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I'm Sorry By: Drusila Chapter 1 "I'm sorry." That was the only thing Cassie could remember from her dream, as she awoke in a sweat. She looked around her room, a princess bed, her desk with her pink notebook computer, posters of the latest heart throbs, the walls and bedding all in pastels. Something wasn't right. Cassie looked around, everything appeared to be in the right place......no, something wasn't in the right place but she couldn't figure out what. Maybe her little brother had been in her room again, trying to read her diary. She climber out of bed and made her way to her bathroom, one of the few perks to being the older child, her own bathroom. Cassie was 16 and a junior in high school in a typical suburb of a mid sized city. She had the one brother, Josh who was 12. Her father worked in the city as general counsel to a manufacturing company. Her mom stayed home, but managed to run a small online business for extra cash. In the bathroom she turned on the shower to get it warmed up. She took off the oversized tee-shirt and panties that made up her usual sleepwear. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She was not stunning but decidedly cute. She would never be mistaken for a model, more the typical girl next door type. Her hair was auburn, tending more to the red side and while she experimented with different hairstyles she never considered dying it. Her eyes were brown. She had asked for colored contacts for her birthday, but her mother had told her that she didn't need anything like that. That she was beautiful just the way she was......parents, she thought. One could be a complete troll and they would still say that. What did she expect? They were old; well in comparison all kids think their parents are old. They just didn't understand today's youth. She continued to look at herself in the mirror, her gaze coming to rest on her breasts. She had developed earlier than most but, had not become overly large, a large B or small C. Continuing down she looked at her small belly ring. She hadn't told her parents about it yet but, she had a while to tell them since they were heading into the winter and there would be no bikinis or crop shirts for months. When her gaze reached her patch of pubic hair, she had the briefest return of that strange felling she had awoken with. I guess nightmares will do that to you, she thought. She climbed into the shower, allowing the water to cascade over her breasts. It felt so good when it did that. Washing her body, she took extra time on her private parts, perhaps too much extra time. It was almost as if she were experiencing it all for the first time. But that was not the case. She regularly masturbated, so this was nothing new. She climbed out after a few minutes, toweled herself off and wiped the steam from the mirror. For the briefest moment she thought she saw her reflection mouth "I'm sorry". Cassie had no time to consider what she thought she had just seen as her thoughts were interrupted by her mother calling from downstairs that she better hurry or she would be late for school. Downstairs, her brother was chomping down on two pieces of bacon at once, being that thin limp microwavable kind. Cassie just grabbed a banana and a glass of milk. The smell of the bacon did seem enticing to her but she didn't feel right about that, well she had to keep her figure didn't she? "I need you to drop your brother off, on your way to school," her mother said as she came into the breakfast room, putting an earring on as she did. "I have to head into town, your father forgot something and I need to take it to him" Sometimes Cassie wondered if getting a car for her 16th birthday had been a boon or a curse. All she had to do was watch the bus scene in Sixteen Candles to remind her that giving her brother a ride from time to time was a small price to pay. Chapter 2 First period started off with a surprise...a pop quiz.....oh goodie, she thought sarcastically. She did surprisingly well. In fact all her morning classes seemed easy, even after her rough night. She was so deep in thought she almost ran right into Trevor. "Whoa, wrong way" Cassie looked puzzled for a moment before realizing she had almost walked into the boy's locker room. She turned crimson red, it was bad enough she almost went in but, for Trevor to have seen her. He was one of the best looking guys in school. Tall, blond hair, blue eyes and smart as well. Not only was he one of the star football players but had one of the highest GPAs in school. He was so hot she thought to herself.....no....not right something amiss. He was taken, that was it that's what was wrong. He dated Amy, she was Cassie's friend. She shouldn't be thinking these things about her friend's boyfriend. Cassie managed to stammer out something that sounded like a thank you for warning her and turned walked away quickly. Trevor just replied "No problem" as he watched her go. No problem? That's the best he could come up with, he thought. For all his bravado, he was actually quite shy. If not for his good looks, he would probably never get a date. But he liked Cassie very much. He had always wanted to date her. He was mostly together with Amy because she had asked him out and it kinda went on from there. He watched the sway of her hips until she rounded the corner. Yes, he liked her very much. Chapter 3 Cassie sat at the desk in her room trying to do her homework. But, she wasn't getting very far, she was so distracted. First the nightmare, then the seeming ease she had experienced in class and then her run in with Trevor. She was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly jumped out of her seat when her cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey, are you felling OK?" It was Amy. "You missed cheerleading practice and didn't let anyone know anything." Cheerleading? It just now dawned on her that she had completely spaced out that she had practice. "Yeah, I....I'm sorry I completely forgot." "Trevor mentioned you seemed distracted at school today." Cassie's heart skipped a beat. What had Trevor said? And why was she feeling guilty about having spoken to him? Amy went on about what they had done in practice but Cassie didn't really hear any of it. Her distraction level was through the roof. "Well I hope you feel better and remember it's an away game Friday so make sure your white uniform is clean. Toodles." Amy hung up. Cassie went to her closet and opened it. There were her uniforms. The white "away" uniform, the black and red "home" uniform and the one they used for cheering competitions. Something seemed foreign about her closet. That feeling of something misplaced was back again. Cassie gave up on her homework and lay down to see if she could get a nap before dinner. As she dozed off she began to dream. She saw a large, long glass building with multi-colored fountains in front of it. A car pulled up in front of the building, Cassie didn't recognize the kind of car, but then she wasn't really into that kind of thing. A woman climbed out of the car. She was maybe in her mid to late 30s, long red curly hair. She looked very familiar to Cassie but, she couldn't place her. The woman was dressed in a tailored business suit with a skirt down to just above the knee. The woman went to the trunk and pulled out a leather soft briefcase. As she closed the trunk she looked up as if she realized she was being watched. The woman turned and looked directly at Cassie. "I'm sorry." Cassie awoke with a start. It was now dark. She looked at the clock on her nightstand 2:30. She had been asleep for 8 hours. She was still in her clothes but someone had obviously pulled her comforter over her. Cassie immediately went over to her desk and began to write her dream in her diary before she forgot. There was something familiar about this too??? On a whim she wrote a few words down on another piece of paper and placed it in her English textbook. And then went back to sleep. This time there was no dream. Chapter 4 Things felt normal for the next few weeks. Nothing seemed out of place. Until one Saturday morning, Cassie awoke with a start, sweating. She had a dream about some strangely familiar red haired woman saying she was sorry. What an odd dream. She went to write it in her diary....there was something very familiar about all this. She just couldn't place it. It was only by luck that the very next day she was working on her homework and read what she thought were class notes stuck in her book. 'Don't forget writing assignment 10/9' There hadn't been any assignment then???? That was like 2 weeks ago. What could I have meant by that note? As she thought about it, she, all of a sudden, decided to check her diary. She turned to the entry for the 9th. She read through it, just the normal day to day observations she wrote in her diary, nothing special or different, until she realized, while it was what she would write about, it was not how she would have written it. She quickly turned to her last entry from yesterday. The entry about her dream the other night wasn't there! Had her brother done something with it? No, he always tried to read it but would never let on that he had by leaving proof. She would ask him about it anyway, when she had the chance. In the meantime she wrote down everything she could remember about the dream the other night and hid the copy away. Chapter 5 "I think she knows something is wrong. What should we do?" "I don't know. We are in uncharted waters here. We have never done anything like this and to be honest, there are those here that want me to cut contact." "But-" "I know. I feel bad about all this but....look I'm working with people on a solution but, there are less of us than them. Just hang in there. If it comes to it, I will talk to her and try to explain." "I'll try to hang in there." Chapter 6 Cassie sat there dumbfounded, just staring at Amy. "What about Trevor?" "What about him? Hrmm let's see, Trevor or the captain of the football team?" Cassie had known Amy since they were 6. She never thought Amy could be so shallow. This was a new side of her. "You know Trevor has feelings right? I mean to just dump him for someone else?" "What? Guys do it to us all the time. Besides, I don't think he was really into me anyway. I think he has a thing for someone else." As she said that Cassie found it impossible to look at Amy. She didn't for a moment think it was her but the fact that she had harbored such feelings for him had hit close to home. Why did Cassie feel torn about this development? She was free to pursue Trevor, but.....did she want to? It seemed right and wrong at the same time. No she wouldn't pursue it. Despite this new side to Amy, she was still her best friend? Nothing seemed sure anymore. Chapter 7 "Cassie! Phone!" Who could that be? Who would call her on the house phone and not her cell phone? She picked up the receiver. "Hello?" "Cassie, its Trevor." Oh my God! Oh my God! What should I do? As coolly as she could in the situation, "Oh hey. How are you?" "Fine, thanks. I got your number from the school directory." "Oh. Are you calling to talk to me about Amy? She told me she broke up with you. I'm not sure I can change her mind." "No, I didn't call about that, well not really, in a round about way, I mean, I," he babbled nervously. He took a deep breath "Actually, now that Amy and I are no longer a couple, I can finally do what I should have done long ago. I think you are beautiful, funny smart, I just.... well....what I mean is, would you go to the homecoming dance with me?" Cassie almost dropped the phone. "You don't have to. If you think it's too weird, me having dated your best friend." After what felt like an eternity, "You think I'm beautiful?" her heart beating a mile a minute. "I think you are the most beautiful girl in our school" There was something still nagging her about the whole thing but his words about how beautiful she was stripped away any resistance she may have put up. "Yes," she blurted out, elated. "Great! We can iron out the details at school tomorrow. This will be great." Cassie had to agree. She danced around the room after hanging up. Her mother walked in. "Why are you so happy?" "Trevor just asked me to homecoming!" She nearly screamed it out. Cassie's mother seemed as stunned at the news as Cassie had when he first asked. "That's great sweetheart." Cassie didn't think her mother sounded convinced, but she wasn't about to let this bring her down. She continued dancing out the room up to her room. Chapter 8 "What do we do now? She is going on a date! You said there would be a solution!" "We haven't figured one out yet." "Well I have to tell her. She can't do this." "Relax, there is no reason she can't." a deep sigh, "OK Ill tell her....tonight. But even if we do figure out a solution it won't be in time for the dance. She may just have to go.....as she is." This was not what Cassie's mother had hoped to hear, but she knew what stopping her from going might mean. "Very well, Ill be ready for her when you tell her." "Good, she will need you more than ever I suspect" The image of the red haired woman faded from her mind as she woke up. Tonight was going to be a big night she thought. She just hoped Cassie would handle it. She wondered if she herself could handle it. Chapter 9 "Cassie? Cassie?" Cassie began to see images in her dream sharpen and come into focus. It was her room, was she actually dreaming? Or was she awake? She felt fully aware of her surroundings but, she instinctively knew she was asleep. Sitting in the chair at her desk was the red haired woman. "Hello Cassie" "Who are you?" She realized she had thought these words but they sounded as if they had been spoken. "I'm Miss Tanner. I know you have questions and I'll try to answer them as best I can. But, first, I should tell you who I am and why I am here. I am from the future. 104 years to be exact." Cassie knew she had to be dreaming this. She knew from her physics class that it was impossible to time travel. "No, not exactly it isn't." As Cassie realized what she thought, the other knew or could hear. "You see Einstein had it partially correct. He said one COULD time travel if you could move faster than light, but since matter cannot move faster than light......no time travel. Where he had it wrong is, while matter cant move faster than light, energy can. The fact that light acts like matter and energy is why it is the fastest matter. So we figured out we could use the ability of energy to "virtually" time travel. The brain is nothing more than an organic supercomputer and thought, energy. We could send our thought energy back and forth." As if anticipating the next question, "and what does this have to do with you? Well it does little good to send the energy back. It can't do anything. They discovered, if you had a compatible receptacle, and I hate that nomenclature, you could use that body for a short time. You and I are compatible." "So you are a scientist?" "No, I'm an anthropologist. I was given the opportunity to observe firsthand, early 21st century teen life." She paused, reluctant to say what she must. "But there was a problem." Staring at the floor, "I'm not sure how to put this. You are not who you think you are. Your real name is Mark." Cassie couldn't seem to comprehend what this meant. "Yes, you are or rather were a boy. We don't know what went wrong. Others have been doing this for years and some people have even been "possessed" multiple times. There is only one difference we were able to find.....this is the first time the traveler and receptacle were not the same sex. The scientists seem to think that my energy affected your DNA." "But then why does everybody only know me as Cassie?" "To prevent any problems we went back further and made changes in the timeline from where you were born. Everyone only has memories of you as a girl." "But my memories?" "That was easy. Many of your memories are mine. The reason you do so well in school now is because you have some of my college memories, not the details but the knowledge. Some are made up to fill gaps. But we could not wipe away all of who you were. Both because we are unable and if we find a way to reverse this, there had to be some template to restore you to. I'm so sorry. If I knew this could happen I would never have come." Now she was in tears. Cassie had the strong urge to hold this woman and tell her it was all right. But she could not move. "It's OK, I guess. I mean once you fix it...." "We are working on it. We have some promising leads. I need to ask you to continue to play along with the Cassie persona until we do. Your history as Cassie was designed to avoid a major paradox. But, you can't go and do drastic things that may jeopardize that." "I won't. I understand." It wasn't until later she came to the realization what that meant. Homecoming was next weekend! "I will contact you when we have the solution. Until then you are on your own. I have used up all my favors contacting you as it is. The power requirements to do this are enormous." Miss Tanner then faded away. Chapter 10 Cassie woke up and immediately went downstairs. Her mom was there at the kitchen table with two cups of tea. "What are you doing up? And why 2 cups...."It dawned on her, "you know don't you?" Cassie's mom slid the full cup towards her....daughter. "Yes I do. And, before you ask, no your father and brother don't." "But, how? How do you know and others don't?" "I asked that question too. It seems even technology cant break the mother child bond. They could change everyone's memories from when you were born but a mother.....well a mother knows her child even before they are born. I didn't mean to keep you in the dark about this, but we felt it would be safer for you and in the long run after they cure you....well you would not have remembered any of this." "You asked? Then Miss Tanner has come to you too?" "Yes we have spoken a few times. Since they could not erase my memory of you as a boy they had me help conceal it. Your diary for example, I saw your descriptions of your dreams. I'm sorry I felt I couldn't tell you the truth. But, I promise, from now on, I will never deceive you again." They were now both in tears as they held each other close. "I love you, mom. I forgive you. You did what you thought was best for me." "Thank you. And I love you too sweetheart. And it hasn't been all bad," forcing a smile. "I had a chance to have a daughter for awhile. This led to another hug and smiles....but genuine ones this time. "Miss Tanner said I should continue on as normal." "Yes she told me that as well. But.....I'm concerned about next week, your big date." Strangely, as she thought about it, Cassie didn't feel weird or disgusted by the thought of going out with another boy. She actually felt....well excited about it. "I should go. Trevor is a nice guy and I don't want to hurt his feelings. And according to Amy, he was always a perfect gentleman." "If you are sure about it, I trust you. One condition," she smiled at her daughter, "since this may be my one chance at a big formal dance, I get to take you shopping and help pick out the dress" Cassie threw her arms around her mother. "Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way." Chapter 11 So it was the next morning Cassie and her mother went out to the local mall. Cassie realized that even knowing the truth about herself, she had no trepidation about being out in public. No fear she would be discovered, after all who would even think anything like this was possible. Even the looks she got from guys checking her out didn't freak her out. This all seemed natural to her. They spent the whole morning trying on dresses, arguing over ones that were too racy for mom's taste or too old fashioned for Cassie's taste. They finally agreed on a beautiful strapless sky blue dress with sequins around the waist and hem. They decided to have lunch before starting the hunt for the perfect shoes to go with it. Over lunch Cassie and her mom chatted away over everything from fashion to boys to music. Finally Cassie asked, "You seem to be having so much fun. Do you miss not having a daughter?" "I guess I do. I had never thought about it, but over the past few months, and especially today, I realize that I do. Don't get me wrong, I love you as Mark too." "I know, it's different. And I can't remember when I have had so much fun with you. Hey, how about our waiter? Woo he is fine! That tight ass of his..." "Don't talk about your future step-father like that," her mom joked back. Chapter 12 The entire following week was a bit of a blur, as the big night approached. Word spread quickly that Trevor and Cassie were going together. Cassie worried what might happen when word reached Amy. But she was too absorbed in her new boy-toy to even care. Cassie and Trevor didn't share any classes together but sat together at lunch and talked. She really liked him, despite who she really was. It wasn't gay. It was wonderful. By Wednesday they were holding hands at lunch. This contact made Cassie feel warm inside. Why should it? She wasn't really a girl. But, if she didn't know that, what would she do. The big game on Friday was close. Much closer than it should have been. Trevor had dropped a few easy passes, he seemed distracted. And he was. Cassie was on the sidelines in her cheerleading uniform. She had always been there but now it was different. He didn't see her as just another one of the cheerleaders, but as a girl he was falling for. He imagined she was cheering just for him.......little did he know, she was. As the final gun sounded with the home team winning 24-21 the entire school rushed the field. Everyone hugging and kissing over the big win. Cassie and Trevor finally met, it seemed awkward. 2 weeks ago they would have hugged and moved on. But things were different. But before they could embrace, the crowd lifted Trevor up on their shoulders along with Amy's new beau, Eric and Will, Trevor's best friend and whose interception sealed the win. Cassie stood there, she was happy for Trevor, but felt empty. She had wanted so much for him to take her in his arms and hold her tight. This was so confusing, she knew that it would never work, but she desperately wanted it to. Cassie couldn't wait til the dance tomorrow night. She hardly slept. When she finally did, Miss Tanner appeared to her. "Good news! We think we have the solution! Well, don't jump up and down or anything. Aren't you happy?" "I guess so." Then she thought of Trevor. "Does it have to be now? Can it wait til after tomorrow night?" "Yes, this is time travel after all. We can do it anytime really. It's the date your mom mentioned to me isn't it?" Cassie nodded "Ah well you should know that the hormones related to sexual activity might interfere with the fix." Cassie half-laughed. "Yeah, like I'm going to have sex with a guy." "Alright, Ill set it up for after the dance tomorrow then." And with that she was gone. Chapter 13 Cassie's mom had gone all out on the preparations, even getting Cassie an appointment at the salon. If this was going to be the one dance her daughter had she was going to make sure it would be memorable, even if she wouldn't remember after she went back to being Mark. 6:30 sharp, Trevor knocked on the door. He had a beautiful wrist corsage for Cassie. He nearly feinted when Cassie came down the stairs. How did he get so lucky? Of course Cassie had the same thoughts running through her head. Cassie's father came in with his camera, he fancied himself an amateur Ansel Adams. As Trevor put his arms around her waist for the photo, Cassie nearly beamed with joy. His touch sent shivers up her spine. The dance was great. Held at a hotel on the river, the ballroom doors opened out to a patio overlooking the river. Cassie and Trevor made their way out there, away from the noise of the band and the overly warm room. Cassie stood at the railing looking over the river. Trevor leaned on the rail next to her. "I think you're incredible, Cassie." "Thank you." "Would it be OK if I kissed you right now?" "I would like nothing more. And it was true. "I just....no matter what I want you to know how special you are to me and how much this night means to me." Trevor took her face in his hands, wiped away the tear rolling down her cheek and lightly kissed her lips. Cassie's world exploded. She had never felt like this before. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips more firmly against his. His arms encircled her waist holding her like he never wanted to let go, and she didn't want him to. They spent the rest of the dance on that patio kissing and holding each other tight. When it was over they walked back to his car, her head resting against his shoulder as they walked. His jacket draped over her shoulders. She could smell his scent in the jacket and she pulled it close around her. Trevor began to drive her home. "Not yet, I don't want this night to end," she pleaded. So he turned up the hill to one of the lesser known lookout spots. They began kissing again. Now without fear of an audience the kisses were more passionate. Cassie pulled open his shirt and rubbed his chest as they kissed. Trying to fight back the knowledge that this would be her only time with him. She didn't know when she undid his pants, but she realized she was now stroking his rampant hard on. When she realized what she had done, instead of feeling revulsion at holding another man's cock she knew she didn't want to go back. She was Cassie now. To everyone but her and her mother Mark never even existed. Trevor made a half-hearted protest as she raised her dress, pulled her panties aside and mounted his cock. In that moment even her own memories of Mark faded. What technology was unable to strip from her, Love and passion did. As Trevor filled her womanhood full of his cum she orgasmed, screaming Trevor's name. Chapter 14 Cassie's mother had waited up for her. It was late but her mother was not overly concerned....until she saw the look on her daughter's face. "You...you didn't?" Cassie only nodded sheepishly "And there's more." Her mother didn't know what could be more momentous than what she just heard. Cassie explained what Miss Tanner had told her about the cure and what her having sex meant. "I am permanently your daughter now." "Are you sure this is what you want." "Yes. I have never been happier. I hope you are OK with it?" Her mother was crying now, but tears of joy. "Of course it's OK with me; I had secretly hoped they would not find a cure. They last 2 months have been like a dream for me as well." The 2 women hugged. Finally her mother broke the hug. "I hope you used protection." "I....uh...." Chapter 15 When Miss Tanner came to her that night, she seemed to know already. "You had sex, didn't you? I warned you what..." "No, it's OK. I chose this. I want this." "I am happy for you then. And I have something for you. Turn on your computer." As Cassie did she saw she had an e-mail....dated 8/16/2112. It was a photo of Miss Tanner as a toddler and an old woman....Cassie gasped...it was her! "My full name is Cassandra Tanner. I was named after my Great grandmother, you. It was only then Cassie realized Trevor's last name was Tanner! She had not made the connection. "I didn't mention.... the only way candidates match receptacles is if they are related to them." "Then you knew the whole time I would stay like this?" "Time is fluid. Nothing is certain. Nothing is pre-ordained. I knew a woman named Cassandra was my great grandmother and that she went by Cassie and lived her but, the workings of the universe are such that even if it had not been you, it would still have happened. It's how the universe deals with paradoxes." "Does that mean that what Trevor and I did tonight.....am I pregnant?" "I can't tell you too much about the future but, I do owe you and you are my great grandmother after all, no you're fine. Your first child will be born after you finish college." Her first child, that sounded so natural to her now.

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As part of my “growing up” process, I started to bang juicy Cousin Nancy fairly regular after passing eighteen. She was twenty now and had that air of sophistication that girls get when they are getting laid by a variety of guys with different techniques. I wasn’t jealous of her dalliances because she generally made her body available to me on short notice and with an enthusiasm I felt certain was not feigned. She had kept Marsha, her BFF, close to her side most of the time except for the...

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Tori and Mr Renshaw Part 1 Tori

I always loved evenings like this. With mum working a double shift and not due home until late, I could take advantage of a flat all to myself. I enjoyed a long, warming shower, lit my bedroom with sweet-scented candles and squeezed into my favourite pyjamas. The little cotton shorts, the tight pink top falling a couple of inches above my belly button, the white unicorn and rainbow motif across the chest: they belonged to a time much deeper in childhood, but I found comfort in their cosy...

3 years ago
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B Movie BabefestChapter 16

The General clawed the back of a chair his veins bulging in his knuckles. Captain Fin was thrusting her head back and forth, swallowing his cock to the limit down her wet hot throat. "Jezzzzzzz, ahhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Outside the room his guards looked at each other in amazement. Both nervous to disturb their intimidating commander. One looked to the ceiling muttering quietly to himself in jealous admiration. "Go General, go." The general gripped her head with both hands pumping...

1 year ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 7

‘You weren’t supposed to see that,’ I said, disappointed. ‘Oh baby, I’m sorry. Is it who I think it is?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘It’s going to be breathtaking,’ she said. ‘I just hope I can get it done in time.’ ‘Don’t hurry it,’ she warned, ‘or the spirits will leave you. Oh honey, I am so proud of you and it’s so sweet of you to do it.. Would you sell it to me when you’re done at school?’ It hadn’t even occurred to me that I might not be keeping it. Now, the idea seemed preposterous, but...

4 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to HappenChapter 9 Mike

It had been a hell of a day. First a shopping trip with Carrie, then Sarah showing up. She was a damn fine looking woman. With better clothes and decent hair, she would be simply stunning. I kind of expected Carrie to object to the lingerie show, really surprised when she didn’t. I really didn’t expect Sarah to participate at the end, but only a fool would object to two beautiful women prancing around in their underwear. Carrie’s breasts were perfect, smooth little mounds with tiny little...

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Mature BBW Odd Job

After leaving my job as a real estate agent I started working for myself as a handyman doing electrical, computers, and general maintenance work. Since I had sold real estate in many of the adult communities in the area I knew many of the managers and staff. I asked them to give my card out to any of the seniors that were looking for a handyman such as me. Just last week I got a call from a Mrs. Brown, she had just purchased a resale and was looking for someone to install new ceiling fans....

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Meet a stranger

We met a stranger My wife and I were out for a walk at the forest preserves on warm summer morning. It was a Monday and we were both off work, no one was out on the trails we were walking. we came out of the trails and there was a Pick up parked next to our truck. we didnt think anything of it at the time, but as we approached our car the wife had to go in between his truck and ours and he said hello to her.She is a curvy girl with big 44DD tits and was wearing nice snug shorts and a sleeveless...

3 years ago
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Sex With Mami In Tirupati 8211 Part II

Hi, Its me manu back again with the continuation of my first story ‘sex with mami in tirupati part 1’. for those who have not read my story the link is https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/sex-mami-tirupati-part/ Thank you all for your support.sorry for the delay.I received many mails to my mail id from many people appreciating my story and asking for second part.I also thank iss for giving me this opportunity without them I would not have been able to do it.some asked if it is real? These...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 29 The Mystery Revealed

“Wake up, Jessie. I think we are there.” Jessie Harper felt a nudge against her arm as Bjorn gently roused her from the nice warm sleep she had drifted off into as the big Greyhound bus had hummed its way along the streets, roads and highways of central Georgia, USA. Jessie rubbed her eyes and yawned then looked at Bjorn Erikson and said, “Oh, sorry, Bjorn. I didn’t know I was slumped against your shoulder. That must have been uncomfortable for you.” Bjorn gave Jessie one of his lovely...

1 year ago
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2024 part1

My name is Jake O'Brian. I am 6'2", 34 years old, with brown military short hair.For years before the war I was in top physical shape, star football player, mma fighter, pro paintball, and fencing just to name a few. That training, combined with a sense for danger has allowed me to survive. I was patroling my land, what was the nittany mountain and surrounding towns, because I had hears there was a pack of runners (rare form of zombie that is able to run at speeds riviling that of a...

4 years ago
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Masturbating with Amy Chapter Two

That afternoon I was alone in my room, still thinking about the experience that morning. Having been at least partially aroused all day, I needed release. I laid back on my bed and started stroking myself through my shorts. The last time I had stroked my cock had been in the morning, in front of Amy, with a blanket over me. I quickly got fully hard and took my cock out. As I thought about Amy’s hand rubbing her pussy under the blanket, I started stroking. Her hand rubbing her slit...

3 years ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 14

As he kissed her, Jay lifted Sasha off the ground. It was incredible to feel those hard muscles around her ample body and then to lift her as though it were nothing. Because she was full figured, Sasha had never been lifted by a man, but Jay had such a determination in his kisses and urgency to his grasp, that it seemed easy for him. She felt so female, so elfin. Twirling her in the air, he turned her around and planted her on his office desk, sending his desk telephone falling to the floor...

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Jon Barlow Cove

This is only my second submission and I hope you enjoy it. All characters are 18 and older. Leave comments. This story took a while to write and I would like to thank my wonderful wife for editing it for me. Any errors are totally my fault. sometimes little things slip through he cracks. anyways enjoy. There was an old story about this ocean side park overlooking the cove. It’s was once called Broken Hearts Cove Park. So many people with broken hearts that couldn’t take the pain would hurl...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 7

Our little Rose Garden get together pushed EVERYTHING off the lead for the evening news that night. You couldn't turn on anything from a local access cable news program, to CNN, or FOXNEWS, without wall-to-wall Hawk Dryden and Kevin Townsend. I bet his political handlers are sweating bullets trying to figure out to use a sixteen year old kid, to help their boss get reelected in seventeen months. I watched myself, as Kevin, completely own the audience in the Rose Garden, and I got to see the...

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Immoral mothers immoral lesbian fantasies

The sunshine from the hospital room window bleeds around the opaque curtains buffering my bed from the morning, waking me from my slumber. I sit up, groggy and unfocused. The vision in my eyes clears as I rub the sleep from my eyes, to reveal the white aesthetics of the small room containing me. As I prepare to lie down again and press anything i can find to try and summon anyone else, a large full body mirror catches my gaze. Stepping out of bed cautiously, I gradually make my way over and...

1 year ago
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Maiden of Rome2Chapter 8

Three years later Claudius was dead. Most believed it was old age but a few believed that Agrippina had poisoned his mushrooms. His will was read to the masses. His son Brittanicus and Aprippina's son Nero were to be co-Emperors. It didn't take long for Nero to have Brittanicus put aside without killing him. Brittanicus was a weak person and he accepted his exile without question. At first Nero's reign started out well. He put up with his mother's nagging regarding how he should rule....

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Emma Starletto Adventurous And Wild

Emma Starletto loves adventure and she especially loves when she gets fucks by someone she does not know… and especially if it is a big black cock fucking her. She just loves being railed by a cock that makes her cry out from how much it fills her tight little pussy. SHe never knows just how big it is or what he will do while she is blindfolded. Emma welcomes anything. It turns her on so much to not have any control over the situation. Will he finger her, fuck her, make her deep throat...

2 years ago
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Reginalds PeopleChapter 4

As she left, Freda called back, “It can strike at any time to any of us: be warned!” As he came to realise that such events could happen with more than one of his wives, Reg mentally braced himself for a busy time over the next few weeks; or however long this symptom continued. Then he hoped that Freda would remember her appointment with Jessica. If he did not hear back within the hour, he must remind Freda. There was a rush of girls around the house for a while, then Fiona popped her head...

3 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 23

Petra was awakened by the sounds of people rushing into her room. Before she had time to react on it, those men already had grabbed her and pulled her away from her bed. A sudden rush of fear went through her body, and she started to struggle with them. However, they were with too many, and she was dragged away by them. Once Petra was out of the corridor, two other guards went into the room of Sofia. Agent 8's assistant kept on standing at the door. The guards gently awakened a startled...

1 year ago
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My sneaky car driver fetish

My mom bought me a really cool car my freshman year of college. I was living on Campus at the Florida State University. She drove my car down to the school from our home in North Georgia. I was so excited it was a Scion FRS sports car stick shift. I hurried up and jumped in the Passenger seat before my mom could get out. I told her I wanted her to drive it for me so I could feel the power and feeling from the passenger seat. I glanced over at her beautiful barefoot on the gas pedal as she...

3 years ago
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A Bus Journey With Dr Smita Turns Out To Be Love Making Session

This is my first time at Indian sex stories and hence would like all your feedback and comments on I am a Piscean and my mind wanders a lot. Hence, last write I thought about this crazy fantasy which I could convert into a story. Its a work of Fiction, with no resemblance to reality. This story is about Mohan, who is a software professional in Bangalore and Savita, a Gynecologist residing in Bangalore. Mohan works in a role which involves a lot of Traveling; he lives out of his suitcase for...

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William Redman CarterChapter 4

Chuckling to himself, William shook his head as elements of the near future resolved themselves in his mind. Ken, seated at the dining room table, looked over at him wondering what he had found so humorous. He was about to ask when William said, "It is time for one of my mothers to make an appearance." Lisa, in the kitchen with Tim, wondered why he hadn't asked her to prepare one of the guestrooms. She came out of the kitchen and looked at William with concern. This was the first that...

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Glory hole Get together my first BBC

This story is from my memory of days gone past. I was a soldier serving in the Army . A little bit about me i grew up on a farm in the mid west when it came to sex i was a virgin. I did not know my father as he walked out on my mother and i when i was very young. As i grew up i thought deep down i was different than most of the guys i knew. I decided to join the military as i knew of no other way to make a man out of my self. After basic training i was sent overseas and that is where my story...

2 years ago
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Tantalizing Tales in Tyria

As said, knowledge of the franchise is not required. Provided will be art of how the races appear, and it's a fantasy world with magic and all that fun stuff. It isn't like the story will go deep into lore anyhow. Refer to the writing guidelines if you want to add your own routes, and if you'd like, check out my other stories as I have quite a few, Some of which are interactive games. I don't write on the site as much as I used to, but I'll leave my donation link here just in case you have a...

1 year ago
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Death by BlowJob

My name is Michelle. This is the true story of the first time that I let a guy cum in my mouth during a blow job. I was one of those girls that never stood out in a crowd in high school. I was too smart to be popular . Those traits are exactly what attracted my first boyfriend (who later became my husband) to me.Freshman year of college, I'd been out on a few dates, but could never find someone to be serious with. There had been one guy that I liked a bit, but it never went beyond a drunken...

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Aditi Didimara Sab Kuchh

Hi i m Raj ye meri paheli story hai jo bilkul sacchi hai bahot sari incent story ko padhke mujhe bhi khayal aaya ke muje bhi apni story share karni chahiye. Ye story meri aur meri sagi bahen ki hai abhi me 24 saal ka hu aur bahan 28 saal ki dono ki abhi saadi ho chuki hai silsila saadi se pahle ka tha. Aajse 6 saal pahle jab me javani me kadam rakh chukka tha didi 22 salki ho chuki thi mujhe didi ka body bahot hi attract kar raha tha. Meri didi ka figure aur khubsurti din b din badti ja rahi...

1 year ago
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Becumming A Slut

Be-cumming A Slut This story is completely fictional! Chapter 1-Jessica and Allie Jessica struggled to stay awake in her 11th grade history class, the teacher droned on about the Alien and Sedition Acts, but Jessica just wasn't interested it was the last class on a Friday afternoon there was just no way that she was going to care. About ten minutes before the end of class Mr. Schroder announced that there was going to be a project due the following Wednesday and that it would be done in groups...

3 years ago
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My Dirty Little Mind

I lay on my bed thinking of him. He makes me wet and I want him so badly. I close my eyes and slide my hands over my body, imagining that it is his hands. My tights white tights cling to my wet pussy and my nipples get harder as my imagination gets sexier and sexier.I feel the bed move. Someone has laid down next to me. I turn my head and open my eyes. It's him!I turn and get on my knees. Our faces overlap and we kiss. It's not a normal position, but its sexy. The wetness between my legs...

2 years ago
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Finding My Wife a WomanChapter 6

A few nights later, I sat down with my two women, as there was a few things to talk about. We were in the living room, and I turned to Linda and said, "Think about this, you have been my wife for four years now, but from now on, you have to be prepared and willing to share everything and anything equally with Susan. You have to love her and I equally, as my four years as your husband gives me no special rights." Linda thought this over and then said, " I realize that, and I have given...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 297 Spring Break

I did get some research done for my thesis Sunday morning. The only reason I could concentrate on it was because it was about the show. It was a relief to be able to look at numbers regarding the show instead of looking at content. CEN wasn't making a fortune off the show. It turns out that the ratings for the first week were weak. We'd find out our second week ratings on Tuesday. I wondered how much we paid for the vital statistical information we got from this company. Donna was in charge...

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Saving a RelicChapter 6

They carried me over to the sofa and we watched some sports on the TV. I sat there, all sprawled out naked, sipping my drink. I tried to say something but nothing came, I was so out of it. So I continued to sit there watching TV. Then the guys got in a debate about football. It was fascinating to watch, even though I know little about football. Eventually, I got my legs back and got up and got myself another drink. As I poured, I looked at the guys who had made me orgasm like I never did...

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The Cuckolds Reward Liams Story

Their fingers touched at the same time as their eyes met. Liz’s searching eyes gazed into Liam’s at the very moment that her fingers touched his. Her fingers were holding the clasp of the strap on her black suspender belt and his fingers were holding the laced top of her black silk stockings. He could feel the warmth of her soft white flesh and it aroused him. “You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you?” she said softly. Liam looked at her with his puppy dog eyes as he nodded. Liz continued to...

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The Roulette Girl

Over for another year, thank God I thought to myself. Why were these awards ceremonies always held in the middle of winter? Luckily, we men are dressed in tuxedos whereas the poor women are wearing their best cocktail dresses which although fabulous viewing to break the monotony of the ceremony, they offer little if any protection from the elements. The Grosvenor was its usual dull self, save the cocktail bar which had plenty to offer in terms of visual entertainment. Lots of  young secretary...

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Tina and Paula The last days

I walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to...

2 years ago
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Mae was rich and in her fifties. She was still very sexy with nice big firm tits and a great looking ass. She made her money in the adult movie business. She ran away from home when she was just fifteen and found out the only way to survive was to fuck for a living. Older men loved sex with a young gal and that was the most of her business. She also loved fucking the men and sucking on their cocks. She gave these men just what the wives would not. She even loved the feeling of a big hard cock...

1 year ago
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Paying the Rent in Jail GayPT3

I woke up in the morning, still on my mattress on the floor. My boy pussy was on fire and my panties were soaked with lube and cum. I went to our cell's toilet and let out a stream of my new master's cum. I couldn't believe I still had that much in me! I looked around for Jermane, but he wasn't in the cell. I figured he must have gone to his job in the kitchen and I'd finally have some alone time to contemplate my new life. Before I could get too deep in thought, a crackle came from the metal...

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the trip

We had looked at this trip for a while not sure if we were ready for a full on swinging holiday but finally you had agreed and the date was close. We had been shopping but what to get it was an upmarket Spanish Villa in Marbella with luxury evenings of food wine and frolics so we had to dress for the occasion. The day had arrived and we were very excited we had made a command decision that no underwear was needed for the trip so both of us were free and easy so to speak, the flight was nice and...

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Humping with indian widow aunt

I had many sex encounters and I would like to relate something I actually had. My aunt (a widow) was very sexy and she was my sex teacher. Right from when I was achieving my puberty she used to arouse me. She used to put her hand in my shorts and tickle my dick.As I grew older she started talking to me about sex. I had a crush on her and when I was in college I was a fully grown up lad and decided to take her. So I decided to touch her but she was not comfortable with it and said that I should...

1 year ago
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Its Always the Quiet OnesChapter 1 Sunday

Eddie sulked in the car all the way over. Arguments were worthless, and reason was countered only with stubbornness. His dad was on yet another one of his "Character Building" trips, and Eddie was trapped in it for the long haul. It wasn't fair. It was bad enough that he had to write a five page report on the early expansion of America into the west, but why the Public Library? Who uses the Library any more? His teacher said he could use the Internet to find articles and pictures, and...

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Sarah Being Disciplined at the Office

Sarah was as surprised as everyone else in the office when a policewoman walked in accompanied by a woman who they supposed was a plain clothes policewoman. They went into the main meeting room with Kristal, but soon afterwards Kristal called out to the whole accounts team to join them.As the team trooped in and sat around the meeting table Kristal confirmed that both women were with the police which got everyone chattering. Sarah noted that the policewoman in uniform must have been Kristal's...

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A few years ago, when I was 32, my girlfriend at the time ,Tracey, and I had arranged to visit her parents for the weekend. We were both in the military and working in London and used to go and visit them in Sheffield a couple of times a year They were a nice couple and I got on very well with them. In fact Tracey often told me they liked me more than her as her mum, Rita, was always making sure she had my favourite snacks in the fridge and cooking my favourite food. In fact her mum was also...

4 years ago
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Chapter TWOThe beginning of a New FriendshipJake had come back to the dorm room to find Toby gone. After taking a piss, he checked out the room again and then saw the envelope on his bed. After reading what was written on the envelope, he began to open it, figuring Toby had found some cool stuff on his journey around the campus; boy was he about to be surprised.Jake screamed out when he saw the first of the five photos in the envelope. He quickly looked around to try and see a camera, he...

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SabashLiyai indeed like you

(well,actually this story looks like a plot more than a hentai-doujinshi story.based on anime movie Dragon Nest Warriors` Dawn.To my best friend Saberrung here XD.)Sabash is a human fighter boy,before the union between human and elves decides to kill the evil black dragon,he once saved Liya`s life in New Moon forest(as said in the movie) by killing several monsters which wanted to raid Liya.Liya thanked him by let him fuck her once and leave,and since then Sabash missed Liya very much but have...

2 years ago
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Visit from SisChapter 2

Les met her at LaGuardia Airport--sort of. He was waiting at the arrival gate, but he wasn't watching for her; he was busy talking intimately with an elegantly dressed and extremely attractive young woman. The woman nodded past him, towards Amy. Les turned and spotted her. "Amy!" She ran to him, happy to see her big brother--and surprised. He'd sent a photograph of himself six months before, but it hadn't done him justice. He was tall, powerfully built, handsome, and wore just about...

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School Misstake

Johnnie Cosentino was always a trouble maker. Being small and somewhat effeminate, he strived to make others take notice of him by constantly breaking rules. Because of this, he had been held back several times. At almost 19, he was easily the oldest kid at school. He started growing his hair long and wearing eyeliner, trying to look like a rocker, a bad boy. Unfortunately it only contributed to his feminine appearance. Guys started avoiding him, thinking he was either gay male or just a...

3 years ago
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Busted 6 The Moment of Truth

Busted 6: The Moment of Truth(Continued from Busted 5)Donna had just left. I could still taste my own cum on my tongue. It really wasn’t so bad since I had been drinking so much juice and water lately. I read on-line that fruit juices tend to make your cum sweeter. I figured I might as well make things a little easier on myself by at least making my cum taste better. I can affirm that it does work! What was strange to me was that I felt myself beginning to think about having trouble with...

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