From Office Worker To Dominated Slut 3 free porn video

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Chapter 3 The following morning, Eveline went about her normal routine for getting herself ready for work, today was going to be a work hard day, and the clothes she chose to wear today reflected more on her as a manager than on the sexually charged clothes of the previous day. That said, the heels were maybe an inch too high for the effect she wanted from the outfit, but knowing Gerry's particular kink, she decided to leave them on, after all, today was the day she was going to get him to change a big part of his life, and it seemed only fair to give him a little something in return. Gerry's morning, wasn't going quite so well. He was used to being a leader, a man in charge, or at the very least, a man who was just outside the grip of somebody else's control. He had slept well the previous night, but this morning he was feeling a great deal of conflicting emotions, his thoughts going over the previous evening and leaving him less than relaxed. What was that all about he thought, not that he had objected to it. The whole experience was pretty amazing, but she had got him dressed en femme, had him talking about some of his deepest secrets and fetishes, only to then strip off and go home. Then there was the temp job. In the cold light of day, his head kept telling him that he had imagined her stipulating he be in feminine gear for the job, but he knew that she had, made even more of a concrete demand by the fact he still had the clothes she had left on the chair. So much was going around his head, that his time spent getting ready for work went by too quickly, assisted by his distracted thought processes, and by the time he got to work he was already 10 minutes later than he had planned. He had wanted to be there before Eveline, to give himself time to get himself together before she arrived. He had it in his head that if he was there first, then he would have the upper hand, even though it may have only been for a brief period. If he was there first, then Eveline would be walking in the office at a slight disadvantage. She would have to make the first move, even if it was just to say good morning. What he didn't know was that even had he been in half an hour earlier he wouldn't have been there before her. She hated driving to work in traffic, instead opting to come in earlier to avoid it, but today was ever so slightly different to her usual routine and she had been in for an hour already, partly to check that he hadn't left her clothes on the chair. Though she hardly believed he would have done, she also wanted to get the previous evenings tape from the machine. Once done, she had settled down to some work and had just stopped for a quick coffee when the outer office door opened. She was surprised to see Gerry walk into the office a good 40 minutes early. She had never known him be early, much less by this amount. Was that a good sign, or a bad one? >From the distance they were at and the fact that she had only given a fleeting glance at the door as it opened, Gerry couldn't know she had seen him. Choosing to let things ride for a few minutes, she picked up her coffee and the file by the desk, before sitting down in the leather 'comfy' chair, her one concession of the shoes being used to their best advantage as she once again dangled it in what she knew to be the most erotic pose she could pull off at this moment, while quietly hoping he had arrived in the right state of mind. She was sat reading the file in her lap with her coffee in hand when Gerry tapped on the door frame and asked if he could come in. Eveline made a brief show of keeping her concentration on the contents of the folder, whilst simultaneously moving it towards the table. As she put it down she flipped the cover closed and motioned Gerry to sit in the chair opposite her. She made no effort to put her shoe back on her foot, nor did she speak. She was aware that due to the proximity of the chairs, he would have to sit with his feet on either side of her foot, or sit at an awkward angle to one side, unless she chose to move her foot, and she had no intention of doing that at the moment. Gerry came in, shutting the office door behind him. He walked around the chair and stepped over her foot before sitting hunched slightly forward. He was obviously feeling a little more confident in the cold light of day, a spark of his normal self showing strongly in his eyes, but she also saw that he was in fact more nervous than he was making out. The moment should have been awkward, but it seemed the dangling shoe trick was just as effective with Gerry as a great many other men in the world. She resisted the urge to move her foot, knowing the 10 denier nylon was curled softly around her exposed arch, and that it was directly beneath his head. Despite his obvious attempt not to look, he had taken a brief glance before looking up at her. During this moment she had noticed that whatever his misgivings may be, he was also wearing nylons. He looked up and once he made eye contact, he began to speak. 'Look, Eveline, I tried hard to get my head wrapped around things last night, but I'm struggling coming to terms with it all.' Eveline fought hard to keep her face straight. Despite his nerves and the fact there was a possibility that he may back out, she felt that he was still going to come through. She just had to be careful for a little bit longer. 'Go on Gerry' Gerry rather sheepishly explained that although he was seriously tempted to take up the PA duties, he was concerned that if his girlfriend found out he was seeing another woman behind her back it would cause her a great deal of distress, and no matter how much he wanted to experience more of the previous evening, he really didn't want to hurt her. This was the nearest he came to asking why she wanted him to dress for the PA position. It struck Eveline as funny, that in his male guise, he avoided any mention of what the previous nights 'experience' had been. Eveline was not a pushover in any conversation. At any level of management meeting she had always been sharp enough to spot openings in their phraseology that could weaken their arguments. Today was no different, and after all she was trying to talk Gerry into signing a contract today, or more accurately, two contracts. More importantly, she sensed that were it not for his girlfriend, he would have willingly signed up when he had initially walked in.When she spoke it was almost a monologue, and she deliberately left little room for him to interrupt. 'Firstly Gerry, lets get something out of the way, and I am sure I made this point last night. You are not seeing another woman, I emphasised the fact that my body wasn't being offered to you on a plate. So, although I appreciate your concerns about your good lady getting hurt, you should remove the whole image of you seeing someone else from your head. As to the way I want you dressed, well I may be wrong, but I felt sure you would enjoy the experience. If it helps, you could always consider it to be a job that has strict dress codes. I should point out, that there is an expense account, and as I sign the relevant documents, that would ensure you were able to keep yourself in a suitably appropriate dress for the position. Tell me Gerry, if I give you my word that I will not expect you to touch me at any time unless you ask to first would that put your mind at rest? And I promise that if I touch you in any way you don't like or want all you have to do is say so, and I'll stop immediately. Don't read too much into that though. I don't want you thinking I am definitely going to be available as I may never want to explore that particular avenue. Would that allow you to let yourself enjoy the experience of being dressed as a woman without having to hide it? And when all is said and done, you are going to be working, but you'll get paid for doing something you obviously enjoy. If you can handle all that and with me in charge of things, then sign the relevant documents and we can move forward, but as I said before the choice is yours. However I do have a couple of quick questions for you before you decide, and I would appreciate honesty.' Gerry settled back a little and asked what they might be and with a barely disguised smile, Eveline asked him what he had done with her underwear. Gerry flushed red before he answered, any thought of him keeping eye contact evaporated as he admitted he was wearing them now, and before he had a chance to regain his composure she followed up with a comment that would either make or break him on the spot. 'Tell me Gerry, and bear in mind this will only be during the course of your duties as my PA, if I told you to play with yourself while I watched, would it be agreeable to you? And for my part, if I were to play with myself at the same time, would you be offended?' She chose this moment to reach over the table to retrieve the folder, and as she did so she let her foot briefly rest against his leg before she once again settled back in the chair, her foot back where it had been previously. 'Truthfully, I would enjoy it, but I suppose you knew that answer already, and as to watching you play with yourself, I'd love it, I've never watched a woman play with herself except in films.' Eveline looked over Gerry's shoulder at the outer office door before she next spoke and when she did, it was a little quieter than before and more secretive. In her minds eye she had decided he was ready to take the step, even if he himself hadn't yet realised. 'Gerry, this whole situation needs elements of trust, and you really need to listen, and trust me. At this moment I can see the office door, and I know that if today is like any other day, we have about 10 minutes before the first of the staff arrive for work. I know that it will most likely be Sophie. That said, it could be different today, traffic can be easy as well as heavy. It could be moments before anybody walks in, or it could be longer. The papers are ready to sign if you want to go forward, but what I want right this second, is for you to take hold of my ankle, slip my shoe off, and put my foot wherever it will give you most pleasure. I'll move it the moment somebody walks into the main office. As it stands we're just sat talking in the office, and that's all anybody can see, but the job offer itself hangs on your next move here. If you can trust me enough to expose you yet protect you right now, then I think our working relationship will go just fine.' Gerry briefly thought about looking over his shoulder at the door but wisely decided against it. He realised just quickly enough that this was a test, and that if he looked he was going to fail in her eyes. His mind was racing but it was now or never, and regardless of the fears he had held when he walked into the office earlier, the truth was that he was horny as hell and they both knew it. He gently reached down and slid his hand around her ankle, his little finger slid down almost to her heel. The touch was electric to him, the smooth feel of her nylons nothing like the cheaper nylons he was used to. He realised he was staring at her foot as he moved, but any thought of looking up at that moment wasn't inconceivable. He lifted her shoe off, noticing that Eveline had moved her seating position just enough so that he would be able to extend her leg if he wanted to. As he leaned forward to put her shoe down by her other foot, he gripped her ankle more securely. He was surprised that despite her being in control enough to be making this happen, he was still able to think fast enough to keep the situation fluent. Yet he was aware that if somebody walked in, they would have little time to make things look normal. Putting her shoe by her other foot seemed the right thing to do. As he sat back up, he gently pulled her foot towards him, and placed it firmly against his cock and took a deep breath. Despite being through the material of his trousers and her underwear, the pressure against him was enough to bring his stirring erection to virtually full strength in moments. Eveline spoke almost as soon as her sole had made contact, feeling very confident now. She even allowed herself a slight wiggle of her toes, enjoying the quick gasp from Gerry as she did so. 'One good turn deserves another Gerry, and every good boss should give credit and reward where it is due. If you take the job as it is outlined, with your full agreement to the terms, I will let you watch me play with myself on your first night at work, but only once you have fulfilled my requirements. But I've never had a man watch me, and when I do it I can't guarantee I will keep my eyes open. I remind you that you cannot touch me anywhere without permission first though you can watch from as close as you like, in whatever position you want. Trust goes both ways. Whether it is with or without a toy is something we can discuss on the night. But remember, it may not happen every time we work together and it may never happen again. That is for me to decide, and all of this depends on whether you take the job or not.' As she was talking she was watching Gerry closely, and she could feel the pulses of his cock, and found herself wondering if it was possible for him to achieve an orgasm in his current state. Any movement in his body was minimal, but it was there. His breathing had changed, and she knew he was very aroused. Despite the situation being unusual, and the fact that there was no actual sex going on here, he was obviously on cloud nine. Looking at his face she saw him close his eyes. Was it from an embarrassment angle, or an attempt to hold himself in check, or was it just pleasure? She suspected and hoped the latter. She even briefly wondered what he'd do if he came in his pants, a somewhat difficult thing to explain away to the rest of the staff. It was during this last thought that she saw the outer office door opening. Very quietly, she said 'Gerry, don't be startled, and don't move. Stay perfectly still for a moment. I'm moving my foot now, remember, trust me.' As she slid her foot free and moved to stand up she saw Gerry staring at her. Without pausing she slid her shoe on from a standing position and started to walk towards the inner office door, despite feeling Gerry was ready to crawl the walls as she passed him, she had the funniest feeling of satisfaction, because she had Gerry hooked, and also because as the office door had opened, Sophie was the one to walk through it. She did so like to be right about things. As she passed Gerry's chair she put her hand on his shoulder, and at the same moment Sophie realised Eveline was in the office and waved before hanging her coat up. Eveline waved back, as she leaned slightly forward and said 'Your PA contracts are the top two documents in the yellow folder on the table. When I remove my hand I want you to immediately but casually reach down and pick the folder up. If you want to go ahead with our little arrangement then sign them before you leave the office. Wait till you've calmed down a little, and when you are ready you can come and get a coffee. If Sophie asks me anything I'll tell her you're finishing a part of the Ransons documentation, there's a pen on the table.' With that she let go of his shoulder and walked to the door, as she opened it she turned, outwardly smiling as she observed him doing exactly what she had ordered. It was nice to know he could do as he was told when required. She was aware that Sophie was walking towards her but she knew Sophies routine. As the first person normally in the office she put the kettle on and then checked her makeup while she waited. 'When you have done with the papers Gerry, just leave the file on my desk, do you want a coffee while I'm making one?' Gerry part turned and said 'Please, one sugar, white.' He smiled and raised a hand as a hello to Sophie before turning back to the folder. His face had been flushed red, but with the distance he was from Sophie it didn't matter. Only Eve and Gerry could have had any idea how flustered he was actually feeling at that moment. Eveline glanced at her watch as she left the office. She stood chatting with Sophie for a full 10 minutes before he arrived at the corner of the office that served as a mini canteen area. By this time the rest of the staff were filtering in. Gerry appeared pretty relaxed when he approached. Eveline wasn't sure what she had expected, but he had rallied around nicely and showed virtually no sign of what had just happened. Virtually she thought, because despite his managing to control his emotions, he still had a slight tinge of colour in his face, and more importantly, a tiny little damp patch on his charcoal trousers. Admittedly, she had looked for it as he approached, and the chances of it being seen by others were slim. She felt like her chest was going to burst. Had he signed the contracts? He was standing here talking like nothing had happened, and that amazed her. She'd thought he'd most likely get his coffee and scuttle away to his desk, but his usual brash nature was here in full swing. Full of himself as usual. She desperately wanted to get back to the office to find out one way or the other but the conversation was leaving no opening for an easy exit. She started to think she had got him wrong, and that despite her final push he had decided against it all and that the reason he was his usual confident self was because his masculine ego had kicked in and thrown him a life-raft. She began to have doubts and throughout the in reality, short conversation, she began to get angry with herself. She had misjudged him, and she was so sure she had failed and made herself look a fool that she felt rushed into checking the file before she herself got too stressed out. This was not how she should have been feeling, things felt out of her control. This feeling was hammered home even more when Gerry picked up his coffee, excused himself from the conversation and went to his desk to start work, her feelings going swiftly from the pleasure of sharing a secret to feeling she was being rejected. By the time Eveline extricated herself from the conversation at the kettle, there were six women happily discussing a programme they were following on television. Television was not her strongpoint and she allowed her to drop out gracefully. She walked into her office, observing the file was on her desk, closed and perfectly aligned in the centre, the pen placed parallel to the folder. It struck her as almost strange that at this moment she was noticing the placement so intently. She fought the urge to pick the folder up straight away, and instead she put her coffee down, and forced herself to go to the filing cabinet to retrieve the files she had been working on the previous night. Only when she finally sat at her desk did she pick up the yellow folder, and she almost held her breath as she opened it. As she was sliding the papers out of the folder she looked over to Gerry's desk and saw he was looking at her, and despite the distance, it felt like they were making eye contact, and he wasn't going to break it first. She finally looked down at the two sheets of paper she had almost unthinkingly put next to each other on the desk. He had signed them both. She looked back towards Gerry not sure what to expect in his face this time, but Gerry was now typing away at the computer, once again back in the world of his daily work. She once again looked at the two contracts, both similar in appearance, but obviously very different, each having the job description in its own large font at the upper left of the page. The first marked as 'Personal Assistant' she placed in the elegant glass tray she kept on the corner of the desk, she always thought it looked so much more professional than an awful office world plastic tray. The second contract she put back in the folder, and was about to put it in her bag when she stopped herself, opened it and slid it out again. The signature stood out clearly. She had seen it on so many documents and it always looked exactly the same. That same signature was on this contract, except the job description here wasn't PA. She slid the document back into the folder and put it away in her case deciding that she would lock it for the first time since starting at the company. She knew that this was one document that had to be kept safer than anything else she had handled for the company so far. This was the first contract that specified the job description as Sex Slave. As she put the case down by the side of her desk she looked over towards Gerry's desk, and this time he was definitely looking right at her, despite the distance, she could clearly see him give her a smile and a wink before he turned back to his monitor and started typing again. Eveline couldn't help but feel he was just a little too cocky with that wink. She suddenly had the horrible thought that he hadn't actually read the contracts properly. If he had just read the first and thought the second was the same, he may have just slid the top sheet up enough to sign the other. This was bad, if he hadn't read it then things could go badly wrong. She liked to be in control, and for the moment she felt that she was without a key piece of information and that wouldn't do. She had to know for sure. All her plans revolved around his total submission to her wishes, and the second contract left no room for him to manoeuvre. Without any further wait, she stood and closed the blinds on the windows and she dropped the latch on the door lock, though in truth she need not have locked the door. It was known throughout the office that if the blinds were down, she was either in conference, or was dealing with something that required privacy, so nobody ever interrupted her when the view of the office was blocked. But for what she was about to do, she needed to be sure, and she never knew when somebody from outside the team may make an appearance for something considered urgent. Once sure she was unobserved, she went to the recorder, stopped the tape, and turned on the television, changing it to the AV channel as the screen came to life. Retrieving the remote from the side of the set, she then sat in the chair Gerry had used earlier, pressed play, and then rewind so she could visually check the tape as it scanned backwards. She watched the fast moving image, and as she saw the moment she had put her hand on his shoulder flash by, she pressed play again. She was glad she'd moved the camera today, it gave a perfect view of Gerry in the chair and the table was fully in view. Feeling nervous yet giddy and also angry with herself for not being sure of every little detail, she sat and watched intently. Gerry had done exactly as ordered, a fact she already knew from earlier. From this angle she could tell he was adjusting himself when he sat back. The camera hadn't caught the bulge in his pants, but that didn't detract from his obvious discomfort. He had picked the folder up, and then covered his lap with the folder. She watched as he opened it and read through the first contract. It was a standard company contract and nothing he hadn't seen or dealt with before, but it was obvious he had read it thoroughly. She thought if anything that he read it a little too well but then remembered he was sat in the chair with a raging and unsatisfied erection, and if anything he was waiting for it to subside. After a few moments he took the first sheet and leaned forward, placing it face down on the desk. It normally struck her as funny that he did that, almost like everything in print was private and should never be exposed to others, but today she didn't give it much thought. She only wanted to see what he did with the second and highly modified document. On the tape she watched as he slid out the second contract. Initially he didn't appear to respond though he must have instantly seen the title ?sex slave? in large bold font. Then she saw him turn the paper over in his lap before looking over his shoulder at the door and outer office. Once he was satisfied that he was on his own, he moved to the corner suite, and the camera angle no longer caught a front view of his face, though he was still in view. He had obviously relocated to a position where should anybody walk in, he would be able to hide the content of the papers without fuss. Despite him being in profile, she could see he was reading it carefully. It took what felt like forever, but was actually maybe 3 minutes, before he sat back, briefly looking at the back of the contract before placing it face up on the folder, after which he just seemed to sit and stare at it. It took a good few minutes before he actually moved enough for the camera to register it, at which point he leaned forward and signed it, before retrieving the normal contract, signing that and placing them both in the folder. Had anybody else been able to watch the tape since he sat back, they would most likely have thought it was on pause. Eveline didn't need to watch any of this, she had seen him read it, and he had really read it, down to the last comma. She had his signature on the contract, and she had the contract by her desk. She knew she was smiling uncontrollably, but more than that, she knew she had Gerry. She stopped the tape at the point he left the office. Pressing the record button, she then unlocked the door and opened the blinds. Nobody seemed to have noticed she had been in seclusion in the office, nor did it matter if they had. She sat down at her desk and turned on her computer, suddenly realising that this was the first time since she had started with the company that the machine hadn't been turned on the moment she first arrived. As the computer thrummed into life, she retrieved the modified contract from its place by her desk, and quietly read through the main points again: ?Feminine attire will be worn at all times unless specifically told otherwise. That includes when arriving at the office for work (unless told otherwise), and should you wish to check your attire, then a full length mirror is available in the ladies restroom. Heels will be no lower than 3 inches, and stockings are a prerequisite. Total obedience is expected at all times for the duration of your contracted hours. If required to put on a show of any kind, you will do what you are told, when you are told. No refusals or hesitations will be tolerated.? As Eveline read the contract through, she found it harder and harder to believe he had actually signed it. There were some fifteen items stipulated in the contract. The only concessions she had left him were that he would not be permanently marked in any way, nor be expected to tolerate any form of pain or discomfort that she herself would not endure. Apart from those two things, he had just signed up to be her sex slave for a minimum period of a day a week, and two if required, each day to be a minimum of 2 hours, and up to 6 if she felt the need for it. Whether he knew it or not, he had signed up to try out every sex toy she had ever wanted to see on, or use on a man, and the more she thought about it, the more she realised that he had actually agreed to carry out some of her most unusual fantasies, and all of that had been achieved without any commitment for her to have sex with him. All she had to do now was ease him gently into his duties and find out if he was true to his word. The last thing she thought before going to the back of the main office to photocopy the contract and then returning and putting it away, was to do with one of the items in the contract. His requirement to put on a show of any kind left him open to a vast array of interesting scenarios. It didn't say it would be on his own, nor did it say who would be watching. This really would be fun. She folded the copy neatly in the middle of the page and placed it in an envelope and sealed it, then, setting it squarely in the printer she typed Gerry's name into the computer and added the Position of PA to his record, before finally printing the envelope with his name. Underneath were the words, Personal Assistant (SS). As the envelope printed out, she accessed the office intranet, and selecting Gerry's terminal typed in a quick message asking him to come to the office. She looked up to make sure he was still at his desk then hit the return key. A minute or so later Gerry was standing in front of her desk, looking outwardly calm. If she were totally honest, she felt that maybe they were both actually very nervous as this was a whole new experience for the both of them. But she could not allow the moment to become awkward, and she felt that now more than ever she needed to be in complete control. With that she handed the envelope to him, and trying to inflect authority into her voice, she said 'Welcome to your new position Gerry, this is your copy of the secondary contract. I would advise you don't lose it, and before I forget, I will need you here on Thursday at close of normal business, unless you would feel better starting the following week?' Gerry took the envelope and with a slight smile said that 'Thursday was fine' before turning as if to walk away, but Eveline stopped him and quietly said, 'One last thing, I think it would be advisable if we try to keep your additional duties apart from your normal job requirements. To that end we should try to keep the office atmosphere and working practices for your position as Gerry exactly the way they are. As to the PA position and 'her' duties, we should really have another name. I quite like Tina or Trudy. Give it some thought before Thursday and let me know, and on that note I won't keep you away from today's workload, I am sure you have plenty to occupy both your time and mind'............................ Next chapter complete and ready to follow. Thank you all for the supportive reviews so far. It's nice to know the effort is appreciated. [email protected]

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Office Worker to dominated slut Part 15

Chapter 15 It was Thursday afternoon again and Eveline was looking forward to her rendezvous with Gerry in a couple of hours time. She had already planned out in her head what she wanted him to do tonight, and was amazed that despite their several months together there was still many scenarios racing around in her head involving him, that awaited completion. She smiled to herself at the thought of tonights plans and hoped that he would enjoy what she wanted to do. If he didn't he could...

2 years ago
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From Office Worker to Dominated Slut Part 8 of 12

Chapter 8 Eveline awoke sharply the next morning to the sound of the front door slamming and her friend Liz calling out, "Wake up sleepyhead, where are you?" as she let herself in with the spare key. Eveline could hear her dumping bags in the kitchen and filling the kettle, and she dragged herself out of bed, staggering to the full length mirror in the corner as she grabbed her black silk dressing gown off the chair by the bed. God, she looked a mess, but then she hadn't been able to...

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Office Worker

Office Worker: Katie always wore a short blue miniskirt dress to the office. When she sat at her desk she would always pull the skirt down as it rode up her thighs. Alexander's eyes would always be caught by her long red fingernails caressing her miniskirt and her opaque black pantyhose encased legs. His eyes were always focused on her pantyhose encased legs, so much so that he never noticed her watching him watching her. Katie was around twenty years younger than Alexander and...

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The Construction Worker and the Slut

Friday, November 28, the day after Thanksgiving 2014, was a cloudless sunny day, although it rained the day before and the day after. My hot boyfriend, Vince, spent Thanksgiving morning in bed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV with me. Then we had a sweet fuck before rushing off to a family holiday meal. Then all night slowly enjoying each other back in my bed, in all of our favorite sexual ways. When we awoke Friday morning, Vince kissed me and asked me what I wanted to do...

2 years ago
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Office Worker Version 2

Having read Disappointed's comments on my first attempt at telling this semi-autobiographical story I felt that I owed it to Disappointed and any other people who read my stories to try to write a better and more powerful story. So hopefully this will be a better and more real story than my previous draft: Office Worker: It seemed to Alexander that Katie always wore a short blue miniskirt dress to the office. The truth was she did not wear the same outfit each day and that she...

3 years ago
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Sex With Beggar Worker In ATrain

Hi Friends I am Tanvi. I am here to narrate my real life experience which happened me in a train journey (Excuse me for my English in this story) .I am engineer by profession and a keen reader of Sex stories. It is evident that we all have some kind of sexual experience which does not fit the normal criteria. I have born in Delhi and belong to upper middle class family. When I was 8 yrs. old I was sexually abuse by my cousin. I was unaware of such things and he took advantage of my innocence in...

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Sex With Beggar Worker In ATrain

Hi Friends I am Tanvi. I am here to narrate my real life experience which happened me in a train journey (Excuse me for my English in this story) .I am engineer by profession and a keen reader of Sex stories. It is evident that we all have some kind of sexual experience which does not fit the normal criteria. I have born in Delhi and belong to upper middle class family. When I was 8 yrs. old I was sexually abuse by my cousin. I was unaware of such things and he took advantage of my innocence in...

1 year ago
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Co worker

My wife walked into the room after nearly an hour and a half getting dressed. I watched her nude from the bed as she looked for the perfect choker to go around her neck to complete her outfit. She had on blue jeans, that were considered low riders, meaning her tiny waist was on display and the red things she had on were clearly visible. For her top, she wore the red push up bra that came with the underwear we'd bought from a lingerie store together. Her mini Jean jacket was left unbuttoned...

1 year ago
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Co worker 2

Thanks to a former coworker worker of my wife, our sex life became incredible. The woman gave us our first threesome over a year ago and continued to have sexual tryst with us until she earned a promotion that took her out of town. We agreed to visit her and she agreed to visit us as well. However, a seminar there company had provided an opportunity for my wife and her to meet in the American mid west where they would have professional and personal business with each other without me. I would...

4 years ago
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Indian Wife With A Construction Worker

Hey guys we are back and we have another fantasy that we would like to share. My wife and I are very open-minded and we love doing kinky stuff that not everyone tries. Well this story is about me, my wife and a construction worker who gave us a helping hand. We had been coming from a party that night at about 3 am in the morning. It was deserted and we had been taking a few drinks, I was a little high but my wife was drunk and was almost passed out. We reached home and I opened the passenger...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jyoti and Worker

Mrs Jyoti Seth, CEO of the trading Corp. Stretched back to relax her neck. She had been working for more than 3 hours on this Saturday morning as she planned her marketing strategy for the coming year and was a little tired. She had decided to work on Saturday as that was the only day she could work undisturbed. Except for her assistant Vinod, the offiice was deserted. It was very hot outside, and through her office window she could see the sun beating down outside; although she was comfortable...

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The Window Worker

The Window Worker Part 1ByRubberwolf2012?Storycodes:  f/f, display, reluctant, humiliation, bd, work, petHannah Reynolds had worked for Tanaka since leaving university.  Her combined honours degree in business and Japanese had served to start her on the career ladder with the large Japanese conglomerate.  She had been interested in the East since she was a little girl, getting her first taste of oriental culture from television shows like Monkey or the Water Margin.  Classic Japanese films like...

2 years ago
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Ex Coworkers wife True Story

One day while I was over visting former co-worker and his wife, we were catching up on old times talking about our former employer and all the people with whom we used to work.It was a very hot summer night and the three of us were just sitting around their in the ground pool sipping ice tea and enjoying good laughs relating stories about some of the thing people did in the office. When my co-worker started talking about the time the sales manager who's office was down the hall from us forgot...

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School Administrative worker

I am Jean a 49 year old woman, an administrative worker for a local high school who is going to tell you one of my own personal stories. I date regularly but for a few years now all of the men I have been dating have not fulfilled in me what I have always craved. When I was a younger engaged in a lot of sex to men who knew how to satisfy my sexual desire to be used and abused by them for their sexual pleasure. Using me for that purpose is something that really gets me off and is what is...

3 years ago
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Office Intern To a Pet Slut

Typically on a Monday morning Brian was the first person in the office. There was a small staff of 10 that kept busy, but he like to get in well before 6:00 A.M. to get through e-mails and other administrative items before being bothered by the questions and concerns of the day. Brian entered the rear door and went to the break room to put on a pot of coffee, to his surprise there was already a fresh pot brewed.As he approached Nicole's cubicle from behind, Brian noticed the sound of the video...

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Office coworker ke Saath

Hello! To all ISS Reader. Mear naam ajay hai aur main 25 yrs ka hoo meri hight 5′.6″ hai aur main Nawab’s City Hyderabad se hoo. Main ISS main post keya har story zaroor padtha hoo. Ek din mujhe laga ke kyou na main bhe apni experience aap ke saath share karo frndzs yeh meri saachi kahani hai jo kuch he maheno pahala ghathe hai aur yeh mera phela true experience. Main ek pvt ltd. Company main job karta hoo as a service engineer, mari company Branch office hone kay karan hamare office main sirf...

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Abducted Social Worker

Abducted Social WorkerBy:  The CryptkeeperWARNING: Please do not read this work if subjects containing non-consensual sex, racism, drug use and violence offend you. The work is fictional and the author does not condone such behavior in real life. If you are easily offended STOP READING NOW.  The September sun beats down on Lisa through the open sunroof ofher blue Acura as she pulls up to her last case for the day inthe middle of the projects. The young, 22-year-old accepted thisjob with the...

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Dominated By Margaret Jeanette Vickie Storm was putting up pictures in the living room. She needed one more picture hanger. She decided to look in the basement in Jason's workshop. She was in the workshop and opening drawers looking for a hanger. The third drawer held some magazines. She glanced at them and closed the drawer. She checked the two other drawers and didn't find anything. Then she thought about what she had seen of the magazines. She opened the drawer and looked...

4 years ago
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Cam Model Prepares Me To Fuck Coworker

Hello ISS readers, I am Donald D’mello (Age 28) from Goa and I am going to share an enchanting experience that I have enjoyed with a webcam model named Arushi. My colleagues recommended me to try out the website, as I wanted to develop confidence in seducing my divorced co-worker. My very first video session with Delhi sex chat’s well-liked webcam model Arushi (age 21) from Lucknow, gave me ideas to fuck a divorced woman. Continue reading this story and find out how you can do it too! I work...

2 years ago
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The Temp Worker an Office Fantasy

There was a light knock at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see you peeking around the door as you opened it. You had just started the previous day. I was told you were hired to do a report for the company and that I had been assigned to answer any questions that you may have. The day before, while you had been in the adjacent office, going over the parameters of the report with the boss I couldn’t help but notice you. You wore a modest skirt, accentuating your...

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worker cocks for my wife

My wife Shalini and I got married five yeas ago and are happily married except one problem. I suffer from pre-mature ejaculation. Earlier we had sex very often and I could satisfy her easily but since she gave birth to a child, her pussy became slightly loose and I also stopped feeling the tightness around my cock each time we fucked. On top of that my premature ejaculation! No wonder our sex life hit rock bottom. If we had sex once in a month, I could thank god for it. Then I got addicted to...

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My CoWorker The Perfect Slut

We made it all the way to the parking lot of the bar before she changed her mind and instead decided she would rather have me than a drink. As soon as the car was parked she hopped over in to my lap and pressed her breasts in my face. This was not an easy task since I drive a small sports car. Liking the way this evening was turning out I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine. We made out for 4 or 5 minutes like this in the car before we decided we would be better...

1 year ago
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The Bitch is a popular worker at the office

Tiina is a beautifull, great woman! She is very generous... She does not hide her best parts from any men... She wears very tight blouses, so that upper buttens are always open and her big breats tighten the rest. Very often Tiina "accidentially" touches those buttons so, that they open and reveal her bra´s. She has usually tight, very short mini. She sits in the morning in coffee room in office so, that her legs apart and guys sitting opposite of her can see directly between her great...

Adult Humor
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The Craigslist sex worker

They had arranged it by text after he had contacted her initially through the ‘Services’ section on Craigslist. John had clicked on the listing and there was a brief message about personal services offered by a mature lady, late forties size 8, to gentlemen, with two photos underneath. On them she was lying face down on a bed in a black bra, black stockings and suspender belt only. She looked petite with a nice figure and a brutally chopped blonde bob that resembled a helmet. John understood...

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A young male office worker is turned into a sex slave by six sadistic women

I have always been rather shy around girls. Don’t get me wrong. I am one hundred percent straight, even though some of the things I have been forced to do recently might seem to deny that. I was a good student in high school and an even better one in college. I liked sports, but really excelled at mental activities. So it’s not surprising that I landed a really nice job for an upscale marketing firm. Because I was quiet and as I say, shy with girls, I never had much sex. Here I was...

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In The Office With Two CoWorkers

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a fictional story about what happened when the hot supervisor from the living facility I sometimes work at heard me make a joke about hiding in the sleeping in room the next time she was doing a sleeping in shift. This is what happened after she read the story on Lush and recognized her and me. I was sitting in the living area of the supported living facility I occasionally work at. It was Friday morning, two weeks after I had had the idea for the story I’d sent...

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Mature Office slut

She waved good bye to the girls and headed down the corridor to her office. She opened the door and as she closed it behind her she saw a box wrapped in red paper sitting on her desk. Suddenly she felt a knot in her stomach. It had to be from Chris. She slowly walked toward the box as if it would contain a severed head, but at the same time she could feel a familiar warmth between her legs.She hated him for treating her like a slut. She was a mature woman and should be treated with respect. She...

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Enjoyed With My Office Worker

Hi, everyone this is Neil(name changed) here from Goa. I am a BIG Fan of ISS and I regularly read all the stories posted here. This is a great site which allows us to post all our real life sex experiences. Today I am going to share with you my real life experience. About me I am 18 years old from Goa. I have a tool of 6 inches of which I am very proud of. This story is about My dream Lady who was working in our office. We have business so we had appointed a lady to work for us as in the...

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Fun with my office coworker

Here is a fantasy that I wrote based half on actual events that happened to me. It has been almost a year since we have been acquainted with each other. We both work in the same company but in a different departments and only see each other briefly in the hallway passing by or in the large inter-departmental meetings that seems to last way too long. We haven’t spoken to each other yet but I could tell that you want to get to know me. Your beautiful eyes speaks loud and clearly whenever you...

3 years ago
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The Office Slut

The workplace was an interesting mixture of all ages. On the female side we had some older mothers who you’d just love to fuck, and some young blood who would create a wonderfully sexually charged atmosphere. I am the boss in the marketing department and have a team of nine. The team has some of that young blood and none more so than Joanna. She’s mid 20s and just out of a relationship with her school sweetheart. I often wondered what kind of sex life they had, was it a case of all she ever...

Straight Sex
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Office slut

‘God, Kimmie, how did it happen?’Kimberly smiled a little at Sarah’s expression: after Kim’s little revelation she’d seen amusement on her friend’s face... until she realised that Kim wasn’t kidding... followed by horror, disgust, then sympathy... and now that finally seemed to be giving way to curiosity. Taking a moment to sip her latte, Kim sighed, leant back in her chair, crossing her slender, well-toned, legs and glanced around the up-market coffee shop.‘Well,’ she replied as Sarah leaned...

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Making My Worker8217s Wife A Slut

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do. It all started with a chance encounter in a mall, there she was a slender lady in all her beauty, at that point I didn’t know her, luck do plays a part in life, and fucking her to my satisfaction was sheer luck, Lets tell me about myself,...

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sex with coworker

this story is 100% true. the names have changed to protect the guilty.... lolI had been divorced for about a six months and living on my own with a few sex partners but that's another story. Michele was my co-worker and at first I did not get along with her. I was working for a non-profit agency in a large metropolitan area on the east coast. Michele had transferred to our office from another office of the same agency. She was promoted as the office manager. She was not my boss but we had...

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Office Party Gang Bang of co workers wife

(True story) At our company's Annual end of Summer party I observed my co workers very attractive wife getting drunk as hell on the liquor that was flowing during the party. I must've admit I found Marie very attractive, blond blue-eyed late 30s.. they were typical yuppie couple, very conservative .. He was bit arrogant & she bit stuck up, but she was definitely getting hammered and I was watching her as she got plastered. By the time the party was starting to die down I had noticed that...

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Gang Banging co workers wife at Office Party

(True story) At our company's Annual end of Summer party I observed my co workers very attractive wife getting drunk as hell on the liquor that was flowing during the party. I must've admit I found Marie very attractive blond blue-eyed late 30s.. they were typical yuppie couple, very conservative .. He was bit arrogant & she bit stuck up, but she was definitely getting hammered and I was watching her as she got plastered. By the time the party was starting to die down I had noticed that...

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Doing a Coworkers wife at the Office party

(True story) At our company's Annual end of Summer party I observed my co workers very attractive wife getting drunk as hell on the liquor that was flowing during the party. I must've admit I found Marie very attractive blond blue-eyed late 30s.. they were typical yuppie couple, very conservative .. He was bit arrogant & she bit stuck up, but she was definitely getting hammered and I was watching her as she got plastered. By the time the party was starting to die down I had noticed that...

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Irenes story Chapter 9 I expose myself to my favorite coworker

As you may recall from previous chapters, a few months ago, my husband, Oscar, convinced me to wear a very revealing outfit to a disco which was located on the twentieth floor of the Hotel Vela in our hometown, Barcelona. This was a bar with a dance floor. It was bar frequented by foreign tourists on holiday. It was Oscar's birthday. For his 'present', he wanted me to dance with other men. I was instructed to grind into them on the dance floor and encourage them to touch me while Oscar watched...

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Hubby Impregnates My CoWorker with My Blessings

Hubby Impregnates My Co-Worker with My BlessingsThis is a true story written by a dear friend of mine. She asked me if I would posted it here to share with all of you:My name is Molly and I’m married to a wonderful man named Sean. We are very happily married. This story is about how my husband Sean fathered two c***dren with a co-worker of mine and he did it with my and her husband’s blessings.About a year ago, a co-worker named Jennifer came into work with reddened eyes that showed that she...

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Construction worker

Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language.He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his cock and starts masturbating.The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs...

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Office Affairs Banging My Sexy Coworker

Hey, it’s Vishwajeet back with another story. This is about a steamy sexual affair I had in the office and happened 6 months back. One day, a new girl showed up to work. My new coworker was a girl with pretty eyes and tempting lips. Whenever she bit her lips looking at me, I just wanted to grab her and kiss her! I felt like eating her up. She had a short height of about 5’2″. She had cute boobs, fat butts, and a perfect thin figure. We quickly became close. She loved it when I spanked or rubbed...

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Sex With My Friend And Coworker In Office

Hi, I am Jay, 40 years old, single man from south India. I and Sneha have been working together for about 10 years now. Sneha is 38 years old, Married, no children, and slightly on the heavier side, fairly beautiful, simple woman. She always dressed modestly and the only time I got a glimpse of her ample breast and side of her stomach was when she wore a sari. We are very close friends and we used to discuss almost everything under the sun. She even used to tell me about her sex life with her...

5 years ago
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Dominated And Fucked By Hot Maids In The Office

Hey Everyone. Recently, I have developed this fantasy of writing sex stories inspired by many ISS writers. About me, I am a 22 years old boy with wildest sexual desires. This is not my story and I am writing this on behalf of my friend. Coming to the story, I am Aditya (name changed) from Pune and from a good family. I love working out to keep myself fit. I am quite fair, tall (not fat) guy working in a company. So let’s begin. This happened before 3 months when I was working late in my office....

4 years ago
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Second Time Romance With My Worker In Old House

Hello friends, this is Sumalatha coming back with the translation of my second incident with our worker. In the previous incident, I got lucky with my worker Ramesh in our coconut farm when I visited my village to attend the marriage of my uncle’s daughter. And honestly there is no fiction in any part of the story, what I have written has really happened in my life and I don’t have the patience to write a fictional story. In the previous incident, we had sex in the coconut farm in the night. We...

2 years ago
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Fling with coworker part 2

Check out fling with co-worker part 1 before going on. Once we was done and finished up and got resituated. We cleared our heads and went back to work. After a good half hour we was back being flirty and talking sexual to each other. It was a hour left in the day and I checked out and saw an opening and took it. I walked up behind her and wrapped a arm around her waist and place my lips against her ears and spoke. "I cant to make...

4 years ago
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The Dominant Construction Worker Girls

Hi Folks, Thanks for the response on the previous story. This is the follow-up to the first one where a couple of construction worker girls came to my house and I managed to shed my clothes and let them handle my stuff without their ever getting a doubt about my intentions. As I told you the last time, the first time this happened, the girls were called before they could have more fun. They talked about coming back tomorrow. So the tomorrow happened! And I was so glad it did because I...

3 years ago
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A woman pays to attend a house where the guests will be dominated and serve as a slave

The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same. Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn’t about to turn back now. This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours. Total submission she craved was finally about to be given. She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet and talked to several chat-room people about it. It...

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The Coworker

Cuckold Story. After I lost my job my wife found a job in an Office. She got good paid and had her own office room just at the end of an long corridor. Opposite to her office was a second office. My wife is in her early 30s and has an amazing body. Long black hair with brown eyes. Full libs and full breasts. The first weeks she always come home stressed, but after then she was more and more happy. She was staid longer at work, but she said it is because she got more responsibilities. She was...

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Co worker experience

Janie was excited about her co-worker Tyler. They worked together. she had never been so turned on before, thinking of doing her co-worker. but she was ready for Tyler, He was coming over! She had a secret that he would find out sometime later that night. This wasn’t the first time she had done this, but she wouldn’t tell Tyler that. Since Tyler had lusted after her for as long as he had worked with her, and she lusted after him. He knew tonight was the night he was going to let her know his...

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