Snarky Couple Discovers Nazi Roleplay Fetish Over free porn video

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ou: Question!
Stranger: alright
Stranger: go ahead
You: Who killed Hitler?
Stranger: depends how you look at it
You: Type something asshole
Stranger: alright asshole. hitler killed himself. but you could also say germany killed him.
You: U could say that. If u were a fag.
You: inb4 America killed Lincoln
You: or fat killed your mom
Stranger: alright so obviously you are hostile. is this hostility making you feel better? go ahead let it out on me i can take it.
You: You are either a teen or a pseudo-intellectual.
Stranger: no, i am a psychiatric nurse. and usually when somone acts hostile it is because something is upsetting them
You: So you couldn't hack it as a doctor?
You: Took the easy route?
Stranger: i never tried. it isnt easier. and i am fine where i am
You: How does it feels taking orders? And knowing you will be replaced by a Filipina?
Stranger: ahahahahaha
You: If it isn't harder why didn't you go for a job that pays 3x?
Stranger: well i do like taking orders, but i am usually the charge nurse so that doesnt happen too much
You: Okay I feel better. I was upset.
Stranger: oh how sarcastic
You: No, I'm being serious. My mood has lightened.
Stranger: alright well, anything else i can do for you?
You: I was upset that I'm not sleeping with as many new girls as
You: I would like
Stranger: why?
You: They won't let me and I'm not quite ready to **** them.
Stranger: ah i see
Stranger: how old are you?
You: old enough
You: U?
Stranger: and you still cant find a woman?
Stranger: i am 28
You: I have a steady gf. She's a doctor in fact. Not k**ding. But I like conquest.
Stranger: well there are other ways of acting out your conquest. why do you need it to be sex, and cheating on your gf?
You: What else is there?
Stranger: i dont know, mountain climbing?
You: And "cheating" is a very chick code way to look at it.
Stranger: well it is a betrayal. unless she knows
You: I like seducing women. Why would I ever want to give that up?
Stranger: then dont get into serious relationships
You: Muslims have four wives.
Stranger: are you muslim?
You: Nope
Stranger: then that was a useless analogy
You: You are a conformist.
Stranger: ahahahahhahahahah
Stranger: soooo far from it
You: Exceptional men shouldn't be confined to one woman at a time.
You: Cool. U have nose ring and think you're a rebel.
Stranger: exceptional women shouldnt be confined to one man either
You: Slut
Stranger: no i have no nose ring
You: U r a conformist. Deal with it.
Stranger: and i dont think i am a rebel
Stranger: sorry, not happening
You: You work a square job. Johnny Paycheck
Stranger: i am a psychiatric nurse
You: Zzzzzzzzzz
Stranger: it wasnt meant to impress you
You: Just admit you're a centrist.
Stranger: no, i will not.
You: Voting for one nignog does not make you a radical.
Stranger: if you are referring to obama i did not vote for him. and again i dont label myself a rebel
You: Is ambien habit forming?
Stranger: yes
You: Oh well
You: Ever fucked on Ambien?
Stranger: no, i have never taken it
Stranger: i mean it makes you sleepy, wouldnt that make it difficult
You: Pfffft Nurse Jackie is at least interesting.
You: Enjoy your vanilla missionary sex.
Stranger: ahahhahahhahaa
Stranger: again you know nothing
You: Ever done poppers?
Stranger: no i have not.
You: You donit doggy style and think you're liberated. You're a centrist.
You: Ever been in a 3 way?
Stranger: you are becoming ridiculous. is there a point to all of this?
Stranger: and yes
You: Slut
You: 2 guys or 2 girls?
You: Is there a point to anything?
Stranger: whatever. i felt i was doing my bf a favor. it didnt work though
You: 3way kills relationship. Surprise.
You: 2 girls?
Stranger: well i was younger
You: Divorced yet?
Stranger: yes i am
You: Then shouldn't you be barred from giving psychiatric advice?
Stranger: he left me because i became very sick and had to be in the hospital a lot. he couldnt deal with the medical problems.
You: Yo! 2 girls or 2 guys?
Stranger: well if i was doing it as a favor to my bf i would assume that would be easy to understand. but alright since you need your hand held, two girls
You: Did u lick box?
Stranger: no
You: So you had a bunch of psychosomatic bs. You shouldn't be around other crazy people n
Stranger: again, you know nothing. at your age you should be more intelligent. or at least have more common sense so i doubt that age is corret
Stranger: * correct
You: Also, you married a scoundrel. That's a bad reflection on you.
You: You have k**s?
Stranger: it is. though he did deserve an award for his performance of the good guy
Stranger: no
You: Keep it that way. They wouldn't stand a chance n
Stranger: so what is it with the hostility? it seems you are just being all what you consider offensive just because internet is anonymous
You: Hostile perhaps. But these are my hinders assessments of you.
You: honest
Stranger: well you are wrong about just about everything
You: 1. Denial
You: 2. Anger
Stranger: grief depression bargaining acceptance
You: Pity. I'd be willing to meet up for a night of lovemaking.
Stranger: haha. yeah i am so pathetic. why bother?
You: I'm guessing you're about 15 lbs overweight, bit that's fine.
You: Hatefucks can be fun.
Stranger: again very wrong. you have no common sense at all. and you are borderline retarded
You: Nurses aren't qualified to make that call
You: Find me a Dr.
Stranger: you dont need to be a nurse to see this
You: So you're saying u have a decent figure?
Stranger: yes i do
You: Good for you. Being barren will do that.
You: What city do u live in? Detroit?
Stranger: where are you coming up with all of this nonsense?
You: U don't think mothers I'm general are heavier than barren women?
You: in. Sorry, iPhone
Stranger: depends
You: Hitler depends lol
Stranger: well, i happen to study hitler and WWII quite a bit
You: lol no
Stranger: lol yes
You: What year did hitler become chancellor?
You: What's the name of the German tank?
You: Who commanded the German north African corps?
Stranger: cant remember. mid 30's?
Stranger: panzer
Stranger: dont know
You: Actually not terrible for a girl
You: Rommel
Stranger: ah
Stranger: go on i like talking about this
You: Closet Nazi = )
You: What country did Germany invade in 39?
Stranger: France?
You: Poland
Stranger: or is it when they annexed austria
Stranger: oh
You: What nationalities divided Berlin?
Stranger: russia and the usa
You: And UK and France
Stranger: when??
You: Four sectors 1944
Stranger: hmmm have to look that up
You: What country is Casablanca in?
Stranger: i dont know what the hell
Stranger: usa
You: You're losing me
You: what was Hitler's wife's name?
Stranger: well i study mostly the sociology and psychology of it... the statistical stuff is not my thing
Stranger: Eva braun
You: Not bad. I'm attracted to intelligent women.
Stranger: though he did love his niece Geli Raubel
You: Chicks and romantic subplots. Amirite?
Stranger: well i am not sure Geli found it so romantic. Eva either. there is evidence they never had sex
You: U have a bf?
Stranger: as of last week no
You: U have a rabbit?
Stranger: i did when i was a teen
You: I meant a vibrator.
Stranger: oh hahahahah no. flesh and blood or nothing
You: U neverasturbate?
Stranger: yes, but not with toys
You: what happened to bf?
Stranger: he went crazy. started talking all delusional, and also wanted to marry me within 3 months
You: Medicate him
You: Where do u live?
Stranger: east coast usa
Stranger: and i feel too much medication is used in the psych field. though i think he could have used some
You: Your father was deeply flawed, no?
Stranger: no, my father was my saving grace. my mother was the deeply flawed one.
You: Well. U r now a slut who craves chaos according to Dr. Drew
Stranger: well fuck Dr Drew. call me a slut if it makes you feel better but it is another thing you have wrong
You: Don't shoot the messenger = )
Stranger: i said nothing of the kind
You: How many men have you slept with?
You: I've slept with 60 to 70 women
Stranger: 5 in my lifetime
Stranger: congratulations
You: How many girls?
Stranger: i only made out with two. a bit more with one of them. thats it
You: Are you touching yourself now? Be honest.
Stranger: no
You: Isn't it 4 am back east? WTF?
Stranger: you arent arousing
Stranger: yes
You: WTF?
Stranger: i have a sleep disorder
You: Another psychosomatic piece of bs
Stranger: no, i was in a bad car accident and hit my head very hard. the only remnant is a sleep problem
You: I could cure you with a firm slap to the face and a night of vigorous love making n
Stranger: well that actually sounds lovely
You: Take any pain meds?
Stranger: when i need them. my neck is fucked up from the accident
You: Nurse Jackie!!!!!!
Stranger: i dont watch too much tv. i dont know the show
You: So you like it rough in the bedroom?
Stranger: yes, but only if it is properly proportioned to the tenderness
You: How about I lightly choke you as I tenderly tongue your clit?
Stranger: lovely
You: *slap*
Stranger: now that is arousing. good job
You: how about I step on your neck as I fuck u doggy
Stranger: that seems physically impossible
You: Google it
Stranger: besides, you cant fuck with my neck so i guess not
You: How about I pull your hair as I pound your little pink pussy and make you say my name?
Stranger: lovely
Stranger: very nice
Stranger: what is your name?
You: Dean
You: U?
Stranger: alright Dean
Stranger: Sophia
You: r u Greek?
Stranger: no amerian. but full of italian blood
You: How about I finger you then make you suck myfingers?
Stranger: mmmm nice. i like my own taste
You: I'm getting hard. Didn't see that coming.
You: What else do u like ?
Stranger: the serpent was subtle
Stranger: men in nazi sis uniforms
You: lol
You: I'm a white supremacist. But I'm also racist against the hun.
Stranger: the hun?
You: Germans.
Stranger: hmmm why?
You: jk. Nazi unis are pretty sexy. Fascist had great tailors.
Stranger: yes they did. the nazis did nothing arbitrarily. that uniform was designed to drip power
You: U must love Jesse James then.
Stranger: i have a pic of me in a real nazi death's head hat
You: I was in the Marines. That's almost a Nazi.
Stranger: hahahah yeah
Stranger: so you could go all drill seargent on me?
You: I would go all Abu Ghraib on your little ass
Stranger: lovely
Stranger: just remember what i said... when it seems i cant take anymore that is when the tender kiss and whisper of my name across my lips works very well
You: Tell mr about your appearance.
Stranger: i am petite. 5 ft 2. 110 lbs. b cup. long black hair. brown almost black eyes. very fair skin.
You: Ok. When I'm dripping candlewax on ur tits and tummy
Stranger: yessss?
You: U might get a little kiss
Stranger: i could show you the nazi pic
Stranger: awwww lovely
You: Would love to see it
Stranger: alright, not the best pic of me but if you like it maybe i will show you another. hold on
You: k
You: I like what I'm seeing.
Stranger: thank you Dean
You: I wouldn't trust you around crazy people, but I would stick my dick in u
Stranger: ahhahahahhha
You: If you're ever in Florida we should fuck irl.
You: I would get all clingy and ask u to marry me. I can promise that.
Stranger: i will think about it
Stranger: would?
You: Wouldn't. Whoops
Stranger: subconscious slip?
You: Not a fruedian slip
Stranger: whatever
Stranger: would you like to see another?
You: Yes
Stranger: dark me, or innocent me?
You: Tits at a minimum
Stranger: oh i have nothing naked
Stranger: but i guess that means dark me then
You: Ok
Stranger: hold on
You: So what city are u in Sophia?
Stranger: east coast lets leave it at that
You: U can't nail it down to a state at least?
Stranger: Mass
You: Yeah your mom was srsly fucked up.
You: Nice tits though
You: Look like cs to me
Stranger: thanks. what makes you say that about mother?
Stranger: cs?
You: C cups
Stranger: no push up bra
You: Guess I can take off the k** gloves in the bedroom n
You: Let's see the good girl pic?
Stranger: really where did the mother comment come from?
You: You're a goth slut. That's bad mommering.
Stranger: oh no, i was not really a goth. nor am i a slut.
You: Lets see Good Sophia
You: Got any tats?
Stranger: many
You: Take that mom!
You: Snooki?
You: Well. I'm guessing you like to be tied up and spanked.
Stranger: if you know how to really control a woman you dont need to tie her up to get her to do what you want. i like psychological domination
You: Me too.
Stranger: innocent as all hell:
You: If you break eye contact when you're sucking mr you will get such a smack
Stranger: lovely
You: awwww little Sophie
You: Srsly, come out to the beach this summer soni can work your little ass over
Stranger: some of my back tats
You: Corny. Might even kill my hardon
Stranger: and my heart monitor pic from last week
Stranger: and thats it
You: Well I'll have something to read when I fuck u doggy style
Stranger: mein kampf?
You: lol
Stranger: oh you mean the tats
Stranger: haha
You: How about I put on my east German trench coat and fuck you like the bad little Jewess you are?
Stranger: mmmmmm that is very delicous indeed
You: Maybe if you can fit all of me in your mouth I won't report your family.
Stranger: yes Sir
You: *slap* shut your little kike mouth and slip those panties off
Stranger: ahhhahaha. for some reason it is difficult to do this online
Stranger: but yeah that would work in real life very well
You: I think so too.
You: I would also like to do the Abu Ghraib thing
You: wanna write a new Chapter in the diary of anne frank
Stranger: and when i am all wet from the water torture you would gently push all the wet hairs from my face and whisper good girl to me on my lips
Stranger: ahahahahah
Stranger: Sir, will you hold for a second please?
You: When your spread eagle with clamps on your nipples and a Quron ripped to shreds I will say. Now I want you to come for daddy.
You: Be quick or I'll put a jackboot in your ass
Stranger: oh no... the daddy freaks me out. but master or your name or something along those lines would be lovely
You: We'll see. It's really Nazis choice
You: Welcome to Aushvitz Sophia. I won the card game and I will be in processing you.
Stranger: alright
You: Remove all your clothes and I will check you for lice.
Stranger: as you will *bowed head*
You: I see you are shaved. I will check your hair.
You: How many sex partners have you had girl?
You: How many!!!!
Stranger: i told you Sir!!!
You: Grabs chin and forces head upward. Look at me!!
Stranger: mmmmm
You: Five! Typical Jew whore.
You: I must give you a pelvic exam to make sure you are disease free.
Stranger: as you will Sir
You: Get on the bench and put your feet in the stirrups.
Stranger: done
You: U like tatoos? U will like the number we brand u with.
Stranger: thank you Sir
You: You are very tight for a whore. I hope you can take four fingers without tearing.
Stranger: * i let out a cry* (dont think i can)
You: Don't cry Sophia. You will be sleeping in my quarters away from the filth.
You: I'm almost in there. Just one more finger to go.
Stranger: oh Sir.... you are too kind....i dont deserve such
You: Licks away tears.
Stranger: tries to hold back the tears
You: Put your clothes back on and take a shower then report to my chambers.
Stranger: as you will Sir
You: Run you pig!
Stranger: running Sir
Stranger: Stranger: Licks away tears. (mmmmmm oh....)
You: now before I can accept you as my chambermaid. I must test your flexibility.
Stranger: as you will Sir
You: Grab your ankles n
Stranger: yes, Sir
You: I'm going to pull you skirt down. If you squirm I shall beat you.
Stranger: (mmmmm ohhh that is so hot) yes, Sir
You: Domt move. That is just the shaft of my whip probing you.
Stranger: as you will, Sir
You: Lt. Kessler. Come here.
Stranger: (oh are good Dean....)
You: Sophia it is our custom here to let all the field grade officers take the nubile young jewesses.
Stranger: yes, Sir (mmMMMMMM ughhhh)
You: In this case I am not sure I wish to share my personal chamber maid.
Stranger: as you wish, Sir
You: You may speak now. Shall Lt. Kessler insert himself into you as I take notes?
Stranger: whatever you wish Sir
Stranger: i am only here for your pleasure
You: I want your transition to be an easy one. So I will let you release your ankles and take my penis in your mouth as Lt Kessler enters you.
You: If you feel the need to whimper my cocknwill muffle you.
Stranger: (oh god... are very good) yes, as you wish, Sir
You: You may cry on my shaft
Stranger: thank you Sir. (that is so fucking hot)
You: Lt. Kessler the Jewess hind quarters are now yours. But you may not come in her.
Stranger: mmmmmm
You: Gentle now. You're hurting her. Slow down. She is not some pollock wench. She is a delicate c***d.
Stranger: thank you Sir
Stranger: (damn Dean)
You: Let mr know when you wish to ejaculate Lt. Kessler and I will have Sophia prepare a wash cloth.
Stranger: (oh god)
You: But if you put one drop of precum in her I will have you locked in the brig.
You: Sophia place that rage on the lts shaft and clean him when you are done n
Stranger: as you wish Sir.
You: All right LT Kessler n you are dismissed.
You: Rest up Sophia,'you will meet the rest of the officer Corp tomorrow
Stranger: yes, Sir
You: So we gonna be friends or what?
Stranger: you are dangerous Dean
Stranger: like you are reading my mind
You: I can take you to some exciting places
Stranger: i bet
Stranger: do you have a pic?
You: yeah. I can email it to u.
Stranger: [email protected]
You: hang on
Stranger: yes
You: just sent it
Stranger: alright
You: I'm devastatingly handsome. Classic Aryan
Stranger: mmmmmmm
You: Not sure if I should waste my seed on a dark little thing lime u
Stranger: and very skilled with my kind of domination
Stranger: not to be arrogant but you would not regret it
Stranger: still didnt get it
You: Had to resend it.
You: R u wet?
Stranger: yes very
Stranger: squirmy
Stranger: that was perfect
You: Who knows what horrors await you your first night at the camp
Stranger: mmhm
You: I want to leave a trail of cum along your back tatoos
Stranger: cant see the lips but otherwise perfect for me
Stranger: hhahah lovely
You: Master race reporting in
Stranger: mmmmmmmm yes
You: Sophia You will empty my chamber pot.
You: And be thankful you aren't out working with a shovel with the other Jews
Stranger: by the power of Odin and the strength of Thor's hammer i will be victorious
Stranger: yes, Sir
You: Okay time out. Let's be fb friends or something
Stranger: well alright, but please, i have a lot of family on there. especially younger cousins who are only like 11-13 and i try to keep my page fairly clean. if you wish to say something along other lines, please either message me or do it on IM?
You: Same here
Stranger: and i am talking to you as Sophia to Dean here
Stranger: oh??
You: That would be quite an anachronism if your were still Jewess Sophia
Stranger: but trust me. i dont give three strikes before you are out. it is one and you are out. got it?
You: Same here.
You: So sooner or later I am going to put my dick in you.
You: But let's finish you off for tonight.
Stranger: ahahahhaah we shall see about that
Stranger: oh no need to bother with that
You: You about ready to have a toe curling orgasm?
You: ?
You: I think I'm going to jack off before i fall to sleep. You want to be my helper?
Stranger: i have had mine.
You: You sly fox
Stranger: i guess i could try. but i am not really good at this kind of thing
Stranger: i am definitely an 'in person' type
You: Tell mr about when u came. What u were thinking your texhnique.
You: Or maybe continue our story.
You: I won't be typing much. Shouldn't take long.
You: And I'll be looking at your pics. = )
Stranger: the introduction of the other nazi was causing involuntary movements/spasms... then cry on my shaft and the way you said youd lick my tears away... all got me very on the edge. but when you said to treat me delicately though it was a ****.... yeah. and of course my finger
Stranger: didnt get your request
You: Mmmmm
Stranger: im definitely a penetration type. dont usually come just from clitoral stim
Stranger: though i have been known to do so with no touching at all
Stranger: but if this is just a sexual outlet and no more... no getting to know you a bit... not sure it will work out
You: All done
Stranger: still says no requests
You: Ur back pic is hot.
You: E
Stranger: the tats?
You: Will friend u tomorrow.
You: Yeah
You: Well pick up chapter two later.
Stranger: well that isnt all of them, they start at the top of my neck and go down to the tailbone. then both my inner and outer ankles are done
Stranger: but thanks
You: I'm off to sleep
You: sleep tight
Stranger: Dean, do you like quantum physics at all?
You: yes
Stranger: okay
Stranger: and what did you say you do?
You: Zzzzzzzzzzzz
Stranger: im just curious
You: Let the cloak of mystery hang
Stranger: alright then
You: Night Sophia
Stranger: goodnight Dean. Sir.
Stranger: would you prefer me to disconnect?
Stranger: Dean?
Stranger: alright i will take your silence as yes you want me to d/c
Stranger: until the next time....

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I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.I do not know - maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it and we continued the story.Let's start! Irina - girl from my roleplay - well, how she introduced herselfCrowded bus at rush hour, standing in traffic. A young girl, 19 years old, stands in a corner of the bus at the window, squeezed on all sides.She is wearing short jeans shorts,...

2 years ago
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Roleplay with meeta

febian : Story will be like this.febian : we will meet at ur freinds marriage. U had come to attend one of my friends marriage where I saw u and got attracted towards and told ur friend(Sana) about you and send proposal thorough that friend.meeta : okayfebian : and i will proposed ur family thorugh that freindsfebian : i will be alonemeeta : kmeeta : i say yes for the propsalfebian : yes… as u have seen me at the marriage.febian : why dont make a scene of our first meet to know about...

4 years ago
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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 4

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Aajchi story mhanje mi ek 38 vayachya mast tanch bhariv masal auntychi ani mazi ahe ya madhe aamchyat je chat kele te lihit ahe. Mala ek auntyne msg kela aani mazya maitrin banalya maga tyana mazyashi roleplay...

3 years ago
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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 2

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe.Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara....

3 years ago
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Hot Roleplay Online With A Slutty Delhi Model

I was staying over at my sister’s flat. She had just gotten married. My sister and her husband invited me and my cousin sister Shreya over to stay with them soon after. I was excited because my cousin was hot as fuck! Shreya was sitting on the couch wearing a tight revealing top. She ran over to hug me when she saw me and I felt her soft tits squeeze into me. Fuck, it felt good! I didn’t hesitate to grab my cousin’s waist and squeeze before I let go. She didn’t seem to mind. The four of us...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Roleplay

We had talked about roleplaying several times since we had met but hadn’t exactly found the right time to do something about it. I had decided that this weekend would be perfect since you were coming home Friday morning and we would have the whole night to ourselves. I wasn’t sure which roleplay to pick at first but I decided that I wanted to be a very naughty student and you would be my teacher. I decided to use your office so I took mostly everything off of it placing it in one of your...

3 years ago
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A Spy Too FarChapter 7 In Nazi Hands

Tony awoke as Janine whispered. "I am sorry to wake you Tony. You have been recalled to London and there is a plane to catch. So you will please get dressed and come with us immediately." As she spoke she put her pistol back in her raincoat pocket, but he was sure that she would use it on Helga if she had to. She stood back while Tony quickly dressed. Their was a rustle of bedclothes and Fraulein Helga rose up on her elbows. "Where are you going mein liebchen, then she became aware of...

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A man is brought into a select fetish club of cumlovers and discovers his own limits and desires

I have always been bisexual and have involved my wife in my quest for cum, but the more I am with men, the more I want to be exclusively with men. I’ve been married for 15 years to a great girl who loves cum as much as I do. When she discovered my taste for the sweet cream, she allowed me to indulge in every wild or weird quest. I have sucked off many men in front of her with her full approval and had men shoot their cream all over my body and in every hole, again, with her full...

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pretty hot internet Roleplay

You: its ok You: m usa 22 You: how r you tonight? Stranger: Awesome, hey I got a question, do you like werewolves, or roleplay? You: both You: why? Stranger: Yes!! you're perfect. Would you like to play a werewolf for me? Stranger: You could pick the scenario if you want You: like me be a warewolf and rape you? Stranger: Yeess You: hmm never done this b4. sounds like fun though Stranger: Hehe me either, have never been able to find...

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My Sophie roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.Maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it.Let's start!Alexandr:I have not seen Aunt Sophie for a long time, the last time was 10-12 years old. But today she suddenly appeared at our home. Mom said that aunt travels and therefore visited us. As a c***d I didn’t care, but now I noticed that Sophie is very sexy in her tight-fitting dress. Mom said...

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Our bedroom game of roleplay

Somewhat often, My man and I roleplay out a random, hot, sexy and always wet scenario. It begins near the beginning of our love making session and runs throughout until we both enjoy the most explosive orgasm. I'm going to share our last session. We share an evening of watching some porn, reading stories, enjoying drinks, and holding our bladders. All along, teasing one another until Our bodies are both highly aroused. Both of us feeling the pressure of our full bladders building and greatly...

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Latest Capture Roleplay

Latest Capture and **** RoleplayPre-story:The stage was set. Sara my wife said that she was up for role play last Saturday night. We finally got the k**s in to bed then I set up the webcam in the living room opened the blinds and then stepped out to walk the dog.The Role-play Begins……..I quietly entered the house ski mask on cuffs and blind fold on and in hand, ready to capture a milf. She was laying in the bed on her iPad the baby a sleep in the crib on the other side of the room. I came up...

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Roleplay Starter Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Parking lot He's leaning against the driver's door of her car when she gets off work. His western boots, well-worn faded jeans and white tank top don't do much to hide his form. She knows what's underneath and it's like Superman's kryptonite for her. He sees her coming and holds his arms out, elbows at his side and smiles. "How's my babygirl?" he says a little too loudly. "Forget it, Ted."...

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Roleplay Starter Mountain Meadow

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Mountain Meadow"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Mountain meadow in the early fall. Not quite above the tree line. Small clusters of evergreens dot the area. They'd been hiking for several hours now and decide to stop and make camp for the night near a clump of pines. They take off their large packs and begin to make camp. They work well as a team and soon there's a cozy fire, plenty of dry fuel and a small tent. Their canteens filled from a nearby...

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Roleplay Starter Scent of a Woman

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 or more Female, 1 Male. "Scent of a Woman" Interior: typical kitchen Nadia and Hank had been neighbors for some time now. At one point after Hank's divorce, they had been lovers briefly. Winnie, Hank's ex-wife, and Hank were still on good terms and occasionally got together. Winnie and Nadia were friends socially. Winne had even thrown several not-so-subtle hints to Nadia until Nadia explained that she wasn't into women the way Winnie was. Hank was in the...

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Roleplay on skype

This is a roleplay I had with a girl over Skype, I thought it was hot enough to share it. It stops a bit abruptly because she fell asleep before we could finish. Warning: i****t themed.Eliza Rei: I mean, I couldn't trust my devious little sister just like that, right ;)?Paprika: .. true. :xEliza Rei: Now, what should we do with lying little sisters?Paprika: .. nothing. :(Eliza Rei: But then how are you going to learn how to be a good sister to your bigger sister?Paprika: .. I.. I don't...

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Omegle Roleplay Random day at the office

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You both like roleplay.You: Its 3pm, you get to your desk and on your computer you get an anonymous message: “You look great in that skirt today!”Stranger: I'm kinda startled, but, after a second, answer anyway. "Thanks, I guess... Who is this?"You: I chuckle and respond: "Well that would spoil the fun, if i told you, wouldn't it?"Stranger: "How do you even know I'm wearing a skirt? I don't have a webcam..." I start feeling a little...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 3

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25 varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara. Maza...

2 years ago
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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 1

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe.Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara....

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Team Lead Ke Sath Femdom Sex And Roleplay

‬Hello iss readers mera naam ashwini hai aur mai basically bhopal se hu . Waise to meri life me sex experiences kaafi saare h jo mai aapko aage ki stories me bataunga. And here is my 1st story ,jo mai aap logo se share karna chahta hu.To baat tab ki hai jab mai apni internship k liye mumbai gaya hua tha.Mai bahut excited tha kyuki mai hamesha se hi mumbai me rehna chahta tha n waha ki life style jeena chahta tha. Waha pe mere already friends the isliye mera sab fixed tha k kaha rehna h.Waise ab...

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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

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Husband Wife Incest RoleplayPart 1

Hi all ISS fans and all incest lovers. I am big fan of ISS and this is my first posting on ISS. I am rahul from mysore karnataka. I live here with my wife. I got married one year back. And luckily my wife pooja is more crazy than me about sex. Pooja is not that fair she is wheatish and looks more like Asin. But she has boobs bigger than asin. She is almost 36 24 36. And she hit gym daily. Shaadi se pehle pooja k boobs itne bade nahi the par shaadi k baad mere choosne k wajah se shayad wo abhi...

4 years ago
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Makeover Roleplay

Makeover Roleplay By Deborah Lewis-Smith Synopsis: A recently divorced man decided to try a makeover service advertising 'role-play'. He gets a little more than he expected and has to rethink his own sexuality. ------------------------------------------------------------ I sat in the car, my knees shaking as I turned the key, killing the engine. I'd arrived twenty minutes early, and now sat in my quiet car, trying to get my heart to slow it's rapid beat. My legs felt odd and...

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My Masterfriends Games or What Happened to Roleplay

My Masterfriend's Games or What Happened to Roleplay? It has been a few delicious weeks since I met my "Master" in person, and our relationship has quickly grown into something else. Our first few encounters were pretty straightforward. Not that there is anything straightforward about being on my back with my legs over his shoulders! It was something else. There has been a concerted effort to know more about me and some of my fantasies too. It's not like they were hidden and all. ...

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My First Sex Roleplay

This is my first submission hope u like it. This is a real steamy chat session from the net of myself. This is the story of a horny housewife who has been seduced and fucked by her dewar and introduced her to the new realms of sexual life. Introduction Rahul and amit are two boys who have already had a steamy session with this horny housewife Rajani in a theatre. Today rajani is out to find some sexual satisfaction so she reaches a ready made dress shop but cannot find any one one old...

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Roleplay between a husband and a wife

Mera naam shalini hain. Main ek shaadi shuda aurat huun 26 yers ki. Meri shaadi delhi ka amit se hui thi aaj se 3 saal pehle. Main jawani se utshuk thi sex ko le k aur chahti thi ki kab meri shaadi ho aur main man lagea k sex ki bhook ko mitau. Waise to meri arranged marriage hui thi, par ghar walo ne mujhe amit se milne ki puri izazaat de rakhi thi. Hum log qutab minar, rail museum aur jantar mantar me kai baar mile. Shaadi se pehle hum sirf kiss tak apna relationship ko rakha tha. Wo bhi bina...

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Daddy Daughter Roleplay

(Roleplay partners 30+ please :P)My name is Steph. I just turned 19, back from my first year of college. I joined a sorority when I was out there and my sisters taught me so much more about how to dress than I ever paid attention to. What clothes definitely not to wear, what to wear when I need a good grade on an exam, what to wear when I want to get into the bar without being ID'd. Lots of very useful life lessons.I used to always wear really loose fitting clothing. Not that I don't have...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 17 Mommy Son Roleplay

Sometimes it happens in life that one plans a lot to achieve their dreams, and that achievement is brought about by sheer fate. That’s what happened with my experience of mommy son roleplay. On weekdays, right after the departure of my husband, my son would waste no time to fuck my brains out. The fact that the nights were booked for his dad had increased the intensity with which he fucked me. Similarly, my hunger to have his cock plunge inside my cunt, mouth, and ass had also increased many...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 1

This is a fantasy story. All the characters mentioned here are just the puppets of the writer’s mind. This is a series of different stories. The main hero in the story is Rahul (naam to suna hoga) and the heroine is Pooja (because creativity sucks, matlab isse common naam aur kya ho sakta hai)? Rahul and Pooja are married, they are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is working in the IT sector in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul is not a guy with a great...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is the continuation of the series that I have planned. In the first part, you would have read how the lockdown benefits a young couple Rahul and Pooja as they give vent to their fantasies. Rahul and Pooja are married and are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is in the IT sector, in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul does not boast of a great physique, and actually is a guy as thin as a stick but this stick has a long dick of 8 inches. He is 5’7...

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Omegle roleplay with a female stranger

You're chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP! You both like Roleplay. HiF20 Oops Hi F20 Hey 23m How's it going? Pretty good. You? Not too bad. What kind of roles are you looking for? Maybe just like bf/gf or cheating or roommated Something like those You? I'm down for any of those. Wanna do boyfriend's roommate? Oo fun! Thought so. Kinks? Love creampies, being groped and felt up, spanked, neck kisses. You? Nice. Love all those and dirty...

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Sultry Model Molina Sinks Into Sexy Roleplay

I sometimes wish I had been born two decades earlier. For some reason, all the women I’ve met or dated have been less than flattering. However, the older women have always caught my eye and made my mouth water. There is no creature more seductive than the older woman, the MILF. They know their way around the male body. They know how to turn us on, they know how to keep us going, and they know how to seduce us into becoming mindless drones that drool over them, dancing according to their every...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 6 Sistersrsquo Naughty Roleplay

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was getting bigger by the day. Once we hit him, we could hit so many others. The administration of his high...

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Daddys Girl a roleplay for adults

A roleplay for consenting adults: He really wasn’t her father – he was her stepfather of sorts – and when her mother left – it just seemed natural for him to keep her. There was really no where else for her to go. She was now a young adult with her fair share of problems. She attended community college where she was perpetually in trouble. It was definitely a strain growing up with an unruly girl who really wasn’t yours – and the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree – she was a slut like her...

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Britain under the Nazis Jack Boot part 3

Part one - two - days after the incident in the discipline room, Nancy and Mary, along with the rest of the dorm, were allowed back into general circulation. The disappearance of the dorm mistress and corporal had caused concern. Still, nobody in the German high command believed that the girls could have had anything to do with their...

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Nazis of the Undead

Obergefreiter Schroeder ran through the forest, most of the Mann's had given up. Not Schroeder. Nor his three top officers, Sturmbannführer's, Amsel, Fleischer, and Faust, who ran behind him armed with MP-40's. Faust turned around hearing the Americans drawing closer. He fired his MP-40, the weapon firing in a series of *pops* as fire was returned through the thick fog of the forest, except fast and furious.  A thompson. "Surrender!" an American voice cried, "Fock you american...

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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

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The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...

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Are you in the mood to look through an assortment of fetish-friendly videos that are certain to make you cum? If you want to look at a tube site that has the very best content that is certain to make you cum your fucking brains out, then I want you to know that you need to look at only one kind of tube site. Yes indeed, you need to mother fuckin’ visit Fetish Porno!That is fucking right you goddamn asshole! Once you visit Fetish Porno, what you will find is that you will discover an array of...

Fetish Porn Sites
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An elusive Fetish

Melise swore silently as she pulled her travel bag up the stairs. What idiot had thought of the idea a school needs a widespread staircase in the front of the school's courtyard? She cursed again as she climbed another step. Each step on its own wasn't high. Maybe the combined width of two of her fingers. Instead, they were wide and the whole staircase spread out like a giant courtyard of its own. As much as Melise was annoyed with the staircase, it was just the sacrificial lamb that...

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Erotic SOLO Roleplay Journaling

Did you read Slut World and wish to do something similar but with a different Rule System? Or maybe you read some IMPREGNATAR but wanted something with a different concept? Did you take a look at the CHYOA forums and find the Role-Playing Games posts and feel like trying some Erotic Roleplaying of your own but don’t feel like doing a Play by Post? Do you do want to do some SOLO Roleplaying but with PORN? Then this is the place to share your story(s)! 1) Select the System: If you do NOT see the...

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An Older Women Fetish Modeling and Kinky Interracial Sex

Introduction: This story is about a mature woman who is a successful fetish model named Leigh This story is about a mature woman who is a successful fetish model named Leigh, a number of years ago as a lark, do to several of her girlfriends urging, she had reluctantly posed for pictures wearing almost nothing! A well respected womens magazine photographer had placed several ads in the local newspaper asking for attractive women over 50 to pose for a risque photo shoot, in an upcoming article...

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Rare Strange Fetish Of Truck Horns

I am PonPon. In this world of strange people having strange or weird fetishes, I am out of this world with one of the strangest and weirdest fetish's you've probably ever heard.First, let's have a brief description of my strange fetish. I am a slim sexy woman, love wearing high cut swimsuits, leotards, body stockings, etc. I have a special love for nylon spandex clothing, but what is strange about me is that I have a special love for big trucks and their horn's.The vibrations of a truck air...

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An Older Women Fetish Modeling and Kinky Interracial Sex

Leigh was in her early 50s, at the time and at first was apprehensive to do something like this, especially in front of a perfect stranger. The thought followed by actually doing it was so sinfully intoxicating,. as the photographer was a young hansom black male and when he posed her had touched her in places that had brought back memories as a teenager of seductively teasing her boyfriend Jack into their first sexual experience, he later became her husband. How Leigh and I met, became...

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Neck Fetish How it all started

You have a neck fetish if youLove watching a woman launch her head back in pleasure, and without even stroking your dick, you feel a horny sensation rise and gently soothe your body. Square jaw lines are definently my favorite, but I love the occasional soft supple long tender necks that black women have. I noticed that caucasion/ white women do tend to throw their heads back ALOT more then any other race, so if you have a neckfetish, you'd typically enjoy Caucasian women more. There are some...

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CamSoda Fetish

The fetish community is very tight-knit. These are the least judgmental people you can find on the planet. It doesn’t matter how weird or whacky your fetish is. You will find brothers and sisters in arms, ready to pop balloons in your ears or take a steamy dump on your face. This is what I imagine Jesus had in mind for Christianity. But, unfortunately, they kept the weird sex stuff and ditched the lack of judgment.Where I fit into this fetish shit is fascinating. I don’t have one fetish as much...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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BongaCams Fetish

Bonga Cams Fetish! For as long as people have been having sex, people have been developing fetishes. Tons of research has gone into how fetishes start and what parts of the brain are affected. Yet, despite all this research, there are more questions than answers on the topic.There are hundreds of fetishes out there, but a few are far more popular than the others. According to a recent survey, BDSM ranks highest amongst its competition. About ninety-three percent of men and ninety-six percent of...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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CamContacts Fetish

I think I might have a fetish for CamContacts girls because I spent all morning looking at the site with my dick out when I could and should have been doing something productive. Then again, maybe it’s just something about the kinky collection of camwhores they’ve got listed under their Fetish Sexchat Cams that snagged me like a gimp on a leash. The world of webcam sex is a world where your freakiest fantasies are indulged, and some folks are just a bit freakier than others. So it stands to...

Live BDSM Sex Cams

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