My Wife's Gurlfriend free porn video

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=My Ex-Wife's Gurlfriend= by kimmie holland and meeah menoux {When I saw her email} address in my mailbox that Monday morning, I knew immediately that she must have heard. We worked in the same industry, after all, and we knew many of the same people. In the four years since we'd broken up, we hadn't seen or spoken to each other, not even once. She was angry and disappointed; and I was hurt and confused. Our short but turbulent marriage produced nothing but bad feelings. I'd loved her desperately; she was, in fact, the love of my life. Why did our marriage fail? Why hadn't she loved me? Why couldn't I satisfy her? What went wrong? These were questions that I felt I could better answer now. Maybe she did, too. There'd been a time when I would have given anything to see an email from Wendy in my mailbox; now I wasn't so sure I even wanted to open it. I tapped my painted forefinger on the "delete" key several times before curiosity got the better of me and a flood of warm feelings came over me. I took my finger away from the "delete" key and tapped it on the "open- mail" button instead. Her message was short and to the point, rather matter-of-fact, just as I always remembered her emails to be, just slightly more friendly than businesslike, but not by much. She said that she hoped I was well, that she'd heard I'd gone through some personal changes, and that she was very happy for me. Now that some time had passed, she thought it might be nice to get together for lunch, if the idea appealed to me. In any event, she wrote, she wished me nothing but happiness in the future. I read through her message several times with tears in my eyes. When they started running down my cheeks, I had to get up to close my office door and then I sat back down in front of my computer to have a good cry. For an hour afterwards I debated whether to answer her email at all, or to answer in the same breezy tone as hers, thanking her for her note, wishing her well too, and letting the issue of lunch go significantly unanswered. Of course, the debate was a mere formality. The point was moot. All along I knew very well what I would do. I wrote her back to thank her for her thoughtful email, to tell her how surprised and how glad I was to hear from her, how I returned her best wishes...and to set a date for lunch the following week. {When she stepped out of the cab} she might have been stepping directly out of my most idealized memory of how she looked the last time I saw her five years ago. Even after all this time and all the changes I'd been through, I felt my heart give the same familiar stutter and flutter it always did whenever I set eyes on her. She was pretty, no one could deny that; but to me, Wendy was more than just pretty, more than just beautiful. Even where she departed from the conventional standards of beauty (which wasn't often), especially when she departed from them, she was without question the most desirable woman I'd ever known. She was, if one existed, the only woman who could conceivably made a "man" of me. Our relationship had never been equal; Wendy never had anything like the same attraction towards me. I was always left with the distinct impression that she considered me only "good enough," and only barely good enough, at that. As a consequence, she always had the upper hand and she wielded it mercilessly. Seeing her again, I was painfully reminded how I'd begged her to stay, even after she made it clear she no longer loved me, even when she told me point- blank that she loved someone else. I'd hoped that hopeless attraction had changed with everything else that had changed about me, but from the moment I spotted her stepping out of that taxi I realized some things would never change. God, it wasn't only possible; it was true: I was still smitten with her! I admit that my feelings took me completely by surprised. Ambushed, I panicked. As much as she looked the same, I knew that I looked nothing like I did the last time she saw me. Standing outside the restaurant, I watched as she started across the street. She hadn't spotted me yet and the mad desperate desire to flee came over me. I could still dash off up the street in the opposite direction before she recognized me. But I didn't have forever. She would be expecting a woman to be waiting outside the restaurant. I was the only "woman" standing there. Seeing me, she would put two and two together quickly enough. I had to go?and I had to go now. But my sandals might just as well have been cemented to the pavement. I couldn't seem to budge. {"Michael?"} she asked, still not quite certain, using the name she'd known me by. A name I hadn't used in almost three years. I wonder if she noticed me wincing uncomfortably. Maybe she did. For she quickly corrected herself with that little Mona Lisa smile of hers. "I mean, Meeah..." It was too late to run, to chicken out, to deny it. She clearly "read" me by now. Her large, dark, limpid eyes fixed me, breathless, at her mercy. "Holy smokes, it is you!" "Hi Wendy," I said, sheepishly. "It's really nice to see you again." "Wow, I don't think I'd ever have recognized you if you hadn't told me about the red beret. It's suits you, by the way. Just adorable." I blushed, as if to match it. "Thank you..." Wendy leaned forward and gave me a quick, glancing buss on the cheek. Like she would one of her girlfriends. Did I expect it to be any other way? "Come on, let's go inside. I only have an hour for lunch and I'm famished. I haven't had a thing all day." {"So what can I get for you girls?"} The dark-haired, strikingly handsome waiter struck a pose by our table, smiling at us each in turn, obviously flirting. His French accent was playfully seductive. I sat there as if struck dumb while Wendy asked for two glasses of sparkling water and a little more time with the menus. "That was cute," she said, when he left for the kitchen. "He thinks we're both female. I guess you must get that all the time now, huh?" "Yes," I managed. "Pretty much." "Well I guess I can see why. If I hadn't known beforehand... No one would ever mistake you for a man, that's for sure." She didn't say it in a mean way, just as a matter of simple fact. I figured I might as well consider it a compliment. "Thanks," I said. She smirked. I wondered if she noticed how much I'd modeled my feminine persona on her? The way I dressed, how I'd styled my hair, even the thirty or so pounds I'd lost to reach 115...well, the fact was that we always did look sort of like the male and female versions of the same person. It was something that a lot of our friends and family had commented upon back in the old days. At the time it had seemed amusing. Now, our resemblance took on a whole new significance?one that I now found embarrassingly obvious sitting directly across from my pretty ex-wife. I'd never simply desired Wendy like any normal man would; instead, all along, what I really wanted was to be her! Now, instead of looking like male and female versions of the same person, we looked more like sisters than anything else. The cute waiter came back with our sparkling water and took our order. We asked for the French onion soup with the house salad. Rather, Wendy did. "We'll never be able to finish it anyway," Wendy said. "The portions here are enormous. You'll see." I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that she didn't remember how we used to come to this restaurant together all the time. I'd let myself hope that it was the reason she picked it for our reunion in the first place. Naturally, knowing Wendy, I should have known better. Still, I have to admit it hurt nonetheless to realize how little trace I'd left on her after our--albeit brief, but to me all-important--life together. Wendy was never exactly the sentimental type. Of the two of us, I was always the emotional one. And to think, I used to wonder why! Now with the mega-doses of female hormones coursing through my system, erasing, day by day, even the last faint traces of whatever masculinity I might have ever had, I was even more emotional than ever. Somehow I managed not to cry. {At first, our conversation} proceeded by fits and starts. I guess that was to be expected. We were divorced, after all, and what's more, we hadn't divorced on the best of terms. She blamed me, I knew, for the disappointing failure of our marriage and she resented me for wasting her time, for deceiving her, for not being the "man" that I had presented (and pretended) myself to be before we wed. It was no use telling her that I didn't consciously lie to her, that I didn't misrepresent myself with any malicious, or even premeditated intent. Yes, it's true that I may have kept certain facets of my personality hidden; that I kept secret a good many of my sexual fantasies. But, I figured, who doesn't? If Wendy had any suspicions about my true proclivities, and I'm certain she must have, I doubt until now that she could have had any idea of just how deep and how far they went. But, then again, I could honestly say, neither did I. Still, here I was, sitting across from her, the "man" she'd taken as a husband, wearing a denim jumper, a capped sleeve women's blouse, and a saucy little red beret. My thin wrists jangled with bracelets every time I reached for my water glass. My ice blue nail polish glinted in the light and, what's more, matched the polish on my toes, which were on display in a pair of Japanese style wooden flip-flops. I was wearing a bra. I had breasts. My bum was filled with my boyfriend's cream; he'd fucked me just that morning. I could feel it leaking out of me; it was squishy in my lace and ribboned panties. I remembered our wedding day. What a beautiful bride Wendy had made! She looked like something out of a fairytale walking down the aisle. I thought that was the point at which we would live happily ever after. How could anyone blame her for feeling cheated? How could anyone blame her for despising me? How could anyone blame her for blaming me for her disillusionment and our divorce, when not even I could? I glanced above Wendy's head to the mirrored wall behind her. Just look at what she married! Suddenly I knew what I'd come to say, what I wanted to tell her at long last. "I'm sorry Wendy," I blurted. "God I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me..." Words failed me after that brief outburst. And now I could no longer hold the tears back. Christ, I thought, now, on top of everything else, I was going to spoil my make-up! I groped around in my pocketbook for my compact. I surely didn't want to look a complete wreck when that cute waiter came back with our lunches! "It's okay Mich?I mean, Meeah. You'll have to forgive me?it's going to take me some time to get used to that. Wendy smiled, warmly this time, and put her hand on the back of my wrist. "Please don't cry. There's nothing to feel bad about anymore. It's true I was very angry with you for a long time, but that's all over, that's all in the past. Let's both put that behind us, along with all the bad memories. Everything has worked out for the best. We both have new lives now?the lives we were both meant to have all along. It took us a while to get it right, but thank god, we did. So let's not waste any more time regretting the past. It happened for a reason?it helped us get to where we are today. So what do you say we let bygones be bygones and start over. What do you say...can we be friends?" I'd managed to stop crying but nearly found myself starting all over again at Wendy's unexpected display of kindness. "Gosh," I sniffed, "I really would like that. Do you mean it?" "Of course I do you silly rabbit. Oh look, here's our lunch!" {"You're engaged,"} I said, three spoonfuls into my savory bowl of French onion soup. I tried to make it sound like a casual question; of course, it was anything but. I'd noticed the ring on her finger when she placed her hand on my wrist. How could I miss it? The stone was practically the size of a ping-pong ball. Wendy held her hand up so we could both admire it and wiggled her pale slender fingers, more precious to me than any diamond. The stone seemed to catch light I didn't even know existed. "It's beautiful," I said, and it was?it must have cost a fortune. I could never have afforded to buy Wendy anything half so beautiful, not even in my wildest dreams. Be honest, I told myself. You have no balls, your dick doesn't work anymore, and it never will; you're totally impotent, emasculated, feminized?and, yes, you're happier this way, happier than you've ever been, and yet, you still feel your heart drop a little when you think of your ex-wife getting re-married. Consciously, you know it's right that things have worked out this way, that she, too, deserves to be happy. After all, you've found a man, why shouldn't she? But still, there's that ache deep inside, that awareness of an empty place that will never be filled, the place only she could fill, and in that place nothing but a sense of irretrievable loss. "Congratulations..." When she tells you the name of the lucky man she's marrying the mix of emotions you feel grows even more impossibly complex. You always suspected she was more than "just friends" with Tim, that their frequent lunches were at least a titillating flirtation, at worst something you didn't want to think about. How many arguments did the two of you have about those lunches, how bitterly did you accuse her and how vehemently and disdainfully did she deny what you suspected? Now you find that the worst of your suspicions were true, that you were right all along. If this were another lifetime, if you were a different person, there could hardly be a better time to say "I knew it" and "I told you so." This would be the time to demand an admission or an apology or, at the very least, an acknowledgment, but you lack the will and the desire for any of that now. Most of all, you lack the justification, too; because, let's face it, looking at the bigger picture, she really was the one who was right all along. On the whole, the bigger lie was yours; hers was merely a contingent technicality. So, instead of recriminations, and though you fear for a moment the words themselves might strangle you, you manage to say them, "That's really great. I'm happy for you, Wendy" and, strangely, even miraculously, in some small way you don't even understand, you might actually mean what you say. "We'd like you to be there for the wedding; you and your boyfriend. Andrew, is that his name?" Be there, at her wedding, only this time to another man. Another man? Ha! This time to a man! At first it seemed like a nutty idea to invite me, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it seemed to make. Suddenly, I began to see how attending Wendy's wedding to Tim might actually be a positive, uplifting, and ultimately healing experience. Perhaps, I began to think, it was just the sort of closure we both needed. {She was looking into my lap}, I noticed, with a bemused expression on her face. We we're finishing our coffee and the check was on the way. I knew what she was going to ask. "Are you functional? I mean, down there...?" I shook my head. "No. Not for quite a while now, actually." The hormones I was taking had long ago shut down the functioning of my testicles so that when Andrew decided to have me castrated, it was little more than a formality. What I still had hanging between my legs was now completely useless... a fleshy--and, to me, unsightly--blemish not much different than a wart. I'd been glad to see my testicles go and I would be equally glad to see the silly flap of flesh that remained go as well, but Andrew enjoyed playing with it, at least for the time being; so, for the time being, it stayed. The surgery that would turn me fully into a woman and provide Andrew with an additional opening in which to fuck me was still somewhere in my future. But it was there, clearly, on my horizon, and it was getting closer every day. In fact, after today, I suspected that I'd taken several giant steps toward my ultimate fate. Even sitting as close as I now sat to my beautiful ex-wife, I felt nothing below my pierced bellybutton. If the desire were there, it survived only in my mind, only in theory. There was no chance, even if, by some miracle, she'd wanted it, that I could ever again make love to Wendy. She smiled. "I didn't think so. I told Tim as much, but I'm glad to hear you confirm it. He'll be okay with us being friends then, I think. He may want to see for himself...I know that's a lot to ask of you and may be a little embarrassing, but it might not even be necessary. I think one look at what you're like now and he'll laugh at the very notion that I could ever have anything to do with you sexually ever again." It was a bitter thing to hear, of course, even if it were true, even if I'd come to the same conclusion, but I knew Wendy wasn't being unkind. She was just stating the fact of the matter. The more painful irony was that while Wendy fully understood and was eager to placate Tim's suspicion regarding her relationship to me, she'd had no regard for my feelings about her relationship with Tim while we were married. "It's different, Meeah," Wendy said, as if reading my mind. "Tim is a man, a real man. You're probably just finding out how men can be about things like that." She grinned. "Come to think of it, I guess you're just finding out how they can be about a lot of things!" {Something so potentially humiliating}, how could I ever have agreed to such terms? That is probably what you're asking. I guess partly I hoped it would never actually come to having Wendy's new husband check for himself to see that I was no longer a man, to confirm with his own eyes the pitiful remains of my "manhood," the mark of my emasculation...I was wrong, of course, it did come to that, but that's a story for another time. What really drove me to accept her terms, however, wasn't just the hope that I could avoid the more unpleasant of their ramifications, but the rewards of her friendship. Yes, I wanted more than anything to be Wendy's friend, her special gurlfriend, if you will. If I'd failed as her husband, I was certain I could at least succeed as her gurlfriend. I'd found a place in her life, after all! Why, you may be asking now, was it so important to me to have a place in her life at all, not to mention such a marginal place at that? I suppose it makes no sense unless you can understand that I still loved her...unless you can understand that if you've ever loved anyone at all, really loved them, there's no such thing as "still" loving that person: you will always love them, no matter what, no matter how, until the last breath escapes your body. No, it's true. We would never have sex again, certainly not as man and woman, but not as "lesbians" either. A kiss on the cheek, a warm hug-- there would be never be anything much more than that, nothing erotic, in any x-rated sense of that term. Still, if it is a man who is now reading these words, and I assume that it probably is, I can assure you that there is so much more to "love" than what goes on between one's legs. I love Wendy, that wasn't the mistake I made in convincing her to marry me. The mistake I made was in confusing my love with the mistake I made in assuming that I was a man. It was a mistake compounded by an error and multiplied to infinity. I had to lose what was between my legs before I could understand that, before I could correct and undo all that I had done wrong. I imagined Wendy and I being really good friends, maybe even best friends, someday. I imagined us chatting on the phone for hours, going shopping, getting our manicure/pedicure done together. I imagined us having lunch just as we were doing now. I pictured the men in our lives eventually becoming friends and us all going out together, double-dating, if you will, visiting each other's houses, perhaps one day even taking a vacation together. It was a beautiful dream; surely, I figured, one that was worth risking whatever potential embarrassment it might cost to make it come true. I'd endured much worse, for far less. And it did come true! That was the best part of all. I did become my ex- wife's best gurlfriend. But, that too, is a story for another time...

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Please excus me in not a writer. I'm just a normal guy who is in the dog house and thought I'd share what happened. It was my wifes (kellyanns) 34 birthday last night and we were able to get my parents to have our 3 k**s so we could go out. I booked us a hotel right in the city centre and booked us a table in the vip area in her favourite club. She looked great in a pair of skinny Jean's and a backless top with not bra and a plunging front so she had used some double sided tape on the front to...

4 years ago
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wifes feet wile she sleeps

so iv got a foot fetish i have done for a while now, i'll sit for hours just massarging my wifes feet,,, she has a pair of trainers that i know after she wheres them her feet develop the worlds sexist smell in the world (well next her sweet smelling fanny that is) i love it so much that i go into ,keep the trainers on mode, where i'll keep asking her to do stuff for me, and not let her get comfortable to the point that she wants to take them of,,(the winter is the best time for this because she...

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wifes friend

Hello let me tell you about a true story, i met my wife Claire 12 years ago, she looked stunning 36d boobs, slim body and long legs, nice round arse and very tight pussy, she always liked to tease me. When ever she could she had her hands, mouth or pussy around my cock, let me tell you about myself im John 6ft6 18 stone and play rugby, my nickname is Bull, not because i play rugby but because im just over 10 inch's in the pants area. That's enough about me ,Claire had a few friends...

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Wifes Teenage Sexual Experience

Introduction: True story of wifes early sexual experience. My wife told me she never really had a boyfriend before she was 14 but she did go on alot of dates and partied with alot of guys, mostly giving them handjobs, letting some younger guys finger bang her and touch her tits!. She said the older hot looking guys with cars and money she would let lick and suck her pussy, she gave alot of blowjobs she really loved oral when she was younger. Once she went out two 18 years old she knew even...

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wifes panties in the hamper part 2

I have decided to share one of the best experiences i have had with my wife..from my previous stories my panty fetish is clear. She now knows i sniff her panties and i lick them clean. Sometimes i dont play with them for a long time then other times i go daily to the hamper for relief. There is no pussy that compares to my wifes. and the way her pussy clings to her panties will leave you beggin to lick them as i do.Last week was one of those weeks where i couldnt get enough of her panties. Now...

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Wifes Birthday bone

It was my wifes birthday and she had taken the day off to celibrate, I said I had to go to work and she shugged it off. I left as normal and went to the store for a cake I ordered the day before ad some flowers. After picking them up I drove back home circling the town for time, I wanted to surprise her - I was the one surprised. I let the car coast into the drive way and got out quietly but as I was going for the cake I heard Judith giggling, the same giggle she makes when I'm eating her...

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wifes revelation pt2

Introduction: wife reveales wicked past Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen good morning babe, smells good. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason....

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WIFES HANDJOB IN THE CAR Lately my wife has been getting more and more horny in the beginnings of our mature years. She’s makes all kinds of remarks while out shopping about other men she would see and even at home while watching the tube she would tell me certain guys make her hot. She has really gotten into black guys too. So last night we were in the car heading home from a HS football game (juniors play Saturdays which was what we were there to see) we were invited to by one of the players...

2 years ago
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Wifes Aunty True

The wifes Aunty joyce lives a two hour drive away. It was a friday afternoon and I set off to pick her up. The wife satayed at home to prepare the meal. I arrived at joyces house her bags were packed in the hallway and I Loaded them into the car. Joyce always tried her best to look nice. She was 55 and her figure was a more rounded shape. she was wearing a bright red Skirt Just above the knee.Black Tights and A White silky blouse with her ample boobs pushing through, With red High Heels to...

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Wifes Aunty True

The wifes Aunty joyce lives a two hour drive away. It was a friday afternoon and I set off to pick her up. The wife satayed at home to prepare the meal.I arrived at joyces house her bags were packed in the hallway and I Loaded them into the car. Joyce always tried her best to look nice. She was 55 and her figure was a more rounded shape. she was wearing a bright red Skirt Just above the knee.Black Tights and A White silky blouse with her ample boobs pushing through, With red High Heels to...

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wifes revelation pt2

Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen “good morning babe, smells good”. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. “Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason”. Pam smiles knowing she has a good chance at...

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wifes cum filled pussy

Hi my name is Ronnie my wifes name is Tina, tina is a hott lil thing 5'1" 105 lbs a ass that will make you cry.We always had hott kinky sex threesomes with my freinds she would strip for me tease me allThe good shit. Then she stopped wanting to fuck me so i figured she was fucking around on meSo one day she said she was gonna go help a freind at his shop so i figured i would sneak up and see whats going onI get to the shop nobodys in there so i go to office i hear moaning and groaning i peek in...

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Wifes young friends

Introduction: Mature wifes night with an unexpected end Young Friends I was heading to my car after leaving a downtown theatre after see. I wore a black lace and chiffon cocktail dress, with a modest V neck, black stockings, black heels and my white gold jewelry. It was a Saturday night about 11:30, I didnt really want to go home to an empty house as my husband was away at work overseas, and I also wasnt sure I wanted to go to a pub dressed the way I was. I was almost to the parking garage...

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wifes pussy tattoo

My guess is the guy who tattooed my wifes pussy masturbates while looking at her pussy i shared a a couple pictures with him after he was done getting her excited. here is how it happened he had me take some pics while he worked on her pussy. i posted a couple on here I made an appointment at a tattoo shop to get the wife's tattoo worked on and did not tell her so i watched her put on some little blue lace panties followed by a black garter belt then she rolled some black lace top stockings up...

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Wifes Story

I want to share some of my wifes stories with you. If you have read any of my others your know shes a mother of three grown up k**s, still good full figure, enjoys sex, works for her aunt selling high end properties by any means Her first stories starts when 12 and her brother 14. Usual k**s stuff, swing from hate to love to hate in seconds, usually annoying and embarrassing each other. At 11 started to get seriously curious about the differences between her and her brothers geniality, trying...

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Wifes job interview

I'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...

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Wifes First Threesome

Here’s what happened a while back when I set my wife up for a threesome with another guy for the first time!   This might of been my wife’s first time, but it was the ultimate fantasy come true for me. See my wife Dianne and I have discussed this for a very long time. We’ve been married for 16 years and have been talking about it since we’ve dated. We talk about it all the time, during sex, after sex and almost any time I can get her to talk about it.   We’ve always fantasized about the two of...

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wifes first gangbang

These events occurred six years ago just after I had just finished building a new video web site for a local pro-am porn actress and her husband. To celebrate the opening of their web site, they threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house mate to the affair being held at their home. We figured there would be some pretty wild going-ons. Our hostess had told me that besides the couples that were invited, several single guys would be there, including some of the black male actors...

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Wifes 2006

Introduction: Took place summer 2006 I and my wife am a quit active couple, and we like to pass time with friends on excursions as well as at home, over a dinner or a nice glass of wine. Recently we have been spending time with a colleague of mine, working at the same research department, and his wife. We have been working at the same department for five years now, and I have known his wife since we started to socialize with them, about one and a half year ago. While my colleague has turned...

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Wifes Craving Changes

My wife loves to suck cock. This is something I found out about her when we first started dating. Well, actually she gave me a blow job on our first date and admitted that she loved the taste of dicks and having guys cum in her mouth and covering her face. But I surprised her that first time by not cumming. I'm not sure the reason, but I can't get off through oral sex, I like it don't get me wrong, just not enough. Now this doesn't discourage my wife from trying, much to my enjoyment....

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Wifes First Orgasm

A true story never told before. I married one of the most beautiful girls in my area. She had long blonde hair slim 104lbs five foot four nice legs good hips and ass, known to her I had a bi side, she had small tits you cannot have everything, and throughout our married life her looks got better.Unknown to her, I had a bi-sexual side, after twenty years of boring sex between us; same thing every night, I started to fantasize about her having sex with other men. What I did was, I began to ask...

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My wife and I have been married for about seven years. We fell in love at the tender age of sixteen and were each other’s first sex experiences. Of course neither of us knew what we were doing but through good old trial and error we finally were able to satisfy each other’s sexual needs. What we didn’t know about were all the variations involved in sex. I mean what man really knows all about the many ways to satisfy a woman. I thought I did, boy was I surprised when I started to read and...

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Wifes 2006

Therefore it surprised me the more when I caught her, about a year ago, playing with herself quit openly. Or at least, if not public, not particularly discrete. We had spent the day in the woods; me, my wife, my friend, and Rachel. We had been mushroom picking, as my wife enjoys the woods in general and mushroom picking in particular. After having had lunch as picnic, we had split up the four of us. My wife and my friend had been walking along a small forest way, Rachel had walked into the...

5 years ago
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Wifes pleasure

Our neighbours were, an elderly couple, Hardayal Singh and his wife, Tejinder Kaur. He was 57 years of age and his wife Teji, was 40. As a mark of respect, we used to call Hardayal Singh, as Hardayalji. They were childless. Unfortunately, tragedy struck them. Teji, was knocked down by a truck and died. Hardayalji was heart-broken. He was inconsolable. He began drinking heavily. As time went, it seemed that Hardayalji was slowly becoming an alcoholic. He lost his job. Every day, he sat alone in...

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wifes revelation

Jack, a confident, successful, self-made guy opens the door to the local eating establishment and immediately is greeted by the cute blonde girl working as the hostess. He pointes to a booth in the rear of the building. The girl gives him a puzzling look. "Pam is my wife and I want to surprise her". The girl smiles and escorts him to the booth. He sits patiently as his server comes by. "Hi can I start you off with a drink? He smiles "just waiting for Pam to come over she's my wife"...

2 years ago
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wifes first gangbang

These events occurred six years ago just after I had just finished building a new video web site for a local pro-am porn actress and her husband. To celebrate the opening of their web site, they threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house mate to the affair being held at their home. We figured there would be some pretty wild going-ons. Our hostess had told me that besides the couples that were invited, several single guys would be there, including some of the black male actors...

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Wifes Cunt Eating Lesson

I came home from work one day and found my wife in bed with the next-door neighbor. They were in the 69 position and both of them had their faces buried in each other’s cunt. The sound of them licking and sucking and moaning and groaning was all I could stand. I opened the bedroom door and they both looked up at me and my wife said how come you home from work so early? I said I came home early to be with you but I see your busy. How long has this been going on? She said its been going on ever...

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Wifes first black part 2

Me and my coworkers were discussing Naked City , a nudist colony in Indiana , and everyone but Big "O" wanted to see what it was like . He said there might be trouble because ( this is the 70's ) a black man and a white woman . My wife said it was great with her especially after him saying that you would have see it to believe it , We all decided to go so we loaded up and went . When we got there the clerk ask if we wanted seperate rooms and my wife said one was great . We checked in to the...

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Wifes Birthday bonepaybacks

This happened about 18 months after I caught my wife with Butch our shepard and black mailed her into being my sex slut. It was Friday and Judith asked if we could go out and I said sure it would be fun to go out for some drinks. Judith dressed in a pink half bra and a thong, thin white bottom up blouse and a short black skirt with black heeled boots. Her double D tits sat nicely in her bra and their dark nipples shown through her blouse, she was hot and damn lovely as always. She...

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Wifes Holiday Party

As the holidays rolled around, I was looking forward to taking my wifeto her companies Christmas party. It meant a night out with her alldressed up, and a night in of tasting her sweet pussy since our twok**s were with family for the night.Mary is a knock-out. 37 years old, two k**s, yet a nice 5'2" frame with115 pounds on it. She has 36D's, which I love to suck. She is rathermodest, though, and has never really been wild at sex. I enjoy it whenit happens, but it always consists of me eating...

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Wifes pussy piercing

This story takes place in the year 2014my wife had piercings in her nippels since 2005 and was not that happy with in the beginning of September she told me that she would like to change them to something new.and during a visit in Stockholm we made a short visit to some piercing artists. the first three shops did not feels not so good for my wife, so we took the car and went out to a place north of the city.and we went inside the shop.from behind the curtain comes out a man, and asked...

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Wifes Story 2

"I wonder if all spunk tastes the same" she asked her brother, she asked after wanking him off, licking the last drop off his belly which she had missed first time, laying down beside him in the dark. "Don't know" said her brother "why u asking?" he whispered back, in an attempt to not to wake their parents in the next room. "Just that your tastes different at different times of the day" she said. "also sometimes its thick and creamy and other times its thin and milky. "I could help you find...

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wifes sexy friend

This is the story of having sex with a college days friend of my wife. My wife had told me several times about her college friend Nibha who lived near her house and was married one year before our marriage. I had heard that Nibha was very beautiful. One year of my marriage had passed and I along with my wife lived in mumbai. One day my wife unexpectedly got a telephonic call which was from Nibha. She was surprised as well as very happy to know that Nibha was calling from mumbai itself. Nibha...

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wifes black cock fantasy massage

Recently I had to go to the USA on a business trip. I usually travel alone but on this trip I convinced the company to pay for my wife Jan to travel with me and to also extend the trip for another week for some well earned R&R.I was to be there 1 week before Jan arrived to do all the business stuff and the next week would be filled with tourist adventures. On my arrival at the hotel I was informed that we had been booked into a 2 bedroom luxury penthouse suite overlooking the city and...

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Wifes interracial gangbang with young blacks

This is the first of several sexual adventures my wife has had in her life recently. I do hope you enjoy them and please comment accordingly.My wife is in her mid-40’s, petite, slim with a 34DD bust and long, brunette hair. She works as an estate agent (real estate for our American friends) and has done for many years. She specialises in rental accommodation in London, a particularly lucrative market. She is a sexy woman who, with my permission, has had several affairs over the years and she...

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Wifes Surprise Gift Part 3 FANTASY THAT WILL BEC

The stranger sat obediently on his hand in the middle of the floor just as my surprisingly dominant wife had just ordered.She started rubbing my cock again and gave a hard passionate kiss. "Time to play with my new toy" she whispered to me as she ran her finger between her pussy lips then slipped it in her mouth.She turned toward her "toy" and stepped closer to him.She grabbed his jaw and pulled his head towards her, tilting his head back as she done it.She pinched his two lips together and...

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