Last Full Measure free porn video

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Last Full Measure By Ellie Dauber © 2010 This is another story of Jakov Pauli, an assassin who specializes in identity death. * * * * * For the third time, Mike Ryan stared up from his booth at the clock on the wall of the diner. "14:33 hours," he mumbled under his breath. "He's late." "In point of fact," a voice said, "that clock is five minutes fast. I am early." Mike spun around. A tall, slender man - about 40, Mike guessed - stood looking down at him. "Are you Pauli?" Mike asked. "I am Jakov Pauli," the other replied. "And you, I would assume are Sergeant Michael Ryan." "Mike's good enough," he said with a heavy sigh, "'specially when I'm sitting here in civvies." Pauli glanced down at the man. 'Almost civvies,' he thought. The other man wore a gray "Property of the U.S. Army" T-shirt under an opened pale green "Hawaiian" shirt that was covered with a swarm of bright blue and yellow flowers. Aloud he answered, "Mike then, may I join you?" "Please." He gestured at the chair on the other side of the table. As the man sat, Mike studied him. He had a narrow face, with an aquiline nose and jet black hair combed straight back. His dark grey suit was well-tailored and looked to have cost more than a couple months' of a soldier's pay. The waitress, a plump, gray-haired woman in a blue uniform set an empty cup down in front of Pauli. "Coffee, dear?" she asked in a motherly tone. "Yes." He looked up at her with a smile. "Thank you." She filled the cup with a pot she was holding. "Menu's right there." She pointed at two yellow cards in a rack attached to the napkin holder. "You boys just let me know when you're ready to order." "Sure thing, Roz," Ryan answered. He waited while she walked back from their booth at the back of the eatery and taken a seat at the long lunch counter before speaking. "I know it's a little late for lunch, but you really should try their pie. Ira, he's the cook, bakes it fresh every morning." He paused a beat. "When I was... in country, sometimes, I'd- I'd spend hours thinking about... thinking about a slice of Ira's apple pie, piping hot and with a scoop of vanilla - Mr. Pauli, I understand that you kill people for a living." "I do - in a way." He spoke casually with no surprise at the abrupt change of subject or the nature of the question. "I prefer to say that I remove obstacles." He looked into Mike Ryan's eyes as if he already knew the answer to what he was about to ask. "Whom did you wish me to... remove?" "Me. I want you to kill me... please." "Might I ask why?" "You're a professional, aren't you?" Mike waited until Pauli nodded before he continued. "I'll pay you to kill me, what more do you need than that?" "Normally, that _would_ be enough, but, in this instance, I must admit to some curiosity." "And if I don't tell you?" "Then I shall leave, without removing you, without even having that slice of pie you recommended." "I'll just get somebody else to do it. Hell, I could just as easily do it myself." "Then why don't you. You're in the military. You suggested that you'd even been in combat, so you most certainly are familiar with weapons. That being the case, why do you feel the need to hire my services?" "Because... because however much I want to die, I - my father, my family, they just wouldn't understand. It would destroy them if they thought I-I couldn't take it, that I went psycho and offed myself." "Are you certain that you want to die? The regard you show for your family is more what I should expect of a man who wants to live." "That's just it. I do want to live. I-I just can't live with myself." "Iraq... Afghanistan," he continued. "I've been over there three times, I just got called back again. I leave in two weeks." He looked down at the table and shook his head. "I can't do it, lead men into combat. Have them depend on me for their very lives." He sighed. "I've seen men die, Mr. Pauli, not just the enemy - friends." "The last time... we were on patrol north of Kabul. Frank Antonelli and a new guy were in the first vehicle - Frank was driving. It... hit a mine. The new guy was lucky; he just lost his right leg from the knee down. Frank - when I got to him, he was sitting up against the side of a house, trying to." Ryan made a sound that was almost a sob. "He was trying to shove his guts back into what was left of his belly. He looked up at men and said, 'damn, I almost made it.' Then he just closed his eyes and... and died." "I trained with Frank; we were best friends, in the same unit for two years. We had each other's back in combat more times than I can count, and each time we got out alive, we got stinking drunk together to celebrate. And..." He gave a deep sigh. "...ten days - ten fucking _days_ -- before we were due to be rotated out of that hellhole, he buys it. I-I can't go back to that." Now he _was_ sobbing. "I just can't. And I can't live with myself for being too much of a damned coward to want to not go back." Ryan looked up at Pauli, his eyes still glistening with tears. "Does that answer your shit-assed question?" "It does." He put his hand on the soldier's shoulder. "You are hardly a coward for what you are feeling." "Then you'll do it, you'll kill me?" "Not exactly." "What the hell does that mean?" "I do not kill people. I... remove them. I have - my family has - a talent for altering reality. You will not die. Michael Ryan will not have been born. You will have always lived some other life." "Mr. Pauli, if it's possible, you're crazier than I am." "I do not believe you are crazy, Mr. Ryan... Mike, you are just very troubled by the horrors of what you have lived through." "Assuming that you aren't crazy, that what you said is true, will I - will I remember?" "No, and no one else, save myself will remember you." Mike sighed. "Well, there's a mercy in that." He reached into the pocket of his "Hawaiian" shirt and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "What about this?" He handed it to Pauli. "Your check?" Pauli looked at the paper, a certified check for the amount he had mentioned when the two men had talked by phone to set up the meeting. "It will be attended to, I assure you." He took what looked like a silver cigarette case from an inside pocket of his jacket, put the check in it, and put it back in his pocket. Ryan sat up straight. "Do it; do it right now." "I shall, but, first, there is one additional fact that I feel ethically bound to tell you. The new - the alternative life - that you will be reborn into, it will be as a female." "A broad, why the hell is that?" "I do not know the reason. A gender change is always part of the process. Man to woman, woman to man, it is just a fact of the transformation." "What the hell." He shrugged. "I screwed up my life as a man. Maybe I'll do better as a girl. Go ahead. Give me your best shot." Pauli took a thin, foot-long rod from inside his jacket. It seemed to be made of the same silvery metal as the case he'd just put the check in. He pointed it at Mike and spoke a few words. He spoke in a low voice, and, close as Mike was, he couldn't make out a word or even be sure of what language the other man had spoken. "Is that it?" Mike asked. Ryan nodded. "Subtlety is very much a part of the magic." Mike was about to speak when the room filled with an odd gray light. He stared wide-eyed as he - and everyone else in the room -- froze in place. Mike blinked, still aware of what was happening. He wondered if Roz and that other, blonde waitress behind the lunch counter knew that their reality was changing over in a corner of the room. "And so it begins," Pauli said. He never knew who or what a subject - he _never_ thought of them as victim - would become. He did hope that Mike Ryan's new life would be a pleasant one. As he watched, the man began t shrink. Pauli had judged him as being just over six foot tall when they'd met. Now, he was no more than five foot six. He was thinner, as well. The well-developed muscles of an active, male warrior melted away, leaving a slender form that was almost lost in a much bigger man's clothing. Mike felt a tingling, like a mild shock run through him. He could feel his sandy-brown hair growing out from the short, military cut he'd worn for so very long, down over his ears, down the back of his neck, and further yet. He didn't know it, but it had darkened to a coppery brown with blonde highlights His chest itched. 'My new breasts,' he told himself. Then he shivered as a gust of air brushed against his legs. He had known that he was getting smaller, as he watched the perspective of the room shift. 'I must be tiny, now, if my pants fall down.' His exposed legs developed a delightful, very feminine set of curves, as his waist narrowed, and his butt grew out. The breasts that he had felt grew larger, plums to delightful C-cup melons with large, dark nipples the size of half dollars. His smaller, now soft hands had longer, more slender fingers with well-shaped half-inch long nails. There was a sudden lurch, and they were now seated on two stools a few feet apart at the lunch counter. Ryan's pants and shoes were back at the booth, and his now oversized socks dangled on his tiny feet. 'Interesting,' Pauli thought. 'Apparently, I am still a part of her new reality.' The grayness diminished, but it was still there. Mike found that he could move again. "Am I..." A hand shot down to grope his groin. "Gone!" he muttered, as a finger discovered the feminine slit where his manhood had been. "I'm a girl now, Mr. Pauli, but I'm still Mike Ryan. What went wrong?" "Nothing," the slender man answered. "The transformation is far from completed." Mike felt his - her -- clothes shifting. Her shirt grew downward, almost to her knees. As the dress it had become tightened to fit her new curves, the colors muted into a forest green with a few yellow flowers. The bottom of her Army T-shirt, now hidden under the dress, moved up to just below her breasts. What was left tightened around those breasts, while the sleeves vanished and the collar widened. In a moment, only the thin strap of a bra stretched over her shoulders. The gray cotton of the T-shirt changed to a silky, pale green nylon. At the same time, her boxers tightened around her hips and ass to become a matching panty. The tops of her socks slid slowly up her legs. The material became more sheer as it moved, until the two pieces met and merged at her waist to become a pair of pantyhose. The part of the hose covering each foot split into two parts. The inner became sheer hose, while the outer part hardened. A piece grew out from each heel, and, in a moment, she wore a pair of shoes the same green as her dress, with a two-inch heel. "Unbe-fucking-lievable." Ryan exclaimed. Them the same magic moved her down to the end of the counter, well away from Pauli. She shook her head in surprise. "And I'm still... still me." For some reason, her eyes filled with tears. "What's the matter with me?" she moaned. She felt dizzy, but, she knew, all of a sudden, that it was understandable." The last of the grayness disappeared. The younger waitress, the one behind the lunch counter, came over to where Pauli was now sitting. "You ready to order, hon?" "In a minute," he answered, then pointed to the woman Ryan had become. "That young woman over there, she seems very upset about something. Do you know why? He thought he might as well explore this new reality his magic had created. The waitress nodded. "I do, but I don't know if I should say anything; you being a stranger and all." "Please do; perhaps I can be of some assistance." Roz had been close enough to overhear. "Oh, go ahead and tell him, Mandy. It's not like it's anything she should be ashamed of. Besides, just about everybody else knows." "Oh, all right." She leaned in towards Pauli and began to speak in a low voice. "Her name's Shelly, Shelly Ryan. She was a sergeant over in Afghanistan, but the Army sent her home when she got pregnant. Her and her fianc?, Tony - the guy that _got_ her pregnant, was supposed to get married when he came home, but he got killed by a mine or something about two weeks before he was set to leave. She's living with her folks, now, but her dad cot cut back to part time, and she can't get a job. The Army isn't helping much, so there ain't a whole lot of money for her or the baby." Pauli stood up. "Thank you, Mandy." He picked up his half-filled coffee cup and walked over to the girl. As he approached he could see that she was now about six months pregnant. "Excuse me, Ms. Ryan," he said softly. "May I speak with you for a moment?" Shelly looked up from the counter she'd been staring at. "I-I guess, what do you want?" "A... ah, a former client of mine, a friend of your late fianc? --" "He knew Frank? Was he someone in Frank's outfit?" "I really cannot say. In any event, you would not recognize his name. He was, however, a very close friend of Frank Antonelli." He reached into his jacket pocket. 'I've done this for years,' he thought, and the magic still surprises me.' He took out the small, silver case, opened it, and handed her the paper that was still inside. "My client would want you to have this." She took the paper and opened it. "This is a check," she said, her eyes wide. "And for so much, why?" "For you, and for the baby you are so obviously carrying, to pay for some of the things you will both need." He sighed and told himself that a bit of pro bono work once in a while wasn't that bad an idea. She looked at the check again, then at Pauli. "Gringotts, I don't think I've ever heard of that bank." "It is a very real bank, I assure you, very old and very well established, with a rather specialized clientele. She looked at the check again, her eyes glistening, but a smile on her lips. "This will help _so_ much. I-I don't know how to thank you." "No thanks are necessary - really." "Please, I can certainly afford it now." "Very well, you can buy me a slice of apple pie. I've been given to understand that it is rather good - especially when topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream." "Amazing, that's just the way I like it. We'll each have some pie. And we'll eat it in honor of the wonderful man, whoever he is, who gave me a way to get on with my life." "An excellent idea and one that I am quite certain he would have liked." The End * * * * * I got the idea for this story while watching the new HBO documentary about the history of shell shock/combat fatigue/post traumatic stress disorder last Thursday. Veterans' Day should be a celebration of American's veterans and what they've accomplished and what they've sacrificed on our behalf, not a discussion of what the stress of war has done to them and of how poorly they - and all of us -- have been at handling it. I'm proud to be the child of two veterans. My father was in the Army Signal Corps, and my mother served as an Army nurse. This story is dedicated, belatedly, to them and to all their fellow veterans and to all of those currently serving who, I sincerely hope, will all live to become the healthy, honored, and successful veterans they deserve to be. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and the USO are two real organizations that run all manner of support programs for those now serving and those who have served in the wars in those two countries and their families. The IAVA website is, and the USO may be found at

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Ride to fullfillment1

tonight is different... you got on later than I did, and you looked round the carriage, I’m the only other person in it.... you surprise me by coming and sitting opposite me... as I look up at you, you glance at me and smile...... even trying to concentrate on my book I can feel your presence..Smell your perfume... you cross your legs and I can see your skirt slide up your thigh... I can’t take my eyes off your legs, and I can see your wearing stockings and suspenders!! The train is moving...

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paid in full2

--- "Shit!" That was the first thing I heard you say. That was the first thing I heard you say after your car ran into my car in the parking lot. More like plowed into the rear of my car, popping the trunk. We examine our cars. Yours doesn't have much if any damage. Mine is going to be in the shop for a week. Teach me to drive a fancy new car. Your older car is servicing you well through grad school. And that's when you drop the next bomb. "Sorry mister, I didn't mean to hit...

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paid in full1

I went to him and asked him to front me a zip, nothing too major I thought, I'd sell to all of his old clientele and have the cash back by the end of the week. That was the deal. Until those fuck heads robbed me. And now, here I was standing in my bathroom examining the black eye and split lip in the medicine cabinet mirror. I wasn't a big guy, I had a wiry build that made me appear far weaker than I was. I had a shock of jet black hair, and my skin was just a few shades above sickly...

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Geofs bad sex made Carol unfaithfull

Please remember that in the 60's sex was not taught in schools, publishing a story (even true) like this one could put me in jail and only doctors knew where woman's erogenous zones were. As we experimented in our sexual lives we had to each learn the hard way and being taboo your partner usually would not tell you what was wanted. There were many false beliefs about sex and faulty attitudes which led to repression in females. Many guys thought that when married you just hopped on and...

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Fantasy Fullfiled

Once she dated a guy who was into swinging and encouraged her to join in but she was too inexperienced and shy to participate but I convinced her that she could participate by blowing the guys that came around. She shyly admitted that she didn't know how to suck a guy off. Well, one night I gave her a short lesson one the fine art of blowjobs and she graduated with honors. Later she said she was a much sought after fellatrix at the parties. Well, anyway, we had been teasing each other...

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paid in full0

Just as he promised, a tow-truck pulled up about 30 minutes later and a heavyset older black gentleman got out and came over to me. I learned his name was Donald (figured it out by looking at his name tag). Donald spoke with me, laying down my options as he went to work getting my car up onto the trucks flatbed. I could tell from Donald’s voice that he was the guy I spoke with on the phone. As we talked I noticed that he was giving me the ‘One Over‘. I was wearing a tube top (no bra), a...

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cheating to fullfill fantasies

After some time corresponding name to name we got a little closer to each other and she agreed to call me by telephone. She was married but was out for an experience, and she had not believed herself reacting to those things I had put on print. She was surprised that it had such a massive reaction on her. She admitted in the phone that she was already turned on. Her husband was on a business trip for some days and she had the possibility to have me come to her place. To turn her really on I...

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Wilfully Disobedient

Karen still couldn’t quite believe it.   Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt.   Three times she had been to bed with him.   And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling.   There was no question about it……Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with.   Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but nevertheless,...

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Married males curiousity fullfilled

As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...

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Fullfillment of Love

It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

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Party Girl Journals 5 Fullfilment

P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 *All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty.* At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of, even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...

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Taking a bellyfull

Amy had done pretty well for herself since joining Localair, a small regional air carrier in the South West. Her goal was to be an air stewardess, but Localair required its stewardesses to have a second language at ‘A’ level standard and she didn’t have that. She had started off as a ground stewardess on Localair’s check-in, but within a year she had been promoted to Team Leader. Now, another year on and she is about to start her first day as Shift Manager. It was still dawn as Peter watched...

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SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

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unfaithfull with consequences

My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...

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Fullfilled Fantasies Part I

“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...

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FullMetal Panic Kaname Tessas First Time

It was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...

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FullMetal Panic Tessas Love Adventure

You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...

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Fantasy Fullfilled

It had been a week since I had confessed my fantasy. I admit I was surprised at her response. She actually made my fantasy come true, well not exactly. You see I told her I fantasized about being fucked in the ass, so she produced a strap-on and did just that. She tried to convince me to go all the way with my fantasy; even promising me that she could make it happen easily.We both had quite a week and Friday night was finally here. Sitting on the couch we were having cocktails and discussing...

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Be carfull what you wish for part 2 a sissy story

My life was over everybody i ever knew saw what a cocksucking sissy slut i was. My parents threw me out instantly none of my friends wanted to talk to me anymore. I had to leave my hometown where i was public talk number one and left for the capital. I stayed at a hotel for a few days but soon i was running out of cash. i had no cash no job and nowhere to go i was desperate.So i had no other choice than to phone daddy. Yes exactly the guy who fucked me in front of my parents postet everything...

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Be carfull what you wish for part 1 a sissy story

I was about 22 and i was crossdressing for a few years now. Always hidden and only in my room. I often took pics and postet them on porn sites. It gave me a real kick to get strong man turned on. The rest of my life i was just a normal student boy still living at his parents and nobody new about my hobbies or would even suggest that im not straight but that changed soon.... Maby it were the sissy hypnos but soon my desire for cock became overwhelming so i started looking around on dating sites...

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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay.  Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...

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Curiosity fullfilled plowed by black Trans

You up? Read the text message from Trinity. Yep I responded, your dick up too? She replied, always I sent back to her. Trinity was an attractive transgender black female whom I had exchanged numbers with through a mutual female friend. We messaged back and forth for a few days, I had mentioned I was curious and wanted to try being with a trans. Trinity said she gets that a bunch and that she may be a bit much for a first timer. I didn't care however, she was attractive and I wanted it. She...

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Growing up in a housefull of women Long version

GROWING UP IN A HOUSE FULL OF WOMENThis story is a little different than other stories I have written and submitted. Some of you may like it…Some of you won’t. (I suppose that is the norm with every story on this forum).This is part of my real life experiences. Yes. They are true.The main characters are as follows: Billy (Me), Aunt Judy (Thelma's Sister), Grandma Thelma, Cousin Kelly (Judy’s daughter), and my s!ster, Michelle. We all live in a very matriarchal household. I am the only boy in 5...

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Black Balls Overfull with Spunk

So there we are my BIG HUNK-Bruno is still in the prison as he was a naughty boy and got locked up. The crime he did need his huge frame and muscle power, he was the right man for that!I wish the open day was every day and I could have a nice filling of my pussy so often as I need it....mmmm.All the prisoners between 18 and 40 had their medical done, this included a full sexual check up and sperm count. They said it was so that the medics could understand the urges and some sex crimes of the...

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SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

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Koena Bold And Bootyfull

Hi guys, Shaumit here back with another story. So about me, I am 21years old from Mumbai. I am a media graduate. Got average looks, a bit muscular body and pretty good sized dick. So, the story is going to be in Hindi. Ye kahani jo main aap sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hu ye kuch bhi planned nahi tha. Jab ye sab hua tab mujhe khudko vishwaas nahi ho raha tha ki ye sab real mein ho raha hai. To sab ladke apne lund ko pakadke hilane ke liye aur sab ladkiya chut geeli hone ke liye tayar ho...

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Naa Senior College Mate Ni Hyderabad Velli Fullga Denga

Hai friends, na peru kumar, andhra pradesh, tadepalligudem, west godavari. Na age 28 yrs, nenu b sc computers chesanu, tanuku lo. I am athelitic shape na body. I am 5. 8 feet height. Fair and baguntavani anni andaru antaru. Evaraina contact cheste neke telustundi aunties and ladies. And enko vishayam nenu defence lo service chestunna. Indian army lo. So anni states nenu vellavalsi vastundi, so mana andhra married and unmarried ladies and aunties fullga contact cheyavachu emi mohamatam...

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