Unintended Consiquences free porn video

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Unintended Consequences By Ricky The disheveled figure clung precariously to the ridge of the rooftop contemplating the balance between short term goals and long term planning. The figure was wet and muddy, with shreds pantyhose flapping from bare feet, the torn skirt flailing as the wind whipped by in it's fury. A bra showed clearly through a tear in the once white blouse and it appeared as if one breast was missing. Strands of long but badly mistreated hair dangled into the foul waters inches below the hapless sufferer. It had seemed so enticing when the fateful choice had been made. Hurricanes were nothing new for anyone who lived in the South longer than a few years. You laid in your supplies and rode them out, then started in on the repairs and coped until life returned to normal. Hell, Andrew had been a bad the he survived that. Maybe that was what contributed to the false confidence that made him stay. Or maybe it was staying alone to watch his sister's place while the rest of the family headed for safety. Alone with her clothes and no one to see him wearing them. William had planned carefully, laying in stocks of rice and beans (after all, this was New Orleans), canned goods, plenty of bottled water, tanks of propane and camping gear for cooking and light when the power failed. The contents of the freezer left with the family as did the computer, vital paperwork and the photo albums. Think ahead for the long term - there was plenty warning to choose what to take and what to leave. There were tears in his wife's eye when she left with their kids and his sister Sharon, but his wife knew him well enough to realize once he had made up his mind it didn't change. Seconds after closing the door he was in the bedroom stripping off his clothes. No need to shave, he'd done his legs last night in preparation and it was only a couple of hours since he had shaved his face. The third drawer he opened proved to hold her bras. It also held a white piece of paper which he unfolded. Enjoy yourself, baby brother. Just make sure they're washed when I get back. There a few clip on earrings in the jewelry case in your room. If you take any pictures save some for me! Yeah, she remembered those days of dress-up when they were kids. Well, more than kids. Mom would have had a fit if she knew but she never found out. God, it felt good to dress up after so long. He selected a bra with blue stripes and put it on. Opening what his wife thought was his tool box, he took out a pair of breast forms and put them in. Blue panties from the second drawer down, pantyhose and shoes from the toolbox, then to the closet to decide what to wear. Skirt and blouse or dress? Not many skirts, damn modern women and their slacks. Since his lingerie was blue he chose a blue dress with a modest neckline and knee length (on him) skirt. Nice that his sisters all ran to the plus sizes, Sharon's clothes fit him pretty well. He put on his own makeup from the "toolbox" and fluffed the pillows on the bed. All eleven volumes of Glen Gook's "Black Company" series were stacked on the table beside it. William lay back, adjusted his skirt and picked up the first book to while away the time until the hurricane arrived. The first few days were unalloyed bliss, the weather was ironically beautiful and he even ate supper on the back porch since all of the neighbors had gone away. Even when the wind picked up and the rain started it felt cozy to be curled up in bed in a nightgown as the weather worsened. The next morning he showered and shaved (at least the water was still flowing) and met the dismal day dressed in a crinkly red skirt and white blouse. Then it got scary as the winds tore at the house and the rain beat a never ending tattoo on the roof. Water leaked in from around the windows, then the power went off. Even though it was theoretically daylight, he lit the gas lantern and tried to concentrate on his book. It didn't work. The house was shuddering and the scream of the wind was deafening. Even cooking his dinner failed to distract him from the hurricane as things that should have been securely attached to the ground flew by the window. He began to doubt if being able to dress up was worth the terror of waiting for the roof to blow off the house. The fabric of a bra makes a damn poor shield from the elements. When the window blew out in the spare room he knew he had made a mistake. Wearing a skirt didn't help when trying to nail a blanket over the hole while avoiding the shards of glass as he slipped on the wet floor. He needed three hands to hold the thing in place and hammer in the nail with the unbelievable wind trying to force it's way in. At last the hole was covered with several layers of blankets billowing like sails in the wind, but he was soaked to the skin. He had never realized how uncomfortable a clammy bra could be. That's when William discovered the water no longer came out of the tap, so he rinsed the salty water off his body with some of the stored water and found some dry clothes. He almost put on his own clothes but what male clothing he had brought with him was in the suitcase under the missing window; no choice but to wear Sharon's clothes. Situations like this sounded a lot better when you were reading a story. When you have no choice it isn't fun at all. It took a while to realize that the fury of the storm was dying, but after several hours he could actually hear the difference. He was just starting to congratulate himself when he noticed the water coming in under the front door. Not good, that. The weather seal must have given out. Amazing how you can deny the obvious until it rises over your ankles ? the weather seal was fine, it was the levee that had given out but it wasn't until the water was several inches high in the living room that he started to worry. He spent some time sloshing around lifting some things up on shelves to protect them, but it didn't help. When the water was about two feet deep he opened the hatch to the crawlspace above the ceiling and moved some canned goods and water up there along with the gas stove and lamp. At three feet deep it was too late to find the air mattress - it was under water in the garage. The crawlspace was damned uncomfortable and the rough lumber put runs in his stockings almost instantly. As the water rose he berated himself for being so stupid to brave a hurricane for the sake of dressing up. What good was being a nicely dressed body floating on the water? When the water reached the floor of the crawlspace he managed to break out the vent and crawl out on the roof. One breast form came loose as he squeezed through the hole and disappeared into the flood but he barely noticed in his panic. And so we find our hero clinging to the roof in the rain and wind hoping desperately for someone to rescue him and not caring one bit how he was dressed. Eventually his fear receded and William began to notice the junk floating around him. A kitchen door, pieces of roof, trees, toys, furniture, junk of every description. Whenever his hand slid into the pool it wasn't long until something brushed against it. Some of the things were less than appealing and he didn't want to know what they were, but in his exhaustion his hands inevitably drooped until they hit the water again. It was getting light again when he felt something cold an metallic strike the back of his hand. He reflexively pulled away from the object but it was only an old fashioned lamp, not something disgusting. Without thinking he caught the handle and examined it. It was a typical Arabic oil lamp with a sinuously curved spout and round top, right out of some tale of the Arabian Nights. Now how the devil did it end up in the flood of New Orleans? He couldn't help himself, he gave it a rub ? maybe the genie of the lamp would come to his rescue. He had to be pretty far gone to be thinking something as crazy as that! He nearly lost his tenuous hold on the roof when an iridescent cloud started to pour from the spout. In the wan light of the almost sunrise the vapor took the form of the classical Genie of the Lamp, complete with brocaded vest, turban and scimitar at his hip. The apparition examined him with a look that would have melted solid steel. "Oh might Allah, why do you do this to me? Have you not anything better to do in your wisdom but to send my home into the hands of every crossdresser on this benighted planet?" In his shock William did lose his hold and slipped into the dirty water with barely an attempt to regain his balance. With a look of complete disgust the Genie extended a well muscled hand and took hold of the waistband of his skirt and pulled William back onto the rooftop, looking for all the world like a someone forced to fish in a stinking dumpster for some object inadvertently discarded but too valuable to leave to fate with the melon rinds and coffee grounds it accompanied. "All right, let's get this over with, shall we?" muttered the disgusted Genie. "Do I refer to you as Master or Mistress? Even though Allah in his wisdom has taught us that men such as you are anathema to him the lamp constrains me to grant your wish and treat you with the respect due to the Master of the Lamp. I suppose you want me to turn you into a female, make you rich and get you out of this situation, right?" "Huh?" "Maybe the Jews had it right when they said 'Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless'." complained the Genie. Why couldn't that asshole Ashraf have been the one you found? He deserves all the extra effort it will take to discharge his duties to the Lamp. Oh well, best to humor this repulsive creature and get it over with. "Calm yourself, Mistress. I will not make you choose until you have recovered from your ordeal enough to make a reasoned choice. You need not fear trickery on my part, you humans are perfectly capable of deceiving yourselves without my aid." The Genie muttered something and made a couple of passes with his bulging arms and a calm settled around the rooftop for a distance of a hundred feet or so. The temperature and humidity so typical of New Orleans dropped rapidly until the weather was quite comfortable inside the dome of tranquility. Another wave of his arms and a raft appeared with a comfortable chair and a table set with a small meal. William lost his hold on the lamp but it simply floated over and settled on a small stand next to the table. Cautiously William let himself down on to the raft, which had a fine Persian carpet spread on it. The raft was perfectly (magically?) stable when he put his weight on it so he carefully commanded his long unused muscles to move his body to the chair before him. When he was seated he picked up the glass before him and drank ? fresh orange juice as sweet as the nectar of the Gods after more than a day without water. Wait, could one use an allusion to the Roman Gods when dealing with a Genie? An interesting question, but not important enough when compared to the sweet roll on the plate before him. The tension left his body as he consumed the small meal, until at last he was able to pay attention to his companion. The Genie had remained standing at attention throughout the meal. "Couldn't you conjure yourself a chair or something? You look awfully uncomfortable standing there like that." "Is that your wish, Mistress?" replied the Genie. "I thought you weren't going to try to trick me. I'm not that dull even if I feel like Hell." "One must try, Mistress, it's part of the enchantment. While I may suggest a course of action to you I cannot tell a lie or deceive you. It is up to you to make your choices and consider if my advice and council are worth heeding." "Ain't that he truth! Do you have a name, Genie?" "I do Mistress." "So all right, will you tell me what it is?" "I would, Mistress." "Well?" "Well what, Mistress?" "So tell me your name already." "It is Jawad, Mistress." "So that's the game, eh Jawad? I have to be very specific in my phrasing if I want an clear answer." "That is correct, Mistress." "Then do whatever Genies do to make themselves comfortable, Jawad." "That is kind of you, Mistress." "Can you stop with the Mistress bit, already? We Americans don't do so well with that stuff." "Would you prefer Master? I assumed from your mode of dress you would prefer Mistress." "Mode of undress I more like it. Even the cat wouldn't drag something like me it, would it?" "There are some questions that should remain unanswered, Mistress." "They must teach you guys how to be diplomatic in Genie School. So I'm stuck with you hanging some honorific on the end of every sentence you speak to me, eh?" "That is correct, Mistress." "Whatever floats your boat, Jawad. Oh, that wasn't he best allusion to use right now, was it?" "Perhaps, Mistress. It is not for me to say." "Ah, diplomacy. In any case I thank you for your kindness for feeding me and making me comfortable. I had pretty much decided that I was going to be dead in a few more hours. Even without any wishes you have done a great deal for me and I want you to know how much I appreciate it." "Thank you, Mistress." Could this creature who did not realize how a man should comport himself actually have a sense of gratitude? It was a concept foreign to a being who had seen the worst of humanity over the centuries. Somehow the Lamp always found the stupid and greedy ones. Allah did like a good joke when they found out what they had wished for was not what they truly wanted. "Thank you, Jawad. I suppose it's time to get down to cases about this wish business. Only one, not three?" "One only, Mistress. Human greed makes all stories grow in the telling." "And you should know if anyone does. I assume there are limitations on what you can do." William shivered slightly as he asked. "Is there a problem, Mistress? You seem to be in some distress." "Well, these wet clothes are damned uncomfortable now that you have so kindly brought the temperature down to a more comfortable range. I didn't want to say anything after your kindness, Jawad." Amazing! An American who considers the welfare of others before himself. Would wonders never cease! "Perhaps I can be of service, Mistress. I would not have you distracted while we converse." Jawad formulated the spell in his mind and came to a screeching halt. He had been about to magically repair the clothing of his Mistress, but how could he provide a woman's clothes for a man? How could he have started to think of this man as 'Mistress' without sneering at the disgusting creature? Allah be merciful, why hadn't it been Ashraf who had floated by this - this person? The air around William shimmered and then cleared. "A burqa? Thank you, Jawad. I think." "You are welcome, Mistress. I hope you are more comfortable now." "Well, at least I'm no longer lopsided, I didn't know Genies did breast forms." Jawad turned red but said nothing. "I've always wis ? wondered what it was like to have real breasts, but I suppose it would be foolish to waste a wish on something so trivial." The Genie remained mute. "Where were we? Oh, yes, limitations. I suppose there are limits to what you can do. There always are, you know." "Quite true, Mistress." It really was easier to talk with this creature now he was hidden behind a decent garment, even if he was still an abomination. "As a practical matter I can change just about anything that affects a single being to make the world more to their liking. I can change memories to a limited extent and bend the so-called rules of Psychology, which aren't really rules at all. I can not change what you Westerners call the Laws of the Universe; gravity, Physics, Quantum theory, Evolution ? such things are Allah's province alone. I can but change the distribution of what already exists in this world." "Fair enough. Are you free to tell me of what others have wished for and what happened to them as a result?" "I am afraid not, Mistress. In your vernacular, the privacy of my clients is of the utmost value." "And the screwups that they made are too, I bet." "I think you have a good grasp of the situation, Mistress." "Can you discuss your general philosophy of what is permissible under your constraints?" "So long as I do not touch on specific cases, Mistress." "Jawad, you wouldn't happen to be in line for the Supreme Court, would you?" "There are several parallels in the two situations, Mistress. You might say I am required to be a strict constructionist by the nature of my very being and I have what you would call a Conservative nature." "I suppose you are less than enthusiastic about me being a crossdresser." "You present me with a dilemma, Mistress. I would not offend the Mistress to whom I am indentured with my personal opinions. I would remain silent on the issue so long as you do not command my personal opinion, Mistress." "I see. I have no wish to cause you discomfort, Jawad. It's pretty hard to offend me, I've heard just about every insult you could think of over the years. Crossdressers seem to attract them." "And I seem to attract crossdressers, Mistress." "Come again?" In the recent past I have found myself with a great number of crossdressers as Mistresses. The stories I could tell..." "Don't bother. I've read them on Fictionmania." "Indeed. These insults do not bother you, Mistress?" "Of course it bothers me, but I don't let it control me or influence my actions to any great extent. I enjoy dressing like a woman and if others don't like it then they will have to deal with it." "How very American, Mistress." "I suspect you're right, Jawad. If the stories are true you must have been around for thousands of years, we upstart Yankees have changed the world quite a bit in the last couple of hundred years, haven't we?" "That is quite true, Mistress. It is sometimes incredibly hard to reconcile the wisdom of the ages with modern attitudes, Mistress." "I suspect that has been true for as long as you've been around, Jawad." "Not to the extent it is at the present time, Mistress." "Well, you should know. So, good Genie, if I were to ask you to make me a beautiful woman would you be able to do it?" "That would be possible, Mistress." "Do I detect a bit of reluctance in your voice, Jawad?" "I fear you do, Mistress." "Would you please explain? I want to use this unexpected gift wisely." "I have seen much grief over the centuries when my Masters choose to make such significant changes in their lives. I fear that most people simply do not understand the nature of the changes they desire, Mistress." "We call it the Law of Unintended Consequences, Jawad" "That is a very descriptive phrase, Mistress." "So what would be the unintended consequences of such a change?" "Were you to simply become female, those around you would be most distressed. In a society such as yours there are innumerable places where your identity is recorded, it would be a considerable task to correct them, Mistress. It is possible to add many clauses to your wish in an attempt to mitigate such problems, but I have never observed a human being who could think of all the details necessary, Mistress." "Sounds like I'd need a battery of lawyers to handle the details. I presume there would be personal consequences as well?" "That is correct, Mistress. Your scientists have been trying for more than a century to understand what goes on in the human mind. I do not think they have succeeded, as evidenced by the plethora of contradictory advice available in your bookstores an on your television. Your people have a saying ? a permanent solution to a temporary problem." "I see. In any case, Jawad, I am perfectly happy to be a man and have no desire to become a woman permanently." The Genie appeared to be startled. "You don't, Mistress. Then why..." He cut off the question, realizing that it was not his place to question his Mistress in such a manner. "I'm strictly a crossdresser, Jawad. Don't worry about being confused, just about everyone else is. Just take it from me that I enjoy wearing women's clothes but that's as far as it goes. I have a wife who likes me as I am and I wouldn't change that for the world." "Very curious, Mistress." "So it is, Jawad, so it is. Am I to take it that the Law of Untended Consequences will come into play for just about any wish that selfishly benefits me without considering those around me?" "Mistress, I begin to believe you have far more wisdom than I have encountered in many ages." "Now hold on, Jawad. You're talking to the idiot who stayed for a category 5 hurricane just so he could wear a bra for a few days. That's a pretty strange idea of wisdom. Before you came along I was reflecting on the folly of letting short term pleasure lead to long term agony." "Which is an integral part of wisdom, Mistress. One does not approach perfect understanding without making mistakes. My people have a saying ? 'Ask the experienced rather than the learned'." "Well, I have a lot of experience at being stupid, I guess. What's going on in the rest of the world, Jawad? Once you are done with me will I be rescued?" "Ah, again my people have a saying ?'Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles'. Your society has broken down and is in shambles. The levees that your government neglected have failed and the city is under water. The government is paralyzed by incompetence and the people who normally respond to such emergencies are overwhelmed by the immensity of the disaster. Many are dead and many more will suffer terribly from both the fury of nature and the neglect of Man." "I couldn't use my wish to change the past and send Katrina somewhere else?" "A noble sentiment, Mistress, but alas I can not change the Laws of Nature. The storm formed as a result of the simple laws of Physics and can not be undone." "It's never that easy, is it?" "You speak a great truth, Mistress." The Genie's resonant voice seemed to reverberate in the air. "In that case, Jawad, I have formulated my wish taking in account your advice and council. I wish that from this moment forward those who have power over the lives of other people would consider the needs and well being of those in their care when exercising their power." "It shall be so, Mistress!" As the Genie slowly faded into a cloud of vapor William felt his bra shift slightly became aware of his nipples as they settled into the cup of his bra. His hands rose unconsciously to his new breasts in wonder. Faintly he heard Jawad's voice in the distance. "As my people say, Mistress, 'The mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing'. They will be yours when you wish and will fade when you no longer need them. May you find as much happiness in this world as you have given to others." Could it be that the Law of Unintended Consequences applied to selfless actions as well as those taken in cupidity?

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Will and Romeo have noticed that all their stuff keeps disappearing out of nowhere! They have no idea who could be the culprit, so they decided to set a trap. They placed a pair of sunglasses under quite the cartoon like contraption. They pretended to leave the house then snuck in through the back to keep their eyes on the trap. Little Elle Voneva from across the way wandered inside to start looting. She noticed the shiny sunglasses right away and went in for the swipe. Just as she grabbed...

4 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 25 Undressing Brandi

As Keith mulled over this problem he found himself relishing that wonderful moment when everyone had gotten naked together in those little groups just a few days ago. He had found himself surrounded by five lovely girls all of whom were just so keen for him to slowly strip them of all their clothes in as sexually a provocative manner as possible. The first thing Keith found himself doing, and to Portia’s great surprise, was to plunge his hand down under her short skirt and into her panties....

3 years ago
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Cruel Delilah

Delilah selected the posh downtown Hollywood hotel for a reason. It had a great location, a great suite with a view, and the lobby held a certain flair that appealed to her. She envisioned bringing many men there at one time in her life – but this time, it was really much more simple. There was one thing she wanted to do, and her slaveboy (well, man, really) was going to assist her with it.This man – Brad – was a simple man, really. He was pleasant, classy, charming. He had traditional...

2 years ago
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Teenage Cum Slut

"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit it in my tiny little pussy." Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He always took me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, and even when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping, especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gear and would sit there patiently while I tried on everything in sight and never once complained about how long it took. He even took me lingerie shopping, even though he...

4 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 2

We knew, of course, that alien creatures were going to land on our planet. Almost all 50,000 of our people knew it and they were not concerned. Meriah, our matriarch and leader of our citizens' council, knew it too; she decided that, since they were here as a result of a collision in space and there were so few of them, we could let them land in peace. We could always kill them later if that became necessary. The creatures called themselves 'human' and they decided to land near a large...

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How to Train Your Daughter Ch 9c

This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I'd recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings (which also happens to be one of the most popular chapters), or at least read Ch. 2, which is a very short synopsis of the rules of the universe in these stories. All parts of this chapter have been completed and submitted; expect to see one section go live each day, so stay tuned. This series deals with first-time, free-use, age difference, light...

1 year ago
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Love and Pleasure Part 1

Her alarm clock blared. She reached one arm out in search of the snooze button, but ultimately she was unsuccessful. Amara sat up in bed and covered her mouth as she yawned, and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the mild sunlight shining in through the window. She had turned off the alarm and pulled the sheets off of her, as she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep now that she was fully awake. She plopped back down, and lay there as already a thin layer of glistening sweat had formed on her...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Aryana Amatista Step Momma Drama

When Aryana Amatista finds a porn disc hanging around the house, she cannot wait to show her stepbrother. They watch a little bit together and she says she does not think she could handle a huge porn star sized cock. Her stepbro begs to differ. She gets him hard while he fingers her, and she can barely believe the size of his meat! Later, their stepmom comes home and lays down on the couch to rest. Aryanas stepbro starts thinking about their masturbation sesh earlier, and gets some horny ideas....

4 years ago
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The Writers Workshop Part 2

When she and her sister Trisha got back from visiting her folks, she called me that Monday night. “Hi Hank. Are we still on for Wednesday?” “Without a doubt,” I replied. “How are your parents?” “Great. It was a really nice visit. How was your weekend?” “Very relaxing. I spent my time writing and editing, and seeing what I should read to you.” “I thought you were going to read what you are currently working on.” “I thought about it and the more I thought, the more I came to the conclusion that I...

Love Stories
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His Little Virgin

He had fairly tan skin, as if he spent a lot of time out in the sun. Auburn hair, mustache, beard...kind of dirty looking, like he didn't bathe often. Soulless brown eyes boring into hers. Middle aged, average weight. Not her type. He looked like he wanted to devour her. She had never seen him before in her life. So why was she now tied to a metal chair, naked, in what looked to be his basement? “Hi there, Nikki. You probably don't know me, do you? But I know you. I know you very, very...

2 years ago
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Sean And Sean

There were only a handful of persons at the beach, because it was too late in the year. The sun fell on the sand at the same time it did during the summer, but it was much weaker now. The sun fell on me as well but it didn't warm me at all. In fact it was a bit chilly. My name is Sean Miller and I was a loser. That's right a loser. I had not always been one, but I had become one. In fact, people used to think I was smart and good-looking. I used to have a lovely girlfriend too. But, I...

4 years ago
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Aunty ki choot mari aur gaand chat kar gaand ko choda

Hello i m kapil jain maa aab sab new romantic story likh raha hua ya kahni mara ghar ma rahai rahi ek aunty ke hai is maine aunty ko bhoot achit tarh pyaar kiya hai aunty ka naam kala hai jo 30year ke hai or thodi see moti gand or nipple bhoot mast hai. Mana jab suna ke uncle ka accident ho gaya to mana aunty ko bathya to aunty behosh ho gayi mana jaldi sa rasoi sa ak glass ma pani laker aya mana aunty ko apni baho ma lathya or aunty k panu pilya or aunty ko laker hospital la gaya jha pa uncle...

3 years ago
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Final Submission Of The Widow

Hey guys, I am back with another story. This one is about my aunt Tinu. She is a widow. She was a pretty lean girl but after marriage, she put on weight. I used to love her milky thighs. I was basically staying with her during my college days. Like the last story I told, I started fucking Shyla. Shyla told me all about my aunty. She was alone. She wanted some company that’s why she called me to stay with her. They all used to masturbate. She loved uncle so much but she was missing someone...

2 years ago
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SRU There She Is

SRU: There She Is By Heather St. Claire January 14, 2012, Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, the 91st Miss America Pageant Cheryl Whalen thought if her heart was to beat any harder, it would explode right out of her chest. The 20-year-old Miss Washington wished that her body-hugging, floor length silver evening gown was just a shade looser so it wouldn't be quite so hard to breathe; but then she realized that it was nerves, pure and simple, that were the cause of...

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A Slut for Young Cocks

A Slut for Young Cocks My name is Melanie and I am a forty two year old woman. I am five foot ten and have blonde hair with a few brown streaks, blue eyes and I have a slim, voluptuous body. I have been told that I am sexy and gorgeous and that heads turn when I walk into a room. I have a DD breast size, even though I am slim, which probably accounts for all the head turning. I probably could have any bloke I want, but they don’t interest me. Blokes of my age or older seem to tend more towards...

4 years ago
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Customer Ki Daughter Ko Jum Kr Choda

Dear friends, hi to all of reader this is my first post, this is real incidence real story , hope u guys will like. My name is Ali khan age is 26 and this story is about my sexual affair with my customer daughter. Mera aik general store hai main karachi pakistan ka rhne wala ho. ye baat pichle saal ki hai jbb main 25 saal ka tha aur mere bhai ki tabiyat kharab thi to pora din shop per main he baitha krta tha aur hmara ye business pichle 10 years se hai. Mere aik customer thi jin ka naam hai...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 27

It hurt to think and it hurt not to think. The truth of the matter, or what truth I could imagine, was that the thing with the truck was way too convenient to be a coincidence. It was just a short time ago that I was tooling down I-44, in perfect health but barely alive, in a piece of crap car, living a crappy life. Somehow the hand of fate dropped the ball and when a truck came along to end my miserable existence, my soul ended up in a fourteen year old kid's body, instead of the...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Hotwife Pt5

A couple of weeks later, I woke on Monday morning to find Dave gone. When I went through to the kitchen, he was sitting and reading his iPad at the island. He had a very mischievous grin. When I asked what he was up to, he just told me I’d find out soon enough.I turned, saying I needed a shower.When I returned, I saw Dave fully dressed and ready for work, walking out of the door with a bin bag. I thought nothing of it assuming he was putting out some rubbish. However, I was soon to find out how...

Wife Lovers
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Georgia goes to University Part 005

by Vanessa Evans Part 05 – We order Riley her new wardrobe. Wednesday saw me wake up at about 9 a.m. and the first thing that I did was to open my laptop to see if there were any new files archived from my Wi-Fi camera. Imagine my surprise when I saw 5 new files. Okay, the first one was Riley setting up the camera between her knees, and the last one was her waking up but the other 3 were all about the same file size and when I viewed each of them the contents was just about the...

3 years ago
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My Wonderful Aunt2

It was a chilly day in October, which was unusal for Florida weather. I just got home from school and no one was home, so in reponse I did what I usually did: go into my Aunt B_____'s room and steal her panties. I guess you could say I had an infatuation with my aunt, and it was well deserved too. She was in her very late 30s, with a nice body too. She had a fairly large ass, not to big but not that small. She had a nice 30b cup bra size. And a nice face, rosy red lips, high cheeck bones and...

4 years ago
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My Wife And I Made Slave Of My Colleague 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, thank you for all your valuable comments on Part 1. Don’t worry, we will train this bitch together. This part depicts the celebration sex between Vidya and Sujith. Back to the story: Vidya reached her home with pride. Sujith welcomed her with a wide smile and a french kiss. Sujith: Mistress, I am all yours today. Vidya: There is only one way of repayment for this baby. That bitch should lick my toes and worship us forever and you need to train her for that to happen. Sujith became a...

1 year ago
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Difficult choice Part 2

Maggie Chung was carried up the stairs naked in the arms of the mercenary commander, Rex Schmidt, after stripping for his men. The Hongkong actress had agreed to submit to a gang bang in return for the soldiers getting her out of the country and providing protection from the maurauding local troops celebrating their victory in s coup with widespread raping. She was with her three-old son Tommy, a maid, s photographer and her agent, Ben. The safety of her boy had been the deciding factor in...

Group Sex
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A New Taste Part 14 The Hung Man

Nick messaged me.‘I have been chatting to someone who is looking for a discreet cocksucker like you. Are you interested?’‘I’m not sure.’ I replied. 'I am content with my current responsibilities. ;).’‘I am only asking because I feel it is only fair to you. I don’t really want to share your mouth with other guys to be honest but I know what you like and I am pretty sure you will like what this guy is offering. Trust me’I was intrigued.‘Tell me more!’ I asked.‘He is married. Doesn’t want anyone...

4 years ago
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Dream StateChapter 19

Back at the shack, life settled into a comfortable routine. The girls and I took turns being the "cook of the day," and I got to sample some pretty nice cooking. Mary's mother was Italian, and she made good pasta dishes. Debbie and I were both "meat and potatoes" kind of people, and Aimee made the most amazing dishes with vegetables and fruits that I would never have considered potential meal material. We occasionally noticed Patricia in town, the person Mary had identified as being the...

4 years ago
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My Affair with a HmongHmoob coworker

To get the full story, please go read "Married Hmong affair - Part 1" She said don't quit if you quit, make sure u tell me or else I will MISS you a lot...then I said really? LOL!! then she replied "oh yeah!" and LOL! Then I said to her, "i can get your phone#?" she said, "i will think about it." Then she walked back to her desk. I have thought about it over night and I felt scare to myself. I could get into trouble if she tells anyone like her husband, friends or our manager at work.On...

3 years ago
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Attraction Towards Didi

Hi friends I’m big fan of ISS, Special Incest, Where brothers makes love with their hot sister. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall, well built, I’m attracted towards my sister anjali. She is dam hot and sexy women in age of 31, she is bold women, very friendly in nature, she mostly wear western outfits. she is 5.7, toned body her figure is 36 -30 -38, fair skin. She putted mass after her giving birth to a cute baby, but still she maintained to look sexy by regularly going to the gym. She is sex...

2 years ago
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Bringing Work Home

I put my key in the front door of the house I share with my husband, Rick and call out, “Hey, honey,” as I push it open. My co-worker Helen (I am her boss) follows me as I walk down the hall into the large kitchen diner where Rick is standing behind the counter, looking at the mail.He looks up and smiles at me; his expression changes to surprise when he sees Helen behind me. I walk behind the counter next to him and kiss him on the lips.“Me and Helen need to work on a presentation for tomorrow,...

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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...

2 years ago
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HijabHookup Tokyo Lynn More Nut November

As is the tradition of November, Tokyo Lynn enforces No Nut November on Tommy Wood, who outright objects to the made-up holiday. Unable to even fathom the idea of abstaining for an entire month, Tommy sneaks to the bathroom for some “private time,” but Tokyo walks in to stop him. She then cruelly edges him to the limit, but before he can bust his load, she stops and walks away. Shortly after, Tommy finds Tokyo also breaking the rules of No Nut November and can no longer contain himself....

1 year ago
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ImageFap Granny

If teens are Loved for their innocence and pristine bodies, and MILFs are loved for their experience and cocksmithing, then grannies are loved for their intense desire. Old bitches aren’t like old dudes. You see, an old man’s cock stops working one day. All the essence is removed and what’s left is a shell of its former self. The skin sags, the tip frowns, and the foreskin regrows. Even if it did still get hard, who the fuck would want to sit on a cock that looks like count Dooku?An old bitch’s...

Granny Porn Sites
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I Guess I had it Coming

For quite some time.I have wanted to see my wife by another guy. Maybe it´s because I am the only guy she has ever been with and my cock is definitly on the smaller side. Or perhaps I would just like to see someone use her and fuck the shit out of her in was I have never been able to. With a four inch cock, there were many positions not possible. I known she has a submissive side but have neverreally been able to exploit it other than some of the milder stuff-this didn´t involve romance. I had...

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Incest Games Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Travis was up early, unable to sleep. He spent a long time in the shower, enjoying the hot water, soaping himself thoroughly. When he was dry, he inspected his face in the mirror, thinking that perhaps he had grown more beard overnight. He sure felt a lot older. Standing before the sink he thought about what he had done the night before, and felt tingly all over. It hadn't been another wet dream; he had really, actually,...

2 years ago
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Taylor ConChapter 3

It was 10 AM when Fred led the small band out of the front of the hotel on their march towards the convention. He wore jeans, a Roger Waters 'The Wall' tour shirt, and his favorite Buffalo Sabres hat. The last might not be advisable in Philly, but fuck Philly fans. Taylor wore a light red sundress that showed off her white limbs, while Anita wore a Devil's Panties black baby doll t-shirt and jean shorts that curved and swayed in ways that would make every hetero male and homo female take...

4 years ago
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12 October 2008Chapter 5

Wendy and Karen were greeted by the hungry eyes of almost every man in the hockey arena. Wendy’s stomach was very pronounced carrying their twins, yet she still felt very sexy in her short, low cut dress. Today’s game had Kingston Frontenacs as the visitors. Scott, Vicky, Abby, and Brenda watched Peter with love and pride. Abby was again greeted with appreciative applause for her low cut top and short skirt as she sang the national anthem. Derek and Diane sat in the upper bowl to watch the...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 11

~~Julias~~ A sleeping Kindred is not really sleeping. Instead, they are nearly in torpor, an undead coma. When the sun disappears, they wake in an almost jarring pulse of energy from their dead body jamming vitae through their limbs. Older Kindred, like Julias, had long learned to rise with awareness and efficiency. Younger Kindred like Beatrice rose with a startle, as if someone had injected adrenaline straight into their heart. They had fallen asleep together on his couch when dawn...

3 years ago
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My Fall Into Submission

I will admit, I would never have dreamed of going that far even a few months ago. Last holiday season, I found a card in my husband’s pants pocket while sorting laundry for a massage and personal trainer. I never thought anything of it, since he leaves a card a week in his clothes. The last few months have opened my eyes to the fact that I still have desires that need to be fulfilled.The other nurses, and our only female doctor, all convinced me, and each other, that after patience’s were out...

4 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 70

“All existence is in vain: unexplained and sterile. I’ll end up alone with all my doubts that will haunt me forever, even after my death...” —E.C. Lemus, The Master of the Realities I’VE ALWAYS HAD TROUBLE being the center of attention at a party. It’s exhausting, like I should be entertaining everyone. This was my birthday party with my six girlfriends. And I felt like I should be the one making sure each of them had a good time. I wasn’t too worried about Rachel and Livy. Livy didn’t...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 93

On the flight home from Dallas Laura was so exhausted that all she wanted to do was sleep, but she was too wired. The flight was only half full, and her seat was in the rear where the flight attendants idled between tasks. As a consequence, she got into a conversation with a beautiful black stewardess named Lorrie, who had a very friendly, artless personality, and was candy for the eyes. Ordinarily she was just the kind of girl Laura would die to get into bed, but even though Laura felt...

2 years ago
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Brian and Aunt Em and the family

Chapter 5 When Sylvia turned 17 he decided that she was now old enough was ready to feed him. He seduced her and she fell pregnant. While all this was happening, Brian’s eldest son, Garth had already been sexually active outside the home, felt that if his Dad was getting his rocks off with the ladies in the family, he was entitled to as well. He chose his step-sister Marie, Rachael’s daughter, who was 17 by that time. Marie had light brown hair, big blue eyes and a curvy but not fat figure....


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