Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and
meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An
all-dialogue story.
Laura's Birthday
by Vickie Tern
"Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but
finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday
sweetheart, a very happy birthday!"
"Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God!
Is that you, Monty? It is! Oh, Monty, you're ... gorgeous! Just
gorgeous! I never dreamed you'd look so wonderful when you finally
got yourself all dolled up!"
"I must say, you look marvelous too, honey -- you've gotten
yourself done up too I see! Well, it's an occasion -- why not?
But ... uhh, now that I've done it, I'm ... well, I'm a little
uneasy out here in public. I mean, everyone can see me. So can we
go ...?"
"Oh, my, uneasy? How can that be? Sweetheart, you're ... well,
you're perfect! I mean not just lovely, you're really beautiful!
How wonderful! Just look at you!"
"I did, honey, in the car mirror, just before I came in, and I must
say, I was a little surprised. Scared too, because this is not
"Finally! Well worth all those months of work! And all for me!
Oh, honey, I love it! I just love it, you like this! What a
terrible waste that you were born a man when you're so much nicer
... this way!"
"Well, I thought I was a man, until you asked me to do this. Not
much like one now. But please, Laura, I ... I feel like such a
"Oh, God, you ...., oh, give me a kiss this moment! No not on the
lips, silly, two women kissing that intimately, whatever would
everyone think? Someone's always watching in places like this! A
hug and an air kiss maybe, our cheeks not quite touching, like ...
that's it, baby! Now our make-up stays as beautiful as ... well,
as it is. Here we want to look just so. Look around, do you see
any women who don't look flawless?"
"Laura, can we sit down somewhere a little less public and order a
drink. I feel so ... exposed!"
"Exposed? Oh, yes, I'd say, you certainly are! Was that dress
your choice or Anna's? Black is always suitable for upscale
cocktail lounges like this one, true, never not appropriate, and
with that flounce you look positively elegant. But that deep,
decollete neckline? My God, I get the impression you're hardly
wearing anything! Look at your cleft! So abundant? So soon? Is
there something you haven't been telling me?"
"Anna did it with pads in my brassiere, she calls it a demi bra, it
sort of pulls my chest together. They do look like breasts, don't
"Well, I've seen Anna work wonders even when there's not yet much
there for her to work with. But I'd never have guessed that your
boobs were already almost as big as mine -- I mean, it's been only
three months since I started you on .... Ahhh, uh, did Anna do your
hair too? It looks so soignee! So ... so feminine! It softens
your face beautifully, honey! Wear it well!"
"No, Anna sent me to a salon she knows across town, she said I
needed professional treatment on my big day. A place called 'Cute
'n Sassy' of all things. My first time out dressed, and in this
dress! Not exactly prim or modest! I felt so embarrassed going
in, though nobody seemed to notice thank God. And then absolutely
humiliated hours and hours later when I left. That's why I'm a
little late -- I ...."
"Humiliated, sweetheart? Why in the world? You're lovely!"
"Because ... because of what they did to me. My hair, my face, my
nails, my skin, I mean, now I'm so positively ... girly! I tried
to sneak out of the back room when they were done, but no way, I
had to pass through the main salon past all those chairs and lines
of hairdryers and so on. And then every woman in the place who
wasn't under some machine or other stood up and applauded. They
were cued I guess, they wanted to encourage me and welcome me, now
that I'm really one of them, truly a woman, that's what Denise told
me. The girl at the front desk made a big deal out of presenting
me with a full-scale fancy make-up kit, an inaugural gift she
called it."
"Really? How sweet! Where is it now, in your purse?"
"In the car. It's an overnight case, way too big for my purse.
With all sorts of things in it and room for more. Even one of
those sheer nightgowns you like to wear sometimes, 'for that
romantic moment when he asks you to stay over,' it says on the
"Oh, how thoughtful! You can wear it tonight!"
"Laura, how can I use any of it? All those lipsticks and
eye-shadows and jars of face creams and bottles of who knows what
"You're using all those things right now, aren't you? And aren't
you glad to? Imagine coming into a fashionable cocktail lounge
like this in a posh hotel like this as plain and barefaced as --
say -- one of the chambermaids they have upstairs. Then people
really would be staring at you! I mean, a girl's make-up can look
daring or shy, risque or modest, whatever her mood, but we all do
need to maintain a certain standard, honey! With that dress you
need to be made up appropriately, you have no choice! You need to
look as perfect as you do now, right down to your bare foundation
and blush! With a faint perfume like yours to remind men that
we're all delicate flowers and expect to be treated accordingly."
"That's what Anna said. But honey, remember. I did this for you,
and only for now. This is your special present for your birthday
-- you said you didn't want any other present, only this one. Who
knows why, but I love you, so here I am. And it's turned out to be
... interesting, getting myself ready. But this certainly isn't
anything I'd want to keep doing as if I were one of the women I see
here, not all the time."
"One of the other women, Monty. You're now one of us -- those
women in the salon have already applauded you into our ranks.
'Monty' ... no, that name won't do now, will it? Let's see. Of
course, 'Mandy,' short for Amanda. Close enough, all right?
Don't be too sure you won't ever want to do this again, Mandy. Or
keep doing it. You never know. It can be very exciting, being a
woman. I love it! Don't you?"
"Some. I guess. Yes, Laura, I do sometimes."
"Then why did you feel 'humiliated' when they finished with you at
this 'Cute 'n Sassy' place? You were ashamed that you look so
gorgeous? Ashamed that all the other women thought so too?
Sweetie, did you think they were mocking you when they applauded?
No, not at all, they weren't mocking you, I'm sure of it, they were
congratulating you! Also probably applauding the girls who'd just
worked on you and performed a miracle, turned a reasonably decent
looking man into a ... living doll. A stunning babe. Because
that's what you are now, babe! So get used to it!"
"I don't think so, Laura. But can we go now? Or at least can we
sit in that far corner over there and order a drink, then go? I
need one, I'm very uncomfortable."
"Honey, Anna told me only last week that a make-up kit as a parting
gift is a rare honor at that salon. That if it happens you should
feel proud. Usually, when women go through what you went through,
all that extensive coloring and streaking and all the extensions
and shaping and curling and all, I mean curling even down to the
eyelashes. And the depillations and the facials and all. Usually
when women are finished and they look ... well, as good as they can
look, they're usually presented with a small bottle of perfume to
thank them for their patience. It's only the celebrities and the
really alluring ones like you that are awarded a full make-up kit!
The salon is telling you something with that gift!"
"So I should feel honored?"
"Yes! Honey, don't sound so ironic or resentful! I want you to
love all of this walk on the wild side, or anyhow the other side,
my side! What you're doing, how you look, all of it! Otherwise
why do it at all?"
"Well, Laura, I did it because you told me you wanted this and only
this for your birthday. You wanted to know once and for all what
I'd be like if I were a woman. To satisfy your curiosity, because
you think I'm so wonderful in so many other ways, that's what you
told me."
"And I'm it finding out, too! So far it's wonderful!"
"Why that should pique your curiosity I have no idea, honey. But
I agreed, and then I agreed again when you said it had to be done
right, so I'd have to practice it for weeks, months as it turned
out, and be trained by a professional like Anna for hours every
evening, nearly. That I had to look my absolute best. Then on the
big day I'd meet you in a suitable public place for a drink, to
test my acceptance of the role, and also so you could see what I'm
like when I'm being a lady with lots of others around."
"Yes. Mandy, and I'm impressed. Aren't you yourself even a little
teensy bit pleased and proud that you turned out so ... thoroughly
"Honey, I guess I have to be! You decided that this bar is where
we'd have our drink, and it's in the fanciest hotel in town. Maybe
the only bar in town that isn't dimly lit. Well, we're here. But
do we have to stay? Can't we go home now that you've seen me
"Honey, no! And you still haven't answered my question! Aren't
you pleased to be you at this moment? Don't you love it?"
"'Love it' is a bit strong, babe. Yes, I guess I'm glad that no
one's staring at me. That I don't look like a freak, or feel like
one, I've been worried about that. All right, yes, I'm both
pleased and proud that I ... I look as good as most of the other
women here."
"Yes, you do. Better than most. You look like a girl, and when a
girl looks her absolute best, she wants to be seen looking her
absolute best in the absolutely best places. That's a rule.
That's one reason we're here. So now I'll answer your question.
No, we can't go home, we're just getting started! It'll still be
my birthday for ... let's see, another seven and a half hours, and
I'm going to insist on enjoying your present to me, you sweet ...
girl, for every minute of it. And on you enjoying it too, in all
sorts of ways. I want you to be my best friend, the best girl you
can be, for every one of these seven and a half hours. We'll have
our drinks here, and then dinner, and we'll chat, and when we leave
here we'll go do the whole town! Aren't you curious about all the
different things two women alone in this big town can find to do
for seven and a half hours?"
"We aren't two women, we're a man in drag and one woman. Laura,
"Amanda, listen to me! You're wrong. You're a woman! That's what
you look like, so that's what you are, is that understood?"
"And that's what you'll be with me for the rest of this evening at
least! If you're going to keep complaining I'm going to walk out
of here and go celebrate my birthday on my own somewhere else.
With someone else, if you don't care enough about me to give me
what I want even though you promised. Maybe I'll celebrate for a
lot longer than just seven and a half hours!"
"Honey, please, I just thought ...."
"This is my birthday! How could you?"
"Laura, please, all right, yes, whatever you want, I'm sorry, I
really and truly am sorry, I guess I didn't understand exactly what
you had in mind when you asked me to ... look like this for your
birthday. I mean you know it's been months now that I've been
learning how to do all sorts of female things. So I could please
you and not disgrace me. Now can we at least go sit down now? Be
a little less ... noticeable? Maybe?"
"We will, Mandy. But you see how the tables in this bar are all
hidden in those little alcoves? They're rather private. And right
now our purpose is to be seen, so let's just keep standing here a
little longer. I want you to get so thoroughly accustomed to being
seen that you won't be the least bit self-conscious about it. To
persuade yourself that you're in fact what you seem to be, one more
of the lovely ladies who come here for the cocktail hour, a
charming companion to any man. Right now, to another man's wife.
Who can say you aren't? Besides, everyone here is always checking
out everyone else, you should know that! It enhances your
reputation to be seen here."
"Not mine! I have none! Honey, I do grant you that this is the
fanciest bar in town, what with all its polished wood and Tiffany
lamps and that sophisticated art on the walls and all. And yes,
it's in the most prestigious hotel in town. And yes, they charge
a lot even for non-alcoholic drinks. But it seems to me that this
is the kind of place people come only when they want to impress
each other."
"Well, you came in order to impress me, didn't you? To show me
that you were willing to give me the one birthday present I most
want in the world? At any cost? Your masculinity suppressed
utterly and your femininity fully on display?"
"That's not what I meant. I meant people come here to give other
people the impression that they're high up in society. That they
eat higher off the hog and have more money. That they can afford
a place like this."
"Well, honey, if they're here, they can afford it. It's true that
here people tip the waiters what would be the whole bar bill
anywhere else. But most people come here for the same reason other
people go to sports bars or Irish pubs or poor people's saloons.
To be with their own kind. To feel they belong. Because they've
achieved a certain amount of social standing, yes -- you know,
money, privilege, respect, all the rest of it. They no longer have
to impress anybody. They merely want to live well -- they can
afford the best, and they want the best, and this place is the
best, that's all!"
"I suppose."
"I mean, my boss, the head of my company, he often comes here after
work to meet friends and just talk. He brings big money clients
here to relax after a day's dealing and negotiating. He's got
nothing to prove to anyone."
"Is he here now?"
"As a matter of fact, yes, he is, standing over there. You see
him? The man with the solid build in the expensive-looking grey
"Talking to that tall guy who looks like an athlete of some kind?"
"Honey, for goodness sake, never look directly at any man, unless
you're checking him out to see if he'll do for a bed partner!
Because that's surely what he'll think you're doing. You're
supposed to be a girl now, and a girl has to seem modest! Even
when she's under him and he's inside her and pounding away and
she's in heaven, and he's exactly what she's wanted all night, and
he's exactly where she's wanted him, she still needs to pretend
she's been ... well, seduced almost against her will. So he'll go
the extra mile to please her."
"I'm sorry. Anna cautioned me about that too. Avoid eye contact
unless you mean it."
"But yes, that's Bob, and good for you, yes, an athlete, that's
Taylor Madigan he's talking to. You recognized Taylor from the
newspapers? You're right, a former pro star quarterback they tell
me, whatever that is! Now he manufactures all sorts of sports
equipment, he's as big as it gets, and he's setting up a new
factory just outside of town, and he's awarded our company the
primary contract. Worth millions and millions! We've been
developing the plans for months, and it happens that the final
documents were signed only this afternoon. Bob announced he'd be
taking Taylor here for a drink to celebrate. That's why I thought,
here's where you'll meet me to give me my special birthday present,
yourself looking like a girl. It's the perfect place to be seen!"
"'Bob?' 'Taylor'? You're on a first name basis with the head of
your company, and with your company's biggest clients?"
"Some of them, honey. I am one of Bob's administrative
secretaries, after all. He asks us to do all sorts of things all
the time, solve all kinds of problems for him, and it can get
pretty informal sometimes. What did you expect?"
"Nothing, I guess. Does he know you're here?"
"Well, yes. Earlier he nodded at me and raised his eyebrows when
he saw I was alone. You know. Men in bars are always checking out
single women, and a few minutes ago that's just what I seemed to
be, by myself and dressed to the nines. Could he ever guess that
what I was waiting for was a husband also dressed gorgeously -- a
little provocatively too, if I may say so -- who happened to be
running a little late because he was getting his hair and face
done, so he'd look as elegant as I do. All to help me celebrate my
birthday the way I want? The way he promised, because he's such a
sweet dear? What was Bob supposed to think? So he beckoned me
over and asked me how things were going, and I told him."
"You told him your husband would be meeting you here dressed as a
"I told him I was expecting my dearest girlfriend, I've known her
for years, and that she'd be meeting me here in only a few moments.
And you did!"
"Honey, can't we please go sit in a corner somewhere? Or better
yet, leave? Now they're both looking in our direction."
"You know honey, as I look at you, I see it's true! Anna told me
that with your bone structure you'd end up one of the prettiest
girls in town, no problem, she was sure of it. And I must say
that's just what she's made you. Along with those 'Cute and Sassy'
people. It's astonishing, really. A girl who looks like you
should want to be noticed! It's no wonder they're eying you, so
are others! No, don't look for any others, you might accidentally
catch their eye, and then you'll have to deal with them, and I'm
sure you're not ready for that."
"Laura, please! Can we go to a table? That booth way over at the
far end there is empty. Please?"
"Well, all right Mandy. But I want you to leave here fully
socialized as a woman. The way I know you and Anna practiced. So
we're going over there first, so I can introduce you to Bob, and
then he can introduce you to Taylor, and you can put a few of your
social graces to use. Anna gave you a passable women's voice,
didn't she? Why haven't you been using it this whole time?"
"Laura, I've practiced it now and then, but it's always seemed to
me so ... so silly, that flute-like sound. It's as if I was no
longer a man...."
"Mandy! Amanda! May I point out ...?"
"Yes, all right, no need, I know what I look like. And yes, women
have flute-like voices, and they're not silly. You are serious
about this, aren't you? You really want me to go all the way,
don't you?
"Amanda, if you want the world to think you're a man in drag, as
you say, you're free to go right ahead and show the world what kind
of a man you are. Yes, this evening is supposed to be all out.
You can go all the way, as you rather precipitously put it, if you
really want to, and I'll turn a blind eye. Because it'll tell me
you're that kind of a girl, and yes, if you are then plan to go all
the way! I love it! You may well too!"
"Laura, I didn't mean it that way, I meant all girl ... I mean
"Amanda, listen to me! You promised to dress up as a woman and
meet me in a public place for my birthday so we could have a drink
and be two women together. And that's that! Didn't you? So relax
and just be one! What happens happens! And just so you're clear
about it, let me remind you once again, this isn't only for right
now and then we go home. I mean, look how long ago we hired Anna
to develop your femininity, to train you in womanhood! What was
it, three months ago? And she's been coming to our house almost
daily ever since then? And you've taken a lot of your office work
home just so you could meet with her daily and perfect your look
and your manners, learn how to be a persuasive woman and feel like
one and so on."
"That's right. That's why I ...."
"And you've made tremendous progress -- right now if I didn't know
I'd never for a moment suspect you weren't a society debutante or
a cover girl or actress, some kind of professional beauty! All for
today! This was never supposed to be a kiss and run -- it's for
the whole evening, and maybe more if we both find it's a good idea.
Probably more! I'm sorry you didn't understand that, babydoll, but
from the scope of it all, from everything I've asked of you, you
should have assumed it."
"All right Laura, I understand, don't be so exercised!"
"I mean, really! Why go to all this trouble just to have one drink
and go home? Why spend months remaking your figure and practicing
how to act and talk like a real girl and all, and hours getting
yourself made up to look like one? Was it really only for me? All
right, let's say it was all for me, because this is what I want!
If you don't want to be embarrassed, or humiliated as you put it,
then make up your mind that you're a real girl and that's that, and
then be one! All the way, as you say. I'm sure Anna gave you some
of the mental disciplines you need to persuade yourself."
"Yes, she did. Some physical experiences too, though one was so
... stressful I can only partly recall it. She wasn't just out
just to develop my femininity, she also wanted to undermine my
masculinity! And in some ways she did! Some of the things I've
done? I ... well, I try not to think of them, but they get into my
dreams sometimes, and ...."
"Honey, don't worry. I want you to enjoy this. If you'd feel
humiliated, I won't imply to anyone that you're really a man.
Though the fact is, I'm proud that you're a man in a Hilda Sedgely
gown that shows off a very attractive woman's figure, a man who it
happens is also beautifully done up and I find, frankly -- well,
ravishing! As far as I'm concerned we're two girls out for the
night and looking for some fun. I'm having a birthday and you're
helping me celebrate! All right? Is that clear? No more
hesitating and complaining? I can always go off alone with Bob and
Taylor you know! I'll bet they know how to treat a girl on her
"All right."
"So we'll be going over there for you to meet them and have a drink
with them. Maybe more than one. They're two men and we're two
women? Is that understood?"
"They invited us and I told them I'd bring you around, and I
thanked them. Understood?"
"But first we need to be clear about one or two things. Men expect
things. Mandy, I can't say I've paid a lot of attention lately,
but those boobs really are you, your own, aren't they? There's
quite a lot of plump flesh poking out of your dress. Answer in
your feminine voice, please, Mandy."
"I told you, Laura. Anna did it with this bra -- it pulls my ...
chests together. Just under the nipples."
"I can see that for myself. You really do have breasts, Mandy.
Lovely soft mounds! So as far as being a woman goes, you're
already halfway there. So stand up very straight and push them out
a little. That's it! I keep telling you, be proud!"
"They aren't breasts, Laura! They're ... well, yes, I guess for
the last month or so I there's been a certain amount of ... excess
there. Anna insisted I should quit with the gym because the
machines were encouraging me to lurch like a guy, that's what she
said, and she wanted me to flow like a girl. All the time. 'Get
serious,' she said. I remember, at the time I was lying there
while she waxed me to get rid of my body hair. The same time she
gave me pills to smooth down my skin and so on."
"In addition to the ones I ...? Well, well! That does explain
"Well, my pectoral muscles went soft in no time, from lack of
exercise I suppose, and Anna started calling them breasts so I'd
feel more authentic. Then a month or so later my nipples got
really sore and sensitive and sort of cone shaped and began to
stand out instead of lie flat, and I began to poke out and sag a
little, my chest did I mean -- it got that bad. I asked her what
to do about it and she just said, 'What did you expect? I told
you, you want to be an authentic woman, they're breasts! Be glad.
Wear a bra!'"
"She wanted you to accept as a fact that you were developing a
woman's shape? That makes sense. You do know I hope that women's
breasts have certain ... advantages wholly apart from their
convenience for feeding babies. They attract men, for openers.
That may not interest you now, but ... well, the other big
advantage is, when they're caressed they can send a girl through
the roof and then ... ahh, honey, I see by the way you're starting
to blush that you already know what I was about to say! You
darling! You do love them, don't you!"
"Yes, yes, I do. Laura, they do feel wonderful when I ...!"
"It's not only your boobs, honey. A month ago or so I noticed when
you were coming out of the shower that your waist was thinning and
your bottom was rounding out. You really have quite an attractive
shape now."
"It does seem so. It became obvious even to me in time. Anna was
always urging me to think of myself as a woman all the time.
'Method acting' is what she called it. 'It'll help you to become
one if you feel like one,' she'd say."
"That's true, Mandy. It does. But you resisted it, didn't you?"
"At first. It seemed so ... demeaning at first. I couldn't help
it, I kept reminding myself that I'm a man, not a woman. I told
her that, and she was appalled! So one afternoon she got serious.
She sat me down and had a long talk with me about it, and afterward
it all got a lot easier. I'm not sure what she said, but I began
to like it, becoming a woman. She just talked, and it got to be a
little boring. But also relaxing -- I even dozed off for a while.
And afterward, strange dreams!"
"Did you? Dreams about men? About women?"
"Both, I think. When the first session ended she gave me a mantra
to chant whenever I wanted to feel more like a girl. So I could
'live in my femininity' the way I live in my skin, that's how she
put it. Last week I was repeating that mantra almost non-stop to
get ready for this ... birthday of yours. All day. It did help.
At least it relieved my anxiety, and I stopped feeling
self-conscious about all the girly stuff I'd been practicing, and
I began to enjoy it, and began flowing. That's how she put it. I
flow all the time now."
"I have noticed, Mandy. Very gracefully. I wasn't sure I should
tell you."
"I didn't notice it myself, but guys at the office sure did.
They'd already started calling me 'the full Monty' when my chest
began to fill out. Then when one actually saw a bra strap, that
did it -- I became the new girl on the block. And after Anna
started her quiet talks with me they started calling me 'Swing and
Sway,' whenever I walked down the corridor, and they whistled at
the way my butt rocks back and forth whenever I walk away from
them. But I'd say my mantra again and then I didn't mind at all.
You know how guys can be."
"I know. Guys! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em,
right? So you took to waggling your butt at your co-workers? I
never knew! Real cute, honey! What was the mantra Anna gave you?"
"The first line of that song from 'West Side Story,' a girl sings
it when she's happy and falling in love. A wonderful state of
mind. That's my mantra. Whenever I say it, things always seem a
lot easier for me. I become 'more persuasive in my presentation,'
that's what Anna says. More persuaded, that's for sure. Even
though I still feel like a fool sometimes, I get to feeling more
feminine without even thinking about it. Deliciously! Glad to
feel feminine! And the effect's cumulative. The more often I say
it, the more persuaded I become."
"That sounds helpful. What's the line?"
"'I feel pretty.'"
"I didn't quite hear?"
"'I feel pretty,' Laura!"
"And each time you say it ... what is it again?"
"'I feel pretty!'"
"Each time you say it you lose a certain amount more of your
self-consciousness about being ... less manly? You feel more
feminine? It's easier for you to go with the flow?"
"Yes, I do, oddly. All those things. It helps a lot! It puts me
in the right mood and then I don't mind pretending I'm ... a girl.
Sometimes I don't even have to pretend -- it feels real! Like now,
I like this feeling. For a while, anyhow. It can be fun!"
"That's nice. Yes, it is fun being a girl. I think so. So all
last week you used the mantra at work to put yourself in the mood
for tonight? You said it so often that others noticed the effect?"
"Yes. I'd sit at my desk and tell myself "I feel pretty." And
when I concentrated on it, I really did! I could never have gone
to 'Cute 'n Sassy' and then come here if I still felt as
self-conscious as when I started. This is my first time out of the
house looking like a girl, remember, and being seen by everybody.
Believing that I'm pretty and saying it helps me over the hurdles
-- I can actually believe I'm an actual girl. In a way. It gives
me a chance to get used to the idea. Being a girl, I mean."
"And are you now used to it? Being a girl?"
"For now, yes. It's funny, those talking sessions with Anna. For
a few of them it's been as if I was someone else altogether. A few
times recently she's had me doing things -- or at least she's given
me the impression I'd done them -- as if I actually were a girl.
I could tell because I'd feel very ... odd sometimes when I woke
up, as if I'd been walking in my sleep and doing something
strenuous. At first I couldn't remember exactly what, but there'd
be a funny taste in my mouth or funny feelings ... elsewhere.
'Subliminal desire training' she called it -- it's supposed to
develop my feminine self even more intensively. The mantra helps
me tap into it. Maybe I should have said it a few more times
before I walked in here? It would have helped a lot, I bet."
"What would have helped, Mandy?"
"Saying 'I feel pretty!'"
"Yes. I'm sure. So when Anna talks to you about being a girl,
that helps you feel like one? She puts you into a trance to get
you accustomed to certain girly things?"
"I suppose so. This past week, each evening when she came over we
talked quietly, and it was always so relaxing that hours would go
by before I'd even begun to notice that ... hours had gone by. I
felt much more receptive afterward to all the other things she
wanted me to do. And they did come much easier -- I liked doing
them. You know, little things like how to sit in a skirt, and how
to hold my wrists and fingers so they're dainty, things like that.
It all seems so much more natural now."
"So now you're a natural woman? Fun!"
"I wouldn't say that, Laura. Not perfectly natural. For that I'd
need longer memories of myself as a woman, and more deep
habituation. But it doesn't bother me any more that it doesn't
just happen naturally. That I have to make it happen. It's all
easier for me now. More comfortable. When I say my mantra I don't
get hung up about looking or acting effeminate, or whatever I am.
I just ... am. I act appropriate. So for example if the guys at
the office start razzing me about my bra or my moves or my ass, I
don't care. I figure they're just being guys, that they're
complimenting me the way guys do. Like, all last week Anna wanted
me to wear tight pants, to show off my new figure so I'd feel proud
of it. So finally I did. They made cracks of course. About how
round my ass is now, and how I move it. And they'd comment on my
tight crotch now that I tuck my genitals way back. 'Hey, the
pussy's got a pussy!' is what they'd say. But I'd say my mantra
and then I didn't care. I even felt good that they noticed!"
"You'd say what, again?"
"'I feel pretty.' And you know? I did! I do! I wanted to wear
a tight sweater to go with the pants, but Anna thought I should
wait with that. 'Don't be a slut right off,' was what she said.
'When you want to attract men, mean it!'"
"Well, you are pretty, Mandy. And you know something else? I love
your new hairdo. Enjoy it!"
"Thank you. I already feel a lot easier about that too. Much more
than when I came in here just now. I should have been telling
myself 'I feel pretty' all along."
"I'm glad you have now. Because you are pretty, sweetheart! And
from what you tell me, I don't think anyone at your office will be
surprised when you next show up looking the way you do?"
"Laura, why should they be? I always show up looking the way I
"I mean, the way you look now. Not only swinging and swaying your
butt, and poking out your boobs, but with a lovely new hairdo as
well as your face all made up. You'll have to maintain this new
look, you know. You don't see a problem?"
"Not really. Denise told me I'd have no problem maintaining my
hair style. Fifty strokes each night, she said, and when I wash it
I should touch it in a few places with a curling iron, and it'll
fall back into place by itself. Long hair with a good cut does
that -- that's why she gave me the extensions. No problem."
"I see. I suppose you'll wear your eyeshadow to the office too?
And lipstick?"
"Anna says I'll have to with my hairdo this fancy. You said it
yourself, I'd look odd if I didn't. Barefaced is too plain a look
for a business office."
"You'll just say your mantra and then you'll feel no embarrassment
or humiliation at all? Voila? Say your mantra again, honey."
"'I feel pretty.' You know something Laura? I really do believe
it now! Don't you?"
"Honey, I really do! I've already told you, you're gorgeous!
You're just how I've wanted you to look! When will you be seeing
Denise again? Two weeks?"
"I think so, I'll have to check my calendar."
"Mandy, let me call your attention to something. Do you realize
you're assuming that this isn't just for tonight, that it's for a
while to come, all this brushing and dressing and looking and
acting like a woman?"
"Anna insisted I persuade myself of it, honey. That I'll be a
woman for always, even if I won't. That's how the mantra works.
If I don't feel real, I might not look real, and that could get
really embarrassing. Like when I first came in just now, I felt
sort of in disguise. Not real."
"But now you do feel real?"
"Oh yes. Real enough, anyhow. Always when I say that line from
the song, yes. Look, Laura, I really do need to sit down. I'm not
accustomed to wearing my heels quite this high, and my ankles are
killing me."
"Sweetheart, certainly, yes. I'm willing to sit with you now, now
that you aren't complaining about yourself any more. Now that
you're proud that you're pretty! I think we both need a drink. We
have lots to celebrate. My birthday and I guess yours too, in a
way, your birth day as a woman!"
"Anna dated my birthday some time last week, when she brought over
her husband and ... well, never mind."
"Mandy, what say we invite Bob and Taylor over there to join us?
See if they'd like to sit with us and have a drink too? Shall we?"
"Honey, I ... well, all right. But are you really sure they won't
think I'm some sort of queer, dressed up like this? A traitor to
masculinity? Some guys feel pretty strong about ... sissies."
"They'll think you're the way you feel, Mandy. Which is ...?"
"But also a woman?"
"Yes. A woman."
"Who feels?"
"Oh, yes, 'I feel pretty!' I do, too."
"OK. So let's knock 'em dead, honey! Just keep telling yourself
that and you'll be fine. You can have fun and work your womanly
wiles on them and feel really good about it all. Anna taught you
some of those, didn't she?"
"We practiced flirting a little, yes. Looking sideways at a guy
with a small smile, teasing him, that kind of thing. Not much."
"Probably enough, it doesn't take much. Did I mention that before
you came in, Bob suggested we have dinner together afterward?"
"I thought he just lifted his eyebrows at you!"
"He did. We talked, too. You see honey, I .... Well, I have to
confess it, a lot of tonight was pre-arranged. I didn't want you
to be bothered to know anything until it looked like everything
would work out. I think now that it will."
"Laura, what are you talking about?"
"I guess I do sound mysterious. Honey, let's back up a bit. Bob
has been hoping to bring in this Taylor Madigan contract for a long
time. For over a year in fact. Then a few months ago when it
began moving he put a question to me. Once the deal is set and
established and construction gets under way, did I know anyone
familiar with accounting and good management practices and
construction who could take over and coordinate all the
arrangements between Taylor's company and our company, and
subcontract out everything else? Oversee the whole factory
building project, in effect. Work closely with Taylor at all
times, and be agreeable at all times, keep him happy, yet control
all those millions in costs so our company can profit from the
deal? Well guess what, I immediately thought of you!"
"Well, thank you, Laura. That is the kind of thing my firm does,
and I've done a lot of it personally, as you know."
"Bob stressed that it involves working with Taylor over many, many
months, coping with all his desires and whims as they develop. You
know. Give him the kind of attention he'd get if you were married
to him, virtually. Practically living with him."
"Clients do have second thoughts about many things once they're
under way, often rightly so. I've babysat lots of them through
different stages of their proposals. I'm accustomed. I can deal
with it. I could take a leave from my own company and take this on
as an independent management project -- my own contract allows for
that. What's the fee for management services this contract with
Madigan reserves?"
"Honey, it's huge. Over a million. And a percentage of savings if
the project comes in under budget."
"Are you saying we could end up millionaires? Multi-millionaires,
even? By my doing it? Why not call in one of the big construction
management firms? Why not divvy up the work and let the different
jobs out for bids. There are experienced guys all over who ...."
"This is why, sweetheart. Taylor has specified that he wants one
person only in total charge. A special kind of person, one who's
... compatible with him in every way, and inclined to see that he's
satisfied. This is a personal project very close to Taylor's
"And that's me?"
"Well, see for yourself. Taylor's big and muscular, and he's been
deeply invested in sports of all kinds all his life -- he was a
four letter man in college, and you know he's played professional
football for ten years. He still follows all the teams and players
closely, in all the sports. He loves talking about it. That's why
his sporting goods company does so well."
"Yes. I've noticed. His company's always there first with the
best drivers, bats, helmets, racquets, and opinions about who's
going to win what. They even advertise during the Super Bowl, and
that costs millions! Sports are a passion with him."
"So the first requirement for any project manager who can work that
closely with him is also to know and care about all the ins and
outs of college and professional sports, all kinds. We need
someone who can talk with him about those things endlessly. That's
you, honey. I remember you were a sports reporter for your college
radio station, and you never did get over it. When the TV's on and
there's a game somewhere, you're always watching and arguing with
the screen. You're almost as passionate about it as he is."
"I guess. I know the games and follow them, that's true. And I
love talking about them."
"Well, Taylor loves talking sports too. But he's far too
competitive to tolerate talking sports with other men like himself
-- he's bound to pick quarrels. What's needed is someone who knows
and cares, someone Taylor can talk to about football and tennis and
golf and basketball and so on who'll understand, who knows all the
team histories, someone with the usual male interests, but is
otherwise utterly unlike Taylor. No way a big assertive man,
preferably someone ... well, yielding in temperament. No way
macho. Bob says what we need ideally is an ardent sports fan who
is nevertheless a 'pouffter,' to use his word. An out and out
flouncing gay man. Or at least limp-wristed and bisexual."
"Are you kidding? Laura, I suspect that a tough guy like Taylor
Madigan would smash a flouncing gay man in the face at the first,
least overture. I doubt such a guy would survive a day. Because
if Taylor didn't wipe the floor with him, his buddies would,
"That's what Taylor wants the world to think. But the world is
wrong. Because -- now hold on here, this is absolutely
confidential -- Taylor is gay himself. When it comes to sex, it's
guys he likes, not girls."
"Laura, I can't believe that! Taylor Madigan gay? He's a real man
several times over! I've seen pictures of him with babes on each
arm! Starlets, models, you name it! No way!"
"Honey, listen. Taylor Madigan is gay. Trust me on that. He's
friendly with girls, and girls are always coming on to him as you
can imagine. But he's into guys exclusively. Especially the kind
of guy who no way resembles what he is, the kind who offers no
competitive challenges to his own physical manliness. An
effeminate man. But he's a celebrity in the sports world, so he
doesn't want people ever to know. It would wreck his credibility,
his financial credit, and his sales. So what he's done quietly all
his life is date ... femme homosexuals and transgendered men who
look like women and live as women. The kind of man everyone can
assume is a woman and has always been a woman."
"Oh, my God! Honey! I see what you're .... What are you trying to
get me into? I'm not gay and I'm not transgendered!"
"No, of course you're not. You're a woman, right?
"I look like one, yes! But ...."
"Then you're like any other woman who's often reported to be the
constant companion of a famous macho man. It's all appearances!
You even feel like one when you say your mantra. That's an extra,
to feel pretty and to be pretty too. But that's not being gay.
Maybe half-way gay, but to the extent that you're still a male, you
know how to suppress residual male feelings with your mantra, don't
you? The leftover guy in you disappears whenever you say what?"
"'I feel pretty.' But ...."
"But nothing. I know more than you think, Amanda. I know you're
embarrassed to tell me, but didn't Anna encourage you to have
practice sex with boys while she was training you to feel and think
like a girl? Using 'method' acting techniques? So you could have
sex with a man as a woman, if it came to that?"
"Laura ...!"
"Didn't she?"
"All right, yes, she told me she intended to, yes. But it was
always when she was talking to me and I felt drowsy, so I never
paid much attention. In fact I kept forgetting until she reminded
me the next time."
"Reminded you of what? What happened?"
"Well, I ... this is so embarrassing, Laura! Please don't ask me."
"I am asking you, honey. Because it's important. It's what
confirmed to me that you were going to be a wonderful girlfriend
for me when we completed your ... transition."
"Well, one afternoon she brought her husband to the house -- he's
also a trainer at a health club, a bodybuilder. A big guy name of
"She told me afterward that he gave me a workout. Of sorts."
"A workout? Meaning?"
"Well, if you must know, I can only barely remember. Anna talked
to me while Scott stood there grinning, and I remember only parts
of what happened next. Like waking up and noticing you're awake
and then going back to sleep again? Laura, it's terribly
embarrassing. She says we spent a lot of time kissing each other!
With me in his ... arms. I guess I ... Laura, I don't want to talk
about this."
"Mandy! You and a handsome body builder? Kissing each other! How
very exciting! How wonderful! That must have made you feel very
"It did. Anna told me it did. I guess it did. I felt so very
pretty that afternoon. She'd dressed me in my laciest lingerie so
I'd be enticing, and she'd put silk sheets on the bed, I remember
that part, and I remember how eagerly I was awaiting ...."
"Silk sheets? On our bed? Mmmmm, we need to try that! So what
else? Did you and he do anything besides kiss? I told Anna I
wanted you to know everything about how girls satisfy men. I mean,
a girl has to be able .... There are reasons why girls like to
feel pretty. I wanted you to feel that deep joy! To know you're
woman enough to please any man! Do tell me, sweetheart!"
"Well, that first time she gave me a triple dose of something
before she began talking to me, so I barely recall anything after
the kissing, Laura. How it felt to be wrapped in his arms with my
lips pressed against his and his tongue .... Well, I did feel
marvelous after I woke up. As I told you, sort of strange. A
slick, sort of salty-sweet taste in my mouth, an odd flavor, and a
... just wonderful sensation in my ... my rear end. She explained
it by showing me a video clip of a woman who ... I guess the woman
was me, she said it was me, I was kissing his penis, I remember
that much of it."
"And then you gave him a blow job!"
"Yes. I saw the video. The same woman giving him a blow job. She
said that was me too."
"And you felt pretty the whole time. That's what you kept telling
"Yes. I suppose I did. I know I did while I was watching the
video. It was exciting!"
"Did it feel wonderful when you finally made him lose control and
his cock began to spasm and spurt cum into your mouth, all because
of you, all for you, because with your mouth wrapped around him he
couldn't help himself, all he could do was spurt? Girls always
love that moment. I do."
"I don't remember that part myself, but yes. I saw her, I mean me,
on the video, sucking and swallowing with one spurt on my cheek and
me scooping it up with one finger and swallowing that too.
Gleefully. I looked triumphant, absolutely delighted. I'd
conquered! So I guess so, yes."
"But you don't remember any of it yourself?"
"A little. Laura, I've been trying not to! But in my dreams yes,
I suck his cock over and over and I love it!"
"Why be ashamed, honey? Sex with a man is every girl's glory!
Don't you remember a highlight at least?"
"If you must know, one thing. The feel of his warm, thick tube on
my lips while they slid up and down it. It way it felt so ...
nice, as long as I didn't have to remember that he was a man and I
was a man. So I decided to imagine that I was a woman, and that's
what I did.."
"And you decided something else, too. You can say it, sweetheart.
Anna's already told me what she was suggesting to you while you
were in that trance and being a woman and happily sucking her
husband's cock. How she helped you through it. How she made your
first sex with a man a double delight for you instead of an
"She told me to imagine now and then that it was you sucking on
that penis!"
"So it was not only you as a woman, it was your wife who was
sucking another man's cock, not you, and that made it ... what?
Exciting? Deliciously wicked?"
"Yes. Very exciting. Incredibly erotic. I was humiliating my
husband by having sex with a better man. Cuckolding him.
Cuckolding myself. It was rapturous! I came almost immediately!"
"You darling! You are so wonderful! You wanted me to enjoy myself
sexually with another man, and it excited you so much to think it
was happening that you had an orgasm?
Yes. I don't want you to be with other men, but ... yes, I do too,
in a way! If it's me doing it as if I were you, yes! I think.
Oh, Laura, this is so confusing!"
"And you imagined the same thing again when he was fucking your ass
afterward? You imagined that you were being a woman, but also that
you were being me? You watched yourself being betrayed by a better
man and a willing wife, and you loved it? All the while being
yourself, a woman getting fucked, and that felt wonderful too?"
"And that got you off again? It felt so very good that you came in
buckets when his cock finally pulsed inside you and you felt his
hot sperm make your bottom all slick? When he began to slide in
and out greased by his own cum and you wished he'd stay hard
forever and never stop?"
"Yes. Not in buckets, but I did lose control and just kept
squirting. Did Anna show you the video of that?"
"Yes. Did she show it to you?"
"All I saw was Scott humping that woman. I realized she was surely
me and not you only after they both left the house. That was when
I noticed his cum still leaking out of my ass, and that my ass felt
really sore. Sore but even so, marvelous, same as the warm feeling
in my belly. I'd been used like a girl, so I tried to feel
ashamed, but ...."
"But it simply felt too good. Am I right?"
"Yes, honey. I felt wonderfully, marvelously ... feminine!
Fulfilled! Completed! So very pretty! Laura, I was so ashamed of
myself the next day! I didn't want you to know! I tried hard to
forget it myself!"
"Even so, that was when you started swinging and swaying your ass
at the office, wasn't it? The whole time remembering how you'd
felt with that cock buried in it? As any girl does who loves the
feel of a cock in her ass or her cunt. Or the memory of it? Never
mind, sweetheart. Anna has shown me all the videos, way more than
you've seen or remembered. Did you know that her husband, this
'Scott,' came back the next day, and you were so delighted you
jumped into his arms and covered him with kisses and for the next
three hours the two of you ... well, that was an evening I was out
of town, but Anna told me you were a mess. Your mouth and your ass
were stretched wide open, and your whole body was smeared with cum,
and you were utterly blissful!"
"I thought I'd only dreamt that!"
"She said that your pleasure from that afternoon had been from way
deep inside you, subliminal, affecting you profoundly. So part of
you now knows how you felt and wants it again and again. But that
you weren't ready to face that part of you consciously, not then.
You were still worried it meant you were gay, that it was the man
in you that loved it, not the woman. So she blocked almost all of
that afternoon from your memory until some future time when you'd
want to see the video. Then it would all come back, and you'd
remember that then you were the happiest woman in the world."
"I ... fucked her husband? Again? On my own? Did everything?
Free style?"
"And loved it all! Honey, it was then that I decided that my
birthday was when you should come into your inheritance, become a
girl for as long as you wished, and love it. That this was right
moment for you to come all the way out as a girl. To become my
girlfriend and make yourself available to Taylor as his reward for
contracting with us, and be his project manager and his constant
companion and his fuck mate the whole time the factory is being
"I see."
"And to make it even better for you, the whole time you're fucking
Taylor you'll want to know that I'm being available to Bob. Being
unfaithful to you in fact. So the man in you shrivels up and
leaves the woman in you lots of room to grow. Better still, Taylor
would never have me, so you're free to imagine you're me whenever
the woman inside you is fucking Taylor every conceivable way. If
you choose to. Knowing that at that very moment I might well be
fucking Bob, you'll feel double the pleasure! Some day I hope
you'll even enjoy imagining you're fucking Bob!"
"Laura! You ... and Bob?
"Oh, don't look so shocked, Mandy! This may all be new to you, but
it isn't to me. I've been available to Bob for months and months
now, trying to find a way to include you in my pleasures so we can
both benefit. Ever since the prospect of this project first came
up I've been planning for you to get the management contract. I
knew you'd never agree to have sex with Taylor the way he'd want
it, not without being first getting ... reoriented. So I came up
with this way to make Taylor seem more attractive to you. If he
knows you're a man, but you can think you're a woman, then you'll
both be able to enjoy each other."
"I don't know what to say, Laura."
"Bob took a little persuading too. At first he wanted to give
management of the project to a major construction management
company, and then just hire a male cunt for Taylor to use whenever
he feels like it. I persuaded him that arrangement would never get
us the contract in the first place. And I got real close to him
while persuading him. It was no sacrifice, Mandy. Girl to girl,
let me tell you, it was well worth the effort! Bob is ... well,
he's really something! Something you haven't been for a few years
"You...! You and Bob? Unfaithful to me?"
"Well, sweetheart, you? You and Anna's husband Scott? Unfaithful
to me? I saw your beatific expression as his cock slid in and out
of your face and then in and out of your ass. You loved it! If
you hadn't, I wouldn't have gone ahead with the rest of this. But
subliminally I guess you really are a woman now! You did love it,
so I did go ahead with this plan! You love feeling pretty, don't
"Yes. I guess."
"You guess? Don't you feel pretty now? Say so!"
"Laura, I do. I feel pretty! Yes, I do!"
"Honey, as your special reward, after tonight, if Taylor is
satisfied with you, I'll have Anna remove all your memory blocks
and then you'll remember as well as see everything that happened
during those sessions with her husband. Every last squirm and moan
and stretch and wriggle and blissful shriek!"
"I was that ... responsive?"
"You were. And honey, how that man fucked you is nothing compared
to the way Taylor is likely to fuck you. You wait, he'll make you
a complete woman, fully ripened, fully satisfied! In love with him
and lusting for him both at once! Eager to wrap yourself around
him! Wait till you see his shoulders, Taylor's I mean. You'll
love draping your legs over them! And his cock? Anna's husband
can't begin to measure up. I saw how Scott overwhelmed you, how he
brought out your inner girl so all you could do was gurgle and gasp
while he was fucking you. How it felt so good, you were so
grateful that afterward you fell to your knees and licked him
clean, then sucked his cock to a climax a second time."
"I don't remember any of that."
"It's on the tape, honey. You will. There are other tapes too --
remember, Anna's been conditioning you for months. When you feel
pretty enough you're capable of anything! That's when you're all
girl and every man's wet dream! You'll see. All Taylor has to do
is suck on one of your tits, barely even caress them, and you'll
shriek and make your every body opening available to him, and wish
you had still more! That's what Scott did to you, and that's what
you did in return! Are you still ashamed to confess that you love
the way your new titties feel? Or are you still in denial, still
claiming you don't have any?"
"Laura I .... Yes, they're there all right. They're always there.
I always know it."
"I've seen you lying in bed caressing your nipples before going to
sleep. I've heard you moan. It does feel wonderful, doesn't it?"
"Yes. Incredible. Once I touch them, anyone could do anything to
"Well, when there's a man doing it to you, someone whose whole
concern is to make you feel glad to be with him, you'll know the
true joy there is in being a woman. That there's none greater."
"Laura, you never told me any of this before tonight."
"Would you have agreed to go through female training and
reconditioning on your own? Then to take a male lover and manage
his project, then kiss him goodbye and settle into being a
well-laid millionaire? Would you agree even now, knowing what
you've already done and that I already know what you've done? No,
except that you're inclined to go with the flow and be the girl
Anna's just about brought out of you all the way. Aren't you?
You'd like to feel more of those deep satisfactions."
"No, I wouldn't have agreed, not then, and almost not now. There's
been so much deception here somewhere!"
"There's deception here everywhere, lover. But remember, I never
lied to you, I merely failed to tell you the whole truth about
things. Wives often don't, especially not to their husbands, in
order to preserve a greater good, their marriages. But think how
we'll be from now on! True girlfriends always tell each other
everything! They hide nothing from each other. That's what we'll
be to each other, sweetheart! That's what girlfriends are for, to
listen with sympathetic ears that want to hear everything! I must
say, honey, when you walked in a little while ago and I saw you and
I finally recognized you, I was bowled over. You really are a
stunning woman! I'm so jealous! From now until our old age we're
going to have such fun shopping and so on, and advising each other
about all kinds of things. And our babies will have two mothers to
love them and nurse them and two caring women to help them grow
tall and strong. So, sweetheart, do you feel still pretty?"
"I guess. But Laura ...."
"Then say it."
"I feel pretty! But...."
"I hope so. Because there's a whole new wardrobe waiting for you
upstairs this minute, in the bridal suite you'll share with Taylor
tonight, in luggage that matches your new cosmetics case, which by
now is up there too, with all the other things you'll need to make
yourself feel pretty for the next two weeks. Because to seal the
deal, after one beautiful, blissful honeymoon night for you and
Taylor, tomorrow all four of us depart on a two-weeks cruise to
Bermuda. The two of us and the two of them. Don't you think it's
time you met your lover now, sweetheart?"
"Laura, why are you so sure that I would ever ...."
"Three things, honey. Our marriage is one -- if you won't, you
aren't the man I hoped you'd be when I married you. You'll have
proven that you lack ambition for yourself and respect for my
opinions and plans, and I'll probably divorce you. Second, there's
Anna's videotape. Yes, that's evidence of infidelity I can always
use in any divorce proceeding, but I don't mean to ever. The
videotape proves that down under Monty's masculinity and misplaced
macho pride there's now a marvelously passionate Amanda, eager to
express herself! One who takes enormous pleasure in fucking and
sucking a suitably endowed man. Anna nurtured that desire in you
and it grew until it can now overwhelm you. You can't resist it
and you can't hide it any more, Mandy! You love sex even more than
I do! And then there's one more really big reason too."
"Honey, have you forgotten? It's my birthday! If you were willing
to make yourself into a woman for my birthday, and go to such great
trouble over so long a period of time, and if you've already had
sex as a woman, then surely there's no reason for you to refuse to
have sex as a woman to help me celebrate my birthday as the best
ever. I want to go to Bermuda with you. Don't you? That's the
real birthday present you'll be giving me -- all the rest is just
what makes it possible. I'll sleep with Bob and you'll sleep with
Taylor for two weeks, probably a lot longer, and when this
project's done we'll be rich. Every year for the rest of our lives
we'll be able to go somewhere wonderful on my birthday! We'll be
able to afford it and lots of other things too!"
"I see."
"Oh, honey, we're going to have such fun with our guys!"
"You're happy?"
"Yes. Yes, I am."
"Then I guess I am too. I guess ... we can. Yes."
"Oh, I love you, Mandy! I really do!"
"And ... well, it's your birthday, Laura. I love you too. Happy
birthday sweetheart. I'll do whatever you want today, because it's
your birthday today. But tomorrow's always another day."
"Yes. It is! Oh, Mandy, you've made me so happy!"
"Honey, I've decided. I'm not going over there with you to be
introduced to your boss Bob and to Taylor. Not now. I've been
standing and talking in full view of everybody for much too long
already. Instead, I mean to trot over to that corner alcove on my
high heels and aching ankles and sit down in that booth. And then
wait. You yourself said it, we want our men to extend themselves
to please us, not the other way around. I've done it for you for
months now. But if we're both women we'll want your Bob and this
Taylor to go the extra mile for us. So why not join me? We can
each suggest to those two gentlemen that they'll do well to come
over and join us at our table and buy us each a drink -- we both
know how to do that without raising either eyebrow. Then we'll see
where things go. After all, that's what usually happens in
cocktail lounges. Not the man-chasing you've proposed. That's not
"That's true, Mandy."
"Taylor will have to persuade me to take the job. I suspect he
will persuade me, if his sports conversation and his cock are as
lively as you say they are. Then in a year or two, if this project
works out, if things go as you've arranged them, maybe we can do
this again with another pair of men. You're right. There are
enormous advantages to being beautiful and wealthy women married to
each other but free to roam."
"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're seeing things my way now. I've
always thought just that, but I didn't want even to hint at it
until you were ready to hear me say so and then try it yourself!"
"You've always thought so? That you've always been free to roam?"
"Darling, that's another story for another time. Let's just settle
in. This is so cozy . Mmmm, I love your perfume -- I imagine
Taylor will too when you're stretched out together naked and he can
feel how smooth your skin is nowadays! Maybe even Bob can learn to
appreciate you -- I'm not that possessive, and I did once swear to
share everything with you. .... You were right, honey -- we
barely glanced at the two of them, and already here comes a waiter
with two drinks and our guys following in his rear. Is that your
own rear already wriggling, you naughty girl? They are handsome,
I agree! Maybe you should fix your lipstick?"
(c) 2009 by Vickie Tern