Anthea s baby 1
- 2 years ago
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As it turned out, that was the last time any of us had sex for several days. The high school football playoffs were in progress, and we’d made it to the semifinals in our Division B, which included mid-sized schools. We had a great coach, Bill Daniels, and a very good team, with several players being scouted by some major colleges, but it was still a little bit of a surprise that we’d gotten that far.
Our semifinal game was in Grand Junction, the Saturday after that very memorable Thursday of our “first time” together, but we left on buses after a pep rally on Friday afternoon to travel, Teri promising that she’d see us there. It was an exciting time, but I think both Jake and I would have rather been naked in bed with Teri than on a football field at that point in our lives!
We went through a lot of speeches and pumping up from our coaches, but when the game finally got underway it was all about football. The weather was cold but clear, and we faced a very good team from Durango.
We were leading 17 – 10 late in the first half when Jake, from his linebacker position, nailed their tight end just after he’d caught the ball deep in their own end of the field, popping it loose; one of our defensive backs recovered the fumble, but amid the celebrations and high-fives, I was the first to notice that Jake was still down on the field. I grabbed Coach’s shoulder on the way by, pointing out at the field and yelling, “Jake’s hurt!” as I ran out to him.
The ref got to him just seconds before I did and stood over him, waving his arms and blowing his whistle as he called an official’s timeout. Jake was curled into a tight ball, moaning loudly, in obvious pain; that scared me because I know how tough he is and knew he must be badly hurt.
I dropped to my knees beside him and leaned in close to his face, my hand on his arm. “Jake! Jake, you okay? What happened, bud’?”
Between clenched teeth, the pain obvious in his voice, he ground out, “That motherfucker kicked me! When he got up and nobody was looking, the fucker kicked me in the balls!”
That pissed me off; hard play is fine, dirty play is bullshit, and when the ref looked down at me and told me I shouldn’t be on the field, I lost it. “You missed a personal foul! You should have called a fucking penalty, that guy kicked him in the nuts after the play was over! Call it, asshole!”
He should have called an unsportsmanlike penalty and probably disqualified me, but for some reason he didn’t, maybe because he knew they’d screwed up. He simply looked down and said, “Careful, son,” and by then the coaches and our team trainer had arrived.
Jake was still curled into a fetal position, still moaning, both hands clutched between his legs. This was clearly more than a simple blow to the ‘nads, the kind you can walk off; he was badly hurt, and I was furious and scared for him at the same time.
They brought out a cart and took him off the field, straight to the locker rooms. We’d recovered the fumble at their fourteen-yard line, and when our QB hit me at the nine two plays later, my temper still at a boil, there was no way those dirty cheats were going to stop me; I lowered a shoulder and ran through one, stiff-arming another off his feet, driven by pure anger, leaving them on the ground and crushing my way to the end zone. At halftime, we were up 24 – 10, and I sprinted to the locker room to check on Jake.
He was lying on a training table, his pants and jock on the floor alongside and a towel over his middle, a large lump beneath it. Our trainer was on the phone nearby, and the way that Jake looked scared me. He was pale and sweating, in obvious pain still, and he looked ill and miserable.
“Hey, man, how you doing? You gonna be okay?”
He moaned softly before answering. “I don’t know, I think I’m hurt pretty bad.” When he saw my eyes go to the large hump under the towel, he managed a wan smile. “Don’t worry, that’s not all me; it’s an icepack, mostly.”
“Oh… well, that’s good, I guess. I was afraid your nutsack was swollen that big.”
He nodded. “Well, yeah – check this out.” He lifted the towel and hoisted the icepack off his groin; while not as big as the mound under the towel, his balls and lower groin were still grotesquely swollen, his sack damn near the size of a softball and purple with bruising, the skin stretched so tight that his little penis had receded into the swollen tissues. “They think I’m bleeding into my nutsack, so we’re going to the hospital.”
“Jeez, Jake… fuck!”
He nodded again. “I know, right? Just when our sex lives were getting interesting…” He’d have gone on, trying to make light of a very serious situation, but by then our coaches and teammates were filtering in so he dropped the ice and towel back into place.
Coach Daniels took over after that, first checking on Jake and telling him, to hang in there and try to get better, that we’d need him next week for the championship game after we finished beating these guys; uncharacteristically, he didn’t tell Jake to ‘quit whining and get up and walk it off’. He then turned to me. “I’m moving Tommy up to play Jake’s spot, so you’re in at safety after the half. You good to play both ways?”
“Absolutely. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Tommy Larkin was our starting safety, but one of our best tacklers, and he was also the best remaining choice to take over at middle linebacker. My voice had sounded flat, even to me.
He looked at me oddly. “I know what you’re thinking, but don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“Who, me?”
“Heath, I swear…”
I caught Jake’s eye and could see that he knew where my mind was as well. As Coach wandered away, he said, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Fortunately, that doesn’t limit me much.”
“Yeah, well. Don’t get kicked out, the team needs at least one of us out there, and I can’t play, not with my nuts the size of a volleyball.”
“And purple, dude. I hope Teri likes purple.”
“She does. Shame it’s my balls that swelled up and not my dick, I could use a little more bulk there.”
“Don’t think it works that way. See you after the game?”
“Sure, if you can come to the hospital.” He looked at me. “Don’t kill him, okay?”
“Paybacks are a bitch.”
“You’re fucking scary when you’re pissed off.”
“Not as scary as giant purple balls.” It was stupid, but I had to say something.
He laughed weakly. “I suppose. Be careful, huh?”
As we went out and warmed up a little for the second half, I spotted Teri at the front of the stands, and when she motioned to me, I ran over for a moment.
“Heath, how’s Jake?”
“Not good.”
She nodded impatiently. “That I knew; they came and got his parents from the stands. What happened?”
“He got kicked in the balls – intentionally. Dirty play… he’s hurt pretty bad, I think. He’s going to the hospital.”
“Oh my god, poor Jake!” Tears sprang to her eyes as I reached out and put a hand on her shoulder.
“I know – he could have brain damage, huh?” She shook her head, but I got a tiny smile out of her before I heard my name called. “Hey, look, I gotta go.”
“Of course. I’m going to try to catch a ride to the hospital. See you later?”
“Sure. Tell him I’m thinking about him.”
“Heath? Be careful, okay?”
I don’t know why everyone kept telling me that, but she blew me a kiss and headed for the exit as I returned to the field.
The game stayed close, and they managed to pull within a touchdown. Their big tight end, the guy that had kicked Jake, made a couple of good catches, and he and I, fairly evenly matched, banged each other around several times when he was blocking on running plays; my opportunity came late in the third quarter when he caught a short pass right in front of me and began to turn to run. As he began to tuck the ball away and turn, I blew him up, hard and vicious.
I drove my shoulder into his chest even as I punched down on the ball, which left his hands at the same moment I shot upwards, my shoulder riding up his pads and into his chin, beneath his face mask, rocking his head backward. He hit the ground like a sack of wet cement, unconscious before he landed, and his head took a second bounce off the hard turf.
It was a brutal hit, much harder than necessary, and pretty awful, and I should have felt bad about it but I didn’t. He’d intentionally put Jake out of the game, and now he was out of the game; symmetry, you know? Paybacks are a bitch like I said.
I got flagged for unnecessary roughness but was surprised I didn’t get kicked out of the game. They got the ball back on the penalty even though we’d recovered the fumble, but we went on to win the game and advance to the state championship game. I heard later that I’d caused him a serious concussion and a couple of broken teeth. To this day I’ve never felt guilty about that, which maybe says something bad about me, and I’m okay with that; it was something that needed doing.
I didn’t stay to celebrate with the team – or to get yelled at for long by Coach for the cheap shot and penalty. Even he quickly relented and let me go shower and find my folks so I could get a ride to the hospital.
I found Teri with Jake’s parents in a small waiting room, both her and Jake’s mom with tears on their faces while his father looked grim. My parents went to his, asking about Jake and offering words of comfort, which left Teri and me together.
I put an arm around her and asked what was happening.
She wiped her eyes. “He’s in surgery right now.”
“So he was bleeding in there, huh?”
“Yeah, that… but also, they have to do an orchiectomy.”
Whatever that was, it didn’t sound good; it wasn’t. In response to my blank stare, she said, “They have to remove one of his testicles, Heath. They said it was ruptured, damaged beyond repair.”
“Oh. Well, shit… no wonder he was in so much pain. Fuck! How is he?”
“Upset, sick… scared. You can imagine.”
“Yeah.” I was sort of glad I hadn’t known sooner about him losing one of his balls, or I might have really hurt that guy. “What does it… I mean, is he gonna be okay?”
“The doctor said so, yeah. His parents let me stay while he was talking to them. According to him, one can do what both used to, it just takes a little while to kick in, pick up the slack.”
“Which one do they have to remove?”
“The right one. Does it matter?”
I shrugged. “No, I guess not. Either is just as awful.” I hesitated, then asked, “So… you know, kids and everything? Jake loves kids, I know he wants to have some.”
“I know, we’ve talked about it. Me too.” There were tears on her cheeks again, and I realized that she was maybe just as scared as he was.
Her words rocked me a little; I suppose I’d never realized they were thinking about and planning a future together, not that seriously. I tried not to show how that realization left me with a hollow place inside and put my arms around her. “So he won’t need testosterone medicine, nothing like that?”
“They said that as long as his left one is okay, he shouldn’t miss the right one… you know, except cosmetically.”
“Well, that’s good, right?” She nodded silently, and I went on, “You suppose he’ll mind if I start calling him ‘Lefty’?”
“Oh, Heath!” She buried her face in my chest, but I got a tiny giggle out of her first.
“Too soon, huh?”
“Way too soon. Don’t do that to him.”
“Nah, of course. I was kidding.” Well, half-kidding, at least. I knew I’d use it at some point because I knew he’d do the same for me. Besides, ‘Lefty’ was way better than “One-ball’ or perhaps ‘Half-sack’. At least it was ambiguous, while the others were anything but.
In the end, he was fine. They kept him that night and the next, and his folks stayed there in Grand Junction until they could bring him home. I rode back with the team, while the friends Teri had come with had already left, so she rode home with my folks.
She and I hung out most of the next day, our mood somber as we worried about our friend and her lover. I wanted her, which made me feel incredibly selfish and small when she was clearly worried sick about Jake, but I couldn’t help it. The feel of her warm body against my side, my arm around her, the soft scent of her hair, the knowledge of what she felt and tasted like and how her lips so lovingly sucked my cock, the image of her, eyes closed and her face flushed with arousal was ever-present in my mind.
I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about how sweet it felt to slip into her welcoming heat and feel her close around me, her pussy wet and slick and my balls pressed to her perfect ass, and it made my cock swell and throb with need. She knew I’m sure; she couldn’t miss my persistent, unrelenting bulge, and she seemed to have a sixth sense about when either Jake or I wanted sex, but she didn’t acknowledge it and I didn’t pursue it.
It would have felt incredibly disloyal, but I know that if she’d offered, I’d have accepted. Once, at some point in my life and even if only for a day or two – or even an hour - I desperately wanted to be able to have Teri all to myself, to truly make love to her rather than merely have sex. To be able to pretend, just for that moment in time, that she was mine.
When he came home he was still a little pale and weak, and in considerable pain, and he walked very gingerly, able to wear only baggy sweatpants for a week or so. Icepacks were still part of the regime, and his mom had to change the dressing each day, something I knew he found horribly embarrassing.
Teri and I hung out at his house when we could, around school and football practice, and I kept him informed on team things and passed along the well-wishes of the guys. About five or six days after his surgery, just the three of us were at his house when he asked, “Do you guys want to see it?”
I didn’t, particularly, but Teri gave the answer he was looking for, and he got up and stood in front of us, opening his robe and dropping his sweatpants. He had a couple of small square bandage pads taped up into his groin, one of them on his scrotum, and he carefully peeled back the tape.
I thought it looked terrible, his groin shaved bare and his wrinkled sack still badly bruised and somewhat swollen, a row of black stitches up the loose skin on the right side where his testicle used to be, and another small set of stitches low on his groin, where they’d gone in to repair the bleeding. At least the swelling had gone down enough that his cock had resurfaced.
Fortunately, I didn’t volunteer my opinion before Teri said, “Well, that doesn’t look so bad!”
He looked at her hopefully. “Really?”
“Yes, really. I mean, you’re bruised and all, but it looks like you’re healing up good and the swelling is way down.”
“It doesn’t look weird because I only have one ball?”
I thought it did, a little, but I let Teri take that one too. “Not at all. Besides, as much as I love playing with them, that wasn’t really my favorite part.” To emphasize her words, she reached out and gently took his limp little cock between her thumb and two fingers. We both saw him wince.
She pulled her hand away. “Oh, sweetie… did I hurt you?”
He shook his head. “No, not at all. I guess I was expecting it to.” She once again took him carefully in hand, and he looked down at where she was gently stroking him. “Actually, it feels nice to have someone besides my mom touch me there.”
Teri giggled and I laughed out loud. “Fuck, man, don’t go there!”
“Well, it’s true.”
Teri, biting her lower lip, looked at me and then at him. “It must be – you’re starting to get hard.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t happen when my mom touches me either.” He laughed. “In fact, I think this may be my first hardon since I got kicked unless I maybe got wood in my sleep. I wonder if it will hurt.”
“You want me to stop?”
I laughed. “Would you want her to stop and grab an extinguisher if your ass was on fire?”
He grinned. “No, probably not. It really feels good.”
His cock had grown and filled and become totally upright, straining in readiness. Other than a little bruising around the base, it looked like it always did, except maybe a little bigger and extraordinarily erect.
Teri grinned playfully. “You’re very hard!”
“Thanks to your talented fingers. Look at that, it still works!” He was trying to joke about it, but the relief in his voice was evident. He took his cock into his own hand, his joy palpable as he felt how hard he was. For the first time in years, I heard him giggle. He actually giggled! “Wow, that’s one crazy-hard little cock I’ve got here! Feel this thing, bud.”
I looked at him. “Thanks, but I’ll take your word for it.”
“Oh come on, it won’t bite you!”
I glanced at Teri and saw her watching me, a questioning but hopeful look in her eyes. I thought then, and think still, that she was judging me, waiting to see if I was too uptight to do this simple thing, to share in my best friend’s obvious joy and relief.
I sighed and put one hand on his shoulder, then carefully took his hard cock in my other, being careful to avoid the stitches on his groin. He was rock hard, almost unnaturally so, and I laughed as I squeezed his rigid shaft between my thumb and fingers. “Jesus! What did they do, put a steel bar in this thing? That’s insane, man!”
“Well, I haven’t had any kind of sex in days, so that’s probably part of it.” Almost of their own volition, my fingers slowly stroked his slender shaft; it felt natural and sensual, and I didn’t really think about it until he moaned softly. “Mmm, that feels so good.”
I stopped. “It doesn’t hurt?” I was a little embarrassed about enjoying the feel of his rock-hard cock in my hand.
“A little, but it hurts good. You don’t have to stop.”
“That’s okay, I’ll let Teri take over; she has more expertise in these matters.” I could tell he was mildly disappointed when I released him, but Teri immediately taking my place, her hand on his cock, was a fine consolation prize. I was hard too - I’d gotten hard while watching Teri fondle him in the first place, although not nearly as hard as he was – and the sensation of his hot, throbbing dick in my hand had done nothing to diminish my erection.
Teri was idly stroking the head of his cock, tickling the little slit with a fingertip, and he gasped, his hips moving as he thrust into her touch. She looked down at him and giggled. “Horny boy! I thought you said the doctor told you no sex for at least ten days.”
“He did… but god, that’s like forever! I can’t go ten days without getting my rocks off.”
“Well, I’m not going to help you disobey the doctor and hurt yourself. You could tear something.” She released him abruptly, and he stood there, robe open, pants around his ankles and his cock staring up at his chin.
He groaned. “Well fuck! It’s not fair that I have to have blue balls and bruised balls all at the same time…” He stopped himself suddenly and looked down at his damaged and diminished package. “Huh. I guess I’ll have to get used to using the singular form. I have blue ball… getting my rock off... jeez, that sounds weird, doesn’t it?”
I nodded. “A little, yeah. I guess we’ll all get used to it.”
“I guess. Are you guys sure it looks okay? I don’t look deformed or anything?”
Teri touched his face. “You look fine, baby. You’re still healing, so you’re a little bruised and swollen, but once the stitches are out, you’ll look fine.”
He looked at me, knowing I’d be honest with him. I shrugged. “Yeah, Jake, it looks okay. I mean, if I was going to have my balls decorated, I’d probably go with a tattoo or something rather than having them embroidered like that, but it’s a bold choice. Fancy, even.”
He and Teri both laughed, and he replied, “You’re an idiot. You’d tell me if I looked bad, unbalanced or anything, right?”
“Jake, who sees ‘em – I mean, you know, except you, me, and Teri? We're fine with it.” It was a cop-out, and he knew it.
“I guess. Thing is, the doctor said I can get a transplant. You know, if I choose.”
I stared. “Who the hell is going to donate a healthy testicle? Not me… I mean, I’d give you a kidney any day, or part of my liver, but I have a more emotional relationship with my balls than I do with my liver. Fuck, do they even do that, transplant balls?”
He shook his head. “No, no, not a real one. A fake nut, you know, a whatchacallit…”
Teri offered, “Implant? Prosthetic?”
He seized on it. “Yeah, that. That’s what the doctor said, for looks only. What do you think?”
Teri said, “I think it’s silly. I mean, you look fine, and look how hard you still are! You obviously don’t need a fake one, but if it’s that important to you….”
He looked at me, knowing I’d better understand the emotional impact of losing a nut since we were both male and seemingly psychically linked. “I dunno, Jake. Is it dangerous?”
He shrugged. “Not really. I guess you can always get an infection or something, possibly reject it, but it’s an outpatient surgery, nothing complicated. It’s a little expensive, but my dad said we could do it if I wanted.”
“Then why not? I mean, if you were seventy or something, no big deal, but we’re only eighteen. You don’t want to be walking around all off-balance the rest of your life.”
Teri laughed. “That doesn’t happen. You guys and your dangly bits… I mean, I’m fine with it either way, but I don’t see how it matters much.”
I looked at her. “It matters. Besides, don’t you want your boyfriend to be the bionic man?” ‘The Six-Million Dollar Man’ was still popular in reruns at that point, so it was a semi-timely reference. “Just think, a bionic ball; he’ll be able to come faster, shoot harder…”
She shook her head, still laughing but now looking at Jake. “I don’t need you to come any faster, so forget it if that’s one of the side effects, and if you spurt any harder I’ll have to stop giving you blowjobs or it will shoot out of my ears and nose! You come plenty just as you are.”
“Babe, I think I’d like to get one. It’s weird only having one, you know?”
“You’d probably adjust to it pretty quick.” She saw the look on his face and softened. “I can see it’s important to you, so do what you think is best. I’m behind you all the way, and I’ll love fondling you whether you have one or two. Or even three for that matter, if they’re having a buy one/get one free sale.”
He laughed, clearly relieved now that his mind was made up and she was on board. “I think I’ll stop at two, thanks. In the meantime, what am I supposed to do with this?” He slowly stroked his upright cock, which was still obscenely hard.
I said, “Don’t look at me when you say that,” and Teri politely declined as well, again claiming that she didn’t want to risk hurting him.
He continued to gently masturbate as he looked at us. “You know, just because I’m riding the bench it doesn’t mean that you two have to abstain.”
I was surprised to the point of being shocked. “Yeah?”
“Well yeah! I mean, you didn’t get kicked in the balls, and if you wait any longer, that thing that’s stretching your pants all out of shape is likely to burst out and go pussy hunting on its own. I’m glad that stroking my little stiffy gave you such a huge boner, by the way.”
“I was already hard…”
“I know. I saw, dude; I’m just yanking your chain.” He looked at Teri. “I’ll bet your panties are soaked too, right?”
She blushed scarlet. “That’s embarrassing!”
“But true, yes?”
“Well… yes, but still embarrassing.”
“Why should it be embarrassing? We both love it that you’re so horny, right?”
I agreed instantly. “Oh, hell yeah! In fact, knowing you’d be wet and horny from playing with him is what put the lead in my pencil.”
She laughed, then reached out and stroked my bulge. “That’s quite a pencil. The stories I could write with that… I’m insanely horny, but are you sure, Jake?”
“Absolutely – as long as I get to watch; I love watching you two. Maybe I'll even lend a helping hand or tongue or something occasionally.”
That was fine with me, and it was clearly fine with Teri as well, because she had my zipper down and was fishing my cock out before he finished speaking. As soon as she worked it into the open – not an easy task in my condition – she had me in her mouth. If I wasn’t already about 110% erect, she took care of the last couple of percentage points in a matter of moments and I was soon almost as hard as Jake was.
We both helped Teri out of her shirt, then I went to work on her tight jeans while Jake focused on her bra. When I had her jeans down around her ankles I paused, my face inches from her pussy. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating, a rich, sensual, fecund and wholly feminine scent that fogged my mind and made my cock throb; I was so aroused I was shaking and my cock was standing upright through my open zipper.
Jake had been right about her panties, the fabric pale blue above but dark and wet over her sex, the material clinging to her puffy nether-lips in a bewitchingly perfect cameltoe. I ran my fingers up her thigh and between her legs, where the feel of her wetness and her heat took my breath away.
My hands still shaking, I worked her panties down and kissed her mound, right at the top of her wet crevice, breathing her in, her astonishingly perfect scent flooding my nostrils and fanning my flames. I bent and carefully lifted one foot, working her jeans and her panties off her leg, then repeated it with the other until she was naked.
Looking up, I saw her and Jake watching me as he softly squeezed her left breast and tweaked her erect nipple. Her astonishing eyes were smoky with lust and her beautiful face flushed and moist with sex sweat, and Jake’s rigid dick was just inches to the right of my face, about the same height as Teri’s sex. I was wholly focused on her, however, as I put my hands on her hips and gently guided her back to the chair alongside Jake’s bed.
Once I’d lowered her into the chair, I put one hand under each of her slender calves and lifted her legs up and far apart, then leaned forward and buried my face in her gloriously wet, aroused sex. I went animalistic, I think, trying to consume her, to savor her, to make us one to the best of my ability, and to make her writhe and cry out as she came in a thunderous, sustained orgasm.
I licked and kissed, thrusting my tongue as deep into her as I could, and used tongue and lips to abuse her sex from her hard, erect clit to her tight little pucker until she begged for mercy, and then gave none. She was gasping and moaning and making unintelligible noises each time she came, thrusting her sex to my lips, and she came again and again, Jake avidly sucking her hard nipples as I ate her pussy. I hadn’t been with a lot of women at that point in my life, but neither before nor since have I found one as gloriously multi-orgasmic as Teri, and I wanted to take all she had.
When I paused for breath and looked up at her, my face soaked with her juices, she gasped, “In me… I need you in me now!”
That was a command that I was only too glad to obey, and as I moved into position, Jake seized my throbbing cock and guided me into her, stroking me as he did. I pushed deep in one long, slow thrust, and her body shook, quivering as if she was having a seizure. “Ohh god! Oh, my fucking goddd! Ohh, fuck, Jake… his cock is so good, so huge… Heath, oh god, fuck me!”
I did then, long and deep, Jake and I both staring down as my cock moved in and out of her, her pussy stretched tight around me and my shaft milky with her love juices. I was still wearing my jeans and was getting a white ring of sex glaze around my open zipper as we fucked, the fabric rubbing against my wet shaft, but I didn’t care; if necessary, I’d wear it as a badge of honor!
Next thing I knew, as I continued to move in and out of Teri, Jake was tugging at my belt and then pushing my pants down, then was down on his knees beside me, tugging them off. I shifted my weight so that he could get them out from under my knees, never allowing myself to slip free of her silken grip, and he soon had them off. Next, he tugged my shirt over my head, and then I was left in only my boxers, which he couldn’t remove with my cock poking out through the fly and buried inside his girl.
“Bud, pull out for a second and I’ll help you get those off.”
It didn’t matter to me whether they were on or off, but it seemed to matter to him, so I slowly pulled out of her. She gasped as I slipped free, my cock impossibly thick and hard, veins bulging under the creamy, shimmering glaze of Teri’s arousal.
Jake whispered, “Fuck, you’ve got a great cock.” He ran his fingers over me, feeling her slickness and tracing one of the pulsating veins before pulling my boxers out and past my erection, then pushed them down and removed them.
He touched me again, gently, his fingers closing around me almost reverently, licking his lips as he again guided me into her. She came yet again when I pushed deep, and again a minute later when Jake slid his hand between us and stroked her prominent clit. When his other hand snaked between my legs from behind and he began to tentatively fondle my dangling balls, I wondered if that was why he’d been so intent on getting me naked.
It was okay, though; I was so aroused, and so grateful for the opportunity he’d given us that I probably would have allowed him to do almost anything he wanted with my body at that moment. Plus, much as I hate to admit it, it felt pretty damn good!
I could feel my own orgasm building before much longer, that sensation of pressure and imminence, and him stroking my balls was only going to hasten the inevitable. I think I was about to tumble over the edge when he stopped and said, “Why don’t you sit in the chair for a while and let Teri ride you?”
I don’t know if he sensed my impending climax or it was sheer luck – probably the former since it was me and Jake – but Teri agreed readily. I reluctantly slid out of her again, and we swapped positions, me taking the chair, sweaty ass and all, my wet cock sticking up in the air from between my legs. I was a little surprised when Teri swung a leg over me with her delectable ass toward me rather than facing me, but I soon found out why.
She held my cock upright just long enough to lower herself down onto me, impaling herself and gasping as she took me balls-deep. She paused for a moment, adapting to me filling her in this new position, then looked at Jake, who'd been raptly watching as I disappeared into her, his cock still locked upright but a steady stream of clear precum now trickling down it. “Jake, sweety, I know your cock is out of the game, but your tongue still works…”
As if to clarify her intent, which seemed crystal clear to me, she ran her fingers down her tummy to her sex, stroking her puffy lips before continuing to the base of my shaft and my balls. I think Jake had already taken the less-than-subtle hint, but it took him no time at all after following the visual clues to kneel between our legs and apply tongue and lips to her needy, jutting clit.
I ran my hands up her sides and forward to her breasts, cupping them and tugging at her nipples. Every time I touched her breasts I marveled at the sensual feel of her hard nipples, and at how perfectly they filled my hands, as if made for them, and when holding them in a reach-around like this, from behind, the effect was amplified. I remain convinced to this day that pulling a woman back against you and fondling her tits from behind is by far the best way to do it… not that there’s a bad way.
With my fingers tweaking her sensitive nips and Jake’s tongue working avidly at her sex, she came almost immediately, hard and noisy, her pussy gripping and squeezing my cock with the rhythmic pulses of her orgasm as she again shook with the intensity of it. I was watching the taut, corded muscles in her back and shoulders a couple minutes later when she came a second time, straining with tension, her ass tensing hard as a rock against my belly as she clamped me in her tight sheath.
The change of positions, me slipping out of her for the brief time, had let me calm a bit and delayed my climax, but I was rushing back toward that precipice with her pussy working so hard on me. It didn’t help at all when I felt Jake move his tongue from her to me, first licking the small portion of my shaft that wasn’t buried in her, and then moving on to lick and suck at my balls. I guess he was just giving her a short reprieve, but soon it wasn’t going to matter.
When he slid his fingers under my balls and cradled them so that he could lick me more easily, his fingertips stroking that sensitive spot just behind my sack, I groaned, “Uunhh, Jake, fuck…”
“Feel good, big guy?”
It did, but I didn’t reply. He continued, his finger – the middle one, I’m sure – now tickling my asshole. “Jeez, Jake… don’t! Don’t... ohhh fuck, please!”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Stop. You’re going to make me come.”
“Well, yeah. I know. Duh.” He said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and then slowly slid his finger, slick with his saliva and our sex juices, into me, his tongue again stroking the base of my shaft as he did. He thrust deep, wiggling his finger along the way, and I came.
Holy fuck, did I come! Teri’s tight pussy encasing every bit of my cock, knowing I was deep inside of this incredible woman, his tongue on me, his fingers cupping my balls and one long, demanding finger deep in my ass, I came like a fucking locomotive.
There’s a song – ‘The Queen of Memphis’, I think - that says something about seeing stars dancing on the water and hearing Elvis sing "Blue Suede Shoes”. Well, I did all that and more, a veritable fireworks show and symphony in my head, The 1812 Overture, perhaps, cannons and all as I strained upward, thrusting and spurting hard into Teri, who came again as I pumped and flexed inside of her.
I’m not sure if I was trying to escape his invading finger or trying to ride it to Valhalla, but he stuck with me relentlessly, laughing maniacally and finger-fucking my ass as I flooded his girlfriend’s pussy with jet after jet of cum. I could feel it gushing out around my cock, too much for her with me already occupying most of the available space, but he never stopped licking and lapping at the place where we were all three joined as Teri came yet again.
It went on and on, feeling like it wasn’t going to end before I passed out; I don’t know when I quit squirting, but I know I was still trying to mightily, the muscles spasming and pumping long after he’d drained my tank as he continued to pet my prostate. It finally began to relent just a little, allowing me to regain just a fraction of my senses even though he was still eagerly thrusting his finger into me.
It was about then that I became aware of the patter of warm, wet drops falling on us and saw that Jake was coming spontaneously, his upright and rigid cock untouched but spurting fountain after fountain of gleaming white into the air, most of it spattering down onto Teri’s legs, stomach, and breasts but a fair amount also landing on me. He was groaning, but I couldn’t tell whether it was in pain or pleasure, or maybe some combination of the two.
Teri stilled on me, her pussy still gripping me as she stared down at Jake. “Jake, honey, you’re not supposed to do that!”
“Uunnnhh, fuck, I know! I didn’t do it, it just happened – and it’s not stopping!”
He was right; I think he must have launched at least a dozen impressive white ropes of cum high into the air to spatter down on us before it lessened and then subsided to a gentle milky flow that ran down his cock and dripped onto the floor. He groaned again, leaning his head forward against Teri’s taut, cum-slick tummy, his finger still inside of me but not moving. “Ohhh man, Jesus god… fucking hell…”
I asked, “Did that hurt?”
He nodded. “A little, yeah, but it didn’t matter. Mostly it just felt really, really good. I needed that, even if it was humiliating that it went off on its own – but look, I survived!”
“So far, you mean. Is that going to be a new skill, coming like that, with no help?”
He looked at me, aghast. “Fuck, I hope not!”
“I’m sure. I don’t suppose you want to take your finger out of my ass now…?”
“You like that?”
“It was… intense, I’ll say that. Take it out.”
“Nope.” He wiggled it instead, and my cock spasmed inside of Teri.
I groaned. “Jake, fuck! Stop that!”
She laughed. “Now you know what he did to me.”
“Yeah, he’s an asshole with an affinity for assholes.”
He laughed. “We seek our own kind.”
“I meant actual little tight, puckered pink assholes, you asshole.”
“I know, but you were right either way. I’m just here to give my friends pleasure; can I help it If they don’t appreciate my generosity?” He jammed his finger way deep into me again, and when I tensed and strained, I felt a tiny little remnant spurt of cum shoot through me and into her.
“Ohh, god, Jake, for fuck’s sake!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll show you some mercy. Do you want to take your horse cock out of my girl first, or should I pull the plug first?”
Teri took that one. “You first, Jakey; I’m enjoying Heath’s horse cock inside of me still, but he doesn’t sound nearly as fond of your finger.”
He slid it out of me, agonizingly slowly, although popping it out like a champagne cork might have been just as agonizing. I gasped when he slid free of me and tensed, making my slowly-softening cock leap inside of Teri, who tensed in response, squeezing my slippery, rubbery eel out of her in a gush of cum. We both laughed at the unintended consequences of Jake’s game, but quieted and stared at him when he eagerly dived in and began to lick up the spillage.
It was wild, it was disgusting, and it was intensely, insanely erotic to see him do that and seemingly enjoy it so much even as Teri and I enjoyed the sensation of his mouth on us. By the time he was done, Teri was again writhing with arousal and I was semi-hard and growing. Unfortunately, we knew we didn’t have unlimited time before his sister or his parents would show up so we didn’t pursue a second round.
We all trooped together to his bathroom, where we got ourselves cleaned up with washcloths and warm water before Teri helped to rebandage Jake’s incisions. We were quiet as we dressed, all of us a little stunned, I think, at what had occurred and the bridges we’d crossed. Jake, especially, had gone into taboo territory, but we’d been right there with him encouraging him with our response. In the end, we settled on just enjoying the afterglow and not talking about it, but it had definitely moved the bar.
We lost the state championship game by three points the following week; I remain convinced that we’d have won it handily if Jake had been available since too often our defense just couldn’t get a stop when we needed one; my buddy is a true difference-maker physically, and his will to win alone would have been a powerful force. It stung for a while, but we’d had a great season. For some of the seniors, the semi-final would be the end of their athletic triumphs so it probably hurt more for them, but others of us would have the opportunity to play at the college level.
The relationship between me, Teri and Jake continued throughout the remainder of our final high school year and the following summer, all three of us enjoying as much sex as we could fit in around school, parents, sports activities, summer jobs, and just our general social lives. He eventually got his bionic testicle and had to abstain again for a week or so, during which time he continued to encourage me and Teri to have sex so that he could watch and play with us. It was as close as I’d likely ever come, I figured, to having her to myself, so I jumped at the opportunity.
The two of them had opportunities when I wasn’t around, and of course, they took advantage of them, but I came to resent them having sex without me. Needless to say, I kept my simmering jealousy and envy to myself, even to the extent of willingly checking out and fondling his newly restored ballsack when offered the opportunity, and assuring him that it both felt and looked perfect; he seemed relieved that I’d given his restored balls my stamp of approval, laughing and joking about it. He’s a hard guy to resent, sometimes.
Teri and I had some opportunities without Jake too, but that was understood to be a non-starter. We’d touch sometimes, both of us horny and wanting more, and we kissed regularly, but she felt like anything more would be cheating on him and would go no further. I both resented and respected her for it, knowing that if I was in Jake’s shoes, I’d want her to be faithful too, at least in our unique way.
I couldn’t really complain; I spent a lot of time with them during those months, many times with both of us fucking Teri at the same time. His little ass-play trick on her had made her curious about anal, and when she discovered that she loved it, it opened the door to a number of DP opportunities, though always with Jake in her ass and me in her pussy. She claimed to be afraid to take my larger cock there for fear it would be painful, but I wondered if maybe it wasn’t the one thing she reserved for just the two of them to share. I didn’t mind at all, of course, since it left her sweet, hot pussy for me.
Naturally, with that now in the repertoire, he and I crossed swords occasionally and we could each feel the other inside of her, especially when either of us would come. I actually grew to enjoy that sensation of his cock throbbing and spurting inside of her, hard against mine through the thin membrane between, although I never admitted as much.
Jake, on the other hand, seemed to embrace all aspects of it and continued to touch and fondle me as Teri and I engaged. I loved fucking Teri – hell, doing anything with Teri – and learned to tolerate and perhaps even begin to enjoy Jake’s attention to my body as well. Still, much as I felt I should, I couldn’t break down that last barrier and return the favor, so anything between he and I was very one-way, and never without Teri in the middle of it.
I suspected that he was hoping that his finger up my ass would open me up to him anally as well, and maybe he even wanted to feel me take him that way, but that remained well beyond my limits, along with me performing any kind of oral sex on him. He, on the other hand, took to licking and sucking both of us whenever we were in a position that allowed for it, and he seemed to get incredibly aroused from cleaning us up after I’d come in her. I always found that a little weird, but it wasn’t unpleasant in any way, and he and Teri both loved it, so I went along.
We had each accepted football scholarships, Jake to Colorado State and me to the University of Wyoming. Teri enrolled at Colorado State as well, mostly to be with him while continuing her education, and as the time came for us to go to school in the fall my heart was breaking. The thought of being apart from them was constantly on my mind and it was almost unbearably difficult to contemplate.
It turned out to be every bit as bad as I’d imagined, my loneliness and longing for them compounded by my jealousy over Jake getting so much time alone with Teri, who I’d come to think of as ‘our girl’. It didn’t help that my body, used to very frequent sex, rebelled at the sudden withdrawal; I was a walking erection with no relief in sight. Filled with angst, depressed, lonely and horny is a bad combination, and after the first two weeks of school, I was ready to quit.
The reality, however, is that the two campuses are only a little over an hour apart in good weather, and Teri had the great idea for them to pay me a surprise visit on a Saturday night when both of our teams had played home games! I was overjoyed, my aches and pains and exhaustion from the hard-fought game against Boise State quickly forgotten.
I convinced my roommate to spend the night with another friend of ours and the three of us spent most of the night and the following Sunday getting intimately reacquainted; it was incredible, and it saved my scholarship. I stayed in school and that remained our pattern, either me driving down to Fort Collins or them driving up to Laramie, Wyoming on weekends when neither team played on the road. In addition, we were in the same conference and played each other, and I convinced Coach to let me stay in Fort Collins and find my own way back to campus after the Colorado State home game.
It was hilarious to be rolling around naked with him and Teri just hours after we’d been knocking the snot out of each other on the football field (mostly on special teams, as freshmen) but with him lying beneath us as I fucked her doggy-style, Teri sucking his cock and him licking my balls as I came deep inside of her, it was pretty easy to forget the hard hits and taunts. In addition, we’d won, so I was in a forgiving mood and let him suck my cock for a minute or two after I slipped out of her, before he moved on to licking her clean.
I had gradually gotten comfortable with that type of thing, little by little, and he seemed to accept that I was not going to reciprocate; I felt guilty about that sometimes and wished, in a way, that I could relax and just go with the flow, but it somehow didn’t seem to be within my abilities to drop those inhibitions and even try it out, experiment a little. I just couldn’t set aside my perception of who and what I was.
It also didn’t seem to be within my abilities to drop the envy and jealousy that I felt every time we’d part company and Teri went with Jake. I loved her, and I hated that feeling of her leaving with him; I loved him too, but sometimes I felt like I hated him almost as much, and that bothered me deeply.
I made other friends, so the weeks apart from them became less lonely, and I dated a few times, even managing to get laid occasionally when I found a girl as horny as I was. There’s not a lot to do in Laramie, Wyoming, so sex is always good for an evening’s entertainment, and it turned out, much to my surprise, that there were some girls that had the same attitude.
Nothing lasting, and I suspect that word of my size may have been all that turned a few of them my way, but it was fine. None of them were Teri, so my interest in them was somewhat superficial, but so was theirs in me – in fact, a couple of them even told me they had steady boyfriends ‘back home’, so not to get too attached. No problem!
After football season we found it even easier to be together, only the occasional winter storm keeping us apart on a weekend; it’s not a long drive, and in good weather it’s beautiful, but it's a treacherous drive on bad roads – if the road was even open! It worked well, and summer found us back together on the Western Slope, where we continued to treat sex as a three-person activity more often than not.
We continued that pattern through our first three years of college, and while not everything I wanted, it worked. I still longed to have her all to myself, whether for a day, a week, a month, or, in my wildest dreams, for life, but I’d have settled for just a few hours; alas, that was not to be and in the summer before our senior year, Jake dropped the bomb. He was going to ask Teri to marry him, and he wanted me to go with him to shop for a ring.
It was incredibly hard to act happy and excited for him when inside I was shattered, and when he informed me that he was going to ask me to be his best man if she said yes, it didn’t help at all. I knew she’d say yes, and I almost told him how I really felt and that I didn’t think I could handle the job, but in the end, I didn’t.
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When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
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The Fappening‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand as I started getting dressed. I knew it was Tara. She had been calling me non-stop for almost an hour. I shot her a quick text to let her know that I was okay. Just as I did John’s phone went off. I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I knew who it was. Of course it was Tara. I tried to busy myself with washing my face to drown out the conversation that they were having. As I walked towards the door John turned around but I just shook my head...
I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe' The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all the girls I hung with Rachel, Shannon and Tara I was sad to say the least experienced of all my friends when it came to sex having just lost my virginity a couple of years ago. Dont get me wrong Im not an ugly girl. I have long naturally curly black hair and...
lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5’5′.She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out. i would be working away lifting weights...
This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
This is part 2. Id recommend reading the first one before this one. Enjoy. Before reading, this I would recommend reading the first story. -We walked up the stairs then I realized how tired I was. Austin, I understand if you say no but I was wondering… can I sleep in your room tonight? I just dont want to sleep in the same bed as Kailyn He smiled a devious smile and his eyes lit up. Of course you can he replied. I smiled at him. I couldnt believe in anything that has happend. Im kind of glad...
Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5'5".She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out.i would be working away lifting weights...
Caught By Bestfriends MomWell it was the middle of the week and my friend had to show us something. Promised not to tell anyone. We were 16 and hormones rising. Curious how the female body works. Sure we've seen porns and stuff but it wasn't enough that we just masturbated to them. We went over to analyze some videos he had found in his parents room. We were all pretty excited. Three of us made a bet, who will get to lose their virginity first? We were all sitting around the TV right before the...
My best friend Steve,invited all the boys round for a forth of July party.Just the seven of us,drinking beer outside by the pool.It was a hot day,and the drink was flowing.Every year we have a little party for the guys,and the wives get together next door and do there own thing.were there,as we always are every year,talking shit,about cars and women,as we always do.Eventually,the subject came back to Nancy,Steves wife.We all want to fuck her,its no secret,even Steve jokes about it.She is way...
It was a typical Friday night. Amber and I were hanging out at her house like normal. It was our last weekend before school started. Our senior year it was going to be the best year yet. Amber’s older sister Jessica was in town for the weekend as well so we all were sitting around watching a movie and eating popcorn. I hardly ever seen Jessica, and kind of liked it that way. I had always been attracted to her for some reason. I wasn’t a lesbian at least I didn’t think I was. I had a boyfriend,...
It was a nice spring day. My 2 friends Jack, and Kevin and I went to a baseball game. We do everything together from fishing to watching movies and camping. But this day was different. After a great game we all went to Jack's house to spend the night. Jack is about 5 feet 10 inches tall a little chunky and he is hairy and tan. Kevin is about 5 feet 7 inches and is pale and thin. While at Jacks house we made some food watched some movies, played some video games and decided to go to bed. We were...
ok this is the most weird day i had and its true. one day me and my friend planned a sleepover at her house, we got to her bed room and she said she forgot something down stairs and she left me upstairs. im thinking "what a ass" and i hear the door across the hallway opening and their he was, her dad sexy,strong,six pack,young, and had cute brown hair,hotter then hell i blushed when he seen me and he smiled and said "oh you must be my little girls bestie" and laughed i laughed to and said yes,...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...
My friends mom was a woman who just had gotten done with a horrible divorce. I always went to over to play video games with Zach. I always had an eye on his hot mom. She was a little chunky and tall with long curly light brown hair. I couldn't get the fantasy out of my mind of her being naked. I always imagined her rubbing her fingers on her clit, begging me to fuck her. Then again, I was 16 and didn't think I had a chance with her. That didn't stop me from eyeing her though. I loved to look at...
I had been bestfriends with this girl for probably 2 years when this happened.One day after dropping my bestfriend off at home I started talking with my bestfriends mom in her living room.her daughter was sitting next to me on the couch. Both girls were very slim, and Italian. They both stood at around 5'4. My bf had tiny A cups, while her mom had slightly larger breasts. Anyway, my bf got a call on her cell and she said she had to go pick one of her friends up. I decided to stay since an...
Hie ISS readers, I am sri and this is my first story. This is my real story between me,my girlfriend and later my bestfriend(vikas),his girlfriend(meghana),i have a sexual desire on this meghana. First of all you have to know one thing that my gf is still using petticoats sized 85 and underwear of 85 name is amrutha(name changed),we usually talk a lot in phone and one day night we are normally talking in phone and i asked a kiss, with that kiss i became hot and my rod became semi...
This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
Straight SexI sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
First TimeIt all started when my mom was moving to California with her boyfriend , I didn't want to go so I moved in with my best friend, her mom, and her grandfather. It took my months to pack but finally I was out! (My best friends family and my family ed me pack.) I'm 23 and I'm basically always horny. I'm a straight A student and everything. I have huge juicy 36DDD boobs. A big fat ass. Hips to die for. Long blond & brown hair (up to my fat or skinny , I'm nicely thick with light Carmel skin. Well I...
Erotic FictionHe called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...
IncestI always thought my best friend's dad was hot. He's in his late 40's and in shape and his hair is greying at the temples, which I think is sexy and he's divorced. Last winter I went over to spend the night, but Lindsay was running late getting home from her boyfriend's house and as the weather got worse, she ended up getting snowed in. So did I. I was 18, but still lived at home. So after a couple of attempts at getting my car unstuck, I called home and let them know I was staying put. Greg was...
EroticAlright so me and my friend have been best friends for as longas i remember. We always chill or something. He is about 5-11 and im about 6-2, both kind of skinny but not to skinny. i went over to his house and we chilled till we decieded to go to bed. we were laying there and he was like "dude im so horny rite now" , my dick started to get hard, " me too man " i said " why dont you come up here with me" he said. i went up there and was wearing nothing but his boxers just like me. He rubbed his...
EroticHave you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesUnd draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...
BDSMMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...