SLuT9 Pt 22 free porn video

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"High On Life"

Sunday December 23rd, Night

For the next two hours the house was organized chaos as Jennifer drafted everyone into the effort to clean and prepare for the party. Dave and Emily were put to work dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the living room, Olivia and Hayley were drafted as assistant cooks for Jennifer as she prepared as much food as possible for the party tomorrow. Megan was sent to her room to get it clean while Molly swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the main hallway. Once they finished with those chores, Jenn sent Dave, Em and Molly down to clean the family room, where most of the party was supposed to happen. They were joined later by Jenn herself and her two assistants, Olivia and Hayley.

Jennifer excused herself once the family room was presentable to go up and check on Megan's bedroom. When she came back and announced that hardly anything had been done, Hayley said she would go up and help her cousin get motivated. It was during this lull in activity that Olivia came over to Dave, sat down in his lap, gave him a quick kiss, and whispered in his ear.

"Can I play again, master?" She then gave him a devilish smile worthy of Emily herself.

"I don't mind but I'd recommend you ask the mistress," Dave told her.

"Of course."

She gave him another quick kiss and went the laundry room, where Jenn was pulling clothes from the dryer. Olivia helped her fold all the clothes while they talked.

Olivia asked if Jenn would mind if she played some more now that the house was clean and they had prepared as much food as possible.

"What are you going to do?" Jennifer asked.

"This evening has been educational to Molly. I've been showing her what the life of a true submissive is like. I grant you it's been a crash course and I've been somewhat gentle with her. I may only have tonight but I think it's giving Molly an idea of what it would be like to be in my shoes, shall we say?"

Jennifer nodded in understanding.

"So what have you been doing to her?"

"I will tell you if you promise not to become angry with me, David or Molly and you may not repeat what I tell you to Molly. She would be humiliated if she found out I had told someone, especially you."

"Okay. As long as you don't get her in trouble."

"I would never do that. The master has been keeping a close eye on me to make sure I don't go too far with my demonstration. As for what I've done..."

Olivia went on to explain what had occurred between her, Dave and Molly since they left the house to return to Dave's apartment to fetch Olivia's laptop. She didn't go into great detail, just enough to give her the big picture.

"So what are you going to do to her next?"

"That depends on who's willing to play with me?"

Jenn froze as Olivia gave her a smile.

"You want me to play with you and Molly?"

"Yes, mistress," Olivia said, bowing her head.

"What would I have to do?"

"I have no specific plans, mistress. Perhaps it would be better if you told me what you were willing and unwilling to do."

"Oh, god!" Jennifer said, shaking her head. She picked up the laundry basket, now full of clean, folded clothes. "Why do I have the feeling that these five days are going to send me and both of my daughters to counseling for the rest of our lives."

Olivia giggled. "Does this mean you'll help me?"

"Sure," Jenn said, shaking her head as the two left the laundry room. "Why not? What do you want me to do?"

"First," Olivia said holding Jenn's shoulder and stopping her just outside the laundry. "Put the basket down. You're the mistress. You have a slave who will follow any order you give."

"I assume," Jenn said over her shoulder. "That you're not talking about you?"

Olivia smiled. "I would very much appreciate it, mistress, if you would use Molly instead."

Jenn nodded and then, conspicuously set down the basket at her feet.

"Molly," Jenn called.

Molly had been sitting on the couch beside Emily, who was seated beside Dave. Molly sat forward and looked over at her mother.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Come here." Jenn waved for Molly to come over.

Jenn took one more look at Olivia as she waited for Molly to cross the room. Olivia just smiled and gave her a nod.

"What did you need, mom?" Molly asked when she stopped on the other side of the laundry basket.

Jennifer closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then turned to face Molly. She opened her eyes and Molly flinched. She could see something had changed.

"First off, I am not your mother. Not tonight. Tonight, I am your mistress."

Molly's training had set in well. Her eyes darted from her mother to Olivia, who raised an eyebrow to Molly as if asking, "Are you going to obey?"

The ends of Molly's mouth turned up just a little, not enough to be a smile, just the very start of one. She then turned back to her mother.

"Mistress, yes, mistress," Molly answered, bowing her head and putting her arms behind her back.

"Excellent. The first thing I need you to do is to pick up this laundry basket and follow me."

Molly almost responded but remembered her training and, instead, just bent down and picked up the laundry basket. Jennifer started up the steps. Molly followed three steps behind. Olivia brought up the rear, giving Dave a thumbs up as she disappeared up the steps.

Dave glanced over at the only other person left in the room, Emily, who was seated beside him and had been watching the show.

"What do you think they'll do to her?"

"With those two, there's no way of knowing."

Emily looked around.

"We're all alone, you know. I think it's the first time we've been really alone in days."

Dave thought about it and realized she was right. They had been alone in the last couple days but it had always been a quick moment here and there, never any real quality time.

"I guess you're right," Dave said with a nod.

"So what do we do with it?"

Dave slowly turned to look at Emily. He knew that smile on her face.

"I have a feeling I'm not going to truly get a vote here, am I?"

Emily shook her head no, stripped off the tee shirt she was wearing, and stood in front of Dave. One leg at a time, she kneeled over his lap and wrapped her arms around her father's neck.

"Are you aware that you haven't so much as kissed me, except for little fatherly kisses, since the night I dosed myself with the SLuT9?"

Dave didn't need to think about that. He had purposefully avoided intimate contact with Emily since that afternoon a week earlier.

"You've been avoiding me, haven't you, Daddy?"

Dave took a deep breath and realized he was too comfortable with this situation. His hands were already on her butt, rubbing. Dave forced his hands back to his side and looked Emily in the eyes.

"Honestly, Em, yes, I have been avoiding for just this reason."

"Does this mean it was a one time thing?" she asked, sitting her ass down on her thighs.

"Em, it shouldn't have happened the first time."

"You're probably right but it did and we can't take it back. My question for you, daddy, is, since we've already done it once, does it matter if we do it again? And again? And again?"

It was at that moment that the doorbell rang. Dave pushed Emily off of him and quickly got up off the couch before she could trap him.

"I think I better get that."

"You're avoiding the topic, daddy. It's gonna catch up to you."

Dave stopped at the bottom of the steps leading up to the main level and turned back to his daughter.

"Yep. By then though, maybe I'll have figured out what to do and say. Stay here and get dressed."

Dave turned and went up the steps. As he expected, no one else was heading for the door. Molly, Jenn and Olivia were upstairs, Emily was downstairs and he wasn't sure where Megan was. The doorbell had rung again as he made his way up the stairs and rang again as he headed for the door. He looked out the small window in the door and was shocked.

Dave opened the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I tried calling your cell. You didn't answer. I went to your apartment,. You weren't there so I came here figuring you might be here," Rebbecca responded.

"Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you, alone."

Dave closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Every single time a woman says that to me, I end up in a bigger and bigger pile of shit."

"Are you going to leave me standing out here or are you going to invite me in?"

Dave stepped out of the doorway and waved her in. Rebbecca came into the house and looked around.

"Is there someplace we can talk? Alone? I think it'd be best if the girls didn't know I was here."

Dave closed the door and moved around Rebbecca.

"Why don't you want the girls to know you're here?"

"That will become clear, David. Is there someplace?"

"Yeah, come on."

Dave turned and led Rebbecca into the library. He closed and locked the door behind her. Dave moved to the chair behind the desk and took a seat while Rebbecca took a seat on the beat up old black leather couch.

"Okay, so what do you want?"

"You know Paul is running for the State Senate?"

Dave nodded.

"Yesterday, a gentleman from the Governor's office came and met with Paul. The Governor is going to announce that he's backing Paul in the race."

"Well, I'd say that means Paul will probably win the election."

Rebbecca nodded. "With the Governor's influence in the state, and his popularity as high as it is, it's going to add a lot of money to the Paul's coffers. There are some issues the Governor wants cleaned up before that happens though."

"Issues? What kind of issues?"

"You know the Governor is very conservative?"

"I presume that's why he ran as a Republican and not a democrat."

"The Governor doesn't believe in divorce, abortion or living together. The first thing he insists we do is come to the capital and get married."

"In the capital?"

"The governor has offered to marry us, himself."

"Can he do that? I wasn't aware that was within a Governor's power."

"Before he entered politics, Governor Wilde was an ordained minister."

"I didn't know that."

"Perhaps that's because you never bothered to learn anything about him. You never do. You vote on pure instinct. You always have."

"I didn't vote for him because he's an asshole. Whether he's a minister or not never entered into the equation."

"Whatever. So Paul and I will be going to the capital the day after Christmas to get married by the Governor."

"That quick?"

"That quick. That means the girls are going to have to stay with you for a while longer. And, if things go as expected, we may not be back here... well, at least not until the elections over."

"That's nearly eleven months away, Rebbecca."

"I know that. But Paul's going all over the state campaigning and it wouldn't be right for him to leave me behind."

"You're quitting you're job?"

"In order for Paul and I to be together, I have to. If he gets elected that means moving to the capital."

"I hadn't thought about that. So what happens if and when he wins the election? Will you be coming to get the girls and taking them with you?"

"David, the girls are already out of control. Emily is a little smart mouthed..." Rebbecca saw the anger in Dave's eyes and decided against finishing the statement. "You seem to have better control of them than I do and that's one of the issues the governor wants cleaned up."

"What? Our daughters?"

"No, David, our custody agreement. It would be... unseemly for a state senator's wife to be in a huge custody battle and considering the lengths you have gone to just to visit with the girls, I would imagine a court battle is in our future if I try to take the girls across the state."

"You're probably right. So what are you going to do?"

Rebbecca took a breath and slowly released it.

"I'm willing to give you full custody of the girls, with visitations of course, on one condition."

"Which is?"

"When this comes out, and it will come out, and the press comes to talk to you, you have to give a positive statement. You simply tell them that this is the girl's home town. This is where they were born and raised and you, me and Paul all decided mutually, that it would be best if the girls stayed here with you while we were out campaigning and then, once Paul wins, we'll probably buy a house in the capital, Emily will be done with high school and hopefully off to college. Hayley will have only a year or so left. It really wouldn't be worth it to pull them out of their school, away from all their friends just to move them to the capital, not when their doting father is still here and can care for them."

"So I give a good statement to the press when it comes out that you have two daughters who aren't in your care, and I get physical custody?"


"Done!" Dave said without hesitation. "When do I get the papers?"

"When do I get the videos?"

"Bec, as soon as those custody papers are signed, I'll destroy the DVD myself."

"I don't know if I trust you."

"Bec, I don't need or want anything else from you. I made the video because I needed leverage to use against you to get to see my kids. If I have custody, that's no longer an issue. If I have the girls, there's no fight over child support. I neither need nor want your money. Once you get married, no more alimony. At that point, we are well and truly done with each other and I look forward to that day."

Rebbecca nodded.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, I don't think so. I think that's it," Rebbecca said and stood up. " Goodbye, David."

Dave followed Rebbecca to the door.

"You should have the new custody papers in hand a few days after Christmas. Paul already has a good attorney working on them."

"As soon I have them, I'll have my lawyer look over them, and if they're okay, I'll sign them and have him file them as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Rebbecca turned and headed down the sidewalk and Dave closed the door.

"WHOOPIE!" Dave shouted as he literally jumped up and down in excitement.

A few moments later, Emily came up from the family room. Jenn, Hayley and Megan all came running down the steps from the bedrooms.

"What was that, David?" Jenn asked.

"Daddy, what's going on?" Emily asked a moment later.

Dave did a jig right there in the hallway.

"Jennifer, is that offer still open to stay here?"

"Of course, David. Why?"

"We're moving in. Me, Olivia and," he said, taking a dramatic pause, "the girls."

"What does that mean?" Hayley asked.

"It means," Dave said going over and kissing his daughter on the forehead, "your mother was just here. She didn't want to see you. Her and Paul are going to the capital to get married by the governor and they are not coming back until after the election. Hope you two really want to stay with me. Cuz now you're stuck!"

"We don't have to go back? Ever?" Emily asked.

"Em, as close as you two are to being adults, I think it's a safe assumption, you will never have to go live with your mother again."

Both of the girls threw themselves at Dave who wrapped an arm around both of them and hugged them tight.

"We win!" he said.


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JapanHDV Luke Ichinose Seduces the office staff and gives out blowjobs

We have our new hire for the office girl, Miss Luke Ichinose walking into the men’s locker room today. She just walks right in and is not shy at all about being there. She is quite proud to just walk in and talk to the employees that are there changing clothes after their shift. Today she walks in when she hears that someone has entered the locker room. She knows someone is in there and she goes in anyways. She knows exactly what she is doing. Some might think that the boss hired her knowing...

2 years ago
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MY VIRGINITY LOST IN THE STORMBy : VoyeurKingNOTE : This story is entirely true and was experienced first hand by yours truly. This is the tale of how I lost my virginity, and might give you some insight on the feeling of magic, excitement, and sexual hunger and desire of my youth. The names of the characters have been changed to protect their identities, and the dialogue isn’t verbatim (it was almost 9 years ago) - I have not made any additional editing to spice it up – This is how I lost my...

2 years ago
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Evolution XXX

Prolog: Universitätskrankenhaus Tokio, 1986 Mit einem Krachen flog die Tür zum Probenlabor aus dem Schloß, als sich drei Polizeibeamte gleichzeitig dagegenworfen. Ein vierter richtete seine Dienstwaffe auf eine hagere Person in einem weißen Kittel, die im Inneren des Raums gerade vor einem Arbeitstisch stand und nicht einmal zuckte, als hinter ihm die Labortüre demoliert wurde. "Doktor Kadokawa, ich verhafte sie wegen den dringenden Tatverdachts der gefährlichen Körperverletzung in Tateinheit...

3 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 12 Sunday November 18th 2012 750 PM

Rob was awake and in the living room with the rest of them. Fortunately his leg wound wasn't as bad as they had thought. The bullet had gone through cleanly just above the knee and the knee, as the focal point of so many nerve endings, could cause a lot of pain. He had passed out due to shock from loss of blood. Now he was propped up on the couch with his leg elevated on Susan's lap. He couldn't put weight on it but could get around with help. They had just listened to the evening news...

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The Joys Of Being A Manwich Chapter 2

Once we were safely in our hotel room, the girls went into the bedroom and told me to stay in the living room. Kelly had done a good job of hiding her surprise up to this point and didn't want me getting a peek before the big reveal. Mary wanted to get herself "presentable" before we started as well. Knowing I was outvoted with just one of the girls, I relinquished myself to the living room to wait for the girls to call me into the bedroom.It was probably only a few minutes to be truthful,...

2 years ago
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The CureChapter 48

You aren’t going to be in any trouble over this, Cass, are you?” I asked. “Possibly, though it will be low key and irritating rather than open and provable,” she shrugged. “Won’t affect the medical centre, will it?” “No, though they can constrain my time there by getting me involved in various meetings to discuss the work of Imperial Health Bureaucracy.” “You can always resign.” “They own the medical centre, not me.” “Do they? I always thought that it was owned by Municipal...

1 year ago
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AnalOverdose Erin Everheart Three Men and a Babe Named Erin Everheart

After the last fiasco, boyfriend Jack is back in PervCity with his new girlfriend Erin Everheart. He should know by now that he can’t leave a girl alone with his dad Michael Stefano and his buddies John Strong and Ramon Nomar, but Erin craves a white cream pizza. He gives the guys a warning and leaves, but when the lonely innocent girl walks into the living room, they can’t help but get friendly. The tall strawberry blonde wants her first DP gang bang. Having been warned to be polite, the three...

2 years ago
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Stand in TimeChapter 10

Early the next morning we’re up and getting ready to go visiting. The first thing I do is to send out a couple of men who know where the six families whose daughters we’ve rescued live. They’re to ask them to gather at one hacienda so we can meet them all at once. The horses are cleaned and brushed, gear cleaned and polished, weapons cleaned and reloaded, Steve scouts the way with Rafael, and everyone involved has a wash in the nearby river before dressing in clean clothes. Mid-morning...

3 years ago
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An Ultimate Adventure With My Sweet Gf

Hi I m Akhi and I m from Roorkie. This is my true story about my gf and me about our sexy adventure. Her name is Sonali and her figure is 32-28-34. We used to have sex on phone on many times and also in real. . on phone I became her very horny and fuck her over phone. We talk a lot over the phone about sex. One night we both were very horny and we talked about some sexy adventure like do fingering in balcony, over the roof. . Next day we decided to meet, there were no one in her house. I went...

2 years ago
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BDSM Slave For Neighbour Aunty 8211 Pt 2 Clamps On My Ballsacks

Hi guys, I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS. Now let me continue with my story. I have never been handled this way before. I could feel her fingers move deep into my asshole as she kept on hurling abuses and insults right into my ears. “You are my slave from today,” she said into my years. “You do as I say, I use you in any way you want; and if I feel...

3 years ago
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A Night with Kaley Cuoco

I went to comic-con for work and it was no fun at all. My bosses had kept me too busy wasting my time to actually enjoy anything, then dumped me off at the hotel once they had scored tickets to some movie studio party. Up in my room I felt useless and abandoned. I drank a couple of the small liquor bottles from the mini fridge before I decided to go down and drink in the bar like an adult. A while later I was a few drinks deep and feeling pretty high when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned...

4 years ago
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Fucking a beauty in Johannesburg

Hi everyone I’m new to this website, I have been reading stories for a year now on this site. I feel this site has the best Indian sex stories. Please excuse any mistakes if I commit any. Well, I have got a real true story which has happened to me this year. Let’s just say the new year started with a deep wet hard bang. I am a Muslim guy 31 years old average body with stamina for Africa from South Africa born and brought up in Johannesburg (so Called city of gold). Currently living alone. My...

1 year ago
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Maid makes me slave

Ah…there was this maid, so elegant, may be in her thirties, the first day I saw her my knees got weak, I just wanted to develop a friendship with her. But my wife who also thought her to be very beautiful never allowed me to be even close to her…but I kept trying I started wishing her whenever she was no in my house and paid her small money on the excuse of festivals. One day my wife was out of town to her relative place, and she came to bedroom, where I was just wearing my Jeans, and wanted me...

4 years ago
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Law of the BloodChapter 22 The Second Date

The people present had expected a duel, but what they had seen had been an execution. It was as violent as it was quick. The casual destruction of a human life was shocking to some of them, but the expression on Roban’s and Athea’s faces was the reason for the continued silence. They didn’t show any of the emotions expected of them. Neither relief about Roban’s survival, nor compassion for his dead opponent, not even lingering fury. There was just a happy and satisfied little grin on their...

1 year ago
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Julie was lying in bed in England on her first night back from Africa. She went with a well known archeologist, Mr Merrin, who was previously knowas Father Merrin. Father Merrin, as we shall call him, lost his faith afterit had been tested by living in Nazi-occupied Europe, and so he decided toleave the Church. The scene is a familiar one to those who lived through their times. In asmall town in Poland, three German soldiers were killed. The three Germanswere singled out for attack by the...

1 year ago
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Raspberry Dreams

He dripped Raspberry sauce casually on my pussy lips before his eager mouth devoured me. My shaved, soft, smooth pussy was slippery with my juices, and my clit was already out and ready to play! Hot sensations were going through me, causing landslides of emotion, and rivers of pussy juices to flood that eager mouth. His tongue lapped at me, tasting each and every drop. Each time his tongue swept the length of my pussy electricity shot through me. My hips bucked at each lick, each dip of that...

Quickie Sex
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YMCA3 My Brotherrsquos Best Mate the Dude from the S

Ken, Bryan and I slowly walked back to our gear. We were grabbing each other, kissing, pulling swimsuits down, until we got to my towel. A sexy dude of 40, in some cargo shorts and ball cap, was taking pictures of dudes and the scenery. He came over to Ken and reminded him that he just bought tons of gear, porn, and toys from the shop. He asked Ken to pose and snapped a few frames while Bryan and I laid down, with the guy just at our feet. Bryan was still fingering my hole, when the guy came...

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My Teen Virgin Maid

This site I have been reading since long and made me interested to write something of my own past experience.From my young age I am very much curious about sex and from my age fifteen I started reading porn stories and pictures. First I introduce myself: I am from Bangladesh born in rich family and only son of my parents. I am always well build and a bit taller than of my age. Fair look We always having 3-4 servant at home as my parents both work hard and those maids take care of our house. The...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 21

For another second, Elaine could see right through New Eden. Stars were impossibly visible behind an increasingly transparent landscape. As Tabatha sealed the wormhole, the landscape became firm again. The southern sun was still shining and a soft breeze blew as though nothing disastrous had almost happened. In the courtyard outside the queen’s palace, a small group of women and two men staggered to their feet, looking as though they’d been caught in a mid-afternoon storm. “What in the...

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A New way to do Business

Hi friends, my name is rohit(name changed), I want to tell my a true story which started six months back and its still happening. I work as a senior sales manager for a reputed insurance company in bangalore. My job is to hire people who are looking for par time job as insurance advisors so that they can work from home. I will have to ensure that they are active in the job, they have adequate training and they should sell at least 3-4 policies per month. If an advisor can sell at least three...

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The Looters of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 7

After the raid on the cult-like group in the foothills, Desmond made plans to hit them again to secure more young females for the band and to avail themselves of the stored supplies he had seen hidden in the warehouses. They didn't seem to be a very capable group of survivors since the men were more interested in smoking the weed product they were growing in the fertile bottom lands along the river. His primary concern was the fact they were running low on ammo for several of the long guns...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 69

Regan was the last one to make her way to the breakfast table. She usually slept late on Saturdays and Sundays but that had come to an end when Andy Drayton entered her realm. Now it seemed she was going to bed later and getting up earlier on weekends than she did during the week. Regan had lain awake for awhile after Andy had drifted off. She had been peeved at him for throwing a wet blanket over a fun evening that she and the other females had planned so carefully. She had thought that he...

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Dost Ki Behan Ko Choda

Hi…. My name is raj I am from north India. My height is 5’10” with lots of muscles on my biceps,chest, thighs, and forearm due to regularly spend 1 hour in gym centre. Now in hindi so you can enjoy. Meri ye kahani 1 saal pehley ki hey.Mai lag bag 4 salon se net pe sex stories padta araha hoon muje bohut hi maza aata hey stories padne mai, maine kissi female ko touch bi nahi kya tha iss se pehley. Mera ek dost hey vikas hamari achi dosti thi, mai unn ke ghar jaya karta tha. Uss ke ghar pe vikas...

4 years ago
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Malvika Kapoor

Hello friends! Remember me? Most of you might be knowing me from my previous stories. This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai, 41, happily married with my husband Siddharth, have a daughter named Riya. Talking about my assets, as of now they are 36D-30-36. I haven’t written anything here since long and had no intention to write further. But someone told me yesterday that there are hundreds of your readers waiting out there hungry for reading your experiences. Hence, I decided to pen down my last...

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Pants on Fire

“I’m pregnant,” the girl at the door said. Guys don’t generally want to hear that at the best of times, let alone when they’re happy bachelors “playing the field.” The big difference here was... “We’ve ... never had sex,” said Ben. He was pretty sure of this. The girl at the door (Patty, he recalled) was cute but only a friend of a friend who had visited the “party house” he lived in a few times previous. They hadn’t even kissed, let alone... “Not you...” she said, looking down at her feet...

3 years ago
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The GILF Down The Hall

I was in my mid 40’s when this took place. At that time, I was living in an apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for extended periods of time. But during this time I was enjoying some time at home base following a six-week assignment to the great northwest (Washington state). There was a very nice lady that lived down the hall from me. Her name was “Gracie” and she was a widow in her late 50’s. Gracie was not a little...

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Three Cocks and a Pussy

My name is Geisha and I have three boyfriends; Jason, Colin, and Matt. Yes, they all know about each other because I live with all three of them. We get strange stares when we are all out on a date and we are showing each other affection but we don’t care. Our relationship works and that is all that matters.So I have three cocks, all different sizes; one six inches and two seven inches, all cut and thick. We don’t all have sex all together all the time. Sex just happens naturally. Oh, did I...

Group Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 52 First Day as a Freshman

Waking up in the morning with my boner pushed into the butt of a girl in my arms is not all that new for me now. Remembering I went to bed in shorts with Trudy in a "teddy" and woke up naked was surprising. Moving my hands around found that the boob I was holding was not Trudy's, at least not the one I remembered licking and sucking on yesterday. No way had she got boobs this big overnight. "Morning David," Annie said quietly as she turned over to face me and kiss me as I woke up....

1 year ago
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The Goth and the GeekChapter 3

That kiss changed things, of course. Don't get me wrong; it wasn't a sexy kiss ... no tongues were involved, but it certainly had an effect on the way I thought about Emma. It also awoke feelings that I'd buried with Lilac's suicide, and necessitated regular masturbation, during which ... I confess ... I imagined Emma, naked, riding me or under me. It made me uncomfortable. It didn't seem right, so soon after Lilac's death, or to involve Lilac's flat-mate, another woman I thought too...

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