The House Sitter free porn video

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My name is Donald and I'm a house sitter. It started off when I was in my teens and I baby sat for a few of my parent's friends and as I'm very conscientious and my Dad's senior partner needed someone to look after his house while he was on holiday, the whole thing grew from there. I'm 27 now and I house sit full time, supplementing my earnings with a spot of book reviewing. I'm not rich, but I have a comfortable living as I have virtually no overheads. Of all the grand houses I look after through the year my favourite is a place near Dumfries called Glen Moraldi, a small place that was formerly the gate house to a large mansion (which has since collapsed). It's quiet, lonely, and I have to drive almost fifteen miles to the shops but I love it. Why? Because as well as a house sitter and book reviewer I'm also a transvestite. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term it means I like to dress as a woman, though it doesn't mean I'm gay. Okay, I am gay but most transvestites aren't. I sometimes dress at my other charges but here in the wilds of Scotland I can wave goodbye to Mr & Mrs Hodder as Donald then change into my alter ego "Deborah" until it's time for them to return. I have been caught once or twice by the postman or utility people but I am fortunate in having a face and body that are convincingly feminine. In fact, now I've told the Hodders that my "girlfriend" sometimes stays with me I can spend the whole fortnight as Deborah without fear as long as I change back to greet them as Donald. They're happy to have my girlfriend here as they trust me (and I wouldn't do anything to abuse that trust). They're a wonderful couple, Charles is a consultant cardiologist and Maria is a surgeon (I think they were a bit miffed when their son Thomas left medical school and went backpacking to Australia) and despite being very high powered they are very friendly. They probably wouldn't mind if they found out I dressed but I don't have the nerve. It's so much fun to dress completely as a woman, and I usually shop in Dumfries as Deborah and I have yet to have any problems. But I digress. My story starts when I was asked to look after the place over the Millennium. Of course everyone wanted my services and I was offered some substantial cash bonuses for doing so, but the thought of spending the New Year away from it all as Deborah was too much of a temptation and I drove up on Boxing Day after spending Christmas with my folks. It was New Year's Eve and I was curled up on the sofa, sipping some wine and munching a little cheese as I read Terry Pratchett's latest when I heard a car pull up in the drive. I got up, slipped on my heels and walked quickly into the hall. My one fear has been that the Hodders would come home unexpectedly and although for all intents and purposes I was a woman, they might recognise my features so I played it safe. I walked to the bottom of the stairs trying to decide whether or not to answer the door if it was a casual caller when the sound of a key in the lock scared the life out of me. I turned to sprint up the stairs but it was too late; the door swung open and a young man walked in. I froze, halfway up the stairs. I had to get rid of him. Convincing was a term that only applied to brief meetings, anything longer and I'd give myself away somehow. "Hi," a vaguely Australian accent said. I swallowed nervously and turned around. "I'm Tom. Who are you?" Oh shit. Their son Thomas! I managed a nervous smile. For a moment I almost told him who I was but I modified the "Donald" to Deborah just in time. "Pleased to meet you, Deborah," he said with a friendly smile and my heart just melted. He was a tall man, hair sun bleached to blond and with a deep tanned and wrinkled face though he couldn't have been more than 30. His blue eyes held my heart completely and I suddenly knew what it felt like to be smitten by a handsome man. He shrugged out of his heavy jacket, revealing a thick sweater beneath and his worn out jeans and scuffed walking boots completed the picture of a rugged man who had spent the last five years wandering the world. "You look exhausted," I said, partly because he did and partly so I could hurry him up to bed before he got too close a look at me. "Y'could say that, love." He dumped his backpack at the foot of the coat stand and threw his jacket over it. "How about I make us a nice cup of coffee each?" He strode towards the kitchen and I scuttled down the stairs after him. "Actually I've just opened a bottle of wine. Would you like some?" Maybe he'd tire more easily with some alcohol in him. "Sure," he replied, changing direction and sweeping past me, his eyes taking in my body. I felt both afraid and exhilarated at this unexpected attention, then I came down to earth with a bump. He thought I was a woman, and even worse there was a possibility he fancied me. I had to get him into bed as soon as possible. I stopped abruptly and pursed my lips to stop the shocked laugh. What I meant was I had to get him to sleep as soon as possible. In the morning I would be Donald again and I could pretend Deborah had left. I strode into the lounge to find Tom emerging from the kitchen with a glass and a chicken leg. He picked up my bottle and poured himself a glassful then topped up mine before sitting in one of the chairs. He smiled as I moved to the armchair and sat down carefully, crossing my legs and thanking my lucky stars I'd got a knee length skirt on. "So where are my folks? Gone off to some dry old party?" "Yes," I replied with a smile, "some guy from the hospital." He frowned. "Not Coburn?" He rolled his eyes when I nodded. "That guy is such a prick. One of the reasons I left medical school." I must have looked shocked as he held out his hand and apologised. "I'm sorry, I've spent too much time on rusty old ships talking to rusty old sailors." He grinned in a very charming way. "I guess my language has got a bit salty." "How long have you been back from Australia?" I asked taking a sip of wine. I was enjoying his company but I knew I had to get him out of here before I did something to give myself away. "Well I left Perth in '98 and went to Japan for a while. Then I headed for Malaysia, then I stayed in Thailand for about six months then just sort of wandered back on what ever ships were available. I spent a week in Bangalore, two in Aden, a month in Naples," he laughed, "about half an hour in Gibraltar and I arrived in Portsmouth this morning." "Wow! That sounds marvellous." "Yeah," he said, taking a sip of wine and, I noticed, a quick glance at my legs, "it was good fun." I took a drink of my wine too, partly enjoying his interest but getting more and more worried about what would happen when he found out. "Tell me," he said, putting down his glass and leaning against the arm of his chair, "why someone as pretty as you is all alone in a big house over the Millennium?" I blushed and looked away. This was getting out of hand. He was obviously interested in me and although I was interested in him I could see a very short, one sided fist fight occurring if I wasn't careful. "I like being on my own," I said. "Me too." He picked up his wine and drained it, reaching for the bottle. "I've spent the last five years on my own, for the main at least. But it is nice to have someone to talk to." I managed a smile as he leaned over towards me and picked up the bottle, his eyes wandering all the way up from my feet to my face. He refilled his glass and moved to top up mine. "No," I said, my hand moving over the top of my glass, "I'll pass." "Ah, c'mon, Debs," he grinned, waggling the bottle so it sloshed, "there's only a little left." I met his gaze and for a moment we stared at each other and I swear my heart began to pound. I broke away. What was I doing! Tom took the opportunity I'd left him and emptied the bottle almost filling my glass. "It's the Millennium, push the boat out." Oh God! I'd actually forgotten about the Millennium. He'd want to stay up until well past midnight. I glanced at the clock. Half past ten! I could feel my fingers shaking, I was in serious trouble. If I went to bed early he'd expect Deborah in the morning and I was sure he'd be staying until his parents returned. But what was the alternative? Could I convince him until after midnight? He'd only been here half an hour and already he was coming on to me. I looked over at him, his broad shoulders, tanned face, wavy blonde hair, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. Oh no, I was really falling for him. How could I discourage this man from taking an interest in me when I couldn't keep my eyes off him? His eyes flicked up and caught me staring. I blushed and reached for my drink. "Where are you from, Deborah?" I thought for a moment. There was no point lying. "Halifax. In Yorkshire." "That's a lovely part of the country." I shrugged. "If you like hills, I suppose." He laughed and I found myself gazing longingly at him. I tore myself away and buried my gaze in the wineglass. I put the glass down and saw he was staring at me with a slightly worried frown. My heart missed a beat. What had I done to give myself away? "Are you alright?" he asked. "Me?" I was puzzled. "Yes. Yes I'm fine." I put the glass back on the table almost knocking it over. Tom lowered his head. "I'm sorry. I should go." "Go?" Now I was totally confused. He stood up and drained his glass. "I didn't think. You're alone in a big house miles from anywhere with some bloke you don't know from Adam." Good God! He was concerned for me. "I'll go into town and stay in a hotel." "Um," was all I could manage. "Stay," was what I wanted to say. "Stay here and take me to bed," was what I really wanted to say, but I couldn't. It didn't matter how long he'd spent alone on ships I was sure he would remember that what was between my legs wasn't the usual woman's arrangement. I followed him out into the hall, wondering if I should just tell him. After all I'd fallen for him big time. "I'll phone tomorrow and give you my number." He picked up the backpack and started to shrug into it. "If you could call me when my folks get back." I nodded, a little disappointed that his reasons were so mundane. He looked me over, quite obviously this time, and smiled. "You are very pretty." I blushed again, looking away, then forced myself to look back at him, after all he was going, I was safe. So why was I so devastated? "And you are very handsome, Tom." He started to smile then stopped, his eyes searching my face. I stood there enjoying his stare as I stared back at his worn and handsome features. We drew closer and I made no effort to resist as his eyes closed and his lips touched mine. It was all I could do to stay standing. His mouth was hot and soft, his lips gently pressing mine in a light, delicate kiss that burned right down to my stomach. For just a moment he let it get passionate, our lips pressing harder, our mouths opening, and then he broke away, almost sending me falling forward into his arms. I'd forgotten about who I really was, for just that moment I was his girl and I'd forgotten about everything else, including gravity. He reached out and grabbed my elbows to steady me. I was totally flustered. I couldn't even look at him. "I'll speak to you tomorrow, Deborah." "U-huh," I managed, but looked up at him and smiled warmly. "And don't worry, I won't tell my folks." My smile slipped. Tell his folks what? "I don't understand," I said. So he'd kissed me, would his folks object? "About you dressing while you're here." He opened the door as I reeled from the realisation. "Hold on!" I said, and slammed the door closed again. "You knew?" There was a slightly bemused look about him. "Not at first, no." "Then how did I give myself away?" I thought I'd done so well and now I found out he was on to me I was almost angry. "You didn't really. There were just a few points I noticed." "Like?" I demanded. "Your neck is a little thick for a woman..." "I've seen plenty of women with thick necks," I countered. "True," he conceded, "but you have large feet for your height and your upper body is a little broad. And your hips are narrow." "Lots of women..." He held up his hand. "I'm not saying you're not convincing. I'm saying I've had medical training so I notice theses things, and I knew a lot of transsexuals in the east so I know what to look for." "Oh," I said, a little deflated, not to mention a tad upset I'd been seen through when I thought I was convincing. He reached out and took my hand. "I'm sorry Deborah, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I've seen a lot of transgendered people and not many of them are as good looking as you." I smiled at him as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I felt much better about myself now, and after all, I did shop in town dressed and no one had commented so far. "Hang on," I said as another thought occurred to me. "If you knew, why did you kiss me?" It was his turn to look puzzled. "Because you are very attractive. And I'm sure you're as lovely as a man as you are as Deborah." My mouth fell open, no really, it did just that. The man of my dreams had just told me he fancied me. As I stared at him I felt his hand move up to my upper arm. "I hope I wasn't out of line kissing you." "No," I breathed and felt his other hand grasp my other shoulder. I tilted my head back and he drew me to him, our mouths meeting in a kiss every bit as dreamy as the first. I opened my eyes and looked out of the bedroom window across the Loch. For a moment it took me a while to remember where I was then I sighed sadly to myself. The dream was so vivid in my mind. The romantic chat, the revelation, the kiss, him leading me upstairs and our passionate lovemaking. I sighed again even deeper. My head was fuzzy and my mouth felt sore. The fuzziness was undoubtedly due to the drink we'd consumed... I'd consumed but my lips felt raw. Other sensations started to make themselves felt, rather intimate sensations and I rolled over and sat up. I was still wearing my stockings but the rest of my things were scattered all over the place and mixed among them were jeans, a sweater, and other clothes from my dream. The bed was empty but I could smell the aroma of sex, and in the bedside bin were some condoms. Rather a lot of them. I remembered it all suddenly. He was like a machine, we must have made love for hours, I don't know how we sustained ourselves. My body was sore all over but I hugged myself in delight as I recalled the hours of exploration of one another. It had happened, it had all actually happened! I lay back and spread my arms across the covers, revelling in that morning glow. I heard the sound of someone outside the door. For a moment I panicked thinking it might be Mr & Mrs Hodder but then I relaxed. It couldn't be. It was Tom, my man. The door opened and in walked Tom with only a breakfast tray to cover his manhood. "Morning Debs," he said, putting the tray down on the bedside table. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes, Tom. I slept wonderfully." He leaned over and kissed me and all my exhaustion melted away. I reached out and touched him and we forgot about breakfast. So that was how I spent my Millennium. Tom and I are now a couple and we spend our time house sitting mainly. I still review books, he's writing one about his travels. There are a few new homes on our list now and some of them know us only as Tom and his fianc?e Deborah. We decided to pretend to be engaged as it sounds more committed than "girlfriend" and some of these people are very select about whom they let into their homes. I've casually mentioned the subject in conversation and Tom sees no reason why two men shouldn't marry especially when I would look terrific in a wedding dress. I'll give him until our first anniversary over New Year and if he hasn't asked me by then I'll ask him. After all, if I have to be a man underneath I may as well take advantage of it.

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My wife and I were going out for the evening and asked our neighbor, Paul, to baby-sit. Marny said she was driving so I sat in the passenger seat and settled in for a nice ride.Marny looked younger than her actual age, she was thirty eight but looked twenty nine, her body is as firm as ever due to a rigorous exercise program, and strict eating habits.Like I said, she's thirty eight, she's five feet seven inches tall, long jet black hair that falls to her gorgeous firm ass. Her tits are firm,...

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The Sitter

MOM!!, I’m 12 years old!! I don’t need a frickin baby sitter! Watch your mouth young man she said, I just don’t feel right going out of town for the night, and no one else is available. I saw her sign at the grocery store, called her, and she said she works at the Jehovas Witness temple, and is studying to be a pastor, so she sounded great, as sweet as could be. In about an our the doorbell rang, and I answered it, expecting an ugly b---h, and boy was I surprised. She was wearing a long, floor...

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The Sitter

MOM!!, I’m 12 years old!! I don’t need a frickin baby sitter! Watch your mouth young man she said, I just don’t feel right going out of town for the night, and no one else is available. I saw her sign at the grocery store, called her, and she said she works at the Jehovas Witness temple, and is studying to be a pastor, so she sounded great, as sweet as could be. In about an our the doorbell rang, and I answered it, expecting an ugly b---h, and boy was I surprised. She was wearing a long, floor...

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The Baby Sitter

We had planned this night out for some time, but as usual something always goes wrong. The baby sitter called & cancelled at the last minute. I suggested that my wife ask if Shelly, the 17 year old girl from next door could baby sit at short notice. She trotted off next door & came back to tell me that Shelly was not available but her 19 year old brother Joey Was. We really wanted to go out so she agreed to let him sit for us. He seemed like a fine young lad, he was very fit, he was a...

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The Baby Sitter

Now Robert I want you to know that I have decided on the girl who is going to baby sit you for a week while I go on vacation with my boyfriend James. You may remember her. Her name is Christine. She’s a fourteen year old. She was that little freckle faced red headed girl, who seemed to be enjoying herself with you so much during the tryouts last week. Remember how red faced you got when I told you to drop your pants and underwear and bend over and pull your cheeks apart to show her...

3 years ago
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An older male baby sitter

My mother and her girl friend were going shopping together. So we drove over to her place and mom left us to be baby sat by this womans husband. We were supposed to be going swimming later so my sister and me had on our bathing suits. We heard mom and her friend pull away in the car as we sat watching tv under the watchful eye of our unknown sitter. He was an average build not big at all but older, about in his 40s. We sat there watching tv together. I would look over once in a while to...

2 years ago
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Wife Hires Baby Sitter

My wife and I had been going through a long dry spell while she was pregnant to a few months after she had the baby. We would have sex occasionally during her pregnancy, but toward the end she said it was getting uncomfortable. The doctor had ordered no sex for at least six weeks after the baby was born. We tried having sex once after the six weeks was up, but again she said it was still a little painful. So the only action I was getting was watching porn late at night, and masturbating. I was...

3 years ago
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Seductive Sitter

Jill was the sitter my wife and I had settled on, because she had experience working in a day care and was an early childhood major at the college where I taught. Of course, I would have hired her on looks alone, the chance to see her made Wednesdays when she sat for us wonderful. She was tall and slender, with youthful modest breasts and gentle curves. But she had long, full, lush red hair that perfectly offset her creamy, freckled complexion. And she had a way of moving, deliberate and...

4 years ago
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Rachel the Part time Baby Sitter

I saw an on line advertisement on social media where a neighbor was offering up her seventeen year old daughter to baby sit. As a single father with twin five year olds, I was thrilled to see the advertisement. Finally, I thought to myself, I can have a social life. A babysitter for the weekends when I had the kids would allow me a small amount of time to rebuild my life after a nasty divorce. Rachel was a cute and bubbly young lady. She came with her mother to check out my offer. As we sat at...

3 years ago
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Ava the Sitter

Ava Dominique and Elle Monique's mom had a close friend Diane had become an auntie some time back. Diane's younger brother Tommy was a father to identical twins boy and girl named Louis and Layla. Tommy, a few years older than Dominique always had a thing for her. He never acted on it but he could never keep his eyes off of her body. Even when he was in the 9th grade and she was in the 5th, he liked when she played wrestling with him. He loved pinning her down and putting her into submission...

2 years ago
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Baby Sitter

It was a cold and unforgiving night as Jennifer stumbled to her job. The streets were empty and the darkness clung to her like a wet t-shirt. She strained in the dark to read the house numbers as she rounded the bend to Alma close, it was unsettlingly silent, the wind that had once whipped up round her ankles died and everything was still, waiting. She stood at the front door anxious to enter, though she'd been here before on many a night she some how felt...

2 years ago
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Lou The Baby Sitter

This is the story of Lou My very Special Friend Missy's ( Wendy ) Babysitter...Its a weekend late summer , and I have a busy social programme over the next couple of weeks -- birthday parties weddings etc Charlie has arranged for our usual sitter Lou to look after our son while we are out -- in the past if we expected to be really late she just stayed over in the spare room.This particular Sat ,I was driving through the village when my attention is taken by this statuesque figure gliding along...

2 years ago
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Baby Sitter

BABY SITTER By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 1 Anna looked at the address written on the note card. She hadn't worked in this neighborhood before, and was concerned that she was going to be late. She worked for a babysitting agency that provided special services, and the clients could be very demanding. But thankfully the job tonight looked like a regular baby-sitting job, and she could probably be a few minutes late before the client called to complain to the...

3 years ago
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my baby sitter

I was home healing from leg surgery, sitting by the deck door, when my very sexy baby sitter tapped on the deck door.She was looking fine, wearing a pair of snug, low rise blue jeans short shorts, showing some nice cheek, PLUS a beautiful low cut tank top, showing off her well endowed cleavage. Falling out the side of the top, plus a well tanned belly button. She came in, with a smirk on her face and leaned very suggestively against the door.She teetered and giggled as she talked, and asked to...

4 years ago
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Wife Hires Baby Sitter

My wife and I had been going through a long dry spell while she was pregnant to a few months after she had the baby. We would have sex occasionally during her pregnancy, but toward the end she said it was getting uncomfortable. The doctor had ordered no sex for at least six weeks after the baby was born. We tried having sex once after the six weeks was up, but again she said it was still a little painful. So the only action I was getting was watching porn late at night, and masturbating. I was...

3 years ago
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Black Sissy Sitter

BLACK SISSY SITTER by Throne Jack was in a state of confusion. His girlfriend Tiffany, a willowy blond beauty, had invited him to meet at an unfamiliar address. It was an inner city neighborhood. He had been uneasy driving there, parking his car under a streetlamp, and walking the half block to the door. When he knocked he got a devastating shock. She was there but had drastically changed her look. Instead of the flowing hair he loved so much, she had cornrows that clung to her...

4 years ago
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Seductive Sitter

Jill was the sitter my wife and I had settled on, because she had experience working in a day care and was an early childhood major at the college where I taught. Of course, I would have hired her on looks alone; the chance to see her made Wednesdays when she sat for us wonderful. She was tall and slender, with youthful modest breasts and gentle curves. But she had long, full, lush red hair that perfectly offset her creamy, freckled complexion. And she had a way of moving, deliberate and...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Emergency Sitter

I’d known Kristen for almost two years. Our nine year-old sons played soccer on the same team, so we spent many Saturday mornings alongside the field watching them run around after a white ball. We weren’t exactly “good friends”, but we talked every time we met, passed the time of day and consoled each other in our single parent status. My wife had left me for her rich boss and how her husband ran off with a girl from a trailer park. We always laughed about how there was a message in there,...

Straight Sex
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Anns sitter

Ann complained while her mother was on the phone, I don't need a sitter she argued. Her mother said, I don't care, you're not staying by yourself, and that's final.Hanging up the phone her mother told her to take her bath.While Ann was bathing she got ready for her date.Finishing her bath Ann put on her nightgown and clean panties.Coming out front, her mother was talking to Mary. She explained how she was. Mary smiled and sad no problem.Mary asked Ann what she liked doing. Movie and video...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sister Sissy Sitters

SORORITY SISTER SISSY SITTERS by Throne Kevin was very uneasy. He knew his wife Petra was going out for the evening and she had hinted at making some special arrangement to deal with him. What else could she do? After discovering his habit of dressing girly when she wasn't around, she had used it against him. Whenever he was home now he had to wear the most shameful outfits she could think of. For instance, at the moment, he had on a sleeveless gingham top, the halves of which tied...

4 years ago
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The House Sitter

Stepping up to the closed door, I raised my fist and gave the hard wood three sharp raps, hoping the brisk knock was adequate to be heard above the blaring music. A few seconds passed before I raised my hand again to repeat my knock, when the door swung open. Before me stood Laura, smiling enthusiastically as she held a glass of wine in one hand as her other moved from the doorknob to rest on her hip in a blatant attempt to strike a provocative pose. "Hellooooo," she beamed, flashing...

2 years ago
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The House Sitter

I could hear the faint sound of music emanating from behind the door as I made my way down the hallway.   Each step brought me closer as the music became louder and louder.   I listened intently as I closed in, but could not make out place the song or the band, writing it off as one of the many independent, no-name artists that Laura always listened to.   Stepping up to the closed door, I raised my fist and gave the hard wood three sharp raps, hoping the brisk knock was adequate to be heard...

1 year ago
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The Baby Sitter

Alissa had been baby sitting for the Bentley's for about a year. She was a senior in college, and baby sat to earn spending money. Alissa was a pretty 23 year old, with sexy blue eyes and short blonde hair. Mrs. Bentley, and her husband Tom had called Alissa to babysit for them Saturday night, and told Alissa she could use the guest bedroom because they probably wouldn't be home till the wee hours of the morning. Around eleven Alissa decided to go to bed. Alissa couldn't get to sleep no matter...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A show for an 18 yo teenage baby sitter

True story that happened about 10 years ago.... I copied this story from where I wrote it originally. I was responding to a story written by eekntake where she did something very similar that reminded me of this story. So if you see it twice, know it is me in both cases, if you don't believe me then take a look at the username in the comments field. Now on with the story:I had worked late a few years back, like almost all night. It was summer and the k**s were off from school. So when I got...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Last year while Tom and I were living in Myrtle Beach we had a house in a very nice neighborhood with many  good friends.  We lived on a circle at the end of a dead end street which eliminated through traffic and noise.  Directly across from us on the circle is where Jeff and Allison lived.  They were a couple just a few years younger then Tom and I and they had two children.   During the month of June Allison stopped over for morning coffee and asked me for a favor.  Her, Jeff and the kids...

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this is a fiction ,,,,,, was late as i rolled into the driveway. looks dark as i make my way into the house. is a little light comeing from the tv in the liveing room as i get closer to it. as i walk in i have to let my eyes get used the the surroundings. there on the couch is my housesitter all alseep curled up on one end, i make my way over the the other end and sit down. i see that it was a porn on the tv as i can see its cover laying on the floor in front of lisa my housesitter. beside...

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Nat and the Housesitter

Nat and the Housesitter (c) 2009-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it unmodified on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including translations or adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release...

3 years ago
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Last year while Tom and I were living in Myrtle Beach we had a house in a very nice neighborhood with many  good friends.  We lived on a circle at the end of a dead end street which eliminated through traffic and noise.  Directly across from us on the circle is where Jeff and Allison lived.  They were a couple just a few years younger then Tom and I and they had two children. During the month of June Allison stopped over for morning coffee and asked me for a favor.  Her, Jeff and the kids were...

Straight Sex
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites

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