A Cockold Sissy free porn video

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A Cockold Sissy Part 1 By Tiffany Scott 2006 Denise, the woman I had been married to for the last 11 years knelt between my spread legs with one hand planted firmly on my lower back for added support, while she grasped the terrifyingly huge cock that stuck out where her thighs met with the other. She laughed as she listened to the muffled sounds that managed to make their way past the fat ball gag filling my mouth. "Oh don't worry my sweet little bitch," She coo'd as she rubbed the fat bulbous head of the massive rubber cock over my tight virgin asshole. "I promise I'll be gentle like you always promised me every time you forced me to let you take me there." She watched as some of the excess gel she had used to lube my hole began to coat more and more of the fat rounded head of her cock. She couldn't stop herself from laughing at my fruitless attempts to pull myself free of the wide leather cuffs surrounding each of my wrists. As she moved further up between my spread legs and her knee's pressed against the inside of my legs she felt my thighs harden each time I attempted to escape from the strong cord tied to each ankle. "God I get so hot watching you struggle like this!" She exclaimed gleefully. "It gives me a rush of power and excitement that I've never felt before." She added as she guided her cock to my gel lubricated opening. She excitedly informed me that she already knew she was going to be using me like this quite often in the future as she began pushing her hips forward hard enough I could easily feel the increase in pressure. Reading this you may be a little confused about how a manly, semi-macho type guy like me ended up tied face down on the bed under his wife like I was. To tell you the truth it was my own fault. You know Socialologists say that humans are the only animals that will walk right into a dangerous, destructive situation with their eyes wide open and I can assure you that they know what they are talking about. You see one night about a year ago while my wife and I laid in bed cuddling I had had told her about a fantasy of mine that had grown and grown until it was just about the only thing I could think about, in or out of the bedroom. Over the 11 years of our marriage we openly explored just about any sexual idea each of us had thought might feel good or thought was exciting. But neither of us had been so consumed by something the way the idea of her having sex with some other man had done to me. I had brought the subject up to her several times, but she didn't seem to be remotely interested. As for me? Well, the more I tried to not think about it the more it grew until that idea had forced every other thought to the back of my mind. In fact for several months it was all I thought about when we had sex. That night I had told her about it she could tell that I was serious and after a bit of questioning she could tell just how deeply effected I was by the whole idea of it all. Actually I was surprised that she hadn't gotten upset or flipped out about it like I thought she would. In fact as we laid in bed that night and she questioned me she began to realize how obsessed I had become with it. Of course she wanted to know what I thought was so erotic and exciting about it and I tried to tell her, she also wanted to know why I wouldn't feel threatened by knowing some other guy was filling her pussy with his fresh cum. Over the following couple of weeks she learned just how much I had been thinking about it by making me tell her the things I had been thinking after a couple of weeks she had gotten me to tell her everything I'd been fantasizing, even the things I had wanted to keep secret because they were kind of embarrassing. You see we had always indulged in long, intense foreplay and once I had told her about this she would work me up into a frenzy so I was half crazy with lust. She knew what to do to get me like that and then she would keep me right on the edge of cumming and would easily tell her anything she wanted to know. She was amazed hearing that I fantasized about being forced to help her get ready to meet some guy by maybe having to pick which pair of her sexy panties for her to wear and she just sat with her mouth half open hearing how I would have to listen to her telling me every detail of what had happened once she had come back home. The whole scenario had been worked out again and again in my head to the point that I even described how one evening she would suddenly tell me that a really good looking guy where she worked had asked her out on a date and that she had told him yes. The more she heard and the more she thought about it caused her to rethink how she looked at me. I didn't realize it at first, but I should have realized that when she started to verbally tease me saying things like no real man would ever want to share his wife. She would see me blush and tell me my knowing what I was suggesting was naughty caused me to do that. "And you wanting me to tell you every detail afterwards is just plain nasty!" She teased playfully. But I could tell that little by little she was finding the idea erotic and it also was very obvious that she enjoyed teasing me and embarrassing me about it. "Do you want me to suck his cock too?" She would ask lovingly how questions like that would embarrass me so much my face would turn bright red and often when she would say things like that to me I would suddenly erupt and shoot my cum all over my tummy or into her hand of she was rubbing me. I didn't really even think about it but she found it so easy to make me climax just by saying naughty, sexy things that it we hadn't actually fucked for almost three weeks. This just gave her more things that she could humiliate and tease me about and she would belittle me and question my manhood every chance she got. "The only thing that excites you now is thinking about me dating real men and fucking them!" She would say in a taunting voice. "You would rather think about that then have sex with me." She would add. It wasn't too long before she was telling me that after thinking it over she would love to make my fantasy come true. "It would be exciting to come home with my dates cum in my pussy!" she said. "And I would make you listen to every little detail of me getting fucked while you smelled my wet panties that saturated with my and my dates cum that had leaked out of me!" There was no way for me to hide how turned on I got when she teased me or said things like that to me and after she had made me orally get her off sometimes two or three times she would make me jerk myself off in front of her. When she made me to that her teasing was terribly humiliating. She would call me all kinds of names and say that she couldn't understand how she had ever gotten the idea that I was a real man and she would eagerly scoop up my cum and force it into my mouth and make me swallow it. After a couple of months she had me wearing her panties every day, telling me that only real men wore boxer or jockey shorts. I was embarrassed that I enjoyed the way her nylon panties felt on my ass and cock when I wore them and every time the sensation of them rubbing against me made me hard she would tell me how pathetic I was and say how she just couldn't imagine ever letting me fuck her again. Of course since she loved teasing me and humiliating me so much it wasn't to long before she had me wearing her bra's as well and she was so discussed that wearing one excited me as well she angrily told me that anytime I was home I was to be wearing a dress or skirt and blouse over my panties and bras. I loved the naughtiness of dressing in her things and I didn't object much when she insisted that I start to shave my body hair and wear nylons and heels as well as all the rest. Then one afternoon she came home and found me playing with her makeup. She ranted on and on about how obvious that I wanted to be a girl and saying if that was what I wanted then I should be as good a girl as I could be. Once she had said that she made me sit while she cut and styled my shoulder length hair into a very feminine style and started making me use her hot rollers every day and she even had me get my ears pierced. Then one day she showed me a shastizmet sheath. "A pathetic sissy like you has no use for a penis, even a tiny one like you have!" She exclaimed as she locked it on me. Several times she invited some of our friends over for drinks without telling me and then gleefully showed me off to them. I nearly died of shame when she made me stand in front of one of my long time bowling buddies and lift my skirt up so he could see the pretty girls panties I was wearing. I was forced to do all the household chores and if she was the slightest bit unhappy with my work she would drag me over her knees and use her hairbrush on my ass to punish me. Several times she tied me so I was helpless and couldn't get away. Then using one of leather belts she beat me until I had thin red welts on every part of my body while saying I was just getting my just rewards for being such a little sissy and not having a real pussy inside my panties like there should be. I was stunned one Saturday afternoon after being gone for several hours she stood right in front of me and said that she hadn't gone shopping like she had told me. "What I was actually doing was getting my brains fucked out!" She said. My mind went blank and I just stood and stared at her unable to think of what to say. She laughed and then forced me onto my knees, then after raising her skirt she rubbed her just fucked pussy into my face. The wet crotch of her panties had the same smell I recognized from her feeding me my own cum. She laughed as she told me who she had been with. "Your ex boss Allen!" She said knowing that he had fucked my wife would make me feel like even less of a man then I already did, He had always given me a hard time and several times at company picnics and such he stood right in front of me and had asked Denise how come she had settled for someone like me when she was such a hot looking babe. "And I am going to continue letting him fuck me!" She told me. "So get used to it because sooner or later I'm going to let him spend some nights here." She saw the look on my face when she said that. "And your going to make yourself up all pretty like you love doing so he knows that your no longer any threat." She told me. "In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up sucking his cock, just so you learn your place." She was delighted to watch how I worthless and insignificant hearing all of this made me feel. "I knew you would get all moody and pout about it!" She told me "And I think the best cure for you would be for you to start being with men!" I objected but she slapped me and told me to shut up. Then she told me that she had seen things coming to this end and that she was going to start training me so men could pleasure themselves by using me. I looked at her with a confused expression as she hooked her thumbs in the elastic waistband of her panties and stripped them down her legs. She rolled them into a ball and after stuffing them into my mouth she almost dragged me into the bedroom. She forced me onto the bed and then struggled with me until she had secured the leather cuffs that now held my arms around my wrists. Then she tired my legs, stretching me out tightly as she could so I wouldn't be able to move more then a half inch in any direction. I watched as she went to her dresser and then removed a strap on dildo form one of the drawers. Once she had secured in place I saw that it was so big it's own weight caused it to point downwards instead of straight out from her crotch. She told me that I was so pathetic that the only thing I was good for was being a slut for whatever man that wanted to fuck me. "Someplace for them to deposit their cum!" She said and she assured me men would be fucking me quite often once I was broken in. "I know Allen would jump ant the chance to bring some of his buddies here to fuck you while he and I watched!" She said laughing. "He would be happy to do that just to humiliate you!" I tried to catch my breath when I felt her toss my skirt up onto my back. I had to gasp several times in order to draw in air past the cum soaked panties filling my mouth. When I felt Denise starting to pull my panties down over m upturned ass I franticly pulled at my cuffs around my wrists and the cords tied to my ankles. Denise sat between my legs and watched my useless struggles. "Your not going anywhere slut." She told me. "You should just accept the fact that tonight I am going to rape your virgin ass!" She added with a laugh. She roughly pushed K-Y lubricant into my ass, forcing it into my hole with her fingers. Each time she did this her long sharp fingernails painfully against the sides of my tender hole. I laid there helplessly as she did this again and again, packing my ass with the slippery goo. "That should be enough." Said softly talking more to herself then to me. "At least I hope it is because my cock will rip you if it isn't." she told me. When I felt how fat the heed of her cock felt once she was rubbing it up and down over my lubricated opening I began to roll my head from side to side while trying to beg her to not do this to me. But all I managed to do was to make a bunch of recognizable muffled sounds. Hearing this Denise patted my ass cheek. "Okay. Calm down." She told me. "I know your eager to feel my big cock filling your ass, but we have all night. No need to rush this. I mean it is your first time and that's special for every girl!" She told me in a mocking tone. She was teasing me by continuing to rub her cock up and down between my ass cheeks. "Oh God." She said. "I wish you could see just how massive my cock looks compared to your tiny little sissy hole. This might be a bit harder on your then I first imagined. But it has to be done!" She added. "I mean I can't see any advantage to putting it off." I felt her moving, positioning herself so her cock was directly in line with my hole and then I felt it pushing against my puckered cock tunnel. The pressure increased more and more until it was pressing against me hard enough that all I could think about was that when my opening did give way there was so much pressure that it would stab all the way into the back of my tummy. Just as that thought entered my mind my poor opening began to loose it's battle to keep the foreign object out. I thought I felt her cock began to move into my opening. As it did this it was forcing my hole to stretch open wider and wider around the lube covered head of her cock. I had never taking anything like this before and wasn't prepared for the intense stabbing pain that radiated out from my hole, into my inner thighs and down through my groin. I started to cry out into my panty gag in one long wail as Denise gripped my hips harder. The pain of being stretched open like this was so intense I knew that my wife's cock had to be ripping my opening. Then suddenly I felt the head of her cock slowly move through my opening, disappearing into my ass. The unbearable pain remained at the same intense level, the only differencing it began to radiate outwards from deeper inside me. Several times my ass gripped her cock so tightly that she had to pull it back a quarter inch or so and then she went right back to stuffing into me again. She had to be completely ignoring what she was doing to my sissy hole because she had to be able to see how big it had been forced to open up. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and my hack was still stiff and in the same curving arch it had been when she had started to force her cock into me. All I could think was that I was going to die from the pain. But just then her massive ass ripping cock stopped moving. I felt her lean over me so her mouth was close to my ear. "I knew you could take all of it you little slut!" She gasped. "It won't go any deeper." She told me, ramming her hips forward several times as if to prove I had taken as much as my ass would accommodate. I was still having a very hard time catching by breath and any movement he made, no matter how small sent stabbing like pain ribbing out from what I figured was my ruined hole. She rested for a bit with her cock impaling me like that, but all to quickly she whispered into my ear asking me if I was ready. She didn't expect to hear an answer and she didn't wait for one either. As soon as she had asked that she began to pull her huge murdering cock back out of me. This seemed to be just as painful as it was going in and I could actually feel as if my insides where being pulled out with it. I could only raise my ass up so far and when I reached that point it began to slide out of me quicker, but before it pulled out of me it suddenly changed directions. This time it sank into me a bit faster then when I was first penetrated but this didn't make it any less painful. The only difference this time was that I actually felt the heed ram into my insides when it bottomed out. "Oh God yes!" Denise gasped. "Now I understand why you loved taking me like this. The feeling of total and complete control." I felt her dig her fingernails into my hips to insure she would remain centered behind her fat cock. "I'm going to fuck you like this often!" She almost shouted as she yanked her hips back much faster then any movement before. Of course she also thrust it back into me faster as well. The only thought that was strong enough to fill my brain over the all consuming pain was that I would never live through this. She was already settling into a slow steady fucking motion and I could hear her grunt before thrusting her cock into my violated ass each time. "Do bet you feel like a girl now don't you bitch?" She asked as I felt her raise her upper body off of my back. I could imagine that her holding herself up like that so she could look down between us so and watch her cock disappearing into me each time she thrust her hips forward. Thinking of her doing that caused me to feel more shame and I began cussing myself out for allowing things to go this far. "God I never expected that I would enjoy fucking you like this!" She exclaimed. "I love it." I could hear her gasping big gulps of air as she begun fucking me faster. "You take t just like a bitch!" She added. I suddenly realized that the grunting sound I was hearing was coming from me. It was the sound of the air being driven out of me each time she drove the head of her cock against the bottom of what was now my sissy pussy. The intense pain I had been subjected to when she had first entered me had subsided slightly and I realized that I could feel her grinding her clitty down on the end of the dildo that was strapped against her pussy each time she thrust into me. She was making all kinds of sounds. Gasps, whimpers, moans. "I can't wait to see you being taken like this my a real man!" She blurted out between her gulps of air. "Watching you taking them. Hearing you moaning as they fuck their cocks into you. Using you like the cum slut that I'll turn you into!" In the past I couldn't stop myself from getting excited when she would say these kinds of things to me I reacted the same way now. Her words filled my head with images that I couldn't control. "Allen and I will love watching every man we bring here for you fucking your ass just like I'm doing now." She gasped. "Standing around you while each one fills your ass with com, one after the other!" An image of me on all fours while a strange man pounded his cock into my sissy ass flashed through my head and then I imagined that three or four other men would be standing around us rubbing their cocks as they waited their turn. Without even thinking about it I began to rotate my hips as far as I could so that my ass was angled up more in line with her cock each time she stabbed it into me. It didn't take her long to notice what I was doing. "Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "You are a total slut!" She speared her cock into me with renewed vigor. "Allen bet me that your true slutyness would be obvious once you had a cock pounding into you!" She shouted. She buried her cock into me and left it like that as her entire body was gripped by wave after wave of a mind blowing orgasm. I felt her legs jerking uncontrollably for the longest time and then she suddenly gulped down a big breath before dropping on top of me totally exhausted. As she laid on me trying to recover she slipped one of her hands under me far enough that she could wrap several fingers around my sheath encased chastised cock. She squirmed so her breasts were pressing against me and made a purring sound. "You know that this sheath will never be removed. You'll wear it for the rest of your life." She whispered. "Just think of all the men who be using to satisfy their lust while you will never be allow to cum ever again." I felt her give my imprisoned cock a firm squeeze. "It's all so erotically wicked leaving you so that you wont ever get to cum again and I know that Allen wants that as well." She told me. She kissed my ear. "Does that turn you on knowing that your old boss, who will have the privilege of cumming in my pussy any time he wants, agreed with me that you should remained chastised forever?" She asked. "I can't even imagine what he might decide we should do to you." She teased. "He never did respect you and after I told him the things I have about you he came right out and told me that he wanted to join in humiliating and abusing you like I do." She had a hard time controlling her laughter as he lifted herself up off of me then roughly yanked her fat cock out of my violated ass with one hard jerk of her hips. Pulling against the insides of my ass that had tightened around her cock a bit while we had been lying there caused searing tendrils of pain to shoot through my sore ass. "I've just got to call him and tell hem that he was right about you taking it like a total slut once my cock was buried in your hole!" She said as she got off the bed.

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Curiosity Spanked the Sissy

You had driven all night to get to where you were and as you look at the house you wonder why? You just cannot understand why you are outside the house of Mistress Penny. Is it curiosity you wonder, certainly she is a completely different Mistress from your own goddess, Mistress Michele. She is the Mistress to your good friend on Fetlife, Sissy Davina but the only thing you know about her is how she has been described by Davina. You know she is curvy Mistress unlike Mistress Michele, is...

1 year ago
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Tweak Chapter Three Birth of a Sissy

Melissa's mentoring of Simonne continues at an ever-increasing pace. He quickly learns that submitting to Melissa's demands may be the only way of convincing his girlfriend to submit to his. Operation Linda begins in earnest. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Three - Birth of a...

2 years ago
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Beth and Sissy

Beth and Sissy Copyright CassandraToday 2016 Beth stood up and walked from the bed to the far side of the room, over to the ... what is it? thought Sissy; it looks like a St Andrew's Cross lying on its back, with supports underneath to hold it at tabletop height. Beth turned, smiled at Sissy, and crooked her finger in an unmistakeable "come here" gesture. So enthusiastic at first, Sissy was now hesitant, as it sank in that this would be reality, not fantasy. She rose and started...

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The Making of a Sissy

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father.  Jane’s strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy’s mind.  Jane’s girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such places,...

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Andrew the Unsuspecting Sissy

ANDREW'S INTRODUCTION Audrey was alone in her study. Up on the 60 inch, big screen was a security camera that flashed from locations all across the manor. Audrey locked in location six and location eleven. She then pressed a button and stood up and removed her blood red silk blouse and unclasped her long black tweed skirt and lowered the zipper and watched as the skirt puddled at her feet. Carelessly she stepped away and adjusted her hose and garter belt. She was braless and wore no...

4 years ago
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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy Maid She took and held three enema bags before I allowed her to get out of the tub and she was emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically broken. Not permanently, that takes years to accomplish, but she had given up and began the process of accepting that she was powerless and too weak to resist me. To keep her in the right frame of mind, I grabbed her by her hair and walked her...

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A Happy Sissy

A Happy Sissy Kathleen didn't iron. Janelle wouldn't work past noon. Hannah wanted too much money. Damn, good help was hard to find. Monica, my wife, sat on the bed with the newspaper ads spread around her. She was looking for a maid. The way she tells it, Sharon had been a domestic with her family for a thousand years. As Monica grew up, Sharon was always there to advise her, to steer her toward decency, to make sure she knew that hard work was the key to good results....

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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

2 years ago
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Degraded Sissy

fondamaid asked: Hi. Sorry it's been a while. I haven't dressed and I felt a little odd sending you a note while in men's clothing. Today I'm dresses, corseted, and locked up. I'm just not sure how long I'll keep myself locked up. I did finally get baby oil to use though and the cage is more comfortable because of it. I thought lube would work fine, but I was wrong. Now I'm all sissied up and wondering what I should do. Part of me thinks I should practice pleasing real men.I hope that, when you...

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How to Build a Better Sissy

How to Build a Better Sissy Or My Evolution by: Missy Satinpanties I was a small, skinny child, with a rather normal family. My father worked for the electric company as an auditor, and my mother ran a yoga studio in the converted garage of our home. When I was young, this was where I played, watching women contort themselves into the various yoga poses. I was about 6 when I asked my mother...

3 years ago
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Checkerboard Sissy

Checkerboard Sissy By Cassandra Morgan A guy never wants to meet his girlfriend's parents for the first time. There are always years to negotiate, and beliefs, and backgrounds. As nice as the parents may be, there are always judgments to make, and old boyfriends and girlfriends to reference, and finances to be probed. It is natural to be suspicious of someone who loves your child. For Keisha and I, this was more challenging than for most couples. As an interracial couple, Keisha...

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Trucker Daddy Gets A Sissy

It could easily be the lowest point in Denny life, sitting in an old Ford Escort that wouldn't start, the temperature outside well below freezing and him not having the cash for a hotel or to have the car fixed. He had no idea what to do next. Completely out of ideas, he had been sitting in for hours watching the normal people with money coming in and out of the Flying J Truckstop. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on the window. Denny cautiously rolled the...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night Sissy

SATURDAY NIGHT SISSY by Throne I spend all week, every week, dreading Saturday. My wife Alana met Dutch several months ago. I knew my bride had a past as a party girl, and that she still flirted with men. Male eyes always went to her, a tall girl with a stunning figure -- big bust, tapering waist, flaring hips, full thighs and, most of all, a plus-size bottom that sticks way out and moves like it's on springs. Dutch was the kind of guy she used to date -- big, rough, uncouth. The...

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The Blushing Sissy

Story writing contest 10 [email protected] She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Sissy

What is it they say, "It all began like any normal day." Well since I was wearing a sissy maids uniform it was not going to be a normal day! I had on black patent leather Mary Jane shoes, with four inch heels. I love higher because it forces me to walk more daintily but I had a full list of chores and would be on my feet all day, so practical is better. My legs are encased in shear black stockings, of course they have to be stockings, tights just do not do it for me. They have a...

3 years ago
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Be a Sissy

forced to be a Sissy IThe young man stood facing a very large woman sitting in an upholsteredarmchair. There was no other way to describe her. She was fat, perhaps,pushing 300 pounds he thought. The way she was staring at his punyframe suggested that maybe he was going to be her next meal. She wasn'tsaying anything as she visually appraised him for the first time...Jacob had been brought to this woman by his step-grandmother earlierthat morning. He had been given over to his step-grandmother by...

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Sissy On Sissy

SISSY ON SISSY by Throne Bob stood there feeling beyond foolish. His body had been denuded of hair and his skin, after weeks of using an imported emollient, was satiny. All he had on was a pair of bikini-cut panties and a training bra. He was wearing the latter because his wife, Tessa, had taken him to a specialist two weeks before and gotten him a lovely set of breasts. They were small implants and his nipples rode high on their feminine curvature. It didn't provide any modesty...

1 year ago
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Mrs Grant and her new Sissy

New Little Sissy"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was...

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New Little Sissy

"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was attracted to...

2 years ago
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Its Hard For This Sissy

IT'S HARD FOR THIS SISSY by Throne Pete had just gotten home from work and he immediately noticed a look of mischief in his wife Andi's pale blue eyes. He seen that all too often in the past. She must have spotted the concern on his face because she wanted to know, "Is something the matter, Petey?" She was calling him by the diminutive of his name. The switch from Pete to Petey was another bad sign. "It's just..." he extemporized, "that you seem... distracted." "Well,...

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stepson becomes moms sissy

Mark Peters let out a low moan that couldn’t be heard above the organ as it played "Here Comes the Bride." Although every other head in the church turned to glimpse the tall, dark-haired beauty imperiously making her way down the aisle, Mark kept his eyes fixed on his feet. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have seen a small tear escape Mark’s eye.It seemed like only yesterday that Mark’s mother and father had split up. Mark’s dad, Mark Senior, was a partner in one of the city’s...

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My Sisters Sissy

My Sister's Sissy By: Missy Satinpanties Note: This isn't one of my usual stories of sexual degradation, but what I think of as "my autobiography that should-have-been." The make- up of my family is the same as it was, my sister's names are the same, but that's about it. This is how I wish things would have gone when my little secret got "out of the bag." I guess I've always been a sissy. I remember playing dress-up with my sister when I was very young, and can vividly remember...

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A Nasty Daddy gets a Naughty Sissy

I came out of the bedroom dressed in my too-short pantyshowing Pink Shorty dress, pretty anklets, black MJ's, pink panties, red lipsticked lips and with my cute cuff and collar set on, awaiting Daddy's padlock, which would begin the playtime for real. This Daddy I had run across on a website was one who loved forcing sissies to literally mess their panties while they were in bondage so he could then go on to the diapering and teasing them for being such bad baby girlie sissies. Me,...

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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

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Ken Sissy

Ken sat there, staring blankly at the movie screen, showing a big black cockplowing into a white beauty. His wife was far from a beauty, as she was now inher early fifties and had put on a few too many pounds for his taste.... butevidently it didn't seem to have bothered the two black men.Ken looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the adult theater, hoping thathis wife would be walking back in, but he knew better. It had all happened sofast, that he tried to remember how he ended up...

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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

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Miss Lindas sissy

My finger was shaking bad as I went to push the doorbell. Miss Linda had told me how my slave training was going to change. She told me she was going to turn me into her sissy slave. Oh My God! What was I doing here? Why did I even come back here? I was afraid of what my heart said in response. The truth was, I really wanted to be a sissy. Even the thought of the intense humiliations that were to follow excited me. I rang the doorbell and felt my doom consume me. Ms. Linda answered the door...

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The Misadventures of the Worlds Worst Sissy

The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...

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First time Sissy

I was born a "boy" but it was mother nature mistake as I am very petite, 5'2" 110LBS. with a sexy round ass and dick sucking lips. For this site purpose I will start at 18 my journey as a sissy cum loving size queen SLUT. In my senior year with a couple of months to go before graduation I turned "legal age" but was no virgin by any stretch of the imagination but cannot talk about it because of "rules". I had become a "male cheerleader" but was finer than some of the bitches there and had the...

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Im Not A Sissy

I'M NOT A SISSY by Throne My name is Joe and not Jodie. I'm an adult and not a kid. And I'm a man and not a simpering sissy. I keep telling myself that. But my wife Arianna thinks differently. I mean, ever since we got married two years ago she had been running my life more and more. Talking down to me. Turning me into her sex slave in the bedroom, demanding oral attentions and giving almost nothing in return. She mocked my small penis and made me masturbate while she watched....

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Richard the Sissy

Richard the Sissy by Joney Cunningham Hi, my name is Richard, or should I say Regina now. I am a sissy. It all started when I was 15 and my parents had taken my 13-year-old sister out of town for the weekend. I had a part-time job, so I couldn't go. My parents told me that the paid Gina, the high school senior across the street to decorate my mom's sewing room. Gina was into interior decorating and had gained a reputation of doing great work. They told me she would have a...

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The Lingerie Salesman Sissy

I had a career change a few years ago. Admittedly a door to door salesman did not sound good but the money was OK as long as I made plenty of commission but the fringe benefits were amazing. For me it was not household cleaners or insurance but sexy lingerie. Not only did the ladies on my round like to try on the lingerie but as soon as they felt super sexy I would get my “extra” commission. Yes I had all shapes, sizes and ages, even a mother and her daughter were regular customers and I had...

4 years ago
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son turned into moms sissy

My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you look like a girl and call you Barbie. I am eleven years old.I got this diary today. So I might as well write in it. It is a purple one with a bear and heart on the cover. It has a lock on it. I might as well use...

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