Danny's Mom - Part 1 free porn video

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Danny's Mom - Part 1 In which we learn that Danny's Father is dead, his mother begins to complain about his appearance, he puts on panties for the first time, gets his ears pierced, and gets a hand job from his girlfriend. June Man, basketball is my favorite sport. The driveway up to our house is kind of long and winding, but there's one spot where it's flat and wider than usual and Dad and I were able to create a passable basketball court by putting backstops diagonally on either side of the driveway at that point. It's not perfect, only about 2/3 the size of a regulation court, and if you run off the court at the wrong spot you end up in the raspberry bushes. But even with that it's way better than the single- backstop arrangements that my friends have at their houses. So usually at least three or so times a week between eight and twelve of my friends will be playing a game after school or in the evening. Now, when we play basketball, our "game" is a mix of basketball, football, wrestling, kickboxing, and - well, if you get the idea that "anything goes," you're right. We did slow things down a little bit about six months ago after a particularly rough game. There was one pileup on the court and I heard someone scream from the bottom of the pile. And when the pileup broke apart and Brett stood up, his face was white as a sheet, and he was holding his right arm out in front of him, and we could see that the forearm was bent at a funny angle, and then we saw the bone sticking out through the skin and the blood before Brett's eyes rolled up in his head and he fainted. Well, it turned out OK because the break healed - even though he does have a puckered reddish-purple scar about five inches long on his forearm arm. But Brett's playing it for all it's worth. He wears short- sleeved shirts that show it off. And whenever he's sitting down he'll have his arm on the desk or table turned so that the scar shows. And the girls will stop by and look. I asked him why he did that and he responded that the scar is a real "chick magnet!" One girl asked him if she could touch the scar and when Brett said yes and she gingerly touched it, Brett drew in his breath and winced a little. I asked him the next day if it really did still hurt when she touched it and he responded: "No, not a bit. But she felt sorry for hurting me. So I got to walk her home and I got a handjob out of it." Go for it Brett. And sometimes after supper Dad and I would go out and shoot baskets. But that was before, well.... just.... before. July Dad died at the end of July. I guess the best that you can say is that the cancer took him fast so he didn't suffer too long. It was pretty tough on both Mom and me as we had been a close-knit family, but Mom and I supported each other as best as we knew how to. August My Mom started getting really possessive after my father died. I'm an only child and both she and Dad always paid a lot of attention to me. But since it's just the two of us now in the house, it seems like she has nothing better to do than constantly check up on me. While it's really irritating, I put up with it because I know the strain that she's under. It's got to be tough to live with someone for almost thirty years and then have them die suddenly. I guess that I'm all that she's really got left right now. So when she bugs me about spending more time with her, or not going out as much at night with my friends, I put up with it. I'm just looking forward to when she develops some outside interests and makes some new friends so that she'll have something else to occupy her time. I was coming into the house after a basketball game last night when Mom yelled at me: "You're not coming in with those smelly things on." Well, I had to admit that maybe I didn't smell that great. My basketball "uniform" is a pair of old cutoff jeans and a sweatshirt with the arms cut off, and my basketball footwear is an old pair of sneakers held together with duct tape. And none of these items had seen a washing machine since - well, I'm not sure when - probably last summer, maybe. So I went back out into the garage, and Mom went up to my room and got some clean clothes and brought them down to me and I changed in the garage before she'd let me into the house. "That's better," she said, "But now go upstairs and take a shower." "OK. Yeah Mom, whatever," I just said. Had a date with Vic last night - well, not a "date" date, really - just a bunch of us got together at the mall and went to a movie and then hung out in the food court till we got kicked out at closing time. For some reason, even though her full name is Victoria, she ended up being called "Vic" by everybody, instead of Vickie - doesn't bother her though. We've been friends for a couple of years and usually do something together every week or so. She's cute, and fun to be with, so I guess you could call her my girlfriend. I was heading out of the house yesterday and she asked me where I was going. I told her that I was going to find some place to get my hair cut. Now before saying any more, you have to understand my attitude toward my hair: it grows, it gets cut, it grows some more, it eventually gets cut, and so forth. What it looks like in-between I don't really care. For some reason Mom got on my case about my hair: how I wasn't taking good care of it, how it looks so sloppy, and so on, and how she thinks it could look much nicer. "So OK Mom" I said, "What's the point?" The point was that she wanted to show me how it should be cared for. "But it's too long. Look, it's almost down to my shoulders" I said. Well, nothing was going to change her mind so I spent a couple of hours with my head over the kitchen sink while she washed it, and then put conditioner on it, and on and on. She ended up parting it in the center so that it sweeps down and then back over my ears. She was really pleased with the results. I've got to admit that it looks a lot different, but I'm not that wild about keeping it that long. I had figured that I'd just get it chopped off short so that I didn't have to worry about taking care of it. But now I have to shampoo and condition it every couple of days. Mom keeps commenting on how nice it looks though, so I guess it's worth it to keep her happy. Dad used to do most of the maintenance work on our old car - I think he really liked to just putter around under the hood. Even though it's almost 11 years old, it still runs pretty good, as long as you spend a couple of hours every week adjusting things, and doing small maintenance on it, and stuff like that. I was working on it yesterday morning, changing the oil and the filter and when I came in for lunch, Mom got on my case again. "Look at your hands. What a mess." And so on. So I'd cracked a couple of fingernails, and there was dirt and oil under the nails. It would eventually wash off or wear away. She wouldn't have that, though. She made me wash my hands as clean as I could get them, and then she took something, I think she called it a "rosewood stick," and cleaned my nails for me. Finally after my hands were sparkling I could have lunch. "What a waste of time," I told her. "They're just going to get dirty again the next time." "No they're not," she said. "We're going to have the garage take care of the car from now on." So I guess that's the way it's going to be from now on. I did like working on the car, but as she said it's a pretty messy operation. Mom gave me a present this morning - some new clothes to wear when I was playing basketball. "What happened to the old ones?" I asked. "Oh, I couldn't get them clean even after I washed them several times so I threw them out. And these new ones look so much nicer," she said. Well, I had to admit that they looked different - but nicer? I'm not sure. The shirt was a powder blue knit shirt, and the shorts were jeans but bleached white in color and they only came about half way down to my knees. And the shoes? Well they were jogging shoes but they had these little flashing red LEDs in the heels. "Don't complain," she said when she saw the look on my face, "they were on sale and I got them at a very reasonable price." The first time I wore them I got a couple of wolf whistles from my friends. Oh well, I guess I can hope that the batteries for the LEDs wear out soon...... Just in case, though, I rummaged around in the trash and found my old basketball clothes and shoes that Mom had thrown out, and I hid them in the garage so that I could still wear them when I was playing basketball whenever Mom wasn't around. It's not only the car she doesn't want me to work on. Just about anything that could involve any kind of exertion or dirt is frowned upon. "Let somebody else do that," is becoming a very familiar refrain around the house. It's like she's constantly keeping track of me. The minute my hair's a little unruly, or my hands are dirty, or there's a stain on my shirt, or I'm wearing the same pair of jeans for two days in a row, it's "Danny, time to clean up now honey." I don't think I've ever been cleaner or neater in my life. At least when I've cleaned up she does compliment me, telling me how nice I look, and how proud she is that I'm her son. OK Mom, enough is enough. September Whenever she's not checking up on my appearance, or cleaning up around the house, Mom goes shopping. She's tried to get me to go with her but no way. My method of shopping is the "slam, bang" method. I run in the store, grab what I need, pay for it, and get out as fast as possible. Mom make a real production out of it - sometimes I think that the longer it takes her to get just what she wants, the better. I'm not sure about her taste sometimes, though. The other day she came home and announced that she had bought a "present" for me. Some present - a dozen pairs of tan bikini briefs - they look more like something a girl would wear than what a guy would wear. Now personally I prefer cotton jockey briefs. They feel good and I like the support they provide. (And I wouldn't admit this to Mom, but if I dribble a couple of drops after taking a leak, they soak it up pretty well.) But after Mom bugged me a couple of times, I tried on one of the pairs of bikini briefs and even wore them for the afternoon. They didn't feel really comfortable under my jeans though, I didn't like the feeling of the smooth silk fabric (or nylon or whatever the hell they were made of), so I just shoved the dozen pairs in the back of my underwear drawer - kind of like filing them under "presents to be forgotten." I sure wish she would let me get my hair cut. It's grown a couple of inches and now brushes my shoulders. She won't hear of it though. And now she's got me spending almost an hour a day taking care of it. Like in the morning I have to shampoo it and apply conditioner. Then it has to be dried and brushed. And in the evening it has to be brushed again. I've got to admit that it does look nice - very full and glossy - but it's a style that would go better on a girl than a guy. Being as long as it is, whenever I lean forward it falls on either side of my face and I have to keep reaching up and brushing it back. I guess I'm doing that unconsciously now. You know, the movement when someone with long hair has it fall forward and they keep doing whatever they're doing and just unconsciously reach up and brush their hair back behind their ears. Whenever Mom's not around, I'll just put a rubber band on it to hold it back in a ponytail but she's not big on that. So as soon as she sees me, the rubber band comes out. October Kind of a disappointing date with Vic last night. The Senior Class put on a play and she and I went to see it. The play itself wasn't all that good - kind of a rip-off of "South Pacific" and the songs were not my style. Probably the best thing about the play is that our school has this huge auditorium and there are a lot of dark, fairly secluded seats along the sides and in the back. So I talked Vic into sitting over in a dark corner even though there were lots of seats closer to the stage. We were just sitting there, kind of snuggled up against each other a little, and I had my arm around her shoulders. That part was OK. The part that wasn't OK was that I kept trying to let my arm slip down so that my hand would rest on her breast and every time I did this she'd push my hand back up on her shoulder. So it was a fun date, but not as much "fun" as I had hoped for. One of my friends came by the house this morning, and when he left Mom asked me if he was wearing an earring. I said that yeah, a lot of the guys were wearing these little stud-like things now but that it wasn't a big deal. I guess I misinterpreted her question because then she asked me why I didn't get my ears pierced? Pierced ears? "No way Mom! I told her. "I guess you're right Danny," she said. "Some people are just afraid of a couple of seconds of pain." Me a coward? Now those were fighting words. So just to show her that I could "take it," we went out to the mall and I got my ears pierced - it hardly hurt at all. I've got these little stainless steel studs in my ears till the holes heal up in a week or so. It's not so bad, you can hardly see them. And once the holes heal and I can take the studs out, nobody will be able to see anything. It's not that I think an earring would make me look like a sissy or anything, it's just not my style. Seems like Mom could do a better job of keeping up with the laundry. When I went to get dressed this morning my underwear drawer was empty. Well, there were those pairs of tan bikini briefs wadded up in the back and since I didn't want to go without underwear, I put a pair of them on. They sure are small, like they just barely cover up my crotch. What feels really different though, is when I pull my jeans on. When I'm wearing my jockey briefs, they pretty cover up the area on my lower tummy from my navel down to my crotch - now most of that is exposed and the soft skin there rubs against the rough inside of my tight jeans. After a couple of minutes walking around the house like this, I had this big erection. And of course the bikini briefs are so small that when that happens, everything just kinda pops right out. So now I also have my dick rubbing against the inside of my jeans. And after a couple of minutes of that I came - in my jeans! Now it wasn't the mother of all jerk offs or anything like that, and my jeans got this big wet spot on the front but Mom wasn't home so I just kept them on as they dried out, but it's definitely a new way to masturbate. Maybe there's something to be said for the bikini briefs after all.......... Guess Mom doesn't have enough to keep her busy - like trying to run my life isn't enough of a full time job for her. She's talking about redecorating the house. Well, not like tearing everything out and rebuilding or anything, but she wants to repaint or change the wallpaper in the rooms, and maybe replace the draperies. Stuff like that. She's been hauling sample books home for the last week to look at wallpapers, and paint colors, and fabrics and stuff like that. She's been trying to get me to help her with her choices but it's like "Mom, I'm not into interior decorating." I just told her to go ahead and that whatever she picked would be OK with me. November When I came down for breakfast this morning, there was a small box with gift wrapping sitting on my plate. I asked Mom what it was and she said that it was just something that she came across while she was shopping the other day and that she bought it for me on the spur of the moment. I opened it up and it contained two small diamond earring studs. I'd planned on just letting the holes in my ears heal over but I couldn't disappoint her so I let her take out the stainless steel studs and replace them with the diamond studs. I was afraid the guys were going to kid me about wearing earrings in both ears but I solved that problem by changing my hairstyle just a little. I fixed it so that my hair now hangs down on either side of my face, framing it in sort of a pageboy or something like that, and my ears are now all covered by the hair. I guess there's something to be said for long hair after all. I don't know whether this is a bad winter for colds, or what the problem is. But it seems like I've had a cold every couple of weeks. Just about when I'm getting over one, I'll get another. The last one ended up turning into an ear infection and that was no fun at all. Mom checked with her doctor and I guess he told her that I might need a vitamin supplement. So he gave her a prescription and she's got me taking two tablets in the morning and two in the evening. I always figured vitamins were off-the shelf and that you just took one a day, but that's not what this prescription calls for. Oh well, at least she didn't get me the Fred Flintstone kiddie kind. Hey! Made some progress with Vic last night! I got her to give me a hand job! Well, sort of a hand job. Like, we had gone to a movie and the theatre wasn't too filled so we had a little privacy. So anyway, about halfway through the movie she did let my drop my hand down to her breast and gently rub it a little. Well, it wasn't like I was really feeling her up or anything, but that was the first time that she'd let me touch her there. So I was getting pretty turned on and from the tight feeling in my crotch I knew I had a pretty good erection and I guess maybe it showed through my jeans. Vic was getting pretty warmed up too because she was snuggling up against me really tight and then she moved her hand over and slowly began to rub my erection through my jeans. So we're watching the movie and I'm rubbing her breast as she's stroking my cock and all of a sudden I couldn't hold it anymore and shot my load in my jeans. Of course the skimpy bikini briefs that Mom bought wouldn't soak up anything so I now had this big wet spot in my crotch where Vic had been rubbing me. She must have thought that was funny as she giggled a little. I tried to slide my hand over into her crotch but she pushed it away and whispered "I'm not ready for that yet" in my ear - but then she kissed me on the cheek. When I got home that night and was thinking about the "hand job" I got so turned on that I put my hands down on my crotch and started stroking myself and came in my jeans for the second time that night. Mom must have noticed that I've worn the bikini briefs every so often. Like, maybe the stains on them kinda told her something? I was looking for a pair of jockey briefs last week and couldn't find any. I asked her and she said that she thought I preferred the bikini briefs now so she had thrown all my other underwear out. I guess that's OK with me. It turns out that I really like the feel of the skimpy briefs better than the jockey briefs anyway - just took me awhile to get use to them. But Mom sure knows how to take a good thing too far. A couple of days after that she went to the store and got me some more bikini briefs, and some undershirts too. Like, I had been wearing white cotton t-shirts but those were regular underwear. The new ones are the style with no arms and a larger opening at the neck, and just thin straps over the shoulders. I guess I could have lived with that but they were silk or some kind of silk-like fabric! I asked her what was the idea, and she said that these had been on sale and cost a lot less than the cotton ones and that she didn't think that I'd mind. So now I'm wearing silk underwear. It's kinda funny, but after the first couple of days I decided that I actually like it better then the cotton. I like the way it feels so smooth and slippery on my body. (End of Part 1 - to be continued)

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Moms Changes Mom Dad Gwenn Scott I Carolyn

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 18 and having just found out about the block orgy practices that where occurring right under everyone's noses. Talk about having a difficult time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible. Well, back to the story, I had been on my best behavior for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little participating, my participation the first night was limited to Mom, Dad, Rose and Phil. That was it, although as I did get...

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My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt

So if you read the last story about me and my mom and my grandmom then this is part 2 of this amazing weekend.So while we we’re in the country we didn’t do much…but what we did do was fuck and we did a lot of that…So the one night came along and I wish sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. While my mom and my grandmom were in the kitchen cooking…Now from my seat on the middle of the couch you could turn your head to the left and see the kitchen and vice versa. So while I’m...

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My Threesome with Mom and grandmom

So if you read my last story about me and my mom fucking in the gas station then here’s what happened next.If you didn’t read my last story about me and my mom in the gas station I highly advise you read that then come and read this one.Now let me get into the story for all my readers.So me and my mom finally reached my grandmom’s house somewhere in the country of South Carolina. You knew you were in the country because there were barely any street lights and her house was on a dirt road and...

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My Friends Hot Mom Debbie Part1

During Desert Storm, I was serving in the Air Force and ready to come home on leave. At nineteen, I was in very good shape with a very firm body and neglected cock after being gone for so long. I was given a couple weeks leave after being gone for a year, so I immediately started making plans.  My mom had a goof-ball boyfriend living with her, so I didn't want to stay there. Next best option, my HS best friend. The more I thought about staying with my friend, the better it sounded. My friend's...

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Swapping Of Moms Seducing Of Mom And Fucking Her Ass

In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...

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First time as Mommies lover

Once i finally got the courage to confess my real, sexual feelings toward my Mom, the rest was easy!We were both alone (Mom has been divorced for many years) and seated on the sofa. Mom had a glass of wine and to keep my thoughts clear, i had water. Mom knew that i was a confirmed lesbian since my sexual beginning as She had caught me and girlfriends in various acts before. So it was easy to recap my sexual preferences towards Women... the challenge came when i confessed that i was actually...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 3 Mommys Naughty Disicpline

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Mommy's Naughty Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so angry with Melissa when I stormed out of my good friend Cathy Dawson's house. That little fucking skank. How dare she cheat on my son. I never liked little miss miniskirt. She was a slut. A whore. The type of girl who would get knocked up and make me a grandmother before my son turned twenty-one. I was glad I...

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Mom and I Were Business Partners

My Mother and I Were Business Partners Let me tell you up front my Mother and I have been having sex for 20 years. Don’t judge me until you have heard my story. My story picks up 20 years after my father left and ran away when I was 18 and Mom was 38. It turns out my mother was a diagnosed nymphomaniac and my father just couldn’t take the pressure anymore so he left. We started by accident after a night of drinking but after the first night I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else being...

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Step Mom Son takes advantage of horny stepmom

My name is Steve and I am of 19 years. I stand 5'11" above the ground and have a good built, however not of a footballer. Most people enjoy my company and I get around well with both, boys and girls. My parents broke up when I was 12 and my father sent me to a hostel. I studied there for 4 years after which I again started living with my father. Our relationship developed into a mature one and I started looking forward to him not only as a father but also as a friend and a guide.Three months...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 2 Seducing My Hot Mom

I could understand why she was masturbating. It had been a long time since she had been satisfied. It was bothering her. The naughty thought to seduce my Milf mom entered my head. She spat on her fingers and rubbed her hairy pussy. Her hairy pussy was so sexy. “Aaahhh! Uffff!” she moaned as she climaxed. I watched her remove her panty and wipe her squirt off her pussy. She slid the panty up and down, wiping her pussy. She then threw it to the heap of dirty laundry in the corner. She sat up and...

1 year ago
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Mom and Dad Help break in my new apartments

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was so proud that I finally got my first apartment even though I was sad that it had to be half way across the country from my family. I called my parents nightly, even though there wasn't really much to talk about. I guess they knew that I was a little homesick because they both decided to come and visit me. They gave me pretty short notice so I had to clean up my messy bachelorette pad and make up the spare bed for them. I felt happy and excited to...

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Danny has fun with Mom and Older Sister

By Docker5000 Wendy Sylvester just stared at the ceiling and tried to think about anything but what was happening to her at the moment. Her husband Robert was laid on top of her and he was pumping away into her pussy. Robert was grunting like a pig as his fat belly slapped against her. When he thrusted deep into her. Only every now and again when he got his rhythm right, did he caused her to moan out a little bit. She was only getting a little bit of pleasure out of this. But to...

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Mom the Unwilling Slut 02 Moms Degradation

The author does not condone any form of non-consensual sex. This is a fictional story, and should not be acted out in whole or part without the willing consent of all. Warning: This story contains adult content including mother son, brother sister, and mother sister incest. If you don't enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. 8========D "Bro, you here" came my sister, Kayla's voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. "Hey sis, I'm in my room and I need a hand with...

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mommys helping hands pt 2

'jack its nearly mommys bedtime do you need to pee before i go to sleep?''uh no i'm ok for now thanks mom' jack really needs to pee but is still horified from being jerked off by his mom earlier'are you sure its no good you thinking you can get me to help you in the night mommy needs her sleep if you don't go nw you will have to wait until the morning''please mom could i get my nurse back to help me with stuff like that''no i told you in future i help you now would you like mommy to help you...

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Auntie Moms Friend and Mom

The first awakenings of my sex drive happened when I was about 12. My first memories of experimentations with sex were over my Aunt Mary. This woman was my uncle's ex wife, a woman I always recognized as an undeniably beautiful woman, in a plastic sort of way. I never seemed to recognize that her body was probably never as good as I'd imagined, at least not until later years, but it was over her that I had my first fantasy. I remember the very first time I blew my load. Mary had actually...

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Mom8217s One Night Stand After The Party

Hello ISS readers. I am Rohit, 22, male from Chennai. The details and characteristics of my mom said here are true but the erotic happenings are fictional. Kindly read the story and enjoy it. The story is about my mom. My family consists of 3 members – dad, mom and me. Dad is a marine engineer. So it’s rare to see him at home for 7-8 months in a year. Now getting into the story. My mom’s name is Aishwarya. She was 40 years old at the time of this incident (at present she’s 43). She’s a fair...

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Stripper In Mom8217s Party

I am Jay, 20 years old; usually mama’s boy from childhood. My mom, Vijaya is very pretty and a very decent lady. Her bra and panty sizes are 36D and 40 respectively. She is very energetic in nature; used to do kitty party with the neighborhood aunties every week end, they are her friends. The aunties were all from educated cultured families. Soma, Kajal, Binita, Priyanka, Chandana was from nearby apartments. All are having age level 40-45 years like my mom; only Chandana is around 55 year old....

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Mom Gets The Wrong Room part1

Lisa Kahn took a sip of the hot coffee, then pulled the photo envelope from her purse. They were the pictures she had taken of her son Bobby's high school graduation the previous week. The one she liked the best was the one of her husband and son together. She marveled at their appearance. They were enough alike to be twins. Same muscular build, same dark hair and good looks, same stance, and although the picture didn't show it, the same hard, tight rear-end, she thought with a chuckle. Only a...

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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser part 18 Missys Halloween Party

I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...

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Fucking my Buddys Mom Part2

It was about a month after my buddy Jim's sister's wedding where I had fucked his mother and aunt. I was getting gas when I ran into Andrea at the pump next to me. She asked if I was playing golf on Saturday with her husband, Jim and her other son Frank, I replied no I hadn't been invited. Oh I thought they said they were calling you, guess not! Well I'm going to be alone on Saturday if you're interested why don't you come by for a visit, I was stunned at how forward she was, It was still...

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NOTE: This is a re-telling of a typical fantasy my wife would indulge me in. Although in the fantasy I pretend to be a young boy, and she my lusty Mother it is ONLY a fantasy and we are both adults.On a typical day alone my "Mommy" walks nude from her shower to the top drawer of her dresser and selects an old thread bare nightgown that dangles slightly below her waist. She comes to the bed where I lay sleeping, strokes my hair, and says: " Wake up little Man... Mommy is going to make us some...

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My Mom Become My Sexual Partner

Hi readers, I am Varun Agnihotri (real name) from Jaipur (Rajasthan). I am 23 years old, working as a software engineer in an MNC in Noida. This story is all about me and my mom.It tells about how me and my mom become sex partner. We started our physical relation from the night of Diwali. Yes, it is absolutely true that we have encountered our first sex on the night of Diwali (30th Oct 2016). Let me describe my family, we are 3 people in my family (dad, mom and me). We have our own medium scale...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part2

Part 2 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs...

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Mom at the Bachelor Party

My friend Tony got his girlfriend pregnant and has to marry her. At the last minute, some of his friends threw together a bachelor party at Tony's mom's house while she was out of town. Being a teenager himself, Tony still lives at home. Tony lives on my block, and his mom and my mom are friends, and so I hang out with Tony, even though he is a little older than me. I had no trouble sneaking out of the house to go to the party, because my dad was out of town, my brother and sister were staying...

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Call you mommy are you serious Honey Part1

Call you mommy, are you serious Honey? by Princess Panty boy This is a story about me, my wife Penny, and our three beautiful daughters. Our lives changed drastically when the worst possible thing in the world happened to me. No sense you even trying to guess what it is, I guess I'm getting a head of myself. I should start from the beginning so you know a little bit about my family and I. I'm three years older than my beautiful wife is, and she is 36 years old but she looks ten...

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passion towards mom part

Before starting the story, let me introduce my family and I am Anand, 21 years and doing my MBA from a reputed college in Delhi and also helping my Mom in her business. My Mom Vibha is 42 now her Fig is 36 30 38. She is fair in colour and 5 feet 4 inches in height. My Father Ashok Jaiswal died in 2008 due to high Diabetes and he left his business for us And a good amount of money but his death was a shock for us and also my mom was not capable of handling business at that time. So after his...

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Mom Invites brother For Sex Party

Yesterday evening my Mom said to me, "Melissa, my brother Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your brother Michael should be just about done setting up the video cameras so we can make another DVD.""Mom, can we switch partners this time? Last month I was with my cousin Andy and you were with your...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 1 Vidya Balan And My Mom

After my dad left my mom for another woman, I was the sole support for my mother. I lived with her in her 2bhk flat. She was a government employee. I helped her in every way I could. I helped her with chores and most of her needs which she conveyed to me. After all, I was in college and I was mature enough to help her move on in life and feel better about herself and her life. I was the horny young son of the family. My mom was the only parent I had so she tried her best to parent a teenager....

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I Pimp My Own Mom Part

My name is sebin….Am a school student ………..My mother is nafisa and dad is rahim…We are from a middle muslim family…..My dad is working in partnership with is brothers in coimbatore and come home twice a month…Our family earns enough to live a simple life …I have many friends at school….My best friends are vinu and jacob…They are quite richer than me…….All boys from other class are also my friends…My mom usually wears saree and a scarf which muslim women wear over her head…..But am modern…I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 424 Mom and Dads Bedroom and a Discussion About Becoming Moms and Dad

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us into Mom and Dad's bedroom. It was a combination of two things I knew they enjoyed: their Corvallis bedroom's panoramic view, and the breakfasts we'd had high in the Cascade Range. Their bedroom was built into a high point on the ridge of a mountain range. The range was higher several miles farther north, but this was the most scenic spot. It was low enough to be pleasantly warm outside, and being below the timberline - the ridge itself...

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Mommys Hot Showers

It was getting late and I was ready to lay down and get some sleep. I told my dad I'll see him tomorrow before I headed up the steps. When I reached the top I heard my mom and brother laughing in the bathroom. Out of curiousity I opened the door slightly just to get a peek of what was going on in there. Oh my god, both of them were in the shower washing each other! Moms big d-cup knockers were being lathered up by my brothers hands while mom was doing the same to his boner. They were having a...

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Mom8217s Secret Leaked Out On Kitty Party

Hello people, this is my second story, its about the same lady, my mom kavita. Thank you for the great response of my previous story. Please rate the story and mail me if you like the story. Let me introduce to my mom, her name is kavita, she is fair, long hairs to her butt, well managed shape at the age of 42. She is housewife. My name is karan doing engineering final year. Dad busy at work most of the time. My mom get herself engaged in household work and spend times with ladies of our...

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Rectal thermometer suppository story

Part 1Well, this is it. A while now i was thinking of writing a story, and i guess that time is now.I post my story here, and not in the blog. Due to the fact that is’t a true story, it happend to me a few years ago… over 15 to be exact…but i still remeber it as if it happend yesterday. One last thing, if you’r not into medical stuff, you probably won't get much of a kick out of it, but for those out there who do, just like me, here it is…When i was 19 years old, i was going to nursing school...

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Fucked By Mom Pooja Aunty And Their Friends In A Kitty Party

Hi Readers. This time I really got very lucky and was fucked by 6 women at a time. It was a Wednesday morning and also a holiday. I woke up as usual but could not find Pooja aunty by my side. My day used to start by kissing her and sometimes even having sex with her. I went out of my room to search for Pooja aunty. I finally found her sitting on the sofa discussing something with my mother. I went near Pooja aunty and wished her good morning. She immediately stood up. She removed her pony tail...

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Then I cummed in their mouths..I cummed loads…mom was tired but still horny..she started sucking my penis I was still hard..then I spread her legs wide and inserted my penis in her pussy and ramming mom was moaning in pleasure..I fucked in that position for 15min then I fucked her doggy style…she was moaning heavily..and me too..then mom was screaming and enjoying …. We fucked her hard and we slept together as we were exhausted… The next day we did the same thing but this time directly...

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