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Genie Boomerang by shalimar The Late Summer Festival was an annual event for our town with the proceeds going towards the many charities that needed our support. My employer, Compton Industries, was one of the major sponsors. I worked in the IT department. Because I was unfettered by a girlfriend I worked a substantial amount of overtime. Mr. Compton made sure that everyone who worked for the company, even us nerdy IT workers, would be able to attend this carnival, and sort of let us know that attendance was expected. So, alone, I walked the length and breadth of the grounds before I saw Carol, who lived across the street, working a "Fortune Telling" booth. A mother of three, she looked and seemed more as if she was twenty, not the thirty she admitted. "How about I do your fortune, Bob?" she asked. "I don't know," I replied. "It has been slow lately, and the money will go to a good cause." "Well..." "It's just for fun," she insisted. "How much?" "Five dollars," she replied. "OK." She looked into her crystal ball for what seemed liked five minutes, mumbling some incantations as she moved her hands in circles around the ball, before telling me, "You are a lonely man. Expect a few changes on All Hallows Day. However, I must warn you, you won't like the changes in the beginning." After she told my fortune she seemed to awaken from a trance. What she said scared me so I tried to get the disturbing things she said out of my mind by going to one of the food booths where I had a hoagie and a Coke before walking the five blocks back home to watch TV for the rest of the evening. At least Halloween was ten weeks away, I thought, and then finally laughed at what she'd said. In the morning I got dressed and, as was my habit, walked the tree- lined blocks to Compton, less than a mile away. My trip took me past the elementary school Carol's oldest child attended, and as I passed, I waved to Carol and the other ladies who had taken their children to school. Speeding passed me as I walked into the parking lot was Matt Shilling in his 280Z. Management liked this hotshot salesman for our company because he was all sleaze and show. He almost always had the highest monthly sales amounts for the entire company. Even the bachelor pad he maintained had been designed solely to impress the girls. Fortunately for me, I wasn't a girl so couldn't fall under his unsavory spell. He was friendly enough and I did like him enough that sometimes we had lunch together. It was rare, though as our schedules usually conflicted. However I usually enjoyed those rare times. "Hi, Bob," he greeted me as he got out of his sports car. "Hey, Matt. Have a good weekend?" "Always do. Met this girl in Tarrytown and took her to my place. She was a tiger in bed. Maybe I'll keep her around for a few weeks." I pitied Matt for his lack of understanding women and even more, I pitied the poor girl who was his latest victim. I should've also pitied myself, as I didn't even have a girlfriend and had minimal prospects. The days passed and finally it was Halloween. Working late I had missed the sweet little trick or treaters. Fortunately, I had also missed the extortionist teenagers and was angered, but not surprised, to see the toilet paper hanging from the trees in my yard. In addition to the usual junk mail in my mailbox was a note, "Don't squeeze the Charmin." That was almost certainly because my full name is Robert George Whipple and the kids in the neighborhood had been told by their parents about the old time television ad. I certainly would like to forget it. The paper ruined the view of the changing leaves in my yard. If it weren't for those older kids, Halloween would be an enjoyable experience. I immediately called work and left a voicemail that I would have to spend the next day cleaning my yard, and wouldn't be in. The next morning I started cleaning the yard of the dozens of rolls of toilet paper by bringing out a ladder and some garbage bags. I used the ladder to climb the first tree as high as I could. It was tedious work, but I finished by three in the afternoon. I brought the garbage bags to the curb and prepared to put the ladder away. As I took down the ladder for the last time, I tripped over a yellowish metal object barely sticking out of the ground. I put the ladder away and brought out some tools to helped me extract the object out of the dirt. It was an "Arabian lamp,' just like you see in the story of Aladdin. It didn't look like anything special, but I thought it might make an interesting novelty, so I took it into to the house and began to clean it. I had just turned it over when I saw the words, "Made in Djibouti" That's when things got weird. The cap fell off and I felt I was being sucked into something, and when the sucking finished I felt nothing. No time. No space. No feelings. Just nothing. I knew that I still existed, even though I wasn't corporal. The four dimensions experienced by humans: length, width, thickness and time had no meaning in my new existence. I suspected I was in that lamp I had found, but knowing that was not important. Nothing seemed important. Then just as quickly I felt myself being pulled out of where I had been. I was back in my body, as it became corporal again in my living room. In front of me Matt was holding the lamp and next to him was a policeman. "What do you wish, Master?" I asked. "Master?" The policeman said with astonishment. "What's going on here?" "Matthew Shilling is my new Master." I said, my words surprising me as much as they did Matt and the policeman. The policeman said, "I didn't see you come in." "Bob!" Matt exclaimed. "Thank G_d you are alive. I went to your department to have lunch with you and was told you had been missing for over two weeks. Finally I convinced Mr. Compton to let me get off early and come here. I called the cop before entering. Did you just come out of the lamp?" "What do you mean, Master?" "I wish I knew what is going on," Matt continued. "Granted. I am now the genie of the lamp, Master, and am here to grant you your wishes." Why am I constantly calling Matt Master? "Did I just waste a wish? How many wishes do I get?" "As many as you would like, Master." "I wish the cop wasn't here." "Done." Just as quickly as I said it, the policeman was continuing the patrol that he had been on before Matt called the police. The patrolman was about to return to my home when Matt made his second wish, "I wish I hadn't called the police, because I have a key to your house." "Done," I said, as all memory and police records of Matt's call had been wiped clean, and Matt's key chain sported a new addition. "You know, Bob, you have a nice house." "Thank you, Master." "This is a Victorian?" "Yes, Master." "It is spacious, yet the feeling I get is that it is a cozy home. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend. Women like cozy. I envy you. I wish this house was mine." "Done." "I didn't mean it as a wish, Bob." "It was stated as such, Master. You can only wish for your wish to be undone or move out. I must warn you, your apartment as you knew it no longer exists." "Oh. I'd better be careful what I say, and how I say it." Bob's face brightened suddenly as if he'd won the lottery. "I can pretty much have whatever I want?" "With a few restrictions," I said, somewhat worried about what it was he wanted to do. "Next, I wish you were the owner of this house." "Not necessary, Master. A genie has no need for a house." "Girls, I like girls, fine looking girls. Bob, I don't understand you. You owned this chick magnet, yet you never took advantage of it to attract a woman. Is that because you really are a woman? Let's find out. I wish for you to look more like a woman. I might as well make you pretty, so look into my mind and become the girl of my dreams." "Done, but only the physical part, Master." Quicker than I said it I had big breasts, a narrow waist, long blond hair and all the applicable female body parts. I looked like a living Jessica Rabbit. "Only the physical part?" "You asked me to become the girl of your dreams. According to the jinn code, I need to change my body to your wish, but I don't have to change my personality, Master. My sexual needs are MY sexual needs. I may change them to what you need, but only if I wish." "You mean I can't change you into a horny bitch?" "I don't bark, Master." "Sorry. I didn't mean anything negative." "It is still derogatory, Master. Women don't like to be referred in that way, not even me." Did I just say that? "I'll remember that for the future, but I'm very horny right now. Is there anyway you can accommodate me?" I almost gagged. "No. You can beat yourself, Master." "Why?" "I will not answer unless you make it a wish, Master." "I wish to know why?" "What I will say will be the truth, but it may be hurtful to you, Master." "I wish to know why you won't have sex with me. Tell me the truth." "Before this all happened, Master, I liked you, but I thought you were slime, especially with women. Now you have come to my home and have taken it from me without any regard for my feelings. You then changed my sex without asking me if I wanted that. As I have the right to decide if I will join you in sex, I say, ?no.'" "What right do you have to refuse?" "It is part of the agreement, Master." "Agreement?" "Between our union and the League of Masters, Master." "Union? Why would I want to know about a contract involving the League of Masters? I'm not a member." "On the contrary, Master, as soon as you made your first wish you became a full member, with all the privileges of membership as well as all the obligations. In this case, the contract with our union, local 1031, WWBEFIGOD." "WWBEFIGOD?" "Witches, wizards, brownies, elves, fairies, imps, genies, ogres and dragons, Master." "If I can't change you, then I wish to change my mind so that I could be attractive to you." "I cannot. It is part of the contract." "Why?" "I can change how you appear physically, but if I change your mind you are not you, and therefore not my master." "There has to be a way. I wish to have a copy of this contract. "Done." On the living room floor of what was now his house were several piles of paper as much as six feet high. "I can't read all that!" he exclaimed. "I wish to know and understand this contract." "Done." "This contract just gave me a headache. I wish to lie down in my bed." "Done." He disappeared into my former bedroom and was lying down on my former bed. "I wish for you to relax," I heard him shout from my former bedroom. "If that means going back into your lamp, then do it." I reentered my lamp. When I was pulled out of my lamp again, I was once more standing in front of Matt. I noticed the sun was shining through the window of the living room, so I knew it was at least the next morning. "What do you wish, Master?" "Bob," he said then stopped. "I wish you had a name." "I have a name, Master. It is Robert, or the nicknames Robby or Bob, if you prefer. Some people even call me Bobby." "It doesn't fit the way you look. I wish for you to have a female name." "Would Regina do?" I asked. "Regina would be excellent. I wish your name to be Regina." I knew that from that time forward I would only respond to Regina until someone changed my name. "Regina, I wish to find the section involving appeal. I especially wish to find the part involving what would happen if I wish to change my mind." I pulled out some papers from one of the piles and said, "Here it is, Master." "Ah that's what I'm looking for," he said. "Section 2763 Paragraph 1: ?A master can appeal to the Witch's Court if he or she wishes to change their personality.' So I can change my personality." "Paragraph 2: The court does not need to grant the petition, and will only do so under extreme special circumstances.'" "Oh, oh! Paragraph 3: ?The court may change the master in ways other than the wishes of the master.' What does that mean?" "I cannot answer, Master. That is part of the rules, you need to make it a wish." "I wish to know what might happen if I do appeal to this court." "Master, it means that if you petition the court for such a change you may or may not get the change. You would need to have a special reason that is especially pertinent to your situation. The court may grant me the ability to change you the way you want or it may require me to change you in a way you don't want, and haven't even thought of, such as, I might have to turn you into a toad." "So I would need to be careful to as to how I petition this court." "Yes, but you cannot lie, either. If you do, you will be lucky to be a toad." "I wish to know if there is more I should be aware of." "Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it and not like it, or not be able to handle the changes." "Like what?" "If I understand you correctly, Master, you would wish to be honest, loving and truly friendly, the exact opposite of the sleaze and the superficial friendliness you are now. You may not be able to be a salesman anymore, or you may not like me the way I am either." "You are right. I wish to be truly loving, friendly, honest and generous." "That's a good start, Master," I agreed. "Why?" "How about, ?I didn't like what you said about me the other day, because although it is me, it is not what I want me to be.' I needed to have money to get things, so I sold. Sometimes I sold in ways that weren't always honest. Eventually, the more I got, the more aggressive I became, but because of the way I got it, the more I got, the less I enjoyed what I had, and the less I liked me." "It sounds good so far, Master." "What do you suggest?" "I cannot make a suggestion, Master. It is part of the rules." "I wish for you to suggest something, Regina." "I suggest you think about this, Master. Write down everything you can think of. Then put at least the most important parts into a proposal. After that wish me to suggest any changes that will help." "Then relax. I wish that you could stay out here if you wish. I wish that you could return to the lamp if you wish. I wish that you could go back and forth if you wish." I decided to go back and forth so that I could check on and help his progress as he worked on the proposal. Several times he wished for my suggestions, and most of them he accepted. I was beginning to admire him for what he wanted. It was about that time he wished for me to call him Matt, instead of Master, and not always to use any title. I appreciated that as he was beginning to treat me like a true person and an equal. He also wished that we could have normal conversations if we so desired. I was impressed. I began to enjoy our conversations and stayed out longer. My new feminine feelings were starting to kick in, and I began to see him as someone with real possibilities, although his slime ball effect on me continued. Despite that, I was actually starting to be attracted to him. There were times he was honest with me and I saw the true Matthew, the one that he wanted to be, and tried to be most of the time, but there were other times that he was insincere. I confronted him at those times. "That is why I'm making the petition," he once told me. "If I could do this on my own, I would. You're helping me just by being around, but I think that I need more help and quickly. I think that if I were to do this on my own it would take too much time." Once, he took me out to dinner. Although I didn't need to eat anymore I appreciated the gesture. We had a good time and, surprisingly, he didn't ask for sex when we arrived home. That pleased me greatly. He said, "I will wait until you are ready. You are one woman that I respect." If he respected me, he might actually be getting better. It was soon after he told me he respected me that he made one of his last wishes, "I wish to be financially independent, but not super rich, so I can stop selling. When I sell I get trapped doing or saying things I really don't like or believe. It is taking me away from my goal." "Done." "How are things different?" "You are on the board of directors of Compton Industries. To accommodate your financial needs it is now a much larger company, with the headquarters and one of the research facilities here in town. The company has more of the land in town and surrounding area. Your main focus at Compton is research and development. You also have some investments that are paying you enough money to live on. Financially, you are comfortable, but not rich." "Good enough for now. I didn't want too much money and I don't see a need for any more other than for inflation or charity. I like the idea, as I am more of a hands on kind of person. I hope my education qualifies." "You could make it a wish." "I wish to have a PHD in Physical Engineering." "Done." "Could I have the honor of your company at the Compton's tonight? I am having dinner with them." "I'd love to." It was a nice evening and Marjorie Compton was an excellent hostess. I found out that she was more than "just" a trophy wife and proved it by working for her husband and some of the charities in the area. She was also a strong independent woman that made things happen in the community. She invited me to join her with her work, and I told her I would consider it. The only problem I had with her suggestion was that as a genie my time was not my own. The next day Matt asked me to take a walk with him. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Just for a walk. It is something I used to do until just after I became a salesman." "OK." As he put on his jacket, I changed what I was wearing to something appropriate for outside. The weather wouldn't have affected me, but I knew I needed to look the part. Our first walk was just around a few blocks. We discovered that we knew some of our neighbors. One of the couples that we talked to was Carol and her husband, John. "Welcome to the neighborhood," John said. "I'm John and this is Carol. "Matt, and this is Regina." "I see you bought the old Whipple place." "Yep." "Do you work for Compton?" "I work with the engineers," Matt replied who didn't need to puff himself up by saying that he was on the board of directors. "Have any kids? We have three." "We're not married." "I'm sorry. I thought you were a couple." "Maybe," I replied, surprising me. I thought I saw a smile on Carol's face. With the exception of inclement weather, we took a walk every day. Sometimes we walked the neighborhood, enabling us to get to know the neighbors. Sometimes we walked to the center of town where we did some shopping or had dinner. A few times we walked to the park nearby and watched the children play. . The first time we did that he told me, "I don't want it to be a wish, at least right now, but I see the joy in these children and I want that in my house." "I would love that," I replied, my maternal instinct asserting itself. That was when I realized I wanted to have his children and be their mother. We kept on watching the children from a safe distance. Later, I went back into my lamp and cried, at least as much as any jinn could cry in that dimension. It was then that I knew I was beginning to love him. Finally, the proposal was done, so he asked me to type the petition on my former computer, and then submit it to the court. "I have bad news, Master," I said when I returned from filing the petition. "Hajj the Great will be the judge at the trial. He's the worst if he doesn't like your petition. It is not too late to back out." "I need this, Regina. I need to be a better person. I'll take the chance." I shed a tear. I was afraid that he would go up against the meanest judge in the universe and fail miserably. Realizing Matt was determined I decided to be with him, not just because I was his genie, but because of his strength of action. I couldn't let him down. I realized then that I really loved him. A few days later, I took him to the court, which was in another dimension. Hajj sat ten feet above the floor. "Why should the court grant your petition?" Hajj boomed. "I didn't put this into the petition, because I didn't want to affect her decision. I love Regina. I started doing this for me, so that I could possibly win her heart, but now I'm also doing this for her, so I can be the man she needs." I cried, put my hand in his, and crossed my legs towards Matt. That was the moment when I realized that I loved him as much as he loved me. "Are you crying, Regina?" asked the great jinn. "Yes, your honor." "Why?" "I love Matt, your honor and I now know he loves me." "In view of the sincerity of the petition and the evidence, including Regina's tears, I grant the petition." Suddenly, we were back at Matt's home in his living room. He swept me off my feet as we kissed. I magically changed my clothing into a sexy nightgown just before he took me into his bedroom. We made love, and I enjoyed my first female orgasm that afternoon. Afterwards, as I lay in his arms, he asked me, "Could you get pregnant because of what we did?" "No," I sighed. "You are human and I am jinn." "Is there anyway that could be changed? I eventually want us to have kids." "Sort of," I explained. "I would not be a genie anymore. I would be human, or if I retain my powers, I would be a witch." "What are the differences?" "As a witch I don't have to grant your wishes. I don't even need a wish to do anything. In other words, I would have more freedom. You would lose the power of the wish over me. Also my beauty would fade over time so you wouldn't have a young bride for your entire life, though in fact, I would age slightly more slowly than a normal human." "You will always be beautiful, my dear. Could you make me a witch?" "I didn't know you wanted to be a girl." "Is there a male version of a witch?" "A wizard. That I could do. You'd also have the powers I have." "This a complicated wish. Please don't grant it until I'm finished. I wish for you to change yourself to a witch and me to a wizard. The next part of the wish is that we are married and own this house as husband and wife with no mortgage. I wish for everyone to have no memories of us except for you as Regina and me as your husband. Finished. "Done, but there are complications." "Complications?" "You don't have that sports car now, but transportation more appropriate to our needs. Yours is a town car and mine is a mini-van that is usually called a taxi." "Why?" "Three reasons." "Waaaa!" we heard from one of the other bedrooms. "That's one of them," I explained, as I put on my nightgown and robe to go into the other room to see to our daughter. "The other two are older." As I started to leave the room, I stopped and looked at Matt, "Better make that four reasons. We just had sex, and as I'm mid-month I'm quite sure we succeeded." I went to our youngest daughter picked her up, cuddled her, and then changed her. Barbara had given Matthew and me enough time to enjoy ourselves before she woke up. I still had to hurry because I had to pick our six-year-old, Robert, at elementary school and four-year-old Ruth at nursery school. I gave Barbara to Matt to play with while I quickly got dressed. "Would you like to help me pick up Bobby at school?" I asked her after I finished. "Yeah," she agreed. "Honey," I continued. "I'm running late. Could you pick up Ruthie at the nursery school?" "Sure," Matt replied. "I'll be dressed in a few minutes. Do I have a child seat?" "What will you do if you don't?" "Got it!" Eventually, he will. I did. I hurried with the baby carriage to the elementary school two blocks away. Carol was already waiting for her boy, Steven. Bobby and Stevie were already best friends. "I see you have a nice glow," Carol said. "Making love in the afternoon?" "Yes," I smiled. "Did you come?" "I'm very satisfied." We giggled. "So the changes are good?" "Extremely." "Are you ready for the coven tonight?" "Yes. You did this to us." "We in the coven wanted you both to be happy." Bobby came up to me, gave me a hug and showed me a picture he'd painted, knowing he'd just given me a Rembrandt to hang on my refrigerator. How could I not be happy? This story is based on Bill Hart's "The Morning After." There is a quote from the disco song, "Gloria." I wish to thank Angela Rash and Holly Logan for their editorial assistance.

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I just graduated from college with a kindergarten to twelfth grade physical education degree. The pressure was on to find a job before the next school year. I had been to nine interviews all in the Chicago suburbs with no luck. They all told me that I was what they were looking for except I lacked experience.I asked in the last interview, "How do I get experience if you do not hire me?"The principal told me that I would find a job before the start of the school year. That did not make me feel...

3 years ago
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Twelve Days a Slave 1 of 13

by The Technician = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Convicted of terrorism, Vicki is sentenced to penal slavery Vicki, a young woman who works for a large department store, figures out a way to bypass the electronic return tags on expensive dresses sold by the store where she works . This allows her to buy dresses on a Friday, wear them to events over the weekend, and return them on Monday. When a very expensive dress she is wearing is ruined at a party, everything...

2 years ago
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ManoJob Alexia Anders Can8217t Tell My Dad

Your best friend has a really hot daughter. To make matters worse, she’s constantly flirting with you. Her name is Alexia Anders, and ever since she turned 18, it’s been a constant barrage of winks, tight shirts with no bra and hard nips, suggestive texts you’d had to delete…the works. And today this little minx has called you, on “behalf of my dad”, to swing by and “help him fix something”. At first you thought it was a little strange…but...

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The Controllers FollyChapter 8

The first thing Emily became aware of was a pounding in her head, the second was flashing sunlight, the third was that she was moving. Tentatively, she pried one eye open. She was in a car, but not her limo. Emily gasped, the events of the previous night flashing to her mind. Instantly she checked her body to see if she was still him. “Good morning, my sweet,” Katerina’s voice. Relief flooded her and her masculine voice groaned, “What happened last night.” “A fuck up. We almost lost...

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Maddies Awakening Chapter Two

When I woke the next morning, the only thought in my head was to get down to the Wilsons’ and see Paul. I rolled out of bed at about ten, took a quick shower, slipped on my favorite bikini – a yellow strapless number that my dad hated – threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a tank-top, stepped into some flip-flops and was out the door. I strutted down the street with absolute confidence, ducked in the side gate of the Wilsons and found Danny and his friend Justin in the pool. “Hey guys,” I...

First Time
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Love in the Chilly Night Air

It was a chilly night. So chilly, one could see their own breath as they exhaled. The pale blue smoke of my cigarette mixed with the condensation of my breath as I blew it out slowly. The bench of the deck under the light of the full moon lit my body with a blue hue as I sat there taking in the night. Clarasey was upstairs in our room asleep, all cozy and warm under the comforter. I should have been there with her. I could not make myself join her though. I knew I had made a mistake and I had...

3 years ago
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Winter Fixer Upper part 1

I make a pretty good living just from my normal job and I do pretty good flipping houses. I will, on occasion, do some remodeling too, but prefer not doing that. When I was married, I did flip a few homes, but the ex got pissed because I did not make enough to suit her. She was a bitch on wheels and very self centered. Somehow we lasted 8 years, lord knows how, I know it wasn’t because of the sex, because she could care less about sex and was usually one and done, with no...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 31 DECK 54

The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...

4 years ago
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Exerps from The Unleashing of Sara Miller

Sara’s friend Jessica fixed her up with a few guys. She would go out but nothing came of it until one day she met David Miller. David was an older man. With Sara being only eighteen and David thirty, it seemed impossible but their chance meeting in the bistro that night was a blessing in disguise. David was bowled over at the sight of Sara. She was beautiful almost perfect. There was nothing about this girl David didn’t love. He invited her to sit and they talked for three hours...

1 year ago
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BitchConfessions Lara Duro Lara Duro takes a walk on the wild side

Lara needed to find two things: a stage name and a way of making her debut in porn that will cause a stir. The name she chose was ‘Lara Duro’ (‘duro’ is Spanish for ‘hard’) and, as per her way of making a debut, she decided to do it together with her roommate to honor her stage name. The video turned out to be a summary of hard, wild, and natural sex in the craziest and most exciting way possible, full of long orgasms and memorable moments. Enjoy Lara...

3 years ago
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Fate Released

The stars shone off of the impossibly tall buildings, the distant city skyline a glittering reminder of what was at stake. They had broken a protocol set for decades, and they knew what happened to the rebellious. It would not belong before morning. The rising of the sun would end this illusion, and the Foundation would come for them. Hearing the sigh of his sleeping breath, Calliope held Levan tighter. The warmth of his skin took her back, back to when they still had time. “Levan, I am to be...

Straight Sex
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Sisst Slut Fantasy Part 1

I'm so excited for you to get here. Our chat online turned me on so much and the pics of your thick cock had me shivering, I don't know how I'll react when you get here.I'm waiting nervously for you to knock, you just messaged me and you're nearly here, I'm wearing my sexy thong and baby doll, I'm freshly shaved and smooth all over. I've got some basic makeup on, just enough to make me look like your slutty little sissy girl.You're finally here. My heart is fluttering. I open the door and I see...

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Christmas Mayhem

Hello! So this is a second story (or collection of) that I am planning on writing. Most of my stories that i write i am planning on following Audrey and the crew. In this story, you'll get to read along through their winter and christmas season. I still need to develop some of the other side characters such as Ethan, and Chloe. Also i really want other writers to add, so if you feel like doing anything go for it. If i ever get anyone that seems responsible and motivated to, i might give them...

2 years ago
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I shared her boyfriend

One of the curses in life is being single for too long. At the age of 48 I had been divorced from Emma's father for a good decade. We still got along but our marriage had fizzled out.Ever since leaving Alan I have never really found it in my hearts of hearts to settle down. I have for what it was worth never really went on a true date like that.However that all changed when my friend put me in contact with a really true gent. Karl was 45 and was best friends with the hubby of my best friend. I...

4 years ago
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The Middle of the Night

I woke up one night with a raging erection and an incredible desire to screw. I checked the clock...2:30. Geez, three more hours before the alarm. I tried for about a half-hour, but my sexual hunger and my wife's presence next to me would not allow sleep. I thought of going to the bathroom and jerking off knowing that would quench the need enough to get to sleep. Trouble was, I didn't just want to cum, I wanted sex. I wanted to make her cum as well. I carefully slipped off my Jockeys, which is...

Quickie Sex
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Die Tagebcher meiner Tochter

Hier saß ich also jetz im neu renoviertem Zimmer meiner Tochter und schaute auf die Sachen die ich gefunden hatte bei der Renvierung während sie gerade auf einer Klassenfahrt ist. Erstmal möchte ich mich natürlich vorstellen, mein Name ist Thomas und ich bin selbstständiger Architekt und lebe mit meiner großen Tochter Nadine, welche 18 ist, 174 groß mit langen blonden Haaren braunen Augen und ein paar sexy Sommersprossen und einer echt Sexy Figur die kurven hat wo welche sein müssen ( 75C und...

3 years ago
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Author's Note: Simulacrum (pronounced sym-yoo-lak-rumm) is a Latin term that means something that looks like or represents something else. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. SIMULACRUM By Lana B. Ritchie Tomlin walked into his office and placed the newspaper and Styrofoam cup on his desk. He took off his coat and tossed it onto the wooden coat-hanger. He settled into the black leather chair behind his desk and removed the lid from the cup. For...

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Angel Adams moved into the house next door to where I lived with her parents, two younger brothers and dog Grant just before my senior year in high school in He fall or autumn of 1961. Blonde almost as tall as my six foot frame Angel had deep blue eyes an elfin smile, large breasts with flat tummy and long legs and was good at sports unlike myself. At that time having been bullied for years I was still low on confidence and couldn,t summon up the courage to even ask a girl out on a date....

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PromiseChapter 4 Victor

“HEY, TOOTSIE, what’s up?” She smiled. I always got a smile from her, not sure why. It wasn’t an instant friendship but I think I showed her I had no particular agenda, none at all, with respect to the ambassador. She’d been with him for years, including his term as governor of an important state that had voted for the incumbent president. The president, shortly after taking office, named him ambassador to our host country. Career diplomats, many of them, hated political appointees....

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The Aussie Good Samaritan

I was on holiday down under with my wife and her sister on what was billed as the holiday of a lifetime.It was out last day in Syndey and the wife as usual was desparate to go shopping. My sister in law, Jane, was going to meet up with some friends so i was on my own for the day.I was just wandering around Sydney taking in some of sites but managed to get myself lost with no idea of the route back to the hotel. I was standing on a junction looking around trying to work out which way i needed...

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His Pregnant Lover

Dave was happy as he strolled towards the local supermarket. He needed a few things to top up his stores and was trying to remember them all. It had started to rain about an hour ago and the pavers in front of the supermarket were slippery especially those that lay on a slope. As Dave took his time navigating through the shopping crowd he saw out of the corner of his eye a rather tall young woman slip and fall heavily. She lay awkwardly struggling to get up. Dave moved to help, immediately...

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Sex With My Two New Village Sluts Part 8211 1

Hi guys , my name is narendhar I am 42 years old and work in a marketing firm in Hyderabad. I recently divorced my wife and married my neighbor Ramya, ours was a love marriage I will write about that in another story. I have a dick that is 6.4inches long and also have a very good body. So any hot girls and aunties in and around Hyderabad who want to have some nice time in bed they can contact me through my mail Coming to the story, it all started when I went to the village after my second...

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StandIn Wife

"How's the tea?" Karen asked, sipping her own steaming mug. "Delightful." Amy replied. As if she had come all the way across town to her best friend's house in the middle of the work day for just tea. "I was worried it might be too hot. Or too bitter." Karen fretted. "I have sugar or ummm....honey." She finished lamely. Amy turned her head, faking a cough to avoid rolling her eyes. They'd been best friends for two decades, they'd shared everything- well almost everything -with each other and...

3 years ago
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Surprise dare with an unexpected result

“Truth or Dare?” Really? That’s the first thing I see on a Sunday morning. I had just woken up after a night of beers and BBQ. We were out pretty late and I tied on a good buzz. Oh well, I agreed to play the game with her and it didn’t matter when or where. We had to answer as soon as we saw the message. So here we go. “Truth” is my response. The question popped up right away. “How many times did you jerk off this week?” Easy one, its Sunday morning. I responded with “Zero, the week is only a...

4 years ago
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My Wife and Our Lover

Rick and Greta are close friends who Sam and I have swapped with on multiple occasions. Rick told me this story about the first time they shared each other with another woman.I can barely contain my excitement. Tonight’s the night I’ve been waiting for. Our tenth anniversary reminded me of the promise that Greta made to me on our wedding night.I should probably give you a little back story to explain the whole situation. See, I was Greta’s first, the night we got engaged. I asked and presented...

Group Sex
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Toys For Us

It's time to enter his first writing competition. The Airbook was open and the fingers poised. The trouble was that the story was about toys, and as a bloke he didn’t really have any experience with toys. Yes, he had watched some masturbation porn where girls used them on themselves and each other, but that was it.Small ideas ran through his head. Maybe a straight masturbation story, a straight first time story, some with a lesbian slant or even a good old fashioned Sybian tale.Then in a...

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Angel of Destructionpart 5

Chapter Eleven   Davariel kissed the top of Devon’s head through the hood that covered him from everyone’s view. He held his son, although he was securely strapped onto his chest, while Luciel carried Lucien, who tended to be fussier. The soft grey hood on Davariel’s own head covered him well, but he was still nervous. The thought of what would happen if anyone were to gaze upon him made him tremble in fear. He remembered as a child accompanying the High Priestess, Alya, to the market one...

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Sex with 6 sisters

This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...

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nasty white bitch becomes instant bbc cock slut

INSTANT BLACK COCK WHORE i did not write all the story thanks to G.C and his wifeLet me start by telling you about my wife. Her name is Irene, she is five foot 2?, dark eyes and lone hair down to the small of her back. 38 DD tits that looked huge against her small frame and they that turned heads every where we went. We had a great sex life but it had become routine and the excitement was no longer there. One night while having sex I ask her what we could do to put some excitement back in to...

4 years ago
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Hiding Sandy Part 3

Sandy woke up and felt very confused. Mike was alternating between being very mean to her and being nice to her, and she realized she was giving into his manipulations since she was learning to tolerate getting painfully punished, since she knew afterwards she would get extreme pleasure. Her attempts at manipulating Mike were not working at all and she felt very much out of control. She got really scared that she actually might start liking the painful degrading things Mike did to her,...

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BrutalSessions Marilyn Johnson Fucked and Bound

Marilyn Johnson begins her day on her knees like a good whore is supposed to. Leather belts are added to restrain her. Codey Steele enters the room. He inspects her body including all her holes and begins throat-fucking her. He eventually lays her on her back and finger-bangs her pussy until she explodes with orgasms. Next, Marilyn is on her knees in doggy, positioned on a wooden box, with her hands pulled between her legs. This time Marilyn is subjected to corporal punishment. Codey uses a...

4 years ago
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Cs Daring Time

C’s Daring Time G's perspective. C is a very attractive almost 60 year old MILF. Sexy, pretty, 5’ 2”, busty with the cutest fanny around. And it is nice, firm and round. We met two weeks ago and had a great time. By now the fire was more than smoldering. Our next weekend was in a new city. We met and settled into a nice hotel. After a warm greeting that lasted an hour and a half we were looking for new adventures. I thought I knew a good Greek restaurant downtown but it turned out to be a...

First Time
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Playing With Guys Part 3

Michael speaks...He'd been gone a long time. Sigh. I'd worn a path in the carpet, pacing and running to the window every five minutes looking for his truck. Did I make a mistake? Maybe it was too soon for him to come out to his parents.We started dating after that first night in my apartment four months ago. Now, Nate had just graduated high school and was headed to the local college in the fall. We were tired of hiding our relationship and I thought this summer was a good time for him to tell...

Gay Male
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Choices Chapter 14

Choices, Chapter 14 A Shakespearean choice It took less than twenty-four hours for Blair's crossdressing and bluing to become universally known at Lewis A. Clark Charter School. It took even less time for Blair to be expelled. Miss Lucretia Umbridge made certain of that. As soon as the rumor began circulating, she barged unbidden into the office of Principal Nea Von Aft to announce dramatically that a crossdressing Smurf was bringing their school into disrepute and should,...

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Tuckers Slut

I know children need their privacy. I know I shouldn't have bugged my daughter's bedroom and her phone, but what is a Mother to do? *What* I ask you? It's not like she's sweet and innocent. Not since those *damn* Tucker boys got their hands on her. *Damn* those boys. She *was* my *sweet* Jessica before they came along. Thank God I did wiretap her phone. The first conversation I recorded was Jessica talking to Mandy, her best friend. "Did you do *it*?" Mandy asked. "Yeah, but I'm...

3 years ago
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Beth and her Brother

A Family Love Fantasy My sister Beth and I grew up on a farm in Indiana. Living out in the country was pretty much a dull and restricted sort of life for teenagers. Since we had to ride the school bus, we had no opportunity to participate in extracurricular school activities--it was off to school in the morning and back home right school was out. This schedule cut down on our opportunities for dating, too, since it gave neither of us much chance to develop any kind of serious...

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my next door neighbor

During the summer, my lady neighbour & I bantered back and forth over the fence in the back yard.She was a good looking married woman, with longish hair to just below her shoulders, and always had it shaped like a V, and a she sported a body, that just begged to be man handled. I dont know if I was flirting or just being nice. Its was just nice to have a good looking woman talking with me.Brad, her hubby, was a great guy, very straight, and liked his beer. Great neighbour, helping with...

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A special party for 5 Episode 1

The man who calls himself pervert arranged a special party. He speaks very politely to women, and he knows how to make the smile. He met these girls at a bar the other night and invited them for a few rounds. These girls were Rebecca, Lizmary, Lizvette, Maria, Lizbeth.Rebecca was around 5'4, petite, brown skin, long curvy hair and the face of Pocahontas. Lizmary had lighter skin and straight hair. she had a nice ass and pretty eyes.Lizvette also had lighter skin and straight hair, but she wore...

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Running Down a Dream 3

"Always ready?" "Well morning wood. Plus hot naked woman." Kelly slid down on the bed and showed me her newly learned skills, easily taking me deep into her mouth. She switched between licks, strokes, light sucking and deep insertion. She held me in her throat and swallowed. I could only moan. I looked down, her untied auburn hair was spread out over me. I scooped some back so I could watch my full cock disappear then come back coated in spit. Kelly used the slickness to stroke me...

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The CleanUp Girl

Erika wanted to be a porn star. She was in love with a well-known female actress named Patricia. Patricia's nickname was `Pink'. In all her video's she just loved showing off her stretched open pink pussy. She was the queen of the pink show. Opening her cunt up at every opportunity. When she did an anal scene, she always tried to get the guy to lay on the bed, with her above, straddling him, that way the camera could get a great shot of her ass being fucked, while she spread her cunt lips wide,...

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A Bride chapter 7

She was right about the weather, I'd sat at the rickety old table in the garden, reading the Sunday papers and pretending not to look at her as she dug up what potatoes Mr. Patel wanted as well as a few for our own Sunday lunch.It was quite a mixture that she wore for her self imposed task, the tee shirt and skirt from earlier had been matched with my old Wellington boots, complete with turned down tops. An incongruous mix at the best of times, but she still hadn't restored the skirt to its...

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a foot perv 1

After my father passed my mom began to drink way more than ever. I could tell she really missed him. On every Friday her and her best friend would go out for happy hour after work. She worked in a law office and always was dressed very sexy in a professional way, dresses nylons and heels. Her and her friend were always getting hit on at the bar and that seem to make them both feel sexy as most of the guys that hit on them were younger. Mom didn't handle her drinking very well,after 3 glasses of...

2 years ago
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Great Granny Experience

After my divorce, I found a nice apartment in North Jersey. The first time I used the laundry room in the basement of my building, an older lady came in to check on her dryer, I had seen her a few times before and remember thinking that she was attractive, in a seasoned way. Each time she was wearing a dress, short heels and stockings(or panty hose). A lot of older ladies like to dress that way and I have no problem with that. She said hello and I asked her how she was doing. We chatted...

2 years ago
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mysterious day

i slowly walked over to the lattice and closed the window i climbed into my soft bed drifting away to sleep the next morning i woke up with two girls, asking myself if i was dreaming and to my surprise my zipper was down and my cock was out. i got out of bed immediately asking what the fuck was going on the girl's laughed and giggled and broke of a whisper we want you i thought about trying to escape from the mysterious two but then thought to myself i was going to get laid now or...

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