Rebirthday free porn video

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Rebirthday It was the beginning of my senior year of college, and our fraternity was throwing the annual fresh meat back-to-school party. It's easily the best party of the year because it's our first chance to check out the crop of incoming freshmen girls. They're always so sexy, all dressed up and unsure of themselves, awkward and embarrassed by their blossoming 18 year old bodies, and they're always so worried that they have to put out or they'll get a bad reputation. And as usual I planned to start the year by screwing the hottest little girl there; "breaking her in" as we called it. It was simply understood that I had the right to pick and choose who I wanted because I'm Shane Daniels and everyone knows I'm easily the hottest guy on campus. I spend my summers modeling in New York, Paris and Milan, and my plan was to make a shitload of money on my looks as soon as I graduated. My smooth olive skin, green eyes, long eyelashes, full lips, high cheekbones, long wavy brown hair and slender athletic body make little college princesses drool and grown women stop in their tracks. At the party it didn't take long for me to find my latest conquest, because as soon as I poured my first drink the goddess of the freshman class walked in. She was amazing, with bright blue eyes and a head full of curly sandy blond hair. She was as tall as me, and was wearing a tiny black skirt and a tight red top that squeezed her magnificent tits up and out. She was young and hot and you could tell she knew it. So I swaggered right up to her, offered her a beer and asked her name. "My name is Not Interested, so you must be Out of Luck," she said, waving a sarcastic little goodbye while walking away. I never get rejected. It literally had never happened. Ever. So of course I had to have her. I spent the next few hours charming her and telling her about my modeling career and my grand financial goals, but nothing I did was going to get me between those magnificent legs. So I pretended to be interested in her as a person, which always worked in the past. Her name was Wendy and she grew up in Hollywood, the daughter of some rich and powerful entertainment lawyer or talent scout or agent or something or other. And she was so condescending when she told me she only dates famous actors or pro athletes, and I was, after all, "just a model." My frat brothers loved it. They were laughing and taunting me making a big deal out of the whole thing. So I absolutely HAD to have her, and not just because she was so damn hot. There was no way I was going to let a stuck-up 18 year old shoot me down like that. I had a certain reputation to uphold! But no matter how hard I tried, she blew me off and seemed to want nothing to do with me. As the night wore on and the alcohol started to take over, I started getting desperate. So I grabbed Mike, one of my trusted frat brothers, and let him know the situation. Mike is a big, muscular jock who intimidates girls into having sex. One night at a party, a particularly stubborn girl refused to give in, finally loudly shooting him down in front of everyone and embarrassing him in front of his frat brothers. So the next party we had, I made sure she was there by pretending to be interested in her and inviting her personally so Mike could get his revenge. Late that night he drugged her and carried her limp body up to his room and screwed her all night. The next morning she woke up and assumed that naturally she'd been a drunken slut. He raped her and she didn't even know it, which is exactly what I wanted to do to Wendy. So that's exactly what Mike and I did. It was easy slipping Wendy drugs because Mike and I were the ones fetching her fresh drinks. She loved the attention, having so much power over her love-struck suitors, making us run errands and get her drinks, and we played along because she had no idea what we were up to. By midnight, Wendy was near comatose up in my room, where Mike and I treated her helpless, limp body mercilessly. We took pictures of random objects jammed inside her, we covered her face with cum, coated her nose inside and out with her own juices, and tied her up and took hundreds of digital pictures. We fucked her for hours, long after the party had ended and the crowds had left, and made a video documenting it all. Eventually we got bored so we half dressed her and dumped her on the couch in the frat house common room and left her cum-stained sexy little black bra and panties on the floor next to her so everyone would know she'd been thoroughly broken in. We spent the next hour laughing our drunken asses off while we downloaded the pictures and videos to my computer. We printed out the best pictures and made a nice little Wendy photo album. At some point during the night she woke there, covered in her own drool and soaked in all the smells and tastes of the evening. I found out later that a bunch of my frat brothers had come and gone through the common room that night, and every one of them took sample squeezes of her magnificent tits and ass, fingered her holes, and one even contributed to the stains on her clothes, if you know what I mean. As it turns out, she did assume she'd gotten too wasted and been drunken- fucked, just like I'd planned. She was ashamed and embarrassed. Naturally she blamed herself and was humiliated, so she dragged herself out the back door as quickly as she could. That, thankfully, was the last I was going to hear from her. Or so I thought. The next day Mike and I picked our favorite pictures and let them magically appear on the frat house coffee table. Of course a few of the raunchier gang-bang pictures "somehow" got out to the rest of campus, so my reputation was fully intact. From then on things were great and the semester was flying by. Every time I saw Wendy on campus or at a party I'd make sure to give her a little wink and a smile, but I never gave her the time if day. I did her and I was done with her, and we both knew it. Fall semester was just about over and I was just finishing packing to head home for winter break when for some unknown reason Wendy showed up at my door, dressed to impress. "Hey Shane, I really, really need a favor," she said in a sexy little pouty voice. "For our final project, my Female Sexuality class is doing a study of what men want. It's due tomorrow, and I could really use the input of a guy as cute and popular as you." As she was saying all this she was twirling her hair with one hand and gently tracing the outline of her perfect tits with the other. "You'll get to look at pictures of beautiful naked women so you can pick exactly what you think is sexy. You'll get to pick personality traits, style, clothes, intelligence, you name it. You get to design the perfect girl!" Of course I jumped at the chance. Why wouldn't I? Looking at naked women sounded like a great way to spend the evening, and judging by the flirty, sexy way Wendy was propositioning me, I'd also get to screw the Hollywood Bitch again, except this time she was begging for it. So I postponed leaving until the next day and agreed to meet at her place at 7 that night. We spent hours drinking wine and flirting while we looked through binders full of pictures of tits and asses, lips and noses, thighs and eyes and eyebrows and legs. I asked where she got the pictures, which were a bit weird, kind of clinical and sterile, but she never answered. She just kept pushing drinks on me while having me specify every aspect of the perfect girl as she jotted down numbers and notes the whole time. She then had me choose clothing, lingerie, make-up, shoes and hairstyles from catalogs and books and magazines. I designed the perfect girl: she was hot and feminine and she had a magnificent body. She was delicate and sexy and submissive, and she wore just the right clothes to show it all off. As soon as Wendy proclaimed the assignment finished, I started to feel dizzy. I tried to stand up but I fell right back down. My legs were going numb and I couldn't talk. "How do you feel sweetie?" Wendy asked with a little grin. "Probably a lot like I felt just before I passed out and you and your friend raped me." I was shocked that she knew. How could she know? I tried to deny it, but I only managed to grunt, mumble and drool."Quiet sweetie," she said, pressing a finger to my lips. "I was suspicious as soon as I saw one of those pictures floating around campus. Something didn't look right, and I couldn't remember anything from that night. So I sneaked into your room a few weeks back to try to find out what really happened. You really shouldn't have left all those incriminating photos on your hard drive. All those pictures of you tying me up and then obviously raping my unconscious body won't look good in court. Neither will the video you drunken idiots made where you happily admit to it all. I don't think it would be very hard to get a jury to find you guilty, don't you think?" I slowly began to realize the seriousness of the situation. I could get expelled. I could get arrested. I could go to jail because of this bitch! I tried to talk my way out of it, just like I'd done a hundred times in the past when confronted by an angry ex, but I couldn't make a sound now. I was paralyzed and slowly losing consciousness. "Don't go to sleep just yet sweetheart," she said, "I want to give you something to think about while you drift in and out of sleep for the next few months. I want you to think about all those pictures of naked women. They all belong to my father. You see, he's an amazing Hollywood plastic surgeon, and he was very angry when I called him crying to tell him what you had done to his only daughter. He was the first person I talked to after I found out. At first he was going to call the police, but then he decided that wouldn't be punishment enough. So instead he was going to have you tortured and then maybe killed. But then he thought of something even better. He told me not to tell anyone anything, that he had a plan. Can you guess what it was?" she continued. "You just designed your idea of the perfect plastic surgery girl, and my daddy's a plastic surgeon. What do you think it all means, sweetie? Think about it while you sleep..." And with that I passed out. I can't clearly describe what happened next because for the longest time I wasn't really awake. It was like that moment just before you wake up from a dream, when you're still sleeping but somehow you know you're dreaming. I remember things in flashes, mostly taking place in a small nondescript white room full of doctors and nurses. There were beeping sounds and machines and lots of dull pain. I remember waking up to a face full of bandages and an aching body, to nurses huddled over me doing this and that with little instruments. And there was this reoccurring dream of a treadmill. I would be just awake enough to realize I was walking on the treadmill, but my body felt numb. I remember words of encouragement and instructions from the nurses who were holding me up, and there was always an odd sensation, like I was relearning to walk in an entirely new body and really uncomfortable shoes. As I drifted in and out, the thought of that feeling kept eating at me, and then one day, for just a moment, I was coherent enough to remember what Wendy had said just before I passed out, how her father was a surgeon bent on revenge, and suddenly I was terrified. She couldn't. She wouldn't... I was startled awake by the pungent scent of smelling salts. For the first time in who knows how long, I was fully aware, but I couldn't move and couldn't see anything. I was sitting in a chair, my hands were tied behind my back and I was blindfolded. As soon as I stirred, I heard Wendy's voice. "Welcome back sweetie! Today's a big day for you, it's your rebirthday!" she said with genuine enthusiasm. "But don't try to move or talk until I say you can, I have a surprise for you." I was dizzy, week and disoriented and was obviously in no position to protest, so I sat there in silence, and to my horror she explained everything. She explained how that night at her house her father and her had loaded my limp body into a van to take me to his private jet and eventually to his Hollywood clinic. How they had driven my car out to an isolated oceanside cliff, stuffed a suicide note in the glove box and pushed it off onto the rocks and surf below, and how I was presumed dead, my body lost to sea. She then read from a newspaper article from the day I had disappeared describing my untimely death, with initial police reports pointing towards a guilt-driven suicide. Then she read from another article from a few months later about Mike's rape conviction, a conviction won mainly because of the detailed confession in my suicide note where I implicated Mike and described where they could find all the pictures and video evidence. Mike was sentenced to 70 years with no possibility of parole due to the "brutal and inhumane nature of the crime", as the story went.And then she detailed my transformation. "My dad's clinic was designed to provide the utmost discretion to the world's rich and famous, so secretly transforming a nobody like you was easy," she began. "The nursing staff knows not to ask questions, not that any of them cared to. You were just another pretty boy getting the works, but just to be safe, daddy made sure you were incapable of talking to anyone. During the entire nine-month process, you were constantly drugged, so let me tell you what he did.""Your lowest ribs were removed, reshaped and grafted to your hips, giving you a nice wide ass. After that, you were squeezed into a tight little corset to heal. Now you have a permanently curved tiny little hourglass figure. Then daddy gave you the best C-cup tits money can buy and some really big, round ass implants to match. Of course you were also given lots of female hormones and a fatty liquid diet to get everything to fill out just right. Your muscles shrank and your body became nice and soft and just a tiny bit plump in all the right places. He used a laser to zap your pituitary gland, which stopped your body's nasty habit of making male hormones. With the same laser he fried your vocal chords, so now you have the breathy, squeaky little voice of teenage girl. Underneath your arms he put a bunch of time-release hormone implants that are flooding your bloodstream with female hormones, just like the birth control implants girls can get. But yours release much higher hormone levels, so you should expect to be a little emotional and moody, and very sexually excitable! The final procedure was, of course, your sex change, and daddy flew me all the way back to Hollywood to watch. I took pictures of the whole procedure if you'd like to see them later. Once all that healed, daddy took care of all the details. He reshaped your nose into a cute little upturned button, he softened your chin, he injected collagen to plump up those large lips and he surgically plumped up your nipples, so now they're permanently swollen and sticking straight out. That's a popular procedure in Hollywood these days, so daddy's very good at it! He can actually make nipples bigger and much more sensitive at the same time. Aren't you excited! Throughout her speech, I sat silently and quivered in horror. I imagined she was lying, that she was just trying to scare me, but I could tell she wasn't. I could feel the changes in my body, and I was too terrified to move when she suddenly removed the ties that bound my hands. "Stand up you little bitch!" she growled, and I slowly rose to my feet. Everything felt wrong, but I couldn't specifically tell why. "Before I take off your blindfold, let me just tell you, you are gorgeous, so be prepared. Daddy usually takes ugly, overweight people and makes them into beautiful movie stars, so it was really easy transforming a pretty boy like you into a sexy girl," and with that she removed my blindfold. The bedroom was lit by candlelight, and in front of me was a large wall- hanging mirror, and in it was my new reflection. For the longest time I just stood and stared. The girl in the mirror was spectacular. She had layered wavy shoulder-length auburn hair with streaks of blonde highlights. Most of her hair was tucked behind her ears, except for two small curly wisps that framed her magnificent face. Her green eyes sparkled and were highlighted by her delicately arched eyebrows, her full curved lashes, soft eye shadow and eyeliner. Her impossibly long lashes and perky little nose were the perfect compliment to her plump glossy-red blowjob lips. Around her slender neck was a wide black choker with a dangling pearl pendant that matched the earrings dangling >from her pierced ears. Her small shoulders and petite torso supported a full, round, beautiful set of breasts. Her swollen nipples and the lace texture of her bra were both easily visible through the thin fabric of her form-fitting burgundy long sleeve top, which showed off just enough of her perfect cleavage. Her tight top followed the narrowing curve of her tiny waist, stopping just above her navel to show off her belly ring. Just below that, the flare of her hips held up a tight black skirt that molded itself to the contours of her plump little ass. The lines of her panties and garters were slightly visible through the thin fabric, and her long, slender, shapely stocking-clad legs ended in a strappy black pair of ankle strap fuck-me pumps. She was absolutely magnificent, and I couldn't believe she was me. Or, more appropriately, I was now her. "What have you done?" I managed to softly gasp, and then I heard my breathy little voice and I gasped again. "You're your own dream girl, you dumb bitch, or can't you tell? You liked forcing yourself inside women, so my dad and I decided to make it a permanent condition. Your name is now Amber Cox, and you're an 18- year-old incoming freshman, fully enrolled and being subsidized by me, and tomorrow is the first day of fall semester. You've been out of it for quite some time Amber. Here's your driver's license and social security card." Wendy's father had every conceivable connection, and was able to get Amber Cox enrolled in school and obtain everything I would need to be an actual person, including a birth certificate and complete records of an imaginary set of parents. "You're a fashion design major, but don't go getting any grand ideas, sweetie, you'll probably end up a secretary or a trophy wife. From now on you will do whatever I tell you to. You have no choice. The police still have all the evidence of you raping me, so if I turn you in, you'll still go to prison for a very long time. Do you know how rape convictions work in this state? You're still legally male, so if you're sent to prison you'll be locked up with the hardest hard-core male sex offenders. Take a good long look at yourself, honey. You'd be the prison Barbie fuck- doll. Nothing I demand of you could possibly compare to the hell of prison. At least here at school you're free to just be a cute college girl. And don't even think about hurting me or hurting yourself. My dad already has contracts on your family set up, so if anything happens, they'll all die slow, painful, tortured deaths. Do you understand?" Wendy paused to allow the horror of prison life and the helplessness of my situation to sink in. I needed time to absorb what she was saying. My former self was now dead, and I was now an 18 year-old college girl who looked like a fucking Playmate? This couldn't be happening. I stood frozen, trying to grasp it all. I was completely helpless. I looked down to verify my reflection, and was answered with an eyeful of my own cleavage. I stood there for a moment longer, but there really was nothing to consider, I had no choice. I was trapped. Completely defeated, I nodded "yes." Then she asked "are you going to be a good girl?" And again I nodded yes, then I looked back up at myself. It was too much to take and I started to cry. But before I completely broke down and began to sob, Wendy decided to get the ball rolling and firmly grabbed my hand and led me out of the room and down a long hall.It was then that I first noticed the growing noise of conversation and music. It sounded like there were hundreds of people in the room we were quickly approaching. I should have been terrified, but instead I was suddenly overcome by all the strange and awkward sensations. I had been conscious for 5 minutes now, and had a lot of adjusting to do. My heels clicked sharply on the hardwood floor in time with my steps, and somehow I was managing to walk effortlessly and elegantly in very high heels. (The treadmill!) My hips swayed as I walked, and my breasts jiggled with each step. I couldn't stop thinking about my tits. They made me feel pathetic, like this new gender was ridiculing me. Then I noticed my nipples. They were sticking so far out in front of me and were so sensitive that it felt like I was being pulled down the hall by them. As I continued to walk, I noticed the smoothness of my legs, the fullness of my hips and ass, and the foreignness of my underwear. The straps of my bra tugged at my shoulders as my breasts bounced and swayed, and my smooth garter-framed ass cheeks squeezed the lacy thong jammed up my backside. For the first time, I started to really get a sense of what was between my legs. I noticed the sensation of sensitive folds of skin sliding past each other, of the moistness, and of the lack of my male organs. I felt vulnerable and half-naked, and knew my outfit was way too revealing, advertising every curve I had to offer. And the hormones had me frightened and excited and confused and about to burst into tears with every step. More than anything, though, I felt like a girl. I felt delicate and soft and curvaceous and fragile and smooth and submissive and vulnerable and feminine and pretty and completely humiliated. Bewildered by it all, I didn't even notice the door open and a room full of college guys turn and stare in slack-jawed amazement. It turns out Wendy was throwing this year's big back-to-school party, and all the guys were there for the annual freshman girl meat market, only now I was the hottest piece of meat on display. "Everyone, can I have your attention. This is Amber," Wendy shouted to the crowd. "She's a friend of mine and she'll be starting school here this year. She's the reason for this little back-to-school party, it's to celebrate her birthday, so everyone has to come wish her well. She's turning 18 tonight, which means she's completely legal boys, so if you're lucky you might get to spank her later!" The crowd roared and I stood there stunned. I didn't know where to look so I looked at the ground, even though I knew that was the wrong thing to do. My magnificent looks and now my obvious awkward shyness were the perfect mix. I knew every last guy in the room wanted to fuck me right there, and I almost threw up on the spot. At that moment, I felt all eyes on me, staring at me, measuring me up. My clothes felt even smaller and tighter, my tits seemed huge and my heels way too high. Wendy leaned over and gave me one last bit of advice before she walked away, leaving me there alone and helpless. "Be a good girl, be polite, say hello, bat your eyelashes, pout, stick out your tits and ass, mingle and flirt. If you're really good at it, I might not force you to let a boy take you to the back bedroom and fuck you like a whore," she said, emphasizing the "might" as if there was little chance of escaping my fate. "After all, you need to be broken in." Then she walked away with a smile and a wink. I was terrified and in shock. I had no idea what to do or how to act, but I definitely didn't want to be forced to have sex with a guy, so I decided to try my best to make it through the next few minutes until I could escape. But there was no escape. I had nowhere to go. I had no money, no home, and no identity. And who could I go to? The police? They'd either think I was insane, or they'd actually believe me, and in either case they'd arrest me on the spot. Could I call my parents and try to explain how their dead son is actually a transsexual rapist? No, I was definitely fucked. I looked up and felt the collective glare of a hundred college guys ready to attack me. I wanted to die, to hide, to disappear. I tried to look at the ground, which only made me stare at my own cleavage, so I tried to cover my breasts by folding my arms, but they were so big and completely foreign to me that I ended up just squeezing them together like I was trying to show them off. I avoided eye contact, spoke quietly and tried not to call attention to myself, which again had the opposite effect. I knew my bashful, coy mannerisms were driving guys crazy, but I couldn't help it. Whenever my dangling wisps of hair became annoying, I'd tuck them behind my ear in an involuntarily graceful feminine motion. Whenever my bra lace started to show, I clumsily tried to push my boob back down into my top. Whenever my skirt rode up and exposed my stocking top, a helpless little wince drifted over my face as I sheepishly pulled it back down. I was constantly fiddling with my earrings, feeling my lips and touching myself in all the wrong places. No matter what I did, I know I looked beautiful and sexy and I knew every guy wanted me. I could tell and I wanted to rip my clothes off and scream, but that wasn't such a good idea either. So I stood there and took it and tried my best to be Amber, the hottest incoming freshman girl in the new class. It's really all I could do. Soon enough, the vultures began circling, coming to introduce themselves and take a good stare. I knew why they were staring, I was completely flawless, like the glossy airbrushed photos of perfect magazine fantasy girls. The constant male attention was making me physically sick. One after the other they came to say hello, offering me drinks and touching me everywhere; my hands, my shoulders, the small of my back, my hips, my ass, and the occasional "accidental" brush against my tits which sent chills up my spine and swelled my already aching nipples. I didn't spend one second the rest of the night without a fresh drink in my hand, courtesy of my hopeful suitors. They wanted to get me drunk, and I was damn sure going to let them because I downed every last drink they gave me. I was hoping to pass out as soon as possible. As bad luck would have it, as soon as I was officially drunk, Amber settled on Alan, one my old frat brothers to be my "date". He was really similar to Mike in build and disposition: big, strong, mean, and horny as hell. When I saw her pointing at me and talking to him, I immediately panicked and scurried off to the corner and tried my best to hide. But Wendy kept pointing me out. Not that she had to, I had an obnoxious crowd of stupid drunk guys pawing at me so I was pretty hard to miss. Every time I looked up Alan was staring at my tits or my ass, and then he would catch my eye just before I looked away, embarrassed and terrified. I was inadvertently flirting like a pro. Of course he had no idea who I really was, and he obviously wanted to mount me as soon as he laid eyes on me. And Wendy was encouraging it the entire time, walking back and forth between the two of us. She would walk up to me and whisper orders in my ear ("smile, laugh, lick your lips, twirl your hair"), then she'd walk back to him and tell him God knows what. I knew it was only a matter of time before he forced me into that back room. But just to be cruel, I heard Wendy tell Alan that I was getting tired of waiting for him to sweep me away, to take me to the back bedroom and wish me a proper happy birthday. "Really?" Alan said, grinning from ear to ear. Wendy nodded, "Really Alan, I swear. She wants you now! You're all she's been talking about. She even set up the back bedroom with candles and now she's just waiting for you to take her back there!" When he heard this, he attacked. Alan strode right to me, using his considerable size and strength to cut straight through the crowd gathered around me. He quickly introduced himself, then grabbed my hand and roughly led me back down the hall towards the bedroom. It was difficult for me to keep up in my tight skirt and heels, but I had no choice as he continued to forcibly drag me down the hall. The seriousness of it all began to sink in. It seemed like yesterday I was sitting with Wendy, getting drunk and looking at pictures of naked women. Now suddenly I was the dream girl I had designed, and I was holding hands with a frat brother who represented everything strong, powerful and masculine in men, and who now wanted to fuck me. I tried to pretend everything was going to be OK. But it wasn't. The situation was surreal and completely out of my control. My tits were bouncing, my hips swaying and my high heels were clicking away as I was pulled into the privacy of that candle-lit back bedroom. As soon as we were inside he slammed the door behind me and roughly pulled on my hand, causing me to spin on my heels and collide with him face to face, my tits pressed against the mass of his chest. Alan's enormous shoulders engulfed me as I trembled with terrified anticipation. What was he going to do? I thought of everything I would do with a girl this hot, and I knew I was in trouble.Unfortunately, there was little I could do to stop it. He quickly wrapped his powerful arm around my tiny waist. With his other hand he grabbed a fistful of my hair at the base of my neck, tilting my head and pulling my face to his. "Wait," I said in a panic, but before I could think of something to say he roughly slid his tongue into my mouth. For the first instant, I stood perfectly still, his tongue invading my fat glossy lips, the feel of his masculine stubble strange against my soft, sensitive nose while my arms struggled against his iron grip. He was twice my size, and his powerful hands were controlling me entirely. I felt his hardening dick press against my belly ring and it was too much to take. I tried to push away, but he reached down and cupped my ass with both hands, further locking me in his embrace. He slid one hand up my side and left it just beside my breast, making sure I was completely aware of what he was about to do before he did it. I pulled my arm back in an effort to push him away again, but before I could, he cupped and fondled my tit, simultaneously grabbing my ass more firmly and shoving his tongue deeper into my mouth.I exploded in goose bumps when I felt his hand on my breast. In a panic I thrust my ass backwards trying to get away, but pressing my ass backwards just forced my tits up and further into his grasp while his tongue snaked deeper into my mouth. I was drunk and in shock, saturated by female hormones and now my body was full of bizarre, confusing and very intense sexual impulses. I accidentally let out a helpless little moan, mostly panicked disgust but now a tiny part drunken desire. I couldn't help it, the pleasure in my new body was defying me. Alan released my breast just long enough to pull down the front of my blouse and the lace of my bra to expose my swollen nipple. He squeezed it and rolled it between his fingers, and I squealed softly, muffled by his tongue in my mouth. It was like bolts of lightning arced between my two nipples, my new pussy and the little hairs on the back of my neck. It was disgusting and it was amazing, I was drunk and terrified, and now I was flooded with shivers and goose bumps. No one, no matter who they are, could have resisted this. I lost my head and began to willingly suck on his tongue as he gently tweaked my nipple, causing me to moan a lot more out of desire than disgust. I forgot where I was, who I was with, and who I had become. Alan sensed me yielding, and so he let me go and took a step back to admire his handiwork. I was left standing with my eyes tightly closed, my shoulders back, the front of my blouse pulled down and my tits still thrust out, one nipple exposed. My mouth was slightly open, lips moist from kissing, and I was breathing quickly, almost panting. I must have been quite a sight. Alan took a long look then stepped forward and grabbed me again, spinning me around, and before I could protest he had my blouse up over my head. With my arms and head trapped in the tangled sleeves, he yanked down my skirt then pulled my blouse the rest of the way off. In an instant I went from being fully dressed to standing in my bra, thong, garter belt, stockings, heels, earrings and choker. I was like a deer in the headlights. My own spectacular body was completely foreign to me, and now we were both getting our first look. All the terror of the evening came flooding back as I looked down at my body. I probably would have felt less naked had I been completely naked. The lingerie was so sexy, so feminine and it looked so damn good on me that I felt totally exposed and vulnerable. Not surprisingly, the sexy little black bra and thong set I was wearing was the same one Wendy had on the night we raped her. Now it was my turn. Alan grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the large full-length mirror and positioned me facing it. He stood directly behind me, towering over me and reached his hands under my arms to fondle my perfect breasts. Seeing myself like that shocked me again and I reached up to pull his hands off, but before I could he tossed my long hair to one side and began kissing the soft exposed nape of my neck and my earlobe. It sent chills up my back as I watched in the mirror. He pulled out my nipples, softly pinching both while continuing to suck on my ear, and I hated him for it, because it felt so fucking good. I wanted him to stop, to let me go, and yet I continued yielding, so he unclasped my bra and pushed the straps off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He grabbed my hands and forced them against the wall on either side of the mirror and whispered in my ear while his hands returned to play with my firm, sensitive, exposed tits. "I want you to stand still for me Amber," he whispered while pinching the ends of my nipples, "and watch in the mirror as I fuck you." Alan took a step back and tore off his clothes. The sight of his rock- hard penis in the mirror was shocking. I'd seen other guy's cocks before, but never as a girl, and I certainly never had to experience one, which gave me an entirely new perspective. I was now frozen with terror. My hands were glued to the wall on either side of the mirror and I was trembling. I nervously bit my lip, but then I caught a glimpse of how sexy a mostly-naked beautiful girl biting her lip in nervous, excited anticipation looked, so I looked down instead, just in time to see Alan grab the sides of my lacy panties and slide the thong, which was over my garters, out of my ass and down to the floor. I looked in the mirror, amazed and shocked by the reflection of my own feminine sexual perfection. That was the first time I saw it, the little lips hanging down below the neatly trimmed triangle of curly amber pubic hair, the silky smoothness of my thighs framing the perfectly curved gap of my crotch. In a humiliating touch of femininity, Wendy's father had tattooed a tiny pink flower on the inside of my left thigh which was now glistening with Alan's juices as the dripping head of his penis slid over it. I was about to cry at the sight of it when Alan used his powerful hands to arch my back until my round garter-framed ass was sticking out back towards him. He slid his right foot between my feet, forcing my right pump outwards along the floor and then did the same with my left. I was now standing in my heels with my hands against the wall, my legs spread and my ass sticking out, waiting to be penetrated. Alan spit into his hand, reached down between my legs and wet and spread my lips with his fingers while the head of his cock rubbed against my soft inner thigh. "Look me in the eye," he said as he slid his penis between his fingers and found my lips, waiting for me to comply. I was starring at myself in the mirror with a mixture of drunken horror and unbelievable lust. As soon as I looked up and made eye contact with him in the mirror he slid into me with a firm thrust and a powerful grunt. His cock was suddenly buried inside me, his pelvis pressed against my plump ass, and my mouth fell open with a gasp. That first instant was the most shocking, suddenly being penetrated while my heavy hanging tits quivered at the impact. I stared into his eyes and bit my lip again as slowly he began to slide in and out of me, his one hand on my hip, the other now tangled in my hair, firmly pulling me back against his thrusts. All the sensations of being penetrated instantly coursed through me. I felt the texture and heat of his cock inside of me, the erotic pressure against my sensitive inner walls, and the rhythmic swaying of my tits. I was being violated in a way I had never imagined, being taken and used and it was making me delirious. Alan continued to gently fuck me for a good long while, slowly building the tempo and pace until I was completely his. He let go of my hair and grasped at my tits, using them like handles as he began to forcibly bounce against my ass. His hot breath on my shoulder made my nipples tingle and his tongue and lips against my neck made me moan. His breathing was rapid and his thrusts more powerful now, his cock sliding in and out of me while my tits bounced in time with the impacts, ripples shuddering through the fleshy cheeks of my ass. Occasionally he would raise his powerful arm and bring it down with a loud open-handed smack against my ass, sending a shudder through me as I squeaked at the impact. I was now completely under his control, I was getting fucked like a whore and the sensations were unbelievable. I felt a strange erotic helplessness, like I somehow now belonged to him. I was now panting and squealing as the mirror become fogged by our breath, making the reflection of my glistening body that much more erotic in the soft candlelight. Somewhere inside, though, I refused to enjoy it, and I continued to fight it. I refused to let him know how good it felt, so I tried to be quiet, tried to be passive, but the slapping of his flesh against my ass was sending bolts of electricity through me, from the spikes of my high- heels to the tips of my mascara-covered lashes. I began to squeak in time with his impacts, and started voluntarily pushing my backside out to meet his thrusts halfway. No matter how hard I resisted, my drunken desires needed it to be deeper and harder and faster and so I began to buck.At that moment I looked back, over my shoulder and directly at him. He stared back at me, fucking and sweating and panting, until he leaned forward in the middle of this violent pounding to kiss me. I closed my eyes with his tongue in my mouth, and I felt the impending cascade of a climax start to build. All the muscles that used to run the length of my penis were now wrapped in and around the walls of my new vagina, so when my orgasm started, it began a stroking, squeezing, pulsing effect inside of me. Ironically, the same muscles I previously used to shoot cum into girls were now coaxing cum from my lover, and as soon as Alan felt it, it was all over. We came, long and hard and together. We kissed throughout, tongues intertwined, lips pressed together stifling grunts and squeaks as he shot his cum deep inside of me. We came together until we were both exhausted and done, and even then we continued to kiss, except now it was much slower, deeper and more passionate. I sucked on his thick tongue with my fat red lips as the quivering in my new pussy continued. I hate to admit it, but if there were a cock pointed at my face at that instant I would have eagerly sucked it. I was so excited and horny and humiliated and disgusted and satisfied, all at the same time. Finally, he relaxed his iron grip to catch his breath, his cock still rock hard and buried inside me. I opened my eyes only to see him staring at me, exhausted. He pulled out of me with a plop and stepped back. "Wow, that was great, but we should get back to the party," he casually said, not able to hide his widening grin knowing he was going to be met like a victorious conquering hero when he returned to the party. And his grin only got bigger as he wiped his dick off with my panties while nonchalantly picking up his clothes. I turned back to the mirror and saw myself, the glow of sex glistening over my curvaceous body. My tousled hair and smeared lipstick were like a neon sign that read, "Just been fucked." I stood there transfixed by my mostly naked image in the mirror, hearing him but not really listening. I was still buzzing with my climax, little muscles twitching inside my vagina. Just then a warm drop of his cum leaked out of me, sliding down the inside of my smooth thigh to the lacy top of my stocking, soaking it. I watched it and felt it, and suddenly I felt disgusting. Alan, like any guy would, finished dressing and walked out the door without saying another word, leaving me standing there leaking his cum. I heard the roar of the crowd greet him as I bent down to pick up my wet panties to wipe myself off, feeling my heavy tits hang. Bending over, I could see in the mirror the bright red imprint of Alan's hand on the side of my fleshy ass where he spanked me while he fucked me. I straightened back up and watched in the mirror as I spread my legs and wiped his cum from my stocking top, crotch and thigh, just like I had seen a hundred girls do a thousand times before and suddenly it was too much to take. Frustrated I violently threw the wet panties across the room, but instead of making me feel powerful and outraged like I would have as a guy, throwing the panties just made me feel more pathetic because it made more cum leak out of me and caused my boobs wobble violently. So like a girl I started to cry, slowly sinking to my knees. I didn't even hear Wendy come into the room. She picked up my panties and walked over and stood directly in front of me. I was still on my knees whimpering and looking down at my hanging tits and soaked, swollen, dripping crotch. She reached down and gently grasped my chin, raising my head until my eyes met hers. "Happy birthday, birthday girl" she said with a grin as she held my cum-stained panties in front of me. "You've made quite a mess of these, haven't you?" She dropped my panties and squatted down in front of me, steadying herself by lovingly holding my shoulder while staring directly into my tear-filled eyes, and suddenly there wasn't a trace of anger or smug satisfaction in her face. At that moment I swear I saw sympathy and compassion in her eyes. Gently she reached down and scooped up all the sticky globs of Alan's cum dripping out of my, helping me clean myself up. She softly slid the hand on my shoulder up to my hair as if to comfort me, or so I thought, because suddenly and very violently she jerked my head back, forcing my mouth to fall open in a startled gasp, smearing the thick sticky cum on my lips, making them glossy and wet. "There, now your lips look all sexy again bitch. Now get dressed, and fix the rest of your makeup and hair. You still have your first blowjob and your first ass-fucking tonight, so we have to find you another boy. But you're such a pretty girl and you already have quite a reputation, so it shouldn't be a problem finding another willing and able young man. In fact, this time I think you should pick him out yourself. You have 5 minutes to meet me back at the party and 5 more after that to choose your next boyfriend." With that she stood and walked out the door, and I instinctively licked the stickiness from my lips, tasting my future.

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Vampish Vanishree falls at Ashima

Hello ISS lovers! The following story was inspired by a brief line sent to me by one of my friends ( a female, of course! ). I hope you would love reading my first attempt to post a lesbian story for you to enjoy! Vanishree, was petite although she always evoked those usual glares from guys around. Migrating from a small town to a buzzing city wasn’t easy although she had begun coping up with the ordeals of being a part of the cosmopolitan. She wasn’t feeling humiliated anymore whenever guys...

1 year ago
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Adult Dazzle! Do you hate it when mother fuckers birade you for purchasing premium porn? I know you have heard all of the same bullshit in the past. “Bro, you can get porn for fucking free!” Yeah, you can get it for fucking free. Dogs also eat fucking scraps under the table for free, too.You are someone that understands if you want to get the best in life, you have to fucking pay for it. If you want the hottest and best porn out there on-demand, then naturally, you have to pay for that shit....

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Boarding School initiation

I was sent to a boarding school in Yorkshire when I was 13. I was sexually innocent and although I got regular erections I had never ejaculated and knew very little about it. The school house I was in had a dormitory with four corridors radiating from a central hallway with washrooms. Each corridor was separated into cubicles by wooden partitions, which gave some privacy although there was an opening in the top half of the door so that prefects and masters could check on us during the night....

4 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 17 The Council of War

Empress Xarina XII strode through her personal chambers as her body slaves prepared her clothing for the meeting. She stood with arms extended as the slaves wrapped a silk band around her breasts and tied it securely, followed by as hard leather corset that functioned as armor. A third slave wrapped her shaven pussy in a similar silk loincloth before the other slaves brought forth the thigh high armored boots. A long loin cloth was laced over her waist, followed by a light chain-mail skirt. A...

3 years ago
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The Red Dragon

I began my career in law enforcement as a Chicago beat cop. Since I was female with a cover-girl body, some favors were sent my way an in no time I passed my Detective exam and was promoted immediately. They needed a pretty face to take some heat off of their normal hiring policies and the pay was good, I loved what I was doing and who cares if my being promoted was political, I was still promoted and happy. Our division centered most of our efforts on the gangs with the most power, which meant...

1 year ago
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Noise complaint

I was in the kitchen getting ready to make a salad and the stove was on cause I was baking too I was getting a little hot. I went to the fridge and pulled out a cucumber and the butter. I went and closed the blimds and kneeled on a chair I slid the butter all over the cucumber and started swirling it around my asshole to give myself a little tease. Then I felt my pussy getting soaked. so I slammed the cucumber in my tight little asshole. I started pushing it deeper and deeper then I found...

3 years ago
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Lost in Subspace

10 minutes passed and I was still sitting alone in this corner, when I noticed a tall dark figure walking my way. His eyes were intense, and my crotch immediately responded to his penetrating stares. “Hello”, a smooth voice cooed, “What is your name, little girl?” I nearly giggled at being called a little girl, but I responded shakily that my name is Renee. His eyes swooped over my body, from my nervous hands, down to my short skirt that was beginning to ride up my thighs, exposing...

2 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 35

One of the trainers came over and handed me a hat and a tee shirt, both signifying we were Superbowl Champions. I tossed my helmet to the side, placing the cap on my head, I threw the tee shirt over my shoulder. Even though I had been fortunate enough to win a National Championship in college, that moment was pale compared to this one. The party on the field lasted for close to an hour, the team being awarded the trophy, Josh being named Superbowl MVP for his performance. Finally the entire...

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Synopsis. Akiko agrees to meet a man twice her age in a motorway service station. This delightful short story describes what happens when they meet and make love. Akiko By Elaine I stared at the clock on the wall! Was I early or was she late? I'd made good time driving down to Carlisle because of my early morning start and the light traffic. That meant I was in the motorway services ahead of her. Who is she? Akiko is her name and we had been online lovers and associates...

2 years ago
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Joan Padowski was a forty-four year old spinster. Her hair was blonde thanks to her monthly trip to the salon. She was about 5'4", 110 lbs, and starting to show that her body was aging due the wrinkles forming on her neck and under her blue eyes. She dressed conservatively. Blouses, skirts, pants suits, and dresses. Nothing sexy but attractive. She used to be pretty and could have easily married many times over but she felt it was her duty to live with and take care of her mother's slowly...

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Doppel Anal Geht es Es geht

Die Frage stellt sich mir nicht mehr. Ich darf allen Lesern mitteilen. Es funktioniert garantiert. Dabei ist es nicht eine Frage von Ort oder Zeit, nein höchstens eine Frage der Stellung. Da ich ein BBW Liebhaber bin, was soll ich nur machen ich liebe dicke echte Titten und dicke echt fette Ärsche, in deren Hautfalten man Titten, Bauch und Gesäßfalten ficken kann, ist die Durchführung des Vorhabens „lass uns zwei Schwänze in einen Arsch stecken“ viel einfacher. Allen schlankere Frauen zur...

3 years ago
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Trip to Mainz with Hannah and Tim

"Or" The question, if it was a question was left unfinished. A pause and a glance that said all that needed to be said. Hannah put an arm around each of our waists and pulled us towards her. I looked Tim in the eye and the look on his face said it all: neither of us had expected this. She had started off by explaining that she would sleep on the sofa and we should share the bed. Then as if by way as an afterthought she suggested another possibility. I had known Tim fifteen years. We were at...

First Time
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Lockdown Daughters Story Synopsis

During lockdown I got very frustrated and the only sexual satisfaction I was getting was from Patch licking my pussy through my knickers. This had to happen before I went to bed because Patch wasn't allowed to sleep in my bedroom, he always had to sleep in the kitchen. I have got this changed, and Patch is now a regular sexual partner in my bedroom. He often licks my wet cunt which I now offer to him, whilst I enjoy wanking him off, gathering his cum in to a glass which I then drink. I am...

1 year ago
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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

2 years ago
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When your crush is straight your bestfriend AND your roomie

My name is Julius. I am 18 years old. I am 5'4 tall. I have shoulder-length brown hair that I keep tied in a messy bun. I have large blue eyes and full red lips that compliments my flawless fair skin and soft cheekbones. I have a slender torso that curves beautifully at my waist giving me a nice bubble butt. I also have a 5 inch cock that occupies a pair of average sized balls. All together, I have a fairly girly-model appearance. I am kind, shy and often by myself. I like strawberries and...

3 years ago
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The Virgin Possessed

Freedom. I burst out of the depths of the earth into the sunlight, and savored my freedom. Long had pain and fire and darkness chained me. But I had slipped my bonds. I would not go back. Here was light and life and wonderful impurity. Lust brimmed in the world—filthy, depraved, selfish desire. It was— Purity marred it. A scent of lilac, so innocent and pure, nauseated me, begging for defilement. A need filled me, forming an ache between my disembodied thighs and hardening my ethereal...

2 years ago
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Sushils Wife Entertains Guests Chapter 3

Rajesh and Sanjay were still being serviced by Anitha, their household helper woman. One day she brought an attractive young woman with her. “This is Parul, my daughter. She is staying with me to help care for her stepfather who, as you know, is getting sicker. She wanted to meet someone closer to her own age. I thought of you Sanjay.” Parul greeted him and asked, “Will you take a walk with me. I’d like to get to know you and I have something to talk about.” As they walked around the...

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DiaryOfANanny Elena Koshka 24019

Nanny Elena Koshka is elated. Her employer, Mr. Dera, has offered her room and board at his house since she’s starting school soon at the local university, which is more than helpful to her. However, the Russian beauty mistakes his invitation as one of romance, considering his recent break-up with his wife, and prepares for his return home from work by getting all dolled up and readying her pussy with her vibrator. He declines her advances at first, but her long legs, soft skin and striking...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Paulina Ruiz Sperm Across Her Face

Paulina Ruiz came to clean Jonathan Jordan’s house. He claimed to be a film student and needed to practice with his camera. That’s why he was filming her. And then he whipped out $200 in cash for her to clean without the top. Then without pants, then the panties. There she was, cleaning all naked. Cleaning the natural way. As she was making the bed she turned around and there was Jonathan. With a giant erect dick just sitting there and striking it. Wow what a dick. She was intrigued. She came...


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