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It was a dream come true, thought Lenny unlocking the door. He'd planned for it, saved for it, and now it was a reality. He and Sue were sharing a vacation together in a motel apartment just a few blocks up from Long Beach. He'd been tracking Sue ever since she came to work at the same place he did, but he hadn't found her an easy catch. Even by LA standards, Sue was a spectacular looking woman. She was tall, with shoulder-length hair. Her eyes were a lovely blue, like bits of violet sky and she had perfect features and very white teeth. She was also the kind of free- spirit that everyone admired. She often turned up to work in a jogging suit or short tennis skirt. She played golf and tennis and enjoyed swimming. He'd been trying to date her for the past year without any success. That is, without success until he'd hit on the idea of bribing her with an all-expenses paid long weekend at a classy beach resort. 'A classy resort for a classy lady', he'd told her, ignoring the fact that the smarmy flattery department had earned him zilch by way of her affection in the past. The apartment was small and hardly luxurious. The bedroom looked vintage sixties, and the bathroom little better, and it was on the third floor and not served by an elevator. But that didn't matter, did it? They were there for the sunshine and whatever could be made of the nights. At least he was. They dumped their luggage as they entered, Lenny made light of the dingy interior - loved the character of it, he said, the quaintness, the charm. And wow! Sue didn't ever blink when she saw there was only one bedroom and one bed. He made some fatuitous remark about testing the bedsprings, but Sue didn't show any interest. She said she was hungry and wanted to go and eat. They walked down a couple of blocks to Max's Grill, a place that was pure 1920's kitch, all palm fronds and Art Deco, and which all the travel brochures Lenny had researched promised had a lively atmosphere. When they arrived Sue said she didn't want to go inside because it was too crowded and noisy, so they took a table on the sidewalk. Max's place specialised in Mexican cuisine, but Sue said she was feeling vegetarian that day and ordered up a meatless salad and a yogurt. Lenny, trying to ingratiate himself with her, agreed that was a good choice and ordered the same. They had barely begun eating when a tall, broad figure holding a plate loaded with hamburger and fries loomed over their table. "Hi!" the stranger said with a killer smile. "There's a lack of eating space around here. Would you guys mind if I joined you?" He was a man in his early twenties. His nylon shorts were black; his top was a pricey taupe polo shirt, white. Both were stunning contrasts to his deep suntanned skin and both revealed an impressive amount of well- toned muscle. The top hugged his broad shoulders and tapered to lean hips. In sharp contrast to Lenny who looked pallid and rained-on the newcomer was casual chic, very masculine - sex personified. Lenny bristled at the intrusion, but Sue took one look and invited him to sit down. "I'm Hank," he said briskly when Sue introduced Lenny and herself. He spoke in a pillowy bass, with a gentle West Coast accent. "You're both looking pretty pink." he observed dryly as he settled beside her. "We've just come down from Crump Lake," said Sue amiably, "we don't start with the serious sunshine until tomorrow." Hank popped a French fry into his mouth and chewed. "Mark Twain reckoned LA was a great place to live, but no one should want to visit it." His smile mellowed into something intimate and way too friendly as he propped an elbow lazily on the table and leaned directly into Sue's field of vision. "You smell great, by the way. Have I mentioned that?" The stranger's look was all too familiar and loaded with sexual intent. Lenny had previously observed that Sue kept men at a distance by throwing them off balance in such circumstances. He expected her to jerk back, but she didn't. Her expression went all soft and mushy. "I don't think so, but a girl is always ready to hear that kind of thing." Hank grinned, flexing his arms to display his deeply tanned and nicely muscled biceps. It transpired he was a trainer in a gym, and he was the possessor of one of those LA bodies that were perfectly proportioned and rock hard. He was used to getting reactions from women, and avoidance wasn't one of them. He didn't think himself conceited, but he wasn't blind either. He wasn't oblivious to his own good looks - not his fault that he came from a great gene pool. Lenny shot Sue an accusing stare, wanting her to shut her mouth and stop drooling. Music blared from the caf?. Hank gazed at Sue, to the curve of her jaw, slowly working its way lower, to her bare shoulders and along the low cut line of her bodice. "This is one of my favourite songs." he said with just enough pout in his voice to make it sexy. "And here I am with no one to dance with." Hyperaware of his gaze Sue pushed away her plate. "Lenny won't mind if I take pity on you, will you Lenny?" Lenny shot her an accusing stare. "Er - no, I guess that's okay." Sue stood up at once and with no more ado Hank put his hand in the small of her back and guided her in among the dancers. Lenny watched them dance three dances, the last one a slow number which they did heads together, laughing, talking, absorbed with each other and oblivious to anyone else around them. Totally oblivious of himself. When they returned Sue was glowing and Hank appeared buoyant. "So, how's it going?" this to Lenny who knew he had lost the fight to impress. "So, so," Lenny mumbled. He sensed he was in danger of being sidelined and set about trying to re-establish himself. "Would you like coffee, Sue." Her violet-blue eyes froze. "No coffee. Coffee as nine hundred different things in it that aren't good for you." Hank chuckled. "We need to get you in training, missy. Coffee is a religion in LA." He glanced sideways. "Say, Lenny. Go grab hold of a couple of six-packs from the store across the street. Sue's invited me back to your apartment for a nightcap. "Don't be too long, the last one in as to give me a kiss." he added, eyebrows waggling. It was the sort of demeaning humour that put the cork in the bottle for Lenny that evening. Disenchanted with events he sullenly queued for half an hour at a store to buy beer, and then made his way back to the apartment still with a sense of nagging dissatisfaction. He just didn't figure it was right that he should be the one paying for the beer and carrying it home, while that big guy was already up in the apartment with his girl. Yes, he'd paid for Sue to be with him there, so she was his girl, and she was just as bad as the stranger. The way she'd simply walked off made him feel like she'd dismissed him from her thoughts. The woman was enough to make a man chew nails and spit rust, but he'd walk naked through a blizzard before turning her out. And he couldn't blame her for being attracted to Hank. That guy gave out assurance like an old-time sea-captain, his strong face tipped to the wind, his capable hands on the wheel. Tanned and lean and muscled in all the right places. His shoulders so broad, his hair so black, his lashes so long and spiky. No wonder she'd gone overboard for him. By the time he'd carried his burden back to the apartment he fancied the weight was near to pulling his arms out from their sockets. Hank was lounging on top of the bed with just a towel wrapped around his loins. "Where's Sue?" "In the bath," Hank said, "she's a spicy little number, ain't she? She likes to experiment. Likes to move around. Girls enjoy a soak in the tub after they've been shagged." Lenny moped visually. It had taken him a whole year getting Sue sweet about this trip to Los Angeles, and during that time he'd never even had a glimpse of her underwear. Then along comes a guy like Hank, who screws her inside of an hour of first meeting her. "You - you made love to Sue?" "Sure." He gave him a bland smile and winked. That's why you brought her here, ain't it. For bedtime pleasure?" The man rose up, carelessly allowing the towel around his hips to drop away to reveal a mammoth- sized penis swinging over a pair of massive testicles. He hoisted a can out from Lenny's burden, tore away the ring-pull and threw back his head to down half the contents in one go. Lenny watched his epiglottis bouncing up and down and endured the uncouth burp as he surfaced. "Ah, I needed that. I need replenishing. A chick like Sue knows how to pull the fluid out of a guy." Lenny was discomforted. He felt diminutive and weak in Hanks hulking presence, but he screwed up his nerve and confronted him. "Look, I've saved up a whole year to treat Sue to this vacation. It wouldn't be right for you to develop a relationship with her now we're here." Hanks contoured suntanned cheeks dimpled with saint and sinner charm. He drained the first beer as if it were a speed trial and reached for another. "Relationship! Well... the fact is...I don't ever do relationships. I do one night stands or flings. Since you're both here for a few days this will probably be a fling." Lenny's features seemed to melt as if he were a chastened puppy and his lips twisted. "Hank, please, I..." "You seem to think Sue belongs to you, like she's a possession. What have you done to deserve her? You aren't married." Lenny swallowed but was too startled to speak, much less move. "Don't get upset. You only brought her here so you could get laid, and since I can confirm she's a hot mover there's bound to be plenty left for you. "How old are you?" "T-twenty." "How long is it since you last dicked a chick?" Lenny's head moved with an infinitesimal wobble. "That's personal." The stranger crossed his arms and watched Lenny's face. "Come on, Lenny, we're guys together. No harm in sharing those kind of secrets." "Well...it was quite a while ago." "What I think you meant to say was, never. Right? You were hoping to make Sue your maiden voyage." One corner of Lenny's mouth tipped up. "Am I that transparent?" "Clear as a plastic wrap." Hank replied with an irritating cheerful smile. "Let me take a look at you. I work a gym and I can judge potential in a guy." He stepped back slightly and shoved out his bottom lip as he deliberated. Lenny had the kind of narrow frame that a stiff breeze could blow over and he wasn't in the same beach-boy league as himself, and just to emphasis how out of touch he was he wore baggy beach-shorts and one of those loud Hawaiian floral-pattern shirts middle-aged men thought the right thing to put on in the sunshine. He shook his head in mock despair. "You're wearing sandals and socks, Lenny, an' that's not cool. Guys these days wear trainers or deck-shoes when they're being active. They leave open-toed sandals to Jesus-Creeps and old men." Lenny let his hands fall to his side. "I like to wear sandals." He was feeling helpless. His heart pumped frantically. Nervously, he watched as Hank moved, circling around him. "Do yourself a favour and shake off the footwear. Ditch the shirt too and show me what sort of a man you are. Show me some muscle." The man tugged at his clothes, but it wasn't as if his touch repulsed Lenny. Just the opposite. The slight but proprietary and wholly male gesture of dominance far from repelled him. It made him feel hot, edgy and exposed. "I - I don't have much muscle to show." he admitted. "Uh-huh! You're right." agreed Hank as the shirt was removed. "You need to eat beef an' start pumping iron, kid. No biceps to speak of; no pecs to write home about. I mean - you're a ninety-eight pound weakling, more like a girl than a guy. I 'spect you still call your mother, Mommy." "My mother likes me to call her, Mommy." protested Lenny. A hand impertinently touched the gently quivering hillocks of Lenny's backside, making him bite his lip and blush as the stranger offered a mischievous grin. "Drop your pants an' let's see how your dickory-dock shapes up against mine." Lenny rebelled at the prospect of such intimacy, but the visitor took the law into his own hands, tucked his thumbs into Lenny's waistband and pulled his pants down. Lenny jerked back suspecting the strangers look and touch were loaded with some form of indecent intent. Then it was obvious what he was doing. He was belittling him and making him feel the lesser man. Hank himself was gross in the male department. Lenny had always thought of his own penis as average size, but it was only half the dimensions of Hanks monster dangle. "Oh, go to hell." he muttered softly under his breath. "What was that?" Hank asked, his dark gaze falling on him like a hammer. Lenny quaked at his own impertinence. He felt sure he came up short in Hank's assessment because Hank himself was big. As he met the gaze of the tall muscular man he realised his bigness was more than just height and cock; everything about him looked overwhelmingly strong - starting with his jaw. He'd studied his legs, then his lean hips and the wedge of his torso. His shoulders were broad and his hands were large too. He had a nice smile, but like a Roman gladiator he looked like a no nonsense guy who wouldn't put up with any foolishness from a physically inadequate man like himself. "I - I -." He clamped his mouth shut. He may have his share of shortcomings but he didn't want stuttering because a big man was giving him a hard glance to be one of them. "What I mean is...would you do me a favour and - leave?" Hank stared at him as if he'd spoken in Swahili. Lenny thought he saw a wry twist at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes held his own, staring him down and making him shrivel inside. The other man raised his eyebrows and looked him over, like a lighthouse keeper judging the weather. "LEAVE? Are you throwing me out, Lenny?" Lenny dipped his face and looked at the floor. "No, of course not. I couldn't throw you out, could I? I know that. But you're interrupting my weekend and proving a distraction to Sue, so couldn't you just - go?" Hank stood back and took a pull on his beer. "You're not being very hospitable. I feel insulted. I've being gentle and patient - I've been a regular Boy Scout so far. But now you're giving me cheek. You're not showing me respect." Quietly, he took a seat on the edge of the bed. "C'm here. Get down and put yourself over my lap." Lenny's eyes opened wide in alarm and he swallowed hard. "Over your knee? Are you going to spank me?" "Sure I am." "But - but Sue is only in the other room..." "So let's get going and have it done with before she comes in here." Lenny's hands flew to cover his suddenly vulnerable feeling bare bottom. How could he compete with such a demanding giant? "Oh dear! You mustn't - I mean - guys don't spank other guys." "Wrong kid. Some fella's need to be reminded of their place in life. You look fragile, so I'll settle for a few little slaps. You're a naughty boy giving me cheek, and I reckon it's a fitting punishment. What do you think?" "Umm...well...I guess that depends." Hank's face creased in a stiff clownish grin. "Depends on what?" Lenny squirmed. He felt torn, desperately not wishing to seem a fool with Sue so close at hand, yet utterly unable to defy Hank's demand. He moved forward sulkily and blushed hard as his chin fell onto his chest. "Y-you won't smack me hard, will you? I'm sorry I was cheeky, Hank. I won't do it again." The stranger took an iron-hard grip on his arm and dragged him forward. "You understand. You got it in one. No need to explain things to you. You know you did wrong, and you know exactly what kind of treatment a naughty boy deserves." Lenny swivelled skittishly, but despite being hot with shame he lowered himself over the broad thighs and reached down to support himself with his hands on the carpet. Legs straight, bottom clenched, his testicles and penis squeezing against Hanks hot skin. A hand touched lightly, petting Lenny's obediently up-thrust cheeks and making his hips jiggle. "Pretty ass, Lenny, but it'll benefit from some colour." observed Hank, reaching over to grasp his offside arm and twist it up his back - a sure-fire way of making sure he stayed in place if the going got tough. A big hand went up, and Hank brought it down with a resounding CRACK! "Ooo!" It took Lenny by surprise and his left leg kicked up while his belly squeezed down on Hank's bare thighs. He couldn't help crying out. His backside felt like it was giving off sparks. "Push it up. Give that wiggly ass to me." Hank insisted. SMICK, SMACK! Two more blows swung down in rapid succession. "YEEE- EEEK!" Lenny whinnied as his bottom-cheeks bobbed up and down beneath the sizzling impact of the massive hand, and he yowled and bawled and finally burst into tears. Being spanked like a little girl was humiliating, sure. But it hurt too. His bottom was on fire. It was a mercy when the big man eased him from his knees. Lenny stood in the middle of the room snuffling and sobbing. "My bum's very sore. Please don't smack me anymore." Hank's eyes covertly raked Lenny's body with a gaze as hot and smoky as his voice. "It's a promise. No more smacks as long as long as you behave. In fact I kind of like you and reckon you deserve a hug." Lenny cast a speculative glance at him. The fire in the man's eyes rocked him from head to toe and reached every secret place in between. "A hug?" "Sure, a hug. You want me to like you, don't you?" "Yes, Hank." "Well, come and get it. It'll be fun." When Hank beckoned, Lenny moved towards him with doe-eyes and a fragile shy smile. A kick of need bounced up and down inside him dissipating the result of the sharp, stingy blows he had recently received, and slowly, lifting an ambivalent gaze to his he moved closer, snuggling against Hank's broad chest, tucking his head under his chin and blatantly enjoyed the Californian's firm, bare body. When Hank squeezed him close he rose on his toes and arched his body against him, wiggling disgracefully until Hank took advantage by sliding his hands down to his hips and guiding him into the cradle of his thighs. "Are you going to be kind to me now?" cooed Lenny hopefully. "Sure, you bet I am." Hank replied pulling him close. He held him until he ceased snuffling, then kissed his brow and murmured down at him. "It's done. No more spanks, not as long as you're a good boy." The words, uttered in a deep voice, rubbed over Lenny's senses like lush velvet. Heat flooded every follicle from breast to hairline. His nipples tingled and he didn't try to move away. With a low growl the man wrapped both arms around him, big hands spanned wide over his buttocks, pressing him tight and close, and while one hand pressed him forward the other skated slowly up and down his body, skimming past his waist and then funnelling down to continue palming his bare bottom. Eyes glazed, cheeks flushed, Lenny's moist mouth formed an 'oh' of reverence. Hank was touching him with gentle hands as if he were a precious work of art. But what was he thinking of allowing this stranger to fondle him so intimately? Fingers spread wide; Hank's other hand clasped his jaw and tipped his head back, forcing him to meet his gaze. His dark eyes smouldered as he nudged up his chin with a thumb, his lashes dropped to brush his cheek as he lowered his head to cover his mouth with a kiss that was all moist heat. "Aah, ooh, uuumm, oh, Hank!" for Lenny the kiss was all the more exciting because it wasn't supposed to happen. It introduced an element of the forbidden. There was no finesse in the way he was being kissed, but he didn't care. He slipped his arms around the big man's bull-neck and kissed him back, engrossed in the moment and ignoring the style. "Boy!" Hank exclaimed softly as he brought things to an end, "You're some fun date. You liked doing that, huh?" "Oh, Hank, I... I ..." Lenny felt suddenly shy, in over his head with a forceful man who had, with one hungry kiss, melted every bone in his body. What had happened had been spontaneous; he hadn't manoeuvred him into anything that time. It had just happened, and he didn't object. He'd wanted him to do it. Past caring, past wanting. Safe in the arms of a big, manly man. Dark eyes, sleek muscles, barely veiled desire. Hank was all that when he looked at him. He'd kissed him the way he'd wanted to be kissed ever since they met, open-mouthed, seeking tongue, unleashed need. He'd been jealous of Sue and had tried to keep cool. But inside he'd been hot with curiosity about the stranger himself. "Just what the hell is going on here?" Sue's voice hacked from behind. Lenny hopped back in the manner of a guilty child, shaking, one hand trying to cover his naked groin, the other attempting to hide the newly acquired rosy hue on his bare buttocks. Hank showed no such alarm. "Hi, Sue." he said by way of greeting, his easy killer-smile suddenly locked and loaded. The girl was quite naked herself and stood blatant in the doorway, wrists corded, fists clenched, face tight. She was furious. "You two make a charming sight." she said in a voice that reflected surprise and revulsion. "There's no need for sarcasm, hon'." "I was using irony, sweetheart. Sarcasm's crueller." "Hey, don't knock the guy you said had given you some of the best dick you've had this summer. I may sometimes stray and try a little something different on the side, but the main course on the menu is you." Sue made a face, as if contemplating a relative's coffin. "That's a terrible analogy, you rat." "You were supposed to laugh at it, and then you were supposed to throw your arms around my neck and tell me what a virile hunk I am." Sue frowned as if tasting something bitter. "No thanks." she pouted. She fixed her violet-blue eyes sternly on him and crossed her arms over her perfect breasts as she leaned against the doorjamb. "You can't blame me for feeling offended. It's disturbing to find you tangled up with another guy." When her accusing eyes bored into him, Lenny felt a surge of shame. "Just showing how versatile I can be." Hank told her. He gave Lenny's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "And don't be hard on my little friend, Lenny. He's got the hots for you real bad." Sue twisted her mouth. "I don't see why I should give that sad specimen any consideration." "You came on vacation with the fella'" "Only because he was offering a freebie in the sunshine. I sure wasn't looking forward to bedtimes." She glanced down at Lenny's nether regions with a look of disparaging contempt as she compared what she saw there with the monster attached to Hank. "He's not half the size you are. I don't intend letting the maggot he's got anywhere near me while you're around." "Well, yeah. He's a smooth little cherub without his clothes on, a real cutie. How about you making him look pretty for me? "Pretty? Do you mean girl-pretty?" "Sure. Seems like the perfect time to try something different, don't you think?" His voice was deep, brimming with suggestiveness. "Lenny's okay. He's the nearest to being a girl a guy can get without having his dick cut off and I was hoping we could enjoy a little more fun with him. He's petit enough to carry it off." Sue looked doubtful but succeeded in throwing off her pique. "Well, okay. But Lenny will need to co-operate." "He'll co-operate. He knows I'll pull off his balls if he makes a fuss." He raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Lenny. "You don't object at dressin' up for me, do you?" Mortified yet powerless Lenny meekly shook his head. The message was so pointed - so lewd - his face went quite pale as he sank into a posture of supplication. He felt even more awkward and inadequate than when they'd started, but he had to please Hank. Pleasing the man he'd known for no more than a couple of hours had suddenly become very important. Sue grabbed Lenny none too gently by the arm and marched him across the room before pushing him down, forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed. They sat down with an unconvincing air of cosiness while on the floor before them lay the bags they had brought, still unopened. When Sue unzipped one and flipped it open she exposed nylon stockings and shoes encrusted with diamante, jumpers adored with those random scraps of leather, gilded chain and irrelevant tassels that denote purchase in a boutique for people who have no sense with money. Not for her the fondant colours of beige and fawn, her evening attire was a wince- inducing concatenation of startling bright colours. Lenny's face coloured with shame. He sat with his knees pressed together and his hands in his lap. It was the only way he knew to reduce his nakedness. With the ambiguity of a woman who was guaranteed some good cock later Sue had already forgiven Hank for his sexual deviation, but with Lenny she was less generous. "Hank wants me to dress you up like a girl and you're allowing me to do it. Don't you feel humiliated, you disgraceful, disgusting wimp?" Lenny hung his head and studied his hands. For a moment he seemed to have difficulty replying to even a simple question, then with a resigned sigh, he said. "Yes, I feel awful. But Hank can be real mean. I don't want him to shout at me, and I don't want to make him angry, so I have to do what he says." "Don't doll him up in anything too showy." growled Hank from the direction of the beer cans. "I want him in black nylons and suspenders. Black's wicked, an' it's my favourite colour." Sue grinned as she set about making Lenny's short sandy hair look stylish. "No wonder Hank goes for you. You make such a sweet girl. Such a darling little girl. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Lenny looked sheepish. She wore a gold narrow-band wristwatch and the ticking in his ears matched the thumping in his temples. He could never remember a woman's hands being so soft and yet so forceful. "It's okay. I'm not a girl, but I have to look like one. It will please Hank." "Is pleasing Hank so important?" Lenny remained still, full of indecision, a head full of cotton wool. "Um, I guess so. He is the boss here, isn't he? He could scrunch me up like a paper-bag if he had a mind to." Knowing that girly makeup took some time to apply Hank went off to take a shower. On the bed a spectrum of glittery cosmetics vied for Lenny's attention. First came the face. A light powdering all over, and then black liquid eyeliner on the upper lashes of his eyes and black pencil beneath which she smudged slightly with a delicate finger. Next came the eye shadow, pearly lavender brushed to a lighter hue in the centre than at the extremities. The final touch was clip-on cluster earrings and a rope of river pearls around his neck. Sue asked him to make a decision about nail lacquer. He said he thought maroon polish on his toenails would look exotic, but when Hank came back he objected and demanded red. "We can't keep calling you Lenny when you're dressed like that." he said while towelling his hair. "We'll have to call you Linda. She was the first girl who ever let me put my tongue in her mouth." Sue reached into her bag and picked out a pair of black midi briefs. "No," said Hank, "No pants." With a smirk Sue dropped the item back and pulled nylons from her bag, a pair of black lace-topped stockings which he timidly rolled up his nearly hairless legs. While he was doing that she rummaged around and found a matching black lacy suspender belt, which she wrapped around his waist before attaching the straps to the stocking tops. "Do a little promenade," demanded Hank suddenly. "Let's see what we've got. Let me see how you strut." Lenny felt blood rush in his ears. His full pouty lips were liberally coated in scarlet lipstick, which matched his long, painted fingernails, while his vacuous pale blue eyes were surrounded by matching eye-shadow. He had stockings on, and black suspenders, and they made him feel almost more exposed than if he'd been totally naked. He was now a sweet- smelling, slinky slim-hipped seductress called Linda, who looked willowy rather than thin and spirited rather than self-conscious. He wore silky black seamless hose on his legs and strappy shoes with four-inch pencil heels. His face was heavily made up, feminine lips made luscious with lipstick as red as a fire-engine, huge eyes artfully emphasised by black eyeliner and lavender eye shadow and thick heavy lashes. He slid from the bed and stood for a moment to get some balance with the shoes, then he ventured to walk back and forth, shoulders undulating slowly, wrists hanging limp. On reaching the wall he turned in an instinctive pirouette and blinked like a tall thin monkey who had caught its own shadow by surprise. He heard Sue giggle in callous amusement at his predicament, but he ignored her; the important thing was to please Hank. He moved again. The high heels caused his hips to sway as he walked and the garter-belt rolled with his hips, and he was conscious of the stocking tops tugging on the suspenders, helping to accentuate every nubile curve of his bare backside and to frame the incongruous male genitalia at the front. The sight of him flouncing around proved a natural aphrodisiac to Hank who became intensely focused, like a cat considering a bowl of cream. He gave out a low wolf-whistle. "You scrub up nicely, you little minx." Sue sniggered. "Get a load of that freaky slut. I wouldn't be surprised if the sissy pervert has done this kind of thing before." Lenny gave Sue - who was looking far too amused - a dark look. She was enjoying this, damn her. "No, no. Honestly I haven't." he said lamely. Hank observed him again much as he had done earlier, circling him like a bishop around a nun, but he refused to think of his large hands, so much stronger than his own, and the man's long, muscular body and broad shoulders. A second later, despite Sue being in the room, Hank took his head in both hands and tilted his face up for a kiss. There was nothing about it that hinted at jocularity for the sake of Sue. He opened his mouth wide and demanded Lenny do the same, then he ravished his mouth with a marauding tongue that plundered and withdrew and then plundered again. Back and forth, up and down he explored the effeminately dressed man's subservient mouth, ploughing his tongue in with such vigour that Lenny was soon feeling passion right down to his toes and was opening his mouth in invitation. Hank smelled clean and totally male. His hair was damp from the shower and thick to his touch, his neck was warm, his shoulders strong. When he slid his palms over the swell of his chest, his legs quaked. "Go climb on the bed." Hank told him in a whisper. "I'm going to fuck your sexy feminine ass." Just for a moment Lenny hesitated, but when Hank barked louder, "Do it!" he hastily scuttled across the room and climbed up on the bed, his own penis prominent but blatantly ignored. Inhaling and swelling his chest Hank moved forward, placed his hands on his hips while he studied him, then swivelled him around so he could get a clear view of his unprotected rump. "Get a grip of the headboard, dip your belly and swing that sweet looking ass out in my direction." he said whilst stroking the smooth contours thoughtfully. "Hold him open for me." he urged Sue, and Sue moistened her lips thoughtfully and leaned across to spread Lenny's tender nates and gaze at his dainty pink rosebud. How, she wondered, would it cope with the lustful, muscular male appendage wanting to make use of it? A tingling sensation caused Lenny's stomach to flip at the thought of the big man touching him, to experience the heat of that all caramel- gold skin and hard, corded muscle, and that turgescent length of flesh with its broad well defined helmet. A slush of clear lubricant flooded the delicate eye of his anus just moments before Hank wormed his bloated tip forward. Lenny felt his stomach muscles tighten, and he squawked and clutched at the headboard as his rectal pucker flattened out and his tense anus was compelled to expand. "Oh, oooh Hank, it's - it's - oooh, Hank!" The rim of his rosette slowly indented inwards, becoming oddly concave as the great intruder moved relentlessly onward and upward. As his backside was prised open Lenny's belly undulated in spasms while his lips drew back in voluptuous agony. "Oww, gah - gah - gah!" he spluttered, quivering as he flexed in response to the vehement force heaving into him. "I can't. It's too big, Hank." "Push with your belly muscles." "Aah - aah!" "That's it. There you go. I knew you could manage it. It just needed a little bit of commitment." Hank began to move in him, and Lenny, provoked by the movement, tilted his hips and pushed back to draw him deeper, letting him go all the way. The delicious penetration was so intense it seared his heart. A juggernaut ploughing; doing what it wanted to do, fast then slow, just a few inches, then going deep. "Oh, yes," he groaned, the noise wrenched from deep in his chest as Hank increased the tempo, building the excitement, filling him with the grinding pulse of his big body and his big cock. Sue watched closely as Hank's thick forceful cock flashed back and forth and Lenny's delectable milk white bottom bounced merrily away to the accompaniment of his little 'Oooh's' and 'Aah's'. It was a very muted reaction when considering the liberties being taken, but they couldn't have looked hotter. Two of them joined. Big thighs slapping against small bare bottom, strong prick sliding in and out. She became fascinated at witnessing such fine rampant action. Hank had such a beautiful dick, and those balls of his - his massive balls swung back and forth as he moved. Lenny was being extremely well fucked. The big guy eased back, extracting most of his length, but when almost completely out he shoved back in again, his suntanned features grimacing as he began a rapid in and out movement that made Lenny's stomach tighten. Hank was ecstatic. Lost in pleasure he cared nothing for the discomfort he was inflicting. Every nerve ending that mattered was experiencing a wonderful friction and his cock was in a tight happy home. Eventually the muscle of his cock gave a spasming ripple, and he grunted. "Oooh, uughh!" a look of profound astonishment crossed his face, eyes flying wide while his jaw sagged. Lenny squealed softly as he sensed the throb of ejaculation inside him, then slowly the strain on his face began to wilt, only to be replaced by a look of guilt. It was bad enough letting a guy fuck him without Sue being there to watch. Ridiculously, quite unfazed by what had just happened, Hank then extracted himself, climbed from the bed and turned to Sue, speaking as if he were sitting on the terrace of a hotel with a chilled beer in front of him. "We'll go down to Huntington tomorrow, babe. Ever surfed with a board?" Sue responded eagerly, pleased to be the centre of attention again. "No, but I'd like to learn." "It can take weeks just to learn to sit on a board, but you can have fun with a boogie. I'll teach you belly-boarding when we do the beach." "What about him?" she asked, indicating Lenny. "What do we do with that little tramp tomorrow?" "Linda can sit on the sand and watch the towels." he said. Smiling at Lenny he added, "You'll enjoy it. We'll find you a skimpy two-piece bikini to wear, and you'll have a ribbon in your hair. Every beefy jock for miles around will come along to flash his pouch at you." Lenny clambered from the bed, ruefully rubbing the bare bottom that had so recently been roundly spanked and then so soundly fucked. Thinking Hank's eyes were lingering too long on his latest lover Sue poked him in the chest. "Hey, mister, remember me? I'm supposed to be your date tonight." She sent a scathing gaze towards Lenny. "Now you've emptied your balls in him will you get rid of the damned fairy queen?" The big man shrugged his shoulders in resignation and opened the door of a free-standing wardrobe that stood against a wall. No one had unpacked yet, so it was still empty. "The lady of the house as has spoken, Linda. Step in here." Lenny wobbled in his high heels, his jaw clenched and his cheeks turned pale. "Inside the cupboard?" "Yes. Stand inside. Sue wants me to take her out on the town this evening, and you being here is a distraction to people getting ready." When Lenny seemed to hesitate he added, "Do as your told little Miss, else I'll have to smack your legs." Gingerly Lenny mounted himself inside a narrow, tall section that enclosed him like an upright coffin, and he felt even more like a coffin when Hank shut the door in his face. It took him a while to get used to the darkness and it was uncomfortable because there was no room to move around, but at least he wasn't locked in. There was even a little catch on the inside of the door with which he could let himself out. But of course it was best not to upset Hank by doing that. Solitude gave him time to dwell on the massive pounding his slender alabaster bum had just taken. It had been uncomfortable at first, painful even. But eventually he had started to appreciate the strength of the solid meat ramming in and out of him. During the short time he had been in LA he had been transformed from a man into a subservient girlish slut who would consent to just about anything to please Hank. Hank was ten Greek gods all rolled into one neat testosterone-wrapped package, and he sure knew how to fuck. It had been wonderful. It had been wonderful to be held down and so forcefully fucked by such a hunky guy. It was easy to be a girl when he was in his arms. Unused to being encased in high heeled shoes his feet began to ache, and having stood in the cupboard unable to move for fifteen minutes he steeled himself to open the door an inch and call out in a timid sing- song voice. "Can I come out now, please, Hank?" A gruff, guttural voice snapped back at him from an unseen point somewhere in the room. "No. I'm shagging Sue, you little perv'. Shut the door. Stay where you are until I let you out." Lenny stood abruptly back, closed the door and immersed himself in darkness once more. Some time later, he didn't know how long, Hank opened the cupboard and gallantly helped him step back into the room, and he did it not without seeing the dribble of white cum on the inside of the door. "Did you play with yourself while you was in there?" Lenny blinked at the sudden light and blushed as he nodded in answer to the question. "It was boring just standing there, so I started thinking about you, Hank." The muscled hunk grinned. "Uh, uh! That's okay then. Did you enjoy what we did together? Did you like feeling my cock in your ass?" Lenny's face coloured. "Yes, Hank." he said. He felt ashamed to qualify it more than that. His fluttering eyes took on a look that comes with a mixture of hero-worship and physical adoration. His knees turned to jelly but he didn't feel tense anymore. He didn't resent his touch. It felt so wonderful to be squeezed up tight against his big hard body and feel protected. Hank looped an arm around his shoulder in a kind of guys-together comradie as he dipped his mouth against an ear. "You know, you lay on fine entertainment for a randy dick. Frankly I enjoyed screwing you more then screwing Sue." There was a coy flutter of eyelashes and slight preening. Lenny's mouth took on a tiny, soft smile and he demurely dipped his eyes has he simpered back. "I tried my best to please you." "Sure, I know that. You should chuck that crumby job you have in Crump Lake and move down to LA. You could move in with me. I'm a slovenly kinda guy and I need someone to wash my clothes and clean up the mess I make all the time. O' course I'd smack your little rump whenever you got things wrong, but you'd get plenty of fucks. When some of my buddies come around you'll likely get more than you bargained for." After a moment of consideration he added. "I'd expect you to grow tits o'course, but that's only reasonable for someone who has the chance to have my babies." Lenny giggled. "Hank, you say such awful things." He was dressed like a girl and he didn't mind acting the girl for Hank. He couldn't help feeling like a girl when that big macho man was so near. With almost nonchalant ease Hank suddenly produced some pieces of nylon rope and Lenny made no protest when he pulled his hands behind his back and tied together his wrists. That done, Hank grabbed him under the arm and frog-marched him back to the bed and sat him down. Then he tied his ankles together, and for good measure knotted a double loop of cord around his legs, just above his knees. Lenny watched it all in mesmerised inactivity. "Why are you tying me up, Hank?" "Sue and I are going out to do some partying in town. This is the best way to make sure you don't make a run for it while we're away." "I wouldn't do that Hank." "Sure, I know that. You're my girl. You're my fuck-doll. But all the same, I'd miss you if you were gone when we get back, so this is the way it as to be. Make the most of the bed while we're away. You'll likely have to sleep on the floor most of the time while you're here. That is unless I can persuade Sue to let you sleep the other side of me. But most women tend to be unreasonably pernickety about sharing my cock during the night." He wandered away for a moment, and came back holding Lenny's wallet in his hand. Without any qualms he removed all the money from it and stuffed it into his own pocket. "You brought along the cash to show Sue a good time, and I'll make sure she as one." he said. "You'll need to call in at the bank tomorrow. This will pay for tonight, but you're not going to get any change back and we'll need some more tomorrow." Lenny nodded glumly. "You look so sweet when you're helpless, Linda, and I can't leave for the bright lights without first giving you something special." Languidly the big Californian unbuttoned the fly in the front of his trousers and levered out his penis. The thing looked such a dramatically big, thick truncheon of firm flesh it took Lenny's breath away. It was the first time he'd viewed it at such close quarters, and now he could appreciate how the foreskin had already been drawn back to reveal the flaring, smooth contours of its broad tip. He giggled girlishly and batted his eyes. It looked so awe-inspiring and so massive he couldn't imagine what to do with it. Hank answered the unspoken query when he moved up close and nudged the moist, fat end against his lips. "C'mon, honey-bee. Take it in your mouth." Enslaved and utterly besotted by the man before him Lenny stroked his lips against it and nervously flicked his tongue around the purple head before opening up and taking it in his mouth. Before he'd had a chance to become accustomed to its size, Hank grabbed his head and humped forward. Holding the back of his head he pumped the thick stalk of his cock in and out, first going down the middle then pushing left and right to make the cheeks bulge, fucking his face and grunting like a rutting pig. "That's it, that's the way. That's good. You've got a mouth like a young cunt. Hold on tight while I fuck your face." He pumped back and forth, pushing his cock to the back of Lenny's mouth and almost down his throat. Sue was still tweaking her eye makeup in the bathroom mirror. "Will you hurry up and finish with that mincing queen? We've got to get going soon." Hank gave a small shrug of annoyance and glanced down at Lenny. "Come on doll, we have to get a move on. Help me a little. Show some enthusiasm." Gripping with his lips, nodding his head back and forth in slavish obedience, Lenny tried his best, knowing it was vital to please that cock and give pleasure to Hank. "Uuumpg, gluck!" He gasped, and Hank sighed with delight as he felt the elastic inside of his sucking cheeks and his tongue moving around rapidly like some kind of slick, slithery marine gastropod from Undersea World. "Hold on, you puppet. Not so fast. Now you're being too eager, an' I want to do the last bit myself. Tip your head back and look up at me. Now open your mouth. Open it wide and keep it open." Stupefied and overawed Lenny meekly obeyed, looking up and watching, fascinated and horrified as Hank's fist energetically pummelled his gigantic cock over the wide gape of his open mouth, sliding the sheath of skin up and down over the fat knob which was purple and juicy like a massive plum. He observed Hank's handsome features screwing up as the intensity of his impending orgasm developed. "Don't move when it happens. I'll spank your ass raw if you don't catch it all." Lenny whimpered like a small fluffy animal when Hank grunted and hosed several streams of viscous warm goo into his servile gaping mouth. His eyes opened wide and rolled like marbles in their sockets. "Arrr!" he panted, revolted, but keeping his mouth open and available. Dispassionately Hank disengaged a stubborn clinging strand by wiping it on the corner of his mouth. "Now close up and don't lose anything. Shut your mouth and don't spit anything out. You've got three-hundred million of my spermatozoa in there, and I want you to look after 'em." With an expression of bewilderment Lenny contemplated the large soft bolus of cum he'd gathered on his tongue, knowing he was forbidden from ejecting it. To ensure compliance with his instructions Hank had prepared a broad band of parcel tape which he immediately plastered over Lenny's dubiously clamped lips. Having tidied himself up Hank plumped up a pillow for Lenny's head and lifted his legs onto the bed covers. "I'll put Cartoon Network on the television for you. It runs until the early hours and it'll give you something to look at until we get back." Standing away he gave a thoughtful, lingering look at the helpless trussed-up, effeminately dressed body lying on the bed. "I'm going to introduce Sue to some of my buddies; football team studs and lifeguards from the beach. We may decide to invite some of them back here afterwards, an' she'll need some help with all the stiff pricks wanting relief. That's where you come in, sweet thing. You're a fuck-slut who's already proved his talent for pulling sperm out of a guy's balls." Lenny made no effort to move. Wide-eyed he watched Sue and Hank get their things together. Sue was looking red-hot and spectacular in a long black dress. With a Mexican silver necklace and matching silver earrings which swung with every move of her head she could have passed herself off as a movie star. But it was Hank he admired most. No matter what the guy wore he had the confidence and charisma to be attractive. He was very much a live Marlboro Man, minus the hat the horse and the cigarette of course, but with all the rugged good looks. He watched them leave. Heard the door close. Heard the lock click. He lay helpless, bound and gagged, spanked, fucked and wanked over yet amazingly not resenting any of it. It was lovely to be Hank's girlish plaything. When he'd first appeared he had tried to appear bored and annoyed, all the while aware of his scent - like musk and spice and something exotic. He had admired his lean-hipped walk and watched his biceps ripple. Now, when Hank wasn't there Lenny felt it like a physical force. Not odd, he thought, that a man's absence could be so strong when his presence was so imposing. He tried not to dwell on the heat of his hands, or of how small he had felt when Hank's chin had brushed the top of his head and his breath had stirred his hair and made him flush all over. He'd tried - really he'd tried - not to remember the touch of his thighs on his belly and the crush of his burly chest against his own, but Hank was bigger and stronger, wiser and more sexually mature than he was. He was enough to make a guy fall in love, or at least dote on him in idol worship, and he couldn't deny it had been wonderful to have his servile bum hanging on the big man's dick like a coat on a hook. There was no longer any chance of doing something sexual with Sue, of course. She now rated him as a full-time effeminate wimp, and anyway she would get as much sex as she could manage from Hank and his friends. And later, while they ravaged her on the bed, he would be lying at her side and she would hear him bleating and moaning as they ravaged him too.

Same as Hank Videos

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The Lingerie Model

The Lingerie Model: When you came to my room at University a poster called "Danielle im Schwarzen Dessus" greeted you. If you haven't seen the picture it was a very popular picture of a blonde woman wearing her hair up in a high bun with puff and wavy ends or at least that was what I thought it was called. Ok, there were other things in the picture. Danielle was in some sort of gallery with a statue of a man in a toga on a plinth behind her. Standing behind her and looking towards...

2 years ago
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The Descending of Jessica Ch 11

So, in the last chapter we finally arrived at Brent’s big fuck up. If you haven’t read the previous 10 chapters, you probably should, or you will have no idea what is going on. I haven’t as yet gotten a lot of feedback since Chapter 8, so there’s not much to say here. Sorry for the delays in getting this out, but as I’ve said before, life has been busy. I’m still working on spelling and punctuation. I noticed just now in the Chapter 10 that I used the word ‘heel’ when I meant ‘heal’, and...

3 years ago
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Mayberry the Black Goddess

tranny – shemale - cocksucking – anal – spanking – domination – submissiveAnother lonely night led me to walking down the dimly lit street and wandering into the sex shop. There wasn't too much adventure to be seen there, very comparable to my apartment.I was looking at toys. Specifically, butt-plugs. Not that I didn't already have one; in fact, I was wearing one at the time. The little bell above the door rang.I looked at the cashier, she stood there- blowing her bubble gum. I couldn't see who...

2 years ago
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Bringing Hunters Fantasy to Life

We’d had the discussion before. Hunter considered himself bi-sexual. He’d had plenty of fantasies about other men, but he always said he liked women more. He’d had experience with other men years ago, but it never went as far as penetration. We’d talked about masturbation a lot, and even shared some experiences together. I knew about his favorite “toys” and how they made him feel so completely filled. But even though he liked the toys, he always said he didn’t think he could take a real cock....

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AnimeCon Harem pt 11

“No. No way,” Emily hissed through gritted teeth, glaring hatefully at the cell phone gripped in her trembling hand. It was a struggle not to hurl it at her bedroom wall. “No fucking way.”Emily was short, standing five feet tall despite constant claims at being five foot one—and, to her frustration, had a slight frame that seemed scrawny rather than sexy. Even at twenty-three years old, her breasts were still just teacup-sized mounds, too small to form cleavage or even fill her tragic little...

2 years ago
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COVID Exposure Part 1

COVID Exposure. Part 1 As COVID-19 was heating up as a pandemic, I was working for an international firm and constantly on the road, traveling primarily to Europe. I was in Paris when the President Trump announced closing our US boarders and terminating flights from overseas. I called my wife, Peggy, when I heard the news. I let her know I was working with the airlines and embassy to secure a flight home. Peggy stated that this must be really missing up "My Plans." I told her that...

1 year ago
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Fucking My ExGirlfriend Sofia 8211 Part 1

I am Sagar from Manipur. This story happened in September 2016 when I was studying MA at Delhi University. I rented a room in Vijay Nagar double story and attended class in North Campus. I had not communicated with my ex-girlfriend Sofia since I came to Delhi to study in 2012. Sofia came to Delhi in 2016 to join at a hospital as a nurse. She stayed at her cousin’s flat babysitting his child. She pinged me on Facebook. We chatted for a while asking each other how we had been these years and all...

3 years ago
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First Impressions

The ad seemed simple enough. “Help wanted. Full-time work in a professional atmosphere. Duties include but are not limited to…” All that corporate jazz. I wasn’t in love with the work-life, but my mom sure wanted me out of the house and working again, so I wore my best suit ready and made an appointment.I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, ‘dress for the job you want.’ And I wanted the job. Living rent-free with my mom sounded great in theory, but...

Office Sex
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

2 years ago
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Love With Vahini

Hi to all my Indian sex stories guys and girls. Not to bore you all but some mandatory info I need to share. I am an Indian sex stories reader since years, had posted some real encounters years ago and received feed back but couldnt continue with the same login and have forgot the same and now come up with a new login and email address So about myself, I am nickcy now aged 27 years old, staying in Pune, Nashik and Mumbai (due to my work which involves traveling). Will post stories of traveling...

2 years ago
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Late Night Fun

We haven’t had much time to ourselves the past couple weeks. Being a younger couple with a kid made that hard. My wife walks in from work late and I greet her from the couch. She looked tired, I probably wasn’t getting any tonight. Her hair is up off she neck but she pulled it out of her bun and her curls fell to her shoulders. She pours herself a glass of wine, our son was asleep so who could blame her.“Long day?” I ask glancing at her.She nods walking over to me, she plops down and rests her...

Straight Sex
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MYRINE By GENEVA Myrine, the young queen and absolute ruler of an ancient tribe of Amazons, uses a magic book to help her tribe endure and prosper, but she experiences many crises and enormous personal conflicts. An earlier story of mine, "A taste of Freedom", was based on a supposed 13th century society descended from the Amazons, and used a magic book with its origins in the Amazons. Based on that idea I wrote this story about an ancient (~700 B.C.) Amazon society which used...

1 year ago
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A bit sore after a wild afternoon

My cunt felt a bit sore, but I had been totally satisfied a while before.I came out of the bathroom and looked how messed up the bed sheets were. It looked like somebody had fought a wild battle there. I pulled down the towel and started to get dressed. I needed to get back home to my beloved hubby. Victor would be worried about my absence.My Black Master was there lying on the bed, staring at my naked body as he stroked his hard dark cock. It was shining in the shadows, still coated with my...

2 years ago
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His Gift

Sirius paced the floor of the Shrieking Shack, waiting for news, any news, on Remus. All he knew courtesy of McGonagall was that Remus had been rushed to St. Mungo's after being tortured. Sirius' imagination had taken over from there and he kept flashing back to Frank and Alice Longbottom, prisoners in their own bodies for so bloody long. That could not happen to his Moony. Not without Remus knowing how he truly felt. Life was too damn fleeting for this. As if it wasn't bad enough that most...

1 year ago
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Holly Gets it Hard

A lot's happened in the last fourteen months. Last year, in June, my son graduated from high school. Jake was accepted to a good college and better yet he was awarded a full scholarship. Holly and I wanted to show how proud we were of his hard work so we threw a big house party. He invited all of his friends. The whole house was open. In hindsight I suppose I should have limited the number of guests. The day of the party, it appeared that everyone in his graduating class was in my house or in...

3 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 17

Helen's Story At the Tennis Court I sat with Donna and Deirdre Adkins, watching as the Progenitor played tennis with the prosecutor. I'm from New York, so I expected that these people would be less than cultured, living as they do in rural Georgia of all places. I guess I was expecting a hick town and a hick family. I was mistaken. The environment here is lovely. The house is a stately old mansion. The grounds are well-kept and open. The family is calm and intelligent. The...

4 years ago
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Smelling Dirty Gym Panties

About 10 years ago, my ex wife and I were dating. She had just turned 18 about a month before and came home form the gym super sweaty. Since we were dating, she still did sexy shit for me all the time, so she stripped for me. Then she playfully ran off saying she stunk and needed a shower. I of course thought she smelled amazing. As soon as she walked into the bathroom, I reached over and picked up her sweaty pink panties. They were fucking soaked. I buried my nose in the crotch and inhaled...

3 years ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 20 Phase 2

“There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.” —KURT VONNEGUT, JR., The Sirens of Titan Jason woke feeling groggy. Linda had come to bed very late, hyped up and demanding. She aroused the sleeping Jason sucking on him until he was aroused and then mounting him. She rubbed herself frantically as she rose and fell until she got...

2 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 38

Tuesdays were the paper day at the Bradford Courier - they had been since the 1920s sometime, and even Lloyd wasn't sure when. It had been a heck of a lot worse in the days when they actually printed the paper on site using hot type -- Linotypes and Ludlows and other terms now just words to Dave. Those days were forty years in the past, now, and Lloyd was just about as happy to have them there. For several years, he and Hazel had gotten the paper out mostly by themselves, doing the work it...

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Grains of SandChapter 10

Yakhir was nursing a goose egg on the back of his head from sitting up too quickly in one of the bins when a runner from his clan shouted his name from the tunnel. The pain became immediately inconsequential to the quickening thump of his heart. The runner could only mean one thing: a Council meeting had been called outside of the normal schedule. Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar had heard the runner as well and met the two when they emerged into the Shaft. He offered Yakhir words of encouragement and...

3 years ago
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Dream Girl Part 1

Dream Girl By Phil Stevens Chapter One Michael Curtis relaxed as the plane continued its climb. It was a point when he could sit back and reflect on his life to date. He was thirty-two years old. Until that point, his life had been eventful to say the least, but nothing compared to what was about to happen. Three years previous, he was involved in a car crash. His wife, who he very much loved, was killed instantly and he was seriously injured. At the time, the doctors...

2 years ago
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Hookers Diary 2 The Way He De Virginized my

Hooker's Diary 2 (My First Time)It's a beautiful Saturday morning but we need to go to school for our military class. I'm a little bit tired about my job last night working as a cashier in a night club wasn't easy but I don't care imagining the things that might happened to us this evening gives me enough energy to finished the class. Good thing that the teacher is hot. Watching his cock under his pants while he was walking in front of the class made my eyes open for the whole class. My...

4 years ago
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Be careful what you dream about

Author’s note: This is purely a work of bad science-fiction. In no way does the author claim that the following events took place on this plane of consciousness. However, dreams are but the reflections of reality…. Copyright 2011 prairieFreak13 Gene woke up that morning as he had for the past three months, with a rock-hard raging hard-on brought on by the dim memories of phantom dreams. He went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of strong black coffee and by the time he swallowed the first...

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“I want to walk into our spare bedroom, the one with the mirrors on all the walls, and see five naked men. Apart from you, the other four are all in their early twenties with toned fit bodies. They are all well hung, preferably AC/DC, you know I love to turn on bi-sex men. I have a fantasy where those four men are watching us fucking after lots of teasing foreplay. “Three this Sunday is that doable? Are you excited at the thought of four naked men for us.” “Yes and yes,” I respond...

4 years ago
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Amy Tate is 26yrs. mother of 7yrs Angel Amy always drives Angel to school but never stops to notice the other mothers. Wensday morning just like any other but Amy walks Angel to her class room then as she passes the restrooms she is assaulted and dragged inside. There are Mary Jo, Ashlee and Helen all about the same age all bored house wife's to big money hubbies. Today they want to teach Amy a lesson so here they attack her tearing her cloth from her body and pulling and twisting her...

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Padma Bhabi Chudi Apne Budhe Boss

Hi I’m Nikhil aap ne meri pahli story padi ho gi padma bhabi ki sasur se chudai.. ye meri dusri story hai jisme padma bhabi unke boss se chudwati hai. waise to meri bhabi bahot moti hai par wo dance bahot achcha karti hai. meri bhabi bahot badi chuddakkad hai aur is kahani me kaise wo apne boss ko apni adao ka deewana bana kar apna promotion karati hai us par hai. Main apni bhabi k bare me batata hu unki height 5″10 hai aur fig 44 38 54 hai. wo kafi moti aur gadraye huwe badan ki ek chudasi...

3 years ago
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Expect the Unexpected Part 1

Kara was 5'5", with long flowing brown hair and misty grey-blue eyes. She had full pouty lips and a rack that would cause any man or woman to stare. Her trim waist and tight flat tummy were the result of many years of working hard and cleaning the homes of wealthy families. Her round, perky ass couldn't get any more perfect. Spending the days climbing stairs and washing floors on her hands and knees had sure done her good. She was the most popular cleaning woman in the Upper East Side. Only...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 45

The next week was boring. Nothing special was happening around the country and life in the house became a little less frantic and very peaceful. Brandy was an every night visitor, with her four friends over for supper, drinks, or exercise almost every night. Marie and Dennis were becoming more intense with each other and Jan had met a man at the dojo that sparked her interest. She went from two nights a week working out with her new friend to going almost daily, then she began not coming home...

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Plussized Blind Date

Being a good-looking jock in college was a good thing for Zack Reynolds. His male peers envied him because of his easy-going natural charm that drew girls to him like moths to a flame. But eventually Zack was drawn into a steady relationship with Jill, the head cheerleader. She was sexually adventurous and so physically enthusiastic that she often wore Zack out in bed. After they had been in an exclusive relationship for 3 months, Jill asked him for a favor one night at the dinner table at her...

Straight Sex

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