Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 10 free porn video

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Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 10 By Missy Crystal Beth went to her school bag and pulled out a pile of magazines. Cindy's mother is a hairdresser. I told her about our going to the salon and she brought these to school for me. "Beth," I asked nervously, "I hope that 'we' didn't mean me?" "Of course it did, silly. My friends all know that my cousin Jenny is staying with us. We made up that story that time when you went with me to hang out with my girlfriends. Remember? Don't be such a worry wart. Here you two, start looking through these and see if you can find a style you like." She handed a magazine to me and another to Susie. Susie began to turn the pages, but I put mine down. "Jenny, why the long face?" Beth asked. "Tomorrow is going to be so fun. Our first real visit to a beauty salon instead of the hair cuts 'R us place we usually go to. Aren't you excited?" "No, not really," I told her. You and Susie have beautiful long hair. Look at this." I put my hands up and tousled my hair. "I have to be able to look like a boy all week, so no fancy do's for me." "Oh dear, Jenny," Beth said sympathetically, "you're right. It's your birthday present and we're the ones getting our hair styled. That's not right at all. I'm going to tell Mom that we've decided not to go. We can have a party here or something instead. Is that okay, Susie?" Susie had been studying her magazine and gave Beth a puzzled look. "Beth, can't we go, please. I really want to go, please. Please. Pretty please?" "Yes Beth," I agreed. "You have to go. I have the two most wonderful sisters in the world and I wouldn't want anything to spoil your day. Seeing you two look beautiful is all the present I need." Beth looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh my God, Jenny. That is the nicest, kindest, sweetest thing anyone could ever say." She came over and threw her arms around me. "I love you. I don't know how we will work this out, but we will and you will be my sister forever and always dear Jenny." Not to be left out, Susie came over and put her arms around me. "I love you too, Jenny. Sooooo much." The touching sister, sister, sister moment was interrupted by Mom's voice. "It's time for Susie to get to bed girls." "Please Mom, just a few more minutes," Beth called back to her. "Okay," but it's going to be your fault if she falls asleep in Mr. Kenneth's chair and gets her ear cut off," Mom joked. We all giggled. Not to be outdone, Beth called back, "Anyway, you're a nurse. You can just sew it back on." Mom laughed. Then going back to the magazines Beth told us, "okay girls, let's pick out some styles. Jenny you can help find one for me." I secretly envied Beth and Susie as they played with their long hair. Twisting and twirling it, trying to duplicate the different looks in the magazine. After a while Susie began to get sleepy, so Beth tucked her in bed and I found a story to read to her. She fell asleep before I had finished the first page. We went downstairs quietly. "Do you want to watch some TV, Jenny?" Beth asked me. "Sure, maybe we can watch one of those fashion shows you like." All of a sudden Beth exclaimed, "Oh my God, Jenny! I just remembered. Our outfits. What are we going to wear?" I looked at her and naively asked, "Aren't we going to wear what we usually wear to the mall?" "Jenny, really! We're not just going to the mall. We are going to Mr. Kenneth's salon. We have to look our best. Oh my God, I don't have anything to wear." "C'mon, Beth," I reassured her. You have some really nice clothes. I'm sure you can find something. Calm down." Beth took a deep breath. "Thanks, Sis. I don't agree, but I guess I don't have a choice either. Susie's fast asleep, so I think we can look through my wardrobe if we're quiet. Let's go see." We went back to Beth's room and turned on the closet light. As far as I could see, Beth had enough clothes to start her own boutique. I guess I still had a few things to learn about being a girl. "Okay, Jenny. First thing, skirt or pants? Let's see." She started to go through what was on the hangers. "No, no, no, definitely no, maybe." She pulled out a red leather skirt and handed it to me. "No, no, no and no, maybe." She pulled out a pair of designer jeans and handed them to me. "Eww, how did that get in here? It went out of style last year. No, no, no, no and no." She sighed, "That's it." I looked at the skirt and the jeans. "We'll, I'm no fashion expert for sure, but you have a great figure and these jeans really fit you. I remember when Mom bought them for you at that fancy store when it opened at the mall. She nearly had a heart attack when she saw the price." Beth took them and held them up. She looked in the mirror. "Yes, Jenny, I think you're right. Definitely the jeans. Now I need a top." She started through the selection process again, pulling out a red and a black jersey and a blue sweater. She held them up to her chest and looked in the mirror. "The black one," I told her. "It looks very sophisticated." "Where on earth would you learn about looking 'sophisticated'?" she questioned me? "I don't know. Probably from your fashion magazines that you leave in the bathroom for reading material." "Okay, that's it," Beth teased me. "You look better in my clothes than I do and you know more about fashion than I do. I am resigning as the resident beauty queen in this family and turning the title over to you." She paused, "Annoying, but you're right. Now I need shoes and underwear." She picked out a pair of black shoe boots with a square toe and two inch heels. "These should dress the outfit up. She went over to her dresser and took out a black bra and black nylon stretch lace panties. "See, Jenny. When you wear tight pants you want a smooth pair of panties so you won't have a vpl. Now then, we need to find you an outfit." "What's a vpl Beth?" "Oh, a visible panty line. You don't won't boys to see the outline of your panties through your pants or a tight skirt." "Since I don't have a nice round butt like yours, I doubt I will have to worry about that. But thanks for the fashion tip." Beth blushed. "I'll thank you not to be staring at my butt, missy." "Well, with you parading around in your skimpy panties it's kind of hard to miss," I observed. "Touch?," Beth conceded. "Or maybe I should say tushy." We both had to put our hands over our mouths so our laughing wouldn't wake Susie. We calmed down. "Seriously, Sis, let's find you an outfit." Beth paused to think. "How about that red leather mini skirt. With a white silk blouse and black stockings you'd be a knockout." "Thank you very much, but the last thing I want to be is a knockout. With the luck I've been having, half my class will be at the mall. "Hey, wait a minute, who's that hot little number. She looks familiar. Isn't that? No, it can't be. Yes, look, it is. Hi, Johnny." "We've been though this, Sis. You even fooled Mom. Nobody is going to recognize you, but you're right. Pretty yes, a knockout no. So let's see what else we can find. Hey, how about this. I used to love this skirt. Frankly, it's a little young for me now, bit it would look great on you." Beth handed me a pink and charcoal gray plaid pleated wool skirt. I held it up to my waist. It came about two inches above my knees. "Oh, Beth. I love it." "Good, now, let me see. I used to have a pink angora sweater I wore with it. Hmmm. Yes, here it is." The sweater was long sleeved with a round neckline. It felt incredibly soft and feminine. "And charcoal gray wool tights. They should be in my dresser. Ahhh. Mom never gets rid of anything." She handed me the tights. "And my chunky heeled black loafers. There. Ooops, and some pretty undies." "I can wear my own undies, Beth. But thanks for the offer." "Jenny, this is your special day and I want you to have some special lingerie to wear. Please take them." She went to her dresser and took out a pair of pink nylon panties with a white lace waistband and white lace trim around the leg openings and a matching stretch nylon pull over top with lace trim on the cups and thin straps. I politely accepted them. "They're beautiful, Beth. Thank you." I said goodnight to Beth and gave her a hug. She hugged me back. I went to the bathroom to do my nightly beauty routine. I smiled to my image in the mirror and she smiled back. Even if I couldn't get a real hairstyle, it was still going to be a wonderful day for Jenny. I went back to my room and felt the smooth nylon of my nightgown slide against my panties as I snuggled down under my covers. Goodnight Jenny, sleep tight and have pretty pink dreams I said to myself. And I did. Saturday morning everyone was up bright and early. Our appointment wasn't until 11 o'clock, but three girls and one bathroom took some coordinating. Finally, Beth, Susie and I were ready. We went downstairs to wait for Mom. "Hurry up, Mom," Beth called to her impatiently. "We don't want to be late." "Calm down," Mom yelled back. "It only takes fifteen minutes to get to the mall and we have an hour. We won't be late." The ten minutes it took before we heard her coming down the stairs seemed like an hour. When she came into the kitchen, I saw Beth's startled expression. Mom had on a pair of black slacks and a powder blue three quarter sleeve sweater with a cowl neck. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a black scrunchy. Mom looked at Beth, then at me and Susie. "What?" she asked her. "It's your day. I'm just the chauffeur. You're all in such a hurry. Let's get going." Beth shrugged her shoulders. She knew better than to argue with Mom. We went outside and got into the car. Mom drove to the mall and found a parking space. We got out and went in the main entrance. Mr. Kenneth's salon was in the middle of the mall. I looked nervously about. Luckily, I didn't recognize anyone and we got to the salon unnoticed as far as I could tell. Mom opened the door and we went into the waiting area. Mom went up and told the receptionist that we had an appointment with Mr. Kenneth. She looked at us and smiled. "Which one is the birthday girl," she asked curiously. I hesitated and Beth spoke up. "My sister Jenny is." She put her arm around my shoulder. "It's Jenny's birthday, but we're all getting our hair done. Isn't that right, Mom?" "Yes, Susie, dear," Mom confirmed. "Please follow me girls," the receptionist said. Beth, Susie and I trooped along behind her down the corridor, past lots of chairs with stylists working on customers and into Mr. Kenneth's private spa, where he had done my hair the first time we came. Mr. Kenneth was dressed in his usual black long sleeved shirt, buttoned at the cuffs and neck, and black pants. I was too shy to notice much about him before, but now I saw he was not much taller than Beth, who was five five, and very thin. He wore small diamond studs in both his ears. He caught me looking at him and smiled. I smiled back. "Where is Madam?" he inquired. We all looked behind us to find that Mom was not there. Mr. Kenneth went to the phone. "Yes, please bring her to me. No, no. Tell her Mr. Kenneth requires her to be here." A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and in came Mom looking very sheepish. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kenneth. I mean, I didn't know you wanted me. I thought it was just the girls." "Really, Madam," Mr. Kenneth scolded her. "Is this not a family birthday for Jenny and are you not a part of this family?" Before Mom could answer, he went on, "Then what is Madam doing outside when her family is inside? Sit. Sit. Sit. All of you sit," he said authoritatively. We all found chairs. "Now then, who's first? Beth spoke up. "It's Jenny's birthday, so she should be first." "Ahh, the beautiful Beth." Beth beamed at the compliment and the fact he remembered her name. "Mr. Kenneth thinks not, however. Today we shall save Jenny for last. I think that it is you who Mr. Kenneth shall do first. Stand up." Mr. Kenneth may have been small, but he had a commanding presence. Beth just about jumped out of her seat. "Come over to the chair." Mr. Kenneth placed a plastic cloak over her and then tilted the chair back so that her head was in the sink. He ran the water, testing it with his and until he was satisfied with the temperature. He squeezed some shampoo from a bottle and the scent of apricots filled the room. He spent about five minutes lathering her hair and then another five minutes rinsing it clean. When he was satisfied, he helped her to sit up and adjusted the back of the chair. He kept the chair facing away from the mirror on the wall behind the sink. "Ummm, Mr. Kenneth," Beth murmered. "Ummm, I was looking in some hairstyling magazines a friend gave me and I though, well, ummm, I thought that maybe you... ." "A magazine!" Mr. Kenneth interrupted her. "A magazine! Mr. Kenneth is to use a hairstyle from a magazine? Mr. Kenneth makes hairstyles for magazines. Perhaps Beth will take her magazine to the barbershop. I am sure that whoever cuts her hair will find it quite instructive." "Oh, Oh, Oh. No, Mr. Kenneth. I'm sorry. I didn't. I never. I, I, I want you to do my hair. I just thought. I mean. I didn't think. I mean..." I had never seen Beth so flustered. Apparently Mr. Kenneth was not as insulted as he seemed. Having firmly established who was in charge, his demeanor softened. "Miss Beth is sure she wishes to place herself in Mr. Kenneth's hands?" Beth was a fast study. "Oh, yes, yes, please, Mr. Kenneth. Please do my hair. Whatever you like. I will love it, I am sure." "Very well then." Mr. Kenneth began to circle around Beth. He took his hand and tilted her head forward, then backward, then side to side. He put his hand on her chin and angled her face. With his comb, he measured the sides and back. He stood back. He moved forward. It must have been at least five minutes before he took out his scissors and made the first snip. I saw Beth wince. Mr. Kenneth was so intent that he just went on cutting. Since he was between us and Beth towards the end, it was hard to see exactly what he was doing. Finally, he was satisfied and took out the blower and a styling brush. When he was finished, he turned Beth to face the mirror. There was no doubt in my mind that Mr. Kenneth was a genius. It wasn't that he just did a good job cutting her hair. Somehow he knew her. Beth was simple and athletic. The style he used was perfect. The front was long and the sides were layered and angled up, tapering towards the back. It was stylish and manageable. It took a few seconds for Beth to take it all in. Then she let out a squeal that I am surprised didn't result in the receptionist calling 911. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Mom. Oh my God." Beth went on with about a dozen more Oh My Gods, with a few Mom's thrown in. She got some of her composure back. "I love it. Mr. Kenneth. I love it." Then she slipped back into another string of Oh my God's as she studied herself in the mirror. "I take it that Miss Beth is not disappointed," Mr. Kenneth said with false modesty. Beth's response was to throw her arms around Mr. Kenneth. Since they were about the same size and Beth was a pretty solid girl, it took all of Mr. Kenneth's effort to keep from collapsing in a pile on the floor. After a minute of putting up with her expression of gratitude, he gently pried himself loose. By now Beth had calmed down and she walked over to Mom to let her see her new hairstyle close up. Mom nodded approvingly at Mr. Kenneth, who, of course, accepted it routinely. "Next I believe it is sweet Miss Susie." I think she liked being called Miss, but not the sweet part. Then again, she did look sweet. She had picked out her favorite pink corduroy jumper, a white cotton blouse with a round collar, white tights and pink and white saddle shoes. Mr. Kenneth put a booster seat in the chair and helped Susie up. He then went through the same routine, except that he stopped, made some tisk, tisk, tisk sounds and turned to Mom. "Madam. Please refrain from using a bowl to cut your daughter's hair." Mom pretended to study the top of her shoes. Mr. Kenneth turned back to Susie and began to snip. Like Beth, it was hard to see what he was doing until he had blown her hair out. Like before, Mr. Kenneth was a genius in picking a style that suited Susie. This time he had rounded her bangs so that they framed her face and continued rounding the sides and back. It was girlish, but not babyish. Susie was less emotional than Beth, but it was obvious that she was thrilled with her hairstyle. She ran over to Mom to show it to her, and then paraded over to Beth and me with her hand on her hip, like she was a model. I looked over and caught Mr. Kenneth with the beginning of a smile, before he returned to his professional look. "And now," Mr. Kenneth announced, "it is my delightful Jenny's turn." I stood up and went over to the chair. Mr. Kenneth removed the booster seat, put the plastic cape over me and I sat down. The water was hot and I was surprised at how strong Mr. Kenneth's hands were as he massaged my head to work up a lather. After he finished the routine, he sat me up and studied me. "Its okay, Mr. Kenneth," I assured him. "I understand that there is not much you can do with a unisex cut. I have to go back to school as a boy. But thank you for trying." Mr. Kenneth stood back and looked down his nose at me. "Mr. Kenneth can do nothing? You think so? Wait and see my dear Jenny what Mr. Kenneth can do." Mr. Kenneth proceeded to trim my hair. It had gotten longer and shaggier. When he was finished he turned me to the mirror. The sides were layered, the front, when my hair was pulled forward, had a suggestion of bangs and the back was evened up. Altogether, a little more feminine, but still not a girl's style. Mr. Kenneth must have read my face. "Was my delightful Jenny right? Could Mr. Kenneth do nothing? Then again, perhaps he can do something after all." He walked over to a cabinet, opened the door and took out a round box with a red ribbon on top. He brought it back and put it in my lap. "Happy birthday, my pretty Jenny." "Oh, Mr. Kenneth. Really, you shouldn't have. You don't need to give me a present. You have already done more than enough for me and my family." "Of course Mr. Kenneth does not need to give you a present. Mr. Kenneth wants to give you a present. Would you insult him by refusing his gift? He would be heartbroken." Mr. Kenneth pretended to be sad, dabbing his eyes with a piece of tissue. It did not take much encouragement for me to change my mind. I untied the ribbon and took the top off the box. Inside I saw hair. I stuck my hand in to take whatever it was out. "No, no, Jenny. Gently. Let me." Mr. Kenneth reached in and carefully pulled out the most beautiful wig I had ever seen. Well actually it was the only wig I had ever seen. It was shoulder length, honey blonde with soft waves and ringlets on the sides. I heard Mom and my sisters gasp as Mr. Kenneth held it up. "Let me show you how to wear it. First, you must pull your own hair back. Like this." He took a brush, stroked my hair into his hand and used an elastic to gather it behind my head. Then he picked up the wig, adjusted a draw string inside it and placed it on my head. The feeling of having long hair falling over my shoulders was ecstasy. Mr. Kenneth fussed with a comb and brush until every curl was in place. Finally, he took some bobby pins and used them to attach the wig to my own hair. I looked in the mirror. A beautiful young girl looked back at me. I stood up and slowly walked over to my family. I could feel the hair flowing around my face as I walked, swinging my hips slightly and feeling the pleated skirt swish against my legs. I could not have felt prettier or more feminine. Beth and Susie rushed over to see the wig close up. They couldn't stop gushing about how beautiful I looked. Mom walked over to Mr. Kenneth. I have never seen her become emotional, but her eyes were moist. She bent forward and kissed him on the cheek. "Mr. Kenneth," she said softly. "I love my daughters very much and I love you for being so kind to them. I am very grateful and can never repay your generosity." She sniffled and wiped her nose with a tissue. "Madam is most gracious. But we are not finished. What is a birthday without a party? If the lovely young ladies would go to the ice cream parlor and ask for Bruce, I have arranged for a small celebration. Now hurry along. I have much to do with your mother." We all looked at him in shock. "With me?" Mom questioned Mr. Kenneth. "No. You have done too much already. I couldn't." "Madam, Mr. Kenneth does what Mr. Kenneth does and right now Mr. Kenneth is doing you. It is a challenge I have looked forward to for quite some time. Go ahead and don't rush back girls. The impossible takes Mr. Kenneth longer." As we went through the waiting area, the receptionist gave us a confused look. I just smiled and scooted out the door. The ice cream parlor was at the end of the mall. Beth took my arm and I held Susie's hand. The wig gave me new confidence and Beth noticed the change. "My goodness, Jenny, chin up, big smile, aren't we the sassy one today." She giggled and tugged at my arm, pulling me next to her and whispering in my ear. "Better be careful or all the boys will want a date with the new blonde in town." She playfully bumped into me with her hip and I bumped her back. We both broke out in giggles. Susie wanted to know what was so funny and I told her that Beth was boy crazy. "Ewww," was Susie's reply. I nodded my agreement and she giggled. That got us all giggling so much that we had to stop. By coincidence, we were standing in front of a fancy lingerie shop. The pretty panties and bras in the window caught Beth's eye. "Oh, Jenny. Aren't those really sexy," she bubbled, pointing to a skimpy pair of red panties with black lace trim and a matching bra. "C'mon." Before I could say no, she was through the open doorway. Since we were still arm in arm, I stumbled in with her. Since I was holding Susie's hand, she was dragged in after me. "Beth," I said under my breath, "can't you do this when I'm not with you? What if someone starts asking me questions, like what size I am? What do I tell them? 'Doh, I don't know. I just wear my big sister's hand me downs?' Please, let's go." "Calm down, Jenny. That's not the way it works. They expect you to try on different sizes, because different styles fit you differently. You pick out what you want and take it into the dressing room. See." She pointed to a woman going towards the back of the store with a collection of bras. "You always try on bras before you buy them to make sure they fit and are comfortable, unless it's a style you've worn before. Of course, you have to try panties on over your own panties for hygiene." I made a face. "Thank you very much for the lingerie lesson, but I think I'll leave the panty and bra buying to you and Mom. I've got too little on top and too much elsewhere to be trying them on in the store." For some reason, Beth thought that was hysterical. She started laughing. "Too little, hahahahaha, too much, hahahaha, oh, Jenny, hahahaha, you're too, hahahahaha, funny, I can't stop, hahahhaha. I tugged on her arm. "Beth, please, control yourself. Everyone in the store is staring out us. Beth, really! Please, stop. You're making a scene." Beth quieted down, but it was too late. A salesgirl came over to us. "Hello, girls. Having fun?" She was young and very pretty. "Is there something special I can help you with? This is the women's section, you know. We have some really nice juniors lingerie over there." She pointed to another area of the store. "Come along." I was afraid I would draw even more attention to myself if I hesitated, so I meekly followed. Beth gave me a funny look, shrugged her shoulders and came too. "Jenny, I thought you said you weren't interested in buying bras and panties," she whispered to me. "Shhh," I whispered back. "I'm not. But I don't want her to know that. You're the one that got me into this. Now let's just tell her we have to meet our mother and leave. I'm about to wet my panties I'm so nervous and then I really will need to buy new ones." Beth started laughing again. I gave her a dirty look and said, "Stop it, I'm not kidding." When we arrived at the display racks, the saleswoman picked out a white bra and showed it to me. "This is one of our most popular styles. See. It has removable pads in the cups. It gives you a cute figure and then, when your own develop, you can take them out or keep them in to increase your cup size. Would you like to try it on? The dressing rooms are over there. It also comes in beige, pink and black. Here," she handed it too me. Wow, I thought to myself. She thinks I'm a girl and that I'm going to have real breasts! Then I looked over at Beth. She was obviously enjoying herself. I gave her another dirty look and she finally came to my rescue. "Thank, you miss, but our mother is waiting for us and we really need to get going. My sister and I will come back another time. Won't we Jenny." "Yes, definitely" I said with pretend enthusiasm. Then tugging on her arm I added emphatically, "But right now we really must meet mother. She will be very upset if we keep her waiting." We started to leave and the salesgirl called after us, "My name is Debbie. I work on the weekends. Please ask for me." We continued on to the ice cream parlor. Of course, hanging around outside was a group of boys from Beth's school. "Hey, Beth," one of them said. What's up," said another. "Who's your friend?" asked a third. "Hi, Billy. Hi, Brian. Hi, Kevin," Beth casually replied, "Oh, this is my cousin. She's staying with us for a while." "Cool," the first boy said. "Yeah, cool," the other two echoed. The first boy looked at me and asked, "What's your name?" I smiled and said, "Jenny. What's yours?" He smiled back. "I'm Billy," and then he boldly added, "do you want to go out sometime?" I looked over at Beth. From her expression, it was obvious she was waiting to see what I would say to being asked on my first date. I said shyly, "Oh, thank you so much, but my mother doesn't let me date when I am visiting." I fluttered my eyelashes and fussed with my hair, the way I had seen Beth do when she was talking to boys. I turned to Beth. "Let's go, please." "See you in school guys," Beth called to them as we headed into the shop. "Bye Beth. Bye Jenny," they called after us. "Wow," Beth remarked. That was a great. Then she kidded me, "Are you sure you aren't a girl and you've just been pretending to be my brother all these years?" "I can show you the proof," I kidded her back. Not to be outdone, she challenged me. "Okay, Miss smarty panties, go ahead." Not to be outdone either, I reached down and started to flip up my skirt. "Eeek!" Beth exclaimed. "Jenny, where is your modesty. Flashing your panties in public. Really!" She laughed. "Okay, I give up. You win, Sis." She put her arm around me and gave me a hug." She paused. "You weren't really serious were you?" "I guess you'll never know," I teased her. Susie finally lost her patience. "Beth, Jenny," she demanded. "Stop fooling around and let's get to our party." Beth went up to the cashier. "May we see Bruce, please," she said politely. The casher turned to one of the waitresses and asked her to get Bruce. She went into the kitchen and a few minutes later a man in a white jacket came out. The cashier told him, "These girls asked for you." I'm awful with ages. I would guess Bruce was in his twenties. He was tall and thin, with short silver blonde hair. "Hi," he greeted us. "Which one of you is Jenny?" I moved forward. "Me." "And this must be Beth," he said. She smiled and nodded. "And this young lady must be Susie." She just stood shyly behind Beth. "Everything is ready. Please follow me." He started towards the back of the shop. The ice cream parlor at the mall was a popular place for kids' birthdays and we had all been in the party room before. It had a long table with benches and a fancy throne chair for the birthday boy or girl at the end. We didn't expect much of a party with only the three of us, so we were very surprised when we walked in. It was all decorated with balloons and streamers. Bruce saw our expressions. "Mr. Kenneth goes all out," he confirmed. "Jenny, you get the seat of honor. Susie, you sit there and Beth, here. I'll be right back to get the party started, but for now why don't you get in the mood and put on your party hats." I looked down and there was a gold plastic tiara. I picked it up and put it gently on my head. It had little combs on the bottom that held it in place. Beth and Susie had silver ones. They both put theirs on. There were also party pipes. Susie picked hers up and blew it out with a razzing noise. "Come on you two," Susie challenged us. We humored her and blew ours. Then we got silly and started having a party pipe duel with a chorus of razzes as the paper curls extended. The thin paper didn't last long, which didn't matter, because by then Bruce was back. Two waitresses followed him. The lights dimmed and he moved a menu that had been hiding the cake. They started singing happy birthday. Beth and Susie joined in. "... happy birthday, dear Jenny," they sang. Happy birthday, to youuuuuu." Everyone clapped. "Now," Bruce encouraged me, "make a wish and blow out the candles." I closed my eyes and silently recited the lines from Pinocchio: "Star light, star bright, I wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I wish to be a real girl." Candles probably weren't as powerful as stars for granting wishes, but it worked for him and he was a made of wood, so I head a head start I figured. Then I opened my eyes and blew out all the candles. Beth looked at me. "I know your wish, Jenny," she said sympathetically. "Shhh," I held my finger to my lips, "if you say it, then it won't come true." She blew me a kiss. "For luck, my dear sister." Susie didn't understand, but she decided it was a nice thing to do and blew me a kiss too. Bruce cut the cake. He went out and came back a few minutes later with three hot fudge sundaes. I realized that it had been a long time since breakfast and started to dig in. Then I looked over and saw Beth daintily spooning small portions. I unloaded my spoon and did the same. She held her napkin and wiped her mouth after every bite, so that she never had chocolate syrup on her lips. I copied her. Of course Susie had not learned the refinements of being a lady yet and was happily eating her ice cream and cake without concern for her appearance. After about fifteen minutes, Bruce returned. He was holding three small blue boxes with gold ribbons. I guessed they were some sort of party favor the shop gave out. He looked at the tags on the boxes and handed them out. We each undid the ribbon. Beth was the first to open hers. "Oh my God," Beth exclaimed. You could always tell how excited or surprised she was by the number of them in a row. It was six. Not quite a record, compared to her earlier outburst in Mr. Kenneth's salon, but here was obviously something very wonderful in the box. I opened mine. "Holy cow!" I exclaimed. Inside mine was a gold necklace with a heart shaped gold charm with 'Jenny' engraved in script. I wasn't much of an authority on jewelry, but I guessed that if it came from Mr. Kenneth it was real gold. Beth held hers up. It was a gold bracelet with a heart shaped gold charm engraved with 'Beth'. Susie opened hers and it was the same as Beth's, except for the name. "Eeek!" she squealed with delight. "Look, Jenny. My very own bracelet, with my name on it. Please put it on me." She handed it to me. I undid the clasp and put it around her wrist. Mr. Kenneth must have been a very good judge of girls' sizes, because it fit her perfectly. Beth also had put hers on and was holding her wrist up to admire it. "Jenny, let me put your necklace on you," she offered. I handed it to her and bent down. When I straightened up, the charm was hanging just below my collar. "Here, Jenny." Beth had taken her compact out of her pocket book and was holding the mirror so I could see. It was gorgeous. My first very own piece of jewelry. Maybe my wish was coming true and I imagined I was slowly changing into a real girl. My daydream was interrupted by Beth. "Oh, Bruce, thank you so much for the wonderful party. It was the nicest birthday ever. Really." She went over to him, stood on her tip toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes," I agreed. "Thank you so much for everything." I went over, stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek too. It would have been gay for Johnny to kiss a man, but it felt right for Jenny. Beth gave me a nod of approval. "We really should get back to the salon and thank Mr. Kenneth," Beth told us. "Susie, Jenny, let's go. Thanks again, Bruce." We waved goodbye as we headed towards the door. Luckily, the boys had left by then. We hurried through the mall and rushed into the waiting area, past the receptionist and up to Mr. Kenneth's private room. We opened the door and went in. Mr. Kenneth was facing us. He was holding a small brush and working on the makeup of the woman in the chair. She had her back to us and Mr. Kenneth was between her and the mirror, so all I could see was her shoulders and the back of her head. She had on a white tank top and beautiful auburn hair in a soft wave which covered the top of her neck. Beth stopped short. "Oh, my. I'm sorry Mr. Kenneth. I just thought, I mean, we expected, I mean, you know, that Mom would still be here? We were having such a nice time at the party we weren't watching the time. Did she leave?" Mr. Kenneth's answer was puzzling. "Mr. Kenneth is a magician, of course. Better than those on stage." We had no idea what he was talking about. He waved his hands in the air. "Mr. Kenneth changes a mouse into a movie star." He slowly turned the chair around. It took me a minute to realize that the woman was Mom. She must have been wearing the tank top under her sweater. For as long as I can remember, Mom had not paid attention to her looks. She rarely wore makeup, except for lipstick, and she usually had her hair in a pony tail or clipped up for work. I couldn't even remember what color it was. Brownish, I guessed. When she did get it cut, it was at the same place that trimmed ours. Mr. Kenneth was right. Mr. Kenneth was a magician. Mom was beautiful. I looked at Beth. Her jaw had dropped and she was speechless. Susie broke the silence. "Mommy, is that really you?" "Yes, sweetheart, it's really me." It was definitely Mom's voice. "Kenneth has managed to turn the ugly duckling into a swan." "Ah, no. Carol is too kind. Even a great artist can do no better than the materials he has to work with." Mom blushed. Carol? Kenneth? And a compliment from the man who was never modest about himself. This was all too weird. Beth must have been thinking the same thing. We shrugged our shoulders at each other. Then Susie ran over to show Mom her bracelet. "See, its gold and it has my name on it. Isn't it pretty. Beth got one too. And Jenny got a necklace." Mom walked over to us and admired our new jewelry. "Oh, Kenneth, really, you will spoil the girls. You have been too kind. I don't know what to say." "Carol will say that she will return in two weeks, so that she and her daughters do not look like ragamuffins. Carol will also say that I will take her shopping for new clothes at my friends' boutiques. The mother of three beautiful girls must herself dress fashionably." Of course, we beamed at being called beautiful. Mom looked embarrassed that Mr. Kenneth did not like her clothes. "If Carol will be so kind as to leave her address and telephone number, I will call for her tomorrow morning at 10." He handed Mom a piece of paper and a pen. Mom was obviously flustered. I am sure she had not expected a date with Mr. Kenneth. "Kenneth, really, I couldn't. You have done too much for us already. Perhaps I can go with the girls and buy a few things. I'm sure you must have better things to do, than take me shopping." "Ah, well then, Carol knows my schedule," Mr. Kenneth said with mock sarcasm. "How convenient. In fact, I have already planned to spend tomorrow with you. Now," he said with an obviously pretend sadness, "will you be so cruel as to take away the pleasure of completing my work of art. Would Galatea break Pygmalion's heart?" I hadn't a clue as to what Mr. Kenneth was talking about, although I was pretty sure that whatever it was, he would get over it if Mom said no. I looked at Beth. She was clueless too. To my astonishment, Mom actually flirted with him. "Oh, Kenneth, you do go on so. But, it would be my pleasure to accompany you, if it would make your heart smile, the way you have made ours smile today." Okay, this was really, really too weird. Mom carrying on with our hairdresser? Then again, I thought to myself, Mr. Kenneth is a treasure. We could do worse. Mom went over to one of the chairs and picked up her sweater. She started to put it on, but stopped when Mr. Kenneth gave her a disapproving look. "Swans do not wear duck's feathers," he told her. Mom put the sweater over her shoulders. Mr. Kenneth nodded. "Let's go girls," she directed us. "Bye, Mr. Kenneth," Susie said. "Bye, Mr. Kenneth," Beth said. "And thank you," she added sincerely. "Bye, Mr. Kenneth," I said. "This was the best birthday ever. Thank you so, so much." "Jenny, wait!" Mr. Kenneth called as I was just going out the door. "You forgot your wig case." He walked over and handed me the round box. "There's a stand and special brush in there, so that you can do your hair." Then he bent down and said softly, so only I could hear, "I am looking forward to the day that I can style your own hair." I whispered back to him, that was my birthday wish, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone or it won't come true." Then I kissed him on the cheek. I don't know what it was, but Jenny was really getting into the kissing thing. I caught up with my family and we went to Mom's car. Susie was sitting dreamily and Beth and I talked girl talk about what kinds of clothes Mom should buy for her new wardrobe. Of course, Beth wanted her in miniskirts and stretchy tops. I couldn't picture Mom looking sexy. We were dying to ask Mom what went on with her and Mr. Kenneth, but we agreed that it was none of our business. When we got home, Mom asked us what we wanted to do. Beth was excited about seeing her friends and showing off her new hairstyle. She was sure they would all die with envy. Susie asked Mom if she could go over to Mrs. Johnson's and show off her new bracelet. That just left me. I offered to walk Susie over to Mrs. Johnson's. Actually, she was one of the few people who I could show off my wig to and I also wanted to talk to her. TO BE CONTINUED

Same as Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 10 Videos

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sistery Love

though the story "longest fuck with Amber" wasn't real.. this was..i have changed the names (including my sister's name) for our own protection and what and my sister "Kaitlin" are now 30 years old. my mother made us bathe together since we were 2 right up to 10. i have enjoyed seeing my sister naked. and i think she enjoys seeing me naked. we always ran around naked in the house naked and mom or dad never cared.. even at 10. we started playing doctor at 5 right up to 8 years old(which...

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Lust for my Best friends Sister0

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My Sexy Sister1

My name is Joey, im 14 years old. My sister Anna is 17, but before i go any further i want to tell you a little about us i am 5,2 i have brown hair and i have a 6 inch penis, my sister anna has brown hair as well she is 5,5 and very beautiful she has perfect C cup breast that looked too big for her small frame. She was very well in shape and had no fat on her. When i was 7 years old i walked in on my sister bathing i...

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I cant just say SIster youre fucking me

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Convient Cumming With Sister1

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Convient Cumming With Sister0

I became very curious about the female anatomy at a very young age. I had a brother that was 2 years older than me that I inherited the dirty magazines from but better yet, I also had a sister that was 5 years older than me that was really hot !! I'll call her Shelly. Now Shelly was cool and we hung out a lot. She was always very comfortable walking around the house in her panties and either a bra or tube top or something revealing, especially after she started growing boobies! I...

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Brother and Sister0

I grew up in a family of three: My mother, my brother, and me. I am two years older than my brother is. Growing up, he was the usual pain in the ass. The main thing he did to me was pull pranks on me. For example, one day I found a pair of panties in my drawer with a tick spot of lotion in the middle. At first, it freaked me out until I knew it was fake. Despite the imitation of semen, it still pissed me off that he would even think of a thing such as that. I told my mother numerous...

1 year ago
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My beautiful sleeping sister1

We got up about 8am again and, like yesterday, I went to make breakfast as Chloe showered. My head was full of lustful thoughts from the previous night. I had actually stroked my beautiful sister’s pussy, had her juices on my finger. I instinctively raised it to my face, inhaling once more. I wanted to save that scent forever. I noticed as I got out of bed the cupboard door in the bedroom was closed so another body lotion show seemed unlikely. I still crept to the bedroom door when I heard...

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My beautiful sleeping sister0

I knew it was wrong, but I was obsessed with my sister. She was so incredibly sexy to me and I spent what seemed like every waking hour trying to be close to her, coming up with excuses to touch her, forever sneaking peeks at her body or simply staring at her if she was looking the other way. I can’t remember when it started, but I’d felt this way about Chloe for a couple of years. She was 17 and I was two years younger. My friends always made jokes about fancying her and saying I was lucky...

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Me and my Twin Sister0

Let me start by describing us. My sister Jackie is 5'2, blue eyes, blonde hair, a gorgeous smile, and a figure to die for. She has a wonderful body, 105 pounds, size 32B bust, and a perfect ass. As for me, my names Johnny, I’m 5'5, 145 pounds, blue eyes, and sandy brown hair. Were both 15, but I’m older by an hour. I always thought by sister was pretty, but I never saw her in a sexual way, that is until two days before our 16th birthday when an "incident" happened that would change our...

1 year ago
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My stepsister1

One day she had to pee and she just pulled her pants down an starting going. I stood and watched as she giggled. I moved very close and was fascinated by the golden stream coming out of her nearly hairless little pussy. Of course, I immediately told her I had to pee as well. She held my cock as I went and the sensation was awesome. Shortly after, perhaps a few days, she went to the pee routine again but wanted me to hold my hand in her stream while she went. I gladly did so and then she asked...

3 years ago
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me and my sister4

After a while of laying like this the phone rang, I reached up and answered "hello?" "hey Matt its Joe whats up?" "hey Joe, nothing much the parents are out of the house for the week so its just me and Jamie" "dude that is awesome, oh yeah I was wondering if i could come hang out im fucking bored" "yeah dude no problem see ya in a bit" i hung up the phone and looked down at Jamie with a devilish smile in my face "what are you thinking?..." "oh nothing dont worry but cmon we gotta...

3 years ago
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Sex with sister0

I am a internet freak and spend most of the spare time on net. I am not one of those desperate guys who keep on flirting with many girls to lure them, I talk normal and decent, may be that’s the reason I have many friends online. I have various types of friends, some typical and others weird, and I generally talk matured, as such I have many girls who call me brother, which I usually don’t mind. Many girls keep telling their worries and I advice them properly, so they become pretty close...

1 year ago
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Watching My Sister0

A month later, the same thing happened but it was more interesting. Tom, her boyfriend was trying to get his hand up under her sweatshirt without success. I snuck down under the rose bushes, lay down on the mulch, and got a good show. She was one prude; he never got a hand under her shirt but did get a good feel over the shirt. I made a point of checking every so often to see what was up. It was always the same, not much going on. That is until I snuck up for a peek one warm evening in...

1 year ago
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Mom And My Two Sisters0

Mom And My Two Sisters After Dad died in an automobile accident my two sisters started sleeping with Mom every night. I felt left out and kind of lonely at night. I cried myself to sleep a few times too but I was the man of the house, Dad had often told me that. I started spying on them. I would stay around the corner for a minute or two before entering a room. I would look in the windows before going into the house. I would even lie on the floor outside Mom’s bedroom and listen...

1 year ago
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My stepsister3

When ever i came back for the weekends my stepsister jen and her brother would be gone at their dads house. So i didnt see them for close to two years. I talked to her on occasion. But never eally saw her. One weekend she ended up staying home and i actually got to see her. She had changed so much in that two year span. She went from being a cute little girl to being a smokin hot teen. Her tits swelled up her ass was fuller and her legs were the nicest pair i had ever seen. She had blond...

1 year ago
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My Sister8

Hey sis sorry for what happen i was just horny well it is my flat i was just trying not to lose my virginity bro will you come to my room please sure sis we went up to the stairs we entered here pink clouted room my sis sure like pink she grab me and we kiss for like up 10 min she said fuck me bro do it now please i trow here bed then she grab ,y hard cock in my pants she strip me so fast i did not know it i took my time to strip so i can get it all in her shaved pussy her c cup bra i...

3 years ago
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me and my sister1

P.S As mum is only 37 my sis told me she is going to tell mum and setup a session for me and mum, as unbeknown to me mum loves fucking as well and was always curious as to what was the size my cock and will I be able to screw her the way she wanted to be screwed as she is also crazy about giant cocks.

2 years ago
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My Step Sister0

My Step Sister I was in college when mom told me that she was going to marry the guy that she had been seeing for the past year. I had only met him a couple of times but I liked him and he sure liked my mother. When I told my girlfriend Theresa about my mother getting married she was excite and said that she would love to go to the wedding with me. The very next day though Theresa said that she couldn’t go to my mother’s wedding because her father was getting married on the very...

4 years ago
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My best friends sister1

Let me start by telling you that I am fourteen years old and that my best friend lives down the street. Tom is only thirteen years old but he is in the same grade as I am. In fact we have always been in the same class together with his sister Danielle. Danielle is fourteen years old like I am. I have watched Danielle develop over the past two years. Her tits went from little bumps in her T-shirt to actually filling out a bikini top this spring. Her figure went from straight to actually...

2 years ago
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me and my sister3

However, overr the past weeks id began to notice my sister, sadie, iin a different way. She was 13, had small breasts, about B, a small but n lovely hair n face. I was bored by images and movies but thinking of Sadie made me come really fast. I used to go into her room when she was out and take one of her red skirts, a button shirt, bra and pants. I put these on a pillow and undressed it, whilst masturbating. We went on holiday and i spent much of the time watching her as she swam in the pool...

3 years ago
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Alone with Stepsisters

It was 6 pm and I was home alone, Kim was out with her friends and Sarah was at her friends for tea, my dad and step mum had left for the airport about an hour ago. It was raining hard outside and was quite chilly inside so I put the fire on to warm the place up. I flicked through the TV, there was nothing on as usual so I went upstairs for a DVD to watch, I looked through my collection, all of which I had seen at least twice so I went into Kim and Sarah’s room to see if they had...

2 years ago
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My Friends Sister0

Angie was 18 and going to college next year. She had dark brown hair and evenly tanned skin. She had, what I guess was a B/C cup probably around 32-34 inches. She is only 5 feet tall and at the time I was 13, 5'7" and had a 6 inch cock. That day I was wearing my usually tshirt & jeans w/ boxers. She was wearing a halter top and jeans but, as I would soon find out, no bra. Angie leaned down to shove the plate under the rabbit. Because I was standing up watching her and Jack, I could see...

3 years ago
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Brother and Sister3

One particular day I was home alone or so I thought I was. My door was closed and I had stripped down to nothing. Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn’t resist touching myself and soon I found my self sitting on the bed watching myself as I stroked my shaft feeling my heart racing in my chest. I closed my eyes and licked my lips as my breathing got louder and louder as my climax approached in a deafening rush and I was rewarded with sticky cum on my hands. I exhaled and opened my eyes...

3 years ago
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Step Sister2

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" She used to ask me, whenever she would do something outrageously arousing, like it was nothing. I was fifteen, she was seventeen, my older step sister. Obviously, I had no experiences at that time other than masturbation. She always liked to tease me... "I have an oral fixation. I just... love to have things in my mouth, isn't that nice?" She would put up pictures of naked girls on her walls just to pretend she was a lesbian, though, I'm sure she...

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