Adam's Pregnancy free porn video

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Adam's pregnancy by Melissa Tawn Adam Domanski considered himself to be lucky to have all of the opportunities he had in life. His father, the late Prof. Wlodzimierz Domanski, defected from Poland at the height of the Cold War by singlehandedly stealing a light plane and piloting it to Denmark, flying very low to escape detection by the Polish and East German radar. After a short period of newspaper and television fame, he settled down to the relative obscurity of teaching chemistry at a small American college, met and married a Polish-American woman, and fathered one child, Adam, who was brought up in a household which was both deeply conservative politically and very Catholic. The language of the house was Polish, and Adam grew up speaking it fluently. Adam was a good and serious student, who met and married a good Catholic girl, Mary-Ellen McCarthy, while both were undergraduates. They were virgins until their honeymoon. After he graduated with honors, Adam went on to law school, where he had achieved good grades, but -- to admit it - - did not find much satisfaction in the minutae of the law. One day, one of his law professors called him into his office and asked Adam for help. The professor had been doing some consulting to an American corporation which was trying to sign a very large export deal with the Polish government, and urgently needed some legal documents translated from Polish to English. Did Adam know anyone who could do it? Adam offered to do it himself, and found that he had no trouble at all finding the precise translations of the legal terms. He even liked the task, and was very surprised when the professor insisted on paying him at the going rate -- over $5000 -- for his work. The word got around and soon Adam decided that he had found his vocation. He left law school at the end of the year and opened an office for legal translations. First, between Polish and English, which he did himself. Later, he added a young Russian-American lawyer, Olga Yablokova, who handled legal translations between Russian and English and an Afro- American woman, Tracy Green, who had a master's degree in Slavic languages from Georgetown University and several years' experience in a government agency (best left unnamed -- as she put it) before she decided to leave Washington after her husband died on assignment for the same unnamed agency. Since Tracy had no law background, she acted as office manager in order to free Adam and Olga to concentrate on actual translation work. Clients would talk to her first, and would usually be startled when she conversed with them in fluent Russian, Polish, or other Slavic languages. Since she was also a generation older than Adam and Olga, she soon became the office "housemother," helping everyone with their personal problems as well. When Adam's father died suddenly of a stroke, she comforted him and helped him get over the loss and the pain. Finally, Maria Wajch, a young lady just out of highschool, joined the group as secretary and general gofer. Adam and Mary-Ellen were very much in love, and that love grew over the years, though it was accompanied by one deep sorrow: they did not have any children. Many years and dollars were spent on various doctors and spiritual counselors, but to no avail. Finally, after many tries, Prof. Harrison at the University Hospital pinpointed the problem -- a malformity in Mary-Ellen's womb which prevented any fertilized ovum from developing. There was hope, however, albeit rather slim: the doctor suggested an experimental technique whereby an ovum from Mary-Ellen be fertilized by Adam's sperm in a laboratory, and them implanted outside the womb, where it could develop in its own sac. The baby would then be delivered by Caeserian section, when the time came. This procedure, he explained, had been successfully tried on sheep and cows. but had never been done on humans. His team, however, had obtained permission to attempt it and, if Adam and Mary-Ellen were willing, the cost of the procedure and followup treatment would be covered from their research grant. After a lot of soulsearching and prayer, and after consulting with their family priest, they agreed. Three months went by, as Mary-Ellen was extensively tested. Then, the day finally arrived. In separate rooms, Adam contributed sperm and Mary-Ellen contributed ova. They were told to wait for two hours to see if the laboratory fertilization was a success. Having nothing to do, they decided to go to a coffeeshop across the road from the hospital, to get something to eat. They were so excited, they held hands and had eyes only for each other. As they crossed, they did not see the car, driven by a highly intoxicated dirver, which ran a red light and was headed right towards them ... ---- When Adam woke up, he was in a hospital bed, with one leg in a cast and traction and his head and left arm heavily bandaged. He felt terrible. Next to him sat his mother, and Father McQueen, his parish priest. Crying, his mother filled him in on what happened: Mary-Ellen had been killed outright in the crash, and Adam had been uncoscious for over 24 hours. There appear to be no major injuries, but he would have to remain in the hospital for at least another three weeks. (He was lucky that the accident occurred right outside of the hospital, so that he was rushed into ER immediately, which was probably what saved his life.) He could not even get up to attend Mary-Ellen's funeral. Needless to say, Adam was crushed, and even Father McQueen's kind manner did little to comfort him. It took almost a week before Adam's grip on reality returned, and he was able to think straight about his situation and about the future. His mother and Father McQueen had been daily visitors, as had been Olga, Tracy and Maria, who assured him that the work at the office was continuing with no problems and that he should feel free to take as much "leave" as necessary from the pressures of work. The couple's many friends filled the room with flowers and kind words about Mary-Ellen and there was talk of memorializing her contributions to various church activities. And then, a week after the accident, Prof. Harrison and his assistant, Dr. Anne Mayberry, came to visit, bringing a major problem that had to be solved immediately. Everyone, it seems, had forgotten about the original purpose of Adam and Mary-Ellen's visit to the hospital -- the fertility treatment. The lab tests had shown that Mary-Ellen's ovum had. indeed, been successfully fertilized, and the embryo was now developing. It was time, imperatively, to make a decision what to do, since the embryo could not be kept alive in the laboratory for more than a few additional hours. Adam's eyes immediately filled with tears -- it must be allowed to live, so that it will be, in some sense, the continuation of Mary-Ellen's life. Was there not any other woman in whom it could be implanted? Dr. Harrison explained that there would be no chance of implanting the embryo in a stranger -- the body would reject it. The only hope was finding somebody which a close genetic identity to the parents. Unfortunately, Adam was an only child, and Mary-Ellen had two brothers, but no sister. Adam asked for a few moments to consult with Father McQueen. It was the priest's opinion that, from the Church's position, everything should be done to save this living thing struggling to be born. There seemed to be no way out, and he and Adam both turned to silent prayer and asked for guidance. Finally, Adam came to a decision. Calling Dr. Harrison back into the room, he asked, "Can you implant the embryo in my body?" Dr. Harrison was startled, but admitted that it might be possible. "Then do it," said Adam, "Mary-Ellen gave her life so that child might be born; I cannot have its death on my conscience." Things moved quickly. Within two hours, Adam had been sedated and transfered to a gurney. When he was returned to the room several hours later, he was still unconscious, but there was an additional scar on his abdomen, where the embryo had been implanted in a sac next to his intestine. Now it was a matter of waiting to see what would happen. ---- For another three weeks, Adam remained in the hospital, immobile in his bed while his leg and arm healed. Twice daily, members of Prof. Harrison's team visited him, took blood and urine samples, and sometimes scanned him with various exotic machines. Finally, when he was ready to leave, he was taken in a wheelchair to the office of Dr. Mayberry, who would be directly in charge of monitoring his progress. "Call me Anne," she said, "We are going to be seeing a lot of each other for the next nine months. How do you feel at the moment?" she asked with a smile. Adam said that he didn't feel anything special, and was sure that the implant had failed. "No," said Anne, "it worked. You are, as best we can determine, pregrant. The embryo has built its sac around itself, and is developing as one would expect. Your body is undergoing many changes, without you feeling them. Our tests show that it is producing a large quantity of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone -- this is necessary in order that the baby develop properly. You will notice the changes in a few weeks, when your breasts begin to grow. The areolas around your nipples will enlarge and darken too. This is necessary as your body begins to prepare itself towards breastfeeding after the baby arrives. In general, expect that your body will also become more feminine. Your voice will change, and so will your psychological reactions. You are also going to feel more tired. That too is normal. Also, be prepared for the possibility of nausea in the morning or at other times during the day. The important thing is to eat properly, get plenty of rest, and be prepared for what is coming. I will be seeing you as often as you need me to, but certainly twice a week, because we want to keep a very close record of your physical changes." Adam just sat there, not knowing what to say. He looked at the floor, not at the doctor. Anne smiled. "I know you suffered a great loss, Adam, that nothing can repair. But you also have elected to have the unique chance of bringing a life into the world, and be part of that wonderful miracle which God has given to the human race. So be proud of yourself, hon, and carry your baby with love and dignity." She gave him a booklet from pregnant mothers, and a swift hug, which he did not return. Adam's mother drove him back to his house. He sat in the car and looked moodily at the floor of the car and did not speak. When they arrived, he got out of the car, felt dizzy all of a sudden, and then vomited all over the garage floor. His mother was horribly frightened, and wanted to take him back to the hospital, but he said no, and told her that he had something to tell her when they went inside. It was going to be somewhat of a shock. "I am going to be a grandmother," she said after Adam explained what happened. "This is not the way I anticipated it, but you made the right decision, and I will stick by you and help you any way I can." Adam hugged her tightly. "I need it mom, I need all of the love and care I can get very badly. For now, I just want to rest. I feel very tired." Adam's mother understood, and unpacked his bag, while Adam slipped into bed. She smiled when she saw the booklet which Dr. Mayberry had given him, and thought about her own pregnancy. She must have dozens of things in the attic which Adam will need. She would have to check things out. Tracy, Olga and Maria came over that afternoon, and Adam felt that he had to tell them about his situation too. They were both overjoyed, especially Olga and Maria, who wanted to know everything he was feeling. He had to promise to tell them what it was like at every stage of the pregnancy. Tracy was much more practical. Her first concern was who would take care of him now. "You clearly can't do all of the housework yourself, in your condition," she insisted, "especially since you don't have a man to help you out." Adam was afraid that it wouldn't "look right", but the next day, after vomiting again while trying to make morning coffee, he gave in. A compromise was reached: he talked to Dr. Mayberry and they decided that a nursing student would be assigned to live in Adam's house and take care of him, while at the same time monitoring his medical progress. That afternoon she showed up, a diminutive and almost-hyperactive young lady named Kathy Stryon, who said that she had experience before with "expecting mommies" and could handle anything. When Adam laughted at that description, she just smiled and said that Anne insisted that she treat Adam just like any other pregnant woman. "In fact," she decided, "from now on I am going to call you ... Wanda, which will be more appropriate as things get ... rounded out." Adam was not too crazy about that but Tracy, when she came over that afternoon with a large supply of groceries, loved it. "It is a good Polish name, hon," she said. "Just think about Wanda Landowska, the famous Polish pianist. You are going to be Wanda, the lovliest mother in the office." After a few days at home, Adam (or Wanda, as everyone -- including his mother -- now insisted on calling him) felt ready to return to the office. He had gotten used to the morning sickness and managed to live with it. His chest area was very sore, and he did notice some swelling there, or so it seemed. He also noticed that he hardly needed to shave any more. Kathy insured that he stick to a healthy diet and did some mild exercises to help overcome his tiredness. Still, he found out that it was harder for him to concentrate on work, and that every so often he would just sink back in his chair and stare at the wall. When that happened, Olga or Maria would come in and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and ask him if he was all right. There were days when he could work well, but days when he would feel so dizzy and lightheaded that nothing would get done. Maria had gotten into the habit of putting a vase of fresh flowers on his desk in the morning, saying that expectant mothers should have happy things to think about. He no longer objected to being refered to as a woman. Indeed, it was beginning to feel sort of natural. And when one of the "other" girls in the office kissed him, he would blush and smile. And he would think about the baby. He often dreamt about it, living inside him, turning from an embryo into a fetus, and from a fetus into ... At the end of the second month, Dr. Mayberry was able to tell Wanda that they now knew for certain that the fetus was female. Wanda kissed her. He had been hoping so much for a girl, who would of course be named Mary- Ellen. ---- As the second trimester began, Wanda began noticing that his clothes no longer fit well, they constricted him. His mother, Tracy, Olga, Maria, and Kathy were all of the same opinion -- he had to buy maternity wear, including maternity dresses. However, Wanda objected that he couldn't very well go arould looking like a "man in a dress," and so they decided that he had to be taught how to present himself as a woman. That meant, of course, getting an appropriate hairstyle, learning the appropriate mannerisms, and learning how to dress in a whole new wardrobe. Wanda did not like the idea, but he was clearly outnumbered and, really, was too lightheaded and uncertain of himself to argue much. In fact, he noticed that for the past month or so he was unable to really make a decision and stick to it. Tracy had taken over the total management of the office and she assigned work to him just as she did to Olga, That was OK, however; he was not sure he could trust himself to make business decisions any more. And si, one day Tracy and Wanda's mother came over while he was away at the office, bagged all of his male clothes, and put them in the attic. In their place, they brought a compelte selection of maternity slacks, skirts, tops, and dresses, ciomfortable but stylish shoes, and lingeree, including the bras which he was beginning to definitely need. Frilly nighties replaced his pyjamas, and a dressing table was added to his bedroom, with enough lotions and cosmetics "to cover the world," as he said later. A well-stocked jewelry box was added, containing some very expensive pieces handed down from his grandmother. Of those, the most important, in his mother's words, were his grandmother's wedding and engagement rings. Wanda should wear them all the time, she insisted, so that nobody would whisper behind his back. Surprisingly, they actually fit his ring finger. Kathy took it upon herself to redecorate Wanda's room in an appropriately-feminine style. At the same time, Wanda's mother brought over many things that she felt that would be needed, including a sewing machine, which she insisted on teaching Wanda how to use, and some baby furniture for the guest bedroom, which was to become the baby's room in time. It was not easy. Despite all of the support from his own "fabulous five fans," as Wanda liked to call them, Wanda had a hard time adjusting. The first time he came to the University Hospital dressed in a skirt and blouse, even though Kathy accompanied him, he felt he was going to die of embarassment. Dr. Mayberry, however, did her best to put him at ease, taking it all as very natural. She was also very encouraging about the baby. It was developing well, and the ultrasound pictures showed no problems at all. Gradually, it all came together though, and by the middle of the fourth month of his pregnancy, Wanda was as used to his new clothes as he had been to his old ones. Being at work was simpler. Tracy had taken over the total management of the office and she assigned work to him just as she did to Olga. That was OK, however; he was not sure he could trust himself to make business decisions any more. As far as clients were concerned, Adam had taken an extended leave and there was a new woman replacing him. His morning sickness was now past, and he could concentrate more on his work. Except for those times when he leaned back daydreamed about the baby. By the fourth month, he was definitely beginning to "show," and Tracy bought him a special cushion for his office chair to help him manage the back pain. He also had trouble sleeping, for a while, because of the shift in weight in his body, but managed to find a comfortable position rather quickly. Fortunately, he did not have the gum and nosebleed problems that many pregnant women have. Following Kathy's advice, he ate a calcium-rich diet so that the baby would have strong bones. He was glad now for the wardrobe of maternity clothes that he had. In fact, he really liked them. He also got used to putting on makeup in the morning, and no longer needed Kathy to help him. Surprisingly, he enjoyed that too, and would occassionally experiment with new and different looks. Kathy had arranged for him to visit a beauty salon; at first he was very apprehensive, but he was treated well there, and by now he was getting to be a regular customer. His regular hairdresser kept on inquiring about the baby and, when the baby started kicking and he allowed her to feel her growing tummy, she almost screamed with excitement and then refused to charge him for that day's treatment. In order to look more feminine, he had tips added to his fingernails and enjoyed looking as his longer, thinner-looking hands with their bright red polish. His toes has the same color, even though it became harder and harder to see them, as his pregnancy became more advanced. But Kathy insisted on applying the polish to them, saying that a woman, even when pregnant, had to look her best. --- When Wanda entered his third trimester, Dr. Mayberry insisted that he start attending classes for expectant mothers. While it was clear that his baby would be delivered by Caeserian section, and not by natural childbirth, she said that he had to learn about breastfeeding, as well as about the changes he was going to undergo during the final three months. Also, she said, he would learn to bond with other mothers-to-be. Wanda didn't even flinch at that. He was, by now, so used to thinking and acting like a woman, that the term didn't faze him. He didn't even get upset when his mother called him "my blossuming lovely daughter" and warned him to take care of himself, since he was carrying her granddaughter in there. Wanda found breastfeeding classes very interesting. Dr. Mayberry assured him that he would be able to breastfeed the baby and, in fact, used a breast pump to extract some milk from his (now C- cup) breasts to prove it. He loved the feeling, and at night would dream of holding little Mary-Ellen in his arms and nurturing her. He thought about the baby constantly. When his mother offered to teach him how to knit, he gladly accepted and, by the beginning of his third trimester, had already knitted a quilt for the baby, and was going to begin on some booties. He would sometimes take his knitting to work with him, much to the delight of the other women in the office. One of the problems of the third trimester was his frequent need to go to the bathroom. Since he started dressing as a woman, he had, of course, been using the women's rest room, but at first had always made sure it was empty before he entered. Now, there were times when he could not afford to wait, and often would rush in while Tracy or Olga were still there. Needless to say, they never said anything about it, even when, once, he came in just as Maria was changing her tampon. He learned to elevate his legs while he was working, and to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. His belly seemed to be so huge, and growing every day, that sometimes he was sure he would burst. The baby would kick him at the most unexpected moments, and sometimes he nearly lost his balance. Even though he always took Kathy's advice and wore very comfortable and sensible shoes, he felt surprisingly attached to the low heels he had worn during his second trimester. He missed how his legs felt nice and sexy. Tracy assured him that the sexiest thing about a woman is a pregnant belly. Meanwhile, the workload in the office increased. When it was clear that Wanda could no longer carry his share of the load, Tracy decided to hire another worker to help him handle the Polish translation work. The choice fell on Jerzy Dudek, a recent immigrant from Warsaw with a law degree from there. At first, the others were apprehensive about having a man working in "this henhouse," but even Wanda agreed to it in the end, since they could find nobody else. Of course Jerzy was not told that Wanda was anything except a pregnant woman who needed an assistant to carry out her duties. He was expected to help him until he gave birth, and then stay on for a few months while Wanda was on maternity leave. Jerzy was five years older than Wanda and treated him, as everyone else, with an old-world deference that Wanda remembered from when he was little. Jerzy always referred to "Madame Tracy," "Madame Olga," and "Madame Wanda," and would kiss their hand with a very exaggerated motion. He was especially solicitious to Wanda, because of his condition, and would always insist on holding his chair for him and on helping him on with his coat. Often, he would drive Wanda home and, after a while, would be invited in for a cup of coffee as a reward. Wanda had to admit that she enjoyed his attention, and looked forward to it. When, one day, Jerzy invited Wanda to a concert by the visiting Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and, before he thought about it much, Wanda accepted. Only later that night, did he gasp when he realized what that meant. Kathy, however, was delighted. She went with Wanda to pick out a new dress, appropriate both to his condition and to the occassion, and some new shoes and a handbag to go with it. When Jerzy came to pick him up, he brought a large bouquet of flowers and Wanda thanked him with a peck on the cheek -- it just seemed like the natural thing to do. After the concert, when he escorted him home, Jerzy kissed him on the lips. Wanda smiled and returned the kiss. He had had a wonderful evening, and dreamt about Jerzy that night -- not for the first time. From that day on, Jerzy and Wanda would go out together often. Nothing sexual happened between them beyond short kisses. Jerzy was too much of an old-world gentleman to try anything with an obviously-pregnant woman. Wanda, for his part, forgot that he was not a woman, and just enjoyed being in the company of a nice male companion who flattered and pampered him, with whom he could speak Polish, and with whom he had so much in common. ---- And then, before he knew it, "the date" approached. Dr. Mayberry was the first to breach the topic. "We have to schedule the birth," she said. "Will a week from Wednesday be OK?" Wanda was shocked and unprepared. "Look at you," said Dr. Mayberry. "If you get any bigger you won't fit through the door. You have a healthy wonderful young girl inside of you and she wants to get out." Wanda burst into tears. "It is all right, honey, it is all right," Dr. Mayberry comforted her. "Go home and have Kathy pack a hospital bag for you. She will know what to put in it, and she will accompany you to the hospital." On the evening before the Wanda was scheduled to go to the hospital, Tracy, Olga, Maria, and Kathy threw a "coming out" party for the baby. Jerzy was there too, but while all of the women were so excited and made a big fuss, he was surprisingly quiet and sat by himself in a corner, in deep thought. Then, finally, he pulled Wanda aside and asked to talk to her privately. "Madame Wanda," he said quietly as they sat together on the sofa, "tomorrow you will have your baby. I know that the baby's father is no longer with us, and it will be bad for a child to grow up like that with no father. It is bad and it is wrong. Madame Wanda, you know that you are very special to me. I have been thinking about this a lot, though we have never talked about it. Madame Wanda, will you honor me by being my wife?" Wanda looked at him, his eyes filled with tears ... and he fainted. (to be continued)

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ps (to Casey): Thanks for the fan e-mail. Like I told Jon-J, I ain't admitting nuttin. But I love having guys lusting over me even if I'm not the sex pot we both wish I was. ps (to hsteffee): You didn't sign your e-mail, so I don't know if you want love and kisses. But thanks for the compliments. ps (to everyone): People keep asking me questions about myself, so I decided to say a few things at the end, but nothing about me physically. I could simply lie and pretend I...

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Sisterinlaws Pregnancy

My sister-in-law’s husband stopped having sex with her in her ninth week when he found out she was pregnant. My wife, Cindy, after learning of this she confided in me as to what was going on with her younger sister - June. She said that her husband Frank, although he loved her, just couldn’t seem to bring himself to have sexual relations with her while she was carrying their baby, out of fear he might hurt the unborn child.This was driving a wedge in their marriage to the point that her sister...

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Hermaphroditic Dragons and Parasitic Pregnancy

Update: Ooh an actual sex scene! Go read Kiian implanting his/her egg into Mairr, and if you enjoy it say thanks to 4degrees who insured the continuation of this story by volunteering to roleplay Kiian and Raveth in future chapters. ^_^ [Note: While rape will be discussed a bit, this is not a non-con or authoritarian story. Rather, this is a story about pregnancy and forbidden romance of the interracial, incestuous, and attraction-to-a-freak varieties. Also, since all the characters in this...

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Friendship threesome and pregnancy

THIS IS TRUE STORYNOTE: Since English is my second language please forgive any style or grammar mistakes.NAMES ARE MODEFIEDI know Sami since college days, he is my close friend and my wing man. When he married his girlfriend (Nadia) I thought he made the best choice, she is beautiful, smart, friendly and looked so in love with him.After graduation he got a job with a government sponsored company and I opened my own business which is constructions contracts, but we still maintained the...

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Male Pregnancy

Male Pregnancy By Sandy Sullivan A husband, who suffers from a intense form of migraine headaches, is caught in an extramarital affair by his wife. Her ingenious use of a new and experimental treatment for migraines cures him of both headaches and infidelity. CHAPTER ONE Discovery! Vicki who owns a large insurance agency is meeting her best friend Carolyn for lunch. They try to eat lunch together at least once a week and always at Rene's in the French Quarter....

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Hot Sex Service For Pregnancy

Hello ISS readers and fans. This is Surya Raj after a long time with a narration of how I made a lady a mommy of a child by the use of my service. To tell about myself I am 25 yrs old, an average colored man, 6 ft tall with 5.5 inch length and 2 inch thick penis. Any lady would fall for that. I am a computer service engineer. And I provide sex service to the married ladies in Coimbatore who do not have a child, widows who do not have a child, thirsty aunts and thirsty girls. I will do this...

4 years ago
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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyTue, August 24, 2010 - 1:44 PMWhen my wife and I first got married we didn't know about the lifestyle. We were both pretty naive back then. She was a virgin on our wedding night so I wanted it to be special. I talked her into letting me hire a photographer to shoot us while me fucked for the first time.The guy I hired was black, a great photographer.We both had a little bit of wine. Its just us and the photographer and we are both naked. Shes covered in cum. My wife notices...

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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

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The Chateau Pregnancy

The maid swung open the door to their room.  It was small but beautiful.  Jane and her partner Mick had travelled all day across France to what was advertised as the ?dream hotel?.  A converted chateau in the Loire valley - France.  It was getting dark but the view from their room, in one of the end turrets, was breath taking.  The room itself was traditionally styled mainly in dark panelled wood, with a large four poster bed nearly filling the room.  The couple had been together for three...

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Parties Passion Pregnancy

"Yeah no problem, this will work perfectly." Brad accepted the stage mask from his cousin Michael, the black and silver leather mask glinting in the sunlight. Brad's friend Tim was organizing what he called a 'costume kegger' for tonight (friday), so Brad was borrowing his cousin's mask. Michael was a small-time theatre actor in the city, so when Brad heard he was coming up to visit, he made his request. "Gotta say, I never heard of a costume party for high school graduates."...

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Hildas Pregnancy

From my previous tales you will know that Braboy loves bras breasts and everything about them. Let me tell you how I used to masturbate every morning to a young married woman called Hilda. Hilda was of medium height with a lovely pair of 34C breasts. Hilda had not been married for more than a couple of years and was not yet pregnant. Her body however cried out for fertilization by a penis. Her hips and thighs just screamed out for a penis and a flow of warm semen into her vagina and womb. She...

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A pregnancysurprise

“I can’t imagine carrying a human inside me, your body is amazing” Tiffany said. “Yeah the gift of life is beautiful but everything aches” Kelly replied. “Thank you for doing this for me. What Kelly didn’t know was Tiffany was massaging her for her own pleasures. She’d had a crush on Kelly since she first saw her. Being that she was bi-sexual she found Kelly’s presence intoxicating. She wanted nothing more than to have her lips around her nipples. They made small talk while Tiffany...

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A girls story about sex and pregnancy

Even with her breasts pulled heavily down, her cleavage aroused me. Her dress was too short, her sauntering walk in the August heat too inviting for a mother. When we were finally alone, I told her I’d never seen a pregnant lady naked. ‘I would feel so much better that way…it’s so hot…’, she responded; so we both worked to peel off the awkward clothes. Her breasts, no longer re- strained, hung full, almost touching the swollen belly. Her...

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Inexperience does not protect against pregnancy

Dr. Leopold Granzner, the good-looking commercial manager of the St. Magdalena Private Clinic, and a secret crush on all the nurses and nursing students, strides to his office apartment shortly after midnight, tired and exhausted after a strenuous 12-hour shift, to finally take a cap full of sleep. Jule Petersen, the beautiful, red-blonde and blue-eyed nursing student, meets him in the ward corridor and with a bashful smile on her sweet full lips wishes him a pleasant night ... Two weeks...

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Wild Pregnancy

You're taking shelter in a seasonal woodcutters lodge, presumably empty for the next couple of months; till the end of winter at least. Its near freezing outside, the blizzard having turned to torrential rain with the wind shift yesterday. Though the elements and building fatigue from the previous week, 'Is it a week now?' you say interrupting your train of thought.. had little to do with your need to take a break. Rain hammers the roof of the small cabin, the sound increasing as the foot of...

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Sex Service Lead To Pregnancy

Hello ISS readers. This is surya again with a continuation of the previous experience’s narration. Again im introducing about myself. Im surya, age 23, computer service engineer from Coimbatore. Any divorcees or married ladies who wanna have child I will give that through sex. Im doing this as a service. Also girls can contact me but I will give a satisfactory and safe and confidential sex based on only the situation to all. Who wanna contact me can get me via I will be available all the time....

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Asian creampie and maybe pregnancy

Recently, I had unprotected bareback sex with a girl who would never let me have sex with her without a condom. We were college friends, and had sex twice in the past. Both times she made me wear a condom, which was quite disappointing. But things changed recently.After much online chat, she decided to let me have sex with her in the near future without a condom. I called her late one night, and she wanted to meet. I went to her place, and we started watching a movie.She was only wearing a tank...

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Friendface contact leading to pregnancy

An Ex girlfriend of mine Rosalyn recently caught up with me on Friendface. It had been over 15 years since we had seen each other and it was nice to hook up again.When away on a work trip I gave her a call to meet up. Rosalyn had been divorced for about 5 years at this point. We met up in the city and with her 2 k**s had a good day out.When it was time for me to go back home Rosalyn suggested I stay in town the night so we could enjoy another day together, and I accepted not thinking anything...

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My bhabhis pregnancy

Dear Readers Hi I am Aman from agra & delhi I am 27 years old with 6 ft height and handsome personality, so if any unsatisfied girl women aur bhabhiji wants to get fucked hard by me then mail me on , I love sex with married women. We are in a joint family my brother is married one and a half year back and we live in a same house with different rooms. My father is a business man aged 50 and my mother is aged around 45 a government servant and my brother is around 35 years helping my father in...

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Bardhinis pregnancy

Bardhini was a very attractive Oma (Orissa plus Maharastra) lady. She was 21 but looked like a teenager. She had big eyes, sharp features and a very attractive body. She was slim but having perky breasts well formed and in good shape. She always used to dress up in a sari, her blouse was always low back and with deep cut. Her blouse at time was so low on the back that the back strap of her bra used to be obviously visible. Shoulder straps of her bra were always showing out of her blouse and se...

4 years ago
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Problem Pregnancy

“You son of a bitch, you knocked me up!” “And you didn’t have any part of that, wanting me to stick it in you all the time? Plus you are so careless with your birth control.” “You married me because I love to fuck and you thought you’d get it all to yourself. Well, I know it’s your kid anyway. The other guys always use condoms. Hey, now I can fuck them bareback!” This was a real problem. She was right. My brother introduced us since he was fucking her and thought I might like some. Two other...

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Enjoying Pregnancy

I was on a business trip to another city. As always I was horny and bored after lunch. While reading the local paper I saw a classified article from a pregnant woman looking for discreet sex. I called the number listed and reached her on her cell phone. She said she couldn't talk but was I keen to meet. We agreed to meet at 3pm that afternoon at my hotel room. Michelle arrived as promised and I was really taken aback. She was about 18 or 19 years old, with blonde hair and a pretty pixie-like...

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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 14 Pregnancy

The rest of their two weeks was relatively relaxed, except for one incident. They were kept busy with games, activities, and small-scale crises. One girl confessed to a mentor that she was pregnant. Since the school was strict and uncompromising, the camp found itself in a cleft stick. Eventually Jo-Lene called the parents and Clive was kicked out of the Guest Hut for a couple of nights. He slept in the boat house – which caused two girls, who came down for a crafty smoke, to nearly faint...

5 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 12 Pregnancy

Over the next days, Ashley and Danny were out hunting for an apartment. Marsha had involved a real estate agent to help them, but it still was not easy to find a fitting place. For one, Ashley wanted at least three bedrooms, hoping for Lynn to spend her free weekends with them. She had also set her eyes on a nice Victorian townhouse setting. In the end, they had to compromise. The apartment was in a 1990s five story building, but it had three and a half bedrooms. Danny figured that the...

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Adams ApplesChapter 12 Press Room

I THOUGHT THE MORNING WENT WELL ENOUGH. No one got anything they wanted. Like a stubborn two-year-old, Jack rejected every command from the colonel with a petulant, “No!” When I saw the sense in a directive, I’d take Jack aside and ask him kindly to do whatever it was and Jack would do it. The colonel’s latest demand was for Jack to have another Bloody Mary. Jack meekly complied. At only a few minutes before we had to leave for the motorcade, the MIB finally showed up. There was a...

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Adams ApplesChapter 13 Swimming in Bureaucracy

I TOOK MY TIME getting ready for the day. The four of us resident in the suite played cards and drank martinis until midnight. I couldn’t believe Ms. Smith had been up at eight to answer the door. She’d drunk almost enough to act human. And I knew Jack would still be asleep. Since I suddenly had an administrative assistant, I decided to dress professionally. Jack returned my suit last night, so I pulled it on and knotted the tie. I guess I wouldn’t look entirely out of place in DC. The...

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Adams ApplesChapter 14 Protestation

“MMM. COFFEE. I actually missed you this weekend, Baines. Where were you yesterday?” I turned over in bed and reached for the mug of coffee held by my administrative assistant. “Yesterday? Monday was Veterans Day. No government offices are open on Veterans Day. Why would I come to work on Veterans Day? No one is even in town.” Mattie blinked, apparently unable to believe the ignorance of her boss. “Ah. Of course. Only the military works on Veterans Day. Never get a day off, do they?” I...

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Adams ApplesChapter 15 Conjugal Visits

“MMM. COFFEE. You’re a godsend, Ms. Baines,” I said as I rolled to accept my morning libation. “Who?” demanded Elizabeth, standing beside the bed and looking as if she was ready to pour the coffee over my head. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” I screamed, scuttling to the far side of the bed. “Darling! When did you get here?” “Apparently, not soon enough. Who is this hussy you were expecting to bring you coffee in bed?” she yelled. “It’s not what you think!” I called back. That sounded...

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Adams ApplesChapter 16 Whatrsquos Another Smith

“HERE’S YOUR COFFEE, MR. SMITH. It’s time to get up and do office things. You know ... Ack! There’s a woman in your bed!” Mattie screamed. “Thank you for the coffee, Ms. Baines. Could you bring a cup for Mr. Smith, too? Oh, I’m Dr. Mrs. Smith.” Elizabeth took the cup from Mattie and offered her hand to shake. Mattie took it uncertainly. “Isn’t everyone?” she mumbled and fled from the room. “So?” Elizabeth asked, poking Ramsey in the ribs. “There are other Mrs. Smiths?” “No, dear. She was...

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Adams ApplesChapter 17 Guess Whorsquos Coming for Dinner

“HELLO. I’M REBA SMITH. I’ve been sent by the alphabet soup department to collect a baby from Mr. Adams,” the redhead at the door said. Ramsey looked at her skeptically. Another Smith sent to collect Jack’s... Wait a minute. “It’s not right to make someone work on Thanksgiving,” I said. “Come in and join us for dinner. We’re just having drinks before we go downstairs for the meal.” “Oh yes, thank you.” Reba pranced into the room like she owned it, went directly to Jack and kissed him. He...

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Adams ApplesChapter 18 If Not Me Then

“I THOUGHT YOU CUFFED HER to the chair!” Smith yelled at Smith. “We weren’t really restraining her,” Ms. Smith yelled back. “I tossed the other end of the cuffs around the chair leg but under the rung. It was just a reminder to behave.” “That is so stupid!” “She still has one end of the cuffs around her leg and is dragging the other.” “But did she take the President’s daughter with her?” Smythe demanded, shaking off his drunk and acting like a commander. “And did she go willingly or was...

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Adams ApplesChapter 19 Flash

“HE’S OUT OF THE WOODS,” the doctor said. Hamilton, I think his name was. My injury was minor. Half a dozen stitches and a bandage on my arm. I couldn’t even reasonably call in sick to work. Not that I had a job. “What was the damage?” I asked. Dr. Hamilton frowned. “I guess you are officially his guardian, so I’ll tell you.” He looked around to make sure no one was nearby and lowered his voice. “She managed to slice off one of his testicles. The other has a small cut. There was a lot of...

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Adams ApplesChapter 20 As Yet Undisclosed Location

I FILED A STORY Tuesday morning to follow up on the attack on Jack Adams. I listed Jack as “Recovering at an undisclosed location.” The speed of our relocation left the rest of the press in the dust. Of course, it wouldn’t take many more visits by Colonel Smythe, Kitty Muffley, Lieutenant Smith, or the Smith MIBs for people to surmise that Jack was living with the Smiths in Orlando. “Just say Jack is in a secure location which is only available on a need to know basis. He is being attended...

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Adams ApplesChapter 21 Happy Holidays

WITH JACK OUT OF WASHINGTON, life seemed to go back to normal. The stock market recovered. The protests died down. The size of SORDID, now that it had no ‘specimen’ to manage, doubled. “With everyone going about life as if it was going to go on forever, you’d think people must be having babies again. Any word on that, Mattie?” “A report from Russia claims they have found a virile man who lived in a remote area of Siberia. There has been no confirmation and the whereabouts of the man are...

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Adams ApplesChapter 22 Die Hard with a Vengeance

THE COLONEL’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY drew more people to our house than the Christmas party had. I constantly expected protesters to show up in front of the house because so many people knew Jack, Evelyn, and Lily were in residence there. But while it was common knowledge in the neighborhood, it seemed to be a tacit secret elsewhere. By the end of the party, there was another stack of gifts for Lily under the Christmas tree. It was like the entire community was bringing gifts to the manger...

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Adams ApplesChapter 23 Almost Normal

THE LEAST UPSET PERSON in the house was Lily. Put a nipple in her mouth and she was happy. Evelyn was surprisingly calm, sitting in a corner of the living room with Lily. When the SORDID Chief of Staff and his ... staff left, there were still eleven people left in the house. Mattie emerged from the basement office and went to the bar where she began mixing Bloody Marys. Sheila went to help her. “Ugh! Not for me,” Elizabeth said. “I think I caught a bug from my students. Not even a month back...

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Adams ApplesChapter 24 Starting Over

IT WASN’T MY FINEST HOUR. I’d wanted a child ever since we got married and Elizabeth kept rejecting the idea with a “Not Yet.” Then when I couldn’t have children, she’d become insatiable and determined to have a child. In the worst way. “So, that’s why you wanted Evelyn and Jack to live here under our protection,” I sighed. “So you could seduce Jack and have his baby. How are you going to explain that to Evelyn? She trusted you.” “You horrid animal!” Elizabeth snapped, going from sweet to...

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Adams ApplesChapter 2 Breaking News

“RELAX, PEOPLE!” President says, “We’re not at war.” President Malkin Muffley came on the air early this morning to reassure the American people after the spectacular show of outer space fireworks that the display was neither a hostile act nor an end sign of the world nor an alien invasion. “I’ve had a lot of calls ... a huge number of calls from important people ... very important people ... some of the most important people in the world ... who called me begging me not to push the...

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Adams ApplesChapter 3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke. “You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.” “Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back...

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Adams ApplesChapter 4 Testing Testing

“SAM, JUST GO TO THE CLINIC, jack off in a cup, and let them give you something to increase your virility. There has to be some reason you’re not getting me pregnant. Now would you make the call?” Reba demanded. The reason might be because she’s a spoiled, entitled, bitching shrew, Sam reasoned to himself. Ever since they (read ‘she’) decided to have children, Reba had been demanding and rushed. It wasn’t bad at first. Having a wife who wanted a baby was fun. She never turned down sex. But...

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Adams ApplesChapter 5 Beat the Clock

“RAMSEY, THIS IS DOCTOR SIMPSON. Do you have a minute to talk?” “Sure, Doc. Am I late for a checkup?” I sat up straight. There’s nothing to get your attention like having your doctor call out of the blue and say, ‘We need to talk.’ It was a slow news day and I couldn’t figure out why Doc Simpson would call me. “We’ve had some interesting developments over at the hospital. You’re the only person I know with an eye for real news. It has to do with dropping birthrates. I think we’re onto...

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