Submission Pt4 free porn video

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Chapter 4

The morning after that first night with Fred, we didn't get up until noon. I had mom dress in garter-belt, stockings, high-heels and the French bra. This left her nipples and pussy exposed. We then had her apply her makeup with the most exaggerated and sexy look that we could think of. Fred and I grabbed at her constantly, but she didn't seem as happy about the attention as she had the previous night. We took her to the kitchen and put her to work cooking a big breakfast, because we had worked up a powerful appetite.

Mom whipped up fried eggs with bacon and biscuits for us, and she had the usual plate of fresh fruit. She ate like the lady that she was, but Fred and I wolfed down the grub as though it was our last meal. She still finished before us because we insisted on seconds.

When she placed my plate in front of me again, I massaged one of her breasts as she leaned down. Taking her nipple between thumb and forefinger, I slowly applied more and more pressure until I knew that the pain must be quite severe. She never even tried to pull away. She stood in place, with her eyes closed and tolerated my harmful abusing of her tit.

Fred must have felt left out because he said, "Hey, what about me."

I ignored him. After all, she was my slave, not his.

As I released her throbbing nipple from my grip, I had an idea that should please him and me.

"Slut, I think Fred and I would like some entertainment while we eat. Get up on the table. I want you to squat, with your legs spread wide so that we can poke at your pussy. And I warn you, I don't know why, but I'm in a mean mood all of a sudden."

Mom looked angered by my comment, as she carefully used a chair to climb onto the tabletop. I pushed some things out of the way and pointed to a spot in front of me. She awkwardly lowered herself until that hot hairy hole was directly in front of me. She used her hands to hold her legs apart and asked, "Is this how my master would like me?" But there was sarcasm in her voice.

I nodded my head in the affirmative then began twisting the dark hairs of her pussy, taking delight in the winces of pain that shook her body as I did so.

"You know something, Fred?" I asked, "I just love the way her bosoms jiggle when I give her cunt hair a tug." Then I pulled especially hard and was rewarded with a yelp and the bouncing tits that I so loved to see.

"Hey, I want to play too, you know."

"Of course my friend. Mother dear; take your nasty cunt over to Fred so he can have a few pulls on the old pussy."

She was not happy with the turn of events and didn't try to hide it. There was anger on her face, but she did as she was told, pivoting to her left and giving full access to her wide-open loins. Fred's hand dove in between her thighs and mother was quickly yipping and bouncing to our delight.

Finally, she could take our assault no longer. So she knocked his hand away, closed her legs and stood up, loudly protesting, "God damn it, enough is enough. I enjoy being your play toy, but there are times when I just don't feel like it and you're just going to have to live with that."

As she quickly scrambled to the floor, I ran the scene though my mind and realized that she wasn't really into this slave thing like she was last night. It was an attitude that she had carried with her since she had climbed out of bed this morning, but I hadn't gotten a handle on it until now. She wanted to be my slave all right, but she actually only intended to act as such when she wanted too. Man oh man, was I pissed! I hadn't worked at this for so long and hard to have her cop an attitude whenever it suited her.

My reaction was born of instinctive anger. I slapped her just as hard as I could. She went flying across the kitchen and landed hard on her ass.

She was hurt, but still very mad. I had trembled in fear at that look from her when I was younger, but now I was a master and not about to have this bitch defy me. But she was determined to gain the upper hand.

"Listen to me, sonny boy, I've played along for now, and we've all had some fun, but this has gone far enough. If you lay another hand on me, I'll have your ass in a sling."

A cool calm washed over me. When I glanced at Fred, his look was one of shear terror. I knew then that he would never be a true master. I also knew that I was a real master from the top of my head down to my toes; and that mother was a submissive slut who would bend to my will, if I forced her to do so.

I walked toward her with deliberate steps and, just as she was standing up, I stuck her in the abdomen with the heel of my hand. It was a perfect blow, right in the solar plexus. I heard the air rush out of her lungs as my open hand went deep into her belly. She almost lost consciousness, as she lay on her side with a stunned look on her face.

"Fred, run upstairs and get me two large bath towels. Don't ask any fucking questions and don't be a fucking wimp, just do it."

The fright that was written all over his face, told me that he was near panic. I hoped that he would respond to my strong orders and fall into step as I commanded. He opened his mouth to speak, but I immediately raised my hand with the finger pointing to the stairs. He sighed and took off to do as he was told.

I grabbed mom by the hair and the wrist of one arm then dragged her into the den. By this time, I had a supply of toys stashed in there for mom and me to play with. So, when Fred came into the den, he found mother with a ball gag in her mouth and her hands bound together. He still seemed nervous, but he was going along with me on this and I knew that he was committed now.

A few minutes later found mother hanging from the bookshelf, as I had done to her before. Her hands high above her head, her legs spread wide and held up with the bath towels, her naked pussy open and vulnerable. Her tits, from which I had removed the bra, swayed nicely as she yelled at me through the gag.

I stood before her and slowly removed my clothes. I ignored her pleas and with a deliberate move, I took the whipping strap from the desk and wrapped it around my hand.

She was shaking her head no and begging for mercy through the gag, but I was not in a merciful mood. I moved in close and gave her a short speech.

"I'm very disappointed in you mother. You know full well that I'm a true master and would never accept this behavior from any slave. You acknowledged at the beginning of this training period that you now belong to me and that I could use you as I saw fit. Furthermore, you and I both know what a submissive slut you really are. Perhaps you thought that I could be easily controlled when you didn't feel like 'playing', to use your word, but you were wrong. I was quite serious in my explanation of our relationship, and I was quite serious about the ramifications of disobedience. You deserve to be punished. You have embarrassed me in front of my most trusted friend and now you will suffer."

When I finished talking, she was in tears, but she nodded her head yes. I knew that she had accepted the inevitable, so I decided to use that to calm Fred down.

"You do agree that you need to be punished, don't you?"

A muffled "Yes Master," through the gag.

"Apologize to Fred for causing such a ruckus. Just say it in plain language, we'll understand you."

She looked over to Fred, who stood mesmerized, and mumbled something about being sorry and how she did deserve to be punished. I understood very little of it, but it sounded very apologetic, so I was satisfied.

I was pissed for two reasons really; first, because she had copped such a shitty attitude, and second, because we had worked her over the night before. I just didn't want her to be damaged beyond her current state. Nevertheless, discipline was called for, and if I carefully applied the lash, she would suffer plenty.

"Bosoms," I yelled out at her. Then I sent the wide strap crashing into her left breast. Ignoring her scream through the gag, I swiftly laid another on her right. I would pause for a few brief moments, and then go after those fat knockers again and again. They weren't welting so much as they were turning a bright red. From mother's screams, tears and muffled pleas, I knew that it must be very painful.

When I finally quit the breast torture, I went over to Fred and handed him the strap. He took it. The understanding look that he gave me, and the tent in his trousers, told me that he would love to be a part of this disciplinary process.

I whispered to him, "Strip! Let her see that you enjoy hurting her, but don't damage her. Remember, we did a number on her last night and I don't want her to take forever to recover, but make sure she suffers. Then, we're going to fuck her brains out, making sure that she doesn't come. That's important, Fred. That's part of her punishment." He nodded in agreement.

Turning back to her, I said, "You offended Fred as much as me. He will lash your cunt until he is satisfied and I expect you to offer it to him to show your sorrow at having been such a selfish bitch."

The weariness in her body was evident by the way she drooped in the restraints. She didn't look good at all and I was concerned for her physical well-being, but she had brought this on herself, and I couldn't back down now. I backed away from her, giving Fred room to maneuver. He moved in, ready for action.

I was going to say one last thing, when Fred spoke up. "I had a great time with you last night. You made my fantasies come true, and then you ruined it all this morning, with your rotten 'cunt' attitude. I'll accept nothing but your screams and tears as an apology, so put that pussy out here, where I can really lay into it.

I was surprised and proud of my buddy. He was smart and caught on quick. You had to dominate this woman or she would dominate you.

With a grunt, my mother lifted her hips in the towel support which held her in place, and then she pushed out her pelvis to offer her sore pussy for Fred's punishment.

He wasted no time in sending a powerful blow directly between those incredible thighs. I watched as the strap disappeared into the folds of her puffy outer lips and was followed by the usual high-pitched scream of pain and horror that she involuntarily offered to us as her testament of her contrition. Fred spent more effort working around her pussy, by strapping the area close in on her thighs. But, he sent several relatively harsh whacks upon the swelling cunt of my lovely slut and slave.

Fred threw the leather strap to the floor, stepped up between my mother's legs and drove his hard cock deeply into her abused tunnel. I had wanted to fuck mom before him, but I could understand his impatience. If I were closer, I probably would have been inside of her first. As it was, he finished after a dozen or so strokes, screaming out his pleasure as though he was experiencing mother's pain.

Mom, by this time, had begun to show signs of interest at this activity. She was thrusting her hips down onto his cock, as he shot his load and she pleaded for him not to stop now. She was hot again, just like I wanted her to be.

Fred pulled out, and turning to me, he said weakly, "Sorry man, I couldn't wait. I had to fuck that slut."

"No problem. You did just fine. Now it's my turn."

I moved in close to mom, and then removed her gag. I looked down at her badly swollen pussy and could detect a small amount of Fred's sperm leaking through the crack. Last night I had overcome my squeamishness at fucking her when her cunt was full of some one else's jizz. As puffy as her poor abused loins looked, I was glad that there was something to lubricate that thing. I didn't want the cunt of my slave damaged anymore than it was, and I damn sure didn't want to rip the skin off of my dick, as I plowed through the dry, blood engorged lips of her pussy.

"Mother dear, I'm going to fuck you now. But, I want you to know that I'm not going to allow you to come. That is part of your punishment. I expect you to deny yourself the pleasure of a climax. No matter how hot you get, you must refuse to have pleasure. Will you obey my command?"

I had never seen so many emotions on a persons face, as I witnessed on mother's that morning. I could read desire, hope, fear, desperation, anger, disappointment and finally understanding.

"As my master commands, so shall it be. I want you so terribly and I need so badly to come with you, but I'll fight like hell to avoid an orgasm. My master is harsh, but fair. It is no less than I deserve."

There are times when a slave can make a master feel like a god. It was with the elation of being deified that I plunged into my mother's swollen, red cunt. I had intended to make this a long, drawn out affair, but I just couldn't contain myself. My desire was at the breaking point as I exploded into her, shouting loudly what a great fucking whore that she was. I don't think that I lasted as long as Fred had. Still, as I held onto mother's tits in the waning moments of my ecstasy, I could tell that she was very aroused and fighting to maintain control of her lust. She was a good and obedient slave.

I eased my deflated prick out of her and whispered, "I love you mother. I love you slut. I love you slave."

She whispered back, "You are everything to me. I live for you, now. I devote my existence to you."

Fred and I carefully removed her from the bookcase to the sounds of her moans and yelps of pain. I placed one of the towels on the leather sofa and had her lay down on it and then had Fred fetch an ice bag for her pussy. I was glad to see that it wasn't bleeding, but boy had it swelled. Mom's labia must have been at least twice their normal size.

I told her that we were going to leave her alone for a while, but that she hadn't quite finished with her chores. Fred and I each took turns straddling her face so that she could clean our cocks with that hot sucking mouth. You might think that erections were called for, but after the sexual marathon that we had experienced over the last eighteen hours, we were toast. The cock cleaning was merely a duty to be performed by a good slave.

We left her to recuperate and went upstairs to rest our selves. We thought nothing of the fact that we were both naked as we plopped down onto mom's bed and dozed off.

Fred woke before me. He poked me in my side as he said, "Hey man, let's go see how your mom's doing."

"You know Fred, when we're alone with her, we need to refer to her as slut or whore. If you want to call her by her name, do it in a demeaning way. She's in the early stages of slave training and she needs to be reminded at all times as to her status. We don't necessarily need to hurt her to punish her. Command her to do something degrading. That's just as effective and it doesn't damage my slave."

"OK! I've had a few thoughts on that very thing. Some of my ideas may seem silly, but they're certainly not normal adult behavior and that should mean that the slut would be embarrassed by them."

We shared ideas about what we could require of her, anything that would be demeaning, but nothing that would do anymore damage to her. We both had a love of sexy, lacy lingerie, so keeping her dressed in something like that was a given. I told him that I had purchased nipple and pussy clamps and that, while we couldn't use her cunt for the moment, we could place them on her tits and hang weights from them. Fred added some good stuff to our plans for the day. Basically it would be centered on her performing a variety of nasty little tasks that would further cement her position in the house as that of an obedient slave.

We each donned a pair of shorts and shirt and then went down to see how my slave was doing. She had fallen asleep and hadn't moved since we left her. I gently removed the ice pack from her loins and had a close look at the damage. Some swelling had gone down, but it still looked awfully sore and puffy.

Our activity brought her around and she rolled her head as she opened her eyes. Mom swallowed a few times, and then asked, "Do I still have a pussy?"

"Oh yeah, you still have one. It's swollen, but looking better and still beautiful. It's a shame that you had to be punished, but you must learn that you have to comply with my demands, even if you hate them."

"I certainly don't want to go through this again, master. I'll do the best that I can, but if I fail you again, I know that I shall be punished severely. I sincerely apologize to you and your friend for being such a rude bitch and I hope that I never disappoint you again."

"Apology accepted. Now get on your knees in front of me, I have to piss."

The disgusted look on her face spoke volumes as to her feelings about my command, but she eased her sore body off of the sofa and onto her knees at my feet. As she tilted her head back and opened her mouth she said, "Your toilet is ready master."

I opened my shorts and pulled out my cock, as Fred said to her, "You really are a dirty fucking slut, aren't you?"

Mother's cheeks flushed and she squeezed her eyes shut tight as though to block out the humiliation in Fred's statement. Then she opened her eyes and looked in his direction and said, "Yes sir. I'm a dirty nasty piss drinking slut."

I placed my penis at the entrance to her mouth and let loose a flood of urine. My need to unload was pretty intense, so I just let it rip, but she was unable to handle it all. It went into her mouth, but much of it flowed down her face, onto her tits and belly, then onto the floor.

"Drink as much as you can my slave. You'll have plenty of time to clean the carpet later, after Fred has pissed down your throat."

Fred's piss was soon flowing down her face and puddling on the carpet. Later that day we would have her clean it up, but not now.

"I adore your nipples slave, so I've brought you a little present for them, to enhance their appearance."

I held up before her eyes the clamps that I had purchased; she recognized what they were and understood their purpose immediately. Using both hands, she lifted her breasts up toward me and said, "I'm sure that you intend to place them on my nipples master, so allow me to offer my big tits for your enjoyment."

I must admit that I was very pleased with her ready acceptance. One at a time I placed a clamp over the tip of a nipple and tightened it in place, but not so tight that she was in any real pain. After all, she had been tortured enough for now and she was being obedient. I had her stand so that I could take each of her clamped nubbins into my mouth and suckle it briefly. Fred too, wanted in on that action and my slut was glad to oblige him.

"Now slut, place your hands behind your back and do what you were supposed to do before we had to punish you. I think it's important you realize that you can't avoid some unpleasant task by suffering a little punishment. Go to Fred and offer him your pussy."

The look of fear crossed her lovely face and she cast a pleading glance at me, but I merely stared at her with sullen determination. Without comment, she moved to Fred and squatted slightly then pushed her pelvis at him.

By agreement, Fred and I felt that this was necessary and that he would be gentle with her poor aching cunt. The idea here was to make a point, not to do any further harm to her damaged loins. So he massaged the outside area that was so badly swollen, and then gently inserted a finger into her pussy. She was very apprehensive and even yelped with surprise as his finger worked its way into her, but she made no effort to resist.

We took her upstairs and had her piss in the bathtub, while we watched and made derogatory comments about her. Then we allowed her to clean herself as we continued to pass nasty phrases back and forth, regarding her performance for us. I don't believe that Fred realized it, but I could tell that mom was getting hot by the humiliating things that we were saying about her. She was an incredible slut.

Once clean and wiped down (we did that), we had her dress in one of our favorite combinations, black garter-belt, stockings, half-bra and six-inch high heels. We insisted on light makeup, but dark eyeliner above and below her eyes. Even with a badly swollen pussy, she looked great.

Through out the day we put her to work at a variety of household jobs that we would normally be doing. Our constant fondling, grabbing, pinching, kissing and probing kept her in a state of arousal all day. We recovered quickly, of course, being so young and virile. So, we would have her suck us off from time to time, but she was never permitted to find release for her desires.

Finally she could stand it no longer, as she pleaded, "Master, you've made me so hot. Please, I beg you," she dropped to her knees and lifted her hands in prayer, "let me come."

I had a plan for just such a moment and this would be a good time to spring it on her.

"I think that I shall allow your request, my slave, but there are special terms which you must follow in order to fulfill your filthy request. I have a dress that you will wear and the three of us will go to a mall where you will masturbate in front of someone else, for our amusement."

"Never mind, master, I can hold off."

"I don't think that you understand, slut. order."

In a tone of serious concern, she said, "I don't think that's a good idea master. If I'm caught, it would ruin everything."

"Then you'll just have to trust me. Now get off of your knees and follow me upstairs."

In her bedroom, I selected a very sexy dress that fitted her like a glove. While it wasn't sheer, it did show off her voluptuous body. The outline of her tits made it obvious to anyone who saw her, that she was wearing a partial brassiere. Those nipples pushed the flimsy material out and with every step her boobs jiggled beautifully. The hem of the dress came almost to mid-thigh, and it hugged her firm rear end in a most inviting way. In short, she looked like a very hot piece of ass.

I informed her that I would drive and she really surprised me by not saying a word. I didn't have much experience at it, but I felt confident that I could handle it. I told her to sit between Fred and me, so that we could play with her as we went our merry way.

I had picked out one of those open-air outlet malls, about sixty miles up the road. On the way, we kept mom in a constant state of arousal, by fondling and degrading her. When we arrived at the mall, we drove around looking for a good place where she could get off in public. There was a power tool store that had only men shopping inside. So I informed her that it would be her fate to walk into the store, go to the back and, making sure that at least one stranger saw her, raise her dress, exposing her pussy and masturbate.

"Oh God! Son I'm really nervous. I don't want to disappoint you, but I'm not sure that I can do this."

"Well now slut, you obviously have forgotten what it feels like to have your cunt whipped. If you think that it was bad before, you won't believe how much pain I'll give you for disobeying me again. Now get out and go fuck yourself. Oh, and mommy, if some man moves in close, while you're fingering your snatch, you will pull down the top of your dress and beg him to pinch your nipples. Let him know how much a slut like you loves it."

I had parked a few storefronts down from the one that I had selected for her special show. When she got out, she looked around at the other people bustling about on their shopping excursions, and then with a deep sigh of resignation to her fate, she moved toward the power tool store. Mom was the only person who was dressed so formally. Most of them were in jeans and T-shirts. She looked spectacular as she bounced down the walkway with her phenomenal bosoms swaying with each step and that great ass shifting under the thin material.

Fred and I waited a few seconds and then followed her into the store. As we entered, we could see that several customers were already noticing her presence. She had moved to the back of the store and was just turning back to the front as we saw her. Three or four men were eyeing her, but one fellow was stripping her naked with his hot glare.

My luscious slave closed her eyes and slowly lowered her hands to the hem of her dress. She opened them as she lifted it up to her waist and that magnificent pussy was revealed to all who wished to see it. There were a few quick intakes of breath and the man who was so intensely watching her said, "Nice cunt."

I was observing her closely and I could tell that she was seriously turned on at exposing herself publicly. I filed this away for future use. She got as hot as any exhibitionist would in this situation.

She licked her lips erotically and began to massage her lustful mound. She was just inserting a finger into her pussy, when the guy who was so taken with her, moved to stand in front of her.

"Damn bitch! You sure are horny ain't ya? Maybe you need a real man to help you. Why don't we go to my place and I'll show you what a real man can do for a hot whore like you."

She looked past him and straight into my eyes, as she reached up with her other hand and pulled the top of her dress down, allowing both breasts to plop into view. Then, gazing back at him, she said, "Pinch my nipples. I need to be hurt."

Her action froze everyone in the store except for the over eager bastard, who quickly wrapped his meaty paws around my mother's boobs and twisted them hard. She moaned painfully and her face told me how much it hurt her, but she never backed away as he used his fingers to abuse her nipples.

"You fucking slut, you really get off on this, don't you?"

"Yes. I'm a dirty slut and I need it this way. Keep working on my bosoms 'cause I'm just about to come."

No sooner had those words escaped her lips, than she erupted in a loud climax that was perhaps the most powerful that I'd ever seen her have. It was a long, drawn out orgasm that was the culmination of a day's frustration, born of constantly being teased and taken close to the edge, but denied a conclusion.

I was hot to trot and just wanted to get her back in the car so that we could fuck her brains out on the side of the road. It didn't really matter where we stopped, but my pants were bulging and so were Fred's and I knew he had the same thought that I had. We, however, weren't the only ones who were ready for action.

As she tried to push the clown away who was still groping her tits, he slapped her and grabbed her right arm. He pulled her close to his face and said with a sneer, "You don't really think that you're going to come into a place like this and finger fuck that pussy in front of everyone, and then just walk out, do you? I don't give a shit about the rest of these fucking losers, but I'm gonna get me a piece o' your ass. Now turn around and bend over. Don't argue or give me no shit. Just do it or I'll give you some serious pain."

I started to move in on the guy. He was a lot bigger and stronger than me, but that was my slave and mother. But mom saw me coming and caught my eye, as she quickly said to the man, "OK, you can fuck me, but only if you use a condom. I don't want to catch anything."

"Of course I'll use a rubber. Do you think that I'd screw some nasty old slut like you without one? Hell bitch! I'm the one who's got to worry about what might be growin' down between them legs o' yours."

She still had her dress up around her waist as she turned around, bent over and pushed that gorgeous ass back in his direction. She placed her hands on the display case to brace herself and spread her legs a little wider. When she was set, she said in a husky voice, "Fuck me hard, you son of a bitch. Let's see if you're all talk and no action."

He had been unzipping his trousers and pulling out an average sized cock, as she had prepared for his assault. From somewhere he had produced a condom from a foil pack, and quickly glided it down the length of his prick. He moved in close, squatted a little to align his hips with her's, and then thrust forward. He buried himself to the hilt on the first attempt. Mother must have been quite wet inside, because she showed no sign of resistance or pain, from his maneuver.

He began to piston in and out of her, as a dog would. She was trying to move with his rhythm, but the inept bastard was racing ahead of her. In thirty seconds, he had shot his wad. But I knew the signs by now, so I could tell that my slut was hot as a firecracker and wasn't about to give up on the chance to have another fabulous come.

She turned to the group of men that had gathered around to see this amazingly horny broad do her thing. To the throng she pleaded, "Well for Christ sake, don't leave me like this. Will somebody please fuck me?"

I couldn't believe it; no one made a move. The one who I though might jump at the chance mumbled, "I gotta go." I looked over at Fred and he seemed as confused as I was. But, what the hell, this was my slave and I felt compelled to make something happen, so I stepped up to her beautiful behind and slapped it hard saying, "Just stay right where you are slut. I'm going to fuck your brains out."

I quickly unzipped and introduced my stiff cock to the cool store air and move in for the kill. Mom was so hot, that I was never sure that she even realized that it was her son who had risen to the occasion (pardon the pun!). I took my lecherous meat b**st in my hand and rubbed it up and down the length of her slit. When it was thoroughly damp, I plunged into her anxiously awaiting cunt. Jesus Christ almighty, mom's pussy was on fire.

I began a teasingly slow pace. After all, I was still the master and I did like to make her suffer. At first she tried to rush me, but when she turned and saw who was fucking her, she just nodded her head and accepted my control.

There was still a small crowd of men watching the events as they unfolded, commenting on the dirty slut and the young k** having his first woman. At one point, she looked back over her shoulder at the crowd and said, "Finally a real man who knows how to fuck a woman."

It was then that Fred decided to get into the act. He moved to mom's front and held her head in both hands as he placed his cock before her mouth. She opened up and enveloped him with a loud sucking noise that really turned me on. She began rapidly sliding up and down his erection and grinding her pelvis back into mine. This went on for several minutes until none of us could last any longer. Mom went first. Her moans and high-pitched squeals left no doubt as to the reason for her filling the room with such joyful noise. I came next, and just about as loud as mom. Fred was right behind me, shooting a load of cum, which she hungrily gobbled down.

With the action finished, most of the audience began to go their own way, but I still had one more little game to play.

As mom stood up, straightened her dress and tucked in her boobs, I said loud enough for everyone to hear, "A filthy slut like you should know better than to leave a mess behind. Get down on your knees and clean my cock."

The look on mother's face surprised me. It was a look of pride, as she dropped to her knees and lifted my slime covered prick to her lips and kissed it, and then sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue, swirling it around my manhood.

I felt like a king. Not so much for the cleaning of my cock, but that look of pride and total acceptance of me. She wasn't just accepting me as her master. She was accepting her son for what he was; and don't we all need to be accepted for ourselves? I realized that we had just passed a milestone in our lives. I was extremely pleased.

Mom left the store first, and then Fred and I followed a few minutes later. We piled into the car for the trip home. I decided to drive again, so I placed mom in the middle with Fred on the other side of her.

"Well slut, you wanted to come. Was that good enough?"

"Oh yes, master. I had a couple of great climaxes, and you guys just made it a perfect experience. I was so proud of the two of you."

"You certainly got off on being publicly humiliated, didn't you? If I didn't enjoy seeing you shamed like that, I would be horribly embarrassed to have my dear sweet mother act like a common street whore. But, of course I do enjoy it and so do you. You love showing people what a nasty, horny old cunt you really are."

The expression of hurt and shame on her face told me that, in fact, she was not beyond all sense of propriety. The realization just made the moment that much sweeter. That she could still feel shame and humiliation merely encouraged me to plan other degrading events for her to participate in. Why not start now, I thought.

"That dirty fuck hole of yours is going to leak all over the seat of the car. Pull your dress up to your waist and use your fingers to clean it out. And while you're at it, pull your tits out so that Fred and I can play, if we want to."

The look of surprise, quickly followed by a grimace of hurt feelings, did not prevent her from obeying my command. As she plunged her fingers into that dripping tunnel of eternal lust, she quietly spoke with a tone of painful observation, "You know son, sometimes you need to be a little more sensitive to my feelings. After all, I am your mother. I truly do wish to be a good slave for you, but even a slave needs to have some self-respect. It hurts me deeply to be so degraded by you."

"And that very fact turns me on. I love to see my slave degraded for my pleasure. You seem to forget, that is the reason that I demand these things of you. Your master expects you to degrade yourself for his pleasure, as well as suffer great pain as he so dictates."

"Don't forget that this is only a training period for you. Once you have learned to accept my commands, without resistance, no matter how painful or humiliating, you will only have begun to be a worthy slave. A true slave gladly obeys her master's orders, knowing that their performance will please him. Pleasing your master should be your only concern. A truly good slave takes pride in doing her master's bidding, no matter what others might see or think about her. Such devotion is the truest display of love."

"You have offered yourself to me as my slave, who will do anything that I ask. That is a gesture of trust and love, as well as an act done to satisfy your need to be dominated. My need to dominate could be satisfied by a prostitute. I can only demonstrate my devotion to you, by accepting your offer to suffer at my whim. If I didn't use and abuse you, it would be the denial of your wonderful gift of your obedience. Therefore, when I degrade you, I'm actually showing you how much I need and love you."

After that diatribe, we all sat in silence, as though we were trying to absorb what I had just said. At first, I thought to myself that the little speech that I had just made was a crock of shit. However, as I mulled it over in my mind I realized that there was a lot of truth in those words.

Finally mother spoke. "I don't want to make you angry, but I don't know if you were just putting me on or did you really believe all that stuff you said?"

The question had been asked in sincerity, so I knew that a flippant answer wouldn't do.

"Mother, I love you dearly, but I've never been more serious in my life. We're different, you and me. We're not like most other people. While I shall make many bizarre demands upon you, you must never doubt my love. I certainly don't doubt yours. For the rest of our lives, we will be closer than we ever could have been without this unusual connection. Now shut up and lick my cum off of your fingers."

She smiled sweetly, said nothing and pushed the slime-covered digits into her mouth.

When we got close to home, I had mom pull her dress up to cover her tits. Fred was reluctant to go home, but I insisted. I pointed out that I still had a lot of work to do, training my slave. So, I dropped him off at his house, and then pulled into our garage.

"Get out of the car slut, but before we go inside, I want you stripped down to garter belt, stockings and heels. I'm going to whip your tits, just for the shear hell of it."

Mother looked at me in fear, as she quickly obeyed without comment.

"Place your hands behind your back and stick'em out."

She looked hurt more than afraid now, as though she had done something wrong, but didn't know what it was. Her feelings weren't as important as her obedience and she was doing exactly as I had ordered.

God she was beautiful. How I loved that lovely face, that narrow waist, those long legs and especially those magnificent white bosoms, still showing the marks of previous abuse.

I removed my belt and ordered her to turn a little to the left, giving me an easy shot at her right breast. Taking careful aim, I loosed a strong blow to the underside of her luscious meaty tit. She gritted her teeth and clamped her eyes tightly, but never did she make a sound. She held that pose for two more strikes on the top of her bouncing boob. When I commanded her to turn the other way, so that I could whip the other one, she began to quietly cry. Still, she maintained her breast out thrust position, as she rotated and arched her back a little further for the torture that she knew was immanent.

"Good God, but you are a beautiful creature mother. I love seeing you nude, and I love even more seeing you offer yourself to me, knowing that I'll show you no mercy. You tears of pain bring such sexual joy to me. I've got a raging hard on, even though I just fucked you ninety minutes ago. Tell me, what do you think of your son being such a sick fuck?"

"I don't like to hear you say that about yourself. I know that you're a decent and honest person, Tim. If anyone is a 'sick fuck', it's me. I don't really understand how I got here, yet here I am standing nude before my own son, his cum oozing out of my cunt, offering my body for torture and loving every mind blowing second of it. This is all so terribly wrong, yet we both seem to need it so badly and after all, neither one of us asked to be this way. We just are.

"Beat me, master. Make your whore suffer for your pleasure," and she thrust out her chest again.

The next three lashings were much harder than the first three and I was rewarded with stifled moans and screams. I slowly threaded the belt back through the loops of my trousers as she wept quietly. I needed a blowjob.

"Is your pussy wet and ready for action my slut?"

"Oh God yes master."

"Tough shit! Get on your knees and suck your master's cock."

The pain of disappointment on her face was as sweet as the tears had been for me. She slowly went to the dirty floor of the garage and caressed my balls as she engulfed my lusty cock with her mouth. I was too hot for a long drawn out affair. So I grabbed her head between my hands and rapidly fucked her face until I exploded in her mouth, all the while telling her what a filthy slut she was and how much I loved her for it.

As I tucked myself back in my pants, I asked, "Are you wanting to come now?"

"Yes please master."

I walked over to the workbench and picked up an old hammer with a wooden handle. As I handed it to her she had a puzzled look on her face.

"Don't be a stupid fucking bitch. Stick the handle in your cunt and fuck yourself with it. And make sure that I get a good show."

She actually blushed at this command. Still on her knees, she spread her legs and began sliding the handle up and down the length of her slit, to get it good and wet. When it was dripping, she gently inserted the butt of the handle into her pussy and didn't stop pushing until a good eight inches of it had disappeared.

She looked up at me with pride and said, "Thank you for allowing me to fuck myself like this master. I think that I get off on being humiliated even more than I do when you hurt me."

Now she was fucking down on the hammer with her hips. She used one hand to lift a breast to her lips, to suck on it and moan as she performed her erotic show for me. Really it was for her pleasure now. I was kind of pissed at myself for being so impatient in achieving my lust. Physically I couldn't get another erection this soon, but mentally I wanted to fuck her again.

What the hell, I thought, she is my mother and I do want to see her have a strong, intense climax. So, I took her other nipple in hand and pinched the living shit out of it. Moans of mixed pain and pleasure filled the garage.

"You like being degraded so much, I think that I'm going to arrange for you to put on a show for some people I know. I'll love watching you demonstrate what a nasty slut you are for them."

That was all it took for her to start screaming out her orgasm, as she pounded that damn handle brutally into her cunt. She collapsed on the floor and continued to moan softly, as she rolled from side to side.

I allowed her to calm before I spoke. "Follow me into the house on your hands and knees. You are forbidden to clean yourself or use the bathroom. You will start dinner while I freshen up."

As she moved into position, she asked, "What if the neighbors see me?"

"It's only a matter of time until they all know what a slut you are, so it really won't make any difference. Eventually I'll have you fucking some of them. But for now, I want your ass in gear and working on some food. Abusing my whore has worked up my appetite." I strode past her four-legged form as she stared at me with a look of fear and awe.

Mother pattered along behind me through the short breezeway and into the kitchen. She stood at my command and began looking for something to cook. I went to the den for some things that were stashed there. I selected a butt plug and nipple clamps that were joined with a chain.

I went back to the kitchen and had mom bend over to receive the plug in her ass. I used some cooking oil to grease up her tight little asshole. I ignored her grunts of discomfort as I slowly pushed on the plug until it plopped into place. Then I placed the clamps on her nipples. But, instead of having the chain hang between them, I strung it behind her neck. This pulled her fat little nubs up and away from their normal direction. I could see that it was soon painful for her, but she said nothing. That is, not until it became unbearable.

"Master my nipples hurt terribly and I'm afraid that they may suffer permanent damage. May I please remove the clamps?"

"Certainly not! You must learn to endure the pain, as you must learn to endure the many humiliations that I intend to heap upon you. At least you asked in a polite way and with a submissive attitude. But you pissed me off a few times today and I am determined to bend you to my will at all times. Consider this part of your punishment."

With tears in her eyes, she nodded her head and said, "Yes master."

Later, as she was placing dinner on the table, I had her hold a wine glass beneath my prick as I filled it with my piss for her evening drink. She thanked me, and it was then that I removed the clamps from mom's purple nipples.

They must have been completely numb, because she showed no sign of pain or relief. But, a few seconds afterward, when the blood returned and she regained some feeling, she grimaced and moaned painfully as she rubbed them tenderly. Yet she never complained.

After we ate, I told her to go shower and put on something sexy that left all of her important parts exposed, then return to the living room. I was watching one of my favorite TV shows when she returned and didn't want her interrupting it. So I didn't even look her way when I heard her walk in. I just told her to stop, stay where she was and shut up.

Ten minutes later the show was over. I killed the TV and had her stroll around in front of me for my viewing pleasure.

Mother looked fabulous. She had picked out a simple lacey smoke body stocking, with some support for her huge tits. There were holes for her nipples and pussy and as she pirouetted she bent over slightly to show me that she still had the butt plug in place. She was in platform heels that must have been eight inches in height and looked quite painful to wear. I had never seen them before and didn't know that she owned such things, but they surely enhanced the erotic look that she offered her master.

"Very nicely done," I told her. "You look marvelous."

She beamed a big smile at me, and then held up a black plastic thing she had been holding that I had not noticed.

"This was your father's. He used on me twice, but stopped because it was so very painful for me. It's a stun gun, which he altered to a lower power, but it still has a hell of a kick. It's yours now master. I've been a poor slave today and, while I have no desire to suffer the pain of this device, I deserve to have this used on me as further punishment for my bad performance."

With that little speech behind her, she handed me the little oblong creation.

There was a button on one side of it and I pushed it. The two prongs at the end immediately arced a bright light between them. The power may have been dampened, but it sure sounded strong.

I looked at mother and crooked a finger at her. She approached me with a look of foreboding and stopped directly in front of me. Before she could back away, I held it to her belly and pushed the button.

She screamed loudly and seemed to have been knocked back five feet. It took her a few moments to recover, but she returned to her position in front of me with a tear in her eye.

"Turn around bitch; I want to roast your ass."

Mom did as I commanded and bent forward as she pushed her luscious tush out for me. I applied it to her left buttock and was rewarded with a loud yelp when she jumped a foot into the air and lost her balance as she landed on those damn high heels. Still an obedient slave, she regained her footing and offered me her beautiful butt again, which I quickly abused by hitting the right cheek. She arched her back this time, but managed to hold her position and kept her yelp to a lower volume.

"This is fun, but I want more. Turn around and offer me those big, fat tits mother dear."

"Oh God," was her response, as she rotated to accommodate me. She stood straight up with her fists clinched tightly at her sides.

"Up until now, you have offered me what ever part of your body I wanted. Why aren't you doing that now?"

"Because it was there that your dad used it on me, and I couldn't deal with the pain. He used it right on my nipples. They're so sensitive that the pain was much worse than anywhere else. I know that you'll do it though, and I accept that. You're a true master and would never allow your slave to escape the punishment that is her due."

"I'm glad you realize that mom. I am going to do exactly that. But first, I'm going to zap the top of each breast and then the underside of each one, and finally the nipple of each lovely bosom. You may react any way that you wish, but after each sting of this thing, you will approach me, bend forward and beg me to torture your bosoms again. I want to hurt you bad so that you'll know that there are always going to be serious consequences for failure to perform as I command."

"Yes master, my darling son." She placed her hands behind her back and leaned forward, thrusting her large breasts at my face. "Please torture my big bosoms. It is no less than I deserve."

She winced as I laid the device against the top of her left breast, but I didn't use it just then. I wanted her to suffer the anticipation of her pain as well as the actual feeling of it. A few seconds later I hit the button. The loud crack, as it unleashed its powerful electric charge into my mother, was followed by her jerking upward and back, knocking the stun gun out of my hand and her on her ass.

As I got up to retrieve the gun, she scrambled back into position and begged me to torture her bosoms again. The next three zaps left her crying and breathing hard, but still my slut came back for her punishment.

"You've done well slave. Now it's time to really put it to you. I shall take particular pleasure in zapping your nipples with this. I want you to use your hands to squeeze your right tit while offering it to me."

She nodded her understanding of my order and slowly surrounded that wonderful orb with her hands. She squeezed it at the base, causing the whole bosom to plump out and her engorged nipple was right there, waiting for the horrible jolt that would send her reeling yet again. I carefully took aim with the stun gun, placing the prongs of it on each side of the delicate bud, which was about to receive its special gift.

It's unfortunate that I couldn't apply it slowly. I would have liked that, but the very nature of the thing was to deliver its potent force instantly. Yet, I tried to push the button slowly, and when it exploded, I was almost as surprised as mother.

Her scream filled the room, as she fell backward, clutching the damaged bosom in her hands. She sat on the floor gently massaging her nipple and weeping as she did so. God help me, I thought. I do love this so very much.

"Again," I said, using a cruel and demanding tone.

She pleaded with her eyes, but never uttered a word as she worked her way back to her feet, on top of those incredibly high heels. Slowly she came to rest in front of me and using both hands, she lifted her left breast to her lips and sucked the entire areola into her mouth. As the end of mother's tit came back into view, I could see that it was soaking wet. She moved her hands to the base of her bosom and squeezed, the nipple poking out sharply.

"By making it wet, it should transfer the charge more forcefully, thereby causing the pain to be much worse. My scream will be louder and my master will be more pleased at my suffering. Please torture your dirty slut/slave's bosom my dear, cruel master."

I wouldn't have thought it possible, but she had actually aroused me to the extent that my erection, confined as it was, was pressing so hard against my trousers that it was painful. I put down the stun gun long enough to quickly free my throbbing prick, and then took it back up for the next jolt.

"Good god you're an amazing woman mother. Just look at my cock, I didn't think it possible that I could get another hard on, but you have brought it back to life. Your master is very pleased at your submission. Now, suffer for me mommy."

As I raised the stunner to her bosom, she arched her back a little more and squeezed a bit harder on her breast, making the whole thing turn purple. With the stun gun positioned perfectly at her wet nipple, I punched the button again and witnessed her loud response to the burning sensation.

How sweet it was to hear the scream that escaped her throat and to watch her writhe on the floor as she repeated the careful massage of her nipple. She wept and moaned as she gave me a running commentary of the pain as it slowly subsided.

"Oh my God master, it burns so badly. The pain goes through my whole chest and into my gut. It's awful. If it didn't please you so much to see me suffer, I would wish that I didn't even have nipples."

I let her sit there for a few moments to recover. She was going to need her strength for the last jolt. I knew that she thought that I was through with the torture and that I would fuck her now, but not until I had delivered one final, terrible blast.

"I want to fuck you mother. Is your cunt wet?"

She looked at me with lust and I knew that she was ready. Still, she moved a hand to her pussy and slid it in, as she closed her eyes tightly and nodded her head yes.

"Get up off of your filthy slut ass and come to your master."

She quickly scrambled to her feet and approached me.

"Now, before I dump a load in you, I will use this," I held up the stun gun, "on your clit. Offer it to me."

Mother didn't look so much shocked as she did hurt, as though all that she had been through should have been enough. Fear also crossed her face before resignation set in. Without being told, she used both hands to spread the lips of her pussy wide, exposing the now unprotected clitoris.

With a tear in her eye, she said, "I know now that I have a harsh and demanding master, and that the cruelty that you apply to me is just what I need to learn how to serve you as a good slave should. Torture my pussy master. I gladly give you my pain for your pleasure."

As she spoke, it was as though a peace had settled upon her. She was no longer in fear of the pain. She expected and accepted it as part of her existence now.

Good, I thought. As much as I enjoyed her suffering, I didn't want to have to do this too often. I feared it was a potent addiction, and I could easily do her serious harm if I went here to frequently.

I shoved the evil weapon between her hands, laying it with prongs on either side of her large clit. I looked deeply into mother's eyes and she smiled at me as she nodded for me to do this horrible thing to her. My erection was throbbing, as I pressed the button.

Mother flew back and down immediately, as she set a new standard for screaming volume. She ended in a fetal position, with both hands in her crotch, as she continued to scream. The level of agony must have been extreme and I loved it.

As she began to recover, I commanded, "One more time my magnificent slut."

She struggled to her feet and placed herself at my convenience, with her pussy held open and thrust forward, awaiting another assault from her master. I wasted no time in attacking her again. Her reaction was similar to the first. Her deep sobs of anguish, as she slowly returned to reality, spoke volumes as to the degree of pain and horror that she had so willingly submitted herself to.

She was truly my slave now. There would be much further training of course, but this was a breaking point for her. From now on, it was just a matter of telling her what I expected and she would perform.

I slumped down in the big, soft chair, shoving my hips out beyond the edge, with my cock standing as tall as it ever would.

"I want you on top slut. You may now fuck your lord and master."

Through small sobs, she said as she approached me, "Thank you for allowing me to serve you master."

She straddled my hips and grasped my cock in both hands. There was no need for a pretense of fore play, so she guided it to the entrance of her hairy cunt. I resisted the urge to rise up in her. I wanted her to do it all. She squatted, and in the process, the head of my prick entered the wet pussy of my slave/mother. She slowly lowered herself down the length of my aching prick. Her eyes were closed and she couldn't contain a moan and shudder as she hit bottom.

"Oh God! My master's cock feels so wonderful. It's so big and I love it so much. I'm so lucky to have a true master, who knows how to treat a filthy slut like me."

Mom began to slide up and down and I couldn't keep from thrusting my loins up to meet her half way. We both enjoyed a few minutes of this, but we had reached a level that seemed to require more. I was just about to give her a command when she looked down at me, and with a twinkle in her eye, made a request.

"Hurt me master. Hurt me bad. Torture my fat tits. I want my master to delight in my pain."

I can only say that her appeal sent a jolt through my cock. I couldn't get a good swing at her breasts, so I used my fingers to brutally pinch and twist her nipples. I could tell that it was painful for her, because of her tightly shut eyes and furrowed brow. Yet, she managed to beg for it to be worse.

"! Make it really bad master. M...M... Make your slut suffer and scream for your pleasure."

I was already using all the strength that my fingers could apply, so I began to dig my thumbnails into her soft nipples just as hard as I possibly could. We were both rewarded with the horrible loud screams of a woman in agony, yet never did she attempt to pull away. The shivers and undulations that she was going through vastly enhanced my pleasure, and I was quickly on the verge of a huge climax, when she began to roll into one of her own.

As I entered the realm of extreme pleasure, I moved my hands to enclose as much of those large tits within my grasp as possible and squeezed sadistically. What joy mother's renewed cries provided me, I can't describe. Such bliss must be experienced by a true sadist and, for the 'Normal People,' it defies description as to the depth of emotional contentment that accompanies the event.

Mother collapsed on top of me, and neither one of us could move for a while. It was wonderful to slowly come down from such a high and to ease into a sedate mood with someone you love.

Quietly I said to her, as I stroked her hair, "You have given your master a day and a fuck to remember for all time. I love you more than I can say mother. I love having you suffer for me and I'm glad that you love it also. And I love this moment of peace, as your fat tits press into my chest. Nothing erotic just now, but an incredibly satisfying feeling to have my slave's nearly nude body rest upon my own."

She didn't move as she replied, "I love you too son. It's been very difficult for me to deal with, first being a masochist and then secondly, finding out that the best master for me is my own son. But, I accept it now. I'm still very worried about the wrong people finding out, but I can't deny you as my son and master. I will be whatever you wish me to be. I know that means that some others will learn that I fuck my own son, and that I'm a pain-loving whore, and that I get off on them knowing it. I am yours forever Tim and I shall devote myself to pleasing you in any way that you command."

I chuckled as I said, "Then get off of me you're squashing me."

At that we both laughed.

"I'm glad that my master hasn't lost his great sense of humor, what with all the hot pussy he's been getting lately."

We sat and chatted as mother and son for over an hour, nothing particularly important, just about school stuff and her part-time job. It was while listening to her talk of the people at work, that I became curious.

"You are a 'fox' mother dear. Has anyone ever made a pass at you on the job?"

"Well, it's been a while, but yes. It was very subtle. In this day and age of political correctness, men are far more careful how they phrase their intent, but they get their point across."

"Well that has to change, mom. Starting Monday, I expect you to look sexy as hell, when you go to work. You know, short skirts, blouses that show off those beautiful big tits and high heels. If someone mentions it, and they will, just tell them that your son told you that it was time for you to get with the times and stop hiding your assets. And when some guy makes a pass at you, I want to know."

"Tim, I'll be glad to look sexy all the time, but if you're thinking of having me screw some fellow at work, I don't think that's a very good idea. It leaves the door open for them to find out about us, and I don't want anything to come between my master and me."

It was time to apply a little dominance. "You'll fuck and suck the whole office, if I tell you to; but not to worry. For right now, I just want you to feel sexy all of the time. I want you getting used to having men and women thinking of you as a sex object. You see I'm into the opposite of political correctness. I want people to view you as a whore. I think the humiliation factor will keep you hot and ready for action. If you think about it, you know I'm right."

n theatrical fashion she said, "I shall do what ever my lord and master bids."

"On your feet," I ordered, "I have some instructions for my slave."

Once on her feet she asked, "What is it that my master wishes?"

"Glad that you asked, because one of the first tasks that I have for you is to find me another really good looking woman to serve as my slave. She must be pretty and have big tits. They don't have to be as big as yours, but big. Next, I want you to invite my twin cousins down for the long weekend of Thanksgiving. Your sisters charming young offspring will be the perfect addition for a little fuck fest during the holiday. Not your sister, you understand, but just Ronny and Bob. They're going to love screwing you almost as much as I do."

"Boy! Give you an inch and you shove it up my ass. And exactly how do I tell my sister to send them, but not come down with them?"

"You'll have to figure that out for your self. It'll be OK. They're family and they know how to keep their mouths shut. Any way, you obviously love fucking family. Speaking of family, I wouldn't mind getting my dick wet in Aunt Jane. She's damn near as hot as you are and her boobs are almost as big."

"Master, I'll fuck your cousins, if that's really what you want. But please don't try for my sister. We're really pushing our luck here."

I reached out with both hands and grabbed her nipples. "Listen slut, didn't it ever occur to you that maybe she's just as submissive as you are. I bet she'd love to grovel at my feet and have me slap her tits, just before I ram my cock down her throat. And anyway, she's been divorced now for two years. Didn't she tell you a few weeks ago that she's not seeing anybody? I think she needs a good stiff prick pounding away at her cunt. She'll love it as much as you do."

With puzzlement on her face, mom said, "It never crossed my mind, but it is possible, I guess. I'll help you plan a campaign, if you insist. That way, I know we'll be careful and you still get what you want." She paused, as a thought crossed her mind and she asked, "Have you had thoughts of her before?"

"Oh hell yes! I've jerked off a few times, thinking about her sucking my cock or begging me to take her up the ass. She's a looker, only just not as hot as you."

"I guess I'm a little bit shocked. I never imagined that you would harbor any desire for your own aunt. On the other hand, a few weeks ago, I never would have lifted my tits up for you to zap with a stun gun, or suck and fuck you whenever you demand. I suppose that means that Ronny and Bobby will have felt lust for me, as well. My god! I never dreamed that such thoughts could run through a young man's head."

We talked for another hour and decided to go with my idea of getting my cousins here as well as the start of a program to get Aunt Jane to serve me. It actually involved my checking out Ronny and Bobby, to see if they might feel any lust for their mommy. I would bring up the subject after I told them about mom and me.

At my command, mom reluctantly called Aunt Jane that night. She had a fairly long talk, with me listening in, but without my aunt knowing it. Mom told her that she just wanted to chat and she began to draw out some info in the process. Evidently, my aunt had not so much as had a date since her divorce. She told mom that she was too busy trying to take care of the twins. It seems that they were a handful. That led perfectly into the planned approach that we would take.

Mom began to tell Aunt Jane that I had really matured and was now the man of the house. She said how remarkable it was that I had assumed so much responsibility for my self, at home and at school. She mentioned that my grades had gone through the roof and that I was talking about college now. Jane was impressed, and wished that her twins would be more in control. If only that fine fox

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt4

New Neighbor Makes Me Her Bitch Pt4 [/image] The text said, “NOW”. I knew what she wanted. It was 10:30 Saturday night. I had just showered after my workout. I wanted sleep. I put on shorts, pulled a shirt on over my head, stepped into sandals. I went out the back door. As I walked past the small door leading into the back of the garage, light suddenly flooded out of it. “Get in here. Now.” I obeyed. She shut the door behind me. In the middle of the floor was a lift. The type of...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt4

A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt4[/Image]I would say that I went downstairs and attacked a serving wench and shot a gallon of cum down her throat, but the truth is, I took a shower and got a little “relief” from my session with Jane. I did chug about a gallon of what Don said was his “Secret Sex Water” out of the mini-refrigerator in the room but then tumbled into bed exhausted. Jet lag had hit me as had the morning and afternoon’s activities so I was soon sound asleep. The next thing that...

2 years ago
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WOW WHAT I DISCOVERED – PT3I have been thinking I should do a character studY on each of these guys This guy's name is Peter known as PeteSince Chris shared his story to the group, we have had others of the group tell their story after an intense session or to fill in time.The next guy is Pete. Pete's cock is like a Boerewor sausage when deflated and 10-12 inches long when stiff and needs 2 hands to work it, and leaks precum like a dripping faucet Pete is 21 has been doing similar classes as...

3 years ago
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The house of Empress Toya pt4

The House of Empress Toya pt4   Myself & Belle have been receiving special attention since our last meeting with our Mistress. Extra fruit, wine (not normally given to slaves), extra food portions we of course shared this with everyone else. Although I am a slave my life has improved, I no longer have to work many hours a day on the land in all weathers. I sleep comfortable, I eat very well, I am always clean even my finger nails, and so...

3 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt4

 As we enter into part four of this story, I can't help but feel even more connected with Becky. She is truly, amazing.  So, leaving off in part three when Becky and I had fucked in the shop outside. I fucked her perfect, tight ass and filled her full of my cum. I left her full and leaking on my wife's panties that she was wearing. Such a naughty girl indeed. So that evening at home, before taking a shower, I thought I would follow through with my idea of seeing if my wife would give me a...

2 years ago
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Sisters helping hand Pt4

When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no idea how it was all my fault, she asked if l would talk to Sasha as she seemed to listen to me, so l said l’ll be around the next evening, Annie told me to be there at 5pm for dinner, l was hoping Annie might have invited me to fuck...

2 years ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt4

As my wife still laid sprawled across the bed, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going in too many directions. One such direction was the extremely attractive neighbor girl that brings us fresh chicken eggs twice a week. Her name is Katrina Winzer. She lives a few blocks down. We’re pretty good friends with her parents. Just finished high school and is taking the summer off while she finds work. She normally stops by on Friday morning before school. With tomorrow morning being Friday, I thought I...

1 year ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

2 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt4

She felt her dad get back in the bunk. She didn’t know what to think. She knew she smelt of being extremely wet. A person with a head cold could smell that. But, he didn’t say anything. He did stay up front for a long time. She wondered what he was thinking. There were so many confusing thoughts going threw her head. She knew what she was dreaming and thinking was so wrong. Wrong enough that if anyone ever found out, she would be taken away from her dad forever. That scared the...

2 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt4

Following on from my night of unbridled sex.There was so much going through my mind as I drove home. If I was being honest, I was probably too distracted to drive safely. My daze was broken by the phone ringing; it was Dave.I sheepishly answered, not really knowing what to say, or how Dave would react. My fears were immediately eased as he just asked, “How is my little hotwife?” I could feel myself welling up with tears as I told him I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me after what I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt4

And now, on with the show! I couldn't believe what had happened in just the last few days. And now, I was sitting in my sister's living room waiting for her to get home from work. She was bringing her girlfriend into our mini-orgy. It was all a bit mind boggling. I was drinking a beer when I heard a key twist in the door lock and my sister came in. Behind her was her friend, Marty Brewer. If I had been the kind of person who was surprised easily I would have spit my beer out and probably...

2 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

3 years ago
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The Vine Pt4

Recap from pt3 Jill and Becky start thrusting into the chubby girls harder and harder making the chubby girls scream harder. They cum hard and shake hard as they get the hunger of wanting more on their faces. They release their breasts you can hear then as pull off of their nipples. As they sit up and say you want hard and fast, we will give you hard and fast. They sit up and starts fucking the two hard and fast you can hear each slap the other inner thighs. Pop…pop faster as the...

1 year ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...

1 year ago
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The Sick Day Pt4

His own plight having reached an almost satisfactory conclusion, immediately his attention turned to stepdaughter Lucy. The subject of just about every wakeful and sleeping fantasy throughout a night of intense rest, he'd experienced the first wet dreams since outgrowing puberty. Yes, he was definitely feeling a whole lot better. Sadly, the same could not be said of the girl on his mind, a hacking cough permeating the closed doors of both their bedrooms. Rising and meeting Josh on the...

2 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt4

Manly baritone voices from downstairs wafted up the stairs as they took their seats in readiness for the game of poker. Stealing a lungful of air and a glance in the mirror, the petite blonde was far from sure that the little black mask around the eyes would conceal her identity, especially from those that knew her intimately, like Jack Willis, the former lover with whom she'd shared six blissful months. And if not Jack, Bill Mason and Jeff Andrews, the headmaster and games teacher at...

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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt4

It was the night before Paul and Jane's wedding and taps were running all over the house and hairdryers blowing a gale as everyone prepared to go out in their gender-determined parties. The men had an evening of revelry planned at the Blue Lion in the village, the women a chinese in the neighbouring town. Stereotypically, the men departed first, the entourage led by Paul the groom. His father Terry, my dad Arthur, Jane's dad Charlie, grandad Harry, two middle aged cousins Jim and Joe and my...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt4

Apparently, he discovered, it was a family tradition on the girls' birthdays to gather in their mother's bed to unwrap their gifts. Feeling decidely under-dressed in just the t-shirt worn for bed, Matthew reached for the boxer shorts, only to be tugged away forcibly. There wasn't time for that, Meg advised. Besides which, both girls had on just t-shirts too, two lovely little backsides half on display, their owners seemingly unconcerned that their pussies flashed visibly as they skipped...

1 year ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

2 years ago
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Morning Surprise Pt4

Sunday morning, I woke with a slight headache. Too much to drink. I normally spend Saturday night at the police club; I have a couple of pints with my mates, sing a few rugby songs and head on home. Last night my neighbour and colleague Dave decided that we should get an Indian on the way home. We always have a couple more pints to help wash it down, that is always a mistake. My head would pound away for a few hours; I would be forced to go for a run to clear it, have a shower and I would...

1 year ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...

3 years ago
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Dominant Wife pt2 pt3 and pt4

Mj walked to the side of her slave and used her hands to bend him at the waist to push his tight little arse out ready to be punished. Using her bare hand to begin she slapped first one arse cheek and then the other trying to find a different spot each time using the redness that was forming to decide where to hit each time. Each slap got slightly harder than the last as she found how much fun it was to watch her husband squirm and try to cry out with each slap but the ball gag meant that...

4 years ago
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt4

Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward, of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar, Hatch on the other...

2 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger PT4

I was all alone and seeing as I was I wasn’t sure where to start. I paced around the house. I cleaned it and wiped down corners that never needed it at all. I tried busying myself for that “fateful”, or better yet, that exciting get together I was about to have with Lucy. I don’t know what she was doing but I sure wished I knew. I couldn’t wait. I’d taken a shower already and felt like a kid again. Then I took a second one. Having taken a first already, I even shampooed my hair for a second...

1 year ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt4

Thanks to the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. ************ I suggest the reading of the previous parts. Comments are greatly appreciated. ************ Thenext morning I woke up before my Mistress did, it was one of those rare occasions when she stayed at my place and slept with me. I quietly moved down the bed, checked if my collar was in the right place, took a glance at Mistress, and went to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. I made some croissants, opening some jams made with different...

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Intriguing Marshall PT4

He had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...

3 years ago
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Former Teacher PT4

“I can’t give him that” said the headmaster. “No way” he went on to say. Then he thought further. “Let me think about this a little. We’ll figure it out.” That was three days prior. Jonathan Johnson wanted this job. To be a departmental head in a school like this would raise his salary enormously. He knew he’d get it. He was called back in to re-interview with a new group of people, including the headmaster’s wife for some reason too. He was introduced to them all. The headmaster’s wife, a...

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Who Took My Cherry pt4

Introduction: A simple talk takes many twist and turns… When I awoke Friday morning, I was feeling sick and nauseated again. This was the third day that I awoke feeling so horrible. The past two days I managed to go to school, but today I decided against it. Three men have shot loads into me, and the odds are one of them has knocked me up. Since my period was also late. I decided to talk to Mom before she left for work. Mom already knew something was wrong when I didnt wake up on time. I heard...

2 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt4

She kissed and licked her way over my cheeks and into my crease, then she moved to my other cheek and licked her way back to my crease. He tongue started at the top of my crease, and slowly slid through my crease to swirl gently around my anus, then move down over my perineum to just shy of my pussy, now wet and wanting. I wanted her so bad by that time but she was nowhere near done torturing me. She moved her tongue up slowly to once again rim my anus, move up my crease, then slide it back...

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A teachers erotic adventure pt4

Are you sure, you’ve had enough for now? Do you want to give so easily?’ the Chinese wife, teased, friendly taunting her victim. ‘Yes, ‘Jennie panted still exhausted from the wild female tussle.’ ‘Okay, then, ‘Peggy laughed, ‘I’ll let you. ‘ Peggy said with a hard little laugh, as she taunted Jennie. ‘Now, let me check to see what MY husband wants me to do to you, ‘she said laughing down into a dispirited Jennie’s face. ‘O.K.,’ Jennie panted, ‘but, just get it over with, okay?’ Peggy...

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All the Teachers PT4

It had been one hell of a night. He walked out, of the bedroom, wearing a smile as he told himself how fun and enjoyable the night had been. Before he left he made sure he wrote her a note. He told her how terrific he thought the evening was. He also told her how gorgeous he thought she was and that he’d do what they’d done “a million times over” as he smiled. He wrote on the note that she was a sweet and wonderful woman. After he signed his name, he quietly walked out, and headed home. That...

3 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt4

Elizabeth was a makeup artist, one of the finest in Miami, if not in the country. She had been hired by World Elite Modeling to do the makeup for a new calendar that was in the works. Elizabeth always looked forward to working for World Elite and she was especially pleased to be on this job. Angel Enriquez was the star model for this calendar and Elizabeth had been having fantasies about Angel for quite awhile. Every time Elizabeth was anywhere near Angel, it was as if she lost her composure....

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diary pt4

The next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn’t be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn’t even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly...

2 years ago
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The Group Pt4

Miss Burke returned to the bedroom carrying a tray with a decanter and two glasses. “Here,” she offered a glass. “It’s ginger wine. It will restore and reinvigorate you.” She sat on the bed alongside me and took a long draft from her glass. I sipped and warmth spread from my stomach through my body. She stroked me, smoothing a hand over my chest, caressing my nipples. Her gown stretched to contain her breasts, visible through the sheer nylon. It fell open below her waist and I could see the...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing Pt4

Helen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...

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Lesson Pt4

The next time Rick paid us a visit, it was obvious that I'd have to see what he could do with his cock, but I wasn't expecting quite what I got. He arrived all flustered and wet from the rain, afraid he was going to be late, he said, due to the idiots who can't drive in the weather. Letting him recover, we chatted about nothing really, until my man appeared and called us to attention."Rick, glad you made it. It's time you fucked my girl," was his opener, never one to talk in circles,...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Husbands Cock in Chasity PT4

Steve had been locked in his cage for about four months. I would occasionally let him out to clean up but for the most part he remained locked up. He had become very attentive since we had started his chastity. Steve made sure he did all of his chores around the house quickly and completely. I had begun to love my new role as the controller of his sexual releases. I found myself getting wet when I would think about his next release. Planning his releases became a challenge for me. Each time I...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT4

Six weeks from my first meeting with Jerome, in a seedy warehouse, the home pregnancy test showed positive. I made an appointment with my doctor, it was confirmed. Jerome had fertilized my garden with his potent seed.I called Jerome that night and asked him to come over, he agreed. I had not seen him since I moved out of my house, this worried me.Jerome showed up at 9:00, which pissed me off. I had made dinner to celebrate our pregnancy. When Jerome knocked on the door, I answered...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Vacation turned Gay PT4

Rebecca studied me up and down."What happened to you?" She asked."I...uh...I..."Ty cut me off, "you look like you are in shock Rebecca. Let's fix you a drink and I'll explain everything to you.""Make it a double," she said as Ty started to make her a screwdriver.He handed her the drink, grabbed a joint, and ushered us outside.Rebecca sat down in one chair, Ty in the other. There wasn't anywhere for me to sit, so I stayed standing, leaning against the railing."Come sit here and smoke your joint...

2 years ago
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Wife had girls weekend so I had GURL weekend pt4

see parts 1 through 3 before reading this.SO it is now Saturday evening and I am trying to find someone to get into me tonight. I had several replies to decide on who to invite over. I wanted a black man that wanted to fuck my ass as well as get sucked. I picked a 35 year old man who said he lived in town and loved breaking in white gurls he said the fact I was married was even better. I have been fucked by black men before but what the hell let him think he is breaking me in.I decided on my...

3 years ago
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Party pt4

"James!... No!... You put me down right now!" Ignoring her various pleas and demands moving steadily towards her room, pushing open the door with a slight nudge of his shoulder made his entry delivering quite easily the most delicate, cherishable cargo he'd ever been privileged to care for. Bending down, setting her gently atop her bed, lingering momentarily inhaling the sweet fragrance of perfume permeating from the silent, temporarily overwhelmed beauty... Stepping back voicing his approval,...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding my boyfriend pt4

"Huh, oh! Fuck!" Jay jumped when feeling my warm tongue touch his asshole."Mmmm. Daddy, your ass tastes so good. Do you like that? Does it feel good?" I would snicker in-between licks and kisses.Both guys had their heads down on the bed, looking at each other when Chris said to Jay, "This girl is a total freak. You didn't tell me she 'tosses the salad."Jay didn't answer him but only moaned while enjoying his rimming. I mostly licked in circles before sticking my tongue inside the sphincter and...

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Cinema the aftermath told by the groper pt4

This is the sequel to Cinema - leads to the seduction of my wife which was posted recently in Loving Wives.It's probably not essential but if you haven't already done so it may be better to read that story first as I hope you will derive more enjoyment from this tale if you know what happened to begin with.Finally, whilst I am happy to receive good or bad comments about my stories please take this in the vein in which it is intended. Luedon finally gets it. I just wish some of you others who...

2 years ago
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First gloryhole pt4

I was deepthroating it and would pause when the head entered my esophagus just to lengthen the feeling and to press my lips against the denim. I was so horny, I wanted to literally swallow his cock. I was getting a good rhythm when I was startled by Philip entering the room without my knowledge.Seeing only the back of my head bobbing inward, my ass, and the bottoms of my bare feet, he asked, "Hi Honey. I figured I would find you back here doing your thing. I was going to order a pizza. How long...

4 years ago
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Landlord Deals a deal PT4

Whatever the long-term results, Jess's cuckolding me with my brother and father seemed to have shredded whatever need for privacy and discretion she previously required. Courtesy of my father, she'd had all her body hair removed by laser and was now completely smooth and soft. Much to my discomfort, she'd "outed" us to her mom and older sister, but her mom had been supportive and her sister – 26 and married – had been intrigued and expressed considerable interest in meeting Derrick, the hung...

2 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged PT4

"Good. Then let me partially introduce myself. For your purposes, my name is only Mistress. Your wife hired me from an escort site online. With very specific requests, mainly that I had experience fucking men with a strap on." Mistress continued in a whisper.After the word strap on, she grab the base of the one still in my ass and gave it a little tug. I moaned at the sensation inside me."And while plenty of men have felt my cock in their ass, fucking a man with his wife is a first for me." she...

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Training the Wife for BBC PT4

My name is Jim. I'm an interracial addict. Just an ordinary white guy who happens to love watching a white woman have sex with a black man. To me it is the most beautiful sexual union between a man and a woman possible. I tried to resist this desire to watch interracial sex over the years because I felt it was an unnatural and unhealthy behavior. Over time I thought I had my interracial obsession beat, but a few years after I married my beautiful wife Anna, it came roaring back.Eventually Anna...

4 years ago
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Getting mom to pose pt4

'OH fuck Gwen, OH fuck... this is so dirty... lick my pussy honey' Then she hungrily returned to sucking her son's cock again.I sat the camera on the TV stand.. facing the couch. It was on automatic for the second time in its kinky life. I stripped naked. Only Sean saw me doing it, and he smiled at me as I walked behind my mother. She was kneeling. Licking Catherine's pussy. I lifted her up to the same stood up bent over position as Mrs. Kelly. The same position I had had her in before. She...

2 years ago
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Slutwifes seduction pt4

"Ohhhh Baby . . . .! Ooooo!" panted 'Darla'/Rhonda lustily."There you go bitch," grunted Carl, "Told you this shit was gonna be good."Meanwhile, Mike has increased his rotations and thrusts to match Rhonda's and Carl's rhythm and was now fucking Rhonda hard. He reached with both arms and grasped both on Rhonda's heavy hanging mammaries, grasping and manipulating the wife's fleshy round nipples while he fucked the asshole of Melvin's moaning wife like a whore she now was."Damn, Slut's cunt is...

2 years ago
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Marie pt4

During the following week I had gotten hornier and hornier thinking of the wekend visit to the air raid shelter. I popped into town during the week to get some make up and some clothes to wear for the following Sunday. This was going to be a bit awkward, but egged on by my urges i set off shopping. I decided to try the charity shops first and at the first shop i went to found a nice short black skirt and bought it. I then tried a few more charity shops and eventually found a lovely tight top...

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