Checkmate free porn video

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Checkmate The rain was pouring down as Paul stepped onto the soaked sidewalk. The dim streetlights barely kept the darkness of night at bay. Pulling his jacket collar up against his neck in attempts to keep the rain out, Paul quickened his pace. "What a dismal evening!" he grumbled as rain ran down his face and soaked his hair. "So much for that great weekend of fun and sun!" Looking at his watch, Paul could see he was already late for his double date with his roommate Steve. Man, was his roomy going to be pissed! They had been planning this night for a couple of weeks now and Paul knew how much it meant to Steve to be on time. The girls were bound to leave without them if they were not at the subway on time. Pulling his cell phone from his jeans and opening it, he pressed the speed dial for his apartment. Paul heard the phone ring once and then the sound of Steve at the other end. "Hello? Paul that better be you!" "Yah Steve, it's me. I am running late...." "No Shit! You know the girls are not going to wait! Where are you now?" Steve raising his voice to indicate he was not impressed. "I just left work and am...." "Oh dude! There is no way you can make it home and get ready before we are supposed to meet Tracy and Lisa! Not even if you took a cab!" "Don't worry, I will make it, trust me!" Paul tried to reassure his friend, "I have made it home in good time before." "Well you'd better make it.... Cause... they are... *crackle* give you..." then there was silence. "Hello? Steve? You there? You are cutting out!" Paul pulled the phone from his face just in time to watch the low battery light blink twice and then watch his phone shut down. "Shit!" Coming to a stop, he shook his phone in the lame attempt to some how restart his phone, but with no avail. To makes thing worse, the rain seemed to come down even harder. Looking around for some shelter Paul noticed an awning to his right and ducked under it standing in the doorway of some store. "Well if this doesn't just suck! Damn!" Paul making a small jump on the step he was standing on splashing the water in all directions. "There is no way I can make it there in time. Crap!" Paul looked around for any sign of life. The streets were deserted, not a soul walking about and just one set of dim taillights fading away into the darkness. "If I could just find a phone I could call Steve and let him know to go ahead without me. If I could just find a ..." Turning around he could see a light coming from behind the door beside him. He reached for the doorknob and turned it. It opened! Paul pushed in on the door stepping into the store as he heard a bell jingle as the door pressed against it just above the opening. Closing the door behind him, Paul shook the rain from his head and looked around. He had never noticed this store before yet it stood on the corner just blocks from where he worked. It was filled with all sorts of old and antique items. Chairs, tables, lamps, desks and an assortment of other ancient furniture filled the small store from end to end. There was a small and narrow isle down the center of the store leading to what appeared to be the service counter. Paul made his way to it. "Hello?" Paul called out as he reached the front counter. "Anyone here? I need to use your phone." "Well good evening young man. What brings you out on a night like this?" A voice called from behind him. Paul turned to see an old man with a cane shuffling towards him. He could not have been more than five feet tall but he was almost as wide. The old man's face showed of a long life indoors as it was pale and soft and was covered in a patchy beard that had not been groomed in years. There was a hint of Bourbon in the air as he approached. His clothes seemed just as dusty as his inventory and just as old. The old man reached Paul and looked up at him squinting through his glasses that were resting too far down on his nose. "What can I do for you son?" "Umm, my phone went dead." Paul lifted his cell giving it a jiggle in his hand, "I was wondering if I could use yours to call my roommate?" "Heh! Damn technology thing-a-ma-jig. Never needed one of those in my day, and have no need for them now." The old man shuffled around the counter and made his way behind it. He reached down behind the counter and hoisted a phone that was just as old as he was, up on to the counter top. "Here yah go young feller'. Not sure how well it works, never used it myself." Paul wasn't sure what to make of the antique phone but thought it was better than a dead cell phone, but not by much. He reached for the receiver, lifted it off its rest with a click, and held the dusty phone to his ear. There was no dial tone. Paul jiggled the rest in an attempt to get a response. Nothing! "Umm, I don't think your phone is working. There is no dial tone." "Eh? You don't say. Well I guess if I actually had phone service maybe then it would work?" He began to chuckle. Paul couldn't believe that the old man was messing with him. "You mean you don't have a phone that works? What kind of person doesn't have a phone? I don't believe this!" Paul slammed the phone back down onto its old receptacle in disgust. "Hey, hey, hey! No need to get upset. It was just a joke! Young people, no humour any more these days. No humour." The old man shook his head in disappointment. "Well thanks for nothing old man." Paul turned and started to make his way towards the door cursing under his breath. "Late for your date with Steve eh?" Paul froze in his tracks. "How did you know that? I never mentioned anything about that? Who are you?" He slowly turned to face the old man again. The old man was just staring at him or rather, right through him. Paul felt a chill run down his spine. "I know a lot of things Paul, a lot. I have been here for a very long time you know." The old man scolding him as he waved a fat finger in disgust towards Paul. "How do you know my name? Are you some sort of stalker or something?" "Stalker?! Heavens no. I am just a little old man in my little old shop who waits around for people like you to come into my store. And when you do, I have to be ready." Paul slowly made his way back to the counter. His mind was racing. How did this old guy know who he and his roommate were and how did he know about their double date? Part of him wanted to find out, but another part of him was screaming for him to get out and run as fast as he could. The old man waved him closer. "Come over here Paul, I have something you and have had it for some time now." With that, the old man shuffled away from the counter towards the wall. He reached up and pulled a small sized wooden box from the shelf above his round head. Slowly turning, he shuffled back to the counter where he met Paul. "Here, this has been on hold for you." Paul watched as the old man placed the box on the counter in front of him. He was puzzled at why the old man would have something for him. However, it wasn't any more mystifying than the fact the old guy seemed to know who he was. "For me? How the? What is it?" The old man made a gesture with both of his hands indicating for Paul to open it. Paul slowly picked up the box and turned it over looking at the dusty container. As he did, he heard things rattle inside. Paul's eyes opened a bit wider at the surprise but continued to turn it all the way around. He then saw the small metal clip that seemed to be keeping the box closed. He set the box down and fiddled with the clasp but it wouldn't open. "No, no, no. Like this." The old man took his fat little thumb and just softly ran it across the clip and it just popped open. He looked up and Paul and then softly closed the clip again. "Now you." Paul looked at the old man and then back to the box warily. He took his thumb and softly ran it over the clasp and sure enough, it popped open. Paul could feel himself drawn to know what was inside. Slowly he lifted the one side of the box and the hinges creaked in protest but then gave way as the entire top of the box lifted up and away from him. He continued to lift it until it lay flat on the counter revealing an old game board. A Chessboard! Paul could tell as he could now see the game pieces that had made the rattling noises. As he looked over the old game set, he saw that the white queen seemed to shimmer in the light. He reached down and picked it up. It was as though the shimmering seemed to speed up and Paul could have sworn that it made his fingers tingle but just for a second. "Good, Good!" the old man cooed as he watched Paul. "This was the right thing for you. I thought it might have been. I have had it here for a very long time. Now that you are here, you may have it. Go, go. Take it. It is yours now." Paul put the queen back down and looked questioningly at the old man. "Mine? What do you mean?" "Don't ask so many questions, you will wear out your brain. Just take it. Have fun with it. It will be the best thing for you, trust me!" With that, the old man turned and shuffled around the counter to meet up with Paul. Putting a hand on the box, he closed it and handed it to him. "There we go, now you should be on your way. You can't let Steve wait for you all night!" Paul was snapped out of his trance. "Steve? Steve! Oh shit. I forgot." He looked at the game board in his hand. Something inside him knew that he was supposed to take it. He hadn't played chess in years, but there was something special about it. He turned to the old man. "Thank you. I am not sure why, but thank you very much." Paul wasn't sure why he was so happy to receive the gift but it just felt right. "Oh you are welcome there young man. You are welcome. Nevertheless, make sure that you always play with the white team. That is your colour." With that, the old man hustled Paul towards the door. "White team, um, ok. Thanks again." With that, Paul tucked the box into his jacket and stepped into the cold soaked night. Chapter 2 Putting his key in his pocket, Paul opened the door to his apartment and walked in. "Paul! Damn man where have you been?" Steve came around the corner with drink in his hand. "The girls called, said they were not waiting any longer. You blew it man!" "Well you could have left without me you know! I could have caught up with you later." Paul shot back as he pulled off his rain soaked coat and hung it up. "Work made me stay late and then my phone died and then..." "Hey, what is that?" Steve cut in as Paul put the chessboard down on the coffee table as he sat down on the sofa. Paul looked puzzled for a moment as his roommate's words sunk in. "Oh the weirdest thing happened." Paul continued to tell Steve all about the chance meeting with the old man in the antique store. "Wow, he actually knew who we were? That is wild man! You sure you haven't been smoking anything buddy?" Steve laughed as he got up to get another drink. "No!" "Easy there bud. You need a drink." Steve made his way into the kitchen of their small apartment and opened the fridge. He pulled out some soda and mixed it with even more rye, came back into the room and handed it to his roommate. "Here, drink this." Taking the drink and sucking back a large mouthful Paul winced as the amount of alcohol surprised him and looked at his roommate. "Hey, are we still meeting the girls?" Cough. Sitting down beside him, Steve shook his head. "Nope, they bailed dude. Said they were going down town and would call us later tomorrow or something. I don't think the will be calling tonight." "Damn! Sorry man. I was really trying to make it home in time. I feel like a shit!" Paul said shaking his head and taking another swig of his stiff drink. "No worries man. I am not all that bent out of shape about it. I think they were a little weird anyway." Steve let out a laugh and smiled at Paul. The two of them had been roommates for over six years and had known each other even longer. Steve always had been the party man of the two of them. The womanizer, the jock, the life of the party, where Paul was the more responsible one. He was more down to earth and calm than Steve. "I guess we are staying in tonight then?" Paul asked. "Well I have been drinking pretty hard since the girls bailed on us so I am not driving and I am guessing that you are not in the mood to go out? So we stay in. Lots of alcohol left though. There is the rest of the rye and that bottle of wine you bought last week." Steve said putting his feet up on the coffee table. "I guess so," Paul mumbled. "Hey cheer up, could be worse you know? Hey, lets give this chessboard a go. I haven't played Chess in years." Steve sat up and pulled the box towards him. He looked at the clasp and tried to open it, but could not. "Here let me show you. This is cool." Paul picked up the game board and showed Steve how to open it by dragging his thumb across the clasp. Steve watched as the clip just popped open. "COOL!" he gasped. He took the game board from Paul and set it down on the table. Opening the board, he took out the pieces and began to set them up. "What colour do you want to be there Paul? Good guys or bad guys?" Paul remembered the old man's words. "I will be white." "Good, I am a dark kinda guy anyway. Hehe. Plus 'ladies' first" Steve laughed nervously as he realized what he had just said. That comment seemed to stir something in Paul and wondered why his roommate had said that. He instinctively picked up his Queen piece and looked at it. It shimmered again. Realising he was staring, he put the piece down and set up the board. The two began to play. The game went quickly as Paul easily beat Steve in about 30 moves. They set the board up again and played another game. After about 25 moves, Paul moved his Queen into position next to Steve's King. "Checkmate," Paul said with a smile. As he did he felt a shot of cold energy run down his spine making him jump. "Whoow?! That felt weird?" "What did?" Steve asked looking up from the board in despair at loosing again. "Just had a chill run down my spine. Felt really cold." "Just means you need another drink. You can get me one too. I will set the board up again. I have to beat you at least once!" "Ok. You're on." Paul got up to get them another drink. He was back quickly and sat back down at the board. Handing Steve his drink he said, "Here you go, but that is the last of the rye." "Thanks. Let's go. Your move!" The two played another three games, each time, Paul winning. Each time he put his queen into a position to checkmate Steve, he felt a chill run down his spine. Each time getting more intense and more desirable. It was getting to the point where Paul had to checkmate Steve with his queen. By the end of the 5th game, Paul was breathing heavy. He wasn't sure why he was feeling this way, but he just had get a checkmate with his queen! "I think I am done dude. I can't beat you!" Steve said knocking over his King in admission of defeat. "Can we just play one more game?" Paul begged starting to set up the pieces one more time. "I guess so. Just let me get something to drink here." Steve got up and headed to the kitchen to find only the bottle of wine left. "Dude? Can we open this bottle of wine of yours? It is all that is left?" "Umm, sure," Paul said and a couple of seconds later he heard the distinctive pop of a wine bottle being opened and glasses being filled. Coming back into the room Steve brought in two regular glasses filled with wine and the bottle itself and set them on the table. He looked over at his roommate. For some reason he seemed to be glowing. Not a bright glow but a more radiant one, he almost looked stunning. Shaking his head to clear it of the thought he sat down beside him and handed Paul a glass. "Here you go there Miss. Champ." "Miss Champ? Why did you call me that?" Paul looked up at him questioningly. "Well err...? I am not sure?" Steve began to blush and quickly took a swig of wine. "Cause 'ladies' go first I guess and you are winning." 'Why did I just call him a lady?' Steve questioned himself? For some reason, Paul smiled at the complement. "Yah I guess that makes sense. Well here goes." He moved his first piece and the final game began. Steve played the best he could but he was no match for Paul's skills. The game didn't last long but as with all the other games Paul mated Steve's king with his white queen. "CHECKMATE Steve!" Paul said with a high sense of excitement. As he did, the expected chill did not run down his spine as it had the many times before, but shot through his entire body from head to toe. "Oh wow! That was cool." Steve's jaw fell open as he watched his roommate say the word. The minute Paul said it, Steve swore he saw a pulse or flash of light surround his roommate. Thinking it must be the wine, he closed his eyes tightly, then blinking them open he said, "You win. You win. Damn you." Taking another drink of his wine, he gave Paul a playful shove. "Hey! Don't be a sore looser. I won fair and square." Paul replied shoving back and taking a drink of his wine. Looking up at Steve, Paul raised his glass to toast his friends efforts and clinked his glass with Steve's. "Good game Stevie'." Steve mumbled something as Paul pulled his glass back and drank from it. But he could have sworn that he was feeling somewhat odd. Paul felt the same. For the first time in their long relationship he felt very close with his friend. He was glad the two of them were friends and hoped they would be for a long time. Maybe he was getting a bit tipsy? Oh well. Not to worry. His good friend Steve was here. Empting their glasses the two realised that they wanted another and both reached for the bottle Paul's hand came to rest on Steve's. His hand lingered there for a moment until he realised what he was really doing and pulled his had back suddenly. "Sorry, I errr. Umm." "No worries there Miss. Champ, let me get that for you." Steve chuckled as he poured his friend a drink. "I think you are kinda cute you know that?" He chuckled as he motioned for another toast. Why did I say that? What is going on here? Miss Champ? Kinda cute? I must be going nuts Steve thought. "I am cute? Why would you say that?" Paul said shyly. "Cause you are and I feel like saying that for some reason. Here, a toast to my 'Cute' roommate." Steve raised his glass but as Paul went to drink, he motioned that they should lock arms and drink, so they did. Paul couldn't believe that the two of them were doing this! This was not right! Or was it? For some reason he was really drawn to Steve for the first time. He must be drunk. But he didn't really feel that way it was more of a desire than an inhibition. He felt their arms press against each others as they had their drink. They both downed the wine and set the glasses down. Steve reached up again and poured them another glass of wine. As he set the bottle down, Paul reached out to take his glass but his hand met Steve's as he reached for his. Their hands never made it to the glasses. Paul felt Steve's hand take his and then his other hand reached over and took his other hand. Paul looked up into Steve's eyes in some what shock and amazement. "What is it?" Paul whispered. "What would you do if I did this?" Steve softly replied as he leaned over and pressed his lips against Paul's. Paul's eyes opened wide for a moment in shock and disgust but then he oddly felt drawn to Steve. He shouldn't be thinking like this but something inside him was just calling for more. Paul gave in and returned the kiss. The second he did he was amazed how good it felt. His whole body was tingling from the kiss. Paul drew back and opened his eyes and let out an amazing sigh. "Oh wow. Why did you do that?" Steve looked at him stunned. "I am not sure. Why did I kiss you?" He looked down at the floor in thought and then back up at Paul. He smiled. "I know why. Cause you are so cute Miss Champ! I actually think you look hot. I am not sure why but I do. I just have this need to kiss you!" Paul's heart began to beat faster. He some how wanted Steve to say that. He too wanted to kiss his roommate. His body was alive with adornment for the man sitting across from him. A feeling that was until now foreign to him, but now he was alive with desire for this sexy guy across from him. "I want you to kiss me again. Steve, please kiss me again." Paul didn't have to wait long as he watched Steve move towards him and press his lips against his own. Closing his eyes, Paul leaned into this passionate embrace. Paul's mind and body became a light with feelings and desires he never knew were possible. He was truly attracted to the guy sitting across from him. He kissed him more and more. Their tongues entwined and spun. They gently pulled at each others lips with their teeth as they kissed. Steve felt himself become aroused. He was not sure why kissing his roommate was this exciting nor why he wanted to in the first place but he just had to! His body was telling him that he had to and that it was the right thing to do. The next thing he new was Paul was pulling off his shirt. Steve watched as Paul began to kiss at his chest. Leaning back, he watched as his roommate began to lick at his hairy chest. "Oh wow Miss. That is right. Just like that." Again, Steve was shocked at what he was thinking. He had had girls do the same thing to him and he was getting the same signals from Paul that he wanted to get into his pants. Why did he want let his roommate to get into his pants? This was not right. How could it be? But as he looked down at his roommate Steve gasped as he watched the hair on Paul's head begin to lighten and then change colour. He watched as his brown hair become blonde. 'Wow! He was becoming so beautiful,' he thought. He was everything he had wanted in a partner but never thought that it would or could be Paul let alone a man. Yet something in him told him that it was the right thing to do. Paul was alive with passion. He just had to let his instincts guide him. It was as if these new thoughts were completely in control and he was just reaping the benefits. His body was tingling as it had been during the chess games but now with much more intensity. His hands explored his friend's body as he continued down his chest towards his pants. However, something was missing. Paul then realized it! Normally would feel his cock getting harder and harder in a time like this, but there was nothing like that going on. In fact, he could barely feel anything between his legs besides the intense tingling that seemed to be covering his entire body. All he knew was that he being drawn towards Steve's crotch. The idea would normally disgust Paul but now, it excited him for some odd reason. The thought of gripping his friends cock in his hand pushed him further onwards. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could feel his nipples stirring, but since he was not completely aware of them yet, it did not make any sense why he felt this way. Paul reached for Steve's belt and then slipped his hand into his roommate's pants. His fingers searching for what he could see was growing. Steve's cock was pressing upwards from his body against the confining material of his pants. Paul had to have it. No, he needed it. He longed to wrap his lips around Steve's cock and suck him until he let loose. Paul suddenly realised that that was it! His body needed Steve's seed. Some how, some way that was it! His fingers found what he was searching for and he gasped in excitement. An all too familiar object that he had in his own pants, but this was Steve's cock and it was hardening fast. Steve let out a sigh and looked down as he watched his roomy slip his hand into his own pants. He mind was a blur. It was as if he was sitting at the end of the couch watching these two people go at it. Normally this would make him sick but for some reason he was feeling very attracted to this person. Person, don't you mean this guy? No, this person! I am attracted to this person! Not sure why but I do know I have to be with him. I have to let him go down on me. I want him to. There is a reason why I should let him, I can't think why but I must. My mind feels so blurry! I know he wants to and that he is going to be really good at it. I can't wait. Hurry up! "Oh Paul yesss," Steve whispered. Paul looked up at Steve as he moaned as Paul's hand gripped his hardening cock. Paul could feel his body flinch and jump with excitement as his grip closed on the man's penis. Yes! This was what he wanted, what he needed. Paul took his free hand, pulled at Steve's belt, undid it, and then unbuttoned his pants. His hand slid down into the now loose boxers and began to stroke his roommates cock. He could feel Steve pull his pants off as Paul finally pulled Steve's growing member through his boxers. Smiling Paul looked up at Steve and then in one swift motion descended onto the tip of his cock. A huge rush of excitement surged through Paul as he felt Steve's cock slip between his lips and tasted the skin on his tongue as he licked at the head. Paul just couldn't stop. His body was on a mission to make Steve happy and pleasure him until he could not handle it any longer. He wanted to bring him to orgasm more than he had wanted to do anything else in his life. Why am I doing this Paul thought? This is crazy! I am not a girl nor gay! Maybe if I was girl though, it would be ok.....? Steve looked down as he watched his friend begin to suck at him. He watched in amazement as his cock slid deeper and deeper into Paul's mouth. Then he saw it. Paul's hair, it was getting longer. It seemed to be growing longer with each draw he made on his cock. Putting his hand on Paul's back, Steve could feel that his changing roommate's skin was incredibly soft. What was going on here? Why was his roommate doing this? Why was he letting him. Him.. ? That doesn't seem right. Steve's eyes fell shut suddenly as he felt Paul start to stroke at him and feel his cock slip even further into his mouth. "Oh god yes. Oh wow that feels so good!" he gasped. Paul could here Steve's moans and it just inspired him to work harder on his friend's cock. He opened his mouth wider, leaned over him more, and descended further onto him. He loved this. He never knew that sucking cock would feel so good, so right! His tongue and lips were working steadily as his free hand stroked at Steve's shaft. Paul knew that if he kept this up he would soon feel the hot surge of his roommates cum in his mouth and then it would happen. He had to make sure that it did, no matter what. He was not sure why but he had to! His body just needed it. He quickly lifted his head from Steve, pulled at his boxers, and removed the remainder of clothing from his roommate. Smiling, Paul looked up at Steve and then wrapped his lips around him again and set to work for his final goal. Steve watched as his roommate gripped his thigh and began to give him the best blowjob of his life. Gasping repeatedly as he felt his balls stirring as he was being brought to climax. He continued to watch his friends features continued to change and alter. Paul's hair was now much lighter and softer. The blonde hair was continuing grow past his shoulders and he could see the hair on his friend's arms fade away. He watched as his head bobbed up and down pleasuring him repeatedly. The muffled moans coming from Paul were becoming some what softer and lighter as Steve watched the once manly figure of his roommate become more and more delicate. That was it! His body seemed to have known what was going on but now his mind was catching up. For some reason Paul was changing into a woman! If Steve climaxed and his roommate consumed his seed, it would change Paul into a girl! That thought thrilled yet terrified Steve beyond belief. He suddenly gripped Paul's head and began to pump his now sexy and hot looking friend up and down on to his cock with a deep purpose. "OOOOMMMMFFFF!" Paul let out a smothered gasp as he felt hands begin to press him onto Steve's cock. Now rock hard and swelling to an almost unbelievable size, Steve's penis slid deep into his mouth. Paul was not fully sure why his roommate suddenly wanted to push him further onto his cock but he did not care. He loved this. This is what he had to do. If he could make Steve cum, he would be the start of something new. Then he felt Steve grip his hair but in a way he never knew possible. It felt like he was taking handfuls of his hair. He could feel Steve's fingers running through what felt like long hair. Opening his eyes, Paul saw long golden hair hanging all around him. He gasped again in surprise as he realised that it was his hair! It was long and much lighter blonde! Still stroking at the hard member in his mouth he drew back to lick at the head only to see a small and trim hand with long fingernails at the end its fingers. Paul wanted to speak to ask Steve what was happening to him but Steve pushed him back onto his cock vigorously. Paul could hear Steve begin to moan and feel him fidget. He then realised that Steve was close to climaxing and that made Paul excited but scared of what was to happen. Not just in his mind but he could feel body parts react too. For the first time he could feel his nipples harden and tingle. He was excited at the new feeling. The long hair, long fingernails, and now his nipples it was all so new and frightening. Paul realised that these desires and drives were those of a woman. He then realised that is what was happening! These thoughts were not just random thoughts. He was reacting like a woman would. He was becoming a woman, and he knew that if he could suck the cum from this huge cock he would really change. He would become a girl and be able to be with Steve like never before! As Paul finished that thought he heard Steve let out a cry and then felt a sudden shudder from the rod within his mouth. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAGhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Steve groaned aloud. A hot and wet sensation filled Paul's mouth suddenly as Steve's hot cum surged into him. Paul could not believe it was happening and barely had the time to react and instinctively begin to swallow the hot cum shooting from Steve's cock. Paul could hear a woman moaning with pleasure in the background as he lapped at liquid flowing from the cock in his mouth. He then realized the woman moaning was him! Wow he could feel it sliding down his throat and deep into his body. It was like being electrocuted with pleasure. He wanted more! Paul's body became alive as the fluid entered him and continued to suck everything that Steve could offer. Paul could feel the tingling sensation within him seem to accelerate and increase. His entire body was glowing with a strange new pleasure. As Steve's spasms began to slow, Paul softly slid to the tip of his cock and lightly licked and sucked the remainder of his cum clean. "mmmmmmm" "Oh wow, oh wow!" As Steve gasped for air, he watched the now transforming friend before him lift herself off of his throbbing cock. "That has to be the best blow job I have ever had! Oh my god Paul!" Sitting up and smiling the now very female looking Paul smiled. She felt so new and different. Her body was glowing. Paul could not believe how good she felt. She? How come I am thinking of myself as She? "Steve, do I look different?" Paul whispered as she began to hear her new soft sexy voice for the first time. Opening his eyes and blinking, still recovering from the huge orgasm he just had. The image that he focused on almost made his head spin. "Oh my god Paul. You look like a fucking girl! Wow! Moreover, a smoking hot one at that! No wonder I wanted to kiss you! Damn you are fine!" Paul could feel herself flush as Steve began to drool over her. "I feel different and obviously sound different. Wow! I wonder what caused this to happened?" Paul's hands came up from his waist to his chest and realised that there were small mounds protruding from his shirt. She gasped and turned to look at Steve. "I think I have tits! Oh my god I am growing tits!" Softly cupping them Paul could feel her hands touching the soft small mounds that were now pushing out of her chest but at the same time she could feel two hands grasping at her chest and that her nipples were now much more sensitive. "Oh wow! I can feel them. I can feel them!" Steve watched as his roommate began to caress her new body. He was amazed at how much she had already changed and he knew that deep down it was his seed that helped her get there. Suddenly he felt his now softening penis begin to stir again. He had a sudden overwhelming desire to fuck her. Closing his eyes and shaking his head in attempts to clear the odd thought, he opened them again to watch his friend stand. "What are you doing now?" he asked her. "I thought I would see how far these changes have gone. I still have on my pants and they are tight around my hips." With that Paul reached down and began to undue her old male jeans and wiggled them off her new widened hips and then let them fall to the floor. She then stepped out of them and stood before Steve in nothing but her old boxers. Cautiously Paul slipped her small hand down into her boxers to feel what was there. She quickly found the familiar shape of her male penis. "Oh my," she sighed. "I guess I still have some of my parts. I still have my dick Steve." Paul softly moaned in despair. "Let me see." Steve leaned forward and pulled her boxers from her to reveal what at first looked like that of a well shaven pussy but as Paul began to spread her long and smooth legs apart he saw it. The small, yet unmistakeable shape of a penis. Suddenly the urge returned, Steve became overwhelmed with the desire to fuck her. He could feel his cock starting to harden again. He had never been able to recover this quickly in his past encounters but seeing his roommate's newly formed body, he was almost possessed with the desire to fill her with his seed again, but this time, a different way. "Steve? What do I do? Why am I like this?" Paul looked down at her roommate staring up at her. Paul could see that even though he was trying to hide it, her roommate's cock was getting harder and erect. Her body began to stir again at the sight. As she stared at it she could feel her nipples start to harden and looking down confirmed it. Paul looked at Steve and their eyes met. Paul knew at that moment she needed him in her again. Deep in her. She knew he had to fill her will his cum again. If he did, she would finish her change. She would become a woman. "Steve," she whispered, "I think we need to....." "I know Paula," he replied, surprised at his what he had just called her. It made sense to him somehow. "Paula?" She drew her hand to her lips and felt herself say the name again. "Paula? My name is Paula? My name IS Paula!" She looked back down at Steve who was now smiling up at her. "I need you too Paula. I want to slide myself into you. Please I need to help you finish what has started." Steve reached out with his hand inviting her to join him again on the sofa. His hard cock now fully primed and ready to claim her. Paula looked down at the huge cock standing up from his waist. Just the sight of it sent her body into overdrive. She could already feel it in her by just looking at it. Her nipples pushed out from her small breasts as she took Steve's hand and stepped towards the stunning man. She licked her lips, leaned forward, and kissed Steve on the lips. Her wet and full lips pressing against his was all she needed to completely give in to the desire of her new body. Her change had to be completed. Some mystical force was making the two of them do this. She could feel it, but had no desire to fight it. Paula stood and turned her back to him and began to lower herself towards Steve. She could feel his hands on her new wide hips as he guided her soft body towards his cock. Paula instinctively spread her legs a little as she neared him. Then she felt it, the hard head of his cock pressing against her soft skin of her ass. Reaching back she felt each of his hands grip hers as he slowly lowered her onto him. Gasping, she could feel him pressing against her only opening, her very tight opening. She had to have him in her but this was not working. She was not ready for him. Letting go with one of her hands, Paula spun around and went down on him sucking and licking him getting him as wet as she could. Steve moaned as she did. Giving him a couple of strokes for good measure, she lifted off of him and smiled as she stood again and turned and felt him guide her back to his cock. Paula let out a moan as she felt the head of his cock slowly open her and slip into her. "AAAAAOOOOoooo!" Steve watched as Paula straddled his body and lowered herself onto his rock hard member. Leaning back, he watched as the head of his big dick slipped slowly into her body. His mind was a light with the desire to fill her again with his cum. He needed to. She needed it as much as he did. He knew that if he came in her, she would fully change into a woman. He was not sure why he knew that but it was ingrained into his mind. He just had to make her a woman and do it right now. With that, he heard her yelp as his cock slipped further into her ass. "Yess," he moaned. "That is my girl. Slowly, nice and slowly. Do you like my cock in you?" Steve began to push into her over an over ever so softly, gently taking her. Paula could feel the huge object slip further into her. Deeper Steve's cock seemed to go with each soft push. The feelings racing through her body were so new and strange Paula was not sure if it was really happening to her. Her mind was foggy and strange. The idea of riding a guy was so foreign to her yet the desire to have him take her this way was undeniable. She just had to let him fuck her from in the ass. The last bit of Steve's cock seemed to surge into her and caught her by surprise. "AAAHHH!" she softly screamed. However, as she fully enveloped him, her body relaxed and she then felt him begin to pump into her. Her body was screaming for more. Paula looked down to see her breasts start to bounce softly as they began to grow slightly and become more round and full. Her nipples jetting out from the now rounding orbs in excitement of being fucked. "Oh Steve!" Paula's voice moaned as he began to softly thrust into her now. Her body being lifted up and down repeatedly by the pressing of his cock into her. She looked down at her flaccid penis softly swaying with the motion of his super human cock. She watched as it started to decrease in size but she had to close her eyes as a wave of pleasure surged through her. He pressed a bit deeper into her again and again. "OOOOOOO Yes,, mm Steve fuck me," Paula heard herself gasp almost scaring herself with the realisation of what she was now doing. Only one hour ago, she was play chess as a man with her roommate, a man, who was now impaling her with his cock! Her body surged with the electricity from that she had felt while playing the game. That was it! Something to do with the game had caused this. Something magical and possessive. She felt another deep thrust and then a surge. Then Paula moaned, "Checkmate." Steve heard that moan and began to fuck Paula. He had to. Nothing was going to stop him from filling her with his cum. His seed would make her truly a woman and she wanted it more than he did. He could hear it in her voice and feel it as she gripped his hands with hers. "Yes Paula, ride my cock. Let me fill you. Deep into you. Deep." "Yes Steve, fuck me. Fill me, make me yours. Please cum in me." Paula moaned as she leaned forward allowing Steve to fuck her harder and deeper. Her breasts being pulled to the floor by their growing weight and size. Paula then shifted and moved so she could feel him press into her just right, she put her hand on his knee and then began to rock her hips back and forth on him in attempts to milk him. "mmmmmm" Steve felt her shift to a place that he didn't think existed. "Oh god. Yes! Right there Paula. Now ride me!" Steve was simply amazed at how quickly he had gone from playing chess with his best friend to fucking the female version of him now. She had gone from plain old Paul to a sexy babe named Paula who was riding his cock like a pro. He let go of her hands and watched her hips move up and down on him, around and around, fucking his cock with her ass. He could feel his balls stir again. He reached up and gripped her shoulders pulling her down onto her as she rode his dick. Steve then felt the sudden uncontrollable rush of his orgasm. He gripped the sofa and began to pump Paula with all his might. "ARR ARRR AAARRRR AAAARRRR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The cum from within him shot up through his shaft into the awaiting body above him filling her with what he knew she wanted and needed. Paula was not sure what she was feeling within her but had and idea that it might be an orgasm of her own. She was beginning to move her body to highlight this feeling when she heard Steve begin to grunt, tighten and fuck her even harder. "Oh not yet Steve not yet!" she called as she suddenly felt his cum shoot into her ass. Her body tightened as she suddenly felt a deep pleasure from it and her breath stopped as the thrill of having a man cum deep inside took hold of her. Again, the tingling sensation filled her body with wave after wave of pleasure and amazing feelings. Paula reacted by sinking deep onto his cock allowing it to press all the way in and so in turn, plant his life changing cum within her. Paula's body quivered slightly as she felt a small orgasm release from her and looked down to see a small spot of cum on her own penis. "OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Paula felt Steve stop his thrusts and grunting after a moment. Turning slight back to look at him she smiled and lifted off of his throbbing member. "Oh wow, that was wonderful. That was just what I needed. Thank you." Putting a hand to his cheek, she kissed him more softly and lovingly than she had ever kissed anyone before. Before long, the two moved to Steve's bed and drifted off to sleep, held tightly in each other's arms. Chapter 3 Blinking with the morning light from the window, Paula tried to focus on her surroundings. She seemed to be feeling very odd and different this morning. Where was she? She? Why did she keep thinking of herself as she? Then it hit her! Paula sat straight up to find that she was in bed with Steve. Looking over at the sound sleeper she gasped as she looked down at her body. The events of last night's chess game came flooding back. Paula looked down at her new formed body. There had been some changes during the night and from what she could see, they were amazing! Her chest now had two wonderfully firm and rounded breasts with large round nipples that looked as if they were beginning to harden with her excitement. She raised her hands to them and watched as two soft hands with long fingernails cupped her boobs. Yep they were hers all right! She could feel the weight of them as she softly lifted them up and down. "Oh wow!" Paula then resized that her skin was very soft and smooth. She obviously hand no more chest hair just soft fuzz. The dark hair that was on her arms and stomach had been replaced by this soft layer. Paula gasped in surprise as Steve stirred beside her and the rolled to his side facing away from her. He was a very heavy sleeper and after what happened last night, she was sure he would be sleeping for a while. Paula looked down at the outline of her legs under the sheets before her. "I wonder if...?" Moving her hand down to the sheets, Paula pulled them away from her waist and legs to see if any other changes had taken place. She felt the gentle wisp of her long hair as she turned her head to look at herself between her legs. Her eyes moved up from her now dainty and small feet, up her now long, sexy and hair free legs to her crotch. Where yesterday she watched a small and flaccid penis move about, there was now just a soft and very small spot of pubic hair and what looked to be a soft fold. "Oh my god!" she whispered as she softly ran her tender fingers over her newly developed vagina. "It happened! Steve's cum actually turned me into a girl! I can't believe it!" Paula's voice almost became a shout. Steve stirred again. Covering her mouth with her hand, not wanting to wake him, Paula slipped out of bed and made her way back to her room just across the hall. As she moved, Paula could tell her body had changed for it moved and balanced completely different from when she had the shape of a guy. She could feel the sensations of her new breasts swaying as she moved quickly, the soft rubbing of her thighs on each other as her legs propelled her to her room, the roll of her wide hips as she stepped. She could also see that things seemed to be a bit higher as she then realized that she must have gone from being a tall 6'1" to a now 5' something. Clicking on the light to her room and closing the door behind her, Paula gasped! Her room was different but with some similarities to what it used to be like. It looked like a girl's room! There were her clothes that she had left on the floor, but instead of boxers and jeans, they were panties and a skirt. Her furniture was all white instead of the mix-matched colours of her previous stuff. Her bed had a soft pink comforter on it and what looked like silk sheets. "Oh wow. This is too weird!" As Paula surveyed the changes, she turned to face a vanity with a large mirror. It had once been her desk but now was littered with make up and hair styling tools. There in the mirror stood a naked blonde woman. She was stunning! Paula watched as the woman moved her hand towards the mirror in attempt to reach her but then stopped realizing it was her new image. "Oh wow. Is that me?" she gasped as she watched her hands start to slide all over her body taking account of all that was and was not there. Her shoulders and neck were slim and soft. Her long blonde hair now extended down to the middle of her back. She focused on the two round breasts that looked like they were a firm set of B cups. Her hand softly passed her nipple and she smiled at the new sensation. "I like that." Paula whispered. She continued down her slender body to her stomach. Before, she would have seen a ripped sick pack, now there was a soft flat tummy. Paula rested her hands on her hips with a lot more ease than she was used to. Looking in the mirror, she watched herself strike a cheesy pose and giggle at herself. She then slid her hands down to her thighs and then inwards to her new vagina. Her fingers slid between her legs as she took hold of herself for the first time. "Oh this is so weird!" Her small hand softly moved her folds to suddenly feel the wetness that as a guy she had felt. This time though, she could feel it from within. Not only did her fingers tell her where they were, her feminity did as well. A rush of heat came over her and she drew her hand away. "Whoa..! That was different." She slowly sat down on the edge of her bed and looked down at her legs. She stuck one straight out in front of her and pointed her cute toes. Her legs were amazing. Everything about her was amazing! Paula spent the next hour exploring her new room and things. She had way more clothing than before and it was all of course a perfect fit for her new sexy female body. She spent time trying on all sorts of her clothes but finally she decided on a hot red panty and bra set and then slipped on a pink Lycra top and pink floral capris. Paula then noticed that her hair looked a bit tattered and messy. She looked around the room for a brush and sure enough, right in front of the big mirror she had been using to watch the beautiful blonde that she had become get dressed and undressed, was a table full of beauty products, and her brush. She sat down at the table and began to brush her long hair. At first, it was very awkward, as she had never had to brush such long hair. She yelped and grunted as the brush caught at knots and tangles but she quickly picked up the hang of it and in no time, Paula could see that she had a beautiful head of long blonde hair. "Wow.. this is truly amazing!" Something suddenly caught her ear as a noise came from the hall. Steve must be up. She listened as his door opened and he made his way down the hall. The door to the bathroom opened and then closed. The sound of Steve relieving himself could be just heard through the door to Paula's room and then the unmistakeable flush of the toilet followed by the sound of running water and then the door opening again. She could hear Steve make his way down the hall back towards his room. Her heart began to race as she thought he might burst in on her as he sometimes did. The sound of his door closing and then the squeak of his mattress as she heard him get back into bed put all of her worries to rest. Turning back to the mirror, Paula looked at her new face in the mirror. She still looked like the old Paul in a many ways. She still had the same eyes, nose and ears, but the rest was all new. Her cheeks were more full and soft and her skin was perfect. Her eyebrows seemed thinner and groomed. The biggest change was her lips! Paula just stared at her lips. She couldn't believe that they were so full and round. She blew a kiss to her self and giggle in spite of herself. "This is almost too good to be true!" "It is," a voice said. Startled, Paula quickly looked around the room for the voice she was sure she had just heard. There was no one was to be found and the door to her room was closed. "I must have imagined it." She shrugged her shoulders as she moved to pick up the lipstick that sat beside her brush. "No, you didn't. You heard my voice," another whisper came. Paula froze as she watched her image in the mirror start to fade and be replaced by one of the old man that had give Paul the chessboard. "It's you! But how?" "Well I am glad you remember me Paul, or should I say Paula? I see you have been busy! How do you like your new self?" The old man asked. "Look for yourself." Paula made some poses and then giggled. "I am not sure why or how you did this, but I think I like it." "Well the Chessboard only does what was meant to be. I guess it felt like you and your roommate needed to be closer and this was the best way to do so. I was worried that either of you may not have been able to go through with it, but as I see, you did. All of that alcohol probably helped. I am glad that Steve decided to make love to you after all." "Steve made love to me? Umm I am not sure what you mean?" Paula asked raising an eyebrow. "Well once you fully changed into a woman, didn't you and Steve make love?" the old man appeared concerned. "Not that I recall, no. We only did those two things, I went down on him and he took me in the bumb. Why? Were we supposed to?" Paula began to feel confused and concerned. "Oh dear. This is not good. Paul, er I mean, Paula. The Chessboard only starts the change, in order for you to complete it, you must have Steve plant his seed into you as man and woman are supposed to do as soon as possible other wise you will find yourself changing back to the last form you were in when you received his seed," the old man explained. "You mean if I don't sleep with him soon I am going to change back into a she-guy?" "Yes. It must be very soon, the form you are in now will not last long! However, remember, the more times you take his seed, them further set your form will be. It is your miracle drug so to speak. The more you have, the better off you will be. Do you understand?" "I think so." Paula's mind began to race and heart beat faster. The thought of actually having to let Steve fuck her was such an unusual thought. That idea had never crossed her mind before now. She was so busy with her appearance that she never thought of having Steve actually make love to her. "Good. Well, best of luck to you my dear. I hope that this works out for you and please come and see me soon. I would love to chat with you and Steve." With that, the old man's image began to fade and blur. "Oh thank you, I will. Bye." Paula waved and watched her image return as he faded from site. She looked at her image for a moment and then down to the lipstick and then back to her face. She watched as a grin crossed her face and heard the pop of the lipstick cap as she moved it to her lips. "Make love to Steve huh? He won't be able to say no!" Chapter 4 Steve mind was soaring. He was in this beautiful hotel and he was looking for someone, someone he loved. But he could not find her. There were so many people milling about that it was hard to look around the room for her. Then, suddenly, the crowd seemed to part and there at the far end of the room, he could see her. It looked like she was lost or confused, or both. She was stunning standing there in a beautiful blue summer dress and a small pair of heeled sandals. She was wringing her purse strap in a bit of distress because she could not find someone. That someone was him. Steve knew it. That was who he was looking for. The love of his life, his fianc?. He called out to her, "Paula!" and he waved to get her attention. She turned towards the voice, seeing him, she smiled and began to run towards him. Steve began to move towards her, the distance between them closing quickly. He stretched out his arms as they drew close and took her into him, hugging her tightly. She looked up at him through her wavy blonde hair and smiled. "Steve.... Steve...." she whispered. She seemed to be gently rocking him. "Steve.... Wake up Steve." "But I am awake. What do you mean?" The hotel and everyone around them started to fade and blur until there was just the two of them. "Where are you going?" He called as the image of her began to fade as well. Steve could still feel the rocking of someone pushing on his shoulder and could slightly hear a soft voice calling his name. He blinked as the morning sun's light filled his eyes. "Huh? What is going on?" Steve turned towards the person that was trying to wake him. Stretching his arm upwards, Steve let out a big yawn as he focused in on the person that was before him. He blinked again and focused in on the shape that was taking form on the bed beside him. Steve's heart began to beat faster when he saw that it was a beautiful blonde woman that was now softly rubbing his chest. "What the? Who are .....?" He stopped and stared in disbelief as he looked into the eyes of what looked like his roommate Paul. "Good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep well?" she softly spoke as a glowing smile filled her face. "Paul? Is that you? What is going on here?" Steve sat up trying to figure out why everything seemed so strange. He traced his steps back from last night. It all seemed so blurry. Paul had come in late, the girls left with out them. Paul and him drank and played that stupid those chess games and then, he gasped. "Paul? Did we? Did you?" The blonde began to nod her head, "Yep, we did, and thanks to you, I am!" It was like the floodgates opened and Steve was hit suddenly with all the events that had unfolded the night before. He put his hands to his head in disbelief. The image of him letting his roommate go down on him. The fact that he came in his mouth. Then the images of him screwing some half female guy in the ass as he came again filled his mind over and over. However, as it replayed in his mind, he began to put it all together. The images, his dream and now the blonde-haired woman beside him on his bed. There was a reason this was happening but was not sure why. He turned and looked at the woman again. She was smiling but a sense of uncertainty was locked in her face. "I think I remember now. You used to be Paul, my roommate. But because you and I did those things last night, you are now Paula? Am I right?" he stuttered. A big smile came over her face as she replied, "YES!" She patted his shoulder in approval. "Oh this is so weird. How could you, a guy, be turned into a woman by me, ah, you know? "Cumming in me? Well I can explain. Paula began to fill Steve in on all the events that had happened since she had woken up that morning and the visit from the old man in the mirror and the powers of the chessboard. Steve seemed to take it well overall. Paula was about to tell him that he now needed to make love to her to make the change permanent when he sat up and moved to his knees. Steve was much bigger than she was now. She could remember when the two of them would share clothes and such. No chance of that now, her petite frame was nowhere near his wide and muscular one. She watched as he looked at her. "So you mean to tell me that the hot, sexy woman in front of me right now is Paul?" "Yes, it is me." "And the fact that you suddenly have women's clothing is all because of this magical Chessboard?" "That is right, yes." "So now what do you do? How do you go back to being Paul?" He questioned. Somewhere in the back of Steve's mind he was hoping that she would give him the answer that he wanted. "I can't really go back to being Paul. At least I don't think I can. I changed because we did those things and your fluid passed to me making me who you see. Paula." She explained. "Yah but you are not all girl are you. Last night you still had your twig and two berries!" Paula started shaking her head, "Not any more. I am all woman. Trust me!" She let out a soft giggle. Steve's heart began to pound in his chest. This couldn't be? His best friend for who knows how many years was now a babe. He could feel a stir in his boxers. Oh no, not now. No, I can't get a hard on now. But she is so hot! She? Yes she, Paula. Your roomy. Steve's mind raced through the possibilities of what was happening. He looked down at the girl now kneeling in front of him with a hopeful look on her face. She was so beautiful. Paula watched as it seemed Steve wrestled with the idea in his head. She hoped that he would want to be with her, yet he seemed to be resisting the idea. Suddenly, she felt the familiar tingling that was present last night when she had began to change. This time it was different, it seemed to be a negative sensation. Paula realized that it must be the sensation that meant she was about to start changing back. She couldn't let that happen. Leaning forward to Steve, who was off in some other place, Paula leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. She could feel the stickiness of her lipstick hold their lips together as she softly pulled away. "See, I am a girl and I can prove it." Steve blinked and stared at her in surprise. "Really? I would like to see that," he replied. "Ok, well then. I am going to need your help, stud." With that, Paula pulled her shirt off and tossed it to one side revealing her soft breasts cupped in their hot red bra. She leaned forward and kissed Steve again, this time softly slipping her tongue into his mouth. Her hand gently siding up his thigh. Steve watched as this hot image of his roommate slipped off her top to reveal her perfect tits in a hot little red bra. Oh wow, he thought, those are bigger! He stared as she leaned in and started to kiss him. He felt the warmth of her tongue press between his lips as he quickly returned the action. The two began to kiss passionately. Steve couldn't believe it. This was not the same person that he had made out with last night! It couldn't be! He had to find out if Paula was telling the truth about becoming a woman. He had to! As they kissed, Paula could feel the sensation fading away and becoming replaced by another more warming feeling. Almost a wetness that she could not place right away. A hot desire was taking over her and she then realized that her new female body was responding to being kissed by Steve, a man! She was becoming aroused! It was wonderful and she wanted more. Suddenly she felt something press against her chest. It was Steve's hand softly gripping her breast. It was like sparks were jumping from his hand into her body. The sensations were wonderful and Paula moaned in approval. Well that seems to be working, Steve thought as his hand cupped Paula's tit. They feel real and look real. She seems to be enjoying what I am doing. Steve gently squeezed Paula's breast again as they kissed another moan escaped her lips. Smiling, Steve drew back from Paula and reached down to her waist. "Well so far you seem pretty girly to me roomy. Lets see if you are really what you say you are!" "Ok, Stud!" Paula grinned she moved up and turned slightly to let Steve slide down her Capri's. She watched as he nodded in approval as he exposed her full round ass. Her red thong panties tightly pressed against her soft skin. "Nice ass there Paula. Wow. That is different than what I remember last night!" Steve said as he felt a twinge in his boxers again as his cock began to swell. Paula could feel her long hair swaying across her back as Steve manoeuvred her pants off. His hands were warm on her soft skin and the sensation was soothing. She never realized a man's touch could be so inviting. She watched as Steve moved down her legs, pulling the tight Capri's further off. Paula turned and sat on the bed as the clothing slid from her legs. "There. Just underwear now," Steve whispered looking back up his roommates legs to the now sitting woman before him. "I think there has been some noticeable changes here." His gaze locked in on Paula's crotch. "But I think I will have to check to make sure." Paula gripped the sheets with her fingers when she heard Steve say that. She watched as the muscular man made his way towards her. His hand softly tracing up her smooth legs towards her waist. Steve's hand softly slid between her thighs and she ever so gently opened her legs to allow his hand between them. Steve was now sitting beside her on the bed staring into her eyes. His hand moving closer and closer to her panty covered region that all Paula could do was hold her breath and watch. She felt Steve's hand softly caress her. His hand grasping her through the red panties. The sensation filled her body as he pressed harder against her and began to slowly rub her. Paula gasped as her new body reacted to the feelings. Steve was rubbing her pussy.. HER pussy and it felt amazing. She could feel herself start to moisten and start to warm. Yes, this was how it should feel. Another soft sigh escaped her lips as Steve found the perfect spot, her clitoris. Steve wasn't sure what he would find when he slid his hand between Paula's legs. Even though he half expected to find a tiny little penis, he was still surprised and excited when all he felt was woman. He was amazed! His seed had worked. Paul had transformed into a goddess whom he was now stroking. He had to feel more.. see more! A smile grew across Steve's lips as he leaned in and kissed Paula on the lips. "I want to see it," he whispered. Paula watched as Steve moved between her legs, spreading them wide. He reached down and instead of sliding off her panties, he pulled them to one side and softly began to massage her clitoris again. The sensation was even better! She let out a gasp and began to watch as Steve moved closer and closer to her. His head only inches away. He stopped and looked up at her but he didn't wait long as she watched his mouth move to her and encompass her entire pussy. Steve's tongue began to move and explore. He had been between the legs of a few girls and he wanted to know that this wasn't any different. He quickly discovered that Paula was really Paula now! Steve was excited and pleased that he somehow had made this possible and was now reaping the bounty from it! He began to lick at her, pleasuring her in every way he knew how. He wanted to give his new roommate the best oral sex she would ever have. He almost laughed when he realised that it was also the first time she had ever been eaten out but he focused and began his work.

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An Interview For A Personal Secretary Position

There were four other girls waiting for the interview. We were all sitting in the innermost chamber of office. All were dressed very sexy…rather one was wearing a tube top with mini bottom with high heeled well-manicured legs. I was dressed in low cut without bra and panty sari revealing my assets. Another girl had her salwar kameej which was a see through and last one wore a low revealing white shirt knotted in middle with a skirt ….We were all very well-manicured sexy bodies. The office was...

3 years ago
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The Wedding

This is the sixth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. While each of the stories stands alone, we invite you to read the preceding stories to allow you to know them and their relationship. It had been planned for months, and the day had arrived. It was the wedding day for Robert and Juliana's friends, Andrew and Katherine. There was a collective gasp as they came into view. Robert knew that everyone apart from him was...

Love Stories
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UniversityChapter 52

Henry and I met on schedule. I got him a "visitor" badge and we went to the storage room, which one of the guards unlocked for us. The body bags were, indeed, gone. The floor looked as though it had been swept/washed and a unit of empty shelving now occupied part of the wall. "There's my job," I said, pointing at the cartons. "Let's move those three to the empty side, so we'll know what's done." The next box was marked "Guanaba – 1958." "Oh, this will be a sad story." "How...

3 years ago
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Growing Up prologue

And like many of these stories go...there was a boy. Ryan. Ryan was perfect. He wasn't a pretentious jerk or an asshole jock. He was friends with practically everyone and was friendly to the kids that were labeled outcasts. He was on the soccer team, played guitar, interested in physics, raced motocross...just an interesting guy! He had gorgeous blue eyes, and hair that he colored or cut into crazy styles (like I said it was 2004). He just didn't care what people thought. It was typically...

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First Night Together

“Come with me, Jack,” Nina whispered in my ear at the end of the house party, after having disappeared upstairs for a quarter of an hour.Everyone else had collapsed in a drunken heap, fallen asleep, gone off in couples or done a combination of the three. Neither of us had drunk anything that evening, having been too busy chatting to each other, so I had no hesitation in abandoning my drunk friends for my new acquaintance. Despite her stunning beauty combined with my minor obsession with Indian...

3 years ago
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A New Years Celebration

I Susanwas born on December 30th. She often felt a little bit cheated whenher birthday rolled around. A party squished between Christmas and New YearsEve was always a tough sell. Quite a few of her friends saw no problem withhanding her a Christmas gift only to say "Oh by the way Happy Birthdaytoo."Rogerknew better. They had celebrated their fifth anniversary last year. She stilladored and worshipped him. That would be worship in a quite literal meaning ofthe word. Kneeling naked with her head...

3 years ago
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My First Time with My First Love

Tony wasn’t my first boyfriend, but he was definitely my first love. We taught eachother everything we knew, especially when it came to sex. I knew I wasn’t ready to give myself to him yet, but he promised he would never pressure me, and he never did. Even though we hadn’t had sex, we were still horny teenagers and made time for hot make out sessions frequently during the week, usually after school in his truck. That was what we were doing on that chilly day in november. Him in the driver seat...

2 years ago
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Quinceanera A Mind Meld Story

THE QUINCEANERA PARTY - A MIND MELD STORY BY JANICE (I meld to a Mexican girl having her Quinceanera, a Mexican ritual for girls on their fifteenth birthday; it is a sort of coming out party, or coming of age. For more information, look it up like I did. [Mind meld - Ron Baxter is a sixteen year old quadriplegic who has the power to enter peoples mind and either control them or just be a passenger, and just go...

4 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18

Mark frowned while looking in the full length mirror. After growing a lot this past winter, none of his old clothes fit. His father, taking pity, had given him a pair of old jeans which Mark promptly cut into shorts. But, as his reflection in the mirror made startling clear, he’d cut the shorts, well, too short. His dick and balls dangled free of the denim. Discouraged, he continued looking in the mirror. He was the only boy in high school with hair on his chest, light brown like his...

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Blonde Beach Beauty

She was a tall, blonde with a nice body and now, a nice tan to go with her blonde hair. I, the bros, and their girlfriends went out for the day to the beach. I had always loved the beach. Hot, but easily to cool down at. In the shade with a nice beer watching the horizon of endless water. But then she walked by. I couldn’t stop starring at her as she walks with her friend where the water met the sand. My buddy shoved me and said "Mike? Mike are you listening"? I snapped back to my...

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Sissy Cuckold

My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I’m not very big at all and I’ve never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I’m nearing fifty years old, I’m much worse off than ever. I’ve had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement d**gs don’t help and I’m...

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BrownBunnies Annabelle Rey Ebony With Triple D Tits Gets Railed

This week we have a great one for you guys. Annabella Rey joins us this week on brown bunnies. This chick has it all, a triple D pair of natural tits, a beautifully round ass, and a pretty little face perfect to drop a giant load on. Her tits are insane! She showed us her body for some time. Eventually she got way too wet and demanded to get railed. We gave her just what she wanted, needed, and deserved a huge fucking cock for her to choke on, as well as to stretch her pretty little pussy with....

3 years ago
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Uncle Eds Surprise

It had been seven years since he disappeared. His sister finally had him declared dead so that she could get her hands on his bank accounts. Uncle Ed was a degreed mathematician with an innate sense for electromagnetic theory. For example, he was a contributing author to the theory of the Stellarator, a plasma storage device that mimicked the flows around our sun and while he was on the team, crated a practical fusion-based electrical supply. He held several patents in audio theory and audio...

1 year ago
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Marilyns Family Values

Marilyn's Family Values By Brett Lynn Here's the third part out of my bizarre mind. Now we get to learn a bit more about our heroine Marilyn. Plus, there's still the requisite sex and a little bit of intrigue thrown into the mix. Plus, this won't come out as rushed as the last two...I hope. My damn background as an editorial writer rushing to meet deadlines is, albeit slightly, mucking up my work. This one's gonna be longer than the first two, so get nice and comfy in front of your...

3 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 4

Lavender's return to consciousness was slow and incredibly painful. Waking up to a bruised and battered body was nothing new to her; she had experienced it many times before as a matter of fact, but the level of pain this time was new in its intensity and totality. As she tried to open sand-filled eyes she could swear that even her hair hurt! But it wasn't so much the pain, although it was sharp and intense, it was the absolute exhaustion that catapulted this to a whole other level. She had...

2 years ago
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Cat Out of the Bag drunk Sex with Neighbor

Having just finished my second bottle of wine, I was just awaiting the arrival home of my wife from her girly night out. This week it was one of those Anne summers sex party she was at.At 12.30 Deb arrived home more than the worse for wear, having had a good drink by the state she was in. Although she was in a pleasant mood she could not wait to tell a little secret she had learned that evening.I enquired “how was the night”? Deb giggled and replied “brilliant, we had a real good laugh” “Did...

2 years ago
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Started with Me Eating my CumPT2

Joining the Divorced Men’s Support Group and Baring My SoulA coworker who knew how distraught I was recommended a psychologist who had helped him after his divorce. I went to my first appointment with Gretchen, who I call Doc when I address her face-to-face, and was so impressed by her soothing and supportive approach, that I continued meeting with her weekly for the next two months.She’s a beautiful, sophisticated, middle-aged woman, looking a lot like the actress, Helen Mirren, in her...

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A woman second encounter with a man and a dog

After leaving the Suffolk village as I did rather hurriedly, I was totally unaware of the goings on there afterwards. Sue left Norman to go to live in London with James… and Norman set about trying to trace where I had disappeared to. As I was not in hiding in any way it didn’t take him long to locate me and I had in fact not gone that far… only to Southwold. I managed to get a position as a typist and sort of unofficial PA to a solicitor’s office….a father and son...

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Maa Ki Chudaai

Hi dosto mera name karan aur me delhi me rehata hu. Aaj me aapko apni aur apni maa ki chudaai ki kamukta kahani sunane ja raha hu jo ki ek sachi chudaai ki kahani h aur ye meri 1st story h. Sabse pehle me aap sb ko apni family ke bare me bata ta hu meri family me mere papa jo ki dubai me job karte h aur year me 2 bar 10-10 dino ke liye hi ghr aate h.Me delhi me apni mom ke sath rehata hu meri mon ek housewife h wo dikhne me bahout sexy h unhe dekh ke kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye .Unki figure...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 12 Dayton

I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...

3 years ago
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My Pussy Licking Lesson

I learned somewhere along the way her name was Ann. After Ann gave me my first pussy licking in a bar bathroom, I knew I needed to learn to reciprocate. We exchanged numbers, and she told me she would call me.   Ann had a relatively controling boyfriend and her "girls-only" time was a bit limited.  For a while after the bar bathroom incident, I had almost constant fantasies about her.  I masturbated a lot.  I called her once, and I waited and waited for her to call me back.   Finally,  about a...

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Train ride

It was 9:00 I got stuck at work trying to dig out of a months worth of overdue paper work. I normally don't leave the office so late but sometimes you have to do what you have to. I hopped the 9:10 train out of the city and back to home and settled in for a nice hour and a half long train ride back. It was pouring outside and I had my trench coat on. There were a couple of stragglers on train and with each stop the train emptied out more and more. I was 20 minutes into my trip when I...

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Me and Sandy

When I was still in high-school, I went out with a girl named Sandy.On this occasion, Sandy and I hadn't had sex yet but we had been giving each other satisfaction by hand (well, more her me than the me her). Since we were both still in high-school and living at home, privacy was a problem.I lived in an old apartment building with my parents.The building was loaded with basements which were had the laundry facilities.They were also loaded with unused storage lockers.So, for privacy, Sandy and...

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CeCe the Fun Slut Pt 01

Notes & Disclaimers: This story is set in a land far, far away where unsafe sex has no consequences, a land where HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and other STDs don’t exist. PLEASE DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! It is fiction…it is FANTASY! This story is a work of FICTION! None of the characters or events herein is based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a...

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In a fare off land there was a docter named jessie who was working on plantes and how they mate his black female partner named christal said the plant ready.jessie said put it on the gama radition then flip the switch the room glowed green then christal said it diudnt work jessie replyed dam so close.christal was sad and worryed that it might never work and jessie will be discharged from his work so she stayed up late trying to figrt out wat went wrong.when all of a sudden the plant started to...

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Grayson loved the Canadian wilderness. He lived in a small cabin on the south end of Princess Royal Island. Summers were cool and clear. Winters could be a little rough but living right on the sound, the water pretty much kept the air warmer. Salmon were plentiful and easy to catch from his kayak. When he needed meat, the forest abounded with venison, partridge and elk. His cabin was very difficult to find unless you were looking for it and nobody was because nobody knew he was there. He hadn’t...

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We agreed to meet for coffee but my car wasn’t running right so you said you’d pick me up.I checked my reflection on the way to the door and straightened my shirt. I knew this tight tee showed off my breasts perfectly and I wanted to tease.I told you I wasn’t quite ready and to come on in. I put on some tunes for you as I finished puttering in the kitchen. "You know I could always make us coffee""ya sure" you say with a smile.I bring you a cup and as I bend over to put it on the table I see you...

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Learning CurvesChapter 8

Hailey parked in Phil’s number spot and walked up the stairs and down the balcony to knock on the door to Apartment 12. “You have the key, you know,” Phil said from the neighboring doorway. Hailey looked down at what she carried and back up at him. “Crap, that was stupid of me,” she said. “Yeah, you ripped them right out of my hand before I could protest,” he said with a laugh. He turned back to the other apartment and spoke to someone inside. “Thanks for letting me visit with you, Mr....

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Sentence Fifty Strokes Of The Cane

SENTENCE: FIFTY STROKES OF THE CANE By Alex Tracy Holmes stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into completesilence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronouncehis decision: "Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailiffs! Take the prisoner downto the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - andwill the next officer available please administer the punishment directly.Miss Holmes, I trust this will teach you to obey the laws of our...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIEpilogue

Katherine came into her mother’s hospital room a confused and frustrated young woman. She’d just been to the Heathrow Hilton to see a man who claimed that her mother was his one true love; his soul mate. Yet that man wouldn’t come to the hospital. It was maddening. “Hello, darling,” Sarah Jane said as Katherine came into the room. Katherine could not believe how different her mother looked from just a few days ago. She hadn’t looked this healthy in years. It was as if someone had waved a...

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If Your Ever Did Believe

This story is about Stevie Nicks and KeithRichards. Its written from the perspective of Stevie Nicks. It takes place in 1976, when the famous Fleetwood Mac record “Rumours” was being made. It was also when the relationships in the band started to fall apart. Stevie had broken up with fellow band mate Lindsey Buckingham just 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile in England, Keith Richards decided to go to California to make his first solo single “Run Rudolph Run”. He was in a relationship with Anita...

Love Stories
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The Perfect VisitorChapter 3

I was fixing myself a grilled cheese sandwich when she returned from tilting at the local government windmill. "I'm surprised you got done that quickly," I commented. "I didn't, really," she said. She sounded tired. "It's a lot of work and there are so many records to go through." "Yeah," I said. "I did get some leads on graves, though. Have you ever heard of some place called Chapel Hill?" "Maybe," I said. I was thinking of a little plot of land that was fenced with...

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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 16

Arrian sat with Miranda on the living room couch. He had been home not more than an hour when Miranda asked to speak with him. "I can tell something is bothering you Miranda." She looked nervous as she attempted a smile, which she failed miserably. "I want to talk to you about Sam." Arrian still didn't understand what in the world made her so nervous, sure he could have picked up her feelings, but that was an invasion of privacy. "She... she feels you may not be the person she...

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She had her way with me

My girlfriend and I live together.  A few weeks ago her twin sister stayed with us for a week.  We live on the east coast she lives on the west coast but was in town for a conference.  With money being tight my girlfriend told her she could sleep on our couch for the week. I didn’t mind.  Our apt is cozy to say the least and I was little worried my girlfriend wouldn’t want to have sex while she was there because she wouldn’t want her to hear us.  Luckily my girlfriend can’t get enough.  We...

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Ann Next Door Sights and Smells

As you may recall, Ann Next Door is my married neighbor. Our yards connect and on this Saturday morning, I trudged across to return a tool I'd borrowed from her husband. It was steamy out even though it was barely 10 a.m., and by the time I'd reached her side door, I hadn't noticed [hubby's] car was not in the driveway. Her side door squeaked open and there she was, tall, her brunette hair up in a ponytail, yoga pants hugging her amazing round ass, and a tiny tight t-shirt."[Husband] isn't...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 9

Sky was in the barn, saddling his horse as his dad walked in. They had talked and decided it was time he rode over the great plains, to see the lands of his forefathers of the Sioux. “Sky, I’ve been thinking that maybe you need to use another name as you travel. This will give you the opportunity to observe people and not be the center of attention as you travel. If people find out you are Sky from the Dakotas, you’ll be hounded wherever you go.” “I respect your judgment Dad, you know more...

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Training Sarah PArt Six

The rest of the afternoon was relatively uneventful, Sarah slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants and lent Aunt Judy a hand around the house. The conversation edged back into what a slut Sarah had become, and Judy became awestruck by how much being a slut didn’t bother Sarah, and how free it must feel to not care that much about what others think. All the while, Judy was trying to figure out exactly how the night might play out… When Judy’s friends started showing up everyone was...

4 years ago
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Hiding Inside

"Hidden Inside" Conrad Lee The following is sort of a flashback to my chez Jenn storyline or what it would have been like way back when cosmetics were sold in parlors and women hid the fact they were buying them. Serena Grey, the sixteen year old servant of the Lyttle household was now travelling across the border to the next town in search of a place Mrs. Lyttle called Gem's Parlor, a little known proprietor of beauty supplies much like the rest of such parlors in the world....

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Naked Day Epilogue 4

"Slutty? No. You just needed to reach all your bounds. Now your hands on my chest are creating a stir. Come around and sit on my lap." Needing no more prompting Cindy settled on me, my semi hard cock resting between her ass cheeks, her legs spread overlapping mine. I reached around with my right hand and casually cupped and caressed her right breast, circling her areola with my thumb, I ran kisses along her neck and left shoulder, my right hand slid down her stomach, over the slight swell...

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MODERN FAMILY SEX PARODY Phil and Claire Dunfy Teach Haley a lesson

Its 3:00 am, and Phil and Clair Dunfy are sitting at home worried sick about their 16 year old daughter Haley. She went out earlier in the night with one of her friends that everyone knows is a slut, named Jenna. Clair was wearing her wooly nightgown pants, and a white tank top. Her ass was so nice you could see it bounce side to side in the baggy pants as she paced across the living room floor waiting for Haley to arrive home. Finally, Haley stumbles in the front door, looking sexy as ever....

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DeannaChapter 23 The Future Begins

Tara would be back about 6 months after Dee's 18th birthday, so as soon as we got the final date of her return, our wedding would be 2 weeks later. I couldn't wait. I know Deanna was anxious to "get on with it" because she wanted to give me a baby so bad she could taste it. She'd stop taking her birth control 4 months prior to the wedding, so there was a chance that she could be pregnant when we said our vows, but it does take a few months before the effect of the pills are expunged...

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Sex Life With Mom Part2

Hello, everyone.This is ravi again.I’m back with the continuation of my sex story with my mom. In my previous story, I have explained about how my sex with mom started. This story is about how our relationship is going on till now. For those of you who don’t know about me and my mom, I’m a guy from andhra and I’m 18 years old.I live in bangalore. my mom is 45 and busty sexy body.She was so hot with perfect 34b boobs and awesome body. As I previously talked about my sex relationship with my mom...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 19 Preliminaries to the Show

The visit to the hospital seemed to end a frantic first week of life after the announcement. Julio led us to the hospital's administration desk where he and Jason, supported by my mother in person and Jason's mother via a cellphone, worked out the terms of Leticia's remaining care and her discharge. Ashley and I spent the hour cuddled in a comfortable chair exchanging loving kisses. After that, Jason and Ashley had to return home, and Mom brought me home to face my brother's demands. The...

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My new lover my brother

While were madly 69ing each other before we began to fuck my brother came home and because I was not expecting anybody to be there for hours I left my bedroom door open. He heard us and because we were really into what we were doing I didn’t hear him. He looked in and saw us and just stood there watching us until I my boyfriend came and I was swallowing his cum. I was on top and when I took his cock out of my mouth I saw my brother standing there. I nearly died. I screamed and because my bed...

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10 The Julie Journals

***** "It will be fun," giggled Julie down the telephone, "Anyway while the men are away the girls will play". Julie was talking to Sarah, the wife of one the men who served in the same regiment as her boyfriend. They had been out as a group and whilst they all got on, Sarah always seemed a bit straight laced when it came to the subject of sex. Sarah would blush and get very shy if Julie tried to raise the subject outside of the men's earshot about their respective love lives. Sarah...

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Nina Chapter 5

Waking to find a soft, naked female form in bed after all these years as a special joy. When I gently explored the form with my fingers and her eyelids fluttered and then opened and her first words were "I love you, babe," the experience got richer. We both had full bladders and made the trip to the bathroom. Back in the bedroom, she turned into my arms and kissed me. "Dan," she said quietly, "I don't regret last night. I do love you." "I don't regret it either, Nina. And I was...

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Money For The Maid

Kaamini was a chubby thirty nine year old maid working in a rich household. She used to do most of the chores and was working with the family for almost four years. Her master’s name was Mr. Sharma and he had a beautiful wife and two beautiful children. One was nineteen year old Rahul and the other was eleven year old Amit. Kaamini used to even bathe Amit so she was really close to the kids. Though Rahul was adult now but he looked quite younger and Kaamini used to ignore his stares on her body...

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I discover that I like men seeing my body0

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. I guess that I grew up as a normal girl. Well almost normal; I’ve always been quite tall and quite skinny. Even now my waist is only 20 inches. That may have been something to do with the fact that my parents never had much money. My name is Abigail (Abby). I’m 18 with a 26B, 20, 24 inch figure. Apart from being tall and skinny I’m a pretty average girl, nothing special...

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Due Some LoveChapter 7 To Higher Management

From the next high school term on, Ida-May Beckham legally became Ida-May Newman by deed-poll and with help from DOCS, and began at the local highschool with her two sisters, Gypsy Alison and Virginia Maria. All three were indistinguishable from the rest of the school crowd, conservative uniforms and all, as they found no need or urge to attract boys with the ultra-short hemlines and tight open to the bra line blouses, the rest of their age-group wore after the first ten minutes of leaving...

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four years of foreplay

It had been years, 4 to be exact that we had played this game. A twisted little tennis match with each others hearts. Starting and stopping again before we ever managed to make it clear to the other how we felt. It had caused casualties on both sides, prevented me from being happy and making any attempts he made at relationships crash and burn. But maybe all our past had been a road, a road to where I now found myself, standing, shaking, my hand on the polished brass door knob that lead to so...

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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. ooooooo Cookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch. Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance. Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please. Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting. __________________ Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened...

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Private Anny Aurora Dedicated Wife

It may be the 1600’s or now but you can be assured that women know how to please a man and that’s exactly what’s in store today in Private Gold, Newton, Genius & Stud. There are no lengths Anny Aurora won’t go to to satisfy her man Clarke Kent and things don’t take long to get heated in the bedroom as the fucking begins right away before Anny wants a taste of cock with a nice sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy the sight of this stunning blonde in action in her sexy black lingerie as she screams and...


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