Artist In Residence free porn video

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Artist in residence By bojok71 Authors' notes: this story was written for a friend of mine. It's basically a family wanting daughter transition story. That said it's unique! It's not as sexual as my other works (as someone who was sexually abused, I will not write about child sex in any form). The story also relies heavily on dialogue. As it is written in first person, a description of the actual transition is given at the end. NO PEAKING! It's also non Stepford. While I have another Stepford story on the way, this one is different. Warning: Do not repost, hard copy, or distribute in any way. I reserve all rights to this work. It is fiction and any similarity between real persons and story characters is purely coincidence. If you are uncomfortable with gender change, domination, or explicit writing then do not read this! Hope everybody likes: I dropped off the last of the groceries as Mrs. Delmays smiled at me. "William, why do you always look so troubled? Tell me what is wrong?" she said softly. I looked at her-she was very rich, beautiful, and perfect. She as an older woman with everything. 'Why does she always talk to me?' I thought. I finally answered, "Nothing's wrong. I guess." "Why do I not believe you?" she shot back. "William, I want to help you. God knows I can. Please tell me!" she said. "Look Ma'am," I stuttered. "You are my client. You don't want to hear my problems, besides; you'd probably blame me for them anyway," I finished. "Try me. William, I'm starting to like you. Talk to me!" she said. I finally gave up and blurted out, "I'm 20 yrs old. I'm broke. I have huge debts! I flunked out of art school. I'm alone. I'm fat and ugly?" She stopped me and said, "Oh, William, I didn't know you where an artist! I'd love to have an artist in residence! I think we can work something out. As well I can help with those other issues." I was stunned. I finally came out with, "I couldn't besides, what would your husband say?" I had never even seen, let alone met, Mr. Delmays! "He'd be fine with it!" she chuckled. "Don't worry about us-we have money to burn. Besides to support an artist?" I stopped her in mid sentence and offered, "Mrs. Delmays, I'm not very good. I told you I got kicked out of art school. My work is mostly abstract-I pain feelings and my ideas. It would never sell." "William, I know people in the art community-your work will sell for millions. Let me in to your life. Let me help you find your heart!" she exclaimed. I thought to myself, 'Maybe this is my chance.' I spoke, "OK. What about rent? This house is huge. I'm not sure I can afford it!" "You will not pay any rent here. This is about you. Your success and companionship will be my payment," she said. "Well, all right. This is closer to the store. I can save some money here," I said. "No, William. I want you to quit! I will look after all your wants and needs. At least until we can get you established. Besides you will need all your time to deal with the other things you mentioned. I know that. My help is time consuming but worth it," she directed. Her tone and eye contact proved she meant it. "OK. I give this a try. I will quit today. Then I can join you in two weeks," I said. She countered with, "No William, you join me today. My husband is the landlord of that merchant. He will set things right. We will deal with your old landlord later! And forget your old furniture and stuff. Just go get your clothing." So I moved in that day. Her husband, by the way, seemed very nice. He dealt with the store. They ordered pizza for dinner. The only strange part was bedtime. Mrs.' Delmays had me shower, and use an expensive soap and shampoo-conditioner. The two of them entered my new room as I went to bed. I felt like a child being tucked in. if only I knew how far that statement would go. I awoke the next morning, dressed, and headed downstairs. Mrs. Delmays gave me a large breakfast-egg, sausage, waffles with syrup, and juice. "How are you this morning?" she asked. "Good!" I replied. She placed a large glass of water in front of me. Before I could drink it, she spoke, "This fluid contains chemicals to help you lose weight. It contains enzymes to help your skin. It's very expensive; in fact, it's what I use to help me stay beautiful!" With that knowledge, I quickly drank the whole glass. It had a sweet taste. "Now this process takes a lot of energy - you may feel hungry at times. You should eat then. As well, in the beginning, the formula is very strong-you may need to eat several times a day. Just listen to your body-otherwise the process stops." I said, "OK. But where does this product come from? I've never heard of this sort of thing before." She giggled and spoke, "It's very expensive, for one thing. My husband owns the patient on it, for another. Simply put, he has yet to bring it to the public. Now you must keep this private; we don't want others to find out about this!" I agreed. I didn't want to hurt these people. After a quick clean up of the kitchen, she took us upstairs. "We are going to exercise and spend time together now. I want to get to know you. I've laid out some clothes for you. They are on your bed. Go change," She said. The clothing was very good quality but strange. The outfit consisted of loose fitting white trousers with a draw string, a matching top with three small wooden buttons, sandals, spandex underpants in white, and a soft blue t-shirt. I figured it was only for exercise. I dressed. The t- shirt only reached my navel. I rejoined Mrs. Delmays in the hall. "You look good in that outfit!" she commented. We went downstairs in to the basement. The room was large with soft carpet, a large TV, and wood paneling. Large cushions where scattered on the carpet. A few wooden chairs and a coffee table where in one corner. "This is my area. I use this space to relax, exercise, read, and meditate. Now let's get started," she said. Mrs. Delmays put a video tape into the TV. It was of several young women exercise. We both got down on the floor and followed their movements. It started out simply enough, but soon the movements where complex. We where sweating! The next tape featured dance type exercise. The music was fast. We sweated and moved and danced for half an hour! We finished up with some breathing exercises from an audio tape. Then we relaxed for a while. Mrs. Delmays then offered, "Let's go for a walk to the park." "Err... can I change first?" I said. "No - no one will see you. Most of the neighborhood is at work. Come on!" Off we went. On the way out the door, she handed me a small pouch on a belt. "This is a wind suit. It should fit you. Just in case we hit a breeze." She also had one for herself. We left the house together and walked to the park. Along the way, she pointed out over people's homes, places of interest, and streets. We where chatting like old friends. We soon arrived at the park. It was huge! She bought us both ice cream and we went and sat under a tree. "I think we need to talk. If I'm going to get close to you and help you, we need, well, closeness. I want you to start calling me Ann. Or if you want, Auntie Ann. And I think I'm going to start calling you friendly nicknames. I do hope this is alright with you, dear," she explained. "All right," I replied. We finished the ice cream and walked home. After showering and changing back into my own clothes, I entered the kitchen. She had done the same (she had a separate bathroom off the big bedroom). We then went out to the back of the house. She showed me a large room with a large glass skylight. "This will be your studio area. Tomorrow the walls will be painted soft white, and a ventilation system will be installed. Then you can work out here. I'm sure many masterpieces will be created!" she offered. I was speechless! I wanted to cry. I had never felt so emotional before. I wrote those feelings off as a moment thing. The rest of the day past uneventfully. That evening I drank more of the drink. This happened twice a day from then on. By the third day, though, I began to notice little changes to my body. My hair seemed longer and fuller. My skin was much softer. But the real change was my nails-they where long! I pointed all this out to Ann (I wasn't yet comfortable calling her aunt) this seemed to make her happy. "Dear, this is good! It means the formula is working! Don't worry about a thing. My stylist is coming over this afternoon, and I'll have her tend on you too," she exclaimed. So that afternoon I met Rose, her stylist. She styled my hair, but only filed and shaped my nails. She also gave me some cream for my skin. After rose left, I said, "She didn't really cut my nails or my hair. I feel funny with these nails Ann." She replied, "Oh, don't worry. Any serious cutting may disturb new growth patterns in those parts. Besides you look good. And you will get used to those nails." Then, if in thought, said, "Of course, dear, I meant in a temporary sense." This pattern continued for the next few weeks. Even week Rose came in. my hair was growing quickly! After three weeks, it was down to shoulder length! And my nails where both long and strong. Rose had started to use a top coat on them, followed by clear nail polish. She explained these steps where to protect and strengthen the nail. She also gave me large fabric ponytailers to hold my hair back. She said, "You don't want to use elastic-that will only break your hair." Shortly after that, Ann told me, "We are going to see my seamstress, dear. I want you to get some artistic, modern clothing. Your old clothes are so very pass? Come on." We drove to her shop, a large older home. She greeted us with hugs and a hearty, "Good morning!" Ann introduced her as Shannon. We moved imminently to her studio. I was speechless when Shannon showed me her choices for me. Then where large outfits that resembled pajamas! They where also very brightly colored! I stammered, "They are? Bright enough." Ann laughed and said, "Honey, you are an artist! These outfits are, to me at least, both inspirational and proper. You can move in them. If I see an artist in anything but bright colors, I question their commitment. Of course, if you think I'm wrong, then dress yourself." Shannon then smiled and said, "At least try them on." I tried the outfits on. The pants had no zippers in the front, only a drawstring. The tops where big and full cut. The color patterns featured bright strips, polka dots, and pastels. However, Ann was right, I did feel inspired. I also had a bad thought that I had hurt her. I agreed to take the clothes. As we checked out, Ann told Shannon, "Put him on my account. If he needs more items from you, he can come get them on his own." Shannon agreed whole heartedly. The next stop was a shoe shop. Ann "helped" me pick out shoes, mostly slip-ons and sandals. "You need shoes for every day of the week." After that, we went to a knitting store. I got three sweaters in soft colors that would match my outfits. During a large lunch of salad and chicken at an exclusive restaurant in the area, Ann asked about a bag. "You know, none of those clothes have working pockets. We will go get you a bag to carry your personals in," she said. "But, I own other pants with pockets. Besides, men usually don't carry a purse," I replied. "Well, you won't own those other pants for long. I want you to give those ugly things to charity. You look like a bum in them. Remember too in the beginning I said that my help runs 24 hours a day? That includes clothes! Besides, the bag will be a bag, not a purse," Ann explained. She was gazing into my eyes and smiling. All I could do was say, "Yes." We went to a leather store and I got a plain brown leather shoulder bag. That was all there was to it. On the ride home, Ann was in a good, talkative mood. "You will look so avand garde now! In fact, I'm going to get Rose to pierce your ears on her next visit!" she exclaimed. I could only giggle. I felt strange - I was giggling a lot and suddenly couldn't say no to authority people. I thought, 'It must be that drink stuff. Or is it just that Ann is right?' We arrived home, unloaded my clothes, and Ann cooked supper. I boxed up my old clothes. "God, Ann was right, as usual. I did look like a bum!" The only thing I didn't have new was underwear. Then I remembered the spandex work out underpants. I said to myself, "I will ask Ann for more of those. And new socks!" The next day I asked Ann about underwear. "Oh dear. I forgot! Well, we'll get those today!" A quick trip to a very expensive lingerie shop produced the required items. After lunch out (hamburger with chips) we drove home. I then packed my old clothes off to charity. I was wearing the new underwear, a soft blue and white striped pajama suit, sandals, and a soft purple pull over. All I could talk about was how good I felt. Rose arrived the next day. After doing all the normal work on the both of us. She put the piercing machine on the table, along with a large selection of earrings. Rose said to Ann, "Here are the diamond studs you wanted." Ann nodded and Rose pierced my ears with them. I yelped, but it didn't really hurt. "Can I wear more? Please?" I begged. "Yes Honey. Yes you can!" Ann offered. I got two gold studs and two studs with blood red stones. As I was looking in the mirror at my six new earrings (three per side), I thought to myself, 'I do look good with these things!' I said, "Thank you both for these. I like them!" Rose asked, "If you want more earrings, or a nose ring just ask me ahead of time. the rings make you look very stylish." Ann hugged me. For some reason, all the attention had made me cry - I was becoming very emotional. Ann just held me close. "There there, dear. It's ok!" she said. After Rose left, I told Ann, "Boy, am I getting emotional. What is going on?" Ann smiled and said, "Yes, I know. It's simply part of the drink. It can affect the brain. Again it's only temporary. Besides, I notice that when you are happy, you're really happy! And don't think for a minute that this bothers anyone here. If they can put up with me, they can put up with you. Now don't worry." I was strangely content with that answer. I asked about the nose ring and we both giggled. All seemed well. Two nights later, Mr. Delmays said he wanted to talk with me. I was afraid. While hew had always been nice to me, he had never been close to me, as his wife was. We went into his den (I had never been in his private room). He asked about my debt. "Well," I began. "I owe a lot of money for student loans and failed ventures. I've been saving the pocket money from Ann to make payments. I'll get them paid off before I die," I finished. After hearing this, he fumed, "Why didn't you tell me this before? Exactly what do you owe them?" I shakily replied, "It didn't seem important. I've taken so much from you already. And, well, I don't know how to talk to you." At that he exploded in anger, "EVERY RULE YOU HAVE WITH MY WIFE APPLIES TO ME FROM NOW ON! And we are going to start having long chats. I expect you to hide nothing from me. There are no secrets in this house!" At that he grabbed me. He was so strong he lifted me out of the seat. He sat down, with me over his lap. He pulled my trousers and underpants down to my knees. "Now! To show you who's in change? And to show you the consequences of NOT involving me." He started spanking me. I was yelping and crying. "Mr. Delmays please stop. Please!" I begged. He started spanking harder. "My name, to you, is Daddy from now on. I'm going to adopt you as my own! Now, dear, tell me your debt, so I can pay it." Between smacks, he calculated my debt, told me that I was his child, paid my debt(in principle), and told me that he was, "In my life now and not leaving!" He finished the spanking and held me close. "Daddy wants you to be happy! You'll soon learn all about daddy," he said in a soft tone. I was balling-both because of the hard spanking and the fact that I now had a strong father in my life. I finally offered, "All right Daddy. I'll be good! I promise! I don't want the spanking again!" He used a Kleenex to blow my nose and wipe up my tears. "That's good. Because I don't want to ever have to spank you again!" He left the house soon after, and I went to Ann. She smiled. "Well, I guess Henry set you straight on a few things. He likes you as much as me, but he's the disciplinarian in this house. As a father should be! Oh, by the way, you can call me mommy, if you want. Besides, after the adoption, you'll have to call mom. So best to start now," she explained. I was experiencing so many emotions. I had a real family now. "Just don't change. PLEASE!!" I balled. "No dear, I'm not changing. I am your mentor and friend. I'm just adding mother to the list," she explained. That evening, after my drink, I went to bed. Mommy (as I called Ann from the moment she told me to) had set the bed in soft blue sheets with a teddy bear theme comforter, and lots of pillows. She and daddy came in to tuck me in. Daddy gave me a big soft teddy bear. "So you won't get lonely at night!" he commented. They made me pray, which I did. I just couldn't say no to them! After they put the light out, I lay there and thought, 'What is happening to me?' I curled up with the bear and fell into a deep, satisfying sleep. The next morning Daddy took me to town. Our first stop was the bank. He paid all my debt off in full. Over $25,000 dollars worth of debt was gone. He also got me credit card with a low borrowing limit, and set me up a bank account. "Daddy will put money in the account as you need it, and pay the bill. Just remember to tell daddy if you spend the money," he said. The next stop was children's services. We went into the office of the executive director and he said, "Mr. Delmays, sir, what can we do for you?" Daddy replied, "I want to adopt this person here. And I don't want any problems, understand?!" The director offered, "Of course! We'll set it up ASAP! And provide full adoption services. We'll get started right away. Oh, and thanks for the generous donation!" We left the office, had lunch, went for ice cream, and went home. I wondered about my name-all they called me where honey or dear. A voice inside my head offered, "That's daddy's job." That evening, when I had my shower, I noticed my skin was very soft and hairless. I had never had much body hair, but now I was basically hairless. And I also noticed I was losing weight-just as mommy had predicted. But the change was uneven-my legs, arms, shoulders, and stomach where indeed shrinking, but my chest, bottom, and hips seemed to be growing. My penis and testicles also seemed to be shrinking. As soon as I finished my shower, I went to mommy. After telling her what I'd realized, she offered, "The drink works faster on some areas then others, that's all. As for your skin, a component of the drink is renewing it. So just relax. It's all right. In fact, here's tonight's drink now." After kissing daddy good night, and thanking him for all he had done for me that day, mommy took me to bed. Again I fell into the deep, sound sleep. Shortly after that, mommy announced to me that I was going to a speech and voice therapist. "Why? There is nothing wrong with my voice," I said, even though it seemed to be changing a little bit. Mommy offered, "Well, I think it's a little rough. An artist needs a soft, delicate voice. Besides, the adoption service will provide you with one. They've already agreed. So you are going. Besides, I've already spoken to the provider. She seems nice. I think you will have fun!" So off I went. Mommy was right, Barbara was fun! We sang, chatted, and did some exercises on voice. I was to see her every week. I looked forward to voice development. I really wanted to make mommy and daddy happy! Mommy seemed very happy that I liked Barb. "Good!" she said. That evening, during shower, I noticed that my pubic hair was really gross! It was thick and dark, like the hair on my head. I wanted it off! My small penis seemed lost in my thick bush. It seemed out of place, compared to the soft smoothness of the rest of my skin. As well, I was suddenly disgusted with the thin hair on my underarms and legs. I finished bathing, and ran crying to mommy. I told her about the problem. "It's ok, dear. I'll give you a razor and some body foam for your armpits and legs. Rose will deal with your pubic hair." We returned to the shower. I shaved my underarms and legs with tools mommy had given me. The smooth result was much nicer. I began shaving these areas every second day. During this time, I also started using a rich cream on my skin. Mommy had given it to me, and I found it left my skin very soft and supple. I was very worried about Rose's next visit. When I told daddy what I was doing, he agreed. As usual, rose was very professional, but warm. She used my own bedroom! She used an electric razor to trim all the hairs, then a hair removal cream. That stung, but only for a moment. She then washed all the cream off. The hair went with the cream! She finished the job with cocoa butter, to soothe any burning. She never even mentioned the small size of my penis-it was meager by then. I loved the result. That evening, at bedtime, daddy told me that the next day we where going, as a family, to court to finalize my adoption. I was so happy I cried with joy! The next day, mommy woke me up. She picked out a bright white pajama suit with big wooden buttons on the top for me to wear. I asked, "But mommy, shouldn't I wear a good suit? We are going to see a judge, after all!" She smiled, and said, "No, silly! This judge is daddy's golf friend. It will be over in ten minutes! Besides I think you look very good in this outfit! Now dress!" I quickly dressed, did my hair (which was now down my back, very dark, and thick), and joined my family. I wept in the car-this seemed so strange. I couldn't quite remember life before this. I thought, then said to myself, "It's just all the changes of the past while. I'll be fine!" The judge was very nice, but not very concerned about this. He and daddy talked about their up coming golf game for a few minutes. Then he asked daddy, "So, is this the one you want to adopt?" Daddy smiled and said, "YES!" The judge smiled, and offered, "There is no need for a long process here. I therefore grant both the adoption and custody. I give the government five days to provide any objection. Now what do you want to name your child?" Mommy said, "We want him to take our last name of course. As to the given name, we like Bobbie." The judge wrote all this on a form, but paused long enough to ask, "Spell that, please." Mommy said," B-O-B-B-I-E. I like that spelling better. Besides, as he's very creative, it goes better." I was crying - mommy had named me as her own! I wondered briefly about the spelling, and the word, "Custody," but I didn't care! These people had just given me the greatest gift of all! The judge finished with, "Congratulations!" shook daddy's and mommy's hand, patted my back, and head, told me to, "Be good!" and gave daddy some forms. He told us to go to the clerk's office and file them. As we walked to the office downstairs, I told everyone we met," I've got a new mommy and daddy. I'm so happy!" Just as if I was a little child. Most people smiled and offered kind words. The clerk took the papers, but said, "This will take a few minutes. Can you folks go to lunch? I'll be done by then." I started to cry - I want this over! The clerk gently patted my back then said, "I know this is important to you. Remember this is basically finished. I just need time to finish the paperwork, that all." Mommy hugged me. As we left the courthouse, I was in the middle, holding both my new parents' hands. After a large lunch of chicken and ribs, we returned. Daddy signed for the papers. They received a new birth certificate for me. This was a heady experience. That evening, mommy sat me down and said we needed to talk. I was frightened and asked, "Why?" Mommy said, "Oh, it's really nothing. But I think you should know." She continued with, "To fully look after you, we changed your birthday. You are now one week from 16, as opposed to almost 21. This gives us the ability to fully help you. As a minor, we have full control over your life. And the drink has made you physically younger. Please don't fight this! Besides it's in your best interests, I assure you of that!" I could only smile. "Can I have a birthday party? Please?" I asked. As I thought, this seemed a good idea. I needed someone to help me-so much was going on. And besides, they where making all the choices, and they seemed to me to be the right ones. Mommy hugged me and said, "You are a good kid!" Over the next little while, mommy started taking me out into the community, starting with her sister, Aunt Lisa. She was almost as nice as mommy! During our first visit to her house, we all played games. I won every game! Auntie Lisa gave me gifts-a big teddy bear, a drawing kit, and money! After the visit, I told mommy that I liked my new auntie. She said, "That's good. I hoped you would. Now your father and I can go out occasionally, and we have a safe place to leave you. I don't want you left unsupervised. Ever!" I held mommy close at even the suggestion of being left alone. She soothed me by saying, "I'll always make sure you have someone." So started visits to Aunt Lisa every ten days or so. I realized mommy and daddy needed time to themselves. However, mommy always phoned at least once to check up on me. That made me feel so very special! Around that time, daddy also started playing with me. We played with puppets he had bought, games, and started going for walks to the park. We started a coin collection together, and started following the stars and planets in the sky. Daddy, while still a strict disciplinarian, also became a close adviser and, well, a father! I really started both loving and trusting him. My appearance also didn't seem to phase him-if I asked about my hair or nails, he'd just remind me that mommy said I shouldn't. "You're still changing, Bobbie. And besides, I love you just as you are. OK?" Then I'd hug him and forget about whatever was bothering me. He was (and is!) the best daddy! Mommy was worried about my body growth. "You need to start eating! And drinking more milk, dear. Otherwise, the drink will make you into a bean pole-I want a big, healthy child!" she said. She really started feeding me. She gave me three big, hot meals every day, as well as afternoon and bedtime snacks. I wanted to grow big and strong for mommy! While I did start to grow, I thought the growth was in the wrong places. My chest really started to grow! I also started to get nipple development! Before long I had two very full and high breasts. When I brought this up to mommy, she offered, "Sweetie, breasts are a good sign! It means you're gaining protein stores, as well as fat. Besides, the breast is simply the first store you will develop. It is not permanent. Now, we will go today and get you a good, solid bra. You need the support!" So that afternoon we went to the same shop where I got my underpants. I measured out to a 36C! The bra as made of the spandex material as my underwear. The support made any pain or even felling of them vanish. That evening, I rubbed cream on my breasts for the first time. The tingling in my nipples was embarrassing, but fun. I enjoyed touching them, then had my drink and went to bed. One day shortly after, daddy arrived with a strange man. He introduced him to me as Tim. Daddy said, "Bobbie, this is Tim the artist from downtown. He is going to give you art lessons! And they had better be good." Daddy winked at Tim and left. We went into my "studio" which I used as a rumpus room. I did some drawings for Tim, but he didn't seem interested. "Kid, whatever you are, your work stinks! Not worth anything. The only reason I'm even here is that your asshole father owns my building now. I've got to come here." At hearing that, I ran balling to daddy. "WHAT!!" he yelled. He grabbed Tim and through him out. "Get you disgusting ass out of my building. And by the way, I'm suing you for back rent." I cried and blubbered on daddy's shoulder. I cried my self to sleep that night. However, at voice therapy the next day, Barb asked what was wrong. After I told her about the bad man that I had met yesterday, she said, "I think we can do something about that. You need a solid male role model. You need more help! We'll ask mommy about it when she comes to pick you up. OK?" That talk scared me. And what could they offer? When mommy came to get me, Barb asked us to come sit and have a meeting. After we sat down in an office, barb opened with, "I heard about Bobbie's problem today. That's a real put down for someone so fragile. I think this agency needs to do more-so problems like that never happen again!" Mommy thought for a moment, then spoke, "At least you didn't have to listen to him cry himself to sleep. But what else can you do?" Barb offered, "I think he needs me to provide music and singing lessons! I like Bobbie, and think those things would be good for him. As well, other therapists here can provide dance and craft therapy. As for the male role model, we have a male play therapist. He is very gentle and fun! What do you folks think?" Mommy again thought for a moment, then said, "What about cost? Or what time commitment for service?" Barb smiled and said, "We are free to Bobbie. Don't you remember the adoption agreement: all services to be provided free and in a timely manner?" Mommy said that she did remember, and then went on, "How many hours a week? I don't want him away from me for to long. This is my child here!" Barb offered, "Only nine hours a week with me, plus two hours each of the others. That's 15 hours a week. Three hours a day. I understand that you are the mother, but this is important! Ask your husband, and then get back to me. OK?" Mommy agreed to ask daddy. We left and started to drive home. In the car, mommy asked, "Do you want to see them more often? Do you think you can take that time away from mommy?" I thought then said, "I want to see Barb more! But I worry about the rest of the people she talked about. I'm afraid!" Mommy replied, "I thought so. We'll come up with a plan." That evening, after talking to daddy, we agreed to go and met these people. Daddy thought this was a good idea. He also said, "Daddy is very sorry about the other day. I thought he would help you. I'm so very sorry. I promise never to bring that kind of person around you again!" We hugged. Before I could start with the new people, I needed a review with a case worker. We all went to that appointment. She was a nice, dark skinned lady names Reba who agreed to everything Barb had proposed then added, "I think you people are the nicest family! If I can do anything, I mean anything, just ask!" She talked about things, and me, with mommy and daddy. Finally, she sat down beside me, and said, "I hear you are worried about Jim. Don't worry, he is the nicest man! And he has lots of nice toys!" I didn't say anything. She smiled and finished with, "He's my husband, by the way." She patted my head, and we left. Over the next week, I met these people, excluding Jim. All where very nice. I discovered I loved dancing right from the word go! As well, I had a natural talent for music. All seemed well. Mommy went with me to met Jim. He had a huge playroom. He seemed nice enough, but I held mommy tight. He asked mommy if we could all sit together and read a book. As he read the book, I started looking around the room. At the toys and sand table and model kitchen. Jim's soft gentle voice was soothing. As he finished the book, I was ready to move out into the room. Mommy then hugged me and left. I cried for a minute. Jim then said, "Don't worry, Bobbie. Mommy will be back soon. Now, why don't I show you all the fun stuff we can do!" We looked at blocks, toy houses, and stuffed animals. I was in heaven. Soon the two hours where over, and mommy returned. I ran to her smiling, I was so happy! This program continued after that. My day consisted of; food, time with mommy, therapy, sleep, and evening time with daddy. I had become very simple and playful. I thought my little world was perfect! My body, though, continued to act funny. I thought I was getting shorter! My breasts where now 40D, with nipples bigger then my fingertips. My hair hung down to my bottom. I usually wore it in a braid, just to keep it out of my eyes. My face was round and child like. I looked younger then 16. I wondered about these changes, but figured mommy knew what was best. Around that time, mommy gave me a new, different drink. It was red in color. She said, "You are almost finished, dear. Just one drink a day from now on." I drank it in one gulp. The night of the third drink, I tossed and turned in bed. I felt very warm and a little sick. When I awoke the next morning, I felt very strange. Mommy and daddy came into the room. They smiled. I went to the bathroom, then I saw it! I had no penis or balls any more. A moist, soft slit was there. I was a woman! I ran to mommy. She asked, "How is my daughter today? Are you OK?" "Yes, I mean...I mean..." was all I could say. Mommy smiled and said, "Just go and take a shower. Besides I've bought you some new clothes. Don't worry about anyone outside the home either. They wouldn't say anything." I went and showered as I was told. My new privates where fun to touch! I was now a little girl. Or was a little girl for a long time? My nails, hair, and clothing were for a girl. I had breasts. I went and dressed in the clothes mommy had laid out. The outfit consisted of a bright pink sun suit, with pink bra and bikini panties. I dressed, did my hair and went down stairs. It was going to be a beautiful day. As well as a beautiful life. Authors' plot notes: the story was written in first person. While this is good for emotional storytelling, it is a hard way to describe transition. So to prevent a bunch of bad reviews stating, "How did the transition happen?" Here is the explanation: 1) First point is the drink. We are told several times about the drink. It contains chemicals and a programmed virus to re-write DNA. 2) Second point is the references to deep sound sleep. He was subject to a brainwashing program during those times. 3) You ask, "How did he accept all moms' advice so easily?" Simple. During early programming, he was given two acceptance words. If you read the text closely, every time mom offers advice, she uses the words "besides" and often "just". 4) Mr. Delmays uses both threat and love to break down Bobbie. Thus, the process is helped. Hope this helps folks to understand the story!

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Natasha Nice Twitter 9000 868000

You won’t just find traditional porn stars raking in the followers on their own Twitter accounts. I don’t know if you have been living under a fucking rock lately, but there is a next generation of porn stars that are making their names by marketing their own brand. Instead of following the traditional path of getting found and starring in studio porn movies, they are gaining a following by modeling on their OnlyFans accounts, or by camming.The latter is the case for camgirl extraordinaire...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Star Trek TOS Season 4

You are Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise -- swashbuckler, ladies' man, explorer, scholar, beau ideal of the Federation. You're starting the last year of your current assignment as commander of the finest ship in the Federation. There have been a lot of changes over the past four years -- new faces like Dr. McCoy and Ensign Chekhov have joined the crew, and old ones have left. Some of the departures have been hopeful, like Nurse Chapel's transfer to medical school -- she'll make a...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 84

Harrison sat in his study and thought after Mitchell left. He knew who Nikki Weston was because she was deployed to a sensitive area, and had ways of keeping tabs on her, at least while she was at work. Up to now, he hadn’t bothered to get all that personally involved. When she’d come in to the department he’d gone through her record as a matter of course -- couldn’t hurt to keep an eye out for new recruits. She’d struck him right away as being a little too much of a straight arrow to try and...

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The Pleasure Of Submission Ch 5

Dee awoke the next morning and the first thing she noticed was that she had a strong urge to pee.  The second thing she noticed was she was alone in the large bed.  Dee frowned.   She had never actually spent the night with a man before.   The other boys she dated were not the spend the night type.   After they had sex with her once, twice, if she was lucky a third time; they would leave; except Darius, but Dee treated Darrius like her past boyfriends treated her.   He was just sex to her....

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Family Train Gang

Gustavo looks similar to Tupac from his mouth, nose, nose ring, eyebrows, and mainly everything else. His body is on point, too. The only difference is that Gustavo has cornrows and dark greenish-gray eyes. Nikita is beautiful with kissable lips, slanted and exotic looking eyes, and naturally thin eyebrows. Her ears are left natural because anyone who lays an eye on her, including herself, can see how appealing she is; no earrings are needed because it would interrupt her beauty. She is as...

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That was just it though we inspired them while feeding our own dirty inhibitions. Just as much as they got out of our shenanigans, we too mildly lived out our dirty fantasies. That was until we hung out with Brielle and Danny. The first time we saw them it was at Krissy’s Christmas party at work a couple years back. They were a stunning couple, Danny and Brielle. She was a pretty brown thing, a contrast to the red mamacita that had me wrapped around her finger. Brielle was athletically thick....

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Stranger Ch 01

Rosalie sighed as she ran around her flat, picking up the things she would need for the day. ‘…Mobile, keys, wallet,’ she murmured to herself, carelessly throwing the items into her bag. With one last glance around her apartment, she grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and left. Leaving her apartment block, she heard a ringing coming from her bag, and rummaged around for a while before pulling out her cell phone. ‘Yes?’ she answered impatiently ‘Nice to hear from you too Rose,’ came the...

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DECISIONS By Miranda Birch ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved. ___________________________________________________________________________________“Now Martin,” said Claire levelly, calmly and with no more than the merest trace ofteasing, “do you still think you are capable of handling a female-led relationship?The Martin so addressed was a somewhat younger man who was kneeling before her...

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The Mother and The Boy Scouts

When I accepted an invitation to accompany the local boy scout troop on their annual week-long camping trip, I thought it would be a chance to reconnect with my c***dhood, which was filled with many camping outings and outdoor activities. I am a 47 year old mom, whose c***dren have outgrown organizations like the Scouts. While I have been generally happy in my marriage, I felt somewhat bored as my husband engaged in his own activities, such as golf and fishing with his buddies. This seemed like...

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