Runway 37 free porn video

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Chapter 37 Several days past and Brenda went on her date with Preston. This time though she chose what to wear and it wasn't slut wear, it was a dress with class. It was just a little sexy. It was a mid-thigh, lacy dress that showed enough cleavage to interest Preston but not enough to look cheap. Brenda actually enjoyed herself and finished the evening the same way as the first time she dated Preston and true to everyone's word it was becoming easier to perform her duties. It was the day before Christmas and the whole staff, models included, met at the Universal offices to say goodbye for the holidays. Many of the girls were new to Brenda, as they had never come to the office. She came to the deduction that many of them were former models and now worked as prostitutes for Melissa. The expression in their eyes showed an emptiness from the constant drug use, and Brenda hoped she wouldn't become like them. "Tiffany, may I have a word with you?" Melissa asked. "Yes Melissa?" "One of the major TV stations has asked that you be part of their New Year's eve broadcast from Times Square and they want you at their studios December thirtieth for a rehearsal. It's important that you make it, can I count on you?" she asked. "How exciting, of course I can make it." "Good, I'm counting on you. What are you doing for the holidays?" "I'm going with Brenda to California to spend time with her family." "That's wonderful, now run along and ask Brenda to come here for a moment." Tiffany told Brenda that Melissa wanted to see her. "Would you step into my office for a moment, Brenda?" Melissa asked. "Yes Melissa." "Please shut the door, I don't want the other girls to see what we're doing." Brenda shut the door and Melissa continued. "Brenda, you're very dear to me, sweetheart. I know you don't use much of the candy I give you, so I want to give you part of the money you earned with Preston. I know he tips you handsomely but I want you to feel more involved with what we're doing. I don't want you to feel as though you're just an escort, but an attractive girl going out on a date. Just because your date happens to pay for your services, well, that's part of what we do here. I feel guilty that I haven't shared with you, so I'm going to give you half of what ever I make when you date someone, here, this is yours," Melissa said as she handed Brenda an envelope. Brenda opened it and saw many one hundred dollar bills, fifteen to be exact, so this is the kind of money she's making, Brenda thought. "Thank you Melissa, this is very kind of you," Brenda said. "Brenda you could become my most popular escort if you would like, all you have to do is say yes." "Melissa I told you I won't feel comfortable unless your boyfriend can assure me that it's safe and I won't get in trouble,' Brenda said. "I'll talk to him after the holidays, I'm sure we can work something out. I really want you to do this, word does get out, and there have been some requests for your services," Melissa said. "If I agree to this, I won't do anything more that what I do with Preston," Brenda said. "Of course not dear, of course not," Melissa replied. I'll have this little slut fucking her brains out within the month, Melissa thought, money is a wonderful motivator and she'll be hooked on that just as well as drugs. The party ended and everyone went their own way. Tiffany and Brenda had a plane to catch. They were soon on their way to California. It was time to relax for a few days. Brenda rented a car and the girls were soon on their way to Brenda's home. Brenda turned down her street and Tiffany couldn't help but notice all the lawns. "The lawns are all green," she said. "Of course they're green, they're grass, silly." "I'm sorry, I've never seen grass in the winter, all I've ever seen is snow." "This is California and it's winter. You might even get a sun tan," Brenda giggled. "All I brought was winter wear, what should I do?" "We'll go shopping, my mom will make us go anyway, and it'll give you a chance to be in sunshine for a change." The girls arrived at Brenda's home. It was just after sunset and the lights were on. Brenda knocked on the door and then opened it. "Mom, it's me, Tiffany is with me," she shouted. Brenda could hear the shuffling of feet as her mother came into the entry hall. Brenda's mother still wasn't used to seeing her son looking like her daughter but loved her just the same. "Let me see my daughter, you're just as pretty as I remember," she said. "Mom, this is Tiffany Rollins. She works with me, she's a super-model, Tiffany this is my mom, Natalie Watson," Brenda said. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Watson," Tiffany said and shook Natalie's hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Tiffany. I've seen so much of you everywhere and you're much prettier in person, and please call me Natalie," she said. "I will, thank you Natalie, and thank you for having me over the holidays," Tiffany said. "You're more than welcome Tiffany. Our home has always been open to friends of our children. Let's go in girls, I think it's time for your father to meet you Brenda. He's seen pictures but it's not the same as the real thing, and don't worry, he's come to accept that he has a daughter now. He's in the family room watching some stupid football game," Natalie said. "Mom, I might be a girl now but I still like football and the games aren't stupid," Brenda replied, sticking up for her father. "I think they're stupid too, I personally like hockey," Tiffany said. "Well duh, look at where you're from, you even wondered why the grass was green," Brenda laughed. "You're picking on me," Tiffany whined and started laughing hysterically. Brenda was taken back by her friend's laugh, Dirk would have never laughed like this and yet Tiffany was almost rolling on the floor, she had definitely become a changed person and all of it for the good. The girls and then Natalie entered the room. Brenda's father was engrossed watching the game. "Herman," Natalie said, with no results, "Herman! Pay attention, Matt, I mean Brenda's here with her friend." That statement had its results as Brenda's dad's head snapped to attention. He saw the two pretty girls looking at him and he wondered which one used to be his son, and then it was obvious, the cute short one had to be Matt. It was one thing to become a girl and another to grow six inches during the last year. "You must be Brenda," he said looking at Brenda. "Yes daddy, it's me, God I was so worried that you might never recover, can I hug you?" she asked. "Yes, I would be hurt if you didn't," he said. Brenda's eyes filled with tears, as the tension of this moment was broken, her father had accepted her, there was no more doubt as to what she would do in the near future, she was accepted and she could finish the journey to really become Brenda Watson. Brenda went to her father and he took her in his arms, She was surprised by the strength he had even after the accident. She laid her head on his shoulder and wept, God she loved her father so. "What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked. "There's nothing wrong daddy, it's just a girl thing," she said and held him tighter. Herman liked his daughter holding him like this. It was different and strange for him and yet she felt soft and loving as she held him. Having a little girl was going to be a nice thing and being able to protect her from, well, what ever, made him feel good. Brenda and Tiffany went back to the car and brought their bags inside the house and put them into the bedroom they would be sharing. Brenda's brothers would be arriving later that evening and the Christmas celebration would be the next day. "Mom, do you have anything to eat, I'm starving," Brenda asked. "Boy or girl, some things never change," Natalie laughed, "In the fridge dear," she shouted. "Are you hungry?" Brenda asked Tiffany. "A little, what do you have?" "Cold cuts and cheese, I see a sandwich in our future, here take the mayo and I'll grab the bread," Brenda said. Brenda made a sandwich for both the girls and they sat at the table to eat. "Your mom and dad are very nice," Tiffany said. "They are special, I was so worried about all of this," Brenda said waving her hands toward herself, "But they embraced it after they got to know the new me, and to be honest I was surprised, even my brothers are cool with it." "You're very lucky to have a family that can love you for who you are and not how you look," Tiffany said as her eyes began to tear. "What's wrong Tiff?" Brenda asked. "I was thinking of my family and how they are reacting about this whole thing. They didn't even want me to come home for Christmas. I explained that it was just a disguise but they didn't care, as long as I look like a woman they don't want me in their home," she said. "It's their loss then, you've become one of the sweetest persons I've ever known, man or woman and I love you dearly Tiffany," Brenda said. Brenda went to her friend and held her tight. Even though she had become one of the most popular models in the world she was still an insecure little girl and she needed some one to hold onto right now or her life would be set adrift. Brenda heard the front door open and close and then heard her brother's voices in the entry, "Mom, we're here." "Come on Tiffany, I'll introduce you to my brothers," Brenda said and pulled her friend by the hand to meet her brothers. "Brenda, how's my little sister?" asked Mel. "I'm fine and I want you to meet my friend, Tiffany. These two beasts are my brothers, Mel and Mark, guys, this is Tiffany," Brenda said. The boys thought their sister was hot but she paled in comparison to Tiffany and they just stood there with their mouths open. "Don't be rude boys, say hello," Natalie said. "It's very nice to meet you Tiffany," Mel said. "Wow, it sure is," Mark said. "It's nice to meet you too," Tiffany replied. "I didn't know my sister had such good looking friends," Mel said. "Leave her alone Mel, she's here to relax and not have some horny guy chasing after her," Brenda giggled. "But she looks familiar," Mark said. "She should, she's in all those Sunstar ads you guys drool over," Brenda said. "Hey now I remember, and you're going to be staying in the room next to mine, wow, this is the best Christmas present ever," Mel laughed. "You guys are too much, come on Tiffany, let's finish eating," Brenda said. "Your brothers are funny, I like them," Tiffany said. "I guess, they do grow on you after a while," Brenda said. The brothers followed the girls into the kitchen. "Hey Brenda, make us a sandwich too, please," Mel asked. "Do it yourself, Tiffany and I are already eating," she replied. "Pretty please, I'll love you forever," he pleaded. "I'll make them for you," Tiffany said. "See, you should take a lesson from your friend, sis," Mel said. "If she knew you as well as I do she wouldn't be so nice," replied Brenda. "Come on, you know you love us," Mark said. "I'll help you Tiffany, if I don't I'll never hear the end of it," Brenda laughed. The girls made the sandwiches and the boys joined them to eat. "How long are you staying this time Brenda?" asked Mark. "Until the twenty-ninth, Tiffany has to be back by the thirtieth, she's going to be on the broadcast from Times Square, on New Years eve and has a rehearsal," Brenda said. "We're not going back until a couple of days past Christmas, so would you like to hang out with us, we might be able to surf if the weather stays nice," Mel asked. "That sounds like fun, what about you Tiff shall we?" "I guess, but I'm not going to surf, I don't know how," Tiffany replied. "I'd be more than happy to teach you," Mel said. "No, I'll keep my feet on dry land thank you, and we have to shop for some clothes for me, remember Brenda?" "We'll do that the day after Christmas and then the following day I can go surfing. I have to get a wetsuit since I don't think my old ones will fit anymore, they're too small in all the wrong places," Brenda said. "You're sure right about that sis," Mel laughed. The conversation continued well into the early morning and the girls finally went to their room and a well needed rest. They were exhausted since they're bodies were still on New York time. Christmas day came and Brenda's family celebrated that afternoon with dinner and gifts. Brenda received a new wet suit from her brothers so she wouldn't have to shop for one later. "Thank you so much guys, how did you know this was what I wanted?" she asked. "After the last time we saw you it was pretty easy to figure out that you weren't going to fit in your old suit and we miss surfing with you, so merry Christmas Brenda," Mark said. "I love you guys, thank you," Brenda said. The following day Natalie took the girls shopping and Tiffany bought enough warm weather clothing to last the rest of the week including a dress for that night, as the boys had talked the girls into going out for some fun. "Brenda, " Natalie called, "Look at this on the news." Natalie was watching the local news on television and a story interested her. "What mom?" Brenda said. "Watch this story, it's about a model that was murdered yesterday in San Francisco, maybe you know her," Natalie said. "Mom, just because she's a model doesn't mean I would know her, what happened?" Brenda asked. "She was stabbed thirty-three times with a knife." "That sounds more like a rage killing than what we're doing, ours is all about drugs, not murder. I'll bet the local cops find the killer and it'll be some guy that got angry because she wouldn't go to bed with him," Brenda said. "You're probably right, let's eat dinner," Natalie said. Everyone had finished dinner and it was time to get ready. "Where are we going?" Brenda asked. "To a new club up in San Luis Obispo, a friend of mine says it's great, and has lots of single girls," Mel replied. "Well goody, goody, just what I want, lots of single girls, what are Tiffany and I supposed to do?" Brenda asked. "Meet some guys." "I don't want to meet some guys, I just want to have fun. Can't you and Mark stay with Tiffany and me?" "God Brenda, what brother wants to spend time with his sister and her friend?" Mel asked. "Please Mel, I don't want a bunch of guys hitting on me," Brenda whined. "We'll protect you, don't worry, okay?" "You'd better, or I swear I'll have Tiffany beat you up." "I couldn't be that lucky, Mel laughed. "Then I'll do it," Brenda snapped at Mel. "You just put the fear of God in me, don't worry you will be fine." Brenda and Tiffany went to get ready. "What are you going to wear Tiffany?" Brenda asked. "I was going to wear the dress I found today but then I remembered that I brought a bebe dress with me and the shoes that go with it, I'll show you," Tiffany said. Tiffany pulled a black bubble dress from her luggage and held it for Brenda to see. "Oh my God, that's hot, I hope I can find something half as nice to wear," Brenda said. Brenda looked through her clothing she left the last time she visited and found the dress she was looking for. It was a pink mini dress with a fitted bodice, spaghetti straps and an open back, Brenda wasn't going to be out done by her friend. The girls helped each other with their makeup and soon were ready to leave with Brenda's brothers. "Hey, are you girls ready, we don't have all night you know," Mel yelled. "We're coming, let me get a sweater," Brenda yelled back. Tiffany was the first to enter the room. You could hear the boy's teeth rattle as their mouths dropped open, she was gorgeous. Tiffany was wearing a black bubble dress with a halter top gathered above her breasts with a large gold bangle and the hem stopped several inches above mid thigh exposing her shapely legs. Her four-inch translucent wedge sandals added to the effect with the tiny ankle strap drawing attention to her shapely calves, now they knew why she had become a super model. Either brother would be honored to be able to escort the beauty. Brenda entered next and she looked hot. Her dress was as short as Tiffany's and hers exposed her cleavage as well as her back, only the guys reaction was a little different with Brenda. "Holy shit Brenda, you can't go out looking like that, you're our sister," Mel said. "Why not, don't I look good?" "You look too good, you'll have guys all over you looking like that," Mark said. "That's the idea," Brenda said. "We'll have to stay with you all night or some guy might, well you know," Mark said. "Gosh what a pity that you won't be able to dump me like last time, and if you do, I'm sure Tiffany and I will find something to do, oh and by the way close your mouths or you might catch flies," Brenda giggled. "I get to be with Tiffany because I'm taller than you Mel," Mark said. "You mean I'm stuck with our sister, that's not fair," Mel whined. Just then Natalie entered the room and saw the girls. Tiffany looked as though she had just stepped out of the bebe catalogue and her daughter looked as though she was after every guy in town. She knew her daughter was cute but now she realized just how sexy she was too. "Girls, you be careful and boys don't you dare leave them alone, if anything happens to them, I'll hold you responsible," she said. "Yes mom," they replied. The guys escorted the girls to the car. They weren't going to leave the boy's sight for one second after the warning their mother gave them.. "Tiffany, you sit in front with me, your legs are too long to fit in back, Brenda sit in the rear seat with Mel, I'll drive," Mark said. Forty minutes later they arrived at the new club and Mark stopped in front so the girls could exit the car and not have to walk too far in their heels. Mel exited and opened the doors for both girls. The guys thought it would be best if Mel stayed with them or there might be trouble. Every guy with a view of the women couldn't help but stare at the beauties and it didn't take long for word to spread that the famous Tiffany Rollins was going to be at the club tonight with some foxy friend. Mark parked the car and joined his brother and the girls as they entered the club. They found an empty table and the guys held the girls chairs for them as they sat. It wasn't but a minute before Tiffany's fans lined up for autographs, it was going to be a long evening. Tiffany didn't mind taking care of her duties, after all, if they didn't want her signature it would mean that her popularity had gone and she would be just another model. She had grown to love the notoriety she was receiving, and she liked being a star. Her duties done the guys asked the girls to dance, Mel even liked being seen with his sister, he only wished she wasn't family. The evening continued and much to the surprise of the boys they were having a wonderful time with the girls and what the heck it was kind of cool having a sister with hot looking friends. The hardest part of the evening was keeping the girls to themselves, as the other men in the club weren't shy about asking the girls to dance. Luckily there wasn't any incident that was bad and soon the couples had returned home. "Thanks for a wonderful evening Tiffany," Mark said. "I had fun, goodnight Mark," Tiffany said. "Thanks for being a nice brother Mel, I had fun too," Brenda said. "Me too, you're pretty cool for a sister, goodnight girls," Mel said. The girls went into their room and removed their clothing and makeup. "Your brother is very nice, and cute too," Tiffany said. "He is nice, but I don't know about the cute part," Brenda said. "He is cute and I would have kissed him goodnight if he had asked," Tiffany said. "You wanted to kiss my brother, eww, is this really the Tiffany I know?" Brenda asked. "What's wrong with that?" "What's wrong with that, Miss, I don't want a man to touch me?" Brenda said. "Things are different now, I've changed that's all," Tiffany said. "You have and I like it, please stay my girl friend." "I will, goodnight Brenda." "Goodnight Tiff." The following day found the guys and girls at the beach, Brenda wanted to try her new wet suit and she missed surfing. Tiffany wasn't about to try surfing so she just sat around looking pretty wearing white shorts and a light blue tube top. It was unseasonably warm for this time of year, even for California and Tiffany was going to enjoy the sun. Brenda had paddled out to the break and waited for the right swell to come to her. She paddled to catch the wave and tried to stand and promptly found herself under water. Crap, she thought, that was an easy wave, how could I have not been able to ride it? She recovered and tried again with the same results, she became frustrated not being able to stand on her board. What in the heck is wrong with me, I've always been able to ride these waves when I was Matt so there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to ride them now. "Hey Brenda, what's wrong, don't know how to surf?" Mel laughed after watching his sister's predicament. "I don't get it, I was always the best surfer of all of us and now I can't even get up and I don't know what's wrong," she said. "I think I know what might be causing your distress, dear sister," Mel said. "What's that?" she asked. "Your balance is different now." "What do you mean?" she asked. "You have boobs, didn't you notice that you were falling over the front of your board?" he asked. Brenda felt like a fool, why hadn't she thought of that? Of course her balance was different she had boobs and her ass was bigger, she would have to learn how to surf all over again. "Thanks Mel, I forgot I had them," she giggled somewhat embarrassed. Brenda practiced and soon was cutting the waves like she used to, she missed being able to surf when she wanted to, she would find a place to surf when she returned to New York. The rest of the time past quickly and the girls returned to New York, there was work to be done.

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Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 117

Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered “Who ties your shoelaces for you?” Compliments of MycroftXXX My son shared a giggle with me that’s sooo bad, I am sure you haven’t used it yet... Why are vampires sooooo gullible? wait for it wait for it!!!! It’s because they’re all SUCKERS!!!! These are compliments of fmwarmac‎ An explorer in the African jungle heard about a plan to capture the legendary King Kong. And sure enough, when he came to a clearing, there before...

4 years ago
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Waiting to Happen 2 The MtF

Waiting to Happen 2: The MtF By Lucy Lord Caroline looked around one last time to make sure she was unobserved before slipping into the unobtrusive building. She quickly gave that month's password to the suspicious looking security guard and made towards the conference room, relishing the feel of the guard's eyes on her behind. Even at forty-five years of age and having come straight from work, she knew she looked good. The meeting had started by the time she arrived and she...

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TeamSkeetXJavHub Ai Okada 11162021

All dressed up in her schoolgirl uniform, Ai Okada likes talking about having sex. She especially likes to suck on cock, so the guy pulls out his dick. She licks and sucks on his dick until he can’t take anymore and then it’s her turn to get fondled and abused. First he grabs her tits and squeezes her dark hard nipples, then he grabs her soaked panties and uses them to play with her clit. Then with her panties set aside he uses two fingers to penetrate her hairy pussy. He fucks her and pulls...

2 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 11 Fractures

Neil had dim memories of Ruth snuggling with him then heading out for a shower. Waking up with someone was something he'd quickly adjusted to and now it was hard to roll over and find only his cool sheets. Speaking of sheets, Neil noted his were in dire need of laundry and stripped his bed before heading off to the showers. He was late this morning and had to wait for a spot in the showers with all the other late sleepers. So he put his basket in the "dibs" line and sat outside with the...

3 years ago
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First time with a coworker

Many years ago i used to work in a factory packing product in boxes. It was a pretty boring job and an 8 hour day seemed to drag on forever. There really wasn't much to look forward to there but i stayed because it paid the bills and left me with beer money every week. All that changed on the day they hired Nikki. You see i worked with a few older gentlemen and a couple of married women that werent really much to look at and in walks this beautiful blonde. She was a tiny little girl that was...

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Just Having Fun

Feeling horny as usual with a good buzz. So I head to the gloryhole to relieve my hornyness and make someone happy. So i get there around 2am it still has a few cars there more than usual for this time in the morning. I go in pay and head to the back and start searching for someone to have fun with. I stroll around checking out things and others looking at movies. I see one guy looking so I walk to another corridor with less people and he follows. I go into a booth but leave the door open and...

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Daisy punana ch 7

================================================================= NOTE: Due to too many storylines going on at the same time, I am going to split the "daisy" story off from the "punana" story. Here's the map: Daisy modified (no chapter mark) is all punana Daisy modified ch 2: is all punana Daisy modified ch 3: introduces RL Daisy and includes a few scenes with punana Daisy modified ch 4: picks up RL Daisy's story and gives a last glimpse of punana then they split: Daisy...

2 years ago
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Wanking with Mrs Bargon

My parents are really religious and so when I went off to Uni they billeted me out in the house of a suitably Christian family. They were nice country people, very traditional in their approach to life. A c***dless couple, he worked in a bank and she stayed at home looking after the house, or assisted with various charity and church groups. Life in this middle class house with its ironed sheets and religious icons was a wild contrast to my new life at university. Alcohol was everywhere, as were...

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LTD Malissas Academy 29

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 29 By: Malissa Madison I sat with the younger children keeping them entertained after Sophie, Anna and Starlight left in Anna's Ford Raptor. I knew Rip had gone with them though, and was now looking for Becca, Tadpole and Waddles. Every time I got close though Corra would giggle. Tizzy and Denise were in the family room with Lindsey watching the youngest of our brood. And Maleeza was on her way with Randi's parents and little...

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The Cave II The book of Lust

Time sped by after I left the cave. I don't know how I got home that night, only that I worke up the next morning and went right back to the cave. But I could not find the entrance again, no matter how hard I tried or how sure I was that I was in the right spot, I just could not find it. I was sure it was not a dream, His seed still coursed in my veins and His words rang in my head! I finally realized that He had given me spread the word of Cock. This meant something totally...

2 years ago
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The Girl Stories Mission 2

As the traffickers wanted innocent girls, one of the most important things was to cover her tattoos in a way, which would withstand different conditions. Penny contacted a friend, who was an expert in these matters, and soon, Lilly tattoos were begin covered with a water-proof paint, perfectly matching the color of her skin. She liked how the procedure, combined with a bare pussy, made her look so young, and fragile. But instead of pondering on the innocence that was ripped from her at her...

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Walking the DogChapter 5

No idyll ever lasts and ours was shorter than most. We were summoned back to the real world by Niall hammering on the door. "Martin, get up! Looks like we've got company!" My heart sank and a sick feeling permeated the rosy glow. I rose and dressed as quickly as I could with Angela following suit. About two minutes later we joined the twins in the lounge. Liam gestured to us to move to the side of the room. "Our friends are a little quick off the mark," he said and gave us a humourless...

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Between a Rock and His Hard Place Part 2

Over the next few days, Heather sorted out how she was going to pay the rent. She was still $100 short. She thought that, if she could just get through December, she could probably get another job and get back on her feet. She even thought that, somehow, she would give back the money she had taken from Mr. Benton. The Monday after Thanksgiving, Heather decided she would sneak back into the shop and get $100 more from behind the counter. She knew that Benton would sometimes leave the store...

2 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 07

A Weekend at Kingham Chapter 19 – Clarissa is Initiated Clarissa was on time in her large black Rover. I was ordered to the front passenger seat, so that Mom and Nanny and boys could play in the back. It took forever in Friday traffic to get out of central London, but the autoroute moved along. Clarissa was smiling and laughing and having a good time. On an impulse, I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it. Her eyes glanced quickly over at me and back to the road. There was a low warning...

2 years ago
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Becoming a submissive slut part 2

As required, the second time , I went up to meet him I put a buttplug in my ass , it was arousing to be told what to do , after cleaning myself in and out , I chose a buttplug ( i have several ) , medium sized ,it had to be comfortable because i had to drive for over an hour with the plug jammed in my hole , I dressed myself , no underwear , just a worn out pair of jeans and a wite shirt and white sneakers. I got in my car and felt anxious for what was going to happen , I looked at the seat...

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OMG VIII The Makeup

Pansy Pumpscock felt wonderful wandering through the mall hand in hand with her sister Prissy. She was a good sissy because she was wearing an extremely tight, slutty prom dress that showed off her tight waist and sexy legs. Pansy was bathing in the afterglow of having just made Sheriff Bob cum by bouncing up and down on his wonderful cock until he pumped loads of cum inside her. Pansy was carrying his cum inside her right now, holding it in with the massive butt plug that constantly...

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Waiting for tonight

I’ve been rather on the quiet side for the past year and half. For some reason, I had lost my drive, my sexual drive! I used to fuck around so much.. I could never get enough! Everyone medium was used to find BBC. I used various websites, sexual and non-sexual ones. I posted ads on Craigslist. I had help from a friend who liked to share as we had very similar tastes in men. I met my share of jerks and morons but in that lot were also some very interesting sexual partners, whom I saw...

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Boston by Motorcycle

I had just finished my undergraduate degree in psychology, and was about to pursue a Master’s degree in criminology, but I hadn’t yet decided which university I wanted to attend. My final plan was to enlist with the RCMP, but as a young woman who barely hit 5 foot 6, I knew that the only way to get accepted was by having a lot to offer. My grades were excellent, and I had been offered entrance to several programs. I was undecided between Ottawa University and McGill in Montreal. The program at...

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Horse Semen Disposal

Lilly: It sounds fun! I imagine a lot of lying on the beach, drinking from coconuts, and chilling with the horses. Kyle: You know, this job can be a lot of fun. But right now, the horses are stressed out! They’ve become engorged. Lilly: Oh my! Kyle: There are no mares around, so they have a lot of sexual energy. They have erections almost constantly. We can’t let the girls ride them in that condition. Unfortunately, it clogs the drain if we try to pour it out. And attracts flies if we put...

3 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 6

The news came in first from Crystal that she was going to have a baby and then the news slipped in from Bethany that she and Roger were also going to be expecting a child sometime shortly after Crystal's was due to be born. Philip and Mary were both thrilled to hear of the expected new arrivals in their family. With his successful impregnation of both his daughters-in-law, Bethany and Crystal, Philip suddenly found himself confronted with the third part of the puzzle -- his own daughter,...

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Have FaithChapter 7

“Mom called last night,” announced Linny. “We told her you were taking good care of us.” “She didn’t want to talk to me?” asked a surprised Faith. “Oh, she did. We told her you were sleeping. And she said she would be gone another week; something about complications.” This was not good news at all for Faith. She felt her heart sink at the knowledge that her ordeal was to be extended. She would just have to work harder at finding a way to escape. But so far, there hadn’t really been a...

4 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 69

When I went back to the clinic, after my visit with Joyce and the children, Dr. Fellows and I spoke at length about my feelings, and about Joyce's reaction after I told her that I was getting some help at the clinic. Dr. Fellows told me Joyce probably would have some resentment about having been left out when I made my decision to seek help from the clinic, because she thought of her role in my life as much more than being just my wife. Joyce felt like we were partners in all things. When I...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 02

I didn’t set the alarm clock for Monday morning, I simply let the autumn sunshine gently wake me. The coffee was waiting, I gathered up the morning paper which had been deposited at my door and plopped on the sofa to dwell over it and the rest of the pot of coffee. As my mantel clock struck 9:00, I realized it was time to get ready for my luncheon with Mr. Emerly. The magazine people were anxious to see the story and I hoped I could finish the interview this afternoon and polish off the...

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Billys Mom

Billy's Mom I had always liked Billy’s mother because she always gave us fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven along with a big glass of chocolate milk. When we got older she treated us older and gave us better snacks, but nothing really beats fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. When I turned fourteen Billy’s mother gave me a large chocolate chip cookie all of my own with a candle in it. I was surprised that Billy had gone to his father’s house but I...

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Another Way

The novice cultivator accepted a very treacherous task, that is to put on the monster skin of a monster, and pretend to be it to sneak into the enemy's camp. Unexpectedly, this skin still has his own consciousness... Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creators. As the sun sets, the sky of Hongsang Town is stained with blood-like blush. This small town located on the border of Huaguo has now become a vanguard position against alien invasion. The peace that lasted for nearly...

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Holiday Sex with young couple

I have just come back off Holiday from Turkey. Three weeks sat by the pool watching the world go by. Well I say watch the world but I mean watch all the girls. That's the great thing about holidaying abroad. You can sit by the pool and ogle the girls and nobody cares or even notices. The first week I found my favourite spot which had views across the pool, over to the bar and the Jacuzzi. It was a prime spot and I was a serial Towel Fiend and was up early every morning to secure my spot. The...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 10

Renee bent over and pulled down the covers, which she hadn’t even gotten under, because it was warm in the room. It was still warm but, despite the boldness of her behavior, there was still a residual level of nervousness in her that demanded she do something routine and normal. Turning down the covers served that purpose. “It really is a cute butt,” said Bobby, from behind her. She looked over her shoulder, to see him staring, where the shirt had ridden up to show her bare buttocks. Once...

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Spizoo Freya Dee Passionate Ass To Mouth Action

Freya Dee is ready to spice up the mood with her beautiful slender body. The tattooed babe is here to once again stun us with her enticing looks and gorgeous tattoos. Freya can’t hide her happiness as her man gets closer to her. The horny couple shares a passionate kiss while their hands wander all over each other’s bodies. Freya bends over on the bed and lets her man give her a rimjob. The lucky stud makes Freya’s tight asshole wet with his spit before jamming his cock inside...

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Ghar Ek Sapna Ep1

GHAR EK SAPNA-1 From: Manoj Hi this is a cool guy Manoj from Karnataka. This is my first story and I would like to hear to your suggestions and comments for the improvements in the story. Here I m with one of my fantasy of the characters of the serial ghar ek sapna on Sahara one. Here goes the story. The characters are Sharath his gf Neha, elder bhabis Sandhya and Kakul, his elder sister Devika and his younger sister Thulika. Neha is a beautiful gal of 20 yrs with a very cute face and smile...

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My 40 year old fiancée Suzie lived about 250 miles from me. Our engagement was the result of a year long long-distance relationship.Her parents were wealthy, lived in an elite suburb and held family gatherings on every holiday. The summer ones were the best, because they were held around the family swimming pool.Suzie's was a family of women. She had two older sisters. They ranged in age from the mid forties to forty (Suzie was the baby).Her father was quite a bit older than her mother, ages 79...

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The TrainerPart 5

As Duke and Amber gazed at each other, Duke finally pulled himself out of it and said to her gently but firmly, "We have much to do today so let's continue with your training." Amber who was very caught up in the moment herself shook herself out of it as well. She gazed at him. For the first time since Lloyd, she was actually looking at another man and seeing him as a man as well as a hell of a good Master. She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that pleasing him was very...

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From Jeannie to Vanessa Chapter 06

Chapter 6: Tying the Knot, Epilogue, and Postscript. I think Autumn was always my favorite time in the South. The excitement of graduation and starting to work full-time was past. We’d survived another sticky hot summer, and now the cooler weather would likely stretch out through Thanksgiving and even, sometimes, Christmas, before turning ugly and gray in January or February. My mom and Jack’s mom were already buzzing about like flies with wedding fever and even I was excited, although not...

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WANTED by Elaine Please do not read any further if: 1. You are under the age of 16, or 2. You are offended by explicit sexual and/or erotic writing. This long story describes situations where genetic males are offered the opportunity to live and work in the female clothes and to become members of the opposite sex. If this sort of story is likely to offend you, then please do not continue. There may be areas of attitude or technical content that might be wrong but the...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 02 The Carousel

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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I had thoughts, sexual thoughts, of being with a man since way back when. If I was honest with myself I would admit having some thoughts of it as an adolescent. The feelings grew stronger as I got older. I knew that a friend from university was gay and other friends had told me he had a crush on me. As I reached my mid twenties I thought about contacting him just so I could engineer some kind of opportunity to act out some of my thoughts. I never got round to it. My thoughts remained just that,...

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UniversityChapter 5

It was intermission at Mozart's Magic Flute. Rachel was bubbling over the singing and the production in general. "I love the whole fantasy element! Those puppets are wonderful! Oh! Over there, the chap in a green shirt..." "Yes?" "He's in my myth course!" "Well, you can talk to him tomorrow or the next day." "Yes. It'll be a start. But, what did you think of the Queen of the Night?" "You mean her voice or the costume?" "The white costume, I thought she'd be in black or...

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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

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Falling Ch 07

Chapter 7, In which Jenny and I come to an understanding It was mid-afternoon and instead of walking into a meeting downtown, I was gazing out the car window at suburbia. My friend Jenny was driving, since she was familiar with the area. I turned back to study Jenny with mixed feelings. She was an attractive girl, only a year younger than I — I’d seen her license — and quite vivacious once I’d gotten past her shell. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d been a waitress working the respectable side of...

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ExxxtraSmall Katya Rodriguez Bitty Bopper Gets A Scare

The oh so tiny Katya was excited for her first year tricktreating by herself! She planned out her route to hit all the most luxurious houses that are usually very generous with the candy they give. On her first stop, the mansion had its door open and she was greeted by a tall skeleton statue holding more candy than she had ever seen in her little life!she rummaged through it for the dank treats, she felt something scary! It was a big fleshy lollycock. Turns out it wasnt a statue at all, just...


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