The Pony Stables free porn video

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The pony stables Whilst visiting the Arabian nights virtual world I felt I just had to revisit the slave market, before I returned to the mundane real world. I had had a hoot inside the virtual world, saving princesses, fighting various battles and making something of a name for myself. I had been rather arrogant on entering the world, choosing to use my own name of John Lemure, rather than a more native sounding one. It of course increased my notoriety. The slave market was housed inside an enormous cavernous chamber with the most magnificent domed roof I had ever seen. As well as being grand in its size it was also adorned with beautiful and delicately exquisite patterns. Consistent with Islamic practice all of these were clearly abstract. Beneath this doomed roof the enormous room was divided into several distinct sections. In the middle was a raised platform that contained the auction stand. This seemed to be surrounded by a series of separate specialist carrels. Within each of these carrels were row upon row of little cages, most of which seemed to be occupied. There was no doubt that the people caged within them were clearly designated as chattel and obviously considered too be of little more value than domestic animals and possibly in many eyes even less. Whilst somewhat sickening I must also admit to having a certain fascination with the place. Particularly in regard to the bewildering array of specialty slaves on offer. These included specialties such as dancing girls, sex slaves, personal attendant slaves and human pony slaves, to name a few. As for animals, the better trained, the more valuable they became, particularly if they were pretty to start with. I also noticed that a sizeable proportion of the girls had been circumcised and some of them clearly only recently so. Some of those poor girls still had obviously oozing wounds and their discomfort made me wince. There also happened to be an section of untrained slaves, for those who liked to either do their own training or had more modest budgets. I gathered that this was generally full of freshly captured slaves, whose owners simply wanted a quick sale, before too many questions were asked. Nearly half of such slaves were unfortunate girls, caught in illegal raids and the other half equally illegally sold as debt payment or for some form of revenge. I slowly wandered my way to the ponygirl part of the market. Whilst most of the slave girls were given the status of beasts, these girls were literally treated as beasts. They were trained housed and behaved just like real ponies and consequently had a strange fascination. In the ponygirl section the girls were all dressed in amazing tack, some had additional magical modifications and sported real tails, hoofs and a fine layer of downy fur. Whether modified or not, they had all been carefully trained to consider themselves beasts and behaved accordingly. At the very least their tack consisted of a bridle, harness and arm binder, and if they didn't have modified feet, strange looking pony boots. It was clearly a popular fetish in the Arabian Nights world and the girls were a frequent and popular form of transport around the city, pulling small buggies either singularly or more commonly as pairs. Whilst I was admiring some of the modified ponygirls, one of the pony trainers came up to me, smiling pleasantly. "Sir, are you interested in a ponygirl or two, they make wonderful transport animals?" I smiled back and shook my head. "Probably not at this stage, as I don't have any stables in my harem, but of course it would be wonderful to own such a pretty beast." He nodded his head, obviously disappointed in not getting a potential sale, but then brightened up again. "Well sir, would you like to try out some ponygirls for possible future interest when you do have some stables of your own?" I laughed and shook my head, enjoying the man's persistence. "Sure why not, it's a lovely day to go for a ride in the country." He grinned back. "So sir, which of my ponies do you find most appealing?" I looked around the cages, admiring the pretty beasts, which came in a magnificent array of colourings. I shook my head again and quipped, "Hmm, it is hard to say, but I do find your ginger ponies particularly appealing." He smiled at that. "You have good taste sir, please follow me and I will show you my most magnificent ginger beasts." As he walked me out to the slave market stables, he grinned back at me smarmily and pointed towards a small buggy, already hitched up to two rather pretty fillies. Both had magical modifications and a lovely soft orange, down with bright red fiery manes, tails and pussy bushes. They were such exquisitely beautiful beasts that they set my heart racing. I grinned, noting both wore the metal panties that were used as chastity belts in this world. He saw my gaze and laughed. "Need to protect my beasts, they tempt many a man and I do wish to sell them as virgins." He then gave me a feral grin. "Would you like to get in their panties sir?" I grinned back at him, laughing loudly before responding, "Hmm almost worth buying them just for that." I was also amazed to see that they actually seem to look like identical twins, making them a most magnificent pair. Consequently, as I got into one of the buggy seats, asked, "So are those girls twins?" As he got into the seat next to me he grinned back. "No, not real twins, but we have found special ways to make our fillies identical when required, as many Masters seem to like sets of identical beasts to pull their buggies. These two are a particularly nice set and so far my wife's crowning alchemerical achievement. I have had so many offers made on these beasts, I could have retired a very wealthy man times over, but I am somewhat fond of this pair, so they are not for sale. Naturally we plan to make more of them, once we obtain suitable stock." I nodded my head in approval. "Yes they are a beautiful pair and I wouldn't mind getting into the knickers of one of those new ones when they are ready." He laughed at that. "Oh well, anything is possible and I will naturally try and take you up on that. So I gather you approve of our methods?" As he picked up his buggy whip I nodded back. "Hmm, your approach makes senses, doesn't it. Identical sets of pretty beasts do make a lovely show and manufacturing beasts to a formula does reduce quality control problems too." He hit both of his beasts lightly and the buggy started moving forward. "Yes it does, it also reduces problems with identification, as not all our fillies come from the most reliable and legitimate sources, and given ponygirls are on such public display, the transformation of the beasts is a great way to avoid embarrassing situations with outraged relatives." I laughed at that. "Yes, most slaves are kept conveniently looked indoors out of sight of grieving relatives, whereas yours are very much on public display." He whipped his fillies again, this time with more force, and the buggy picked up speed. As we pulled clear of the market grounds, heading up a road towards the open countryside, he gave their pretty bottoms another flick, to urge them on to greater efforts. I watched as the girls pulled the buggy surprisingly fast and with little obvious effort. The two were clearly a very fit well-trained set and the synchronisation of their movements was a delight to see. I leant back enjoying the ride. "So tell me sir, how long does it take to train girls to that level of perfection?" He gave an appreciative smile. "Oh many months sir, these two have had nearly a years training behind them, they are almost perfect beasts and will fetch a very good price, if I ever choose to sell them at auction. Would you like to learn something of their training?" I nodded my head vigorously. "Oh yes, it would be fascinating to see how their training is conducted. Does the transformation affect their minds?" He gave me an unfathomable look and directs the fillies homeward. "Not at all, aside from heightening certain senses and making certain herd behaviours more instinctual. To change their minds by magic would destroy all the fun of training. To transform a person's self-perception from that of human to beast without magic takes much skill and patience, but is highly rewarding. I promise sir, that the only modifications these pretty beasts have had is physical, all the behavioural changes are from the whip and over clever training. My wife and I have broken the most stubborn spirits." I raised my eyebrows. "So you don't think there isn't a girl you can't break in?" He nodded his head emphatically. "Yes in fact I don't believe there is a person I couldn't break. In fact, the more resistant the better, my wife and I just love challenges." He paused for a moment making sure I was listening and added with a rather chilling voice, "In fact John, the more stubborn and resistant the person, the more satisfaction both my wife and I receive when we finally succeed in breaking the ponygirls spirit to make her a well behaved beast. Consequently I particularly like transforming people of former high status. Some of my fillies have been princesses and others of other rather high rank and status." I gave him a confused look from his use of my name. "Do we know each other?" He gave me a feral grin. "No sir, but your formidable reputation goes before you, and I was rather pleased when you walked into my part of the market. It is an honour to meet one such as yourself, John Lemure, and I do hope to get to know you much better." I felt rather chaffed by the compliment and totally missed the subtle threat. "Why thank you sir, so can you tell me your name, I feel at something of a disadvantage here." He just smiled and doesn't say a word. I then asked him again, but he just shook his head as he pulled the buggy reins, apparently concentrating too much to answer. As he turned into the stable and pulled the two fillies to a quick stop he pointed to the pretty woman waving at us, sidetracking me from my earlier question. "Oh, that's my wife, she will be even more pleased to see you than I was." We both stepped out of the buggy and went up to the woman, who seemed to be carrying a tray of drinks. The proprietor of the stable smiled at her and said, "Dear, this is our lucky day as guess who I have with me, none other than the famous John Lemure." She put down the tray and clapped her hands with obvious delight, then hugged her husband. "Oh how wonderful, you are such a thoughtful husband. I could see form a distance that you were bringing me someone, but I never expected it to be such an important personage." She then turned to me with what looked strangely like a predatory grin. "Oh John, I do hope we have plenty of time to get really well acquainted." I sighed. "Alas lady my time is rather limited and I only have time for a quick tour of your wonderful establishment." She smiled. "Oh you never know, you might get so tied up in our training methods that you stay a lot longer than you intended. Would you like a drink?" I nodded my head. "Yes, thanks." The proprietor, much to my chagrin, then chose to inform his wife. "John said of all the ponies I had for sale these two were his favourite. He even said he wouldn't mind getting inside the steel panties of a copy of one of them." She giggled at that and gave her husband a knowing wink before turning back to me. "Hmm, in that case I better give you some of my special blend of fruit juice which I created in honour of that beautiful pair." She then carefully picked through the glasses she had and finally hold a rather colourful concoction out to me. "Hmm here it is, as you can see it has a fiery red layer on top of orange juice, just like those lovely fillies." I took the glass and sniffed it. "So um lady, what is in it?" She proudly smiled back at me. "Oh strawberry and orange juice and lots of special secret ingredients, which you don't really expect me to tell you." I took a cautionary first sip and smiled back at her. "Hmm not bad at all." She grinned approvingly. "I'm glad you like it sir, and if you are really good and drink it all up I think I can make your wish come true and let you into the steel panties of one just like this beautiful pair." I shook my head, thinking what a strange lady. She however ignored that and simply smiled again. "Please follow me John and I'll give you a tour of our grand establishment." She lead me past various stalls that are full of fillies and I saw that all of them are at least partially transformed. She proudly showed me a filly just like the pair that had brought me out to the stables. "See John, we have made another filly just like your favourite pair, but she is rather lonely and needs a companion filly." I lightly patted the filly on the head saying, "There there dear, so sorry to see you so lonely." She whinnied softly at that and the lady gives me an approving look. "I'm glad you like her, she is a very sweet filly." She then gave me a lewd look. "Maybe later you can um get much closer to her." I kept sipping the strange drink as the tour continued, trying to work out its strange combination of flavours. She then showed me an empty stall so I could see the accommodation that the stables provided the fillies. It looked very similar to a conventional pony stall, what with straw on the floor, a tying post and tack neatly set out on the wall, waiting for an occupant. The main difference was the steel barred door used to look its occupant in. That looked much more like a prison cell door. She then showed me the tack room and the attached special breeding room. The latter had a strange wall with a hole for the filly's head, so that she is unable to see whom or even what is breeding with her, or otherwise being done to her. Adjoining this was a small laboratory, where the farms secrets potions were produced. Seeing my obvious interest she declared, "Maybe if we have the time I will let you see how we do a transformation." After that she took me to see the training rings and then finally some of the outside paddocks. By that stage I had finished the strange drink and was starting to feel a little woozy and out of sorts. This drew a concerned look from my guide and a query, "Are you alright John, you look like you need to lie down for awhile?" I nodned my head in the affirmative and let her led me to a comfortable couch inside the main house. I stretched out on it, feeling very odd and strangely uncomfortable in my clothes. She saw my distress and kindly undoes some of the buttons of my shirt. Shortly after that I lost consciousness, my last sight being a rather gleeful and triumphant grin from my former tour guide. When I woke up I had the most dreadful headache imaginable and my whole body felt terribly out of sorts. My tour guide was sitting there, watching me with a grin like a Cheshire cat. Obviously she had kept a vigil whilst I had been out to it. I groaned, trying to adjust my position so I could sit up again. "Hello John, how are you feeling?" "Dreadful," I answered honestly, my voice strangely high pitched. I coughed trying to clear it. She giggled at my obvious consternation. "Oh well, hopefully that problem with your voice will pass quickly, maybe you should try and stand up John." I took her advise and nearly feel flat on my face, my feet didn't seem at all right. She caught me and gently lowered me to the ground laughing at her own private joke. I then pushed myself half upright and noticed a strange unfamiliar weight on my chest. At that moment some bright red hair fell over my face and I gave out a shriek of outrage, "What have you done to me?" She cackled loudly. "Isn't that obvious John Lemure, or should I say John La Mare now." To confirm her horrid words I looked down at my feet and sure enough I now had obvious hooves, I also had cute pony ears and a tail bulging in the seat of my pants. My chest also sported two rather large breasts. In horror my hand went to feel for my penis and instead found a rather wet pussy within my trousers. In outrage I shouted, "You crazy bitch, you can't turn someone like me into a ponygirl and get away with it." "Ah but John, we have and we will." She then hit me with the riding crop and demanded, "Get up beast, as we need to more suitably attire you." I shook my head. "Do you think I'm crazy, I'm not going to let you dress me in that horse stuff you put on those girls." She cracked the riding crop across my breasts, causing me to wince from the considerable pain. She then matter of factly called out to her husband, "Dear, she's being difficult, can some of the guys drag her to the breeding wall, to facilitate her kitting out." A look of horror crossed my face as I tried to get up and run away. Alas I found it rather difficult to balance on my recently transformed feet and nearly fall over twice before reaching the door. Consequently I didn't get very far before four giant stable hands jumped on me and dragged me cussing and kicking out to the stables. In spite my best effort I soon found my head locked into the breeding wall and found any further struggle rather ineffective and pointless. She came around to my face end and smiled at me. "Well dear, that didn't get you far. In fact all you have done is piss me off. For being such a naughty filly your bottom is going to be whacked 15 times with my riding crop." She nodded to the stable hands and orderd, "Now lads rip all her clothes off." Whilst I struggled helpless to prevent my clothes being shredded behind me, she walks closer and held my chin. "Now filly, you are going to learn to behave properly, whether you like it or not. After your bottom has been whacked you will be properly kitted out and there is nothing you can do about it." After she let all that sink in she said, "Now sweetie, every time I whack you I want you to thank me by saying loudly, 'Thank you Mistress for whacking this filly's bottom.' I want to hear that 15 times and will keep whacking your bottom until I hear that." She then walked behind me and whacked my bottom relatively lightly, to which I responded, "You must be mad if you think I'm going to do that." She then whacked my naked bottom a little harder, forcing me to wince; I still refused to call her Mistress, let alone say the rest. This continued, with the strokes getting progressively harder, eventually she started to draw blood. So between gritted teeth I was eventually forced to say, "Alright, alright you crazy bitch I'll say it." She then sweetly smiled at me. "Let me hear it then sweetie." Gulping and swallowing my pride I splutter out, "Thank you Mistress for whacking this filly's bottom." She grinned. "Good girl, now you only have to say it 14 more times." At the end of those 14 extra strokes my poor bottom was extremely sore and I was feeling very woeful and inadequate. She then came back and smiled to my face once again holding my chin. "Good filly, you have just learnt your first lesson in obedience. After you have been kitted up I will teach you some more lessons." She laughed softly. "Ok dear, let's get you kitted out now, first I will give you one of those steel panties you seemed so keen to get into." Rubbing her hands with glee she went to the bench and picked up a sinister looking steel chastity belt. She flashed this in my face before disappearing from sight behind the wall. Out of sight of me she walked up behind me and carefully fitted the belt around my feminised and narrowed waist, before cruelly pulling the t-section between my legs. I nervously hear a second soft click as it locked behind me. The cruel metal of the belt cuts deeply into my nether regions. She cackled again as the lock tumblers fell. "I always keep my promises filly and that belt was recently worn by one of your favourite fillies. Mind you, I don't expect you thought you would get into her panties in this fashion." She lightly tapped the steel of the belt. "Like your new panties dear?" "This is insane, it is illegal to turn a man into a woman, let alone a filly, and you wont get away with this. I only have to tell one person and all the authorities will come down on you like a tonne of bricks." She laughed at that. "First you aren't going to be able to tell a soul once you are kitted out and two the transformation is permanent as far as I know, so telling someone isn't going to do you any good as you would still be a ponygirl and a rather obvious one at that." Her comments left me feeling somewhat crestfallen. She giggled at my long face and decided to add salt to the wound. "And dear, whilst most of our fillies were once women, we have already done this to more than a dozen important men and so far the only consequence to us has been a rather nice profit. From both the auction and those who wanted them to disappear and you, dear John, have many enemies, many of whom would dearly love to acquire you as a well trained filly." She then picked up a harness and carefully fitted it over my body; mind you all I could notice was the feel of leather and metal against my skin and the sound of various buckles being tightened. She then approached me with a leather glove for my two arms. After lightly guiding my hands into the opening she gently slid the leather arm binder glove other my hands and then my wrists. With more force she pulled the glove up as far as it will go and then laced it rather tightly, forcing my arms painfully together and completely immobilising them. She then giggled, "Hmm nice and comfy?" She then came around and faced me again, grinning amicably. "Well dear, it's time for your collar now. I've selected a nice stable one, that will let everyone knows who owns you, just in case you do manage to run away." She casually walked up to me with the sinister looking steel collar, which she ominously locked around my throat with a loud click. I knew my fate was sealed as those horrid tumblers were heard to drop into place. She then immobilised my legs and body, so the tattooer could do his job and grabbed a chair to sit in front of me. "Now dear, I could have had you branded like an old fashioned beast, but a training establishment tattoo is so more appealing to the eye. Very soon your left thigh will display all the pretty colours of our stable, won't that be nice?" I shook my head. "Um not really." She sighed, looking exasperated. "But filly, it is important that people know who owns a filly and where they were trained. From your example in the future many more may want fillies trained at our stable." Sarcastically I retorted, "Hmm, that makes all the difference." She then picked up a bridle. "Ok filly, any last pearls of wisdom?" I shook my head again, thinking that anything I had to say would make no difference to her. In my silence she pulled the bridle over my head, tightened it around my face and forces the bit between my lips. I then tried to speak and were not surprised that the only sounds that left my lips are guttural beast like sounds. She grinned at my efforts to try to talk. "Yes, silly beasts do not speak and nor most likely will you ever again." She once again looked me in the eye. "Now whilst your thigh is being made all pretty, I have to think up some new name for you, obviously John no longer will do. Let me think, now what would be a good name for a filly with such a pretty red mane and tail? Hmm how about 'Firefly' or 'Fiery Princess'?" She giggled loudly, watching my face closely. "Hmm definitely the latter, given your associations with princess. I'll get it added to your tattoo and special bronze plaque made up for your stall." She then sat and watched me, obviously gloating about the new toy in her possession. "You know Fiery Princess, I am going to have so much fun breaking you in and making you just one extra beast in my stables. Initially you will naturally hate me, but after you give in and become a happy dumb beast you will find you love your Mistress." After the tattoo was finished I was released from the breeding wall and taken by a lead connected to my bridle to a nearby wall mirror. "There we go Fiery Princess, look at your new persona, aren't you just a gorgeous filly?" To my horror the reflection that shone back at me was a perfect replica of those other fillies I had so admired earlier. It was only then that the full reality of my situation sunk in. "Now filly, one day you will be just as good as those other two and bring your owners and trainers a rich reward at the auctions." She lightly slapped my bottom to break the spell of the reflection. "Breaking someone in like you will be a wonderful joy to me and I'm almost wet thinking about it." She then led me to my stall and new home, pulling carefully on the leads. A chain was connected from my collar to the stable post and a food bag was put over my face so I could munch on the rather unsavoury cereal mix they feed the poor ponies here. She then put a couple of steel bracelets on each ankle and connected a small chain between them, effectively hobbling me. She then lightly patted my head and said, "Sleep well filly, your training commences tomorrow and I want you in your best condition." Not much later the stables descended into darkness and I was left to complate this dreadful change in circumstances. How had I gone from a famous well-recognised hero to a filly in an obscure stable in the space of an afternoon? If my arms were not bound so tightly I would have tried to pinch myself, because this had to be some nightmare. Worse still how was I supposed to get to my portal on time, chained up as I was. I wondered how I could escape, given the great precautions they seemed to make against that very act. I looked carefully at my current restraints, restricting my speech and arms, the chain from my collar and the hobbling chain. I would somehow need to overcome those and then get to the portal as a naked filly without being recaptured. I knew however that no place or situation was escape proof, so I just had to identify the weakness in their system, but unfortunately very soon. I fell asleep, contemplating my options, hoping something would come to me in my sleep. Alas the next morning I awoke none the wiser and feeling rather stiff and sore, my arms ached from being bound so tight, as did my jaw from having that horrid bit forced into it. I did not have long to contemplate my discomfort however, as my Mistress soon appeared, a pleasant smile on her. "Well, well, sweet Fiery Princess, it's nice to see you decided to hang around." Then she added after a soft laugh, "Clearly your presence still here means you must love being my pony." The logic of that conclusion however somewhat escaped me as she carefully removed the hobble chain and led me outside by reins she freshly attached to my bridle. Whilst it was nice to be away from the stall I wasn't looking forward to what would happen next, a growing sense of apprehension formed in the pit of my stomach. She paused for a moment then gave me a feral grin. "All our filly just love it here, not one has ever complained or run away. You clearly are no different." She then giggled, "I know you perhaps still harbour thoughts of freedom, but let me emphasise that no one before you has managed to obtain that." She then softly said as she hit my flank lightly with a crop, "Now my pretty filly, today we begin your training."

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The Training Of A Pony Girl 1

THE TRAINING OF A PONY GIRL CHAPTER 1 This story is about a "she male" being trained to enter and run races as a pony girl in Ballet Boots. These are her trials, tribulations, and experiences during her training and while competing in the races. There is a lot fetish gear worn in the story, and spiced with a little XXX rated sex every now and then! The flight to the west coast was long, and I was able to catch a short nap on the flight. Upon landing Mistress Ann and Dr. Tom...

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The Slave and the Pony Boy

The small search party peered over the edge of the rock outcropping at the western end of the rapids on the Colombia River and looked down at the small encampment below. A pirogue of a fur trader was stretched out above the river line, having been portaged around the rapids earlier in the evening. It would go into the river in two days after the two men by the campfire below had recovered fully from having taken it out of the water above the rapids and carried it around the obstruction. Mighty...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories

visit here to see full story www.papahaxx.comChapter 3Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing downher lunch."Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs.Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version ofher teenage daughter, Tammy.Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Herbrown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the resther food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the...

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Pony Girl Races Chapter 3

SECOND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE CHAPTER III Fun Week-Ends in Las Vegas Synopsis: This is a continuing story of the Pony girl races. This story is about GG's and TG's in a "family" that enjoys erotic sports, and adult sexual entertainment. Since we were now getting most all of the arrangements for the race completed, we did have a little more time for personal pleasures and relaxation. On our next week end visit to LV, we met with the general manager of one of the most prestigious...

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Jessicas Pony Ride

Jessica's Pony RideChapter 1Around eleven pm Jessica had finally finished the third book of Ann Rice's Sleeping Beauty erotica. She reached over and snapped off her night stand lamp pitching her bedroom into darkness. She slipped her hand under her covers and reached down between her long lean legs, she spread them apart and used her right hand to cup her mons. She used her fingers to stroke her inner thighs and then slowly moved closer towards covered sex. She pulled the gusset of her panties...

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Jessicas Pony Ride

Chapter 1 Around eleven pm Jessica had finally finished the third book of Ann Rice's Sleeping Beauty erotica. She reached over and snapped off her night stand lamp pitching her bedroom into darkness. She slipped her hand under her covers and reached down between her long lean legs, she spread them apart and used her right hand to cup her mons. She used her fingers to stroke her inner thighs and then slowly moved closer towards covered sex. She pulled the gusset of her panties aside and...

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The Seond Annual Pony Girl race

THE SECOND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE CHAPTER I We all settled in to a more routine existence except for the next few days, Ann took Helga shopping for clothes. Of course, Ann loves to shop for clothes, but on these trips ninety percent of what she bought was for Helga. On the third morning, I had gotten up before Mistress Ann, and heard a strange noise coming from the attic. I had to climb the step ladder up to the attic since the "lift" was already up in the attic. There Helga was...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories 2

Visit here to see real homemade porn www.papahaxx.comChapter 2She stepped back, glanced down at her tits. They were soaked with ponyspit and flushed pink from his nuzzling. Her plump tits felt swollenand heavy."Do you lick Tammy's tits, Beauty?" she asked him.At hearing his name, Beauty waved his head in the air as if to answer.He brought his slobbering lips back to the creamy flesh of tittie meat.She tasted sweet, just like Tammy. His rubbery lips gnawed gently."Ah ... ahhh ... ahhh! Don't...

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Santas Reindeer Pony girls

Santa’s Reindeer Pony girlsBy Sarah        I bet you are all familiar with Santa’s reindeer.  Their names are Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donder and Blitzen.  And on those stormy nights, Rudolph joins as the lead reindeer.  But those are just the names of the regular magical creatures Santa keeps at the North Pole.  Santa and his elves also keep a herd of enslaved pony girls at the North Pole, to help deliver presents to the fetish community.  And believe you me,...

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Bijoux The Pony Girl

Billy Joe is transformed into Bijoux and trained to become the newest addition to Mistress Margo's stable of pony girl maids Bijoux, the Pony GirlBy Missy Crystal Billy Joe is kidnapped, transformed into Bijoux and trained to become the newest addition to Mistress Margo's stable of pony girls. My name is Billy Joe or at least it was up until five years ago, when I answered an ad in the newspaper. The ad said: "Young man wanted for domestic service. No experience necessary. Uniform and...

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Beas PonyChapter 3

It was in the middle of the day. I was seated at a vanity in Helen's bedroom brushing my hair. I hadn't had a good chance to brush it out since arriving, and the brisk strokes tugging at my scalp felt good. My hair was longer than it had been in years, the thick brown tresses reaching down to just below my shoulder blades. It seemed like an awful lot of hair as I watched it move with my head in the mirror. I picked the mass up with both hands and held it atop my head for an instant. The...

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My Electric Pony Ride

MY ELECTRIC PONY RIDEByPiacereI almost got bucked off last night. I rode the electric pony until I don’t remember getting off—figuratively and literally.My friend Q is very good with his hands. He also can build and make some very imaginative toys and ‘furniture’. Last night we debuted his latest creation—a wooden pony with an electric mane. I’ve ridden the pony many times before so I know the dread, and secret anticipation, that swell in the pit of my stomach from the time, usually a couple...

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Pams PonyChapter 6

Pam hurried home from school the next day. She turned down a girlfriends offer of a double-date in the local drive-in where, her girlfriend assured her, they could both get fucked. "No thanks, Diane," Pam cooed with a secret smile. "I'm going home." On her way home, she turned down two more offers, these made by horny young studs who wanted to "give her a lift." She laughed them off and wiggled on, cock-teasing a little just for the fun of it. She let the boys whistle and howl and...

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My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables

My Surprise Birthday Treat at the StablesI’m Jack and on my 40th birthday my wife Sam went to the stables as usual. Not even a Birthday ‘playing with’ or even a kiss. So I plan to ravish her upon her return regardless of her wishes. I reframe from watching Xhamster vids and pleasuring myself so I can deposit a full load into my wife’s welcoming pussy. After a leisurely shower and a birthday fry up, I am set for the day ahead. 9.30 I receive a text that says ‘burst pipe please come immediately...

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Patrsquos Electric Pony Ride

I was almost bucked off last night. I rode the electric pony until I do not remember getting off—figuratively and literally. Our friend Bob is very good with his hands. He can build and make some very imaginative toys and special furniture. He is one of the single Masters in our group. Last night we debuted his latest creation—a wooden pony with an electric mane. I have ridden a wooden pony many times before. The say familiarity breeds contempt. When it comes to the pony, familiarity breeds...

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Teacher Rides a Pony

Teacher Rides a PonyAn original story by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])This is adult fantasy including gang rape, torture and beastiallity. All of the characters or actions are imaginary. Do not read if you are under 18 or offended by violent non-consenting sex.? My name is Sue. I’m writing this out at the suggestion of my therapist. It’s the story of a horrible ordeal I went through some years ago when I was 24.Back then; I was a teacher at a primary school in a small town in Idaho. Of...

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Hung Like a Stallion Part 1 The Shetland Pony

Introduction: A young woman has sex with a pony in front of an audience! Authors Note: Although this story can be read independently, it was created as a follow-up to the Doggy Style series. For full enjoymentand to avoid spoilersplease read Doggy Style (Parts 1-5 + Bonus). *** It was the middle of the night and the city was asleep. Only the occasional light ruptured the blanket of darkness of a quiet neighborhood. Inhabited by less-than-upstanding citizens, the district was nonetheless home...

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Sex between a pony and a farmer8217s wife

Background: During the late sixties and early seventies I was Barbara’s lover. She was a beautiful and free spirited woman some twenty five years older than I. A small, red haired and voluptuous woman with large breasts, a narrow waist with a slightly plump belly, a well rounded backside and shapely legs, she turned heads where ever she went and I loved her dearly. There were women of her generation whose totally uninhibited lust for life led to extreme unhappiness because of the strict...

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Pams PonyChapter 10

Pam got up early on Saturday morning. She rolled out of her bed wide awake and tingling with anticipation. She glanced at the small clock on her nightstand and felt a little disappointment to see that she would have to do some waiting for the big event. Her uncle said he'd be over around eight. Pam had almost two hours to wait. She wondered if she could stand the strain! She also wondered about her parents. She had heard them come in very late last night. In the wee hours of the morning...

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Beas PonyChapter 2

The drive to Denton the next day took us about an hour. It was a warm October day, the temperature well up in the seventies. My appointment with the breeder was at ten o'clock, and we had allowed for plenty of time. Helen had taken my suggestion and not worn a bra. As I watched her at the wheel, I could see how the material of the jersey she was wearing hugged the firm shape of her breasts. The least little rocking motion of the car caused them to bob deliciously. I had worn a skirt and...

1 year ago
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A Quirk of fateVIIa pony girlJ13part1of1

A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy… A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband Charles both think I write Harlequin romance novels of which they have no interest. Neither has...

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First time Pony Girl

I was a nineteen year old virgin with money in the bank. I don’t think I’m shy, I can talk to anyone, but I never seemed to have much joy with men. If I threw myself at them it seemed to scare them away, if I played hard to get I didn’t get got. This man was different. He seemed happy to simply chat; he was a lot older than me and I guess I treated him more like an uncle. It was at least a month before we discussed sex at all and then what with one thing and another I started to tell him how...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories

Visit here to see new real homemade porn video www.papahaxx.comChapter 1"How are my folks treating you, Tammy?" Priscilla asked over the phone.The young girl was sprawled out on the bed, the phone propped againsther ear."Your parents are real nice," Tammy replied. A hint of unhappinessrevealed itself in the girl's voice. She was sitting at the bedroomwindow, looking at the street below. The city traffic and peoplebothered her. She wished she were back home on the farm in her ownroom."Your...

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Pony Girl

It was mid-afternoon Saturday. Suzy and Maggie, partners for five years, had just gotten home from an excursion to their favorite mall. Each carried bags containing the new lingerie they’d purchased. It was a favorite pastime, trying on and buying revealing and pleasing new intimates for their visual and tactile pleasure. They had planned it as a warmup for the night’s visit to their favorite private club, Paddles.After leaving the bags on their bed they both turned to leave. “Wait here a...

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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 8

"C'mon we'll go out to the barn, and I'll introduce you to Champion and Brownie." Tracy, her palms sweaty, nervously followed Christine to the stable. Laddie jumped and played beside her. "This is going to be the best two weeks of our lives," Christine promised. They stepped in the barn, out of the summer heat. "No more pretend stories, just real fun." She giggled, tingling all over. "C'mon." Christine stopped at Champion's stall and rubbed her hand soothingly down the...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 3

Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing down her lunch. "Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs. Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version of her teenage daughter, Tammy. Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Her brown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the rest her food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the city." Ben wrapped an arm around...

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The MiniPony Pleasure Plan

Taylor Dewey did her best to keep up with her older, faster girlfriend as they burst through the barns big doors and charged across a wide central floor space to where a stack of crisp, new hay bales, formed a conveniently private hidey-hole at its rear. Sandra Orrick scaled a single bale which formed a low, concealing barrier to a cozy little nook between the towering bundles and the rear wall of the barn in an easy leap and Taylor scrambled over it after her. They were both panting...

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Jean loves her two doggies and with the arrival of Sampson her new pony what happens next is one of her wildest fantasies comes true

As a young girl, I learned how good it felt to have a doggie licking me. It began one day as I was sitting on a curb licking my ice cream cone with my dog, Lassie. I was about 9 at the time and had on a very short little dress. As I sat there eating my ice cream, some of it dripped off my cone and fell between my legs. My short dress was way above my thighs, exposing my panty clad pussy as the ice cream dropped. I spread my little thighs as I looked down to see the sticky ice cream had landed...

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Pony durch Lotto

Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...

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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 6

Christine grabbed her jeans off the floor and hauled herself up, sliding the faded denim up her long legs. Swaying slightly, she stood on wobbly legs, stiff from being on her knees for so long. Moaning and sore-muscled, she bent over and grabbed the shirt. As she slipped her arms through the sleeves, she staggered out the bedroom. Having been fucked by Laddie had unleashed the full fury of her passion-she wanted more. She knew where to get it. Outside on the porch, her shirt open, her jeans...

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My Little Pony of Mares and Donuts the Holes That Need Filling

The tawny coated Earth pony slept deeply. Her fiery red mane was spread all over the pillows and her lengthy tail emerged from the rumpled bedding. A gentle whinny of a snore sounded regularly as the bedroom door slowly opened. "This will never do." said Sunflower Meadows as she entered her friend and employer's bedroom. "Wakey-wakey!" she called as her horn glowed. The curtains parted, letting in brilliant mid afternoon sunlight. Pay Dirt groaned. "You're fired!" she said for perhaps...

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The Training Of A Pony Girl 2

THE TRAINING OF A PONY GIRL CHAPTER 2 The next day. Monday morning, Ann woke me up at 7 Am and told me, "It is time to get up sleepy head". "We need to start your training, but first, I have your breakfast ready!" I threw on a pair of shorts and a flimsy top. Pushed on my slippers, and headed down to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a hard boiled egg and one piece of dry toast. I asked, "Where is my breakfast?" Ann just smiled and pointed to the plate with the egg and one slice...

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Pams PonyChapter 7

Pam's declaration almost knocked her uncle for a loop! He stopped finger-fucking her cunt and playing with her tits. He leaned back and peered intently at her. She was serious! Concealing more astonishment, Ben Forbes kissed his niece's forehead and mouth. "Have you tried to fuck him?" He tried to sound nonchalant, as if her revelation wasn't so surprising, but there was an unmistakable horniness to his voice. At least it got a smile out of pam. "That excites you, huh?" she...

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A Victorian Pony Girl part 3

A vision in White stood before him, long limbed slim, but entirely clothed in white silk, His mother Marjorie Lady Acheron soon to be the Dowager Lady Acheron explained. "It's May, I lent her some clothes, I feel you can have no qualms about her suitability now, and even if you do I do not care, you will marry her and provide an heir." her voice became more strident, "Do you hear me?" He looked relieved, "Oh, gosh, sorry, I didn't recognise you with clothes on." "May...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 2

She stepped back, glanced down at her tits. They were soaked with pony spit and flushed pink from his nuzzling. Her plump tits felt swollen and heavy. "Do you lick Tammy's tits, Beauty?" she asked him. At hearing his name, Beauty waved his head in the air as if to answer. He brought his slobbering lips back to the creamy flesh of tittie meat. She tasted sweet, just like Tammy. His rubbery lips gnawed gently. "Ah... ahhh... ahhh! Don't bite me," she gasped heatedly. Warm cunt juice...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 7

Tammy tossed and turned on the small cot. It had been a frightful night. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. She kicked off the covers. Moonlight lit up the bedroom. A quick glance across the room told her Tammy was sleeping peacefully. She frowned and silently slipped her panties off. Deft fingers combed through the curly brown hair of her cunt. She moaned, riding a quick surge toward orgasm. It eluded her. "Damn," she hissed. She climbed out of bed as quietly as possible. Having...

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Weekend Pony Ride

When I was about 20, a college buddy of mine invited me to spend a weekend with him at his folks' farm, not far from the school. I didn't grow up on a farm, and I was never really comfortable in that environment. However, my buddy Rob and I got along famously, and I appreciated the invitation. I also didn't want to hurt his feelings, so even though I was skeptical, I accepted. As it turned out, his folks' place wasn't really a "working" farm, anymore, in that they raised crops for...

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Pony Summer

Pony SummerCopyright 2011 by RubberHTight?too damn tight! He moaned into the gag. The initial discomfort was now far more intense. His hands were encased in steel mitts which were attached to chains. These chains were connected to winches which pulled the mitts and his arms wide apart. His ankles were tethered in a similar fashion, his legs spread wide apart. What was worse was the steel helmet that was locked on his head and which also was attached to a chain and winch set into the rafters. ...

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The pony girl

Ann was walking down the street late at night returning home from a girl's night out. She was very upset about the fact that she had had a huge argument with her friend Beth about a guy. Beth thought John was so cute and so did Ann. However, Ann had seen him first and felt that she has first claim to him. They argued and Ann stormed off. Now she was walking down a dark street, alone because Beth had driven them to the bar. Ann heard a vehicle coming up behind her, and she turned and saw it was...

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Penny's Promiscious "Pony" Ridebyslitlicker69©My daughter was driving me nuts. All during high school we couldn't get her to wear a dress, even if we paid her. It always had to be blue jeans. But not just any blue jeans, mind you, no, they had to have huge gaping holes in the knees and patches on the backside as if her mom and I were too poor to buy her real clothes. Then, all of a sudden after she hit 18 she started wearing skirts, but not the conservative, respectable knee-length or longer...

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Beas PonyChapter 8

Jack had been furious. He had stormed out of the house swearing never to come back. Before that he had threatened to shoot the dog, shoot the pony, carve me up into strips of bacon. His ultimatum before leaving was, no dog, no pony, and no sister. Until then, goodbye! Out he went into the night. Helen was speechless. She had not been able to get a word in edgewise while Jack was there and after he had gone could not find the words. I was at a loss as to how to console her. There was no...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming Facility

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...

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After my first mating with Dromano I knew that I must have more of that pony cock

After my first mating with Dromano, I knew that I must have more of that pony cock, so I contacted Jim and the date and time was set. I had a hard time concentrating on work on the days before my next encounter. Saturday finally arrived and Jim had requested that I not bath, remove all makeup and no perfume as he wanted his pony to get used to natural scents. Under my clothing I wore a full fishnet body suit that left my cunt and ass totally exposed. I donned my boots and collar, finished...

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Janie the reluctant Pony Girl

Janie looked up and down the street. She chewed on her ball gag to relieve the pain in her jaw. Her hands hurt where they were bound behind her back. The dildo in her pussy chafed and the butt plug in her ass hurt. “How do you like working in advertising?” Sam asked. Janie stamped her foot in frustration. Sam laughed. Janie didn’t think it was funny, being contracted to stand outside a downtown brothel with signs saying “Dolores Discount Whores” strapped to her front and “Whores from $25 a...

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Pams PonyChapter 2

Pam was halfway out the back door with another carrot when her mother objected. "Pam," the woman complained, "that's the third carrot this afternoon! we need some for supper, you know!" "Just one more," Pam pleaded. "Please, Mom?" Anna Forbes smiled at the excitement sparkling on her young daughter's eyes and couldn't refuse her ardent request. "Well... all right... one more. But tomorrow you go to the store and make sure to buy more!" "Oh, I will!" Pam promised. She...

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