The Pre-nuptual Agreement free porn video

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The Pre-nuptial Agreement By Margaret Jeanette Margo Dunlop was having lunch with her old college friend, Susan Hatfield. She had not seen her for ten years. They were reliving old times, then their conversation turned to personal matters. "So, tell me Sue, did you ever get married? I thought you and Kevin were awful close in school." "No, I never got married. Kevin decided to study some kind of mysticism and I am definitely not into that. I've been going from place to place helping companies restructure their financial picture. Usually it's companies on the verge of bankruptcy. I have a great record, and companies pay me well for my services." "So, what are you doing in Newmarket?" "Tanner's Tank Company has hired me to straighten out their finances. I've done the preliminary work and I know I can do it. It will take about a month, then I am sure they will be on sound footing again." "Where are you staying?" "At Helen's Bed and Breakfast. It's a nice place and the room is also nice. I've had better and I've had worse." "Why don't you stay with us? We have three empty bedrooms and you wouldn't be a bother at all. Then we could do some of the things we did in college." "Tell about you and David. What's he like? What does he do for a living?" "He can be a pain sometimes. He inherited a ton of money when his parents died in a small plane crash while on safari in Africa. Right now about all that he does is play games on his computer and count his money. He was a spoiled only child and always got whatever he wanted." "You sound like you would like to get out of the marriage. Why don't you divorce him?" "I signed a pre-nuptial agreement. If I divorce him I get practically nothing. He doesn't abuse me, but he is so opinionated. He thinks no woman can do anything worth while except please a man." "I've seen men like that and I know I can handle them. Give me a chance and I'll have him pleasing you. It makes me furious when a man doesn't respect a woman." "What can you do? He isn't physically strong but he can stand a lot of pressure I am sure." "I think I'll take you up on your offer and see if I can change him along the way. You'll have to trust that I know what I'm doing. Would you like to be in charge of everything?" "I'd love it! There are things I've asked to do and he's replied that I wasn't capable. I am sure if I took charge I'd make a lot of changes." "I'll move in this evening. Give me at least three days to assess his strengths and weaknesses, and then we'll change him for the better. I can guarantee that!" Margo got home and told David that she'd had lunch with Susan and that she'd invited her to stay with them, rather than stay at her bed and breakfast. He said they weren't running a hotel, and she said it would be no bother to him. So he asked what she did for a living. Margo told him, and he seemed to accept that she was at least making her own way in the world. He said he would allow her to stay there but she'd better not be a bother. That evening when Susan arrived Margo introduced her to David. He saw she was very pretty, but she seemed too business-like for him. Still, he thought, he wouldn't kick her out of bed. Margo gave her a tour of the house. It was a large house, over 3000 square feet. She showed her the three empty bedrooms and gave her a choice of which one she wanted. She chose the one at the end of the hall. She asked what the room across from her bedroom was, and Margo told her that was David's computer room, and that no one was allowed in there except David. Susan was going to get her bags and asked David in a very nice way if he could help her. He was watching a ball game on television, and he asked her if he looked like a bell boy and didn't move to help her. She got her things in and got everything put away. She then joined Margo and they had a cup of tea and sat discussing fashions and fashion trends. The next morning at breakfast she said the bed was the most comfortable that she had slept in for a long time. David said if she didn't like it they could get a hammock for her to sleep in. After Susan left, Margo told David he wasn't being very nice to her. He said that if she didn't like it she could move out. Margo was disgusted with his attitude, and hoped Susan could actually change him. She thought that any change at all would be better than the way he was now. That night Susan said she saw in the paper where a group of women were building a house for Habitat for Humanity. David said that the house would probably blow over in the first wind. Susan asked him what he meant by that, and he said women weren't meant to build houses. She asked him how he saw women and how women were supposed to act. "I see women as being here to please men. They don't belong doing men's work or directing men." "So you are saying no woman should be in charge of a man. Is that what you are saying?" "You got it. They screwed up when they allowed women to wear pants. Woman started to think they should rule over men and that wrecked everything." "Now you are saying women should always wear dresses and be cute and feminine all the time?" "You got it! There are too many women out there that don't know their place." "What would you do if a woman took charge of you?" "That will never happen. I am a man and I know there isn't a woman anywhere who can take charge of the things I do." "It appears you have a very low opinion about women. I know there are women out there who can do things you never thought of. Do you really have that low an opinion of every woman?" "Did I mumble or something? What part of what I said don't you understand?" "I understand everything you said, I just don't agree with it is all. I think you need a lesson in reality." "Oh, and who is going to give me that lesson? You?" "I know I could. When I get done with you, you will see what a woman has to face every day and maybe appreciate women a lot more. I see you have a very large house here. Margo told me she asked if you could get someone to help her keep it clean and you told her that it was her job to keep it clean. Why can't you let her hire someone to help her? You have plenty of money, so that isn't a problem." "If she can't keep it clean that's her problem. Maybe if she'd stay home more often instead of going to play tennis or going to that health club she'd have time to keep it clean." "Do you play tennis? Are you afraid I might beat you in a game of tennis?" "There is no way you could beat me! I practice every day for at least twenty minutes. We have the tennis court in the back yard and I have a serving machine I use to practice with." "I'll tell you what. I think I'm a fairly good tennis player, so tomorrow night we'll play, and if I beat you then I want you to agree to help Margo keep this place clean. Do we have a deal?" "What if you lose? What are you gong to do then?" "Then I will help her every evening. How does that sound? If you're so sure you'll win you shouldn't be afraid to take the bet." "You're on. I'll show you once and for all where a woman's place is." The next day Susan arrived back at two carrying some bags, and she headed straight for her bedroom. When she emerged she was dressed in a tennis outfit and carrying her racket. She knocked on his computer room door. He opened it slightly and she asked if he was ready for his tennis lesson. He said he would meet her out on the tennis court in five minutes. They agreed to play the best of three sets. Susan won the first set and he wondered why he never got even one point. She was good, and he was sweating pretty hard. His concentration was broken. When she slammed the ball right at the net to win the second set he acknowledged she had won the match. She told him he could start helping Margo clean right away. He replied that it was stupid to think he was some sort of maid or something. He said that being as good as she was, she should have given him some points or something. She went over and stood defiantly right in front of him and demanded he keep his side of he bet. He sneered at her and said the bet was off. She gave him a push and told him he was going to live up to his end of the deal. He went to push her back, but found himself on his back after she flipped him with ease. He charged her, and she not only stopped him dead in his tracks but had him in a headlock. She put him into a sleeper hold. Margo witnessed the whole thing, match and all. She watched as Susan gave him a shot in his arm as he lay there. Susan said he would sleep for at least three hours now, and they managed to get him into the house and onto a bed in one of the spare bedrooms. It took them almost a half hour to do this, but they did manage to get him there. Susan got the bags from her room and went to work on him. Margo watched in amusement as Susan changed him out of his tennis outfit. The first thing she did was glue a pair of breast forms on his chest. Margo giggled when she saw that. Then she glued long red false nails on his fingers. He was naked, and Susan had Margo help get black pantyhose on him. Then it was a pair of black nylon panties trimmed with white lace all around. Then the two of them managed to get a black bra hooked on him. Then she locked a pair of high heels on his feet. She knew he was going to have trouble walking in them, and laughed at the thought. She produced a scissors and started to trim his hair as short as she could get it. When she was done she placed a blond wig on his head, then went to work on his face. She completely removed his eyebrows and used an eyebrow pencil to draw new thin ones on him. Then it was his eyes, which she used heavy make up on. She applied red stain to his lips before giving him a thick coat of lipstick. Then she pierced his ears in two places each and inserted studs in the holes. He started to move a bit, slowly coming out of it. Susan told Margo they should make this spare room his bedroom, since he was going to be feminine. She told Margo to follow her lead and not let up on him. He woke up and lay there shaking his head from side to side to clear his mind. He wondered why his chest felt so tight. When he looked down he saw the black bra he was wearing and wondered how that had happened. He focused his eyes and saw the two women standing there with smirks on their faces. He sat up and swung his legs off the bed. He looked down at himself and saw the black nylons he was wearing. "What have you done to me? Get this off of me instantly!" "Those are your new working clothes. You reneged on your side of the bet so I'm making sure you do as you're supposed to do. Now you can get busy cleaning the house." "You man-hating bitch! Get out of my house!" He let out a scream as she brought a riding crop hard down on his thighs. He looked shocked that anyone would do something like that to him. "You will speak to us with respect! For your outburst you can call us Mistress Margo and Mistress Susan and always ask permission to speak." "Go to hell! I am not going to ask permission!" The crop came down hard again. Before he could get his hands over his thighs it came down again. He let out a scream of pain. "Now, you can start by sweeping the kitchen and scrubbing the floor. You better get going so you can get to bed early enough, as tomorrow you are going to be very busy all day. Now move!" He stood up and almost fell flat on his face in the heels. He looked shocked again and glared at the two women. "Margo, do something to stop this!" The crop hit him on the back of his thighs with a stinging sensation. "You were told to ask permission to speak to both of us and you were told how to address us. If you do not start to do as you are told you will be punished a lot more harshly that one or two swats. You were told what to do. If you do a good job you will earn points to get the rest of your outfit. Now go get to work!" He gave them both a dirty look then took very short steps out of the room. Susan told Margo she had better keep him busy tomorrow and Margo assured her that she would. Susan told her to make sure he did as instructed and always addressed her correctly. They walked out toward the kitchen and saw he was sitting on a stool by the counter. Susan gave him a swat on his rear and he shot off the stool. "You bitch. Leave me alone!" Before he realized what was happening she had him by his arm and was leading him along. She sat on a chair and quickly had him over her lap. She started swatting him with the riding crop, telling him to let her know when he was ready to start the kitchen. After five swats he was crying and after eight he said he would do the floor. She stopped for a minute then said, "Good, but you are getting five more for not asking permission to talk to us and five for not addressing us properly." She gave him the ten swats and he was crying harder now. She let go of him and told him to get to work. He fell off her lap onto the floor. Then slowly he got up and went to the pantry, then emerged with the broom and dustpan. The two women watched as he started to sweep the floor. Then they adjourned to the living room. Susan gave Margo tips on what to do to him should he rebel. They were discussing different things for him to do when they saw him enter. "Mistress Margo, can I speak?" "Yes, go ahead. What do you want?" "What do I scrub with?" "Come with me and I'll show you." She led him out to the pantry and pulled a pail from below the bottom shelf. She grabbed several rags and took him out into the kitchen. From under the sink she got the floor solution. She told him he would have to scrub it, then empty the pail, then rinse it with clear water. He asked where her mop was and she told him to do it with a brush on his hands and knees. "I have seen you and you used a mop all the time. Where's the mop?" Without saying anything she walked away. He turned and started to fill the bucket. He jumped when he felt the crop hit his thighs. Margo said that was for not asking permission to speak to her, then she hit him three more times and told him that was for not addressing her correctly. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. How could he let himself get into this position? He should have forbid Margo to let that man-hating bitch stay with them. He was on his hands and knees and didn't like it. Tomorrow when that man hating bitch was gone he would have a good talk with his wife and get this straightened out once and for all. An hour later he was finishing up the floor and saw the two women watching him. He went and emptied the pail in the sink, and when he turned around he saw Susan standing with a beer in her hand. She tipped the bottle and let some drip on the floor. Then she told him he would have to scrub it all over again. "You did that on purpose. If you want it scrubbed, you scrub it!" He was grabbed and couldn't escape the swats. He heard her say to let her know when he was ready to ask permission to speak and to address them properly. After six swats he said he would do as she said. She kept hitting him, telling him it was punishment for his outburst. She said to let her know when he was ready to redo the floor. He immediately said he was. She asked if he was going to thank her for correcting his bad behavior. He immediately said he was. She stopped hitting him and stood expectantly. He said, "Thank you for correcting me." "Do it right and do it so I believe you." "Mistress Susan, may I speak?" "Go ahead." "I want to thank you for correcting me. I am sorry I misspoke." She accepted that and he got two more rags and started to get ready to redo the floor. In the living room Margo said she never thought she would see the day he would be doing the floor like that. Susan told her she had to keep a tight rein on him to keep control. He finished the floor and waited in the kitchen. The two women came out and said the floor looked very nice. He felt proud that he had done it to their satisfaction. Margo told him they'd decided he should have a new name. She told him his new name was Grace, and that he had better live up to it. Then she prompted him to thank them properly for his new name. "Thank you for my new name. I really like it." "You did such a good job that you deserve a reward. I have just the reward to show you we do value all you have done and all you are going to do." Susan presented him with a short black slip to put on. She told him that tomorrow maybe, if he did all his chores well, he would earn a beautiful nightgown. She said he would have to sleep in his slip tonight. Margo told him his bedroom was the room he woke up in. He was sent to bed. Minutes later he was back asking to speak. He asked for help to get he shoes off. He was told he could sleep in them. He left their presence with sagging shoulders. In the bedroom he made up his mind to have a serious talk with Margo tomorrow after that bitch left for work. He finally went to bed and quickly was asleep. He slept on his stomach because of the pain in the back of his thighs. The next morning when he entered the dining area he was told he could make himself two pieces of buttered toast and have a cup of coffee if he wanted it. He usually had two eggs, toast, orange juice and coffee, served by Margo. He made himself the toast and poured himself a cup of coffee. He was very hungry, not having had any supper last night. As he was eating Margo told him he could start with the bathrooms, to scrub the floors, tubs, toilets, and shower stalls, and not to forget to do all the counters and mirrors. He did the second bathroom thinking about what he was going to say to Margo. She had to end this nonsense right now. He was sure she would. He went and peeked around the corner and saw she was sitting reading a magazine. He watched to see if he could tell if she was in a good mood or not. He saw her laugh at something she read. He went in. "Margo, we have to talk. I have decided to let you hire a maid to keep this place clean." "Why would I hire a maid to keep this place clean? I already have one." "You have to end this! You don't expect me to continue like this, do you?" "Oh yes, you will! You asked for it with your snide remarks and now you are well on your way to a readjustment of your attitude." "Think about what you are doing! You can't do this to me! I won't stand for it!" "You are not listening when you are told something. Now you didn't ask permission to speak to me and you didn't address me properly. Get over here and bend over that chair or you will receive extra swats!" He looked at where she was pointing and refused to budge. She stood up expectantly and he didn't move. She walked over to where he stood and gave him a hard swat on his rear. He didn't move. She hit him again. This time the riding crop whistled when she hit him. He stumbled to the chair. She pushed him over the chair. She kept swatting him until he agreed that he would ask permission to speak, then agreed to address her properly. Then she told him he was getting ten swats for his insolence. His rear was on fire and he was freely crying. She released him and he got out of the room as fast as he could walk in the heels. He was still crying as he wiped the counter in the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and the thought ran through his head that he looked like a total wreck. He could see traces of lipstick on his lips and his eyes were all swollen. Through his tears he could see there was a streak in the mirror. He thought the hell with it. He finished that bathroom, and when he walked to the next one he noticed Margo was gone from the living room. He wondered where she was. He got to the bathroom and started to clean the shower stall. This was the shower he'd used when he came in from his tennis practice. It took quite some time to get it cleaned. He was finishing up the last thing -- cleaning the toilet -- and was startled when he heard Margo's voice behind him. "This room looks pretty nice. I hope you did as good a job on the other ones. It's lunch time. You can make me some soup and a sandwich then make yourself a salad for lunch. A girl has to watch her figure you know." Margo walked away laughing. He felt totally despondent. He made her lunch and fixed himself a salad even though he really didn't care for salads. She told him he could have a glass of grapefruit juice with his salad. He was going to sit at the table, but Margo told him to sit on one of the stools at the counter. He sat and very slowly ate his salad. He wondered what would happen next. After lunch she told him there was a streak on the mirror in one bathroom. She told him to redo the whole bathroom after she gave him a present. His jaw dropped when she expertly put a chastity belt on him, telling him he wouldn't be needing that anymore. He felt just like he had been castrated. He went to redo the bathroom and just skimmed over everything but made sure to get the streak off the mirror. He finished and sat on the toilet rubbing the backs of his legs thinking that he had to put an end to this somehow. When he was done he heard Margo calling Grace. It didn't register at first that he was Grace. Then he remembered who he was, and went to her. "I need some cash, and inasmuch as you control the accounts you are going to have to go with me and get some money out. You don't have to worry, your slip covers you well enough to make you decent." "I can't go out like this! I just can't!" "There is another way we could do it. I could get the form to make all of your accounts joint accounts, then I could get out what I need. Do you want me to do that? I know you have to sign a form but I could get it and have you sign it." "Yes, do that! I can't go in public dressed like this!" "You can come with me and wait in the car and I'll have you sign it, then take it right back in. No one will see you that way." "Do I have to go? I am afraid someone will see me." "You have to go. If you co-operate you will stay in the car but if you so much as give me any trouble at all you will be going in and getting the money yourself. Do you understand?" He said he did, and soon found himself in the car and on the way to the bank. At the bank Margo went in and got the forms. The teller wrote four account numbers on the form and she took it out for him to sign. He signed it and she took it right back in. The teller checked the signature with the one on file. Then he said it looked like it was genuine, but they had to verify it with David. She told him David was in the car but indisposed. The teller said he would go out and ask him to verify that he had indeed signed the form. When she led the teller out to David he quickly told the teller he had signed the form. The teller acted like there was nothing unusual about how he was dressed. Margo went back into the bank with the teller and withdrew a good-sized amount of money. Back in the car she told Grace that he did a good job and that the teller never said a word about how he was dressed. She asked him if he was hungry for a hamburger and he said he was. She said they could stop at a restaurant and go in and get one, but he said he wasn't that hungry. She laughed hard at him then, and he felt he had been taken by her. Back at home she told him to do the living room, instructing him to do the dusting and make sure he didn't miss any place on the carpeting. She always used his old computer, but for the first time she went into his computer room and booted up his new one. She marveled at how much faster it was compared to hers. She had taken a course on how to use the computer and soon was looking at what he had on his. She quickly checked his bank account online. She had not known they had so much money. She was astounded that with that much, he was so tight with money. Then she wondered how he'd spent so much time on his computer, what Internet sites he'd visited. She was surprised to see he'd visited some sissy humiliation sites. On two of them they had lists of things to do to humiliate a sissy. She hit the print button and soon was stapling the pages together. Then she noticed a male maid site and she ended up printing out a maid contract and a list of maid's duties. She saw she could customize the list, and downloaded a file that allowed her to make a customized list of duties for a maid. She couldn't believe he'd gone to sites like those, but it did explain something she'd wondered about -- how come he'd folded so quickly when Susan had intimidated him, and why she was herself able to keep him subservient. Despite himself something inside him must be seeking out the very thing they were doing to him. She clicked on a link to a story site that featured forced feminization stories. She soon had five stories that dealt with husbands being forced to be their wife's maids. She decided she had to do some more checking later. She decided to password protect some of the sites, and then she shut the computer down. She checked and saw he was dusting the nick-knacks on the end table, and smiled to herself, then went to the four season's room and sat down to study one of the lists she had printed out. She was surprised at some of the things listed describing how to humiliate a sissy. She was ready to do some of them right away, but knew she would have to wait. She was so involved in reading it she didn't hear Susan come in. She gave Susan a run-down on the day. Susan congratulated her on giving him the spanking and getting the joint accounts, then asked her how long she wanted to keep him as a maid. She asked if she was going to let him go back to being a man as soon as he had cleaned the whole house. "I really don't know. I kind of like the idea of having a maid. He has already told me I could hire a maid but I think he can do the job for awhile at least. I have to really think about it. I will tell you one thing, and that is, I am really seeing him in a different light now. He was spoiled as a child and he has yet to grow up and act like a man. I don't mean the kind of man he was but one who is considerate of me and shows me more respect than he did before. If that takes for him to be my maid, then that is what we will go with." "Good for you! You are learning fast. If you can get along without the attention in bed then keep him as your maid. There is one way you can get satisfaction in bed from him though." "How is that?" "He's got a tongue, hasn't he? Make him use it for a good cause." Both of them laughed at that. Margo wondered what she would have done if Susan hadn't taken control of David. She wondered if she really wanted him as a maid for a long time. She decided to take it as it goes and see where the path led. Right now she enjoyed the power she had over him. That evening they told him that because Margo had to spank him he didn't earn his nightgown. He actually looked sad at hearing that. Both women noticed. Margo thought he might have been looking forward to wearing a nightgown, though she doubted it. Margo surprised him with the maid's contract she'd downloaded on the computer. He was told to sign it and he did, using the name Grace. Margo was surprised that he didn't put up a fuss over signing it. He was given a copy to read later if he wanted. The next day he was told to do the bedrooms. He was doing them when he saw Margo go into his computer room. He hoped she wouldn't dig too deep into some of the things in there. She booted up the computer and soon was checking out some of the sites she hadn't checked yesterday. She didn't find anything that she thought she could use until she saw one for the Dunlop Foundation. She clicked on it and the user name and password flashed on the screen. She was amazed that he was the only one receiving money from it, and saw he wasn't even taking all of the accumulating interest out of it. It was still growing. She realized that was his way of hiding some of his assets. She saw there was a link to a secure server to change how the distributions were made. She clicked on it and changed the distribution from his name to her name. She smiled as the verify screen came up and she clicked to verify it. She then shut the computer down and looked around the room. There was a stack of old printouts lying on the counter, and when she looked to see what they were she was shocked to see that the top two were among the very stories she had printed out yesterday. She wondered if this meant that he secretly wanted to be a sissy maid. She looked through the stack and found one more that had been read many times from the look of it. The corners of the pages were turned up and there was a small tear in one page. She grabbed all three stories and headed out of the room. She saw he was cleaning the second bedroom and didn't say anything to him. Instead, she went and read the oldest story. It dealt with a wife who made her husband a maid then relented at the end and let him return to being a man. She wondered if she really wanted David to return to being the man of the house. That night they gave him a fancy maids' dress. They made him thank them for giving him such a pretty dress. He did profusely thank them for the dress. At bedtime he thought about how his legs weren't hurting as much as they did before. He was getting used to the high heels that he had to keep on all the time. He wondered what tomorrow would bring. The next morning as he was eating his two pieces of toast and drinking his glass of juice he was told that today he was to do the laundry and clean the four season's room. He was told he should hang the laundry outside so it got that fresh air smell, and to remember to iron it properly. He noticed Margo was nowhere to be seen as he went from hanging the laundry out to clean the four season's room. He was glad in a way that she wasn't there. As he did the room he noticed the old story lying on the floor by the chair she always sat in. He shuddered at the thought that she might do some of the things in that story. He thought about how he should have destroyed those printouts after he'd read them. He'd never considered that she might enter his private domain. He noticed that when he turned after hanging up a load of laundry, if he turned suddenly he got a peculiar feeling. It felt nice to him. Once back in the house he went in to what had been their bedroom and did some quick turns in front of the full length mirror. He saw how the skirt turned up and how the slip wrapped his legs. It felt great. He then made quick turns as often as possible. He finished the four season's room and decided to organize the pantry. He put all the vegetables together, and the desserts, and put everything so it looked organized. He was pretty proud of himself when he was done. Margo came in just as he was coming out of the pantry. She asked him what he was doing in there. He told her he'd just organized everything there. She told him it was good thinking. Five minutes later she called Grace. They sat at the table and she handed him the list of maid's duties that she had customized. "You can see it says 'Grace's Duties' at the top. There are two boxes after each duty. You will check off a box when you have done a duty. Then I will check it and see that it is done properly. If it is done properly I will check the other box. I took the liberty to indicate what days each duty is to be done to help you get organized. Look at the list and see if there's something I missed." He looked the list over carefully. He had no idea what she could have missed. He saw on Wednesdays he was to clean the oven. He got a thought and told her there was no time reserved for cleaning the refrigerator. She congratulated him on his seeing that. She said next week's list would include it. She told him to hang it on the corkboard next to the refrigerator. She was amused when she saw him turn quickly to go put it there. She told him he was going to cook supper that night and suggested he cook something he knew how to cook. He looked in the pantry and the freezer and came up with the easiest meal he could think of. When the two women sat down for supper he served them spaghetti and meatballs with a mushroom spaghetti sauce. Both women said it was delicious. Margo told him he could have some because it was so good. She smiled when she saw him stick his chest out with pride. After supper the two women went into the four season's room and Margo told her about the day. Susan told her the duty chart was a great idea. She said he seemed to accept being a maid a lot more readily now, and Margo agreed. Margo went to get them each a glass of wine and saw Grace looking at a cookbook. She told Susan about it, and they both thought he was coming along nicely. Margo told Susan that she was really getting into being the boss of the house and she enjoyed the feeling of power. Susan told her she should enjoy it, and that now was her chance to get back at him for anything he'd done to upset her. When Grace checked on them to see if they needed anything Margo told him she had something for him. She handed him a bag and when he had the contents out he saw it contained a red bra, slip and new red dress. He thanked her for the lovely clothes. Margo told him he could wear the dress tomorrow when they went shopping for more clothes for him. He said that would be good. Margo was a bit upset that he didn't show more reluctance about going. She was hoping he would throw a fit or something. The next morning he shocked the daylights out of her by serving her breakfast in bed. She couldn't believe he would do something like that. She wondered what he was up to, it just wasn't like him. He was taking the fun out of it. She got up and told him he could get the tray out of her bedroom and clean up any mess, then change into his new dress so they could go shopping. He did, and when he presented himself to her she told him to get into the car. They were at a dress shop and she was asking him which dresses he liked. She was surprised that he seemed to like any dress with lace trim but was rejecting every dress with ruffles. They ended up getting six dresses for him. Margo thought about some of the things that were on the humiliation list but decided not to try any of them. She just couldn't do it when he was going along with everything she asked of him. She asked him if he needed anything else. He said he wasn't sure what he needed and asked her if he could have some money in case he saw something he wanted. She gave him forty dollars, saying that is twice as much as he ever gave her at one time. She told him she was going to check on something special and have a cup of coffee. She told him to meet her in the food court. . He walked off and she watched as he walked. She thought he walked very well in those heels. She chuckled as she watched his hips sway as he walked away. She checked on a corset for him and bought one., and was sitting in the food court when she saw him walking toward her. He was carrying a new purse, that she saw right off. When he sat down she saw he had gotten his ears pierced and was sporting gleaming crystal studs. He handed her twenty-one dollars back. "You didn't see anything else to buy?" "I did but it would have been impossible to try on." "What was that?" "A pair of black flats. I thought maybe there would be a chance to wear them eventually. I like to be ready for anything." After leaving the food court Margo had him show her the black flats he had looked at. When he showed her, a feeling of love for him rose up, and she led him into the store. After they had purchased the shoes she had him sit on a bench in the concourse. She unlocked his heels and told him he could put on the flats. He did it with a smile on his face. When they got back home she told him he could do his duty list for the day. He started right away. She sat and reread the older story. She saw him walk past and called to him. When he came in she inquired, "I have read this story a few times. Is what happens in this story what you want me to do to you?" "No, not really. I just printed it out because something caught my eye. I have read it a number of times and still can't believe one person would do that to another. I really can't remember why I printed it out or read and reread that story." "Tell me the truth now! How do you like being my maid?" "It isn't the worst thing. I am getting a lot of time to think about things. I'm surprised that I don't miss my computer. I did like to play games on it, and in my favorite game I am up to level five now. I now realize all I really did was play on the computer. I can't remember when I last watched a newscast or a program on television. I hadn't gone out of the house before today in a long, long time. Before today I never realized how many different stores there were at the mall. I think if I am given the chance to get out some, I'll be going out to see what I've been missing." "I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you every Monday off as a maid. I'll redo your list and spread Monday's duties out over the rest of the week. Then you will definitely get to wear your new dresses and get out." "Thank you. I really appreciate that. I do have to tell you something. I now realize I have not been the husband you would like. I know that I have not paid the attention I should have to you and for that I am sorry. I have done some deep thinking and know that you did this to me because you weren't really losing anything. You have to believe that I am truly, truly sorry for everything. I now know I deserved everything that has happened to me and I accept that." Margo felt a rush of warmth that she knew was love for him. He had hit a soft spot in her heart that he hadn't hit since they were first going together and planning on getting married. She told him tomorrow was Saturday, and if he wanted she would make supper instead of him. He said he already had something special in mind for supper, something special for her and Susan. She said she could hardly wait. He left to continue his work and she sat and thought about how long she would like to have him as a maid. He now seemed much more gentle and loving than he'd been for a long, long time. In fact he was better than she had ever known him to be. She wondered if this was all an act on his part. That night when she was talking to Susan she told her how he seemed to be a changed person. She said she thought he had learned his lesson. "I don't trust any man. They will say and do anything to get their way. He is just pushing your buttons. If you let him back in his men's clothes now he will be right back to where things were before. No man changes that quickly." Grace had heard the whole conversation and knew Susan was a man-hater. He didn't at all care what she had said. He smiled to himself as he thought about all that he had done today. He looked forward to Monday and thought about what he would like to do then. Saturday for supper he made bacon wrapped tenderloins with seasoned raw fries made on the grill. He also made grilled corn on the cob. When he served it both women raved about how delicious it was. He told them to save room for dessert. For dessert he served a strawberry crumb cake made with fresh strawberries. The potato and the dessert recipes he got out of a cook book. Margo praised his cooking ability. He had eaten it himself and knew he would have to make it again. After supper he had strawberries left over, and wanted to make something with them. He checked his cookbooks and finally found something he thought looked delicious, and he had all the makings there in the pantry. He got to work cooking. After he had all the ingredients together and had it in the oven, he thought about how much fun it was cooking like that. There were so many different things that looked so good. He looked through the cookbook and found some recipes he knew he had to make in order to see if they were really as good as they looked. When he took the pie out of the oven he saw it looked perfect. He wanted to try some right away but held his impulse in check. Instead he went to the women and told them he had made a before bed snack for them, and that they should let him know when they were ready for it. Later Margo called him and said they were ready for whatever he had for them. He took them each a piece of pie with whipped cream trimming it. They took one bite and declared it was delicious. He told them it was a strawberry-banana pie. He said he didn't have enough strawberries to do a lot with, so he'd looked and found a recipe for this pie. Margo said he was becoming a cooking genius and Susan said he was showing remarkable improvement as a maid. He caught her drift and knew she was deriding him by her tone of voice. But he didn't care. As he ate a piece he thought about Susan. He wondered, if he directed her attention in a different direction, whether she would change her opinion of men. Then he got an idea. He called Ken "Cookie" Cowlitz. He told him he had someone he wanted him to meet. He said he thought he'd found his counterpart. He told him he wouldn't recognize him but to come over tomorrow afternoon. Ken told him he'd be there at one. He went to bed feeling pretty proud of himself. He thought Susan would either love Ken or hate him immensely. He hoped the two of them would hit it off and turn some of her attention away from him. The next afternoon Ken arrived at exactly one. When he opened the door Ken's jaw dropped, then Ken asked what had happened to him. He told Ken he would explain later. He took Ken out to the patio and introduced him to Susan. "Susan, this is Ken. I think the two f you should talk. He feels about women the same way you feel about men. Maybe the two of you can solve the age-old problem of men and women." He motioned for Margo to leave with him. She got up and accompanied him into the house. "What the hell was that all about?" "Ken has told me many times how women don't care about men and how women don't listen to men anymore. Susan doesn't care for men and doesn't care who she tells. I figure they will either find out they have a lot in common or they will strangle each other. Either way that might get Susan off my back. I don't know, but did you ever notice she always seems to make even a compliment sound like it's putting me down?" "I have noticed that, but you've never said anything to her about it have you?" "No, I figure if she really feels like that then she is a fool. If you argue with a fool, both of you are being the same thing." They both looked out on the patio and saw the two talking animatedly, and they weren't strangling each other. He stuck his head out the door and told Ken he was expecting him to stay for supper. At supper he served stuffed roast chicken. The stuffing was called wake up dressing and had spices in it. It was supposed to wake up your taste buds. He thought it woke up something, as it wasn't hot spicy but definitely tasted different than he'd expected. Both Ken and Susan said it was delicious and that they'd never had anything like it before. Ken said the dressing had a kind of sweet-sour flavor. He asked Susan if she liked sweet-sour food. She said she did, and he told her he would take her to a place that served the best sweet-sour food in the world tomorrow night. He told her she had to try their sweet-sour cashew salad. They put hot cashews in the salad and it really adds to the flavor, and the crunchiness is something you don't expect in a salad. After supper Ken and Susan went back on the patio. Margo came and told him it looked like he'd made a match. She said she can see in Susan's eyes that she is entranced by Ken. Ken was still there and still talking to Susan when he went to bed. He laid awake for awhile trying to decide where he was going to go tomorrow and what he was going to do. He drifted off into a restful sleep. The next morning when he woke up he decided to get a little more sleep. He slept for another half hour. He got up and put on a multi-colored striped dress. When he went for breakfast Margo asked him what he was going to do today. He said he thought he would do some shopping and maybe take a walk somewhere. Margo asked if she might accompany him and he agreed. They started out and she asked him where he wanted to go first. He said he would like to go to a woman's accessories store. Margo said she knew just the place. She went to a strip mall with a Women's Plus Clearance store. He asked for some money and she gave him fifty dollars. Inside she went one way and he went another. Fifteen minutes later she saw him checking out. She hadn't seen anything she wanted, and was surprised to see he had three bags of merchandise. Then he said he would like to go to a low price shoe store. She drove two blocks, and five minutes later he was trying on shoes. She was scanning shoes in her size, and didn't see any that caught her eye when she saw him checking out and noticed he had gotten three pair of shoes. In the car he said he needed more money. She laughed and gave him another fifty. He told her there were a couple of places at the mall he wanted to visit. She drove there and got a prime parking place close to one of the entrances. She visited several of her favorite stores and found a new tennis outfit she thought was just the thing to make her look sleeker on the courts. They were there about an hour when she saw him next. He was carrying two bags, but what she noticed right away was that his face was completely made up, with eye shadow and everything. "Where did you get the make-up?" "At the Lovely Lady Beauty Salon. They do make-up for ten dollars. Do you like it?" "It does make you look more feminine. Those aren't colors I use but they do look good on you. I'm hungry, what would you like to do for lunch?" "There's a deli by the door where we came in. Let's get something there and go to a park or something. How does that sound?" "Sounds good to me. Let's go!" They got some picnic food and headed out. Margo drove to Wilderness Acres, a natural habitat place. They walked a trail until they came to a picnic table, then they started eating. They talked about many things and finally Margo steered the conversation her way. "How do you like being a maid?" "It isn't the worse thing. At first I was extremely angry at what you two had done to me and I was going to fight all the way. Then I got thinking about things and realized I'd brought it on myself. I know you'd asked for a maid a couple of times, and I think you could have given me a choice of hiring a maid or being one, but that is water over the dam now." "Susan thinks you are a male chauvinist. She said you would fight to the bitter end. I am glad you are seeing things the way you are. You do make a pretty good maid. Are you starting to enjoy it?" "I wouldn't say I am exactly enjoying it but I am trying to do a good job. Are you looking at this being a long term affair?" "I don't know really. Sometimes you've really ticked me off with some of your remarks and I remember them, and other times I have thought about ending your maid services. You are just going to have to take things as they go." "Well to tell you the truth, it wouldn't bother me if you ended it right here. I meant it when I said you could hire a maid." "There is one other thing you could do for me." "What's that?" "You could rescind that pre-nuptial agreement you had me sign. It makes me feel I should be totally indebted to you for marrying me." "I don't know if I can do that. My financial advisors told me I really had to have that agreement, and they are the experts at things like that. I just can't do it!" "Well, that answers a lot of questions. As long as we are done eating we might as well head back to the car." He could tell she was a bit upset. He couldn't lose the one thing he had over her. It protected the bulk of his assets. She didn't ask him where else he would like to go. He could see by where she made the turns that she was heading somewhere, but he had no idea where. She parked the car in front of an old building that had a sign on it that read 'Fantasy Foundations and Such.' She told him he needed something to improve his girlish figure. Inside she announced to the saleslady that she needed something to give her sissy husband a more girlish figure. The sales lady asked if she was looking for something in a comfort line or punishment line. Margo said probably the punishment line. The saleslady told her that they often got wives in there buying corsets for their husbands. She showed her three corsets, the first with lots of boning that she said would definitely help him acquire a narrow waist, a second one that had steel stays called the figure maker featuring a hook and eye arrangement plus lacing in the back, and a third with steel rods that guaranteed the most feminine figure. It also had a posture control bra that promised to make his breasts stick out all the time. It was called The Cage. Margo selected The Cage and instructed the saleslady to put it on him. The saleslady told her their best selling items were their shoes, which were one aisle over. She said she was sure Margo could find something there for him. Margo went, and almost immediately found a pair of black patent leather locking heels with a six inch heel in his size. If he had them he would be walking on his tip toes all the time. She debated whether to get them or not, finally grabbing a pair in his size and taking them to the saleslady, telling her to put them on his feet. The saleslady said those were probably their best selling item. He hobbled out of the dressing room. He didn't think he could even walk in those ridiculous shoes. Margo was still looking upset and he wondered what had changed her so suddenly. He couldn't bend his shoulders forward and his breasts stuck out like he was trying to show them off. She made him hurry to the car, telling him that if he wasn't in quickly she would leave him to walk home. He got in and saw she was glowering at him. It was very quiet in the car as they proceeded home. Back at home he asked her what she was so angry about. "If you don't know, I am not going to tell you. I am sure if you stop and think about it you will realize what I am angry about." He went to his bedroom and sat on the bench at the vanity. He looked into the mirror and wondered what she was that upset about. It surely couldn't be the pre-nuptial agreement, as that was a long time ago. She really didn't expect him to change it, did she? It can't be that! What were we talking about just before she got a bug up her butt? He decided to go on the computer for awhile. He had it up and running and was going through his usual site checks as normally every day. He was surprised he couldn't access some sites. When he was at the bank site to check his accounts, all he could get was 'account closed' on all of them. When he checked the foundation site he saw she had changed the password needed to access the financial information. He couldn't access it. He began to worry. She now controlled all the money, leaving him with no source of cash should he need it. He sat in a stupor for a few minutes, thinking she was getting ready to divorce him, and had hidden all the assets except for the house. He had to face her on this. It just wasn't right! He went to the four season's room where Margo was studying something. When he asked if she wanted to talk she said there was nothing to talk about. "I know you are angry with me and you say there is nothing to talk about. How is anything going to get settled if we don't talk? If you explain what you are angry about and why then maybe something can be done." "You already told me nothing can be done about it. If nothing can be done about it then there is no need to talk about it." "Now I know what you are talking about. You are talking about the pre-nuptial agreement. I went to check my bank accounts and I see you have closed them. Now, I don't have access to any money. I now know how you felt when you had to ask me for money all the time, but I want you to stop and think about the fact that I always gave you enough for whatever you wanted. I didn't deny you once. With all the money you now have access to, why is the pre-nuptial agreement such a big deal?" "I feel it makes me look like I am a lot less of a person than you are. Instead of being a partner I am less than a junior partner in this marriage. It rankles me to be in that position. All I am asking is that you end that agreement." "I want the truth -- are you thinking of divorcing me?" "Of course not! Believe it or not I still love you. Do you believe our relationship is that insecure that you have to have that to hold over my head?" "I never thought about it until now. When I think about how I've acted sometimes, I'm surprised you are still with me. I have been an ass sometimes" "Yes, you have, but I always remember the man I married and I know you can still be that man, so I don't even think about divorce. When you want to you can be wonderful, but you seem to get lost in things, as you did with your computer. You spent all of your time on that and didn't spend hardly any time with me. In a way that hurts but I always justified it that you would some day wake up and return to being the David I love." "I am so sorry about that. I never realized I was hurting you that way. I would get into a game on the computer and lose all interest in anything else. Now that you tell me, I realize I felt the game was more important than you. How can you ever forgive me?" "Stop and think. When was the last time we had a conversation like this, where we talked about how we felt about one another and what we liked and disliked about each other. Now I've let you know how I feel, and I want you to tell me how you feel about me. What don't you like about me right now?" "Right now I don't like this corset and these shoes you had that woman put on me." Margo laughed and then continued, "Then you don't mind being a maid?" "It's funny that I really don't mind, with all the compliments I've been getting about how nice a room looks and about my cooking." "Good then you can stay as a maid. I love having someone else doing all the housework. I may allow you to go back to your men's clothes but don't count on it soon. I want you to know I do really still love you even if I do have to punish you once in a while." "Couldn't you find some other way to punish me other than the beatings?" "The beatings as you call them do the job quite well. I'll bet you were never spanked as a child, were you?" "No, my parents didn't believe in corporal punishment." "That is probably why it's working so well now." "Well, I would like it if you could come up with a different way of punishing me." "I did, that corset and those heels. They are punishing you right now aren't they, or would you rather take them off and get a spanking?" "I don't want a spanking and I would like to get them off. Today is supposed to be my day off to enjoy myself, isn't it?" "I guess you are right about that. You can put them back on tomorrow. Come here and I'll help you get them off." He went to her and as she was taking them off of him she said, "You know, this is the first time since we started going together that we talked like this. We have to do this more often." He agreed, and when she had them off he left to change into anything more comfortable. It was hard for him to understand why that pre-nuptial agreement was such a big deal. That was something his parents had said was necessary in a marriage. Now it was a bitter thing for Margo. He wondered if it was really necessary. That night when Susan got there after her date it was very late. Margo asked where they went to eat that took them that long for just a dinner date. "We ate at a Thai-American place. The food was fabulous. Then Cookie took me to see some of his work. He is a wood carver and I was amazed at how good he is. Did you know he has a carved wooden replica of the Statue of Liberty? He is now doing a carving for someone whose dog died, a Siberian Husky. It is just about done and it looks like it is alive." "So now you are interested in wood-carving?" "No, I have never met anyone like him. He speaks his mind and if you accept it fine, if you don't that's up to you. He is totally honest and that is something you don't see everyday. Tomorrow evening he's taking me to a place he says has the best ribs around, and then we are going to see a performance of the local opera company. He is into opera and I really like it also. I am just flabbergasted at how much we are alike." Margo laughed, thinking that Susan was falling for him. She knew they were about the same age and he had never married. Susan had that look that told Margo that Cookie was already more than just an acquaintance. The next day Margo helped him get his corset on. She laced it so it did improve his figure, but didn't lace it real tight. He noticed that right away but didn't say anything. She allowed him to work in his black flats. He was ecstatic about that and got to his duties right away. He was doing the four season's room and decided to make a phone call. After he hung up he wondered if he was doing the right thing. Friday was their wedding anniversary and he thought he had just set up the perfect gift for her. He would have it Thursday and he had to get her just the right card to accompany the gift. He finished the room and was going to clean the refrigerator when Margo told him to take a break, that she wanted to talk to him. He grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator and sat down by her. "You are more devious than I ever thought. Do you know what you did?" "I have no idea what you are talking about. I never did anything devious in my life that I can think of." "Oh yes you did. You introduced Ken to Susan. Now she is falling for him. I am sure about that! I can tell from the way she talks about him that she is falling for him. They are going out again tonight. That was brilliant, that you thought about him and her. What made you think of that?" "To tell the truth I was hoping they would hit it off. All I wanted was to get her off my back. To me she is a man-hater, and I knew he disliked women -- he thought they were just trying to take advantage of him. There were some things he told me in private that made me think they maybe had some common ground. If what you are saying is true, it's more than I'd hoped for." "She won't be here for supper tonight and I imagine she will be late coming in again. Last night when she talked to me she had that school-girl-in-love look. I have no idea where their friendship will lead but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes further than just friendship." He was happy that things were turning out as hoped. He felt it was all Susan who put him in this position. Margo was surprised to hear him humming to himself as he worked. She wondered why, given the position he was in now, how could he be so happy. He thought about how he no longer had to address her so formally and didn't have to ask permission to speak to her. While he was cleaning the refrigerator he saw the makings of a very good meal for supper. That afternoon when he was starting supper he thought about how he was really enjoying doing the cleaning and cooking. He'd never thought he would be in this position but it wasn't as bad as it could be. When he thought about it, it was bringing him and Margo closer together in an odd sort of way. That night at supper he set the lettuce salad with sweet-sour bacon dressing in front of Margo and she commented on how thoughtful he was about everything when it came to cooking. When he set the bacon wrapped tenderloin he'd broiled in front of her, along with the largest baked potato with sour cream, she said it must be some special occasion for him to have made that. He told her it was just that he thought she deserved the best. When she had finished her steak he set a piece of strawberry pie with two scoops of ice cream in front of her she said she didn't know if she could eat it all. She did manage to eat it all and when she left the table she was very glad she didn't have to clean up after supper. On Thursday evening Susan told Margo she had a very important announcement to make. Margo wondered if she and Ken had decided to go the final step and get married. She knew Susan could be impulsive at times. She could hardly wait until Susan got there. When Susan got there she first told Margo all about how she and Cookie had went to Fremont to eat. She said they went there so she could get a look at Patterson Industries to see how big it was. Then she said Patterson had called her at work and was interested in hiring her when she finished here. She said she seriously was considering taking the job. Margo told her she'd be very happy if Susan could stay here longer. She told Susan she was like the sister she'd never had. Susan said the feeling was mutual. Then she said she didn't know if she would be staying or not. Ken had told her she could stay at his house, as he had two empty bedrooms and it was only twelve miles to Fremont from his house. She told Margo she had seen his house and it was extremely well kept and clean. Margo was surprised that she had been in his house already. She and David had stopped there a couple of times and she'd only gotten to see his workshop. The two women talked for over an hour before going to bed. Things settled into a pattern where he was doing the cleaning and Susan was coming in later in the evening. He wasn't seeing her and that was fine with him. He couldn't wait for Friday. Friday morning he was up early. He saw Susan as she was eating a quick breakfast. Other than exchanging good mornings, nothing was said between them. After she left he excitedly set up his present for Margo. There was a small box and an envelope that he had propped up against her glass of orange juice. He heard her stirring and started to make a couple of pancakes for her and some sausage links. When she came out he was ready with her breakfast. He set it down just as she saw the envelope with Happy Anniversary written on it. She opened the box first and found a pair of pearl earrings that she said were beautiful. She started to eat her breakfast and slowly opened the envelope. She took out the card and read it. She thanked him and told him the card and earrings were beautiful. She continued to eat her breakfast. She finished it and he could take it no longer. He told her there was something else in the envelope. She extracted the piece of paper and unfolded it. Her face lit up as she read the notarized document that cancelled the pre-nuptial agreement. She got up and took him in her arms and gave him a hardy kiss. He was told to stay right where he was as she disappeared and reappeared and handed him a small velvet covered case. He opened it and saw a pair of gold earrings with a small chain that dangl

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How Preetam Became Preeti 4

Now of some experiences with someone... it was after 35 days my holidays started. We followed our usual routine. By about 10:30, we were both ready and sitting in the drawing room watching TV. Suddenly, the door bell rang. I went and opened the door. My mouth dropped!!! I was speechless. My mom called from inside and asked who it was. Mom's son had come! Very unexpected! He was a bit surprised seeing a new girl at home but I was sure he didn't recognize me! I gave way for him and he came...

3 years ago
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My Hot Virgin Saali Prerna

Hello ISS readers. This story is one of my reader friend’s . But it has been written by me on behalf of him. He wanted to post it under my ID. This story is about me and my hot saali (wife’s sister) Prerna. She is the youngest of the 4 siblings in my wife’s family. My wife Yogita is the eldest. There is a good difference of 15 years between them. So Prerna was like a daughter to Yogita, always pampered by her. This incident happened when Yogita and I were celebrating our 10th wedding...

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How Preetam Became Preeti 7

That afternoon, we all slept; but I slept for a long time. Mom had tried waking me up from 5:30 onwards, but I got up only at 6:30. When I got up, my hair was all wavy and it had come lose. I set my hair behind my ears with both my hands. Mom saw me and called me. When I went to her, she made me sit beside her and undid my hair and roughly made a ponytail. I was sitting, when she said, "Hey Preeti! You have got a lot to do! You have slept enough. You better get up and start...

2 years ago
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R Omantice Bajwa With Preet

Sabi lund or chut ka satikar krte mai amrit apni real story ke sath apka panni nikal aeya hu.Story achi lge.Aath ek noo pach aath aath tean aath doo tean.Stry meri or preet ki preet meri massi ki ldki jo bohat sunder mast gannd gool or lumbe mamme brown chut.Size 34,30,34 osse dekh mera lund hmesah khada ho jata.Magr hmesah control krna pdta.Or muth marr kr panni niklna pdta.Baat ajj se 7 mhine phle ki jb maine preet ki chut ko faad diya apna 9 inch lumba,4inch mota lund oski kuvari chut me...

4 years ago
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Prerna Se Mili Prerna

Doston main aapka pyaara dost raj phir hajir hun aapke samne apnee nai prastuti lekar, aasha krta hun aapka pyaar or joshiley comments mujhe yun hi milti rehenge. Mujhe apneee kahani pariwarik zannat part 1 & 2 ke baad bahut sare mail mile. Jisme se more than 50 percent females ke the, baaki incest bhaiyon ke. Doston mera manna hai jindgi me jo bhi krne ka man ho ek baar to zarur krna chahiye wo kitna bhi ganda kyun naa lage sochne me kyunki har cheej ka asli maza use khud krke hi pta chalta...

2 years ago
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Heather Preston gets Done by the Neighbours

Heather Preston struggled playfully at the bonds that held her. She lay naked in her back yard. Her arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the ground. She had been left this way by her husband, Jim, as part of their game. Heather loved bondage a ****-fantasy and Jim loved being dominant, so the two made a good couple in the bedroom. One of their little games was to have Heather bound and exposed outside. Where she would be 'forced' to give Jim a blowjob before he left. She...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 1 Futas First Presidential Delight

Chapter One: Futa's First Presidential Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Final segment,” Adelia said, squirming. “Then I am taking you and your beautiful wife to dinner and then back to my place.” She grinned. “How does that sound?” “Like a lovely evening,” I said, glancing at Sharron hovering just off-stage, her hands grasping her pregnant belly. I arched an eyebrow in question. Her blue eyes sparkled as she nodded her head. “Well, the wife agrees,” I said. “It...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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How Preetam became Preeti 1

An experience of mine... I can never forget... Those were the days when I was in school. We lived in an apartment house. I was a physical dupe of my sister in the sense that every robe of hers fitted me perfectly. Of course now, I have grown bigger. Okay... let me start now... Some of our relatives were coming to our home to spend time with us and go around the places here. I had my exams coming next month. So I had a chance to stay at home! I planned my programme for the...

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How Preetam Became Preeti 2

Our neighbors had transferred to a different place. The next year, I got my graduation seat in the same place. I thought I must meet them. I called them on one Sunday. They were very happy to see me, especially my aunt. They told me some news. My uncle was going to Saudi Arabia for a year and their only son was going to work somewhere else. My uncle said if I didn't mind, I could stay with my aunt, as she would feel better and safe. I said I would keep visiting her. She was happy. I sent...

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How Preetam Became Preeti 5

Rahall took me to a movie! The next day after we had gone to the park, Rahall suggested we go to a movie in the evening. I agreed. Mom also agreed and said it would be good as we were getting bored spending the whole day at home. We relaxed in the afternoon, got up in the evening, very fresh, to enjoy the day before us. We had tea and some snacks. Rahall told me he had already booked tickets for both of us. I said, "Great!", like a small girl gets excited. Rahall told me he had booked...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Preet Di Fuddi Di Seal Todi Apni Girlfriend Bana Ka

Hello friends mera naam deep a ta m punjab da rhn vala a jehri hn m eh story aap sab share krn ja raha a eh meri real sachi khanni a m iss da reguler readr a m es site ta bauat sari khanni read kiti ta m mann vich aya ki m v aap sb nala apnu eh apne experience share krn so ohi m share kr raha a.Meri eh khaani bilkul sachi a friends eh khanni thori long a eh khaani 6 months phela di a m aap sb nu sb dsa ga kisa terya preet (name changed) nu choda so frnds agr likhn c koi glt hove ta sry frnds.Eh...

2 years ago
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Twist In The Tale With Preethi

Hello dear readers. To understand this story you need to read my previous stories. Please follow these link: I will continue the story from here on. Preethi is the friend of Divya (Divya is a probable bridegroom whom my parents suggested me to meet and come to a conclusion). As it turned out when i met Divya, she was more of a sex addict than a normal girl should be. I liked her weird ways of having sex. She was just too demanding. I hope I am talking on behalf of every guy that it is very...

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Preety prity

Hi iss readers, after reading so much stories over here, i don’t know wither they are fake or the really fantasy of our kind of people, but i really like them. So i want trod shoe my own experience with you all. Please post your comment after reading the story. So let us start form start myself Vicky Singh, 21 year old, tambala cant. By first year of engineering i have no interest in girls or anything such like that means to say any obstacle in my studies. But destiny had something else. The...

1 year ago
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Preethi8217s Revenge 8211 The Combined Effort

Hello dear readers. My mail id is Please send me your reviews and feedback to my mail id. To understand this story you need to read my previous stories. Please follow this link: Now coming to this story. Me and Preethi were sleeping hugging each other. I was in heaven having fucked Divya just the previous day and now fucking her close friend Preethi. I had not expected this to happen. I was totally spent and preethi was in heaven too. We had the best sex which i was yearning like for a long...

3 years ago
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Preethi Office Colleague Flirting Leads To Fuck In Parking Lot

The very first time we talked in office, I knew we can hit it off. I instantly felt a connection with her and even though we both being married, I couldn’t stop myself from flirting with her. She is 5’6″, slim, beautiful smile, perfect body, a south Indian girl. We use to interact for some official work in the office. She would come and meet me whenever there was a slight possible excuse to meet me. And I would gladly welcome her, talk to her and flirt with her. Sit closely with her, held her...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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Preet Ki Mom Ki Hardcore Chudai

Hi friends mera i am arjun from jalandhar.Main 22 sal ka hun aur engeneering ki padai kar raha hun.Well ye kahani ek aunty ki hai jo ki mere ik dost ki mummy ki hai.Ye incident aaj se 8 months pahle shuru hua tha aur abhi tak chal raha hai.Main bohut salo se iss parta hun but kabhi story post karne ki sochi nahi.Aaj socha ki main bhi apna experience aap logo k sath share karun.Ye meri pahli story hai to pls agar galti ho jaye to maff kijiyega. Ab story pe aate hai.Meri class ki ek friend hai...

3 years ago
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Queen prerna

She is surely one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the earth even in her early 40's being an ex fashion model she still has a body to makes most hearts skip a beat and after getting married to a very wealthy business man she has settled down as a house wife or rather a trophy wife living a extravagant life full of all the comforts and luxuries one could ask for and most only can dream of a big luxurious mansion , luxury cars, number of servants and maids to do all the work, chores and...

4 years ago
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Fucking Preethi At Her Place While Her Hubby Is Away

After flirting around in office and fucking her in parking lot, we were getting desperate for a place to explore more of our sexual interests on each other. 5’5″, slim, married dusky south Indiana girl – there was a charm about her and her ways. What started with harmless playful exchanges, had now turn into full fledged affair. I had fingered her under our office desk. We had fucked in my car in office parking lot. We had bunked office and went on long drives. We used to indulge in sexting...

2 years ago
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Fucking Virgin Shruthi And Experienced Preethi

Hi everyone, this is Joe here and is coming up with another real-life incident which happened last month. Here is a piece of short information about me and my partner. As I said earlier myself Joe working in a Private Sector in Chennai. Age 25 with 7-inch measurement. And here my partner’s name is Shruthi, age 23 with the measurement of 36-28-32. She is a real hot chick in our office. In some part of the story, I have used my local language Tamil with the explanation in English for user...

3 years ago
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Second Encounter With Preethi 8211 Part II

Hi this is Rajesh again good to see that after posting of my second story there were lot of mails from the readers to post what happened on those two days and night so thought of sharing with you all. A brief intro once again. I am 6ft tall well-built and very eager to have sex my mail id is Let’s come to the main story. We were in deep sleep suddenly we heard the baby crying. So Preethi got up and wore nighty and left the room. Preethi came and woke me up with a passionate kiss. I asked what...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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prema ki chudai doosra din

Maine prema ko aisi aisi jgah choda k prema aab tak bhool nahin paayi hai aaj bhi jab koi nai picture dekhta hoon to use waise hi chodta hoon saab batoonga par dhire dhire . Abhi aap doosre din ki kahani suniye.–phir dono sath uthe aur phir sath hi mein nahaye kyoni garmi thi aur raat ho rahi thi maine prema ko soongha to uske sharreer se sirf gulab mahak raha tha phirmaine prema ko god mein utha liya aur lekar bed par aa gaya aur khane kajo saman laya tha sath mein khaya tabhi maine pastry...

1 year ago
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Prerna And I Being A BoyToy For A Married Lady

Hey all, my name is Paul (mail to: ) and I’m gonna tell you an incident that happened about a year ago, while I was employed in a BPO in Bangalore. I had to share my cubicle with this amazing lady named Prerna aged about 35. She was married and had a son of about 4 years. Even though she had a son, I can’t tell you how perfectly maintained she was. She was the perfect figure of 36 – 32 – 36 and she had the ability to excite any guy with her amazing smile. Ever since the day I saw her, I had...

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St Andrews Gorakhpur Ki Preety Maurya Part II Lucknow Me

Hi, dosto main Aryan from Gorakhpur.Aap logo ko preety ki pahli chudai ki kahani pasand aayi aur uska reply bhi mila. Aap logo ka thanks you.Ye ek real story hai. Meri aur meri gf preety maurya ki hai jo abhi St. Andrew gorakhpur me Bsc 3rd year mai hai. Pahli story me preety kaise chudi thi mere hi ghar mai, uske bad mere family valo ko uske upper sak hone laga to vo muskan naam ki ladki ke sath room mate bangayi. Lakin hum hamesha bahar milte the aur SRS Mall me movie dekhte the. Now coming...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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3 Din Prema Ka Gand Mara Aur Ungli Ki

Hi iss dosto aj mein apna sex ka experience batane ja raha hu. Mera naam sandeep(22) hai aur mein Hyderabad ka rehane wala hun. Dosto meri kahani bahut hi ajeeb hai. Mere case mein meri servant ne mujhe apna chut offer kia. Uska nam hai prema. Who hamare ghar mein 5 salo se kam kar rahi hai. Who ek bahut hi sexy aurat hai mujhe uska har ek part pasand hai. Dosto uska gand dek kar me pura fida ho gaya tha, uska boobs bhi bahut hi bada hai, wo ek 35 saal ki aurat hai. Wo thodi si moti hai. Mujhe...

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Prema Ki Chudai 3

Doston mujhe pata chal chuka hai ki apko meri adhi adhuri kahani bahut pasand aayi hai jismein ki kis tarah maine prema ko chudne ke liye raaji kiya aur woh pehle to ghabrayi , sharmayi, gussai par baad mein control mein aa gaayi aur phir shaam ko chudne ane ko keh gayi. main shaam nhone ka intezaar karta raha. aab apko age ki kahani deta hoon jisme prema janeman ki chudai hai.dopahar ko main market gaya aur sexy ladkiyon ke kapde liye phir khane peene kasaman liya aur pastries liya aur ghar...

2 years ago
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Second Encounter With Preethi

Hi this is Rajesh again good to see that before my posting of second story there are 4,956 readers and only one feedback that it is a bad story. Let me tell you guys this is a real time story which had happened in my life and I going to tell you each and every meeting with Preethi. A brief intro once again. I am 6ft tall well-built and very eager to have sex my mail id is My tool size is 6in with 3in in diameter. After my first meeting with Preethi. I was waiting for the D day where I can have...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Training Agreement

This Agreement between husband and Wife covers the terms of the training of husband by his Wife to the optimal level of utilitarian and intimate service, as judged by the Wife. The Wife may use any and all means of enforcement as described herein necessary to achieve the results she desires. It is the intention of both parties that the husband shall become the sex slave of Wife for the term of this Agreement, to be formally trained to serve her, and that the Wife commits to firmly and...

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Never MarryChapter 7 The Agreement

“Sorry about this,” Al said as she handed Deb the half-full carton of milk Saturday. “We had cream of tomato soup.” When Anne had first eaten at Craig’s, his breakfasts were always cold cereal with milk and sugar. He’d always had milk in his refrigerator, and she’d always poured Anne a glass. When she’d moved in, Craig had started eating real breakfasts, and Anne was the only one who used milk. After two cartons had gone sour between visits, she’d asked Craig if she could give the milk to...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Predator 1 Prey 0

She is a caring person.? She believes in the golden rule, and tries to do her part in making the world a better place.? But she also has a strong capacity for compartmentalization, and a deep craving to have a man in her life that she can hurt as intensely as she wishes, without worries about her safety or going to Hell.? She wants to do far more than merely hurt him, for hurt is usually temporary, disappearing all too soon.? She wants to permanently harm him, his mind, his essence, to...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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My Wife Prema With Arun

By : Shobhen I am Rahul and my wife Prema enjoying life to the fullest. Read my previous postings (Wife Is Happy with Arun and Me and My Friends Banged My Wife) for details. Prema is becoming more and more sexy and bold day by day. She is a sex goddess because of her exceptionally good assets, round swinging ass, curvy body, big boobs and wide lips. All features she has having to perfectly describe her sexy. Sex has become our part and parcel of life and any man looking at her definitely will...

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Terms of Release The Agreement

Terms of Release - The Agreement by kittynor Synopsis:- We get to see the events in the past that led Rachel and Tammy/Derek to enter into the agreement. Author's note:- Many reviewers have asked me to continue the story after the events of my previous story "Terms of Release". I tried to start with that and then felt that each of the characters needed some background and substance. I decided to explore this story about how Tammy and Rachel arrived at the agreement that is...

3 years ago
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Preety Ki Gand Mari

By : rajankumar Hi hello sabhi ISS readers ko meri taraf say mera naam rajan verma hai. Aur mai Punjabi may rehta hoon. Mer age 23 sal hai ye kahani 2 sal pehle ki hai ye story meri girlfriend Preety ki hai pehle mai apko apne bare may bata du mera naam rajan hai aur mera rang saf hai meri height 5 feet 7 inches hai mere lund ka size to apko bata nahi sakta, but apko itna jarur keh sakta hu ki itna hai kisi ladki ki pyas bhuja sake ab mai apko kuch preety bata du, Preety us time 19 sal ki thi...

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Had Sex With Vanitha Friend Of Marwari Aunty Preethi

Hi to all ISS readers, this Sandeep here from Hyderabad city. Come on guys catch your dick in your hand and read to jerk off and girl ready to do fingering and rub your pussy and ready to become wet after reading my story. let me describe my physical structure my height is 6.3 with 7 inch large and thick dick with an circum sentence of diameter 3 cms, I have average built body with little fair color and my age is just 23 single eligible bachelor in Hyderabad city. Any mature women’s or girls...

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How I Got Lucky With My Neighbor Aunt Prema

Hi Friends, This is Neel () again from Hyderabad. This story is like few years back when I have completed my +2 and was enjoying the summer vacations. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. The heroine of this story is Prema who is my neighbor. She is a good friend of my mother and whenever she gets free time she used to come to our house and used to chit chat with my mother for hours. They were very good friends that Prema aunty used to tell...

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Prince and Prentiss Part 2

© Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: On the day of his father's funeral, a young man is enslaved as a sissy by his cruel stepmother and her daughter, until he meets a rock star who changes his life. This story is dedicated to Sandy Brown, who has so generously tried to help me grow as a writer, not that she can be blamed for any of this story, which she has not yet seen and for which I am solely responsible. Princess and...

4 years ago
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She is surely one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the earth even in her early 40's being an ex fashion model she still has a body to makes most hearts skip a beat and after getting married to a very wealthy business man she has settled down as a house wife or rather a trophy wife living a extravagant life full of all the comforts and luxuries one could ask for and most only can dream of a big luxurious mansion , luxury cars, number of servants and maids to do all the work, chores and...

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St Andrews Gorkahpur Ki Preety Maurya

Hi, friends mai Abhisek k. I’m. from Gorakhpur but now I am in new Delhi, If any female want sex or sex chat in delhi, please mail me . this is my email id . This is my first story if anything wrong sorry for that but this is true story ye story us samay ki hai jab mai gorakhpur mai rahta tha, Preety Bsc (Bio) gorakhpur se karti hai, uske papa aur mummy Gurgoan me rahte hai. Vo Bsc karne ke liye gopalpur se gorakhpur me aa ke rahne lagi. Vo aur meri bahan friend thi. Isliye usne mere ghar pe...

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