The English Teacher -- Part Two free porn video

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The English Teacher - Part Two By Katherine Day (Copyright 2008, by Katherine Day) Chapter 3 As I expected would happen, Paul showed up again on Saturday as I was beginning my morning run down the boulevard. "Hi, Miss Enright," he waved cheerfully, as I continued down the street, brushing recently fallen leaves along the sidewalk. It was about 9 a.m., and the early morning mist was only now beginning to lift. I didn't realize how cool it was and my bare legs felt a bit goose-bumpy. This was becoming embarrassing, having him join me every morning on my jog. This town was still small enough that someone was sure to notice, and to begin a bit of gossip. Yet, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a tingle of excitement at seeing him. I had not worn sweat pants over my shorts, which was foolish, given the cool fall morning. But, again, vanity got the best of me; I knew my legs were one of my prettiest attributes, and, to be honest, I knew Paul would enjoy seeing them. "Hi there Paul," I said. "You still don't mind a slow run, I see?" "Not when it's with you, Miss Enright," he said, bursting out with an impish smile. I was already panting a bit from the short few blocks I had already run and I replied with a simple: "You're something, my boy." "Aw, Miss Enright, you're the best thing that ever happened in this town," he said as he ran alongside me, as we continued down Stephen Decatur Boulevard. My breathing was becoming a bit labored even if I had run only a few blocks. I figured it must be the excitement of having that perfectly luscious 17-year-old boy running alongside me. That, and I also thought, the realization that he was bypassing all the pretty girls in the high school for me, a 30-year-old woman, was also a most heady feeling. Our run was uneventful, although I did force the two of us to cease running twice so that I could catch my breath. Paul was most solicitous, wondering if I was feeling OK. What a perfect young gentleman he was. "What more could a girl want?" I asked myself silently. "Miss Enright," he said while we stopped for a minute at the end of the boulevard where we were to turn back. There was a large park and we found a stone fence, just right for sitting, and we both sat down, Paul next to me, legs almost touching. "I know that we shouldn't be meeting like this. You know, me being a student, and you a teacher." "That's right, Paul. I could lose my job, and you could screw up your chances for a scholarship and college," I said, my breathing now becoming steadier. "But, Miss Enright, you excite me so. I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you." As he said this, I looked into his eyes, and saw how earnest they were. He seemed to be pleading with me and I could see the front of his running shorts bulge out. This must end, I told myself. We can't keep meeting like this, I felt. "Let's run back now," I said to him, purposely not responding to his obvious love-sick plea. Or, was it pure sexual desire. I dare not respond, since I knew I was feeling the same. I wanted that young man to hug me now, squeeze me tightly, cover me with kisses and carry me into the bushes where we'd make mad, mad, mad love. But, how could we, my responsible side asked? Nonetheless, as we began to run again, I suddenly veered into a narrow dirt path that led deep into the park's wooded area. "Let's go back by the scenic route," I said, as I headed into the woods, Paul following. It was dark in the woods; there was no wind, but the musty smell permeated the air. We kicked leaves as we ran, and I could imagine running behind me, watching my hips and legs. Purposely, I began running in a typical female fashion, certain to tantalize him. Soon there was "v" in the path, with a skinnier, less used, path veering off to the left, and after about 50 yards we were deep in the heaviest part of the wood, well-shielded from view. I could hear Paul's footsteps behind me, along with his measured breathing. I imagined his lovely face and suddenly felt the urge to be in his arms, and our lips meeting in passionate kisses. I stopped dead in my tracks then, turning around and throwing my sweating body into his, the collision almost crashing us both to the ground. Paul's strong arms held me from falling and I was safe in his grasp. My hands wrapped about his massive upper body and I felt his arms engulf my slender, soft body as our lips met. We kissed, lips and tongues meeting, juices flowing from both of our mouths. I think I tasted Cheerios on his breath and that excited me even more. I hoped he enjoyed the orange juice taste residing in my mouth. My hands worked down his back and soon found his manhood, which was stretching his shorts to the extreme. I worked my hands down into his shorts and found his jockstrap was already wet. I worked my hand into the strap, finding his manhood; it was huge, and when I wrapped my slender hand around it, there were still lots to cover. In our madness there on the dirt path, we were panting and I fear I may have screamed even. I was unconscious with passion and I felt his finger between my legs now with two fingers entering my pussy. I had never felt such ecstasy, and I abandoned all caution. I wanted this young man, this boy, oh my god, he was only a boy. But he was so marvelous, and I smelled his sweet sweaty body on me, mixed with the light perfume I was wearing. He guided the two of us to a place covered with leaves, as I kissed and kissed him, wanting his lips to never leave mine, we both fingering each other's organs. And, in the midst of this passion, his lips left mine and he gently laid me down on the leaves. "Oh Miss Enright, you are the loveliest sight in the world," he said, having now released his hold on me, as he stood over me. I reached up with both arms, beckoning him to join me on the ground, to cover me with his young teenage body. "No Paul," I said. "To me you're the loveliest sight in the world." And, he was upon me. My shorts and panties were awkwardly but eagerly removed, as I pulled down his shorts and jockstrap, and watched his heavenly manhood stand erect, perhaps nine inches in all. I rose to kiss it, and it's throbbing accelerated and Paul then pushed me back down and was on top of me. My legs were spread and I was panting wildly, even screaming. I was all woman, truly now, for the first time I felt totally female, as he thrust his manhood into me. I screamed. My vagina was still tight, but my juices and his precum lubricated me and he was inside me. We rocked together in great excitement and he finally came, filling me as I yelled and held him so tight to me. The juices overflowed their musky scent mixed with that of decaying leaves. He collapsed on me, and I moved him off me, so that we lay side my side, and he was quiet. I lay there quiet, too, brushing his head gently, kissing his lightly here and there. "Oh Paul, that was so marvelous. You were the best." "Oh Miss Enright, you must have had lots of lovers." "Not really Paul, and I've never done anything like this in the woods before." We then began kissing hard again, and after a short while, I said, "Paul, you may call me Katie, if you like, but only when we're alone." "Miss Enright... ah... I mean Katie. I like that." "I do too," I said, now pushing him away so that we could get ready to complete the run. Paul was quiet on the run back, and we both slowed to almost a walk, both exhausted from our love-making. "Paul, if you want, Miss Emily said you could come over this weekend and finish raking leaves," I said. "But, we will not do this again. It's too dangerous." "Oh, Katie, my sweet, sweet friend. I think I love you. I can't stay away." "You must, Paul. You must," and I left him, and quickly ran into the house, leaving him standing there. I realized one thing. I was now a woman. Chapter 4 The weekend became a torture for me. I could not get my mind off of Paul, so young, so exotically muscular, so full of worship for me as a woman. When I got home, I laid down on my bed, my sweaty body staining the comforter, my fresh vagina still sticky with Paul's sweet juices. The animal smell was so intoxicating; I hesitated to take a shower. Oh, this was so wrong. I was violating every rule in the book. Paul was 17, and he was my student. I envisioned headlines as my firing was announced: "High school teacher fired; seduced student: Schools learns teacher has had sex change." It was a nightmarish thought. I began crying. Paul was my reward for a terribly difficult life, my endurance of a humiliating childhood. I had found my love, this persistent sweet and totally masculine young man. I vowed to forget him, but his smell was with me now, all over me. I had to get into the shower to cleanse myself of these desires, to see if I can wash off my feelings for him. The shower was long, warm and steamy. I used a creamy soap that seemed to provide a lotion of sweet softness to my skin. I placed my fingers in my vagina and felt around at this beautiful new part of me; it was now moist with Paul's juices and my orgasms. I placed them in my mouth, tasting the salty, pungency of my fingers: my juices and Paul's combined. How beautiful! I stepped out of the shower, and stood in front of the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door, watching my body begin to become visible as the fog dissolved from the mirror. I smiled: I had a lovely body, proving I was meant to be a woman. Slender and pretty shoulders gave way to modest breasts with a healthy pink areola around my brownish hard nipples. My tummy was a bit soft running down to the wide curves of my hips and the sweet fleshy thighs and slender calves and lovely ankles. Light reddish hair covered my sweet triangle. To be such a total woman was so exhilarating that I wished Paul was here to enjoy me and I was able to hold him tightly, never to let him go. Paul was on my mind that rest of that day, and made it impossible for me to concentrate on my weekly "Scrabble" game with Emily and our next door neighbor, Mr. Gary Quoncette, a widowed and retired city librarian. Our games were truly cutthroat and score was taken. Mr. Quoncette was stickler for the rules, demanding all players follow strict time limits and he was quick to challenge a word. He was a bit effeminate, and possibly was gay, in spite of having been married and fathered two children. I was skunked, even though I got more than my share of good letters. "What's the matter, Katie," Emily asked several times. "Get your mind on the game." I apologized, and they even offered to quit after the second game, even though we usually played three. "No, no, I'm quite all right," I protested. I knew it was best to try to play; otherwise I'd be in my room crying thinking of Paul, and the many reasons why I had to stop seeing him. On Sunday, I decided to forgo my usual schedule, and do my running in the afternoon. That way, I was sure to avoid Paul. The problem in our small city was that there were not many places to run where Paul might night see me. It was also impossible not to begin my route by running past his corner. In the late morning, Emily rapped on the door as I was trying to compose an essay to complete my application to graduate school. I wasn't getting very far with it as my thought kept drifting to Paul; I even found myself fingering myself almost to an orgasm. When Emily rapped I was deep in a sweet reverie wishing that huge piece of manhood was in me. "Are you there, Katie?" Emily said, rapping a bit more insistently. Still in a fog, I answered, "Yes, Emily. I'll be there in a minute." I lived in the upper of a duplex over Emily and we shared a common entrance hall on the first floor. As I opened the door, I could see Paul, the object of my dreams, standing at the bottom of the flight of stairs looking up expectantly. "Katie. Do you know this young man, Paul?" Emily asked. "Yes, he's a student of mine." A moment of panic seized me; what was he doing here? I looked at him with a mix of desire and fear. "He'd like to rake our leaves. And I just want to know if you knew him." "Oh yes. He's a good student and I'm sure he'll do a good job, Emily." "Just wanted to be sure, dear. I have to be careful, you know. I'm sorry to have bothered you." "No, that's OK," I said, feeling my already moist vagina seeming to cry out for action. "Hi Paul," I said, waving down the stairwell to him. "Good morning, Miss Enright," he said, respectfully. Yet, I sensed there was a glint in his eye. Paul, indeed, did an excellent job in raking the leaves. This was the last weekend of the autumn in which the city would allow residents to place their leaves at the curb, and ours had collected badly. It was a monstrous job, and by all accounts, I should have helped Paul to the work, but I knew that if I went out, I'd be eying his masculine form, his firm thighs in the tight-fitting jeans and his sweet hair. I imagined that we'd be romping in a leaf pile before long. As it was, I couldn't help but glance out the window at him, and then quickly avert my look in fear that he'd see me looking at him. Oh, I was beginning to hate myself: I was acting like awe-struck teenager at a rock concert. Emily later told me she had to go away for the afternoon and she asked if I'd give Paul his pay when she was done. I agreed I would, and she said he expected to work until about 3 p.m., and had put an appropriate amount in an envelop. "Would you be a dear, Katie, and give it to him? You weren't planning to be gone, were you?" "No, of course not." As Emily left the house, I looked out the window and saw her talk to Paul, pointing to my apartment. They nodded, looked up and saw me. I gave a tentative wave, and I swear I saw Paul, the devil, give me a slight wink. How could I resist him now? What an opportunity? We'd be alone together, and as far as anyone knew, he was here merely to rake leaves. I knew he'd be finishing work soon, and I began to wonder how I should dress for him. I wanted to dress as a total slut, wearing fishnet stockings, heels, a shamelessly tiny mini skirt and a tank top, without a bra. Early on just before and after my SRS, I had worn such over-the-top sexual outfits, mainly to drag parties. Wasn't I beyond that now? What a love-starved woman I was, it finally dawned on me. In my effort to develop a career and be fully accepted as a woman, I had tried to stay away, for the time being, from any serious male companionship, and here I was ready to throw myself at a 17 year old boy. "I'm such a lovely woman," I told myself. I knew that to be true; I had a body that was always marvelously feminine, slender, soft, curvy. My skin was smooth, soft and pale, and I had modest sized, but firm and well-shaped breasts. I decided against "slutty," and chose "casual, sensual," meaning I'll wear no stockings, flat sandals, a pair of girl's workout shorts (very short) and a blouse, with the top three buttons undone, showing my milky white cleavage between the luscious mounds of breast. Needless to say, my effort at filling out my grad school application form went no where. My mind was on Paul. It seemed an eternity, but in less than an hour, I heard Paul ring the bell. He stood in the inner hallway downstairs as I opened my door. I yelled down to him: "Paul, you got done in a hurry. It's not even 2:15." "Oh I got it all raked up, you can look for yourself." "Oh yes, I can see that. Shall I come down to pay you? Or would you like to come up for a soda? You must be thirsty." "I am," he said, and he bounded up my stairs two at a time. I let him in and as he brushed besides me to enter, I could smell the sweat on his heavenly body. I beckoned him to the kitchen table, where I had my laptop out with the application papers. All I had was bottled water and some juice. "The water's fine," he said. "Is it cold?" "Yes," and I went to the refrigerator. I knew his eyes were following my back; what I didn't know was whether he was looking at my legs or my butt. "Oh Miss Enright, you're so beautiful. I've never seen legs so pretty." "Thank you, Paul," I said, handing him the bottle of water. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I know we shouldn't think about each other, but I went to sleep last night with you in my head." I blushed. It was what I wanted to hear. I didn't tell him, of course, that he'd been on my mind for the last several days. "Paul, thank you. I love compliments, but I'm sure there are plenty of pretty girls at school." "Not like you, Miss Enright. You're special." With that, I turned to kiss him; it was meant to be just a light "thank you" kiss, but I found his sweaty body so intoxicating that my hands quickly took off his jacket, revealing a tight gray tee shirt. It was soaked with his perspiration and his muscular arms, his lovely biceps glistened. I could see the nipple of his breasts hard against the wetness of the tee shirt. My light kiss turned into a full passionate embrace, our lips pressed hard together and out tongues engaged. My arms were around his neck and his big, calloused hands were running excitedly over my slender shoulders. Our lips parted, and he said: "Oh Miss Enright, you smell so good. You always smell so good." "Oh Paul, you smell delicious, my dear Paul." "Oh no Miss Enright, I'm so gross after..." I didn't let him finish, but planted my lips upon his. How I loved the smell of honest sweat on a man, a real man. I ran my hand down to his jeans, the tight-fitting jeans which we now bulging and throbbing. I worked my hand into the belt and in haste tried to loosen the jeans, soon he was helping me, and I was off his lap as we both pulled his pants down. He was wearing no briefs and his manhood popped out stiffly. My mouth was upon his marvelous shaft, taking a quick suck and pulling off a small bit of salty, musky moisture, his pre-ejaculation fluids. Then I kissed its tip and he pressed my head onto the shaft. His hands had worked their way under my blouse, unbuttoned it and soon I was topless, my breasts hanging, open for caresses. "Miss Enright, Katie," he said, almost panting in excitement. "Katie, Katie, please stand so I can see you, all of you." I removed myself from his manhood, and I dropped my shorts, standing totally nude before him, except for the sandals I still had on. "You are the most beautiful woman, Katie. Were you a homecoming queen or something? Ever?" "You're sweet to say that, Paul," I said, doing a little pirouette for him. "But I was not very popular in school, I guess. Too shy." "Not you, Miss Enright." I smiled, hoping he'd never learn the truth about me. Just then, I heard the downstairs door open. "Oh my god," I said. "Emily must be back. Get dressed, and I'll be right back." My unquenched urges ended so suddenly I felt like crying. Paul cleaned himself up hurriedly and I changed into more modest jeans and a blouse in a hurry when I heard Emily knock on our door. I'm sure we were both flush-faced as I let Emily enter. "Paul, you did a great job. Did you get the money?" "Oh I was just giving it to him. I asked him in for a drink of water," I explained. "And we were talking about his football scholarship at SIU." "Yes, Miss Enright is so kind, and a great teacher too." Emily had a glint in her eye. "And, she's the prettiest teacher in school, too." Paul smiled. "That she is." Paul took his money, said a polite thank you and left, with the words: "I'll see you Monday." My eyes looked at the handsome back. Emily followed him out the door, but stopped adding a comment: "And he's the handsomest boy in school, too." I didn't answer and closed the door after her. I sat down and cried. What was I to do now? (To Be Continued)

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My erotic english teacher

I groaned softly arching in my bed as a beautiful brunette bounced ontop of my pulsing cock. Her hair was in my face so i couldn't really make out her face but i didn't care. Her creamy white skin was enough for me. We had been fucking for atleast 20 minutes straight and i was starting to feel the tightening in my balls, but just as i was about to cum, the brunette slowed her bouncing till she was only gliding her hips over me. Her pussy gyrating my hardness deep within her. I moaned...

3 years ago
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Seducing my English Teacher

"Paxton, I going to kiss you." I told my English teacher."I'm not going to stop you." He grinned. I put my hands on the sides of his face and pulled him toward me. I kissed him hard, I pushed my tongue through his lips and massaged his tongue with mine. * It was a cold December evening in North Dakota, I had just gotten off work at our local grocery store. I only lived about a block away from the store, so I didn't think it would be to terrible to walk home that night. I heard a vehicle...

Straight Sex
4 months ago
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english teacher

lost my virginity to my english teacher i am in love with my English teacher, she always wears a short black skirt, white blouse, clear stockings and black stiletto shoes, she has the hair in a pony tail, has lovely blue eyes and always has her top buttons undone on her, blouse i sit in front of her, i am always looking down her top at her sexy bras. anyways its a right its my last lesson of the day and its with my English teacher, she sits in front of me, i look down her top shes wearing a...

3 years ago
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The English Teacher Ch 5

My affair with Mrs. Jennings lasted almost the entire school year.  I won’t go into detail about every time Mrs. Jennings and I had sex, that would take too long because we had a lot of sex that, due to certain circumstances, was not limited to just Tuesday and Thursday nights.  However, there are some things about her and about our affair I will write about.  “Do you ever feel guilty about cheating on your husband or sinning against God?”  I asked one night at the beginning of our affair. ...

3 years ago
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English Teacher

Hi, my name is Tim Donehy. I discovered my special gift when I was 10 and I measured my cock at eleven inches erect! I'm now eighteen years-old and my dong has expanded to over fifteen inches in length and nearly 10 inches in girth (that's a little over three inches wides, ie : larger than a can of Coke). Not only is my dick massive, but, through an intense bodybuilding programme I started when I was ten-years old in order to build up my muscular mass, it is absolutely rock-hard when erect,...

3 years ago
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Sexy English teacher

HI this from JAIPUR. This time I would like to share one of my experiences with my English teacher, and her name was TINA. This happened once when was I was studying in school in 12th class in Jaipur. I had chosen English as my first language in 12th class. By that time I already started to notice my teachers. Although I found many teachers sexy, I found Tina teacher the sexiest. She was medium in height she was 26, but she had a very beautiful face and a pair of sexy boobs. I had begun to...

3 years ago
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Seducing My English Teacher Part 2

"Oh Paxton," I moaned. "Harder!"Mr. Paxton Schaffer didn't say a word to me, he just shoved his manhood farther into me. I couldn't believe that I was actually being fucked by my teacher. * Mr. Schaffer and I were still lying on his bed after our first sexual experience together. We were just laying on his bed cuddling. I felt like we had been married for years because of how we connected. I sat up and crawled over to straddle Paxton. I ran my fingernail from his belly button down to his leg;...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Mike was punished by his English teacher

Mrs. Smith saw the amazement of the Mike through his eyes. Without saying any word she gave the pencil back to Mike. Mike was not like the boys of his age. He always gets concentrated with his studies. That was a special new feeling to him. He was not attracted to a woman before. Although it is his teacher he could not be able to resist the feeling on his mind. After the class Mrs. Smith went back to the staff room. She was thinking why his best student looked at her in that way. In the...

2 years ago
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My Hot English Teacher

Hey guys this is my first story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Manish, 21 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 8 inch and a bi sexual. This story is about fucking my English teacher during my coll days. Her name is kavitha, fair complexion, 5 foot 5 inch, around 30 yrs of age, divorcee and perfect aunty with big ass and big tits.She taught us English during my first yr of my engineering. She used to be jovial in class and free to talk with any boys. Our class had only 3...

4 years ago
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My Hot English Teacher

Hey guys this is my second story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Manish, 21 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 8 inch and a bi sexual. This story is about fucking my English teacher during my coll days. Her name is kavitha, fair complexion, 5 foot 5 inch, around 30 yrs of age, divorcee and perfect aunty with big ass and big tits. She taught us English during my first yr of my engineering. She used to be jovial in class and free to talk with any boys. Our class had only 3...

1 year ago
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Meri Sexy English Teacher

Hi I am nishant jain , me 31yrs, 5 fit 5’lamba hu , mota hu kamar 32 ‘he .mera land 8” mota he , pahli bar mere life ki sachi ghatana share kar raha hu . Jab me 10 th me tha tab meri ak nai teacher nisha jain jo ki English padati thi , jiski age 23 yrs thi mujhe vo badi sexy lagti thi use dekh kar mera land khada ho jata tha uska size 36-24-36 tha jo mujhe suru se hi pasand thi ,uska rang saf tha ,mujhe hamesha hi ladki ho chahe orat vo kisi bhi age ki kyona ho uska figer or per dekh kar sex...

2 years ago
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My old english teacher

Introduction: any girl 15-20 email me I was anxiously waiting alone in the house, pacing around the living room, watching out the window for him to come. I was nervous and confused and had no idea what this was about. What could my old English teacher possibly want? He was inviting me to coffee, and I wanted to know why. I was afraid that my crush for him would show, that I would be unable to act naturally, that he would discover the secret I had hidden from him all through his classes in my...

3 years ago
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Reunion With My English Teacher 8211 Part I

She is about 39 yr old,5 ft 3 in, very fair and a well toned body. Her assets were something to die for, firm round breasts and pretty round ass. She use to wear salwar suit most of the time and that always highlighted her assets. The woman referred above is someone’s mother, someone’s beloved wife but also my favorite teacher. I first saw her when I was 18 years of age where I was already into adult age and any nice looking women gave me tingly feeling inside my pants. She teaches us English...

2 years ago
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Classic English Teacher

Hi guys am a lover of iss since very long time always felt like dropping my stories but never had the time or excitement to do it . I don’t know why today at this moment I felt like doing it. Do not expect too much its most of emotion involved; very sorry in advance if disappointed. I hail from Hyderabad India, when this happened I was in my 12th class, am an average guy, very jovial, medium built and a bit darker side with a medium sized dick. When people boast their size I don’t understand,...

3 years ago
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Seducing My English Teacher Part 2

‘Oh Paxton,’ I moaned. ‘Harder!’ Mr. Paxton Schaffer didn’t say a word to me, he just shoved his manhood farther into me. I couldn’t believe that I was actually being fucked by my teacher. * * * Mr. Schaffer and I were still lying on his bed after our first sexual experience together. We were just laying on his bed cuddling. I felt like we had been married for years because of how we connected. I sat up and crawled over to straddle Paxton. I ran my fingernail from his belly button down to his...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My English Teacher Anjali

I Anjali when I was 17. She was twenty seven and sexy as hell – beautiful long legs, slim body and breasts to die for. It was the magnificence of her enormous breasts, along with her wonderful smooth thighs that sparked my lust. At age 18, I was well developed, with a six inch penis that throbbed painfully whenever I looked at a hot woman. Ok so coming to the story, I was in class twelfth and it was the month of July when it all happened. July is one of the hot months in India. Anjali was our...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot English Teacher Shweta

Dosto mera naam rahul hai.Meh delhi meh rehta hoo..Me18 saal ka hu aur class 12 meh pahr raha hu..Yeh kahani sachi hai aur tab ki hai jab me class 11 meh parhta tha..Meh commerce ka student hu aur mere school me english ki teacher thi mam shweta…… Mam bohut hi sexy thi..Gora badan……. Bare bare boobs..Chikni kamar………Kya figure tha unka pornstars bhi unse haar jaye.. Unka tha 36-32-36 ekdum hot thi wo.Unka pati 2 saal pehle army me mare ja chuke the aur unki beti jo ki 8 standard me parhti thi...

3 years ago
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My English Teacher

Well, to be honest i am 15 years old. I had never thought about anything about sex with my teacher. I was reading in 9th class. The summer vacation had started. I used to go to english tuition to mrs.r.hansika. She used to teach us from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. She was excellent and her teachings helped me a lot to prosper in exams. One day in the mid of vacation , i forgot about going tuition. Mam called my mother and my mother was furious that 500 rs is being spent in tuition and i am not going....

3 years ago
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my old english teacher

I had left school about 4 years earlier when out of the blue I saw him. it was Mr.G from my old high school I was sure of it. I was in down in Sydney(from Brisbane) for a 4 week job so was surprised to see him here in the pub as I knew he still taught at my old school in Brisbane . it was about 2 pm and we had been at the pub since lunch as the job site had been rained out for the day. my 2 workmates and boss decided to go back to the hotel after a steak and a few beers. So as I was drinking...

2 years ago
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The English Teacher

Sally Harris was an English teacher in the local public high school. She was 45 years old and somewhat plain looking. She was not ugly by no means but she was not what you would call gorgeous, either. She was 5’ 6'' tall and was slightly overweight but still decent looking. The most noticeable quality that Sally Harris had was her breasts. They were much larger than normal. In fact they were very large and most of the guys in school noticed it. She was devoted to her teaching and was convinced...

2 years ago
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The English Teacher

You look down at your assignment. English is one of your favourite subjects, mainly because you are good at it. You've always possessed a good imagination but ever since the start of this year you've had another reason to like English. Mrs. Anne Taylor, your years new English department teacher. Since this is your last year and you'll probably never see her again you'd love the chance to be with her. Hell, your birthday is in a week or so. You'll be eighteen, so it won't be illegal or anything....

2 years ago
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My English Teacher

Introduction: I have some play with my English teCher My first sex story so cut me some slack. This is purely imagination and the characters do not relate to real life. Tell me what you think and plz dont be all negative!!! __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Im Zoey. Zoey Atkins and Im 18 in a months time. Ive got golden brown hair, ocean blue eyes and a C cup bust with smooth round ass. It was a...

2 years ago
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My english teacher was the first one to teach me h

A year before I graduated, we got a new teacher for my english class, who got there straight from university. Her name was Mrs. Cordo. She looked quite non-teacheresque, with nice clothes, decent make-up and a gorgeous haircut. Her light brunette hair fell in gigantic waves around her sweet and somehow regal-looking face. I don't know how it stayed like that all day long.At the time I was pretty unruly and loud-mouthed in class, but since I was also pretty good at english she let me do my...

2 years ago
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Me and a very sexy english teacher called Miss fis

when i was about 14 and in Year 9 i had a very sexy english teacher called Miss fisher And she was well fit with Long blond hair and a Nice Ars she New i like her and she Would Bend over in front of me and when i was doing my work she would Always make Out to Look at my work but all she wanted to do is make it so i could See Her cleveage then One Day i had a english One on One with her and i could Tell she was horny then i felt her put her hand on my Leg Miss Fisher say David i know u want me...

1 year ago
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The High School English Teacher

Mark met with his next client, a man named Randy Edwards. "So tell me Randy what brings you to the Fantasy Room?" Randy was blunt and to the point, "I want to fuck my high school English teacher." Mark answered just as bluntly, "As you know we can create any fantasy for you to meet whatever desire you might have. All it takes is $25,000 to do the programming. I have a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out, and we will do a brain scan to get the information that we need. Does that...

4 years ago
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Theology Teacher PT1

It was her first day of classes. It was her senior year also. All of them were excited. Big things were about to happen. They all knew that. Being a Freshman was cool seeing as they weren’t in grade school any longer. Sophomore year is just that. It sucks. You’re a nobody. You don’t exist at all, hardly. Everyone will tell you that. That is unless you have some kind of extraordinary talent which only a few have. Junior year, well life starts to get a little better. Some Seniors begin...

2 years ago
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The English Teacher Ch 3

I lay on top of Mrs. Jennings with my cock still inside her pussy as she clutched my back and asked me not to pull out of her.  Mrs. Jennings was kissing my neck, face, and lips as she told me over and over how good I felt inside her.  My penis got hard again within seconds; I was seventeen after all and my cock recovered quickly after I came.  Her pussy was even wetter than before from her orgasm, her arousal, and the large amount of cum I shot into her.  She gasped out when I pushed my hard...

3 years ago
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Old English teacher adventure Barry meets a very

I saw Su on several occasions before actually meeting her; her appearance drew my attention. She wore a silly, drab outfit that made her look like something out of a 1920s novel. She was 62 at this time but dressed like a woman of 90! She clearly did not care about how she looked; her hair was very short and grey and she appeared underfed too.She wore a very long skirt with clumpy boots and many tops, such as cotton tops and jumpers; this is in mid July. I could see that she was slim but...

1 year ago
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Aruna Kumari Madam Our English Teacher

Hi readers, I am Raj Kumar from Vizag ( Andhra) and im 27 yrs now. Telling about me I am 6ft tall and 6.5 inch thick cock. If you like this story mail me on This is a true incident which happened in year 2001 when I am in 12th class. I studied most of my schooling in boarding school and my school is a kind of military based school. Due to military training and other hard sports and stuffs I gained good muscle at that age only. Our school had hard rules, like Even in 12th grade the students in...

2 years ago
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Me and My English Teacher

I was sixteen when this all happened and it was my first experience, I’ve a BJ by a girlfriend before but I never had sex before and when I was f******n she dumped me. I never truly recovered from her break up for she was my first true love. I then let my life just do downhill from there and stopped caring or trying to get another girlfriend.Well to get to the actual story as I said I’m sixteen and in high school it was the last period of the day the class was English with Ms Jones. Ms Jones a...

1 year ago
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English teacher ko choda

So Bhaiyon aur unki beheno Mera naam hai Harsh (Changed) aur ye kahani lagbhag 10 saal purani hai jab main junior college mein tha. Meri sex life isi se shuru hui thi. To chalo kahani par aate hai. Mera section change kar diya tha college walon ne. Main intelligent bachon mein aata tha aur mere dost utne ache nahi the padhai mein. Ab mere section mein mera koi bhi dost nahi tha. Main nayi class mein gaya. Day normal chal raha tha. Fir aaya English ka period aur us heroine ki entry hui....

4 years ago
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My old english teacher

Soon enough, I saw a black Honda Civic pull into my driveway, and I knew that it had to be Dave Sheare. I headed out the door, locking it behind me, and climbed in the passenger's seat beside him. He smiled radiantly at me as I buckled my seatbelt and he slid he car into reverse. “Hey, Thompson. How are ya?” he asked brightly, backing out gracefully. We were on our way. “Fine, sir, how about you?” “Oh, I'm alright.” There wasn't much talk as he drove to the coffee shop. I...

2 years ago
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Sex With Your English Teacher

Picture this: A young, sexy Englishteacher named Syd. She has short brunette hair, medium-size breasts, and a slim physique, the latter of which is put on display in her usual outfit: A tightshirt, short skirt, striped panties,and boots with 2-inch heels.Sheʼs teaching a class about thepower of words. Itʼs the lastperiod of the day. As you finish“writing down notes” in yournotebook (which is actually filled withdrawings of her naked), shedismisses the class and you lingerback a bit. You then...

1 year ago
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The English Teachers Tongue

My name is Will, I’m 5 foot 8” and nicely toned with blonde hair and deep green eyes. I’m 18 and recently finished my A levels. This story is about an encounter I had with my English teacher, Mrs Richards. Mrs Richards was hot, and I mean ridiculously hot. She was petite, and no taller than 5 foot 4” and roughly 42. She had the most amazing red hair, it was bright orange and looked almost metallic in the light, and flowed just past her shoulders, but she usually kept it in a pony tail or bun....

2 years ago
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The English Teacher Ch 4

After Mrs. Jennings left, I got something to eat, did my homework, and watched some TV until my mother got home.  My mother asked about my day at school, football practice, and how my tutoring session went.  I assured her it went fine.  Before I went to bed I took out one of my porn magazines from the bottom drawer of my chest of drawers, masturbated to the photos of two girls fucking a man, and imagined the girls were Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Drew and the man was me.  As I lay in bed to wait...

4 years ago
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English Teacher

English Teacher?Christ, I can?t do this.  There is no way I can walk into the building today,? Jodi whispered to herself.         Going into the school this morning would be the end of a long night, or the beginning of a tumultuous day.  Her hands where shaking.  She reached into her purse to find a pack of gum, which would give her something to do so that she could focus some of that nervous energy.  Her stomach turned, and she bit back the hot acidic bile that burned her throat.  ?Please...

2 years ago
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Classic English Teacher Continues

My teacher’s sis was very possessive about her thing but she used to share them with me and she became bit close to me I think she used to think me a kid and she was playful she never used to hesitate to walk in front of me on mini shots and loose tops with no bra cause I can make out her nipples easily she used to talk to me about her incidents at hotel how anupam ker flirted with her etc I also started to enjoy her company she explained when she will be early and on those days I used to...

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