Ch.2 Tom's Video free porn video

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The next three weeks fall into a familiar rhythm.  Tom and Paisley chat almost every day.  Paisley works as a nurse in a downtown Chicago hospital.  Long night shifts mean she wakes up around 11:00.  9:00 for Tom on West Coast time.  He is usually in the middle of his work morning when she comes online, drowsy and with a cup of coffee in her hand.  And horny.  Really horny.

Tom glanced at his laptop screen.  For the seventh time in the last five minutes.  A certain twenty-two-year-old was on his mind.  She consumed his thoughts lately.  He was always thinking about what she was doing and when he could talk to her next.  Talk, he chuckled.  He longed to hear her voice.  He imagined what she would sound like.  He dreamed of actually being next to her, to feel the warmth of her body and the softness of her skin.  Shaking his head, Tom realized that he had been lost again, in the vortex that centered around his obsession with her. He was an addict and he did not want help.  He only wanted her.

Paisley yawned and grabbed her cup of coffee.  Last night's shift was still residing in her shoulders and upper back, manifesting as a dull ache.  She wished for a strong pair of hands to work out the kinks and maybe help with the ache in her loins.  It had been too long since she had the feeling of a thick cock filling her.  She enjoyed sex but her schedule at the hospital made dating difficult.  The guys she did manage to hook up with wanted only to get off and then leave.  She had basically given up on finding any quality guys in the near future and instead had decided to concentrate on her career.  Then she met Tom in the chat room.  Since then she spent her time thinking about this older guy with the quick wit who knew how to make her wet with the turn of a phrase.  She smiled as she could feel her juices begin to flow just thinking about logging on and chatting with him.  If only he was here now, she would put his cock to good use.

Tom saw the little black box notifying him that Paisley had just logged on.  A tinge of excitement caused his stomach to flutter, just a bit.  It reminded him of how he felt in high school when the girl he had a crush on smiled at him.  He sent a request to open a chat.  She accepted.

Morning beautiful.  The consult Tom was working on was forgotten for the time being.

Hey, stud.  What are you up to?  Paisley yawned again and tried in vain to get that kink between her shoulders to go away. She wondered how quickly Tom's hands could work their reported magic.

Working.  I have to pay the bills.  And waiting for you...  He smiled as he typed.  He loved the playful banter, routinely called Paisley beautiful, sexy, etc.  He had a feeling that she was not complimented enough in real life and wanted to make sure that she received the proper amount when they were together on Lush.

Awww, little old me?  You are a sweet old man.

Ouch.  Old?  Really?  Ok, I may be old enough to be dad's younger brother but I can still lick that sweet little pussy of yours until you beg me to stop.  An image of Paisley's legs open, her lips moist and puckered waiting for his tongue flashed in his mind.  His cock stirred as it always did when that image appeared.  God, he wanted to make it a reality.

Hmmm, that sounds delightful.  Come here to my bed and make me cum.  I really need it, baby.  Paisley reached over to her nightstand and grabbed the little silver bullet and switched it on.  Paisley was determined to address at least one of her physical needs.  If not the kink in her upper back, then she would satisfy the ache between her legs.

You know I would jump through this screen if I could.  Tom enjoyed their banter, he really did.  But he also felt the frustration of knowing that they would never actually do the things that were so often talked about.  He pictured in his mind an image of Paisley on her bed in a nightshirt sipping coffee.  The shirt was pulled up to reveal a smooth pair of lips, glistening and swollen.  Her free hand was rubbing the swollen clit slowly.  Paisley's eyes were closed and the coffee cup placed on the nightstand.  Her other hand reached under the shirt, raising it to reveal a round breast with an erect nipple.  In Tom's vision, Paisley pinched the nipple and pulled it away from her body.  This distorted her breast in the best way.  The slight sag of gravity was eliminated as the globe became perfectly round.  Tom shook his head and looked back to the screen.

Hey, are you there?  I said I really need to cum.  No response.  Really?  Paisley could feel the vibrations of the bullet starting to work their magic.  A wet spot on her sheets grew as her juices began to flow freely.

Sorry baby, I was distracted.  I'm back now.  Let's get you off.

I bet you were thinking of me and how wet my pussy is right now.

Guilty as charged.  I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

We will see how merciful the court will be.  It may depend on how good the court's orgasm is...   She included a wink emoji. Cum with me please?

Tom unzipped his pants and pulled out his stiffening cock.  He reached for the lotion on his desk and filled his left hand.  Of course baby.  Are you rubbing your clit?

My little friend is buzzing it.  Paisley rubbed the silver cylinder over her clit.  Her body responded with a wave of pleasure.  A flush of warmth spread from her nether region up to her stomach.

Pinch your left nipple.  Roll it between your fingers for me.  Tom paused for a couple of seconds then continued typing with his right hand as his left hand slowly worked up and down his now fully erect cock.  Now pull it.  Hard.

Paisley did as he commanded.  She got a special thrill following Tom's instructions.  It was almost like he was there with her.  Almost, but frustrating that he was not.  It felt so good to tug on her nipple.  She liked to be a bit rough with them.  She knew Tom knew that as they had discussed in detail what got her off.  He could orchestrate her orgasm remotely like playing a video game.

Now let it go.  Tom was literally replicating his earlier vision.  He knew that Paisley loved rough nipple play and that she especially loved to pull hard on her nipple and then release it.  She had told him that the feeling of her heavy breast falling back against her chest and the pain/pleasure of her nipple at that moment felt like nothing else.  His cock twitched as the image of Paisley following his direction appeared in his mind.  He glanced down at the head, noting it had become a dark purple.

Unnngggg, that feels so good baby.  I'm so fucking close, please finish me.  Paisley felt her pussy spasm.  Her orgasm was close.  Right now it was an itch the demanded to be scratched but it was just out of reach.  Delicious like a ripe piece of fruit that beckoned her to pluck it.  She reached and was oh so close.

Now three fingers baby.  All the way in, deep.  Tom typed in brief commands since it was with the right hand only.  His left hand was pumping his cock at full speed now.  He planned on them cumming together.  Cum for me baby, cum now.

Paisley did as instructed and plunged three fingers into her sopping cunt.  Tom usually worked up to three, starting with one and progressing slowly to the maximum her tight young pussy would allow.  He had asked for four, but she could not manage it...yet.  The fact he jumped to three must mean he was close to cumming as well.  She loved knowing that his cock was likely ready to spurt hot cum all over his floor.  This image, of Tom pumping his cock and the purple head swollen and ready to erupt sent Paisley closer to the edge.  She pumped her fingers in and out.  God, she was so close.  Just a bit more...there, she could feel herself finally reach the forbidden fruit.  Plucking it in her mind, her drenched pussy spasmed.  Ohh god I'm gonna cum!

Tom saw the words appear on his screen.  That was what he was waiting for and it sent him over the edge.  He passed that familiar point of no return.  The feeling all guys have when the pleasure transitions from promise to inevitable fulfillment.  Those few moments in between were the grail of male orgasm.  One last pump and he erupted.  The first rope of hot cum shot up and away from him and splashed on the wood floor of his office.  The next one followed and landed even further away from his chair.  His vision darkened and an image of Paisley, naked and cumming flashed in his orgasm driven brain.  When his vision cleared he saw a large pool of semen on the floor.  He estimated it must be three or four feet away.  He has always cum a lot, but this was an especially large load.  He groaned as the afterglow of his orgasm washed over his body.

Paisley grabbed the fruit and fell over the edge.  She fell hard.  Her pussy clenched around her fingers and her legs locked up.  For a few moments, she could not move.  Her head fell to the side as she did not have the strength to hold it upright.  Waves of pleasure rolled over her entire body.  The sweet release was her only thought.  Except for the vision of a large hard cock shooting ropes of cum at her.  The first landed on her stomach, the next on her left breast and the third hit her bottom lip.  It felt so real she could almost taste it.  Salty and earthy, they were she loved it.  As her orgasm subsided, Paisley thought about how she almost always imagined Tom shooting great ropes of cum all over her.  Hmmm, she might have to make that a reality someday.

Wow, that was amazing!  Paisley typed this after she recovered enough to reach her keyboard.  

Uh-huh.  Tom was still typing one-handed.  He reached for some tissue to clean his hands.  He was then able to type normally.  You should see my floor. I blame you for the mess sweetie...

Ha, not a chance buddy.  You are responsible for your lack of aim.  Paisley leaned back on her bed and stretched.  She needed that release.  The itch had been scratched, but not completely.  Orgasms were great and she required on almost daily but the feel of a large hard cock deep in her pussy releasing an enormous load of cum was the missing piece.  That and a tongue on her clit instead of her bullet.  And fingers that were not her own tugging on her nipples.  She could go on but it would just spoil the post-orgasm glow.  Maybe someday, maybe soon.

I have a thought.  A proposition actually.  I would love to see and hear you cum, baby.  I know you do not Skype, but what about videos?  Would you send one to me of you cumming?  Tom waited anxiously for her reply.  He knew she would probably say no, but he thought he might have a better shot in the afterglow.  

Hmmm, maybe.  She had always politely refused this idea before.  Tom didn't beg, but she knew he really wanted to see and hear her cum.  He was so sexually starved she felt bad for him.  She couldn't go too long without a real cock inside her, hence the number of college-aged idiots she allowed to share her bed.  But Tom was married and with his wife not interested in sex, solo was his only release.  Seeing and hearing her would be the next best thing to actually fucking each other's brains out in real life.  Ok, here are the terms.  You make a video and send it to me.  If I like it, I may send you one.  But I am the sole judge and my ruling is final.  If it is not good enough, then no deal.

Ok.  But play fair.  If it makes you cum, then you have to send me one too.  Tom was so excited.  In the past, Paisley had just either politely declined or teased him without any commitment.  This was the first time she had actually agreed to terms.  His spent cock actually twitched at the thought of seeing her sopping wet pussy.

I will.  I need a shower.  I reek of sex and I am drenched.  Paisley knew that would get a rise out of Tom.  He constantly told her he wanted to simply smell her room after she came.  She would ordinarily be a bit weirded out by a comment like that, but from Tom, she knew he simply enjoyed all aspects of sex.  The sights, sounds, and smells.  He had told her in detail how he loved everything about sex and wanted to experience it with her.  It was such a welcome departure from the idiots she fucked.  They only cared about getting off.

Ok.  I will get to work on your vid after I recover.  Have a great day baby, talk soon.  Tom turned back to his desk to finish his consults for the day.  


Paisley logged on and saw a notice that she had a new message.  It was from Tom.  She opened it and read the message.  It simply said, Here you go, enjoy.  She clicked on the video, not sure what to expect.  Did he really make a video of him masturbating for her?  What would it look like?  She always wondered how big his cock was.  Was it thick?  Did it have a nice head?  When she had asked him to describe it, he had responded that it was capable of doing the job.  She could get no further description from him.  She leaned back on the pillows on her bed and waited.  

The opening shot was in a POV style.  She could see Tom's pants were unzipped already.  A hand reached in and fished out a partially flaccid cock.  Hmmm, she thought, very nice.  His hand wrapped around the shaft and began a slow stroking motion.  As it hardened, she heard Tom moan.  Now his hand was barely encircling the shaft.  Mmmm, that is pretty thick, thicker than every cock she had inside her over the past two years, she thought.  She paused the video and peeled her leggings off. She had come in from a workout and was still sweaty.  After she unhooked her bra, Paisley reached over to the nightstand to retrieve her bullet.  This might get really good and she wanted to be ready. She clicked it on and felt it buzz in her hand.  The sight of Tom's cock was a pleasant surprise.  She was expecting his cock to be average in size.  She would have sucked it and taken it inside her regardless, as she was turned on by him but seeing his size was definitely a bonus.  She leaned back and hit play.

His cock had reached its maximum size at this point.  She could only guess, but it was longer than average.  Eight inches plus was her guess.  Most of the guys she had recently fucked were six inches.  One was seven and that had been fun.  He was a jerk so she only had the one encounter but it had stretched her nicely and touched her in places the others could not reach.  Tom's cock could go where no man had gone before, she was sure of that.  She glided the bullet over her already wet lips. 

In the video, Tom stopped stroking to apply more lotion.  His large hand grasped the shaft again and stroked up to the tip.  He massaged it a circular motion with gentle squeezes.  Paisley had not seen this technique before and decided to file it away for future use.  Tom knew his way around his cock. He certainly knew what he liked.  It must be from all the solo practice, she mused.  She wished she could be there to do it for him.  She also wanted to see if she could fit that gorgeous cock in her mouth.  She had been told by many of the idiots she had been with recently that she gave the best head they ever had.  Too bad for them they would not get repeat performances.

Paisley looked back at the screen in time to see the head of Tom's cock turn a deep purple and a drop of pre-cum leak from the tip.  She had heard him say during their sessions that his head was doing this, but to actually see it aroused her to the next level.  She couldn't remember the last time she had been this turned on.  Her sheets were already soaked.  She would definitely have to change them before going to sleep tonight.  She tugged on her nipples hard.  Panting, beads of sweat formed and dripped from her brow to her nose.  She grunted as she plunged three fingers deep into her sopping wet cunt. 

On the screen, Tom was grunting and breathing hard. The head of his cock had turned an even deeper shade of purple, which she did not think was possible.  Tom's hand was a blur but then slowed down.  He mumbled that he did not want to cum too soon.  He let go of his cock and it stood straight up, twitching slightly.  Paisley thought it was the most beautiful cock she had ever seen.  At least eight inches long, maybe five inches around.  A couple of nice veins ran down the shaft.  The head was a mushroom shape that was a little bigger than the shaft.  She imagined it pressing against her swollen lips, begging for entry.  She shoved a fourth finger into her aching pussy.  She had never been able to do that before.  God, she was close and this was going to be a big one.  

Tom's hand grasped his shaft again and he said he was ready for the finish and asked if she was too.  Yes, she replied out loud to the screen, she fucking was.  She surprised herself that she had spoken out loud and was thankful that her roommate had not come back from work yet.  Tom's hand was again on his thick shaft.  He pumped long, twisting strokes.  Paisley was riveted to the screen, even as her vision blurred slightly as she neared a very powerful orgasm.  With two long twisting strokes, Tom grunted and moaned a single word, "Paisley!"  His swollen head erupted in a fountain of hot sperm.  That was it for Paisley.  Seeing Tom's cock spew so much cum sent her over the edge. Hot juices flowed from her pussy, not squirting in the classic sense but just running out of her and soaking her sheets.  Wave after wave, her orgasm rocked her.  Every muscle clenching, she nearly passed out.  After what seemed like an eternity but was really only a couple of minutes, she regained her faculties.  She reached over to stop the video. 

Still breathing hard, she thought about what she had just witnessed and done.  Tom's cock was magnificent.  It wasn't a porn star behemoth but instead, a much bigger than average specimen.  Perfectly proportioned, she desired to experience it in the flesh.  Seeing him cum and shoot volumes into the air was such a turn on for her.  All of her partners to this point had been average in this area.  A  teaspoon, usually dribbling out or squirting a few inches at best.  Tom's ejaculation was almost a porn film cum-shot.  God, she wanted to feel it shoot all over her breasts and then deep inside her.  Maybe in her ass.  She did love anal.  Could she take that in her ass?  She would love to try.   Now she had to make a video for Tom, as she always kept her promises.  This one would be fun to make.  And more importantly, where would it lead?

To be continued...


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The Bachelorette Party Video

This is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...

3 years ago
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Ashok visit8217s Savita8217s office Comic Video

// It’s a rare day when Ashok gets to leave the office early. He is happy that he can now spend more time with his sexy Savita. He calls her and tells her he will pick her up from work and they can go out later. Savita is also happy and wants to finish her work fast. But what about Savita’s boss Mishraji? Will he let her go without his daily dose of sex? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 28 – Business OR/AND Pleasure. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...

3 years ago
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Kunal Uncle visits Savita and Ashok Comic Video

// Ashok’s Kunal uncle is going to visit them again. Savita bhabhi remembers Kunal uncle’s last visit 3 years back. She had cheated on Ashok for the first time and lusted for Rohit’s dick. Kunal uncle had caught her masturbating in her room. Not just that, she was moaning out Rohit’s name aloud as well! What will Kunal do, seeing his daughter-in-law in this situation? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 25 – Bahu ka Farz. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...

1 year ago
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Latest Porn Video

For people who watch porn every day, there’s nothing better than having access to a website with entirely free videos presented in full length and high quality. When you combine those aspects, you get an amazing website full of possibilities anyone can take advantage of. Well, such a platform is LatestPornVideo, a porn website that’s all about the latest and best porn videos that feel and look like top-tier material. Now, I don’t know about you, but whenever there’s the possibility of watching...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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My First Porn Video

Something happen this evening when Kenny was over here. Peter took off at 2:30PM heading east for his weekly run and the boys were over soon after that. I was on my back with my legs wrapped tight around Kenny who was doing his best to come in me for the third time. I was grinding hard against him to achieve my own umpteenth climax milking his cock with my pussy trying to milk out his juicy sperm from it. I had Jake in my mouth working him to another hardon and all of a sudden my mind went back...

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The Girl in the Video

It's a normal day, like any other day. You don't expect to find anything life altering today. You get up, take a nice warm shower, look at your to do list, put everything off for the time being. You switch on your computer, pull up a porn site expecting a quick jerk to start off your day, when you see it. A video unlike any you've ever quite seen before. There's a camera pointed at a girl. But it's dark. You can't really make her out. Her voice is sexy, her form suggests she might be too. You...

3 years ago
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The Home Made Video

The Home Made Video  This is a continuation of the story of our real life sexual journey. This story is my best recollection of the events that occurred. I have previously written about how we started to explore our sexuality in stories entitled, “The Life and Times of a Horny Couple”. Since this event was a first for us, we put it as a stand-alone story. It really could have been Part 9 of our series though. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest sexual experience.We hadn’t seen Will since...

Wife Lovers
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 7 Music Video

I was dreading this week. It was Homecoming, and Eve Holliday was coming back to shoot her video for Hometown Hero. I was still not happy about her breakup song, as it made me look as though I'd cheated on her. I had told Kendal that I would help her any way I could, and that promise was about to be called in. They were supposed to meet me at the park this morning, and follow me on a run. I grabbed some running clothes, and I made sure I had my Range Sports gear. I went out and stretched...

2 years ago
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Savita8217s promotion her interns Comic Video

// Savita has been working hard at work (fucking Mishraji and giving him blowjobs). But at last, she gets a promotion. With the promotion comes the opportunity to appoint her own personal assistant. Mishraji has given her 3 names, and she has to select one of them. Who will be sexy Savita’s new intern? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 29 – The Intern. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and search, ‘Savita bhabhi videos’. You will...

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Tarun and Varun8217s Birthday Party Comic Video

  // Savita and Shobha plan to celebrate the twins, Tarn and Varun’s birthday next week. The plans are so hot that they end up enjoying lesbian sex! But what about the party? They plan to dress up as sexy school girls like the ones in porn films. But on the day of the party, they end up sexily clad in front of their father, Amit! Amit gets very angry when he sees what Savita and Shobha are doing to his sons. Savita is afraid that he will tell everyone about her secret. So what does Amit...

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Savita8217s Hot Photoshoot Comic Video

  // Savita’s boss, Mishraji, was very happy with her work. Now, Savita is looking for a promotion. So Mishraji gives her the responsibility of getting the photo shoot for the company. A world-famous photographer will be coming, and Savita has to take care of all his needs. Savita is desperate for promotion and wants to prove herself to her boss. But will she be able to pull off the photoshoot smoothly? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 26 – Sexy Photoshoot.   Liked...

4 years ago
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How Savita started sexercise Comic Video

Everyone knows about Savita Bhabhi’s hot and sexy figure. She always looks fresh and ready to fuck any time. Her big boobs and tight pussy are always ready to give and get pleasure. Not just that, she can fuck in any possible position, and that too for a long time! But what are the secrets of her stamina and supple body? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 30 – Sexercise – How it all began.   Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and...

3 years ago
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Savita becomes a Sexy Secretary Comic Video

  Savita worked hard in her office, but worked harder to impress her bosses. At last, she receives a call she has been waiting for so long. The big boss, Bade Saheb, has called her to become his personal secretary. Savita is very happy with the offer. But who is Bade Saheb and why does he want Savita as his secretary? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 31 – Sexy Secretary. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and search, ‘Savita bhabhi...

3 years ago
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Savita goes to a special tailor Comic Video

Savita needs to get new blouses stitched as she has a new set of sexy sarees. She is looking for a tailor when one of her friends recommends Shankar. She goes to the shop, and Shankar asks his assistant to take Savita’s measurements for a blouse. Shankar’s motto is  – Satisfaction Guaranteed. But Savita wonders whose satisfaction it is about. Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 32 – Savita’s Special Tailor.   Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to...

2 years ago
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Savita8217s Skimpy Beach Bikini Comic Video

Savita was getting bored at home on the weekend when she got a call from Vedant. Vedant had helped her get a job promotion, so she owed him a favor. But Vedant, anyways, had a plan that excited Savita. He asked her to come to the beach and even bought a bikini for her. Vedant asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his friends. But will his friends believe that a sexy bhabhi like Savita is his girlfriend? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 33 – Sexy Summer...

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Slutty Savita8217s Secretary Training Comic Video

Savita is working hard at her new job, and the boss is also taking advantage of her sexy figure. The clients get to enjoy her sluttiness while she gives her presentation. But is Bade Saheb happy with her work? Why does he want to meet her husband, Ashok? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 34 – Sexy Secretary 2.   Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and search, ‘Savita bhabhi videos’. You will see the official Savita bhabhi video site in...

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Savita and Shobha go to Play Tennis Comic Video

Savita bhabhi is bored at home as there’s nothing interesting on TV. Just then Shobha comes home with an idea of playing tennis. Both the friends go to the tennis class dressed in sexy tennis outfits. The coach was very happy to see them and was already paying them a lot of attention. But what about the other members? Will the other ladies let go of their handsome coach so easily? Will they let Savita and Shobha become the coaches favorites? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi:...

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Caught On Video

Last night I stumbled on a video that I can't stop thinking about, making it impossible to hide my raging hard on all day at school. All I can think about is getting home, releasing this bulge from my tight jeans, watching the video again, and jerking off until I unload my balls, covering my hand in hot jizz. Even for a sex-crazed 16 year-old boy I'm way hornier than usual. I've seen plenty of porn and a few teasing videos from girls at school, which I like, but this one? This one is amazing....

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First Handjob Video

“First Handjob” Video Hello, I’m Annetta. Oh god. Yep, that’s me. Did you hear about what I did in the bar with that guy last week? Well look, before you go judging me, listen to my side of the story. First of all, I am not going to make any excuses about being too drunk or whatever. I had a buzz, of course, but I knew what I was doing. Wait, let me start at the beginning. I’m 23 years old and I am a first year grad student at Cal. I’ve been dating my current boyfriend, Lewis for about two...

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My first gangbang video

So, my husband had started a website, posted some outtakes from our honeymoon video, and a few from the videos we had made when he taped me fucking other guys, and it started to gain some members.A couple contacted us and told us that they were planning to make a gangbang video and asked if we wanted to participate. Another swingers group was having a bar meet downtown, and they wanted to rent a room upstairs in the hotel and shoot the video. They organized the party and had another couple who...

2 years ago
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Making My First Amateur Porn Video

I would like to tell everyone our story, and how we got to the point we have over the years and experiences. This will take a few instalments, as we have been doing this for years, but thought best to start at the beginning, so bear with me! I will get to the crazy gangbangs and video shoots soon enough!My husband and I started living together when we were both 18 years old.Previously, he had been living with two older single moms as their "boy toy", and I would come over to babysit when the...

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Thats My Babysitter In That Porn Video

Following my divorce, my company transferred me across the country and the custody agreement with the ex allowed me to have my daughter for six months then she would go back to her mother’s place on the West Coast for another six. I had a deadline rapidly approaching and desperately needed some uninterrupted time in my home office to complete my reports. I called my usual babysitter and she apologized but had accepted another job for the evening. I explained my situation and asked if she had...

Straight Sex
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Man watches my wife on video

I recently went on a business trip out of state. I was going to be there for almost a week and knew that I would most likely be eating dinners at the hotel. So, a I picked a nice place that had a couple of options for food. There was a swanky restaurant and a casual bar where food you could also order food. After a day of travel and a hand full of meetings, I was ready to sit down and have a beer and a burger. I went to the bar and sat down. Shortly after I ordered a beer and asked for a menu,...

4 years ago
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Educational Video

My name is Beth and I am 29 years old. I am 5'7" tall and I weigh 125 pounds. I have dark hair and dark eyes. I've been married for the last 11 years to my childhood sweetheart. His name is Billy. Billy and I grew up in a small town in west Texas. We were both raised as strict Christians, and I do mean strict. Billy and I were both virgins when we got married because that's the way we were taught it was supposed to be. When I was sixteen my mother sat me down to explain sex to me. Having...

1 year ago
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SweetHeart Video

SweetheartVideo! Let's talk about the ‘L' word. No, not the sappy, sentimental one. The one about the best kind of girl-girl bonding anyone woman can ever experience and any guy can ever see – lesbianism. Sadly, most homosexual females in the real world are either too focused on their careers, attending to their cats, or planning their next trip of hiking through the Ozarks, rather than making out at the bars for our delight.But sites like have you covered. No matter who you...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Savita Bhabhi Fucks Her Cousin 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi and her cousin brother fulfill their old sexual fantasy. Our sexy bhabhi seduces her cousin with her hot moves and surrenders her sexy body to him. Watch this video where Savita Bhabhi fucks her cousin. You can read the dialogues in English while hearing Bhabhi’s moans. You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below. You will get a FREE...

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The Video

Once again need to put that disclaimer so everyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size knows this is a work of total fiction. As far as any action goes if it resembles anything real that is a complete accident. This post is the result of an idle mind.The VideoMy name if Ron, I’m actually a senior citizen dealing with ED so sex is mainly something I wish I could do. Can still masturbate but it takes a while, which is pretty frustrating.My background is in TV and productions as a tech. Retired...

4 years ago
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A 8216Desi8217 cure for Ashok Comic Video

Kunal uncle has invited Ashok and Savita to his son’s wedding in the village. They take Shobha with them. Shobha is excited as she has never been to a village before. Once there, Kunal uncle devises a plan to take Savita away as he wants to enjoy a good fuck with her. Ashok is jealous of the attention that his wife is getting. But he also realises that he has been feeling weak lately. He talks about this to his childhood friend, who takes him to the village ‘vaid’. The ‘vaid’ gives him some...

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Savita Bhabhi8217s Cousin Comes Visiting 8211 Free Comic Video

In this episode of the Savita Bhabhi video, her cousin comes to visit her. He is the one who had taken Savita’s virginity when she was young. Savita bhabhi could not forget her first fuck. She was now looking forward to his visit. She was having a hot bath and was getting hotter thinking about her first sex. What does our sexy Bhabhi do with her cousin he comes home?   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos...

2 years ago
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Servant Gets Savita Bhabhi Naked 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s new servant, Manoj, gives a massage to our sexy Bhabhi. While giving the massage, slowly, he removes all her clothes and his as well. Watch and hear the video of Savita Bhabhi getting a sensual massage by her servant. You can read the conversation while you hear Bhabhi moan in pleasure. You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below. You...

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Shania Twain the Making of a Video

Shania his twisting her way around the diner, rubbing her hot body against different studs acting as patrons as she sings her song; Whose bed have your boots been under? And Whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? And who did you run to? And whose lips... She rubs her taught tits against the back on one of the younger cowpokes, who snickers at feeling her nipples brushing his back. "Cut!" Yells the videos director. "C'mon you guys. How many takes...

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Recording our raunchy romp in mom's room. by Oediplex 8==3~ One morning I saw the oddest sight. I guess mom thought I had already left. I was due for playing over at my buddy's house that Saturday. In fact, I had left, but remembering I had promised to bring a magazine, I returned, having not gotten far. The door to her room was open a little, so as I passed it, I caught a glimpse of her. She was not fully dressed yet. Of course, that got my attention. Mom is a beautiful...

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sister’s Cartoon Video I’m 18 years old and at this time work three days a week, while I’m waiting to start at university next year. I just came home from my part time job. As I entered the house, I called out to check if anyone was home. But, no one answered. So, I walked up stairs checked everyone’s room then walk back downstairs and checked the backyard out. Not finding anyone, I walked into the lounge room. I decided to settle down to watch some TV. On, finding nothing on, I started...

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Cheer Video

Becky was trying to catch her breath.  Cheerleading practice had ended a little over an hour ago but the young girl was at it practicing her tumbling and dance routines to the stereo.  She wondered why she was having so much difficulty getting it this time, when everything else had come to her naturally.  Becky was the captain of her JV team last year.  She was also the youngest in her squad and the coach promoted her to the varsity team earlier than anyone else had done it.  She knew part of...

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