahul and amit are two boys who have already had a steamy session with this horny housewife Rajani in a theatre. Today rajani is out to find some sexual satisfaction so she reaches a ready made dress shop but cannot find any one one old...

3 years ago
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Roleplay between a husband and a wife

Mera naam shalini hain. Main ek shaadi shuda aurat huun 26 yers ki. Meri shaadi delhi ka amit se hui thi aaj se 3 saal pehle. Main jawani se utshuk thi sex ko le k aur chahti thi ki kab meri shaadi ho aur main man lagea k sex ki bhook ko mitau. Waise to meri arranged marriage hui thi, par ghar walo ne mujhe amit se milne ki puri izazaat de rakhi thi. Hum log qutab minar, rail museum aur jantar mantar me kai baar mile. Shaadi se pehle hum sirf kiss tak apna relationship ko rakha tha. Wo bhi bina...

2 years ago
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Daddy Daughter Roleplay

(Roleplay partners 30+ please :P)My name is Steph. I just turned 19, back from my first year of college. I joined a sorority when I was out there and my sisters taught me so much more about how to dress than I ever paid attention to. What clothes definitely not to wear, what to wear when I need a good grade on an exam, what to wear when I want to get into the bar without being ID'd. Lots of very useful life lessons.I used to always wear really loose fitting clothing. Not that I don't have...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 17 Mommy Son Roleplay

Sometimes it happens in life that one plans a lot to achieve their dreams, and that achievement is brought about by sheer fate. That’s what happened with my experience of mommy son roleplay. On weekdays, right after the departure of my husband, my son would waste no time to fuck my brains out. The fact that the nights were booked for his dad had increased the intensity with which he fucked me. Similarly, my hunger to have his cock plunge inside my cunt, mouth, and ass had also increased many...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 1

This is a fantasy story. All the characters mentioned here are just the puppets of the writer’s mind. This is a series of different stories. The main hero in the story is Rahul (naam to suna hoga) and the heroine is Pooja (because creativity sucks, matlab isse common naam aur kya ho sakta hai)? Rahul and Pooja are married, they are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is working in the IT sector in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul is not a guy with a great...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is the continuation of the series that I have planned. In the first part, you would have read how the lockdown benefits a young couple Rahul and Pooja as they give vent to their fantasies. Rahul and Pooja are married and are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is in the IT sector, in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul does not boast of a great physique, and actually is a guy as thin as a stick but this stick has a long dick of 8 inches. He is 5’7...

2 years ago
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Omegle roleplay with a female stranger

You're chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP! You both like Roleplay. HiF20 Oops Hi F20 Hey 23m How's it going? Pretty good. You? Not too bad. What kind of roles are you looking for? Maybe just like bf/gf or cheating or roommated Something like those You? I'm down for any of those. Wanna do boyfriend's roommate? Oo fun! Thought so. Kinks? Love creampies, being groped and felt up, spanked, neck kisses. You? Nice. Love all those and dirty...

3 years ago
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Sultry Model Molina Sinks Into Sexy Roleplay

I sometimes wish I had been born two decades earlier. For some reason, all the women I’ve met or dated have been less than flattering. However, the older women have always caught my eye and made my mouth water. There is no creature more seductive than the older woman, the MILF. They know their way around the male body. They know how to turn us on, they know how to keep us going, and they know how to seduce us into becoming mindless drones that drool over them, dancing according to their every...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 6 Sistersrsquo Naughty Roleplay

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was getting bigger by the day. Once we hit him, we could hit so many others. The administration of his high...

1 year ago
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Daddys Girl a roleplay for adults

A roleplay for consenting adults: He really wasn’t her father – he was her stepfather of sorts – and when her mother left – it just seemed natural for him to keep her. There was really no where else for her to go. She was now a young adult with her fair share of problems. She attended community college where she was perpetually in trouble. It was definitely a strain growing up with an unruly girl who really wasn’t yours – and the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree – she was a slut like her...

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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

2 years ago
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The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...

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Erotic SOLO Roleplay Journaling

Did you read Slut World and wish to do something similar but with a different Rule System? Or maybe you read some IMPREGNATAR but wanted something with a different concept? Did you take a look at the CHYOA forums and find the Role-Playing Games posts and feel like trying some Erotic Roleplaying of your own but don’t feel like doing a Play by Post? Do you do want to do some SOLO Roleplaying but with PORN? Then this is the place to share your story(s)! 1) Select the System: If you do NOT see the...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Roleplay Wifes Turn

One week turned into two and two into three. We had nothing to fear as Yogita was issueless, and my child was in boarding school. Towards the end of the third week, a package arrived for me. Yogita announced: Yogita: it’s for you, “A belated birthday gift from your loving wife.” Me: Open it, darling. It never occurred to me to enquire about Anu’s whereabouts since Yogi was with me. I asked: Me: Where is Anu? Yogita: SSH! Wait and watch. She positioned herself comfortably between my legs and...

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Roleplay Leads To Sex With Sister In Law

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am narrating a real incident that happened recently which led to having sex with my wife’s elder sister. My name is Avinash. I am from electronic city, Bangalore. Anyone who is interested to talk to me after reading my story can mail me or ping me at . My wife’s name is not mandatory as she is not the heroine of the story. Her sister’s name is Ananya. For past few months, me and my wife really lost interest in sex. We wanted to try or do something new....

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Ben is a successful Medical Sales Rep who earns a high six-figure income. He has been able to give his family a very comfortable lifestyle. Ben loves his family and his work. He feels he has done an excellent job of balancing work with family life. His career requires him to travel frequently during the week, and when the weekend rolls around, he tries to make sure his family comes first but is often too tired to devote proper attention to them. The children adapt well to his absence because...

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The Roleplay Part One

Leigh was high on adrenaline, waiting for Michael to open the door to his apartment. She felt bad for having to leave Nick and Jayne but she was craving some intimate one on one time, knowing they would likely be enjoying the same. Watching him turn the key, she bit her lip as she looked around to check that nobody she knew was passing by. The pleasing click of the lock, Michael gestured to her to enter before closing behind them. Although she was a good twenty years older than him, the last...

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black daddy roleplay

Emily:i get on the train car and head back to my private room in the living section as you see my short little skirt and tanktop as i walk past you al:As i enjoy the view of your passing, An thinks to myself.. What a cute lil girl, Would love to get into her lil panties.. makes me wonder if u even have any on, As i think.. Decides to follow you an see which room you enter Emily :you stop as you see me drop my bag and my stuff fall out and you can tell from it that im fertile and...

2 years ago
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She turned towards one of the cupboards and I allowed my eyes to wander up and down the rear of her slim, lithe body. She was wearing the outfit I had asked her to, a pink, close knit cardigan, a short beige skirt and a light coloured pair of stockings with what I was sure would be a pair of suspenders beneath holding them up. It was a Friday night and with working away from home I'd been looking forward to tonight all week. I was sure Lin was too. The two of us had discussed the...

1 year ago
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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Husband away wife will play I looked at my wife Lin as she turned away from the sink, the last piece of crockery washed, dried and ready to put away. At 52 years of age she still looked good, indeed, with her regular weekly gym workouts Id have defied anyone to have argued she was any older than early forties. She turned towards one of the cupboards and I allowed my eyes to wander up and down the rear of her slim, lithe body. She was wearing the outfit I had asked her to, a pink,...

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Me and the Boys Doggy Roleplay

Hope you like this one. Names have been changed to protect the non-existent. We were all sitting in my bedroom. Me and Johnny on my bed, and Billy and Jimmy across from us on my b*****rs bed. It started off as a sorta straight circle jerk. We had all started masterbating together recently and it gave us a chance to compare notes. Johnny asked me if I ever wondered what it would be like if someone else jacked me off, the feel of a different persons hand doing all the work. I told him to give it...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Roleplay

Diane sat on the edge of the pool observing the young swimmers body move through the water. Level 4 lockdown rules dictated that people stay home and only go out for essentials food shopping, petrol, medication etc... Diane was in her 30' s a tall, big breasted, curvaceous woman who was used to being regularly fucked by her husband and her boss. Since lockdown her husband had been too tired from the extra hours at work and she was working from home. Zoom meetings with her boss and a dildo were...

2 years ago
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Wife Forced roleplay

My wife and I have a bit of a kinky side, we have role played being a cuckold couple, me the sissy hubby and she the slut wife. this is a role play that was so hot!There was a knock at the door, which was strange it was 9:00 pm, my wife went to answer the door, there were two black men at the door, one acted embarrassed and told her they obviously had the wrong house, because she wasn’t who they expected to answer, she told them no problem and was about to close the door, when they both pushed...

3 years ago
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Roleplay Log Madyrn Falara May and Daniela

[14:03] Falara (falarapt): "Oh dont worry i neither did, i am it is nice to meet you Daniela" bows "i have to say this is a nice place, i surely will have some Drinks at this place later at a day" she giggles[14:04] Madyrn Bayn nickers. "If Falara wants drink now, Madyrn can help with that." She grins wickedly and nods to Daniela. Red head knows what's up by now, for sure, as often as the minotaur-esque horse has been around Daniela.[14:04] Daniela (daniele801) smile and keep walk to the...

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Sub slut roleplay

I'm not really a "sub" but here's a little fantasy where I play the part ... just for fun ;-) It's very dirty so don't read it if you prefer "vanilla" stories. Let me know if you like it and suggest anything you'd like me to write about.Marie xYou called me at work and asked me to meet you later, and told me to look especially good since you had a special night planned. I wore a black mini dress over black seamed stockings held up by a retro six-strap suspender belt and could barely walk in the...

4 years ago
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A Very Hot and Erotic Roleplay Only for Girls

You have been lying on the soft silk sheets of the bed for a few minutes now. You haven’t seen anything for a half hour. I’ve already taken the liberty of having you take your clothes off so the silk caresses your skin, and a cold breeze from a vent tickles your skin.You lay on your stomach, wondering what I’m up to. Suddenly, you feel a tickle on your thigh. You go to swat it away, only to find my head in place between your legs. And my moist lips, working their way upwards, towards your very...

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Me and the Boys Doggy Roleplay

Hope you like this one. Names have been changed to protect the non-existent. We were all sitting in my bedroom. Me and Johnny on my bed, and Billy and Jimmy across from us on my brothers bed. It started off as a sorta straight circle jerk. We had all started masterbating together recently and it gave us a chance to compare notes.Johnny asked me if I ever wondered what it would be like if someone else jacked me off, the feel of a different persons hand doing all the work. I told him to give it a...

4 years ago
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A Game Between Whores The Start to a Roleplay you

(Warning: This story will contain v******e, gore, mutual torture, probable death, and it could get worse depending on who wants to play. If you're not okay with that, don't continue reading. If you are, tell me you are reading.)My eyes open, but the world is dark. Wherever I am, the lights are not on. The smell of mold, and the rank of dampness fills my nostrils as I realize that I am in pain. A cold, thick, metal seems to be tied tightly around my arms and legs. I am not touching the ground,...

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Roleplay that was risky

THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION ENJOYI have been married to my wife Trish for 10 years and we have always enjoyed our sex, when we first got married we had sex every day,You see Trish has always been a bit of a tease and loves to show off her perfect body and always wore low tops or made sure she had buttons undone when wearing a blouse,She use to get turned on so quick if she thought a man was lusting after her,She also had great legs and loved wearing high heels to show them off,I always said...

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