Skipper - Chapter Five free porn video

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Skipper, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff I was surprised at the speed of developments. After a few phone calls I was advised that the girls Jennifer and Beatrice would be arriving on the following Tuesday. I talked long and hard with Mrs Bodkin about preparations but she assured me the girls were well clothed and only needed a warm room. I panicked a little but decided it might be best if I provided the barest essentials and then take the girls on a shopping spree to decorate their rooms as they each preferred. Tuesday dawned like a typical autumn day, wet and windy. The fruit trees in the orchard were straining with the abundant fruit and demanding to be harvested but I could only fret about the house and keep peering down the lane to see if they were coming. Fortunately Mrs Bodkin phoned me and I had a lunch prepared as her car finally appeared at the bend in the lane. The girls burst from Mrs Bodkins Estate Car and hurtled towards the cottage expecting to meet 'Skipper'. Instead they were a little puzzled to meet with Beverly, Skipper's 'housekeeper'. "Where's Skipper?" they chorused. "I'm afraid he's been called away to the ship. He'll be away a few weeks." The disappointment in their eyes distressed me but I reached out and hugged them both and invited them in for lunch. Mrs Bodkin caught my eye and smiled. As we met in the hall she whispered. "How do you plan to break the news?" "I've no idea. I'm terrified." "Let me know if or when you think of a strategy. I'd like you to run it by me and the psychiatrist." "Mm, that's a bit of a bummer. He didn't take much to me in the court." "It won't be him. Your old friend from London has agreed to come on board. We're giving you all the support we can." , "Who, the girl who drove us down from the airport?" "Yes the very same." I felt a load falling off my shoulders. After the hearings I had been given all the confidential reports that social services had compiled about me. I had galled me that they had taken it upon themselves to dig into my private life but I found nothing false or accusative. I had been surprised by the London Social worker's assessment of me. I had genuinely thought she hated me. I hadn't even known her name until I read her report. Her name was Sandra Smith but Mrs Bodkin said she preferred to be known as Sandie. "Will this Sandi be coming down to meet us?" I asked. "When you decide to reveal yourself, yes, she has to reacquaint herself with the girl's circumstances anyway." "Why so much fuss. Anybody would think I was the cross-dressed axe murderer." "We can't be seen to be careless or unprofessional. You've set a huge precedent here. God forbid if it goes pear shaped. The press would have a field day." "Yes, I suppose so. Anyway, let's eat. That usually breaks the ice." I had the girl's favourite food prepared and they immediately tucked in, so much so that I had to reprimand them. "Come on now girls. Hold you knives and forks properly. You know Skipper is a stickler for good table manners." The girls jaws dropped then they smiled. Jenny spoke. "Gosh Miss Beverly, you sound just like skipper when we ate in the officers mess." "Table manners are important, indeed good manners generally are important. I don't think Skipper would be pleased if he thought I was letting him and your dear grandma down." The girls fell silent and adopted the correct techniques with their cutlery. I smiled and promised them a treat for being good. Mrs Bodkin was struggling to suppress her smile but we made it through lunch and I produced the promised treat. I had of course already intended to include a steamed pudding and custard for desert but the girl's weren't to know that. The pudding served as an excellent treat and they demolished it in short order. I had no qualms about good appetites but table manners counted. After lunch the girls dressed for the weather and set out into the orchard to play. In the chilly weather, the high activity of outdoor play would soon burn off any excess calories from the pudding. I completed the custody documents with Mrs Bodkin and she eventually prepared to leave. Tearful goodbyes followed but they were soon forgotten and I showed the girls their bedrooms. "Do we get a room each then Miss Beverly?" squealed Beatrice. "Yes, these two, however, you have to share the bathroom, it connects to both bedrooms see." Jenny and Bea's eyes widened as they explored their new kingdom, then they set about exploring the house and the outbuildings. They returned after dark wide eyed and excited. "It's huge! Why d'you call it a cottage?" asked Jennifer. "Well it's really an old country farmhouse but I call it a cottage because it is no longer a farm. Nearly all the fields have been sold to another farms, only the orchard and those two small fields are what's left of the old farm." "And Skipper called it a cottage when he spoke of his dream house when we were on his ship. I always thought cottages were little country houses," observed Jennifer again. "Well that used to be what they were, but now lots of people talk of their house in the country as a cottage. This is to distinguish it from their town house. Nowadays, a cottage can be quite a large house, just like this one." "Where's Skipper's bedroom?" asked Beatrice. I hesitated for a moment. The girls had obviously searched the house fairly thoroughly. I could not object, for after all it was now to be their home. A child had a reasonable right to know where their 'parent's' bedroom might be. What was left of 'Skipper's clothes' were squeezed to one side of my walk-in wardrobe. My mind raced as I searched for a reason why there appeared to be none of his clothes around. "Oh I think he took them up to his flat in London before joining the ship." This seemed to satisfy their curiosity and they settled down to a light supper in front of the roaring log fire. "What shall we do tomorrow?" I asked. The girls exchanged glances and grinned. "Shall we pick some of that lovely fruit in the orchard?" "Yes, that's a good idea. Now after supper, we'll go and sort out your bedrooms, OK?" "Can we watch television first?" "Only for an hour, it'll be bed time soon." I found myself applying what few childhood rules I ever remembered and a strict rule about bedtime was one. I reflected that despite the strict rules, my parents couldn't have cared that much for me. Six years of age and they got rid of me like a used rag. Still, I reflected, they had three other children so they wouldn't miss one, - that is -, me. The girls sulked a little about going to bed so early but they didn't seem inclined to raise a fuss. Anyway, the first night in their new home would probably be an adventure. I resolved to phone Mrs Bodkin in the morning. I had no idea what the new thinking was about children and bedtime. Apparently, most kids now had televisions and computers in their own rooms. I realised that Mrs Bodkin had been very wise to offer me help at any time. Whole generations of kids had grown up during my lifetime of seafaring exile. For tonight however, it was going to be my way. Tomorrow I would consider any 'adjustments'. I was worried about bath time as well. Should I behave as any grandmother might, and supervise any bath time activities, or should I let them get on with it? In the end, the girls solved it for me. Jennifer wanted her hair shampooed and Beatrice wasn't confident enough to do it. Nervously, I knelt beside the bath and shampooed her hair. It was awkward doing it through the hinged door that enclosed the bath but the advantages of the door into the bath soon became obvious. When the girls rinsed themselves down, the water never splashed onto the bathroom floor. I smiled as I listened to their shrieks of delight as they sprayed each other with the telephone shower nozzle. Grandma Fotheringay hadn't had a shower, just an old fashioned bath, and on the ship the showerhead was a fixed nozzle attached to the deckhead. It was the first time they had experienced a flexible shower nozzle so I allowed them to splash and play for a short time. Finally, I called them to order and gave them huge, warm, fluffy towels through the door. They stepped out with the towels wrapped about them and I was grateful that I was not required for any other further assistance. As they giggled and squealed in the bathroom, I brought up two cups of chocolate and turned down the bed-sheets then left them to it. I went down stairs thinking that my duty was done. It wasn't of course. The girls wanted a bedtime story. A brief argument ensued about who's bed should be used for the story so I tossed a coin. Beatrice won and the rule of the coin was to become a family custom every time a dispute arose. Both girls clambered into Bea's bed and demanded that I join them. I deferred and sat in the bedside chair instead, declaring that I wasn't in my nighty and shouldn't get into bed in my daytime cloths. I read 'Babes in the Wood' then bid them goodnight. "Can we sleep in the same bed?" begged Jenny. I saw no reason why not and smiled to myself as I considered all the preparations I'd made to give them a room each. 'Huh so much for kids demanding their own space,' I smiled as I descended the stairs and settled down to watch my favourite documentary programmes on Sky Television. In the morning my sleep was shattered by two excited bundles bursting into my bedroom and clambering into my bed. This frightened me, but I dare not show it. As they squeezed up to me, I wondered how I was going to handle this dilemma in the future. Fortunately, my all-in-one sleep suit and fully frilled, full-length nightdress prevented any indecent intimacy but it still worried me. What would Mrs Bodkin say when I told her, as I would have to. After breakfast, the girls went out to pick some fruit whilst I grabbed a chance to garnish advice on the phone. "Well the shampoo thing was bound to happen," replied Mrs Bodkin. "From what you tell me, you managed well. Don't forget, mothers and grandmothers are very tactile with their daughters. It's what we women do. You'll just have to get used to it." "But what about when they learn I'm Skipper?" "They'll probably set their own boundaries. Just don't cross them. I think that they might not worry too much because you truly present as a woman. I noticed that your figure is changing. Is that the hormones?" I self-consciously felt my soft rounded butts under my frock and replied, "Yes." "Well, if you continue as you are, the girls might well accept you as you are. Children can be very adaptable but you'll find that out. Where are they now?" "Out gathering apples plums and pears, it's nice and sunny but there's an autumn chill." "Good, try making some fruit tarts with them. That's the sort of thing that brings kids closer to their parents. Is there anything else?" "Yes, they want to bring both beds into the same bedroom. All that effort to give them separate rooms and now they want to share. It's crazy." "If that's all there is, just be thankful. It'll get harder as they get older. Bye, bye for now." "Hold on just one more thing, they burst into my bedroom this morning and clambered into bed for a cuddle. What can I do?" "Cuddle them, but make sure that they don't discover anything they're not yet ready for." "Bye, bye and thanks." And that is exactly how we spent our first full day together. The girls became totally engrossed in cooking tarts, crumbles and making sweet custard sauces. My plans for shopping went totally out of the window however we had some fun later rearranging the beds. It was then I realised that the girls had been through so much together that they needed company at night. Fortunately both bedrooms were amply large enough to accommodate two beds and all the assorted furniture. The other room ended up being a study and remained so until the girls hit their middle teens. Bathroom routines became fixed and after taking Mrs Bodkin's advice, I allowed them to come down in their dressing gowns after bathing. This was to drink their coffee and dry their hair. Apparently, drying their hair every night with a hot air blower would damage their hair. Instead they each snuggled by the fire in the huge armchairs and watched their favourite programmes until about ten o'clock. I realised this did not have any bad effects on their sleep needs because they continued to burst into my bedroom early every morning in plenty of time to get ready for school. By now I had taken to wearing a control panty girdle under my sleep suit, nightdress and peignoir in bed. This made certain, that the girls would never accidentally discover anything untoward. The next day, Margaret and Sian came visiting with their two children Martin and Chenille. The kids hit it off immediately and I was truly grateful. Primary school proved to be the next hurdle. Fortunately my secret was well kept. I passed so well as a woman that everybody presumed I was their only surviving grandmother or elderly aunt I did not disillusion them for only the head mistress knew that the girls were 'fostered' out. The girls settled in quickly and I was delighted to learn that they had teamed up with Martin and Chenille. This might prove useful if ever anything about my private condition became public. They might find allies and support if any playground bullying occurred. My fears proved groundless though, for Martin and Chenille knew exactly what their lesbian parental circumstances were and they rarely encountered any prejudice. However that was primary school where stuff like this went over children's heads. Secondary school might prove more difficult. For a few weeks things went swimmingly then one Saturday morning Bea asked when Skipper was coming home. When I told her it might be a while she wasn't satisfied with the answer and started to cry. "I want to see Skipper," she sobbed. The following Monday I was on the phone again to Mrs Bodkin. "They want him to come home. They want to see him." "I'll be down during the week and I'll bring Sandie. Have you thought of a strategy?" "Yes, but it's not a very good one." "Try me." "I could pretend that Miss Beverly has to go and visit her sick aunty and she's been waiting until Skipper comes home before she leaves. You hold the fort during the afternoon until 'Skipper' arrives home. I'll get changed into 'Skipper' then I turn up in a hired car in my uniform just as the girls get home from school. The idea is that they are waiting at home when Skipper arrives. That's the way it usually happens when a seamen comes home, unless the kids meet him at the airport or station. I think it's best we do it at home. My breasts are beginning to show under a cotton uniform shirt and I have to wear a 'B' cup bra. I'll have to wear my uniform jacket." "Well you've thought that bit through, so then what?" "Well at least they'll get to see Skipper and that's what they really seem to want." "Hmm, it seems a bit weird, but weird is what it's going to be all about. How will you introduce them to Beverly." "It's Beatrice's birthday a week next Saturday. We could organise a fancy dress party and I could dress up as Miss Beverly. Hopefully, the girls will slowly realise that Skipper and Beverly are the same." "It seems a bit devious but it's worth a try. It also gives you an opportunity to present as Miss Beverly. What day does 'Skipper' intend to come home? I thought a week next Thursday, that only gives them two days but it'll be enough to enjoy having 'Skipper' home before he demonstrates that he's really Miss Beverly. On Saturday morning the children can witness my transition as I pretend to dress up as Beverly for the fancy dress party." "It's worth a try. I'll get hold of Sandie the psychiatrist right now and run it by her." "Tell her it's got to be that Saturday though. Bea's birthday is just the excuse we need for the fancy dress party." "Consider it done. I'll call you back." The next day, Sandie arrived with Mrs Bodkin and discussed my plan whilst the children were in school. "Well it seems a fairly practical pla," observed Sandie, "it will enable the girls to see your transition without any sense of threat or unexpected change." "I'll want an adult woman to chaperone the activity. I don't want any - ." "Yes, yes Beverly! I perfectly understand your fears," declared Sandie, "I'll chaperone the transition exercise. It would be unprofessional of me not to. I'll come down earlier next week to pretend to be Miss Beverly's temporary replacement. I'll be learning the girl's routine as it where, before Beverly goes to visit her sick aunt. It will give me a chance to see the relationship between you and the girls. Mrs Bodkin is busy with another case all next week but I'm sure she's love to come to a fancy dress party on the Saturday. If it's birthday party, there'll be other children wont there?" "Yes. Martin and Chenille are coming, and some other friends from school. By the time the other children arrive, I'll be totally immersed as Beverly. None of the mother's will realise I'm 'Skipper'" "What if Jenny or Bea call you Skipper in front of them?" asked Mrs Bodkin. "Damn. I hadn't thought of that." "Well it's fancy dress for heaven's sake," declared Sandie. "It would be better if the regular chaperone was there though," observed Mrs Bodkin, "Then none of the mothers could object." "You mean, Beverly?" asked Sandie. "I could dress as the real Beverly and others would realise that Skipper was fancy dressed as Beverly. You and I are about the same build and I've got a fancy dress outfit. Miss Beverly could turn up on the Saturday morning as Sandie leaves. She could say her aunt is better and she didn't want to miss the party." "What about your voice?" I asked. "It's fancy dress, I'll have a 'pretend voice wont I silly?" "Oh! Yes. Stupid old me! I'm just so nervous, that's all." "You can put on a pretend voice as well. When you come home as Skipper, just use your old masculine voice, you've still got it haven't you?" "Uughhumm," I coughed cautiously and altered the intonation in my voice. The result startled myself as well as the two women. "Good God! That's incredible. Is that your natural voice?" gasped Sandie. "No it's my old voice, it's Skipper's ship's captain's voice from long ago; before I even rescued the girls from the life raft. My natural voice now is Beverly's. I was practicing my 'Beverly's' voice long before I made plans for retirement. Beverly's been a long time in the making. Take the beard for example, that was removed long ago. I was only forty-five when I had my beard zapped. People wouldn't notice the changes because I was constantly changing ships. In my head, Skipper's been gone a long, long time, but he's about to be resurrected. Wait here a minute." With that I went up stairs and dug out my uniform with the gold braid on the jacket sleeves. The jacket was a bit tight around the bust and the top button wouldn't fasten. The trousers were a bit tight around my butt and loose around the waist but I could still get into them. With the peaked cap covering my pinned up, still shortish hair I presented my self for inspection. Sandie's eyes widened as I re-entered. "Good God! I could fancy you myself in that uniform." "Careful young lady, I'm still a heterosexual male." "Yeah, you don't have to tell me," replied Sandie, "Transvestism is really weird stuff. Some doctors still can't get their heads around it." "Nor can I," declared Mrs Bodkin, "but I'm learning. Trannies are not the monsters I used to think they were." "Well that's a relief. I've done a lot of good for the sisterhood then," I chuckled again in my deepest voice. For a brief second both women were silent at the sound of my old captain's voice then Sandie laughed uproariously. Mrs Bodkin also chuckled for she had learned a lot about transvestism since dealing with my case. "Well, Skipper's not a problem then," observed Mrs Bodkin, "no wonder the girls thought so much of you! This could work!" "Yes I think it might," added Sandie. "We'll give it a whirl. Truly Beverly, your camouflage skills are amazing." "With the decision taken, I pulled out all the stops to make the party a success. Margaret and Sian pitched in and by the following week things were in hand. Sandie arrived a day early on the Monday because she secretly wanted to savour the happy atmosphere. She was also amazed to see how Beverly coped with the girls. "They really like you," she observed that Monday evening after the girls were in bed. "I try. They've had enough horror in their lives. They still won't talk about the pirate attack you know and they never mention their parents. It's awful." "That's not unusual. They might never talk about it. It's a psychiatric defense mechanism. If they were forced to talk about it, the trauma might send them over the edge. You don't try to pump them about it do you?" "No, definitely not, I never mention it." "Good. If they ever do broach it, just listen. Don't question them, don't prompt them don't do anything that might elicit a response. However, please tell me immediately." "You're the doc. Your word is my command. D'you want a mug of chocolate?" "Please." We drank our chocolate in silence then made our way to our bedrooms. I showed Sandie her rooms and indicated the bathroom across the hall. "It's not en-suite I'm afraid. We don't run to hotel standards. The girls share a bathroom and I have one en-suite, but other guests have to share I'm afraid. However tonight you've got it for yourself." "That's fine. See you in the morning." The usual earthquake announced the early morning cavalry charge as the girls stormed into my bedroom for their regular morning cuddle. The noise woke Sandie and she knocked discreetly on my bedroom door. "Can I come in?" "Yes," I replied as I sat up in bed with the girls squeezed either side of me. Sandie's smile widened as she saw the picture and she sat on the side of the bed. "Are you girls looking forward to Skipper coming home?" The girls chorused, 'Yes!' and squirmed tighter to as they savoured the anticipated arrival. "And what about your party Bea?" "It's going to be fancy dress. I'm going as a pirate queen." "And what about you?" Sandie asked Jenny. "I don't know, I'm going to ask Skipper when he gets home." "That's a good idea." With that I stirred and my night attire rustled silkily on the satin sheets. "Right girls," I commanded, "back to your bedrooms. Time for school." Reluctantly the girls left and Sandie nodded towards my night attire. "So feminine? All those frills and lace?" "It's what I am. This tranny loves frills and lace. Anyway, you keep telling me if I'm living as a woman I've got to make it realistic." "Not very practical though." "It is. There's three layers see. I'm nice and warm." I held open my peignoir for Sandie to see the full length flowing nightdress and then raised the hem to reveal my all-in-one sleep suite. Sandie's face broke into a smile. "Oh that's nice. D'you know, I'm really jealous. Isn't it uncomfortable, all that lace and ribbons?" "It's what I like. I'm a transvestite remember. I like the silky sensations and the satin sheets." "Have the girls commented about it." "No, in fact they asked for the same. You saw their nighties; same materials and colours, just a different children's design. " "And when they cuddle up to you?" "They just squeeze up and hug me. I've got a strong control panty-girdle on underneath just in case little fingers accidentally get too close. But the all-in-one sleep suit prevents any possible accidental intimacy. I've never thought about any sensuality or that sort of stuff. I obviously worry about any reactions I might have but I don't feel anything sexual towards them. They seem to like squeezing up to me. Would little girls notice soft and silky?" "Only to feel nice in bed. It doesn't really gain any sexual connotations until they're older and dress for the ball. Then it's mainly dress materials and looking good." Sandie then reached forward and investigated my panty girdle. "I'm glad you're wearing that. It must be uncomfortable though." "Like I said; I'm a tranny. This stuff goes with the territory. Anyway I do it for the girl's sake. I don't want any unfortunate surprises." "That shows how much you must care. Good girl!" She lent forward and pecked me lightly on the cheek and I flinched nervously. "I hope that was a girly thing, the tactile thing." "That's exactly what it was. I'm pleased about you. Well done." "D'you think I'm wrong to let them climb into bed? They chose to do it on the very first morning, I didn't encourage them." "No. If they're happy with it, let them continue. They'll possibly grow out of it when they're older." "Possibly!" I gulped. "I thought they would definitely." "Who can tell? It depends what sort of relationship the daughters have with their mothers." "But I'm not their mother. What do I do if they still want to cuddle when they're fully fledged young ladies?" "Well then you'll have to fly solo on this one. I've got no experience of this and therefore no advice." "But it's OK to continue for now." "Yes. Shall I put the children on the bus today? I'd like a chat with them in private." "By all means." I was well used to the Social services workers regularly interviewing the girls. Sandie's request was no more intrusive than all the others. It would give me an opportunity to lounge about in my bedtime finery even as I made breakfast. I put my warm dressing gown over my peignoir and slipped into my mules. Sandie returned to her own bedroom to get dressed. As she and the children came down the stairs, I was laying out breakfast. Sandie's presence exited them. "Manners now girls," I smiled, "we've got guests." They giggled but behaved themselves and were soon chattering with Sandie as they bounced down the lane to the bus stop. Sandie had a good opportunity to pump them and I got on with some household chores until she returned. "Well. Were their answers OK?" "Yes, fine, they love cuddling up to you in the morning. Carry on with the good work." "And bath times?" "Same again, they'll soon let you know when they want privacy." "So you still trust me then?" "Believe me Beverly, if we had the slightest doubts or fears -," Sandie let her statement hang as I handed her another coffee. "Yes. Nobody knows that better than me. But I'm sure you'll be watching until the day the girls leave home." "Does that offend you?" "Not any more. I've had fifty years of censure. I'm long since inured to it." "So, shall we get ready for the party?" "There's not much to do today. It all comes together at the weekend, then I say goodbye to the girls and visit my aunt. You'll be on your own with the girls, plenty of time for you to check for anything untoward." Sandie gave me a jaundiced look before speaking. "D'you not think our necks are on the line if this goes pear shaped. Don't you think Mrs Bodkin and I are sticking our necks out, not to mention the judge, Miss Elizabeth Porter." "Yes, I get the picture, it never leaves me." "Well that reassures me. Now what shall we do today." "I thought Skipper might like to bring the girls a present when he comes home." "Such as?" "Oh something I know they've been wanting since they came here. They've never mentioned it to me, but I've heard them talking about it." "And what's that?" asked Sandie curiously. "Well they would like a pony, one each preferably." "I don't think that's a good idea just yet," cautioned Sandie. "Why not?" "What happens if they can't accept that Skipper is really Beverly and the whole thing falls apart? You're left with two ponies." I paused thoughtfully. I had let my excitement get ahead of me. "Ye-ess, perhaps you're right. I was getting too ambitious. I'd best let it lie." Sandie smiled. "Well it show's your heart's in the right place. Could you afford to keep two ponies?" "Money's not a problem, nor space. There are plenty of barns and stables plus the two fields and the orchard. This was once a farm after all." "Yes'" conceded Sandie, "truthfully the girls have landed on their feet here, at least in a material sense." "But not in the emotional one, is that it? You still don't approve then?" "It's not about approval Beverly. You're a really nice person. I think the girls have been lucky. Truth to tell Beverly, I don't really know. I'm feeling my way with you. It'll be interesting material for any paper I might choose to present." "After the girls have reached their majority I hope." "Naturally, I wouldn't want to embarrass them." "Good and I hope you ask their permission." "Aren't you afraid of being exposed yourself?" "Would it matter if I did?" "Would you object?" "I was a lab rat for half my childhood. I suppose there's already whole bloody books written about me." "Yes, I must confess. I've got some of your childhood files." "Huh! That would figure. Beverly the lab rat; that's me." "Would you like to see them?" "It would make no difference would it? What's the point in raking over old and very cold cinders?" "Don't you mean coals?" "No the coals were all burned out donkey's years ago and anyway, the bastard's who tried their magic on me are probably all dead!" "Bastards?" "Yeah, I told you I was a lab rat. You name it, I got it; except the pre-frontal lobotomy of course. I drew the line at that and finally ran away." Sandie was a psychiatrist and knew all about the dark history of her trade. The long litany of ghastly abuses was well documented and she fell silent when confronted with a living fossil, real evidence of those abuses. I sensed her feeling of guilt and decided the conversation had got dark enough. "Oh come on, let's lighten up. I've got business in town, lets go shopping for some party fixings. That's one thing that trannies and girls always have in common; shopping!" In the car she opened up. "I'm surprised and pleased that you've come through it so well." I chuckled ironically. "Huh. You mean the childhood thing; despite the 'treatment?" "Precisely." "Let's talk about something else. I want to stay in a good mood for Skipper's return." "Sorry. What were you planning?" "Well as you know, it's a fancy dress party. Any suggestions?" "This brought Sandie out her dark mood and she quickly fell to discussing ideas. On arrival in Bournemouth we used some 'retail therapy' to complete the day. We picked the girls up at the school gate and drove them home. "Well girls," I asked, "Skipper's coming soon. How d'you feel?" The girls both squealed with anticipation and started gabbling about meeting him. I hoped he didn't disappoint them. I asked Jennifer if she had any preferences for the fancy dress and she had finally chosen to be a unicorn. I remembered then that she had been watching the film, 'The Last Unicorn' the previous evening. "Won't you need a partner for that? Four legs and everything." "It's a pretend unicorn silly. I'll just wear a silvery white costume and a unicorn's horn. I could dye my hair silver and get myself a silver tail." "That sound's like fun. So you won't need a unicorn suit then." "No. I've got a white and silver ballet tutu. I'll use that for starters." "The dyed hair sounds a bit ambitious but you could give it a try. What do you think Sandie?" "Yeah, go for it, but remember you've got school on the Monday. You'll have to dye it back to your natural blond colour." "No we haven't. There's no school next week. It's half term!" chorused the girls. Sandie and I exchanged wry smiles. 'Dyed hair it was then, unless Skipper could somehow persuade Jenny to use a silver wig.' The following day, Sandie and I dug out jenny's tutu whilst she was at school. It was obviously way too small and necessitated another trip to Bournemouth to buy a new one. We indulged her and also purchased a delightful 'pirate queen' costume for Beatrice. The next evening, Beverly said her tearful cheerio's and handed the girls over to Sandie. Sandie and the girls drove me to Poole station and saw me onto the train. I got off in Bournemouth and got the very next train back to Poole then checked into Sissy's gay hotel. Sissy was in on the plot and we discussed where to get a silver wig and a silver extension piece to fashion a unicorn's tail. "She wants to dye her hair but I'm not sure about that." "Oh go on," encouraged Sissy, "she's growing up. It'll be a novel experience for her. It'll be a chance for Skipper to really indulge." I secretly fancied the idea of Jennifer experimenting with her hair for the first time and a fancy dress party would be a damned good excuse. It would be an excellent icebreaker if Skipper dressed up as Beverly then assisted Jenny with the hair thing before Saturday noon. The party was scheduled to start at three and be over by seven or eight. I slept that night in Sissy's hotel feeling a little easier about my crossing over in front of the girls on the Saturday morning.. End of Chapter Five - To Be Continued

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Skipper Chapter Two

Skipper, Chapter Two - By: Beverly Taff. We arrived at Heathrow airport in the dead of night. Two very sleepy little girls grumbled about the immigration delays but their story had pre-empted their arrival. The immigration authorities met us with two social workers and a policewoman. The social worker immediately put me on the defensive. I had been in care myself as a child after my transvestism had caused the rift between the family and me. Fortunately that had been over forty-five...

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Skipper Licked Me Daddy 3

Introduction: The last in a three part series. Skipper Licked Me, Daddy 3 I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and...

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Skipper Licked Me Daddy 3

I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and struggling grass. The mud was from my tractor, which I used for...

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Skipper Chapter Three

Skipper, Chapter 3 - By: Beverly Taff I arrived home in the early afternoon and stopped by at the local supermarket to restock. That night I indulged myself and savoured a delightful night in my brand new silky sleep suite. It was a beautiful royal blue long legged all-in-one with delightful lacy details at the ankles and sleeves. I had ordered it a few weeks earlier from a specialist shop in London and collected it that morning. It came with an accompanying, matching peignoir and I...

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Skipper Chapter 7

Skipper Chapter 7 I slept well that night and, unusually, I slept through the first rays of sunrise. This was unusual because my entire life at sea had ingrained in me a habit of waking with the sunrise unless some other incident woke me. That Sunday morning I was still sleeping long past sunrise and was unexpectedly woken by the added thunder of four pairs of feet rumbling down the landing. I was still struggling to 're-arrange' myself and make myself decent as four...

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Skipper Chapter Ten

Skipper, Chapter 10 - By: Beverly Taff While Judge Elizabeth Porter and the others were busy buying presents for the Christmas house-warming party, Margaret, Sian and I chatted as we added the final touches to the barn conversion. "When you were alone with her did she say anything or allude to anything?" I pumped Sian. "She acknowledged that she remembered us." "And?" I pressed. "Well her lesbianism was the elephant in the room. Not that we made an issue of it, in fact I...

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Skipper Chapter Twelve

Skipper, Chapter 12 - By: Beverly Taff Elizabeth and Jane stayed with us until after the New Year but finally and reluctantly, Elizabeth had to resume her duties as a judge. Jane also had to return to her engineering project in the Midlands and the girls resumed schooling. My time became tied up with developments in the port. In March, Elizabeth and Jane confirmed that they were going to be mothers and I was now the father of four children. Margaret had confirmed that hers was a...

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Skipper Chapter Thirteen

Skipper, Chapter 13 - By: Beverly Taff I did not sleep well that night and unusually, I slept in. By the time I awoke, I remembered that Jenny and Bea had slept over with Chenille and Martina in the barn conversion. I had not been woken by the usual 'dawn thunder' of feet on the landing. Obviously, Sandie, Margaret and Sian had sensed I was too troubled about developments. I would not have been a fit parent to the girls that day. When I finally appeared in the kitchen window, Sandie...

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Skipper Chapter 8

Skipper Chapter 8. We bid farewell to Sandie after lunch. The children were sorry to see her go and tears flowed profusely on all side. She promised them that she would be down for Christmas and this cheered them up a little but it was a subdued household that watched her car disappear down the lane. The children returned to the horses with Sian whilst Margaret and I fell to chatting and reading the papers in the drawing room. "Beverly, I've been thinking." "Oh. Go on," I...

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Skipper Chapter Nine

Skipper, Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff At dawn I woke with a start. My feminised senses had become attuned to the slightest noise from the girl's bedroom. I tried to sit up but found to my surprise and delight that I was still 'hooked' up to Sian. My efforts disturbed her and she grumbled sleepily. "Wha'ss 'a matter?" "Quick. we have to get dressed the children are waking up!" "Oooh damn!" she sighed. "I was so enjoying you." "So was I but the girls can't see us like...

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Skipper Chapter Eleven

Skipper, Chapter Eleven - By: Beverly Taff While the others celebrated Sian and Margaret's exciting news, I went to the kitchen and made a show of checking the turkey in the oven. As I prodded it with a fork and checked the clock for the umpteenth time I sensed a presence behind me. I had been expecting it. "It'll be another hour or so before that's cooked," observed Elizabeth. "Yes," I agreed sensing that it would be prudent to let Elizabeth broach the subject of Sian and...

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Skipper Chapter Fifteen Conclusion

Skipper, Chapter 15, Conclusion - By: Beverly Taff After having decided to meet our ship the Speedway on her arrival on Sunday, we spent the rest of Friday evening relaxing. I explained to Jennifer and Beatrice that I had to go up to London on Monday to re- register our new ship's name as the Speedwell. Then I had to fly to Amsterdam midweek to complete the transfer formalities subject to a satisfactory survey. "Oooh!" gasped the girls. "Can we come?" "Sorry girls, it's still...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Court Record Chapter Five

Introduction: The saga continutes IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. There was a strong chance they would be seen together by someone who knew him. If they went into town he would have to trust her and her acting ability. Once...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFive

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Five

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Five By AmyAmy July 22nd, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism',...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

Chapter Five At six-forty-five, May’s phone beeped. It was a SMS from Mags. May sent her an SMS back. May said, “It is from Mags. She wants to know how I got on last night. I have asked if I can call her as I don’t want to write what I want to tell her. I told you this would happen.” Then May’s phoned beeped again. May read the message then signaled for me to follow her as Val was still fast asleep. We went to the lounge. May dialed Mags then put it on speaker phone. Mags asked how it went. May...

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Full Circle Chapter Five

Full Circle – Chapter Five Making love to Susan can be favorably compared to either a hurricane or a deep, slow moving river depending on many factors including her mood. Tonight her mood was a cross between that of a playful mature tigress in heat and a raccoon kit wanting to explore everywhere and getting its nose into everything. After discussing the possibility of her leaving Baltimore with her family she was much more at ease than she had been earlier when we had come home from...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Five

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER FIVE Angie sat on the toilet, her eyes locked on her stomach. It was uncomfortable to move, but she had to poke it one more time just to see. Her index finger made contact and her belly was hard. She was bloated beyond comprehension. How much as she eaten this time? This was the third day of her binge and Mark was acting as he wasn’t even aware of her eating. She did the bills and handled the money, so he probably didn’t have a clue as to...

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Martinas Story Chapter Five

Martina's Story, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff Myself: Martina: A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl. Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend. Chenille: My older half sister. Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter. Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger sister. Sian: My lesbian mother who is married to - Margaret:...

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Right from the Start Chapter Five

Right from the Start - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary & Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's psychiatrist. Chapter Five After Dorie Lou and Simone came home from the clinic, Dorie Lou introduced Simone to her friends Sandra and Mary as her cousin. She explained that...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Five

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid. Chapter Five Monday arrived and with it my biggest fears. Judith...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Five

The Sissy Farm - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Siste;. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Chapter Five We were allowed to indulge ourselves with some lovely pastries for lunch and Aunty Bev did not mind us each having a cup of coffee. "Why you two not only look...

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March of the Southern BellesChapter Five

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Five" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Brunch was delightful, although I nibbled at my avocado and sprouts sandwich more out of distaste rather than any manifest desire to display appropriately dainty table manners. It was such a pleasure to eat in such exquisite surroundings--the sterling silverware absolutely gleamed, and I'd never eaten off of such beautiful china. Lisa giggled and pointed to the lipstick I'd left on the rim...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter five

This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! Chapter five For Deanna naked blindfolded, and tied helplessly apart, could do nothing to stop the “Eight Ball” only being able to scream out the word no! The ball like a black...

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter five

Introduction: This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My...

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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Five

((((( Another chapter re-written))))) 'Ah, shit!' I was thinking while trying to carry on an intelligent conversation with the travel agent. I had to really grit my teeth and even bite my hand at times not to moan and gasp while Jason knelt behind me to slowly ease his cock deeper inside my pussy. These last days before our trip were pretty hectic and didn't leave much time for us to fuck. At least not as much as we'd come to love. It wasn't as though we weren't finding times for quickies when...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Five

Chapter five I was sitting at the kitchen table reading some bad news in the Washington Post when I heard a car horn sounding out front. I set down the paper, gathered my purse and walked over to the foyer. Pulling the curtains to the side, I peeked out the window to see who was doing the honking. It was James and his brother Jim, come to pick me up. They had driven in separate vehicles. Jim was double parked in his beat up Chevrolet sedan with James behind him in a new Ford Explorer...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Five

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Porridge Annabelle Creighton and Brian McCaffey both gave their closing remarks to the jury. Annabelle summarised the case against Gillian. Gillian was found at the scene of the murder locked in her office with Lord Edward Beaumont's body on the floor, stabbed repeatedly in the back. She was covered in his blood and had his semen was inside her and on her underwear. The building was deserted apart from the accused and the...

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Airport Surprise Chapter Five

Airport Surprise - Chapter FiveI spent the next six months in Europe, training and touring. I then had three training sessions in Florida. Once, in Jacksonville, I thought I saw Taylor. But the girl disappeared before I could make sure. Then back to headquarters in California. Two weeks of R&R in wine country. When I returned to my office there was a ticket and itinerary for my next session, Denver. I needed to be there tomorrow morning.My secretary said the course materials were already...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Five

____________________________ The lobby was bustling with late afternoon activity as Greg and I parted company. A sizeable number of Guests had gathered over near the dance floor where two long banquet tables, draped with several white linen table cloths, had been set up closely together. Four young naked girls, each with her arms extended and her thighs spread wide, reclined on their backs amid an extensive assortment of raw vegetables, fresh fruit, sushi, boiled shrimp and other...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Five

As always please leave a comment and don't forget to rate. We hope you enjoy. Chapter Five: Placement and A Visitor in the Night Daiya helped Richard sit down gently on a wooden bench in the waiting room under the arena, the noise of the crowd buzzing over them as they began to leave in confusion. Richard couldn't blame them for being confused though. They had been told that he had won the duel but then he declined the win saying that it was Daiya who had won instead....

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College Teacher Chapter Five

I won’t say it was a relief to be back at the Manor but it was nice to once again cuddle up to Kit and have the pleasure of his loving of me. Thankfully, the M.P. had returned to London and the vicar, wife and daughter had gone too so that there was just the six of us for the next week at the dining table. We got to know Lady Elizabeth and Sir George a bit better and learned that the title was heredity and so Thomas would in later years take on that mantle. It was Monday morning that Thomas...

First Time
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Intimate Confessions!For the past four days of magnificent pleasure I had discovered so far at home with this beautiful young woman called Julia, little did I realize that their was still so much more to come from this adventure.That fifth morning, I awoke just after nine and arose and headed to the shower. As the water got warmer, I undressed out of the boxers I wore to bed and slipped inside the cubicle, the entrance into the area was unsealed. As I began to wash my naked body...

First Time
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Hostess With The Mostest Chapter Five

Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Cruella DeVille The slim genteel lady was dressed in a navy blue stewardesses uniform. Her form-fitting jacket had gold piping along the lapels and cuffs and a pair of gold wings clipped to her right breast. Her shapely legs were clad in gossamer black stockings and her feet shod in four-inch black patent leather high heels. She had perfectly coiffed black, shoulder- length hair. Her face was too angular to be called...

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The Collector Chapter Five

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Conspiracy The attractive, elegant women stood huddled in small groups; it was obvious to any observer that they were grieving and were comforting each other, bound by their loss and a common sense of purpose. Their nationalities varied but they were all beautiful, most under thirty but a few older; although they all wore black they all wore it stylishly, figure-hugging dresses, or skirt and jacket suits, expensive hosiery, plenty...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Five

She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did she like it? Did she want more? I couldn’t say for sure I knew that she knew, but some part of me just… knew. When Molly first began to stir, rustling around more than she usually did in her sleep, I could do nothing but freeze. I lost the ability to speak, breathe, or even think. “You awake?” she asked in a groggy voice. She couldn’t see my eyes. I turned slightly to meet her, feigning tired...

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Hot Doggie Chapter Five

Hot Doggie, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of characters. Sandra: Our Shemale heroine who becomes magically conjoined doggie style; Elizabeth: Sandra's limbless patient; Marjorie & Jennifer: (Marge & Jenny,), two other patients who lost their legs in a car accident. They also become magically conjoined and end up sharing the same torso whilst growing new legs. Octavia: The owner-manager of the care home where Sandra worked and the...

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Always Faithful Chapter Five

Chapter Five - Telling and Trouble Dan slept well, he was sexually drained. Laura did not sleep as well. In telling her story, in draining her husband, she knew she had concealed some important parts of the story. Laura knew she told the physical story accurately, completely. Dan could not call her liar about that. She withheld most of the emotional part. The most important emotional parts were still secrets gnawing at her. In the morning, at breakfast, she told Dan she wanted to talk more...

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Transvixen Transvestite Rick Band Chapter Five

Transvixen By Michele Nylons Chapter Five: Panti Pops Her Top Cherri had no intention of going to lunch. She read the contract on the bus on the way back to Debenhams and did some mental math. If Wendy was right about the band's success Michelle Murphy could set herself up in her own right. She could move out of home and live full time transgendered until she decided how far she intended to transition. It was early days but she knew she couldn't keep living a lie. Mike...

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8 Months Past...Dawdling in the hotel's hallway I felt as nervous as I had the first time I'd been sent to meet a client. Looking at my watch I saw more seconds I was being billed for tick past. Mustering my nerve I tapped on the door. The woman who answered looked to be in her mid-twenties and was very pretty. I would have expected nothing less from one of Marla's girls. I was wearing flats and she three-inch pumps. I was still taller by at least five inches. We were different in more ways...

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LAND OF NOD Chapter Five

{Readers, there is no actual sex happening in this short chapter but it is an intricate part to the story so please do not skip this chapter.}Chapter FivePresentation to the ‘Lord Master’ “Lord Master,” King Jake called out. “May it please you to be presented with your new slave Travis?” King Jake dropped to one knee and bowed his head towards the throne. “Lord Master,” Queen Tia called out. “May it please you to be presented with your new slave Lizzy?” She too dropped to one knee and bowed her...

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The Party Chapter Five

The Party Chapter Five The events of the past several hours have exhausted you, and even bound as you are, you feel safe and secure next to Me. My warm breath on the back of your neck, My arms encircling you, My body pressed tightly behind you. You sleep deeply, but at some point in the early morning hours, you awaken. You are startled at first, not being able to move, but then the memories of the previous day come flooding back. You wiggle back against Me, feeling My hard cock pressing between...

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My S1sterrsquos Gangbang Chapter Five

My S1ster’s Gangbang - Chapter FiveI had been surfing for a while on the internet looking for a gift for my s!ster Kelly. I was running out of time to set the whole thing up since her birthday was closing in. I knew exactly what I was looking for but it wasn't something easy to find. In addition to that, I wasn't able to concentrate given the fact that my other s!ster, Tracy, was below the desk giving me one of her delightful blowjobs. She knew how to drive a man crazy using her mouth and she...

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CHAPTER FIVEOne really bad thing about a last minute airline reservation is that you take what you can get. This meant a six hour layover on the way home. I got in at 9:30 local time. I claimed my two empty suitcases and retrieved my car from the parking garage. Once on the road I drove to my townhouse with the moon roof open. I felt good to be in my own car again, the smell of leather instead of plastic, my body held snuggly by the bucket seat, the sound of the wind rushing over the open space...

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Where Have All the Good Girls Gone Chapter Five

Chapter Five Jason drove the tractor trailer through the levy walls that surrounded the petroleum plant. The diesel fuel had run the generator for about four months and with the supplies that were here they would never need another source for the rest of their lives. Filling the truck was a simple matter of finding the right pipeline attaching the fill hose and letting gravity do the work. Jason knew the girls would be gone all day so he wasn't in a big rush and it took a bit to...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Five

Maid for the Job Chapter Five Two days later as my boss left for work she reminded me about the weekly grocery shop. As she says this I am surprised and amused. Can it be only a week since my first morning as a new woman, only a week since the terror of having to open the door to the delivery man and having to contrive the situation so I looked like some kind of harridan? I can't believe so much has happened in so short a time, and right now it seems odd that I would try to make...

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The Creature chapter twentyfive

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE "Don't you look cute!" Mom said when she saw me. I turned slowly and modelled the little nightie for the three of them. "Adorable!" Mom said. "Wow!" my brothers both said. "Do you like how you look in that, sweetie? I bought it because I thought the girl in the picture looked a lot like you, but I thought you'd probably never wear it." "I like it a lot," I said. "It's cute. But you guys can see me like this and still treat me normal, right?" They all promised me that...

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In Nockton Vale Man Wanted Chapter Five

Chapter Five Workman 1 The oddest thing was that when I woke up there was no "bloody hell" moment. I didn't jerk upright, gaping down at my manly body in incredulity, instantly regretting what had happened, asking myself how I could have let it happen in the first place. I just opened my eyes and smiled contentedly and stretched. It didn't even occur to me there was anything funny about my situation at first. When it did I just thought to myself, oh, I'm still a man. I didn't...

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The Party Chapter Five

The Party Chapter FiveThe events of the past several hours have exhausted you, and even bound as you are, you feel safe and secure next to Me. My warm breath on the back of your neck; My arms encircling you; My body pressed tightly behind you. You sleep deeply, but at some point in the early morning hours, you awaken. You are startled at first, not being able to move, but then the memories of the previous day come flooding back. You wiggle back against Me, feeling My hard cock pressing between...

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Maid To Order Chapter Five

Maid to Order - Chapter Five By Michele Nylons "What the fuck?" Bill read Michele's return email. 'Look forward to having you for dinner. I know what you like ;) Michele' He clicked the attachment and was rewarded with a very short video of Michele. She was wearing a very nice tight black leather skirt and creamy satin top, stockings and heels. She lifted her skirt just high enough to expose her stocking tops, smiled cheekily into the camera and winked seductively. "What...

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