Teaching Sister-In-Law – Part II free porn video

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Hi Readers. My name is Arvind and this is the sequel to my first story on ISS.Thank you for all the positive responses which encourage me to write more of my experiences.This a continuation of the first part- Teaching Sister in LawI had to visit my in laws place again in 6 months’ time after the incident I narrated in the first episode.My in laws were very happy as their younger daughter Rupa was pregnant now and they were thrilled about the news. I reached on a Friday and planned to stay for two weeks again this time.

Since I came alone this time without my wife and son, I directly went to the room upstairs as that was the norm for any son in law when they came alone. I think everyone understood that the son in laws appreciate some privacy when staying at their in laws.

After hearing the news about Rupa I wanted to meet her as I was genuinely happy for her.Both Rupa and her husband Ramesh came to meet me on next day Saturday as it was weekend holiday for them. Rupa smiled at me not really looking in my eyes (guess she was shy) and asked courteously – How are you bavagaru? I said I am good and congratulated them both on the baby news.

Ramesh told me that he needs to travel to Pune for three weeks that night for job training and so he was sorry that he won’t be able to visit me during my stay. I said its ok, at the same time I was looking forward to meet Rupa alone to ask her how much of the training I gave helped her. Ramesh also told me that he planned to leave Rupa at her parents’ house for these three weeks as his old mother cannot take good care of her in his absence. I said it was good of him as this is the time when she really needs to take care of her health.

After Ramesh left I went upstairs and was reading a book. It was almost an hour when I heard a faint knock on the door and I saw Rupa holding a cup of coffee with her beautiful smile standing at the door. I took the coffee and asked her to come inside and have seat. She came in and sat on the chair while I sat on the cot.

I congratulated her once more to open a conversation. She said thank you without looking at e but smiling with a shy look on her face. Then she asked how are sister and my son and why did I not get them this time. The conversation went on about discussing on weather and if it was raining as heavily in Bangalore as it was in Hyd. We chatted for some more time on general topics and then I thought she didn’t want to discuss on the past so I was bit disappointed .

I said- I want to have a smoke before the coffee turns cold and there seems to be nice breeze outside. Saying so I got up and went out with my cigarette packet and lighter. As I lighted my cigarette I saw Rupa coming and joining me on the terrace. The cool breeze along with the parched earth fragrance under rain was magical. I noticed for the first time Rupa was having a small bump not quite noticeable yet. She was wearing a blue salwar suit and was looking gorgeous.The breeze was making her silky long black hair fly across her face. I am pretty sure if she wanted she can land the role of supporting actress if not a heroine in film industry. She was slim, 5feet 9 , had firm boobs which seemed to have grown slightly bigger due to pregnancy hormones. She always had a very good dress sense and somewhere I was feeling jealous of Ramesh. After having two puffs I finally decided to start the conversation.

Me- So Rupa it looks like things are good between you and Ramesh
Rupa- What do you mean Bavagaru?
I sometimes wonder if girls really don’t know what guys are talking about or they feel so happy to act innocent.
Me- I mean last time when we spoke I think you were not so happy about things but now since you are pregnant things seem to have gone better?
Rupa- Yes bavagaru we are happy now. Ramesh has his train in next ten minutes so I am going to make a call

She went down stairs and I thought she really didn’t want to talk about her sex life and neither did she want to be reminded of what happened between us.

During dinner we both avoided eye contact and I was just conversing with my father in law.After dinner I had my usual smoke and then by habit being a late sleeper I put on an english movie on my laptop and started watching.At about half past 12 I heard a faint knock on the door, and when I looked out of the window to my surprise it was Rupa standing at the door. I immediately opened the door and not knowing what to talk I asked – you didn’t sleep yet?

She said no bavagru not feeling sleepy so came to chat with you.

I was wearing a real short shorts and vest as I never thought she or anyone else would come at this time. She was wearing a pink cotton nightie and was looking very sexy. I think the pregnancy added a new glow to her face.I put the movie on pause and lied down in the bed and looked at Rupa who had picked up a magazine and was flicking through it casually. I was looking at her and waiting for her to start the conversation. After few minutes still looking at the magazine she started talking.

Rupa- I am sorry to not answer you properly in the morning bavagaru.
Me- Its ok Rupa you don’t need to answer me if you are not comfortable, we can talk something else.
Rupa- It’s not like that bavagaru. With you help only at least life has become better than before but for some reason I feel guilty to talk about such thing while Ramesh is in town.
Me- I am glad I was able to help you.
For the first time she closed the magazine and looked at me in the eyes and gave a very cute and shy smile.
Me- So are things really improved between you and Ramesh now ?

Rupa- Well, they have not gone to very good level but better than how we were before
Me- meaning ?
Rupa(Smiling )- Well..now we don’t get over in five minutes but go for fifteen to twenty minutes
Me(smiling)- That’s not bad for a start
Rupa- Bavagaru can I ask you something if you don’t mind?
Me- You know I wont mind why to be formal, ask me
Rupa (now looking away) – What did you do of the pictures?

Me (playfully) – Which pictures are you talking about
Rupa (trying to be serious) – You know well bavagaru..
I knew exactly what she was talking but wanted to hear from her so that we can get the previous comfort level
Me – I really don’t know what are you talking about
Rupa (taking a deep sigh) – ok leave it bavagaru..I was serious but you don’t seem to want to answer me.

Me- Sorry Rupa, I was trying to make the situation light. I still have those pictures safely with me but if you want I will delete them and you know that.

I knew that if she asked me to then I will surely delte those pictures..as in that sense I have never cheated anyone in my life. I was dreading that she would ask me to delete those pictures and that’s the reason why she came to talk to me. It started raining heavily outside and the room was starting to get bit cold.But her next question really took me by surprise
Rupa(with a mischievous smile)- What do you do with those pictures bavagaru?

Me- Well I look at them sometimes…
Rupa – Why do you look at them
Me- I cannot answer that

Rupa- Cmon bavagaru I am allowing you to keep such intimate pictures of ours and you cannot answer a simple question?
Me- Well whenever I feel like masturbating I look at our pictures
Rupa (trying not to smile) – But is it not cheating with akka (elser sister )
Me- No , you know well I have a soft corner for you and those pictures are really sweet memories for me and sometimes every man needs his own private space ..this has nothing to do with my relation with your elder sister.

All this while I was looking at her while she was trying to avoid eye contact. But now she lookd at me and asked
Rupa- Can I also look at those pictures if you don’t mind.
Me- Sure , why not after all its both of us in those pictures. I have them in my laptop here. Do you want to come over on the cot?
Rupa – Yes it getting bit cold here

Saying so she came and sat beside me. I went ahead and truned of the light in the room to which she didn’t react. The only light in the room was from the laptop. I opened my password protected folder and put all the pictures for a slideshow. There were some fifty odd pictures of both of us and I knew the sequence. It was getting from state of undressing to .. we getting nude and then we licking each other..then close up of Rupa moist pussy and erect nipples.

Rupa breathing was getting heavy as the pictures were moving forward and I was unable to control my erection so I lay flat on my tummy with my head close to Rupa thighs. At first we both started to laugh looking at pics of us undressing and slowly we became quiet as the picture showed us nude.

I kept my head on Rupas lap t which she didn’t mind and she started gliding her had through my hair while watching the pics. I felt very good at that moment and wanted to relive the moments in the pictures again. I wanted to stir up the conversation while time was right..
Me- So Rupa did you manage to teach Ramesh foreplay?
Rupa- I tried hard and I think he is still getting the knack of it bavagaru.
Me- Did you teach him to use his finger inside your pussy and does he lick you down?

Rupa(in slightly sad tone but still caressing my hair)- He has started to use his finger but refuses to use his tongue , also when he uses his finger its very rough …not sure when he will learn the right way.

She paused a bit and then said
Rupa- The experience is nowhere near to what I had in these pictures…

I started realizing that her breath has really become heavy and if I don’t ask the right question the meant will be gone.
Me- Do you want me to give the same pleasure again?

She didn’t say anything and kept on caressing my hair. I took that as a yes. The picture on the laptop was showing the close up of her moist pussy which really turned me on and I said
Me- I would like to see that moist pussy again , can I ?

Without giving me answer she said can I watch another nice movie on your laptop?

I immediately closed the pictures and put on a nice 3xx porn movie. The rain was beating loudly outside so I took the liberty to put the movie on with volume. It was a perfect setup.I turned around on Rupas lap so that her nice melon like breats were hanging right on my face.I slowly cupped her breasts and started kneading them over the nighty cloth..she let out a gasp and I could see faint smile on her face she was trying to suppress and gazing hard at the laptop..

I pressed hard at both her boobs and then I told – I want to feel them Rupa, can I?

Without saying anything she stood up and I helped her take the nightie over the top of her head. She glanced at my shorts and can see the full length of my dick trying to fight its way out of my shorts. She smiled and then again looking at the laptop sat down to watch the movie.She was wearing a nice cotton panty and pink bra. For the first time I looked at her baby bump and she was looking more sexy then I had remembered from last time.

I gently pressed her boobs and started licking them which made her horny as I can hear her moaning and shivering.I slowly unlatched her bra and took it out and she quickly used both her hands to cover her boobs. I sat straight and kissed her on her moist lips …she closed her eyes and we kissed each other for more than five minutes and then she slowly removed her hands to allow access to her cute 32 size breasts. The way this was going it felt lot more intimate than what we felt during our previous session six months ago.

I started sucking her nipples gently at first on each side and then more forcibly..she pressed my head hard against her boobs and I can feel a shiver running down her spine…

Not losing out any chance I asked – No milk yet ?

She playfully pushed me back and said with a smile there is still six months for them to give any milk.

The answer made me mad and I went back to sucking them hard. I slid one finger over her panty and found it to be total moist..to be more playful , I said something is really wet here …she smiled again (she has got one damn cute and sexy smile) and pushed my head gently down. I pushed her back on the bed so that she went on a lying position now…and slowly pushed my finger over her panty gently rubbing her clit..she was now moaning freely..

I was kneading her breasts with one hand and my other hand was making her moist pussy more wet.

I then inserted one finger gently inside her panty and she immediately reached out for my hard and erect dick..As I went to slide her panty down she at the same time pulled my shorts down..

Now while she was massaging my dick I was using my finger to slide in and out of her moist pussy. While inside her pussy I curved my finger a bit and she was almost in seventh heaven, I think I touched her G spot..to give her more pleasure I slowly inserted two fingers and she indicated her pleasure by tightening her grip on my dick…

Slowly I added my third finger and she let out a moan..I stopped for a second to check if she is in pain but she indicated that its ok.. now my three fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy with speed….After some time I can see her orgasm as her pussy fluids were gushing out non stop making my while hand and the bed wet…I went near her face and offered my hand which she readily licked and then bent forward to share her juices. We kissed passionately for five minutes and then I went down again ..this time using my tongue..While I was playing with her clitoris she dug her nails on my back…and using my tongue magic within minutes she reached another big orgasm..this time I collected most of the yummy fluid in my mouth and again we shared the juices with along passionate kiss..we lay like that for some time beside each other facing the ceiling and then she said

Rupa- Bavagaru, I know this is morally all wrong ..in a way I am cheating with Ramesh and you with akka and I feel bad thinking that I am doing this to my own akka..but this longing for pleasure makes me think everything is right and anyways no one outside of us two are ever going to know about this so I convince myself that all is good.

I was in mood to hear a morality lecture at that time so I didn’t react. She spoke again.

Rupa –Sorry bavagru after getting so much pleasure I am talking about morality..Please allow me to give you some pleasure now and let me suck you..

I was waiting for this and I said

Me(with a serious tone)- No Rupa , its all right ..you don’t need to return anything as I enjoy your company and you always know how I have a very soft corner for you. I don’t think of giving you pleasure with the intention of getting something in return. Just seeing the happiness and pleasure on your face is good enough for me.

She immediately leaned over me and gave me a kiss which was more passionate than any of the kisses we shared before. Her eyes were bit moist now and she said

Rupa- Sorry if I hurt you with my statements bavagaru ..I am sorry please don’t spoil your mood cause of my stupidity..I cannot be more thankful to you for providing me this pleasure which I think I can never get in my life and even if I managed to get pregnant its only cause of your teaching..

Me(while hlding her in my arms) – If you are serious about seeing me happy then will you do as I say?
Rupa- Bavagaru you don’t need to ask, I myself said I will suck you..
Me- I don’t want to suck me..

As I said this it struck Rupa what I was getting at and suddenly there was a look of fear on her face..

Rupa- Bavagaru what else you want me to do..I think we did everything within our limits and I didn’t stop you..I allowed you to click my nude pictures ..I am ready to suck you and give you pleasure..what else is there ?

Me- You know well Rupa what is left…

Rupa(trying to get out of my arms)—Bavagaru no please..you know well we both decided we will not cross that limit and we both will never have sex..please don’t force me for this..
Me(I removed my arms from around her)- Its ok Rupa there is nothing to force..I told you to leave it ..I don’t need any return favors as it will look very cheap business..look at both of us Rupa…we have crossed our limits long ago and we both know we like each other ..we both have passion for each other ..we don’t need to prove anything to anyone …its our mutual desire..

She was still leaning over me with her dark black hair making a curtain over us ..her boobs were still touching my chest..I can see the confusion in her face and again some tears in her eyes ..I felt sorry for my cute sister in law but the desire to fuck her was overpowering all those emotions..this was a do or die situation for me..and then her next statement was music to my ears

Rupa- You need to be gentle bavagaru and remember that I am three months pregnant..

And the smile was back on her face …I immediately pulled her to me and we kissed passionately for a long long time…once she agreed she wanted it more than me it seems…

Me (whispering)- When I take care of you so much how can I not care for your baby…

She smiled again and I said

Me- There is only one problem , I don’t have any condoms with me.

Rupa(with a sly smile)- It ok you naughty bava …anyways I cannot get pregnant again now but please be slow as your dick is twice as thick and longer than Ramesh.That was the last bridge I had to cross..and I was now fully ready to enjoy my cute sister in law.

I started by kissing her ear lobes and then down to her nipples which were also super erect..I alternated between sucking her nipples and her whole boobs..this made her mad with pleasure

And then once again I used one hand to play with her clitoris to make her ready for a royal fuck..this time the pussy started getting wet immediately as I think she was n total mood too..Not wanting to waste any more time..I slowly bought my dick near to her pussy and while kissing her slowly started inserting my dick in her moist pussy …It felt lot lot tighter than my wifes pussy.. she bit my lips and dug her nails in my back..

I had to be careful not to put nay weight on her tummy and at the same time I wanted to insert my dick in that tight pussy as slowly as I can..Slowly my whole dick was inside her and at this moment she opened her eyes and again smile at me. I asked did it pain?She shook her head and just kissed me..Now I was ready to take the dock out and push it in again..she let out a deep moan and I gently increased my rhythm..

Every time I inserted it felt heavenly to enjoy the tight pussy..slowly I increased my speed and she was now moaning freely and loudly…aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…bava……bava..aahhhhhhhhhhh….The pussy was totally wet with her jucies and we could hear splashing noises of my dick hitting hard in her pussy..thnaks to the rain god we didn’t had to worry about making noises..Finally I was ready to come and with one final deep thrust I offloaded all my cum deep indie her pussy…I felt this was the best orgasm for me ever..We lay side by side in each other arms and I checked the watch ..it was 3:30 in the morning..I wished we could both sleep like that but life practicality wouldn’t allow us ..I was wondering if I was falling in love with Rupa..

I looked at her and she said thanks bava …I am sure if not for you I will never have such a experience in my life… and kissed me again..the bed was almost wet everywhere with our juices now…

Me- I wish we can sleep like this Rupa..

Rupa- Bava why do you worry..we still have two weeks more and now since you have given me the ultimate pleasure I don’t want o miss it either..

Saying so she reluctantly got out of my embrace kissed my dick which was still semi erect, licked it clean and again kissed to share our juices..I was watching her getting dressed and leave and slept off waiting for the next day to pass..We had every night hours of fucking sessions for two weeks..the timing was best as there was no danger of she getting pregnant and there was no gap as she didn’t get any periods now..

On the last day of my stay while she came downstairs to say bye to me

Me(playfully whispering)- Rupa next time when I come will I get to taste some milk from those boobs..

Rupa(whispering)- Can I say NO to my dear bava..and I may ask you for something more and she winked at me…

To be continued in third part..Please let me know your review at

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Jolly My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, this is the second part of my previously posted story which you liked and commented. I am trying to conclude the same story with the same narrative and for this, I suggest you go back and see the first part of this story Jolly, my sister in law If you find this story worth reading and commenting please do that and if you like you can message me at my email id I had been lucky enough to be enjoying my sister in law, jolly in absence of my wife at home and so far, I had made her cum...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers. Hope you enjoyed my first story. This is my second story of my continuing three some incest experience with my brother and my sweet sister in law Vani. After the very first threesome encounter, I started to look for the next opportunity with lot of anticipation and excitement. The second day I was thinking how I should act for today night and recalling all the scenes which I had seen in blue films. I was preparing myself for an enjoyable night. In the evening I took a...

3 years ago
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Teaching SisterInLaw

Hi Readers. My name is Arvind and this is my first story on ISS. So to start with I was born and bought up in Bangalore and got married to a girl from Hyderabad. Both me and wife are IT professionals and we were living a normal married life.We have two kids. My wife has two other sisters one elder and one younger.Elder sister name was Smita and younger name was Rupa. By the time I got married to my wife her elder sister was already married and younger one has just started a job in Hyd and...

3 years ago
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Seduced My SisterInLaw And Fucked Her 8211 Part 1

Hi readers…. Like lot of you I am a vivid reader of Indian sex stories and have a lot of fantasies… Today I am going to share my sex experience which I had with my sister in law…. Well I am Krishna, working in a private company in Hyderabad,26 yrs of age. Ours is a big family but not joint , I had totally 3 cousin sisters,we always used to have normal fun whenever there was a family function at any relatives house cracking jokes and playing cards and games ….Two sisters were married and one was...

1 year ago
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Jolly My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

If you like my story please comment and or mail me at My Wife Sushma was pregnant for six months and my in-laws wanted to take her to their home but due to office Job she did not get leave. But she was becoming weak after a days work in office and so I decided to hire a house maid but my mother-in-law suggested she would send someone form their place. In a week Jolly joined us. She was cousin sister of my wife and had completed graduation and was waiting for her marriage. The moment I saw...

4 years ago
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How I Fuck My Wife8217s Sister 8211 My SisterInLaw

Hello readers this my 1st story my name is ish meet and I am slim guy height 5.6 tall and size of penis is “8 inch . Any girl in delhi or faridabad can contact me via my e mail . This is the story how I fucked my sil . I will tell you she is virgin .Thos is my true story readers plz comment me plz plz now story par atya hu meri sil gbn naam k school mein pdti hai or I am also well educated woh kabhi kabji apne account s ke questions mere se puchti thi I solve all of them but mera mind toh...

1 year ago
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Neighbor And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part I

Hi guys this is Sam (name changed) i am from Karnataka i am a govt. servant before getting a govt. job i was working in Bangalore in a call center and i was staying in a rented apartment in north Bangalore. Before i start with my story want to tell u guys about myself. My name is Sam and i am 5 “10” and fair in color and have 7.5 inches long penis, and as i am from a small town never had a girlfriend now let me take you guys to the story. This incident happened when i was working in a mnc as i...

3 years ago
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Teaching my exsister in law some manners

It had been a very warm day, and the house was hot. The air conditioner was trying to keep up but it was tired. It was close to 1:30am when I decided to get up, I was thirsty and needed something cold. I knew there wasn't anything left in the house so I threw on a pair of shorts, shirt and sandals and headed to the local mart.The store was a good size market, for the 24 hour variety. It carried just about everything you can image. I pulled up beside a sporty new convertible that look vaguely...

2 years ago
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Young Rounded Fuck With SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hi Indian sex stories readers.. Hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions.. I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my sister-in-law (cousin of my wife) continued… I am continuing my experience with my maradalu (wife’s cousin sister).. We just exhausted with long lasting fuck and relaxed for an hour with leg lock, body lock tightly in heavy blanket.. And slept.. After an hour she got up and walked to wash room by covering with her inner...

3 years ago
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My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Might as well as happened to some of you..MY SIL. Friends this story is about me and my SIL, her name starts with A and my name starts with S. Well this story starts a little while ago when A was around ** years old. A’s body started developing very early and I was in my 2 years of marriage, as days turn in months and years A started showing promising hormones and she looked gorgeous with a height of 5’5″ high cheek bones deep settled eyes and jet black straight hair and beautiful hands, calf...

2 years ago
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Slave To Mother 8211 In 8211 Law

Hello ISS readers, this is Suresh from Andhra pradesh and this is a real story happened in my life. If you like it, send your feed back to me at Ma athagari name Jayalaxmi age 50 years. Nenu valla ammai Ramani ni marriage chesukuni illarikam vellanu. (son in law lives in mom in law’s house). This is a culture in Andhra Pradesh. I am 27 years old. Because of our poorness, I had to marry my wife Ramani. Nenu ma annayya, vadine la intlo undevadini. Ma vadine chala cruel lady. Naku food kooda...

1 year ago
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Teaching Brother In law To Shave His Cock 8211 Part II

Hi all my lovers. Thanks for all u sexy men n women who responded to my previous story, Masseur turned lover. A kiss on all the cocks and pussies and assholes who showed so much love for me. All those who responded to my stories and my piss fetish, next time when you stand for a piss, imagine that I am holding your dicks and rubbing your clits as your stream comes out I bathe in the holy waters from head to toe and then I smell your nectars and lick the final drops as a divine offering. A...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Seducing Best Friend8217s SisterInLaw Isha 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, this is Neil again from Mumbai. This is the continuation of my previous encounter with Isha whom I seduced the night before and she had begged me to fuck her. So, the next day, I met Isha as we had decided to go shopping together. The moment I met her, she had this naughty smile on her face and I knew what that was for. It was because of the way I had seduced her and made her cum hard for me with just sexting. Just to introduce you guys to Isha again, she is my friend’s...

4 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hi, guys and lovely girls… Thanks for your valuable comments on my last story sex with a teacher and her sister-in-law.So hardiicck (with double I and double c) is back. It’s a sequel to that story. Who haven’t read that story please read that one and then read this. I am from Navi Mumbai so girls and ladies can contact me on So without much ado let’s jump to the story. It’s been 2 months since that sexual night. And a lot has changed in these two months. Firstly I and sandhya(my teacher) both...

4 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys and girls, this is my first sex story and it’s 90% true. I am 27 years old and staying in Mumbai. you can tell me about my story at (double I and double c).  Now without boring you much let me come straight to my story. All this started in my third year of engineering. Till the second year I was a studious guy and also was in a relationship. In the third year, I had a breakup with my gf as we were in distance relationship and we were not able to give time to each other. This breakup...

3 years ago
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Young Rounded Fuck With SisterInLaw 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers… Hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions… I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my sister-in-law (cousin of my wife). We live in Bangalore and very good whether here… I passionate about my sexual desire… this was happened few days back when my wife’s cousin came for an interview in Bangalore from Hyderabad… I did not had any intention towards her and it happened in a nice way… she looks pretty cool and homely with good...

2 years ago
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Srijata My SisterInLaw And Srijana My MotherInLaw 8211 Part 2

I bent down and kissed her forehead and then kissed her lips.. Srijana my mil closed her eyes and I kissed her lips and she slowly opened her mouth to accommodate my kiss and took my lips in her mouth..I felt something hitting my lips, it was her tongue that she darted in extreme passion towards me and I too opened mouth. I broke the kiss and relieved my t shirt from my body and my trousers. I immediately pulled down her panties exposing her naked self and released her of her bra..All our...

1 year ago
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SisterInLaw Taking Advantage Of Me When Wife Was Sleeping 8211 Part 2

So with very brief intro. this is raj, 29 years male from lovely south, Andhra Pradesh. This is the continuation of the first part of my sex story, this is not fantasy its true incident I never imagined going to happen in my life. Sister in law, Jyoti she never touched me on that day but made me so hard like she popped me with 10 Viagra I will continue with rest of what happened that night after she went in to bathroom with just saree, blouse was already lying on my face I am sniffing her...

3 years ago
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SisterInLaw Was Really Hot 8211 Took My Life

My HOT Indian sex stories readers . . . here is another MOST UNEXPECTED HOT “INCIDENT” (not a story) Thanks to ISS teams who help us to communicate . . . . Small request, if you like don’t just LEAK – send one line of reply – we (Writers) too spend time in making you enjoy – Girls, ladies, boys and Guys please reply…. Some times, I think certain EXITING things happen, unknowingly . . I had a mild accident (a twist in the leg) and was bed ridden for a short while. My Sister-In-Law- (SIL /...

1 year ago
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Fucked My SisterInLaw On The Note Of Sorry 8211 Part 2

Hi there thanks every one for your wonderful feedback. I did not believe how good feedback I got . those who don’t know me this is Raj from Hyderabad you can read my 1st story from above link. Now I’m going narrating how I enjoyed with my sister in law Rani after our love n fuck story started.let me once again tell u about myself I’m 29 now with good muscular and well build body and 6′ 02ft tall about rani she is a simple housewife mother of two kids and she is 38 now but wont look like that...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Sister In Law And Her Daughter 8211 Part II

I woke up in the morning at around 5 am and looked around my wife Preeti was still sleeping and snoring and I got up walked towards the room where my sister in law Mona was sleeping and even she was in deep sleep what you would expect a woman of 39 years to do after. She has been fucked by my 7.5 inches cock and the night before then I walked towards the room of Cherry Mona’s daughter and she was also in deep sleep and her 38 inches breasts were going up and down with her breath and I could see...

4 years ago
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Sister In Law Above The Law 8211 Part IV

Both the ladies turned to me and started to make me undress. As Sheeba pulled down my shorts, My seven incher sprung out of its confinement. Sheeba looked amazingly at my cock and said, “Wow, Is it real? You have to be careful while fucking me because It’s so thick and so long for my tight cunt.” I asked Vijaya Bhabi if Sheeba planned on using protection with me. We talked about that.” Bhabi said. “Sheeba feels like me. That too much feeling is lost with rubbers.””Anyway, Sheeba wants to feel...

2 years ago
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Burning Desires Sexy Wife Sexier Sister In Law 8211 Part 2

The ladies of the family made a delicious dinner, and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. The cleaning chores were done, and the kids were put to sleep. Ayush, Siddharth, Madhu, Preethi, and their cousins and the respective spouses sat down at the dining table to play board games while they ate dessert. Everyone was having so much fun teasing each other. But Madhu and Siddharth were having their own fun unknown to others. As always, they sat next to each other. Siddharth was rubbing his feet on...

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My Brother Had Sex With My BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Over My Bed

It is always exciting to hear a story of first sex encounter! I am young girl with always having feelings to have sex but never had courage and was always afraid so used to hear from my fellows about their sex experience. The story I am narrating is of my brother sex experience who is a very mischievous and hunger of sex. I always found him looking at my friends with lust whenever ever they came at home to study. My brother (Kumar) is just a year elder to me, he is 23. He has 7 inch shaft which...

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Sister 8211 Brother In Law Love

Hi everybody, I am not a good writer, but will try. I am a typical Indian girl. My family contains me and my brother. I am very close to my uncles family. Uncle means fathers elder brother and of course aunt is also my mothers younger sister. That means they are my close blood relatives. They had one daughter. Her name Kavitha (changed name). I spend much of the time with uncles (peddananna) family. My sister (Kavitha) married 6 months back. After her marriage, I developed many feelings towards...

1 year ago
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Fucked my sister in law forcefully

Fucked my sister in law forcefullyHi, my name is Rajesh I am 45 and my wife’s younger sister Nalini is 32. I have always liked Nalini and have fantasized about her a lot and have always wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with her. This story really happened about 6 months ago. This is a true story that happened between my sister-in-law and myself. I had never planned to take her by force and the thought of r****g her had never occurred to me before. I am really a nice and decent...

3 years ago
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Sex With Landlord Sisterinlaw

Hello, indian seex stories dot net friends, my name is Anurag Sharma (changed). I am a resident of Rajasthan. I am 22 years old. This is my first story. If there is any mistake then forgive me. I came to the city for further studies then I was 19 years old. I have seen 22 buses of my life but my 21 years old went out to read the sex story of others. I just read the story and after watching the porn, my hand was getting out of hand. I am doing my studies by taking a room here. Whatever happened...

4 years ago
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SisterInLaw And Me 8211 Real Incidents

Its not a story, real incidents put together and wrote for sharing with others. Hi everyone. Let me introduce myself first, I live in Hyderabad. I have been to this site long back and read many of the incest stories, since I like them most when compared to all other sections. Though I have many encounters in my past 15 years of adult age (after my 19th Birthday), I decided to write my incest story. Well, I got married to beautiful girl at my 26th year and she was at her 22nd. I love her much,...

3 years ago
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Aleema 8211 My Innocent Hot Mother In Law

Hiii guys, I am going to narrate a real incident in my life. This happened one year after my marriage. My name is Salim ali, working as a lab technician in a private hospital, aged 28 and I am living in kannur, kerala. I married a beautiful girl named asna. She is fair in complexion and with average boobs and nice white pussy. She has flat tummy and her buttocks are not so big but she is in good shape. Now coming to the story, this is about my hot mother in law who is very innocent and...

2 years ago
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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Erotic Bus Journey

Hi all, this is Sunitha. Hope you have read my earlier stories on trapping my father-in-law. For those who haven’t read, I am a married lady, with a kid. I am fair, neither fat nor thin. I have good curves at right regions. I have big boobs, typically south Indian type and nicely shaped back. I have seen people staring at my back and my cleavage and I personally don’t mind in giving them a good view. Out of all the affairs I have, the one with my father-in-law is special. We had sex of...

1 year ago
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Sex Video With Mother In Law 8211 Part I

Hi this is Vinay from Chennai age 30. I have been living in Chennai from birth. I had many casual encounters in life with many women’s. Few of them were my family relatives, which ill tell u people after this story. I got married at the age 23. I am from a well settled family. My in laws family were good with me. But my mother in law was a little diff. she use to check me whenever I went to their house. She uses to ask all sort of questions to see whether I am taking care of her daughter well....

3 years ago
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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

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My sisterrsquos in law cheats on my brother

One day in june , my sister in law phones me, to tell me that, my brother had cheated on her with an older woman, she told me, my brother wad a piece of shit, and she wanted to do the same to him, I asked her to calm down, she told me that, she new about me and the things i was doing with men,she said that my sister Meral had told her how much she enjoyed her time with you in London, with my husband, my father in law and his brother, and she told me about all the black men she had between her...

1 year ago
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Sister in law 1

This is a real story about my secret affair with sister in law ( My wife elder sister). I will tell through different parts, this part has no much erotics in it as im telling what happened between us since day one. So its up to you to keep reading it or not, so lets get begin.I got married in 2009, and everything was great, but in few months many things changed, me and my wife had long bitter fights over very trash issues years goes by and nothing changed, i swear i was honest and faithful to...

2 years ago
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My sisterinLaw Mary couples wifeswapping

Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit.***My wife Diane and I were having her sister and her husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get to riled up about anything. Diane and I were...

1 year ago
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My sisterinlaw uses my wife

If you remember from before I am a cuckhold husband. One of my wife;s sisters and her best friend know of our situation and have seen her use me.Well my wife's sister decided to help her have some fun. My sister-in-law had told me she would like to see my sister get more of what she wants (bigger penises and lots of sex) and told me I should tell her when I am going to be out of town. Well I was going to be gone one weekend and I let my sister-in-law know. She told me to make sure I have my...

2 years ago
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Choudhary And Sons 8211 Episode 2 Seducing DaughterInLaw

Hello everyone, I am back with the second episode of my series. Flat No. 102 Sumaiya was making breakfast in the kitchen while Aarif was getting ready to go to his office. Sumaiya’s father-in-law was sitting on his sofa and playing with his granddaughter Sara. Aarif went to the kitchen to grab a bite of his breakfast and his wife! Not knowing that his father was looking at them, Aarif just went into the kitchen and grabbed his wife Sumaiya by her waist. Sumaiya knew it was her...

2 years ago
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Trapping My Father In Law 8211 The Beginning

Hi I am Sunitha, married to a simple guy Kiran. I belong to a rich and orthodox family. Basically I have a very high sexual drive. I wasn’t a virgin before our marriage. I had a couple of affairs.I am very fair and being 30 I have a right amount of fat in right places and a good pair of boobs which can attract any male and perfect ass which swings to and fro as I walk. I have seen many people staring at me while I walk and people touching me in crowded areas. I really enjoy people staring at me...

4 years ago
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Catching my sister inlaw part2

After not only seeing but getting a video of my sister in-law Tina fucking her own brother behind my brother's back I wondered all night how I was going to handle it. Do I show my brother the video and rip his marriage apart or do I some how get Tina away from her brother but she wouldn't be doing that with her brother I believe if their marriage didn't have problems. Then on the other hand I could use the video to get in Tina's pants which from what I seen are a million times hotter then my...

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