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Methinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much. By Teddie S. Part 1 It Begins. "No! Katie, I won't do it." "But, it's only for a few days." "No way." "But, this won't work without four. All the publicity shots have been done and printed. We can't change them." "I don't care. There is no way, not even for an hour." "You're being selfish." "No, I'm not. What if someone finds out. I would never hear the end of it." "No one will find out. We'll be on the cruise ship." "Mark will be there." "Mark?" "We don't get along at all. And if he found out, it would be all over town." "He wouldn't do that." "Yes he would. In a heart beat." "Please. Just think about it?" "No. I won't do it. Period." Katie was crying when she left my room and that hurt. I loved my sister. I guess I should explain this whole thing. My older sister, Katie, who's five years older than I am, I'm sixteen, had put together a girl's singing group, The Four Hearts. I thought the name was a little dumb, but it worked for them. They started in high school and continued afterwards. They have done a number of local gigs, become well known locally, have received some good publicity and made some decent money. Then they had gotten an offer to work for five nights on a cruise ship, which was offering a special cruise for the twenty something crowd. And the group jumped at it. They figured that it might open some new doors for them. My sister's best friend, Nan, was one of her backup singers, as well as doing a couple of duets with Katie. And a little while before the cruise, Nan was hurt in an automobile accident. This was a major tragedy for everyone. I liked her a lot and didn't like seeing her hurt. She was going to be in the hospital for a while and of course she would miss the cruise. Katie had spent a long time looking very hard for a replacement for Nan. But, there wasn't anyone that would fit the bill. And she was at her wit's end and almost ready to cancel the gig. The group consisted of Katie the oldest at twenty-one, the lead singer. Nan who's also twenty-one and plays bass guitar. Abby who's twenty and played guitar. And Pam, the baby of the group at nineteen, the composer of the group, as well as the keyboard player. Mark, was Katie's long time boyfriend and was the groups sort of manager. He and I never got along. There was just something about him that I never liked. A few years ago, my dad, before he died, had built a practice room for them in the basement and they practiced there almost every day. And I, being a typical teenage boy, hung around them when they practiced. I enjoyed being around four pretty girls. So, I knew most of their songs. Oh yea, Pam had actually written most of there original stuff. It wasn't long after Katie had left my room that mom found me. She said, "Mat. Katie told me the idea that she had come up with. And I thought she was crazy, but you and Nan are close to the same size. You can sing and play the guitar. And it would be almost like she was there." "Mom! You're not making sense." "Why?" "I'm a guy. I'm your son. And there is no way that I'm going to dress up as a girl. Besides, there is no way that I could look like a girl, or act like a girl. Let alone Nan. She's gorgeous. Besides ..." "Matty. You could. You and Nan are the same height and about the same build. I think her outfits might even fit you. A little makeup." "Mom. A little makeup?" "Oh. I see what you mean." You see, along with being gorgeous, Nan was also black. And I'm as white as could be. Blue eyes and blond hair. My northern European heritage. Nan had brown eyes and her skin tone wasn't really that dark, it was like a nice tan. I burn when I get too much sun, so I've never tanned. "I know all the publicity photos have been done for this trip, showing the four girls. And of course one, Nan, is black. Can't Katie find anyone?" "You know she's tried. I guess she'll just have to cancel, if the cruise line won't accept just three girls. Nan's a big part of the group. And finding someone that knows the songs and all, on such short notice is hard." "I know she's trying. I really don't even sound anything like her. My voice is too deep." Mom looked at me a little funny. "What?" what I asked. "Honey. You have a very nice singing voice. Your voice hasn't changed that much." "Oh. Thanks. I'm sixteen and sound like a girl." "Don't worry. It'll change when it's ready." Mom finally walked out of my room and I went back to my reading. Something else you should know about me, is that I am small. In fact, our whole family is on the small side. My dad was five foot six, my mom is five foot one, Katie is the giant of the family at five foot seven and I'm like my dad, a whole five foot six. And yes, my voice had never changed much. I sing countertenor in the high school choir. And I've never played sports, but can play the piano, guitar and saxophone. Also, I'm one of those kids that don't have many friends. There aren't any kids in the neighborhood that are close to my age. Most are much younger. I do have a couple of friends when school's in session, but they live out on farms and spend most of the summer working on the farm. So, I guess my closest friends are the girls from my sister's group. I spend most of my time reading and helping mom take care of the house. And the girls at school have never really liked me. An hour or so later, I wandered downstairs and into the kitchen looking for lunch. Katie was on the phone, when she saw me, she quietly said goodbye to whoever she was talking to, hung up and said. "Hi Matty." "Hi sis. Any luck finding someone?" "No." "Sorry to hear that." "I know. It was a dumb idea thinking that we could make you look a little like Nan." "Not dumb. Just far fetched. How's Nan doing?" "That was her on the phone. She's still sore and the casts are bugging her. But, she's just happy to be alive." "So am I. I hope she gets out of there soon." "So does she. She's lonely. Want to go see her?" There was a little smile and a twinkle in her eyes, when she asked. "Yea. That would be okay. After lunch?" I replied. "Sure." So, after lunch, we headed for the hospital. When we walked into Nan's room, I was surprised as to how she looked. I knew she had been hurt. But, a cast on one leg, a number of bandages, all kinds of wires and an IV line. I just stood there and stared. "Hi guys." Nan said, "Don't be afraid, it isn't as bad as it looks." Nan was always upbeat, no matter how bad things were. We walked over to her bed, Katie bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. And I tried to smile at her. Nan looked at me and said, "Mat. I'll be fine. The doctors say I'll make a complete recovery. And it won't take that long." I just looked at her, tried to smile a little more and said, "It's just hard seeing you laying there like that." "I know. Now, sit down and tell me everything that's going on." We sat with her and Katie filled her in on all the gossip and goings on. And I added a few comments from time to time. Finally Nan said, "Katie, would you be a sweetie. And run down to the cafeteria and get me a ginger ale?" "Sure." Katie replied. I went to get up and go with Katie. But, Nan said, "Mat. Stay here and keep me company." "Okay. If you really want me to?" With a sweet smile, Nan said, "I'd like that." So, I sat back down and my sister headed to the cafeteria. Nan looked over at me, smiled and said, "Thanks for coming and seeing me." "No problem. I miss seeing the four of you together." "I guess Katie is going to have to cancel the gig on the ship." "Yea. She can't find anyone to take your place. And with all the publicity stuff done, I don't know if the cruise line will accept only three girls." "She told me about her crazy idea of turning you into me." "It is kind of crazy." With a grin, Nan said, "I guess there's no way they could turn a white boy, like you, into a pretty black girl, like me." I looked back at her with a little smile. "But," she continued, "you know ... " My smile turned to a questioning look and I said, "Now don't you start. You were right when you said, 'There's no way.'" "But, Matty. You don't want the group to fail. Do you?" "Of course not. But, there's no way that I'm going to dress like a girl. It's crazy." "Matty. It's only for a few days. And it would mean so much to all of us and especially me. Since I messed this whole thing up." "The accident wasn't your fault. So, don't feel bad." I could see tears appear in Nan's eyes. This wasn't good. "Matty. I just feel so bad. I would give anything, if there was anyway that I could undo this." And the tears started rolling down her cheeks. I felt bad. I took her hand and said, "Nan, don't cry. Everything will be fine." "No, it won't. I've messed this up big time." "Nan. You haven't. I wish I could help." "Would you try something for me?" "Maybe. What?" "Well. I have a friend that works at a tanning place. Would you stop and see her?" "For what?" "To see if there is a way that she can get your skin color close to mine." "No way. It would take months to get a tan like that. Besides, I burn." "No, it wouldn't. They have a spray they use and it only takes a few minutes. How do you think your sister keeps her tan during the winter?" "A spray. How long does it last?" "Until it wears off." "And how long is that?" "About a week." "A week?" "Yes. It wears off after that time." "Well ... I don't know." "Matty. For me?" "Well. Maybe. But, what about everything else. My eyes? My hair? My voice? And I know nothing about being a girl." Nan had a way about her. Was I starting to bend to her way of thinking? "You sing in the school choir. So, I know you can carry a tune. And you wear contacts. Don't you?" "Yea." "Then colored contacts." "My hair?" "Well. I usually wear my hair fancy, with long braids and colored beads. But, I was going to change it for the cruise, something a little easier to take care of. Your hair is somewhat long. I know of someone else that might help." "No. There's no way. I can't. What if someone found out?" "Matty. No one will know. I know people that are so good with makeup that they could make a cat look like a dog." I smiled a little at that. Nan was starting to really bend me to her way of thinking. I couldn't believe that I was starting to think about doing this. There was no way that this would work. "Hi guys. Have a nice chat?" Katie said as she walked back into the room, carrying three drinks. "Matty is always a good talker." Nan said. "Good. What did you guys talk about?" "Oh. Just Mat becoming me for the cruise." "Really?" Katie said, looking at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head yes. Katie added, "I figure he's still saying no to trying it." "I don't know. He hasn't said yes and he hasn't said no." Both girls looked at me. Nan with her big brown eyes and a smile. Katie with her blue eyes and a questioning look. Could I say no to these two? "All right, you two. This is nuts. But, I'll go to the tanning place and see what happens. But, that's all." I said. The two girls looked at each other and smiled. Katie looked at me and said, "Thanks for doing this Matty." "I only said that I'd go to the tanning place. No promises." "I know. But, you've given me a little hope." Katie said. We sat and chatted with Nan for a little longer. I didn't catch Katie checking her watch every few minutes, or the nod she finally gave to Nan. But, it wasn't too much later that Nan started to become sleepy and Katie said we should be going. Nan tried to get us to stay, but Katie insisted that Nan needed to get some rest. Katie got up and gave Nan a kiss on the cheek. I just said good bye to her. And she made us promise to come back soon. I also missed the thumbs up that Nan gave Katie as we were walking out of her room. As we drove out of the hospital parking garage, we turned right instead of left toward home. And I asked Katie, "Where are we going?" "I thought we might stop at the tanning place." "Ah ... Now?" "Why not. You got a heavy date?" "Hmm. I guess. I did promise Nan." "I know." Ten minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of the Tanning Barrel. Katie got out of the car and I just sat. She bent down, looked in at me and said, "Come on. It won't hurt." I looked at her and slowly got out of the car. We walked into the Tanning Barrel together. I looked around and there were a number of people waiting. A girl walked up to Katie, greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and said, "Hi Katie." "Hi Mary Ann. This is my brother Mat." "Hi Mat." "Hi." Was all I could say. "Is he the one that Nan and I talked about?" "Yes. He's the one." Katie replied. I thought, 'Nan had already called here? That was quick.' "Come on with me and we can get started." I followed behind Katie and Mary Ann to a private booth. Mary Ann closed the door behind us and said, "All right Mat, take off your shirt and will see how dark we can make you." I slowly and reluctantly, removed my shirt. Mary Ann continued, "The way this works, is that we get you as dark as you want to be. Then if you want to keep it, you come in every week and we redo the spray. What I'll do today is just a small area, to see how your skin will accept the solution. Then if you decide to do it, we can do the spray booth anytime you want. I'll also give you some lotion, which will help extent the time the tan lasts." "Spray booth?" I asked. "We have a special booth that you go into and the spray is applied in a very uniform way." "Oh." Mary Ann got out a little device that she called an air brush. She carefully sprayed an area on my back, waited a little while and checked it. She said, "This looks good. What do you think, Katie?" "Looks great to me. Can't really tell if it's that close to Nan's coloring without seeing more." Katie answered. "Can I see?" I asked. Mary Ann moved a couple of mirrors around and I saw an area on my back that was tanned. Interesting. I heard Mary Ann whisper something to Katie. And Katie say. "You're right." "What?" I asked. "Oh, nothing." "No. Something. What?" "Mary Ann said, that if you do this, you'd need too lose your body hair." "What!" "If you go along with this. The body hair has to go." "No way." "Matty. Have you seen a girl with hairy legs, or arms?" "No. I'm not a girl and there is no way am I letting you guys do that." "Matty. Relax. It's no big deal. I do it all the time." "Yea. But, you're a girl." "It grows back." "Sure. But, how long does it take to grow back?" "It depends on how it's done." "Hmm. How's it done?" Mary Ann said, "There's three quick, none permanent ways. Depilatory, shaving and waxing." "And?" "Well. With shaving you'd have to do it almost every day and it's prickly when it grows back in. With the depilatory, again you have to use it every few days. And with these you'd have to have someone do your back. With waxing, we'd do it here. It's slow to grow back and it grows in soft. No prickly regrowth. You'd only have to have it done once. But, it's a little painful to start with. This is what your sister and Nan have done." "I don't like pain." "You kind of get used to it after a little while." Katie added. "We could show you on your back. And you're not that hairy, so it won't be too bad." Mary Ann added. "Get used to pain? I don't know. This is really starting to getting too deep for me." I said. Katie said, "Matty. Just give it a try." "I really don't know. I only said that I'd try the tanning." "Just one spot? For me." "All right. Just one spot." Mary Ann, as she was walking out of the room, said, "I'll be right back." I looked at Katie and said, "Sis. This is really getting too deep. Hair removal. Tanning. Not to mention everything else that you and Nan have talked about. I'm really having second thoughts." "Matty. Please, for me, give it a shot." "Sis. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can pull it off." "Matty. Please rethink this. It would mean the world to me, not to mention Nan, Pam and Abby." "You are going to owe me big for this." "I know." "Alright. We'll see what happens with this wax thing." Just then Mary Ann walked back in and said, "Come on with me." Katie and I followed her to another room. This room had a nice padded table in it, a couple of nice arm chairs and a roll around table with various stuff on it. Mary Ann patted the table and said, "Hop up here Mat and lay face down." I reluctantly did as she said. After I laid down, Mary Ann said, "Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to spread a little wax on your back. It'll be warm, but not hot. Then I'll place a strip of cloth over the wax and then remove the strip. Like I said, it will hurt a little. But, the body gets used to it after awhile. Okay?" "I guess." I felt Mary Ann spread something warm on my back and then pressed something over it. She asked, "You okay?" "So far." "Now for this part." With that Mary Ann removed the strip very quickly. I jumped about five feet and yelled. Finally I was able to say, "That hurt!" "Just relax for a minute and it'll stop." I looked at Katie and said, "Hurt a little! That really hurt. I can't do this. No way." "Matty. I have this done all the time." Katie replied. "Yea. But, you want to do it. I don't. How often do yo go through this?" "Every four or five weeks. But, only my legs and under arms." "And it hurts like this every time." "Only the first pull." "Yea. Right." "Your body really does get used to the pain after a few minutes." Mary Ann said, "Can I show you?" "I don't think so." "Please, Matty?" Katie said in a very sad voice. I looked at her for a minute and reluctantly said, "I ... guess." Mary Ann applied some more wax to my back, another strip of cloth and again quickly removed the cloth. I jumped. But, she was right, it didn't hurt as bad. "Was I right?" Mary Ann asked. "I guess. But, it still hurts." "But, it does get easier. Want me to show you? Your back is half done and I might as well finish it." I wasn't able to see the wink that Mary Ann gave Katie. "Well." I said, "I guess it would look funny only half done." Mary Ann continued with my back and by the time she was done, it really wasn't too bad. I have to admit, I really liked it when she massaged some lotion onto the area that she had waxed. "Want me to do the rest?" Katie asked. "The rest?" "If you're going to be a girl, we need to do the whole body from the neck down." "You're kidding. We only came here to check on the tanning and now I've gotten my back waxed." "Well. We know the tanning is going to work. What do you think?" "You know what I said about you owing me. Well that just doubled. Mary Ann, is there a rest room close?" "Sure. Turn left and it's the third door on the right." After Mat had left the room, Mary Ann said to Katie, "Nan said he would do this if we worked it just right." Katie, smiled and said, "There's just something about Nan. She can wrap Mat around her little finger." When I got back in the room, Mary Ann handed me a thong and said, "You'll need to put this on." "Why?" "We need to do your whole body, except your privates. And it's to keep you decent. You can go behind the screen and change." I looked at it and wasn't sure it would cover everything. Even my little everything. But, I went behind the screen, stripped and put on the thong. When I walked back out, Mary Ann said, "All right. Back up on the table." I looked at Katie and said, "Does mom know about all of this?" "Not yet. But, I was going to call her while Mary Ann works on you." She got up and walked out of the room. And Mary Ann went to work, starting with my backside and working down the backs of my legs. She worked quickly and methodically. Her only comment was, "I'm glad you're not too hairy. This won't take long at all." About the time she was having me roll over, Katie was back and said, "I talked with mom. And so far she's fine with this. The waxing and tanning. But, she wants to talk to us before things go much further." "Much further? I'm not sure it's going any further." I mumbled to myself. When Mary Ann started on my chest, the pain was almost the same as when she first started on my back, but again subsided as she did more. When she was all done, she again massaged lotion everywhere that she had waxed. She also looked over my body very carefully, looking for any hairs that she had missed and didn't find any. As I was starting to get off the table, she said, "Wait." "What?" I asked. "I almost forgot. Your underarms." "Do we have to?" "Ever see a girl with hairy underarms?" Katie asked. I looked at her and just shook my head. I figured this was really going to hurt, but it didn't. I was surprised. As I was finally getting off the table, she asked, "Do you want to do your first tanning session today?" I looked at Katie. She looked at me and said, "It's your call." "I'm ... I'm ... Oh. Why not." I finally said. "By the way. After I called mom, I called Nan and told her. She said she owes you a big kiss for doing this." Mary Ann had me put on a robe and she led us, me still in the thong, back to the tanning booth. She put me inside, after telling me how I needed to stand. It only took a short time. She looked me over and touched up a few spots using the air brush. I looked at my arms and they had a nice tan to them, as did my legs. Katie said, "It looks good on him. He should have done this a long time ago." On the way home, Katie said, "I'm proud of you." "Proud of me? I think it was set up." "Set up?" "You and Nan set me up. I don't think she needed anything to drink. It was just away to get me alone with her. And let her work on me." Katie just sat there and grinned. "So, you may be able to get me to look like a girl. But, what about acting like a girl?" "You've got four teachers, they've been girls all their lives and can probably do a good job in teaching you. As long as, you are willing to learn." After we got home, mom intercepted us in the kitchen and said, "All right you two, sit." The three of us sat at the kitchen table and mom looked at me and said, "Well you do look good with some color. But, are you doing this because you want to help your sister, or did she and Nan coerce you into this?" "I'm not sure what happened, mom. One minute I was myself, the next I was hairless and tan. And I wasn't sure why I was doing it. But, it's done." "Are you going to do the cruise with the group?" "I don't know. I told Katie and Nan that I would check out the tanning and that was it. But, I guess I went a little further." "I'd say a lot further. Katie, you know if he goes through with this, you're going to owe him. And Mat, if you do, be careful who finds out. Afterwards it may be a fun thing. But, during, it could be very embarrassing for everyone." "Mom," I said, "you don't have a problem with this?" "Yes and no. Yes, I don't know if I want my son dressing and acting like a girl. And no, I don't want to see my daughter fail and if my son wants to help her succeed, that's his choice." "I'm going to have to sleep on this. I don't know if I can do it." "Abby and Pam are coming over to rehearse. Want to join us?" Katie asked. I thought, 'What! And let those two work on me too.' But, being a teenaged boy, I couldn't resist being around three pretty girls, even thought they were older than I am and one was my sister. So, later that evening I joined them, in the room in the basement. I sat on a stool and just listened to them for a while. They sounded good, but without Nan there, something was missing. As they finished one of the songs, Abby looked at me, smiled and said, "That tan looks good on you Mat. Going to keep it?" "I don't know." I replied. "It does look good." Pam added. "Thanks. I think." "Nan said that you were considering doing the cruise with us." "Just thinking." "I think it would be cool." With a nasty tone to my voice, I said, "But, you don't have to do it." "Mat! That wasn't nice." Katie said. "I'm sorry. But, this is really beginning to be too much. I'm a guy and I don't want to dress up as a girl, or act like a girl." "It's no big deal Mat," Pam said. Abby added, "It's just clothes and some makeup. And you look good with tan you have. It's almost like Nan." "In fact it could be fun. Just to see how the other half lives." "You guys are really pushing this. Clothes and makeup. Yea. But, then I have to also act like a girl. I've been a boy for sixteen years. I don't think I can do it." I said. "The big thing is." Abby added, "If we don't find the fourth. This gig is going to fall through. And then I think that the group will fall apart." Abby was the serious one of the group and could always be counted on to come to the point. My sister looked at her, then me and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "Mat." Pam said, "You know most of these songs. Why don't you join us for just one?" Katie looked at me and said, "Yea. Just do a background part." Against my better judgement, I slid off the stool and said, "Just one." Nan and I were at about the same level with the guitar and I knew the music. So, that wasn't a problem. Singing with them was another matter. But, not much later, I we had done six songs. And one was a duet with my sister. "Matty." my sister said, "That was nice. You actually sounded good. Want to hear what it sounded like?" They taped all of their practice sessions. I looked at her and said, "I guess." We sat there and listened to the tape. To start with, I could hear myself in the group, but as the session went on, my voice started to blend in with the group. And with the duet with Katie, I wasn't sure it was me. "That sounded very nice girls." my mom, who had been standing at the door, said. I turned around and said, "Girls?" "Sorry Mat. But, it did sound like a girl's group." "Oh, thanks. Just what I needed" "Mat. It did sound good. For some reason your voice blended with ours." Pam said, "And I think with a few more sessions you would sound like a natural. You have a nice sultry voice." "Now I'm sounding like a girl!" That night I lay in bed thinking about this whole thing. I really didn't want my sister's group to fail. But, I also didn't want to dress up like a girl. I'd gone as far as the hair removal and tanning session. And that may have been too far. Did I want to go further? Could I go any further? The next morning I came down for breakfast and only Katie was there. She looked up and just said, "Morning." "Hi. You okay?" I asked. "I didn't sleep very well last night." "How come?" "Worrying about the cruise ship gig. I'm going to have to call them this afternoon, explain what's going on and see if they'll accept just the three of us. But, we're really missing something without a fourth voice. And I just don't think it'll work." I got myself some cereal and sat down across from Katie. And between mouthfuls I said, "Did I really sound that good last night?" "Yes. Toward the end. When you relaxed and started having some fun." "It was kind of fun." "The girls also thought that you were really fitting in." "Really?" "Yes." "If I do this. What more would we have to do?" I saw a little hope appear on my sisters face, as she said, "Get your hair done. Find someone to do your makeup, so that you'd look right. Get you a couple pairs of brown contacts. And be sure that Nan's outfits will work for you." "You've been thinking about this, haven't you?" "Yes. I've been running it over and over in my mind. Just incase you decided to do it." "Think Nan is up?" "Oh, probably. Hospitals are notorious for getting people up early. Why?" "I just wanted to talk to her." "Okay. I'll call her." "Hi Nan. It's Katie. Didn't wake you up did I?" ... "I figured as much." ... "There's someone here that wants to talk to you." ... "Yea. Hang on." "Hi Nan. It's Mat." ... "Fine. How are you feeling?" ... "Good. I just wanted to tell you that I've decided to try and do the gig." ... "Yea. I sang with them last night and they all said I sounded good. My mom even said so." ... "Yes, I'm willing to give it a shot." ... "Thanks. Here she is." I handed the phone to Katie, who had a big smile on her face. And I was still wondering why I had just said what I did. Katie took the phone and said, "Hi." ... "No. A big surprise to me. He never said anything until he told you." ... "I know." ... "Yes. A lot of work in a short time. But, I think we can manage." ... "That's great. Let me get a paper and pencil." ... "Okay." ... "Alright. Talk to Aba at the Hair Hut on 12th." ... "Yea. See Tom there. They'll be all right with it?" ... "Yes. It will be interesting." ... "That'll be cool if you can do that." ... "I'll wait till I hear from you."... "You take care and get well. Love you. Bye." Katie hung up the phone, looked at me and said, "Mat you really surprised me. Are you really going to do this for us?" "I'll try." "Are you sure?" "I guess." "No guess. I only want you doing it if you're really sure." "I am. I don't want you guys to have to cancel the gig. It may lead to something big for you." "Mat. If you weren't my brother, I'd kiss you." "You'd better not. But, promise me something?" "Sure. What?" "That Mark will never find out." "He's harmless." "I don't care. He really doesn't like me and there's no way I want him finding out." "Okay. But, then we'll have to really keep you under wraps and only let him see you when you're fully dressed and in girl mode." 'Girl mode?', I thought, 'This isn't going to work.' An hour or so later I heard Katie talking on the phone and it sounded like it might be Nan. And it was later that day that we were off to somewhere that I'd never been before and I wasn't really sure that I want to be, a beauty parlor. It was called the Hair Hut, we sat and waited for a certain girl. A girl, in full Goth, finally walked up to us and introduced herself as Aba. She said that Nan had called her earlier and explained everything. We got up and started following her. As we walked toward the back of the shop, I whispered to Katie, "How many more people are going to know about this?" "Not many. We have to get your hair done. And your make over." Aba showed us into a private room and said, with a smile, "Mat. Don't worry. Nan told me the whole story. And I think you're really cool for doing this. And I want to help you do it. The biggest thing is getting your hair to look as close to Nan's as we can. I do her hair all the time and she figured that I had the best shot at doing it. Have a seat in the chair and I'll take a look." I sat in her chair and she started looking at my hair. Finally she said, "This will work. What we're going to have to do, is add hair extensions, dye it a mahogany brown and do it in tight curls." "How will he keep it like that for the cruise?" Katie asked. "Easy. The curls will be very tight and will stay in for the most part. And if it's like most cruise ships, they have a good beauty shop on board and can fix it. And just being a little careful when he sleeps. When do you want to do this?" "How long will this whole thing take?" "The longest part will be doing the extensions. We could do the extensions, dying and set in one day, but it would be a long day." "Think he should be in girl mode for this?" "At least when he walks out of here. His hair will be so feminine, even with just the extensions, that it will look funny if the rest of him looks like a guy." "So, if Mat walks in. A girl should walk out?" "That would be best. If he looks completely like a girl, there won't be any strange looks." "What about makeup?" "I think one of the girls here would be willing to help. Nan uses her when she wants a really good look. And she's really good at special looks." I had been sitting there taking in all this talk between Aba and Katie, felling like the odd man out and I finally said, "Stop. You're talking like I'm not even here. I'm the one that's going to go through this. If I do. So, once I get the hair extensions I have be in girl mode from then on?" Nodding her head yes, Katie said, "And it might help you get into the role of being a girl." "Role of a girl?" "There's more to it than just looking like a girl. Remember I told you, you are going to have to act like a girl, move like a girl, become a girl." I just sank down in the chair. This was going to be more trouble than I thought. "First lesson." Katie said, "Girls don't slouch. So, sit up." I frowned at her, but sat up in the chair. As we were walking out of the beauty salon, Aba said, "I'll order the real hair extensions as close to Mat's color as possible and we'll see you later in the week. And I'll also talk with Viv about the makeup." We got into the car and I slouched down in the seat. Katie said, "Mat. Sit up." Reluctantly, I obeyed her. She turned, looked at me and said, "Mat. If you're not going to do this, we're going to stop right now before we waste any more money. Now. Are you doing this or not?" I looked at her and I could tell she was being very serious. She just sat there and looked at me. Then said, "Well?" "I said I would, didn't I?" "Yes you did. But, the way you've been acting... " "I'm sorry. But, there is just so much." "Yes there is. Trying to make a boy look like a girl, is a lot of work. You're trying to turn a macho male, into a sweet girl. It's a major challenge." "How much more?" "We're going to stop at Nan's place and pick up the clothes that she was going to wear for the cruise and take them home. That way we can be sure they fit you and we can make any alterations that we need to." "What else?" "Another stop, on the way to her place." "Where?" "Look at me and tell me what's the biggest difference between you and me besides our faces." I looked at her. And I must have gotten a puzzled look on my face, because Katie took her hands and pointed to her breasts. "No way." I said. "Mat. Only forms, something to go inside a bra." "Underwear. I've got to wear girl's underwear?" "Mat. It's the whole thing or nothing." I just looked at her, sighed deeply and said, "Okay." We drove to the other side of town and pulled into the parking lot for a place called Stage Front. As we were walking in, I asked, "Now does Nan know about all of these places?" "You didn't know?" "Know what?" "That along with being a singer, she's been into the theater since she was very young." "You're kidding." "No. She's done a number of plays and musicals. And has gotten to know a lot of people." "I guess." We walked into the Stage Front and Katie asked for Tom. Tom walked up to us and said, "Hello. I'm Tom. You must be Katie and Mat. Nan called and said you were coming." Then turning to me, he said, "I think it's just wonderful that you're going to be helping." "Thanks. I think." I said. "Come on and we'll get started." We followed him to the back of the store and into a dressing room. He had me sit in another beauty shop type chair and said, "So, we're changing you from a white boy into a black girl. A challenge, but possible. The tan looks great. I took the liberty of pulling some breast forms and we'll see which looks best on you. These are all close to Nan's coloring, but in different sizes and we may have to order something closer to your skin color. Do you have a bra?" "Ah ... No." "Okay. Lets see what size. Stand up and take off your shirt." I stood and took off my shirt. He wrapped a measuring tape around my chest and said, "34" Then wrapped it around my waist and said, "25". Then wrapped it around my butt and said, "28. Okay, I'll be right back." Tom walked out of the room and I just looked at Katie. She said, "What?" "You know this is going to be a lot of work and money." "You're right." "I said that I'd do it and I haven't been very good about it. Have I?" "No. Not really." "I'm going to try and do better. You're having enough problems, what with Nan and everything." "Really?" "Yes. I really do want you guys to succeed with this gig. I'll do whatever you want me to." "Really?" "Yea." "Thank you. It's going to take a lot of work just getting you to look like a girl. And you're also going to have to act like one. Not to mention fitting you into the group. I think we have to get you started thinking like a girl right now." "Okay." She just smiled at me. Tom came back in carrying a number of bras and something else. He laid everything down on the counter, turned and looked at me. He picked up a garment that looked like underpants, but more. "These are special panties." Tom said, "You need a girl's figure. Your chest size isn't bad, your waist is good, so you don't need anything to give you a waist. But, your butt needs help and that's where these come in. They're padded in just the right places and they'll also help keep your friend in control. Also, they're the same color as the breast forms and will be hard to detect." "My friend?" I asked. "You don't want to have a bulge in front with some of the tight stuff that Nan likes to wear. Do you?" "Oh, that friend." "If Katie will excuse us, I'll show you how to come up with a smooth front." Katie got up and walked out the door. Tom explained how to tuck my two little friends up inside and pull my other friend back between my legs. And then pull the panties up to hold everything in place. These panties were very tight and it was very uncomfortable at first. But, after moving things around a bit, it started to feel better. Katie came back in and was amazed as to how flat I was and that I now had hips and a butt. Tom then went to work on the breast forms. They were dark, just about Nan's skin color. He explained that there were various sizes and we needed to try various ones to see what looked best. He handed me one of the bras and I just looked at it. He grinned and said, "Never put one of these on before?" "No. Never." I answered. "Here. Slip your arms through the straps, turn around and I'll fasten it for you." I did as he said and it sure felt funny with that strap around my chest. He then said, "Your sister can show you how to do it properly later." "One of your lessons Mat." Katie added with a smile. "Now." Tom said, "We'll try this size form first." He proceeded to place a form into each of the bra cups and adjust them to his satisfaction. He stood back, examined them, looked at Katie and said, "What do you think?" Katie said, "No. They need to be bigger." Tom walked back up to me, removed the forms and inserted a bigger set. Again, he stepped back, examined them and asked Katie. And again Katie said, "Still bigger." Again Tom walked up to me, removed the forms and bypassed the third set and went to the fourth. He stepped back, looked at Katie and said, "Well?" Katie said, "Perfect. Looks just like Nan." "Good. How do they feel Mat?" "Heavy and cold." I answered. "They'll warm up and you'll get used to the weight once they're attached." "Attached!?" "Yes. To make them look natural they need to be attached with glue and makeup used to hide the edges. And then no one will be able to tell. And Nan likes to wear tops that show cleavage." "How long does the glue last?" "It starts to degrade by itself after about two weeks and then the breasts will just peal off. Or, you can use a remover anytime. I'll show your sister how to apply them and then she can put them on anytime. But if you come back just before you leave, I'll attach them and do the makeup around the edges. Now, what we normally do, is have the forms custom tinted to match the persons skin color. But we're lucky with you and the set your sister picked is so close that it will match without a problem." He laid me back in the chair and showed Katie how to mark where to place them. Then explained how to use the glue, place and hold the forms in place until the glue set. Then how to work the glue around the edges. When we left, I had a set of breast forms, three bras, three sets of the special panties, the glue and the remover. And Katie had me wear a pair of the special panties to 'just get used to them.' As we went to the car, I got in like a guy would. Katie caught me and said, "Wrong." "Wrong. What?" "Lesson two. A girl doesn't get into a car that way. Get back out." I got out, stood beside the car and said, "Well how should I do it?" "Sit and then swing your legs in." I did as she said and it felt funny doing it that way. I watched and she got in the car the same way. And I said, "I've never noticed the difference before." "That's because mom never harped on you to keep your knees together." "Keep my knees together?" "So the boys couldn't look up your skirt." I though, 'Look up my skirt?' We drove over to Nan's apartment, to pick up the clothes that she had planned on wearing on the cruise. Nan had everything separated in her large walk-in closet and Katie knew exactly what to take out and she set them on Nan's bed. Then she walked over to Nan's chest of drawers and started looking for something. "Here take this." she said, handing me a package. "And this." handing me a second package. I looked at the first package and it was a six pack of very sexy panties. The other package was three pairs of very shear panty hose. I asked, "What are these for?" "Nan said, that she got the panties for the cruise and that you might as well have them." "But, I've got the others." "But, they're skin colored and if you didn't wear panties it would look like you weren't wearing anything." "Oh. And pantyhose?" "Nan usually doesn't wear nylons, but for some of the formal stuff on the cruise she figured that she might need them." "Oh." "She also said that you could borrow some of her jewelry. So, lets see what she has." Katie walked over to her dresser and opened up a jewelry box and started looking at things. I just kind of looked over her shoulder. I knew Nan like to wear a lot of rings, but I couldn't believe how many she had. Katie picked out a few and set them aside. Then a couple choker style necklaces and bracelets. Then she started looking at earrings and she hesitated for a second. She turned and looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Earrings. Nan's are all for pierced ears." "No way." "You already have your left ear done. All we have to do is your right. Besides, finding long dangle earrings like Nan wears in clip ons will be impossible." "Ah ... I know I said that I'd do this, but ... " "A lot of guys have both ears pierced and no one cares." "Oh all right... I guess." "I'll even do it for you. In fact, we can probably do it right here. Nan has some nice studs. Let me see if I can find some things." Katie went looking and I just sat on Nan's bed waiting. Katie was back in a few minutes and shortly afterwards, along with the stud that I already had in my left ear, I had a small diamond stud in my right. Katie changed the stud in my left ear to one that matched the one in my right. Her comment, as she was piercing my right ear, was, "We should do multiples. Nan has five in her left and four in her right." I just looked at her and said, "No!" Katie then selected a dozen or more pairs of the longest dangle earrings that she could find and a couple pairs of big hoops. I remember Nan wearing the big hoops and I thought it was cool. Katie carefully packed the clothes into a suitcase and the jewelry into a small travel case. Saying, "We'll try them on at home. Next." "Next?" "Shoes. Nan said we could borrow anything we want." "But, they won't fit me." "They just might. We don't call her 'boat feet' for nothing." "That's not nice." "She called herself that first, when she found out that she had the biggest feet in the group. And it stuck as an inside joke." "All right. I guess." "We'll need a dozen pairs." "A dozen? Why so many." "For many different looks." "Does she have than many?" "Didn't you see the shelf at the back of her closet? There must be four or five dozen pairs of shoes, a few pairs of boots and each has their own cubbyhole." "Why so many." "It's a girl thing." Katie replied as she walked back into Nan's closet. A few minutes later, she was back out with two pairs of shoes and a pair of boots. "Okay Matty. Off with the shoes and socks." I took my shoes and socks off and she placed a pair of what looked like sandals on the floor in front of me. I looked at them, they had a short heel on them and what looked like laces. "Go on. Slip them on." Katie said. I slipped my feet into them and it felt strange, my heels higher than my toes. Katie knelt down, wrapped the laces around my ankles and tied them. Then, she helped me stand up. She looked up at me and said, "Well?" "It feels strange." "You'll get used to them." "But, a high heel sandal." "These are only about two inch heels and they're the lowest heeled shoe that Nan has other than her trainers. Lets try this pair, if they fit then anything Nan has should fit." This pair was a pair of black, pointed toe stilettos. The heel looked to be twice as high as the sandals. Katie untied the sandals, slipped them off and I carefully slipped my feet into the shoes. They were tight, but fit. And I felt a little tipsy being on heels that high and skinny. Katie asked, "How do the feel?" "Like I'd break my neck if I tried to walk in them. And they're tight. They pinch a little." "A little pinch is nothing. You'll have to learn to walk in these. We'll work on that at home. I'll go pick a few more pairs and we'll get those packed up. Then we can go home." Katie and I carried the suit cases with clothes, shoes and jewelry down to the car. I went to get in the car, as I usually did and Katie said, "Stop." "I know. I know. Sit and swing my legs' in." "You got it." As Katie and I were taking everything into the house, mom said, "A girl by the name of Aba, from the Hair Hut, called and she didn't have to order the hair extensions, she found them in the shop. She also said, that tomorrow was a slow day and she could do Mat's extensions. So, I made you an appointment for nine in the morning." I looked at Katie with, I guess, a little look of fright. And she said to mom, "Mom. Mat will be in girl mode after we go tomorrow." "Why?" mom asked. "We figured, since he'd look more like a girl at that point, that it might be best for him to be in girl mode from the time the extensions were added." "Matty. Did you really agree to this?" "I guess. I told Katie that I was going to go through this without much more complaining." "I see." And I got the look from mom. The look of, 'I'm not sure about this.' Katie and I hauled all of Nan's stuff up to my room and laid the clothes out on my bed, or at least as much as we could. I, with Katie's help, put on a bra with the forms. And we started trying on all of the clothes. Some of the skirts were very short, there were two long formals, a couple shorts outfits. The ones that I really didn't care for were the ones that showed a little bare midriff. But, that's what everyone was wearing. Surprisingly most everything fit or came very close. Mom walked in just as I was trying on one of the formals and said, "Very nice. But, it looks strange seeing Matty in a dress with breasts." "It feels funny, too." I replied. "You're really going to do this. Aren't you?" "I did promise Katie and Nan that I'd really try." She nodded her head and walked out of the room. Katie and I carefully made room for all the clothes in my small closet and put everything carefully away. I looked at her and said, "What's next?" "I think you had better practice with the shoes." "Which ones." "If you learn to walk in the stilettos, then you'll be able to walk in any of them." "But, I feel like I'm going to break an ankle." "If you're careful and remember to take small steps you'll be fine." "What about tomorrow?" "We'll pick out some things later. But, I figure that we'll keep it simple, a pair of jeans, a loose top and maybe the sandals will be good for tomorrow." I slipped on the stilettos and tried to walk in them. Luckily I was next to my bed, as I almost twisted my ankle and fell on my bed. Katie helped me sit up and said, "Maybe we had better start with a lower heel." Later that evening, I practiced with the group again. That night it was my turn to not sleep very well, thinking about the change to come tomorrow. Was I really ready for this? The next morning, after breakfast, Katie laid out some clothes for me. And we packed them in a small case. And as she was walking out of my room, said, "Be sure and wear the special panties." At nine o'clock we were walking into the Hair Hut and Aba was standing at the desk chatting with a couple of the other hair dressers. She saw us, smiled and said, "Hi Mat. Hi Katie." We returned the greetings and followed her to a private room. We were shortly joined by two other girls and Aba introduced them, "This is Viv, she'll be doing your makeup. And this is Penny, she's the nail tech. I figured, that while I was doing your hair, Penny could give you a manicure and pedicure. And then Viv can do your makeup. Is that okay?" I looked at Katie and she said, "Sure." I looked back at Aba and said, "Okay." Aba had me sit in her chair, she wheeled over a tray and Penny rolled over another tray. Aba started working on my hair and she was pulling and twisting. But, what Penny was doing to my hands was relaxing. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I don't know how long this took, but at about the time Aba was done with the extensions, Penny had finished with the pedicure. "Mat." Aba said. "Huh?" I said shaking myself out of a fog. "Mat. I'm going to have to style your hair, do you have any idea what you want?" "Ah. No." "I think I know something that will look very cute." "You know best. I guess." I don't know how long it was, but when she was done, I saw myself in the mirror and I had a very feminine hairdo. And the hair went well below my shoulders. Then Viv walked in and started on my makeup. I happened to look at my hands. My nails were a dark red and longer than they had been by about half an inch. I looked at Katie and she grinned, as she said, "You must have really been zoning. Penny put acrylics on your nails and polished them. Look at your toes." I looked at my toes and those nails were the same color as my finger nails. I looked back at Katie and she said, "Remember we decided full girl mode after the hair." "But, I wasn't expecting this." "It's part of it." Viv asked me, "Mat, are you shaving yet?" "No." I replied. "Good. We won't have to hide a beard shadow." I sat there while Viv worked on my makeup. The worst thing was when she was plucking my eyebrows, it wasn't the pain, but how much she was doing. When she was completely done, she turned me around to face the mirror and I saw for the first time what she and Aba had done to me. I just looked at myself for a long time. I was a girl, hair, makeup and all. Viv had actually given me nicely arched eyebrows. Katie said, "I love the look Matty. Aba and Viv did a really good job." "I know sis. Almost too good." "What do you mean?" "Will everything be back to normal by the time school starts?" "It should be. We'd better get you changed. We have other things to do." I looked at Katie and said, "I guess I'm stuck going out like this now. Aren't I?" "And you'll do just fine." "Know what?" "What?" "We've never come up with a name for me to use with Mark." "Oh... You're right. I'll have to think on that. But, as far as the cruise line is concerned you're Nan." Katie helped me change into the clothes that she had picked for me, a bra, the forms, a leather skirt that hit me about mid thigh and a brightly colored blouse. Katie called it a tie-front silk blouse. It actually felt nice. I also wore the sandals with the ties. Now, don't get me wrong. I was standing there for the first time looking like a girl, but feeling very scared. I knew that Aba and Viv had done some remarkable work to make me look like a girl. I looked in the full length mirror and saw a girl. Blond with a deep tan. Even kind of cute. But, could this boy, now looking more like a girl, walk out of the beauty shop and be a girl, not a boy. I wasn't sure. "Come on Matty we have things to do." Katie said, as she took my arm and led me out of the room. As we walked to the front desk, Aba and Viv were standing there, they looked at me, both smiled and Viv said, "Looking really good girlfriend." I think I might have actually smiled at that. I know I felt a little bit better. There were a number of other customers in the shop, some looked, some didn't. But, there were no strange looks like what I had expected. Katie and I said good bye to Aba and Viv and walked toward the door. I hesitated at the door, Katie looked at me and said, "Matty. You look cool. I know you're nervous about this, but you'll be fine. The more we get you out, the better you'll feel." As we walked to the car, Katie said, "I think I have a name for your female side." 'My female side?' I asked her, "What?" "Kyla." "Kyla... Hmm. I guess." Katie watched as I got in the car. And I did it correctly. She just smiled at me, then said, "You have a lot to learn in the next week and a half. And start watching all the girls that you see. Not like a guy watching girls, but to learn how they walk, move and interact. Remember the things that I've told you, always a little smile, walk with your head up, one foot in front of the other, short steps and everything else. You're now a pretty girl and you need to be proud of that. Think you can do it?" "I'll try." "I can't ask any more than that." We drove over to the optometrist that we used, to pick up my brown contacts. Then we stopped at the mall and walked around for a little while. It took Katie awhile to get me out of the car and into the mall. As we were finally walking toward the mall, Katie told me that we were doing this for a couple of reasons. One was to get me use to being around people. Another was to watch girls and women. And lastly to just do some window shopping. We spent a couple of hours there and I started to relax. The more people ignored me, the better I felt. I received some smiles from women and some admiring looks from guys. Then, as we were leaving the mall, we stopped in a small boutique and Katie bought me a purse. The clerk at the boutique treated me just like any other customer. It was like I was just one of the girls. Now, mom when she saw me was almost speechless. But, finally said, "Mat. I never thought that you'd go through with this whole thing." "I promised Katie. And we had a long talk about it." "I just hope this will work for you Katie. It's been a lot of work." "I know mom." Katie said, "Everyone that's seen Mat this way is just struck by how good he looks." "It's not all looks." "We know mom and we're working on it." Three days after Aba had put in the hair extensions, we were back having my hair dyed mahogany brown. She also dyed what was left of my eyebrows the same color. I had worn my brown contacts, so that when we were done, I'd be completely Kyla. It took Aba awhile to put my hair in tight curls, but when she was done, I had what looked like a thousand curls down to my shoulders. Viv then redid my makeup to go with my hair and eyes. Katie had brought a pair of Nan's large loop earrings and replaced my studs with them. She commented, that we shouldn't be removing the stud from my right ear yet, but as long as we were careful we should be okay. When I finally looked in the mirror, I saw a pretty black girl and Katie with a broad smile on her face looking over my shoulder. I turned around and said in my best Kyla voice, "Well girlfriend, are you happy? You now have a sister instead of a brother." "Matty... No. Kyla. You look fantastic. And I really owe you big time." She walked over and kissed me on the cheek, just like she did with her girlfriends. Then said, "There's someone that's going to be even more surprised." "Who?" "Nan." "Yea. She hasn't seen any of this." "Want to go surprise her?" A little while later we were walking down the hall to Nan's room and Katie stopped me. She said, "Lets really surprise her. You go in by yourself and see how long you can fool her." "Cool." We stopped outside Nan's door. Katie looked me over. Smiled. And said, "Go have some fun." I slowly walked into the room and peaked around the curtain. Nan looked up, saw me and said, "Hello honey. Can I help you?" Again, in my best Kyla voice, I said, "I'm looking for my friend. She's supposed to be in this room." "I'm the only one in this room. What's your friends name?" "Nan." "My name's Nan. But, I don't think I know you." I couldn't help but get a big grin, as I said, "Does the name Mat mean anything?" "Mat!?" "Uh huh," "No way?" "Way." "Where's that sneaky sister of yours?" "Right here." Katie said, walking into the room with a big grin on her face. "Matty. If I could get out of this bed, I'd give you such a big hug. And I love your earrings. And your hair is just perfect." "The earrings are yours and I can wait until you're better for the hug." I replied. "They're yours now. And Katie he, no she, looks so good. Is there really a boy in there?" "He's still in there some place. It took a lot of work. But your friends did it." "How's his singing voice?" "I'd worry, if I were you. He's beginning to sound almost as good as you do." "Mat. You'd better not take my place." "Don't worry." I said, "You just hurry up and get well. I'll stop being Kyla any time." "Kyla. That's a cool name." "Katie came up with it." "Has Mark met Kyla yet?" "No." Katie replied, "He won't be back until just before we leave." "That will be the real test. If you can fool him, you can fool anyone." Nan saw the frown on my face and added, "What's wrong honey?" "Mark. I just don't like him." "It'll be fine, honey. There's no way that he'll know that you're really Mat." "I sure hope not." I was sitting on Nan's bed and trying to break the sullen mood that I started, she reached out for my breasts. 'My breasts?' Touched them and said, "Are these real?" I jumped like they were real. Katie laughed a little. And Nan grinned. We sat and talked like three girlfriends for an hour. I tried very hard to maintain Kyla. At one point a nurse came in and said, "Could you girls excuse us for a couple of minutes? I have to change a dressing." I looked at Nan, grinned and said, "Sure. We'll be in the hall." Once in the hall, Katie said, "See. I told you that you were passable." "Meeting Mark will be the test to pass." "Why don't you like him?" "I'm not sure. I just get bad vibes from him. He just seems ... seems like he's always up to something." "He's harmless." "We'll see." We stayed another hour with Nan and as we were leaving, she said, "Kyla. It's really nice to have another girlfriend." "Thanks girlfriend." I said, as I bent down and kissed her on the cheek. I was feeling pretty good. Almost sure of myself. Was I really beginning to get into this? When we walked in the house, my mom saw me, she just sat down on a kitchen chair and stared. I looked at her and said, "Mom. Are you all right?" She just continued to stare. But, finally said, "Matty, do I have another daughter?" "Only till after the cruise, mom." "It amazes me how pretty you look. Just be careful." "I will mom." The next week was a flurry of activity. I practiced every day with the group and I was beginning to feel like a member. Katie and the others, corrected everything that I did that wasn't feminine. We spent more time at the mall. And I began feeling more and more confidant. Abby and Pam were treating me more like Kyla than Mat. And I was feeling more like Kyla. But, the biggest test was yet to come. Introducing Kyla to Mark. Something I really wasn't looking forward to. Mark had been away for some reason or other and was coming back two days before we left for the cruise ship. The day Mark was to meet Kyla. We went back to see Tom at Stage Front. He carefully attached the breasts to my chest and then blended makeup around the edges. Katie watched very closely, just incase she had to redo them. Tom told us that the makeup was waterproof, but may need to be reapplied after a couple of showers. As I finally sat up, it amazed me how heavy the forms were pulling on my chest. I looked in the mirror and I had breasts. You couldn't see where the forms ended and I began. I looked at Katie and she just smiled. I finally put my bra back on and it felt so much better. I thanked Tom with a hug and he wished us good luck. Next was a visit with Aba, Viv and Penny at the Hair Hut. Aba congratulated me in keeping my hair in fairly good shape, she only had to touch it up a little. Viv asked how I'd done my makeup so well, I had to admit that Katie had done it all, so Viv had nothing to do. And lastly Penny not only changed the color of my nails, but did some fancy designs on them. So, I guess I was as good as these people could make me. As we were walking to the car, I asked Katie, "Can I meet Mark with the rest of the girls around?" "Sure. Safety in numbers?" "Sort of." "He should be at the practice tonight and we can introduce the two of you then." "If we have to." "Relax. It will be fine." "I hope." As I was changing clothes later that day, I looked in the mirror and saw the pretty black girl looking back at me. She was only wearing panties and a bra. And looked very cute. But, she was me. I'm a guy. Why was I doing this? Could I do this? I wasn't sure. Not sure at all. That evening at practice, after we were about half way through our fifth song, Mark walked in. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten. He stood at the door and listened. When we finished, Katie went over to him and gave him a big kiss. My stomach turned over. He was looking at the three of us, but I felt it was more at me. "So, this is our new fourth?" he said, looking at me in a way that it made me very uncomfortable. Katie said, "This is Kyla. Nan found her for us. She's a bit quiet until she gets to know you. Kyla, this is Mark." "Good thing Nan found her. She caused this whole mess." I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck and was about to say something. But, Katie beat me to it with, "You know the accident wasn't Nan's fault. So, just give it up." Mark just looked at Katie. He then walked over to me and I offered him my hand. He took it and looked into my eyes. I didn't like the look. And when he said, "From what I just heard, Nan had better get well quick, or we have her replacement already." I felt hatred building inside and I pulled my hand back from him. Katie said, "Mark! Kyla is a friend of Nan's and she's doing this as a favor to her. If you make her mad, she'll probably back out." "Sorry. But, I had figured this gig was a bust." "It's not. Thanks to Kyla. Be nice to her. And remember onboard ship, she's Nan." "Yea. Nan." Katie walked back over to the group and Mark sat on one to the stools. We practiced for another hour before calling it a night. Mark hung around, so I left with Abby. We drove around, stopped to get a Coke and just sit for awhile. Abby, for some reason, sat there and stared at me. I finally said, "Please stop staring at me." "I'm sorry. But, I jus

Same as Me Thinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much Videos

4 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 6

Kariban ye agle week ki bat hai. Ek din mujhe Abhishek ne kaha sham ko drink ke liye. “Maine teri mummy ko mana liya hai. Mast party karenge. Bhai ab toh tujhe pine mein bhi koi dikkat nahi hogi.” Us time toh mujhe yakin nahi hua. Lekin jab main ghar gaya toh mummy ne mujhse kaha, “Aaj Abhishek din mein puch raha tha sath mein drink ke liye. Maine haan bol di hai, thoda sa hi piungi.” Maine dekha ki meri mummy khud drink karna chah rahi thi. Shayad unhe acha laga tha. Maine kuch kaha nahi...

4 years ago
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Devar Ke Dost Ne Mujhe Choda

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu main ek acche jism ki malkin hu main pahle chudwane se bahut darti thi kyuki meri saheliya mujhe batayi thi ki chudwane me bahut dard hota h lekin chudwane ke bad to mujhe lund ki adat lag gayi aur ab to main bahut sare logo se chudwa chuki hu. Meri chudai ke bare me mere husband ko bhi nahi pata h aur nahi mere sasural me koi janta h ki main itni badi chuddakad hu lekin meri saheliya meri chudai ke bare me sab kuch janti h kyu ki main apni...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 7

Hi friends ye meri kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ka 7th part hai aap mese bahut se reader aise honge jo already 6 part pahle ke padh chuke hai jo naye reader hai unse meri request hai ki pahle 6 part padh le is kahani ko padh ke mujhe aap mail kar sakte hai pe. Haan to ab mai apne kahani pe aata hu sixth part me maine aapko bataya ki kaise meri mummy ke pet me uncle ka bachha rah gaya aur uncle ne apnane se mana kiya aur meri mummy aur uncle me jagda hua Lekin kuch...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 1

Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behen Poorvi

Hi friends this is rahul gigolo with a new story mere yeh story bhi bohoot mast hai ismai mai aap logo kooo bataunga ki kaise maine aapne friend ke behen ko choda hai. Kaise usne mujhe kaha chodne ko aur humne sex mai kya kya kiya aur humne kitne maze se sex kiya aur kab kiya aur kaise kiya yeh saab mai aap ko batata hu aur ha kise bhi ladyko jo sex mai interested ho wo mujhe mail kare par koi bhi sex kaise bhi sex I am ready to do at anytime. And if u r from Jabalpur or near then it will be...

1 year ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 5

Nilesh sath mein aaya car tak. Nilesh ne Abhishek ko hug kiya aue fir mujhse hath milaya. Meri mummy ko bhi hug kar liya. Mummy ko toh nasha chad gaya tha. Ab hum log car mein baith gaye. Mummy piche ke seat pe baithi thi aur main aur mera dost aage ki seat pe baithe the. Maine dekha gadi chalke abhi 10 minutes hue the ki meri mummy ki aankhe band ho gayi thi. Woh neend mein chali gayi thi. Mere dost ne kaha,”So gayi kya teri mummy? Aaj pahli bar drink ki hai na.” Maine kaha maine kabhi dekha...

3 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 7

Abhishek ne meri mummy kaha, “Waise ek bat kahu? Naveen ke dad bohut lucky hai.” Mummy ne usse pucha kaise. Mere dost ne reply diya”Itni hot wife jo hai unke pass mein.” Ye hot shabd meri mummy ke liye aaj Abhishek ne dusri bar kaha kiya tha. Ek bar usne mere samne bola tha lekin aaj toh isne ye bat meri mummy ke samne hi bol diya. Mummy use lagatar dekh rahi thi. Unhone kaha, “Main tumhe hot lagti hu?” Abhishek ne kaha, “Kyu nahi, ho aap hot.” Mummy ne kaha, “Moti ho gayi hu main.” Abhishek ne...

3 years ago
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Papa Ke Dost Se Chudi

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main apni kahani aapko batane ja rahi hu jo meri zindagi ki sabse ajeeb kahani hai. Main ye kahani kisi ko batana nahi chahti thi lekin mera man kar raha hai ki main ye kahani aap logo ko batau. Main apne papa ke dost se chudi. Mujhe kabhi yakeen nahi hota hai ki main apne papa ke dost se chud sakti hu. Mere papa aur unke dost hamesha ghar par drink karte the. Mere papa ke dost mujhe hawas bhari nazro se dekhte the lekin main ye baat ghar mein kisi se batayi...

2 years ago
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Meray Dost Ki Dost

Hi friend mera naam ali hai aur main gujranwala main rehta hoon aur main app ko jo khani sunane ja raha hoo yeh aaj se do saal pehle ki baat hai main ne matric ke exam de kar farag tha aur koi kaam nahi kar raha tha main rozana apne aik dost ke pass jata tha jis ka naam abrar hai main aur wo us ke ghar ke bahar bait kar batain kiya karte the jis jaga hum baite the waha aik ghar tha jis main aik larki rahti thi jo ke mare dost ki girlfriend thi jis ka naam sidra tha is liye hum dono ka time pass...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Chod Ke Khus Kiya

Hello Dost aur auntiyo main aapka vishal fir se ek nayi ghatna 21 02 2016.Ki dost ki maa ko akela pa kar chod diya mujhe bauth sare main aaye ladko ki aur 1 aunty ki jisko main next month chodne delhi ja raha hu mail me Chalo aab story par aate hain jayada aapko bor nhn karunga Ye kahani mere dost ki maa ka hain jo mere ghar se half hr rasta hain ye dost mera school frn hain iski maa mujhe bachpan se aachi lagti thi bt as a good nature kuch galat nhn samay bitta chala gaya mera dost airforce...

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Malish Kerne Wale Se And Dost Se Mummy

Hi mera name Rahul Hai and Mai Rajasthan mai rahta hu. Mujhe iss ki stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Mujhe mummy ki chudai ki stories bhaut pasand hai. Aaj mai aapko apni mummy ki story sunuga ki kese mummy and malish wala ke beech sharirik sambandh bane phir mere dost ne mummy ko black mail ker ke choda. Mere ghar mai sirf teen hi log hai, papa,mummy and mai. Papa private job company mai kerte hai, mummy house wife hai and mai college mai hu. Mummy ki age 48 years hai and unka figure 34 38 40...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 8

Aap sabne meri pichli kahani mein padha ki kaise mere dost ne nashe ki halat mein jabardasti meri mummy ki panty nikal di aur unhe chod diya. Ab main ap sabko age ki bat batane jaa raha hu. Agle din meri neend khuli kariban 9 baje subah mein. Main bistar se utar ke room se bahar nikla mujhe meri mummy ke room se aawaz aa rahi thi. Mera dost meri mummy ke kamre mein tha mujhe yakeen nahi ho raha tha. Kal rat ko meri mummy ko aise chodne ke bad woh yaha kyu aaya. Main jaise aage badha, halka sa...

3 years ago
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Meri Maa Mere Dost Ki Randi

Dosto yeh ek sachhi kahani hai… Me apni mummy ke sath ek colony me rehta hu jaha mere bhot dost bhi hain…   Me apni mummy ka description nahi dunga kyuki woh boring hoga bas yeh maanlo mast maal hai…   Toh dosto ek din humare ghar me renovation horha tha toh us din mummy thaki hui thi aur kaam bhot bacha tha…Me apne computer pe game khel rha tha itne me mera dost agya me naam nahi batana chahta..   Toh hum sath khelne lage aur fir achnak se mummy ne dono ko bulaya help ke liye.. Bed uthane me...

2 years ago
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Diwali Ke Din Dost Ki Bhabi Ke Sath Chudai Ki

Hai Indian sex stories readers, Im a very old reader of ISS stories and this is my first confession in ISS , its my real incident, my name amer im from hyderabad age 23,I am fair & fit,my height 5’10, I am a graduate person, if any aunties, divorced ladies, college girls ,unsatisfied women want to enjoy sex life with me then you can mail me on . Ab mai aploag ko zeada bore na karte hue apne real incident per aata hu Jaise k mai abhi abhi apni engineering complete kiya thaa may k mahine me uske...

2 years ago
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Meri Mummy Chudi Dost Se

Hi this is Rahul saxena from Kota mai bhi iss ka fan hu 4 salo se iss ki stories pad raha hu is site ke bare mai maine apne kai or dosto ko bhi bataya tha or unhe bhi iski stories kafi achi lagi thi or aaj bhi ve iss ko follow kerte hai per mujhe nahi pata tha ki in stories ko pad ker hi mera dost meri mummy ko chod dega or humare hi ghar mai Mere mummy papa ke bed per aaj mai apko batane ja rha hu ki kese mere dost ne mere hi ghar per meri mummy ko choda or ye chudai aaj bhi chal rahi hai....

3 years ago
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Uncle Aur Unka Dost Ne Gand Fadi

Hi dosto, mujhe aap sab k mail mile bahut acha laga,,but kuch log mujhe real girl samjh rahe h ye to sabse achi bat h but fir se bata du main aap sab ko i m 24 years old boy(cross dresser) sissy submissive bottom.. Train me gand marai , train k bad hotel me gand marai-ii k bad kya kya hua un train wale uncle k sath main is part main batuangi, ye sab real me hua h, story nahi real life experience h ye sab mere. Us din k bad main uncle se kai bar mili, but kafi din ho gaye the is bar jab main un...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Bhai Aur Uske Dost

Hi friends mera Naam Puja hai. I’m 18 years old ki hun . mere ghar me mere mummy papa or ek bada bhai(20) hai. m abhi 10th class me hoon mera bhai B.A kr raha hai or mummy or papa govt. job krte hai wo dono subha 8:30 per ghar se chale jate hai or fir sham(6 baje takk) aaate hai mera school time 2 baje takk hai or bhai ka 4 baje college se aata ghar ki chabi m hi le jati hun. kai baar bhai jaldi aajata hai isliye ek chabi wo bhi rakhta hai. Ek din m jab school se ghar aai to dekha ghar...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Masti Mere Dost Ke Saath

Hello friends, i am great fan of this site and always get excited to read sexy stories that are posted here. i really want to thank them all. Aaj main bhi apni ek story aapke saath share karnae wala hoon. Mera naam Sunny hai. i am 30 yrs old. mera ek khas dost hai Anand hai. he is 28yrs old . uska mere ghar regular aana jana hai. main usse har secret share karta hoon. Ek din sharab ke nashe mein maine usse apni sexy bhabhi ke saath apne riste ke baare mein bhi bata diya. Meri bhabhi ka...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Chachi Ko Mast Choda

Dosto yeh kahani meri aur mere dost ki chachi ki hai.mai 5′ 10” hu aur mera lund 7” lmba hai. aj se 2 saal phle jab mai 11 me tha.unke bhut hi bade boobs hai aur mast si gand aur ek ladka h .unke husband army mai hai to kbhi kbhi hi ghr aya krte h. Yeh story tb ki hai jab mai maths pdne apne dost k ghr jata tha mere dost unki joint family hi hai par lobby zyada badi hone karn room thode dur dur hai. . phle to mere man me kuch galat nhi tha aunty k liya . par ek bar jab hum maths nikal rhe the...

4 years ago
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Mere Dost Ne Meri Behen Ko Choda

If you wanna enjoy this story l, please have patience. Agar aap is story ka mazza lena chahate hain to karipya sabar rakhein aur ppura padhe. I hoppe I will fullfill your lust.   Hi dosto mai jai apni ek aur kahani leke hazir hun, ye kahani hai meri sabse badi waali sis ki chudai ki.   Ye baat pichle saal ki hai, jab mene mere ek school friend ko ghar bulaya tha kisi kaam se. Lets start.   To baat july ki hai, bohot garmi pad rahi thi.Mere ghr me sab hi log kaafi modern hai they use to wear...

3 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 10

Ab main bas dekhne ke liye sochne laga shayad man mein jo us aunty ko leke vichar aate the woh real ho gaya tha. Maine soch liya tha ki ab main nazar rakhunga dono pe ki kab dono chodam patti ka khel khelenge aur main dekhunga. Ab ye bat us din se 3 din ke bad ki hai. Sham ko mera dost gym se aaya toh woh ghar pe aaya. Chai pine ke dauran main dekh raha tha mera dost apni aankho se meri mummy ke jawani ko pi raha tha. Haan ek change aa gaya tha meri mummy ko ye bat malum thi. Woh ache se jaan...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Mummy Chudi Birthday Pr

Hello indian sex stories dot net doston ye k real story h mere dost ki mummy ki jinhe hum 4 doston ne milke dost ke birthday pr chod dia or dost ko pta bhi nhi chla ki uske doston see uski mummy chud gyi. Agr kisi ko apni mummy, behen,gf ya aunty chudvani ho to mail me at . To ate haen haen story pr doston ye incident 4 agust ko hua mere ek dost ke birthday ke din. Usne hum 4 doston ko apne birthday pr bulaya tha ki mauj masti krenge uske room mae. To krib rat 9 bje hum uske ghr pohnche aunty...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behen Ki Shadi Mein Dost Ki Dadi Ki Choda Maal Andar Gira Diya

Hello Dosto main vishal fir se ek satay ghatna le kar aaya hu aapka mail bauth sare logo ka aaya bauth khusi hui ke aur bhi jaldi satay ghatna pesh karu tho mujhe mail aab story par aata hu Baat hain 13.03.2016 sunday ki dost ki badi sister ki shadi thi mujhe mere dost ne jaipur se phn kiya kaha tu aha ja didi ki shadi hain 15 tarik ko bauth kaam hain akela nhn ho payega maine kaha k bhai dnt worry main kal subha aha raha hu maine ghar par kaha aur subha ki flight se jaipur chala gaya dost ke...

1 year ago
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Maa Mere Dost Ashish Ke Saat Kashmir Trip Pe Gayi

Hello friends, I hope aap sab thik honge, and enjoy kar rahe honge. Aap sabko mai batana chahta hun meri maa kaa name Vinni hai. Wo ek gathile badan ki maalkin hai. Uska figure 36-28-38 hai, aur height 5.5 hai, to aap khud andaza laga sakte hai ki wo kya maal lagti hogi. Ab mai zyada time waste naa karte huye seedhe story pe aata hun! Meri maa kaa affair mere ek dost ke saath chal raha tha. Ye baat mujhe kuch time pehle hi pata chali jab maine apni maa ke phone me WhatsApp pe uski chats padhli...

3 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 3

Us din fir main college chala gaya. Meri mummy ghar mein thi. Main sham ko aaya toh din bhar rest leke fresh lag rahi thi. Mummy ne nahake dusre kapde badal liye the. Meri mummy ne salwar suit dala hua tha. Usne marron rang ki kurti aur safed salwar pahni thi. Meri mummy ka salwar bohut hi tight tha aur usmese kali panty saf saf jhalak ke dikh rahi thi. Sham ko mummy ne mujhse kaha chai banati hu tabhi gate pe knock hua. Maine gate khole toh mera dost tha waha pe. Mummy ne use dekha aur kaha,...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 4

Aise hi 3-4 din gujar gaye. Ek din mera dost mere ghar pe baitha hua tha ki use Nilesh ka phone aaya. Woh bate kar raha tha. Fir Abhishek ne mujhse kaha, “Kal Nilesh ka birthday hai, chalega?” Maine kaha, “Yaar mummy akeli rahengi kya acha nahi lagega.” Mummy ne kaha, “Are toh kya hua jao friend ka birthday hai toh.” Abhishek ne kaha, “Ok aap bhi chalo.” Mummy ne kaha, “Main kya karungi bachho ke bich mein?” Abhishek ne kaha, “Aap itna mat socho bas chalo. main usko inform kar dunga. Nilesh...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Naukrani Meri Bistarrani

Hi friends, mera naam Vivek h aur meri umar 25 saal hai. Aur mujhe choot chatna hudd se zada pasand hai. Ye meri dusri desi sex story hai, agar pasand aye to mail zaroor karein. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab main apne ek dost ki shadi me puna gaya tha. Wo mera best friend tha to mera rukne ka intezam hotel me na kar ke usne apne ghar par hi kiya tha aur isiliye main hafte bhar pehle pohoch gaya tha. Uske ghar pe uske papa mummy bhi rehte the par un dino me shadi ke kaam se bohot busy the. Uske ghar...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Marzi Se Uski Behan Ko Choda

Hiiii dosto mera name mohit hai mai mumbai se hu mai first time apni life ki sachhi kahani likh raha hu ye kahani mere dost ki behan ki chudai ke bare me hai. Mere dost ka naam deepak hai hum dono sath me bachpan se padhe hai deepak ki ek choti behan hai uska name namrta hai woh 18 saal ki hai aur 12th class me hai.Woh bahut hi mast hai wo rang fair hai uski figure 36 28 34 hai. Meri koi behan nahi hai isliye mai uski behan ko apni behan ki tarah manta hu.Me aur deepak bachpan ke dost hai mere...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Bibi

Hi Friends, I am a regular Reader of ISS but i am sending my story first time.Sabse pahle main apne dost ke baare main batat hu, uska naam hai Ghanshyam, main or ghanshyam Chaddi Friend hai, Hum Bachpan se Sath-2 Rahe hai aur ek baat humne jhante hamesa hi sath kati hai kabhi ke dushre ke bina nahi, khoob muth mari hai sath sath me hi.Isliye hamre beech me sab kuch khula hua hai, yaha tak ki maine hi use tip di thi ki Golden night ko use kya karna hai or usne vahi sab kiya bhi,Ye sab to Gav ki...

4 years ago
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Mere Aur Meri Dost Ke Bichh Sexual Relationship

Hello dosto mera naam raj hai.Main ek normal looking guy hu aur mera lund kisi bhi ladies ko satisfy karne ke liye kaafi hai. Main iss ka bahut bada fan hu…har din main yahan sex stories padhta hu yahan…mere dono stories pe bahut achhe comments aaye the aur approx 5000 likes bhi,so I thanks to all readers…toh main aaj jo story sab se share karne jaa raha hu woh mere aur meri dost anu ke bichh sexual relation ke baare me hai ….Agar ye story achha lage toh comments jarur de.If any aunties,...

4 years ago
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Bhaiya Or Unke Dost Ne Ek Sath Choda

Hi friends.. Mera naam pooja hai. Ye meri pahale real story hai.. I hope aapko pasand aaygi.. Sabse pahale main apne bare me batana chahati hu.. Meri figer 34 32 34 hai. Mera rang fair hai.. Main ek modern grl hu.. Meri age 22 year hai.. Ye story 5 saal pahale ki hai.. Jab main 18 saal ki thi.. Jab mujhe sex ke bare me kuch nahi pata tha. Meri ek friend thi uska name riya tha. Uska ek bada bhai tha.. Wo bhaut handsome tha.. Main aksar khelne ke liye unke ghar jaya karti thi.Riye ke bhai ka naam...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 9

Aap sabne padha ki kaise Abhishek ne meri mummy ko dhire dhire pata raha tha. Sham ko kariabn 7:30 ho rahe the main balcony pe khada tha. Mujhe Abhishek niche dikha. Woh apni bike pe baith ke start kar raha tha. Tabhi Nilesh ki bike aayi waha pe. Dono ne hath miliya fir Abhishek apne bike se utar gaya aur dono upar aane lage. Main apne gate ke pass aake khada ho gaya. Ye dono Abhishek ke ghar mein nahi gaye. Sidha sidhiya chadte hue upar chhat pe chale gaye. Maine mummy se kaha main aata hu....

4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Ke Dost Se Chudi

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main aap sabko apni sex kahani batane ja rahi hu. Ye kahani mere aur mere boyfriend ke dost ke beech ki hai. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe cheat kiya to main uske dost se chudi. Main aur mera boyfriend pados mein hi rahte the. Hum dono ka ghar najdik tha isliye hum log ki baaten hoti rahti thi. Hum  hamesha sham ko milte the. Aur hum dono log ek acche dost hi tarah rahte the. Lekin hum dono ki dosti dheere dheere pyar mein badal gayi. Aur hum ek dusre se pyar karne...

3 years ago
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Meri Randi Maa Usha Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto, ye meri paheli chudai story hai aur es kahani me mai apne maa ki chudai kaise huyi wo bataunga us se pahle mai apna introduction deta hu. Mai raju age (18), mere ghar me randi maa, papa aur mai rehte hai, aap log hairan huye hoge ki mai apne maa ko randi kyu keh raha hu, ye kahani padne ke baad aap log bhi mere maa ko randi hi bolege. Maa ka naam usha h age(39), figure vidya baalan kaisa,chuchi badi badi ,gand bahar ko nikla hua,chalti h to lagta boob upar niche hota rahta h,koi bhi...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Saath Sex Pehli Baar

Mera naam Vicky hai. Main north ka rehnewala hoon. Meri height 5’8 hai aur athletic body hai. Mera khaas dost hai Jolly. Wo bhi north se hi hai. Hum bahot saalo se dost hai. Humare bich koi secret nahi hota. Hum jyadatar waqt saath hi hote hai. Yeh kahani us waqt ki hai jab hum college me the. Ek baar humne hill-station ghumne jaane ka plan banaya. Koi dost ready nahi tha is liye hum dono hi chale gaye. Hill-station ka mausam bahut hi suhana tha. Halki barish aur fog rehta tha pure din. Hum...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behen Pinki Ke Sath Sex

Dear all and I am sassy from Cuttack. Ye mera pehela story in ISS main ISS ka regular reader hnu or me aaj mera pehela experience likh raha hnu main kyese first time sex kiya tha ek yasi ladki ke sath uski ghar me apni mumy ke presence me jo ki dikhne mai to sundar thi per us se jyada sexy thi. Aub kahani me chalte hai. Ye ek Sachi ghatna hai ye undin ki bad hai jub mai mera MBA khatm karke new job join kiya tha CTC main. Main bahut hi Handsome tha aur attaractive bhi. Par har insan ke pas...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke parivar Ki chudai

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ek bar muze sarkari kam ke silsile 2 mahine ke liye Kolkata...

3 years ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 1

Hi, main Ajit. Meri biwi ka nam Manali, jo mere hisab se duniya ki sabse khubsurat ladkiyo mein se ek hai. Humara love marriage hua tha. Shadi se pahele hum 8 saal se ekdusre ko jaante the jis mein se 6 saal hum relationship mein the. Hum paheli bar 12th Standard ke Chemistry tuition mein mile. Tab main Kolkata mein naya naya tha. Dasvi ke bad higher education ke liye gharvar (house and family) chhod kar Jalpaiguri se Kolkata aaya. Kolkata mein naye college ki sath sath coaching classes bhi...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ki Le Li

Hello dosto mera name mohit. mene pehle two story publish kar chuka hu. “Assamese Aunty Ki Chut Aur Gaand Chudai” aur “Aunty Ki Madad Se Unki Behen Ki Chudai”. aab me jo kahani batane ja raha hu yeh mera third kahani hai isme me bataunga kese mene apni dost ki biwi ki chudai ki aur usko maja diya. jo log mere bare me nahi jane unhe me apne bare me batana chata hu. me 23 ka ho chuka hu. aur ASSAM ka rehne wala hu. meri ahani pasand aaye toh jarur mail kare mail id- Aab me bhabhi matlab mere...

1 year ago
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Biwi aur Mera Dost

Hi friends mera naam Gurnam hai meri shadi ko 5 saal ho gaye hai our meri biwi ka naam sunita hai, sunita bahoot hi khoobsoorat hai nice figure and acche boobs our jo ek sexy aurat main hona chaiye woh sab kuch usme hai,hi sex life bahut hi acche tarah se chal rahi thi sex enjoy karte the , kuch dine se hgurname sex main kuch kami aa gaye thi hume utna maza nahi aata tha. Mere hamesha se man tha ki main sunita ko kisi doosre mard ke saath masti karte hue dekh saku par sunita uske liye raaji...

4 years ago
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Apne Dost Ki Virgin Behan Aur Uski Maa Ko Choda

Doston mera naam rahul hai.. Main iss ka ek regular member hun main roj yahan aake stories padhta hun.. Aaj main apni ek story bata rha hun.. Yeh story mere aur mere dost ke behan ke pyaar ki hai.. Meri umar 19 saal hai.. Mer lund 7 inch lamba hai aur meri built bhi aachi hai.. Meri dost ki behan ka naam tania hai aur vo 21 saal ki hai.. Unke bade bade chuche aur gol gand hain.. Unki figure 38-32-38 hai.. Jab maine pehli baar unhe dekha tha to meri aankhen khuli ki khuli reh gayi thi.. Uski maa...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Bhabhi Naina Ko Choda

Mera naam rohan hai me mumbai ka rehne wala hu, meri age 24 years old hai, aur me ek private company me job karta hu, ye kahani is December month ki hi hai jab mene mere sabse close friend ki bhabhi ko choda tha, aur us din se vo chahti hai ke vo har roj mujse chude. Mere dost ka naam karan hai aur vo mere sath collage me padhta tha tabse hum pakke dost hai akshar humara ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rehta tha. Humare family jese relation ho gaye the uske ghar me vo uske mummy papa uska bhai...

3 years ago
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Dost ki biwi ko chuda

May Karachi ka rehnay wala houn. Yeh story bilkul sachi hay. Mera Aik jokay defence may rehta hay. Meri us ki dosti 5 sal pehlay hi hoi thi kissi aur dost ki waja say. Actually wo meray dost ka dost tha aur mera bhi acha dost bun gia.May na computer hardware maintenance ka course bhi kia hay aur may installation bhi janta tha. Aik din meray dost jis ka nam Shahid tha call ki aur kaha us ka gher ka computer nahi chal raha. May aker dekh loun. May na us sa kaha ka ma dosray din 10:00 a.m. Tuk...

2 years ago
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Dost ki bibi bani ghaevali

Ek sharmile dost ki kahani jisne dost ki bibi ko chodne ka sapana banaya tha sapana bhi pura hua lekin khul kar samane aa nahi sakata tha isliye uska sapana suniye…Mera naam Pankaj hai. Ghar par mere alawa mer dost Kulin, Uski bibi Anjana rahati thi…Yeh undino ki baat hai jab mere dost ne nayi nayi shadi kit hi aur ham tino saath me rahate the. Kulin ki umar us samay karib 25 saal,lekin w dubal patal tha Anjana bhabi ki umar sirf 19 saal aur meri 24 saal ki hai. Dost ki shadi abhi 6 mahine...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 2

Dosto mujhe abhi tak yahi lagta tha ki sirf randiya apne tange kholti hai gair mardo ke samne. Mujhe nahi malum tha ki housewives bhi aise apne sex ko satisfy karti hai. Mujhe us time bas yahi lag raha tha, “Kya meri mummy bhi aise kisi ke sath…?” Fir man bhataka ke dusre taraf karta tha taki ye sab mere dimag mein na aaye. Hum logo ne kariban 1:30 ghante sath mein piye aur fir khana hua. Uske bad woh aunty ek dum nashe mein aa gayi thi. Unse theek se chala bhi nahi jaa raha tha. Abhishek ne...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ki Dost Ki Chudai

Hi guys mein hu sam. Iss par new hu. Hamesha se story read karta aaya hu. Toh socha kyu na apni bhi story aap sab se share karu. Ye meri pahli story h. Jo mere sath kuch days pahle hi hui. Is story mein mai apko batayuga ki kaise maine apni bhabhi ki dost ko seduce kar k choda.   Sab se pehle mein apne baare mein bata du meri age 23 hai aur fitness ka bahot shok hai mujhe to fit hu mein achu body build hai. Mera lund 6′ inch ka h jo iski original size h. Mein surat (gujarat) me rahta hu apne...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Satisfy Kiya

Me Arjun.Delhi se hu, meri age 25 year me hauz khas area me rahta hu. This story me jo hotty ke bare me batane wala hu uski age 24 year.Uske assets h 36-32-38. Wo like ek south ki mallu aunty jaise the. Uska name poonam h. Mera dost Jaipur rahta h. Jyada time waste kiye bina me story pe aata hu. Ye chudai story 1 year pahle ki. Ek bar me kuch kaam se jaipur gaya. To waha mera dost rajesh rahta tha. Mene usse phone karke pucha kaha ho tum. Rajesh bola ghar pe hi hu. Me bola thik h me aa raha hu....

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Makan Malkin Ko Choda

Hello doston. Mai gandhinagar se ek baar fir apni story leke hazir hu aapke paas. To badhte hain story ki or. Mera dost jaha rehta tha wo log ab baahr jane wale the to use dusre ghar me saman shift krnaa tha. Jo ki wo mera a66a dost tha to usne muje bulaya help k liye. To mai gaya uske saath. Jaise hi hum pohche waha ek aunty khadi thi. Ekdm mst. Use dekte hi meri nazar usi pe ruk gayi. Maine mere dost se pu6a k ye aunty kaun hai to usne bataya k ye usika ghr hai jisme mera dost rehne aaya hai....

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Garam Wife Ko Thanda Kiya 8211 Part 1

Hi! All. I am a big fan of ISS and I regularly read all the stories produced on this site. Here I would like to share on of my experience with my friends wife, which took place some 3 months ago. From here onwards I will describe it in Hindi for more enjoyment and convenience of all. Please send me your feedback on my mail id that is I am also available on facebook with same id. To mera nam chirag hai our mai gujarat ke ek chotese saher se hu. Meri umar 26 hai aur mai married hu, mera physic...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Nangi Girlfriend Ko Nahate Dekha

Hello doston, Ye kahani mere dost ki girlfriend kalyani ki hai, wo 21 saal ki jawan ladki hai. Uski jawani ki charcha poore college mai hai. Boobs size 24B, kamar ki size 30, rang gora hai, 5’4″ height hai uski. Kalyani har hafte weekend mere dost se milne aati thi ghar aur saturday sunday sath mai rutkti thi. Hamare ghar mai ek bathroom ki window tuti hui hai aur chat se dekhne mai sab kuch dikhta hai andar. Kismat se wo khidki mere dost ke kamre ki hai. Ek din kalyani aur humlog sab bahar...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, aapne meri pichli kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ki agla part hai apne feedbacks mere mail id pe bejhe meri pichli kahaniyo me maine aap sabko bataya ki kaise meri mummy aur mere dost ke papa ke bich nazayaz sambandh kayam hua aura b mere dost ke papa meri mummy ko barabar chodtte hai.Ab mai aap sabko aankho dekhi ek aur kahani batane jaa raha hu hope ki aap sab ko usi tarah pasand aayegi jaisa aap sabne meri pichli kahani ko like kiya.Meri mummy us din bhi...

1 year ago
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meri Dost Ne Meri Maa Ki Chudai Ki

hello dosto ye meri pehli story hai. jo meri or mere dost ki hai. meri family mai hum 3 member hai mere papa, mom n me. mere papa nevy mai hai jo saal mai ek baar ghar aatein hai. meri age 22 haiormeri momki 40 hum delhi mai rehtien hai. meri mom ka naam rekha hai.uski age 40 hai par wo 30 kilagti hai kyuki wo har roj yoga karti hai. wo dekhne mai bahut sundar hai. unka fig hai 34 28 36. mai delhi ke ek college maipadta hu. col maimera ef friend hai jo hostel mai rehta hai. wo south india ka...

2 years ago
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ExGirlfriend Ki Dost Ki Chudai

Hello doston. Kaise hai aap sab? Main hun aapka dost Raj, age 31. A normal looking guy with normal penis size. Main basically Odisha se hun. Lekin Allahabad (U.P) mein rehta hu. Main is site ka bohut bada fan hu aur 09-10 saal se sex stories padh raha hu. Aur mere life ki kuch sex ki ghatnaye bhi is site mein share kiya hun. Un sab stories ko like aur padhne ke liye bohut bohut thanks saare readers ko. Agar aapko un stories ka link chahiye toh contact kijiyega. Aaj main apne life ki aur ek sex...

3 years ago
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Dost Ne Todi Gand Ki Seal

Hello dosto.. Mera naam sahil hai.. 25 year.. Lun ka size 8″ lamba 4″ mota jo kisi bhi aurat ko santust kar de.. Agar koi girl aunty chudai mai interested ho to mujhe inbox mai contact kar sakti hai.. Mujhe intzar rahega.. Meri pichli story internet se pyaar married women” story ka acha response mila.. Asha hai aapko meri ye story bhi pasand aayegi.. Aapke reply ka intzar rahega Mere dost ne kaise meri gand fadi aap logo ko batata hu. Mere yada dost nhi hai.. Ek do hi dost hai vo bhi male…...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Didi

Hiii friends this is rahul gigolo back again with a new story of my self mai aap kooo is story mai bataunga kii kaise maine aapne ek puranee dost kii behen koo chooda. Kripa kar story padkh kar mail kare aur mail ke reply bhi jaldi kare my mail id is please mail me aur jabalpur ki aunty aur ladkiya koi tooo milo yaar. Please jabalpur aunties mail karna mere age 22 hai mere height 5’7 hai aur mera lund 8.5 inch lumba aur 3inch mota hai so plz contact me for having sex. Mai kaise bhi sex karne...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Sadi Me Meri Abadi

Dear friends me apka Ashu ek bar phir hazir hoon ek ghatna jo meri zindegi me ghati he bo ap logon ko batana chahata hoon. Meri pichli sari kahaniya sabhi logon ko bahat pasand ayi. Sabhi ne mujhe bahat sara email bheja he. Isiliye me ap sabhika thanks karna chahata hu. Un sabhi ki demand he ki me meri zindegi me ghati sari kahaniyan sabke sath bantu. Is bajhe se me ek bar phir apni ek experience batane jaraha hu. Ye kissa pichle winter season ki he. Jab me apne dost Sandy ki sadi me gaya tha....

4 years ago
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Dost ki biwi meri jaan

Hi all. My Name is Sandeep I’m 28 year old with fair complexion smart boy from chandigarh still unmarried, main ek pharma co main kam karta hun. Mere pass ek computer opreter ki jagha khali thi. Ek din boss ne ek larka bheja bola ki yeh tumhari sath kam karega us ka Naam Gupt rakhta hun kyo ki abhi bhi wo mere saath kam karta hai aur yeh storyia bhi partha hai darsal mujhe partiyan dena ka bhuat shonk hai main roz roz kisi na kisi ke sath shaam ko pine baith jata hun dhere dhere us ke sath meri...

2 years ago
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Blessed Art Thou

Blessed Art Thou He looked at the picture cradled in his hand and slowly, almost reluctantly, took another slow drink of the whiskey. It still burned a little as it slipped down his throat, but he could no longer taste it so that meant that he had drank almost enough to get to where he wanted to be tonight. Deep in his stomach his latest drink joined the bonfire that raged there and he could barely feel anything as it was. It didn't matter anyway. He was going to drain the bottle...

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