A New Submission - Around Her Finger. free porn video

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Although i still went to work each day dressed in my male clothes, Kelly's control of me began to affect my behaviour and attitude, particularly towards the girls in the office. None of them noticed or at least mentioned the subtle changes in my appearance but gradually I began to be included more and more in their conversations as their attitude to me changed. When a problem arose on one of their projects they would drop into my cubicle to discuss it and work it out, rather than just passing the problem up the line by email. I was quite flattered when after about a month, they asked me to come to the local bar-restaurant where they lunched each week, but more about that later. This whole thing was affecting Kelly as well, more than I realised. She revelled in the control she had over me - not in an unpleasant way but in a caring loving form of attention that I could not resist. I no longer had control over my erections or my orgasms and Kelly controlled all aspects of our lovemaking. I soon found the thought of having penetrative sex didn't come in to my mind. Kelly completely controlled the way I dressed both at home and at work. She would lay out lingerie for me each day and indicate what I was to wear to work and at home. One day Kelly came home early in a foul mood and demanded I let her take me. I obliged, but I didn't like to admit that I felt used and took little pleasure from it. The chasitity belt caused me some agony if I allowed my erection to grow but I soon learned to focus my mind to prevent an erection taking off. I very quickly stopped having erections, the discomfort was too embarassing - but it took a bit longer before I automatically went to the stall to sit down to pee. Kelly was still very unhappy if I came without her permission. In the second week after I became her bitch, she took me with the strap on and I got completely carried away and came before she did. She stopped at once, and pulled out of me abruptly. "Darling," she said, "I can see that we are not going to solve this by me spanking you every time you get carried away. We are going to have to take another approach." She threw a robe over her shoulders and disappeared off to the bathroom. When she came back I was sitting on the bed, worried at what was going to happen. She handed me a plastic vial with screw top and I noticed she was wearing surgical gloves "When you have done that I will explain your punishment, but for now please masturbate into the vial. It took a while, but when I sheepishly handed her the vial filled with creamy fluid, she smiled that worryingly cruel smile again. "OK darling, I am sorry to do this but it's for your own good." She then inserted two fingers into my rectum and began to feel around to find my prostate. "This is called 'milking'" she said, "I have been reading about it and if it works it will be the answer to our little problem. Sure enough my penis started to twitch and spewed forth copious amounts of semen in response to her probing.I took no pleasure from the event and eventually she seemed satisfied that I had dried up. "I am now going to refit the Chastity belt, but I am going to milk you again in a few days."Then she hit me with the awful statement. "But, you are not to come to my bed until you have yourself under control, the milking will help but its still up to you. I have prepared the spare room and for the next few days when you get home each day you will remove the chastity belt and void your semen into a fresh vial and then lock yourself back in to the belt. You will then prepare a meal for me leave the key on the dresser and retire to your room until I call you." As she took the vial from me she said, "I love you, you know that, but I must have obedience." That night I spent a miserable time in the spare room and in the morning I realised she had put out some different clothes for me. Instead the usual attractive outfit, there was a drab skirt and a polyester blouse and some flat shoes. Not quite a maid's outfit but it might as well have been. My work clothes were different too, when I put on the trousers I saw they buttoned at the side and there was a false fly at the front, just a fold of material. The changes in our relationship were also having an effect on Kelly. She seemed much more confident and outward going. Kelly had always been a bit shy and I often chided her for underestimating or at least under-selling her own abilities. He colleagues at work must seen a change because she seemed now to talk much more about being included. We had not seen Rhoda and Brad for a week because Brad had been away on business, but one afternoon Kelly rang me to say she was going out with Rhodda that evening and not to expect her back until late. Just before midnight I was just going up to my room when I heard the cab in the road, so I waited by the door. "Oh, darling," she said, "how sweet of you to wait up for me," and she leant over and kissed me on the cheek. As she did so, I caught the smell of alcohol on her breath, but then something more, a different smell, a smell that I recognized but couldn't place. For the following few nights we would cuddle and I would pleasure her but at bedtime would kiss me on the cheek before we went off to our separate rooms. One lunchtime I got a text 'Will b late 2nite - 1830 - got appointments after work.' I got back that afternoon full of expectations. What new surprise could it be? "Here I am," I thought, "behaving like a teenage kid." I waited in the kitchen when I heard the car, but I must admit I was a little disappointed when she appeared carrying some bags saying "Look Honey, I went to the hairdresser's, do you like it." "Yes darling, it's very nice, a bit shorter but the colour is more subtle. "There's more," she said, "but not until we are ready to eat. I am going to go and shower and change. Call me when the food is ready." Kelly came down wearing a robe and, most unusually, her glasses. These she very rarely used as although quite nearsighted she much preferred contacts. We embraced, as ever, before sitting down to eat and my head caught the edge of her glasses. "Ow," she said and seemed to mutter under her breath. "OK, first surprise." I looked up from pouring the wine to see her pull a new pair of glasses from the pocket of her gown. As she put them to her face, I was amazed, they were very dark, almost black frames but with very thick lenses and a severe shape. "Wow," I said, but there was more. As I handed her the wine she reached up and revealed her new hairstyle. What I had seen so far was really a wig styled to look like own hair. But now her real hair was cut short at the back and above her ear at one side, she reached up and folded the loose hair to from a single bang across the side of her face. "Oh Darling - don't you just love it - now just as you become more feminine I will be able to change my appearance too." It was true - even with just a robe around her shoulders she looked much more butch. "I have some new clothes too, to go with the haircut when we go out as a couple, but I will keep the wig for work." As we ate our meal, Kelly explained that her night out a week ago had been arranged by a colleague of Rhonda's who had invited the two of them out to the local nightspot. "Oh my god," I thought, "she's going to say she has been unfaithful to me." Kelly continued, "Of course darling, all I did was just dance and exchange kisses with Jan' Rhodda's friend, you are the only one for me." I smiled and blushed, but the memory of the perfume came back to me. As we drank more wine Kelly said we were going to spend the night in her bed, the first time for more than a week. All that evening I was her devoted playmate. While I was getting comfortable on the bed she came back from the bathroom and opened her robe to reveal a new strap-on. This one looked much more realistic although I was pleased to see it was no larger. It had two 'balls' that hung down below the phallus. When we were undressed she straddled me on the bed and I took to understand that we would adopt a different mode of foreplay. Carefully she ran the phallus down my forehead and then under my chin. I was just halfway through the thought, "She wants to take me in her mou....." when she said, "Come on baby, my pretty little cocksucker, let's see how much of mamma you can take." I let the point slip between my lips and onto my tongue. I had only twice got Kelly to give me head, and on each occasions we were both a little drunk. I summoned my saliva and rolled the rubber phallus round my mouth. Kelly probed further into my mouth and groaned as the other end of the dildo moved as she hit the back of my throat. I started to gag but she pushed on past my gag reflex and we continued. The taste was not unpleasant, not as I had expected. I was pleased Kelly was enjoying it and wanted to do my best for her. The material of the thing was starting to reach her body temperature and it started to seem less foreign. We were starting to get a rhythm now and she was able to thrust beyond my gag reflex in sympathy with my breathing. I wondered if she would orgasm as my and I tried to move the phallus in response to her thrusts. "Here it comes baby - do this for me." I didn't know what she meant but I felt her move her arm to her groin and then I could feel something pulsing into my throat. As she pulled back it filled my mouth and she cried "swallow for me" and I did but it was not clear to me what I was swallowing as I could not identify the taste. She pulled out and said, "Oh darling you were wonderful. Does it taste awful? With the taste and consistency now on my lips I realised Kelly had caused the dildo to squirt sperm into my mouth. What, or who's is it, where did it come from? "It's your's darling, I have been collecting it." I looked up into her face and was about to speak when she jumped up and went to the bathroom to fetch a cloth to clean me up. "There's more," she said, "it seems a shame to waste it." Unthinkingly I rolled of the bed onto my knees and took the strapon in my mouth. This time she timed the ejaculation with her own orgasm and when she pulled out we embraced and exchanged the dregs of my semen on our tongues. As we went to sleep in each other's arms I savoured the taste in my mouth. The following evening I was home well before Kelly and I busied myself around the house I began to worry that this latest thing was going beyond submission and into subjegation. When I listened to Brad's CD, and started on the journey of submissiveness with Kelly, the possibility that I might become a cocksucker had never occurred to me. I shuddered. Was Kelly subjugating this whole thing to some bizzare experiment? While these thoughts were going through my head I was busy around the house I had just left what had now become 'Kelly's bedroom. I looked back in and surprised myself. The room was immaculately tidy and the sheets were turned back on the bed. A Teddy was laid out at the foot of the bed ready to be worn and the room smelled of a light perfume. I stood there as the realisation came that this had been my doing. I suddenly realised how much I enjoyed preparing the house for Kelly's return - how much an expression of love for her and our relationship it was and I hadn't really understood what I had been doing. From this point on I knew I was OK. That evening we did our makeup together and I massaged Kelly's back - we then shaved each other's bodies. Since I was becoming a bit more proficient Kelly just sat with her makeup kit open and allowed me to experiment. There was also a practical side to this, when she took off her glasses, putting on makeup was a bit difficult. We agreed that neither of us would look in the mirror until we were both fully made up. When Kelly put on her glasses and looked in the mirror she gave a sharp intake of breath. "Oh Honey. I never realised I could look like that, it's fantastic. I am going to copy this look next time we go out with Brad and Rhoda, it's such a come on." I was glad she was pleased but didn't know who was meant to come on to her. "OK Honey, this is so great, now I have a surprise for you." She went to the wardrobe and pulled out a box from the side draw. "I have been saving these for a special occasion but tonight you have made me feel so good, this is a special occasion. Pull up your top and lay back on the bed. First, she pulled down my panties and removed the chastity cage. Then she reached behind her to retrieve something from the box with one hand while she massaged my chest with the other hand. I looked up and saw what I immediatly recognised as a breast form laying in her hand. It was not huge but still very realistic. I lay on the bed and Kelly massaged an adhesive onto my hairless chest and pressed the breastforms home. I wanted to say 'Stop' will they come off in the morning and raise all sorts of sensible objections, but I was mesmerised under her control. Kelly said, "Ok honey now stand." I followed her instructions and swung my legs off the bed. The small breasts hung down my chest and wobbled slightly. Kelly massaged me and the breasts and I started to get an erection, the first for ages. We both fell back on the bed and as my erection grew we had 'normal' sex, perhaps normal in a strange sort of way for two girls. The breasts of course would not come off in the morning but after we had wrapped ace bandage once around my chest you could not see them underneath my loose shirt. Kelly also added a new chastity cage that had an attachment at the back to lock in a butt plug. Brad was back from his business trip and it was agreed that we would all go out to a club to celebrate. I assumed it would be the four of us and I was looking forward to showing Brad my new breasts. (wait a minute, what am I thinking of) Kelly reminded me that on our last outing she and Rhoda had said they would pair me up with Brad but as we had been out as a foursome before I thought nothing of it. Kelly said Brad would be coming to collect me directly, but that she needed to meet the girls separately. "What about Rhonda?" I asked. Kelly replied, "Oh she's going to meet the girls with me." Brad arrived in a taxi to pick me up, but came to the house himself. As I watched him come up the steps to our house there was something odd about the way he walked. At the door, Brad came to meet me and stepped in side. Just as we stood inside the door out of sight of the road he looked me over. "Tobi, I would almost not have recognised you, you look so hot." I was not expecting this as the last time we met we had both been very embarrassed about our new submissive, feminised roles. I looked into his face and saw he was wearing light makeup. I lifted up my hand to his chin and turned his head to one side and saw he had small studs in his ears. For an instant he moved his face towards mine and I momentarily responded by closing my eyes as if he were about to kiss me. Then the taxi driver tooted and the moment was lost. As we went out of the house Brad's hand brushed my bum.We settled into the back of the cab for the journey to the club. I noticed that Brad moved his bum on the seat - I realised he was wearing a butt plug. "Are you plugged?" I asked. Brad nodded and said, "Mmm, yes. You too?" At that point, I don't know why, I reached over and kissed him on the lips. Brad returned my embrace and for a few seconds we were in each other's arms in the back of the cab. The driver, of course, thought nothing of it. This incident had broken the tension between us and when we left the cab Brad took my arm as we walked into the club. Although I had known we were going to a gay club, psychologically I had pictured it as might a tourist, observing but not participating. Passing by the cloakroom it suddenly struck me that I was not a tourist, I was a participant. Kelly and Rhonda had already found a table and I caught sight of Kelly's face through the melee, her glasses catching the light as she moved her head. As we moved through the throng of people I looked back to check Brad was following and I subconsciously reach out my arm to him and for a split second and our fingers intertwined. For a split second a small electric shock seemed to travel up my arm. Brad may have felt it too because we both pulled our hands away.I had expected to see only Kelly and Rhonda at the table but Rhonda was sitting with a dark haired girl and Kelly was talking animatedly to a tall thin blonde girl at her side. Seeing us approaching Kelly stood up and called. "Tobi Honey, Brad darling, here we are, come and meet Suzie and Beth." As Kelly stood up, I saw what she was wearing for the first time. With her dark hair combed straight across her forehead and a tight waisted jacket with an upturned collar, she looked so strong. I longed to be wrapped in her arms. Suzie and Beth were both regulars at the club, Suzie worked at Kelly's office and had invited Rhonda and Kelly to the club a couple of weeks ago when Brad was away. I presumed from this that both Suzie and Beth were gay and possibly partners. We sat and Kelly tried to catch the eye of the waiter. Brad sat opposite me and I got a good look at his outfit for the first time. Looking round the room, then at Brad, then at Kelly I realised that they were indistinguishable from many other people in the club, this made me wonder if my outfit was a bit over-dressy. When the waiter brought the wine, Brad made a point of pouring for me. Kelly then said "Oh, look. To Brad and Tobi" and made a toast. The other girls joined in with a resounding 'skal'. "Kelly," I said, "you look ravishing tonight, I love your hair and that new jacket." "You look pretty hot yourself, honey," she said, "Brad is a lucky boy to be escorting such a pretty T.Girl," and gave a huge smile as she pushed her glasses up her face and threw her head back. Suzie, who also wore glasses, pushed them up her nose, mimicing Kelly, stared at me closely and then spontaneously put her arm round Kelly's shoulders, and said, "Oh my god, this IS your husband." I would never have guessed, he passes so well. Kelly responded, the two of them embraced and they both raised their drinks in another toast to me. I now understood Kelly was Suzie's date for the evening, this was clear. "Well, a girl has to try her best," I said, "but I think I am a bit overdressed." The five of them all chorused, "Nohhh," and I felt a bit happier. I was busting for a pee and asked Suzie where the toilets were located. "The ladies powder room is over there to the right," she said. As I made my way past the bar, I came face to face with a short plump girl in a black dress. "Wow, man, you pass really well. Out in the street, few people would have read you as a T Girl. I smiled, and said, "Thank you, it's nice to be appreciated." "That's OK," she said, "there are a few of us T.Girls here tonight. If you wish, I will introduce you to the group." Not sure about this, I said hesitantly, "Yes... that would be nice. I am sat over there with," pausing as I suddenly realised I was not sure what to say my boyfriend, my wife, my wife's lesbian girlfriend??? I don't mind admitting I sat with my head in my hands for a few minutes in the stall. All this was too much to take in. When I got back to the table, Kelly and Suzie were kissing and Rhonda and Beth were dancing. Brad was talking to a guy I did not recognise. When I sat down Brad said. "Tobi, I would like you to meet Peter, he's from my company's office in Boston." At about 11pm I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier as I tried to stay awake. I wanted to stay awake, but... The others must have noticed that I was falling asleep because it was agreed that Brad would take me home but the four girls would move on to another Club on the edge of town. We all crammed into the back of a large taxi. Brad was in the front and I sat next to Kelly, the first time I had been close to her that evening. We cuddled and she kissed me on the cheek but when the taxi got to our house, Brad and I got out and I was sad to leave Kelly although I didn't want to spoil her evening. Brad and I walked up the steps to the house and I let us in. We were both a little drunk and there was no way Brad could drive home. I made coffee and Brad stretched out on the sofa. When I came back with two steaming cups his eyes were closed and I looked at his stretched out form, a sort of trance came over me and as I recalled the electricity in our touch earlier in the evening my whole body seemed to sing. As I put the cups on the low table, Brad woke, saw me standing there and said, "What have these girls done to us old buddy? Here we are, a bit drunk, I am dressed, I don't know how, you are the cutest bit of ass I have seen all night and I am getting a hard on." It was true, the front of his jeans were beginning to bulge. I thought of Kelly, out with Suzie, I thought of Kelly's strap on and what she did the other day. There was no question about what I wanted to do, but was I being unfaithful to Kelly? "Brad would you," I heard myself say, "unzip your fly." He followed my instruction and his growing penis emerged from his panties. Before I changed my mind I took him in my mouth and rolled the end of the penis around my tongue, just as I had with Kelly's strapon. "Man, I mean Tobi, that's wonderful," said Brad, "but...." "Dont worry," I said under my breath, "I am new to this but I have practised with Kelly's dildo." The girls came home to find Brad and I fast asleep on the sofa, but with some distance between us. Kelly woke me gently and kissed me on the lips. The next thing I remember it was early in the morning, and just before my alarm the discomfort of what would have been a raging erection woke me. I was dreaming that I had just deep throated a guy who was my best friend. I could almost taste a salty residue in my mouth. I stood up and threw on the house robe that Kelly had brought for me. There was a note on the bedside. "Instructions for maid Tobi. Eggs and smoked salmon in the fridge. Fresh coffee and orange juice for everybody at 09.00 - just call when ready." It was only 07.30 so I went to the laundry room to fetch some clothes - I ironed a light linen top and some white slacks and went to prepare breakfast. Just before 08.00 Kelly came down to the kitchen and kissed me and grabbed my ass. I smelt an unfamiliar perfume again. Kelly then took my hand and pulled me towards the window where it was just getting light. "Tobi," she said, "I have something to explain to you." Before I could say anything she continued, "Last night, I had my first lesbian experience, a real one that is. Tobi I still love you, but you may have to become a women because I think I may be more than bisexual." "Kelly, I adore you," I said, "I don't want to lose you." "Honey, I love you too, but I can't make you change gender just because I am bisexual or maybe even maybe," she swallowed and paused, "homosexual. It's not just the sex, and dressing up it's the whole thing - I am beginning to think I want to be in that world, and I guess commit to the lifestyle." "Oh Kelly, I should never have let you hear Brad and Rhonda's tape, things have got so complicated - is Rhoda one too?" I immediately I wished I hadn't used the word 'one' because it immediately seemed to set us apart. "Toby, it's more complicated than that and may take some time to explain. Brad and Rhonda are both bisexual, they always have been, but it was a private matter, their secret - but when we progressed so quickly with your feminisation, Brad could not maintain his exclusively hetero lifestyle any more, he wanted to screw you every time they came over for drinks. What we didn't realise was that our exploration of your submissiveness and femininity would change Brad and Rhonda's lives too." "Kelly," I said, "I have just realised something, last night I think I gave Brad a blow job." Kelly didn't seem to hear that because she said, "Toby, do you remember meeting Peter last night?" "Yes," I said, he seemed a nice guy. "Peter is Brad's gay lover, or has been for the last couple of weeks." Rhonda told me that before she and Brad met and fell in love, they had both had gay lovers. Before we could continue our conversation I heard a voice from the lobby and found that Suzie had joined us. I realised I should prepare more eggs and salmon as we were going to be a crowd. Brad came down to breakfast with a huge smile on his face. He kissed me on the cheek to full applause from the others. I responded by putting my arm around his neck in a gentle embrace. Kelly left Suzie's side and came over and gave both of us a hug. Kelly spoke up, toasting Brad with orange juice, saying, "Here's to Brad and maid Tobi." Adopting my maid's persona I then ushered everyone to the table. They drank orange juice and coffee while I prepared creamy scrambled egg on thin brown toast, served with strips of smoked salmon, doused with lemon juice and black pepper. As I sat down to eat my portion, Rhonda, who had finished her food, suddenly pointed to Kelly and said, "Kel, look, the key, round your neck, you still have it. Tobi is still locked, they are not consuma...?" her voice trailed off. I realised immediately what she was talking about. I was still locked in the new chastity belt, with its butt plug. I looked at Brad, and he smiled, but didn't look at me. Kelly got out of her chair and pulled the chain over her head, but instead of handing it to me, she leaned across the table, for a moment I thought she was going to pull the key back but she hesitated and moved the key to me. "Here honey," she said. I took up the key, and said, "Oh Kelly, my love, thank you." I put the key to my lips and left the room to go upstairs. Everyone held their breath as Brad followed. To be continued. Kel

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A new realization of control and submission

Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...

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Bride Submission Bosss Bitch

Introduction: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. Bride Submission: Bosss Bitch Summary: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. NOTE 1: This is the 2nd part of a multi-chaptered story, although I believe it can be read without reading the first part if you wish. With that in mind, here is a summary of the story so far: Part 1: A SHOCKING SECRET Bride-to-be Brittany is finally going to meet the in-laws a few days before the wedding. To her surprise, her whole world...

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What is Submission within BDSM or D S

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 10

Lloyd squirmed at the pole in a strange blend of discomfort and sexual euphoria, on an image flickering to life upon the screen before him, his mind fast reclaiming its lucidity from the waning drug. He fought with his own conscience as that lucidity only served to heighten his arousal, his boning cock betraying the undeniable pleasure that had been awoken by his predicament thus far. As hard as he fought the shameful desires that now accompanied his bondage, the dark excitement at being...

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A Chinese womans sexual submission to

Divine White manA Chinese woman's sexual submission to White powerby Chingching Rogers?I'm a chink cumpig and I am ready to submit to the divine dominance of a White god.  I love White man.  I worship White man.  And I am unashamed to say it.  I am a little chink whore for White men's semen.?Those words you read first were written last:        Why I prefer White men:  I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question and to be honest, I'm tired, tired of all the racism directed...

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The Five Part 2 First Submission

GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...

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DARK Submission A Bisexual Journey

Introduction: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. DARK Submission: A Bisexual Journey Summary: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. Note 1: This story is dedicated to TheOriginalAnonymous who suggested the idea and was a sounding board as this lengthy tale developed. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, LeAnn and TheOriginalAnonymous for their editing. WARNING: Although this is in the INTERRACIAL category, there is a fair amount of gay sex (white...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 4 A Reason for Everything

Saturday arrived too quickly for me. It was the first day back where Tahlia expected me to obey her rules and directions again, either that or risk her enforcing a clause in the contract she tricked me into signing with some film producers to make even more hardcore pornography. Submitting to Tahlia, the schoolgirl bully, was very definitely the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t sleep at all on Friday night as I considered the consequences of my actions to find myself in this position to begin...

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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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Phases of Submission

Phases of Submission Phase I: Developing Curiosity Life throws you curves. Sometimes life tosses obstacles in your way. Sometimes it gives you a break. Then again, sometimes it puts you on a path you never expected. Two weeks ago I met the CEO of our corporation, Brandon Hacker, at a company gathering. We talked and liked each other enough that we arranged to go out on a date. My life has never been the same since. Brandon is not the tall, dark, handsome type. Rather he’s funny, medium height,...

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Ambers Submission

Part 1Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 6 Daughters Ultimate Submission

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...

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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School

Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...

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Submission Part 2

Submission Part 2: So, you have listened as I have told you about my affluent WASP upbringing and how my nagging of my mother had led to her walking out of her marriage to Dad and her conversion to Islam? You don't believe a woman who needed to find herself would find herself in Islam? Well Mum did because in Islam she could be valued for her brains as she did no need to display herself like western women. You have heard that she had come back for me dressed in her chador but dad...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 12

Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...

1 year ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 5 Trust

The look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...

2 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 9

"I thought I'd surprise you and take you out to lunch", Bill said angrily. "Who is this punk you're fucking?" "I'm Alex. Alicia is my mother", Alex said as he looked the man up and down. Despite the man's angry tone, his posture wasn't aggressive. Then Alex spotted something. "I have a question, Bill. Did seeing me fuck your wife turn you on", he asked. "What the fuck kind of question is that", Bill demanded, but his cheeks burned red like someone who had been caught in a lie....

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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 13

Lloyd had no need to attend the office to offer his resignation; Joyce gleefully tearing open an envelope with the company logo emblazoned upon its rear, and holding the letter within it, high to the sunlight which spilled through the expensively glazed hallway of the grandiose home which was now hers. Patti sneered down at Lloyd, keeping his leash nice and tight as Joyce’s delighted eyes scanned the text. She smiled down at her now thoroughly dominated and defeated ex-husband, who’d just...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Glass Gift of Submission

Glass Gift of Submission By Wondering Soul Part 1 I walked into her studio with high expectations. They were met. There she was standing gracefully in downward facing dog. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. I went to inspect it. I swept her up into my arms and carried her to the bathroom at the back of her studio. I pulled the plug from her but and her pussy and set her on the toilet quickly. I turned to give her some privacy. She knew what I expected she never let me down. I washed off the...

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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

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Journey to complete submission

A journey to complete submissionSusie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind.? Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion.She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed...

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FEAR, RELUCTANCE, ACCEPTING , SUBMISSION Of the unknown. Of your Insecurities. Your shortcomings. Your inadequacies.Your wife in bed; naked ivory princess. She pleads while you make love: "Deeper! Harder!" Grit your teeth and pound with all your might. Pound! Pound! Pound!Still, she pleads. Desperation in her eyes. "DEEPER! HARDER!" You're as deep and hard as you can get. Just dirty talk? Or does she... Mean it?Is your very best not good enough?Fear of the Other. Dangerous. Primal....

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The Complete Submission 3

PART THREE: THE COMPLETE SEDUCTION 100% fiction! This morning I got up a little earlier than usual for a Saturday and after getting dressed in a cute flower sundress, that made me look 18, and pink stay-ups; I headed downstairs. No one was there. I knew that Mark would still be sleeping, no way he gets up in the morning on a weekend and dad would be at work as usual, but where was mom? I went upstairs and she was in her room, I knocked and she said come in. She was on the internet shopping on...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 2 Entrapment

It’s mid-morning here. Would usually be a work day for me but this morning I’m sitting at my dinner table enjoying a leisurely coffee as the sun streams in the window bringing me a warmth I haven’t felt in weeks. I actually feel relaxed. For the first time since I met Tahlia I’m not anxiously awaiting a phone call or a text message with my next instruction. Don’t get me wrong, Tahlia still retains total control over me, and increasingly, my family. It’s only been just over a week since I...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 28 The Conclusion

Looking into the bathroom mirror, Sarah applied the finishing touches to her makeup. She stood back and took in the final result, liking what she saw. Her butterfly necklace sat perched over the deep v-cut black dress. The perfect little black dress that she had looked for all morning through numerous stores. The small spaghetti straps and loose fit at the top showed plenty of free flowing breast and the slit up the side ending thigh-high made it simultaneously elegant and sassy. The...

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++++++ I’m Donna, and I guess this is the story of how my life changed big time for the better. I had met my future husband just after he had started his commercial real estate company. He was engaging and funny, but I could tell that he was also driven for success. We were married only a month after I had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, honeymooning in Maui for two idyllic weeks. I’d had a job lined up, but I never went to work because I was four months...

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Control is Only a Word Submission

My latest work, and kinda self-inspired! Been working on heaps lately so stay tuned, and please be sure to comment below what you thought, and whether you want to see the next part! ,) ***** He clicked his fingers and she stopped mid-sentence. She had been in the process of sitting up and saying through panted giggles how suddenly aroused she felt. Just as she was starting to say ‘aroused’, his fingers snapped and so did she. She froze, staring straight forward into his eyes. The word died on...

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Femdoms Ultimate Submission

Femdom’s Ultimate Submission By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 16 and 17 from ?Femdom’s Ultimate Submission.?Home Page: http://home.roadrunner.com/~pfvc/Femdom.htmChapter 16Very late that night Bill has stayed up and hears two cars pull up the driveway. He looks out the window to see Myra getting out...

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The Ultimate Submission Jacquelines Story

The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) By Gato Medio © 2004 - All Rights reserved " The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) " ismy first long story. It's of the size which may justify calling it a book.It is divided into twenty-one chapters and - baring any unforeseen events -will be posted in seven weekly instalments of three chapters each. In a way, " The Ultimate Submission " isreally my first story. I started working on it under the title "Jacqueline'sstory" roughly a year...

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The Ceremony of Submission

The Ceremony of Submission by Tegeli [Note: This story builds up from my stories 'The Phantasm in the Fog', 'A Self to Kill For' and 'The Warlock Tyrant'.] Bow to us, blunt brother of steel, heinous havoc here now repeal. Sew shut the flesh, restore the bone, heal your violence and then begone. -stave from a chant for mending musket wounds PART ONE - Patience of Primordial Mastery CHAPTER 1 The tall sorceress gave me a wide smile and squeezed my thigh, before she...

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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

4 years ago
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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

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