Digital Playground
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Many thanks to everyone who has sent me feedback on the ongoing adventures of Dan and co. To those of you who emailed me direct, I’ve tried to reply to everyone but if I forgot you, it wasn’t deliberate! I appreciate all of your kind comments very much.
Sorry for the delay on this chapter and the fact that it’s fairly short. I was about halfway through when something major went wrong at work and since then I haven’t had much time or energy to write. Hopefully I’m back on track now.
The following week went by relatively uneventfully. Monday morning saw Max and Imani giving their second round of motivational blowjobs, both looking dynamite in smart business suits that were tight in all the right places. They were careful to swallow so as not to let their clothes get messed up, though Max insisted on working through most of the morning with some of Dominic’s escaped come drying around her luscious glossed lips. The scheme was turning out to be a runaway success, by 4pm Monday the team had already finished about a week’s worth of work.
Ginny suddenly found excuses to be over at our house every night. Somehow I doubted her parents would be quite so keen if they knew the ‘big project’ she and Aless were working on was me. I was taking vitamins, had changed my diet to get more slow-release carbs and started a new cardio routine in the gym, but I was still having trouble keeping up with the needs of Julia, Aless and now Ginny. Luckily for me they were all easy on me, quite happy to satisfy each other when I finally had to surrender. Ginny was a little freaked out the first time that Julia joined her, Aless and I in bed, but soon came around when she discovered how good Julia’s expert tongue felt applied to her hair-trigger nipples.
My biggest concern was making sure everything was organised for our big move over to the new apartment. Much of Julia’s furniture was staying behind for when she rented out the house, so I had time to get the new bed and some of my stuff from storage shipped over. I also arranged a little extra parking space since I now had a brand new Brabus to house along with the Murcielago, Aless’s Mini Cooper and Julia’s BMW Z4. I took Friday afternoon off to make sure everything had been completed satisfactorily, missing Imani and Max’s incentive fuck session with the team. I was disappointed but didn’t really have the spare energy to join in much anyway, and I could check out the footage later.
The apartment looked terrific with furniture in, even if my bachelor style clashed a little with Julia’s more homely approach. While overseeing the last few items being brought in I met our next-door neighbour, a voluptuous Indian girl named Mallika who looked like she should be the lead in a Bollywood movie. She was returning from the gym, large breasts almost escaping from a tight grey sports bra, when we got chatting in the corridor. We were still there when the new bed was brought in, and I saw Mallika’s dark eyes widen when she noticed the hinges and padlocks at the top and bottom. Fortunately she seemed more intrigued than shocked, smirking sexily as she asked to ‘take a closer look sometime.’
With everything sorted at that end (and the usual stack of cameras hidden everywhere) I steered the Brabus back to Julia’s to help with packing up some of her stuff. It was around 4.30 when I got back and she was still at the office, but a couple of muscular removal guys were being shown around by Aless, while Ginny just enjoyed the view. I got the distinct impression that the girls were having fun teasing the two hunks – for one thing Ginny kept crossing and uncrossing her legs and I caught a flash of bare pussy under her short schoolgirl skirt. The guys were loving it, or at least they were until they noticed me. One of them looked like he’d been caught groping a nun, the other blushed furiously and began seriously studying the packing crates they’d brought. I caught Aless’s eye and winked. ‘Everything under control, girls?’ I asked innocently.
In her best butter-wouldn’t-melt voice Aless said, ‘Yes thank you Daddy. We were just showing these big strong men what needs to be packed up. I wasn’t sure though,’ she hopped up onto a chair, stretching up to gesture at some ornament on a high bookshelf, ‘is this going?’ The ornament was irrelevant of course, she just wanted to flash her naked ass at the guys. I could see both of them desperately trying to look without me noticing, as Aless jumped back down (her skirt whipping up to reveal a momentary glimpse of shaved pussy).
‘I don’t think so, love,’ I replied, somehow suppressing a grin. ‘I’ll go and stick the kettle on, shall I?’ Somehow I contained my laughter until I made it to the kitchen.
If Aless and Ginny had been teasing before, now that the guys were afraid to look they became merciless. Aless hiked up her skirt even further and got Ginny to do the same, then both of them started ‘helping’ to move things around. They were bending over in front of the guys, thighs spread just far enough to reveal the moist peaches of their cunts each time. I made sure I was ‘supervising’ as closely as possible, enjoying both the view and the guys’ discomfort. But eventually the workmen were about to move some heavy crates and I didn’t want a back injury on my conscience, so I shooed the girls upstairs – they made sure to give one last flash as they bounded up the staircase.
As soon as the guys had packed up their truck and left (no doubt to jerk off as soon as possible) the girls came skipping back down, laughing. ‘You two are wicked,’ I said sternly.
‘Oooh,’ shivered Aless, looking a little nervous, ‘does that mean we have to be punished?’
‘I’m afraid it does,’ I replied, removing my belt. ‘You know what to do.’ Aless did, she undid her school tie and dropped to her knees, hands clasped behind her back. ‘You too, Ginny,’ I told the busty teen, ‘you did the crime so now you have to take the punishment.’
‘Aless? What..?’ stammered Ginny.
‘Do it!’ hissed Aless. ‘Don’t make it worse!’
Ginny nervously copied Aless, removing her tie and dropping to her knees. I moved behind Aless and bound her wrists securely with her tie. I quickly moved on to Ginny, enjoying her gasp of shock as I pulled her wrists together tightly to secure them. I wasn’t actually going to hurt her – well, nothing permanent – but she didn’t know that and her fear was a huge turn-on. Aless had realised this straight away, but quite apart from reassuring her friend she began playing the victim to the hilt. ‘Please don’t use your belt this time, Daddy,’ she whimpered. ‘I was only teasing them.’
I put on my sternest Master voice. ‘Yes, but you wanted to fuck them, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?’
‘No! I swear, I didn’t, I was just playing.’ She was going for an Oscar, it seemed, a crocodile tear rolling down her face. ‘Anyway, it was Ginny’s idea! SHE told me to do it! SHE wanted to fuck them! Punish HER!’
‘NO!’ wailed Ginny in genuine terror. ‘I didn’t… Aless said it would be fun! I would never… I’m sorry! I’m sorry Dan, please don’t…’
As she said my name I squeezed my belt into a loop and cracked the two sides together, causing a very satisfying, loud snap. Ginny jumped and shut up instantly – Aless also jumped but I could tell she was just doing it to further petrify her friend. Very quietly I said, ‘you are to refer to me as Master, and by no other name, or you will be punished even harder. I am going to teach you a lesson, and you will thank me for every strike of this belt on your skin, do you understand?’
Ginny didn’t know what to say. ‘I… I’m…’ she gasped, tears now rolling freely down her cheeks.
I snapped the belt again. ‘Seeing as you do not know how to take your punishment properly, I will first have to demonstrate on Alessandra. I want you to consider that the punishment she is about to get is your fault.’ I leaned down to Aless and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her breasts to Ginny. Her nipple
s were as hard as pebbles. I squeezed her right breast in one hand, making her whimper softly. I pulled her nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezed lightly, but made sure it looked like I was putting maximum effort into it.
Aless picked up on this immediately, screaming ‘AAAAAHHHH!!!!! NO PLEASE DADDY, IT HUUURTS!!!’
I tried to do my best stone-cold killer impression. I doubt it was very good but Ginny was too scared to notice. ‘WHAT did you call me?’
‘I’m sorry Master, thank you Master,’ wailed Aless.
I shook my head. ‘An extra three lashes, I think.’ I made a major performance of raising the belt above my head and bringing it down viciously across Aless’s breasts, though in fact I barely touched her. But from her reaction you’d think the flesh was being flayed from her bones.
‘AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!’ she screamed, collapsing backwards. ‘Thank you master,’ she wept, laying it on as thick as she could. I continued to ‘beat’ her where she lay, hands twisted behind her. I could see Ginny flinching with every scream and sob from Aless, and when I thought she could stand it no longer I stopped. Aless lay on the floor shaking and crying as I stroked the belt. If Ginny had been thinking clearly she would have noticed only the slightest of welts across Aless’s skin, but she was in the grip of panic and all that registered to her were Aless’s cries of pain. I reached down and started undoing the blouse that was stretched across her huge boobs. I noticed she too had nipples that were trying to tear holes in the fabric.
She looked up at me pleadingly as I raised my arm to strike – and then Aless blew it. She couldn’t contain herself any longer and began laughing to split her sides, which set me off. Ginny looked at us uncomprehending as I doubled over, my turn to have tears running down my cheeks. ‘Ohh, Ginny, I’m sorry,’ I managed when I could catch a breath. ‘That was really cruel. I just couldn’t resist.’ And, I added to myself, my cock was like a concrete post seeing how terrified you were.
Ginny went from relieved to angry in about a nanosecond. She pouted, shooting daggers at Aless who was still laughing. The pout just turned me on more. There was something else too. It looked like… no, it couldn’t be, disappointment. ‘You are such a cow, Alessandra,’ Ginny said softly.
I untied Aless and she hugged Ginny, who was still bound. ‘I’m sorry babe, that was rotten of us wasn’t it? I wasn’t sure if Daddy meant it or not.’
‘You mean he actually does that? Ties you up and beats you?’ asked Ginny incredulously.
‘Well, not like that, it’s just playing really. Nothing that hurts too badly.’ Aless licked her lips. ‘But a little bit of pain is nice sometimes. Mum loves it, sometimes she and Daddy pretend she’s home by herself and he’s broken in, and he ties her up and tortures her a bit and then ‘rapes’ her… Mmmmm,’ she was purring, ‘Daddy hasn’t done that to me yet, but he’s promised to, haven’t you Daddy?’
I bent to untie Ginny. ‘I have to wait until you’ve forgotten, it’ll be more fun when you’re not expecting it.’
‘Er, hold on Dan. I mean Master. You don’t have to untie me if you don’t want to,’ Ginny said shyly. ‘I’d like to try, um, being punished. Not too hard!’ she added quickly.
Aless reached under Ginny’s skirt. ‘My God, Daddy, she’s dripping! She was turned on when she thought you were really hurting me!’ She pushed her wet fingers into Ginny’s mouth. ‘Bitch, you liked seeing me being whipped half to death, didn’t you?’ Ginny nodded, hungrily slurping her juices from Aless’s fingers.
‘OK, Ginny, you asked for it. Aless, go round behind her and hold those beautiful tits out.’ Aless pressed her delectable body into Ginny’s back, cupping her breasts and lifting them to make a better target. Ginny moaned as I aimed the belt at her right breast. I struck harder than I had on Aless, though not so hard as to really hurt her. Even so she jumped, breasts jiggling delightfully in Aless’s hands, and she gasped ‘thank you Master!’ She thanked me again as I brought the belt down on her left breast, slightly harder, and then again on her right, harder still. My aim was slightly off with the fourth blow, and the rough underside of the belt snapped down across her nipple.
Boom. Ginny’s back arched as if she’d been electrocuted and she pushed back against Aless, an orgasm tearing into her with all the force of a tornado. Her breasts shook wildly in Aless’s hands as her body spasmed, and tiny droplets of moisture flew from her pussy to spatter against her thighs. A strangled cry escaped from her throat as for a moment her breathing stopped. For a second I was worried, but she soon slumped back down onto her knees. ‘Wow,’ I murmured to myself, and Aless obviously felt the same. She was still holding Ginny’s breasts out like some kind of wanton sacrifice, and she looked up at me, nodding slightly, do it.
It was a mean thing to do, but I had to know. I lifted the belt above my head and snapped it down over Ginny’s other nipple.
Double boom. Instantly the tornado struck again, Ginny screeching in pain and ecstasy, thin streams of liquid running down her inner thighs as her cunt went into overdrive. Aless bit her earlobe and flicked her fingers over the abused nubs, prolonging the unbearable sensations that were racing through Ginny’s small body. Aless relented eventually and slowly Ginny began to come down from the heights of pleasure that were ravaging her, collapsing against Aless’s chest. ‘Ooooohhhhhhh nnnooooo…’ she wailed, her body bathed in sweat, rivulets running down her face and dripping onto her breasts. She gasped in air, exhaling with quiet moans as Aless gently traced a fingernail around each of her dark areolas.
I really shouldn’t have. It was one of the most evil things I’ve ever done. But then Ginny did say she wanted to be tortured. I pulled the belt back like a child with a slingshot, then cracked it sideways as hard as I could across both of her nipples.
If her first two orgasms had been a tornado, this one was a supernova. She twisted like a scalded cat, tendons standing out all over her perfect body. Her eyes rolled back to the whites and saliva flicked from her mouth. But that was nothing compared to the torrent from her cunt, juices arcing like a fountain over her thighs. Her chest worked frantically, trying to draw in oxygen. Aless actually had to hold on to her to prevent her throwing herself across the room, and with a tortured rip her school tie split apart as her arms shot out rigidly at her sides. As her breath finally caught she let out an unearthly scream, finally slipping out of Aless’s sweat-slicked hands and collapsing on her side on the floor.
Aless protectively cuddled up to her, stroking her disarrayed blonde hair. ‘It’s OK, babe, no more,’ she whispered into her friend’s ear. I sat down heavily on the couch, absolutely stunned. I had never seen anyone come like Ginny just had, an orgasm that seemed to reach from the tips of her hair to the ends of her toes. I looked down dumbly at the belt in my hand, putting it down gingerly as if it was a lethal weapon.
I got Ginny some water and Aless gently bathed her face and body with a cool flannel. Her ragged breathing began to slow and she managed to sit up, propped against the base of the couch. ‘Un… believable,’ she eventually managed in a hoarse voice. ‘I’ll be… stiff tomorrow.’
‘Are you OK?’ I asked, genuinely concerned.
She nodded. ‘That was the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me.’
It took Ginny a little while to recover, but before long she was sitting on the sofa, sipping water surrounded by a sort of satisfied glow. I couldn’t take my eyes off her chest as it rose and fell almost hypnotically. She had a new, older expression on her face, giving me the feeling that she’d crossed a line in her mind and now there was no going back.
I turned to Aless. ‘And what about you, young lady? Can you take that sort of punishment?’
br> Ginny piped up, ‘Yeah, Al, it seems only fair. You were happy to watch me take it.’
Aless looked a little unsure of herself. ‘Well, I suppose… I doubt I’ll come just from having my boobs whipped, though.’
I grinned. ‘Not a problem. Ginny, I want to show you something. Aless, take off the rest of your clothes and lie back on the footstool.’
Aless did as she was told silently, and now her expression was distinctly fearful. Once she was positioned to my satisfaction on Julia’s large leather-bound footstool, I picked up Aless’s tie and the remnants of the other. ‘Check this out,’ I said to Ginny who had come to stand next to me, having also divested her remaining clothes. I tightly lashed Aless’s wrists inside her ankles, left to left and right to right. She was now bound helplessly on her back, upper arms squeezing her breasts together while the position of her forearms kept her legs apart. Her pussy was splayed and wet, a tiny trickle of moisture running down to her tightly puckered asshole.
‘Now,’ I said, handing the buckle end of the belt to Ginny, ‘there are other places to beat instead of her breasts.’
Ginny smiled, lifting the belt up above her head. With perfect aim, she brought it whistling down to slap against Aless’s exposed pussy. ‘Yoooowww!!!’ shrieked the helpless girl, writhing against her bonds.
‘Cool!’ smiled Ginny, raising her arm again and flicking another sharp blow between Aless’s thighs.
‘Ahhhh! NO!!’ she cried, tears springing to her eyes as Ginny rained down one stinging strike after another onto her pussy and thighs.
‘Don’t neglect her tits,’ I instructed, and Ginny obliged by aiming several lashes across Aless’s chest, raising bright red welts across the skin of her breasts. Aless was sobbing and begging for Ginny to stop but her pussy was saturated, beads of her fluid flying from the belt as it spitefully beat her cunt. Her clitoris was standing out like a tiny gold nugget, and Ginny was doing her best to catch it each time. I held up a hand. ‘That’s enough. Now,’ I knelt down, pulling Ginny with me, ‘while it’s stinging, lick her as gently as you can.’
Tentatively Ginny applied the only the very tip of her tongue to Aless’s abused clit. ‘Oooohhhh,’ she sobbed at the intense feeling of sharp pain being intensified by gentle pleasure. Slowly Ginny licked around the red skin, probing Aless’s hole with her tongue. The bound teenager was trying to twist and writhe away from her friend’s soft touches, unable to stand the conflicting sensations. More to hold her in place than anything (honest!) I knelt at the other end of the stool and stuffed my cock into her upturned mouth. I began to ride her mouth slowly but firmly, the squirming only making her delectable lips caress my cock more vigorously. I reached down and began to tenderly rub my fingertips over her smarting nipples. She whimpered around my shaft as Ginny increased the speed and pressure on her clit. At the same time I started pinching and tugging on Aless’s nipples more firmly, and she began to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly she came, gasping for air as the burning feelings in her breasts and cunt overwhelmed her. Wincing, I felt her teeth scrape lightly against my cock, but to her credit she managed to hold it in place despite the waves of pleasure washing through her slender body.
I pulled out of her mouth to let her get some air, pumping my cock rapidly with one hand. Ginny quickly scooted up until she was lying on top of Aless, their breasts squashing together. Ginny opened her mouth just as I exploded, squirting pearly jets over her nose and across her tongue. Some dripped down onto Aless’s face, and she opened her mouth. ‘Mine…’ she whispered, and Ginny lovingly kissed her, my come coating their lips and chins.
‘OK girls,’ I asked innocently. ‘Do you have any homework to be getting on with?’
Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, but also cold. Frost sparkled on the lawns of Regent’s Park as I weaved the Brabus through early traffic. I had told Julia to take Aless shopping for whatever girls buy with an unlimited budget, and though she had made a brief show of wanting to help me supervise the move, the lure of shopgirls sucking up to a platinum Amex card had proved too strong.
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I am not a morning person, never have been, and staying up late as an exotic dancer and sex worker accentuated that. But when my naked ass received an almighty slap, I woke with a start, yelped, and leapt out of bed, rubbing my ass cheek.“Nadu,” my Master’s voice snapped.I immediately dropped to my knees into position.“Obeisance.”I fell forward, hands in front of me, face down, in a display of willing submission.Hans waited for a while to drive the point home that no matter what happened last...
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UPWARD The NAVINT commander had her Avatar established in the secure conference room underneath the surface of Richter 4. Also present were Cherubim, Algear Moansti, Admiral McElligott and now the Avatar of Admiral Stahl blinked into existence. The little group was made complete by a massive alien. The large alien, the Nul All Leader was here the first time by invitation. I was the Commandant of NAVINT that opened this top-level meeting and after she acknowledged the ones present she went...
This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...
This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event (read the story here: . Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may get a bit “handsy”. So I got to thinking what would it be like if the roles were reversed. So I am writing this little tale about a woman doctor examining a...
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Jenny had been flattered to have been invited to a photo shoot by a top photographer but was a little wary to begin with. She'd seen an advert on the notice board at Uni which was advertising for potential models but she had ignored the ad.Her boyfriend Mark, however, had sent a couple of pictures of Jenny to the guy who had called Mark on his mobile a week later inviting Jenny to a free, no obligation photo shoot nearby.The studio was a local warehouse in the middle of an industrial park out...
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BDSMDale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...
SpankingHi! One more time Sapna is back with one hot, sizzling story, but this time its more of situation and spying of my cousin sister by my cousin, which I get to know by myself spying on him, but it was very late, but still I got to know and now putting it in writing. It is the event when my cousin Deepak (age: 18 years) had some 3-4 days holiday. He had came to our house for staying. Along with him, one my auntie’s daughter Jaya (age: 18 years) had also came. They both have came for staying for...
The sentiments Caroline had expressed in her 'journal' concerning Jarvis indicated she had no inkling of the murderous, child molesting brute lurking within him. She must never know. The shock, and horror, of being so close to such a fiend and not realising his true character, indeed being married to such a monster, would probably cast her into a deep depression. Never fear, my love; where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise. The rest of Caroline's letter had been written after she...
i would love to re act this with someone ;) any offers?A young man, 18, is caught spying on his girlfriends mother in her bedroom, and is taught a hard lesson. Characters: Tim, 18, Student; Susan, Tim's Girlfriend; and Julie, 44, Susan's Mother ;-).Julie sat at her dressing table, preparing for bed; she brushed her long dark, which was one of the pride and joys. Normally, this would help her relax and unwind, but tonight, and on several other nights, she found that remained tense. She couldn't...
Where I grew up, just outside of town, there was a huge stand of poplar trees and I went there often. I had a favorite tree which I would sit in for hours, contemplating things and life. I even jerked off up there a time or two. One afternoon, I had sort of dozed off when I was suddenly woken by voices. Looking through the branches and foliage, I saw Sam and Betty from school, sitting under a nearby tree. I kept still and quiet, hoping that they would not see me. Betty and I had never dated but...
VoyeurAfter I posted 'Hair Cut' I had numerous mails asking me if my ex wife did anything more with her brother or with others men. Well to be honest I don't know but that doesn't stop me speculating. Things were going great, I got a small promotion at work, which entitled me to a few day extra holiday and of course some more money too. My girlfriend J, I'm sure I told you about her and her great tits, well she had past her driving test first time. The down side of that was that she would want...
The moment the virus was released the world changed in ways no one could predict. The person who created it was not the most stable human being in the world and his utopia was certainly not a world most people would want to live in. The virus was coded for a particular DNA sequence. Once it found the piece of DNA it was looking for, the virus would activate and that person would know just exactly how the creator had felt the day the he had been rejected by the target. No one would ever forget...
And then I awoke in a cellar although it took me some time to figure out where I was. My feet were tied together, my hands bound behind me, there was a damp gag in my mouth and my eyes were bandaged. I mentally took inventory and found most of my other parts were present and in working order. I could not feel any blood or new lumps on my head, but I had a metallic taste in my mouth. The gag was absolutely the worse part not only because it nearly strangled me in my own spit but tore at the...
Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...
This is a story about my neighbor’s son who was 17 when this happened. The first section of the story is true but the rest of the story and part 2 is my fantasy about what could have happened. As a little background I’m 32 and married, my hubby Sam and I live in the Midwest in suburbia. I like to lay out in our back yard and tan during our hot summers. Our back yard is secluded by privacy fence and some tall trees in the back. We have neighbors on both sides of our house that have widows in...
First TimeCraig was bored. He sat staring at his books. His mum seemed to be constantly repeating the phrase “Your Highers are only a couple of months away. You need to get upstairs and do some studying.”He slumped back in his chair, turning his head to stare out the bedroom window. His room looked out onto the back green. His eyes swept over the black windows of the tenement flats on the other side of the grass. This part of Edinburgh was home to a mixture of students and professionals and most of the...
MasturbationIn the course of my life I have had many names and worn several faces. Some have called me a traitor, others knew me as a faithful servant. I have been ordered to compile my story here for the benefit and legitimate pleasure of the reading public. After interviews with myself and others who were there, my manuscript was handed over to a team of professionals who produced the document you are now reading. It is dedicated to my sister, Elizabeth. Chapter One: Early in the Autumn...
It was scorching and John tried to make himself comfortable in the back pew but it was to no avail. He loosened his neck tie and unbuttoned his shirt halfway. The heat in the church was making his forehead form beads of sweat and he could feel his underarms getting damp. He looked around and could tell that most of the people around him were feeling the same effects of a hot summer day. He decided he couldn’t sit in the wooden pew anymore and would need fresh air. He told his mother he was...
When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand. Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven. As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to...
I’d like to say that it wasn’t my fault. It was a bad fitting door catch that started it all! But, I know I can’t, I didn’t have to go and look; I could have just walked away.------It was just past eleven o’clock and I had been in my room reading. My computer was on and as for a standard sixteen year old boy I was horny. I looked at the screen and once again thought of by-passing the parental locks my mother had installed with the intention of stopping me ‘surfing’ for porn. She was quite...
IncestThis fan fiction is set in the Star Trek universe. The characters in this story are original characters of my own creation. Any similarities these characters share in name or description with any existing Star Trek characters are purely coincidental. The Romulans, as usual, are plotting against the Federation, and Starfleet Intelligence needs to know what's going on inside the Tal Shiar, the secretive Romulan intelligence service. T'Meni, a young Starfleet Intelligence officer, has been sent on...
6:30am, you wake up in a beautiful hotel room, the sun is shining in through the curtains and is hitting your eyes, you sit up and stretch, the white bed sheets slide down your naked body onto the bed, your phone starts to ring so you reach over to the night stand to grab it, it's your handler calling you on facetime "had a successful night i see?" he asks you "yes I did" the target was easy enough to convince to get into bed, from there taking his phone and knocking him out for the clean up...
You install home security systems for a living, not terribly hi-tech, but expensive and effective, lovely little mini cameras which feed to the local police station via the net. What people don't know is that the hardware is cheap, it's the system, the connection and the installation that costs, more importantly the switch has a minimum of 8 ports and most people only use 3-6 of them! Access to the video stream is set by port - in laymans terms that means each camera is set up differently and...
I sat on the edge of Zander's queen-sized bed, wearing the sleepwear he'd been kind enough to lend me: a plain white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweat pants. I had run away from home, so to speak, after my getting into a heated and damn-near violent argument with my dad over the weed stash mom found while snooping in my bedroom. I dashed out of there while dad was telling me how worthless I was becoming, nice and dramatic. I wish I had at least packed some threads.And so, I was sitting in my...
IncestI have been pretty bored all summer long. I haven't been able to really have any fun and I have been just sitting around looking for somthing fun to do. This morning I decided to hit up the beach to brush up on my surfing. The beach is also a great place to meet guys so why not kill two birds with one stone.When I got to the shore it was pretty much dead except for a few hot guys out in the breakers with their boards and an old guy on a blanket reading a book. Perfect, I thought. Free open...
all these sexy girls were using the mens toilets, cause the bar was i went into a cubical, and looked for a peep hole or gap, to see the girls.there was a few holes around the plumbing, as i looked through, i saw a guy pull his cock out and wee. such a sexy thing. wiggling it to finish. girls were knocking on the doors.. and when the guy left, in walked a girl, she lifted her skirt, flashing her sexy panties, then her vagina, as she squatts and lets the pee gush. Another girl...
In June of last year, I was in an adult movie/gallery store. I was browsing; when the door chime went off... A serious Sinfully Seductive piece of work walked in... alone!? Even the security guy was panting! Long legs, mid-back hair, full supple breast... straining against a Halter top that tied at the neck. Auburn tinted Brunette...The A/C did me and the other guys justice; her nipples were those swollen puffy erect types... My mouth got wet watching...She went to the counter; she asked for...
When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand. Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven. As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to walk...
VoyeurWe got engaged and then married. We made love in a very conservative and standard way. Foreplay was me fondling her breasts and she stroking my cock. A couple of minutes and then missionary position. All this would take place in the bedroom only and with the light out. This continued for maybe two years. Actually sex had become spasmodic by then. Probably 3 times a week. Was I frustrated? Bloody oath I was. I am ashamed to admit it but I used to masturbate. I hadn’t done that since my high...
Abigail and Adam Berman was a strange couple. Like a dog and its owner, most couples after they are together for a number of years have a tendency to look similar; like river rocks, subject to the same currents and weather for centuries. This couple did not seem to match. Adam Berman had been married before and had a 40-year old son. He (Adam) had been a college professor of English since he had emigrated to the U.S. as a young man and had completed college for an undergraduate and master's...
I had been here six months planning and preparing for this day. I walked in the servants entrance and went to the changing room. I undressed and put my clothes into my locker before putting a clean and pressed servants uniform on. Next was the small cleaning bot and a duster and a small trash container. I attached my palace ident and pass to my left suit pocket and carried everything out. There were dozens of checkpoints through the palace and I stopped at each like I had since I started. It...
Madam Von R-- was a rich and very helpful patriot during all five years of the generally-welcomed British occupation of New York City. I knew her only briefly at the beginning of her service to the country and then later was assigned to serve her as a general dogsbody for almost a year - a very pleasant and instructive year. She was a bright, diminutive woman with a stately air and a will of iron. She wore fine, dark clothes of the previous generation and tall, powered wigs that were her...
I was in a daze when I left Patrick’s later that morning. “I’ll call you,” he told me, watching while I put on my clothes and slipped into my shoes. He only wore boxers. I stared for a minute, even if I was freaking out inside. Patrick had a picture of me on his fridge. Now I was pretty sure he always wanted me, even when he was with Chloe. If I was going by the look on his face in that photo, he wanted me even before they were married, too. It made me feel like everything around me had...
"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." WINSTON CHURCHILL "Our achievements leave class enemies breathless." LEONID BREZHNEV Martin Spencer (the name has been changed to protect the innocent) sits in his apartment watching some late night TV. A beautiful blonde actress is being interviewed by the host about her latest movie. "So can you set up the clip for us?" "Sure, Jamie. In this scene, I'm back from China and...
Friday May 23 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM As soon as Resha got in my truck she gave one sniff and accused me of eating food from the “New Delhi In I” food cart. She ate Indian food and said the seasonings were unique. I said it was Sam, her food spent about ten seconds in the seat before I told her it was not allowed. “Sam sat here? Today? With you?” “It was just business ... and technically it was yesterday. But yes, like I said I have known her for some time. That is a secret, and it must stay...
Hey everyone. I am changing my sister's name in this story so if someone I know is reading this, they won't know it was my sister. I am going to call her Sarah today. It all started when I was 15. She had just turned 13, and she was turning out to be one of the hottest girls I have ever seen. I mean, she could walk by you if you were 30, and you would pop one. Anyways, after she started "growing up", I always wanted to see her nude. Let me just throw in that at this time, we lived in a 1-story...
IncestFor the first time in months, Stacie was breaking her tradition. Her computer was open, but her eyes did not linger on it, despite it being past 8:50 pm already. She was waiting for her master to log on, as she had for months, but today- tonight- was a little different. The first thing that was different was that she was no longer a sixteen year old sex slave, as she had been since she had met her master. Her birthday had been today, complete with a party. Friends, cake, presents, and...
8:45 pm A sixteen year old girl quickly turned off her phone's alarm and opened her laptop. Within minutes, the computer was fully active, but after only a few clicks, she herself was immobile. The young, slender blonde was focused fully on the computer's clock. She was waiting, and had waited every night like this for the past two months. At first, it was because she was fearful that what she'd been promised would suddenly disappear. Since then, the ritual had become a habit, as well...
-You have received a friend request from MercilessHound666- MercilessHound666: Your name and age? Me: stacie. im 16 MercilessHound666: And what's my name? Me: mercilesshound666? MercilessHound666: Stacie, I would like for you to understand something. If you want to be my pet, then you will have to think while speaking with me. I will not accept an idiot. Try again. Me: master? MercilessHound666: That's a good girl. Are you naked right now? Me: mmhmm