Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 6 free porn video

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Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 6 By Missy Crystal I started off down the hallway and stopped outside Beth and Susie's room. The door was closed. I knocked and Beth said, "Come in." She looked up and saw my sad face. "What's wrong, Jenny?" she asked. "School," I told her. "What's wrong with school? I like school. Don't you like school?" "Not as Johnny, I don't," I told her. "Oh, I forgot about that. What are you going to do?" "Nothing," I told her. "Mom says there's nothing I can do until I'm older. In the meantime, you'll have to put up with Johnny." I was kidding, but Beth took me seriously. "Maybe Jenny will be a good influence on him. Who knows? Maybe he'll even grow up to be like her." She winked at me. "We'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, tonight you're Jenny. So go put on your pretty nightie and grab you books. Mom will be coming to get Susie ready for bed. We can go down to the kitchen and study together." I headed back to my room and started to get undressed. I unbuttoned my blouse and slipped out of it. Then I unbuckled the two straps on my kilt, undid the fastener and button and the skirt turned back into one long piece of material. My tights came off next, and then my top. I left my panties on and pulled my nightgown over my head. My arms went into my robe, which I tied in front with the two ribbons. I was now ready for bed, except for the nightly face washing and hair brushing that Beth had me do. I picked up my backpack and went downstairs to the kitchen. Beth was already sitting at the kitchen table. She had one leg tucked under her. It looked really uncomfortable, but if that's how girls sit, then that's how I'll sit, I thought to myself. I stood next to the chair and bent my left leg under me as I sat. Beth looked up. "Copy cat," she said with a smile. "Yes," I agreed. "I want to be just like my big sister," and I smiled back at her. "However, I think this will take some getting used to." I took my leg out from under me and sat down again. Beth got serious. "What do you have for homework?" she questioned me. "I'm not sure. I'll have to check my assignment book." Up to now, I had never paid much attention to doing my homework and my grades showed it. Usually, I'd copy off one of the kids in my class during homeroom or knock off something in study hall. "Well, miss," Beth said impatiently as I rummaged though the books and papers. "Keep you pantyhose on, will you. I'm looking," I told her. "Jenny!" Beth exclaimed. "Watch what you say, please." I stopped. "Oh, Beth. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Really. It's just, well, it's just that some of Johnny's habits are hard to break. Please forgive me." "Of course, Jenny. I just wanted you to realize that was not very ladylike. Girls don't talk to each other like that." "Thank you, Beth, for being so nice. I know I have a lot to learn. I really do want Jenny to be a lady." "No problem, Sis. Now, have you found your assignment book?" I kept looking. "Yes, here it is." I pulled it out from the bottom of the backpack. I turned to last Friday: Math - worksheet. Science - worksheet. English - write a poem. Social Studies - map review. "Wow. That's a lot of homework. I'll never get it done," I complained. "Of course you will, Jenny. You just need to be organized and concentrate. If you put as much time into doing your homework as Johnny did watching TV and playing video games, you'll do fine. Now, let's start with the math. Where's the worksheet?" I went back through my backpack and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. Beth gave me an exasperated look. "The first thing you need to learn is that boys are slobs and girls are neat. You have to take care of your things and that means your school work too." "Okay, Beth. I'll be more careful. It's not too bad, anyway." I ran my hands over it a couple of times. "There." She gave me another look. "C'mon, Beth. I'm trying. You've had twelve years to learn how to be a girl and I've had two days. Actually, I think I'm doing pretty good." "Actually, I think you're doing pretty good too and I'm really happy you chose to be my sister." She reached over and patted my arm. Touching is definitely a girl thing I thought. "Why don't you try a couple of the problems. I'll check them when you're done. She went back to her reading." I looked at the math sheet. Now I wished I paid attention in class. I had no idea how to do the problems. I pretended to work on the first one, writing down the problem and then making up numbers, erasing them and putting down different ones. Beth looked over at me and frowned. "You don't know how to do it, do you?" I looked down. "No. I'm sorry. Usually I just copy somebody's paper when I get to school. Mr. Merrill doesn't care." "You have Mr. Merrill for math? I had him too. He's a good teacher. I'm sure he would care if he thought you did. Okay, let me show you how to do the first problem. Pay attention Jenny." Beth was a good teacher. She was patient and she showed me how to do the problem step by step. Then she had me do it again while she watched. It took me a while, but I finally got the right answer. "Good girl, Jenny. I knew you could to it. Now try the next problem." Beth went back to her own work while I tried to follow her instruction. After about five minutes I actually had an answer. "Is this right?" I showed her my work. She studied it. "Yes, Jenny. That's excellent. Now do the next one." It took a while, but I finished the worksheet. Beth checked it over. There were one or two mistakes. She wouldn't tell me the right answers. She just made me do them over. Maybe it was spending time with Beth or maybe it was my understanding the problems, probably both; but for the first time that I could remember I actually enjoyed doing homework. After math, Beth helped me with the rest of my assignments. We were still at the kitchen table when Mom came in. She looked at Beth and then at me. I could see she was really happy. "Susie's in bed. She wanted you to read her a story, Jenny, but I told her you were busy. She's quite taken with you and I can see why. The change is amazing. I only hope that you've made the right decision." "I'm quite taken with my little sister, too," I told her. "And my big sister," I added, taking the opportunity to pat Beth's arm. She smiled at me. "And I'm quite taken with being Jenny. Whatever happens, Mom, it was definitely the right decision." "I hope so," Mom said with a serious look. "Having three daughters makes it much easier. We'll just have to wait and see how things work out. I really hope they do, Jenny, for all our sakes." Then her smile was back. "It's getting late girls." She turned and headed for the stairs. "You better finish up or you won't be able to get up for school tomorrow." "Yes, Mom," Beth said. "Goodnight, I love you." "Yes, Mom," I said. "Goodnight, I love you," I repeated. It was late when we finished our homework. We went upstairs and shared the bathroom. Even though it had been a long day and I was tired, Beth insisted that I do my complete skin care and hair routine. Finally, everything was done to her satisfaction. I said goodnight to her and slipped into bed. There was hardly any time to enjoy my silky nightgown before my eyes closed and I was fast asleep. I was having a wonderful dream. We were at the mall and Mr. Kenneth was putting my long, blonde hair into a French braid. I heard him calling my name. "Jenny! Jenny! Hurry up. You need to leave or you and Susie will miss the bus." I sat up. I wasn't at the mall. I was in my bedroom and it wasn't Mr. Kenneth's voice, it was Mom's. I looked over at my alarm clock: 7:30. Oh no, that couldn't be right. Then I realized that I was so involved with getting Jenny ready for bed that I forgot to set my alarm. "Okay, Mom. One minute. I'm coming." I jumped out of bed, pulled my nightgown over my head and tossed it on the bed. Girls may be neat, but Johnny was in a hurry. I went over to my bureau and took out a pair of underpants and a t-shirt. I changed out of my girl's underwear. My briefs and t-shirt felt funny after wearing panties and cammies all weekend. So did not tucking my wiener under. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, ran my fingers through my hair and stepped into a pair of sneakers. Quite a difference from what it takes Jenny to make herself presentable, I thought as I headed for the stairs. Girls in dresses and heels may not run, but boys who are late for the school bus sure do. When I reached the kitchen, Mom and Susie were waiting. They both looked surprised when they saw me en drab, as Mr. Kenneth called it. There wasn't any time for conversation. "Lets, go, Sis," I said to Susie as I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. "See you later Mom," I said as I took Susie's hand and rushed out the door. We walked quickly to the corner. As we arrived, I saw the bus about a block away. Susie pulled on my hand. "What happened to Jenny?" she asked me with a sad face. "I want her to take me to school." "Shhhh, Susie," I whispered to her. "Jenny can't go to school. She's a very special girl who lives in our house and loves her little sister very much, but you can't talk about her to anyone or you'll spoil everything. I would get thrown out of school and Mom would get in trouble. Okay? Can you do that for me?" "Yes, Jenny. I mean Johnny. I won't say anything. But Jenny will still be my sister won't she?" "Yes Susie," I assured her. "No matter what happens, Jenny will always be your sister." I put my arm down and gave her a little hug. The bus pulled up and we got on. Susie went to the back to sit with her friends and I slid into an open seat next to Kevin, one of the kids in my class who I hung out with. "Hey, Johnny. What's up?" he greeted me. "Not much," I answered him. "Went away for the weekend." That was true, sort of. "You?" "Usual," he said with a shrug. Then he turned to me. "Wow! You've got an earring. Cool." "What?" I put my hands up and felt my ears. Uh oh. I was in such a rush this morning I forgot to take out my earrings. "Umm, yeah. All the big athletes and movie stars have them. My cousin got his ear pierced," well that was true too, sort of, "so Mom said I could get mine done. I have to wear this stud for a while, then I'm going to get a skull or something." I reminded myself not to turn my head so he could see I had both ears pierced. "The earring is cool," Kevin went on, "but I would lose the nail polish." "What?" I looked down at the back of my hand. I couldn't believe it. I forgot to take off the pink nail polish Beth and Susie put on me when we did makeovers. "I'm going to kill that little sister of mine," I said pretending to be angry. "She talked me into playing beauty parlor and gave me a manicure. I'm going to go see the nurse as soon as we get to school. Maybe she's got something to get this off." Luckily, the bus arrived at school a minute later, so there wasn't any more time for conversation with Kevin. "Gotta run," I told him, jumping up from my seat and pushing my way through the line of kids waiting to get off before he could get a good look at me. As soon as I got off, I quickly took out my earrings and put them in my pocket. Then I rushed up the stairs and headed down the corridor to the nurse's office. I opened the door, looked around to see if there was anyone else waiting, and then closed the door and took a seat. Mrs. McGowan came out in her white uniform. She knew Mom. "Hi, Johnny. What's the matter? Don't you feel well?" "Umm, no Mrs. McGowan. I feel okay. I just have a small problem." "Oh," she said curiously. "What kind of problem? Not something about sex education I hope. I can't help you with that. You have to speak with Mr. Nyles, the boy's phys. ed. teacher." "No, Mrs. McGowan," I assured her, "it doesn't have anything to do with sex education. It has to do with letting my little sister play beauty parlor and give me a manicure." I held out my hands and showed her my fingernails. "Do you have anything to take this stuff off. It's really embarrassing." "Well, I don't get much call for nail polish remover," she teased me, "but maybe alcohol will take it off." She took a little package out of a cabinet, tore off the top and took out a square. "Give me your left hand," she directed me. I held it out. She took the square and pressed it on top of the nail of my little finger. She held it for a few seconds. Then she rubbed it back and forth and took it off. "Hmm," she said, holding up the square and then looking at my nail. "That acrylic polish is made to stay on. Maybe Mrs. Green has something stronger in the science lab. Do you want me to give her a call?" I hesitated. This wasn't something I wanted the whole school to know about. Mrs. McGowan must have sensed my concern. "You don't have to worry, Johnny. I'll explain the situation to her. I'm sure she'll keep it confidential." "Whatever," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "I don't have much choice." Mrs. McGowan picked up the phone and dialed. "Hello, Paula, this is Sally. Yes, fine thanks. How about you? Good. Listen, I have a student here with a little problem and I was hoping you could help. No, no. It's not a medical problem." She lowered her voice. "He's wearing nail polish." There was a pause. "Yes, I said 'he.' Pink. Really. It's not a joke. He let his little sister give him a manicure and forgot to take it off. Do you have anything to remove it? Yes? Okay, I'll send him right down." "Johnny, do you know where Mrs. Green's room is?" "Yes." "Alright then, she's expecting you. You'd better hurry. It's almost time for the first bell." I picked up my backpack and headed down the stairs. Mrs. Green's room was in the basement at the other end of the building. I went as fast as I could without drawing attention to myself. I got to her room and opened the door. As the science teacher she did not have a homeroom. "Ah," she exclaimed. "The young man with the problem. Come in." I walked over to her. She was young, pretty and seemed very friendly. "Come into the supply room," she directed. I followed her through a door behind her desk. She pointed to a chair and I sat down. "This should work. It's acetone, the same ingredient that's in nail polish remover." She unscrewed the top of a dark brown bottle, wet a little ball of cotton and held it on the nail of my little finger, just like Mrs. McGowan had done. After a few seconds she rubbed it around and then removed it. There was pink on the cotton and I could see that most of the polish was off my nail. "Whew," I said with relief. She turned the cotton ball and rubbed the nail some more, then turned it and rubbed it again until no more pink came off. Then she dropped the cotton ball into a glass jar and did the next nail with another cotton ball. She did one more nail and then handed me a clean cotton ball. "You got yourself into this. You get yourself out of it." She smiled. "You better hurry though, my first period class will be here soon. Please put the used cotton balls in the jar and cover it and make sure you wash you hands when you're done." She pointed to a small sink. "Oh, and next time, tell your little sister to use clear polish." She laughed and left, closing the door. I worked as quickly as I could. Once I got all of my nails clean, I checked them closely and saw that there was still some color near the bottom, so I had to go back over them. I heard the bell ring. Finally, no more pink came off on the cotton ball. I made sure that the top was on the jar, screwed the cap back on the bottle and washed my hands with lots of soap and water to get rid of the smell. I dried my hands on the paper towels that were above the sink and then slowly opened the door to the classroom. I could see that the kids were coming in and taking their seats. Luckily, I didn't see anybody I knew. I slipped out of the door and Mrs. Green turned around. "Everything okay?" she asked me. "Yes. Thank you very much Mrs. Green. You're a lifesaver." "Glad to help." She looked towards her class and then back to me. "Maybe if I give up teaching I can open a nail salon," she whispered. I rolled my eyes. "Maybe," I said, "but don't count on me as a repeat customer." She laughed. "I wrote a note for your first period class. I said that you were working on a 'special assignment' for me." She handed me the note. I left and hurried to my math class. When I got there, the class had already started. I tried to slip quietly into my seat, but Mr. Merrill saw me. He came over. "Do you have a note?" he asked skeptically. "Yes, Mr. Merrill," and I handed him the note. Johnny didn't exactly have a good reputation. Since he didn't catch me the first time, he gave me a second chance to get myself in trouble. "Do you have your homework?" "Yes, Mr. Merrill." To his obvious surprise, I opened up my backpack and took out the homework sheet I had done with Beth last night. "Here it is," and I handed it to him. He took it from me and looked it over. Three's a charm he must have thought, sure to catch me this time. "Did you do this all by yourself?" "Yes, I did all of the problems by myself; but my sister Beth went over them with me and checked my work," I told him honestly. Mr. Merrill's attitude changed. "Beth's your sister? My, my. She was one of my best students. Please tell her that I said hello." He started to walk away and then turned back towards me. "And keep up the good work," he added. Being prepared made a big difference. Usually, math class put me to sleep, but actually I was able to follow Mr. Merrill's lesson and before I realized it, the bell rang for second period. It was the same for each of my other classes. The teachers were surprised that I had my homework to hand in and even more surprised when they saw it was right. The lessons made sense and I even raised my hand a few times and answered some questions. The other kids must have thought I was possessed or something, because up to now I was practically invisible when it came time for class participation. Before I knew it, the last period bell was ringing and it was time to go home. I gathered up my books, carefully placed the worksheet that was just handed out in my binder pocket to avoid another lecture from Beth about neatness and headed for the bus. When I got outside, I ran into Kevin. "Hey, Johnny, some of the gang is going over to the park. You coming?" "No, Kevin, sorry," I replied. "I'd really like to, but my Mom has been on my case about my grades and I'm grounded. I have to go right home or else." "Bummer." Then he looked at me closely. "What happened to your earring?" he asked. "Did it fall out?" "No," I told him. "I took it out. Too many kids were cracking jokes. I didn't need the hassle. It's not a big deal, probably a bad idea to start with. Well, gotta run. If I miss the bus, I'm dead meat." I got on the bus and found an empty seat. Ten minutes later, I was in the house. As usual, Mom was at work, Beth was still at cheerleading practice and Susie was at Mrs. Johnson's. I dropped my backpack in the kitchen and got myself a glass of milk and a cookie. As I sipped the milk and nibbled on the cookie, I thought about how just a couple of days ago I would have grabbed a handful and taken a slug out of the carton instead. When I finished, I rinsed the glass, dried it and put it back in the cabinet. Then I headed upstairs to transform myself into Jenny on my own for the first time. I went into my room and took off the jeans and sweatshirt I had thrown on this morning when I was rushing to get ready for school. I had to pee, so I went into the bathroom and sat down. Might as well get into the mood, I thought. I took off my t-shirt and underpants and went to my bureau. There were a few pairs of Beth's old underpants that she had given to me: two pairs of plain white cotton, a pair of yellow cotton with white edging and the pair of pink nylon panties that Beth had put on me when she put me in her party dress. I really wanted to wear the silky nylon panties again, but Beth had said those were for when I got dressed up. Then I remembered that Beth and I had each bought a pair of stretchy white lace panties and a matching top at the mall. I looked around in the drawer until I found them. I put on the panties and tucked my wiener under where it belonged. They were hip huggers with high cut legs. I loved the way they felt, clinging to my hips and butt. The top was also clingy and would have showed off my figure, if I had one. With my underwear on, I went to explore Beth's wardrobe. The first thing I saw when I walked in was my reflection in the full length mirror on the closet door. I moved closer and turned sideways, then around so that my back was to the mirror, trying to see my butt. When I finished admiring myself, I went to Beth's dresser. It had four drawers. I opened the top one. It was filled with a rainbow of panties and bras. Beth knew that we were sharing clothes, except for panties, so I didn't think that she would mind my looking through her things, but I wanted to make sure I left everything neat. I opened the next drawer and it had all sorts of socks, stockings and tights. The next drawer had tops. The bottom drawer had bathing suits and shorts. I really wanted to try one of the bikinis on, just for fun, but there was no hurry and I was anxious to pick out an outfit. I walked over to the closet and opened the door. One side had Susie's clothes. They were too little girlish and too small for me. I started to look through Beth's clothes. There were lots of jeans and pants. That was what she usually wore to school and around the house. Next were skirts, then blouses, then sweaters and finally dresses. Her shoes were arranged in a line on the floor by heel height and then boots. I couldn't believe that her closet was organized like a department store. Girls certainly are neat I remarked to myself. This was my first time dressing myself as Jenny and I wanted something simple, so I decided on a skirt and blouse. There were lots of different styles, lengths and materials to choose from. I tried on a few just for fun. Boy's clothes don't button and zip in back, so I struggled for a while until I figured out that I could fasten them in front and then turn them around. The last skirt I took out was blue denim. It had a little flare and came a couple of inches above my knees when I held it up to my waist in the mirror. I took it off the hanger clips and found that it opened up like the kilt I wore yesterday, except there weren't any buckles and there was only one button and a string on each side. I wrapped it around me, but when I buttoned it, one of the strings was covered. I took the skirt off and examined it. I saw that there was a small buttonhole at the waist to put the string through. I put it on again, wrapped the right side over the left and poked the string through the buttonhole. Now I could tie the skirt in front. I remembered that yesterday Beth had worn a blue cotton blouse with her jeans and left the neck open, so you could see her top underneath. I found the blouse, slipped it on and left the top buttons undone so my lace cammie showed. I still needed something for my legs. I went back to Beth's bureau and looked through her stocking drawer. I liked feeling my lace panties against my skirt and picked out a pair of knee socks instead of tights. I started to sit down on the bed to pull them on and then remembered I needed to smooth my skirt first, so I stood up and ran my hands over my butt and behind my legs. Once I had the socks on, I went to the closet and found the loafers with the heel that Beth picked out for me when I wore her jumper. I slipped into them, completing my outfit. I stood in front of the mirror, turning and making dramatic gestures the way I had seen models do on TV. As I studied my reflection, it seemed like something was missing. Then I realized I was not wearing my earrings. I went back to my room and found them in the pocket of my jeans. I returned to Beth's room and sat at her makeup table. This was the first time that I had taken my earrings out and I struggled to line the posts up with the holes and then to get the backs over them. Finally, they were in. Putting on my lipstick was next. There were a few tubes to choose from. Yesterday Beth had suggested red lipstick to coordinate with my kilt. I wore pink with the jean jumper and thought that would probably go with a jean skirt too. It only took me a couple of tries to get a nice even pink color on my lips and I was very proud of my progress. I spent the next fifteen minutes brushing out my hair. I remembered what Mr. Kenneth had said about making the style more feminine with accessories, so I looked through the drawer and found a couple of gold barrettes that I clipped on. A little bit of perfume and Beth's gold heart locket and gold bangle bracelet completed my outfit. I went back and studied myself in the mirror. During lunch at school I had been eyeing the girls. One of them caught me and must have thought I was interested in her, because she winked back at me. I wondered what she would think if she knew I was checking out what she was wearing and not her. I definitely looked as good as any of those girls. Maybe even better, I kidded myself. Nobody would recognize me as a boy. My admiration of myself was interrupted by the telephone. I hurried to Mom's bedroom and picked it up. "Hello." The voice on the other end of the line said, "Hello." It was Mom. "Hi Mom," I answered her. "Jenny, is that you?" she asked. "Yes, it's me," I replied. "Who were you expecting? Johnny doesn't live here any more," I told her half seriously. "Listen, honey," Mom went on. "I have a chance to work an extra shift. I used to come right home, because I was worried about you, I mean Johnny, getting into trouble if I left him alone; but I don't need to keep an eye on Jenny." "Thanks, Mom, for trusting me. I'm sorry I made things difficult for you," I apologized. "Oh, it's not your fault, sweetie," Mom continued. "Boys just get into mischief, especially when they don't have a father around. That's one of the reasons I'm so happy that you decided to be Jenny. Anyway, the reason why I'm calling is to ask if you and Beth can pick up Susie at Mrs. Johnson's. I probably won't be home until after midnight, so you and Beth will have to make dinner. It would probably be too much for Beth to do by herself, but with your help I'm sure it will be okay." "Mom, are you sure about me going to Mrs. Johnson's? Remember, I ran into her at the park and I'm not sure whether she recognized me. Maybe Beth should go by herself." "It's up to you, Jenny, but I had a nice chat with Mrs. Johnson when I dropped Susie off this morning on my way to work. I was curious to hear what she would say about you. She mentioned meeting you and asked how long you would be staying with us. I told her I wasn't sure; that my sister was relocating and we decided it would be easier if you came here until they were settled. She complimented you on how pretty you looked and said that she hoped to see you again. It seems to me that she is convinced you're a girl. Either way, tell Beth I called and asked her to pick up Susie when she gets home because I'll be late and that you and she need to feed yourselves and Susie. There's a frozen pizza in the freezer. She knows how to heat it in the oven. Okay?" "Okay, Mom. I'll tell Beth and I'll give visiting Mrs. Johnson some thought. Goodnight. I love you." "I love you too, Jenny. Goodnight." TO BE CONTINUED

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My name is Alex. It was a Friday night, and I was sitting in the basement of my girlfriend’s parents’ house. My girlfriend, whose name is Brittany, sat next to me on a couch to my left while her slightly-younger sister Melanie sat across from us on a different couch. "Can you go get me a water bottle from the fridge?" Melanie asked. "Me too, please," Brittany said. "What do I get in return?" I joked sarcastically. As I was standing up, Melanie said, "I'll flash you my tits!"...

3 years ago
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Headaches and remedies or how I nailed my sister1

Mom had started suffering migraine headaches during the divorce process. The doctors told her it was psychosomatic but it didn't help moms headaches. Sometimes she would be awake all night with a headache. The doctors finally prescribed a sedative that was guaranteed to let her get some rest. The first time mom took a pill for one of her headaches she sleep the entire night. She woke the next morning rested with no memory of suffering from a headache. From then on when she felt a headache...

3 years ago
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Coaching My Sister1

[u]Chapter One I just had my thirty-second birthday. I have one sibling; my younger sister Deborah - or Dee – who’s twenty-eight. Since early adulthood my work has taken me all over the country and we lost touch, meeting up for Christmas and birthdays, but apart from that contact was infrequent; just the odd phone call or flying visit now and then. Despite that, we have always been close, and I have finally returned to our home town on a permanent basis, so we see each other regularly...

2 years ago
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My little sister0

I grew up on a farm with only my parents, my little sister, and of course many animals. My mom home schooled us, so we really didn’t get to see much beyond the farm. It got lonely, when I wasn’t tending the animals or doing chores, but since I had turned thirteen, I had books and my right hand for masturbating. It began when I watched the animals mating for the first time. My cock got hard and slippery and felt like it needed a release, so I started jerking off as the animals were fucking. I...

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My Reluctant Sister0

“Let’s have sex.” Her eyes widened in surprise “What the hell? What did you ask me? Sex? No way! Get out, no, I’m not going to do that.” “Hey, we’re alone, mom and dad will be gone for hours.” “Are you insane? Get out of my room!” “Come on Dee, I know you aren’t virgin, Paul has been screwing you so it’s not like you’re giving up something precious.” My sister bloomed red in the face and sat up straight on the bed, she shouted “What? Has that bastard been talking about us? What is he...

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Cumming on Sister0

The narrator-Jack The Sister-Rachel I had just turned 16 when I had finally had my incestuous moment, I wasn’t a small kid but wasn’t big either. I had just woken up and noticed that I was sporting a huge boner I was about 7 inches then. Well luckily I had woken up early than normal, so I started to jerk myself off and I was going to town. I was ready to cum when my sister opened my door and took my load to her face. My sister was 17 c cup boobs and a nice peach ass. I had never shot that...

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Wrestling with my sister1

It was about half way through the year and it was wrestling season. Wrestling to me was the greatest thing on earth. I loved it. It was a sport about two men in physical combat trying to prove they are better than the other. There is no one to blame for your mistakes besides you. Granted some of the moves in wrestling did look a little gay but if you ever wrestled, you know it is anything but. I was on the JV team in the 150 pound weight class. I was about 5’-11”, short dirty blonde hair and...

3 years ago
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I left stuff out about my older step sister I caught her masturbating and used to listen to her moan when her boyfriends are over.. and my younger step sister I got her to let me f*** her in the pool. Then I open my dad's bedroom door and seen my stepmom completely naked and it wasnt bad.. She has the biggest nipples i seen by the age 14. Like my post ill post one thats better...

3 years ago
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Brother and Sister4

As I look back at my life this seems like it happened three hundred years ago. My sister Shela and I lived in a nice little three bedroom house in a small town in east central Nebraska with mom. We had lost dad about the time I had turned ten. Mom worked long hours and double shifts in a retirement home. She would work extra shifts when she could just to make ends meet. I was coming up on my nineteenth birthday and sis had just turned eighteen a couple of months ago. We always joked...

2 years ago
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How the ghost of Adolf Hitler helped me to become a better person and fuck my sister2

Does their life flash before their eyes, like all those cliched accounts in movies and books and bad sex stories tell me? Is there a white light that feels warm and fuzzy? Do you actually feel anything? Is the moment long, or is it short? Is it true that you actually shit yourself one last time in the moment of your death? It's different for everyone, I guess. Hitler certainly didn't feel anything like that. "I didn't see anything special, no white light, no angels, no...

2 years ago
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my best friend sister1

P.S. I'm doing this on my phone sooo yeah So were to start? My name is...well let just go with Eric reaper. Well let me tell you about my self. I'm 18 6'1 green eyes brown hair I keep it short cause I tried to grow it out and it doesn't fall it just kinda goes in all directions. Well I use to be a little big not to big just a stomach. But now I got a job were I am cutting grass all day in the sun ( in fucking Texas so yeah) so now I'm in good shape not rip but hey I don't work out...

2 years ago
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Amelia Lillys little sister1

I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...

4 years ago
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Amelia Lillys little sister0

I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...

4 years ago
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the discovering of mom and my sister1

Are we people with psycho problems or have we just an other way of loving people like you have gays , bisexuals and straight people? Here is my story. I was 13 when i started my puberty. Since that period i loved it to watch porn. To masturbate and to cum. It just gave me such a good feeling. I told nobody it was my own little secret. But i started to getting older... I became 15 and when I was that age my sister was 13. My sister and me shared the bedroom. Because we haved a little...

4 years ago
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Little Sister1

I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in a about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Younger Sister1

Hold on... lemme give you some background. My name is... well my name doesn't matter but let's call me Stuart. I was 16 at the time, about 5ft 6, the makings of a 6-pack. I was basically your scrawny little half-nerd with glasses and a brown belt in karate. I had a girlfriend (hard to believe but true) who was... alright I guess, wasn't that sexy but wasn't ugly. She'd actually been my best friend until I had the guts to ask her out. But more important than her was her sister. A mixed...

3 years ago
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Lust for my Best friends Sister1

'To know how to lust for something you cannot have.. to know they are too young for even they do not understand.. how they look to us is just another excuse to stare at them with ogling eyes.. so sweet so soft of skin untainted by other hands to feel the first brush of smooth tight and virgin skin..' Opening it for the first time my heart was racing, blood pumping to my crotch, rising and hardening with every pulse. I whisper “It'll be alright I'll go slow.” I hear an exasperated...

1 year ago
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Lust for my Best friends Sister0

'To know how to lust for something you cannot have.. to know they are too young for even they do not understand.. how they look to us is just another excuse to stare at them with ogling eyes.. so sweet so soft of skin untainted by other hands to feel the first brush of smooth tight and virgin skin..' Opening it for the first time my heart was racing, blood pumping to my crotch, rising and hardening with every pulse. I whisper “It'll be alright I'll go slow.” I hear an exasperated...

2 years ago
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Watching My Sister1

Teens, unsafe, voyeur, incest? If you do not like stories about teens having unprotected sex then go elsewhere. Remember it’s only a story; no one was harmed in the writing of it. It’s about a brother watching his sister getting it on with her boyfriend. I went looking for my fishing pole; it was usually in the utility room just off the central part of the basement. Dad had started to fix over the basement last year but it had come to a crawl as of late. The walls had sheetrock but...

4 years ago
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His Little Sister0

His Little Sister Billy was my best friend until he fucked my little sister. Well, a couple of weeks later it finally dawned on him so he told me that I could fuck his little sister. Billy and I were bout sixteen and our sisters were both thirteen. Billy said that he would have my sister Jill talk to his sister Greta about it and set the whole thing up. Yeah, right! That night Jill came into my bedroom after our parents were sound asleep. We could always tell when they were...

3 years ago
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Little Sister2

It was late when Alan looked into his bathroom mirror. His black hair was sticking up, dripping with water from his recent shower. His brown eyes looked wide and awake. This is how he always felt around this time. He stood there in only a towel, thinking about his beautiful girl friend. He was twenty-one and happy. Whenever Angel came over, he tried to look his best. That's what she seemed to like the most about him. She was so fresh and lovely. Her long black hair shimmered in the moon...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Sister1

I was working swing shift and came early and as I walked from the parking lot to the apartment I surprised her and her brother in law as they were hugging and making out. He stammered something nonsensical and left, she looked at me with this scared look afraid I was going to tell on her. I didn’t say anything and walked into the apartment as she followed me in. I checked on my girlfriend and she was asleep in bed. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down in my favorite comfy...

4 years ago
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My Friends Sister2

I always was an early riser so it was me most of the time that was up and ready to go and I had to walk down the few doors to his house and knock on his window to wake him up. One morning while walking by the window of his sister to my friend’s window to wake him up, I see her night lamp on next to the bed and it allowed me to see right through her curtains as if they weren't even there. Again, it’s 4:30 in the morning and still very dark outside. Anyway, I see clearly her arm...

4 years ago
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My Friends Sister1

I always was an early riser so it was me most of the time that was up and ready to go and I had to walk down the few doors to his house and knock on his window to wake him up. One morning while walking by the window of his sister to my friend’s window to wake him up, I see her night lamp on next to the bed and it allowed me to see right through her curtains as if they weren't even there. Again, it’s 4:30 in the morning and still very dark outside. Anyway, I see clearly her arm stretched down...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Sister1

My name is Joey, im 14 years old. My sister Anna is 17, but before i go any further i want to tell you a little about us i am 5,2 i have brown hair and i have a 6 inch penis, my sister anna has brown hair as well she is 5,5 and very beautiful she has perfect C cup breast that looked too big for her small frame. She was very well in shape and had no fat on her. When i was 7 years old i walked in on my sister bathing i...

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My Girlfriends Sister0

The banquet is literally on the night that we finish class and drive back so I couldn't get acquainted with the family before the formalities occur. With a duffle bag of clothes and me wearing business attire, my girlfriend and I drive back to small town California. When we arrive, things were about to get started which I was glad for since I didn't want to have to go through the formal pleasantries with all these old people that chances are I won't be seeing again. I said hi to the...

2 years ago
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I cant just say SIster youre fucking me

i look around and wink at her, wearing very very little, a hot wee corset n stockings, she looks kind of shocked n scared until i signal with my hand for her to come a little bit closer, ur still moaning quite loud cause all through this i dnt stop. You still have no idea whats going on. I tell her to come closer n silently communitcate to her that she can have a shot n it would be a secret, you'd never know, u are blindfolded, so you'd just think it was me. Obviously curious she comes...

2 years ago
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Two Sisters0

“Emma, wake up! It’s time for school!” shouted my father. I slowly stood up with lethargy, walking unstably towards the bathroom door in my room. I grabbed my towel and entered my bathroom. I turned the water on in the shower so it would be warm, then stripped my pajamas off and glanced at my nice body in the mirror and stepped in the shower. I let the water run over my body for a few minutes as I was becoming more awake. After standing for a few minutes, I grabbed my razor and shaved...

2 years ago
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Convient Cumming With Sister1

I became very curious about the female anatomy at a very young age. I had a brother that was 2 years older than me that I inherited the dirty magazines from but better yet, I also had a sister that was 5 years older than me that was really hot !! I'll call her Shelly. Now Shelly was cool and we hung out a lot. She was always very comfortable walking around the house in her panties and either a bra or tube top or something revealing, especially after she started growing boobies! I...

3 years ago
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Convient Cumming With Sister0

I became very curious about the female anatomy at a very young age. I had a brother that was 2 years older than me that I inherited the dirty magazines from but better yet, I also had a sister that was 5 years older than me that was really hot !! I'll call her Shelly. Now Shelly was cool and we hung out a lot. She was always very comfortable walking around the house in her panties and either a bra or tube top or something revealing, especially after she started growing boobies! I...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister0

I grew up in a family of three: My mother, my brother, and me. I am two years older than my brother is. Growing up, he was the usual pain in the ass. The main thing he did to me was pull pranks on me. For example, one day I found a pair of panties in my drawer with a tick spot of lotion in the middle. At first, it freaked me out until I knew it was fake. Despite the imitation of semen, it still pissed me off that he would even think of a thing such as that. I told my mother numerous...

2 years ago
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My beautiful sleeping sister1

We got up about 8am again and, like yesterday, I went to make breakfast as Chloe showered. My head was full of lustful thoughts from the previous night. I had actually stroked my beautiful sister’s pussy, had her juices on my finger. I instinctively raised it to my face, inhaling once more. I wanted to save that scent forever. I noticed as I got out of bed the cupboard door in the bedroom was closed so another body lotion show seemed unlikely. I still crept to the bedroom door when I heard...

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My beautiful sleeping sister0

I knew it was wrong, but I was obsessed with my sister. She was so incredibly sexy to me and I spent what seemed like every waking hour trying to be close to her, coming up with excuses to touch her, forever sneaking peeks at her body or simply staring at her if she was looking the other way. I can’t remember when it started, but I’d felt this way about Chloe for a couple of years. She was 17 and I was two years younger. My friends always made jokes about fancying her and saying I was lucky...

3 years ago
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Me and my Twin Sister0

Let me start by describing us. My sister Jackie is 5'2, blue eyes, blonde hair, a gorgeous smile, and a figure to die for. She has a wonderful body, 105 pounds, size 32B bust, and a perfect ass. As for me, my names Johnny, I’m 5'5, 145 pounds, blue eyes, and sandy brown hair. Were both 15, but I’m older by an hour. I always thought by sister was pretty, but I never saw her in a sexual way, that is until two days before our 16th birthday when an "incident" happened that would change our...

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My stepsister1

One day she had to pee and she just pulled her pants down an starting going. I stood and watched as she giggled. I moved very close and was fascinated by the golden stream coming out of her nearly hairless little pussy. Of course, I immediately told her I had to pee as well. She held my cock as I went and the sensation was awesome. Shortly after, perhaps a few days, she went to the pee routine again but wanted me to hold my hand in her stream while she went. I gladly did so and then she asked...

4 years ago
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me and my sister4

After a while of laying like this the phone rang, I reached up and answered "hello?" "hey Matt its Joe whats up?" "hey Joe, nothing much the parents are out of the house for the week so its just me and Jamie" "dude that is awesome, oh yeah I was wondering if i could come hang out im fucking bored" "yeah dude no problem see ya in a bit" i hung up the phone and looked down at Jamie with a devilish smile in my face "what are you thinking?..." "oh nothing dont worry but cmon we gotta...

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Sex with sister0

I am a internet freak and spend most of the spare time on net. I am not one of those desperate guys who keep on flirting with many girls to lure them, I talk normal and decent, may be that’s the reason I have many friends online. I have various types of friends, some typical and others weird, and I generally talk matured, as such I have many girls who call me brother, which I usually don’t mind. Many girls keep telling their worries and I advice them properly, so they become pretty close...

1 year ago
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Watching My Sister0

A month later, the same thing happened but it was more interesting. Tom, her boyfriend was trying to get his hand up under her sweatshirt without success. I snuck down under the rose bushes, lay down on the mulch, and got a good show. She was one prude; he never got a hand under her shirt but did get a good feel over the shirt. I made a point of checking every so often to see what was up. It was always the same, not much going on. That is until I snuck up for a peek one warm evening in...

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Mom And My Two Sisters0

Mom And My Two Sisters After Dad died in an automobile accident my two sisters started sleeping with Mom every night. I felt left out and kind of lonely at night. I cried myself to sleep a few times too but I was the man of the house, Dad had often told me that. I started spying on them. I would stay around the corner for a minute or two before entering a room. I would look in the windows before going into the house. I would even lie on the floor outside Mom’s bedroom and listen...

1 year ago
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My stepsister3

When ever i came back for the weekends my stepsister jen and her brother would be gone at their dads house. So i didnt see them for close to two years. I talked to her on occasion. But never eally saw her. One weekend she ended up staying home and i actually got to see her. She had changed so much in that two year span. She went from being a cute little girl to being a smokin hot teen. Her tits swelled up her ass was fuller and her legs were the nicest pair i had ever seen. She had blond...

1 year ago
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My Sister8

Hey sis sorry for what happen i was just horny well it is my flat i was just trying not to lose my virginity bro will you come to my room please sure sis we went up to the stairs we entered here pink clouted room my sis sure like pink she grab me and we kiss for like up 10 min she said fuck me bro do it now please i trow here bed then she grab ,y hard cock in my pants she strip me so fast i did not know it i took my time to strip so i can get it all in her shaved pussy her c cup bra i...

3 years ago
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me and my sister1

P.S As mum is only 37 my sis told me she is going to tell mum and setup a session for me and mum, as unbeknown to me mum loves fucking as well and was always curious as to what was the size my cock and will I be able to screw her the way she wanted to be screwed as she is also crazy about giant cocks.

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My Step Sister0

My Step Sister I was in college when mom told me that she was going to marry the guy that she had been seeing for the past year. I had only met him a couple of times but I liked him and he sure liked my mother. When I told my girlfriend Theresa about my mother getting married she was excite and said that she would love to go to the wedding with me. The very next day though Theresa said that she couldn’t go to my mother’s wedding because her father was getting married on the very...

4 years ago
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My best friends sister1

Let me start by telling you that I am fourteen years old and that my best friend lives down the street. Tom is only thirteen years old but he is in the same grade as I am. In fact we have always been in the same class together with his sister Danielle. Danielle is fourteen years old like I am. I have watched Danielle develop over the past two years. Her tits went from little bumps in her T-shirt to actually filling out a bikini top this spring. Her figure went from straight to actually...

2 years ago
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me and my sister3

However, overr the past weeks id began to notice my sister, sadie, iin a different way. She was 13, had small breasts, about B, a small but n lovely hair n face. I was bored by images and movies but thinking of Sadie made me come really fast. I used to go into her room when she was out and take one of her red skirts, a button shirt, bra and pants. I put these on a pillow and undressed it, whilst masturbating. We went on holiday and i spent much of the time watching her as she swam in the pool...

3 years ago
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Alone with Stepsisters

It was 6 pm and I was home alone, Kim was out with her friends and Sarah was at her friends for tea, my dad and step mum had left for the airport about an hour ago. It was raining hard outside and was quite chilly inside so I put the fire on to warm the place up. I flicked through the TV, there was nothing on as usual so I went upstairs for a DVD to watch, I looked through my collection, all of which I had seen at least twice so I went into Kim and Sarah’s room to see if they had...

2 years ago
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My Friends Sister0

Angie was 18 and going to college next year. She had dark brown hair and evenly tanned skin. She had, what I guess was a B/C cup probably around 32-34 inches. She is only 5 feet tall and at the time I was 13, 5'7" and had a 6 inch cock. That day I was wearing my usually tshirt & jeans w/ boxers. She was wearing a halter top and jeans but, as I would soon find out, no bra. Angie leaned down to shove the plate under the rabbit. Because I was standing up watching her and Jack, I could see...

3 years ago
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Brother and Sister3

One particular day I was home alone or so I thought I was. My door was closed and I had stripped down to nothing. Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn’t resist touching myself and soon I found my self sitting on the bed watching myself as I stroked my shaft feeling my heart racing in my chest. I closed my eyes and licked my lips as my breathing got louder and louder as my climax approached in a deafening rush and I was rewarded with sticky cum on my hands. I exhaled and opened my eyes...

3 years ago
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Step Sister2

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" She used to ask me, whenever she would do something outrageously arousing, like it was nothing. I was fifteen, she was seventeen, my older step sister. Obviously, I had no experiences at that time other than masturbation. She always liked to tease me... "I have an oral fixation. I just... love to have things in my mouth, isn't that nice?" She would put up pictures of naked girls on her walls just to pretend she was a lesbian, though, I'm sure she...

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