Byrds Of A Feather free porn video

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It was March, the weather was warming and in my part of the country, we were having some really nice days. It was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, the weekend started in thirty minutes and I should have been in a great mood. Instead, I was in kind of a piss-off mood, it had been one of those Murphy’s Law Days, if it could go wrong it did go wrong. Nothing you could put your finger on, just a shitty all day.

I was finally finishing up on my last report of the day when I heard a little knock at my office door. I looked up to see Kathy Spears standing at the door looking like she had just lost her best friend. I motioned for her to come in.

She said, “Frank, I’m sorry to bother you but I need a big favor. “My cars in the shop, they were supposed to have it ready by the time of got off work. The Shop Forman just called and told me they found some other things wrong and it will be Monday before it’ll be ready and I don’t have a way home or back to work on Monday. I know it’s a little out of your way but if you could take me home today and give me a ride back Monday I’ll gladly pay you,”

Kathy had been one of my work buddy’s before I was promoted to supervisor and she was promoted to floor manager in another department I didn‘t ask the obvious question, why her husband Jerry couldn’t pick her up and as far as paying me, she wouldn’t pay me what I would really love to have.

Kathy only stood about 5’ 3”, jet black hair, dark brown eyes, about a 36 C bust leading down to a slender waist then out to about a 34“ set of hips with junk in the trunk that most women would kill for. She was part Native American and had the high cheekbones and a completion that always looked like she had just stepped out of a tanning bed.

Kathy said, “Thanks Frank, I’ll go check out and meet you in the parking lot” I finished my report and headed out. As I walked outside Kathy and two other old work buddies of ours, Cindy and Beth, were standing just outside the door. Both girls come over and give me a hug and Cindy said, “Thanks a lot for helping Kathy. It’s been somewhat tough for her lately, then this shit with the car. You’re a good man Frank and we still love you.” “I love you girls too”, I knew we were all talking about a work buddy kind of love.

Kathy and I got in my car and as I was pulling out of the lot, I glanced over at her and noticed that she looked very tired and stressed. This was defiantly out of character for her; she was always upbeat, full of joy. I thought to myself “must have been a bad for her also.”

We were both very quite while I was in heavy commuter traffic. When I got out on the open road with almost no traffic, I fucked up and ask the big question. “So Kathy, with the car problems why didn’t Jerry pick you up, he comes right by the plant?” When she didn’t answer, I glanced over at her to see big tears rolling down her cheeks.

I ask “Damn Girl, what the hell’s wrong. She covered her face with her hands and really broke down crying. I pulled to the shoulder of the road, leaned over, and put my arms around her. She turned, put her arms around my neck and with her head on my shoulder just really let go. She tried sever time to talk but couldn’t for the crying

I told her “easy girl, just cry it out, we got nothing but time,” After several minutes she gain enough control to start talking. “Jerry left me Frank; he’s been gone almost a month now. I called but he won’t even talk to me. Cindy and Beth told me to just let his ass go, that he was a dumb ass and I would be better of without him but I don’t want to be alone.”

I could really relate to being alone, I had been separated for almost a year now and my only sex partners were mostly the five sisters of my right hand.

I ask “what’s the problem, another woman, money problems, WHAT?” She started crying again and I just held her until she calmed down. She pulled her head back and looked me straight in the eyes. I could tell she was rolling all this over in her mind. Then she said “Frank, we’ve known each other and been work place friends for a long time. Do you think of me as a whore, a slut or a nymphomaniac?” Before I could stop myself I said “HELL NO, but I sure would like too.”

She just stared at me for a few seconds and I stared back with what I know was a stupid “OH SHIT, I FUCKED UP” look on my face. At first, she just smiled a little then busted out laughing, through her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. “Frank, you’re the greatest, this is the first time I have laughed since that asshole left me and I’ve been feeling so guilty.”

I ask “So what in the hell’s going on here.” She gives me that deep in your eyes look again and said, “I know you’re a man and I’m a woman but we are friends, work place buddies, RIGHT?” I thought for a second then said, “Let’s say we are asshole buddies, I’m the asshole and you’re the buddy.”

We both laughed, and then she got a serious look on her face. “Frank, I’ve talk with Cindy and Beth about this and I told you what they said. It’s hard talking to anyone about my problem but especially a man.”

“Look Kathy, I don’t know what’s on your mind, all I can tell you is you’re not talking to a man, you’re talking to a friend. A friend who’ll listen, try to answer any question you ask to the best of my ability and none of it goes any further then this car.”

She set for a few seconds as though she was getting her thoughts together. She quickly covered her early years, her and Jerry dating in school, it was first time sex for both of them and they were married just after hi school.

After they were married she found out Jerry didn’t want kids and she did. She found she really liked sex and wanted to explore and try new and different things. Jerry was satisfied with missionary once or twice a week. When she tried to talk with him, he would tell her that was nasty, there was something wrong with her and he wouldn’t talk about it.

I ask her “what did you want that upset him so much.” She blushed a bright red but didn’t answer. “Kathy, my wife left me almost a year ago because she said I was a sex addict and a pervert so what ever it is, it’s not going to shock me. So, from the buddy to the asshole, tell me one thing that was upsetting him.

She set with her head down for a second then in almost a whisper she said “oral sex,” I heard but I ask, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” “ORAL SEXY, DAME IT, ORAL SEX.” I thought for just a second and decided to go for broke, I ask, “you mean like blow-jobs, sucking his cock until he cums in your mouth, eating your pussy until you reach several orgasms. Is that what you are talking about?”

She was very quite for a few seconds then looked over at me, still blushing but smiling she said “YES and you’re a dirty old man.” “Well, that is about half true, dirty mind if you want to call it that but I’m only about two years older than you.”

I ask, “What else did you have on your mind that was causing these asshole problems.” You name it and I thought about it and tried to talk with him about it. I smiled and said “Honey if I start naming it you would really be blushing and probably slap my face.

Kathy set thinking for about a minute the told me “OK Mr. Pervert, lets try this, I’m really having trouble talking about all the things that go through my mind. How about you describe it and I’ll tell you if it is something I have thought of or not.”

I told Kathy it was a deal but if I started being too far out tell me and I would stop, that I would use Jerry as the object of your lust. I’m not gonna mix words so it may get a little vulgar. She nodded and I started “you want to lick his balls and suck his cock until he cums on your tits, on your face, in your mouth.

Kathy was blushing a bright red and breathing heavy but she nodded and whispered “yes” She looked over at me and started laughing. I give her a questing look and she nodded toward my crotch. I looked down to see my bulging cock pushing against my pants.

I laughed and blushed a little myself “you said it, a fucking pervert and I love it. She told me to continue. “Okay, on to you, have him suck your tits and bit on your hard nipples” I heard Kathy let out a little sigh. I knew I was headed in the right direction “massage your clit and finger fuck you while he lick his way down to your hot, wet pussy, continue fingering you while he licks and sucks your clit until you cum.” She was nodding her head as I described each move and I could see she was getting turned on as she thought about it.

I continued, “He continues to finger fuck you as he raises your legs and licks his tongue across your asshole.” I heard Kathy take a deep breath and I looked over to see her staring back at me with a surprised look on her face. I thought “Oh shit, too much information “

Kathy ask “ah, ah you, you would do that to, ah, oh my.” I could feel my cock getting even harder as I told her “if given the chance, HELL YES, I WOULD!!!” Before she thought what she was saying, she blurted out “Cindy and Beth told me they did that but I didn’t believe them.” Then she thought about what she had just said. She looked at me with a, Oh I fucked up look, and then ask me to promise not to let either of them what she had told me.

I told her “no big deal Kathy, it’s nothing I wouldn’t do myself with the right person. She looked like she was very deep in thought. I told her, “Forget about mentioning their names, it’s no big deal.” Kathy said, “Frank, I don’t know why but there is more I want to tell you but you have to promise to never tell anyone. I remaindered her about what was said here today didn’t go any further.

She asks, “What do you know about Cindy and Beth?” “Well, when we worked together they were good to work with and I always though of them as friends. Now I’m their supervisor and they still do a good job and I still think of the as friends.

Kathy smiled “remember, you promised, not a word. Did you know they are Bi-sexual swingers,” Now it was my turn for the mouth open, surprised look, along with “YOU GOTTA BE SHITING ME!!?” Kathy busted out laughing “NO, I’m not shitting you. Once when I was frustrated with Jerry I talked to them about it.

They felt so sorry for me they told me about being involved in the life style and some of the things they done. They offered to allow me to join them, either or both of the girls, one or both of the couples. I always wanted to try it but didn’t want to go alone and I knew Jerry would never do it.

Kathy asks, “You would really do that?” “What, swing with another couple, Hell Yes, in a heart beat? I just never thought of Cindy and Beth doing it.” Kathy laughed again “NO silly, you know, the other.” I thought about what she was asking then told her “Kathy, please understand I’m not making a pass at you and our little talk here is not intended to put any pressure on you at all. With that said if you’re asking me if I would EAT YOUR PUSSY, not yes but HELL YES. If you are asking if I would LICK and TONGUE FUCK YOUR ASSHOLE, not yes but HELL YES.

Kathy just set for the longest time then told me “OOOHHHH,WWWEEEE SHIT, that’s enough for now, and we need to go home. I cranked the car, pulled out and headed down the highway. In about two miles I was coming to the road to Kathy’s house. As I slowed down, she asks what I was doing. I told her I was slowing down to turn on her road. She smiled and said, “OK, I do need to pick up a change of clothes and my toothbrush. I didn’t say a word; I just pulled in her driveway and waited. She was in and out in just a few minutes carrying a small overnight bag.

As she was getting back in the car I ask her “Kathy are you sure you want to do this?” With a nervous smile, she said, “If it is alright with you I can tell you, I have never wanted anything more than this. I smiled back and told her “get your sweet ass in here and let’s go home.

It was only about a ten minute drive to my place. We didn’t talk at all; she took hold of my right hand, squeezing it for time to time until I pulled in my drive. As soon as we got inside, I gave her a quick tour of the house so she would know her way around.

When she saw I had two showers she asks if I would be upset if she showered alone I knew this was a big step for both of us and I told her it would be fine, I would meet her in the den when she was ready. I done a quick shave and shower, slipped on a pair of khaki shorts and a golf shirt then headed for the den.

I set on the coach and tried to relax. I was thinking about the things we talked about this afternoon. I could hardly believe my luck. Here I was setting in my den waiting for this drop-dead gorgeous lady to take her shower before we hopefully had a wild night of sex and I hadn’t even kissed her yet.

I heard the bathroom door close and in just a couple of seconds Kathy was standing at the door to the den. She was wearing a nightshirt that looked like a long man’s dress shirt that button down the front and it was sleeveless. The top three buttons were open showing a little cleavage. She was not wearing a bra, her nipples were pushing against the front of the shits, and the bottom of the shirt was about half way down her thighs.

What my eyes saw went straight to my cock and it got so hard my shorts were causing me pain. The only problem was part of this feeling stopped at my heart. I thought “hold on here Frank, this is about sex, don’t even think you are fall in love with this dream come true;” Kathy walked over and set down beside me on the couch. Her hand was trembling as she reached over and took my hand.

Kathy gives me a nervous smile and said, “Frank, I’m as nervous as a teenager on her first date, how about you?” I laughed and told her I would never have believed it but I’m as nervous as the groom at a shotgun wedding. We both laugher, then Kathy ask “what now” I told her “I don’t want to be go too fast and upset you. What I would like to do is let you go at your own pace and do only what you’re comfortable with.”

Kathy was squeezing my hand tighter and tighter. She said, “I don’t know if I can do that Frank, I’m so afraid I’ll do something wrong and piss you off. I pulled my hand loose from hers, took her by the shoulders and turned her to face me. I told her “listen to me Kathy and believe what I tell you. No matter what you do it will not be wrong and it will not piss me off.”

She ask “what about what I might say, if I get really turned on I tend to talk a little dirty. Once, several years ago Jerry lasted long enough I started reaching a climax. I got excited and told him to bang my pussy good, damn it, fuck me hard. He got so upset he lost his erection and was pissed of with me for a month.

I told her “Well, the difference here is, that would have turned me on even more. So say anything you feel like and it’s fine with me. She leaned over and gives me a light kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, we were looking deep into each other’s eyes. I could see the lust and excitement shining in her eyes but it was almost as I could see into her heart. Was it love, not love of sex but love of the heart?

I was so captured by the look in her eyes it took a second to realize she was talking. I ask “I’m sorry Honey, what did you say?” Kathy laughed, placed her hands on each of my cheeks and shook my head back and forth as though she was waking me up. She asks, “You’re telling me that you are mine to do with as I please and you’ll not be angry?” I dropped my arms to my side as in total surrender and with a big grin said “I’m yours for the taking my love.”

In one quick move, Kathy took her nightshirt by the bottom and pulled it up and over her head. She was setting there straddled me stark naked. She pressed her lips hard against mine and pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. I was trying to match the movement of her tongue but she was in and out, side to side and all around. She was so turned on she was making noises beyond a moan.

Suddenly she started licking my lips, nose, eyes, and ears. My whole face was wet with her saliva. She told me “get your fucking shirt off, why are you still dressed?” I started pulling my shirt over my head. Before I could get it completely of she was sucking on my nipples. She moved her right leg over, kneeling beside me without ever leaning my nipples.

She was fumbling with the top button. I pulled her hand away, quickly unbuttoned and pulled the zipper down enough to pull my shorts down to my knees, freeing my rock hard, throbbing cock. Kathy didn’t even look down. She just reaches down and wrapped her hand around my cock.

Kathy set up with a surprise look on her face, then looked down at her hand holding my cock. “HOLY FUCK, THAT’S A BIG FUCKING COCK, DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING TO ASSAULT ME WITH THIS BIG MOTHER FUCKER?”

I had never though of myself as any kind of a stud but this woman was making me feel good. I laughed as I told her “No Darling, I was going to let you assault me, remember?” “Can I kiss it on the head?” After a hearty laugh, I told her “Honey, you can do anything to my cock and to me that don’t cause permanent injury.”

Kathy squeezed my cock as she looked down at it. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning as she lean down and kissed the mushroom head of my cock. She pumped up and down a couple of time them kissed it again. Without looking up she said, “I really don’t know much about what to do, Cindy gives me a few pointers like being careful with my teeth and if I bit, not to bit too hard.

I run my fingers through her hair and told her “Katy, you do what excites you, I can tell you what is feeling good and you can take it from there. One thing I can tell you the wetter the better.” She didn’t reply, she just rose up a little so I could see what she was doing. Then pulled her hand up my shaft to the back of my cock head. She parted her lips and a long line of saliva slipped out and covered the head of my cock. Just before the saliva run over the side of her hand, she pulled her hand back down my shaft, twisting her hand spreading the wetness as she moved down.

It was such an erotic site I had to struggle hard to keep from cumming right then. A loud moan escaped my lips as she open her mouth and licked round my cock head while she continued to pump up and down on the shaft. She slid her mouth down my shaft until she hit the back of her throat causing her to gag hard.

She set up, looking at me with watery eyes and a big smile on her face “that’s a big cock but if you will give me time I promise I’ll do better.” I leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips and whispered, “Honey, it’s been a while since I cum and if you continue to do that you’re gonna end up with a mouth full of cum that you may not want.”

“NO, NO, I want your cum, in my mouth, on my face, in my pussy, in my ass, all over, I LOVE YOU FRANK HOWARD.” She suddenly pulled back and put her hand over her mouth. We just set looking at each other for a couple of seconds. She said “I sorry Frank, I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out.” I ask, “You didn’t mean to say what, you don’t want me to cum in all the places you mentioned?”

She laughed and gives me a love tap on the arm “no silly, you know what I was talking about.” I told her “Don’t worry about it Honey, you only said aloud what I’ve been thinking. In the mean time I have a long over due load of cum that is about to go somewhere. While we were talking, Kathy had continued pumping up and down my shaft.

A drop of per-cum eased out and run down to Kathy’s hand. She looked at it then at me. I smiled and nodded. She licked it up into her mouth, then she spit it out into her other hand, rubbed it on her pussy and pushed two fingers deep inside.

She took my cock back in her mouth and started bobbing up and down. I could feel my balls tingling and tightening up and I knew I had held it about as long as I could. Kathy was taking my cock deeper and deeper in her mouth. I could feel her saliva running down my shaft, making her hand even slicker.

I felt the needed to tell her again “Baby, I’m about to cum.” She just started pumping faster and I could feel her tongue on the underside of my cock head. It was all I could do not to grab the back of her head so I grabbed the edge of the couch as the first line of cum shot out of my cock and into her waiting mouth.

I heard her gag and cough just as the second shot hit the back of her throat. She giggled like a little girl but never pulled her mouth off my cock. I don’t think I had ever cum so much, I could feel some of it run down my shaft and onto my balls.

Finally the cum stopped flowing and I fell back against the back of the coach, wet with sweat and out of breath. Kathy set up and I could see by her tight lips she was holding some cum in her mouth. There was a little on her chin and each side of her mouth. I had never tasted male cum before and never expected to but before I knew it I had pulled Kathy to me and licked the cum off her mouth and chin.

She looked me as she tilted her head back a little, opened her mouth to show me the cum, then closed her mouth and swallowed. It was too much for her to handle and she gagged. Part of the cum run out of her mouth and down her chin. I pulled her to me again, licked my cum off her chin then kissed her hard on the lips pushing my tongue deep into her mouth.

She through her leg back across me and set down on my lap pushing my deflating cock against my stomach. I could feel the heat and moistness of her hot pussy. She pushed her breast into my chest and started rubbing her nipples against mine.

To my surprise, my cock was rock hard again. Kathy broke the kiss, moved her mouth up next to my ear. First, she run her tongue around the outer edge then plunged her tongue into my ear. She whispered, “Fuck my pussy you nasty cum eater, push your hard cock into my hot pussy, take me baby, take me now.”

I took her by the hips and raised her up enough to align the head of my cock up with her hot, wet lips. I used my hand to move the head up and down her lips a few times. Then I pushed the head just inside. She was so tight I stopped there and told her “you take it for here Baby, go at your own pace.

She moved her hips around just a little then looking deep into my eyes she said, “Here goes, all the way baby.” She dripped down and I was ball deep in her pussy. She let out a scream; she was so tight it felt like she was going to pull the skin off my cock.

Her head was titled back a little and I could see the tears well up in her eyes and run down her cheeks. She looked down to where our bodies joined together then back at me. She smiled and said, “Damn, that’s a pussy full of cock. I kissed her on both her tear covered cheeks “just take your time Baby, we have all night.

She set still for a few seconds then slowly started moving her hips back on forth a little. As her pussy stretched, her own pussy juice and my pre-cum made it easier she started moving her hips faster. Then she started rotating around, grinding her hot pussy around on my cock.

I placed my hand on her hips and started moving my hips up and down as much as I could. She was having one orgasm after another, my cock and balls were soaked with her cum. I could feel my balls tingling and couldn’t believe I was about to cum again.

Kathy had stopped rotating her hips and was simply thrusting back and forth. She was moaning and from time to time she would let out a little giggle. Suddenly she reaches up and pinched both my nipples. I was surprised at the effect it had on me. It was like an electric shock shot through my body and it pushed me over the edge.

“III’MMMM CCCUUUMMMMIINNGGG” I said. Kathy pushed her pussy down hard on my cock and I could hear her growl like a wild animal. She was setting still but her pussy muscles were pulling every drop of cum out of my cock.

We were both breathing heavy and wet with sweat. She lad her head on my shoulder and I could feel her firm breast preassing against my chest. We laid there a couple of minutes relaxing and enjoying the feel of each other’s bodies.

Kathy flicked her tongue out around the outside of my ear. Then she whispered, “Your cock’s still about half hard.” “Yes, that’s very unusual for me, must have something to do with the person I’m with,” I said with a smile. “Can we suck each other now?” “KATHY, you’re a real slut, that would be so nasty.”

Kathy moved her head back, looking me in the eyes with a big smile she said, “YES, I know, what do you think?”

I didn’t say a word, I just wrapped my arms around her, holding her in place as I turned and laid her down on the couch. I placed my hand over her pussy as I pulled out my cock out.

If I was going to do this, I want to savor as much of our combined fluid as I could. I tuned and straddled her head. Her mouth was open and waiting as I lowered my cock. I told her “Baby, you can control how deep I go by my hips. She just grunted her reply as she took my cock deep into her mouth.

Her pubic hair was so wet with our cum it was matted to her pussy lips. Using my fingers, I parted her lips and licked my tongue down the length of her pussy. The taste and the thought of the perverted thing we were doing was such a turn on. I knew I was hooked. I placed her legs behind my arms exposing her pussy and ass even more. I lowered my mouth over her pussy and sucked as I pushed my tongue inside.

Kathy pushed down and a large glob of our cum rolled out of her pussy and into my mouth. It was very thick and I almost chocked as I swallowed but I managed to get it down and wanted more. I licked my tongue as far as I could get into her pussy coating it good then pulling it back in my mouth. I swished it aroung in my mouth then swallow.

I went back again but this time when I pulled my tongue out Kathy pulled me by my arms. As I turned around my cock popped out of her mouth and she pulled my lips down to hers. I plunged my tongue into her mouth and she hungerly sucked it clean. We were both breathing heavy and we were wet with sweat as we rubbed our bodies together.

I make one more trip to her pussy, licking and sucking until there was no more cum to be had. One last kiss, sharing our cum then we just held each other until our breathing returned to normal.

Kathy’s head was lying on my shoulder; I heard her giggle a little and I ask what was so funny. “I was just wondering, are you gonna try to fuck me in the ass?”

I pushed her back a little and saw the big smile on smile on her face. “Well, it had crossed my mind but it won’t be tonight. You’ve wore me out and I don’t think I would be up to it” as I smiled back at her.”Cindy and Beth tells me we need to do a couple of emenas before we get VERY DEEP into anal play”

I laugher at her play on words and ask “WE, what is this WE SHIT?” “Look Lover, Jerry’s the only cock that had ever been inside me before. Now that mushroom head of yours has destroyed my pussy. If you think you’re gonna put that monster up my ass you need to know I’m gonna have a couple of fingers or something in yours.”

Her face was aglow and I could see the excitement in her eyes. “You mean to say you think you’re gonna run a tube up my ass and fill my gut full of water, watch me shit it all out then do it again.” She just noddied her head. “Then you want me to do the the same to you” “YES!! YES!! Do it two times”

I forced a serious look on my face as I looked at her. Suddenly the smile left her face and I could see fear in her eyes, She put her arms around my neck and buried her head into my shoulder. “Oh Frank, I’m so sorry. That deamon that I have held inside all these years is starting to come out. I have fought it all my life but being with you like this is making the walls crumble.”

I was confused “What deamon, what do you think you have done wrong?” When she pulled back and looked at me, I could see her cheeks were wet with tears and that look of fear still in her eyes. “The things we have done tonight are things I have wanted to do most of my life but I was taught they were dirty, nasty and only bad people woud even think about them. Jerry told me I had a deamon in me that made me think such thinks.”

I lifter her chin untill our eyes met. I smiled and said “BULLSHIT! If you have a deamon then so do I. For every one thing we have done tonight a thousand other thoughts have run throung my mine ,as you say, dirty, nasty thing I would like for us to do. Here there are no walls, no barriers, no guilt.

I could see her relax and the look of fear in her eyes went away. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips. It was a soft, warm kiss, not sexy or lustful. It was a kiss of love. It cought me off guard so much it took me a second to recognize it for what it was. I put my arms around her waist as I return her kiss.

When we broke the kiss she laided her head on my shoulder, “Frank, I ah, ah, I ah.” I pulled her coser to me and told her. “I know baby, I guess it’s a strange feeling for both of us.

“How about we take a shower and get some sleep?” We stood, walked naked, hand, and hand to the master bathroom. I adjusted the water and we both stepped in and held each other close as the warm water flowed over us. Finaly, I lathered her up and washed her head to foot. Then she did the same to me. Notheing too sexy, just gentle, loving touching and kissing.

I lay down on the bed and Kathy spooned close up behing me. Her warm body felt so good next to mine. I turned enough to kiss her and told her, “Goodnight my love.” “Goodnight sweety.” Then I heard in a very low whisper, “I love you Frank.” I smiled and just said, “UH HUH!” She put her arm around my waist and pulled herself even closer.

“Honey, would it be okay if I called Cindy and Beth tomorrow and tell them about tonight”

“You mean, tell them everything?”

“AAHHH, yes if you don’t mind.”

I laughed, “Yes, Tell whatever you would like Lover, I’m just sorry I can’t be there when you tell them. I would love to see the look on their faces.”


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Toms AdventuresChapter 69 Birds of a Feather

After summer festival Walking Buffalo took six men and left to buy cattle. The work in the valley continued with determination. Fighting Hawk asked Storm Cloud if he would like to take a little trip with him and he nodded. After Fighting Hawk discussed his idea with Gray Eagle, he gave his permission, as long as Fighting Hawk handled the negotiations. He nodded that he would. Fighting Hawk talked to Big Owl and Big Cloud and they both agreed to go, along with six of the young warriors. Since...

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To visit the one with feathers

“Hello, visitor. I guess I should tell you a little more about who I am and what this place is. Years ago, or so I am told and as I have read, a race called the humans from a planet named earth came to my home planet. My ancestors were more bird then ape but the humans set up labs where they mixed the DNA like my world was some kind of science project. That’s where my family line comes from. They were taught how to speak their language and my line, almost completely human but with slightly...

2 years ago
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The Adventure of Captain FeatherSword

The Adventure of Captain FeatherSword! Just a silly tale that came to me from a nick name of a coworker. It is a pity that I can't draw. Hi everyone. My name is Ed King. I awoke one day to start my new role in life. That role was to be a super hero. I worked out every day and took karate classes. I had a night job so my days were free. It was the start of my two week vacation so patrol factors can be set up with out problems. My outfit looked like the NBA team mascot from...

3 years ago
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- I - Todd sat on top of the sloped lid of a backlane garbage bin with his knees clutched tightly together, his elbows tucked into his sides, and a book in his upturned palms. He was hunched, leaning into the read, peering through his oversized glasses, almost unblinking. One eyebrow was slightly raised, his brow furrowed, concentrating. A tuft of hair hung down across his forhead, like a claw, pointing at his left eye. His eyes scanned the page, with robot-like precision. Now and then his...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 3 Tuesday Tribune William Whitefeather

The Fleet Auxiliary rating entered Tribune Whitefeather's office, bearing blessed gifts from ground-side. "One double-double ... whatever that is ... one black no sugar ... one tea, bag in ... and one sour cream glazed, one toasted whole-wheat bagel with butter, and one maple cream glazed." As they thanked the woman, Major MacAllistor observed with a jaundiced eye the sugary delights his fellow officers were enjoying. "Healthy breakfast," he remarked sarcastically, biting into his...

2 years ago
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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 10 Blackfeather

We dropped off Aubrey at her apartment after sizzling kisses for each of us. Mandy stayed in the center seat with her head on my shoulder. The sun was just about to touch the mountains in the west. “It’s early,” she said. “Why don’t you drive me up to the pass? I’ll show you a couple things about the area you’re writing about.” It sounded like a good idea to me, so I gladly drove the twenty-five miles out to Centennial and then four more miles to the top of the pass. When we got to the top,...

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A Fresh StartChapter 59 Colonel Featherstone

When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...

4 years ago
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Red Feathers

They do not like me, and I am sure they are aware that the feeling is mutual. I am not like the other girls who work here. I am friendly, and I smile, but I do not laugh at their jokes. Most of the time I do not even understand them. Still, they have no reason to complain. I take their orders, and bring them their drinks and what passes for food here. My breasts are not as big as some of the other girls', but I wear the same uniform as they do, so the guests have something to look at, apart...

2 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 10 Horse Feathers

The stables were just that, a low range of buildings set around three sides of a cobbled yard round behind the house. There were six stalls along either side and at the end of yard a carriage shed, tack room and feed store provided all that was needed for the horses I assumed to be kept there. My assumptions were confounded by what I saw as we entered the yard. Hearing our feet on the cobbles, faces appeared looking over the half doors of four of the stalls. Each was a young blonde woman,...

1 year ago
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my Ranger

MY RANGER My name is Miya, just Miya. I just turned 20, and i unfortently I live in a world you wouldnt understand. you see when i was 7 i was kiddnapped, not just kiddnapped for a ransom or anything but i was kiddnapped by these men in white, white coats white gloves. ect. well any way for the next 9 years the were brainwashing me, at least thats what i called it. They were scientist ,if you want to call them that, that wanted to train me and a few...

2 years ago
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How JB Became Famous Chapters 1620

Chapter XVI: JB and the Argument. I ran all the way down the hall, went clear to the other side of Marnie's bed and got down on the floor. I could hear all the ladies talking but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Then I heard someone yell. I figured it was Dr Spinner because neither Nora nor Marnie had yelled before, and the principal at my old school did a lot. But then I heard a different voice yell too. I walked up the hall very slowly. The ladies were in the living room...

1 year ago
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Movie Gals

I decided to use my time to go see Rise of the Planet of Apes with my friend Jamie. I was extra friendly to one of the workers there, she looked gorgeous but the uniform and hear tears were bringing down her beauty. She was average height blond. I would say 34C and a great curvy ass. She looked like she could take a dick. She was somewhere mid 30’s early 40’s. She smiled at me for being so polite and outgoing to her. I wished her a good day and headed to theatre 8. As I landed a seat in the...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt22

Introduction: Pocket Pool Twin Japanese Nieces Pt22 It was about time that I could spend some time with Kayko. Aside from the kisses and hugs I got from her when I showed her the check, I had not been able to touch my wife all morning or afternoon. And with the invitation she was giving me now, I was on a search and destroy mission. Kayko had this naughty grin on her face as she began to slowly back up toward the den. I knew this was going to be good and I began to take my close off as I...

1 year ago
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Meagans Desire

Note : This story is completely fictional! Meagan picked herself up off her bed. Her breathing was still heavy, but it was slowing down considerably. She picked up a hand mirror and glanced in it. The redness was leaving her pretty, youthful face. Bending down, she grabbed her underwear and short shorts and pulled them up. “Meagan?” came a call from outside the room. “What?” asked Meagan. “Can I grab the car keys? I’m going to John’s.” “Sure,” said Meagan. Quickly, she adjusted her messy hair,...

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WagerChapter 5

The rest of the week we watched some movies together, occasionally going out for a meal, and always came home ready for lots and lots of sex. I would have never thought my mother was such a nymphet. The day before they were due to arrive home, like any addict, we tried to cut back on the amount of sex we were having. I knew we would have to stop completely after dad, and Cici came home. Since mom thought I might have gotten her pregnant, she planned to take Honest Abe and fuck his lights...

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My First Gay Gangbang Part 1 Prologue

PrologueI met him online on a gay hook up website I liked to use when I was 18. It was a Friday morning. He sent me a message with the subject line "Open Immediatly." This intrigued me so I obeyed the command and opened the message. The message itself was almost as curt as the subject saying only "Will you give your body and mind to me for a night?" I felt a twitch in my cock and clicked on his profile. It was empty with no picture. I normally ignore messages from empty profiles like his but...

3 years ago
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IndiscretionsChapter 10

“Mom, you know Barbara Thompson that I have been hanging around with?” “Of course, Mr. Thompson’s daughter, the cute brunette who lives in her bikini. Why do you ask?” “I think she wants to have sex with me.” As I playfully pinched his cheek, I said, “You’re a bad boy. I am going to tell Gloria on you.” “Please be serious for a minute, Mom. I just told you someone else might want to have sex with me, and I need to know how you feel about that. I love you, Mom, and I don’t want to stop...

1 year ago
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My Mom8217s Sister And Her Friend Banged By Me

Coming to me my name is Hemant, perfect muscles,6 feet with skinny tone.I am studying my B.Tech at Chennai.Anyone interested in me then contact me at This is the continuation of my previous story fucked my mom’s sister for a week.Thanks for all your reviews and many aunties contacted me for sex.After fucking my chinni very deep into her pussy I am totally satisfied.Before coming to my college my chinni told me about the neighbor friend of her.She is living alone with her son who is 5years...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Wife8217s Best Friend Aishu

Hey people this is Alex here with another story.. And I hope you liked the last one. Females can mail me at () As I mentioned in the earlier story my name is alex 29, with a 7inch dick and a well maintained body cause am gym freak!!! Coming back to the story, after sonia had gone to la I was having fun fucking my beautiful big titted wife sneha… This story is about sneha’s childhood friend aishu. She had given birth to a girl “anju” six months ago, so we regularly visited them. About aishu...

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Kim and Her Super Charged Mustang

I met Kim through a mutual acquaintance at the apartment complex where we both lived. I was single and between marriage and she as about twenty-one. Kim had a boyfriend who lived at the same complex, but I soon learned that theirs was a strange relationship. One evening as I was getting ready for work, Kim knocked on my apartment door. She was flushed and out of breath, as she darted in to my first floor flat and I closed the door behind her.“Whatsssup?” I casually asked as Kim plopped down on...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

1 year ago
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And So It Begins

And so it begins.... By X X after weeks of exchanging e-mails and one face to face meeting he has deceided. he walks up to the modest house and knocks on the door. he is greeted by a "come in" and recognises the voice as Hers. he opens the door and steps in, setting the duffle bag on the floor and is greeted by Her " hello" he see's Her sitting at the kitchen table, it's cleared except for a file folder and some forms before Her. "come, sit" motioning to the chair across from...

2 years ago
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Stepmother Knows Best

I know it sounds kind of pathetic when I tell people I'm twenty-five years old and still living at home, but it really isn't my fault. After graduating high school I had drifted through a number of meaningless dead end jobs before finally deciding to go back to college part time. My life certainly wasn't what my dad hoped for, but he has always let me make my own choices. While my family has a lot of money my dad firmly believed in people standing on their own two feet, meaning once I...

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The One That Made And Broke Me

The One That Made & Broke Me by SizeQueenSupreme © Part I It started out as one of the worst dates I’d ever had. He was good looking enough, to be sure… tall, blond, and decent muscles showed through the nice suit. And he had money. Designer sunglasses hid his emerald eyes while he drove, and when he laid them down, it was on the dash of a beautiful blue Ferrari convertible. But his arrogance was overwhelming. ‘Order whatever you want, babe,’ He said as he offered me the menu, then added,...

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I followed them into the empty bedroom, stood with Oliver behind me blocking the door while the other man went for a bedside lamp. He flicked it on, illuminating the room a little more warmly than I might have feared. The activities in this house were such that you might expect only the dingiest kind of light, the barest of rooms. But then, it’s not your middle-class types who throw Wednesday night sex parties with well over a dozen invites, is it? I was still glad this room wasn’t palatial,...

2 years ago
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Me vs Nympho In the bed

After our bathroom antics, we jumped into her bed and started fucking. We started with the doggy style. I pumped her from behind as my stomach hit her beautiful ass. My hands held her hips as she screamed into her pillow. My cock went in and out of her pussy like a piston, with each thrust her pussy became wetter and wetter. Holding in my desire to cum, I fucked her harder. When she cummed, I almost creampied her. Her pussy was practically sucking me in.After she cummed, I slowly pulled out my...

2 years ago
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Thanking Sir

Dear All meri kahani chhoot gayii thi too age ki kahani is traha se thi. mai tarni ke mast gand aur chuchi koo dekhtaa rahaa aur tea ki chuski lene laga. chunki 12 baje mujhe office jake papers collect karne the aur ohin se ghar waps jana tha. too mai jalde se oth kar naha doo loya aur tani ko bool gaya ki office paunch kar mai aap ko phone karoona aur aap bus stand aa jana. usne kaha thik hai.mai phata phat secretret challa gaya aur wahaan papers ektha kar ke tarni ko phon kiya ki Woo aajaye...

3 years ago
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How I Broke My Virginity

Hi to all ISS readers.I am new here and this is my first story. Before starting my story, I would like to tell that I am quite surprised that of all the stories I have read so far, all authors claim to be 6ft long and having 7 inch tool.It does not get down my throat.Are they all have descended from a hunk, because Indians are not like that.This is a real incident which happened couples of weeks back.Now without boring you, let me come to the story directly. I am Siddharth, 18 years old and...

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The Alpha Male Part III

Eric stopped at the cooler and gazed through the long glass panes at the sides of the door to Maya's office. She was in there, his petite goddess. He could just glimpse a bit of her face through the panels. Unfortunately the angle was wrong to see any of her body. It wasn't like that at the gym, however. He had started to work out lunchtimes on Mondays and Wednesdays so he could catch her going into the yoga class and coming out of the aerobics class. The yoga pants on Monday fit her cute...

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Life In Chandigarh 8211 Bhabhi Ka Pyar

Hey everyone this is Prateek Kaushik once again , I got good reviews for my last story and expect the same from this too. You can mail me anything on . Coming to the story, this story is narrated in mix Hindi and English so forgive me for any kind of spelling mistakes ,as I have mentioned in the earlier story that I live in chandigarh and have excess to mohali and panchkula too, this is a real life incident . In Chandigarh we live in a society with just 2 flats on a single floor , in our...

1 year ago
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One For a Millionaire

Long story short I’m horny and in the mood to write a sexy story so I’m just going to jump right in. Thanks for reading! This story has offensive material like rape….. you have been warned! Xoxoxox It was Lucy’s first trip out of the country! Being 18 and just graduating high school it was always her dream to go abroad on her own! She had just combed her long red hair and pulled it into a ponytail; she quickly applied a little mascara to her long lashes above her bright blue eyes and red...

2 years ago
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Piercing My Hairdresser Part 2

It was the first thing Jen said to me when I came in the door. It had been almost a month since I was here last. "That's okay. Maybe I'm here just to see you." It really didn't matter to me either way. Both girls were attractive and while I knew I could fuck Lauren again, Jen was displaying the right nervous energy. "Oh!" She said. Jen was pale skinned with pretty enough features, had a nice set on her in front, but it was the big ass/flat tummy that was really the main feature. Her...

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Dad8217s Fantasy

Hai this is raj. Today I want to tell u a story which has happened some years back. I am 24years from a small city in Andhra. I live with my mom and dad in my house. I have changed the names of charecters in this story as to secure the identities My dad Is a sexually active person he has lusty looks over any women. My mom is a traditional mandir type of women. Though their sex life is happy, dad always looks for a chance to get a women by his sexy conversations (double meaning). My room is...

1 year ago
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Bristols Birthday Party

Todd & Sarah drove home from the airport, both tired after a long trip on the campaign trail. October had been a rough month for Sarah... First was the debate against Biden a few weeks ago. She hated talking in public. She always came across sounding like an idiot. Then about a week ago, the Alaskan legislature started making noise about Sarah firing Walter Monegan. The past week had been spent in seclusion with Cain's PR folks figuring out how to address the issue and recover from the debate...

4 years ago
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For Nancy

For Nancy…The sunny afternoon brought on by the lovely sunrise at the break of dawn. You’ve been sitting on the hillside for hours, thinking, will I be over the hill and far away, or close to you? Your focus is tested with the distraction of me in your mind, with how we’ll be in person. How I’ll look at you when we lock eyes? What my body language will say when I extend my arms for you to fall in? Your thoughts battle in your mind, filling you with anticipation. Exhilarated, thrilled and full...

2 years ago
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My Polish Neighbour Chapter 3

Chapter 3 (Maria’s been neglected by me awhile!) A holiday away with my parents intervened. We had hired a boat to go on the rivers and lakes about 100 miles from where we lived. It was bliss with my Mum and Dad both ecstatically happy. I could hear them every night getting off with each other in the room at the rear of the boat, whilst I had a bunk and room to myself at the bow of the boat. We all swam in the water which wasn’t too deep. Mum was at her most relaxed in her one and two...

3 years ago
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With Aunt Cheriyamma And Her Daughter 8211 Part 2

As expected my aunt’s daughter returned from college around 5 pm. I was sitting in the drawing room with aunt talking various things and also reminiscing about our previous night trip in car which opened a way for my dick to my aunt’s pussy. Cousin ( Aunt’s daughter) looked a bit tired after her bus journey from college. She smiled at me warmly and gave a second look as she went in. May she noticed something new in my look/ in my eyes, as I was seeing her with lust. Women/ girls are experts to...

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The Chronicles of Crewman Number Six

Author's Note: A friend of mine writes Star Trek fiction with some friends, and after she told me about it, I got this silly character concept stuck in my head. It's just a bit of fluff and an excuse to write an action scene. :) And before anybody says anything, this is Next Generation era, so security wears gold, not red. I don't make the rules, folks, I just bend them into a pretzel! THE CHRONICLES OF CREWMAN NUMBER SIX By Jenny North As the transporter beam finished its...

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A Hair Cut

"Hello Jennifer, I am finally here." I said as I walked in the door to her little hair studio. "Hello Seth," Jennifer said with joy and happiness in her voice. "I'll be with you in just a minute, I just have to finish up Mrs. Smith's hair. Why don't you take a seat and I'll be with you in a minute." I settle into a chair and wait while looking over the magazines sitting in a pile next to me. I watch Mary Beth work nothing very interesting, but Jennifer is wearing a snug Old Navy...

1 year ago
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Seducing Wife8217s Friend 8211 Part 1

Hello friends My name is rakesh I am a big fan of Indian sex stories since long time, have been reading most of the stories. I am married have a lovely wife who is bit fat with big boobs 40 even having sex regular with her I am starving for sex every where I keep on looking for sex & also been lucky to have sex with many females. Here I am narrating a story about my sex with my wife’s friend sangita who looks very sexy with beautiful figure & very bold in her outfit I always had an eye on her...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Milking Bhabhi 8211 Part II

Hi Guys, First of all thank you very much for your overwhelming response to my earlier story My Sweet Milking Bhabhi. I got some very encouraging compliments from various audience including some sweet ladies praising my narration & word by word expression of happenings which I guess have aroused them to the utmost orgasmic feeling. Some of them complimented that seldom people have such qualities to express the happenings / emotions in words & we wonder that if u express emotions such...

2 years ago
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Do Bahano ne ek sath choot Marwaee

Priyanka aur Pritee ki Chudai Main Priyanka hoon aur meri shadi Mohan ke saath huyi hai. Meri ek chhoti bahan jiska naam Pritee hai uski shaadi Karan ke saath huyi hai. Wo mujhse 1 saal chhoti hai. Hum dono ki shadi ek saath hi huyi thi. Hamari shadi huye abhi 6 months hi huye the ki Pritee 10 dino ke liye mere ghar aayi. Mere ghar mein mere alawa mere pati, Mohan aur mera ek dewar Raju hi hain. Raju 20 saal ka hai. Wo dikhne mein bahut hi smart hai. Wo bahut hi chanchal hai aur mujhe hmesha...

3 years ago
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New Neighbors 4

  She walks quietly into the room, careful not to wake him. The taste of the wine still in her mouth, on her lips. The light of the moon partially reveals his sleeping form under the thin sheet. His breathing is heavy in his slumber world. She unbuttons her blouse as she watches him. Perhaps the wine has made her this way but she unbuttons slowly. A striptease for him even though he is not watching. The blouse drops to the floor, only her bra covering her creamy breasts. She wiggles out of her...

3 years ago
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The Sound Of Dirty Laundry

Ka-dung! Ka-dung! Ka-dung!"Mm-huh?"Caitlyn groaned as the rude racket wrenched her from her sleep. Lying on her belly, the side of her face mashed up against her pillow, she blinked her bleary eyes. She saw nothing. She dragged her fingers, pulling aside her hair draped across her face then blinked again. No good; pitch dark. To her dismay she confirmed what her internal clock was telling her: it was still the middle of the frigging night.Ka-dung! Ka-dung! Ka-dung!“Whuh the…?" She was too tired...

Straight Sex
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Steph Meets Daddys Friends

"So, you don't feel well? What hurts? There? Let me rub it for you. Lower? I think you had better get undressed, sweetie, so I can check you out."His daughter looked at him quizzically. "You want me to what?""Honey, I can't tell you what's wrong unless you show me, ok?""Well, I guess it's ok, Daddy,”She quickly removed her top and her tight fitting bra. She took off her jeans but was reluctant to take off her panties. Nevertheless, her tits pointed directly toward Daddy. He...

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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

Gay Male
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ExGirlfriend Fucked In All Holes 8211 Part 2

Ok so I will continue from where I left off… I asked her “where you learned all this?” She said “I practiced last few years”. After me she had 5 boyfriends and settled for 6th guy. When we used to have sex in old days she was very shy in bed. Oral sex was no-no she didn’t even let me eat her pussy properly but i made sure i always eat her pussy. Today was different. She knew how much i loved her shaved pussy. When i went to bathroom to clean up she had stripped naked and was sitting on a couch...

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Part 2 Mandy is deflowered

The time finally came! Mandy was 18 and she was kind of chubby, what you may call a nerd girl as she never dated but spent her time studying to get in to a larger college. Mandy had full firm breats and her ass was firm and round. She was a very pretty girl and when she was naked her body fit her frame and she was very attractive. I bought a few tickets to aconcert for all her parents had done for me and the night they were to go would be the night I planned to deflower their cute...

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My morning with Sharon

This happened a long time ago. I was assistant manager in a fast food restaurant in rural Ohio; Sharon was just one of our hostesses and just of high school. I was maybe 28 years old. We were both unhappy. Our employees were all just kids. Some in high school, others in college, and a few were out of school, working class kids with no skills. Sharon had just started college, but went part time. Most of the kids knew her, having gone to school with her. She was a gawky kid with glasses and a...

1 year ago
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The Best Vacation Ever

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always looked at my 23 year old sister in a sexual way. My sister is about 5'4" 34b tits, brunette with tan body and belly button piercing. It was July 14 my sisters birthday when it all started my parents had gone on vacation the beginning of July for a trip to Europe for a month.So it was my sister and I, well on her birthday my sister went out with her friends to a couple of bars for some drinks to celebrate. While she was gone I a 18 year...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Sheena Ryder Ailee Anne Let8217s Get You Warmed Up

A masseuse (Sheena Ryder) is wondering why her next massage client is late. When the client (Ailee Anne) finally arrives, she is soaking wet and miserable. Ailee apologizes for being late, explaining that she got caught in the rain. Sheena is immediately sympathetic and concerned, offering additional treatments to the standard massage to help Ailee warm up. Ailee graciously accepts, stripping out of her wet clothes. After using a towel to dry herself off, Ailee lies down on the massage table....

1 year ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 2

There are things about your parents that you should probably never find out. Never in a million zillion years would I have believed that something like that happened to my own mother on her wedding day ... and what happened after that, too. This is also when I learned what all those different hair colors of my uncles meant. "You're kidding!" I moaned, for perhaps the tenth or twentieth time. "No," she insisted. "Your uncles are, in reality, my HALF brothers, though nobody ever called...

3 years ago
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WARNING Females can be cruel

I can honestly say that every man who Fucked me, was different. I am not saying if every cock I sampled was stuck into a glory-hole, I would know its owner.Sex with men is different, because so many things personal to that particular man, inside you, is complex.His needs, desires, impressions, perversions, and kinks, all roll-up into a drive that makes him fuck me, in his fashion, unique only to him and the way he does it.My husbands friend, John, was a tad eccentric, an ex-public schoolboy,...

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