In My Dad's Panties free porn video

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In My Dad's Panties by Richard-to-Rachel I knew my parents hadn't been getting along at all well recently and I had even begun to fear that they may some day be getting a divorce, but still the discovery that my father could be having an affair came as both a shock and something really quite distressing. It was the first time I had to confront the truth that my parents' split was a very real possibility but, worse, I also had to deal with the fact that this may in fact be preferable to what was happening, my dad cheating and lying to my mum. It started, as ever, with little things. He would show up home late after work and spend unscheduled nights away at "conferences". I honestly don't believe my mother even noticed these changes so wrapped up she was in her own business, but that's what made it worse for me to suspect it. My suspicions were much further aroused by another discovery one day when I was alone in the house. I had recently graduated from university and had moved back to my parents' house while looking for a job, which mostly meant I was at home on my own all day not doing very much. One afternoon, I was bored and so I went into my parents' bedroom to try and retrieve a book I had lent to my dad to read. The book wasn't on the bedside table but I thought I saw something poking out from under the bed. I got down on my knees and looked under the bed and found the book but while I was down there, my eyes were drawn to something else. Stuffed down the back of the bed, there was a pair of sexy panties. They were red and lacy and rather thrilling, the kind of sexy lingerie a woman wears to please her man. Now, I knew better than perhaps I should just what the quality of my mother's underwear was like and there was no fancy,sexy lingerie, so I instantly thought that this must belong to another woman, that my dad had brought another woman home and slept with her right here. Still, I didn't completely panic. After all, maybe I didn't know my mother as well as I thought I did, maybe she had bought these panties as part of an attempt to rekindle her failing marriage. Never the less, with my suspicions aroused, I spent more and more of my time worrying about my father's possible affair and trying my hardest to find evidence to confirm or, as I hoped but knew deep down would never find, deny my suspicions. I got my chance one day when it was just me and him at home. We were sitting in the living room together and the phone rang. As I was about to get up and answer it, he said he would do it and dashed into the next room. Sensing something was up, I hurried upstairs to pick up the other phone and listen in on the line. What I heard was my dad talking to a woman, a woman with a deep, husky, sensual voice, a woman who told him in no uncertain terms that she needed him now and to come to her room at a certain hotel immediately. As soon as I heard the click of the phone being hung up, I hurried back downstairs, just managing to beat my father back to the living room. He looked flustered and embarrassed as he came back in. He made excuses, something urgent at work, they needed him to come in right now (it was Saturday, this didn't seem convincing but he didn't seem to try and argue a convincing argument). Then he hurried upstairs and about ten minutes later had headed out of the house. Once he was a safe distance away, I too left the house and headed for the hotel the sensual voiced woman had mentioned on the phone. I had no idea what I was going to do when I got there, come storming in and confront my dad with the evidence of his affair and break up my parents' marriage? That didn't seem like something I was likely to do but I couldn't help going, I had to know, I had to find out what was going on and then at least do something about it. When I got to the hotel, I found the room easily but hesitated standing outside, my hand raised to knock but going no further. Putting my ear to the door, I heard muffled groans and voices but I could make nothing out, but the sense that it gave me was not of one that went against my earlier thoughts and fears. Still, like a coward, I waited. Too scared to leave but without any idea of what I would do and certainly not about to interrupt my father mid-sex with his mistress. After some time of waiting and still not knowing what to do, I heard the turn of the door knob. Fortunately, I managed to hide myself in an alcove in time for my father to exit the room without seeing me. He looked even more flustered than he had when he left the house but also had a certain glow of pleasure. As he walked away down the corridor and headed back home, I knew I had to do something. I had to go back to the room and confront his mistress. I had to at least see her, find out what she was like, attempt to understand what it was about her that made my father stray away. Well, it was now or never. I knocked on the door and in a few moments standing before me was one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever laid eyes on. She was probably about 35, tall and slender, towering over my slight frame, with long legs. Dressed in just a short white silk chemise that showed off those beautiful legs and clung around her massive round breasts. She had cascades of dark hair all around a strikingly gorgeous face with full lips and dark eyes with very long lashes. For a few seconds, all I could do was stand there and stare open mouthed at her. I guess now I could tell at least a little why my dad had been tempted to stray from my mother to this extraordinary beauty. I was struck dumb, completely unable to come up with something to say. After a minute of this, she was forced to speak, smiling at me and using the same deep, husky tones she had used on the phone when I had listened in on her and my father. "Hi there, what can I do for you?" "" I couldn't think of what to say, and, in a moment of blind panic, I found myself unwittingly telling the truth, "That man who was just here...." "Yes..." "That was my dad..." "...Oh. Right," she replied, not seeming too surprised at this turn of events or too put out to be confronted by the son of the man she was having an affair with, "So you're Alex junior. Alex has told me so much about you, I've just been dying to meet you and find out if you're just like him! Come on in." She stood out of the doorway and let me into the room. It was a typical, large-ish, uniformly furnitured hotel room just like thousands of others, with a double bed on which she sat down on, patting the spot next to her to motion me to sit beside her. Still a little in awe of this leggy, commanding beauty, I followed her unquestioningly and sat beside her on the bed. "So, I guess you probably followed your dad here," she said, speaking rationally and in a friendly fashion that I had completely not expected, "You were bound to find out sooner or later....I'm Leah, in case you didn't know." "Nice to meet you, Leah," I extended my hand for her to shake. What the hell was I doing? I had come here to confront the woman my dad was sleeping with and here I was, pleased to meet her, sitting on her bed having a pleasant conversation. "So, Richard, what do you think?" she said, indicating herself, "Am I what you expected? Do you see what your dad sees in me?" She gave me a cheeky, flirtatious smile. Was my dad's mistress trying to flirt with me? What was I supposed to do? I wasn't really in control of my actions, it was as if her incredible looks were making me lose track of my senses. "I think you're beautiful, Leah," I found myself saying, "My dad is one lucky guy!" "You're not so bad yourself," she smiled, moving up closer to me and running her hand up my arm, "A cute little thing like you. You obviously take after your dad a bit." She was now snuggling up very close to me, our faces were almost touching as she stroked her hand across my cheek with her gorgeous lips right next to mine, "Would you like to be getting a little of what he's getting?" she whispered saucily. Before I knew what was happening, we were kissing, passionately locking our lips and her tongue had invaded my mouth. I did nothing to resist, throwing my hands around her and running them through her long, dark, shiny hair and down her back, feeling the soft silk of her chemise and the curve of her beautiful feminine body. I could feel an erection already growing in my pants. She slid the straps of her chemise down her arms as she broke from the kiss and let her great orbs of flesh that made up her breasts spill out. I buried my face in her delightful cleavage. Cupping a breast in each hand, I began to massage them as I covered them in kisses. "Ooo, mmmm, eager little thing, aren't you?" she sighed. "Just like your dad, he loves to suck on my nipples." As if this was a piece of encouragement for me to do the same, I took her nipple in my lips and sucked on it, flicking my tongue across it. "Oh yes, that's it, that's the way daddy does it," she moaned, "you know what else he likes to get his lips around?" she asked as she slid the hem of her chemise up her thighs so it was all bunched around her waist. As I took my mouth from her beautiful breast, I looked down and got the shock of my life. Leah's elegant long fingers were wrapped around a long, thick eight inch cock, slowly stroking it and making it harder. It wasn't mine either, mine wasn't even close to being that long. It was her own! My dad's hot mistress was a gorgeous shemale with a thick cock bigger than mine! Once again, I found myself staring open mouthed at her hot man meat, shaved completely hairless and cut with the purple head exposed and glistening with pre-cum while the thick shaft was becoming hard and veiny. Although I had never considered myself gay or attracted to other men or their dicks before, I couldn't take my eyes of this one, coming from the body of a beautiful woman. "Oh God," I sighed, "It's sooo big....." "Much bigger than yours, I bet, if your dad's anything to go by," she laughed, "I bet you'd like a taste too, wouldn't you honey? The moment I saw you I figured you for a cocksucking sissy just like your dad!" As if in a trance, I bent over her and took her shaft in my hand, beginning to wank it as I licked my tongue along the underside of her thick member, running all along the length of it to the swollen head which I then licked all around in a circular motion. I'd never done this before yet every fibre of my being was driving me on to do it and I felt like I knew just what to do. I inhaled the musky scent of her hard dick and opened my lips to let the head into the wet warmth of my mouth. "Oh baby, that's it, suck me, eat my cock," Leah moaned. I let it slip from my mouth as I continued to stroke her long shaft. "Mmmm, Leah, now I see completely what my dad sees in you," I sighed, "your cock is sooo beautiful and tasty, all I want to do is suck it." "Oooo, baby, so eager, so keen on a nice juicy cock, just like your pretty sissy daddy," she sighed as I went back down on her, this time suckling on her shaved balls before kissing all the way up her beautiful shaft. From down here, the view was quite incredible, a massive, thick cock right before my eyes, smooth, feminine thighs beside my head and, stretching away from me, a hot feminine body wrapped in silk and with two incredible mounds for tits and a beautiful face with red lips open wide in an "o" of delight and dark eyes looking lustfully down on me as I took her cock back inside my mouth and started to bob up and down on it, before removing it to lick once more all over the shaft. I continued like this, alternating taking a couple of inches inside my mouth with licking all around the shaft and suckling on her balls until her shaft was as thick and bulging as it could be. Meanwhile, my own cock was almost as hard and straining against my pants. It was amazing quite how aroused I was. I had never felt this turned on before and what was giving me that incredible hard-on was wrapping my lips around a gorgeous hard cock belonging to one of the most stunning women I had ever seen. "Oh yeah, that's it, oh your a natural cocksucker," Leah sighed, "you just couldn't resist it. Such a little sissy, you've always wanted a girl with a thick, juicy cock, you just never realised it until now. Just like that sissy you call daddy. He couldn't resist either, the second he saw my hard meat then any thought of his wife went from his mind and all he wanted to do was suck dick. How does it make you feel to be just like him? To be sucking the same cock that your daddy loves so much. Oh and he's already sucked me sooo gooood today, what would he think to see his son sucking the same cock that's just been inside him? Maybe you can taste him on me. I stuck this meat deep up his arse too, fucked that sissy sooo hard and now you're tasting daddy's arse on my fat cock!" God, it felt so naughty, so kinky, to be reminded by Leah that not only was she turning me onto sucking cock but that it was the same cock that she used my dad with less than an hour before. It made me even harder the thought of him being so enthralled by it and that the taste I was delighting in on Leah's cock wasn't just her but him as well. It was so wrong yet it made me feel even more excited. As I continued to suck her off, my eyes glanced further around the room and alighted on something I hadn't seen before. Lying in a heap on the floor, there was some discarded lingerie, very sexy pink satin bra, panties and garter belt with a pair of sheer black stockings. They were so gorgeous, so sensual. They reminded me instantly of the panties I had found that time in my parents' bedroom. They were just the kind of thing I loved to see on a sexy slut, the kind who loved sucking cock as much as I was starting to. "Mmmm, whose sexy panties are those, Leah?" I said, as I took my lips from around her cock. "Have you had another hottie in here with my dad?" "Sort of," she giggled, "those pretty panties are your daddy's! He's such a dirty sissy, he likes nothing more than to get dolled up in girly lingerie while he sucks cock just like a real slut." I couldn't help myself. I got up from the bed and walked over to pick up the pretty satin lingerie and examine it. Leah laughed again. "Wow, you've just gotta be just like your sissy daddy, don't you baby?" she said. "Well, why don't you put them on?" I quickly stripped from my boyish clothes and dumped them in the corner. I lifted the pink satin panties and noticed they were stiff and sticky with a white substance. I sniffed at them. "Ha," laughed Leah, "your daddy was a little too eager, the sissy creamed inside his own panties!" Far from putting me off, I found the smell of my dad's cum in his sexy panties to be intoxicating, imagining him dolled up and feminine, his cock stretching the panties as he soaked them with his cum, was an incredible turn on. I stepped into the panties and slid them up my legs, the satin feeling soft and sensual on my arse. My cock strained further to give them an entirely unfeminine outline. "Ooo, you are a kinky one, baby, loving wearing his daddy's soiled and stained panties!" With Leah's help, I slipped into the matching pink satin bra and filled the cup with tissue paper to give me some decent size breasts. I clipped the garter belt around my waist and then sat on the bed and rolled the sheer stockings slowly up my legs, fortunately I was mostly hairless so they made my legs look just like sexy girl's legs, they felt so good against my skin that I almost followed my dad's example and filled his panties with a cum load of my own. My girly look was completed as Leah applied some make-up and whorish bright red lipstick. "Wow," she said when I was fully dressed in the pink lingerie, "you make a very pretty sissy slut. Just like Alicia. That's what I call your girly bitch daddy when he's dressed up for me. I see little Alicia's just the same, a sissy boy-daughter for a girly father." I got up and stood in front of the mirror and was amazed. From behind, I certainly looked like a hot young girl. In the satin panties I was aware of what a cute butt and narrow waist I actually had, and my legs looked great in the stockings with the seams up the back. From the front, my made up face looked appealingly feminine but the illusion was shattered by the tent in my panties and the swollen head of my cock straining against, and pushing out of, the waistband, up against where my dad had already stained them that afternoon, a permanent reminder of the fact that I was stepping into my father's soiled sissy panties and becoming a cockslut for his tranny mistress. "Now, stop admiring your girly looks, and come and satisfy me, little sissy Alicia," Leah commanded and I was only too eager to obey. She stood in a dominant pose, with her long legs open and her hard cock jutting forward threateningly from her curvy female body. She pushed me to my knees in front of her and thrust her cock in my face. I opened my lips and let it slide inside my mouth, instantly swallowing almost six inches until it hit the back of my throat. I let it slide back out of my mouth and was aroused and excited as the lipstick smeared from my lips across the shaft, it really made me feel like a whore and a true cocksucking slut. I wondered if this was what my dad felt like in these sexy panties, on his knees with Leah's dick in his mouth. Dolled up as a girly slut, I had lost all my inhibitions and was able to eagerly slobber all over my shemale mistress' hard cock, taking as much of it in my warm wet mouth as I could, feeling all its throbbing warmth inside my throat. "Oooo, oh, fuck, oh God, yeah, Alicia, you sissy whore!" Leah moaned and sighed. "Fuck you suck cock just as good as your daddy-slut, my other bitch Alicia. I bet your cocksucking whore-daddy would be proud of his slut daughter and her cocksucking skills. Mmmm, and it's turning you on too isn't it, playing the dirty slut, your girly cock soooo hard in daddy's pink panties, thinking of him being a submissive sissy just like you. It turns you on to think of him sucking my cock too, doesn't it, bitch? I know kinky sissies like you, little Alicia, you just wanna be like your sissy daddy, wear the same panties as him, drink the same cum as him, get fucked by the same cock as him! Just think of him watching, looking on as I feminise his son into a dirty crossdressing sissy bitch just like him, a girly whore who thinks of nothing but cock and satisfying her hung mistress!" As I sucked and slobbered and drooled all over Leah's wet cock, I couldn't help letting it slip from my mouth and, as I eagerly licked up the salty clear pre-cum that shined on the head of it, answering her. "Oh yes, Leah, my gorgeous mistress, I do want to be just like my sissy- daddy, I want to pleasure you just like he does, and be your bitch, your dirty boy-slut. It turns me on so to suck your cock just like he does, I want to be your Alicia too! I can be just as good a slut as him. I want your cock so bad, I want to be covered in your cum just like a good sissy slut should, just like my girly daddy does!" As I continued to suck on her cock, I realised that there was something else I wanted to, something else that Leah liked to do to my slut dad, something else that a dirty whore bitch like me should have done to them. I was starting to long to get fucked, to feel her big hard cock penetrating my little arse. I don't know when this had happened, this morning I hadn't even thought this way at all about cock, in fact I was worried about my dad cheating on my mum, now I just wanted to be used like him, be fucked like him. As the desire turned into a deep yearning, there wasn't anything I could do but beg. "Oh Leah, please would you fuck me!" I moaned, "Fuck my tight arse like you do with my daddy Alicia, I want to be made into a real girly slut just like him! I want to feel your big dick deep inside me, penetrating me while I lie there and take it like a whore!" "Wow, little Alicia, you really are eager, more so even than your slutty daddy, he didn't dare beg me to take his arse until he'd sucked my cock three times!" Leah laughed. "Well it would be cruel to deny a dirty whore the arse fucking she so desires. Get on the bed and open your legs." I sat on the bed and lay back so my legs dangled from the edge. Leah came over and stood between where I opened my stockinged legs. She pulled them up so my ankles were on her shoulders and my panty clad arse stuck up a little. She languidly and sexily licked one of her long, elegant fingers and, pulling aside my pink satin panties, began to work it around my arse, loosening me up for her monster member. Soon I was riding my arse back against three fingers and loving the feel of being filled up by them. Now was the time, Leah withdrew her fingers and pushed the head of her cock, still slick with my saliva against my tight anus. I tried to relax as she slowly pushed her meat inside me but the pain was still quite something, however I let her continue to impale me as it also felt so good to have my little sissy body stuck on the end of her huge cock. She pulled out and then pushed back in deeper. Again, and deeper once more. Before I knew it, her thighs were pressed against mine and her balls slapping my arse. She had buried her whole eight inches inside me and my whole body was on fire with arousal, totally stimulated in joyfully deep places. "Oh yeah, Leah, fuck me. Fuck me now! Pleeease! I want you to take my sissy cherry and use me like a little whore!" I moaned, begging desperately. "Oooo your cock feels soooo good in my arse, I feel just like a real girly slut. I can see why my girly daddy loves this so much!" Leah began to really go at it now. Pulling out and then ploughing forcefully back into my arse, using my lingerie clad body as her own little fucktoy, rocking my body back and forth with the force of her thrusts as her balls slapped up against my arse and I felt completely torn apart by her massive meat, violating me, taking my virginity, and me lying on my back rubbing my own hard dick through the satin of my panties and loving every moment of it. As I looked down my body and up to hers, the sight was something quite remarkable and truly arousing. My own body was slight and pretty and feminine with a pink satin bra and panties and my garter belt holding up sheer black stockings only there was a great bulge in my panties, beyond that my arse was being violated by a huge cock which jutted out of the body of a tall, leggy dark haired beauty, the lovely Leah whose naked body was a paragon of feminine beauty with her huge round breasts swinging and jiggling back and forth as she rammed her cock into my arse. Her gorgeous face was a picture of beautiful ecstasy. "Aaah ooooh uh, fuck Alicia your arse is so tight. It feels so great around my big thick cock," those full red lips moaned, "oh yeah, and you look such a pretty sissy on your back with your stockinged legs open, taking it hard up the arse like a naughty whore. A naughty whore like your own sissy daddy. Mmmm, and your cock is so hard. Are you going to cum for me sissy? Do you want to cum with my big cock in your arse? Fill your daddy's sexy panties with your creamy juices!" "Oh God yeah, Leah, fuck me! Fuck my virgin sissy arse! I'm your girly bitch and I love to be fucked! Oh aah AAAH! Harder! Oh, fuck me harder, Leah! Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum!" I was now screaming loudly as I shoved my girly arse back to meet Leah's deep thrusts, wanting her as deep inside me as possible. My body was on fire and shaking as I felt the first wave of an incredible orgasm hit me. My hand was still stroking my cock through the satin of my dad's pink panties as Leah violated my virgin arse and now my cock began to blow its load, shooting up inside my panties and out across my chest. "Uh, aaah, that's it. I'm cumming! Ohh, Leah, your lovely hard cock in my arse is making me cum, making me cream inside my slut daddy's panties just like he did for you before!" As I blew my creamy load into my sexy satin panties, I arched my back, thrust upwards and my already tight little arse clenched tighter around Leah's huge cock. This seemed to be enough to send her over the edge as I felt her gushing inside me, her own milky white cum filling my arse as she groaned and sighed even louder. "Oh yes, oh little Alicia you dirty whore, your making me cum now! Just like your sissy daddy Alicia, I just can't resist you and girly arses, I just gotta fill them with my big cock and loads of cum! Oh yeah, oh fuck, mmm here comes some more! Look what you've done to your sissy daddy's panties. Stained with your cum and his! You two sissy sluts are just alike, you even cum the same way." Finally, Leah withdrew her now limp cock from my arse and her cum began to leak out, further staining the panties already soaked with two loads, and running down my thighs. I lay back on the bed satisfied at the incredible new experiences this afternoon had offered. Just think, I had come here today with the intention of finding out about my father's affair, well I had found some pretty amazing revelations about him, and about myself. I had discovered we were both at heart dirty sluts who liked nothing more than dressing in sexy lingerie and sucking the big cock of a beautiful shemale. When I left the hotel that afternoon, I took a little souvenir with me, something that brought me and my dad closer together than anything we had ever done together. Yes, I gave back the bra and stockings but I couldn't bear to part with the sexy pink satin panties that both me and my sissy slut dad had filled with our cum this afternoon. In fact, I wore them home under my clothes, still stiff and sticky. And that wasn't the last time I would wear them, either. THE END

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 2 Sunday Night

"Hi. Watcha doing?" I asked as I walked into dad's study. I was wearing a satin robe over my PJ's and was drying my hair. The TV was on and he was holding a laptop on his lap. "What are you doing home so early sweetie?" dad asked back. "I didn't hear you come in." He couldn't hide the fact that besides being surprised he was also happy to see me. He patted the spot next to him and I dutifully plopped down next to him on the sofa. "Greg had a headache, he always seems to have one...

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Ernest "Ernie" Haberfeld sat in his recliner, his feet propped up in the air while he rested leisurely in his sweats. His wife, Agnes, was out with her lady friends at her weekly bridge club, probably gossiping up a storm as they played cards to wile away their time. Ernie never begrudged his wife her time away from the home, it gave him time to do the kinds of things she found distasteful. Agnes was seven years older than his fifty five years, a fact that had put a cold sweater on their sex...

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Ernest "Ernie" Haberfeld sat in his recliner, his feet propped up in the air while he rested leisurely in his sweats. His wife, Agnes, was out with her lady friends at her weekly bridge club, probably gossiping up a storm as they played cards to wile away their time. Ernie never begrudged his wife her time away from the home, it gave him time to do the kinds of things she found distasteful. Agnes was seven years older than his fifty five years, a fact that had put a cold sweater on their sex...

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It's the first day of my senior year. I had some health problems when I was a baby and entered school a year late. It's a little awkward being the only 18 year old on campus, but daddy says it just means I'll be able to get A's in every class. Daddy always teases me like that but I know if I ever tried something that outrageous, he'd give me a beating I would never forget. I walk down stairs in a black denim mini skirt that shows the bottom curve of my ass and a red and black lace corset top...

1 year ago
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The Dream:blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as he pulled her close. Sharp fangs pressed against her skin followed by the hot wetness of a tongue, tasting the juncture of her neck and shoulder; her sweet spot. She was wearing a sheer silky slip edged in lace that left nearly nothing to the imagination, her heavy breasts bouncing gently with each shuddering breath she...

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Dads Doctor My wet dreams Partner

‘Ok, I am on the way now,’ I said and hung up the phone from my dad. As you all know, my dad is a Bishop of a leading church in our community. Being the only child at home with him can be rewarding and also boring from time to time. I have to live up to a particular image especially when am around him. But the truth of the matter is this, when he’s not around, the real me comes out. I am a ‘lady in the streets’ and a ‘slut in the sheets!’ My dad was at his office at the church all day and he...

4 years ago
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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 7 Friday

"Do you really think your father put his stuff in the meringue last night?" It was twelve fifteen and we'd just sat down at a table in the cafeteria. "What stuff?" I asked as I started to pull items out of my lunch bag. Daddy, who hadn't ejaculated during the night, had simply given me a little plastic container full of frozen sperm to give to Nikki for her lunch. It was in one of those containers that fast food restaurants use for mayonnaise. The contents had melted nicely during the...

3 years ago
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The piano and Rachaels wet panties2

Michael was in an emotional turmoil.He had finally given up to his sexual urges and made a move.After all those nights of fantasies he finally ended up fingering Rachael.She must be a virgin he thought how else could she possibly be so tight.It was hard to even push his finger inside her he could only imagine how tough it will be to push his long thick cock inside her tiny hole.Then his eyes caught the sight of Rachael's pink cotton panties that she had left behind in hurry.Michael picked...

1 year ago
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Don’t you just love it when a subreddit is super direct? Well, that makes two of us, and I am here to talk about all the juicy pussy content that r/PantiesToTheSide/ has to offer. Well, take your time and explore everything on r/PantiesToTheSide/, because as long as you love looking at dirty muff pictures of hot Reddit sluts, I am sure that you will love everything this subreddit is about.There is not much for me to explain about this subreddit when it comes to the content, because the name...

Reddit NSFW List
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I have to warn you right from the start this isn't a pretty story. I'm only writing this on paper because the judge says I have to. Well, not the judge, but you. But since the judge said I have to see you, well....My name is John, and I'm the youngest of five k**s. All girls, except me, of course, and there's only about a year that separates our ages. We were raised on a farm about a hundred miles from the city—it might as well have been a million miles—my dad never took us there. He believed...

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It was raining outside, Cats and Dogs, so Thomas Baxter sat on the porch, knowing Angel would be home soon. She hated thunderstorms, they had terrified her ever since she was a little girl. Even when Grandma would tell her thunder was just "Angels bowling, honey", Angel would roll her eyes back in her head in disbelief.Bethany came out on the porch and smiled at her son. "Waiting for Angel to come home early from work, dear?" she smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his...

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When the phone rang, I immediately jumped up to answer. I knew my daughter was out, and as all parents do, I was worried. Abby was a very responsible girl, but you know how teens are. She had just turned 18 and was out celebrating with a few friends. "Hey, Dad, would you come and pick Chelsea and me up? We've had a little too much to drink, and, well you know what you told me..." Of course, I recalled our conversation. I'd told her months before that I would rather her call home than drive...

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Dads Little Slut got pregnant

Kavita stretched her lithe young body out along the lounge chair with a groan, her skimpy bikini barely covering her perky tits and shaved pussy lips. “What’s wrong, honey?” asked her equally sexy mother, Geeta, as she lounged on the chair next to her daughter.“I’m just so frustrated, mom! Ashok and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year, and nothing is happening! I want my belly filled with a baby!” She pouted as she ran her fingers over her slim, tanned 20 year old belly.“I know...

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Life also likes throwing awful curve balls the way it did with the car accident six years ago that killed my wife, the woman I loved since high school. Her death left me feeling horribly alone except for our daughter Susie, who was twelve at the time.It was hard getting over that disaster, but Susie and I pulled through. It's said time heals all wounds but I don't believe it. I think time simply plasters over such deep pain and slops on a fresh coat of paint, so that inadequate haphazard patch...

2 years ago
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blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as he pulled her close. Sharp fangs pressed against her skin followed by the hot wetness of a tongue, tasting the juncture of her neck and shoulder; her sweet spot. She was wearing a sheer silky slip edged in lace that left nearly nothing to the imagination, her heavy breasts bouncing gently with each shuddering breath she took, her...

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 8 Saturday EARTH DAY

"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that’s when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. ‘Good morning mommy!’ I said as I walked into the kitchen. ‘Good morning sweetie,’ she answered. ‘Where’s dad and Mike?’ I asked looking out the window for dad’s truck. ‘They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?’ she replied. ‘Ah, no reason,...

1 year ago
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Dads lessons

I wasn't prepared for my chem test, so I told the nurse that I wasn'tfeeling well and she let me go home. Since both of my parents work and Ilike only half a mile from school I told the nurse that I would walk home.The fresh air would be good for me.I got to my house to see two cars in the driveway: my dad's and a car Ididn't recognize. I thought that this was sort of weird considering myfather normally came home at around six. I entered quietly, wanting to seewhat was going on.I didn't see...

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Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that's when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. "Good morning mommy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen."Good morning sweetie," she answered."Where's dad and Mike?" I asked looking out the window for dad's truck."They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?" she replied."Ah, no reason, was...

Straight Sex
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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 6 Thursday

I showed Nikki a copy of the Urquhart report at lunch the next day. Simply put it next to her tray. "I found the letter in dad's room, I copied it," I said. I watched her slowly chew her food as she read the words. I saw the exact instant when understanding came into her eyes. "Oh my gawd ... it's true," she finally mumbled. "He has been banana split sperming us!" I didn't answer. Instead I bent over and pulled a plastic container from my purse. "What is it?" she asked as I...

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dads daughters

add me on msn at [email protected] I watched as my daughter took my fathers cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat. I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about...

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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

This is a different type of story for me. It is loosely, very loosely, based on my first son’s birth. However, it is told with tongue planted firmly in cheek. This may be to right time to tell all of you our family motto: ‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.’ Large parts of this story are true, though a lot has been embellished and a lot more has been made up. Additionally, I want to state for the record that while I seem to be picking on the nurses in this story, I have the...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 3

“Mike! Open up.” Came my fathers voice from the other side of the door. “What are we going to do?” I asked quietly. “I don’t know baby. Maybe he doesn’t suspect anything. Just, I guess, finish getting dressed in the bathroom and I’ll stall him. Just hurry.” He whispers kissing me on the for head as I grabbed my clothes and ran down the hall to the bathroom. As I was trying my best to get my clothes on with shaky hands, I could hear Mike opening the door. “Hey Tom! What brings you out this...

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Dads Best Friend

My name is Krystal. I was seventeen my last birthday. I’m five foot seven and have an average body. I have always thought of myself of the kind of girl that would never find her dream guy, but one night changed everything. As I lie in my bed, I hear someone come into my room and quietly shut the door behind them. I slowly open my eyes to look around, scared of who it may be. When my eyes adjust I am utterly shocked to see my dad’s best childhood friend, Mike, standing in front of the closed...

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I watched as my daughter took my father's cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat.I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about taking her. He talked about waiting...

1 year ago
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I was so excited when daddy called me and told me he was coming to visit in two weeks. We have shared such a special relationship since my birthday five months ago. I had just finished school, and was preparing for a fun filled summer before going off to college. I knew that I would be to busy studying to have much fun, so I wanted to make this summer really count.I was in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, and going over ideas, when my daddy knocked on my door."Can I come in sweetie?""Sure!" I...

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Calli saw her daddy’s car as he waited for her outside Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy. She smiled as she walked up to it, then tossed her backpack and overnight bag into the backseat.She climbed in. “Hi, Daddy!” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.“Hi, sweetheart,” Carter, her daddy, said. “You’re eighteen today! An adult now, you can do whatever you want.”“I know,” Calli said.Carter felt his cock harden as he looked at Calli. She wore her school uniform — a burgundy sweater over a...

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Dads little gal

She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs. She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago. Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is. The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh. She knew she was in trouble...

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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

Children's stories begin with the words "Once upon a time..." Adult stories begin with the words "No shit! This really happened". This is what really happened: We had just found out that we were pregnant with our second child. I say we although women will tell you that there is no "we" about it, that they do all the work. All we men do is have a ball getting the ball rolling - so to speak. But I am here to tell you we men are just as involved as our ladies with the pregnancy. We're...

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Gettng caught in Moms panties

I often wondered what would happen if Mom walked in on me while I was dressed in her underwear ever since the close call I had when I was 8. I was wearing her white nylon slip bra and panties. She came home while I was in her room. I closed and locked the door, changed and came out, claiming to have 'taken a nap'. I'm sure Mom saw right thru me and knew something was up. I was so tense it took me an hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. From then on, I had a heightened sense of thrill,...

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Abbys Panties

Abby's Panties Chapter 1 (i) I'm not sure how unique I am, and let's face it - I'm as unique as everyone else - but I discovered my fascination with wearing women's clothes late in life. I was thirty-nine years old, two months shy of turning forty, when I happened upon a pair of my ex-wife's panties. I was cleaning the house, something which I both enjoy doing, and pretty much did exclusively when I was married. I found them behind the dryer as I was planning on removing and...

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Will Work For Panties

Found these stories on the web. A bit of a long read, but if youre into panties, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.Will Work for Panties Ch. 01by Vincent E ©Life is too short to go through it stupid and careless. I guess that you can be either one thing or the other and you will not inflict too much damage on yourself, but the combination of the two can prove tragic. For instance, if you are going to raid your aunt’s underwear hamper on a holiday visit – stupid – you should not leave the door to the...

4 years ago
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My dirty panties

Introduction: I cater for mens panty fetishes Panties! Does that word make all you men get an erection! Men have no idea how wet a pair of panties can become after a work out at the fitness centre. Or maybe they do!! In the changing room are lovely girls peeling off their panties which have accumulated sweat, pussy juice and other fluids that have leaked into the gusset as they go for their shower. On the bench seats are rows of the panties mostly g strings and thongs which are becoming...

1 year ago
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My dirty panties

Guys are always looking up girls’ dresses and seeing whether they are wearing panties, what kind they are wearing or if they are not. When girls wear a very short skirts and sit down, crossing their legs, guys like to stare up their skirts. I enjoy looking at girls who wear very short skirts and have long well shaped legs and can understand the pleasure looking at them gives the male sex. Similarly, seeing girls in tight trousers, where you can see the outline of their panties they wear...

3 years ago
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An Evenings Pleasure in Plastic Panties

Pleasure In Plastic Panties Ch. 01 bytranslucen©The following started as a PLImail to RubberPanties with the writing of which I became so engrossed that it became a story and in the end I never actually sent it, (so sorry RubberPanties, I hope you enjoy it now). I've tried to describe the pleasure I get from masturbating in feminine lingerie and plastic panties, so if plastic panties don't appeal to you, you may not want to read on. I think though that the enjoyment of sissy girly garments...

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Wifes Fantasy A Room Full Of Guys Wearing Panties

I love men wearing panties, my husband wears panties and I love seeing him wearing panties and other men wearing panties. Just something about how those sexy panties fit on a guy and seeing a bulge underneath panties gets me so excited, horny and gets my juices flowing and my panties soaking wet.Here is a fantasy of mine, perhaps one day a reality. Until then my husband wearing panties gets all the attention while wearing panties.I walk into the room and standing there are several guys wearing...

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Aunties New Panties

Aunties New Panties By Gingerfred Man NOTE: "Auntie's Panties," a classic of our genre, was the only posted story from Rebecca Goldstein. I've always wanted to contact Miss G to thank her for a rousing tale, but since she seems to have slipped out the backdoor, the best tribute I could imagine was to write a new version of the classic in my own style. Except for the basic plot, some character names and a few purloined paragraphs to describe the clothes, this is an original work....

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Aunties Panties

I've always had this serious thing for women's' underwear. Even as far back as grammar school I loved to sit on the ground in the school yard to watch the girls jump rope and show off their frilly little panties, just for me.I was always so jealous of my sisters! They got such pretty, pink ruffled undies to wear while I was stuck with boring white BVD's. It was so unfair, I thought!I loved the exciting feel of their lace and silky nylon dainties, so cool and silky and smooth to the touch. By...

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Aunties Panties

-Auntie's Panties I've always had this serious thing for women's' underwear. Even as farback as grammar school I loved to sit on the ground in the school yardto watch the girls jump rope and show off their frilly little panties,just for me.I was always so jealous of my sisters! They got such pretty, pinkruffled undies to wear while I was stuck with boring white BVD's. Itwas so unfair, I thought!I loved the exciting feel of their lace and...

4 years ago
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Black Panties

Black Panties By Princess Panty Boy It all started a while ago with my girl friend and me messing around. I was wearing her Black lace bikini panties. I have a pair of black cotton bikini briefs for men that look sort of the same in the dark. Well anyways, I was wearing them and we were getting hot and heavy in our bedroom in a small cottage in upstate New York. I started to undress Cindy and, took her pants off than her top, and was playing with her breasts as I took her bra off. I...

2 years ago
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Shopping Trip For His Own Panties

This is a follow-up story to my weekend in liverpool with my husband Steve. He is now my little panty boy and I love the fact that I now have a way to control his sexual arousal. The first week that we returned home from his meeting I had Steve wear new his panties to work under his business suits and because of our shopping trip, he had enough girly panties to get him through the week without having to do laundry. He was always excited to come home to me and his little "secret" kept me on his...

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Dressing The Husband Up In Panties

I don't know how to start this story other than to say that my husband loves panties and lingerie. I know that there are thousands of men out there with this same fetish and this story is for the women that love them to help with some new ideas. First a little background information on myself. I have almost been married to Steve for 10 years now and we have 2 lovely c***dren together. His job keeps him away long hours and requires him to take frequent business trips but he has always there for...

4 years ago
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The Power of Panties

Like virtually every other little girl in the world, I vividly remember my mother's constant nagging about keeping my dress pulled down so the boys wouldn't see my underwear. She was forever reminding me to sit like a lady, keep my legs together and be careful about bending over when I was wearing a skirt, or a dress. She never bothered to explain to me exactly why those pesky boys would want to see my underpants, but based on the amount of times she warned me about showing off my underwear, I...

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Being a Man in Panties

Number 32 of a series of individual stories. Being a Man in Panties By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Saturday Afternoon Sally Anne and I had many fun times when I was dressed as Sonia. Sonia had developed from a dare many months ago, into another member of the family and a part of my life I know could not live without. I had not dressed up for a few weeks - both Sally Anne and I had been busy with work....

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