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It began with a sudden realization of Rod's while turning on his compact disk player. Mike was standing in the room looking out the window thinking, watching an attractive black woman walk down the street, turning the corner and disappearing. She had been very pregnant from the looks of it, as still very attractive. He wished that Lisa would want to have more kids. They had only Will, and Will was a fine son but Mike had always dreamt of having more children. The black woman seemed a world away, and a race away. "I got this cd player for fifty bucks up at the store. Surround sound, what do you think of that Mr. Richter?" Rod said to Mike. But Mike did not answer, he was too busy watching the woman disappear, her fine ass moving off into the distance. "Looks like one of the kids left a cd in here." The cd began playing. Rod had left the room, thinking that it was Randy Travis, but it was actually Lil Kim. "To all my motherfuckin' gettin' money hoes, used to clothes... love a hard bitch One that get up in a nigga's ass quicker than an enema Make a cat bleed then sprinkle it with vinegar" It wasn't that he wasn't happy with where his current situation, he was married and very content being a man with his wife. It was nice to get away from her a little bit though. Distance makes the heart fonder. He walked into the hallway of the old trailer made in the late 70s, the long thick green carpeting flat from the years of being trampled. So this was where Rod and Loretta Richter had decided to live, found a place alone to spend the middle part of their days away in a trailer park that allowed absolutely no children. He couldn't help but laugh at the idea as he realized that most of their stories were of things that had happened when the entire gang was much younger. Now, as Rod had noted to him once before, his children were now having children. The cd continued, "...Make him call his wife and say he never coming home..." Mike looked up at the picture in the home of his lifelong friend Rod, and Rod's wife Loretta. The long serious look on his face, his son in the other room talking to Loretta. The years slipped by him, and slowly he began to deposit each and every idea in his mind. Cd: "What? I'm loving this shit Queen Bitch!" The drive had been long, and the heat was intense, but was not to last. These were the final days of the Autumn that he had enjoyed. Fishing with his son, and going on trips with him while he had a few days away from school. It gave the two a chance for a father and son outing. Cd: "...I treat y'all niggas like y'all treat us No Doubt! Ay yo, yo Come here so I can bust in ya mouth" Just the two of them together, the way his wife had suggested. The picture on the wall reminded him of how fortunate he was to have both an understanding wife like Lisa, and friends like Rod and Loretta. Cd: "...Cause y'all niggas ain't shit man And if I was dude I'd tell y'all to suck my dick." The four of them had always been close, and the picture on the wall of Rod's son and daughter in law getting married made him realize what they had all been through together. Cd: "...All I wanna do is get my pussy sucked..." Mike snapped to reality as a bus drove by, slowly he walked over to the cd player just in time as Rod walked into the room. "I'm turning this shit off." He winced, "I take it this isn't your music." "Nah, like I said, the kids listen to that shit." Rod laughed shutting it off. "Damn bitch thinks she's a man or something." "Or something." Mike laughed. "I'm going down to Phil's store to see if he has any lights for my truck. I need to get the damn thing fixed. You comin?" Rod asked, always in a hurry with his fat belly flopping out of his pants. "Um...." Mike looked over at his son, "Yeah why not. You coming along too?" His son nodded and walked over with him to the door. "Ya know dad, I'm so glad that you brought me up here this weekend like I asked." Will gently put his arms around his father and hugged him. Such a rare moment for there to be affection between the two of them. It was almost a once in a lifetime occurrence these days for them. "You know Rod..." Mike said, putting his hand on his old friend's shoulder as they put their coats on and began to walk out of the house, "I have to tell you that he's been nagging and nagging me to come up here to see you guys. He really enjoys coming up here." Rod nodded at him, really not paying much attention to him, he looked at his wife. "Have you seen my keys at all?" Loretta walked out and looked around on the table and the chair and finally found them shoved down behind the door in the carpeting. It was such a small house, situated in low income housing for older people who did not want to be bothered by children in a neighborhood. It gave them the opportunity to be totally free from the noises and the broken windows. But deep down, neither of them could be happy. They had tried to build a security wall around themselves in hopes that their family would hold together. "I mean it Rod. This boy, the only thing he can talk about is coming to Buffalo to see you guys." Mike said, trying to get his friend's attention, and feeling somewhat brushed off by his friend. Nevertheless, Mike felt that it was up to him to talk and ramble or whatever the case may be in his friend's eyes. Rod opened the door for them, Loretta having thrown him the keys to their blazer. "Good. We're happy to have you two around here." He said with a warm smile, then messing up the kid's hair for a laugh. "And maybe this boy will get some action." "He's pretty smart, not out sleeping with every girl he sees." Mike added, trying to defend his son, who was feeling uncomfortable being looked upon so negatively by the obviously dirty old man that Rod was. "Well you a virgin boy?" Rod said with a passing glance. "Uh..." the poor boy stuttered, "Ye..yes.. I am." The teenage boy looked up at the pictures on the wall of Rod and Loretta's grandchildren. His eyes skipped across them until it found the picture of their granddaughter Katie in the arms of her mother. A weary sigh escaped him in his shame. "Never been with a girl... eat pussy or anything like that?" Rod continued, which Mike didn't mind because he knew that Rod was playing around. Rod had always been that way, and it was a crude way of being close with the boy. "No.." he said lowering his head, "I've never been with a girl. Or even seen what one looks like naked." "Well that's alright boy. Good enough. You can sit in the middle seat and we'll try and spot something for you to bring home and have some fun with." Rod began to laugh, "If you're anything like you're old man, when you stick that in a girl and let it explode and hear her groan like an animal, you'll know then and there what it's all about. Never want to do anything for the rest of your life. That's what I did." Loretta looked back at them as they left the house shaking her head, it was a guy thing she supposed. Something that she had never understood about men. She was glad that Mike and Will would only be around for three days, the weekend. They were lucky if they saw the two twice in an entire year, and with Winter on it's way, they would most likely not see them for another year. She really didn't like the stress of company anymore, and was glad that her son David was having a party the following day. Loretta waited until the guys left, and then picked up the phone, slowly dialing the number for her son's house. She had gotten extremely close to her son over the past few years, embracing the life that he had built for himself. David had become a successful craftsman who was akin at fixing anything mechanical, even putting extremely large amounts of money into useless pieces of equipment just to see how they worked. Loretta listened as her ten year old grandson answered the phone, "Yes Timmy, this is Grandmum, is your mother there at the moment? I'd like to speak with her please." "Yeah I'll get her grandmum. Is Pappa coming over at all today?" Timmy said, off track as ten year old are known to be. Loretta rolled her eyes, she was glad that he hadn't seen it. She loved her grandchildren dearly, and their mother over the past few years had been one of the best at raising her children into fine ladies and gentleman. There were two of them, a boy and a younger girl who had just started first grade. "No, sweetie, I believe he said that he was going to be over tomorrow though for the party." "Ok Grandma thanks!" the boy answered.... The short silence, and then his mother was on the other end. "Vicki? Do you have a minute?" Loretta asked politely to her daughter- in-law. Vicki had the phone up to her ear while stirring a pot of macaroni and cheese on the stove for her daughter who was sitting at the table complaining that she was hungry. "Yeah but make it quick ok? I'm getting Kayla some dinner and then when David comes home we're gonna get ready for the party tomorrow." "Ok I'll be quick then," Loretta sighed, "You know it's kind of cramped here, and since you have such a large house, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" "Sure anything. Hmm let me guess," Vicki replied, her long hair and ridged features of her native ancestry, holding within her a secret yearning to see Mike again. She knew that he would be in. "Ok, well, Mike and his son are in for the weekend and I really don't have anywhere for them to stay. I was wondering if we could arrange it that after the party tomorrow that they could spend the rest of the weekend over there. It would only be like one night or something like that. You have a lot more room than we do over here you know. And since we'll be over for the party..." Vicki turned off the macaroni and cheese on the table and spooned it into a bowl for her daughter, "Now you be careful cause this is hot." And slowly replied to Loretta, not meaning to be so busy, "Well, ok. I like having them over. Old Mike is always fun to have around, and his son has never given any of us problems. I'd be glad to have them over. He can have my bed." She chuckled to herself, "We haven't been doing all that much with my yeast infection anyhow. What a pain!" she exclaimed. "Another one? You should get to the doctor and see if there isn't something wrong with you." Loretta spoke with concern. "You just want to be able to say that you've had Mike in your bed though. I know how you are." "He can have my bed and your son too! He loves his nookie... the doctor I did see told him, 'She needs time to heal down there. Give her some time.' But he won't listen. Mike can have it, but I don't mind having them over. He has a check for me... owes me the three hundred for the ceramics that I sent to Lisa and him." Loretta smiled to herself. "Ok good. Rody and I talked it over and we'll bring them over tomorrow. I'll see you there then." "Ok... be sure to bring some extra hot dog buns ok?" Vicki added. That night Will sat in the top bunk of the trailer of Rod and Loretta's house, looking down at the open window. It was about three in the morning, and the only thing that he could keep in his mind was that he was finally there, in Erie. He adored going up there and seeing Rod and Loretta and David and Vicki, they were all like family to him. Especially Rod, although he had his moments of getting on the young man's nerves, he was like an uncle that he had not seen in a long time. The moon echoed her sparkling glow through the open window, down on the bare flesh of his arm, and he knew that somehow it was the same moon that was shining down on the lake that he loved so much. The memories that he held as a child when his mother and father would take him all around the city. He remembered going swimming in the lake with them, and with Vicki and David. David and Vicki, the two crazy assed young blood of Erie. They were both in their early thirties. Those two were always fun to be around. Now they had bought their own house, just east, out in the country and walking distance to the lake. It was exciting to think that he was going to, from what he'd heard, spend the next few days out there walking all around the property. Totally amazing to him. His young body ached for action the next day, walking around the party. There were supposedly fifty guests to show up, and people that he had never met. "God," he said in a whisper, "I'm so glad that you've brought me here to see all of this beautiful land. Driving here was so neat. I hope that I get to have fun tomorrow at David and Vicki's and that I will get to spend more time with them. Especially Vicki, I like how she always says what she feels and means what she says. She's so cool. Amen." He covered his eyes with his hand for awhile, blocking the moonlight, realizing that it was keeping him awake. But still, he looked down at the bottom bunk as his father moved in his sleep, he knew that his thoughts were racing like a freight train. He couldn't and wouldn't be able to sleep at all, and was used to the feeling that he got on trips. The next morning Mike and his son woke up late. It was well after noon by the time that they had all of their clothes changed and met Rod at the truck for their ride to the party. It was still rather early, a full three hours until the party. It was going to be one of those all afternoon parties where the guys would sit around and break in a keg of Iron City Beer. "We're gonna stop by the distributor and pick up a case of beer in case the party goes bust ya know. They never plan ahead these things." Rod said with a sigh, "I keep telling my fricken son that you need to figure out how many people are coming." "He said around fifty," Mike chimed in. "Fifty, he always says fifty. And then he ends up inviting everybody and their brother and you have a hundred or so. And then I hear, 'Hey pop wanna go get me some booze?" Rod laughed, grinding down on the clutch. "Yeah that's when nobody shows up though," Mike smiled. "Don't let me forget to give her my check." "Ok. Yeah you know it." Rod was a wild driver, always going twenty miles over the speed limit, just for the hell of it. Always with the lead foot, and it made Mike extremely nervous. It was one thing that he'd never understood about Rod and his family, when they wanted something done they wanted it done immediately. The great outlaws who defied every man made law on the planet. "Ya know," Rod said with a smile. "This party is gonna be great. Maybe we'll piss Vicki off like we did the last time." "What'd you do now?" Mike chuckled, looking in his wallet for money to pay for half of the beer. "Well..... well.... Ok you got me." Rod stated to laugh hysterically, almost driving completely off the road towards a little girl on a bike who gave them the finger. "Rod watch the road!" "I am Mike," Rod continued, "So anyway what was I saying?" "Um... something about your son's party that he had and pissing his wife off." "Oh..yeah ok," Rod said, paying more attention to the road this time. "We got hammered. And Vicki can't drink booze, so we were out of it and she was sober. So we went...." He paused as he passed a slower driver, "He um... anyhow she was there wearing a T shirt and a bathing suit underneath that. And we got riled up and tried to get her to do a little strip for us. Had a bet what her breast size was. David got in on it too and she flipped. Wouldn't talk to me for a whole.. fu.. frickin week!" He was starting to become annoyed by Mike, questioning his driving ability. By then, it was time to get the booze, and Rod's mind was too absorbed in the idea of the beer more so than his broken stories. None of his stories ever made sense, and they were never finished. He'd spend the entire time driving to a place and wait until the last two minutes of the drive to begin a deep conversation because he knew that there was nobody who would ever end the conversation in anything but his favor. Not long after, they arrived at David and Vicki's. David having already had at least four beers. They would not make it much further than the garage. They already had the chairs and the tables set up out there under the spotlight where they could all be alone and get drunk, pass out under the gleaming light. Mike and his son left Rod and David alone to discuss a few things about mechanics out in the garage with Vicki's father. Will was always careful to take a look at his surroundings. It was a long walk to the house from the garage. They had a beautiful garden, now in ruin from the frosts, and he wondered what it had looked like in the Summer. They always had beautiful tomatoes and peppers and corn ripe for the picking, most of it falling off on the vine. Vicki had her art studio out in the garage as well, a small sectioned off area with all of her paints and paintings, something that he would have to be sure to ask her about when there was more time. She was always interested in spending time with him discussing strange occurrences, having grown up on a farm she was far from innocent. He remembered her once telling him that she was proud of him for being such a good boy and being so level headed. "When I was your age, I was screwing boys in the barn and drinking beer like you can't imagine" But of course that concealed how she had talked and acted around him when she was alone. She had a side of herself that was crazy. It was shortly before the party, Mike and his son sat it the kitchen of David and Vicki's house, relaxed and enjoying the shelter from the mid November day. The heater fired up in the cellar, and the vents turned their hot air with the loud clutter from the old machine. Vicki stood in the doorway, sweat beading on her forehead, just coming from the garage. She had the look of frustration, which was clearly visible with all of the new people in her house. "So are you guys leaving tomorrow or the day after?" Mike looked up at her, he noticed that she gave him that look, it was the look with a twist of her hips. She had the innocent schoolgirl face that looked as if it would disappear at any moment, "Not sure yet. I was thinking about tomorrow morning or maybe the next day depending on what David says he's doing." "Well it might be a little bit of a day tomorrow, we might need you around. There is something wrong with my dad's truck, he took it down to his place to have a look at it and did all kinds or work on it. Rod wouldn't even let his father in her to touch his tools or anything." Vicki said, moving into the kitchen where Mike and his son were sitting quietly. Mike laughed at what she said, looking though his wallet to see how much money he had on him. Vicki continued, "It's like, then David tells him 'No dad you're not touching any of my frickin tools.' He says, 'You never put anything back.'" Mike laughed deeper. Vicki moaned, walking over to the food that she was cooking in the oven. "And that's like whoah they used to be just slap nuts, you'd find tools everywhere." Mike, "Yeah." Vicki began to laugh to herself. "If you didn't run over it, you didn't find it you know. So that's why I was like, I looked at dad and went WHAT? You wouldn't let him in there? Boy is that strange. " Mike slowly raised his head, having said little but an agreement since she had walked in the room, "You know, this is surprising that he had some things that he needed done to his car and told me that he needed them done. And put back to where they belong. He said, I better get this done right or David will go nuts on me. He said, he don't like his tools lying around." "That's putting it lightly," she whispered, moving over the table at him. "I thought to myself, um... Rod's like that too I guess," he continued. "Yeah" Mike, "And um" "He takes right after him." Vicki said, throwing her hands up in the air. "I said, 'I don't mind you taking after your father. But there are a few things if you EVER take after your father...'" Mike seemed amused as he listened to her rant, "You're dead?" "Yeah," she said with a smile. "I will not put up with cheating. That's the number one thing. I said, 'If you feel you gotta so somewhere else, you let me know first and we'll talk about it.' And I said, 'Please don't forget this.' There's little things that he will do that I'll say, 'Hey now aren't we the senior now huh?'" Mike laughed to himself, taking notice of a novel sitting on the table. Vicki cried out with laughter. "And he gets mad." She looked down at the book and put her hand on it, playing with the pages, "Jane Austen, what a weird writer. This book makes absolutely no sense at all, even with three or four cups of coffee." He looked over to her with his cup in the air. "I wouldn't mind some more coffee. Forget the book." "Well it's over here in the pot you know." She said matter of factly. "Yeah but it's so far away," he whined. Vicki's voice rose mockingly, "Well damnit Mike, get your ass over here and get some. Jesus Christ, my son is ten years old and he can get coffee for himself." Mike got up from his chair with a groan and walked over to get more coffee in his coffee cup. The whole time her looked over at his son, who was reading the newspaper. Then she looked down at the dishwasher. "I keep telling David to get me a gasket for this dish washer. It used to really shoot out hard when we first got it and now it won't work." Mike grinned at her erotically. "Yeah you like when it shoots out hard?" She looks at him with a horny grin and smiled, "Yeah it didn't leak or anything. Well when we changed the water over to city water.. er .. whatever. They took the old one out and it screwed it up. Boy is that thing hard cutting. Oh dear. How long does it take to get one of these installed?" Mike moved closer for a look. "Oh about an hour if you want me to work on it?" Vicki "No well it's ok I'll have David look at it, otherwise he'll just bitch. He's so jealous." She looked up at him and puckered her lips, "And besides, you're on vacation." He looked out the window at her yard, "Vacation but in heaven, I love this house of yours. I'd love to have what you have here. That big yard and the flowers..." She laughed reaching for the dishwasher. "I'm content with it, but it is a lot to take care of." He was standing beside her when slowly she leaned forwards to adjust a switch on her dishwasher. A sudden spark struck down from the food on the stove. She leaned over to shut off the burner when Mike caught eye of the fact that her one hand was in the wet dishwasher and the other on the electric stove. She was whispering something to herself and smiled back at him. "Vicki be careful!" he exclaimed as he reached out to her, catching her around the waste as her hands touched both switches. The electricity suddenly coursed through Vicki's body and then through Mike's body, and they both fell on top of each other as the shock ended. Mike blacked out, having taken the brunt of the shock. The next thing that Mike knew, he felt himself being carried up the stairs and placed onto the bed that David and Vicki had offered him to use for the night. It was so soft against his back as he was lightly set down, and seemed strange to him that someone had managed to carry him upstairs. It didn't even seem as though it was someone that he knew. He slowly regained consciousness. "Mike?" a strong masculine voice whispered in his ear. The man looking down from the bedroom window at the yard where the children were playing on the tractor, the warm sun radiating on him. "Yes.. I...m.. I'm.. ok. Help me up." Mike moaned, barely realizing the change in his voice, and held his hand up to his forehead, "What it the matter with my voice? And who are you?" The man slowly stood over him with his hand down his pants examining the new penis that came with the body, "Mike, I hate to break this to you but somehow we um... traded places here. That shock knocked you out, but this huge body could take the shock of it. I woke up and saw myself lying there and carried you upstairs. I already told your son ... er my son what happened and he wants to talk to you later. Oh boy what a day." The man gently rubbed his hand against Mike's breasts. "My what a beautiful woman I was." "Vicki?" Mike moaned, holding his hand up to his head. "I have the most incredible sensation... the worst headache I've ever had in my life. How did.. ugh..." she felt like she was going to throw up. "No Vicki here." Vicki said, bending down and kissing her forehead, "You're Vicki now. I'm Mike. Look at me...."she sighed, "I'm definitely not Vicki anymore. And your headache will go away. We'll need to discuss my body and a few other things." Mike looked down at his shirt that suggested his breasts, and felt the tightness of his jeans against the unfamiliar mounds of flesh between his legs. "I'm a she.... I'm Vicki Rutherford? What could be worse than that" "Yes you're me. And I'm going to have to teach you how to calculate my monthly period, those tampons can be a bitch going in at times, and to take your birth control pills so you don't get pregnant. That would really suck, and if I have another baby with David, I want it to be with me in that body. I think this is only temporary, so please just do whatever I'd normally do." Vicki sighed as she reached her hand down towards her vagina, "Oh.... How David would kick my ass for touching you there. He um... well... you're his wife now. And you want to keep that clean down there. Wipe when you pee or it will get all smelly. And be extra clean when it's that time of the month. And above all, take your medicine for that yeast infection." "Yeast infection!!!!" the new Vicki moaned in terror, "I can't handle this. I'm not doing any of that stuff. I'm taking my son and going home." "Yes you have a son and a daughter. Timmy and Kayla, conceived with true passionate love between David and me." The new Mike said with scorn, "And that IS my body. And if you DON'T take the pill and take care of yourself, you will be walking around for nine months with a third child. He's gonna fuck you cause he loves his poontang and yes he lets it loose in that little box. I don't think you want that. You're a mommy now and a woman." Vicki, as she would have to call herself now, took a deep breath and looked up at her previous body. She never realized how strong and dominant she had looked like when she was a man. Now she couldn't help but feel fear in the prospect of all that she was being told. "No... no ... no... There is no way in hell. This can't be real. I'm not you, Vicki. I'll call myself it for now... but I want my own body back my tomorrow. I'm not sleeping with David. Uh...uh... never." She rose her voice, "Son! Get in here. I need your help." The new Mike took a deep breath and waited for Will to come into the room, seeing Vicki's body down to her panties sitting on bed looking extremely unhappy. He had seen the even happen and knew what had happened, still somewhat in shock himself. "Listen, Dad." Will said, trying to look away from the obviously attractive woman, "I love you.. I'm having trouble knowing what to say." Vicki looked up at her son, putting away her feelings for a few minutes and leaned over to her son. She was starting to get tears in her eyes as she carefully hugged him, feeling her breasts against his chest. "Look... Will... this is ... I'm going home with you, I don't care what she says. This isn't my body and deep down I'm still your father. We'll get through this alright." "And what about mom?" Nick sighed, "What about her. You know she doesn't like other women. She'd never go down for that. I don't want to see us all get broken up over this Dad." Vicki lovingly tightened her grip around her son, "I may as well call myself VICKI. So... Mike, we'll talk about this later on. Can I have a few minutes alone with my son?" Mike shook his head and looked at the new woman, her bra wasn't on straight and her breast was flopping out on her son, "No... you two can't be this close. I'm sorry, I'd never let him touch me like that. Get that breast back in there! My fucking God I can't believe this!" he was becoming angry, "Come on! The party is in like twenty minutes. People are going to come in here! You have to get the food out of the oven and start getting it prepared. You're a hostess!!! Enough of the huggy shit!" Vicki's eyes glazed over as she looked back at her former body, "It's ok son, I'll always be here for you." She took a deep breath, "AND AS FOR YOU! 'Enough of this huggy shit?' EXCQUEESE me!?!?! I'm NOT YOU. And I WILL get my body back. I'll do your little party today and try and be the little wife. But you... shit.. you just see who stays here." "Yeah, you just remember that you are in my body. Try and find someone to believe you. It's like the check you brought and... I signed for you baby." Mike reached down and grabbed his crotch, "I don't think you have the balls to be a wife. Must be a little DRAFTY down there? Don't you fucking realize that you are a woman? You're married and have two children. You have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday that you WILL go to." "And WHY would I need to go to the doctor?" Vicki said mockingly, holding her hands on her hips. Her son helped her place her breast back inside of her top. Mike pointed at Nick, "Get your hands off of that thing!" "You know, I never minded you coming up here to visit us but this is the last time. You're going to the doctor on Tuesday to see about your yeast infection and having your koochie examined. You'll LOVE it. And you will do it because like it or not, it's your body and you need to keep it healthy. Otherwise you'll feel extremely stinky down there. We must keep ourselves clean if we want to be a lady." He began to chuckle, "I'm gonna go have a few drinks with the guys. And remember... as soon as that clears up down there, David's gonna be pounding your puss. Until then, you better keep that big mouth open and give some good head." "I said I'm not." Vicki said, pointing at herself, "Doing that. I am not sleeping with that husband of yours!" She collapsed on the bed as Mike left. She knew that Mike was not being mean, but merely being more realistic than she was. She had obviously gained his tact during the transfer. She had gained her dizziness. Mike looked back at her and moved his tongue in his mouth to simulate a woman giving a blowjob. He laughed at the look of shock on her face and added, "Just like on Desperate Housewives." Nick closed the door and embraced her, in her pool of near tears and emotions, gently holding her in his arms as best he could, "It's going to be ok. It's gonna be ok." It wasn't long later that the party finally got underway. All of the pork and the various food items were painstakingly set on the outside table, the wind making it extremely difficult to keep the table cloth down. Vicki felt so uncomfortable in her new body, with the occasional sexual glance from David, it was not a picnic for the newly formed woman. She had made it a point not to do anything that Vicki would normally do, in a form of rebellion, and yet her own body was starting to betray her. Vicki leaned over the table to serve the mashed potatoes to Mike, and felt his gawking glance at her breast. She looked over at him, amongst the other people, and felt the sharp smile on his face. It was his way of telling her that she was doing a good job and putting up a good front as herself. The new Mike was the entire essence of the old Vicki, and that wasn't a bad man. He really seemed and looked handsome to Vicki, and she felt a strange tingle between her legs and realized that she was being turned on by her own body, then decided to continue about her business. Nick took a small helping of mashed potatoes, and had very little on his plate. The rest of the family had seemingly covered their plates with ham and potatoes and gravy, and a fresh slice of cherry pie. But Nick had never been a big eater, and was somewhat meek. Vicki remembered and realized this as she walked around his side of the table. She carefully leaned over to him and whispered in his ear in strange lady like fashion. "Son, you know you can have some ham. I brought it out and you're welcome to it." "It's ok, I don't have much of an appetite." The boy said with a deep quiet sigh, deep inside knowing that the outcome would be obvious. He would lose his father completely to Vicki's life. He even had to call his father, the man who conceived him, by the name of a woman who was merely a friend and that he had once had somewhat of a crush on. This was totally different. His only hope was the same thing that had been racing through his mind since the minute that this happened. It was HIS fault that his father and he had gone to Buffalo this weekend. "Ok sweetie, just remember that it's here and I'll..." she began to say, then suddenly distracted from across the table by Rod, who was on his second beer already. "Is there anymore of these beans in the kitchen or did David eat them all?" Rod looked over at David and then at Vicki, "I bet he's just trying to find something to keep his pencil hard." Everybody at the table, including a reluctant Vicki laughed at the comment. "Yeah she's gonna get the old meat tonight. Isn't that right babe?" David said to her, reaching for her waste and sitting her on his lap, where she felt his hard pecker pull up from his jeans against her ass. She felt him bounce her on his one knee, "Yes hon. You keep up with that and might just have to.. " she leaned forward and gave him a soft passionate kiss, "give it to me right here and now." The whole kiss totally disgusted her, but she knew that he would be too drunk by evening to know her from the pillow. "Then maybe I should just excuse ourselves?" David laughed, grabbing her ass and reaching for a bread roll at the same time, "Want a little creamy Caesar on that salad?" That evening, Vicki looked out the window of the kitchen to see the result of the party. People had stopped by, and many having left. The evening had worn down and she had more time to sit down alone and think things over. Her son, or rather Mike's son, was on the porch coming through the door as she opened the door for him. She left it open for him to come into the kitchen, and then went into the living room to take a careful glance on her children who had fallen asleep in front of the television. Timmy and Kayla were curled up together on the sofa, wrapped up in a sleeping bag having fallen asleep to Walker Texas Ranger, their favorite show. Nick came in and put a warm loving arm on her shoulder as she stood in the doorway. "Lock the door." Vicki sighed quietly, "And please tell me that they are all passed out." Nick nodded, being that they were the only two sober ones from the party, "Door is locked and the guys are out cold. That Vicki you know... he..she can sure drink a lot of booze. She went down fast." Vicki shook her head and leaned back into his arms, "Yeah she never could hold down her beer. I didn't drink any because I know she gets sick on it and I don't want to take the chance. You never know what might happen with those guys." She moved closer to her children and kissed Kayla on the forehead. She felt the warm motherly instinct hit her for the first time in this new body. "She's.... they're asleep. You don't want to wake them." "I know..." Vicki sighed, "Just look at them. They are so beautiful.... It's weird. I mean I'm ... I am more blood to them now than I am to my own son. They are so beautiful and I feel and know that it was this body... these lips... this... well... body that slept with David and carried them for nine months. I have the fat from birthing them, the saggy breasts. It's weird Nick, really WEIRD. I don't know what to do anymore. I mean, I don't want this body." "Come on, this isn't fair to you." Nick said, taking her hand and leading her zombie like out of the living room. "You have to realize that you are not Vicki Rutherford. You are MY father, deep down and I'll always consider you my father. That man out there doesn't know anything about me like you do." "I know..." she cooed... "I know. But... I've been thinking about things. I mean... David isn't such a bad guy and he takes good care of He's aggressive but I'm sure we could get me back in my own body. I don't want to stay here Nick. I don't! But I can't leave these kids without a mother. It's not right." He looked back at her in shock, "What the hell do you mean? You can't actually love him and want to be with him. What about mom?" "I married your mother because I love her. She... she's got the juiciest lips I've ever tasted. But listen. I went in and took a piss earlier.. and I got one just like her. She's not going to want to be with me. And of course I don't love David.. I'm not gay.." She paused and winced in pain, slipping a finger down between her legs and began to rub the labia of her slit. "Shit... I'm so fucking itchy down there! This is so sick! It's so..." "She said she has a yeast infection." He reminded her. She gave him an unhappy glare, "Yeah I saw that 'yeast infection'... in just a few hours I've had more of an itch in my cunt than anywhere else in my body. It feels like those lips are raw. And then I had this really thick white discharge from my ... hole. And it was so damn smelly... Jesus!" she began to rub herself some more. "Fuck. This is starting to turn me on!" "Are you using the medication?" "I put a little bit of Monistat on myself and it didn't hurt too much anymore, but I can't see in the damn thing ya know. I need HER to come in here and do this for me. It's so icky!" Vicki whimpered. Nick stood up and motioned for her to follow him, "Come on, we're going to the bathroom and work on this problem." "Um.. I don't think so. It's ... I have a problem with you seeing me naked like this. Please no. I have a tattoo I don't want you to see." "What kind of tattoo? I can't imagine her having one." He squinted, trying to drag her into the bathroom. "Well it looked like some kind of winking moon with the sun split down the middle." She blushed, "Right on my um... my left thigh not far from my other thing. I wonder if David knows that she has a tattoo.. he hates tattoos." "And look at your belly button." He said shaking his head, "There is the circled ring C with the two butterflies on it that she had when she..." "Yeah I remember that. Oh my..." she said as she touched her belly looking at her second tattoo, "She got that one after she had her second baby to show that they were ... I don't understand why people get tattoos." "Listen," Nick said excitedly, "They are all passed out! They are not going to know that I did a little inspecting around your husband's back. I'll take a look at it and get the cr?me and look up inside of you and see what I can find out." She winced at the word 'husband'. "He's not MY husband. Please stop doing that." She rolled her eyes, "Come on lets go. Lets get this over with. But be careful cause it hurts down there." They went into the bathroom and Vicki stripped down from her clothes to her bra and panties, removing the panties and giving it to her son. He took them and sat them on the floor. She stood up in front of him and fluffed her hair stark naked. "So, what do you think? Pretty sad isn't it?" she said, looking at her son, "Oh stop staring at the breasts, they really aren't that hot on this end." He slowly leaned down and examined her crotch, the thick hair surrounding her vagina. "Could you put your leg up and spread it open for me?" "Yeah yeah ok." She said, opening herself for him, feeling the warm white liquid from her infection seep down onto the floor. It stunk so bad that both of them began to gag. "That is one raunchy hole!" he gagged, moving slowly over to the garbage can where he began to throw up, "Shit what did she do shove something dead up there? It's no wonder she's only been giving head." She leaned forward and pushed her pussy closer to his face, "Don't remind me about what these lips did. There is no way I'm gonna suck him off. Take a look at my puss.... Stick your finger in there and feel your way around. I really haven't touched it deep that much." He reached up and began to play with the top of her slit, slowly fingering in and out with one finger in her hole and the other against her clit. She felt a spark of excitement rock through her body. "OHHHHW.... Wow what was that?" "That's your clit." Nick smiled, "A woman's clitoris. The thing that gives sexual pleasure." "Oh fuck that felt soooo good." She whimpered, looking down at what he was doing, "I'll have to remember that. Gawd.. keep at it." They both laughed. He slowly began to rub the edges of the pea shaped organ until she began to get even more turned on, and then quit when they both realized that it may be pleasurable but she did not want to get stimulated by her own son. "Ok, that is really nice and wet. I'd say that your body is in good shape. Vicki really took good care of it. I mean, from what I've read, it doesn't look bad for having two kids. What do you think?" he smiled, looking up at the pussy and the two breasts that were the most noteworthy part of her body. It was not something that he totally disliked, having always had secret fantasies about seeing the beautiful woman naked. "But on the bright side, you're a lot younger like this than you were, and women have totally different physiologies than men do. I think you'll find that your emotions will be a lot different as you adapt to this body." She straddled the edge of the bath tub as she began to take a piece of paper and wipe the inner folds of her body. She was almost oblivious to what he was saying, and not paying much attention to his amateur gynecological exam. "What exactly do you mean by 'physiology'?" she said, throwing her hand up, "I mean I'm not stupid or anything. I just mean that I'm in a woman's body and feeling what she's feeling but I wouldn't have a woman's physiology." He smiled back at her, handing her the bottle of cr?me for her yeast infection, the white cr?me protruding from the end of the bottle, "Well... you do have her brain. You didn't change brains. I guess you really ARE her but maybe your memories and thoughts and stuff formatted over each others. Um.. Like a computer or something? Or the ancient Karma Sutra would show it as like a spirit change. So that means that you really ARE her in more ways than one. And until you change back..." he took a deep long sigh, "You will adjust to this body and become more comfortable in it." He watched her carefully as she took a small amount of cr?me out of the tube and rubbed it in her fingers. The long fingernails were new to her, so she had some trouble getting used to the texture as well as the new length and shape of her hands. The expression on her face, the deep blue eyes beneath the thick brown framed glasses made her look like any middle-aged woman who had lived her life this far with men and children. She had that look on her face as if she was still bearing the brunt of all of the uncertainties that Vicki had faced in her early years, the look in her eyes of the years in high school and growing up on the farm. She had seen her first dose of sex at an early age, having been with her father when he was taking the stud bull into farm. She learnt then that it was the submissive female who needed a strong man, to run a farm, to run the world. But it was from there that she had taken the other path, becoming a strong willed woman, who now as a man fit perfect to the body so that she would enjoy it's total advantages. But, even though the one that he had know was so much alike to the Vicki that he saw now, this new one was his father who knew absolutely nothing about what Vicki had gone through and shared with him. She took her finger out of her slit, it felt strange to feel an emptiness 'down there' that was made to be filled by a man. He smiled as she took her finger up to her nose and sniffed it saying, "Yeah not a bad koochie for a married gal. I'd eat it if I was a man." He moved closer to her and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, reaching out and taking her hand. He understood and respected her opinion regardless of her decision, and knew that she would never let a man manipulate her. "We'll get through this together." The next day, everybody woke up with a hangover. Everybody except for Vicki and Nick, who were enjoying the harassment that they could ensue on the previous night's party. The table sat cluttered, looking like a bomb had hit it, beer spilled all over the place. It had been a wild party and the mail and books on the table stood in contrast to what was really on the inside. On the outside, the whole situation looked predominantly a clean up with Vicki cleaning off the table and making the room look more presentable. Making the room presentable was extremely difficult due to the fact that she was new to the whole situation and she was forced to throw away some perishable items, one of Katie's drawings and a half read copy of Jane Austen's novel Emma. David was in the kitchen with Rod, all of them begging for peace and quiet. And Mike was out in 'his' car looking for Tylenol to try and relieve his headache, a splitting one unlike anything that he had ever felt as a woman. It was so new and strange for him as well, and he couldn't help but wonder what Vicki had done that night and that morning waking up to a drunken husband next to her. She knew exactly how David could be when he was drunk, and it somehow seemed exciting to not have to go through it, almost as exciting as not having to squat to pee. "Oh David! David! DAVID! My DARLING HUSBAND!" Vicki laughed as she danced around the room to get on David's nerves. She was dressed as baggy as she could, to try and hide her most protruding features. "Why don't you have another BEER!" Mike listened from outside, hearing Vicki rant and rave and enjoying herself. He had realized that even he, in the short span of a day, it had been a day now, was beginning to live and feel like any other man on God's green earth. And most of all, he enjoyed the freedom that being a man brought to him. He was no longer stuck to watch two children and worry about a husband that loved him only when HE wanted to be loved. It wasn't right, and now finally he had figured a way out. It was then, sitting in the car, that Mike came up with the final solution to the Vicki problem, and it involved simply leaving her here to get along with David and the kids. "That little twat is stuck, I'm free of that life." He whispered to himself. He sat down and quietly penned out a letter to her that she would find earlier in the day, after the two of them had gone their separate ways. He knew that she had to go to the store later on in the day, a big grocery order, and doing so would give time for him to leave. He quietly packed his clothes the rest of the day. Later on that day, David had gone to work and it was just Mike and Vicki and Nick alone in the house. The kids had gone with Rod to their grandparents for the day. It would give, purely by coincidence, the three of them some more time together. Vicki was getting ready to leave for the grocery store, looking for her purse and a few other necessities. When she returned, she found that Mike and Nick had indeed left. She wondered where they had gone, being that she was planning on getting her clothes packed and leaving secretly with her son back home. She ran inside looking around for a trace of them, in horror realizing that everything that they had brought with them was gone. Her thick winter jacket, the one that Lisa had just bought for her in exchange for a wild night of sex, was gone. The only thing she found was on her and David's bed, a small letter wrapped around a VHS tape. It read: Vicki, I am sorry that it has to be like this, but I know that you will agree that this is the easiest way to settle things. Lisa will not love you and would not sleep with you in my body. At best, you would be great friends. The institution of marriage is sacred, we need to hold true to this belief. You're married to my husband and you would not be safe anywhere without him looking for you, just think of how complicated it would get! I'm leaving, and taking Nick, although he's been protesting. I promised him that I would return in the Spring with him and his mother. I want you to at least see her, and know that I am not doing this to hurt you. I would never hurt you, and have always treasured you as a friend when you would come visit David and myself. I feel like hell doing this, but the goodbye would be too hard on all of us. And it is really not a goodbye, but a way of saying that we will meet soon and perhaps by then figure out how to get back in the bodies that we belong in. Mike. Ps. I am enclosing a VHS tape that you must watch if you are going to take over my life. Watch it when you are alone. It will give you an idea of what David likes in love making. The first part is our first love tape together, her gets off watching it. And the second part is when he invited two of his friends over and they fucked my brains out. Three cocks at once, so be sure that your body can take all of it. The following morning, after Vicki had calmed down from the shock of the letter, she began her daily rituals as she had for the past three days as a woman. Getting out of bed after David had left for work, she never could quite get used to the feeling of being the "live at home mom" who stayed home and cleaned and washed clothes and cook for the kids while they were at school. The rewards were simple and genuinely important to her, or so she had found, being the money in the pockets and the dirty dishwater hands. Helping the kids with their homework had been a pain, she had never needed to help Nick with his homework when he was their age. Vicki sat in the cellar taking clothes out of the drier and carefully folding them to their specific hampers, keeping in mind the new family that she had acquired, and how thankful she was to have them as a new part of her life. The basement was a regular marvel to her, seeing things anew as a woman, her glasses sticking to her face. She had never worn glasses before, and it seemed so different to her, and it was even more strange to take them off at night and have a man cuddle up to her with his penis resting on her perfectly curved ass. She took extra careful time folding his underwear, knowing that this would be her life for awhile until her son and her "friend" returned to help her get back to her life as a man. She brought a pair of David's unwashed underwear up to her nose and could smell the residue of his wet dream on them. "ahhh.." she grinned, as if smelling freshly baked bread. "If only Lisa had a set?" The most amazing thing for Vicki, she considered while walking up the stairs with a load of clothes, was the fact that the children had no clue that she was not their mother. Where, in all actuality, this was the woman that had given birth to them and carried them for nine months. This was the woman who went into labor and gave up sweets and smoking, sitting naked in a delivery room with her legs spread in stirrups for the whole world to see. She had watched it on the videos, the ones that had been hidden in David and her secret stash. The birth of their children, Timmy and Kayla, and it was a wondrous sight. She saw her new body, THIS body that she looked down at, open and spring forth a head of a baby. Intense pain that she could only now begin to understand. She heard her voice scream out, which took some getting used to because Vicki sounded like the star of The Nanny. "I'm a mommy! I'm a mommy!" Then she remembered, somehow, the feeling of Kayla suckling her breasts for milk, and nourishing a helpless little life. These new feelings struck her, sitting down with her hand against her head and her legs spread so that she would remember that this was her vagina. Vicki was a mother, finally, and loved her son and daughter deeply. She kept strong memories in her heart, saying over and over to herself that this was not her life and that Nick was her real and only son that she had loved. She remembered the long fishing trips that they had taken, building fires and talking about girls and man stuff. It bothered her now because she was no different than one of those girls, and Vicki had been the butt of many comments. Like "She's not bad for having two children." As if she was only a piece of meat to be used to a man's delight. She felt dirty with the thoughts, but loved Nick intensely for being so understanding when it had come down to this change. Vicki thought of Kayla, her daughter that she had to know by vhs recordings, her first steps and first words. Her son Timmy, who was now a young man himself, was looking at girls and she could tell. They needed, ever so desperately a mother. Little Kayla, who would grow up someday to know only the vagina, would be seeded by some dirty dick man and have a baby of her own. And Vicki, who would rather be the visitor in the situation, was stuck to be her mother. But, despite the strange new change, she had learnt to love her daughter as much as anybody could. Around noon that day Vicki lie quietly on her bed, after a few drinks to calm her nerves she found her hand probing her genitalia for stimulation. It was new to her, but still she the feelings we the same, if not even more intense. She knew a woman could get wet but this was so different and new from her new perspective. She had found the strong battery operated vibrator that Vicki had hid under the bed, where the kids would not find it. Setting it up two levels, she found happiness from her clit as it rubbed against her, the nub throbbing and growing with her passion. For the first time in her life as a woman she began to think about men. She had a rich fantasy about a big strapping man coming in with flowers speaking French going down on her pussy. She was so caught up in the feelings, spread eagle, that she did not hear the door open and her father-in-law yell for her. "Vicki? Vicki?" Rod yelled up to her. She moaned with her first true vaginally stimulated orgasm, "AHHHHH OHHHH!!! " Curious, Rod walked up the stairs and caught glimpse of her long before she'd notice that he was there. She was definitely not in danger, and it brought a smiled to his face to see her in heat like a wild animal. She was throbbing for a good dose of cock, a good fucking, and her feelings were so strong that any dick would do. He moved closer and leaned down to kiss her, seeing her huge firm breasts erect to her rubbing, the wet scream of her vaginal orgasm. The slurp was like a child with a cold Popsicle. She moaned with delight as he began to play with her nipples. "I guess you're busy." Rod laughed, looking down at her. He slowly bent his hand around and unbuttoned his shirt and pants with one move, "And it seems that my son is nowhere around to be with his wife when she needs him." Vicki groaned, looking up at him. She removed the dildo from her vagina, now sloppy and wet and dipped with the aroma of her orgasms. The smell made her lick her lips, she was far too horny to turn a man down when he was standing over her so strong. She gasped as he removed his shirt to reveal a strong hairy chest and a huge twelve inch prick underneath. It was a monster, and she gave him a wicked smile as he came towards her. "Oh dear shit that thing is so fucking huge!" "You should be used to it you know." Rod said, crawling into bed next to her, undoing the covers and snuggling in right next to his daughter- in-law. "David has been sticking you for so many years. You always seemed to turn away from cheating though." He stuck his finger down and began to caress her body, working his way down to her pussy. He carefully began to rub the ends of his fingers around her clit and then in and out of her hole. "So.. do you want to taste 'the whopper'?" She grunted and bucked on his hand as he positioned himself over her, pinning her to the bed. "Oh lick me.. Rod lick me... stick ...mmmm... stick it in my slit. I just need to get a condom out of my purse." He put both arms around her and spun her over on top of him, holding her barely over his hard ready cock, "You need to say please. Beg for it. And no I won't wear a stinking lousy rubber." She tried to pull herself onto him, but he was too strong, "PLEASE MAKE LOVE TO ME... PLEASE!" she whimpered, the estrogen coursing though her blood and heightening her senses. Soon he was working his way into her, allowing her to relieve her satisfaction from his cock sliding into her body. He smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and began to thrust him in and out of her, her mouth on his lips and locked in a passionate embrace. She felt all of the stress and questions of her new body release with her first orgasm, and it felt great and delicious for her. She closed her eyes and took his entire member into her as if she'd always been a woman. "Holy fuck my son can pick the women! Shit... you're fucking tight!" Rod groaned, feeling her rise and fall on him. He had always had the way with the ladies, and this one who was his own daughter-in-law was doing all of the work on him. "I shoulda fucked your ass years ago!" She pulled her mouth away from his and began to kiss him tongue in mouth, sucking his juices. She never thought that she could give in to a man like she did Rod, but some how the horny feelings in her body had taken over her rationality. She felt extremely attracted to him, and was in sense now totally woman. She pulled away from his mouth again and looked down at her long hair, her tits pointing out like harpoons to him. Her nipples rubbed against the hair on his chest, and looking down further she saw the shape of his cock moving in and out of her hole. "Please no.. don't cum." she trembled, as his member felt as if it was going to shorten inside of her. She knew that he was obviously done, and like most men, he would end up being spent while she had just begun. "hmm.." He said, as if tension was building up in him, "Just a minute... er.. ahh." She gasped as he flipped her over on her back and began riding her pussy like a mountain bike. His cock stuck in deep parts of her that she never knew existed. And then finally she too was caught up in orgasm, so much that her mind hurt. The passion built and they both came at the same time. She wrapped her legs around his ass and sealed their members together, her eyes half squinting as she looked at his hairy back. "Oh my GOD!!!" she screamed as her pussy leaked the excess of the warm liquid that shot deep inside of her. It seemed to go on for an hour, and she knew that she had not taken her birth control pill. But she didn't care, this wasn't her body, and it felt so good. She felt like her eyes were gonna roll back in her head. And when finally she regained her posture, Rod was getting dressed. "This never happened, you understand?" he said, leaning over and squeezing her hand forcefully. She had never been so used and so overpowered, the average woman would hate it, but she loved it. "Are you kidding?" she said, putting her head down on his hand and licking some of the excess mixture of their juices from it, "That would ruin my marriage, and Loretta wouldn't leave you. You know I won't say anything." He bent down and stuck his middle finger in her mouth, and lifted the covers over with his other hand, seeing her naked body. He prevented her eyes from following him down to her groin. "That thing is creamed, look at it drip out of there. You better go clean up." He stuck his finger in her, feeling her lips squeeze against his finger, and brought out the excess and stuck it in her mouth. "Or your husband will think you're cheating on him with a real man." She carefully tasted it, and was surprised at the cool salty feeling. It tasted so good that she felt as though she was falling into heaven, her whole mind becoming clouded over, and it was not until Rod was long gone that she emerged from her bed, dripping with their love juices. "Holy fuckin cunt!" she groaned, looking down at the wet gaping hole that had expanded many times more than she had ever seen it before. She began to finger the rest of it out, and found a wet washcloth to wipe herself clean. "What... a ... uhhh." She continued to groan as she managed to fit three fingers inside of her. It felt so good, so wicked, and she felt so horny to realize that she had just slept with Rod. And in a way, she had managed to cheat on David, a man that she never wanted to be with. She had never wanted any of this, it felt good to give in to something naughty. Vicki looked in the mirror and patted down her thin frame, still wet with sweat from the even. She ran down to the kitchen when she heard the phone ring, only in her panties, her huge breasts flopping from side to side with every step. "Um.... Hello?" she spoke into the phone, knowing that to anyone else it would sound as if she'd slept in or just finished an extremely long workout and out of breath. It made her feel strange because she found the thought of her own body in sweats attracting. She imagined having her old body and doing what Rod did to her in it. Her mind was completely sidetracked, being that she had lost her virginity in this body. Her hymen long since broken. "Vicki?" Loretta spoke on the other end, making Vicki feel uncomfortable knowing that she had just slept with the woman's husband. "Did Rod get there?" Vicki looked down at her body, the huge tits, and began to play with them. She thought it might help her forget the feeling between her legs. She couldn't help get the picture out of her mind of Rod's huge cock moving in and out of her, and how it felt. "Yeah he was here. He helped me with some things around the house that needed done cause David hasn't been around to do them." She really wasn't lying afterall, "He went down to change the plugs in his truck and...." Loretta was pacing on the other side of town, always worried about her husband cheating on her. She knew that Vicki would give her an accurate account of where Rod was, since Vicki had such strong morals when it came to monogamy. "It looks like he left. His truck isn't outside." Vicki chimed in, after going to the bay window. She could do this because they lived in a pretty isolated site where nobody could see them through the window. She wished that they could, in a way, see her huge tits. "Oh ok. Thanks." Loretta sighed. Vicki sensed a hint of trouble in Loretta's voice, "Um.. is something wrong? It seems like something is bothering you, Mom." She looked down on the table and saw the check that she had brought for Vicki when she had come over as Mike. Her old name was signed on it, she had forgotten all about it. Loretta laughed, "All these years and you finally call me mom?" By now, Vicki was nervous and eating a strawberry wafer that she had found in a plastic container on the counter. "Yeah... mmmmm these cookies are so good!" she squeeled, "But like you seem down." Loretta took a deep breath, "Well yeah, It's Rod. He hasn't been around too much lately and I think he's cheating on me. I drove down town and didn't see him where I caught him before. I just hope that he comes home you know, I mean... here he is at home and then is in such a hurry to leave. I think he's desperate and I don't know why he doesn't just come here." She took a deeper breath, "Well, I'm gonna go look for him again if he's not home in at least a half an hour." Vicki took another wafer out of the plastic, now totally taken in her female hormones after sex. She really craved a cigarette. "I wouldn't worry about it hon, it's probably nothing. He'll be home soon." Loretta agreed, "Yeah maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. I'll talk to you later ok?" "Ok

Same as Vicki Videos

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Vickie Though everyone working in the library referred to him as “old Saunders”, the head of the staff was really no such thing. He was in his late forties. He was strong and robust looking, with sexy grey hair speckling his temples. He looked more like a successful businessman than a head librarian, and only his wire-rimmed glasses gave him a faintly intellectual air.He was stern, and he didn’t appear to have much of a sense of humor to those who came in contact with him. Not many people did,...

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"You're sure that I can bring this back for a full refund if she says no?" "As long as you do nothing to it like resizing it to fit her finger we will take it back." I handed the man my Visa card and five minutes later I walked out of the store with a half carat diamond engagement ring and hoping that Vickie would say yes when I took a knee in front of her. I picked her up at seven, took her to dinner at Mario's and then we went to The Boom Boom Room for drinks and dancing. She went...

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OK. I'll try to write one from the male perspective. After all, I do chat with guys and this one just has to be repeated that way. *** It was after a late afternoon rehearsal for the band's graduation concert and I was looking forward to moving on to college. I'd forgotten to drive to school and I lived a hour's walk from there. As I walked out across the parking lot to my route home, I saw four others, Danny a trumpeter, Vicky a petite black haired sax player, Clunk another drummer like me...

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

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This story is true, so certain names and places have been changed to protect the guilty.We first met about 7 years ago when we were both 23. She hired in to the company where I worked, but we had very little initial contact. Was fairly plain, not too pretty; a typical female engineer. I was not drawn to her, for she was definitely not my type. Her short hair was dirty blond, her breasts were 36a, and her hips were slightly hefty. My girlfriend Amy, however, had long brunette hair, a 40d-26-36...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 33 Truth and consequences

I escorted Megan in, and we found Elizabeth in the sitting room reading a ledger of some sort. I remained standing after leading Megan to a couch. "I need to visit Lady Polyantha. Would it be too much for me to ask of you to entertain Lady Megan for a while until I return?" I asked Lady Elizabeth. She placed her finger on the ledger before she looked up. "It would be our pleasure, Charles. Are you sure that you want to be alone with Lady Polyantha? She does have an unsavory...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate TG Story Magic Wand

The story you are about to read contains graphic sexual content such transgender, breast expansion, mind control, and many other adult fantasies. If this kind of thing offends you or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, we strongly urge you to erase this from your hard drive and go wash your eyes out with soap. We are very proud to acknowledge that this story is a Winner of the 1999 BEAmer Awards for Best Comedy Story. The Ultimate TG Story: Magic Wand By Leviathan, Adama, and...

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Karen My School Teacher 17

Karen, My School Teacher - Part 17By HosieryQueenPart 17Suddenly I woke up. The TV was going and I was still in my black opaque catsuit in the jacuzzi. I got up and took off the wet catsuit and rinsed myself and took a quick shower. I looked at my phone - the time was now 16:50 - in an hour, Flora would be here. And I hadn’t got dinner ready whatsoever! Shit, my nap cost me precious time!I was standing in the walk-in closet to find something I should wear this evening. I then found a pair of...

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Marty The Golden Boy

(Hope you enjoy this story of my youth. There are many that I am preparing to write. This is my first) I had known Marty all of my young life, well every since I started elementary school that is. I think we all have known a Marty type when we were young. Marty was the handsomest boy in school. He was blond and blue eyed with a killer athletic body. Later I would find out that he also had a huge dick. Marty was linked to a girl named Pamela. In 6th Grade they were the golden couple but this...

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NobleChapter 27

Jen and Yoshi opened the doors and walked in quickly Yoshi speaking Japanese rapidly almost in a panic. Jen was also talking saying there was trouble with the girls and someone needed to do something! Four goons turned toward them and began to move toward them. An Arab engaged with a woman in silver bikini looked up quite surprised. A man standing at a metal frame also turned but seemed upset or mad at the interruption. I could see it was Brandi strapped into the metal framework. I fired each...

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The CompoundChapter 5 Doctor Victor von Franklin Stine Or the Baron

Next stop, another medical group working on Mental health. Specifically, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. A worthy enough cause in itself. This was a leap for me. There was no known cure for either. Had there been, you couldn’t have kept it secret. Attempts to keep such things had ended with the Coronavirus COVID-19 and searched for a vaccine. The number of arrests of CEOs of the Drug conglomerates was staggering. Those that tried to escape found they had nowhere to run. No country was...

3 years ago
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From The Bus To The Bed

My bus trip back home is always dull, until a few weeks ago when this woman started getting on. She instantly reminded me of a teacher I once had. Curly greying hair, she was a good foot and a half shorter than me. She was also quite chubby, with a large rear, big breasts. It started with a smile, then I said “Hi” and then we started chatting on the bus. She introduced herself, Bella, told me that she used to be teacher, that she was living alone after her husband left her for a younger...

4 years ago
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Kinara Shehr

You are dead. There's no easy way to put it. You lived a full long happy life and died of old age. Sure your family and friends will miss you, mourn for your loss and continue living their lives. But for you this life is over and its time to move to the next one. Right now you find yourself floating in an endless abyss. It's not like you can feel your body in this dark place. You don't have a body right now. All five sense of yours are gone. It's just the sixth one that tells you that you...

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There and BackChapter 21 Testing

I ate lunch anxiously, trying to determine how to ask the mage what I wanted to know without totally giving myself away. Also, I wondered if I should invite Alistair to the meeting. Deciding that it would be useful to have an 'almost' templar to blame questions on, I motioned to Alistair to follow me after the meal. He gave me a weird look but complied, and a glance at Aedan had him drawing attention to himself, hiding our escape to the library. I showed Alistair the note that Irving had...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 90

I loved waking up and feeling a sea of arms and legs all over me. My little vixen was in her favorite sleeping position, on top of me. I enveloped her in my arms and squeezed her tight. She looked up me and I kissed her good morning. I rolled her to my right, which woke up Audrey. Audrey grabbed her sister and rolled her all the way to the edge of the bed and then she rolled on top of me. "You're not getting out of bed just yet," Audrey said seductively. She kissed me as she wrapped her...

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LifelineChapter 10

To say the Pickle was ecstatic with the news would be an understatement. I wondered, briefly, if she were about to start jumping for joy. Thankfully, if she felt that way, it passed quickly. I was also thankful that she didn't ask where the money was coming from. I had given her a general overview, for which I think she was grateful, where I explained that Huntley's sister had established a defense fund to help defray costs. The smile vanished from her face as quickly as it...

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Third Times A CharmChapter 10 Eresh

The next few weeks were spent getting to know each other and preparing for what we feared would come. We learned about normal, human attacks and defenses. Tiennie taught all of us the basics of using weapons and our bodies against attackers. Zulie helped us practice the drills after Tiennie finished; she also set up a weapons range on our property so we could really practice with pistols, shotguns, and rifles. I got in shape such as I had not been in my life and I enjoyed watching all the...

2 years ago
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Nursing home fun

Before my relocation and job change, I used to work in the service industry maintaining the 'air cushion' mattresses used in nursing homes on some residents so they didn't develop pressure sores. This story is true, it did happen and i feel I must tell you about it.So it was about August in 2008. It was a Sunday, I was on call, which meant I couldn't drink as i had to wait for the phone to go. Shortly after midday the dreaded phone went, when I answered it I was informed i needed to travel all...

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Tutors Luck

The doorbell rang wresting Zach from his daydream. He frowned as he headed to the door, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone on the weekend. He opened the door and was surprised to see Devon, one of his summer students standing there. 'Oh, Devon, he said, what a surprise how can I help you?' Mister Peters, said the boy, I need your help with some problems. He seemed on the verge of tears as Zach stepped back to let him in. Look, I don't have much money to pay you, but I need help. Zach looked...

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Veronica and Jocelyn

It was Friday night and i was sitting on the couch watching a movie about this guy who drives a car and he's really good at it, he's cute too. The movie was almost over and it was still early to go to sleep but I didn't feel like going out either so i called my girl Veronica. -Hey Veronica its Jocelyn, what are you doin?- -Nothing really just bored and you?- -Same, want to come over and talk or watch a movie?- -Sure I'll be there in thirty minutes I'll stop by the video store and pick up some...

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Sharing the good times of my wife and I pt 3

for a couple of months we continued our weekend routine of visiting the hardware with Cherry giving many down blouse views of her tits and we continued to find it a massive turn on, enjoying great sex after each outing. Often while we were fucking I sometimes made comments about what a turn on it would be for me to see her with another guy. She always responded well to this while we were having sex and her strong orgasms indicated to me that the thought also turned her on. Afterwards though she...

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Jenny and JohnChapter 2 I Like to Call it Our First Date

A couple of days later, I picked Jenny up a little after eleven-thirty in the morning to go shopping. We headed downtown to Hartford’s shopping district. We hit Lord & Taylor, then Macy’s. Jenny tried on a few gowns, but she did not think they were right. She thought they were made to catch the eye of teenage girls and were not sophisticated enough for what she had in mind as the perfect prom dress. We left Macy’s and started to window shop until Jenny spotted a boutique that she thought...

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Erotic Sex In Pent House 8211 Part 3

For those who don’t know me, I am casey 19 yrs old(at the time of this incident) from hyderabad of 6.1 inch tall with an average body and average looks and to be frank my dick size is of 6.And the heroine of this story is nisha(name changed) 18 yrs old,short girl with big assets ,don’t know the exact figures of her body but she had huge boobs in which your head fits.Any women especially aunties can contact me for a secret relationship or friendship as you wish you can mail me anytime.So without...

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Behind Those Glasses0

Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but it’s morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. “HOLY SHIT... who the fuck is in my room?” I sat up, looking at the body next to mine. I hesitated, wondering who could be underneath it. I pulled back the cover, and almost screamed..... Part 1 My name is Benjamin, preferably Ben. I am a sixteen year old nerd. I know nowadays, being a nerd is...

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Tennyson Lake Part 1 New Love The Original

I took of my headphones and closed the lid of my laptop, got up and grumbled my way to my bedroom door, my dick swaying freely in its flaccid state. As I stepped through the frame, I saw my sisters; Fern and Paige, walk out too, with our pug, Jeff, yapping at Paige’s legs. At 19 years old, my sister, Fern, was older than me by 13 months. She was about 5 foot 4 (164cm) with pale green eyes, golden hair that fell down to her pink nipples on her 34B cup breasts. She had long, slender legs with a...

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PornMegaLoad Victoria Lobov Fucks Her Sons Best Friend

Victoria Lobov, a 47-year-old housewife is walking around her house in high heels and a tight skirt. Her huge tits are pouring out of her top. Is this the way the modern MILF dresses. Well, yes, it is. Victoria goes outside and sees her son’s friend, Connor, sunbathing by the pool. Just the sight of his young body gets her feeling her tits and rubbing her pussy. Man, she must really be sure that her son isn’t home. She eventually approaches him. “Where’s Jimmy?”...

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Hijabi sis fantasy

Hijabi s*s fantasyMy hijabi sister anika is at home. You come to visit me, but I've gone out, but snuck in without her knowing. She opens the door for you and tells you Im out but will be back shortly. because she is so nice, she invites you in. You take this time to check her out. Her face structure is good, she's wearing mascara and lipstick.She's medium height, curvy, big tits and a perfect round ass. She's wearing a black hijab, tight white blouse, black bra, long black skirt with brown...

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Training a new kitten to cum kiss

It was almost a year ago to the day that I brought her back to my apartment. We had flirted online for a number of weeks, touching upon our desires and fantasies until we finally got to the point of meeting for a cup of tea. It’s the kind of thing I enjoy as a way to mix our own debaucheries in an elegant setting, a kind of ying and yang that would set the tone for our relationship as we moved forward, if the chemistry was right and that was where we decided to go.We had been upfront and honest...

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What the Future May BringChapter 45

Once again Kathleen Lehrer's War Cabinet had bad news for her. This time Defense Secretary John Weston was the bearer of bad tidings. "I just received word on my way over here that Makhtol's troops have invaded Sicily and southern Italy. Our initial reports are that he has about a quarter million troops involved in the invasions." "My God, where the hell is he getting all of these troops?" asked the President. "He's gotten them from throughout the Mideast, especially in the...

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Fucking The Bride

This hot sex story is about how I fucked my sister Kajal and her friends during her wedding functions. I had a huge crush on her.We had the wedding functions going on for 3 days, the 1st day was the mehndi, 2nd day was the haldi and then sangeet and 3rd day was the wedding in the afternoon and reception in the evening. The wedding was held in JWC MARRIOT MUMBAI.I was very excited that I will be meeting all my cousins after a long time. I reached the hotel at 10:30 am and went directly to meet...

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My Uncle and His Friend Day 1

Just a few years ago, I was preparing to board what I had hoped to be my last budget airline flight, a day before my twentieth birthday. The flight was the start of the final leg of my solo adventure in Europe. My sweet mother, who had been constantly worried about her only girl travelling alone, asked me to spend the occasion with family. Even if it was family I’d only met once. Regardless, I was more than willing to say yes for three simple reasons: First, my only relative in the...

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Little DenmarkFour loads down my throatthe nex

It had been a rather dull afternoon sitting watching porn in the theater I was reluctant to make myself cum since I was certainly hoping for a blowjob at least. By the time I left that evening I was not orally satisfied but several others left with big smiles upon their faces thanks to me. This is the short story about how this went from my point of view.After about 3 hours of sitting alone finally there was an older daddy type guy sitting nearby who appeared to show interest in me. He...

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Fucking My Neighbor Aunty

Hi iss viewers. I recently 20 days back fucked my house owner. I am vamshi (name changed) 20 years old. I recently fucked a aunty who is our house owner. She is in mid 30’s full curvy. Milky white her bra size is 34b and nice assets..huge ass. Coming to the story we wanted a rented house so we was searching and found a independent house only of two floors. We liked it and decided to stay at the house which is double bed room and only for family so we came into the house as we arrived we were...

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Like Kissing Your BrotherChapter 2

Carey had bathed and was laying on her bed (now the spare bedroom) watching the clock. It was getting close to ten o'clock and her mother would be going to bed soon. She and Tad had plans for tonight and she wanted to make sure Mom was in bed before she tip-toed to Tad's room. Mom knew about Carey and Tad, but Carey didn't want to rub it in. Her mother knocked on the door and Carey said, "Come in, I'm decent." Her mom came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "I wanted to say good night...

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leila the brazilian nanny part 1

I gazed down in disbelief as Leila pushed me backs against the shower dooor. She lowered slowly to her knees her mouth and tongue playfully lapping at my crotch as she tugged my boxers down my legs.Leila looked up. Her dark brown eyes locked and focused on mine as she used the tip of her tongue to lick up and down the sides of my cock. Her arms caressing my inner thighs as she reached up with one hand stroking my cock with one hand. Leila's other hand tugged at my balls playfully.Leila smiled...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 38 Of Fantasies and Families

As we arrived at the baggage claim area, I was surprised to see Rhonda standing there with a huge grin on her face. We hurried over to her, and I swept her into a big hug. "You didn't have to do this. We were going to take the bus back." She smiled up at me. "I had to come to the city anyway for something else, so picking the two of you up wasn't a problem." She looked down for a moment, then back up, and quietly added, "To tell the truth, I've missed the two of you. It's been damn...

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Around The World In 27 Hops

Prologue I was standing next to my bright blue baby, all 12,000 pounds of her. Capable of 440 knots running flat out, she cruised at 227 knots. 41 feet long, 33 feet wide and 15 feet tall, she had a Pratt and Whitney radial engine that cranked out 2,300 horsepower. My hand slid over the cool metal of her belly. I was smiling. She was mine now. I had just signed the transfer of ownership, the money had been wired to an escrow company, and I was ready to fly her home. She was an F4U-4 Corsair,...

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What the Boss Saw

Dusty Files... The Erotic Accident... At one time almost all big Companies had a basement where they would store their out-of-date files and records. Nowadays, they have it all contained in cold impersonal data bases, easily accessible to anyone who is authorized and knows the password. Easy, huh? A few years ago, in the not to distant past, my Boss would select a person to go down into the dirty, dusty storage basement of our big Office Complex and look up certain information. Anyway, for a...

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Vacation TwoChapter 29

There was banging on the patio door. I woke up, slipped on some shorts, and went to find out what was up. Glenda was there. "Steve, come over quick, Martin is feeling sick, and he's got pains in his chest. I've called 911, but please come stay with us until they get here." "Let me put on a shirt. I'll be right there." I went back to the bedroom to find both Sue and Mercy putting on clothes. Missy came into the bedroom and said she would stay with Stevie. The three of us went to...

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My Second ChanceChapter 4 Getting Foster Parents

Child Services finally picks me up. I’m not expecting much. This is the same offices that in two years will have two screw-ups that will be so bad it causes the complete overhaul of how our nation deals with child welfare cases. The first mistake was that a large group of children were taken out of their homes when there was no reason. If, for any reason, a child’s name came across their desk, the child was removed from the home. Most cases brought to child services are/were false alarms;...

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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 8 Moira and her mother bond again

Moira deeply blushed, her own pussy getting wetter and wetter, and to end this dangerous road, she said, "I'm going to use this biopsy brush to take a tissue sample from your cervix after I use the bivalve. I'll send the sample to a pathology lab for evaluation and a diagnosis if anything is wrong. OK, Mother?" "Yes, please proceed." Moira took the necessary samples from her mother's sexual and reproductive organs, then removed and picked up her instruments, washed her mother with a...

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Jennifers Story

Jennifer's Story by Marci Manseau Gail - Part One My dad died of a heart attack when I was a infant. Unfortunately, I never really got to know him. All I had left was a few pictures of him and my mother's reminiscences. Growing up without a father was difficult, so when my mother remarried, I was as delighted as she was to finally have a man around. Actually, two men. My new father's name was Jack and he had a son named Bernie who moved in with us just after the wedding. ...

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The prostitute wife

VelvetSandra did well at the brothel on Gladstone Street. Her name and her mysterious appearance were a real money-spinner. She took up sex-work because she could do it at night while her husband looked after their toddler.She was nervous on her first night because she hadn’t worked in the sex industry since before she’d had the baby. But her fears were dispelled on her first night when she discovered how horny the breast milk that oozed from her forty-inch bust made her clients. She was even...

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sex after Mary Jane

In 1991 I was working in North Wales and I was sharing a house with a two other guys and a girl (let’s call her Claire) who was a slightly overweight but busty blonde.I hadn’t felt much attraction to her, to be honest, but one night when we had the rar shee even of having the house to ourselves events took a turn. We had stayed up late and Claire brought out some marijuana. I had never tried this. She didn’t roll up some cigarettes but instead lit some in a glass bowl and then proceeded to...

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Roses Roommate Gives Her a Helping Hand

She got home and immediately kicked off her shoes. Locking the door behind her she went upstairs to lay down in her bed. It had been a really long day.  ‘Rose?’ Her roommate gently opened the door, peeking in. ‘Yes, Amber.’ Rose rolled over and look towards the door. ‘I thought I heard you come in. Is everything okay?’ Amber came in and sat down next to Rose.  ‘Yeah… Just had a long day.’ Rose stretched out, trying to relieve her aching back. ‘I could give you a massage,’ Amber suggested. ...

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Poonam Bhabhi Ko Seduce Kiya

Hello Dosto,Me aapka pyaara dost hemang phir se hazir hu mera ek aur kissa jo ki sachhi ghatna par aadharit he,iss pe meri 3rd stoty he lekin me fir bhi apna chota sa intro kara deta hu. Mera name hemang he height 5 7” inches he aur mere muscle ki size 6 inches he meri age 21 he aur Gujarat ka rehne vala hu(girls,bhabhies,aunties can contact me on myid ) . To me aapka important wakt zayar na karte hue kahani start karta hu,ye un dino ki baat he jab mene apna ghar shift kiya tha to shift karte...

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That Night

As I come into the room I noticed it’s bathed in dimly lit candle light. Different styles of candles are s**ttered around the room. I find you in the middle of the room lying down on a bed, with candle-light flickering off your body. I slowly move towards the bed and look down at you, smiling. My hand comes down and runs quickly through your hair and lean down to kiss your lips softly. I look the full length of your body and see that you’re wearing a silk and lace teddy with thigh-high...

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Destiny Tales of the Scavenger

You wake up next to a pool of white and glowing liquid. The plants around you are a vibrant red. You jolt as you take in the environment, your hand dips into the pool and you begin to feel a sharp stinging pain. You jolt again and crawl your way away from the pool. You try and think about how you got here, but the only thing you seem to remember is your name. You strain yourself trying to think of your past, but end up with nothing. The only memory you seem to have is a deep and gravely voice...

4 years ago
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Road Trip continues

We enter into this small little town called Dickerpuss. Everything seemed normal, a few mom and pop diners, a theater, post office, a couple of stores, a d**g store and two small hotels. People were roaming through the town, just like any other little town. k**s and teenagers were standing in line at the theater. We park in front of The Little Diner and walk in, we're hungry after our sex session at the rest area. As we walk in, we see a few older men sitting on the stools at the bar...

3 years ago
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First Meeting

Shay reread the email again and smiled with excitement. After all this time she would finally get to meet him in person. She nervously wondered if she would disappoint him. Would she please him? Would he reject her or simply use her as a piece of meat to be discarded when he was done? The email said he would be in town that afternoon and to meet him at her favorite restaurant. He sent a package to her ahead of time with the items he wished her to wear for their meeting. A red low cut top, a...

2 years ago
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Defeat her

You look around there are several portals in front of you each leads to different time and space where an opponent awaits you. You have been a prisoner for many years to a cosmic entity and you know that this is one of those rare chances, where you get a choice.

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A Rainy Romance In Rajkot

Hello, friends, I am Rohit, 29 Male from Rajkot, Gujarat yet again with another sex story. My last story “Got Sexually Lucky with a Catering Girl in Rajkot” got an amazing response and had some really sensuous moments with 2 Bhabhis but that I will narrate someday later. Today I am going to narrate a sex story about my girlfriend with whom I was in a life in a relationship. Hope you will like it. Any girl/lady/Bhabhi/aunty seeking a romantic sexual secret relationship can email me at Secrecy...

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Canoeing With MomChapter 3

I was wasted the next morning. Dad wondered why Mom and I hadn’t slept well since he had slept on his own. Mom countered that he snored so loud he still kept us awake, and that he’d have to move his, she said his, tent farther away tonight. You’d think hearing that I was to again sleep with my Mom would have produced a reaction below, but I was worn out. There was barely a twitch even as I watched Mom move about in just a long t-shirt, though she wore a swimsuit underneath. But I managed to...

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nine inches and counting part 2

Slowly, I began to lightly kiss the big mushroom tip with my lips. Licking around the smooth fat top and down the sides I found licking to my liking. Then I put my lips around the head and began to suck. My lips barely circled him. As I slid him down into my throat I began to notice the new strange feeling in my thighs and groin and into my chest. Sucking this beautiful cock turned me on. I suck and licked him while he ate my wife who was sitting on his face. I must have been good...

1 year ago
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Just Good Friends Part 1

Disclaimer: This is my first story on here so don’t be too harsh on me, ok? This story is based on an event in my life that actually happened, so I thought why not share it. If you like, ill be more than happy to continue with the story! Anyways, happy reading! I pulled another shirt out from my drawer. I folded it up and added it to the rest of my clothes. It was time for my trip. It was a trip to the one place gamers the world over dream of going to… E3… the Electronic Entertainment Expo. As...

Cheating Wifes
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SacrificesChapter 5

Sonia woke up well rested. It was Saturday, and she looked forward to a whole weekend playing with her new toys: her slave, and magic. Of the two, she didn’t know which she liked the most. It was even better to know that the girl she had lying at her feet, with her face pressed against her smelly, sweaty soles, could tear her apart with a thought, but was so pathetically devoted to her that she was helpless to stop her from doing anything she wished. Now, of course, she had the means to...

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THE BOSSS SLUT 6 Board of Directors Dinner

“Good evening, Sir.” Mr. Woodburn asked me to greet each of the Directors as they arrived. They had been in his home before, just in very different circumstances, so I would only need to guide them in the general direction of the Great Room where he would be entertaining them as they arrived. “Miss James, nice to see you joining us tonight.” I nodded politely. “I must say I much prefer the way you were dressed earlier, though.” He gave me a teasing smile. “Charles has spoken glowingly...

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