Total Transformation Salon And Spa: Jennifer And Mark (Part 5) free porn video

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 5) Later, Jennifer and Mark got out of bed and got ready to go on a run. Mark didn't have to think twice about putting on a pair of Jennifer's running shorts - he just did it. About a mile into the run, Mark had to stop. "What's wrong?" Jennifer asked. Panting slightly, Mark replied, "my chest is killing me" as he held his hands to his chest. "Let me see," Jennifer said. "Stand up straight and move your hands." Mark did. "Baby, I'm not surprised," Jennifer said looking at him. "Things are expanding inside in order to produce the milk. It's probably going to be a little sore for a while anyway but bouncing around like this is going to make it worse. You should wear one of my jog bras." Mark pulled his shirt tight and pushed his shoulders back. His chest didn't look any bigger... except his nipples were a lot more pronounced. "The bra will absorb some of the leaking, too," Jennifer said. Sure enough, small circles of moisture were showing on Mark's shirt around his nipples. It wasn't sweat. "Is that supposed to happen?" he asked? Jennifer giggled. "Yes. Especially at the beginning. Your glands and ducts need to learn to work together. Eventually it stops happening." Jennifer put her right hand to her right breast and stretched the job bra. As she did, a damp circle appeared. "See," she said, "it's happening to me, too." Mark looked at his wife and her gorgeous breasts. Jennifer looked back at him. "Maybe we should cut this short and go home for some... breakfast," she said with a sly smile. "Can we walk?" Mark giggled. They returned home holding hands. Jennifer sat down on the couch. "Come here," she said, patting the area of the couch next to her. "Lay down." Mark laid down on the couch, his head in her lap, looking up at her. Jennifer lifted the front of her sports bra over her breasts. Then she put her left arm under Mark's head and lifted it toward her left breast. He latched on and began to suckle. Jennifer's milk let down immediately and the waves of please flowed through her. A few minutes later, she switched Mark to her right side. "Lori said that the more stimulation in the beginning, the faster the milk production comes on," Jennifer said. "Mmm," Mark hummed. With Jennifer drained, it was Mark's turn. He sat up on the couch and Jennifer got down on her knees in front of him. She kissed his right nipple a couple of times and then began to suckle. Mark let his head fall backwards as he felt his milk let down and begin to flow. Unfortunately, Mark's milk production wasn't as advanced as Jennifer's. So it only took a minute or so per side to drain him. "Sorry, babe," he said when she was done with his left side. Jennifer elevated herself on her knees to move up to his face. "Don't be, baby... just drink lots of liquids and we'll make sure you have lots of... stimulation," Jennifer smiled. She kissed him. The taste of each other's milk still in their mouths. They showered and Mark went upstairs to the office to get in a few hours of work. He worked for a computer consulting firm and was working on a project for a local bank. It didn't pay a lot but being able to work out of the house and set his own hours made it all worth it. Jennifer stayed downstairs and started surfing the internet reading about lactation. About an hour later, Jennifer came up to Mark's office with her laptop in hand. She put it down on his desk and said, "it says here that the best way to increase early milk production is to stimulate the breasts and nipples 8-10 times a day." She smiled. "Besides... I'm hungry." Mark pushed his chair back and she knelt in front of him. He lifted his jersey - actually, it was her jersey - and Jennifer began to suckle his right breast. He still couldn't believe the pleasure. When she was done, Mark said, "my turn?" "Mine is coming in faster... so let's do every couple of hours with me," Jennifer replied. "But here's a big glass of water for you." She kissed him and started to leave the office. "Nice shorts, by the way," she said - and winked. Mark was wearing a pair of Jennifer's khaki shorts. They tied instead of buttoned at the top so they were a bit more loose than some of her others. On top, he had one of her white polo shirts. Underneath, a sexy purple thong. "Thanks," he smiled. The pattern repeated throughout the day - Jennifer feeding and bringing more water every hour. Mark feeding from her every other time. By the end of the day, Jennifer could already tell that his production was stronger than it had been that morning. A few hours after falling asleep after feeding, Mark awoke to Jennifer starting to suckle his breast. "I'm hungry..." she whispered. After she drained him, Mark fed from Jennifer. And a few hours later, they did it again. As they got dressed to go on their run, Jennifer handed Mark a pink jog bra - matching the one she was wearing. He looked at it. "Everything else is dirty," Jennifer said - understanding what his hesitation was. "Just throw one of my t-shirts over the top and nobody will know." This run was much better than the previous day. "How are they feeling," Jennifer asked about a mile in. "Great," Mark said. "No pain at all. In fact, it feels really exciting against my nipples." Jennifer smiled, knowingly. "Uh-huh," she giggled. They returned home, fed and showered. Mark was looking at himself in the mirror - checking out his chest. Jennifer stood behind him. "You should probably start wearing a jog bra all the time," she said. "They're already growing and they going to keep going. It's a lot more comfortable to have them... held." Mark did notice that his breasts were slightly bigger. And he knew she was right - keeping them secured was a lot more comfortable. Besides, he loved how the jog bra felt against his nipples. So he started wearing one under his shirt - her shirt - all the time. As the days passed, the pattern continued - hourly feeding and stimulation for Mark, every other hour for Jennifer and a couple of wake-ups during the night. By Thursday, Jennifer's breasts were at least a full cup-size larger. Mark's appeared to be about an "A". Mark also took to wearing Jennifer's clothes full time. Nothing "too girly" (using his words) but as the days passed, his definition of "girly" got a lot more... liberal. On Friday, they skipped their run so they could be on time for their appointment at the salon. Lori and Heather were waiting with Cassie as they arrived. Jennifer and Mark walked through the door holding hands. They were dressed alike. Skin-tight jeans, light yellow polo shirts and flip-flops. The women were amazed at Mark's feminine look. The low-cut jeans matched with the short polo left his midsection exposed. They noticed the belly ring. They also noticed the feminine shape of his crotch - no bulge at all. And even from here, they could notice the increased shape of his chest. "Good morning!" Cassie said. "Hi," they replied, smiling. Lori and Heather both had the same surprised pose - 1 arm crossed, the other supporting their head with index finger under their mouth. "Let's go," Lori said. "I can't wait to hear," Heather added. ... Jennifer quickly changed and lay down in the treatment chair wearing her white silk robe. "So?..." Lori said. "Oh my God," Jennifer replied. "What an amazing week!" "I bet! Tell me all the racy details! "Well," Jennifer started, " I got my period over the weekend so not a lot of sex but wow!" Lori smiled. "Well I can kind of tell from the size of the girls that things have been coming in." Jennifer opened her robe, exposing her breasts. "It's like an instant boob job!" she giggled. "I had to buy all new bras!" "Tell me all about it while I do your hair," Lori said. I was thinking a little trim and some major highlights." "Love it!" "And while the color sets, I have a little program that I think you might enjoy!" "Ooooo," Jennifer said excitedly. "I've been dying to try the sensory device." ... Mark entered treatment room 4B and just went straight to the chair and flopped down. Laying in the chair, Mark's 'figure' was even more pronounced. Heather could tell that he was wearing a bra under his top. But he clearly had budding breasts and extended nipples. And they way his male parts were tucked was incredible. "You look... amazing," Heather said. "I feel amazing, Heather," Mark replied. "I've never felt so good... so happy... so satisfied." "So I guess you put our lessons to good use?" she asked. "Actually... no," Mark replied. "Jennifer got her period on Sunday. This whole week has been about this!" Mark lifter his shirt and then his jog bra, exposing his chest. Released from the confines of the bra, Heather saw that Mark had a solid A-cup set of breasts... with a few drops of milk escaping. "That's incredible development for just a week!" Heather said. "It started on Monday morning - at least mine did. Jennifer did all kinds of research on the internet about milk production and found out that the more you stimulate them, the faster it comes in," Mark said. "Mm-hmm," Heather replied. "So she's been feeding from me just about every hour during the day and a couple of times at night. And I've been drinking water by the gallon just to keep up!" "Can we go take a few measurements?" Heather asked. "Sure!" They went into the changing room. "Please strip down to your panties and stand over there," Heather said motioning to a small room that looked like a shower stall. As Mark slithered out of his jeans, Heather noticed the shaved legs. And as the top and bra came off, she saw the underarms. Mark walked into the small room that Heather had motioned toward, wearing only a sexy green satin thong. "I think you met Kimberly, Brenda's wife. In a former life, he invented a 3D measuring and modeling technology. The device you're in will create a precise 3D model of you," Heather said. "He?" Mark asked. "What?" Heather replied. Mark chuckled. "You said 'he' invented the technology." Heather giggled. "I meant 'she'". Heather blushed. "Anyway... please stand as still as possible. It only takes a few seconds," she said. She pushed a few buttons on a keypad and the device whirred to life around Mark. About 10 seconds later, the lights went back down and the door opened. "All done!" Heather said. "That was painless," Mark laughed. "Why don't you slip into a robe and then come on out so we can take a look at the model and talk. You look a little... cold," Heather said, looking at Mark's nipples. They were hard as a rock. Mark went to the closet and grabbed a robe. He picked the white satin one instead of the black cotton. When he came back out to the treatment room, he found Heather seated at the desk. There was a wireframe 3D model projected on a large monitor at the end of the desk. "Have a seat," Heather said motioning to the chair beside her. "This is the model we just did of you," Heather said pointing toward the screen. "It's the first time so we don't have much 'before and after' to go on... other than your weight. But you're down almost 4 pounds from last week!" "Wow!" Mark said. "It must be that new diet I'm on," he giggled. "So you've been pretty much exclusively on Jennifer's milk?" "Yes," he replied. "Her milk came in on Sunday night. I haven't had anything else since then." Heather clicked a few buttons and the wire-frame model willed in with a very real looking model of Mark. "Wow," he said. "Yes... Kimberly's technology is incredibly detailed. "It lets us measure everything and even model things." "It's like Star Trek!" he laughed. Heather smiled. "I'm guessing the weight loss must have come primarily from your waist because you've already developed a solid set of A-cup breasts!" "Well, Jennifer's clothes have been fitting better," Mark said. "So you're wearing her clothes sometimes?" "All the time," Mark replied sheepishly. Heather smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. "You look great!" "Thanks," he said. Heather turned her chair to face him straight on. "You really seem to be enjoying this." "I am," Mark replied. "But I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've thought about this... maybe fantasized about this?..." she said. Mark paused, looking at Heather. "No," he finally said. "Tell me," Heather said, taking his hands in hers. "When I was young... I used to like dressing up in my sister's clothes when nobody was home. It felt really exciting... really comfortable. But I was too young to know anything about sex or anything like that." Heather gently squeezed his hands in support. "As I got older, I enjoyed it... and I got off to it. It started with panties and bikinis and sexy stuff like that. By the time I had my own place, I had a little stash of girl's clothes that I'd put on when I was alone." "When was that?" Heather asked. "Maybe 15 years ago," Mark replied. "So about 5 years before you got marred to Jennifer?" "Yes," he replied. "What happened?" "It was confusing. I wasn't gay. Definitely not! In fact, I was totally infatuated with women. It wasn't just their clothes... it was their bodies. That's what got me off." Heather nodded her head. "So I started to really get into lesbian porn. I guess every guy like to see girls doing girls but I was REALLY into it." Heather smiled in support. "The girls I dated... I was really into oral with them. To do a girl like I saw in all those porn videos was the ultimate high for me. Some girls liked it... some didn't." "Jennifer..." Heather said. "Didn't." Mark completed. "At least not much. But that didn't stop me from falling n love with her." "So when she came home from here the other week..." Heather said. "I LOVED it!" Mark said. "It was all that I wanted - to do her like a girl. So having all the freedom to explore that has been ..." "What you wanted your whole life," Heather completed. "Yes," Mark said. They sat silent for a minute or 2. "So where do you want this to go?" Heather asked. "This isn't just dress- up. You're developing breasts. You're shaving. You're wearing Jennifer's clothes full time." "I'm not sure," Mark said, looking down. "If you could take it anywhere... ANYWHERE... where would you go with it?" Mark paused. "All the way," he admitted. "But I can't." "Why?" Heather asked. "Well first, because I'm not sure that's what Jennifer wants. Its sure not what she signed up for!" "Ok. But what if she supported it?" Heather said. Mark thought about it. "I still can't." He looked down at his body. "I don't want to look like some tranny 'chick with a dick'." Heather smiled... and snickered. She squeezed his hand again. Then she turned and started clicking away on the computer. The screen changed to a head shot of a young guy in his late 20's or early 30's with brown hair and blue eyes. On the other half of the screen, a full 3D model of the man appeared and rotated. "This is John," Heather said. "Does he look familiar?" Mark stared at the picture. "From his eyes... he could be your brother." Heather smiled. And then clicked on the button on the screen that said "Play". Before Mark's eyes, the 3D model of John began to change... into an exact model of Heather! Mark was speechless... staring. "That used to be me," Heather said. "I used to be John... 6 months ago." "Impossible," Mark muttered, unable to look way from the image on the screen that continued to morph between John and Heather. "No, Mark. It's very possible. It's what we can do here." Heather stood. She reached behind her and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She was wearing a beautiful pair of blue ruffled panties. Then she took off her blouse - down to the blue camisole she had on underneath. She pushed the straps of the camisole down each arm to her elbows to display a gorgeous light blue flowered bra. It barely could hold her amazing large breasts. She dropped her right shoulder and looked down at Mark, letting her long blonde hair flip in front of her on her right. "Do I look like some 'chick with a dick' to you?" she said.

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 11

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 11) On Thursday morning, the partnership paperwork from Brenda's lawyer arrived. She read it over and brought it up to Bri in her office. Bri had never seen Brenda dressed like this - and the look on her face betrayed her as Brenda entered. Brenda giggled. "I was going to go out for a run, but I wanted to drop this off first." Brenda stood before Bri looking like a black-haired amazon. She was wearing nothing but a...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 7

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 7) The following Friday, Brenda and Bill arrived promptly for their regular appointment. Cassie and Julie were waiting to greet them. "Good morning," Cassie said. "Morning!" Brenda replied happily. Brenda looked to Bill. "Now you go enjoy yourself, sweetie... I'm going to go see Bri." She gave a quick kiss to Bill as he followed Julie toward treatment room 4B. "You look lovely today, mistress Brenda," Cassie...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 10

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 10) Hours later Bri sat down and rubbed Brenda on the shoulder. She was laying on the couch in Bri's office, finally getting some sleep. "Kimberly just came out of surgery. She'll be in recovery in a few minutes," Bri said as Brenda awoke to her touch. "How is he?" Brenda asked. "She is fine," Bri replied with a smile. "That's going to take some getting used to," Brenda said with an almost embarrassed smile. "You...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 3

TOTAL TRANSFORMATION SALON AND SPA - CATHLEEN AND JOHN (PART 3) John just sat there. Lori repeated it, "I can teach you... would you like that?... I can teach you the pleasures of female sex... Would you like that, John?" Finally, a soft "yes." "You don't sound convinced, John." "It's just..." "What," she asked? "...well... Like I said... I know how to please myself, but I don't have the same... context for someone else." John blushed. "Don't be embarrassed. It's...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 9

The next morning, John woke up early. He quietly slipped out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, turning on the lights over the sink. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments and then slipped off his silk nightshirt - standing there in only his panties. He stood there for minutes - just staring. His left hand went to his silky-smooth flat tummy. Later his right hand went to his chest above his breasts. With the backs of his index and middle fingers, he...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 8

The following Saturday, Cathleen and Heather arrived at Total Transformation. The changes in Heather had certainly progressed. Through her tight yellow button-down, it was undeniable that her breasts were developing well beyond that of a male. And with the shirt rubbing against her sensitized nipples, it was obvious that they were there and that they were excited! Cassie noticed again that the buttons on Heather's shirt were on the women's side - subtle but a conscious choice. Below,...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 07

Monica’s story There was a knock on the door, and when I opened it, there was Jennifer’s mother. ‘Hi, Mrs Matthews, Jennifer will be right back, she just went down to the bathroom is all.’ I’d never seen Jennifer’s mom before, but I knew who she was the second I saw her, it was like looking at Jennifer at 45. She had the same long hair, the same honey blonde color, but with streaks of white in it, and the same blue eyes. No, not the same: her eyes were even bluer than Jennifer’s, more...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 06

Monica’s story: Thursday evening I was trying to stay awake and finish reading this incredibly boring chapter on Reconstruction after the Civil War, when the phone rang. Maybe it was Jennifer, I thought, since I was wondering why she was out so late. But it wasn’t Jennifer, it was Jennifer’s mother! ‘Hello, Monica, may I speak to Jennifer.’ ‘Uhhh, Mrs Matthews, Jennifer isn’t here right now.’ ‘Oh.’ There was a moment’s silence while Mrs Matthews processed the fact that her good Christian...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 09

Jennifer’s story: 6:07 PM Sunday ‘Hey, girl, how’d your weekend go?’ Monica asked me. Rachel and she just got back, I guess from dinner in the cafeteria. I was at my desk doing my calculus homework, exams are only a few weeks away. ‘Oh, it was really good, my parents like Mark, they really like him.’ ‘Even your dad?’ ‘Dad especially, dad was easier on Mark than my mom was. And I met Mrs Stewart, and she’s a pretty cool lady, but she’s tough, really tough. Mark hasn’t told me too much, but I...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 11

Jennifer’s story: Wednesday morning I was standing there naked, at the sink and mirror, brushing out and blow drying my hair, but I could feel Mark’s eyes on me from behind, while he was taking his bath. Somehow I could just tell, he wasn’t leering at me, he was appreciating me, and it felt really good. Now even more I wanted to surprise him when I got dressed. ‘Mark, instead of the cafeteria, do you have anything here for breakfast?’ I asked him. ‘Not much at all, really, just some bread...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 12

Jennifer’s story: Thursday evening Oh, my God, what is Mark doing to me? We started out hugging and kissing, and then he pulled down my pants and started . . . oh, my gosh . . . I think this is what Monica called eating me. Oh, whoa, oh, my, this feels wonderful! I had been standing, and I grabbed Mark’s head, and pressed him into me harder, and I couldn’t help myself, I fell back against the couch, but Mark never stopped, he just moved with me. Then, all of a sudden, almost without warning,...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 03

Monica’s story It was a bit after 9:00 when Jennifer got back to the dorm, and Rachel was sitting in my dorm room with me. ‘OK, dish!’ Rachel said, as soon as Jennifer opened the door, she wasn’t even all the way in the room yet. ‘You’ve got to tell us, how was your date?!’ At that point, I wasn’t sure that Rachel was more than 14, but heck, I wanted to know, too. ‘It was nice . . . .’ Jennifer kind of left that hanging out there, like she wanted to say more, but didn’t have the words. ‘Let...

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jennifer and mark part 2

Please read part 1 first. As Rachael woke up she opened her eyes and was greeted with a pale stone washed wall. It suddenly dawned on her that this was not the boat she fell asleep on; she turned over and noticed another stone wall, no decorations but only two doors. The door on the left appeared to be made of steel where as the door on the right was made of wood. She looked towards the bottom of the bed and noticed a small drawer with three drawers and an envelope on top, addressed...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 05

Ellen’s story: Sunday evening It’s pretty unusual for me to get students to knock on my door, but there was one Sunday evening. I’m the RA, Resident’s Adviser, for the third floor of Blazer Hall, the freshmen girls dorm at UK. I’m a sociology graduate student, and the RA job provides me with room and board. I had been studying, but I can’t just ignore it when someone knocks on the door. ‘Come in, it’s open!’ I yelled, and in walked Jennifer Matthews. Oh, my gosh, she looked so different! Her...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 04

Mark’s story Oh, man, I slept great! I couldn’t help thinking about Jen when I got back to my student slums apartment, and it was a wonderful feeling. There was just something about her, something I couldn’t define. I pulled off my clothes, brushed my teeth, and went straight to bed, and was out like a light in just a couple of minutes. I couldn’t remember any of my dreams, but I woke up feeling good and happy, so they must’ve been good dreams. I glanced at the clock, already knowing what time...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 14

Jennifer’s story Meeting Mark’s sisters turned out to be kind of neat, but if the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, in the Stewart’s case, all three apples fell straight down the trunk, plop! and just laid there, not an inch apart, because they’re all alike. Both of his sisters are as tough as his mother, and they all look alike: there’s absolutely no doubt that they’re family. The only difference: Jackie has light blue eyes, while Mark and his sisters all have these dark, dark brown eyes....

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 08

Fred’s story: After Mark and I got back to the house, he asked Jennifer if she wanted to ride over to the old log cabin, and she said sure. It’s pretty obvious that they wanted some time without old mom and dad hanging around, and I was confident enough of Mark that I knew I could trust him to do the right thing. Edna? She was clearly fretting over the situation, but I told her not to worry, that everything was going to work out just fine. ‘Fred, you just don’t know . . . ‘ ‘What, that...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer

Jennifer came from a very religious family and was our high school valedictorian. Back in the late sixties and early seventies, when all of the other girls were wearing knee-length or just barely shorter, usually fairly tight skirts — girls weren’t allowed to wear pants to school then, unless it was below 20º F — and miniskirts were becoming popular (but still against the school dress code), Jennifer’s every day outfit was an almost mid-calf, certainly not very tight skirt, either bobby socks...

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jennifer and mark part 3

Part 4 will follow After several months of enduring countless, rapes and tortures, for the viewing of the paying visitors of jennifer and mark, rachael had given up her faith in escaping her personal hell. Some of the situations she was placed in were pleasurable even though they were against her will. Rachael no longer was embarrased whilst kirsty or jennifer paraded her naked in front of mark and the rest of the voyeurs who came to see her be punished. as promised Rachael was very...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 13

Jennifer’s story Mark and I had been wrapped up in a big blanket, standing in his living room, after having been caught out in the rain, kissing and cuddling to get warm, when I just had to have him. I took his hand and told him, ‘I know an even better way to get warm,’ and led him into his, into our, tiny bedroom. Mark’s a lot bigger than me, but he didn’t resist at all when I turned him around and just threw him down on the bed. I knew that he loved it when I got on top — that was the first...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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TimAand Abbie 65 Mark And Brian Dine With Marks family

Mark has jumped over some of the highest hurdles bringing Brian into his world and entering Brian’s a bit too.  Letting people know his inclinations and choices eases Mark’s usual stress a lot.  The sessions with James are bringing out things from his past and his father.  In sessions that include Brian, they address issues they face together as they build a solid relationship.The next biggest mountain to conquer is introducing Brian to his mother, Patti, and his two older sisters Jessica and...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 10

Jennifer’s story: Tuesday night ‘Jen, that would be wonderful,’ he said to me. I told him that we couldn’t make love because ‘it’s not the right time of the month,’ and he completely understood. ‘Waking up with you last Friday morning was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Well, maybe the second greatest.’ ‘What was the first greatest?’ I asked him. ‘When you said that you’d marry me, of course!’ I couldn’t help myself, I just threw myself on Mark and covered his face with kisses,...

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JenniferChapter 2 Jennifers Arrival

Angela spent nearly two weeks wrapping things up. Most days, Frank and Angela talked long on the phone, and Frank helped her through the estate and funeral legalities, remembering his own experience when his parents died. Frank flew out for two days to attend Terrence's funeral and help with packing. The funeral was one of the most depressing events Frank had ever attended. The weather was cold and damp. Angela was red-eyed. Jennifer was completely silent and stone-faced as she huddled in...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 15

Tina’s story: Kent and I had been hiking through the park at Clay’s Ferry, down to the old locks, and it had been a pretty fun day, sunny and warm on Earth Day of 1972. We’d been down and walked out the old lock gates to the big pilings on the river, just sat there, shooting the shit, before we decided to head back to our apartment. I loved Kent, with all my heart, but we had a festering problem. I don’t know if my boyfriend really understood it, and he was trying to keep me happy. The...

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My Lovely JenniferChapter 5 Jennifers Final Payback

That December we received an invitation to Robert and Megan Stanwick's house for a Christmas party. This would be the second party at the Stanwick's since Robert became Jennifer's manager. Thursday evening, the night before the party Jennifer was trying to find something to wear and asked me, "What should I wear tomorrow night?" I said, "Something short and clingy, showing lots of cleavage. You need to look sexy tomorrow." Jennifer gave me a quizzical look and asked, "Why?" I...

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My Lovely JenniferChapter 3 Jennifers Birthday Request

On Jennifer's birthday, about two years after our experiment with swinging, Jennifer made a shocking and very unusual request. I had taken her out to dinner and dancing earlier that evening and when we got home I had given Jennifer her present, an opal ring. "Remember when we went to that swingers club on vacation a couple of years ago?" We were in bed, naked, and Jennifer was slowly stroking my cock and kissing and flicking her tongue over the head. I said, "How could I...

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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 5b and 5c Cruise ship wedding Finding the Spa

The next day my uncle and I were playing in a poker tournament on the cruise ship. We ended up at the at the final table which took several hours. I ended up knocking him out of the all of the prize money. At this point majority of my family had left the casino area and either headed to the pool or up to the rooms to relax before getting ready for dinner. Uncle Dan mentioned to me that he was going to hit the spa and asked me if I wanted to go to their private spa in the penthouse area. I...

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Handjob In Bangalore Spa

My name is Aswin, working in Bangalore in IT Company. I already wrote one of my experiences with my best friend’s ex-gf in couple’s section and also an experience with the wife of cuckold hubby. This time I am writing an experience of happy ending massage with different gals. I went to honeymoon to Pattaya,Thailand and came to know that massage ends always with handjob. I let my wife in shopping and went for massage alone. Massage gal let me suck her boobs and kiss her ass along with handjob....

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