My First MILF ... (III) free porn video

Connie and I have tried to arrange another get together a couple times but either her family or my work load have changed things time and again. but today, things worked out, and I found myself once again in the arms of the most pleasant friend, and sexual lover I think I will ever see...
Sneaking her into my room isn't difficult. My living arrangements take care of that... but the sneaking nature of the whole thing drives us both sexually crazy, and we both just get crazy sexually charged and for the past 2 hours.. we have fucked one another until now... well, we're just holding onto one another... softly chatting, looking at one another, and really.. really just holding each other... wait.. uh-oh.. my cock again... damn.. I do love this...
Details??? You want details???
Just as soon as she entered my room, the door just locked behind her.. she comes into my arms to a very nice, warm kiss... not just a kiss... no grinding.. pounding.. grabbing.. but a soft, slow, hello.. I Love This kinda kiss.. believe me.. I have used what I learned from Connie throughout my life.. every time to my advantage.. with her consent..
She never lets me take off my own clothes, instead, as she nibbles on my shoulder, or neck or even my nipples, she removes things, and pushes me toward the bed... and as I lie there looking up at her... she does that strip thing, kinda clumsy but sexy like she does, smiling the whole time, looking into my eyes as I look at every new revealed part of her... her soft breasts, tiny nips, skinny waist and the soft little brown spot of pussy hair just slightly above her already wet pussy lips... she giggles when she slips her finger into her slit, showing me how wet I've made her.. and then putting her finger into my mouth, and as I lick and tongue her finger.. she replaces it with her tongue...
She smells so good... clean, smoothe, soft... as she slowly changes places to get her mouth near, and then all over my cock... she arranges her pussy over my face, and I can't help but start licking, and sucking into that slit, and touching and tasting her clit... she has shown me several times just where to touch, lick and play.... we have done this before, so when things are this perfect, and her mouth is pumping up and down the entire length of my cock.. she is gently holding my balls in her hand, I feel her saliva all over down there... she's very good at getting and keeping me hard, and damn near the explosion.. but I don't let myself just explode so quickly... my thoughts and sensations are all over her pussy.. all over my face... and she has no way of keeping that pussy from cumming, so she sucks my cock as far into her mouth as she can... I know what's happening... so I let her put her pussy where she needs it on my face and mouth.. and I just wait for the wet and wild cum to come rushing all over me.. and it does.. and it does.. and it does..
she is soooo good at her climaxes... she knows so well what, when, where to put me, and her.. and she just cums wetness and tightens up just so much that I know what's happening.. and she makes those wonderful sounds... thank you she says with her thighs and legs... her mouth starts to move again, and suck, and kiss up and all over my cock... she grinds her pussy softly into my mouth and fucks my face and as cum escapes a bit from the head of my cock, I feel her savor and catch every small drop on the tip of her tongue, and that drives her pussy again.. I feel my cock releasing a bit more of my cum.. I'm not ready to just explode yet.. but i know my cock is hard, the head is enveloped with her mouth, and the pre cum is what's driving her to another climax.. I know this feeling.. already? she squeezes my face again with her legs, and tries to slow down... but her pussy won't have it... she grinds hard again into my face.. gets her pussy just right on my mouth.. and again.. releases wet, sweet, hot cum fuck me all over my face... she tries to slow down.. but her release and my mouth just make her fuck my face harder and I can't get enough either... she moves around faster and more this time.. then, after a few wonderful moments... she releases my cock from her mouth... she pulls her pussy from my face.. and kisses her way from my cock.. to my belly.. to my nipples.. to my neck and then directly onto my mouth... she tries to lick all her cum from my face... we kiss...
She's good at this.. she reaches down and grabs my cock.. rubs the raging head around her clit for a moment.. then lets it slide as far as she can.. one smoothe descent directly and entirely into her wet, warm, throbbing pussy... as she sits up and looks at me.. and I touch her breasts, and those beautiful tiny nipples with my finger tip... and I just watch her.. she smiles that smile at me.. she starts the slow up and down on my cock.. she whispers that this time we get to cum together.. and I assure her that that won't be a problem...
I look down and get to watch my cock slowly going into and out of that beautiful pussy slit.. I watch and feel that pussy fuck my cock, squeeze it like her mouth was just doing... she's good at this, too.. that pussy has control of my cock... the squeeze.. the wet fuck.. the head of my cock hitting places up there I never want to know what or how that feels as good as it does.. I don't care.. I feel her pussy sqeeze.. then fuck.. then squeeze again.. and then the wet, smoothe, hot fuck feeling of her pussy starting her climax, and she bends down with her mouth all over mine.. she grinds that pussy as hard as she can stand it, and squeezes and pumps, and fucks like I know she's about to cum.. and my cock responds with the throbbing and fucking of it's own.. I push up and as deep and as forceful as I can, and let her pussy take over now, because I know the climaxes, the fucking, the cum, the juices and sweat are about to become a part of us both...
I feel her explode.. my cock hard and deep inside her pussy.. I feel it.. I feel her pussy squeeze, I feel my cock, from the base, begin my release.. I feel the cum exploding so hard up and out of my cum hole, and into her throbbing pussy.. I feel her hot, wet cum as she rides me hard and fast... as she wraps her arms around me, holding me as tightly as she can.. she softly screams into the pillow and my ears.. and moans, and fucks me hard.. and feels every cum shot up inside her pussy.. and I keep shooting.. I feel my cum shot again.. and I feel her pussy respond to another gush.. with that squeeze and fuck of hers...
damn.. she's good at this...
she doesn't let go of her arms around me for quite a while.. she lets every pulse.. every last cum drop release from my cock.. every last twinge of her pussy and clit movement.. every drop of cum between us is still up there and all over there.. and she rolls us both over so I'm on top now.. but she still has me wrapped to her as tightly as she can.. I can't get enough of her either.. we lie there for a few moments.. my cock still hard and deep in her pussy... we take a breath... again.. she slowly rolls herself over so she's to one side and kinda of on top of me again now as my cock slops wet and sloppy from her pussy... her beautiful tits touching me.. her smile, that look in her eyes, she reaches down.. takes a bit of our cum which is all over us now... on two fingers and puts it between our lips, as we kiss and suck it off.. and we kiss some more..
I tell her, I think she's done this before.. and she giggles that thing she does... that smile is so hot!! We kiss softly again, and as she gently reaches for, and then begins to slowly jack my cock up and down.. she watches what she is doing.. this time her face still up near mine.. although my cock is not as hard as I wish it were.. damn.. she had just fucked it silly.. she jacked it and just watched it.. and then got some of the cum that was all over it and brought it to her mouth again for another cleaning.. then back to my cock for more.. she jacked it for a while, and watched and was feeling pretty good about it slowly beginning to rise to the occasion again.. at 19 years old.. that happens, she smiled again.
She wasn't in a hurry this time... she just jacked me slowly for a while... got to watch my cock grow and get as hard as it has ever been... and then slowly got up and slid it deeply into her pussy again.. this time, she just sat there, and only moved with her pussy ... she squeezed my cock and just let our two parts do the work... She was looking directly into my eyes.. damn, I loved looking into her eyes... and we were kissing softly.. he pussy was fucking my cock.. but we were enjoying one another at the same time...
Her pussy knew what to do.. her smile and lips knew what to do.. and she took control..
Her pussy rode my cock, while squeezing and sucking down there, our lips and our eyes were enjoying all the sensations up here... Her pussy was fucking and sucking my hard throbbing cock down there.. she whispered that she was as happy as she thought she could be.. and how glad she was that we struck up that conversation in the store....
Her pussy was fucking my cock up and down.. riding and squeezing and fucking and grinding side to side... up and down... the wet, sloppy cum juices, the sweat, the heat, the emotions.. her lips, her smile, her eyes... she was gonna cum again... I knew this feeling.. she was gonna cum and I knew her pussy was gonna squeeze my cock again... and I knew her eyes were gonna close and her moans were gonna scream in my ears... and my cock was just getting harder, and throbbing.. and I knew she was gonna cum again... and as I saw the look on her face... and as I felt her pussy squeeze me just the way it does... and she was gonna cum.. and cum.. and cum.. and she wrapped her arms around me tight again.. and her pussy fucked me once again.. damn this felt good... knowing that i could do this to, and with, a beautiful woman like this.. again and again.. and she let me ?? !! ?? and then she exploded again.. the squeeze, the moves, the wet sloppy fucking.. the jumps and twitches, and moves.. and she just squeezes me.. and holds on.. and lets it ride.. just there.. just like that...
That smile... those eyes.... damn, she's good at this...
We talked a while, usually as she stroked my still hard cock...
She told me how much she enjoyed this. She told me that this was the first time in her marriage that she had allowed herself to do this. She told me how often her husband and she had enjoyed sex together.. almost daily.. and then she told me....... she had told her husband that this had hapened....
There went my hard on...
I was scared as hell at first... for those first few seconds.. I was scared to death.. thoughts were going thu my head so fast, I was almost out of bed..... but she held onto me... she settled me down.. she told me that she and her husband had discussed this, and that it was what they both agreed was what she wanted to do.. and after our last time together, she had gone home, told her husband about her afternoon with me... and she told me it was the second best fucking she had had that day.. and ever since that day.. she and he had fucked and fantasized about it.. and fucked one another silly... and are still fucking better, harder, faster, and with more passion than she realized they both had... and how much it meant to her.. and that she was soooo very grateful for our time together, and surely wishes it lasts for a while... She told me how much it meant for her. She was in her mid fifties, and although the sex was still good and frequent.. it hasn't been anything like the past few weeks since she and I had begun our fucking.... she asked me how she could ever thank me enough... can you imagine that??? SHE was asking me.. how she could thank ME???
damn.. she's good at this...
her hand was on my cock again about then... and, well.. can you imagine my thoughts.. she was fucking me.. she was telling him... she and he were fucking talking about me and her... and I was thinking about her pussy all over my cock, and my face.. and was thinking about him fucking her, too... ??? and she.. and he.. and me.. and that pussy!!! and that smile.. and her hands.. and her mouth.. and her eyes, and lips and that cum.. and again.. and again.. and the taste of her cum.. and her pussy, and her eyes, and her cum.. and then my cock was exploding again.. and she was up there again.. riding my cock, knowing the feeling was about to explode up my cock and again into her hot, wet wonderful pussy.. and it did.. it did.. and the scream was loud thistime.. her moans into the pillow and my ears had me exploding again.. the thoughts were still running through my head.. both heads... my explosion and her pussy squeezing my cock.. and when we settled down this time.. the cum and juices and the sweat was just thick and such a beautiful thing.. the sheets were all over us, the bed was a mess, sheets, pillows, here, there.... we laughed, and .. that smile... those eyes...
damn, she's good at this...
We showered one another... we rubbed, cleaned... she climaxed once more in the shower from my fingers.. and we cleaned that up again... and we got dressed.. she was at my door, and we were kissing, and just kinda talking small talk... it was getting late, the sun was going down a bit.. still light enough that if she walked outside, someone could easily see her.. but that wasn't a problem because there was no one around.. but we talked about it anyway... and we giggled.. and then a knock on my door.. scared the hell out of me.. and her, too a bit... scared the HELL out of me...
It was Maggie... my sister, her friends call her Mad Dog, from school, because she was so wild and crazy always with the sports and events and silly girl things.. but i loved her.. she was alright by me... but she scared the HELL out of me..
I opened the door, and the two of them were frozen looking at one another.. just for a second though.. and I introduced them, and she apologize thinking I was here alone, and all that.. and the small talk.. about her, and about Connie, and lied about what was going on... the fact that we were both clean.. (sweat was gone by then..) didn't raise too many flags.. or so I thought.. and then we walked Connie out to her car... and the three of us just giggled, chatted, and laughed for a bit.. and Connie had to go.. You should have seen the look on Maggie's face when we kissed good bye......
and that's yet another story...

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