Willing My Wife Into Fucking Other Men free porn video

Finally my wife lives my fanatasy, having sex with other men while I watch on.
I had long fantasized about my wife fucking other men. My wife is very sexual and
there is nothing she would not consider in bed (or other places). This was just with
the two of us and a matter of trust.
Sometimes (more often as time went on), I would think about mfm or my wife
screwing someone else while I watched. It really turned me on. More so me then
my wife. While out to dinner after a few drinks I might mention her fucking the
waiter as his tip, or even taking on the i*****l alien kitchen crew. In an upscale
hotel one night I called room service and waited in the darkened bedroom as she
let the man in to deliver our order while wearing a sexy outfit. I had told her if he
tried something, go for it. The poor guy was just shaking he was so nervous. The
potential lucky guy received cash instead of my wife (which I wanted) as his tip.
Eventually, she tired of hearing my fantasy ideas every time we made love. She
really did not want anyone else, what we did was special between the two of us. I
was disappointed but tried to keep my mouth shut which was not easy. As time
went on, do to pressures of raising a family, business, etc. we made love much
less frequently (my fault), and no fantasy talk by me was allowed. As I said my wife
would do anything and is very sexual. She expresses herself through her sexuality.
She gradually became very frustrated at our lack of lovemaking, needing it much
more often. We have neighbors that we have known for many years. Not great
friends, getting together once in a great while. Our son and their sons were good
friends and that is what we had most in common. Anyway, the wife had been ill for
quite some time. Debilitating illness. We had even rushed her to a doctor once
when she was unable to drive herself. She was and is in constant pain and her
illness is in the Arthritis family, though much more severe. Sex with her husband
was out of the question apparently, because it was far too painful we later found
One after noon we had a number of friends over for swimming & bbq. This couple
was there. After a number of drinks and a thinning crowd, the husband and I were
talking. He told me about his wife's illness and commented on how he had not
been laid in almost two years. He refused to cheat because he loved his wife, but
still the same he was going crazy for female attention.
Finally everyone left except for this couple. My wife and I as well as the husband
were feeling no pain. His wife could not drink because of all the medication she
was taking. I somehow slipped and mentioned something of a sexual nature. The
husband said he had forgotten what that was and my wife commented that made
"two of us". The neighbor wife, who I'll call Karen, with a straight face said "maybe
the two of you should get together".
I was shocked because I knew her to be very conservative. She went on to say
that she loved her husband very much, did not want to lose him to some stranger,
and understood that he had needs she was not meeting. Being practical, she
knew that both couples had a strong marriage, were safe to be with, and
everyone could be trusted. I quickly agreed. My wife looked over at the husband
who I will call Dan and then at me saying "Are you sure, this sounds crazy?" I knew
he was all for it by the large bulge in his swim trunks. We talked about it for awhile
and decided to move it into the house where I put a porno flick on the TV. With the
lights turned low, the sexual tension became so thick you could cut it with a knife. I
stepped out of the room where I could still watch and Karen joined me as Dan sat
by my wife. Intently watching the TV, gradually touching each other, holding hands
and light kissing, they became more passionate and active. Deeply kissing, he
removing her bathing suit top, fondling and kissing her tits, she rubbing then
removing his nice size (not giant, just right she says) cock which she played with
and then kissed and sucked, it got hotter then I ever could have thought. She said
out loud for me to hear that she wanted to take Dan and go up to our bedroom
where they could be more comfortable. I was all for it. I even pulled back the
covers on the bed and brought their drinks upstairs. I had hoped to watch him fuck
her, but that was not to be that night. My wife and Dan as well as Karen thought
they should have some privacy in order to get to know one another in a totally new
way. I reluctantly agreed, but enjoyed hearing her screams and his moans from
the bottom of the staircase over the next few hours. When they finally came
downstairs, they both had very contented looks on their faces. My wife went up to
Karen, kissed her on the cheek and told her that her husband loved her very
much. Dan patted me on the back and commented about what w wonderful
woman my wife was and that I was a very lucky man. I agreed wholeheartedly. I
was happy to see that all four of us were not weirded out by the situation. We sat
down and talked about where we would go from there. My wife and Dan were
interested in more of the same and it was soon decided that the two of them
could get together as time permitted. There was to be no secrets from Karen and
me, and I would be able to watch every once in awhile. With our k**s and their
k**s older and on their own, the time to get together has not been a problem. The
four of us even vacation together, with my wife and Dan in their own room (king
size bed), Karen and I sharing a room (two double beds), for up to a week at a
time. This has worked out to everyone's advantage. My wife and Dan are getting
plenty of sex, Karen doesn't worry about losing her husband to another woman,
and I get my kicks knowing my wife if fucking another man. As an additional
bonus, this made her much less resistive to swinging and she also fucks other
men (one or more) when the fancy strikes her. Life is good!

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