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SPIRALS By T-Vixen Stairs. Again, she dreamed of stairs. A long spiral stair case, made of a beautiful, translucent blue crystal. The little girl in her pretty white gown skipped up the steps barefoot, following the endless turn of the corkscrew. Always going, always rising upwards, this stair case stretched across an endless sky of blue and white clouds, heading upwards into a great, golden light. The little girl just kept onwards, humming a song to herself she had known since kindergarten, much like a tune other children used when playing hopscotch or skipping jump rope. She was not alone on the stairs. Other people and even animals, faceless, colorless and undefined, were also climbing with her, but they did not notice her or each other. She would pass them by, for there also seemed to be an endless number of them as well, shuffling along and trying to rise up with her. She would see them stop and sit from exhaustion, or stumble and tumble down. Others would just jump off into oblivion, as if they could not handle the endless transit anymore. But she just kept climbing and climbing, because in her heart she somehow knew that something really wonderful was at the end of the stairs. Karen awoke with a start. That dream again? She had not had it for a long time, and while it was beautiful, it was also melancholic. A dream of endless questing and searching leading to nothing, much like her life seemed at times. The sixteen year old sophomore pulled herself from her bed, put on her glasses, and grabbed her long black pull over shirt. With that and just her panties, she staggered to the kitchen to make breakfast for her self, and whoever else just happened to be there. As she passed the bathroom, she took time to take a relieve herself, and glanced into the mirror as she left. Yep, still the same Karen Derrickson. The face staring back was plain looking, jet black hair just above her shoulders, and small glasses giving her a mousey appearance. The kind of girl just considered creepy, or just to be ignored. Well, that was fine with her. She wasn't the sociable type... Of course, her habit of being a New Age Wiccan who sat around reading occult books and chanting mantras didn't help her image much either. But then, that is who she was. Karen very seriously believed that everyone would be much happier if they stopped pretending to be someone or something else, and was just true to the inner natures. It would certainly help people sort each other out faster. For this reason, though many thought of her as some "Goth chick", she didn't hang out with other Goths, nor did she claim to be one. She just happened to do many of the things they did, but without the pretensions and the air of angst and self-loathing they enjoyed. She had enough problems without going out to search for more. Also, Karen had always had a strong "sixth sense". This more than anything else made her interested in the occult, plus as a child it had made her capable of sensing other people's motives and feelings. The term "empath" was often used to describe it too, but whatever it was it was definitely a two-edged weapon. Karen could avoid people who were troublemakers or dangerous, but it also made her constantly suspicious and afraid of others as well. Many considered her a terrible cynic, but in reality she was afraid of the opinions other people had towards her. Tough to make friends, especially boyfriends, with an attitude like that. Overtime she had learned to control it, as it had become a very frustrating problem during her puberty a few years back; but it was always in the back of her mind nagging at her. As she came towards the kitchen, she heard Mandy banging around, trying to make her own breakfast of cereal. Her sister was pouring herself some cocoa cruds, or some other junk like that, and topping it off with milk and sugar. Karen wondered, given her habit of eating junk foods, how Mandy could keep such a lovely appearance and figure. Being the next in line as captain of the cheerleading squad at Carlton High School must burn a lot of calories. Mandy was almost the opposite of Karen. She was a year older; bright, cheery and chipper all the time. She had also inherited their mother Sarah's good looks and bubbly personality. No doubt about it, at times Karen was jealous. Mandy had a great figure, big bust, and long curly locks of sandy brown hair that framed her face perfectly. She was also very outgoing, finding it easy to make friends. In fact, perhaps she was "too outgoing", another trait she shared with Sarah. To put it bluntly, Mandy was one of the most notorious girls at Carlton High, or for that matter throughout their town of Glory Falls. She went to every party, with a different boy nearly every time. It was said that she was in a contest with Monica Jefferson, the captain of the cheerleaders, over who could get laid the most times, by either boys or girls, and in different places on the school grounds without getting caught by the adults. So far rumor had it that the contest was neck and neck, mirroring the contest between Monica and Mandy over which would be voted the new captain of the squad later that year. "Oh, hi sis!" Mandy chirped. "What's up with you this morning?" Karen let out her typical, sleepy groan. "Same thing as yesterday," she sighed. "Get my ass out of bed, make breakfast, wash up, go to classes, and hope Mom will come back tonight." Mandy giggled, "Oh you know Mom, she'll be home when it's time for her to come home. Besides, she left you in charge. She knows you're capable." "I'm glad at least one person here is," Karen sighed out. Her mom worked a job as a sales associate for a life insurance company. Several times a year she would go away to pep rally like meetings in places like Las Vegas, and be gone for days. During those times, the girls pretty much looked after themselves, with Karen running most of their affairs. Karen had learned a lot about organization and responsibility from these times, but her mom's absences just magnified the absence of her father. Karen's father had died in a car accident shortly after Karen was born, so she had never known him. Sarah had told her that he was a really nice man, and unlike Mandy's father, he didn't just up and leave one day and vanish. This pretty well summed up Sarah Derrickson's experiences with men. Except for Karen's dad, all of Sarah's relationships basically fell apart within a few years, or even months after starting. It seemed that Sarah was suffering from that fatal attraction some woman have towards men who create emotional train wrecks; almost a from of masochism that perversely left the woman primed for yet another such event. Karen loved her mother, but sometimes she felt contempt for her. In the last few years, Sarah had just given up ever trying to have a stable relationship. Now, every few months she had a new boyfriend, someone who she screwed around with and then left. Currently she was with Mel Bormann, a truck driver who fit Sarah's "needs" perfectly. Around only when his schedule allowed, his days off had him sleeping with Sarah and giving her the emotional abuse she craved, and then he was off and away for a couple of weeks, and then returning to make them miserable again. What really pissed Karen the most was that this kind of behavior was being mirrored by Mandy. While Mandy wouldn't accept being verbally or physically abused, she had taken to heart their mom's cavalier attitude towards bedding just about anything that came along. If this was to continue, Karen knew that Mandy would eventually develop their mother's psychological quirks. Karen's empathy could sense this already beginning to develop in Mandy's personality, and it scared the hell out of her. "Well, aren't you the usual Ms. Grumpy all the time!" Mandy burst out. "You need to get out and see more people. That being cooped up all the time and doing that witchcraft stuff is rotting your personality. Lighten up for God's sake! Come to Todd Rodger's party he's giving tonight." "Yeah, Todd," Karen mumbled. "Isn't he your latest bed buddy? Best linebacker on the team? How long until you dump him, Mandy? It's been a while now, hasn't it?" Mandy's looks took a darker turn, and a slight frown appeared on her face. "A while, yes, and none of your business!" she answered curtly. "At least I have boys, who want to hang around and be with me. When were you last asked out to a dance?" Karen knew the answer to that question was "never". That didn't bother her so much though. She had needs and desires, which she found distracting and bothersome, but they were a natural part of her. Eventually, in accordance to the Goddess's nature, Karen knew that she would have to find a partner to get release. It wasn't like she had never had sex before. A year ago, twice as a freshman, she got roped in by a couple of goth boys she knew in the local clubs. The experience was pleasant, but also very hollow. Her empathy was a curse at times, and that was the case then. The boys really weren't interested in her as a person; she went along because at that time she was much more vulnerable to the peer pressure to perform. The whole thing had left a sour taste in her mouth. She wasn't a lesbian (at least, she didn't think she was), and boys were attractive to her, but until recently she just didn't think it was important to start screwing around. Mandy's disposition brightened again, and she said "Come on Karen, come with me to Todd's party tonight, please! You should have some fun and get to know other people. Todd's not a stiff, and he even allows freshmen to show up for his bashes. I'm sure you'll find someone to get along with." Karen sighed, and replied, "Okay, but I am concerned with, you know, drugs and booze." "Really Karen," Mandy said, "you worry about drugs? You use more than incense in that witchcraft of yours. I know you smoke and drink weird stuff like peyote and that during those summonings and vision quests you do late at night. Isn't that doping up?" "That's different," Karen responded, though she knew there was some truth to what Mandy said. "I tightly control the amounts I take, and believe me that takes a lot of willpower. They're also for religious use, and help me with my out of body experiences. And what about the "New Blue"? I know you have it, and I'm guessing that you still haven't told Mom about it." Mandy's face flushed with embarrassment, and she instinctively crossed her legs together when Karen mentioned the "New Blue". Almost two years ago, a new kind of venereal disease had suddenly appeared in the human population. Like AIDS, it had started in parts of Africa, and then spread like wildfire across the world. Within months hundreds of millions of people, mostly teenagers and young adults, had gotten it. The UN Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control had studied the virus intensely, concerned that it was some new phase of virulent HIV that would slay the infected more rapidly. However, after several months of study, they determined that the disease was, in a nutshell, harmless. There was no evidence at all that it would harm organs or the immune system. Instead, it seemed to simply live and propagate in the genital and gonad tissues of an infected person. Like herpes, it just entered into a state of hibernation, only activating to transmit itself from one victim to another. It had also proven to be incurable, in so far that science had not had enough time to really analyze it and develop new drugs to treat it. Of course, there were some side effects, but they were more a cosmetic humiliation than a danger. First of all, it caused an itching or tingling sensation when an infected person became sexually aroused. Interestingly enough, this itching only increased the infected person's sex drive, as having an orgasm made the itch quickly go away. Then over time, it turned the infected tissues a light shade of bluish purple. Scientists said this had something to do with mutations in the cell's melanin production, the chemical cells used to darken them selves and protect them selves from solar radiation. Finally, all the body hair in the genital region fell out and refused to grow back in. It was also noted over time that the disease automatically was present in any offspring born from an infected person, but again there was no indication of mutation or damage to the children. So, being shown to be effectively harmless, most kids just ignored it, assuming that their condoms would protect them. They were correct, as the use of condoms did stop the transmission, but kids being kids, many of them forgot to use them properly, and so the New Blue went merrily on its way infecting one person after another. This was the situation with Mandy, who was always concerned about protection, but apparently her previous boyfriends were not. Like many young girls and women, she found out that she had been infected the morning she woke up with itchy and blue tinted vaginal folds. The only reason she hadn't become a pariah at Carlton was because so many other boys and girls had the disease already. "Well...," her sister said sheepishly, "just make sure you're protected if anything happens. I have plenty of condoms you can borrow." "Okay, okay," Karen said, "I'll go. Just give me some helmets for those purple soldiers (literally!), and I'll make sure I stay in the background. May be I can have some intelligent conversations without anything getting too physical." With her "senses", Karen could tell that Mandy was sincere about her having a good time. She decided it was time to humor her sister at least once, and may be should would luck out and actually find a nice guy to hang with. *** Todd Rodger's house was a pretty good place to hold a party. The Rodger family was old and respected in Glory Falls, and fairly wealthy too. Todd should have been going to a private school, but rumor had it that Todd had lots of friends when he was little, and he wanted to go with them through "the mill" like everyone else. Apparently Todd didn't want to lose his friends, nor appear as a snob to the rest of the locals he hung out with a lot. Karen felt some admiration for that; it showed that Todd's loyalty to the school and its football team was pretty intense. The house was a three level, mini-mansion that could easily hold a hundred people milling about. Giant living room area with fireplaces, Olympic sized swimming pool, the whole nine yards. There were some serving staff, but they were hired on a case by case basis, which was a good thing this time around, since Todd was also known for hosting some pretty wild parties when his parents were away. Lots of booze, drugs, and basically a rave type situation was the norm. Temporary staff meant that there would be less people to snitch to his dad or the authorities about what went on there. However, Todd himself was clean cut and never seen to drink heavy or use any of the dopes the other kids enjoyed. He wanted to keep himself absolutely clean and fit for school activities. He did enjoy screwing around with the girls, but even then he was cautious and circumspect. He would only date one at a time, making sure that the break ups were finished with no ugly loose ends before seeking some other girl. Karen felt that this showed that Todd had at least a small amount of respect for the other person he was with, more so than she would have expected from guys his age and with his popularity. So, all in all Todd seemed a nice guy. Like all the others boys, he knew that any relationship with Mandy would be a quick fling; some parties, a casual few rolls in the sack, and then on to other things. However, she could sense that Todd really liked Mandy, and enjoyed seeing her happy and pleased in his presence. She also sensed that if it wasn't for Mandy's reputation, Todd would have been very happy to make Karen's sister his permanent steady. But, Todd was also a realist... Karen had gotten herself the obligatory glass of spiked punch; no one had even tried to hide the empty vodka bottles nearby. She drank it sparingly, just enough to be polite, but she definitely wanted to avoid anything that impaired her judgment. When she got drunk or high, her powers increased for reasons she didn't understand. Soon she would start reading people's minds, and that was a very traumatic and unpleasant experience for her. She found Todd outside, walking near the pool in his school football jacket, while politely brushing off several girls who swarmed around him. It was obvious that he wasn't in a romantic mood at that point, and eventually the fawning females got the hint and wandered off in search of other less worthy if more willing prey. Karen decided to go over and talk to him, to make sure he understood the situation with her sister. "Hello Todd," Karen said gently. Karen herself always felt shy around guys like him. She knew he was an unattainable prize, and the fact that Mandy would dump him actually made her somewhat angry. "Todd, is something the matter?" He smiled back at her, his sparkling blue eyes looking into hers. "Oh, hello Karen," he replied. "Is it that obvious? Well, I've heard you have a sense for when people are stressed out." "You're stressed out?" Karen asked. "I didn't think Rodgers has anything to be stressed out about, Todd. Is there something really serious going on?" Todd shook his head slightly, and said, "Well, no, not immediately. You see Karen, I'm a senior now, and getting ready to enter college. My dad isn't going to let me stay in Glory Falls much longer. He'll insist that I go to one of the upscale colleges out of state. That means I won't be seeing you or Mandy or any of my old friends." Mandy acknowledged Todd's problem with a sigh. "Yeah, I know how you feel Todd, though kind of in an opposite way. I want to leave Glory Falls. I know I have some kind of destiny outside of this place; someplace where I can use my mind and academics. Still, I need to stay and watch over my mom and sister. Sometimes I'm worried about what a pair of emotional basket cases they'll turn out to be. I'm sure you understand that with Mandy." "You know Karen," Todd said with a grin, "you and Mandy seem to have more in common than you think." Karen gave a slight smile and smirk, saying, "Really Todd? How so?" She laughed inside, thinking that now it was Todd's turn to be empathic. Todd responded, "No, really I mean it. You and Mandy both know what you want, and work hard to get it. Mandy wants to be the head of the cheerleaders, and although you and I may not enjoy her ways of getting there, she's working her ass off for it." "Don't you mean 'sleeping her ass off for it'?" Karen added with sarcasm. "Everyone knows that she and Monica are in a contest over who can bed the most guys, or girls for that matter." Karen knew, as did many others, of the rumors that most of the cheerleaders were bisexuals. Todd answered, "Yeah, I know, but have you ever seen her practice or do her stuff on the field? What about all the fund raising and school activities she helps coach and lead too? There's much, much more to your sister than you think." "Hmm, well, no I've not really considered that," Karen answered. She felt that Todd had made a good point. She had heard people mention occasionally that Mandy did pull out all the stops all the time to excel at whatever she did. It's just that, to Karen at least, what Mandy did seemed so shallow and unneeded. There were better things to do with her time. And her sexual promiscuity frightened Karen, as it reminded her of all that her mother Sarah had gone through. "Now look at you" Todd said. "You do great at literature and poetry, and you're in all the advanced placement classes. You've tried to even head the scholastic society; people have even mentioned you for the student body. It's only your quiet wallflower personality that's kept you from doing it." "Gee, thanks..." she replied with slight sarcasm. "I didn't mean to say it like that," Todd said sheepishly. "What I meant is that you know you're not cut to lead everyone, though I think from your work published in the school paper that you'd be a great leader. You're always talking about people getting together and working for their ideals and dreams. Your charisma is inside you; you just need to let it out. You want to be a scholar, but you also want depth. I think that's cool. One day, I'm going to be in professional football, and in college I'll work my ass off and get picked by the scouts for the NFL. I'm just worried that I'll end up killing all my ties to the people I know here and care about." Karen thought to herself, "So, Todd is also charming. Probably drunk too." However, she did not sense any inebriation. Well, it was nice to know a boy who seemed to care for more than what his dick was doing. Karen's opinion of him just kept going up and up. "You know Todd," Karen said, "Mandy is an idiot if she gives you up. You and I know that's going to happen. She'll eventually give you the 'It's best for both of us' speech." "Yeah, I know," he replied. "She's done it like a dozen times before, though she's gone with me for a couple of months now. That is a record. But I won't give up hope though." Karen looked at him slightly askance, and murmured, "No, you won't give up hope, will you? That's so... refreshing. Thank you Todd." She then turned around and walked away. Karen's head was starting to swim. Had someone spiked the punch with more than alcohol? She hoped to the Goddess that no one had tried to slip a date rape drug into her drinks. Still, she was flushed very warm, and feeling rather giddy. Despite her best efforts, she began to sense more and more lust around her, and the boys and girls (or even boys and boys or girls and girls) were starting to get more and more aroused with each other. The rave was in full swing now, the music thumping in her head. Or was it that her head just happened to be thumping to the music? She couldn't be sure which. Suddenly, Mandy loomed up in front of her, towing along a younger guy with curly red hair. The boy was tall for his age, and lean muscled. Karen could tell that he was built for speed and not for strength, especially when she saw a glance at his tight muscular legs and ass. "Oh, Karen!" she exclaimed with glee. "This is Will Benson, one of our school's best at track and field team! He's really fast on his feet, not only as a runner but a great dancer. He's looking for someone to match up with for the dancing, and I thought that since you're about the same age, you'd be a good catch." "Mandy, you know I'm not a very good dancer," Karen said. "Oh, that's okay," Will shot in. "I can teach you, and there's a lot of different ways to dance." He gave a kind of spluttering laugh that told Karen that he was half crocked. Still, he was cute and she was drunk, and she had bothered to come to this party to show Mandy that she could socialize if she wanted to. Well, it was time for some action on the floor. The dancing, drinking and everything else had made the night turn into a blur of motion and emotion for Karen. She started really liking Will, and soon the dancing became more "intimate". By drinking she had both boosted her empathy, and also dropped her defenses, but to be fair to Karen, someone must have put something in the punch that went way beyond alcohol. Eventually, as the heat and steaming bodies and feelings burning around her closed in on her mind, it took little effort on Will's part to get her off the dance floor and into one of the quiet, solitary rooms in the mansion. Though Karen was not fully cognate at the time, there was within her spotty memory images Will naked, her on a bed, and feelings of hot burning desires that overwhelmed her mind. She also remembered pleasure, though which partner (or both) may have derived the most she could not be certain of. She did remember Will's bumbling attempts at being gentle with her, evidence that he was relatively new to sexual experiences himself. *** Karen awoke the next morning on her bed, still dressed, and with a massive hangover to contend with. She staggered from her room, and went to the bathroom to give offerings to the porcelain god, purging herself of whatever she had intoxicated herself with that night. It was then that she noticed how much the lips of her vagina were beginning to itch... "Oh my Goddess!" her mind silently screamed. Karen at first was too terrified to look. Then, she pulled up her skirt, and slowly lowered her panties. The first thing she noticed was that what little genital hair she had had was gone, leaving only a smooth and slightly shiny skin about her opening. Reaching with trembling fingertips, she began to tease open the folds of her female flesh, and could already see a tinge of blue and violet along the edges. The itching returned, only this time stronger than before, and without even thinking she began to rub herself. This only made things worse, as she began to feel a strong craving to masturbate. She fingered herself intensely, all the time swearing horrible words about Will, Mandy, and herself. "Goddess damned bastards, bitches, and everything else!!!" she swore under her breath. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten drunk, and Mandy knew I'm a terrible drunk, and Will should have fucking sleeved himself, and, and, and..." The thoughts just trailed off into a sense of rage and despair. She had it, a full blown case of New Blue. She had just joined the slut club with her sister and so many others at school. How, how could she have been so stupid? Despite her rage and sorrow, she threw back her head and whined loudly as she felt an intense orgasm come over her. Then, the itching subsided, and she went to her knees. "Oh Goddess," she whispered, "give me the strength of self control over this. I shall sacrifice to you tonight, and attempt to meditate and reach you. May be I can learn some mental technique to make this disease go to sleep in me, and leave me be." There was a strange sensation in her mind then, as if a voice, silently was trying to say something to her. Her eyes snapped open, and she looked around, as if to expect the presence of someone in the bathroom. But, no one was there. Or may be, the person was in her? Yes, it felt as if someone was in her, trying to say something, but that didn't make any sense at all. Well, tonight she would meditate and vision quest, and may be then find answers. There was a knock at the door, and she heard Mandy's muffled voice, "Hey, sis, are you okay? What's going on in there?" Karen rose up, and yanked open the door with the energy of rage. Mandy stood there shocked, obviously not liking the expressions on Karen's face. "Guess what, my sweet sister?!" Karen hissed between her teeth. Mandy looked very nervous, and answered, "You're not preggers, are you? It's way too early to test for that." "No, thank Goddess, but guess again!" Karen replied. Mandy looked downwards for a few seconds, and then said, "Will didn't glove, did he? Does he have the Blue?" Karen nodded yes, and added, "Yep, and guess who's got it too now?" Mandy's face came up looking full of sorrow. "Oh sis, I'm so sorry," she whined. "I really didn't think Will was that drunk or stupid, and he always preps himself before screwing. That's what the other girls were telling me..." "No, just don't say anything!" Karen yelled back. "Just shut up and leave me alone! I'll call the school and tell them I'm sick today, and spend the day researching this so I can figure out how to deal with the itching." Mandy said, "Well, some of the anti-itch stuff I use helps, but then again once a day I just go and diddle myself in the girls room, and that make it go away for a while. Why don't you just do that?" Karen said with an enraged snarl, "Because I don't intend to let this thing control me! It wants me to fuck off once, twice, or whatever a day! Well, I'll fight it to the last! Now, get ready for school and get out of here! I'm just so pissed at you!" Mandy knew at that point to beat a hasty retreat. A while later Karen heard Mandy driving away to begin her day at school. For some strange reason, Karen began to feel sorry for Mandy. It wasn't totally her fault, and Karen was responsible as well for her own lack of judgment. Thank Goddess it was Friday. That gave Karen the weekend to do something. After calling the school and explaining that she was sick, she spent the day online doing research, but found little of use. She knew that several creams could help relieve the symptoms, but she would never be free of the itching sensation. As time went by, she had to masturbate twice to stop it. *** Now it was midnight at her house; the so-called "witching hour". Karen had ingested some "herbs" to help her clear her mind, and now she tried to concentrate on what she was doing. She sat in the lotus position, naked in the darkness in her "magic" circle and gently chanted her mantras. Sometimes, if she was very lucky, she could truly escape her flesh, and float away into the sky. At these times, she would feel a great contentment and oneness with the world around her, and for a short time forget all the bad things. However, despite the mantras and incense, and despite her best efforts, concentration was getting harder and harder. There was an itching in her crotch; a terrible burning sensation that was very distracting. With a rising sense of anger, she forced it out from her mind, thinking that there was no way she was going to let some damned form of clap keep her from achieving her "happy state". Eventually, she did push the New Blue sensation further away, but it was always there in the distant background of her mind. She began to feel that wonderful lightness form over her; that sense of drifting away like a cloud. Quite unexpectedly, she found herself walking the spiral stairs again, but not as a little girl but as her now naked self. Also, there was no one else upon the stairs either, a major departure from all previous versions of the dream. She sighed happily, enjoying the view across the endless blue, bright and clean and beautiful. Then, suddenly, there was a dramatic shifting. Her shadow self was violently wrenched away from the stairs and up into the sky, so far that all turned into black with sprinkles of stars. As she spun about, she turned to face a great blue globe that she knew must be the Earth. "Wow!" she thought to herself. "I've never been this high before! I can see the whole world." She seemed to orbit the sphere, admiring its beauty, and its lack of borders and zones. Those were unnatural, human things created by men and women who feared and hated the oneness they should share with all their brothers and sisters. She smiled to herself, enjoying this sense of peace. Then, she realized something was wrong. The lay of the land, the spacing of the continents was incorrect. All the land of the world was crunched together into one or two huge land masses. What did this mean? As she studied it more, it became more familiar to her. It was Earth, yes, but Earth as it was ages ago, long before humans came to exist. Why by the Goddess was she looking at Earth this long ago? Did this have something to do with her New Blue problem? Before she could puzzle it further, there was a sudden flash of light nearby. She turned about her astral being, and saw what looked like a falling star approaching the atmosphere. Flying to meet it, she realized that it was not a meteor, but some kind of crystalline cylinder. Whatever it was, it was not natural, but a product of an intelligence. With another blinding flash, it began to break up and explode, scattering into globular pieces across the surface of the primordial world. The shockwave hit her, and although she should have had no mass to react, nonetheless she felt herself spun about like a leaf in a storm. Silently screaming, she eventually felt herself falling back across time and space to her body in her bedroom. Karen awoke with a start, finding her body splayed out on her backside across the pentagram. She gasped for air, the throbbing in her head matched only by a throbbing sensation in her genital region. Rolling about, her flailing hands found the lamp sitting nearby. As she pulled herself onto her bed she turned on the lights. According to the clock, it was two in the morning. As her eyes focused, the pain in her skull began to fade, but she soon realized that there was something very, very wrong. As she looked down over her small pert breasts and lean belly, she realized that she now had something new added to her body. Where she should have had her normal vagina and clitoris, she was now sporting a large, bluish and thick fore- skinned penis. Under it hung a large and hairless purple scrotum, which was obviously stuffed and stretched with two testicles bigger than golf balls. Karen just stared in disbelief at her new organs. "No," she whispered to herself. "No, this isn't possible. No way!" She stood up and watched as the male member dangled between her legs. Even flaccid, it must have been nearly six inches long. She began to walk over to the large standing mirror in the corner of the bedroom as she turned on the main light switch. As she examined her self in the mirror, she tried as hard as humanly possible to maintain a calm composure. She thought, "No Karen girl, no, you're just dreaming this! It's got to be the drugs, some residue of a bad acid trip from that fucking party! Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. You're obsessed and scared about the VD you picked up, and the drugs ratcheted that fear up and now you're imagining that the disease has made you grow a cock. Goddess! What a cock! And I've also got balls!" She turned slightly to her side, and part of her dim awareness was actually admiring her package. "Hmm, not bad at all!" she mused. "I'm better hung then Will is, and he had a good sized piece! Goddess, what a weird imagination I have!" Being curious by nature, she slowly and gently grasped the drug induced phantasm, and began to stroke it. Only, it didn't feel imaginary. The moment she firmly grasped it and began to pump, she felt a pulsing of hot blood and fluid building up in it. A wave of pleasure shot up her spine, a tingling similar and yet unlike anything she had ever felt before. The foreskin pulled back, leaving her new organ slick with some kind of natural lubricant. The slit at the end of the cock began to weep liquid of a slightly violet color that dribbled down upon her fingers. She wondered, as she pumped harder, was it possible to imagine sensations that you had never experienced? After a minute, she shuddered as she hit a climax, and a stream of jism shot out leaving a purple streak across the mirror. Even as she reveled in the afterglow of the sensation, her more rational mind was shocked at the color, which was not like any cum she had seen before or read about. There was no doubt that there was some kind of infection, and she raised her hand to her mouth as she gasped in fear. In doing so, she brought some of the pre-cum liquid to her lips, where it contacted her tongue. The taste was very pleasant and fruity, but the next effect was very unexpected. Karen's mind reeled as she suddenly had terribly realistic visions of falling through outer space towards a great blue globe. She was on fire, screaming in terror as she hit the atmosphere and exploded into shards of blue glass. Mercifully, she passed out at that point. Once again Karen found herself on the floor, face down this time. As she crawled up to her hands and knees, her blurred vision told her that her glasses had fallen off. She had also bumped into the nightstand as she had fallen. She spent a few seconds fumbling for her glasses, only to realize something bizarre: Her glasses were still on her face... Now she slowly reached up and took them off. Her vision was excellent, with no sign of near-sightedness at all. She could easily read the clock across the room, which now said that it was two fifteen. She looked around the room, and noticed that the lamp had fallen from the nightstand, and the bulb had broken. Despite it being dark, she could easily see everything in the room as if she had the night vision of a cat. The dim amount of moonlight coming through the slats of her Venetian blinds was ample illumination for her to see everything in full detail, and also nearly in perfect color too. Before she could ponder anymore what had happened to her eyes, the door flew open and the main lights came on. As the room suddenly was awash with light, Karen clamped her sensitive orbs shut while adjusting her vision. She heard Mandy's sleepy voice exclaim, "Karen, what the fuck is going on in here?! It's two in the goddamned morning! I know tomorrow is a Saturday, but damn it I need some sleep..." As Karen opened her eyes, she saw sister just staring at her, her jaw dropped in amazement as she gawked. "What the fuck is that?!" she gasped out loud. All sleepiness had obviously fled from her widening eyes, which were firmly fixed downwards towards Karen's crotch. Karen bent over slightly, placing her hands over her new parts, and squealed, "Don't look at it! Just go away!" Karen now knew for sure that if Mandy could see it, then this penis was absolutely real. She turned away, embarrassed and ashamed. Despite her best efforts, such a large organ hung low enough that Mandy could see it hanging between her sister's legs, even when turned around. "Oh my God!" she gasped. "Is that real? How in the world did you grow that? And what is that smell? Are you wearing perfume?" Karen was starting to tear up and weep, her normal stoic resolve being sorely tested by this surreal experience. She turned back to her sister, and sat down on the edge of the bed. Karen didn't know why, but for some reason her cock was rising up and getting hard again. "It's got to be something with the disease," she whimpered. "Its changed somehow, in me, and now its turned into this! Oh Goddess, Mandy, what am I going to do?! Mom will be back in two days, and I don't want her to know!" Mandy just kept staring at it, a strange look in her eyes. "Well," she said, "you know that Dr. Goldstein, our gynecologist, is on duty Saturdays at her office. We'd better get in there for an emergency call and have her look at you. May be it can come off with surgery. Damn it, what is that smell?!" Karen wiped her eyes, and felt some more fear in her. "Oh Goddess, surgery?! Mom will know for sure! Oh Mandy, there has to be another way! May be antibiotics?" But Karen knew that she was only fooling herself. Surgery would be needed to stop this from happening. Then, as she sat there with her eyes closed, wondering what she could do to change her situation, something very amazing happened. She heard Mandy's voice say, "There there, little sis, don't worry; I'll take care of you." Karen's eyes snapped open as she felt someone grab her cock, and then a great warm wetness descended over it. As she looked down at her lap, she saw Mandy's head full of sandy brown curls bobbing up and down as her sister began to give her a blowjob. Karen was shocked, but unable to bring herself to move or say anything to stop it. Despite all her might, her body refused to move; only her cock responded by growing larger and turning a shade of purplish red. Karen had heard the boys saying what a good cocksucker Mandy was, and that she was the "Queen of Oral Pleasures". This was not an exaggeration. With expertise born of several years of practice, Mandy worked over Karen's new hardware with an intense eagerness. To Karen it seemed that the more Mandy suckled her cock and licked her sack, the more intense became her desire to do so. And, it seemed that Karen was helpless to stop it. Karen wiggled slightly with the pleasure of this stimulation. She didn't want to admit it, but it felt fantastic, and the forbidden nature of this incestuous pleasuring only made it stronger. Finally, she managed to croak out, "Mandy... stop.... why are you doing this?" Mandy pulled up for a few seconds to explain, even as her hand continued to pump the male organ. "I don't know why," she said, licking the pre-cum from her lips. "It just seems like the right thing to do. I guess I want you to feel comfortable with it. I think you may have it for the rest of your life." And with that, she continued her oral ministrations. Karen began to feel a load building up in her. "Wait, Mandy, it might be infectious! Don't swallow it!" But it was too late. Karen's hips bucked as she felt her balls twitch and a huge load of spank blew into Mandy's eager mouth. She heard her sister gulp it down, her eyes glazing over as if some strange thing was going on in her skull. Then Mandy, despite her mouth being filled with cock, murmured "Yes, yes, I understand now. I know what I must do." After a few seconds, Mandy's mouth released Karen's cock. Karen was happy about this, though she amazed that it was still rock hard and a good nine inches long. Then Mandy dropped her panties, and spun about presenting Karen her lovely and shapely ass. Before Karen could exclaim anything, Mandy simply sat down, driving the dick up through her anus and into her rectum. Both women released squeals of pain and pleasure, and Mandy then proceeded to ride her sister's shaft up and down with intense pounding. Karen's mind swam. If getting sucked off was fantastic, reaming her sister's ass was absolutely beyond belief. Sensations went through Karen that were alien to her, and yet wonderful. Her sister was experienced at anal sex, and so gliding in was easy. Also, the slick fluid that Karen's schlong secreted acted like a natural lubricate, oiling up the act of entry. After several minutes, Karen screamed as she shot another thick steaming load into her sister's backside. Mandy responded with a howl of her own. As Karen came, she continued to buck and gyrate her hips, ramming her organ deeper and deeper into Mandy's hole. It seemed as if the orgasm wouldn't stop, and there must have been a half cup or more of fluid going into her sister's body. For her part, Mandy just threw back her head and howled again with pleasure, bouncing up and down on Karen while kneading her breasts. "Oh, Goddess!" Karen screamed in her mind. "This just feels so damned great! I feel so powerful!" Finally, as Karen was spent, Mandy slid off her and fell face first to the floor. There she lay, twitching and convulsing as if she was having a seizure of some kind. Karen began to regain her mobility, and thought to herself, "Oh shit, what have I done?! Goddess strike me down if I've harmed my sister!" Karen got down on the floor and crawled next to Mandy, and held her as she continued to writhe about in some kind of ecstasy. She noticed that the seizure was beginning to pass after a couple of minutes. "Oh thank you Goddess!" she said to herself. "I'll need to get her to the emergency room at Glory Falls." At that moment, Mandy opened her eyes, and her face suddenly bloomed into a great, happy smile of bliss. She looked into Karen's eyes and said, "Don't worry about me, Mastress. I am doing fine. In fact, I've never felt better. Thank you for awakening me." She then let out a giggle of happiness. Karen just stared for a second. "Mandy, are you really okay?" she asked. "Oh yes, I'm doing great, Mastress!" Mandy squealed out with joy. "I think I'm beginning to understand now!" She sat up quickly, and pulled Karen up next to her. She began to fondle Karen's breasts and stroke her cock. "Again, thank you for enlightening me! I'm so grateful!" She let out another squeal of delight. "What the hell are you babbling about?!" Karen yelled. "Are you still on drugs?!" "No Mastress," Mandy replied. "I'll never need drugs again. Not after tasting your cum and feeling you inside me! In fact, you're my drug now! I'll do anything to be with you and serve you! I don't know why, but I know it is the right thing to do now." Karen then said, "Well, first off, stop calling me Mastress, whatever the hell that means. I guess it's some combination of master and mistress. I know you sometimes did the dominant and submissive play thing with the other party boys and girls, but you know I'm not into that..." "Oh no, Mastress, it's not like that at all," Mandy said with a big grin. "You are my Mother now, and with you everything will be perfect. I can't tell you why, because I don't fully remember it all, but now I've seen the light, and I know I must follow you." Karen realized that Mandy was talking like someone who had just gone through an immense religious experience, as if Mandy had had a rapturous moment. Did Mandy think that Karen was a divine being now? Well, this nonsense would have to be dealt with in the morning. Right now, both were too exhausted to deal with it. Karen crawled into bed, and pulled Mandy up next to her. After what they had just been through together, what did it matter if they slept in the same bed? "Goddess, how will I explain this to mom now?" Karen thought to herself. "I fucked my sister, and now she acts like my sex toy." What really disturbed Karen was that a part of her mind that enjoyed what she had done, and she knew that she would now have to keep fighting the urge to screw with Mandy all the time. *** In the morning, Karen awoke from a deep, deep sleep. She had dreamt of the stairway again, just like during the middle of the night in her trance. She had been climbing it naked, but now, she had felt a presence next to her. It was a smiling and naked Mandy, whose hand Karen was holding as she led her older sister up the stairway. The symbolism completely left her a blank. It just didn't make any sense. She could smell something cooking in the kitchen, like bacon and eggs. She got up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and noticed that Mandy was gone. She also noticed that she still did not need her glasses, and that her male genitals were still there, and very real. They had changed color slightly, the flesh taking on a violet tinge. Not the color of flesh without circulation, but more like that of the spunk she was generating. "Damn it!" she hissed to herself. "I was still hoping this was all some dream." Then it occurred to her that it was Mandy who was cooking breakfast. "Oh, no!" Karen thought, "She'll burn down the house! Mandy can't be trusted with a butter knife, never mind cooking a meal!" She grabbed a pullover shirt and some panties, but then realized that panties would not fit on her any more. Cursing under her breath, she just put on the shirt, and ran to the kitchen while her new packaged dangled and bounced between her thighs. She was going to have to see the doctor about this. However, she hoped that removing her cock and balls wouldn't mean losing her new eyesight. She kind of enjoyed having such perfect night vision... As she entered the kitchen, she was relieved to see that there were no clouds of greasy smoke wafting through the air. Mandy was at the oven, wearing only oven mittens and a cooking apron while the rest of her was as naked as she was last night. Mandy spun about holding a platter of hot biscuits and gave a great smile. "Look at what I did, Mastress!" she exclaimed with glee. "I cooked us bacon, and eggs, and biscuits, and fried potatoes, and I didn't burn a single thing! It's just wonderful how I can cook now! Thank you!" Karen sat down at the kitchen table, looking rather quizzical at Mandy. "Thank me?" she said. "Thank me for what? I didn't give you lessons, you just learned by yourself. You never showed interest in learning how to cook." "Oh no, Mastress, you taught me!" Mandy replied. "It was last night, when you fucked me! I got up this morning, thinking that a hot breakfast would get us back into full swing after last night. Suddenly, I just knew what to cook and how to do it. It was wonderful; I felt like you were standing next to me in the kitchen telling me what to do all this time..." A sudden wave of cold fear washed up Karen's spine. What was her sister babbling about? How could she have, literally overnight, developed Karen's ability to cook? But, there was the evidence, sitting in front of her on a plate. Karen was looking at the food, and was suddenly overcome by hunger. She needed to eat and regain her strength, and she dug into the food. It was good; it was very good. It had a few problems, like not enough salt and pepper in the potatoes, but otherwise it was just like Karen would have cooked. As the two ate together, Mandy said, "Oh, and I called Doctor Goldstein's office, and they do have an appointment for you today. It's at one this afternoon, so I booked you in." "Oh, thank you Mandy," Karen answered. "I was going to do that just after I ate. By the way, this is really good." "Thank you Mastress," Mandy responded. "I love helping you. I know you were worried about your new cock, so I remembered to make the appointment for you. Oh, I also have something else to thank you for!" "Hmm?" Karen hummed, her mouth full of eggs and potatoes. Mandy stood up from the table, stepped back a bit, and with a great big smile pulled her apron bottom all the way up to her chest. There, between her legs, hung a fully developed cock and scrotum nearly as large as Karen's, and also of a purplish tint. "Isn't it beautiful, Mastress?!" Mandy beamed. "It's just like yours! Thank you for giving it to me!" Karen heaved and spat up the food in her mouth. Mandy looked disappointed and said, "Was the food not good enough Mastress?" Karen was wide eyed with disbelief, and as she quickly wiped her mouth with a napkin, she exclaimed, "No! No! Not at all! It's great, just great Mandy!" However, in her mind she thought, "Oh my Goddess! What have I done to my sister?!" Mandy smiled again and said, "Oh don't worry about me, Mastress. I feel fantastic! I love my new cock! True, I kind of miss my pussy, but that's okay, because when you did me anal last night, it felt even better than a cunt hump! And my cock is just like a giant clit!" Karen just shook her head, wondering how on Earth could the disease have turned her and her sister into some kind of hermaphrodites. Only the doctor could have an idea what to do about it. Perhaps surgery and a lot of medication would be needed, and of course Mom would find out and there would be all sorts of questions. Most disturbing was how Mandy's brain was being "re-wired". She was still the perky and near brain-dead sister she had always been, but now she was so, so... submissive. Yes, submissive and eager to please Karen. It was like some dark fantasy coming true, since Karen had always been jealous of Mandy's beauty and sociability. And now, Mandy was turning into her sex slave. Karen looked at the clock, and saw that it was only about eight. Karen was a very curious young woman, and figured that there was plenty of time to experiment with Mandy before going to get "fixed". Besides, she wanted to know more about what this piece of meat could do. She looked over at her sister, who had just finished eating her breakfast and was beginning to clear the table. "Mandy," she asked, "we have plenty of time before I need to go see the doc. Before we shower up, why don't we, well, play around a little more? You know, have some more sex?" Mandy gave an intense chirp of delight, and spun around hugging Karen tightly. "Oh Mastress, yes, yes!" she responded. "I was hoping you'd enter me again! I love having your cum inside me, and learning more about you!" "Well, this is going to be different," Karen said. "I want you to, uh, well, fuck me instead. I want you to try out your new cock and sack on my asshole." "Penetrate you?" Mandy replied, with a look of awe. "Thank you Mastress, that is such an honor for me! I will do my best to please you!" Hand in hand, the two ran to Karen's bedroom, all thoughts of other things now forgotten. Karen sat on the bed, and had Mandy stand in front of her and take off her apron. Then Karen began to stroke and play with Mandy's new equipment. Like Karen's it had a violet shade, and was completely hairless. When Karen pulled down its foreskin, it shined with a glistening layer of slick fluid, just like the lubricant that she created. Karen began to lick and suckle Mandy as she also rubbed her buttocks, causing her sister to moan and sigh with happiness. She wasn't that experienced at giving head, but she did the best she could, and within a minute, or two, Mandy was starting to excrete drops of fluid, as she used her hands to knead her breasts and pull at her hardening nipples. "Okay, I think we're ready to go," Karen said with a wink and smile. Then she positioned herself leaning against and over the bed, pulling her ass cheeks apart. "Alright, go nice and slow sweetie; I'm still new to this and never done it before." "Yes Mastress," Mandy answered. "I advise that you bear down as I enter, as if you were going to take a poop. Then you'll start to loosen up." "Goddess, I hope I don't shit on you," Karen said with a sigh. "Oh, that's perfectly fine Mastress," Mandy said with a smile. "Being shit on by you would be divine. Anything you do to me would be wonderful..." "Just shut up and fuck me!" Karen shouted. She was beginning to feel a strange urge, almost a compulsion to have her sister's cock in her ass. She was also curious to see what would happen. "As you command Mastress," Mandy answered. She spread Karen's cheeks, and rubbed her male member up and down the crack. This left a layer of lube over and around Karen's tight, virgin sphincter. Then Mandy pressed the tip against it, and began to slowly and steadily push inwards. Karen bit down on her lower lip, expecting to feel like she was having hot pokers shoved up her rectum. She had once had hemorrhoids a couple of years ago, and knew how much that hurt, so she was expecting a replay of that event. However, though the pressure was intense at first, she soon felt herself dilating open, and with a sudden thrust her sister was in her. Mandy leaned over her back, and began to fondle Karen's breasts as she started to move in and out with rhythm. The feeling of pressure soon gave way to a huge wave of pleasure that shot up Karen's spine and exploded in her brain right behind her eyeballs. Getting reamed felt as good, if not better, than what she had done to Mandy last night. Karen gave a scream of joy, and yelled, "Faster Mandy, and deeper! I want you to keep going until I feel you come inside of me!" Mandy obeyed, and her thrusts built up speed and strength. Karen reveled in the sound and feeling of Mandy's thighs slapping against her cheeks, and she could feel Mandy's scrotum also banging against hers. It occurred now to Karen why boys loved their dicks so much. Easy to use, and almost instant stimulation, and the orgasms were intense, if not as long or uplifting as a girl's. Even more amazing, Mandy was right. The sensations of ass fucking were becoming more and more like what she felt when she had been banged by Will during the party. Karen's asshole was turning into her cunt; or at least the nerves around the opening and insides were being re-directed into her pleasure centers like her vagina used to be. After a few minutes, Mandy let out a long whining sound, and Karen could feel a large trickle of hot fluid enter into her. Karen's head swam as she felt an immense orgasm, far greater than any she had had before in her life. She blanked out for a few seconds, during which she again saw visions of the bluish, crystal staircase. As she came back to consciousness, she heard herself screaming with pleasure. As her sister pulled out of her with a wet plopping sound, Karen jumped up and let out a yell, her arms flailing about as if she was holding a pair of pom poms. "TWO, FOUR, SIX, EIGHT, WHO DO I APPRECIATE! MANDY! MANDY! RAH RAH RAH!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. She then executed three back flips across the bedroom floor, and when she finished she jumped up and screamed, "GO, GO, MANDY!!!" Mandy laughed and applauded. "That's wonderful Mastress. I'm so glad you liked that. I was thinking about you as a cheerleader, heading our team. I'm happy you know how to do it now." Karen was dumbstruck. Yes, she was a bit stiff, as her body wasn't used to doing these kinds of energetic movements, but Mandy was right. In her head, Karen now knew and understood all the cheerleading stuff that Mandy knew. She also knew that, just like Mandy still needed to practice cooking, with a bit of practice Karen could cheerlead as well as Mandy ever could. Karen shuddered as if a cold wind blew over her. Her theory was right: Somehow through their jism, she and Mandy could share thoughts and knowledge. And even more importantly, they shared feelings. As she looked at Mandy, she no longer felt jealous about her. Instead she saw in her older sister a girl who was always frightened about her looks, her position, and how the loss of these things would also mean the loss of her self esteem. Whereas before, Karen had held Mandy's desires in near contempt, she now understood how important these things really were to her, and how if deprived of them she would ache with terrible pain. She wanted to love her sister and teach her that she didn't need to feel and think that way. Karen would take Mandy, no matter what, with a love that was, for want of better words, absolute and unconditional. Mandy looked at Karen with moistening eyes, and softly said, "You understand now, don't you Mastress? You've seen my fear and pain?" Karen gently nodded back. "Yes, I do Mandy. I want you to know that you are my loving sister, and no matter what becomes of us, I understand now that your feelings are as genuine as mine. You're not a phony and vain little vixen; you're not really selfish, you're scared. I love you Mandy, and I want you forever." The two rushed together and hugged. "Oh God, Karen my Mastress!" Mandy began to cry. "Until last night I didn't understand how lonely you felt. You thought nobody cared about you. Now I do. I know you've always worried about mom and me. Thank you, thank you Mastress! I'll always love and serve you now!" Their cocks rubbed against each other, hardening from the stimulation and acting as if they could sense each others presence. The two she-males then pressed their lips together, and let their tongues rub and play in each other's mouths. They no longer kissed as sisters, for Karen knew now that they were no longer such. They were lovers now, one the dominant, the other the submissive. One would command, and the other would obey. Somehow, through some miracle both wonderful and terrible, the infection had bonded them together body and soul. Karen knew that this couldn't go on, at least not with anyone else. She would have to go to the doctor, and stop it from spreading. But for now, they enjoyed each other intimately. They curled up together on the bed in a sixty-nine position, suckling each other's cocks while seeking each other's sweet spots, the knowledge of which their exchange of memories had programmed into them. This was not the frantic, mad pounding sex they had had before, but a slow and methodical enjoyment of each other in the way young lovers come to learn. After several climaxes, they snuggled together and slept a while, all the time both dreaming of a beautiful, blue spiral staircase. To be continued? If you liked this story, please tell me in feedback, as I am intending to continue with their saga...

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Mutual Satisfaction Part 3

Megan headed to the shower while Terry changed the sheets on his bed. When he heard the shower stop and the door to her room close he knew it was his turn to shower. As the warm water ran down his body he took an inventory.'Lets see. Your step sister catches you jacking off using the panties that you borrowed from her room and she then stays to help you finish. You then help her because she had gotten hot watching and helping you. You touch, kiss and lick her breasts while she does...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Dixie Lynn Giving My Masturbating Stepsis What She Really Wants

I went into the bathroom to use the toilet but soon as I got close to the door I could hear something weird going on. I did not know what I was about to walk in on with the sounds I was hearing. I can not believe my little step-sister Dixie is on the toilet masturbating while watching porn, I think I am gonna watch for a little. I surprise her and tell her she is a freak, but now I want her to be my slutty freak, I pull out my cock and start smacking it on her lips. Dixie pulls away but I pull...

4 years ago
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SRU Kobayashi Maru

SRU: KOBAYASHI MARU by Laika Pupkino [While I knew the importance of Starfleet Academy's Kobayashi Maru test, as I sat down to write this I could rememer nothing about the details of the battle scenario itself. With no access to the internet that week I took a wild guess, and wound up getting it all wrong, even the fact that they weren't ON BOARD the Maru but were attempting to go to her rescue.... But since these mistakes aren't important to this story and because I liked the...

2 years ago
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Make That Bitch Come

I remember back in high school when I was the loner, one of the few people that stayed true to his own personality, the non-prep. It always pissed people off that I didn’t give a damn what they thought about me. Now, although I wasn’t the Al Snow of the group I wasn’t the most popular person either. Anyway, I’m getting off track, well the point I’m trying to make is, the non-prep girl seemed to love me, but the problem was they were all as ugly as a fucking...

4 years ago
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Wife enjoyed in a cinema hall

Hi Readers, I am glad that you all enjoyed the incident posted by me in the ISS. I am 28 yr old, good looking well educated guy from Delhi. I am back with a true incident happened few days back. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was in CP, since “Delhi-6” movie was going on, I too tried to get the ticket for the same but it was a bad luck as movie was house full. I normally don’t go for all these stuff but somehow I reached to the guy for a getting a ticket in Black in the Regal Cinema. I...

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Aunty Ni Tiragesi Dengaanu

Naa peru raj. Naa age 22 years.Nenu banglore lo chaduvutunnanu.Naa height 5.8. Medium body. Nenu meetho naa sex anubhavam gurinchi cheppalanu kuntunna.Inka mee time waste cheyyanu. Ee story peddadi gaa undavachu , kaani meku nachutundani anukuntunna.Naaku gariga prati incident raayadaniki try chestaanu. Eka story loki vacheste. Nenu btech kosam banglore ki vachaanu.Last semister lo room maaripoyaanu. Mummy ki friend ayina oka aunty daggara house rent ki unte, nenu kochem duram iyina ok...

2 years ago
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Harem Mannequin

Harem Mannequin By Paul G. Jutras David rarely went out dressed up in his Helen persona. When he did, he tried to look his best. His wig gave him a perm look and he always looked good in his white silk blouse and navy split skirt. He loved the feeling of the cool air against his nude nylon legs and the click of his three inch heels on the pavement. Tonight, he was on his way to a magic show. ?May I have a volunteer from the audience to come work with me?? the magician David...

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Jenikas diet

Upon arrival our children made friends with new kids - but hell there sure are slim pickins here ... Coming from the big city to a county with under 28,000 people total (heck my school graduating class was 2600 itself back 15 years ago) we have had quite a culture shock to say the least. Across the street lives a single mother with 4 children - 3 daughters and 1 son. He is a bit of a handful - and the girls try their mother at any chance they can get... Anyhow - lets get to the fun...

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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 2 Lost to Lust

I felt him come inside of me again and this time I did not panic, I loved the way it felt, I was lost in heaven, I loved Jason, he loved me, he showed me how much he loved me giving me this kind of pleasure. I felt him just stop and throb. I kept my ears listening to the sounds in my ears. After a few moments he pulled back, I started to get up and I felt him hold me down. He pulled out my left ear speaker and he said "I'm going to clean you up, I'm going to lick you, stay just like this,...

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The Adventures of Dennis Alpha Alpha Alpha

She dipped downward and buried her face in my neck, while at the same time, amazingly, reaching back with one hand and grasping my cock to make sure it stayed inside her. This time I was being responsible and wearing a condom. It felt very awkward, but for the next minute or so, I got an inch-away view of her thin, stringy black hair with even a single gray hair near the top of her head where it parted. She’d worn her hair in a ponytail when we first met, but that had gone the way of all bad...

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Why We Haven8217t Met 5 Years Before

Hi friends, this is Karthik, 29 from Chennai, Working in a Reputed IT company. This is a story happening right now 15th Nov-2013 @ 1 am and she’s with me helping to write my debut story in aligning all the incidents happened right from the 1st day i met her. Let’s get started. She- Kalpana is the woman i should have married and led an eternal life with loads of love and sex. But unfortunately fate had it the other way. I met her in June 22nd last year which happened to be the day of my marriage...

2 years ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 13

David returned from the airport and poured himself a cup of coffee. He strolled outside and sat at the patio table, enjoying the cooler morning air while he drank his coffee. His mother had a date that night and demanded privacy. Why? What did she have planned? He couldn't remember his mother ever bringing a man home with her, and until recently, he had not thought of her as a sexual being. No longer. He now knew she had sexual needs no less intense than his own, and certainly as powerful as...

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I can't tell you what woke me; perhaps a stair creaked, though I doubt it. I slipped out of bed and stepped to the window, drawing the curtain back a little to peep through. Sure enough, a tiny figure in a long white nightie was padding across Rustlings Road towards the park. I couldn't see for certain, but I was fairly sure she would be barefoot, too. "Worrizit?" mumbled my wife from the bed. "Calida's going walkabout again," I said. She grunted in acknowledgement. You may think...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter One

Kate and I were friends for about 10 years before we got together, we like many couples had come from poor choice's in relationships. We had lived across the street from each other, she was single at the time and a big flirt! I told her once I used to jack off fantasizing about her, I made this comment on our first date and we have been together ever since!. She is 47,yrs old now 5' 7” tall, has shoulder length light brown hair with blond high lights and I would say she has an average...

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shadowsblade first week part 2

this part deals with Rohanna's first week at the Academy thanks to all who left cool reviews and stayed to see how I developed the character and those around her. Just for info please look into these other 2 authors here at fictionmania Branek and his character --Mel and Nuuan and his character --kelly as both will be teaming up with Rohanna the Drow in 2007 school year as a team written effort. I will add soon to my characters another Vantier to be seen here real...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

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Shy wife blindfolded and shared

This is a true story of how a husband can share his wife without her knowing and you'll have to decide if I've broken her trust or I'm leading her and myself to a better life.We're Dave and Michele and we are both 34 and live in the UK, we've been married for just over 14 years now and my wife came from a strict catholic family. We didn't have sex before we married so I had to be content with the odd fumble and heavy petting with my wife-to-be calling a halt to it when I got carried away.We...

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The Chiefs Daughter Ch3

By Jax_Teller We heard on the police scanner that Dales' truck had been found and there was now a search on for Him. The sheriff was going on the presumption that after he wrecked the truck he'd stumbled in his drunken stupor into the woods to avoid the police finding him drunk. The police couldn't figure out why he would call the sheriff and then flee but they were calling him armed and dangerous and evading detection. As the day went on the search trickled off and by the end of the...

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Ranchers Dream

Thank you to VillageWordsmith, for editing this work for me. I’m enjoying working with you on these stories, as well as future ones I hope you’ll continue reviewing. Thanks, Red * Elizabeth looked out the window of the log cabin, rain was pelting the window. Another day of muck and mud would await her tomorrow. She turned from the cold glass, and slid off her robe. Her bed called to her, an empty place that she went to each night. It had been empty for the past three years, her soul mate long...

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Chapter 24 Master Ds New Class Second Attempt

Master D- When I first met Danny when he was selling drugs to take care of his mother who was sick. As it turns out the boy is a straight killer when other dealers got out of line he made them pay so he has blood on his hands. I know he knows how to fuck because I have seen him in action, so he will be a good fit for us. I go over what he will be making a week and although its less than what he was making on the street he is still interested in being trained he knows that the streets get hot...

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Variation On A Theme Of Human Attraction

Variation on a theme of human attraction. The AGM at Microweb’s Chicago office had just finished. By a bit of good planning and, even although I say it myself, ingenuity – I managed to sustain an interview with the chief sales guy TO introduce my new Android App.. . I was directed into a large fussy waiting room which adjoined the executive conference room so after the meeting was closed and the delegates piled out, I decided to take a gander inside My being of a very inquisitive...

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A Year In My Life Part II 2

A Year In My Life Part II - 2 While we were home for semester break Kate and I had a great time. We got back together with friends that we hadn't seen since high school graduation. Gwen was out every once in a while and her wardrobe was growing. My mom had even seen Gwen a couple of times while we were home. Once when Kate and I were at the mall shopping. We walked right into her in one of the stores. Her reaction was priceless. She of course...

1 year ago
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AssParade Brookie Blair Ass Parade Audition

Brookie Blair is surfing the net and finds herself on ass parade. Her step brother Johnny Love stops by her room only to find himself helping her audition. She wants to know if her ass is fat enough to fit big cocks, Johnny has a big cock and helps her make a sexy tape to audition. See if she has what it takes to drop ass on ass parade. Her fat white ass jiggles fast on some mystical shit and is primed with soap and oil to take a dicking of biblical proportions. Then she gets the cum sauce...

2 years ago
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Sexy Work At Farm

Sexy work at farm By: sam Hi Iss reader another long story for my readers read this and write to me.i m 24 yrs old we had a big farm n there was no one to take care of it so my dad hire a farmer to farm the land.it was my vacation so I was free.My My Dad asked me if I was interested in farming as I was free those day , I said that I was. He called that farmer, and the Farmer knowing my dad, hired me on the spot. That afternoon my Dad, Mom and I went to the farm. I was to buck hay bails on a...

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Nina aunty 4

100% fiction! hi guys this is sundhar again. i hope u liked my last stories and am feeling very thankful to all of my readers. then in this story its with my aunt again with new encounter. as my college life s going as very fine and i was enjoying with my aunt and suddenly priya aunt came with her baby and it was looking just like priya aunt, then she thanked me very much and i replied that " i don't want tanks and and all, i want something else" then she said anything for u dear and she...

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Lake Romp

My wife had these friends who scheduled girls' weekends when the various sports had their play-offs and stuff. I didn't really follow any of that astroturf stuff, but I always encouraged Anna to go along and blow off some steam. Have some innocent fun. They'd travel to a famous old spa, or the gambling boat. I didn't mind the odd empty weekend to just kick around the house alone. After all, when Anna returned, it was always with the full understanding that I'd drag her into the bedroom...

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A New Style of Education Part 21

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 21 The pneumatic drills were better than any alarm and we were wide-awake. I looked at the clock and said, "It's about forty-five minutes before we were going to get up. If we're quick, we'll have enough time for a bike ride." "That's not a bad idea," said Christopher. "Let's do it today as we never know what will happen tomorrow." "Well?" asked Rachel as we sat down on the settee after our ride. We'd just had time for a quick...

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Lee and Lyn World

Lee & Lyn's World Prelog: Doctor CixLeeNen told DanLee and I that we were going to have a child. The Doctor CixLeeNen had the next available name assignments from the central computer. 'Le' was the next available. And as tradition allowed as parents we got to pick the last letter, so we picked S. Our baby would be named Les for their first syllable name. Today was the first day of second year school. Les thought that everyone had on the same uniform again this year...

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a real experience

This story is 100% true. The other stories posted here are my works of fiction. . This one is very real though, and I seek another real encounter to write about, or do some videoing. I had put a few adds on craigslist before, but this time I included pics. No face pics just pics of me face down and ass up. I'm in my late 40's so not in as good of shape as I once was, but my ass and legs are still in great shape. Athletic and muscular. I am very clean and have good teeth as well. A little extra...

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Just a note for you

I just wanted to let you know how much I love our time together. The way you are always in control. The way you make me your own. I know I probably don't tell you enough but I think it's pretty obvious. The way your hands hold me so tightly in place when you're making me swallow or on my hips guiding me.I guess I just can't help myself. Your cock is just so big and it gets so incredibly hard. I think that's what gets to me the most is how hard you get. It always makes me feel like it's me and...

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The Party

"The Party" I was going through my mail and the morning paper when I heard a knock at my apartment door. I looked through the peep hole of my front door to see my new neighbor lady Rhonda standing there waiting as she held a large white box and a few smaller packages. She and her boyfriend Tom had moved in only a couple months earlier. I could feel my stomach begin to churn then heard her knock at the door again. "I know you're in there Tim! Open the door!" I took the chain...

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Last weekend I met up with a girl I had met on the date site POF. So we went to see Think like a man too and it was funny so we had plenty to talk about at the bar afterwards while we were still getting to know each other. A few drinks in and she let's her hair down and starts leaning over the table showing some major cleavage and I start plotting my next move of course. I drove 45mins to meet her and she said earlier her house had people there including her daughter and brother so I'm just...

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Coeds Wild AssChapter 6

They had finally left her alone for a few minutes. Lydia lay against a wooden wall in a small shed attached to the main house. After beating her ass with the belt, Rick had had her taken from the house and stuffed in the shed. It was during this time she learned he was one of the local police sergeants of the small town attached to the compound, and one who was assigned the duty of occasionally patrolling the area as Tom told her they did. The shoemaker, it seems, had often scouted out young...

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How it started4

I was 34 and had just had a hysterectomy after my third daughter had birthing complications. She was a whoops anyway, I already had a 14 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. I had a great life even if I was not feeling sexy after the baby. The baby was almost two months old when my son, Dylan, brought his friend Zach over. Zach was a nice kid, 14 about 5’8 and athletic. His sea blue eyes and light blond hair I thought for sure he was a girl magnet. When he was there he kept...

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George and Carol

Template George and CarolSynopsisCarol, a convicted thief, twice steals from an employer who tries to help her.  George and Carolby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 23

Greg didn't say anything to Bonnie, but he was angry. In fact, he was angrier than he'd been in a very long time. He liked Bonnie. He liked Bonnie a lot. Ever since that first day when he saw her in the gas station, he knew that she was special. It really bothered him that her husband could abuse and harass such a nice woman, and he knew exactly what he was going to do about it. 'I can't go around saving the whole world, ' he thought. 'But this is one little piece of it that I can...

2 years ago
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Hi Many of you will know I am from the states. Lived all over as my pop was in the Airforce. Life in the states in the 60 and 70,s was wild for a girl growing up. Even in good social backgrounds dope was everywhere. So was sex as much as you wanted. The airmen did not mind where they stuck their hard cocks. As I grew I saw many sexual scenes I should not have seen.I often snuck up to parked cars and peeked into windows steamed up by fucking. I saw all sorts. Even caught my mom being banged by...

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My stepmom

I was 22 year old living with my dad and he’s new wife.my parents divorced when i was quite young,anyways,my father remarried a divorcee of 45,she was a mother of five kids who were living with their father.we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment.i was unemployed at the time and my step mom maryam was at home wife.she was nice not to bad looking with medium size breasts, a nice big ass,she was a pleasant woman who always talked about many things ,we had a good relationship ,at first i didnt pay much...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 3 Harrys Barge

Harry took his seat on the river bus from Westminster Pier. The boat was, unsurprisingly for the middle of October, almost deserted. Harry scowled out at the afternoon gloom. He didn't see why this meeting couldn't be in a pub. It would have been warmer. A non-descript, rather short man with thinning sandy hair put his head into the boat's saloon. He looked around a few times attempting to appear nonchalant but looking more furtive by the moment. The shabby overcoat and down at heel shoes...

1 year ago
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Daniela und ihre Wetten

Daniela und ihre Wetten Mein Name ist Paul und ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich kam mit meiner Freundin Daniela, die vor kurzem ebenfalls 18 geworden war, mal wieder von einer Shoppingtour nach Hause. Wir sagten kurz Hallo zu meinen Eltern, die in der Küche saßen und zu meinem 20-jährigen Bruder Robert, der im Wohnzimmer war. Dann gingen wir auf mein Zimmer. Ich musste mich schwer zusammen reißen, dass ich ihr nicht sofort die Kleider vom Leib riss und über sie herfiel. Kurz vorher war Dani nämlich...

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How Me And My Lover Broke Our Virginity And Ended Up Having Sex

Hi everyone, This is my first story if you find any mistakes please forgive me. And please give your feed backs to me so that I can improve.In this there is not only how we had sex but a tragic end to our love story. Let me begin the story. I was at high school I changed my school and joined another school.There I met her and I and her became very good friends . And we passed 12th and joined the same college but we had selected different courses, I was taken science and she commerce. I was...

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Cushion fucking

I’m Shakeel from Karachi again; I got your lot of mails. This is where I introduce the woman in this story. She is my dad elder brothers daughter, so that makes her my cousin. Her name is Irum. I have known Irum, ever since I can remember. We’ve grown up together, and being a Pakistani family I’m sure you know how close families are. She’s just turned 18 now. And I have throughout are lives seen her grow up and become a fully developed young woman. Her body is absolutely beautiful. She is very...

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The Holiday

............... I want you so much”“Well you can have me if you can catch me,” she answered running towards the gate of the complex. He followed her and overtaking used his key to unlock it. She pushed passed him as he had difficulty removing the key and ran on, passed the outdoor and indoor pools and on towards their apartment block. He tried to catch up with her but she beat him up the steps to the door of the apartment. There she had to wait as he climbed the steps and then caught up with...

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InvisiteenChapter 5

Author's Intrusion: In chapters 5 thru 9, Sam explores the darker side of his new powers and it gets to the very edge of Sam going too far, but in chapter 10 Sam comes out of it and the story takes a big turn in its direction. I woke up Sunday morning shaken. Last night's anxiety dream involved many pretty girls begging me to fuck them but I couldn't rematerialize. The dreamed compelled me to ask my sister a few questions. "Sara?" I said, rapping on her open bedroom door and entering....

3 years ago
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Dio the Dom

Dio was not looking forward to his classes today. The dean had it out for him. The professors had it out for him. It seemed like the only people who liked him were on the baseball team with him. But it was what it was. Much to his dismay, when the loud speaker came on halfway through his favorite class, it was his name he heard. "Diomar Desen the Dean expects you in her office at 5pm sharp." Hastily looking at his schedule he was disappointed to see that he'd miss practice today....

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Once a Star

Silent movie start Ashley Templeton gets a chance to restore his failed career after the advent of sound. But there's a price. Once a Star By Ellie Dauber © 2020 "Five minutes, Princess," someone yelled. Ashley Templeton, the _being_ that had been Ashley Templeton, snorted in disgust. * * * * * How had he come to this? He'd been a rising star, a dramatic leading man. 'Yes,' he thought to himself, he was a star, a star of "the Silents. "M- m-my d-damned...

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