Breakdown free porn video

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The radio droned on, some politician talking about the rise in youth crime...Mike wasn't listening though. He was leaning forward in the driving seat, trying to look through the sheets of rain lashing the windscreen. He glanced at the time - almost one in the morning, and here was, on this Godforsaken back road. What in idiot! He thought bitterly. He had to try and cut some time off the journey, but apparently this road wasn't on the map, or at least it wasn't the road he thought it was. Wind had begun to blow the car around and he clutched the steering wheel nervously. The politician on the radio was now talking about illegal immigrants, and in irritation Mike switched the radio off. Quite suddenly he felt so alone without that comforting voice. The rain seemed to be coming down harder, and it was then that Mike made the decision to stop the car, and turn back. His mobile phone rang so suddenly and loudly that he jumped. It was Louise, he picked up, slowing the car gently to a halt, afraid if he took one hand off the wheel the wind might blow him off the road altogether. "Mike, it's me." Her voice was an immense comfort to him. "Hey, why are you calling me so late?" "I was worried, the weather said there was a hell of a storm up there." "There is - but I'm almost there, I got a bit lost, but I'm back on track now." "I love you." His heart skipped a little. "I love you too." He wanted to be with her so much at that moment, it hurt. There was a short silence. "Look," he said, brisk again, "I'll be at the hotel in Crackleish pretty soon, I'll call you tommorow." "Call me when you get there." "I will. I love you." He clicked the phone off. The reality was pretty far from the truth, he didn't know where Crackleish was, some Scottish town up here in the Highlands, and miserably he started to turn the car around. And suddenly, without warning, the engine spluttered and died. Mike twisted the key in the ignition, but nothing - it turned over a few times but nothing else. "Great." He said softly. He would have to call the AA to tow him to Crackleish, picking up his phone only to see the words NO SIGNAL across the display. Feebly he lifted the phone up higher - NO SIGNAL. Mike closed his eyes, the storm blew the car, rocking it in the wind. What was he going to do now? He'd seen no signs, no houses, nothing for the last fifteen miles. Sitting alone in the car he tried to work out what to do. Maybe he could carry on up the road on foot? Or maybe he could sleep in the car until the storm blew itself out, but then he'd be late for the meeting. While his mind turned over the possibilities, a light appeared illuminating the bend in the road ahead. A Car! He put on his hazard warning lights and got out to wave the driver down. Torrential rain splattered him as he stood by his car, waiting for the other vehicle to approach. It was going very slow, he hunched his shoulders and waited. A few moments later and he saw it was a Rolls Royce, cruising gently along, it's wipers flapping madly. To his immense relief it started to slow as it pulled even with him. An old man, in a driver's cap wound the window down. Leaning across the seat he said, "Are you alright?" "My car's just died on me, and my mobile has no signal." "It'll be the storm I imagine," said the old man knowledgeably. "We have a phone up at the house you could use." This was music to Mike's ears. "Yes, yes please!" "Get in," smiled the old man, although he didn't have the kind of face to which a smile easily arose. The rear door opened and Mike bent down to get in. He was shocked to see a man in the back seat. He was in his mid twenties by the looks of it, same as Mike, and was dressed smartly as if he was returning from a function of some kind. "Please, get in," said the man in a soft English accent. Mike did so, sliding across the leather seat next to the stranger who nodded at his driver to continue. Mike felt the comforting metal of his keys in his pocket, he was a black belt in Karate so if anything happened to him he could defend himself. But his relief at being rescued overwhelmed any sense of unease he might have, and he slumped back in the seat as the car drove away. The stranger turned to Mike. "I'm John Campbell." He gripped Mike's hand firmly. "It's a good job we were passing." "It is!" said Mike warmly. "I'm Michael Stevens." "What are you doing out here at this time?" enquired John calmly. "I was on my way to Crackleish, and got lost. I've got a meeting there tomorrow, I was meant to be checked into a hotel tonight." "Well..." smiled John, "We'll get you warm and dry, you can make your call and be off again as soon as you please." "Thank you so much for this, you're a lifesaver." John Campbell simply nodded in return as the car sped through the storm. On seeing John's house, Mike was awe-struck. It was a huge manor house, set back a couple of miles on a private road. The Rolls swept into the drive and the ancient driver opened the rear door, escorting Mike and John Campbell to the door with an umbrella. He then opened the door for the two men, and Mike was ushered into a beautiful oak panelled drawing room. The driver then closed the door and went back to the car. Mike heard the crunch of gravel as it drove away. He looked around; the house was old and very beautiful. It had all the trappings of a stately home. Large paintings, a suit of armour, a crystal chandelier illuminated a sweeping staircase that lead up to the upper floors. Mike spotted a telephone on a round table and breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll just call the AA and let you get to bed." "Wait Michael, at least have a brandy and warm yourself up." It was tempting. Mike was cold, he checked the time on his phone - still no signal - almost two now. He felt like he was really imposing. "Thank you Mr Campbell, but I should get going." "Nonsense! Look, stay here tonight. By the time the mechanic arrives it will be almost three, and you're going to be exhausted for you meeting tomorrow. We have plenty of room here, clean sheets. Its not often I get visitors." "Thank you, but I really can't-" "Have a brandy," interrupted John smoothly "and then decide." And soon both men were sitting in large leather armchairs in front of a roaring fire. The brandy was clearly an excellent vintage, and it warmed Mike to tips of his toes. He yawned and felt himself relax. "What do you do here, John?" he asked. "Exist mostly. I inherited this land from my father when he died and live here now with Benson, by butler, and my mother." "It must be hard to keep the place looking so nice." "Do you like it?" asked John suddenly, not blinking. "Very much so." John smiled, his eyes were distant. "Let me show you your room." "Thank you, but I should go." "Please don't. It's a filthy storm." Mike looked at the young man before him. He had a sadness about it, he looked too young to be lord and master of all this, and there was loneliness in his eyes. "Ok," said Mike softly, "I'll stay." They went up the stairs; numerous doors were lined along the first floor. John hesitated outside one - "that is my mother's room" - he said flatly, and then opened the next door. The room was warm and comforting. There was an ornate vanity, a full-length antique mirror, pink and gold everywhere. But what caught Mike's eye was the picture above the fireplace. It was a huge oil painting of a nude woman. She was blonde, looked in her early twenties, she looked out at the viewer with a sense of defiance, despite her nudity. The painting was incredibly detailed, each blonde hair could be easily defined, each curve of her body, her almost elfin face looked so lifelike it gave Mike the shivers, as if he was trespassing on her in a strictly private moment. John saw Mike's expression at the painting. "This was my fiancee, Jennifer." Mike honestly had no idea what to say. "These were her quarters before we were to be married. It seems a long time ago, but it's only been four years. "I'm sorry," was all Mike could say. "So am I," replied John softly, his eyes on the painting. Mike wondered what sort of woman would keep a full nude of herself in the room, and why would John want Mike to sleep there? "I'd feel more comfortable in a different room, John." "It's fine Michael. All the other rooms are in a state of disrepair, please, make yourself at home, and I'll..." he swallowed, "see you later." "Thanks again for this..." "No bother. Goodnight Jennifer." "Goodnight" answered Mike. He didn't have the heart to correct John, he was clearly not over the death of his fianc?e. John closed the door, and Mike looked up again at the picture. She was so beautiful. Her skin as subtly tanned, her blonde hair spilled in curls over slender shoulders, her thighs shapely, the small tuft of pubic hair with just a hint of a crease between her legs. Mike checked his phone again, still no signal. He slipped out of his jeans, shirt and socks, wearing only jockey shorts he was about to get into bed when he noticed the drawer of the vanity was slightly open. Creeping across the room he gently opened it. Inside was of all things - a silver dildo. "Jesus," he said aloud. There was also a pile of Playgirl magazines from a few years back. He opened another drawer, it was full of stockings, tights, bras. Closing the drawer gently he froze as he heard voices outside. There was John, and he was talking to a woman - it must be his mother. It sounded a heated argument. Mike listened carefully. The woman was talking. "You need a woman John, he's perfect." "I know, but he's only my age, he has a girlfriend himself, Mother, we can't." "We can John, and we will. I will not die here without the sound of children again. Children John!" There was silence. Mike swallowed. "You're right Mother." "He is a fine choice, the fact you like him will make it so much easier for you to love him when he changes." "When will it happen?" asked John heavily. "You gave him the brandy? Soon, in the next few minutes." The horrible thought that they had poisoned him ran though Mike's head. His heart beating hard he swung open the door, and saw John and his mother. They looked so alike, both dark haired, the same green eyes. "What was in the Brandy?" demanded Mike, trying to look confident, standing there in his pants. The mother looked at him, she was younger than he'd imagined, in her mid forties or so. I smile twitched across her lips. "I see the bride joins us." John shot a look at her. "Mother, please." Mike didn't know what to say. All he knew is that he got such a feeling of malevolence from this woman he wanted to leave. Immediately. He sensed power in her, power which made him feel weak and scared. "I've got to go." He turned round, back into the room and started to pull his jeans on. "Wait Mike, you don't understand. We haven't poisoned you, I promise," John followed. "Look, I don't know what you and you mother were talking about, but it's nothing to do with me." Mrs Campbell walked in behind her son, she had an almost serene look about her. "You can't leave young man. Not now." "I am." "No you can't. Not in your condition." "What do you mean?" Mike shouted. "I mean," she replied steadily. "Not when you're about to...transform. Have you not worked it out yet? You're about to become John's new fianc?e." "Well I'm sorry your Son is gay, but I'm going." She laughed mockingly. John was starting at Mike intently. "He's not gay. He likes...women." As she said the word, Mike felt a strange jolt throughout his body. Women. Woman. He felt dizzy for a moment and sat on the bed. He turned to the mother and son. "What have you done to me?" He felt little electric pulses running up his spine, tingling his sphincter, making his knees jump. He went to stand up, almost falling, as blood seemed to rush to his head. To his scalp. He could feel a numb, buzzing sensation and he reached up to touch his hair. It felt longer...he always shaved his head, and now it felt like he hadn't cut it for a month. Without a word a staggered across to the ornate mirror and stared. His hair was longer, but what made his heart jump was the roots. Right next to the scalp they were coming in blonde. As he watched there was another spurt of growth - he felt it - and saw it reflected back at him. His hair now 2 inches long - with blonde seeping along his hair, turning it from black to pure honey. The young man's jaw dropped open in surprise. He didn't know what to do or say until the silky voice of Mrs Campbell cut through his thoughts. "Look at his hair, isn't it getting beautiful..." Mike spun round, and saw Mrs Campbell's hands, literally clasped in glee at the sight of him. Mike shut his eyes and tried to focus - he felt another wave of the same sensation, and when he turned back to the mirror his hair had pushed out another couple of inches. He dropped the shirt he was going to put on and turned back to Mrs Campbell. "What's happening to me?" She just smiled. "Look at your chest dear, that should give you a clue." He did. And it took him a second to realise his dark chest hair was thinning. He touched it, only for it to drop away. Then he caught sight of his nipples. They were hard. Like it was cold. But then he realised with a jolt that that they were sticking out further that they should. They were growing. His nipples were getting larger - sitting on his now smooth pecs, they looked girl's nipples. He touched his right one, nerve endings were becoming active in it judging by how sensitive it was - and the whole horror of what was happening struck him. "You're turning me into a woman!" he shrieked. Mrs Campbell smiled. His hair was not about 5 inches long and was getting in his eyes. "I don't want to be a woman!" His nipples were starting to ache now, and although he hadn't yet noticed his muscles were just starting to atrophy. He was an athlete, and worked out a lot - his classic male shape still intact, but with the honey blonde hair and now lack of body hair he was starting to already look markedly different. Little clicks and snaps were coming from, his body as he started to lose mass. All his body hair, even that under his jeans was being rejected from his skin - simply unable to grow hair of that density any more. Even his underarm hair was dropping out. He felt a shift in his lower belly, and felt there, his six pack still hard with exertion. He couldn't know of course that the shifting feeling was the development of a womb making its appearance. One of the many unseen changes he was going to experience. He probed his stomach, then caught sight of his hands. His fingernails had been growing the whole time. Long, clear and perfectly manicured. He held a hand up to his eyes - watching, dumbstruck, as his nails crept long and feminine. His hair was starting to curl at the ends now - brushing his shoulders. His body was tingling and sweating - the reality of what was happening to him out of his grasp. He fixed a feverish eye on Mrs Campbell. "Please, I have a girlfriend...she'll wonder where I am. Don't make me a...urghhh" he gasped as his shoulder started to slim and narrow - pain shot right down his spine "...woman!" Thoughts of escape ran through his blonde head, but he was already losing height! He couldn't hope to challenge John and his mother now. He must have lost a foot already, taking him below 6ft. Feminine, shaping fat was developing naturally around his thighs, but as he shrunk his pants slipped down - showing smooth, tanned legs. With rounder thighs, running up in his jockey shorts. "I wonder what he looks like downstairs?" mused Mrs Campbell, "after all you should know being her fianc?e and all..." John was silent though, inwardly fighting the destruction of Mike's manhood and relishing the birth of the woman he was becoming. His mother was more active though - she approached Mike's almost naked form. "Get away from me!" he cried, stepping backwards - however she smartly grasped the front of his jockey shorts and yanked them down. His genitals bounced free - and he immediately tried to cover them with his shrinking hands. "Still male where it counts," she said flatly. "We'll wait." Poor Mike looked down and saw his pecs and six pack had quite gone, in fact he was developing a little protective layer of fat on his lower abdomen, an inch above his penis - to protect the womb he was growing inside. He was almost rabid with fright now - his hands cupping his genitals. When he noticed movement behind his nipples. They were swelling. Budding. Breasts. And they were growing on him. It didn't seem real. His nipples were large and pink - and tender as breast tissue began to build. "No!" was all he could cry - but just at that moment he felt his ballsack tighten. His hands slowly came away and he looked down. Down past that smooth, soft belly and saw, and felt his scrotum literally tightening. Blonde curls fell into his vision, and he heard Mrs Campbell laugh again. In horror he looked at John. "Please John, this can't happen to me, please, don't make me your girl!" "It's too late," said John, "We'll be making love as man and wife before the sunrises - please, don't fight it Jennifer." "I'll NEVER be your fucking wife - ARGHHHH!" his sentence was cut short by his balls tightening again. They were drawing into his body. He fell hard onto his knees - and his budding breasts jiggled as they swelled to an A cup. His dick started to shrink in little pulses, he held it firmly in his small hand, eyes closed, trying to resist but not even knowing how. He felt it shrinking in his palm. Above his half-sized dick, his pubes were now configured in an inverted triangle. A pain shot through his hips as his pelvis started to judder wider - and he took his hands away inadvertently showing John and his mother a tiny cock - his ballsack now empty was thickening into a labia. His hands were on his hips though, as they started to widen into their female counterpart. The classic female crotch gap appeared as the tops of his legs moved apart and then the indignity of hearing his grunts of discomfort break into a higher timbre. His buttocks started to swell like ripening fruit, setting his wider hips off perfectly. He tried to get to his feet, but fell onto his back. Legs jumping as his penis was reduced to a mere nub. Folds were developing from his anus, to the front of his crotch - the rudiments of a vagina, and his breasts were now a B cup. Hips were curved now, and the sweat, which ran down his smooth skin, was reeking with pheromones. His face too had been subtly changing, it looked younger, more boyish than it did. But already his lips had swollen, kissable and soft. With a gasp, he felt cold air make contact with the tender folds between his legs, and he became a she. Her voice cracked higher again, her throat soft with no sign of the Adam's apple that she had had earlier. Eyelashes were curling, even as inside, those testicles were turning into ovaries, ready for her first period a month from now. The pain and tenderness was leaving Mike now, and she found the strength to get to her feet. Little changes were still occurring, her nose was getting smaller, her eyebrows arched and plucked. But within minute she stood there - naked and devastatingly female before the mother and son who had witnessed the change. "I thought you said you were a man," smiled Mrs Campbell after a pause. A salty tear ran down her soft cheek. "I am a man," said her high voice as mother and son laughed openly. "You're a woman now, you look so much like the painting I can't believe it," said Mrs Campbell without a trace of sarcasm. "I'll leave you both to it." Apparently satisfied her work was done she swept out of the room, leaving Mike and John alone. John smiled at her. "I'm sorry you had to go through this, Mike. But now, now we can be a family again. We can start a family again." "This isn't happening..." cried Mike. "This isn't real..." "Please, please get dressed. Either that or I'll have to get naked." Mike's beautiful eyes widened in shock. The choice lay ahead, to wear the clothes that were stacked away in the cupboards and drawers of the room, or have this man, this person, now of the opposite sex strip before her. "I'll dress," she said, trying to keep her composure. Hormones were flooding her brain. John knew of course that from here on in Mike's mind would transform, as thoughts no man would have would start to blossom. He just had to wait. He looked at the woman opposite him, she was so beautiful, so fertile, and his. All his.

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The Rabbit Hole Chapter 5: Joanna By Trixie Adara Nadia The phone rang on the other end and went to voicemail. Nadia knew it would before she heard it. It had the last seventeen thousand times, it would when she checked again tonight, and again tomorrow morning. Penny was gone. Luckily, the confusion and sting was wearing off. Now, Nadia felt a blooming concern. Unlike Joe, Penny didn't have some magical status appear that explained where she was. Bucky the Butler told...

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Friend Ki Bhabhi Neha Is A Sex Goddess

My love to all the ISS readers. I am a 22 year old guy and I live in Bangalore. The story which I am writing happened to me a 6 months ago. Before this i had sex a couple of times with partners around my age… Lets get to the story ..! It was July and weather in Bangalore was very romantic …. Me and a friend of mine had an accident and i didn’t wanted to go college the next day ! Let me introduce you to other characters… My friend karan lives with his elder brother Rajesh .. Rajesh was recently...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Texas Ranger Chapter Two

Jim remembered there was a small cafe just down the street and he was making a beeline for it when his attention was drawn to angry shouts coming from the sidewalk ahead. He recognized the man coming toward him on foot as Mayor Dixon. The mayor was a middle-aged man who Jim had usually seen impeccably dressed in a nice store bought suit. At the moment though, he had his nightgown half stuffed into his pants and his suspenders were flopping around his legs. "My mare's gone; I've been...

2 years ago
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FITZChapter 13 The Fall of the House of Hawkins

"What is that?" Brittney wondered aloud. "I saw you plant one in the corner of that asshole mansion in L.A." "A warning," said Gina. "A warning?" "A bomb," Joseph completed. "A bomb!" Joseph nodded. "We're going to demolish The Plantation and record its demolition and let all the slavers and buyers know what will happen if they continue their evil ways." "Just this little thing can destroy a mansion?" Brittney asked. Joseph nodded. "More genius from the FITZ,...

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Acting Dominant

Acting Dominant By Tigger c2008, All Rights Reserved Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Big Closet, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, unchanged, so long as the site remains free and my authorship and copyright are acknowledged in the posting. I do not consider so- called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, these sites do not have permission to host this story. Acknowledgments: My sincere...

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We are playing the game

Hello friends, aap log kasa hai meri tarf sa aap sabhi ko happy diwali ma aap logo k oak new romantic story likh raha yah meri mummy ke friend ke hai aunty ke age 35 saal ke hai aunty ke jayda height tu nahi per nipple or gand aunty ke bhoot mast hai . Aunty aksar hamra ghara aya jaya kerth hai meri mummy ka sath un ke kafi acchi dosti hai ak dheerea dheera aunty ke dosti mera sath hona lagi aunty kise na kise bahna muja apna ghar ma bulthi or hum dono ghumna ka liya jaya kertha hai. Ak din...

2 years ago
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Helping the Neighbor

Just recently I was home for break, a chance to ease my mind and enjoy the days off. It was Monday morning around 10:30am when I received a call from Mrs. O, my neighbor. Mrs. O had called looking for me to help her out with hanging a big mirror on her wall and that she needed someone strong to do it. Me being such a nice guy, I agreed to go over and help her out for a little while. Now as an inside scoop, Mrs. O is this gorgeous blonde, has a great body, and has the sweetest personality. She...

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Who Was It

Hayley had been pulling weeds from her flower garden when the moving truck pulled in to the house next door. The house had been sold a month earlier and had been vacant for the past two weeks. Their previous neighbors had been nice enough, but no common interests, other than kids of similar ages, had kept the relationship pleasant but superficial. Hayley had hoped that the new neighbors would also have kids, and that the wife would stay at home during the day so that they could do things...

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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 4 Wedding Anniversary Gifts

There was a knock on the door. Shahid got up and opened the door. It was Prashant. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, kids, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” said Prashant. Roja laid there on the mattress, covering herself with the blanket facing us and listening to the conversation. “Ok… go on,” said Shahid. “Well, today is our 30th anniversary, and I want some wedding anniversary gifts for her, and it kind of requires your help,” he said. “What is it? I will be glad to help,” Shahid...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 3 Liz more

I laid there totally naked as this poker faced, tall beauty slowly walked towards the bed. The blond laying next to me laughed uncontrollably at having pulled one over on me. "Soooooo," I stammered sheepishly, looking back and forth at both of them, pointing to the brunette, then to the blond. "you're Liz...aaaand she's...not?" "Yes Sir. And I take you Sir, must be Howdy?" she said as she leaned over between my bended knees, placing her hands onto the bed on either side of my waist. Liz studied...

4 years ago
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My Day Of Liberation Part 2

I was no longer an active helper at the church hall; I had other more important things to do. One of my three spare bedrooms was in dire need of being decorated even though it was never used. I quite enjoyed doing manual things around the house. Since my encounter with Michael and my visit to number fourteen, my outlook on life had changed considerably. I needed to go into town to a well-known department store which sold wallpaper and paint which I had almost run out of. It was a lovely...

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Tims Breasts

Tim's Breasts by Vickie Tern She loves her hubby, and wants to share her other men with him. So she needs to make him more attractive to them. He never guessed why! I'd been indifferent to my husband for a few years, but at last I figured out how to revivify my marriage, how to return erotic desire to our intimacies. For a few years I'd been merely pecking at his cheek -- at most -- when he came home from work. But now I began kissing him...

1 year ago
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Blind Obedience Chapter 11

"Now my little hors d'oeuvre, it's time you had your appetizer – you know how I hate to be greedy. I want to make sure this an equal partnership. Hop up on the bed here and lay back... I'm hungry and you look delicious!"She did just that, giggling and climbing up on the bed. As she climbed onto the bed, I saw that she had the butt plug I gave her the other day in place in her ass just as I told her. Such a good girl!She moved to the middle and lay on her back, her legs spread wide. She knew...

1 year ago
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My StepMom

Brad trotted down the carpeted stairs. He heard pots and pans clanging in the kitchen and headed that way."Good morning Hatty!" He cheerfully said to his Jamaican stepmother."Good morning to you, Brad, you little hungry or lot hungry?""Just coffee for me." He answered, taking a seat on a chair at the counter.He studied his step-mother as she moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast for his father. She was 5'6", 32 years old, perhaps 135lbs, very dark skinned, shoulder length black dark...

3 years ago
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Woolly Wilds

“In from the woolly wilds,” Dad laughed as we all slid into the seats and waited for the waitress to come around and take our order. We all smiled but said little as it was his standard ‘joke’ each time we came into town. Living in the middle of the Black Mountains, the small mountain range that runs along the southern edge of Wales, part of which is famous as the Brecon Beacons, did occasionally feel like being out in the middle of nowhere. Even though it was only three miles away, we couldn’t...

4 years ago
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An attitude adjustment

It’s been a long day, but finally the kids have been put to bed and are asleep.After having worked the night before and sleeping all day until 5 pm, my wife is all smiles in bed, sipping on ice-tea while watching TV alone in our room.The lights in the rest of the house are dark.The only noise in the house is the faint chatter coming from the TV down the hall. I slowly make my way from the living room, down the hall to our bedroom.The room is dim with only the flickering light of the TV on.She...

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Trevors Transformation Chapter Two

Chapter Two.Turns out that Trevor had indeed done time in jail for several misdemeanor actions, none of which were very serious, but nonetheless he must have pissed off one of the juvenile judges, because he did two one month stays just prior to his 16th birthday, and one week stay prior to turning 18. This k** obviously had some serious anger issues, which I’m sure was brought on after his father walked out on him, his brother and his mother. Thankfully, his brother Connor was the complete...

2 years ago
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False Dichotomies and Other Poems

A SPHINX WITHOUT A RIDDLE Late night, alone, I am seated Upon the predicament Of my twofold being, A sphinx without a riddle With which to set the table Of my monstrous appetite For flesh both feminine And masculine, both male And female, a shemale buffet Of body parts, of breasts And buttocks, a penis, And testicles, and, maybe, As a nightcap, a glass or two Of semen spiced with sperm. PARAPHRASING THE BARD We are lost in the loneliness Of an existence preceding...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 2

That was six months ago now and I was back in practice in Jason's clinic in Columbus Ohio. We did only high profile cases, working mainly in the area of reconstruction, and the money was wonderful. I was already making more than I had ever had before and I was adjusting to living free again without looking over my shoulder every time I wanted to do something or go somewhere. It was hard at first, jumping at every loud sound or ducking whenever I heard someone shout, but it was getting...

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The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman

         The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman                        By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...

4 years ago
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Angels Tale Part 9

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 9 The concessions area was in good shape. Just the usual low level stuff that the morning wipe down should handle. The storage areas were mostly good. The key word was "mostly". One case of HealthyBites chips struck her as wrong. When she opened the case and checked a bag, she understood why. It was contaminated. She used her eCom to call Mr. Moore in and started checking other cases more carefully. She found one more bad box...

1 year ago
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Wife coerced Threesome

My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a local luxury hotel, I arranged a staycation, and got as nice suite. We spent the evening in the hotel lounge with live music. She wore her short denim shirt and black stay ups, as requested, and my favorite black silky top. I arranged a couple bulls from craigslist (the good ol days) and I asked them to hang in the lounge and wait til I pryed her with more wine, having them inspecting her from across the room. After about an hour , and...

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Sweeties Beginning Part 2

I didn't see Danielle for a week afterward. I got really swamped at work, and couldn't get any free time. We spoke on the phone and exchanged cute e-mails, but didn't see each other face to face until that Friday. None of our conversations mentioned what had happened the previous weekend. I had almost completely forgotten about it when I walked up to her door late on Friday night. I had really missed Danielle, and was looking forward to seeing her. As soon as the door opened, we...

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Captive AudienceChapter 6

I was very much engaged in some rather hot and heavy sex with my sisters-in-law now, still in the ladies room of this banquet hall... (what the hell kind of banquet hall can a man fuck three women in and not get caught, by the way, four counting my wife, of course), when Jacqueline, the younger sister, creamed herself on my dick. I had already screwed her sister/wife (turned out that this was an unofficial marriage after all) Charlotte for a good while, but I went even slower by now, having...

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Jennie The Giantess

Introduction: Giantess Fans and Misty from Pokemon Fans ESC here again! Please Positively feedback! Creative Criticism is liked though! All my clients are absolutely thrilled with their tales though. This is just me being nice and allowing you all to see my work after clients have agreed to allowing me to show them I write for money. Email me at [email protected] for rates and questions! Thankssss Jennie enjoyed the conversion so far. It was a wonderful experience, from the tables set up in...

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FilthyFamily Havana Bleu Dylann Vox The Fucking Arrangement

Havana Bleu’s relationship with Juan Largo isn’t going so well. He found out that she has cheated on him. He’s now threatening to leave her. However, he pays for absolutely everything in their household. So she has developed a plan to get him to stay. She wants to make an arrangement with him. He will be able to fuck his step daughter, Skylar Vox, when ever he wants just as long as he stays. So they went ahead with said agreement and he was able to pound both of them. Juan’s cock penetrated...

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Caught Masturbating

Caught MasturbatingThe house was empty and I was the only one at home. Dad was out and my older sister was about to leave to go visit a girlfriend. It was 10 am and I slept in and got up just as my sister was about to leave for her girlfriends place. She told me dad had gone out to town and I said ok and headed off to the bathroom. When I went in, I knew my sister just finished having a shower, as her hair was still a bit wet. Having a fetish then of wearing panties, I looked in the clothes...

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My Nympho Next Door Neighboor Pt1

Jasmine went to a catholic school, while Jason went to public. A lot of the other kids in the neighborhood thought Jason was a bad kid, just because he vandalized and got brought home by the cops almost every weekend. This turned Jasmine on soo much. Jasmine was in love with Jason. She was practically obsessed with him. She often masturbated while thinking about him. She was madly in love with Jason. She wanted him so bad, but what she didnt know was that he opften fantasized about...

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PornMegaLoad Lacy AssFucked By Her Daughters Fiancee

“I have three kids and two grandkids,” said Lacy Cummings, a 52-year-old divorcee with a tight, slim body and long, beautiful, blond hair. Lacy has kids, alright! For example, in this scene, she has a daughter. We don’t see the daughter, but we do see her daughter’s fiancee…Lacy’s future son-in-law. He’s sitting on the staircase in Lacy’s house, thinking he’s all alone. So he whips out his smartphone and starts watching a video. The video is...

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Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy Son

Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy SonStory about a pussyboy son who is turned into a sissy cockwhore by his mother.At 31 years of age, I shouldn’t be planning on moving back in with my mother, but I was recently divorced, my ex-wife kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head.It was with mixed feeling that I went back through the front door of my old home and my mom. Mom is 61 but still looks great and of course I wouldn’t want her to know it, but she turns...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 12

Chapter Twelve – First Day on the Job The following Monday morning, Dave entered what appeared to be an office building as unremarkable as any in the Atlanta area. He rode the elevator up in solitude, collecting his thoughts as he prepared for what awaited him. Soon, he arrived at one of the higher floors of the building and approached the security desk in front of him. “Name?” asked the guard. “Dave Brighton,” he replied. Glancing at the piece of paper in his hand, he continued, “I’m...

2 years ago
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A weekend with Nancy

CHAPTER 1 Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my ‘special clothing’ from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...

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Dads Magazines

I was up in the treehouse that my dad and I had built. It was raining, and I thought I would wait it out before going home for lunch. I was browsing through one of my porn magazines. One of the many I had stashed up here. If you can call fifteen a lot? I found them in a box in the garage shortly after dad passed away. I was playing with myself as I turned the pages, wondering when I would be lucky enough to meet a girl that would do what these girls were doing. According to the magazines, my...

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My personal whore

How is it that a man can be as lucky as this, to have a woman, totally willing to submit to cock? When she comes over, the lights are out and everything is dark; the only light comes from the bedroom down the hallway. Without a hello or greeting she comes to me and kisses me deeply, passionately and it instantly turns me on. She has the perfect tongue and nice full lips, so you can imagine what it must feel like. Her hand is on my chest and traces down to my cock, where she stops to pay special...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Step Sisters School Uniform

Rion King is minding his own business playing video games when his stepsister, Kyler Quinn, knocks on the door to his room. Kyler is trying hard to seduce her stepbrother, so she has decked herself out in her school uniform and is here now to ask him to help her make it sexy. Despite Kyler’s blatant request and equally obvious attempts to flirt, Rion holds steady that he shouldn’t be doing anything like that with his stepsister. Kyler leaves, but her determination only grows. She...

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Little Big Land

This story is a follow-up to 'Millionaire Sissy', a story I wrote several years ago. If you want to read it, it's here: investments I made with the money I won in the lottery, turned out so well that I could make my next move. The building of Little Big Land, an indoor playground for AB's, DL's, and diapered sissies. With help of my well-endowed staff, AB-friends with architectural skills and our dirty little...

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