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Blitz by Shannonq Synopsis--It is the beginning of World War 2. The Nazis are advancing toward Dunkirk. A mass evacuation is taking place to bring the British troops across the channel. While this happening another evacuation is taking place. Children are being sent north to escape the upcoming bombings upon the major cities of the British Empire. One boy is put on the wrong train by his famous mother and sent to Wales designated for girls only. What will his or her destiny be? Rated X Prologue As soon as Norway fell to the German war machine, it waited only a few weeks to invade France and the low countries. Neville Chamberlain was ousted from Parliament by both parties. Labour and his own Conservative wing. The King wanted Lord Halifax to takeover as Prime Minister, but the House of Commons rejected this. Nancy Astor who detested Churchill, loved her country and told the King that no one could lead the Empire in a war except Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. The King reluctantly called for Churchill to form a new cabinet. Just as the new Prime Minister took office, the nazis struck. First Luxumbourg, then Holland fell. Belgium's resistance was futile while the French and British Expeditionary Forces rushed north to stop the German war machine. This is exactly what Germany expected. Out of the Ardennes Forest poured 50 divisions of German Panzers and infantry. France with its smaller number of troops were overwhelmed and the road to Paris was open. The French were caught flat footed unable to turn to save their city. Defeatism was in the French Army. The Maginot Line that was so expensive to build couldn't help the ferocious attacks by the Germans. The French and British suffered many casualties while the Germans had very little. Back in the north, the German Panzers surrounded the British and part of the French armies at Dunkirk. Churchill ordered an evacuation calling on HM Navy plus anything that could cross the English Channel to get the troops onto ships, boats, yachts, schooner's, even small engine craft. It was very successful and over 300,000 men lived to fight for another day. Meanwhile, Paris fell without a shot. The German troops marched in order as Frenchman who had fought them so bravely in the First World War could only watch in tears as the enemy occupied the City of Lights. Hitler was on hand to witness the signing of surrender to the Nazis from the same railcar that Germany signed their surrender 22 years earlier. Churchill stood before Parliament and said, "The Battle for France is over. The Battle for Britain has just begun. I can only offer you blood, toil, tears and sweat. But we will beat the Nazis and rid them of this earth." So this is the Battle for Britain. One Twelve year old Ian Frost was hustled by his famous mother to the waiting train. There were several announcements regarding the evacuation of all children while the adults stayed back to help with the war effort. Women were to work in munitions factories, build planes, tanks, and all kinds of materials for the war. Most were happy that their young would be safe in the northern regions. Scotland and Wales. There were multiple mistakes made due to the rush to get the children out of harm's way. Miriam Frost put her son on the train, the wrong train, kissed and hugged him before letting him go. The youth felt his heart wrenching as he watched the tears forming in his mother's eyes. No sooner than young Ian was aboard, the train started inching out of the station. Britain was preparing for the inevitable invasion of their land. Miriam raced for another train. Only this was incoming from Manchester where many of the military men were disembarking after their narrow escape from Dunkirk. She drew many stares as the train slowly entered the station. She was Miriam Frost, one of Britain's most famous movies stars. She was a tall blonde who had earlier read for the part of Scarlett O'Hara in the film Gone With The Wind. She lost out to fellow countryman Vivian Leigh but that setback meant little to her as she starred in two British dramas and was currently on stage at the Palladium, one of London's most popular theatres. Miriam smiled and signed autographs awaiting her lover, Captain Gregory Mills. He had fathered Ian and the son was born out of wedlock. This was kept secret by Pinewood Studios as they were very protective of their stars. Miriam also had an affair with Laurance Olivier when she was an extra in the film As You Like It. But their affair was short lived and Miriam returned to her former lover, Captain Mills. It seemed forever as she chatted pleasantly and signed autographs at the growing crowd about her. She loved the attention she was receiving. Miriam Frost was a tall, slim, blonde with long hair she now had swept up over her neck. The fancy hat made her look even more glamorous. While talking to her fans, she craned her neck to see those leaving the train. Finally she spotted him. "Please excuse me," Miriam said as politely as possible. "A very dear friend just arrived from Dunkirk and I'm here to meet him and take him to his family." The persons around her smiled and gave her nods, good wishes, and understanding. As they watch one of their film idols race toward her lover. They embraced but only pecked each other on the cheek as if they were only friends. "Hello darling," she grabbed his muscular arm. "I missed you and was frightened for you. I couldn't sleep at all for weeks thinking the worst might happen to you." "Well I'm home now," he smiled down at her. Although she was five foot nine inches. Even in her high heels she had to look up into the blue eyes of her lover. He stood six foot four inches tall. "Where's little Ian." "I had to send him away," her eyes moistened once again as she tried smiling at her fans. "The Prime Minister ordered an evacuation of all children. Well, mostly all. Ian is on his way north to Scotland and will be gone until this horrible Hitler's war ends." "That's going to be a while, darling," he said angrily that he could not see his son. He loved the boy as much as he loved Ian's mother. "They kicked the shit out of us in France. It's going to a long time before Germany loses, or at least neutralized. This one war I believe they are going to win. Mr. Chamberlain should have listened to people in the know about these things. He was like an ostrich with its head in the sand hoping that Hitler would magically go away." "I've instructed our boy to write me as soon as he gets settled in Scotland. Our military experts feel they don't have the range to fly all the way there and back." "Are you hungry?" Gregory asked her. "Famished but not for food," she dared to glide her hand lightly over his penis. The smile on her face told it all. She wanted him badly. They finally cleared out of the station and managed to grab a taxi to her luxurious apartment in North London. The driver was ecstatic that the beautiful actress Miriam Frost was in his vehicle. He didn't recognize the man who was with her. They stopped briefly at Captain Mills' headquarters for orders. He was granted a week's leave to rest and recuperate from his frightening ordeal in France then ordered back for further orders. "Now about Ian," Miriam said as he returned to the cab. "I put him on the train to south Scotland and he should be fine. I gave him 25 pounds so he can treat himself to some sweets on the train. He was very sad to leave but I told him to keep a stiff upper lip and do as he is told." "Bloody hell, I still wish I could've seen the little guy," Gregory stated. "The train left as soon as it was loaded with the children. Yours came in an hour later. I know you wanted to visit him for a bit but there was nothing I could do about it." "I know, I know," Gregory sighed, missing the boy. It took them an hour to finally reach their destination. After paying the fare and giving the cabbie a generous tip, they walked upstairs to Miriam's large, well furnished flat. They took their time as they met a few neighbors and greeted them politely. As soon as they closed the door, Miriam threw herself into her lover's arms. They kissed passionately as she undid the belt and zipper to his uniform pants. In seconds, she was on her knees taking his engorged cock into her mouth sucking it furiously. Gregory leaned against the wall holding her head gently as she took care of matters. It was what he dreamt of all those days in battle as the Germans pushed back the combined British and French armies with ease. At times he never thought he would enjoy this again. She was so exhuberant in giving that lovingly beautiful penis in her mouth as much energy as she could. She felt him harden even more and it grew hotter then he shot his cum into her waiting orifice and moaned as she swallowed every bit then licked him clean. Gregory and Miriam were naked and in bed almost instantly. He knelt on the floor by the bed, put her legs about his shoulders and started licking her pussy. Miriam gave out a yelp of pleasure as his tongue found her clit. She drew him closer, tightening her legs about his head. Only a small side opening of his mouth gave him enough breath to continue his assault on her vagina. Miriam twisted from side to side trying to restrain a scream that would certainly be heard throughout the entire building. Gregory's nose was buried in the thick pale hair of her pubis region. The smell of her sex intoxicated him. Gone for the moment was the war, the battle he fought in, the strenuous stress he felt on the small boat ferrying him across the channel. He could only inhale the erotic odor of her seeping wetness. Miriam now had her lover by the ears as she almost laughed at a joke she recently heard. 'How does a woman hold her liquor? By his ears.' Only liquor was replaced by licker. Yes, her licker. Her love, her passion building up as she felt that small electric conduit grow from a tiny spark in her to a blazing inferno of passion. She bit into a pillow to keep from yelling as loud as she could when she sprayed his face with her cum. Before she could come down from that wonderful high, Gregory was between her legs with his long hard cock entering her pussy. Automatically Miriam wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs as he penetrated her deeply. She compared this to that of her other lover, Laurance. But there was no comparison. Gregory had it all over him. She grunted as he went deeper and deeper up her vagina until she felt so many wonderful things happening to her. The high that she had been on only enhanced it more as his prick hit it's mark. Her gspot. Only she didn't know what a gspot was. She threw a pillow over her face and screamed as multiple intense orgasms raced through every cell in her body. The climax of his cumming into her was anti- climatic. She had reached her highest level of orgasm only moments before. They lay there in their sweated bodies breathing heavily after a wonderfully wild time. Both shared one cigarette afterwards. Neither were heavy smokers but after this, they had to do something before getting ready again. Four hours and several trysts later, Miriam filled the tub with hot water and climbed in sitting with her back against Gregory's hairy chest. Both just soaked in the perfumed water she had arranged. He play with the nipples of her ample breasts. They were pink with a darker color of her aureolas. She was all fucked out for the moment and just let him play with them. Only a slight spark was there but not enough to get her going again. "Where do you want to go for dinner?" he asked. "There's quaint pub around the corner that has great food," she replied. "Bailey's?" "Yes, Bailey's. Oh, you've been there before. How foolish of me." "You're not thinking straight, my love," he tweaked one nipple. "All this fucking around we had this afternoon has gone to your head." "Yes it has and we're not finished yet," she smirked. "After we get something to eat and a few drinks in us, I'll be ready for round two." "And I'll be ready, too," Gregory put his arms about her tiny waist. *** The mood between the children were mixed as Ian found a seat by the window. In a matter of seconds five girls came pouring in. This was an adventure for them. The girls opened the windows to watch the passing of all the buildings as the train speeded up. Only Ian seemed to feel like the weight of the world was on his tiny shoulders. The girls chattered away happily as they introduced each other. "My name is Ian," the boy said when it was his turn. "Ian's a boys name," Muriel stated as her eyes widened. The boy had longer than average hair but he had on the shorts that only young males wore. "I am a boy," Ian said defiantly. "A BOY!" Carol, a pretty blonde of eleven hurriedly sat at his side and looped her arm in his. "He's mine," she declared. "And I'm not sharing him." "You're on the wrong train," Patricia, a redhead, informed him. "This train is going to northern Wales. The boys train is headed for Scotland." "Then I'd better tell the conductor that my mother put me on the wrong train," he started to stand up but was restrained from the cute blonde girl. "This is only going to stop at certain places," she smiled. "You're my boyfriend now. I never had a boyfriend before and you're a cute one." "I don't want a girl friend," the boy stated. "I have to tell the conductor." "You've got one now," she kissed him on his soft cheek. "I'm going to marry you." The other girls laughed and mocked her. "You have five girl friends now," Patricia announced. "I called him first," Carol said smugly, tightening her hold on his arm. "You're mine, aren't you? After all, you need someone to protect you from the others and that's me." "I don't know," Ian's face grew beet red. The only female he ever loved was his mother. He didn't want to tell them that she was a beautiful famous movie star. He had been laughed at in school and he didn't want to endure that now. "Well, I'll make up your mind for you." Carol finalized it all. The other girls just sat there with the excitement of being on the train. Unlike Carol, they soon lost interest in the boy. The others became quiet as the train rolled on. Into the afternoon all had fallen asleep when the adrenaline subsided. Ian and Carol's heads rested on one another. All of them had been up before dawn to get ready for this move. She had taken his hand and interlocked her fingers with his. Ian liked the attention but his shyness would not allow him admit it. They were awakened when the train started slowing down. Ian opened his eyes to see a very large canvas tent sitting opposite of the station. Carol awoke and tightened her grip on his hand. She liked the bashfulness of this boy. He was very cute too. She loved his big doe like brown eyes. With her other hand she reached over and ran her fingers through his long soft hair. "What are you doing?" Ian asked, trying to pull away but the wall of the car prevented him from doing so. "You have such nice hair," she let her fingers run through it again. The boy had mixed feelings about this. He was too timid to protest but at the same time he liked the attention she was giving to him. The conductor appeared at the door, "Children, you will be served lunch. And then you will all be given two large paper bags. One for your supper tonight and your breakfast for tomorrow morning. Now all of you get out of your seats and walk, do not run, to the tent set up for you. Now let's act like ladies and walk out of the car, turn left then get off the train. There is plenty of food for everyone. In case you don't know, the lavatory is at the other end of the car. Once you do your business, kindly return to your seat. Let's get on with it," he signaled with his hand. They all filed out and made a beeline to the tent completely ignoring the condutor's instructions. Carol was faster and pulled Ian with her. They were given metal trays and got into line. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," Carol smiled finally letting loose of his hand. "Now remember honey, you're MY boyfriend. Not the others. I'm going to make you a good wife and love you until the day I die." "I have to tell the conductor that I'm a boy and on the wrong train." "They can't help you until we get to where we're going," Carol giggled. "Why not?" "Because silly, they're not going to turn the train around and take you back. You'll have to tell the adults supervising us when we get there," she said knowingly. Ian just shrugged his shoulders as he held out his tray for a ladle of stew. They followed the line picking out a bun, a carton of milk, some gelatin for dessert then looked for a table where both could sit together. "Don't tell anyone you're a boy," she whispered in his ear. "Why not?" "Just pretend we're girl friends. When we get where we're going, I'll think of something that will keep you there with me." "But I........." "But nothing," she interrupted him. "You will do nothing or say anything. I'm yours and you are mine. Just let me handle things from now on." Her engaging smile made him grin. The June heat made the children in the tent uncomfortable. Both Ian and Carol removed their jackets. It didn't make much of a difference. They ate quickly and put the trays near a large bucket of boiling water and left. They were given each two bags and an apple for a snack. Ian thought he could get used to this. It had been weeks since he had any fresh fruit due to some food shortages. The U-boat attacks cut back on such luxuries. However Miriam had been able to get him some oranges through her connections of being such a big star. His mother's friend was due back from France. Ian thought the man was nice because he bought him things. Now he was alone on the wrong train and only this girl as a friend. She was kind of pushy but he liked it. She showed him her friendship and although she said she was going to marry him, Ian didn't take that too seriously. After all, he was only twelve and he knew that children did not marry. Ian and Carol walked side-by-side back to the train. He told her he had to go to the loo so she stood by the door not allowing anyone to enter until he finished. Then she went in to go herself. They walked back to their car and as soon as they were back, she grabbed his hand to show the others that he belonged to her. She firmly put her body against his squashing him to the wall of the window seat. *** That night after another bout of lovemaking, Gregory proposed to Miriam. She thought for a moment then smile at him and said, "Yes." "Why did you hesitate?" he asked, handing her a glass of wine. After sipping it, she answered, "I thought about my name and if I would have to change it. When I realized I didn't, I said 'yes'," "I don't care about your name. Hell on stage or before the camera you're Miriam Frost. In this place you'll be Mrs. Mills." "Miriam Mills," she smiled. "I like the sound of it." "Get used to, darling. It'll be your last name for the rest of your life.....except in lights, of course." "One more time and let's get some sleep," Miriam suggested. "I've got your squiggly sperm crawling all over inside me. Once we are finished I'm going to have to wash out. I won't be able sleep with all those things going this way and that." "Just look what we left your clean sheets from this morning," he grabbed her. They kissed passionately. Gregory was sound asleep when Miriam joined him in the bed. He found a dry spot for himself. Oaf, she though light heartedly. Miriam spread a clean towel over all the wetness and snuggled up to him. Her last awaking thoughts were of Ian. *** That night when it was dark, Carol gave Ian a long wet kiss. It felt sloppy on his mouth. Then she interlocked her fingers with his once more and they fell asleep. Carol's head rested upon the boy's shoulder as he stayed awake long enough to consider many things. First, he was a boy heading for a camp or something else with all girls. Second, he liked Carol and the way she took over to grab him for herself. Third, was the uncertainty of his situation. Would he be shipped on another train to the boy's facilities? Carol was his first friend since his mother was overly protective of him. He liked the freedom he had so far. He knew that he would face many difficulties being in a girl's structure. Ian felt confused and uncertain regarding his immediate future. He realized that all decisions would have to be made by the adults running the institution. There was a war on and he was just a small problem in the light of things. TWO Gregory and Miriam were tired of lovemaking by the end of his leave, if that were at all possible. The man is a fucking machine, she thought, laughing to herself. She had put on her eight performances that week. Tuesday night, a matinee on Wednesday and Saturday plus shows every night thereafter. The theatre was closed on Sundays and Mondays. She still hadn't heard from her son and the actress was getting quite concerned. On Sunday, they went to the building housing evacuations and finally found a person who knew about the children's situation. "Miss Frost, did you put your son on track twenty-eight?" "Yes, I think so," she countered coldly as if the man was insulting her intelligence. "Do you have your evacuee papers with you?" "Yes, right here," she reached into her purse and pulled them out for the surly man. "You put him on the train on track twenty-six," he pointed it out to her. "What do you mean?" Captain Mills asked crossly. "I just have a hunch that Miss Frost put him on the wrong train, sir," the man said as politely as he could. He wasn't much of a movie goer so he only knew Miriam by the fact that she was in the film industry. "Let me see that," Miriam snatched the piece of paper out of his hand. "See, twenty-eight." she pointed it out to him. "I'm sorry, Miss Frost, but that is a six, not an eight." "Look at this," she shoved the paper at her companion. "He's right," Gregory stated. "It's a six. You put him on the wrong train." "Oh my," she gasped. "Do I need to get glasses?" "I'm afraid so, darling," Mills smirked. "It is easy to straighten out," the man told them. "All we have to do is check both trains and call their destination point. I'm sure there'll be no trouble at all," the man assured them. He saw the woman's eyes tear up and a droplet rolled down her cheek. "Look, check back tomorrow and I'll have an answer for you." *** The day before the children on the train arrived at their destinations, Carol learned that Ian was the son of the famous actress Miriam Frost. This excited her even more and a devious plan came into being. Ian was asleep while the girls huddled together in a scrumlike circle in rugby. There were multitudes of whispers, exchanging ideas, lots of girlish giggles and plans for Ian. The other four Murial, Patricia, Emily and Mabel drew up plans to hide Ian's true identity and give him an assumed name. It was decided that he would be Emma Parks. The Emma was easy and all agreed to the first name. It was the last name they debated. Finally they settled on Patricia's mother's maiden name. Since Ian was about Patricia's size, they'd pitch in on all other clothing items but it would be her dresses that Ian would wear. Being small for his age, made it all that easier to fit in a dress. "This is going to be fun," the redheaded Patricia giggled. "Do you think we can get away with it?" "What if we get caught," Muriel, the most cautious, said. "I'll take all the blame," Carol whispered. "They don't hang or draw and quarter kids anymore." All of them laughed outloud at the remark. "I'll take charge since he is mine. You can have your share of him too but we've got to keep this secret between only the six of us." Carol glanced back to the sleeping boy. "Did you give him something to drink like whiskey?" Mabel asked quietly. "He's just a sound sleeper," Carol explained. "That's good for all of us. Now from this moment on, we're calling him Emma and he is now a she. We have to make sure we all stay together when we get there. I hope we can keep it a secret from everyone except all of us here in this room. All vowed secrecy in this matter. It was going to be a joke on the adults and they were thrilled by the prospect. The huddle brokeup and Carol sat back and shook the boy awake. "Wake up, honey," she kissed his cheek. Almost immediately Ian's eyes popped open. He looked about and saw all the girls smiling at him. He watched Patricia pull a floral print cotton dress out of her bag. Then Carol took out a pair of cotton knickers, Emily gave a pair of her knee length socks, and Muriel pitched in with a few items of jewelry for the new girl. Carol gathered the clothes and grabbed Ian's hand. "Come with me." "Where we going?" he asked as a few giggles broke out about his pending new attire. "To the loo," Carol answered. Once they were locked it, Carol told him to take his clothes off. "What for?" "You won't be needing them anymore." "I have to wear something." "These," she held up the dress and other things. "Oh no," he protested loudly. Carol hung the dress up nicely on a hook, turned and kissed him as lovingly as an eleven year old girl could. He tried to pull away but being taller and stronger, she held him tightly. The kiss seemed like an eternity to Ian. He liked it but then again he didn't. He was totally confused. "Do you like me?" Carol asked. "I think I do." She took that as a yes, "Do you trust me?" "I don't know." "Sweetie, I think you are the most precious person I know. I'd never do anything to hurt you, ever. I want us to be together forever. Wouldn't you like that?" "Yes, I guess so," the shy boy replied. "Then undress and trust me." "I don't want to," he complained. "Pleeeeeezzzze," Carol begged. "If you don't, you'll make me cry. You don't want to see me cry, do you?" "No." "Then undress." "I'm afraid." "Of what?" Carol put her hands on her hips her voice went several octaves higher. "You! Only my mum seen me undressed." "Would you undress if I undressed too?" Now curiosity got hold of him. He never seen a girl naked before. He felt intrigued so he nodded his agreement. Both started stripping off their clothes. Until they came to their lower underwear there was no difference between the two. Carol took off her knickers first. Ian stared at the little slit between her legs. "Come on," Carol insisted. He pulled his shorts off and for the first time in her life she had seen a penis. She grabbed it to get a better look. She was totally fascinated by his appendage. Ian managed to get her to release it when there was a knock on the door. "Go to the next car, I have a sick friend in here," Carol shouted through the door. "Here, put these on." "What are they?" "Knickers. Girl's underwear. "Be quick about it," she whispered. "Do I have to?" "Yesssss," she said impatiently. "Look, someone has to use the loo, we've got to hurry." Ian stepped into them and pulled them up over his hips. They felt snug but other than that, there was no difference that he could find. "Here, the dress," she stated quietly. "Lower it and then step into it." He did. "Now the knee length socks," she handed it to him. While he sat down on the crapper, to pull them on. He watched Carol get dressed. He wished he had a longer time to examine her slit. When they were clothed, Carol picked up his attire, opened the door, saw that the coast was clear and led him back to the car. "Very pretty," Emily smiled. "Indeed!" Patricia agreed followed by the other three giving glowing remarks. The fact that he had a girlish face would make it all the more fun to hide him and treat him as one of their own. Ian felt flushed as he sat down by his usual window seat. "What are you going to do with those?" Ian asked. "When it gets dark tonight we're going to throw them away," Carol answered. "You are no longer Ian........what's your last name?" "Frost!" "Are you related to Miriam Frost?" Patricia asked. "She's my mum," he replied. "OH WOW," the girls chorused. "This is neat," Emily added. "The daughter of a famous movie star." "I'm not her daughter, I'm her son." "No you're not," Carol countered. "Your name now is Emma Parks. We decided that you "I don't want a girl's name," he said with defiance. "You'll get used to it," Carol snuggled up to him. She was learning fast how a female could make a male do what she wanted. Well mostly. "Why can't you let me use my own name?" Ian was close to tears. Carol held him tighter as the others joined in making it a group hug. "Because you're our friend and we don't want to lose you by being sent to a silly boys camp," Carol said softly as she caressed his hair lightly with her fingers. "Do you think that those boys are going to show you love like this?" "No!" "Take the name Emma Parks and we'll be so kind and loving to you you'll want to marry us all," Mabel suggested. "Yes," Patricia concurred. "You'll have your own harem at wherever we're going to and after the war, you can marry each of us." *** The next morning Miriam and Gregory returned to the evacuee center. Overnight there were sandbags piled everywhere. Even signs directing people to air raid shelters. "Your son didn't arrive in Scotland, so we will be checking the girls train when it arrives in near Wrexham. Their camp will be about ten kilometers south of there. I have them alerted to look for your son as the train pulls in. He should be on that train for sure," Mr Cage told the couple. For the moment both were satisfied and told him they'd be back tomorrow at noon. Gregory picked up a paper and read the news about the war. Everything had gone from bad to worse. The Nazis took Paris without a fight. The French had surrendered and were added to Hitler's empire. "I've got to go, darling," he told Miriam. "I have to report in this morning. I'll meet you at the apartment as soon as I get there. Then we'll go out afterwards for dinner and dancing." "I have a performance tonight and I feel like shit," she complained. Both were up all night but not for lovemaking. Ian's disappearance laid heavily upon the both of them. They just sat up drinking, smoking, and making conversation. All of it about Ian. "The show must go on," he tried being chipper. "Fuck the show!" Miriam sneered. "I want my son." "We'll come back tomorrow and everything will be all right," Gregory leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Now I have to go." And he left her standing alone on the sidewalk. Miriam felt a chill partly out of dispare and partly out of guilt for putting her son on the wrong train. She hurriedly caught a cab back to her place. She had to do the show that night but she didn't feel like it. She briefly thought of calling the theatre claiming a headache so her understudy could take the lead role, but thought the better of it. At least the two hours on stage would take her mind off her troubles. Besides, the audience was paying for her to perform and not some unknown. *** The rest of the day, Ian was coached by the others on girlish mannerisms. Before being seated, he'd smooth out the back of her dress then sitting. To use his hands more to emphasize the things he was talking about. To brush any loose hairs from his head on his face and curl them behind his ear. Other than that, for a twelve year old, Ian, now Emma had things down pat. He now accepted his role as a girl. He wanted to please the others since they were so nice to him. As it grew dark, they started throwing things out the open window one by one. A shoe here, the other a few minutes later. Just before tossing his shorts, he recalled the money his mum gave him and managed to rescue the 25 pounds before it too was thrown away. He didn't know what to do with the money until Carol suggested to put it in his knickers. He hid it behind by his bum. Now Emma was into the game. Carol talked him into the great adventure of pretending to be a girl to fool everyone. She took hold of his documents and put them somewhere safe among her things. It was very late when Carol awoke her new friend. "Can I touch you down there," she asked in a whisper in his ear. She was gratified when he nodded. She made sure all the others were sound asleep when her hand crept up Emma's dress and down the knickers. She felt a wonderful chill of delight as she took hold of his penis. And when it grew in her hand, she let out a slight squeal. Ian liked the feeling of her hand upon it. She toyed with it for a long time holding both the penis and then his scrotum. The game they played in the lavratory of show me yours and I'll show you mine started the feeling of wanting to play with his genitals. "May I feel down there too," Ian inquired. She nodded her assent and followed her lead. His hand went down her knickers until he found her virgin slit. He ran his fingers up and down it while he felt her hand working his penis harder. He slid a finger into her slit and she jumped. "That feels good!" Carol whispered. "What you're doing feels good too," he admitted. Now he didn't want to go to the boys encampment in Scotland. He was thoroughly enjoying what he was receiving from Carol and what he was giving to her. His finger became wet as he pushed it in and out. Carol was at her wit's end. His finger felt so nice doing what it was doing. Finally they agreed to stop before something unexpected happened. His tiny penis was hard as her hand abandoned it. They hugged and kissed each other open mouthed with their tongues just touching. Patricia watched all of this happening with her eyes accustomed to the dark. Her breathing was heavy but didn't carry to the couple exploring the other. She just knew that she had to get him alone so he could do to her what she witnessed him making Carol so excited. *** "Is there an Ian Frost on this train," the conductor called out loudly as he walked down the aisle of the car. Each room had only little females. Carol put her hand over his mouth so he wouldn't automatically blurt out. "You're Emma Parks, remember?" she whispered. He nodded then she removed her hand. After what they did last night, he didn't want to surrender now. He looked forward to doing this again and soon. He noticed that Patricia was staring at him as if she knew what they did. Of course, she didn't. How could she? he asked himself. The little redhead just smiled at him recalling that for an hour after they ended their fun, he smelled his finger over and over again. Finally licking it clean and learning just how good Carol tasted. Patricia wanted him to do that to her and for her silence, Carol would allow her. "Ian Frost in here?" the elderly man asked, poking his head in the door. "No boy here," Patricia said. The man moved on! In less than an hour out of Wrexham, the train stopped. The children hadn't had their breakfast yet and all were hungry. Little did they know that they were going to be housed in a university for the time being. It was the University of Wales--Prifysgol Cyrmu. It would only be temporary but it would fill the bill. Over and over the authorities both police and those staffed to look after the girls called for Ian Frost. No one came forth. One asked if he might be related to the actress. It was a girl from another car in the train. "Name?" an elderly woman asked as Ian stepped before her. "Emma Parks." "Address?" "Nine Kensington Road, London." "Age?" "Twelve!" Carol White stared at Emma looking impressed, she grabbed her friend's hand and gave it a loving squeeze. "Papers," the woman held out her hand. "Papers?" Emma looked shocked. "She lost them," Carol came to his rescue. Emma looked at her, astonished. "Lost them where?" the woman eyed Emma Parks with her eyes almost closed. "I don't know. I had them but then again they were gone." "We stopped the day before where they had a tent setup to feed us. It must have been there," Carol interceded. "All right then," the woman took a red pencil and marked it incomplete. "Go down the stairs and they will feed you. After a counselor will take you to your rooms. Four to a room. This is only for a few days until they set you up in the new buildings and school for you. And by the way, you girls will have a complete physical examination when we get you there. We don't want our children to be sick, you know." "Where did you get that address?" Carol asked with an admiring glow in her eyes. "Mum lived there growing up." "Won't they trace her back there?" "I don't think so," Emma replied. Her name was Miriam Kleinhurst back then. She changed it to Frost when she started acting. That was her uncle's last name. It is much easier to put on the screen. Frost compared to Kleinhurst." Carol smiled at his ingenuity. He was a little smarty when he had to be. It was getting him to open up to show that he was intelligent that was the most difficult thing to do. After a breakfast of eggs, meat, toast and tea, they were carted off with their baggage to their rooms. Carol pleaded and received permission for Emma, Patricia and Emily to share a room together. Their room had two double bunks. Carol claimed the top one while Emma took the other. Patricia took the top on her side and Emily the bottom. *** Miriam gave the performance of her life. She received seven curtain calls and several bouquets of flowers. She felt exhilerated by the applause that greeted her. Fifteen minutes later she was backstage in her room feeling depressed once more. No word about her son had reached her. Gregory was in the room with her waiting for her to stop crying. The door was locked. "Where can he be?" she sobbed. "I have no idea," Gregory answered. At first he was angry at her for putting Ian on the wrong train. Then anger gave way to understanding that his vain lover never had been fitted for eye glasses. Now sympathy set in because it was breaking her heart that their lost child was out there somewhere while the war was going on. The authorities didn't have nor couldn't spare the manpower to make a careful search. The thought came to him that Little Ian was playing a game of hide and go seek with them. But he shook that idea out of his head. The boy was smart as a whip, but didn't have the inclination to do this to them. "What are we going to do?" Her weeping became more profound. "Darling, may I make a suggestion?" "What is it?" she turned to him with a tear stained face. Her stage makeup streaking down her face made her look clownish. "Let's get married in the morning." "How dare you make such a suggestion like that at this time," she snarled, staring at him with a hateful look. "Hear me out, darling," Gregory leaned forward in his chair. "At this time I can't do anything legally because we're not husband and wife. I know that I'm the father of Ian but there is nothing I can do about it. If we're married, man and wife, it gives me all the rights in the Kingdom to demand answers. You are too nice and can't be that forceful. I can. But as it stands now, they look upon me as a friend and companion. But as a husband and father, I can get in the middle of this fray and get things sorted out." "You're right," she held her arms out to him. "We'll get a magistrate to marry us in the morning. Damn, I've loved you for so long I always thought we were married, well I practically did." "Then it's settled," he smiled. "We'll get married and that legally puts me in the right to become involved in all of this. I'll make such a noise even Churchill himself will have to listen to us." Miriam gave a little half-hearted laugh. *** Carol slipped quietly out of top bunk and crawled in with Emma. She put her hand into his knickers to feel his penis. Emma was wide awake waiting for her. His little penis got hard as she fondled it lovingly. She was so fascinated by it. Emma reached over and put his finger into Carol's vagina. Emma felt something happening within his body that excited him but he couldn't explain it. Carol felt the same only more. His middle finger went in and out rapidly making her gasp. "Put it in me," she whispered. "I want to know what it feels like." Emma did. He couldn't go that far into her but it felt better than her hand. The wetness gave off a wondeful odor that intoxicated him. He went in and out as fast as he could. Carol's arms were wrapped around his back encouraging him to keep going. There was something going on inside of her that was a mystery to her. Whatever it was, she loved it. And she loved him. She felt happy for the war that brought them together. Suddenly his penis went soft and dropped out of her. That was enough for the night. They kissed and she climbed up into her bed. Emma felt Carol's wetness on his penis. The smell of her sex wafted to his nose and he inhaled deeply. *** There was no honeymoon for Mr. & Mrs. Mills. Getting the application took hours, but the ceremony took minutes. Miriam's understudy and a friend of Gregory were witnesses to the union. They celebrated at a sumptuous lunch at the Boar's Head Pub. There was laughter and joy for the two hours the couples spent together. But as soon as Gregory and Miriam were alone in their apartment, gloom once more set in. It was late afternoon and Miriam had another performance to do. Gregory left her to find any new information from Mr. Cage, but there was nothing. It was if Ian disappeared into thin air. Cage put two top men on this case exclusively sending them to Wrexham to locate the boy. *** "Big cough," the doctor told Emma as he examined her through her under clothes. She wore knickers and a matching top. All the girls wore the same. "Good girl, you're a healthy one." the old physician smiled. Emma breathed a sigh of relief that they didn't have to undress completely. They were only checking of the heart and lungs were the last step in of the exam. He dressed and waited for Carol. He wanted to hold her hand but she thought it to be a bad idea. Carol explained that girl friends did hold hands frequently but not all the time. "Are we going to play again tonight?" Emma whispered to Carol. "Do you want to?" He nodded vigorously as he took a bite of some kind of fish. The potatoes were powdered and added with water. Only the canned corn tasted good. It's wasn't all that great of a lunch, but they ate everything. They even had real milk at this meal. "I want to play too," she quietly told him. Patricia leaned over and asked, "When do I get to play with her?" "Okay, tomorrow night," Carol stated. "We'll take turns." Carol didn't want to share him but Patricia might go to the staff to spill the whole story. Then their little ploy would get exposed. Besides, if they were lucky, Patricia might be moved when they settled in their new building. Satisfied, Patricia smiled and went back to her meal. THREE A few weeks later and no news about Ian, Gregory and Miriam made love for the first time since their marriage. She gave into her husband out of duty as a wife but her heart wasn't in it. The pair of investigators drew a blank in Wrexham. They carried a photo of Ian and walked down the line of all the girls looking at each one separately. There were a few girls that matched the description but Carol went to extra lengths to make Emma even more girlish than ever. Ribbons adorning her ever growing hair, a little blush on her cheeks, and new girly shoes that they purchased from the twenty-five pounds. They only cost two and a shilling. "You are Emma Parks," one asked, looking at the photograph. There was little resemblence because the photo was taken when the boy was aged six. Now nearing thirteen, changes in his/her appearance was now evident. "Yes sir," he replied, looking at the man straight in the eye. "And your address is Nine Kensington Road?" "Yes sir." "I see, very well then. Thank you," the man smiled and moved on past Patricia who didn't even look anything like the photo. Carol grabbed Emma's hand and gave it a squeeze. Emma gently squeezed her back. "I love you," she whispered into Emma's ear. "I love you, too," Emma whispered back. *** Frustrated, Gregory went to his superior. They were getting nowhere fast. And now the Germans were bombing the port cities with Manchester being hit the hardest. London for now was escaping the wrath of Hitler. Miriam was a nervous wreck except when she was on stage then she could disappear into her role for a few hours. She took to smoking more than a pack a day and Gregory wasn't too pleased about it. Plus she lost weight not wanting to eat. She lived on scotch alone. Ian must be dead, she thought over and over. She hated herself for allowing this to happen. If she had read the schedule correctly, this would not have happened. She only blamed herself for this. She wanted and needed her son back with her. She had to tell him that Gregory was his father. "Sir I need help badly," Captain Mills declared after saluting his superior, Colonel Brads. "Ah, it's your boy, isn't it," the colonel came around the desk and put his arms around Gregory's shoulders. Brads was a smaller man but his posture demanded respect. He was a strict disciplinarian but also had a soft spot in his heart for matters like this. "Yes sir, we can't find him. We've tried eveything we can think of. Officer Cage has been completely co-operative and even sent two of his best inspectors to Wrexham. Now he's sending them to all placement camps for the cause of the Empire. "You know, I have a friend who is a private slueth. He's very good, if he can't find your son, no one can. He's in the RAF at the moment as a ground technician. I'll call a few men I'm acquainted with and try to get him transferred to do this for us. You're part of my family, you know." "Thank you, sir," Gregory saluted his superior officer. Brads saluted back, "Give my regards to your lovely wife. She is one of my favorite actresses and gives such enjoyable performances." "Thank you, sir," Gregory said at the door. He couldn't wait to tell Miriam the good news. *** A night later Patricia joined Carol and Emma in one bed. Emily came down with a bad coughing spell and was spening a few days in the camp hospital. They were now out of the university and into their permanent settlement. There were four to a room and each had to take care of cleaning up after themselves. Each room had a shower so they had this privacy. The girls enjoyed their new surroundings despite the mediocre food. Emma allowed both girls to fondle him. He had his knickers off and they were bare down there too. They were celebrating Ian/Emma's thirteenth birthday. School would be starting the next week and all were looking forward to that. Once Emma's penis was hard, Patricia leaned over, took it in her mouth and started to suck it. "Where did you learn about that?" Carol was astonished. "I peeked into my parents bedroom once when the door was ajar and saw my mum doing this to my daddy. It looked like they were having fun," she explained then resumed sucking him. She kept it up while Carol watched. She noticed the smile on Emma's face. She would have to do that. Later Patricia gave up on her administrations on Emma and went to bed. Carol took over and did the same. Only this time Emma bucked his hips which startled her momentarily then she continued on. Emma came up with a great idea. He pulled Carol up and placed her under him. He leaned down and started to lick her pussy. Immediately Carol twisted back and forth, up and down. By now Patricia was asleep as Emma mounted Carol and slid his hardened penis into her. Carol swore that over the intervening months, Emma's penis had grown larger. He believed so too. Carol's tightness gave way to the invasion of Emma's cock. It was late when they gave up and went to sleep in each others arms and their bare bums hiding nothing. *** "I don't feel like fucking," Miriam snapped at Gregory. "Ian's missing and I'm a mental wreck. Shit, if I didn't have this play I'd be insane by now." "Oh, all right," Gregory fumed. He was horny as anything but decided that this wasn't the time for being amorous. He was just about to undress from his uniform to his pajamas when a high shrill siren started. Being on the top floor with the siren on the roof, the sound was deafening. "Come on, to the shelter," he grabbed her wrist. "It's just another drill," she argued. "One day it won't be," he pulled her to her feet. Miriam tried resisting but his strength caused her to give in. As an after thought, Miram grabbed a bottle of brandy and two glasses to bring along. "Might as well have a drink until this drill is over," she said, being dragged along by her overly strong husband. They found the shelter almost full as they sat down. They had been doing this almost daily for over a month but not one bomb dropped on London. All the port cities were taking a beating from the Luftwaffe. British shipping had fallen to almost nothing either in or out of the Atlantic. Only the navy was keeping the Nazis from invading the island. They sat quietly sipping their brandy listening to everyone else's chatter. Gregory leaned over and whispered in his wife's ear, "If we were fucking, we'd be climaxing by now and this drill would have ruined it all." Miriam broke out into a laugh. It was good to see her do that. She seldom smiled except for receiving her well deserved applause after her performance. The play was due to end in three weeks and everyone was hoping for an extension since it was still selling out. Just as she was thinking like that, all heard distant explosions. Now London was in the war for sure. Unknown to the entire population of the United Kingdom, only a few had knowledge of a great secret. The British had been able to get ahold of a German Enigma machine. It was a device that intercepted coded messages then put into Enigma and brought out into plain text. Those with the need to know learned of this air raid but chose to let the enemy bombers do their destruction this time. If the British sent their Spitfire's to intervene every bombing run the Germans made, they'd grow suspicious and change their codes or even possibly the Enigma leaving the British in the blind again. Churchill ordered these assaults to go unimpeded at times due to the strict secrecy. The Prime Minister issued a warning that if Enigma were compromised, the person responsible would be court-martialed and shot. No appeals if found guilty. The dropped bombs came closer and closer. The people burrowed in the shelter could hear the whistles of them as they fell to earth then exploded. As they came near, Miriam held her husband's arm tightly and finished her drink. Gregory took the glass from her hand and put both snifters behind his feet. The bottle of brandy was firmly held between them. Over and over the German arsenal fell from the skies as every person in the shelter were quiet. Conversation had dropped to nil. One bomb hit close by and shook the dust in the dugout. Miriam dug her long nails into her husband's arm. She believed the drink would settle her nerves but it didn't. Five minutes later the all clear was sounded. As they exited the shelter, they saw many destroyed buildings and fires. This time the building they resided in wasn't hit. But others were and some people sobbed as their homes were blown apart. The Mills' returned home. The first thing Miriam did was get some aspirin from the medicine cabinet. She downed it with the last of her scotch she left behind. "Damn that was close," she muttered, noticing her hands were trembling. "It's going to get worse, darling," he held her. He felt her body quivering in his arms. He stroked her hair happy that she had a performance this evening. *** The girls exited the church service in an orderly manner. Then the kids who were Roman Catholic would be using the same facility. Emily, now recovered, Patricia, Carol and Emma were free for the rest of the day. "I think you should write your mum," Carol advised Emma. "Then she'll know it was posted from here and come to get me," Emma replied. "I know a girl whose going back on the train tomorrow. You can write your mum and when she gets to London, she'll post it from there." Emma smiled, accepting the idea. The two of them raced to their room to compose the note. Afterwards, they spent the afternoon walking the grounds until dinner. *** A week later Miriam received that note from her son. Mummy, I am fine. Having a good time. Do not worry about me. My friends and me are starting school soon. I'll write you again when I have the time. Love, Your son Ian. Miriam sat down and snubbed out her cigarette reading the note over and over giving thanks to God under her breath. She wept tears of joy. Her son was alive. Gregory walked in seeing his wife crying again. He thought she was in another state of depression until she looked up with a beautiful smile. "It's from Ian," she held out the note. He read it twice. "Where's the envelope?" Miriam handed it to her husband still tearing up but a smile still lit her face. He glanced at the posting. "It's from here in London!" he exclaimed. "He's here? Ian here?" her eyes widened with hope. "It's posted here, it doesn't mean he's in London. I've got to take this to the my colonel." "But why?" Miriam asked. "He's been helping us. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to get your hopes up. He's having a detective who is in the Royal Air Force transferring here to help us find him." "I want to go with you," she ran to grab her fashionable hat to join him. *** "Jolly good," Colonel Brads grinned as he read Ian's note. "Posted here in London. I do not think he's here. Ian is most likely in one of the camps incognito and won't tell where he's at. I think he is trying to play a joke on you. You know how kids are these days." "A joke!" Miriam was aghast. "You mean he thinks it is funny that he is playing a bloody joke on us? Doesn't he realize how much I have been worn to a frazzle over all this. I'll give him a beating he'll never forget." "He's a child," Gregory stated. "The only feelings he has are his own. He's not mature enough to think of anyone else's. What we have to do is find him then calmly explain what he's done to us." "Right!" Brads agreed. Just then the sirens went off once more. The trio were caught up with the crowd at the headquarters to get to the shelter under the building. They could discuss all of this in the safety of the reinforced bunker. *** "I love you," Carol rested her head on Emma's shoulder. They had just finished playing in the dark. Patricia was on fire watch this hour. "I love you too," Emma whispered back. "When this bloody war is over, do you think we can stay together?" "I hope so. I will insist upon it," Emma held her with both arms. He glanced over at Emily to find that she was sleeping soundly. All three were worried about her. She had been so sickly lately. She was being sent to the hospital in Wrexham for tests. Not only her but a few other girls who weren't well either. Finally Patricia walked in being relieved by another girl. Carol had the duty the night before. Emma and Patricia played. She sat on the bed with the other two. "Have fun?" Patricia smiled. They could see her white teeth flashing. "Yes," Emma affirmed. "Do you ever get tired of playing this game?" Patricia asked. "Never," Carol whispered. "It's so much fun." "Me either," the redhead stated. She reached into Emma's knickers and felt his flaccid penis. "I think you're getting bigger, Emma." "He is, I mean she," Carol added. "What happens when we get older?" Patricia asked, still playing with Emma's appendage. "I hear the bigger it gets, the nicer it feels," Carol snuggled closer to Emma. "Emma, could give us babies." "I won't," Emma replied. He felt Patricia's hand gently massaging him and felt it getting hard. "I hear you can't get pregnant until after you are married." Both girls giggled, knowing better. "What is it?" Emma asked. "Silly, a girl can get pregnant as early as fifteen," Carol laughed. "There's school tomorrow, we'd all better get some sleep," Emma suggested, tired of all this talk. Reluctantly Patricia let loose of his penis and climbed into her bunk above Emily. Patricia's hand was replaced by Carol's and they fell asleep like this until about three am when Carol had to relieve herself. *** For the first time since Miriam learned she put her son on the wrong train, she felt like making love to her husband. After her finest performance to date, they were like rabbits in heat. They didn't get to sleep until 4am. At six, the sirens went off again. Both grabbed their robes, put on shoes, and raced down the stairs to the shelter a half block away. This time the bombs fell closer and closer to their bunker. "Isn't fucking Hitler running out of those," Miriam grumbled. She felt tired from their all night escapades, lack of sleep, looking a mess in front of many of her fans, and having to do a matinee and an evening performance. As happy as she was knowing her son was safe, Miriam was grouchy due to the short time sleeping. "It'll be a long time before that son of a bitch runs out," Gregory answered. "He's been preparing for war these last six years while Chamberlain sat on his ass thinking of ways to appease the bastard." "He was a big hero in thirty-eight but is a fool now. How could we ever believe him?" "Stupidity," Gregory replied. "We laughed at Churchill's cautioning us back then but how right he was and is. Don't worry, darling. As long as the Royal Navy is functioning, he'll never invade us." The missiles of death dropped closer with each explosion. A tremendous blast nearly broke their eardrums as it hit like it was right on top of them. Women and children let out screams of terror while most men clenched their teeth trying to stay brave for their women. Miriam felt Gregory pull her to him. She gave no resistance. In fact she felt she needed the comfort of his arms. It seemed like the worse was over as the bombs blew up further away. Finally when the all clear was sounded, everyone scrambled out to view the damage done. Right near their shelter was a downed Messerschmidt with it's dead pilot. His bomb had detonated upon impact with the ground some two hundred yards away. Gregory felt the man's throat and detected no pulse. He felt sorry for the pilot. He was only following orders and probably was not part of the Nazi Party but a man dedicated to doing what he felt was right for his country. If the roles were reversed, he hoped the pilot would feel the same for him. His wife stood on the sidewalk just out of reach of a geyser streamed from the broken water main. This meant that their flat wouldn't have water until the main was repaired. Back in their apartment the phone rang. Miriam answered it. "Miss Frost, this is Robert Baldwin." "Yes Mr. Baldwin, how's the theatre." "That's why I called. We do not have a theatre any longer. The Gerries hit it straight on and it is so damaged there won't be any plays for a long time until we can get it replaced." "Damn!" Miriam snapped. Cupping her hand over the receiver she informed her husband that a bomb destroyed the playhouse. Gregory shook his head. "I'll say," Baldwin stated. "Look, I'll do what I can to get you your pay up until last night. I hope you will be patient with me." "Take your time," she cheered up. "No hurry, dear." After a few more comments, Miriam hung up. "Darling, I think you should move to your house in the country. It's a hundred and ten miles north of here. It would make me feel better if you were there safe and sound. I can stay here until the Gerries hit this and they certainly will sooner or later. I can come up when time allows me to. I'd rather miss you than lose you." "All right, but you've got to promise me you'll be careful. I am only doing this for Ian. If I lose you, he's the only one worth living for." *** Months passed and the winter was one of the worst in British history. Snowdrifts were as high as a fully grown man. Emily's test turned out to be worse than at first thought. She had tuberculosis. Emma, Carol and Patricia were tested but the results came back negative. Emily was sent north to Scotland to an asylum for that ailment. She started coughing up blood in her last days near Wrexham. That left the three together. They slid their bunks together so all three could keep each other warm through the frigid nights. Patricia and Carol each held a part of Emma's penis or scrotum. Carol was the first to learn that Emma's testicles had dropped into the sac. It gave her wonderful chills playing with his marble sized balls. All three wore heavy coats and boots to attend school. That plus woolen hats that covered their ears and warm gloves. The snow was no longer a thing to play in. Gone were the snowball fights that they had at the first time the frozen stuff came down. It was more of a nuisance than a fun thing. Everywhere it was cold. The rooms, classrooms, dining hall and the cinema where on every Friday evening a movie was shown. Since it was optional, the trio chose to get under the blankets to get warm and play. Emma became an expert using his finger to make both girls have wonderful feelings. They weren't getting orgasms, but it felt like it to the two twelve year olds. Both were feeling pain and discomfort in their chests. Carol went to the infirmary one Saturday only to be told she was starting to grow breasts and the aches would soon pass. Excited, she ran back to their room that she was becoming a woman. A little premature, but the budding of it. *** Miriam kept getting notes from her son almost every ten days. Due to the weather, she might get two in one day. She was happy again. She stopped her smoking and drinking and concentrated on a new script she was given to play a lead role as the love of a crippled man after he was shot several times by the enemy. It would be her first movie since January. Almost eleven months of being on stage instead of in front of a camera allured her to escape the house since Gregory couldn't get there due to the brutal winter. "I think it's a good idea to get back to work, darling," Gregory told his wife as they lay in each other's arms after having made love for the second time that day. The bedroom was chilly but both were keep their spouse warm. She felt his sperm squiggling around inside of her. It was her hope to have another child before her clock ran out. 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With Jayanthi Aunty

Hi This is Rakesh from Chittoor As i am great fan of Indian Sex stories i felt like i must contribute my story also I would like to share my story pleas forgive me is the story is long because if it try to make it short I am sure it will loses the eroticism I am 28 working in Hyderabad from the past 3 year and the story what I would like to narrate and share with you guys is 4 years back Right after my inter second year my father asked me to help him with his sugar cane work because he can...

2 years ago
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During this story you can visit any world and become anyone there will be sex scenes but this is mostly just about the story and if anyone wants to add to the story go ahead because this story can go in many possible directions. I am sorry to all people who read my other stories i will add more to them soon, so please be patient thank you, Also enjoy this new story. You are a 26 year old man who was driving home from university you had finally graduated so you were going home celebrate with...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Freya Parker Freya Enjoys Her Thick Black Frosting Dessert First

Shared girlfriend Freya is about to hop in the shower when her boyfriends buddy and her lover Isiah showed up to let her know it will just be the two of them having dinner. Frey nude and showing off her young sexy body is bummed but Isiah also tells her this is her boyfriends idea to enjoy her thick big black cock for dessert first. Freya spreads her pussy wide for Isiah as he enjoys her sweet pussy juices before she gets to enjoy his big cock down her throat, slowly inch by inch, into her...

2 years ago
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Mein neuer Job in Afrika

Ich - Lukas Dannhorn - hatte gerade meinen BWL-Master in der Tasche und stand mit Mitte 20 vor demselben Problem, das so ziemlich alle BWL-Studenten hatten, bei welchem Taxiunternehmen sollte ich mich bewerben? Als 1,92 m große und von Natur aus hellblonde sowie durchaus charmante Friese war ich zum Studieren nach Hamburg gekommen, in der Hoffnung hinterher auch sofort einen gutbezahlten Job in der Metropole zu bekommen. Nur deshalb war ich überhaupt hierher gezogen, leider war dem nicht so und...

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My first time with my best friends

One friday me and two of my friends were heading to the school parking lot talking. we decided that we were going to hang out that night. so later that night I decided to take a shower before leaving. when I got in I felt my penis begin to grow hard and thoughts of Dale on my friends was going through my head.Dale was 5'9 has blonde hair kind of shy and very athletic. he is pretty built with a nice six pack.I have never had any gay thoughts because I was straight. but I went with the thoughts...

4 years ago
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The Cougar LoungeChapter 2

It was just a little past noon when Will finally started to stir. As he slowly opened his eyes, Will realized that he had fallen asleep on the couch sitting up. Every muscle in his body was protesting as he stretched and slowly made his way to his feet. “Fuck,” he moaned as he started for the bathroom, hoping a hot shower would ease the tightness of his muscles and the slight ache in his cock from all the attention it had received last night.Turning the water on as hot as he could stand it,...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp Part 2

“Are we going to see the lake” Joey asked with his silly grin. “Well, our cabin is right on the lake, so of course we will” I answered, but I had an idea what he might have really meant. “Let’s drop our stuff off first.” We hiked through the camp, and we were sweaty and exhausted from carrying the boys gear when we finally arrived at the cabin. We headed inside, and I let the boys pick their spots. They both chose beds adjacent with my own, and set their stuff by the beds....

4 years ago
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The Convention Pt 01

Note: I had to use ‘…’ To convey personal thoughts. Prologue: How about that. I get to spend several endless passionate nights and wake up next to my love. He is everything and more. He holds the key to my heart and knows me inside out. How easy it is just being with him, I cannot help but think how lucky I am to have him as a part of my life. When this convention came up, it was a dream come true. Some time alone with him. I didn’t care when or where it was, as long I have my time with him....

1 year ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 8 This is not sex dream

We ate the lunch. At the end we had pineapple, and then she brought out a pot full of fluid from the refrigerator. She said, "This is the dessert." The fluid was little yellowish and big white hard foam swam on the fluid. I asked her wondering, "What's it exactly?" "I learned to cook this dessert from my Mother. I gathered my milk that I pumped out from the past few days and used it for this. I put in sugar with vanilla. It's called Bird milk. I wondered, "Did you use your...

2 years ago
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Infinite Sex Dreams

“Hey! Can you hear me?” A mysterious voice calls out. You look around you to No, you can’t be in space. You remember you were going to sleep right before this. This must be a dream. “Hello?” You call out. “Who’s there? Where am I?” “You’re dreaming. I looked over the world for someone who can fuck sooooo goood. You will work out just fine. Basically, I’m the god of wet dreams — that’s what you humans call it, right?” “Yeah...wait! You’re a god? Ohhhh, I’m just dreaming all of this....

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

I just moved in to my new apartment downtown. A few months ago I finally divorced my bitch of a wife and I was a free man and it felt good. I decided to move out here in the city and put the past way behind me. The movers were done moving in the rest of my things and it was up to me to open the boxes and put everything in their proper place. By the evening I was halfway through except for my bed which I didn't have time to put back together. Then the doorbell buzzed. The first ring all day...

2 years ago
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Finding Love on the Other Side

Charlotte sat in a chair by the hotel pool with her red hair swept back in a ponytail, deeply involved in reading the newspaper. She wasn’t sure why she bothered. It was all bad news. But it helped pass the time. She took her eyes off the paper to grab a sip of her iced tea when she realized that she was not alone in the pool area. Across the way, there was a woman in a tiny bikini, setting a towel on her lounge chair. The woman made eye contact and waved, so Charlotte waved back. This...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 09

Chapter IX     Mike lay in bed listening to the birds singing outside and enjoying the gentle rocking of the boat when he heard a gentle knock on the cabin door. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall he saw that it was only eight o'clock . Wondering who it could be this early in the morning he rolled out of bed slipped on his robe over his naked frame and went to door to see who was there. When he opened the door he was greeted by Carol, who was standing...

Wife Lovers
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Innocence Lost Ch 36

In Which the virtues of Innocence are spread throughout the world and are prominent in Congress, Innocence and Virtue are conjoined, old friends are reunited and Chastity is resolved to the service of Innocence. * * * * * Innocence found that her fame brought with it not only the material rewards which meant she was able to exchange her Congress flat for a country mansion, but also the cost of selling her virtues through the media. In actual fact, it was a cost which Innocence found that she...

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The Eighth God Chapter 5

Author’s note: Sorry for the wait on this chapter, guys. I was on vacation. I’m back now though and I’m gonna work on getting chapters out on a regular basis again. This chapter introduces a few new characters with a lot of sex! As always I’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have. Please rate and comment! Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, places and characters are products of my imagination and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people and...

3 years ago
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Nana and Troy

Nana and Troy   Nana lived in a small cottage at the end of the main roadway. She was aged about sixty-five years old and was such a sweet, old lady. One day she was out in the garden when a young lad came along and seeing her there weeding; he asked her if he could help with anything. Nana turned around and greeted him and said that she could sure use some help with loading the leaves onto the wheelbarrow. Troy began to rake the leaves and piling them into the barrow and Nan told him that they...

Oral Sex
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Isobelles Inches Forward

At last, Isobelle sits in the expensive silence of Ezra’s car. Her freshly shaven thighs peep out from the short hem of her favourite dress. On her body the fabric pools like liquid. “We’ll go to my place” Ezra glances at her. She is not relaxed. Good. He likes it when he has the upper-hand. At the high rise, Ezra uses his keys and a security pass, leading her through the foyer and up the lift. It’s up and up. From the balcony Isobelle can see the city sky – line. She stands outside, enjoying...

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Work Romance

The thought of dating someone at work never crossed my mind until you started to work with me.   You are a very handsome man with the deepest eyes I have ever seen.   You can tell that you’ve been through a lot just by looking into your eyes.   You could also tell that you got whatever you wanted…whenever you wanted it…no matter what it was.   This is where the attraction began.   I’m the same way…I always get what I want…and I want you.     You seem like you could be a challenge…something...

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Account of an Aussie Orgy

Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I'd like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are 'speedo friendly' and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn't make it (I was in Colorado at Kip's place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, 'K',...

1 year ago
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My First Time with My Moms friend

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being an 18 year old guy, I was always horny and masturbated a lot. I loved watching porn on the net. I find chicks like Nikki Benz super sexy and i wanted to fuck them so bad. What can you say I was just going through puberty. My parents used to work at a golf club that was very far away. So they always went out early and came back late. One year, my results started going down the hill as I didn't care too much since the finals were over. My parents...

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Maid to Measure or Sissy Slave by Design Part One

(Note from Author - This final more polished version would not have been possible without the very kind help I received from Vickie Tern. Thanks again Vickie) Maid to Measure or Sissy Slave By Design, Part One [by Mistress Kathrine] Nick It was early on Monday morning when the CEO himself knocked on Nick's office door and asked if he was busy? Nick had never said anything more than hello a few times to the man. What was this all...

4 years ago
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420 those bloodthirsty Yanks

420 those bloodthirsty Yanks This was written for a friend in the USA to his order & menu for their anniversary! don’t blame me if it`s not to your taste! So, the queue outside the big meeting hall that doubled as court, music hall and function rooms had been made of two thirds of the town. It had formed here in this little place in north Carolina, it was one those sort of place anyway, few of you would have heard of it and it is well off the beaten track, sort of a backwater that had a...

3 years ago
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Ferry Girl

This is my first ever story. There is no sex in this first part but this is the introduction as to how the two characters first meet. Please bear with it. Subsequent parts will include various sexual exploits of the couple.For once, I was ready for work early. As this was the first warm day of May, I thought I would catch the river ferry to work and enjoy the fresh air rather than the stuffy tube and crowded bus I usually caught.It was just a short walk to the river. I arrived in ten minutes,...

Love Stories
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My wife a fantasy

Unfortunately this is all in my head but I would love for it to happen! This is also my first ever story so be gentleA weekend without the k**s - delightful! We decide to book a hotel in London and plan to see a show. We have not ordered any tickets but hope to pick up standby's. We arrive and check in. We head to the bar and aim to relax. The place is jammed - a wedding party it looks like! We squeeze onto a corner of a table and order drinks. We start to chat to the other people on the table...

2 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 7

The crew of the Perseus gathered together, each member making their greetings with one another. The general mood of the group was of both relief and thankfulness. Everyone was crying tears of happiness as they all came together in a group hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes, glad they were all still alive. It wasn’t long before they remembered that they were in the presence of an alien tribe and were likely infringing on their home. Korsa spoke, making apologies for their rudeness,...

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Secrets of Apple Grove Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

1 year ago
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POVLife Nova Cane A Little Trouble Is Fun

Nova Cane wants to have a little fun, and who could say no to a cutie like her? She spices up lunch time by pulling out her milk jugs and showing them to us, just in time for some random guy to walk by in the parking lot and almost catch her! Nova Cane is shocked, but she recovers quickly. After all, her motto is, cant get into too much trouble, but a little is fun! And that is just what we get into after bringing Nova back to the hotel room. She lays out on the bed with her perfectly, perky...

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Gone to Heaven Lesbian

"I wish I were a lesbian."What? Had Nancy heard correctly? Did Dianne really say that? Nancy turned from the TV to stare at Dianne.Two actresses had just gotten married to one another in California, and Dianne and Nancy were watching a Hollywood news & entertainment show that had a story about it. It was a Saturday night and they were eating Chinese food and had settled in for an evening of TV and movie watching. Attractive, funloving and in their 30s, both roommates were between boyfriends...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 4

The week or so passed relatively without incident. Meaning that Debbie and Dan returned to work and got back to their normal routine. Except that Debbie continued to dress more provocatively (for her) including very daring, even scandalous, underwear, when she wore any at all, and that Debbie and Dan had sex far more often than previously, like nearly every day. And when they fucked, the house rocked. Every orifice Debbie had was used often and well. Oh, and one night Debbie (really Zach, but...

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Menagerie estate

Chapter one: Your new home It was a average day in August, the air was hot and humid and made your clothes sticky with sweat. You, John Doe sat in the back seat of a grey coloured taxi car "Where to boss man?" Asked the driver as he came to a fork in the dirt road which pointed north east and north west "north east" you said in monotone, you were not really paying attention to him because your mind was busy deciphering how you found yourself in this situation. You were a loser, not because you...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 21 Morning After

Relieved to see that her husband had arrived home safe and sound, Shirley stared at Daryl stunned by his haggard appearance. He was unshaved, his clothes were rumpled, and his eyes were bloodshot. She had never seen him look so bad in her entire life. She licked her lips nervously and asked, “Where were you?” “I slept in my car behind the waffle house,” Daryl answered. His voice was dull and listless. He was tired and didn’t feel like arguing. He’d spent an hour in his car thinking about his...

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Jayde and Jim When I saw them AT IT

When I first arrived in England and started living with Mandy my aunt, a few years back, Mandy had a carer coming in the daytime, to help with various things, as my aunt is elderly and disabled. Her carer, Jayde, was absolutely gorgeous. She made me feel good, and gave me the impression, maybe falsely, that she fancied me. A lot of flirting went on, and she’d often take me into fetish clothing shops or adult bookshops on our walks out together when Mandy was busy. Some people could have seen...

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BarbaraChapter 25

Bobbie and the two children were sitting at the same table when the bailiff called for them all to rise promptly on the stroke of ten. John Callaway emerged from his chambers and went to the bench, but did not take his seat. Instead he made an announcement: "Last night there was quite an exchange of phone calls among my colleagues of the judiciary, including a rather elaborate conference call. The result of all this discussion has been a decision that, effective immediately, we are going to...

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Sex on black leather

My wife and I are always looking for interesting places and positions to have sex in. Recently we took a city break long weekend and stayed in a hotel. One evening after a shower together we were having a good long nude romp on the bed kissing and fingering each other all over getting each other wild. My wife’s got a good figure, shapely legs, big heavy boobs and a neat bush of brown cunt hair round her vagina slit. Suddenly she disentangled herself from me. I thought she was hot and wanted me...

1 year ago
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Loving my MotherinLaw

We found ourselves alone together on the couch after a morning and most of an afternoon of laboring in the yard. I was still sitting in the sweaty clothes I'd been working in all day, but Lisa had taken a shower. She was now in a loose-fitting pair of aged khaki shorts and a peach tank top. My mother-in-law had never been one to care much about fashion. Now in her early 50's, she was still in decent shape. She never exercised, just kept a light diet. Her skin was always fair and never really...

1 year ago
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His life was more or less perfect. A good career, nice home, good wife and 3 wonderful k**s. Well as wonderful as any could be getting into their teens. The mad dash in the morning to see who could get the bathroom first, the fights over the phone, friends over at all hours. sleep overs where the girls would be telling there secrets and flirting with him, as well as driving his 12 year old son crazy. It was a good life in all. Then it came crashing down when he came home from work and found all...

4 years ago
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Mind GamesChapter 4

“So, how are you not going to be fucking that shotgun in five seconds?” If Tracy knew that I and Jules had fucked while I had been making my anti-telepath collar, she didn’t show it. Instead, all of her attention was on me, my shotgun, and my soon to be coming hideous death. I imagined what it’d be like to have the barrel of the gun entering me ... there ... and shuddered, making a face. My collar started to vibrate softly against me - a gathering buzz, as if a storm was coming. “Don’t...”...

3 years ago
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Fullfillment of Love

It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

2 years ago
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Naomi Needs Nookie

“Nice” was a serious understatement! Her pussy is still far and away the best I’ve ever dipped in. That was immediately evident even though the circumstances of our genitals getting acquainted were not the ones I’d expected. I had been dragged to the kind of party I don’t usually attend by a well-meaning friend. “You need to live a little,” he claimed. I didn’t know anybody so nursed a whiskey on the rocks and watched. My eyes had been drawn to her immediately by the nicest set of mature...

1 year ago
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Biancas Assistant Part III

Justin awoke with a start, orange curls matted to his forehead. His body was shivering, though it was the dead of summer. She was laughing. He could still hear her laughing. His eyes darted to the clock. 3:52 AM. A few hours to go still... Justin's chest slowed and he sunk back into his sheets. Fuck. This was the third time tonight she had dropped into his dreamscape uninvited. This time he was in a cage, crouched and cowering like an animal. A crowd of people surrounded the...

2 years ago
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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 5 Acceptance

Issue 5: Acceptance After the guards came and took Krystal away I crawled back to bed and pulled the covers over myself, mainly cause I felt like crap. Physically and mentally. I wanted to hide from this prison and from my thoughts. The nausea and aching was odd. With my spider powers I'd not really been prone to much illness. In fact I'd felt pretty invincible. I could shrug of injuries that would have killed normal people or taken them months to recover from. But I was not a...

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Hot Naked CousinChapter 10

Unable to bear anymore, Mike suddenly pulled Lani from Jessie's pussy. Her mouth dripped pussy-honey and her face wore a surprised look as her father quickly guided his thick cock toward her yawning, wet cunt, furred with moist, curling hairs. Half rising, her eyes opening, Lani smiled. "Oh, goody, it's you, Daddy. Fuck me hard, Daddy! Fuck meee!" she cried. Her wet cunt closed lewdly around the head of his cock with a hot, sexy snap. Mike stroked it in deep, feeling her entire body...

4 years ago
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Charlies Boy Summer

Charlotte had always been embarrassed about her figure. She was short and skinny with narrow hips and small breasts. She hid her narrow hips and bottom with loose fitting pants and flowy skirts, enhanced her height with heels, and wore a padded bra under conservative sweaters. She had spent her whole life attempting to leave her family, who she viewed as crass and backwards. She fantasized about living with other clever, sophisticated people, not her hick family! She was less than pleased to...

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Sex in the office

Hi Everyone! This is my first story, so please comment and let me know if you like it! This is a partially true story with my boyfriend and I as the characters. Thank you ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. He recently graduated from UCLA and I am currently a sophomore there. We used to message each other really often, a couple hours a day, but recently it was decreasing to a couple times a week. This worried me a lot. I usually sat in my office, making phone calls and...

1 year ago
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She Caught Me

The real problem with being a teenage male is having two heads, and no matter what the big one is thinking, the little one has his own opinion and wants to grow up to be the big head. Making matters worse, the little head picks the absolute worst times to grow. Your math teacher is an old spinster and your classmates are immature girls that spend the hour passing notes to each other, but little head doesn’t care, he pops up and wants to turn you into a classroom freak show. But, sometimes he...

3 years ago
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 11 The Girls from Our Lady of the Perpetual Sorrows Arrive

The buses arrived, the new campers discharged and the old campers clambered aboard. Lots of tears, lots of hugs. Lots more very tight, tender and intimate hugs for Clive from girls who were happy to grind their small tits into his chest, steal a kiss on the mouth, and even pinch his bum. Jo-Lene watched all, saw all and smiled at all. This was expected and not to be worried about. They were all leaving after all. The new group were all in school uniform. This was ‘Our Lady of the Perpetual...

1 year ago
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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 5 Caught

LATER THAT SUMMER, one glorious hot day after another, Sam and I were in our backyard, nude, no one else at home. Sam was boneless after I had eaten her to three or four orgasms and she’d barely had the strength to push my head away at last. I wasn’t finished, so I flipped her over and pressed my cock against her bottom and began to rub myself on her. Everything was OK, I was almost there. More grunts and sighs from Sam when I slid my hands under her to hold her breasts. I was right on the...

4 years ago
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A Dialogue With Father Time

A Writer's Block Solution Story The guy's probably a kook! I thought as I idly stared at the old man with the long flowing white beard, his face a road map of wrinkles. Ut Oh... , he's heading my way... "Hey there! You look stymied. Can't think of anything to write... ? Well, poor you..." "Can't you see I'm busy here? Who are you?" I ask impatiently. "Why, I'm Father Time! Don't you recognize me? I been keeping you company right down through the Decades. I keep picking your...

2 years ago
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Golden Chains in Sherazad

Golden Chains in Sherazad   This one is completely the work of my depraved imagination. (With some inspiration from Jade Dragon and Eucher).? I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I really wanted to revel in Queen Kailya?s humiliation so it required a fairly lengthy introduction. I mention nasty things like rape etc but for tags, (M/F, cons, fantasy, oral, inter)  Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen DO NOT READ!!!  If you liked it drop me an...

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My Busty Mom 2

GOD, It was so tasty and that sexy smell made me very horny. I suddenlly bit her butt hard and she said “abbaaa, sukaa”. I stood up and turned her towards me and began to taste her juicy lips. I began to eat her upper lips and took her lower lips into my mouth and sucked it. She began to press my cock hard on my nikkar. God, I was in heaven. I began to bite her apple like cheeks. She was even faster than me in giving her cherry like lips for me to suck. I took her tongue in my mouth and started...


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