My Journey Into Satanism free porn video

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My name is Simon, I am married to Louise and have two lovely children Jessica aged 14 and Kieran aged 12. You might think my life was perfect and it would be apart from my sexual perversity, I am bi-sexual with a desire to be the submissive party in rough gay group sex.

I am employed by a property consultancy to manage empty and derelict buildings. That was my reason for visiting the run down area of the town and led me to St Luke’s Church. I was surprised to see a church in an area that would not sustain a congregation and even more surprised to see the massive front doors open and light spilling onto the grey street. I felt an overpowering desire to enter the church and confess my sins.

Inside the quality and condition of the decoration was amazing, I am not a regular church attendee, but my few forays into religious premises for weddings and christenings had never taken me into such a superb building.

A gentle cough behind me caused me to turn and I found myself facing Father Damian, my first impression was of a good looking man in his early 40’s, tall and athletic, the sort of man my dreams revolved around.

“Are you looking for something my son”?

“No father, well yes, I have a need to confess my sins; I don’t understand why, it’s just a feeling that came over me when I saw your church”.

Nodding the kindly priest said “I understand, many men see this wondrous building and feel the need to unburden their mortal soul, come and sit so that we may talk”.

Following the priest I sat beside him at a pew near to the altar, the white cloth, candles and familiar cross giving me a strange comfort.

“What do you feel you need to confess”? He asked as he patted my thigh in a fatherly manner.

“Father, I have many sins - I lust after men hoping they will dominate me”

“My son many men do that, you should not worry, it’s not such a bad thing”

“But father I want it to be many men at the same time”

The priest did not flinch or look appalled at my outburst; he calmly continued “That may be a bit difficult for you, what are you going to do about this problem”?

Before I could stop myself I continued “I have this urge to put myself in danger with the hope of being raped abused - I masturbate nightly at the thought, it fills my every dream”.

“So my son how many men have you been with at one time”?

I looked at the priest unable to understand why I had revealed my inner thoughts and quietly uttered “Three men father but I have a craving for more”.

“And in your dreams how do you get used by these men”?

Words spilled from my mouth, words that I could not stop. Father the men who dominate me in my dreams well they are the priests and high priests of Satan - They hold me down as they chant their mystical spells and slowly disrobe allowing me to marvel at their enormous phallus. I have to kneel as they take turns at filling my mouth with their monsters before laying me on the black altar of lust and roughly taking me - two cocks fill my mouth as the other priests jostle to take my ass”.

I expected the priest to recoil in horror or reach for his crucifix, strange Father Dominic did not appear to wear one, his only response was to proclaim in a loud clear voice that reached the very rafters of the church “Hail Satan, the true master”.

This strange priest scared me, I made to stand but his hand pushed down on my thigh, a burning sensation spread through my legs paralysing them.

“You are a sinful one, when did you first sin”?

“I have been sinful since I was young, I allowed a priest to, you know, to touch me, well I begged him to”

Looking down at my crotch and the developing bulge the priest let out a guttural laugh saying “And what is that my son”?

“Father, that is my sinful cock, it betrays me, and it shows how excited the thought of being used by the priest has made me”.

I did not move as the priest unzipped my trousers and expertly sipped my aroused penis from my shorts, he gently rubbed my erection saying “I must taste it to see if you are truly worthy”.

I did not resist as the priest opened his mouth and encircled my penis with his lips and I obeyed his instruction to push it deep into his throat.

As I sat there the priest deeply sucking on my rock hard penis I was taken back to the time that I was twelve and Father Benedict had done the same thing.
Pausing in his ministrations Father Damian said “You are an evil man and must be punished”

“Yes father I expected nothing else, that is what my childhood priest told me when he sucked my cock and told me how bad I was”.

Following the priests instruction I stood and removed my clothes, standing naked before the now kneeling priest I repeated the words Father Benedict had drilled into me all those years ago “I offer you my penis for your blessing, bless me father”.

“Fuck yea Hail Satan” exclaimed Father Dominic as he sucked on my cock and slowly worked one and then two fingers into my ass “This is a sinful cock that is dirty and filthy for the glory of Satan”

“Yes father - Father Benedict always used three fingers- he said my ass was possessed and he had to drive out the demons”. I let out an uncontrolled moan as the priest sucked my cock and fingered my ass. I offered an apology but was cut short.

“Do not apologise for your lust, just do it with all that is within you and I enjoy hearing your pleasure”. And with those words the priest worked his third finger into my ass.

Pulling away from my cock the priest announced “My cock is leaking with pleasure on hearing your confession”.

“But Father Benedict said my moans were sinful, which is why he had to punish me. Father, do you need me to clean your phallus as I cleaned Father Benedict”?

“You cannot be forgiven my son because you don’t want to be forgiven; you are enjoying this. Tell me do you really want forgiveness”

“I know its wrong father; I need your absolution, no matter what it takes”

“Then we must continue, however your sin is so great I shall need the assistance of my brethren”.

Instructing me to kneel in prayer the priest left me alone in the church.

As I contemplated all that had happened I felt the atmosphere within the church change, a mist appeared to be seeping into the building raising from the crypt; without warning a chill blast of air rushed through the church extinguishing the alter candles and causing the large doors to slam shut, the locking bar dropping into place. Previously the church had the pleasant scent of incense, but this was replaced with the overpowering stench of sulpha.

Then he was standing in front of me, Father Damian was no longer dressed as the genial parish priest, he now wore the black patterned robe of a satanic high priest, mystical symbols embroidered on the chest and arms, a reversed crucifix around his neck. Father Damien’s demeanour had completely changed, he presented as the rapist that had abused me in my dreams. Behind him were standing two hooded figures in the grey robes of the Demonic Brotherhood.

Pointing to the altar steps he instructed “Stand there and bend over bitch, show the brethren you ass, let them decide if you are worthy of their attention”

“Yes father I know this position well”. I bent forward and reaching behind pulled my ass cheeks apart revealing my well used hole.

Father Damian considered me for several seconds “Lord Satan has desired to possess you and we his obedient servants are going to show you the true path. Your asshole is opened you hungry bitch; Lord Satan desires that you accommodate two cocks”.

“Father, your words fill me with lust and wonder; but two cocks father surely that is too much for a man to take”.

“You will take them; you will devour them in your boi pussy, you will rejoice in the power of Lord Satan”.

“Yes father, my sinful cock is betraying me yet again; may I suckle on the cocks that are going to empower me”

Father Damian slowly shook her head; “No my son to become a true follower you must be raped by the Demonic Brotherhood and that rape shall take place on the high altar in the presence of the dark lord”.

The two brothers removed their robes, I recoiled in horror, these were not men; they were true demons, the most striking feature being their 18 inch thick, bulbous phallus that hung down between their muscular thighs. I was dragged to the altar and positioned on my hands and knees facing an upturned crucifix. Both demons positioned themselves behind me.

“Fuck Jesus Hail Satan” intoned Father Damian as the rape of my ass began.

As the first demon cock ripped into my ass I screamed and begged for mercy

“Your words are like divine song; to be raped on the high alter by the masters disciples is a great honour”.

My screams intensified as the second demon cock was forced into my already stretch hole.

“Lord Lucifer is pleased, behold he is here”

I look to where Father Damian is standing, I shudder. Standing behind the satanic high priest is a monster, a monster that is over 10 feet tall, a monster that is best described as a cross between a lizard and a man, a monster with a phallus over 3 feet long and dripping pre-cum. The monster bends at the knees and lifts the priest’s robes exposing Father Damian’s ass and his engorged cock. Having positioned his enormous cock against the priest’s anal opening he thrusts forward.

The power of the thrust lifts father Damian off his feet “Hail Satan, fill me with your seed, make me the instrument of your will”.

I watch mesmerised as the coupling takes place, I barely feel the rape of my ass as I watch the blinding white light that emanates from the dark lord, I watch with amazement as Father Damian’s penis grows to an unbelievable size.

“Breed me Lord Satan, breed your true follower, impart your wisdom in me” As father Damian utters the last word the monster lets out a blood curling howl as he ejaculates inside the priest’s anus.

This was the signal for the tow demons raping my ass to cum, the force of their jets of cum exploding inside my bowels causing my own orgasm.

Father Damian his robe discarded is standing at my head “Tell me you want Lord Satan’s giant cock, tell me your boi pussy is so loose you want more”

“Would the master find me worthy”?

“Oh you are so worthy but you must beg for his cock and pledge yourself to him and denounce your Christian god as I have done”

“Yes father I pray unto Lord Satan and renounce all others, please allow me to suck on your wondrous phallus and receive the blessing of the master”

Gripping his cock and thrusting it at my mouth he chanted “Suck me, suck me, suck me. Worship my cock worship Lord Satan”

I stretched my mouth wide to accommodate the high priest; I worshiped his majestic cock and heavy balls, I uttered a silent prayer to Lord Satan as he relentlessly pushed his cock deep in my unworthy mouth.

Unable to speak due to the size of the phallus, my eyes are riveted on father Damian’s as the divine light shines through. It is the light of hell piercing through

I am aware that Lord Satan is again standing behind the priest, his phallus again engorged and throbbing. The dark lord again enters the priest who screams out “FUCK ME I AM THE BITCH OF SATAN; FUCK MY WIFE TO HELL FUCK THE CHURCH; TAKE ME SATAN TAKE ME”.

Lord Satan again fills the priest with seed and with a flash of light accompanied by a strong sulphurous odour disappears.

“Father if you are Satan's bitch, will you make me your whore; make me your instrument of torture; give me the divine seed and then breed me until I bleed” I beg.

“Yes take my cock whore” demand the high priest as he stands behind me and rams it into my ass.

“Fuck me like the dog I am” I demand “Use your powers to delay spilling your seed until I am exhausted, I will do whatever you command in Satan’s name”.

“I will rape you again and again; I will rape the shit out of you and piss in your ass”

“Yes master, make it rape, do not have any feeling for me; oh yes give me your piss and let your minions piss over me”

“Take it; take it all; take it deep you bitch feel my piss warm your insides”

I lean against the alter as a mix of cum and piss escapes from by bruised and battered anus

“I want you to give me your wife; I will turn her into one of Lord Satan’s whores; I will take your children’s virginity and dedicate their defilement to our Lord Satan”

I feel the power of the true one course through my bowels “Yes master she is yours as are my son and daughter”

“They will be raped in front of you and you will enjoy it every minute of it. You will see the pleasure on their faces as the fear departs”.

“I promise to bring them to you so that you and your followers may show them the true way”

“You will fuck them as well, you will use your son’s boi pussy and your daughter’s cunt and ass, and you will spill your seed in your off spring”

“Oh yes master - I have lusted for my daughter’s cunt for years. I will not let you down”

“We stop now; you must prepare your wife and children for the journey into discovery”.

As I stop to retrieve my clothes Father Damian hands me a small bottle containing a colourless liquid. “Sprinkle this on their food, they will not resist when you bring them to the Lord Satan. Do not fail me, do not try to hide them from the Lord, we will hunt them down and make you watch as a thousand demons rape them”.

I dress and leave the church, on reaching my car I think it was all a dream, but the severe pain in my ass and the sensation of cum leaking from my bruised hole and seeping down my leg tells me it happened. I turn to look at the church, I must be dreaming, the magnificent church is a boarded up derelict building, but I know that when I return with my family all will be well.

I return to my office and use the shower, given the condition of the premises I access on a normal day this is nothing unusual and I always keep a change of clothes in my locker. I check out St Luke’s on the web and discover it has been derelict for over twenty years and that it is only its listed building status and uncertainty over ownership that is preventing its demolition. I leave work at my usual time and endure the slow crawl home in the rush hour traffic; I am relieved to find both my children are home and that we are due to eat as a family. I wait until my wife has prepared the meal and surreptitiously sprinkle a few drops of Father Damian’s liquid on three of the four plates. Initially there was no change in the demeanour of my family and I thought the drops had not worked, had I used enough, how could I administer more? Then one by one their eyes glazed over and I was sitting at the table with three zombies.

In order to test the effectiveness of the drug I asked Emma, my wife to pass the salt, she instantly complied whilst retaining her glazed expression. I decided to test the effectiveness of the liquid further.

“Jessica I want you to unbutton your blouse”.

Jessica did as I commanded and I sat staring at my daughters budding titties encased in her tiny bra. I looked at Emma who was oblivious as to what was happening.

“Jessica, come here and stand next to me”

Again there was total obedience from my daughter and when I lifted the hem of her short skirt and worked my fingers into the leg of her panties there was no reaction. I slowly fingered my 14 year old daughter’s pussy and even contemplated bending her over the table and using her as my slut; but I recalled Father Damian’s words “I will take your children’s virginity and dedicate their defilement to our Lord Satan”.

Leaving Jessica standing I turn my attention to Emma.

“Emma you are a filthy slut and you deserve to have your ass fucked, bend over the table bitch”. Again there was total obedience. I stand behind my wife and pull her skirt up exposing her long tanned legs and her firm buttocks; I am pleased to see she is wearing a thong. I pull the skimpy material to one side and pit on my fingers working the moisture into Emma’s tight ass. Anal sex has always been a total taboo; well tonight it is going to be the norm. I slide me cock into the tight opening and slowly anal fuck my wife, not stopping until cum explodes deep inside her ass.

“Kieran I want you to eat my cum from your mom’s ass; Jessica you will suck my cock clean”. I ejaculated again, this time inside my daughter’s mouth as the sight of my 12 year old son slurping cum from his mom’s ass and the unexpected proficiency of my daughters oral skills took me over the edge.

Telling my family we had to have an early start the next day I sent them to bed, making sure I added some more drops of the fluid to the drinks I instructed them to consume. Once alone I sorted through my porn collection looking for my favourite prison rape scene, the one where the white warden is gang raped by ten black inmates. Yes life is certainly looking up.

The next day I instructed Emma to dress herself and Jessica as sluts before bundling the family in my car and driving to St Luke’s. On arrival I was gratified to find that the church was again restored to its former glory.

Outside the church I checked over my family; Emma had really excelled at making herself look a slut. Her long blonde hair was tied up, she had overdone the make-up, thick black mascara coated her eyelashes and flame red lipstick enhanced her already large lips. A red silk blouse barely contained her 38DD titties, the erect nipples straining against the sheer material; the top three buttons of the blouse were undone allowing me to see the red lace bra that enhanced her boobs. A short black skirt that was really Jessica’s and black fishnet stockings completed the effect. The skirt was so short I could see her red lace thong every time she moved. Emma is already 5’10” and the 5 inch heeled stiletto shoes made her tower above me, the sight of her long tapered legs tormenting my aroused cock.

Emma’s efforts with Jessica’s appearance was amazing, she had managed to combine school girl and whore, the result being every red blooded man’s wildest desire. Jessica’s long blonde hair had been twisted into two perfect pig tails, a tight white blouse, two sizes too small covered her budding titties and tiny white bra. Round her swan like neck she wore a black leather collar, a gift I had bought Emma many years ago when we were exploring our darker side, a gift she had never worn. The blouse was tied exposing Jessica’s pale midriff. Like her mom’s her skirt was much too short and her little white panties were clearly visible. Knee length white socks gave the school girl impression but a pair of her mom’s stiletto heeled shoes provided a strange contrast. Emma had been especially particular about Jessica’s make-up, just enough to make her alluring, but not so much that she looked a tramp.

Dressing Kieran had been simple, a ripped T shirt that exposed his boy nipple, a pair of his mom’s red silk panties and a red ribbon round his neck

I walk my family to the open doors, the divine light radiates from the building. A guard of twenty Brothers of Satan are standing inside the doors, the hoods of their grey habits drawn over their heads. We are directed to kneel before the altar steps, the females nearest the altar with Kieran and me kneeling behind. One of the brethren roughly pushes us into the correct position; we are kneeling with our foreheads touching the floor, our asses slightly in the air. The brother lifts both Emma’s and Jessica’s skirts so that their thong covered asses are visible to the other brethren who have formed up behind us. Although I am left alone the brother pulls Kieran’s panties to one side exposing his anal opening and freeing his small cock. Satisfied with his efforts he instructs us not to move and takes his place with the brethren. As the church doors are closed I sneak a view of my daughters exposed cunt and feel the lust course through my body. I can here rustling behind me, I realise that the brethren are masturbating at the sight before them.

A blinding white light emanates from the altar and the strong smell of Sulphur returns. The brethren chant in unison.

“Hail Lord Asmodeus, Lord Satan's most dedicated disciple; hail Lord Asmodeus Lord High Priest of the Brotherhood of Satan”.

I raise my eyes and can see Father Damian standing before the altar, Father Damian and Lord Asmodeus are one and the same.

Lord Asmodeus raises his arms and his commanding voice rings out

“Goddamn the God of heaven! Hail to our Lord Lucifer! Lust is in the air of this temple”. Walking to examine my family he stands next to me and asks “What are your limits for these pretty gifts you have presented to Lord Satan”?

“I have no limits for them Lord; I purely wish to serve the true lord in any way he desires”

“Then if this is true I want you to kneel before the young boy and take his cock in your mouth and make him erect while you put the index finger of each hand in the assholes of your wife and daughter”.

Lord Asmodeus and the brethren form a loose circle around us, I am pulled into a kneeling position and my son lifted to his feet so that he is standing in front of me, one of the brethren removes the red panties and hands them to Lord Asmodeus who sniffs them and then licks the crotch. He brother has not finished with Kieran; his thick finger is probing my son’s tight ass causing the boy’s tiny penis to twitch. I am roughly pushed forward and am sucking my son’s cock. Emma and Jessica are divested of their short skirts; my arms are grasped by members of the brotherhood, my fingers pressed against the pantie encased cunts.

Lord Asmodeus intones “Do it as the fucking Jesus Christ watches and our Master Satan gazes upon this wondrous scene”.

Lord Asmodeus watches for some time then shouts “I did not say their cunts I said their ASSHOLES! Can you not follow my directions”?

“I am so sorry Lord I got carried away”. I quickly turn my attention to the thong covered asses

“Slave, you will pay for your lack of attention your time will come to pay”.

Stepping forward Lord Asmodeus removes his black robe and stands naked before my still drugged wife and grasping her blouse rips it open, buttons hitting the floor; he roughly pulls the red lacy bra up releasing my wife’s titties; he pinches and tweaks her nipples until they are standing erect. He passionately kisses my wife on the lips triggering a reciprocal response.

Looking down at me as I continued to suck my son’s hardened cock he continued

“Your wife’s eyes are fixed upon my giant cock while you are fingering her; she is not repulsed with what is happening to her children, she is a true slut”.

They return to the passionate kissing and Lord Asmodeus reaches out and fondles Jessica’s small titties over her blouse. I watch dismayed as my wife reaches a shuddering orgasm. “Is that jealousy I see on your face slave”?

“No Lord, I could not be jealous of the chosen one”.

“I am glad to hear that slave”. Turning to the brother who had removed my son’s silk panties Lord Asmodeus continues “The boy’s ass is yours to use as you please, use him badly; make him one of Lord Satan’s boi sluts”.

Kieran is roughly dragged away from me and positioned on the altar steps, his hands are placed on the altar rail as the brother stands behind him. The brother removes his robe exposing his 10” thick, throbbing cock. Bending at the knees he positions his cock against Kieran’s anal opening before standing and thrusting hard. Kieran lets out a shrill scream; Lord Asmodeus looks to me for a response to my son’s rape.

“My son’s screams and his lost virginity are a worthy gift for my Lord Satan”.

The cock head goes in and Kieran continues to scream but he is pushing back wanting more.

“Slave, your son is a cock whore already and at such a young age; and your wife’s cunt is dripping fuck juice at the sight” Without being instructed Emma drops to her knees and takes Lord Asmodeus’s cock into her willing mouth.

“Oh Lord I am so jealous now as I watch her hungrily suck on your phallus”

Lord Asmodeus spreads his arms wide “Fucking Jesus Christ I HATE YOU and RENOUNCE YOU”

Emma redoubled her efforts sucking hungrily on the massive phallus that fills her mouth; the lust clearly showing in her eyes

“Eat your daughter’s cunt slave, make her cum, prepare her to receive Satan’s blessing”.

This is paradise, the things most taboo in my life are coming true in one day, and I devour Jessica’s teen pussy.

“Today this family is dedicated to the true GOD of ALL, Lucifer and Satan”.

I turn and see that Emma is now kissing Lord Asmodeus’s ass, her tongue delving deep inside. The high Priests cock is unbelievably long and thick, thick strands of pre-cum coat the bulbous head.

“Your bitch must be a cunt eater slave; she is making my cock so hard; maybe she eats your daughter when you are out at work”?

Without warning Lord Asmodeus spins Emma around so that she is kneeling on the altar steps and violently thrusts his cock into her tight ass. He fully penetrates her in a single motion and I watch amazed as the cock seems to swell inside her. She screams with the pain causing Lord Asmodeus to become even harder.

“May she scream as she receives your gift Lord, may she take all 15" Lord”

Lord Asmodeus ferociously fucks Emma calling her a slut, a whore, a bitch, each utterance resulting in an even harder thrust as he ploughs my wife’s ass. I look around and see Kieran in a circle of four naked brethren, he is sucking their cocks in turn, he sees me looking and a smile crosses his face, his eyes are clear, he is no longer drugged, he is doing this because he wants to. He shifts round the circle and I see the cum oozing from his bruised ass, the first brother must have cum deep inside my son; as I watch another brother kneels behind Kieran and easily slides his substantial cock into the 12 year olds ass; oh my God, I watch as Kieran ejaculates on the church floor.

Lord Asmodeus is aware that Emma is no longer as responsive to his fucking, and immediately orders that her wrists are tied to the altar rail and a nose fixed round her neck and also secured to the rail. He continues to fuck her ass as her screams and protests become louder. I am made to stand before my wife and watch her being anally raped

She looks me in the eyes “How could you do this to us! You are a monster”. Then she hears Kieran scream as a second brother mounts him two cocks forcing their way into his small ass. Emma managed to turn her head to witness her son being double penetrated in the ass as another thick cock fills his mouth. Her howls of despair ring around the church.

I smile and wank my cock at the sight of my wife and son being violated, Jessica has remained relatively untouched, but I sense she is being spared for something special.

Then it is my turn to feel the power of the brethren’s cock. A massive black brother punches me hard in the gut, I fall to the floor onto to be grabbed by the hair and my mouth pulled onto a massive black cock.

“I am allowing you to fulfil your wildest dreams” stated Lord Asmodeus. “Now fuck the slave’s ass till he bleeds”. My clothes were ripped from my body as the ebony brother positioned me to receive his mighty weapon; another brother seized the opportunity and thrust his cum coated cock into my mouth, I was cleaning the demonic brother who had been the first to rape my son. I gasp as the black cock penetrates my anus, pushing through my sphincter muscle and burying its self in my bowels. As the brethren use me as their slut Jessica is dragged before Lord Asmodeus, her torment is about to begin.


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Journey into Cuckoldry High Five

Bright afternoon sun beat down on the hot tiles surrounding the deep blue swimming pool, making it painful to walk without shoes as I carried our three glasses on a small tray back to the apartment for a refill. The water dripping from my wet swim shorts made slippery puddles around my feet and I stepped carefully the last few yards. As I reached the apartment’s door I turned and smiled at my wife Alice, who was completing the last few confidant lengths of her daily exercise routine. She turned...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Sweet Sixteen

The days had passed slowly but they had eventually passed. It was Saturday - THE Saturday. The night my wife was to become a whore! It was ten thirty in the evening. I was sitting in the same booth in the same bar in which Julie, Gary, Alice and I had started our New Year’s Eve celebrations but this time the bar was barely a quarter full and I was sitting there alone, apart from a tall glass of ice cold beer. My tummy was bubbling with excitement but, I suspected, not as much as those of the...

3 years ago
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Journey Of A Submissive SexSlave The First Encounter

Hello, guys, this is Akshay Thakur again. This time with the story of one of the readers, written in my style. Before starting the story I want to thank the readers for all the emails and replies you guys are sending me. Let me make this clear all the earlier stories were my own experience. But this story is narrated by a reader named Minal Gupta. I am just writing on her behalf. She has consented to reveal her mail Id but only to genuine readers (and I’ll be the judge of that). So here is her...

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Journey from New Delhi to Mumbai

This incident happened with me on my journey from New Delhi to Mumbai via Rajdhani Express 2 months back,I was travelling alone by IInd A/c and it was just 5 minutes for the train to leave and still in my cabin (which had 3 other seats vaccant) no other passenger had come and i had almost thought that I would be all alone in the cabin till Mumbai and got engrossed in reading a magazine and just as the train was to depart a sweet voice called out her seat number and was trying to locate it by...

1 year ago
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Journey With My 4 Darlings Part 8211 1

Hi All, I am regular reader of Indian Sex Stories.Today I am describing about my real love and sex journey had with my Girlfriend. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in MNC in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex can mail me @ will keep your details confidential. Coming to the story: Part1: It was first day of engineering college and I am late to college to take the admission.I and my...

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Journey Of A Lifetime With One Of My Sexy Readers 8211 Part 2

Hi all, First of all I want to apologize for being so late in posting the next part. I have now moved to Delhi. Above is the link of the first and previous part of the story. We both slept late last night. I slept on lower berth and Aakriti went to the upper berth. We both were tired and didn’t had any energy left in us. We ate and went to sleep. Next thing I know someone is knocking on the door. The night was over just like that. I opened it. There was a lady at the door. She was beautiful,...

2 years ago
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Journey Of A Lifetime With One Of My Sexy Readers

Hi girls, I’m back with another story. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who liked my previous story and a special thanks to the people who mailed me and appreciated me for my work. I want to request the readers that please stop asking me for pics and contacts of the girls with whom I had these encounters. It won’t happen. They are just for me.:p After reading my last story this girl contacted me. First I thought that it is a guy messing with me so I didn’t took it seriously. But I was wrong....

3 years ago
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Journey With Aunt Ends Up In Bed

Hi ISS reader . This is Sameer age of 22 from Kathmandu Nepal. I am doing my bachelors in management. i have read a lot of stories here which are from India and found few from Nepal. As I am regular visitor of this site, I thought of sharing my own experience with you all. Hope you all will like this. For any feedbacks, my mail id is Aunties and girls from Nepal can contact me as confidentiality will be maintained in the relationship. Once I have to travel to Itahari which lies in the eastern...

4 years ago
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Journey to His Lair Elizabeths Debasement

Journey to His Lair: The Tale of Elizabeth’s DebasementBy SlaveWithOwner?Chapter 1:?I had a clear list of rules when I first?approached Him, the man who?subsequently fucked my mind and broke my barriers and made me His; the one to make me surrender 'my' cunt to cock. The man I now call?My Master with all the pride and passion I once called myself a?lesbian feminist.?The man?I need to serve?daily to satisfy cunt's?insatiable?craving for cummings.?It?drips always, cunt. Always needs cummings....

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Journey From KunoolHyd

Hi Friends.. This is my frist story im going to narrate you how it has taken place in a bus journey from kurnool to hyderabad. Frist i want to tell you about my self my name is Pradeep working as a cafe in-charge in hyd i’m 25 yrs old medium built with a fair complextion. I went to my native place kurnool for a important work and after compplition of my work iam returing back to hyerabad my mom came with me to drop me at the bus stand as it is a festival season bus stand is with full crowd,...

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Journey with bride

The journey from Mum to Pune in AC Bus brought memories of a real experience. I had gone to a remote place in the Himalayas. Lone Bus that dropped me there at 12 noon was to go back to nearest small town at 3 pm. By the time I could visit my destination and return it was already 4 pm and the Bus had already left. There was no shelter there and the only alternative was to hitch a ride in a truck. The driver gave me the lift. I sat in middle and the cleaner on my left and driver naturally on the...

4 years ago
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Journey With My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and will enjoy this story of . You can call me Hunter.  I’m 22 years old. Her name is Sheila (36-34-38). She’s 46 and the mother of my friend Ruchika (32-30-34). Her dad is in the army. After the unlock, her college reopened, which was in Chandigarh. So again she needs to carry all her luggage to college. She, along with her mom, cannot do this alone. So she contacted me to help her go to Chandigarh as her mom can’t travel alone while coming back....

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This is the GRA edit – a revision that cleared a major continuity error Cadet Colonel Alex Flowers stepped out of the shimmering field that marked the terminus of the transporter and into bedlam. After taking just three paces he stopped, not knowing what to do and unable to see anyone in charge. Behind him he heard a curse, then Captain Roberts, Confederacy Space Marines, stepped around him and bellowed “Halt!” His voice, commanding and loud enough to reach the far corners of the room,...

2 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 13 Friends

They all looked to Dann to lead, now that Rand was hurt. Dann surveyed the party, and thankfully noted that there were few injuries, besides Rand’s broken leg, and his own lacerations. One of the older boys had a bruised shoulder, from being knocked aside by the bear in her blind rage, and there were minor bumps and scrapes, gotten as they had scrambled to get out of the way. Fortunately, the furious animal had been intent on the two larger hunters, and had ignored the rest in her...

4 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 11 A cold reception

With Eastorhyld leading, since she was the one who knew the way, followed by Marjorie then Hild and Jane, I was left to bring up the rear. We went towards the stream and to the small path near the outcrop of saplings. This was a path I had seen before and thought it was just a path that had been made by wild animals coming to drink. Marjorie was seen talking to Eastorhyld for quite a long-time. She then turned and said, "This is a Druid highway, these criss-cross the country and by keeping...

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The train has compartments. The seats are old and have a musty smell. The heating, turned on full and not to be changed, makes the air cloying and presses the cause of sleep and release. The misted windows offer us only vague reflections. The darkness outside says ‘stay in your warm bright cave and wait for me to be gone’. Our minds are numbed by the cradling rattle and rumble of the train. Our eyes open and close with no change in what we perceive. Your head rests on my plaid covered chest as...

3 years ago
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Journey of a Pain Slut Act 2

I sat back on the large rock next to my bag. I was exhausted, but elated. This past few hours had fuelled my desires, my kinks, my perversions ... and how! This girl, my Little Girl, whose actual name was still not known to me, nor mine to her, hung by her wrists above me, several feet from the ground as the dusk turned to twilight and the darkness began to descend. It had been a relatively warm December day with heavy cloud cover and a deluge of rain. But now she had stopped shaking, in...

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Journey from Delhi to Jaipur

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. There are always two or three weak points for every woman. However distance may be your relationship with her, if you are alone with her and likely to be together for more time and when sure that there won’t be any external disturbance, sex comes to her mind more intensely than to a man. She would have schemed in her mind how to take advantage of the situation...

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Journey of a Naive Lily White Woman

(For those looking for sex, there will be PLENTY of that…as we move into this series… This is NON FICTION and is being written by both parties. We are extremely busy, and will have no concrete posting schedule due to our professional lives. I am sure that some will not like the white slave/Black Master dynamic, but for those of you who do…we thank you for taking the time to read our story. We are excited about sharing our experience with you all as we have enjoyed several of your stories. We...

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Journey of a Pain Slut Act 4

“How was your day love?” I made a point of calling my wife. It was Monday, a whole day since I saw my Little Girl at Leeds Station. We had our thing my slut and I, and that ‘thing’ was supposed to draw the boundaries and define what it was that we had, and where it was we had it, but if I was being honest I just could not get her out of my head. Even during the waking moments with my eyes open I ‘saw’ her ... on the cross, tied to the bed, in the throes of orgasm, her arms around my neck...

2 years ago
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Journey of a Pain Slut Act 1

Her hair was on the short side, dark with little curls here and there … it framed her face perfectly. “Another?” The barmaid caught my attention having spotted that my pint glass was almost empty. “Yes, please same again,” I replied, glancing briefly at her whilst keeping my main focus on the young girl who seemed to love being the centre of attention in the small group that she was sitting with. I had been watching her for some time and not once had she looked up at me, she was far too...

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Journey from Mangalore to Bangalore drinking mothe

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it.This is an incident which happened when I had been to Mangalore to attend a marriage...

1 year ago
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Journey Of An Irresistible Intimacy

Hello all. Nice to be back again to pen down my another sex journey. First of all, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all those feedbacks and emails with congratulatory messages for my previous story from all sex across the different parts of the country.Truly speaking it is only such wishes that force me to pen it down again.Hope I have answered to all your emails and sorry just in case if I missed someone. Thank you once again and pep me to write more with your feedbacks. Its a...

3 years ago
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Journey Bliss Before Exam 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone ! This occurred many months ago. I really appreciate your criticisms and suggestions at Please feel free to write and opine. I write detailed sex stories, I beg your patience. For an exam I had to travel away by train with a day journey. My friends had other city as exam centre. I usually like train travel, especially air conditioned, it makes the long haul journey much comfortable. As soon as I reached the station, I bought water. When the train arrived, I boarded after...

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Journey With Mature Lady

Hello dear friend.I am sasi 24 years old young boy. 171cm height and dick is 6inch.I am from tamilnadu salem.I am complete my B.E and searching govt job.Now simply stay at home. In iss I read many stories in our web sites.Some stories so boaring and some stories make we very hot.This is my first experience story, I don’t know you like it or not.If my story boring you please forgive me.I like sex movie and story of bus sex.Because this was more crazy and hot. Friends do you know bus journies was...

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Journey Of The Corporate Guy 8211 Part 5

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 27 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 4. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Sorry friends for lot of delay in coming up the next part, Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. This is the time where smitha Laura and I were together, it was awesome movement. Laura came with the idea saying that why we can’t meet her best buddies who are...

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Journey Of The Corporate Guy 8211 Part 4

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 3. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. These episode is about the Hot & Steamy Three Some sex with Two Beauties (Smitha & Laura). As u guys know about me im a party animal. I and smitha used to hang out a lot in pubs, one such evening we were in Sky Bar enjoying...

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Journey Of My Life 8211 In Love Again

Dear all…A very warm welcome to all of u. To start, firstly let me introduce about myself. I am rajan, 33 yr old, happily married & having a kid. I am a fitness freak & don’t look more than 25 yr old. I am into a good respectable job which makes me visit different parts of country frequently. My sexcapades in life started early when i was around seventeen yrs old & since then I’ve enjoyed a lot. Till date I’ve had encounters with approx 19 girls/ladies with 08 of them being virgins & 04 of them...

2 years ago
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Journey Of A Corporate Guy 8211 Part 3

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 2 (links on top). Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank you readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Just for a recap I was with Smitha in goa. We were in the rain of love. Even smitha was fully tired and was...

1 year ago
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Journey Of A Corporate 8211 Part 2

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of the my previous saga Readers who hasn’t read first part, link is on top. Thank you readers for your valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Smitha and I were so attached that we never left each other in weekends, we used to enjoy being together. Feels like happy couples. We used to have a...

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Journey From Jabalpur To Delhi Travel Ended On Bed

Hi friends, I am Akhil i am back after long time .i am introducing myself again for the sake of new readers. i am 26 m, handsome south Indian(Hyderabad) guy working in Jabalpur .i am getting so many reply from so many women’s and girls every day. i am thankful for your address for my previous stories. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. Now i am here with my new experience which happened 1 week before. i will tell you about Sujatha heroine of this story ,her physic 34c-30-34.she...

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Journey of a Maid Journey of a Mistress

journey By Cassandra Morgan - 1 - - Andy's voice - "Me Tarzan, Her Jane!" The first 500 times or so I said it, it might have been amusing. The last 500, people were laughing at me, not with me. But that was okay. I was happy. The music was loud, and the alcohol was flowing, and everyone at Mama Leon's nightclub was happy. Lights flashed. Laughter sounded. People smiled. It was Roleplay Night, which is always a good...

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Journey to complete submission

A journey to complete submissionSusie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind.? Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion.She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed...

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Journey with a surprise

This is a happening I like to share that how luck favors. I was staying in a locality in ban galore where a aunty by name Sudha used to stay opposite our house since I was of the reserved kind although she used to visit our house during festivals there was not much interaction she was beautiful with the hour glass statistics. After my graduation we changed our locality for a place near my work and we lost contact with her family. I could not believe that I had an opportunity to see this beauty...

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Journey with maid

Hi friends, this is Suresh bringing out a true and real life incident for the pleasure of u all. I am 40 years old and working for a public sector organization and currently living in Hyderabad due to posting. My wife Shweta is 35 and we have one kid of 12 years old. Recently while returning from our native place after attending a function, we brought a maid a girl of about 18 to help my wife in her household chores as the local maids are not good in the quality of work and also they are absent...

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Journey To Get To The Pussy 8211 Part 1

Hi Readers, This is Vikram 27 years old fair and handsome guy from Bangalore. I am 5.9 inches in height with an athletic body. I am a fitness freak and maintain myself well. I have been a regular reader of ISS and have also written . The stories I have read encouraged me to share my experience. It is a real-life experience, and I shall try my best to share with you exactly how it happened. Well, it all happened 8 years back with my girlfriend. Her name was Shreya, and she was 26 years old. She...

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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn't always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my "journey through the rabbit hole," you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and...

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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

4 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 2 Attack

One more step, a few more heartbeats. The hunter silently moved into the range of his dart. A soft puff of air from the short blowgun, and the rabbit dropped instantly, paralyzed by the poison on the thorn-tipped missile. Seth grunted his satisfaction at the kill. Rabbits were one of the surviving species, but they had changed in the process They were still shy, but now grew much larger than those of pre-cataclysmic times. This was not a large one as rabbits go, perhaps a bit over a ten...

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Journey to EdenChapter 17

“But how did he come into the village without being seen or heard?” Jord stood anxiously over his son as Jona and Leana attended to Rand’s wounds. “We have watchers, and they should have alerted us!” “A few, thankfully very few, of the enemy’s tools are given special abilities. Some are able to hide themselves,” Brgghhh rumbled, his mind-voice sounding much the same as his audible one. “At times, and only for short times, even from some of us. Fortunately for us they soon become useless for...

1 year ago
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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 9 The mission

With Eastorhyld leading, since she was the one who knew the way, followed my Marjorie then Hild and Jane, I was left to bring up the rear. We went towards the stream and to the small path near the outcrop of saplings. This was a path I had seen before and thought it was just a path that had been made by wild animals coming to drink. Marjorie was seen talking to Eastorhyld for quite a long time. She then turned, "This is a Druid highway, these crisscross the country and by keeping to them no...

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Journey with Chachi Prelude

I will take you through my journey of relationship that has evolved from a respected elder to a slave and slut. Yes, this is an incest story and involves hardcore violation of womanhood. I would like you to feel what I felt with her. From my first horny feel for her to first touch to first blowjob, first exhibition and beyond. I hope you like and enjoy it. I have been reading a few stories on blogs like this and felt I should share mine as well. It's a reality but not a story, in fact, it's a...

4 years ago
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Journey into Servitude

By Dale Gutzman It was understandable that the young 18 year old was nervous. He was about to be assfucked for the very first time. This is a big moment in the life of anyyoung man, especially a young man who up until a few nights ago, thought hewas totally straight. The first fuck can be traumatic for any boy, knowingthat his tight little puckered asshole is about to be penetrated by a long,thick hunk of Male fuckmeat. And even though you promise you will go slowand easy, both you and he know...

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Journey into Melanies Reality Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a continuation of ‘Melanie’, the last chapter of which I posted well over a year ago. It stands alone, although if you are new to my work and like it, you may wish to read ‘Melanie’ as well. This is a work of love and imagination. My deepest thanks to my partner, who has meticulously edited almost everything I’ve written since we met. ***** Sandy surfaced from sleep, aware he’d been dreaming but remembering nothing of where it had taken him. He was instantly aware of...

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Journeying to a Far Country

Chapter 1 Jessica sat at the bistro window and sipped her coffee. Outside, the street was almost deserted and the road gutters were running like little rivers as the drizzling rain gusted against the wooden screen guarding the Herbertstrasse. It was so different from the last time. 'God!', she thought, "that was only two weeks ago.' Her brow furrowed as she recalled the event from that holiday week-end that had brought her back here. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair from her face...

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Ladies and Gentlemen President Chelsea Clinton

Ladies and Gentlemen, President Chelsea Clinton By Heather St. Claire January 20, 2025 NBC News Anchor Natalie Morales: And there you have it, the inaugural address of President Chelsea Clinton. And now the new President is embraced by her husband, Marc Mezvinski, and her children, Bill, who is 12, and her daughter Olivia, who just turned eight. And now, a heartfelt hug from her mother, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Wouldn't you like to know what words they're exchanging at this...

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mums rubber lined mackintosh

A little about myself I have had a mackintosh fetish for as long I can remember all types leather pvc and rubber.            When I was very young back in the early 60s my mother used to wear a rubber lined mackintosh, at that time I loved it and didn't know why, I would often touch it or hold the rubber lining against my face and smell the fantastic aroma it gave off, thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. As time went by I discovered wanking and when ever my mother was out...

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Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...

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