Come Here Jim free porn video

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"Come here Jim!" "And what's the magic word?" he replied. "NOW!" Ah! Sisters just what any 13 year old lad wants is two bossy sisters. He got along OK with Kelly and Donna but they always let him know who was boss. "We, err, need you to do something for us," Kelly asked cautiously. "Just ask, saying no is easy," he replied cockily. "See, I said he'd be difficult." Donna looked upset and frustrated. "Let's not beat about the bush. We have a problem, our friend Jane was going to join us doing the Spice Girls tribute at the youth club concert next week." "Yes, I've seen you practising. She was Baby wasn't she?" "Yes, well she only gone and got glandular fever and can't do it." "That's a real shame, can't you get a replacement? How can I help?" The girls paused and smiled at him. "Ooh hang on you don't think, I mean you don't mean..." "Yes you! You're the same size as Jane, you've seen us practising, and you would be perfect. Well apart from being a boy but we can dress you up so no one would know." "You want me to parade around a stage dressed as Baby Spice." "Yes." "No. Definitely not." "Please Jim it would mean a lot to us," pleaded Donna. "No." "You see I told you we were wasting our time. Mum said he'd never agree." Kelly shrugged her shoulders and turned away. "Mum said! You've already asked her?" "Well we could hardly produce her little boy as a girl without her permission could we?" replied Donna He hesitated, they were pushing all the right buttons. He could see they were disappointed about their concert appearance being spoilt, they had put a lot of effort into it. But of course his mother suggesting he wouldn't do something positively incited him to prove her wrong. "OK Jim thanks for listening we'll have to see if we can find anyone else, but I doubt it a this stage." Donna looked sad. "On one condition," he replied. "What, what are you saying?" "On condition that I don't look foolish in front of people I know. Show me what I would look like dressed up like you are now and I decide then." The girls were wearing Lycra bodies, short skirts and calf length boots. Jim was proud of his attractive sisters and appreciated the care they took with their appearance. "Right, err, we could get some of Kelly's clothes ready for you, you're not very far out size wise. Just a minute." Kelly went through her lingerie drawer and produced a pair of black panties. "Go and have a shower and wash your hair so we can style it. These are my gym briefs, tuck Mr. Happy away and they'll smooth everything." He dutifully left the room, returned to his own bedroom and stripped off and dressed in his bathrobe and went and had the shower as requested. "I never thought he'd go for it," said Kelly. "I know, I think it was that bit we said about mum saying he wouldn't do it that worked." "Yes she said that would clinch it, are all men so easily manipulated?" "Not all but it's nice to know female tactics can overcome sometimes!" Jim completed his shower and didn't really consider the implications of his actions until he was towelling himself off and saw the panties he was to wear. The realisation caused stirrings down below and knowing he would never hide this from his sisters caused him to seek relief. The thought of what was to come seemed to arouse him, not what he had expected. When he was ready he 'tucked' his equipment away in the panties and they did indeed hide away his maleness. He wrapped his long blonde hair in a towel and put his robe back on and went back to his sisters in Kelly's room. "Excellent. We do appreciate this Jim. Now sit here and I'll do your hair while Kelly shows you what we have for you to wear. You're not too hairy and we're only practising so we won't do any de-fuzzing." Jim sat and Donna handed him some chocolate brown opaque tights and showed him how to ease them up his legs. They covered the little hair he had and had a lovely silky feel to them and glimmered in the light. He sat properly and Donna began to comb out his hair. They had been confused for three girls when walking together but Donna planned to put in bit of body with her curling tongues. Now Kelly fitted him into a black and lacy bra and filled the cups with tights. It was a modest cup size but felt very unusual to Jim. He was particularly aware to the mounds on his chest when Kelly pulled the brown cotton Lycra body over his head. He could feel the elastic fabric following every form of his body and the poppers sealed him in. The neck had two buttons at the rear and once these were done up it felt like a second skin. Kelly had craftily placed a bead in each of the bra cups and the clinging fabric appeared to reveal a pair of pert nipples. Donna had dried and put a wave in his hair and now put a towel around his neck. He noticed they had covered the mirror to prevent him seeing the finished result. Donna now moved around to face him. "I'm going to put on a little makeup just like we're wearing, nothing too jazzy don't worry." She started with a light foundation and then a minimal application of brown eye shadow and some eyebrow pencil to emphasis his eyes. She finished off with a pink lipstick. Kelly added pendant earrings, and a matching necklace. "OK can you stand up now." Donna handed him a very short suede skirt exactly the same as the two girls were wearing. He felt very exposed now. So this is what it's like for girls he thought, although the clothes did feel very comfortable. He sat again and they handed him a pair of boots again similar to the ones they were wearing. They had to use a shoehorn to get them on but once his feet were in and the zip pulled up they felt amazing. The heel was only two inches so he soon found his balance. "Come over here Ji... no we can't call you that now can we, how about Jemma?" said Donna "Jemma sounds good to me," said Kelly. "Jemma it is then," said the transformed Jim and he walked carefully across to Donna. "Now close your eyes young lady." He did so and Kelly removed the cover from the mirror and joined them. "Right you can open them now!" The first thing he said as he opened his eyes was "Three Sisters". "I don't recognise me! You win." "Kelly, get your camera, I want to capture this moment," said Donna. Kelly quickly set the timer and set it to take five photos, they soon had them on the computer screen. Jemma was even more surprised by how naturally she fitted together with her sisters once she saw the pictures. "Well after all that excitement I need a coffee. I'll put the kettle on, follow me down." Jemma hesitated and Kelly came and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'd just like to say thank-you, it can't be easy for you to do this and we do appreciate what you are doing for us." "Thanks Kelly," she replied. "It feels so different, boys clothes just hang on, girls clothes particularly these are very fitted and yet so light. Come on I need that coffee too." Once they were downstairs Donna had prepared the coffee and they went into the living room to drink it, Jemma was advised how to sit like a lady: smooth your skirt keep your knees together. They chatted about how Jemma looked, when they next had to practice the routine and importantly how they should introduce their new band member to June who was taking the Scary Spice role. In no time at all a car drew into the drive and Kelly exclaimed, "Mum's home!" "Don't worry let's test her out," said Donna. "Kelly go to the kitchen and be reading a magazine at the table, Jemma stay here in the lounge, here's Cosmo to read, and I'll be coming down the stairs as she arrives." Jemma was left on her own for the first time and her mother would see her. Would she be cross? Would she wonder what had happened to her son? She buried her face in the magazine and wondered what she'd got herself into. Mum breezed into the house carrying some shopping bags. "Help me with the rest girls, I need the bathroom," she called. Kelly rose beckoning Jemma to come with her and they went to mum's Metro and brought in the rest of the bags. Mum of course then passed Donna on the stairs, said hello and only once she'd finished did the penny drop. When she came down again she called out with a smile on her face. "Now I'm sure when I went out I only had two daughters." The 'girls' were lined up in the living room. "Well what do you think?" asked Donna. "Jim, how do you feel? Are you alright about this?" "This is Jemma, mum," said Kelly. "Of course yes, Jim's not an appropriate name now, how are your darling? They've done a marvellous job on you, you could be three sisters." "I'm OK mum, it feels unusual but I'm fine." "And will you help them with their show?" "I'll try, I know the routine and when I saw how much it meant to them I couldn't refuse." "Well I think it takes a strong man to do what you're doing, if you are at all unhappy come to me and I will help you or we'll call it off OK?" "Thanks mum, this is just the start, I haven't seen anyone I don't know yet. I was outside before I knew what was happening, it was alright though." "Good, remember what I said, you are not to suffer from doing this. Now you have your next test in a few minutes. Dad will be home at 5 o'clock, he rang earlier and sounded excited, I think he may have something to tell us when he gets home." "Come on Jemma," said Kelly. "Let's go for a walk and get you some practice walking in those boots. It's turning dusky outside so no one will see you." "Go on then, I have to try this." "Good girl, let's get some coats and you'll need a bag." "Eh!" "Now come on, we ladies don't have wallets in our breast pockets, think how uncomfortable that would be. You can borrow one of mine." Soon after Jemma and Kelly were walking down the road arm in arm. (Why do girls do that? thought Jim). This was most unusual, he had to balance in the unfamiliar boots, even though they were a modest heel. Keep the shoulder bag in place, with the extra body bits he now possessed and cope with the feeling of vulnerability as the cool breeze played around his thighs. He had already found the clothes to be comfortable and as they walked chatting aimlessly he forgot about Jim and settled into Jemma. Kelly too relaxed and treated her new younger sister as if she had always existed. "We'll just go around the block, if you are up to it, we'll get an evening paper at the Spar. I assure you, you are totally convincing, I keep forgetting who you really are." "OK, but stay close," Jemma replied. The young boy serving in the shop stared at them as Jemma worried he would, but she noticed how his gaze shifted about their bodies first before alighting on their faces. Kelly smiled as she watched Jemma nervous at the attention she was receiving. There was no hint of discovery, and he smiled as the girls left the shop no doubt hoping they would return. As they started back towards home a Renault Scenic passed and the driver sounded his horn and waved, the car didn't stop and they exchanged puzzled glances. Neither knew anyone who drove such a vehicle. "Friend of yours?" asked Kelly laughing. "Not yet," replied Jemma with a smile. When they returned home the car was on their drive, and they approached intrigued who the owner was. As they walked past the car their father opened the front door. "Well Kelly how do you like my new company car?" he asked. "Three individual seats in the back, you can push that brother of yours out of the way, come on I'll show you." He's not recognised me at all thought Jemma. "Yes it's lovely dad, oh by the way, this is my friend Jemma." "I'm so sorry, forgot my manners, welcome Jemma, Donna has just been telling me you were out with Kelly. Would you like to hop in too? I'd like to see how much space there is with every seat filled, that son of mine chooses tonight to stay over at his mates, honestly!" "Thank-you Mr. Woods, it's a lovely looking car, such a nice colour." Let's play the girly card for all it's worth she thought. Donna and their mother came out as father still excited unlocked the doors with the remote. This was so exciting for him he had taken a chance with this new firm and they had promised a good new car if he passed a probationary period. He left his old Maestro at the scrap yard when he went to pick this car up. "Watch how Donna and I get into the car," whispered Kelly. "Remember to smooth your skirt as you sit and keep your legs together. That's a very short skirt you're wearing." Jemma followed Donna and Kelly's example. As soon as all were installed dad started the engine and off they went, 'Just a quick ride around town'. He was so excited and Jemma was so pleased for her father, she wanted to give him a hug but couldn't. The quick tour was soon over after they had been shown every gadget and feature. Jemma again watched her sisters and followed how they dismounted from the vehicle. "I believe you are stopping over tonight Jemma and that's great as we are all going out for tea. It's a special do, paid for by my company, and I'd said I was taking my wife and three kids. If anyone asks you're my third daughter for tonight if that's OK with you." I'm not sure I'm ready for this thought Jemma. "That's very kind Mr. Woods but I'm not sure if I should be imposing..." "Nonsense my dear, it's our pleasure, anyway you know Donna and Kelly well and you are with us tonight we couldn't leave you behind, could we? OK ladies we are going at 6-30, there's no need to change, you all look lovely as you are." "Well I'm not going out in my office uniform," said mother. "And we've got to freshen our makeup," said Donna. "Definitely!" added Kelly "Oh all right then, soon as you can then ladies." A house full of women, he thought, where's your son when you need him. Wearing a skirt! He hadn't recognised Jim when he drove past Jemma and Kelly but Donna and his wife had thought it best to tell him, it was his decision to string Jim along and pretend he didn't know. To be honest unless he'd been told he wouldn't have realised. He felt it would help Jim to develop his feminine side by going out tonight, he just wished his dad had been as kind with him? Donna and Kelly took Jemma upstairs and showed her how to cleanse her face and remove her makeup. "There's no time to change but we'll freshen our looks," they said. They applied a more dynamic and sexy look for the evening. The colours were darker and mascara and eyeliner were used, a little blusher and then a rich red lipstick completed their work, they also painted her nails a matching red and left her to watch as they applied similar 'warpaint'. Jemma was quite surprised at the difference a little new makeup made to her appearance. Jim had completely disappeared and she was fascinated with her glowing nails. Soon the girls were ready and made their way down to the lounge, their father had already changed, their mother was soon down to join them. "Right ladies off we go!" Their father was still excited as he led his family to his new toy and off to the country club hotel. It was growing dark now but they laughed as they saw five other Scenic's lined up in the car park as they arrived. "Yes I wasn't the only one to get a car today." He laughed. Jemma again followed her sister's lead in getting into and out of the car. It was relatively easy in this mini people carrier as long as she remembered what she was wearing. There were several family groups standing in the bar area and Frank Woods made for his closest colleague Jim Forrest. Jim was also very pleased with his new motor as he had three strapping teenage sons, Kevin, James and Nigel, to transport. They of course weren't thinking about cars when they saw Frank's family. Jemma hadn't realised the situation until she saw the boy's obvious delight. "Don't worry they're only silly boys." Whispered Donna. "Yes but remember I know what 'silly boys' are like and they think I'm like you and Kelly." "And what do you think we are going to let them do?" "Well I don't know but?" "What do you think of us little sister?" Kelly feigned a shocked expression. "I'm sorry, but events are coming at me thick and fast." "Alright Jemma only teasing, we'll look after you. They do look quite tasty though." Kelly hid her smile at her brother's discomfort. The three boys soon manoeuvred themselves to be with the girls and engaged them in small talk, Kelly and Donna soon interrupted when Jemma was lost for words and they enjoyed the company, Jemma felt a glow from the alcohol in the glass of wine she was given. She appeared much older than her 13 years when dressed like this and was not used to drinking apart from some small beers with her father at home. James, the youngest of the boys, was paying her particular attention, his brothers had moved in on Kelly and Donna. The firm had hired a separate room and the party moved from the bar and sat at large circular tables. There were enough seats for both families and the boys managed to place themselves between the girls. The fathers smiled remembering their own teenage years and the mothers kept a close eye on proceedings. James was 14 and while obviously keen on Jemma was inexperienced with girls and quite nervous so she did not feel under any pressure. She kept up small talk with James through the meal and occasionally with the other brothers and their parents. The coffee was served and it looked like the MD was going to make a speech soon. It was a complete surprise for Jemma when she felt Kevin's hand on her thigh. She was shocked, he wasn't even looking in her direction. Her sisters didn't notice her distress and she sat frozen not knowing what to do. She began to blush. James noticed. He knew his brother well and saw the position of his arm. "Just push his hand away." He whispered. Then more loudly, "Come on Jemma, let's get a bit of air before the hot air starts." Kelly and Donna looked up their eyes now showing concern, but Jemma smiled back to indicate that she was OK with this. Kevin looked a little sheepish then returned his attention to Donna. James escorted Jemma from the room with his arm around her waist. Kelly and Donna were slightly concerned they were not looking after their new 'sister' and Donna decided she would check up in a few minutes. As James and Jemma left the room they noticed a conservatory with the doors open onto a patio and he steered her in that direction. There was a wooden bench and they sat down. "I'm sorry about my brother, he can't help himself." "It was nothing really I'm just not used to that sort of attention." Replied Jemma. 'Not used to it at all!' thought the boy within. "Well I think you're really nice, but I wouldn't dream of being so forward. You don't mind being out here with me, my intentions are honourable I assure you." Jemma smiled at James he was trying so hard to be a perfect gentleman. "I don't mind being out here with you, I am enjoying your company very much." It was a lovely night but the air was cool and a sudden breath of wind made Jemma shiver, it was easy to forget what she was wearing didn't cover much. James ever the Gentleman took off his sports jacket and placed it around Jemma's shoulders. His touch made her forget completely the boy within and as she turned to face him the kiss followed automatically. A gentle, soft caress of the lips, the feeling was quite unlike any other she'd had. He was taller than she was, she felt so vulnerable and feminine as he bent down to kiss her. "I'm sorry I took advantage, please forgive me." James surprised at his own forwardness recoiled and sat back. "I'll forgive you if you kiss me again." Jemma surprised herself with her reaction. James, surprised and yet delighted by this turn of events obliged, there was more passion and less hesitation this time and Jemma felt her lips parted by his probing tongue. Looking out of the patio toward the couple Donna and Kelly stood open mouthed with astonishment. "We've created a monster!" whispered Kelly. "What will we do?" "Well they look happy enough to me." Replied Donna. "Don't be silly, what if Mum or Dad see? We'll have to politely interrupt." And with that she coughed loudly. James and Jemma pulled back instinctively and tried to look like they had just been sitting talking. Fooling no one of course. "Come on you two, the speeches are about to start." Called Kelly James and Jemma came back into the building, she handed him his jacket as her sisters smiled wickedly. James smiled weakly as they led Jemma to the ladies room. "Why have we come in here?" asked Jemma. "To repair your lipstick you brazen hussy." "But why?" "We saw you eating poor James alive." "Oh." "Did he force you?" "Well no, it just happened." "I don't know. You put him in a skirt and five hours later he's snogging the boy's." commented Donna. The reference to Jemma's real persona broke the spell she was under and she suddenly realised who she was where she was and how she was dressed. She immediately burst into tears. "Now look what you've done Donna." Kelly was furious with her sister. Jemma wept, she had become one with her feminine character and the rude awakening after the beautiful moment with James had been a shock. "Take me home. I can't do this." Cried Jemma. "Now steady, you know dad can't leave now he's about to get an award you know." Kelly was kind and sympathetic. "Donna, you go back, we'll catch up with you in a minute." "Sorry Jemma, I didn't mean to be cruel." Donna kissed Jemma and left. A lady came in to the washroom and seeing Jemma asked, "What's wrong?" "It's Ok." Replied Kelly. "Just time of the month troubles." "Oh it can be hell at first dear, but don't worry it gets better." "Oh my look at your makeup what a state. Now sit here and I'll fix you up." "No it's OK I'll manage." Replied Jemma. "I insist! We ladies must stick together, now what's your name? I'm Alison "Jemma." "I thought that maybe that boy you left the room with had upset you?" "No, no he's a real gentleman." "Good I'm pleased he looks like a real catch!" Jemma smiled for the first time. "That's better now let's clean you up." Alison wiped her face with some cleansing tissue whilst Kelly looked on. Then she re-applied the makeup and showed Jemma her work in the mirror. Some how Jemma felt her tension released and she hugged Alison. She did really like being a girl. "Thank you, I feel a lot better now." "Good, go and get that boy!" replied Alison "Thanks from me too, I couldn't have done the make-up that well." Said Kelly. "Look after your little sister, they're so much better than brothers. Now come on the speeches start soon." Jemma smiled at Kelly who was resisting laughing out loud and they returned to the function room. James smiled broadly as they returned and Donna looked very relieved. They took their seats as the lights went down. Kelly noticed how James manoeuvred his chair to be alongside Jemma and his arm was soon around her waist and hers around his. Fortunately the Forrest's lived some way away so there wasn't a problem with James being able to find out the truth. Jemma's father had to tell James's dad that she was in fact his niece as he had talked of having a son and two daughters in the past. James and his brothers came to see the 'Spice Girls' in their concert and he ccompanied his 'girl' at the disco afterwards. The girls stayed in the Spice costumes so Jemma was flouncing about in all white with stack-soled shoes, a short dress and a blond wig in bunches. She felt ridiculous but had a good time. James thought it very amusing as the shoes raised her up to his height. Now the concerts were over there were decisions to be made where would Jemma go? Would she return? Donna and Kelly were sure she would. James certainly wanted her to be around.

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Jim was nineteen, a friendly-looking guy who had come to work in the office a few weeks before. I didn’t work closely with him but tried to make him feel welcome. I’m a married guy in his late fifties with three children and my name is Mark. I felt drawn to Jim and caught myself looking at his crotch and legs and imagining him without his trousers on. I began to fantasize about undressing him and fondling him. We went out for lunchtime walks a few times and on several occasions he seemed on the...

2 years ago
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What I Didnt Know About Jim

Introduction: Me and my best friend Jims first time Dear Diary, I was looking at this hot chick with a huge rack at my Denver High. I walked the halls to try to get a bit closer to her, I couldnt hide my boner, it was bulging right out of my jeans. I walked like a cripple for a while until I turned the corner. I bumped into something big and soft, it was her. I was so embarressed, cuz maybe she felt my boner on her warm ass. I was shocked and I started panicking and looking side to side. She...

3 years ago
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Gentleman Jim

I had just turned nineteen with blonde hair to about half way down my back, and a passionate love for the older father figure. Jim and I were now partners, we just clicked straight away much to the dismay of my parents as he was of retirement age. I guess you could call him an oldie, but he certainly was an experienced lover that’s for sure, and knew how to get the best out of me, treating me like a lady in public, and a whore in bed!For an old timer, he had an extraordinary amount of energy,...

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Xhamster Encounter with Jim

I received a message a few months back from a Xhamster user saying we are not too far apart from each other and needed to meet. I messaged him back and asked how close he was to a town I was going to visit on business and I was excited to find out he was only 20 minutes away. Me and Jim messaged a few time to find out his likes and how I could please him since that is my favorite thing to do anyways.The day before my trip I sent Jim an message letting him know I would be in town the next...

4 years ago
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Week End Fun with Jim

We were sitting around just relaxing after dinner at Jim's house, where we were staying. Ed had just gone into the bathroom to take a pee. As soon as he went into the bathroom, Jim moved over and started hugging me and kissing me, running his tongue inside of my mouth and his hands on my tits, rubbing them and fingering the nipples. Oh, I was hot for him. We had been living with him a couple months, here in Anchorage, Alaska. Ed, my husband, and he had been real good friends for many years...

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sj33 and jim

id need to have had a drink or a joint before jim got there, id b nervous aswell as excited n I kno u wld too. jim would arrive n we'd hang out down stairs n chill for a bit. after a while id take a deep breath n lean over n kiss u then stand n go over n kiss jim n squeeze his crotch n say "im going to get Bella". I go upstairs n change into bellas biker corset, lace knickers n biker boots. I tie my hair up high n lay out black ribbons n toys, drawing the curtains n pulling back the duvet,...

4 years ago
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My friend Jim

I had come home off of leave to see my family and my old friend Jim. We had known each other since c***dhood but became close running partners at the age of 21 when we both returned home. For two years we hung out getting high, going out drinking and having a good time just partying.Jim was a red head with long red hair a thick well trimmed red beard and a lightly freckled skin tone . Same medium height and build as I, we met up again at my old girlfriend’s house. We were both driving the same...

2 years ago
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Tale of Monster Jim

THE TALE OF MONSTER JIMWhen we left my former Master we went down to Monster Jim’s extended limo. He got in first and laid On the bed. He talked into the mike and the car started. I took off his pants and started to take him in my mouth. He got raging hot and grew to his 14 inches. I then climbed on then he went into me up to his balls. I love it. I kept going up and down and he kept with me. We went that way for about 20 minutes when he said suck me. I got off and he came in my mouth....

4 years ago
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My longtime friend Jim who I hadn't seen for two years came to visit me recently for a week. After getting him settled in putting his things in my room we decided to go outside and shoot some hoops. As we changed into our shorts and tank tops I noticed Jim seemed to have a rather nice bulge in his underwear, much bigger than I remembered. We finished dressing and went outside. We played a couple rounds and it wasn't long before we called it quits, it was just too hot outside. Soaked with sweat...

3 years ago
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The End of Jim

Jim was a mean man there was no way to pretend otherwise. When he rode into town in his stolen car people just seemed to avoid him by instinct. Even though they might not know who he was, he threw off a vibe to all that saw him to turn around and run. Today it was the unlucky fate of Kansas City to fall prey to Jim. The first person to notice the brand new 1928 Stutz was Mrs. Jenny Johnson who was at the time just leaving the Kansas city savings and loan. She noticed the beautiful sleek black...

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back to Jims

Sitting in bed, I couldn't sleep. Jim touching me played over and over. I finally fell asleep. Still needing money I desided to go back and do the jobs he wanted. Finally the day came and I went to Jims house. " You came. Wasn't sure if youI would" Jim said. "I told you I'd be back" I reminded him. He let me in and walked me back to the den, then when to the kitchen and brought back two beers. He asked me how my week was, and how I was doing. I told him" I have to admit, I wasn't sure if I was...

2 years ago
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Riding with Jim

Today is a day like any other I thought to myself as I got on the train to head back home from a long day at school. I went to college in the city and commuted to and from my apartment everyday. Because I had such a long commute, I took one of the trains that travels further out of the city then normal. I was just about to start reading my book when Jim, the man who comes around and punches everyones tickets walked by, smiled and winked at me like he always did. I knew he found me attractive,...

1 year ago
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Linda and Jim

Linda was a short blond little wet cunt hole. He hit her cherry and pushed past it."OH JESUS GOD." she cried.Jim fucked her like a mad man and shot sperm into her receptive hole."AGGGGHHH." she screamed as she climaxed."MAKE ME HAVE A BABY!"They were finally worn out from their efforts and Linda slept with Jim that night like man and wife. Linda was so happy! When they woke in the morning they had beautiful sex again. Linda and Jim got dressed and he drove Linda to her parents house. Linda...

First Time
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Kim Meets Master Jim

Their first encounter had been well planned. Since Kim and her master had already corresponded via email for some time and even chatted on the phone, they knew they were ready for the real thing at last.Master Jim had booked the hotel room, stocked it with liquor, then went to the spacious lobby. He sat down and nonchalantly set the room key on the adjoining table. He waited for what seemed like an eternity.Just a couple of minutes late, she walked in. And my, did she look fine, every bit as...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

4 years ago
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Mare finally cucks Jim

Delayed over a week. Today worked. Jim has a weeks business in London. Left out of JFK this afternoon. Plan was for Mary Ellen to come over after dropping him off. Downpour most of the day. Instead of being back by 9, more like 11.Great afternoon/early evening. I'm writing from great room looking in at 3 sleeping bodies, my bff a cum sponge and loving every drop.Started with k**s out of state (thank the lord!). I came out of the shower with nothing on but water. Went to spare room,...

1 year ago
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Mary Ellen gets closer to cucking Jim

I spilled the beans earlier in my recollections about hooking up with Nick.Get screwed that good and even 15 years later one remembers. So we told for my close friends to see (those who know all the players) about how hot Mary Ellen for Nick. Over the weekend we had a bunch of folks over. The yard shed behind the pool is split into sections. Pool pumps and motors on one side and party supplies in the other side. The side with the party supplies faces nothing but about 1/2 a mile of green...

3 years ago
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Bukkakke Jims

The true story of the one time, I got to do bukkakke. All thanks to JimOne time when I was in college. I was 27. I met a guy, Jim. He was 24. He invited me over to suck his cock. Told me about these parties he had too. I thought that sounded really cool.The firs couple times I went over to his place. I blew him while he watched porn. I thought it was pretty cool. I must have blown him for about 5 or 6 hours. The first time he came 4 times. The second time he came three times. They were always...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXXI 8211 Ek Baar Andhere Me

EK BAAR ANDHERE ME Ye baat March mahine ke aakhiri saptah ki hai. Maine aur mere chudakkad pati ne ye nischay kiya ki us raat ko ham apna manpasand chudai ka khel andhere kamre me, bina ek dusre ko dekhe huye khelenge. Ab tak unhone jab bhi mujhe choda tha ya jab bhi maine chudwaya tha, hamesha ya to raat ko poori roshni me ya din ki roshni me. Chudai karte samay roshni aur ek dusre ko dekhna ham dono ko hi bahut pasand hai. Ham dono hi andhere me chodne aur chudwane ka naya anubhav karna...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...

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The RescuedChapter 55 SM03Tau Day 8 Theresas Room

Theresa lay on her bed under Erica's watchful eyes. She felt miserable. She'd failed her master, not once, but repeatedly. He'd done so much to please her, and all she'd done in return was anger him. She should have known better than to strike Jane, no matter the provocation. Master would defend himself as he saw fit; it wasn't the place of a would-be slave to strike a free woman, to usurp Master's right to do so if he wished, or to ignore the comment as beneath notice. Her heart was...

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Theresa Part 4

I began to think of how to make this a reality and decided that if I ever got the chance I would make this a reality.Having shared her with another man I wanted to see her used and have sex with a woman. However, first I had to think how and with who and after a bit of thought came up with the ideal woman. Denise was a woman who really knew how to stand out. She was beautiful, 5’ 6 inches tall and black, with beautiful, exotic almond shaped eyes and a beautiful smile with her permanent bright...

2 years ago
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Theresa and Beverly Share

I still can't believe the time I had last night. It's now Sunday morning and the sun has been up for a couple of hours. My wife Beverly and I just said goodbye to our new friends Theresa and Craig. The four of us had the time of our lives last night, an experience that none of us will soon forget. To help remember I decided to write down how our evening transpired. Here is the story of what happened. Bev and I had heard about this nice old bar in a neighboring town from friends. The place...

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Sarah and Sister Theresa

" ... And thank you so very much for coming." Sarah said as she shook hands with Mrs. Anderson. As she closed the classroom door behind the woman, Sarah let out a sign of relief. She thought Mrs. Anderson would never finish. Saint Francis's Open House had ended almost a half hour ago, but Mrs. Anderson had to stay behind and go on and on about her precious little "kitten" and how Sarah should be spending more time showcasing her talents. It could've been worse, she thought, Jim Anderson...

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Theresa and Her Kids Pt X

“Thanks Theresa” Jillian beamed, “of course you look terrific as usual” she laughed. They’d been having this weekly lunch date for the last several months and had become much closer than the casual acquaintance they previously shared due to the close friendship of their sons. Jillian had been divorced for 3 years now and she was finally feeling almost normal as a woman once again. Getting out with Theresa each week had helped in that cause. Luckily the alimony she received from her...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 1

My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....

4 years ago
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Blowing CometComet, my 5 year old golden retreiver, and I have been playing for a coupleof years now. But until recently I've never been able to get him to mountmy mouth. It finally worked.We usually start out playing around on the floor with each other. I'll gethim a bit excited, then reach under him and rub his sheath. As soon as myhand makes contact he stops and stands perfectly still. He knows what iscoming.I'll stroke his cock a few minutes till it starts peeking out. Then...

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Comet Q

Comet Quetzalcoatl—technically Comet C-2014/UN271, but called Comet Q because of some inane conspiracy theory connecting it to the gods of the Aztec calendar—curled across half the sky, visible even in the daytime, looking to Lena like the arched eyebrow of a disapproving parent.Surely the end of the world was at hand.It meant nothing of course; the comet was just another dead space rock from the Oort Cloud, unfortunate enough to be visiting Earth’s neighborhood at a time when science was...

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Theresa and her dad

Theresa quickened her pace as she neared her home. Almost running now, she reached her block panting hard, the images of the day’s events gathering like a rain cloud in her mind. The day had started innocently enough. Going to school at seven, reporting for flag rising, the usual. But there was where the similarities stopped. Returning to class, Theresa was unable to concentrate. Glancing sideways, she found herself staring at the crotch of her classmate. At the same time, she was shocked to...

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Sister Therese Maries Star Pupil

Sister Therese Marie’s Star Pupil NOTE: This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental. I am an ex-nun—Sister Therese Marie, Sister of the Society of Thomas Aquinas. I have Michael to thank for that “ex.” As you may have guessed, the Sisters of the Society of Thomas Aquinas are a teaching order. I was 23 years old and in the third year of my novitiate, less than a month away from taking my final vows. I was teaching eighth grade...

First Time
2 years ago
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Dream Spheres

When I woke up, that’s not right. I didn’t really wake up. When I first became aware of my surroundings, I was standing in space surrounded by billions of stars. Everywhere I looked there were stars and blackness. Something was wrong. I wasn’t sure what it was at first. Then I wished to see one of the stars a little more closely, suddenly I was there next to the star I had wished to be close to. I was surprised to find it wasn’t a star. It was, well, I didn’t know what to call it. It was a...

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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 10 A Half Day With Theresa

The next day, Theresa was at our door at eight am. I answered the door. She walked in. "Where's Pyx?" she asked urgently. "She's fixing breakfast. And you're still dressed." The nun took off her habit, hastily. All her sense of modesty around me was gone. "Vonda can help you with your grooming." Theresa looked past me. "No. I'm fine." "Are you sure? I'll inspect you, right now. If you are found wanting I WILL punish you." This made her pause. "Maybe, Vonda should take a...

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Theresa Part 31

I arrived about 1.30pm. It was late summer, it was a glorious day, very warm and I suggested that she get changed. ‘How do you want me to look?’ she asked. I told her what to wear and twenty minutes later she came back down stairs and stood in front of me. I sat back and checked she had dressed as asked. Normally, Theresa would be wearing a smart jacket and blouse and either a knee length skirt or Trousers. Today was different. She had put on a light blue, short summer dress that buttoned down...

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Theresa The Elder

I was doing what many fifteen year olds do at 11:30 on a Friday night when they're in the privacy of their own bedroom. I was reading through the letters in Penthouse forum and jerking off. I had my towel next to me all ready to catch the load and was reading about a male real estate agent that was fucking two lesbian clients in a prospective house. It was a very well written piece (though not exactly a believable one) and I was heading for the final push when a loud bang against my window...

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Cousin Billy and Theresa

It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...

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The Courtship of Maria Theresa

It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....

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My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...

2 years ago
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Taking Theresa

"Why won't you choose me? I bring you all those other girls, and you take them. Yeah, not all of them, but, more than half." "Theresa..." "You think I don't hear them screaming in ecstasy? Almost every night? I do. I hear them. I want to feel that good. I want YOU to make me feel that good." "Theresa, stop." "Why should I? Or do you mean I should stop bringing you sluts to fuck until they can't stand it any more?" "If you wish..." "What I wish is that you'd give me a...

3 years ago
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Beti Ki Jaga Maa Chud Gayi Andhere Me

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Ye bat us time ki he jab me class 9th me tha....

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