New York Switch Chapter 5 free porn video

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NEW YORK SWITCH CHAPTER 5 I had been my masters pet for just over 2 years now. If he knew that my mind was that of a former male, he never let on or even let slip that he knew. That was both good and bad. Good in that he had no reason to doubt or punish me, and bad in that my life as his captive submissive would never end. He did care for me, kept me on birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, had a doctor come to give me a check up every 2 to 3 months. Deep down I craved the freedom that I'd been denied for 2 years, even through all the orgasms, trips, care and comfort kept me calm and happy. Whenever he was off on business or working a deal from his office in the city, I was left to roam his estate. I was always left in the leather arm binder, ballet boots, leather cuffs around my ankles and corset. I was fed by the kitchen staff at noon, 3pm and 6pm if my master hadn't returned from the city. I missed and craved his touch whenever he was away. I listened to him on the phone as I was under his desk, my lips sliding back and forth around his cock, suckling hungrily as id been taught to, and even wanted to now. After my master had left for his office in the city to complete a deal. I roamed the hallways, some doors were locked, and the phones needed a code to use them. Id learned that in my first few days here, only 2 years ago, but that seemed like a lifetime ago. As I was about to go into the exercise room for my daily workout session, I was stopped by a tug on my collar as one of the newer staff turned me around to face him. Even as I towered over him, I was helpless if he wanted to do anything to me, up to this moment, none of the staff ever had. "Come pet, I have something new to show you today," he said to me as he clipped a white leather leash to my collar and lead me back down the hallway to one of the guest rooms. My heart was pounding as this was a breach of the routine I'd become accustomed to. As he opened the door up, he slipped a ball gag into my mouth and pushed me onto the bed. Crying into the gag, I tried to get up again, only to be pushed down and spanked hard by him. My scream was muffled as he quickly closed the door behind him and unzipped his pants. "I see you all the time here, moving around, showing off, he never shares you with us, prissy little bitch," he told me as he spanked me again hard, then teased my pussy to make it moisten up. Turning my head around to stare up at him, I was shocked by the size of his cock, hard already, it was bigger than any id seen, even my own former cock hadn't been that big. "Mmm, its just as good and moist as id hoped it would be, if you tell anyone about this, you'll pay for it later on, I'll ensure you have an accident, or ingest some poison," he whispered into my ear as he thrust hard into my pussy from behind, filling me and stretching me as I screamed into the gag. I twisted and arched my back to try to free my arms as he slammed back and forth into me, his cock stretched me open more and more as I bucked and screamed in pain. He cared nothing for my pleasure, only his own. Holding onto my hips, he thrust again and again into me. Bucking and screaming as loudly as I can, I cried in pain as he smacked my head, making my head ring and vision blur for a second. "Just relax pet, this will all be over soon, I've wanted this since the first day I saw you," he said that as if he had every right to take me like this. I thought for sure he would cum inside me, casually raping me in the guest room. Then I heard the door kicked open and loud voices. I heard the voices of my rapist and some of the security people that kept the grounds secure. I felt him pulled away from me just before he came. Still crying and screaming, I tried to kick him and run as two suited security guards held me down to calm me down. As tears streamed down my cheeks, I continued to try to wriggle free. My sore pussy ached as I felt violated and used. Nothing like when my master took me, he took it slow and sensual. Still kicking, I winced as I felt the sting of a needle in my right ass cheek, then slumped down on the bed and passed out. As consciousness returned, I quickly remembered what had happened to me and tried to sit up, only to be stopped by straps holding me down onto the bed. As fresh tears filled my eyes, I felt the tightness of the straps and a dull ache in my pussy. Was he still here with me, would my master be angry with me. Those thoughts went through my mind until I turned my head to see my master sitting next to me. Quickly moving closer to me, he sat on the mattress and ran his hand over my forehead and cheek. "Shhh, its ok pet, its ok, I'm here, don't worry about a thing," he told me as I squirmed and cried at what id gone through. "I came as soon as I could pet, he wont hurt you again, I'll see to that personally, are you still sore or hurting anywhere," he asked me as I calmed down and blinked away my tears. "No, I'm ok, my pussy aches a bit, but I'm ok, I'm sorry, I tried to stop him, I tried." I pleaded with him as he continued to caress my forehead and through my long hair. "I know, as soon as the system alerted me to your rape, I called the security guards and told them to get to you, and they got to you just in time," he said to me softly. "How, how could you have known I was." Then it hit me, he had to have hidden security cameras around the mansion and rooms. No wonder none of the staff never tried to take liberties with me, they knew or suspected cameras were watching them. "Yes.. You know now, I trust very few people in this world, I trust only myself with you, just try to relax, I'll have the doctor give you something to relax you," he told me, then softly kissed my forehead and walked over to where the doctor who gave me my quarterly medical checkups was standing. They talked softly to each other but I could still hear what they were saying. "So, will she be ok, how badly was she hurt?" I heard him ask the doctor as he looked at some papers in his hands. "She isn't hurt badly, she has some vaginal tears, but they will heal, she tested negative for any STDs, and you don't hire staff with any STDs or other diseases, so the only lasting damage will be to her emotional state." "How dare he defile my pet like that, he'll regret ever touching her, 2 years to get her like this, and he screws that up in 5 minutes," I heard my master say angrily to him. "Well, knowing what you're capable of, he wont like what you have planned for him, I know I wont lose any sleep over it." "Well, thanks for coming over so promptly, I know it was imposing, but this should make up for it," my master said to him as he handed the doctor a thick envelope. He opened it up and glanced inside, then smiled up at my master. "It does and then some, I'll check on her in a few days if you like," he replied as he put the envelope in his bag and both of them walked out of the room. He returned 10 minutes later and lay down next to me. He didn't say anything to me, and just let me rest. He softly caressed me but didn't go anywhere near my pussy. The next day, I was let out of bed and helped to the bathroom. Instead of the staff bathing me, it was my master that bathed me and took care of my needs. He talked softly to me as he fed me, or took me to the toilet. All the while, my emotions were all over the place. While id become accustomed to having him take me, my rape had made me nervous about being touched anywhere near my pussy. I always flinched and felt tears in my eyes whenever he got too close to it. The day after that, I felt stronger and angry about what had been done to me. His soft fingers relaxed me and made me feel safe. He softly kissed and nibbled on my ears as his fingers stroked around my clit and pussy. I again felt my pussy throb and moisten up as he continued to arouse me. Restrained in only a collar and matching white leather cuffs around my wrists, and my feet in a pair of 5in spike heels, he picked me up and slowly entered my pussy. Moaning and squirming in familiar extasy, I wrapped my thighs around him, then my wrist chain around his neck as he held me up with his hands against my firm as cheeks. Bucking and thrusting against him, I cried and moaned over and over, I felt safe and content in his strong arms. His cries matched mine as he pressed me against a wall and thrust deep into me. My juices coated his cock and took away any lingering pain, while my heels dug into his back to spur him on. Crying louder and faster, I quivered and cried out as I orgasmed and came against him. My eyes glazed over as he continued to buck and thrust into me. It didn't take long until he orgasmed as well and spurted his cum deep inside me. Shaking and moaning, I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me up and caressed my back. As I recovered, he laid me back onto the bed and took in my petite, sensual body. Just being with him had helped me to recover. Id become accustomed to his touch, scent, habits, everything. After he had cleaned me up, he clipped a leash to my collar and tugged on it to get me to follow him from the room. Walking down the hallway, I spotted several of the staff, but they quickly moved out of sight. Following him down the stairs, my spike heels clicked on the hard floors and followed him down to the basement, a part of the mansion id never been in before. I had no idea why I was down here until I saw who was secured in one of the corners. It was my attacker, at least it partly looked like him. He had been shaved all over, even his head. A red ball gag in his mouth kept him silent and his wrists were secured in cuffs above his head. His ankles were cuffed into a spreader bar. I smiled as I saw what his cock had been locked into a chastity belt for men, locked away for what he had done to me. He opened his eyes and tried to plead to us as he saw us standing there. I felt no sympathy for him, for what he had done, he deserved to be punished. "Well, well, aren't we a sight, for what you did to my pet, you deserve to die, but that's too good a fate for you. No, I have other plans for you, plans that are profitable for me, and bad for you," he told him as my rapist again tried to talk, I really couldn't blame him for trying to talk his way out of this, but my master was in no mood for explanations. "I deal in slaves, female ones, like Serena here, but I know people, likeminded people that deal in transgendered ones, and for what you did to my pet, you deserve to be sold to one of them, to know what it's like to be helpless and used." As my rapist heard that, he bucked and cried into his gag, desperate as I smiled happily. I'm a firm believer in karma, I always have been, and to see karma in action is a beautiful sight to see. "Yes, that's right, I'll sell you to someone who will give you breast implants, give you an hourglass figure, reshape your face, give you a sweet, feminine voice, long beautiful hair. But I'm sure they'll let you keep your cock. You may end up a hooker in a bad part of Prague or Paris, or worse. You'll be giving blowjobs, always afraid that one of them will discover your secret, I know what id do if I found out that I was getting oral sex from a former man," he told him as my rapist continued to struggle frantically. Hearing that, I was glad that I hadn't told my master what had been done to me. "In fact, I have a buyer lined up, who likes you already, unless of course, my pet forgives you." As he looked at me, I faced my rapist. I knew what he was feeling, thinking, could I really forgive him for what he did to me. But no matter how much I tried to, I couldn't. I remembered in perfect detail his cock slamming painfully into me, his touch and the pain from his hands spanking me. His hands holding me down, and his lack of care for me, I couldn't. "No, I don't forgive him master, I can't, not for what he did to me," I told my master as he smiled and cupped my firm breasts, then tweaked my nipples. "No I didn't think you would pet, that's why I sold him an hour ago, to a dominant I know in Europe, he'll learn a lot of new and interesting European words there, among other things," he told me as he sensuously kissed me, then tugged on my leash to get me to follow him. As we walked away, I could hear the rattling of his chains and the muffled cries from him. I didn't think any more about him, I watched later on as a trunk was taken up from the basement and loaded onto a transport companies truck, Europe bound I could only assume. I hoped he liked his new life there, I thought to myself as I was lead to the exercise room by one of the staff, who was nervous around me and made no attempt to inappropriately touch me anywhere. 6 months passed and it was election time, Federal I think. I heard the ads on the TV and watched them whenever I could. I knew that id never be allowed to vote, but if I had, I'd have voted democrat. I watched and heard their ads to the american people, all of them lying as they do, all promising to do good if they were elected to become president. I heard the staff talking about having a presidential candidate over for dinner while I was being fed lunch and wondered which one it was. The next night, the staff all got dressed in their best uniforms, even I was roped into it. I was dressed in a French maids outfit, a tight bodice and short skirt, a low neckline showed off my cleavage while fishnet thigh high stockings and 5in shiny black stiletto heels completed my look. A maids cap and velvet choker were added to it. My long hair was put into a long braid down my back, and my make up was applied by a make up artist brought in by my master. Any notion of running off, even if I entertained them, were taken away as my master secured a pair of black leather cuffs around my ankles and wrists, with a 2 foot length between my ankles and a 3 foot length between my wrists, to make it easier for me to carry trays and other things. I could only watch on as the staff cleaned the mansion and set the table with 12 settings. I was told to obey what my master told me and not spill anything. Tonight had to go smoothly, and if I did anything wrong, I would be punished. An hour passed and I heard the first cars drive up the driveway. I heard the door open and their footsteps as they walked in. I heard their voices and saw them as they were lead into the main lounge room to have a drink before dinner was served. Within 30 minutes, the other 10 guests had arrived. I was given a tray and held onto it as their drinks were mixed and placed on the tray. I carefully and gracefully walked from the kitchen into the lounge room, all eyes turned to me as they heard the click of my heels and the clink of my chains. I looked from face to face, they were in either suits or evening gowns, 6 men and 5 women. As I offered the tray to each of them, they took their drinks and took in my French maid dress and what was underneath it. Every time I bent over, my cleavage was shown off. I felt naked and embarrassed, but hid it well as I knew how I must have looked to them, but couldn't blame them for what they were thinking. I'd have been thinking the same thing if id been in their place. As I bent over to offer one of the men the tray, I heard him speak and gasped as I recognised his voice, one of the presidential candidates id heard on TV. Looking up at him, I studied his face, he was about 50, but with a face that said trust me. He also had the look of someone who'd seen combat and liked the good things in life. A war record or tour of service always looks good on a resume, and to voters, it made them trustable. Taking in my sensual body and outfit, he slowly ran a hand up my thigh, under my skirt to cup my firm ass cheek. I didn't dare move or say anything as he gently rubbed it, then did the same to my other leg. "Do you like my pet." I heard my master say as his finger ran over my bald pussy, his wife sitting next to him seemed to have no problem with this, she only smiled and urged him on. "Yes I do, where did you come across her, and get her this.. Accommodating and docile," he asked as he teased my clit and gently ran his finger around my pussy lips, then slid a fingertip into me, shocking me as I held onto the tray tightly and bucked my hips against his finger. "I didn't find her, she found me, she came to me asking, no, begging me for training. How could I possibly say no to a beautiful creature like this, so I took her in, isn't that right pet?" he asked me as I moaned over and over. With his finger sliding deeper into me, I could only nod my head and blush as he brought me closer to an orgasm, then slid out of me. Fustrated as I was close to cumming, he only laughed and lightly spanked me. "Well, if tonight goes well, I'll send her up to your room for some.. Private time, would you like that?" he asked the senator as I stood still and watched on. A helpless and silent witness to a lifestyle that was hidden away and made possible by his fortune. "Yes, I think I would, I know my wife would as well, we've been swingers for a while now." My masters reply was interrupted by one of the staff telling our guests that dinner was ready. They were guided to the oak dining room table and seated. Other staff members in less ornate maid outfits brought in the main course and wine glasses, they accepted either red or white wine while they made small talk and ate. I was kept at hand to bring in plates piled high with steamed vegetables, slices of turkey, chicken, a virtual feast. Whenever I was serving them, all eyes glanced at me or openly stared at me. Stopped by my master as I brought in another plate, I was made to kneel next to him and hand fed by him. As I hadn't had anything to eat in hours, I eagerly accepted whatever he fed me, turkey, vegetables, warm chicken, anything. He enjoyed showing me off and his control over me was clear to everyone. While I rested on my knees, I listened to the conversations going around. My master talked to the senator about funding, the issues he wanted him to focus on, and his own goals. If the senator went along with it, the presidency was almost assured, with my master providing generous funding for ads, publicity, and other forms of help. With a fortune somewhere between 30 and 40 billion, he could afford to give the senator a few hundred million without breaking a sweat. I could only assume that in return, my masters interests would be looked after and favourable treatment would be given to his businesses and interests. Working from the shadows, my master and those like him had no limits, they could get away with anything. As the guests finished their main course, desert was brought in for everyone but the senator and his wife. My master whispered something to his most trusted staff and I was helped to my feet and lead into the kitchen. Once inside, I was helped out of my maids dress and made to stand still as whipped cream was rubbed all over my heaving breasts and permanently bald pussy. A scene from the movie Varsity Blues came to mind, one of my favourite scenes in it, but not one I ever thought id be recreating. Shaking and blushing as this was done, I pleaded with them not to as a cherry was put over my pierced nipples, the cream held them in place as another staff member kneeled down and put m&ms in the cream over my pussy. Blushing more and more, I was lead out by my wrist cuffs to where the senator was sitting. All eyes again turned to me as the click of my heels announced my return. My ankle cuffs were taken off and I was made to straddle him, my firm 36d breasts in front of his face. Licking his lips hungrily, he licked at the cream, making me whimper and moan in pleasure, he licked the cream from the skin and tugged on my nipple rings as he chewed on the cherries. I knew better than to plead for help or refuse to go along with this. After he had finished, I was helped onto the table, my pussy open and shown off to his wife, who eagerly licked at the cream over my pussy. Closing my eyes and moaning louder as her tongue made me buck and twitch my hips, I craved more as she nibbled on my lips and clit. She found every m&m and tasted my moist pussy as the guests enjoyed the show. "Very nice, very nice indeed, I should borrow her from you and keep her with me when I'm in the oval office, she'd be better than any intern," he said to my master as I was guided from the table and out of the dining room. Before I left, I saw him talking to the head of his household staff. Having no idea what to expect, I was taken upstairs into what must be the senators bedroom. Naked and with my wrists cuffed together, I had no intention of trying to run or free myself, where could I have gone. My velvet choker was taken off and a white leather collar was buckled behind my neck, I let my arms be laced into a familiar leather arm binder, then I was helped onto the bed and bent over. My smooth, firm ass and bound arms shown off even more from this angle. I was confused and scared, would he hurt me or be gentle with me. I hoped that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, as I wasn't in any position to stop him. I don't know how long I waited, 10 minutes to half an hour, but I waited as I heard the door open and two people walk in. "Oh, here she is, she looks so adorable like that." I heard his wife say as her soft hand caressed over my raised as cheeks and lightly finger my pussy, bringing a moan from my lips as I heard clothes hit the floor, then they were on me. I teased his cock with my lips and tongue while her tongue tasted my juices and suckled hungrily on me. My moans were muffled as I bobbed my head back and forth against his cock, and her tongue was replaced by her fingers. She fingered me deeper and faster as my hips bucked back and forth against her hand. I don't know if I was being recorded here as well, but it was a good bet that we were, for insurance purposes in case he reneged on his end of the deal once he was in office. I kept my lips sealed around his shaft as he came in my mouth, and I freely swallowed it all down, not spilling a drop as he rested, then slid out of my warm mouth. "Oh she's good Denise, she's very good, she's been trained well," he said to her as I was turned around into a 69 position. Inches away from her shaved pussy, I licked and teased it as she moaned underneath me and teased my own moist pussy. My own moans mixed with hers as we squirmed on the bed, her juices and musky aroma matching mine as we both orgasmed within seconds of each other. The senator watched on as we coupled and came again and again. She was insatable and I didn't want to stop either. After we had orgasmed for a fourth time, I was made to straddle him, facing his wife as she suckled and nibbled on my nipples. She played with my nipple rings and commented on them as I raised and lowered myself on his thick cock. I lost myself in the waves of extasy going through me and didn't want to stop, I couldn't, I craved more orgasms as they became intense and more frequent. Tossing my head back and forth, I cried and moaned over and over, lost as his cock slid deeper and faster into me. He raised and lowered me as his wife kissed and caressed my heaving breasts while nibbling on my ears. She guided me to my next orgasm as he spurted his cum deep inside me. She then helped me off him and had me rest on my belly, then put a pillow under my hips to raise my ass up. Still quivering from my orgasm, I heard her strapping something onto her but couldn't see it until she came into sight, a strap on was buckled around her hips. I watched as she lubed it up, then moved behind me to slide it into my pussy from behind. I gasped and bucked as she slid it into me, slowly at first, then faster as she moaned with me. The strap on had to have had something rubbing against her pussy and clit from underneath it as she thrust back and forth into me. Her husband sat back and watched as she claimed me as he had. As I was pushed back and forth, he reached for my nipple rings and tugged on them to bring me closer to him. "For lending you to us pet, I think id do almost anything he asked of me, I'll have to have you delivered to me for a longer session, tonight just wont be enough." he whispered into my ear as he let go and cupped my breasts. It didn't take long for me to shudder and orgasm against her. She continued to thrust into me until she came with me and rested on top of me. Quivering and moaning softly, I felt her slide out of me and collapse next to me. Closing my eyes, I passed out with her arms around me. When I woke up, it was morning. As I sat up on the bed, my pussy glistened from the number of orgasms id had last night. I turned to where the senator and his wife had been, but they were gone. "They left an hour ago pet, I sat here and watched you sleep, so sweet and peacefully," I heard my master say from a dark corner of the room. Turning to his voice, I arched my back to show off my breasts even more. "They were very taken with you, they've asked to see you again as soon as possible. Especially his wife, just what did both of you do?" he asked me as he moved to sit next to me and caressed along my side and against my breasts. "I just... did as they asked of me, I let them use me as they wanted to, will you send me to them again, if they ask," I asked him as his fingers traced over my belly and down to tease my clit. "If he gets elected, I might give him to you for a night or two, or a week if he does what I ask of him. You were good last night, he didn't complain or anything, so I'm rewarding you. For the day, you'll be treated like a queen, you'll get a pedicure, manicure, massages, a warm bath, and anything else you ask for, within reason of course pet." "I'd like that sir, id like that a lot," I told him as my mind raced. If he knew the truth about me, he hid it very well. He kept his word. For the entire day, I was massaged, pampered and made to feel like a queen. Every part of me was massaged, I was clensed all over. The scent of lavender surrounded me as my feet and hands were washed, then they went to work on my hands and feet. My routine continued for many more years. My masters preferred candidate was elected into office. He got the states of Florida and Pennslvania easily, and got high approval rantings in almost every other state. My masters financial contributions made sure he got more publicity than any other candidate, and said all the right things to get almost 80% of all votes. I was allowed to watch his speeches and his walk to the white house on TV. "You helped to make this happen pet, never forget that," he told me as he cupped and massaged my breasts, making me moisten up and moan in pleasure. I watched the world from the sidelines, always in fetish gear and restrained, I was always in some sort of restraint. The years passed quicker than I thought, one day followed another. I saw more and more of Emily as her master brought her over. I loved kissing her and being with her, we coupled and brought each other to orgasm wherever we were, even in front of our masters. I couldn't get enough of her, her unique scent, her soft touch and the taste of her juices. If I could have run off with her, I would have, I knew id never be male again. More and more of me didn't want to ever go back to being male. I'd been taken from that club around may 2006, before I knew it, it was Christmas 2012. My master brought me to Emily's masters estate for Christmas dinner. We kneeled next to our masters as they hand fed us, then lifted us up onto the table and let us go at it. We needed no encouragement and leapt at each other. I licked and suckled hungrily on her pussy as she did the same to me. My tongue twisted around inside her as we both tried to bring the other to orgasm first. Emily won out as I screamed and shuddered against her pierced tongue. Shaking and quivering as I orgasmed and fed her. As I recovered, I twisted my tongue against her inner walls until she orgasmed as well. I knew her so well by now, I knew how to bring her to orgasm, where her most sensitive parts were. Sitting us up on the table, my master put a red leather collar around my neck, then one around Emily's neck and secured a chain to both collars, ensuring we couldn't go far from each other. Giggling playfully as we rubbed and caressed each other, I pouted as my arms were slid in my familiar arm binder by Emily's master. "She's yours pet, yours for tonight and tomorrow, my gift to you," he told her as she smiled and kissed me passionately. Parting my lips, I squirmed and rubbed up against her even more as she held me and rubbed her glistening pussy against mine. Nibbling on my ear, she helped me from the table and lead me into a room filled with fetish items and restraints, as well as toys. Taking a silver vibrator from a shelf, she had me sit, then kneeled in front of me to tease me with it. Smiling hungrily, I parted my thighs and moaned as she slid the vibrator inside me and turned it on, sending shocks through me as she held me and kissed me again. "just relax Serena and let me do this for you," she whispered into my ear between nibbles, then kissed down along my neck and along my shoulders, one of my more sensitive spots. Squirming on the seat, I gripped the vibrator and orgasmed from it as she slid it deep inside me. My juices coated it and seeped out onto the chair. When my master collected me the next afternoon and caressed me in the back of his limo, he looked as if he was thinking seriously about something, but what. Had he sold me to Emily's master, was he planning some public event to show me off at, what was it. Whatever it was, he kept it to himself on the long drive. End of chapter 5. It's not over yet, I have more planned for chapter 6, keep the reviews coming, and ill let you guess what my master could be thinking of.

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New York Bound

It all started when I wanted to go to New York with my friend. It was the 4th of July and my best friend Jake asked me to go to New York with him and his mom. My parents we obviously not all for it see how Jake's mom is a heavy pot user. They told me I could go only if I took my little brother. I say little but in fact he is only a year younger than me. At 18 he is what kids at school would call a nerd. However I had to convince Greg (my brother ) to go with me. What happens next just blew my...

1 year ago
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New York Bound Incest

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when I wanted to go to New York with my friend. It was the 4th of July and my best friend Jake asked me to go to New York with him and his mom. My parents we obviously not all for it see how Jake's mom is a heavy pot user. They told me I could go only if I took my little brother. I say little but in fact he is only a year younger than me. At 18 he is what kids at school would call a nerd. However I had to convince Greg (my brother ) to...

4 years ago
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new york trip

Day 1How was I trapped into this? A couple weeks ago, I substitute for a week for the band teacher, and now I find myself chaperoning a trip half way across the country. The high school band had been invited to play for the Independence Day celebration in New York City, but at the last minute the parental sponsor that was supposed to help, bailed out on the teacher. Mrs. Stevens said that I had seemed to connect well with the teens, and needed a male chaperone, so asked if I wanted an all...

4 years ago
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New York Can Be Such An Exciting Place To Visit

New York can be such an exciting place to visit. It's frustrating when you arethere to work, and you would like some time to play. I'm Oralia Cruz, and I'm an attorney in Miami. I was in New York to takea series of depositions for a class action suit my firm is currently workingon. The damn depos are scheduled from first thing in the morning to last thingat night. By the time I would finish each day, I barely had the energy to geta bite to eat and fall into bed back at my hotel. And yet I had...

3 years ago
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New York NightsNorthern Lights 03

Oh, oh…and then there was Laurel and the dreaded triangle. Revised, rewritten, and continued from chapter 02: Her name was Laurel. She definitely had a much better name than Barbara, my name. When I thought of her name, I thought of a field of heather. When I thought of her name, I thought of a crown, a white headpiece, and her standing at the altar next to Daniel ready to marry my man instead of me. When I thought of her name, I thought about them talking over breakfast, lunch, and dinner....

3 years ago
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New York City Submissive Female Chapter 5

Then he began to speak, with a passion, even an eloquence, that they had never seen in a tech presentation. He had a spring in his step, a light in his eyes, something that had given him an infectious confidence. He posed questions. He subtly flirted with the women. He cracked jokes. It was a tour de force, the kind you expect to hear from PR, not IT. It was like opening a bottle of juice and finding the finest wine instead. Those who had meetings with him were astounded. What had happened to...

2 years ago
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New York is a Hell of a Town

I won an all expenses trip to New York City for three days. My online friend Lynn, who runs a small gallery in a suburb of New York City, is excited, because we have not met yet. Her joining me in the city will be a great way to physically connect for the first time. Before now we have only talked on the phone and written each other. The prize trip includes airfare, hotel, an unnecessary shopping spree and a dinner at an expensive restaurant one night before I depart home. My hope is that she...

3 years ago
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The Fall of York Ch 0616

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing, and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes, feedback and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are...

1 year ago
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New York New York

Life tends to be full of surprises and is much the better for it, some of these are good and some are not so good. I have been traveling extensively for business for the past f******n years and when I discuss my job with friends they always seem to think that I lead a glamorous lifestyle, little do they realize how hard and boring in can be. When I started traveling I thought I would be meeting exciting people, especially women, how naïve I was. For years nothing major happened, until one...

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The Fall of York Ch 0105

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing, and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager for more...

2 years ago
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bThe Adventures of a Sexy Green Eyed Girl New York City b

New York City Some colleagues and I decided to take advantage of the warm Friday afternoon, so we headed to a midtown outdoor café for lunch. On this sunny afternoon the streets were alive and the café was busy. However, you sitting in the corner, wearing that yellow sundress, with the sunlight shimmering off your dark hair quickly caught my eye. I tried to join in with my coworkers’ banter, laughing when I thought I heard a joke, chiming in to make it seem like I was paying attention to...

3 years ago
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Naked in New York

My adventure, if you can call it that, began just over twelve months ago when I was flying to New York to start my new job playing the clarinet in the Metropolitan Opera orchestra. I was in my early thirties with no romantic connections having broken up with my girlfriend three months earlier, so when my agent mentioned that the Met were recruiting I jumped at the chance.I was travelling business class courtesy of my father’s senior position in a major broadsheet newspaper — a perk I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Fucked in New York

My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...

2 years ago
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Mona Turns to be the Wildest Sex Queen in Long Island New York

MONA TURNS TO BE THE SEX QUEEN OF LONG ISLAND, NEW YORKTHE WILD SEX STORY OF MONA (SARA ANSARI):Mona (Sara Ansari) is the younger sister of my wife. Before moving to New York she lived in Pakistan - while I was living in Europe. I was fascinated by her as soon as I saw her first time at the occasion of my marriage. And a few months later I had told her that I was so fascinated by her. Even at that time she gave me a welcoming response, though nothing moved further during that phase. Next year...

4 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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New York Zebra Club A Young Wifes Demise

It was really painful the first time I saw my wife with another man. I guess that I had known that something was going on for quite awhile but just didn't want to admit it. So I went along as though everything was fine. We had been married about three years and had move to New York City about 18 months ago. She was both pretty and cute. I adored her. She was about 5'5" long light brown hair, brown eyes and had a smile to die for. About 1120 pounds she had smallish breast curved hips and the...

2 years ago
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Single in New York

I had just divorced my husband of 10 years because of his infidelity, and the fact that he was having an affair with my best friend, certainly did not help. That was not a nice thing to find out, but it happened. We had no children together and I guess in a sense it was a blessing not to have a young child or young children feel the pain of parents separating and then a divorce. Friends of mine seem to always want to get me out of the house. Most of my girlfriends are single by choice, and...

3 years ago
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The Fall of York Ch 4048

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes, feedback and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager...

3 years ago
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The Fall of York Ch 5862

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager for more...

2 years ago
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Sexy Sue from York Chapter 2 The Proposition

Sexy Sue from York Chapter 2: The PropositionPrecis of chapter 1. Sue, a 30 year old white I.T Assistant is useless at her job and passes away the time gossiping, much to the annoyance of Rob her newly appointed black I.T manager. When he is told that he has to leave the firm at the end of his probationary period because of poor performance he blames Sue. Dwelling on this he decides to teach the white bitch a lesson she won’t forget before he finishes. Devising an elaborate scheme he seduces...

4 years ago
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4 New York Secret Lesbian Circle ndash The Party

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, voyeurism, lesbian group sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old. Readers are advised to read the previous episodes first.4. New York Secret Lesbian Circle – The Party(Maxine Santos becomes part of the Circle and goes to her first lesbian orgy.) It was a mild Tuesday morning in New York City. The early sun, breaking through the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 19 New York New York

July 20, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “What are you going to do in New York City for the next few days?” Jessica asked as we cuddled with Kara in bed on Sunday morning. “Probably be chased by Lyudmila!” Kara teased. “I’ll have dinner with Colonel Anisimova and her husband tomorrow night. On Tuesday she’s taking me on a tour of the United Nations building and I’m having dinner with Josh and Mary Harrison. They’re driving down from Boston. Josh is going to the Kennedy School in the fall, and...

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New York City Submissive Female Chapter 2

Sue was ready at last. It had been a long time for her, over six months. Never since her early teens had she gone for so long without it, so great was the trauma she'd been through. And this man, this proud and tall man, this pillar of the community, respected and liked by all, had been her rock. He had been what she scarcely deserved. Now she was in bed with him, and she would give him everything he deserved. She was wet with anticipation. His body, muscular and powerful, titillated her...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

3 years ago
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York isnt a bad town after all

~ I still sort of remember the feeling of being new to the school. Fresh from London and supposed to attend some boarding school in York. So what if my father comes from York? I don't care. Anyway – this took place in 2006, and I was sixteen. I'm turning eighteen in three weeks as of me writing this. My name is James William Blackburn. Guess how many people has teased me about my name being James Bond when they knew my initials? That's right, too many. Now I shouldn't get you...

3 years ago
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Last Chance In New York

At 35,000 feet over the Atlantic, my mind was so full of the reason for making this one-day trip, I knew I would not be able to avoid the other memories of the intimacies and joys of our life together.Was Leah, my daughter, right in telling me I was crazy? “Hell, Dad, you’re eighty years old. Why would you want to go back to New York at your age?”  I knew the whole family, were thinking I was showing the first signs of dementia. Jack Spright with dementia? That was far from the truth. Alright,...

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York Peppermint Pattie

Before we get started with this one, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to contact me about my stories. I would like to say though, those of you who are looking for happy endings in my stories, you're probably not going to find one! Extreme humiliation, feminization and punishment is what my subjects will suffer through after being caught or tricked! If this is not what you're looking for in a story, please take your less than desireable reviews and move on to another...

2 years ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part IV New York

We were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon--the 16 inches of Millie's creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they're bigger than footballs....

1 year ago
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Winter In New York

Copyright© 2007 Victor Echo This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's disturbed imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, undead or mostly harmless, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Truth be told, my first visit to New York was in the early 1970's when I was five years old. I do not remember any of it. I barely remember my second visit near...

3 years ago
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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Stranger in New York

 Yvonne was once again awestruck. Ricky's hard cock was worthy of the Greek gods themselves. It was thick and curved and the tip was flushed a bright red like a juicy berry begging to be placed between her lips She'd been in New York for 2 days now, her feet were sore from walking, it was 40 degrees above - way too hot for comfort and her friend’s flight over had been cancelled at the last minute. She'd exhausted the number of things a single girl can do in New York by themselves and had been...

First Time
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A Kiss in New York

It was a beautiful sunny day in late August in New York City. I am a tourist and you are showing me your city. We browse the shop windows in the Soho district, eventually wandering down a tree lined street. I never dreamed that New York City was so beautiful. Even the bustle of New Yorkers pressing past does not impede on my pleasure. Nothing could improve upon this moment as I commit the picture of it in my mind. I turn to look over my shoulder at you as we walk along the New York street, we...

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The Fall of York Ch 1724

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes, feedback and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager...

2 years ago
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The Fall of York Ch 6367

The Doctor’s Daughter: The Fall of York Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the...

1 year ago
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Trip To New York City

I had been planning the rip for a while, Mary and I had been married a couple of years, her second marriage my first. It was our first trip to the US and we were both looking forward to it, although she didn't know I had also planned something special for her. Mary is a sexy 5'8'' tall dark brunette with 36DD chest nice shapely bum and sensuous legs, at home she is rather conservative and though dresses well has an important job in local government. When we have been on holiday before she has...

4 years ago
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3 New York Secret Lesbian Circle Maxine Santos

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.3. New York Secret Lesbian Circle - Maxine Santos(Maxine Santos needs funding for her new website, is naked at night in a warehouse, and, unbeknown to her, joins the Circle.) “Hmmm…30° Celsius and sunny skies in Rio, I really wish I was there…I could use a couple of days at the...

4 years ago
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1 New York Secret Lesbian Circle Initiation

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old. 1. New York Secret Lesbian Circle - Initiation(Marketing graduates Bebe Lazaro and Natalie Jones join an influential New York secret lesbian circle. Part of their job description is to service its members).“Good morning New York. Good morning America. This is KM135FM bringing you the...

2 years ago
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A Wonderful Night in New York

This is my first submission, and my first work of fiction. I have attempted to create a piece that is sweet, positive and fun, and I hope it is worthy of Fictionmania. "A Wonderful Night in New York" I pulled the wig on, and there was Laura, staring back at me in the mirror. I brushed her long, shoulder length black hair. It was soft and straight, and I put a simple black headband on to pull it off her face. Her face smiled at me through those beautiful, full red lips. Her...

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For Friends and Family Part 15 A Fairy Tale of New York

For Friends and Family Part 15 - Fairy Tale of New York I make no apologies for using this title at this time of year, it just seemed so right! I finished brushing my hair, I was totally naked, really enjoying the sight of my breasts gently jiggling as I brushed my tresses, after the talk with mum I was far more settled in my mind. After the 100 strokes, my hair was shining; I put on a peach silk nightdress with spaghetti straps and climbed into bed. I woke around eight the next...

3 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 8 New York New York Its a Wonderful Town

It took the next six weeks to again read all the texts Uncle Bert had arranged for me to read. With Andy and Mary around, I did not spend full time reading, of course. But, I did spend a great deal of time on them. I was very pleased Uncle Bert had programmed me for higher and greater intellectual and memory capacities. From the heavy instruction Andy and I received from Father O’Brien in Santa Fe, and, from all the books, my view of humanity from a religious - philosophical - ethical -...

2 years ago
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New York Fantasy

by Royal Trycon © ~Being the last day of the year, everyone I knew found the excuse to get together and have a party at my down town New York apartment. I had no problem with it, seein' as I hate bein' alone on New Years anyway. And had bought plenty of booze a few days back to celebrate the unveiling of a new painting I had finished recently. My apartment was larger than most, with my framed work thru out the place. Plenty of girls arrived, and had already all put their hands down my...

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York1Chapter 5

The headaches, the nausea, the vomiting just would not go away. No matter how much of the willow bark extract I consumed, the discomfort kept coming back. It had even gotten worse over the last two years. It looked like I would just have to bite the bullet and see those doctors in Minnesota. I planned to write the letter this afternoon, asking them to see me. The best time for me to go looked like in late May or in June, so that I wouldn't miss planting or harvest season. "At last! Daddy...

3 years ago
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New York City Submissive Female Chapter 4

His eyes wandered, as usual, to the top shelf. *** 1983 it was. Summer. Phil wandered into the motel newsstand. He was looking for comic books. There was an issue of Playboy. It was the Dirty Book, the one Good Boys Aren't Supposed to Read. Normally it was on the top shelf. But not today. Someone had put it where they shouldn't. Dark whispers were spread about Playboy at school. It was said to have pictures of women in it, women with no clothes on. Phil wondered what sort of man read...

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A Walk in New York

I was walking down a busy street in New York City. The hustle and bustle a far and distant cry from my own corn-shucking surroundings. Knowing that everything was an option for me now, I went walking down Broadway hoping for the off chance that I might bump into someone worthwhile. I had dressed comfortably, but more revealingly than I would have normally done. I wore a thigh length skirt that hugged my derriere and a deep purple blouse that revealed a great expanse of cleavage from my more...

4 years ago
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The Fall of York Ch 2539

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes, feedback and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager...

2 years ago
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My Love Affair with the New York Times

I realize that my fetish is highly unusual and not shared by most, maybe a couple of people on this site. Most people can't even relate to it. This is my second story. I am sexually attracted to newspapers. I become aroused by looking at them, see women reading them, the smell, the texture. I like to wrap them around me head, body, and genitals. I sleep with them. I have sex with them. I always had this fetish. It has not changed over time. I love broadsheet papers, particularly the New York...

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The Prince of New York

When you wake up, the morning sun is peaking through your bedroom curtains. The smell of breakfast seeps through the air vents and you can hear your family going about their morning ritual of yelling about the news, laughing uncontrollably, and altogether being as Italian as possible. For a moment, you question why Mother didn't wake you up at seven as she always does, but then you remember: today is your birthday. You crawl out of bed and slip on a pair of underwear. Normally, you'd go ahead...

3 years ago
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A Walk in New York

I was walking down a busy street in New York City. The hustle and bustle a far and distant cry from my own corn-shucking surroundings. Knowing that everything was an option for me now, I went walking down Broadway hoping for the off chance that I might bump into someone worthwhile. I had dressed comfortably, but more revealingly than I would have normally done. I wore a thigh length skirt that hugged my derriere and a deep purple blouse that revealed a great expanse of cleavage from my more...

1 year ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and New Port 4

From The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper ~ "The July Fourth holiday was always a huge event at Golden Bluffs, as it was at all Newport estates. Most notables of Boston, New York and Washington would vie for invitations to spend the holiday at Golden Bluffs, The Breakers or The Elms, and Independence Day in 1890 was grandest that anyone could ever recall. Despite the social stature of most of our guests, the holiday was dominated by a handsome bureaucrat from The United States Civil...

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My Mother and I Go to New York City

I was 14 that spring when Mother suggested we take a trip to New York City after school let out for the summer. She had been there while she was pregnant with me when my father was in the Air Force and stationed near there and had always wanted to go back for another visit. I had grown up in Chattanooga and had never been out of the South so I thought it sounded like a neat idea. In mid June, Mother got a good round trip rate so we flew to New York on a Friday morning. It was my first time...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 5 New York Part II

I found Cassidy at our locker when I got to school Monday morning. When she saw me she acted funny and tried to duck out. I suddenly felt my stomach tighten up. "Freeze," I ordered. She wouldn't look me in the eye. "Tell me," I said. She took a deep breath and then it came out in a rush. "We went to the party on Saturday. April had a few drinks. I don't think she had ever done that before," Cassidy said barely above a whisper. Then she straightened up. "Luke was hitting on her,...

2 years ago
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Scenes From an AffairScene 11 2009 New YorkChicago

Every six months, Marisol flew to New York to visit her son bearing presents and abundance of love. Early summer she came for his birthday and every Christmas she joined Luisa's family for the celebration. The presents didn't hurt, but Nate loved his "aunt's" visits more for her presence. She seemed devoted to his every word. She shared little of her life, telling him his "mother" had all the luck and she was just a mousy old maid. "But you're not," he said on Christmas of his...

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