Changing Channels - Couples Therapy free porn video

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Changing Channels - Couples Therapy Julie and I had been on the outs for about a year now.? Hard to know what started it, but I guess we weren't as compatible in real life as we were in college.? I'd strayed a bit on a business trip back East a few months ago, and I got the feeling that she'd done the same.? Neither one of us had told the other anything, but we weren't really speaking anymore anyway.? We were thinking about getting an amicable separation, but the lawyer told us about a new couples resort that might help.? He didn't really know much about it, but he thought we should give rekindling the magic one last try before doing anything we might regret later.? It was up north of Las Vegas, out in the desert.? When I called, the person on the other end of the line told me there were no openings for six weeks.? "We only take small groups, so that we can give them our undivided attention," he explained.? Made sense, I guess. So we both took a week off from work a few weeks later and set off to give it our best shot. Casa Cambio was about 30 miles north of the Strip in a desolate area; nothing around but mountains and desert.? But the compound itself was very nice - lush vegetation and trees.? There was a large main building and a few small cottages, neatly laid out.? The summer heat had started to fade and it wasn't uncomfortable at all. The girl behind the check-in desk was named Debbie, from the nametag pinned to her ample chest.? If they were looking to keep guys from cheating on their wives, Debbie wouldn't be the type of person I'd want hanging around. With long red hair, twinkling blue eyes and a body to die for, she was too tempting for her own good.? The icy stare from Julie brought me back to earth, though. Debbie took us through the tons of paperwork we needed to sign. "Lawyers make us do all this stuff," she chirped. ?As I signed I saw two stunning-looking women checking out, a blonde and a redhead.? Wonder where their husbands were. Julie gave me a poke to focus me on the task at hand.? As I finished up signing things, another couple came up behind us. He was built like an athlete, although his face wasn't familiar. His wife was another hottie.? Damn, Julie wasn't ordinary by any stretch, but I was surrounded by outrageously good-looking women that made her look plain by comparison. We were directed to our bungalow, which was just a short walk from the main building.? Inside it was lavish beyond any expectations.? A large bed, a jacuzzi, a sun deck, a full wet bar, the works. "Mike, how much did this cost?" Julie asked. "It was only $300 for the three nights," I replied.? I sure hoped there weren't any hidden charges in all that paperwork I signed. We unpacked and chuckled at our good fortune. We went to the small restaurant on the premises for dinner.? The couple behind us on line was there.? There was a table for two, but he motioned us over to join them.? His name was Joe, and his wife was Miranda. Miranda was tall and built like a swimmer, with broad shoulders and dark piercing eyes.? She was pretty flat in the chest, but she had a set of legs that would probably squeeze Joe to within an inch of his life, I thought. After the introductions we found out that the four of us were the only ones at the resort this week.? Rather odd, I thought, considering it took so long to get a reservation. Although it was probably why we got such a nice room.? Joe mentioned their room was pretty nice as well. Dinner was superb, and we fell into an easy conversation with Joe and Miranda, helped along with the waiter refilling our drinks before we could ever empty them.? Joe was a trust fund boy, and spent a lot of time playing polo and watching his investments.? Somehow he knew to get out before the market tanked and got back in just when it hit bottom. "He's a lucky charm," Miranda burbled.? "Magically delicious." And then she gave him a big sloppy kiss. Miranda, sure enough, had been a world-class swimmer, just missing the Olympic team four years ago. She still competed, and Joe and she were apart a lot, so they decided to get away for a few days together.? We seemed to hit it off, and Joe invited me out for golf the next day. I hadn't brought my clubs, but he told me not to worry about it. Miranda told Julie that there was a spa on site with hot oil massage and aromatherapy, so it looked like our next day was planned. Our tee time was early, and Joe met me out front in his Mercedes convertible. He told me not to worry about paying for anything, because he was using me as a business expense. On the main road to the golf course we passed a large casino-style building in the middle of nowhere, set back from the highway.? I wondered aloud what it was, and Joe said, "That's The Cathouse." "Cathouse?? As in...." Joe grinned.? "Yup.? As in, prostitution's legal in Nevada.? Supposedly they've got some beautiful girls there.? We could, um, stop by for a look on the way back," he winked. I knew I shouldn't, but I was weak. "Um, OK." The course was gorgeous, but I shot in the mid 90's, about 10 strokes more than normal.? My mind was on the Cathouse.? We wrapped up the round, and it was still before noon by the time we were back on the road.? The girls were in the spa until 5, I knew.? I felt guilty for I what I knew I was about to do. The Cathouse had a lobby much like a hotel's.? There was a little questionnaire to fill out, all about preferences.? Wow, I thought, the choices are unbelievable.? They ranged from fantasy to B & D, to plain vanilla.? And body types, big, small, stacked, blond, brunette... I picked a busty blond cheerleader and handed in my paperwork.? "Mr. Ryan has taken care of the entertainment today, sir," the girl behind the counter smiled.? I flashed Joe a salute as my cheerleader arrived. Joe disappeared in the arms of a latex clad beauty. Cherry was my cheerleader's name, and when we arrived at our room, she put in her pass key and slipped inside.? It looked just like a standard hotel room, with a king-size bed and a view of the mountains beyond. Instead of the Gideon Bible on the nightstand, though, were a bunch of lubricants and sex toys. Cherry put her pom-poms down and proceeded to undress me slowly.? When she had me naked on the bed, she inexplicable reached for the TV remote and turned it on.? It made more sense to me as I realized that it was already pre-tuned to a porn channel.? On screen, a luscious brunette was going down on a guy just as in real life a luscious blond was going down on me.? Her lips were soft and warm, and the round stud in her pierced tongue ran up and down my cock, giving me an exquisite thrill. On screen, it was an extreme close-up of a tongue flitting about the mushroom head of an enormous dick.? The visual seemed to heighten the experience.? Cherry took me all the way down her throat, and in a twist, took one of her fingers and snaked it up against the entrance to my asshole.? I groaned at the dual sensation, then groaned louder as she entered my nether region, first with one finger, then two.? I felt like my head was going to explode. My eyes were shut tight when I felt her spreading some lube on my tip.? Suddenly I felt less like I was going to cum.? Was it some kind of de-sensitizer?? I felt her fingers slip out of my butt as she stood up? and removed her cheerleader's sweater.? Her firm breasts were accented by the light thrown off of the TV screen. But I wasn't prepared for what came next. When she shimmied out of her short cheerleader skirt, I saw she had..... a cock!? It was hard, and she stroked it while looking at me hungrily. Wait a minute, I thought, this isn't what I signed up for. But rather than flee, I lay there, mesmerized by her moving closer and closer. She returned to put my cock back in her mouth, but then moved to straddle my head, her prick slapping against my lips. As I felt the stud on her tongue scrape up to the top of my manhood, she forced hers into my mouth.? My jaw went slack momentarily, not knowing what to do.? Her hips began moving, forcing herself deeper and deeper down my throat until I relented and closed my lips around her.? This was kinky enough that I started to get into it, sucking on her as she sucked on me.? The fleshy invader was getting harder and longer under my efforts, and I was rewarded by her increasing her pace at the other end.? Just as it seemed to be coming together, she abruptly pulled out and adjusted her position again.? Gripping my rod firmly with one hand, she bent my leg back with the other. I felt her dick, slick with my saliva, at the entrance to my asshole.? I didn't have time to realize what was going on before I felt her enter me, slowly at first.? Now she pushed my other leg back to allow her complete access, and she pressed down on me, her weight slowly easing her hot unit into my anus.? It was so tight that I felt like I would burst.? My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, and then somewhere deep inside I loosened up and accepted her full length.? "Aaaaah," was all I could manage. On the screen, a blond dude was screwing the hell out of some bimbo, positioned not unlike Cherry and I.? Having rested for a moment, Cherry now started pulling out a bit and pushing back in, gradually expanding her pulls and thrusts until she was nearly out of me on every upstroke.? I lay there and took it all, my legs dangling over her shoulders, her hand clasped around my poor abused rod, using it like an anchor for her plunges into my depths.? After the initial pain, I felt the rising ecstasy of being used like a sex toy.? Cherry was stronger than I thought, and she was pounding me pretty hard.? I felt my own climax start to grow as she gripped my hips and left my cock to flop around, concentrated on her own pleasure. ?And then she took one last deep thrust and let her dam burst.? I could feel the convulsions of her balls as they slapped against my raw skin, and she grunted as she dumped her load of cm far inside me.? I glanced at the screen to see the two lovers experience a simultaneous orgasm, and then the screen grew painfully bright, then emitted a flash that blinded me just as my own orgasm shivered through my body.? I could feel gobs of my sticky jizz all over my chest and abdomen.? And then, I blacked out. When I came to, I was alone on the bed.? A note on the nightstand said, "Please meet your party in the lobby."? I realized I'd have to take a quick shower, so I dragged myself together and got myself out of the room in 15 minutes.?? The cleaning lady knocked on the door just as I was leaving.? Oh the things SHE must have seen, I thought. Joe was waiting for me in the lobby.? "Good timing.? We've got two hours before the girls finish their spa treatments. They'll never know.? How about another round of golf tomorrow?" he said. "Gee, how can I resist?" I responded. I shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat, my stretched asshole still a little painful. I got back to our bungalow, fixed myself a drink, lay down on the bed and fell dead asleep before I'd even had a sip. The next thing I was conscious of was my pants being pulled down around my ankles and a tongue making its way up and down my suddenly freed penis.? I wasn't fully conscious, so I was imagining that Cherry had returned.? The thought of her gave me an instant boner.? As I opened my eyes, though, it wasn't Cherry but Julie giving me the blowjob.? This was unusual in that Julie had never liked oral and I'd rarely pushed her at all in that regard.? But here she was, slurping away and apparently loving it.? As she jammed my rod down her throat, she gently fondled my balls and I groaned with the lush sensation.? I was so hot now that I wiggled my hips ever so slightly, forcing my way deeper into her. If she was choking, she didn't let on.? And my wiggle gave her an opening she was looking for, as one of her fingers slid down and into my bunghole. She'd NEVER done this, not that I ever asked her to.? A much bigger groan from me indicated that she'd hit the jackpot, though.? I was now squirming against the invading digit while cramming my cock down her throat.? The combination was too much for me and I exploded, showering her tonsils with a huge load.? I felt her cough and struggle to swallow it all as my whole body went limp.? Julie knelt straddling me, a big grin on her face as she looked down at me.? She was wearing some clingy, almost sheer type of garment, and her nipples poked through it like a pair of cigarette butts. My cum was still dripping down her chin and staining the neck of her garment. Bending down low, she leaned into me and kissed me passionately.? I could taste my own jism in the kiss, and far from being repelled, I kissed her back just as hard. Finally we had to come up for air.? "Wow. What was that all about?" I inquired. Julie blushed furiously.? "That spa treatment kind of....energized me. It was a very intense experience.? Between the massages and the treatments and the whole atmosphere, it was very, um, arousing.? We each had our own set of spa hosts, so it was really quite awesome. Miranda and I already booked a "Day of Beauty" tomorrow, so you'll have to fend for yourself. But in the meantime, you're all mine."? And with that she started getting me up again for another round.? Her body seemed a lot more toned than it had, and smooth, too.? She'd shaved all over and it felt fantastic. Amazing what a day in the spa could do. We made the best love we'd had since our wedding night, and she'd had multiple orgasms. She'd never been this wild and abandoned in bed, and I could have sworn her tits were bigger.? I should have been fading myself, but I seemed to have extra stamina tonight.? Maybe it was the nap. Julie was on top of me in a reverse cowboy, and all I could see was her beautiful ass as she plunged up and down on me.? I only slowly realized that she was watching the TV.? When had she turned that on?? On screen was a woman in the same position as her, on top of her video lover. Julie's thrusts were in exact time to the ones on the tube,? The rhythm was perfectly in synch.? It was weird, but also quite stimulating, and I felt myself heading for another climax just as the man on video grunted out his own.? And then as I lost it for the last time, the television grew painfully bright and flashed like a huge camera taking a picture, blinding me as I lay under Julie, pumping her full of another hot load as she shivered over me in her own orgasm.? The flash faded and she collapsed beside me.? The sound of the shower woke me.? I squinted to see what time it was- 6:45.? I felt as if I'd been run over by a linebacker, but Julie waltzed out of the shower and flashed me.? Damn, she was looking mighty fine. Had I just stopped noticing over the past few years?? Or was one trip in the spa enough to turn her into some kind of goddess?? I decided it was my bleary eyes playing tricks on me. "Our 'Day of Beauty' starts at 7 AM sharp, so I'll see you tonight, babe."? She threw on another one of those slinky outfits that emphasized her curves. "Where did you get all these clothes?" I asked. "They just gave them to us as part of the treatment," she replied. "Jealous?" "You're not wearing any underwear," I groused. "Well, I'm just going to have to take it off anyway." I guess I could rationalize that, although she looked half-naked in that getup.? Maybe I WAS jealous. Our tee time wasn't until 10 AM, so I had time for a leisurely shower and breakfast.? I finished my meal and it was still 8:15, so I had some time to kill.? I decided to stroll the grounds.? I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I also wanted to check out the spa.? The door was open a crack, but I didn't want to just barge in.? I'd just take a peek. What I saw knocked my socks off.? There were Julie and Miranda, naked, each bent over a naked man.? I recognized them as the pool boys.? They were two finely sculptured guys with huge cocks, both blond surfer types, well tanned.? I debated what I should do.? Then I noticed the TVs behind each guy's head.? There was a woman giving head with just as much enthusiasm as the two girls were.? I felt myself unable to turn away.? On screen, the guy was giving orders.... "Yeah, that's it, suck my big cock bitch.? Yeah, take it all.? Yeah....." I felt myself getting an erection despite myself.? My eyes were locked on the screen, watching the giant dicks being swallowed by giant mouths. And I heard the pool guys cumming, along with the squeals from Miranda and Julie.? I realized I was cumming in my pants myself.? And then, a flash, like I felt last night.? I staggered back from the door, momentarily stunned. I gathered myself and staggered back to my room.? I threw the pants and underwear away and got a new set.? Too hard to explain. But not any harder to explain than my wife blowing the pool boy.? Should I tell Joe, I wondered.? I met him in the lobby, and he looked like he hadn't had a lot of sleep.? I decided I wouldn't mention anything unless he gave me an opening. As we hopped in the car he said, "Screw golf.? We're going to the Cathouse." I had to laugh.? "You read my mind." I didn't feel much like playing golf today. When I filled out the 'check-in' paperwork at the Cathouse, my mind seemed to wander.? Was that the same girl who was the desk clerk at Casa Cambio in the lobby?? She turned away and I couldn't tell. I was given a key by the smiling girl behind the counter.? "Room 534, sir." Had I even finished filling things out?? I couldn't remember.? Joe had vanished as well.? So I took the elevator up to the 5th floor. Room 534 smelled really nice.? Perfumey.? There was a huge circular bed in the room, along with a mound of pillows and a couch that looked almost as big as a bed itself. On the edge of the bed were some clothes. They looked a lot like the stuff Julie was wearing yesterday; I felt the same stretchy material. The door opened, and in stepped Cherry.? Instead of her cheerleader costume, she was wearing a sheer set of lingerie.? I could see her dick straining against the silky confines of her panties, and felt my own unit stirring. "Welcome back," she said in a husky voice. "I brought a friend." In came what could only be described as an blond Adonis, wearing nothing but a Speedo.? His erection was enormous.? I was never into measuring, but he had to be eight inches at least.? His name was Pavel, and all I could think about was having him. Pavel and Cherry removed my clothes.? Pavel pulled down his Speedo and lay down on the bed, his rod springing to attention.? "Suck it," he commanded in Russian-accented English. I obeyed.? Crawling between his legs, I lowered my head over his divine manhood.? I needed this badly in a way that I still couldn't fully comprehend.? I desperately wanted to make him cm.? As my head bobbed up and down on him, I had a flashback to this morning and watching Julie. I wanted to be better at this than she was.? I didn't know why, but it was important somehow. I was having an effect on Pavel.? His prick had grown even larger in my mouth and he was now holding my head down and maximizing his plunges down my throat.? I gasped for air between thrusts.? I cupped his big balls and felt them tightening in anticipation.? Then I slipped a finger down, down, down and found his puckered hole, crooking my finger inside.? That did it for Pavel; he erupted down my throat.? I fought the drowning instinct for a few brief seconds, swallowing everything I could. He shot his last shot of sticky seed all over my face and in my hair.? I didn't have time to recover, because Cherry's lubricated cock was at my back door.? I pulled away from Pavel to brace for this anal assault.? She slid inside of me so easily that I was surprised when she hit bottom. She then bent over me, her hot breasts pressing into my back, to take me in true doggy style fashion.? I relaxed and opened myself to her.? She latched onto my chest and squeezed and tugged on my nipples. Completely unexpectedly, I felt a twitch in my groin and realized I'd just shot a small load.? A minute later the same thing.? It felt glorious, like I was being carried away to paradise.? My mind started to wander, and all I could think about were dicks and how I could make them happy and make them cm.? I stated to wiggle my ass back at Cherry, impatient now for her gift to me.? She gripped my chest hard and I felt her shoot her spunk into me from behind.? I felt the warmth spreading from my hips throughout my body.? I closed my eyes and savored the moment. When I opened them again, Cherry and Pavel were gone.? I was alone on the bed.? Without even touching the remote, the television came on, and instantly I was riveted.? Two sexy shemales fondled each other, then got down on their bed in a sixty-nine.? I grabbed my little cock and started to stroke it slowly as I watched. I heard my door open, but I couldn't turn my head.? I had to watch shemale meat being sucked by ruby-red shemale lips.? My little thing grew a bit but still remained soft. Whoever entered was standing before me now, without saying a word.? I could look no higher than the TV screen, so what I could see was a smallish pair of tits and a small erection.? Instinctively I bent over to suck it, pushing my hair out of the way. It felt good to have one of these back in my mouth, I thought.? I gave no thought to the consequences, or even the world outside this room.? I was pushed back slowly onto the bed.? I could still see the TV out of the corner of my eye.? It was really important to keep watching.? The two lively shemales were revving each other into a frenzy.? I was only momentarily distracted by the sensation of a warm mouth surrounding my own dick, then by the sight of a little boner dangling over my lips.? I stuck my tongue out to tickle the tip.? It lowered enough for me to kiss it, then pull it into my mouth.? It bounced ever so slightly, encouraging me to go on. I swallowed it like the finest oyster, slippery and delicious.? My tongue made love to the dangling phallus, and even though it never got very big, I knew the signs that it was getting ready to explode.? I could feel myself approach the same sensual plateau, those few golden seconds before...... I exploded, and as if on cue, the cock in my mouth exploded too. Rivulets of cm poured down my gullet as I held it in place, not willing to miss a single drop.? On screen, the pair bellowed in orgasm as everything seemed to shimmer and then, a bright flash.? I felt myself spew another load, and I swallowed another gulp on the precious fluid I had come to crave. And then, like the air being let out of a balloon, I sagged back onto the bed.? My mysterious benefactor flopped down next to me.? It took a minute or two to recover my bearings; the TV had gone dark.? I struggled to a sitting position and got the shock of my life. "Joe?" ? "Mike?" My golfing buddy had undergone a bit of a transformation.? He was smaller and more delicate, his hair was longer, and he had a pair of junior-high boobs.? And I'd just given him a blowjob. Joe was probably having about the same thoughts as I was right now.? I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.? I, too had undergone a bit of a change.? I was more slender and maybe an inch or two shorter, with a small set of tits myself.? My cum streaked hair was longer, and had blond highlights.? It was still me in the mirror, just a different me. I had to say, a cuter me. My mind was spinning. This couldn't really be happening, could it?? But Joe was in the same situation I was.? How could we go back to our wives like this?? He came into the bathroom and we stood staring at ourselves in the mirror, looking for all the world like two teenage girls with cocks. I spoke. "We have to get back to the resort.? I don't know what we'll do once we get there, but I think we have to get out of here." "Okay," Joe responded passively in a meek voice. I went to look for my clothes, but they were missing.? Had Cherry taken them with her? I had been so zonked I wouldn't have been able to tell. I searched everywhere, but the only clothes I found were two cheerleader outfits like the one Cherry had worn, and some skimpy little thongs in one of the drawers. Well, they'd have to do.? I hurriedly washed the spunk out of my hair in the sink as best I could, then braced myself to get dressed.? I didn't think the thong could possibly fit me, but it was extremely stretchy.? I squeezed my little package inside in front, and got a secret thrill as the thin strip of material rubbed between my cheeks in back. Joe followed my lead, and I got the feeling he was enjoying this more than I was.? Then we put on the short cheerleader skirt that just barely covered my butt, and the midriff-baring shirt that clung to my newly acquired curves up top. It was that same stretchy material I'd felt before, and it seemed to excite my nipples pressing against it.? One last hurdle; the shoes.? There was no way we were going to survive walking in the parking lot with bare feet, so I fit my feet into the shiny black stiletto boots.? The 4-inch heels made me taller than I'd ever been, even though I walked unsteadily in them.? I just needed to make it to the car without breaking an ankle.? Joe zipped up his pair of boots and giggled. He was having fun. The combination of the sexy cheerleader outfit and the thigh-high boots actually looked pretty kinky, I had to admit as I surveyed myself in the mirror.? I just wished that I had bigger boobs. On the floor of the closet were two matching handbags.? I slung one over my shoulder, and we left the room. I walked slowly and carefully across the lobby, my boots clacking on the terrazzo floor.? Then out to the parking lot.? Joe reached into his bag and pulled out his car keys.? "Your keys were in the bag?" I asked. "Yes, they were." " did they get there?"? I was confused. Joe seemed unconcerned.? "I dunno, they were just there.? Um, why don't you drive?" he handed me the keys. "Why?" "I'd just, um, feel better if you were driving," he said without elaboration. I took the keys and we found the car with no problem.? We put the top down and let the breeze blow through our hair on the short ride back to Casa Cambio.? It was still early in the afternoon, so it would be a while before the girls would be back from their 'day of beauty'.? I wondered if I could have one, too.? Joe bounded out of the car and I followed as best I could.? It was getting easier to walk in these heels, but I wasn't a natural yet.? I went back to our bungalow, and realized that I'd need a room key.? For some reason I looked in my bag, and lo and behold, there it was.? I didn't really have time to think about it as I opened the door and.... Julie was on her back, screaming as Ricky the pool boy fucked the daylights out of her.? Between the bed squeaking, his grunting and her yelling, nobody heard me come in.? I watched, transfixed, as the door shut silently behind me. He'd pinned her legs back with his arms and was pumping her furiously. I focused on his rippling butt muscles as he clenched and unclenched with each stroke, his balls rising and falling as he fed her his big cock. With each thrust, she yelled "oh-oh-oh" in a high-pitched voice. ? I felt my little thing get hard in my thong as I watched.? I knew that I should be angry, but all I could think about was that big cock. I pulled up my skirt and stuck my hand in to rub myself. "Mike?? Is that you?"? It was Julie's panting voice.? "Why are you dressed like that?" The two lovers on the bed disentangled.? His magnificent prick glistened with her juices as it stood out from his ripped abdomen.? Julie tried and failed to recover her dignity by throwing a sheet over her steaming body. Ricky grinned at me and said, "You seem to be enjoying yourself." It occurred to me that my hand was still on my crotch, so I removed it quickly. "Tell you what," Ricky continued, "let's make it a threesome."? "Mikey," Julie purred, "I love your cute little titties. Come here and eat my pussy."? Her talking dirty to me was all the incentive my overheated body needed.? She threw the sheet back and I inhaled the fragrance of her sex.? My tongue traveled from the bottom to the top and lingered over her distended clit.? When I closed my lips around it, she screamed, "Yes!" in my ear. As I bent to my task, Ricky had easy access to my behind.? Flipping the scanty skirt out of the way, he penetrated my dark hole in no time flat. His fat rod stretched my insides obscenely, but I kept my lips wrapped around Julie's love nubbin.? She held my head in place as I let the pool boy ram me like a wild man. He flung me around like a rag doll, but Julie held me between her legs, letting out a big sigh as she ripped off orgasm after orgasm. Ricky fucked me so hard from behind that he lifted my legs off the ground.? I had to let go of Julie as I was no longer in control of my own body.? His cock was drilling me so deeply that I could feel his balls slapping against me as he dove to my depths.? His hands gripped me tightly as I could tell his climax was coming.? But then, just as I was bracing for a hosing, he abruptly pulled out of my ass, pointing his huge purple erection at Julie and I. In a few seconds he spewed a load all over both our faces, his hot jizz dripping off my eyebrows and cheeks.? I finally caught some in my mouth.? Julie was similarly bathed, and our mutual cumlust led us to lick each other's faces clean, like a pair of sex-starved cats. We then french-kissed, passing Ricky's sperm back and forth between us.? Julie reached out and groped me, and I groaned when she started playing with my tits.? "Ooh, Mikey, I like you like're so sexy," she told me breathlessly.? I groped her back, hefting her large knockers in my hands.? When had they gotten so big? Julie pushed me down so that I was suckling on one of her big boobs, the nipple as large as the tip of my pinky. She took one of my hands and placed it on her hot clit, and I rubbed her as I twanged her titflesh with my tongue.? I brought her to multiple orgasms this way.? Ricky had disappeared somewhere along the line, but when Julie returned my favor and started sucking on my titties, I stopped caring about him or anyone else. "C'mon honey, time to wake up!!!!!"? It was Julie, and she woke me out of a dead sleep.? I'd had strange dreams, all about work and meetings and golf and boring stuff.? It was time for my day of beauty.? Julie had laid out my hot pink boy shorts and little bikini bra to push up my little boobies.? I put them on and then put on my high heels, and got a look at myself in the mirror.? Man, I was hot. She led me over to the spa, where we met Miranda and Jo.? Miranda was an amazon of a woman, with dark flowing locks and a spectacular body.? She greeted Julie with a passionate kiss.? Jo stepped out from behind her and gave me a similar greeting.? Our tongues did a little dance, and our boobs pressed together.? Miranda said, "Julie and I will see you later, girls.? We've got some business to attend to."? I was starting to wonder why she called us 'girls' when the spa doors opened and two of the handsomest guys ever greeted us.? One of them looked vaguely familiar; they weren't the pool guys, but I was already calculating how big their cocks were.? Jo seemed equally starry-eyed. "I think you're both ready for the Casa Cambio Spa Special," boomed the taller of the two, a tanned stud with brown hair named Pyotr.? The other one, a blond named Pavel, agreed with a big grin on his face. "First," said Pyotr in his cute Russian accent, "we're going to give you both a deep muscle massage." They got us both up on massage tables and made us take our clothes off, not that we had much on anyway. Pyotr had a bottle of warm scented oil that he poured all over my back.? His strong hands kneaded all the muscles in my back as he worked the oil into every pore.? I felt myself relaxing under his expert touch. His hands moved down my spine, and then started at my ankles and worked up my legs. The hot oil felt so soothing as he worked his way up my thighs, then my butt, then into the cleft in between my cheeks. I let out a little moan as an oily finger snaked inside my puckered hole, followed by a second. He moved his fingers around deftly inside me and I lay there enjoying it.? When he pulled out of me I felt a pang of disappointment, but he was just getting me ready for something more. I felt the cold, hard plastic tip against my anus.? Pyotr slathered it with lubricant and pressed it into me.? It got wider and wider and started to cause a bit of pain.? Then just as quickly it narrowed sharply and settled into my ass with a 'plop'.? It was a buttplug!? Not just any buttplug either, as Pyotr showed me a slim little remote control.? He pressed one of the buttons and I felt a small stirring inside me.? The tip of the dildo inside me was bending and rotating ever so slowly.? It was like a living thing inside of me, and I gasped in pleasure.? I heard Jo gasp as well, and wondered if she felt as good as I did right then.? All I could do was lay there, shuddering at having my insides scrambled.? I felt a warm buzz emanating from my crotch and pulsing through my body.? Every hair on my head was standing on end, and I trembled on the massage table, eyes tightly shut and mouth agape. Pyotr knocked me out of my reverie, literally.? I received a swat across the face by his huge hot boner.? He rubbed it over my face, my lips grasping for it unsuccessfully.? Then he held it still, pointed right at me and I pounced.? I could only get two-thirds of the way down that gorgeous shaft before I started to gag.? Pyotr wanted me to take all of it, but I couldn't.? Just then I felt him crank up the speed of the buttplug inside me, and while I was concentrating on that, he sank balls-deep into my mouth.? I could barely breathe, and seemed to be living on the edge of passing out from overstimulation.? The Russian stud sensed this and dialed back at both ends for a moment. I steadied myself and grabbed his ass, forcing his dick down my gullet.? He groaned something in Russian and let loose with a torrent of sticky cum.? I couldn't swallow it all, and he pulled out to shoot on my face and tits.? I rubbed it all over me and as I let the sweet cream soak into my nipples I felt a quiver pass through me, then another.? And another.? I pinched my nipples and another wave washed over me.? This was different than what usually happened when I came.? Like Pyotr, I'd shoot my load and be done after a quick intense burst.? This just seemed to build and build.? I was in another world, and I didn't want to come back.? It was probably only a minute or two, but it felt like an eternity of bliss.? Wow. When I opened my eyes, the men were gone, and Jo lay on the other massage table, as spent as I was.? I went over to hold her hand, which grasped mine weakly.? We were interrupted by the entrance of two girls with enormous tits barely covered by matching 'Casa Cambio'?t-shirts.? One was a redhead with a freckled face and a nametag that said 'Sandy'.? The other was a dirty blond with the nametag 'Mindy'.? Sandy and Mindy were here for the next stage of our beauty treatment.? They led us to a salon with two chairs, but before we could sit down, they reached behind us and removed our buttplugs.? I mewled at the loss; I liked the full feeling.? Jo wasn't happy either.? But the girls just giggled and lay a towel over the chairs for us to sit on.? Our heads lay back over a sink, and Sandy, my beautician, lathered my hair with a very aromatic shampoo.? Then she applied a thick coating of some kind of cream all over my face and neck. Blind and unable to move, Sandy moved down my body, playing with my breasts and slathering them with oil.? The oil seemed to heat up a bit as it lay on my sensitive skin.? Next she rubbed the same oil all over my crotch, paying special attention to the remnants of my man-cock.? It seemed so long ago.? Did I ever really have a cock? The cream on my face was drying and tightening against my nose, eyes and mouth.? Sandy told me it was drawing the impurities out of me.? Working from my forehead down, she peeled it off of me, leaving my skin curiously refreshed.? She blew my hair dry, and as she leaned over me, her magnificent melons brushed against me.? I was so jealous of her rack that I had to ask her how she got so lucky to have such great boobs. She told me that the secret was getting as much cum as she could.? The more cum she swallowed or took in her pussy, the bigger her tits got. It made perfect sense.? Now I had another reason to love cum! Sandy took off her shirt to show me her dazzling mounds and for a special treat she let me suckle them.? I think she had a little mini- orgasm in the process. But she regained her focus and brought out a makeup tray, checking colors and applying and smoothing. The lip gloss was applied with care.? She wouldn't let me look in the mirror to see her handiwork until she was done.? When she finished working on my face and hair, she turned the chair around and showed me the completed project. I couldn't believe it.? I could barely recognize the hot girl looking back at me.? My lips were full, my eyes were accented and the whole package was so sexy I could just die.? I saw Jo, and she looked just as scrumptious as I did.? I gave her a long hug. Sandy got me back in the chair to do my nails.? When had they gotten so long?? I couldn't remember.? It seemed I couldn't remember a lot of things.? Sandy told me that was okay, though.? I remembered that cum would make my tits grow bigger, though.? That was really important, and I was proud I remembered that. When they finally turned us loose, Mindy gave both of us sexy little bikinis to wear.? They said there were some new people at Casa Cambio today so we couldn't walk around without our clothes.? That was okay, I guess.? I grabbed Jo's hand and we skipped back to our cottage.? I couldn't wait to show Julie. When I opened the door to our bungalow, I could hear some noises inside. When I called for Julie there was no answer.? When I entered the bedroom I knew why.? Julie was on her back getting drilled by a huge cock.? And the cock was attached to Miranda. ? I was fascinated.? My first thought was, how had Miranda gotten a cock? My second thought was, how do I get her to cum in me?? I turned to Jo and asked her, "Did you know about this?" "She told me she was going to have a surprise for me later, that's all she said." Miranda heard us and stopped what she was doing.? Julie mewled her displeasure. "Oh, hi guys.? Or should I say, 'Hi girls'.? You look great in those bikinis.? But I bet you'd look even better out of them.? Take them off." I resented being ordered around a bit, but I complied.? It dawned on me that I was just as comfortable out of my clothes as I was in them.? Julie was up now and she had a little bowl in her hand. "Come here, Mikey, I want to play with you," she said, her voice dripping with honey.? She led me back to the bed and pulled me on top of her.? She gave me a deep kiss as our breasts smooshed together. She was so warm and soft.? She gently but insistently pushed my head lower and lower, wanting me to give her that orgasm I'd denied her by interrupting her sex session with Miranda.? I settled between her legs, her big clit standing up like a little cock. I bent to the task of fucking it with my mouth, and was rewarded by her moans and screams.? "Oooooh, yessssssss," she hissed as I trilled my tongue over her most sensitive spot.? She was easy to coax over the line from there, and she held me tight as she trembled he way through multiple orgasms. When she came back to earth, she pulled me back up to her face for another long kiss.? She licked her juices off my face, smiling. "Time for me to return the favor, Mikey," she giggled. She dipped her hand in that bowl by the bed and reached down between my legs, first stroking my little thing and then rubbing my empty ball sac below.? The loose, wrinkled skin moved around easily and gave me a very weird sensation as she poked and prodded it. The oily lotion seemed to be the same stuff that our masseuses used earlier, and I began to feel the same warmth I had before.? I wiggled ever so slightly against her finger, and was rewarded with more of a buzz.? She grabbed more lotion and slathered it all over my crotch.? I was dripping on her, and I caught her sneaking a little herself and rubbing it on her pussy.? My slick little girly-cock was sliding against her big clit, and it felt marvelous.? As we were grinding our hips together, she kept the pressure up from behind.? I could feel her finger pushing ever so slightly inside me, always retreating before advancing further.? I could feel the buzz in my hips intensifying as I shimmied against her.? My brain seemed to be on hold as I became nothing more than a rutting animal.? And then she reached between us and stuck a second finger into what was now a little slit between my legs.? She could only go so far, but the sensation of her INSIDE me was indescribable.? My hips jerked and my entire body trembled.? It was as if I'd been given a low-level electric jolt.? It was perhaps 15 seconds of mindless pleasure before Julie spoke beneath me, asking me if I enjoyed myself.? I was speechless: all I could do was nod. ? It was then that I felt a presence behind me.? Julie carefully untangled from me, and rolled me over to face Miranda.? She was a tall goddess, with wide shoulders and muscular arms, long flowing hair, large firm breasts and six-pack abs that led to what had to be an eight-inch cock.? She stroked it absently as she waited for me to grasp the situation. Julie got out of bed and Miranda took her place.? Her erection stood up strong and straight.? I straddled her, ready to take that hot cock up my ass.? But Julie moved me ever so slightly and Miranda's strong hands gripped my hips to hold me in place as she entered my new slit.? I had a momentary second of panic- how could something that big fit inside my tiny little slit?? As the fat head of Miranda's cock pushed inside me, I didn't have time to think of an answer. Miranda rubbed her dick at the entrance to my prize and when she felt she was perfectly positioned, she grabbed me and pulled me slowly, relentlessly downward.? My insides were stretched and stretched, and the pain made my temples throb.? And then, like a balloon bursting, she was through.? Her cock plunged all the way in as my crotch suddenly ground against hers.? I screamed as if I'd been shot; the pain was white-hot, and snapped the unbroken stream of pleasure I'd been experiencing long?? It didn't matter. ? Tears were streaming down my face as I knelt there, immobilized. Miranda steadied me, but made no other move.? It would be up to me to make the next move, I realized.? Already the burst of pain was beginning to fade as the wonder of a cock inside my.......pussy....began to take hold.? Miranda's hands moved to my tits and her fingers did a dance with my erect nipples.? I threw my head back and let out a guttural cry of pleasure.? I shimmied my hips against my fleshy invader, signaling my readiness.? The only ache I felt now was the ache to be filled by Miranda's hot spunk. I pushed my chest against her hands as I gyrated on her shemale dick.? I finally opened my eyes and stared down at Miranda with my best 'come fuck me' look.? It worked, as she began to pump beneath me.? I leaned forward, pressing my boobs against hers and got the same electric shock as I got from going nipple-to-nipple with Julie.? Miranda's hands wandered back down to my hips as she started to hump her way into my virgin box.? The feel of her slick organ was awesome, and I reached down with a hand to diddle myself as she turned up the speed on her thrusts.? I rocked gently from side to side to maximize the sensation of her fat organ against my tender pussy.? I lost my balance and fell on top of Miranda, our sweaty bodies merging in heat. I could feel her whole body tense as her climax approached, and the sensation of her going rigid under me was enough to push me over the top into a mind-blowing orgasm.? I was rocked by cumming back to back, and when the second one hit, I felt Miranda explode inside me.? She bellowed loudly, "Ohhhh, I'm cumming!? I'm cumming!!!!!"? The sound of her losing it sent me back over the edge again, as I writhed against her overheated body.?? Feeling her cock twitch inside me as it hosed me inside with her sticky jizz was amazing.? I pulled my legs together a bit to try and keep as much of her cum inside me, but I was leaking anyway. I lay on top of Miranda, exhausted.? This was the perfect climax to my day of beauty. Miranda shifted underneath me. "Thanks for the fuck, slut," she growled. I blushed.? I loved being a fuckslut.? I knew it wouldn't be long before I'd be ready again.? My body was built for this, and my mind was too. My lust was insatiable. My tits jiggled a bit as I got up from the bed.? They were right, cum makes them grow bigger.? I steadied myself, adjusting to my body's new balance.? It only took a second. ?A little thrill passed through me, and I giggled. Miranda took Jo back to her cottage.? I guessed that Jo wouldn't be getting a lot of sleep tonight.? Julie and I took a shower together and we just couldn't keep our hands off each other.? My pussy got a good washing, that's for sure, as did Julie's. Our nighties didn't last long in bed.? There wasn't much point in putting them on, was there?? Julie was so expert with her hands and tongue that I didn't get a lot of sleep either. When I did wake up, Julie was already stirring around.? She had laid out my clothes, a tight white pair of short-shorts that you could see my black thong right through.? My cut-off top hugged my boobies perfectly and left my flat midriff exposed.? I picked out the highest heels I could, and I was ready to go.? Julie said that we were going over to the Cathouse.? She and Miranda had fucked a couple of guys there yesterday and she said it was a lot of fun.? Thoughts of cum danced in my head as I headed out to the car.? Julie drove, and as we pulled into the Cathouse, a strange feeling came over me.? I couldn't pinpoint it, but the Cathouse looked familiar.? I couldn't remember coming here, but certain things just seemed It was like I belonged here. Julie signed some paperwork and we were given the key to room 422. Julie explained that we were moving in here now and we wouldn't have to go back home.? I tried to think exactly where home was, and I was coming up blank.? Thinking about it made my head hurt, so I decided to think about other stuff. Our room was really nice, and there was all kind of cool clothes in the closets.? The best part, though, was a steady stream of men, all with hard cocks that I milked with my mouth and pussy.? Julie and I took turns satisfying them, and we got a lot of cash, too.? I had no idea what we would spend it on, though. Finally the Cathouse closed for the night and Julie and I snuggled up for the night.? I told her I loved her, and she said she loved me too. Then we compared notes on who was the biggest slut before we fell asleep. ? I sat bolt upright in bed.? I looked at the clock; 3:58 AM.? What the fuck?? What was going on?? I was in this place only a few days ago, looking to get laid.? Now I'm a fucking woman!? I hefted one of my large tits and gasped at the sensitivity of them.? But, but.....this was all wrong. I flung back the covers and turned on the lights.? Looking back at me in the mirror was the embodiment of a porn star.? I was ideally proportioned, and if I had a dick, I'd be stroking it right now to my image.? My tits were stretching my shirt obscenely, and my pussy was eternally wet.? I was a woman!? How had this happened?? Julie lay in bed, her massive boobs rising and falling with every breath. I had to do something about this!? Shit, I should call the police, but they'd never believe me!? I needed to calm down, I thought.? Think rationally, Mike, dammit. It was like the past few days were all some kind of bizarre dream, but the effects were real.? My body was crying out to be touched, held, manipulated, fondled. But I had to focus.? I was now a resident of the Cathouse.? And I knew now that those papers that I signed at Casa Cambio probably let them take our house, our bank accounts, the works.? How could I have been so stupid?? And Joe, my golf partner, who was now a little pixie fucktoy!? And his wife with the huge boner who'd screwed me to within an inch of my life.... Focus, dammit.? Had to get out of here.? I threw on whatever clothes I could find- they were all bimbowear anyway, I just needed enough to avoid prosecution for public nudity.? My feet hurt as I walked barefoot in the room and I realized I needed the extreme arch support those high heels provided.? Throwing on a pair, I grabbed the car keys.? Opening the door, I sneaked down the hallway to the elevator, looking furtively over my shoulder all the while.? Arriving at the lobby, the lights were dim, but I made a beeline to the front door.? I realized I must look ridiculous mincing around in these high heels, all my curves shaking, but I didn't care.? ? Pulling on the front entrance door - locked.? The side doors were locked too. The door behind the check-in counter- locked.? Frustrated, I thought about smashing a window, but that'd just make things worse.? I decided to go back up and wake Julie. Had to shake her a few times, but she eventually woke up, groggily. "What time is it?" she mumbled. "After 4 AM.? But that's not important right now.? Do you know who you are?" "I'm Julie.? What kind of question is that?" "I need you to focus right now, Julie.? Do you remember going to Casa Cambio?" She smiled. "Mmmm. Yes." "Do you remember that we were a little different when we got there than we are now?" Julie frowned. "Yes....I remember...." My heart leapt.? "What do you remember?" A grin came over Julie's face. "I had small little boobs and I didn't have fun fucking.? Now I have big boobs and fucking is all I do and I love it." As fast as it rose, my heart sank.? Julie was still deeply in bimbo mode. I had to get her out of here as well, so I grabbed some clothes out of the closet and asked her to put them on. She pouted at me and asked me to come back to bed.? Focus, I said to myself.? I had to get her up and out of here.? This time, I was going to smash that window. Julie wasn't being much of a help.? She thought I was playing with her.? She reached under my shirt and grabbed one of my boobs.? The little pleasure jolt stopped me in my tracks for a second. I tried to recover, and straddled her to try and put a t-shirt over her head, but she countered by snaking her other hand up inside my micro- miniskirt.? I hadn't taken the time to put on any underwear, so she went straight to my hot little snatch. A finger slipped inside me and her thumb brushed against my clit. I was immobilized.? My brain was racing, but my body betrayed me.? I rationalized: what harm was there in a quick roll in the sack when I was so horny?? Escaping could wait a couple of minutes.? God, her fingers were magic. I writhed against them as I bent forward to kiss her. Her manipulations were harder and quicker now, and I could feel my climax begin to build.? I pulled up my t-shirt to offer her my nipples to suck, and she devoured them greedily.? I could feel my wetness dripping all over her hand as she frigged me intensely. I was startled by the loud sound behind us.? As I started to turn, a small voice inside me said, "Don't look at the......." I looked at the TV.? It was two huge-breasted porn stars locked in a lesbian encounter.? They looked a lot like us, actually.? The small voice inside me was screaming at me to turn away, but I ignored it.? I scooched around to get a better view. ? It was when Julie stuck the finger up my ass that I finally reached nirvana.? Tears were running down my face as I howled in orgasmic delight.? It kept coming and coming- I couldn't stop it, I didn't want to stop it..... The TV became intensely bright.? I wanted to shut my eyes, but I couldn't.? I was frozen in place as a huge flash exploded, enveloping us.? The wave of light had a life of its own, passing though us with a shiver lasting a nanosecond, then expanding out into eternity. ******************************************************** The alarm rang. "Time to get up, babe." Julie hovered over me.? She smelled nice.? I craned up to give her a kiss. Mmm. She handed me a silky blue shirt with white short-shorts. "Our first guy wants to screw the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and we're going to let him." She giggled and waved her pom-poms. "Go Cowboys!" I think the Dallas Cowboys were a football team or something.? It didn't really matter.? The only thing that mattered was at I got my daily dose of cum.? I was so happy we lived here because the cum was never-ending.? I shook my pompoms in his face as his hard cock gave me his load.? Mmm. Life was good.

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Changing Channels Digital Converter

I'd waited too long, and one morning I woke up and my TV didn't work- nothing but static. I'd heard the public service commercials, but I always put it off, and now I was watching static instead of the Today Show. I had cable hooked up on my big TV in the living room, but my older TV in my bedroom had been using the trusty rabbit ears for years. Until today, anyway. I resolved to hit the local Best Buy after work, but when I got there they were out of stock. I was just about to...

2 years ago
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Having settled comfortably on the therapist's couch, Marge was visibly nervous. "So let's get started. How are you feeling today, Marge?" "I guess, okay, Dr. Sigberg. I'm nervous and tired. I didn't get any sleep again last night." "Can you tell me what kept you awake, Marge?" "Not really, doctor. You know, I really don't think these therapy sessions are working." "Marge, it takes time. This is only your third session. Dealing with sexual dysfunction is a lengthy process. If there was a pill...

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Group Therapy

Group Therapy By: philosopher1112 Revised and Updated (Thank you all for your comments. I've been puttering away at this story for such a long time, and now I have a fairly large update. I hope it is at least adequate.) Chapter 1, in which I am introduced to the other members of the group. Slipping into the comfortably dim room, I took a seat and tried to put aside my long-standing suspicion that psychiatrists were the modern equivalent of witch doctors. Even if the name of my...

1 year ago
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Male Erotic Allround Therapy

(Male Erotic Allround Therapy) John was an average man in is late thirties, who had most things in life sorted out. One thing that was missing in his life though was an intimate relationship with a loving woman. He had a couple of romances before, but none was quite fulfilling for him. He just didn´t seem to find the right partner. His last relationship was already through, and his ex had a new boyfriend by now, whom John couldn´t stand, but she still seemed to care for John, since she...

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Changing Channels Tablet Form

Changing Channels- Tablet Interface It was my birthday, and I'd been dropping some pretty heavy hints that I'd like to get one of those new tablet computers. My girlfriend Bree met me for dinner and came present in hand. She gave me a kiss that was probably a little risqu? for the Olive Garden, and sat down at the table, all flushed. She handed me a box right away. "Open it, Toby," she said. I was willing to wait until after dinner, but she seemed insistent. Her whole manner was ...

4 years ago
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Changing Channels Delivery

The Delivery I couldn't believe it. When I got home, there was a huge package sitting on my doorstep, addressed to me. It had come via FedEx, and whoever sent it must have paid a fortune. But, I wasn't expecting any package that I could recall, certainly not one this large. I tried looking at the box to see who'd sent it, but the return address was smudged and illegible. I had a feeling this wasn't meant for me. But it was looking like rain so I figured whatever it was, I'd better...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels Part 2 Emilys Story

Changing Channels Part 2- Emily's Story By Zouscha Emily heard the now-familiar noise or sexual romping coming from upstairs. Two of her tenants had moved out in the last month, and a third was threatening to because of all the noise. Normally this would have been a concern for Emily, for as the owner of this apartment house, she'd need that rent money to make ends meet. It had been a lean couple of months lately, but as she listened to the noise from upstairs, her mind could...

1 year ago
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Lonely Twenties Slut Therapy

"Oh fuck damn!" shouted Amber, in a high pitched tone while being covered in sweat.The vision became dim as she started to faint from exhaustion, heat and the pounding of Kai who had her in a doggy style position and was giving her a merciless anal pounding. Kai was so intense and held the helpless raven-haired beauty in place while tearing through her. Amber's head bounced around as she could barely balance on her knees and started to collapse, only being held up by Kai's strong grip on...

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Fierce Therapy

A Fierce Therapy, A TG Horror Story by Kathy Core [not to be reproduced in print or on a pay site] 'Fierce' as he was known to his friends couldn't take another minute of nicotine withdrawal, feeling as if somebody was perpetually screwing bolts into his head. He couldn't stop his teeth from clenching, nor control his fragile temper. He was losing control, plain and simple, and now matter whatLucy, his...

2 years ago
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Canine Therapy

Amy MacDonald had a terrible fear of dogs. Months ago at the beginning of summer, she had been bitten by one, and though the mark on her arm had disappeared the mere sight of a dog would make her fear for her life. Over time she learned to avoid dogs which helped her to stay calm, but a new problem had emerged and had become a real drag on her wellbeing. She was eighteen, only a month into university and finally getting her first taste of freedom, yet she now couldn't leave her own student...

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Changing Channels Part 6 The Final Signoff

Changing Channels Part 6- The Final Signoff By Zouscha The bright light hurt Kim's eyes. Bambi had thrown open the curtains and sunlight was pouring into their hotel room. Kim's head felt like an anvil being pounded on. Bambi was entirely too cheerful. 'Rise and shine, sleepyhead!' she chirped. Kim slowly fought her way to consciousness and tried to piece together where she was and what she was doing. Bambi was pacing back and forth in the room impatiently. 'I wanted to go out...

2 years ago
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Sissy Therapy

My advertisement read: MEN Interested in sex with other men but don't know how to proceed? Looking for a safe, friendly way to find out if this is for you? Obsessed by online bi/gay/sissy/crossdressing porn but frightened to meet someone? Is your marriage at risk because of your desires? I can help! One four-hour sexual therapy session will help you to decide if this is right for you, and will help you to understand your desires. Don't suffer alone, I can...

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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

Wife Lovers
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Alternate Therapy

My name is Natalie Smart. I am currently studying for my Phd in Classical Literature at a large university in Eastern England. I find my studies absorbing and I guess most will call me bookish if not actually a prude. It's not that I don't get on with people, I can be very sociable whenever I want to, it's just that I quickly tire of them, finding most of them shallow and in the case of the men, interested in one thing and one thing only. Unfortunately I am frequently pestered as I am judged to...

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Physical Therapy

Unlike most smart people, I tend to ignore the fact that warming up before strenuous exercise is essential for your overall good health and for best performance. I’ve always been lazy like that and until recently, I’ve been lucky. But my luck ran out playing tennis on a hot day, and during the course of stretching to make a shot, I pulled and injured some tendons in my upper thigh.I ended up assigned to physical therapy twice a week, and the first day was uneventful. My therapist, Gretchen, was...

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It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the first real day of summer after a long rainy spring, and the wide concrete path that hugged the Chicago lakefront was packed with people enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Joggers, walkers, bikers, and rollerbladers, all fighting for position on the same crowded path, but everyone was in a good mood and having fun, including me. I was one of the rollerbladers, and not a very experienced one. After watching bladers shoot by me day after day while I was...

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How Porn Channels Gave Me Sexual Satisfaction

I’m not saying I was a bad lover to begin with, because who in their right mind willingly cops to something like that? What I will say is, that before I accidentally found my way down a porn channels rabbit hole, I was much less aware of all of the incredible things a single body can do and feel. That’s how it led to immense sexual satisfaction. “Tiff, have you seen these free porn channels?” Robert. My co-worker. He’s the type of guy that is just effortlessly handsome. Cheeky, and devilishly...

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Aprils Radical Mental Therapy

Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy

“Doctor Gerard, this is Mrs. Brown, our client for the next two days.” Julienne introduced me to a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. Her short black haired, brown eyes and pale skin oozed sensuality but her droopy shoulders tried to hide her firm breasts and sexuality.“Good morning. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable.” I took Mrs. Brown’s hand and led her to the couch. She wore her conservative grey business suit, designer shoes and handbag like a suit of armour against the...

Group Sex
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my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!   THERAPY   Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard cock...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 6 Familys Incestuous Therapy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Therapy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I'd seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so...

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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

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"Doesn't everybody desire sexual pleasure?"This was the best opening I could muster in my first meeting with the counselor. Dr. Timothy was selected by my wife, Lou (short for Louise), of s*******n years."To some degree everyone desires sexual pleasure, Richard. Tell me why do you desire pleasure?"Lou had arranged the meeting after determining I needed help. In an intimate moment, I suggested we expand our sex life by adding a little spice—such as another woman. Lou didn't react right away, but...

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Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....

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Sarah Carerra 203 Family Therapy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 6 In Therapy

In Therapy (part of the HH genre) TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women...

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Physical Therapy

  A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to the flow of traffic smashed into the rear of my car at a very high rate of speed. The impact was very severe and the paramedics who arrived on the scene suggested that I should go to the hospital and get checked out. There was some stiffness in my back and neck, but I figured it would just go away, and I was really not in the mood...

Straight Sex
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Specialist therapy

I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...

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Family Therapy

I licked my lips for a moment. "You want to invite me in with you two?" "Yes, you seem to like what you see, and you've put up with our fighting enough," Kate replied, leaning towards me and kissing me. "I wouldn't mind you joining us," she added, before grabbing a blanket and wiping my chest. "Care to join me, Stephen?" she pondered, prior to leaning down to my jugs. "Oh, you just went up even higher, Kate, yes, lick that nipple and make me feel good," I moaned, placing a hand on her head....

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"And how does that make you feel, Bob?" "It used to make me angry, Ann, but now I just ignore it." "Bob, it would be better if you addressed me as Dr. Culver. Therapy is more effective if you take it seriously. A casual approach isn't good for either of us." "That's fine by me. Henceforth you may call me Mr. Canfield." "If you wish, but I've found using first names puts a patient more at ease." "I'm not a patient, I'm a customer. I'll go along with whichever you prefer,...

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Talaes from the Froglady Couple Therapy

Tales from the Frog-lady: Couple therapy by Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - Introducing the Silvas Eduardo is the first one to wake up. He is still in that half sleep, half awake phase in which dream and reality mix, but even in this state he realizes something feels strange. In the 10 years of his marriage with Adriana, he slept in the same side of the bed, so the image he has from his bedroom is pretty much the same everyday. Now things seem to be out of place. It takes about 15...

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Changing Channels Second Generation Tablet

The package arrived on Friday, and Chris found it inside his screen door. He was surprised when he opened it, for inside the nondescript box was a brand-new tablet PC. There was no instruction manual, nothing more than a power cord. Odd way to send one of these, he thought. The box had no manufacturer's name and there was no return address. He wondered if his new girlfriend Elena had ordered it. Elena had just gotten out of a messy relationship with another woman, and Chris...

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Lana gives me sexual therapy

A big problem for those who are young, single, hot, rich and kinky is finding an outlet for their sexual appetites but not end up in the National Enquirer, messy relationships or in secret government databases for later coercion or fundraising. The word is that well connected elites have worked with Concierge Healthcare providers who already serve them with high-end sports injury and other therapies to develop private sexual clinics that can cater to those appetites. It is true but you...

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Changing Channels On Demand

It had been a rough day. I'd just gotten laid off from Lowe and Gardner, the accounting firm where I worked. Business was down, and I was the low guy on the totem pole, so I kind of had a feeling it was coming. Still, it didn't make it any better when the ax did fall. My boss, Harry, had always been a bit of an asshole, and he really showed his true colors at my 'exit interview'. He admitted that he could have kept me on, but he didn't like my attitude. What he meant by that is...

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Lana gives me sexual therapy

These clinics employ Doctors in Physical Therapy (DPT) graduates who are serving their internships in Concierge Healthcare already and are provided opportunities to divide their work between Healthcare and the Clinic. When they serve in the clinic, they are paid well and able to pay down their student loans incurred to earn their DPT. The skills needed in the Clinics is not available academically but can be found on the indexed internet and in the deep web. There are limits on how far the...

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Fairy Tale Therapy

Geraldine sat with her elbow propped on the desk, forehead resting on her hand. She had just eaten the basket of goodies her granddaughter brought her for lunch. She was really going to have to talk to her daughter-in-law about letting the child go out by herself. She wasn’t old enough to go tripping through the forest. It just wasn’t safe. She sighed. No use postponing the inevitable. She hated conducting the fairy tale families’ group therapy sessions, but there was no one else qualified....

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Kyle Roberts HypnoTherapy

My name is Dr. Tiffany Strauss. I'm 32 years old and I have been practicing therapy for about seven years. While I take on many different patients, my office mostly focuses on family dysfunction, teenage depression, and other various younger patient issues. It's a job that I find extremely rewarding, as I know that a person's teenage years are the most crucial times in their life, so when I'm able to set these troubled youths onto a better path, I know that my work has tremendous value. I...

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