High School Softmore free porn video

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High School Softmore By Jeffanie As I peered into the window of Karen's bedroom my eyes were glued to her as she undressed in front of me. What an ass and tits she had, she was truely the prized senior in school. As her skirt dropped to the floor her sheer pantyhose covered legs and perfect ass came into view. God what a sight! When her blouse was off I got the whole picture and then I snapped a couple pictures with my camera high in the tree aside of her window. After snapping about 20 pictures Karen left her rom and the show was over. I climbed back down the tree and headed back home. These were gonna be great additions to my growing collection of High School Hotties. I had quite the collection of pictures of girls over the past 2 years and I just loved being a little sneak in getting them. The next day at school I showed the pics to my friend Chris. "Wow, those photos are so hot, you're the man Terry!" We swapped a high five and headed to the gym for gym class. "You know what would be great Terry?" "What's that Chris?" "If you could have her on her knees sucking you off!" "Yea that would be the ultimate prize, but it will never happen. She dosen't even know we exsist." "Well, maybe if she knew about the pictures she might be willing to do just about anything to get them, if you know what I mean?" "Hey, that might be a great Idea, I never thought about that." "How do you think we should approach it?" "I don't know, lets think about this for a while and try and come up with a fool proof plan." Over the next two weeks Chris and I started scheming, I was even more fortunate to get more pictures of her, and these were total nude ones! By the time we were ready to get the ball rolling I had about 50 great pictures of her and now it was time to spring our little trap. I printed out a couple of pictures of her off my printer and wrote a note to her to meet me at the park after school around 4:00. I also told her not to tell anyone or I would be posting these pictures all over the school. On Thursday I told Chris there was no turning back now. I sliped the note into her locked locker through a narrow vent opening and then went to class. All day Chris and I were thinking on what we were gonna have her do in exchange for the pictures, and believe me, we were not going to be settling for just a make out session. School let out around 3:00 and I headed to the park to hopefuly meet up with Karen. I got there around 3:30 and sat on the swing waiting for her to show up. It wasn't long before she showed up and began to walk over to me. "So, are you the little pervert that's behind all this picture stuff?" She was pissed and ready to deck me! "Now hold on Karen, you can make this easy on yourself or very very hard!" "You fucking little twirp where did you get those pictures of me!" She grabbed me and threw me to the ground. "I want those pictures now asshole!" "Well you aint getting em until you do a couple of things for me and my friend." "What kind of things?" I picked myself up off the ground and got right up in her face. She stood at least 5 inches taller than me as I put my hands around her waist. "Now sweet Karen, me and my friend want to have a little fun with you in your bedroom sometime this weekend and you aint getting the pictures until we are both satisfied." "You fuckin bastard, this isn't fair, I never did anything to you!" "Look Karen, you let us have our fun and it will all be over after an hour or two." "You little twirp, if you think I'm gonna do this your crazy!" "Look Karen if you want those pictures your gonna have to get on your knees!" She then grabbed my jacket and pulled it off me as she checked all the pockets for more pictures. "There not here Karen, I have all of them at home." She threw my jacket down in disgust and then stared me down! "You promise to give me the pictures if I do these things?' "Absolutely Karen, once we make out for a while and you deep throat us a couple of times we will have gotten what we we're after." "And who is this friend of yours?" "Chris Meshy, he is in my class." She looked at the ground for a minute or two and then finally gave in. "Ok you blackmailer, I guess I don't have any other choice. Since you know where I live you and your friend can meet me at my house at 2:00 on Saturday and you better not double cross me, because we aint doing a thing unless I have all the pictures in my hand!" She gave me another push to the ground and stormed away. When I got home I called Chris and told him everything was set for Saturday afternoon. The next day at school I found a note in my locker from Karen. She was requesting another meeting in the park just like yesterday at the same time. All through the day I was thinking about what she wanted or if she told someone about the pictures. I told Chris about the meeting and he got nrevous. Just like the day before, school let out and I walked over to the park. It wasn't long before Karen showed up dressed in her little skirt showing off her sexy legs. "Well Terry I have been thinking about this situation you have me in. Here's $300 in exchange for all the pictures." I stared at the three $100 bills she held out in front of me. "No way Karen, you know what I'm after and it aint your money!" She grabbed me by the hair and got right in my face! " Look here you little bastard, I want to know how you got those pictures and I want them now!" "I got them by climbing in the tree in your yard and peeping through your window at night, that's how bitch! And if you back out now I will be posting these pictures all over the school property, and it will be my word against yours." She put the money back into her purse and then glared down at me. "Ok you fuckin bastard, you win, meet me at my place at 2:00 tomorrow and you better have all the pictures. We both went on our way as the twilight sky began to turn to darkness. I called Chris later that night and worked out all the details for tomorrows fantastic day of fun. Saturday morning arrived and I told my mom that Chris and I were going to be in the park all day and that I wouldn't be back until late in the evening. I left the house at 12:00 and headed to the park and met up with Chris.When I arrived at the park Chris was sitting on a bench waiting. "Hey Chris, are you ready to give up your virginity today?" "Keep your voice down man, you never know who's listening. Now lets go over this one more time." "Ok, for the last time, I'm going over to see her first to make sure there's no one else there and after I make out with her for a while, I'll call you and you can come over with the pictures and then we will bang her until we're out of gas." "Alright, I will be waiting for your call, I sure hope nothing goes wrong." "Will you relax, we're holding all the aces and her ass is ours. Remember our back up plan, if you don't here from me by at least 4:00 that means something went wrong and you better head home until you hear from me." We shook hands and I headed over to Karen's place. After a good 45 minute walk I showed up at my destination and this time it wasn't night time like all the other times. I rang the bell and waited. After a couple of minutes I ran the bell again. Soon the door opened and the lovely Karen appeared. "Well hello Terry! come on in dear." She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I was shocked at how nice she was to me. "Wow Karen I thought you would be pissed at me yet?" "I'm still a little mad, but I want to get this over with as Quick as possible. By the way where is your friend Chris?" "Oh, he will be along in a little bit, I thought maybe we could make out for a while before he gets here." "Sounds like your the mastermind of this whole plan." "Naturally Karen, It just goes to show that a Male Sophomore will always outsmart a Female Senior." "Well genious, before we head upstairs to my room to get things started, I want those pictures, as in now, as in all of them!" "I don't have them with me Karen, Chris is going to be bringing them over. So your going to be entertaining me until he gets here, take it or leave it." "Looks like you've thought of everything!" With a pissed off look on her face she grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs. I stared at her shapley legs as we walked up the stairs to her bedroom. She opened her bedroom door, pushed me inside and I stumbled into the waiting arms of a female police officer! "So this is the little twirp trying to blackmail you Miss." "Yes, he's the one." I was now in a panic nervous state as the officer had a grip on me! "No, she's lying I don't know what she's talking about, she invited me over here for some fun this afternoon!" "Why don't you sit your ass on the bed little boy while we get this sorted out!" The Officer then handcuffed my wrists together as I sat on the edge of the bed in total shock! "Now Miss.,before I fill out a report on this I need to know who is telling the truth here." "He has pictures of me undressing and he wanted to trade them for sex." The officer glared at me and waited for my reply. "Look, I don't know what she's talking about, I don't have any pictures and we made no deals for sex." "So your sure about that Mr.?" "Yes it's the truth, I swear." I then watched Karen go over to her purse and pull out her phone. "You fuckin bastartd let me play something for you!" She then played back a recording from yesterday of me telling her how and when I took the pictures. I was now screwed and my plan was imploding in front of me. "Well Miss. this is enough evidence to fill out a report, I will take him down to the station and let the courts deal with him. "No officer, please don't take me down to the station." "Listen buster, your ass is going to be in front of a judge for your punishment, it's not up to me to decide if your guilty or not." I sat back down on the bed as she took down my personal information. "Officer can I see you outside for a second." I watched as Karen and the officer walked out into the hall. After a couple minutes they returned. "Well Terry, Karen has informed me your friend needs to be punished as well so she has come up with a suitable punishment for the 2 of you if you choose to accept it." "What kind of punishment?" "Oh, don't worry dear your gonna love it." "So if I do this you won't fill out the report or tell my father?" "That's right dear, as long as all the pictures are in Karen's hands by the end of the day and you do EXACTLY what we tell you to do." I thought about my options I had and after a couple of minutes I agreed to Karens punishment."Ok, what is it you want?" "Great dear, now the first thing is, we have some time to kill before you call your buddy." The officer removed my handcuffs and then ordered me to strip!" I was shocked at this request but I did what I was told and soon I was standing in my underwear in front of the two of them. "Very nice dear now get your ass into the bathroom." The Officer grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall and into the shower. "Take off your shorts and hand them to me!" I took off my shorts and threw them over the shower rack. "Ok sweetie, on the ledge are two bottles, I want you to open them and spread the cream all over your legs, arms and body." I popped the tops off the bottles and began to spread the thick Pink cream all over. After a couple of minutes she returned and opened the shower door. "Give me that bottle, you have some spots on your back you didn't get." She donned a pair of latex gloves and then began to spread the cream all over my back and shoulders."We still have half a bottle left, I guess we should do your head to." She poured the remaining Pink goo all over my head and covered every inch of my scalp!. She shut the door and I was told not to move an inch. After about 10 minutes the officer returned and handed me a washcloth. "Get busy sweetie and wipe off that cream." The shower was tuned on and I began to wipe off the pink cream. Instantly my leg hair melted away with each wipe I made! Oh my god, they put hair remover on me! I wiped off all the cream and my body was as smooth as a baby. I closed my eyes and put my head under the shower and listened to the gobs of hair hit the shower floor that fell from my head!" I was now near a panic situation with all my hair gone. The officer wiped off any excess cream and handed me a towel to dry off. "Well, what a nice change you have made dear. She then began to spray me with a feminine sweet smelling scent. "Stop this, what are doing to me, I'll smell like a girl!" The officer then slapped my face very sharply. "Shut the hell up and get your ass into Karen's room." The Officer Guided me to Karens bed and sat my ass down. Both of them giggled and laughed at my hairless body as I sat in total fright! "Where are my clothes, what did you do with them?" With a big smile Karen looked at me. "What clothes dear?" Karen pulled me from her bed and sat me by her vanity. Over the next 30 minutes I watched in horror as the two women filed and lengthened my nails! My toenails and fingernails were then coated in bright red nail polish. "Boy Terry it looks like your new look is gonna be great. "Please stop this Karen, this isn't fair!" "You should've thought about that when you were taking all those pictures asshole!" After my nails were dry Karen began to cover my face with Makeup! "No Karen, I can't wear makeup, I'm beginning to look like a girl!" "Of coures asshole, that's part of your punishment, and you better stop complaining or the kind officer will march your pretty little ass down to jail." "Yea, I'm sure the boys down there would love to have fun with you tonight." I wanted to cry as Karen covered my eyelids with eyeshadow. "Yes dear, I think your punishment will teach you a very good lesson you little blackmailing pervert!" Over the next 30 minutes Karen finished with my makeup including covering my lips with red lipstick! "Now lets get that new hair for you asshole!" Karen covered my bald head with a smelly gel and then placed a Blonde shoulder length wig on my head. She fitted the wig to her liking and then squeezed it tight against my scalp. I could not believe the reflection in the mirror as it was a beautiful girl staring back at me! The officer came over and stared me down. "You sure are gonna look so sweet in your little outfit dear." It wasn't long before Karen brought over to the bed her cheerleader uniform. "I can't wear that, boys don't wear girls dresses!" 'Look you little bastard, either you do as I say or Officer friendly is taking you out of here right now!" Karen was extremely pissed off as she handed me a pair of red satin panties. "Here, put these on while I get some Pantyhose for you." With no dignity left I pulled her panties up and over my hips. Karen then tossed me the Suntan Pantyhose. "This should be fun to watch." Both of them stood next to me as I sat on the bed and began to pull up the silky nylons over my now hairless legs. After a couple of minutes of pulling and twisting my nylons were on and covering my satin panties. "Very nice dear now lets get some chest action going. Karen got behind me and began to strap a bright red padded bra around me. "Put your arms through here dear." I did what I was told and she tightened the straps tightly against my back. "Perfect fit sweetie just look at you all dressed in your feminine undewear." The girls laughed at me as Karen pulled her cheerleading sweater over my head and down over my padded chest. "Here sissy boy, put your skirt on." Karen threw me the skirt and I pulled it up over my nylon covered legs and zipped it up the back. "Now lets get some heels for you." Karen went to her closet and returned with a pair of red shoes. "Sit your ass down!" Karen then sliped both shoes on my feet and strapped them high around my ankles. My shiny painted toenails were peeking out of the front of the sandals and they looked so sexy. I was pulled from the bed and Karen held my arm as she urged me to walk around in my heels. "Very good Terry, keep pacticing you'll be a pro in no time." Both women giggled and talked softly to each other as I walked up and down the hallway. I was pulled back into her bedroom and put in front of her full length mirror. "Just look at this very pretty sissy cheerleader we have here." "Stop it Karen I'm not a sissy." Once again both girls laughed at my situation as I stared at the Pretty cheerleader in the mirror. My legs were so shiny and tan and my skirt barely made it to mid thigh. "It's about time you call your partner in crime Sissy boy." Karen handed me my phone and sat me on her bed. "Please don't make me call, this wasn't Chis's idea he isn't guilty of anything." "You call him right now, and if you spill the beans, you're going down to the station, Isn't that right officer?" "That's right sweetie, I'm sure the guys down there would love a pretty cheerleader to play with tonight." I knew I had no choice but call Chris. I dialed the number and told him everything was cool. "He will be here with the pictures in about 5 minutes." "Very good Terry, now while we're waiting for your boy friend to show up, we're gonna get a couple of pictures of you in my uniform. "No Karen, I don't want anyone to know about this, please!" "Shut up sissy, it was ok for you to show your boyfriend pictures of me undressing. Now the tables are turned a litttle and your in our trap with no way out." Karen threw me her pom poms and I stood there posing in her dress. "Very nice sweetie now twirll for the camera." Both girls laughed at my twirling and shaking of the Poms. I almost fell a couple of times in my heels as Karen took about 50 pictures. "Excellent Sissy Terry, I think the other cheerleaders will get a kick out of this." I sat on the bed and a couple of tears rolled down my cheeks. "Awe what's the matter Terry, don't you like playing dress up in my clothes and being a girl?" "Please let me go Karen, I don't want Chris to see me like this." "Well it's too late because he just walked up to the door. The doorbell rang and Karen went downstairs. I sat in her cheerleading uniform as the officer watched over me. "Well hello, you must be Chris?" "Yes, where is Terry?" "Oh, he's upstairs right now, we have been waiting for you, do you have those pictures?" "Yes I have them, but you aint getting them until I'm satisfied, if you know what I mean?" "Oh I do dear, Terry has told me I have to please both of you this afternoon. Come on in and we'll go upstairs to my bedroom." "Ok, I guess it's now or never." "Give me your hand dear and we'll head upstairs. It wasn't long before I heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer and closer. Seconds later Chris was pushed into the room and into the arms of the officer just like I did 2 hours ago. "Hey, what the hell is goin on here and where is Terry?" "Well , well, well, look what we have here, another blackmailer." The officer pushed Chris over to the bed and sat him beside me. "Well Chris how do you like Terry's new look?" Our eyes met and he stood up in disbelief. "Terry is that you?" "Yes it's me." "What the hell are you doing wearing a cheerleader uniform and high heels?" "They dressed me like this Chris, I had no choice!" "You're wearing make up and a wig to, are you gay or something?" "I'm not gay asshole they forced me into this as punishment for trying to blackmail Karen." "Sit you ass down next to your girlfriend." Chris sat right next to me as the officer took charge of the situation. "Now boys I'll have those pictures." "Chris handed her the picures and the back up disk, and we were now out of cards to play! "Your sure this is all of them?" "Yes mam that's all of them, please don't take me to jail!" "Relax Chrissy dear your punishment will not be as harsh as Terry's because he was the brains in this caper. You will still be punished and if you don't do as I say, I will hall both your asses down to the station. Do you understand me Mr.?" "Yes, yes, I will listen." "Very good! Now the first thing I want you to do is put your arm around the sexy girl next to you and rub her thigh slowly for us." "Are you fuckin nuts lady, I'm not gay, I like girls!" "Well this girl is all soft and sexy with tits and makeup and she's wearing a very sexy pair of heels and Pantyhose for you." "Please don't make me do this Karen!'" Both girls stood there with their arms crossed waiting for Chris to give in and it wasn't long before Chris's arm wrapped around my shoulder and his hand slowly slid up and down my nylon covered leg! "Now dosen't that feel nice boys." It wasn't long before Karen had her camera out and began snapping more pictures. "Ok Terry, you can start rubbing Chris's leg for us." With no way out I began to run my feminine hand up and down Chris's leg! "You two make a very cute couple, why don't you both move your massaging hands up a little higher!" Chris's hand slid up under my skirt to my nylon covered pantied groin!" "Well Chris, how does it feel to have your hands all over your girlfriend's pantyhose and panties?" "It, it, it's ok, there very silky." My hand was up and down Chris's groin as his hand massaged my pantied penis!" "Terry dear, why don't you unbotton and unzip his jeans for us?" I looked back at her in disbelief as the officer twirled her handcuffs around her finger. I unbuttoned Chris's jeans and unzipped his fly. To my horror his rock hard dick popped out of his underwear! "Oh my god, look at that officer he's got a little boner!" The girls laughed histerically as Chris's rock hard dick was out for all to see! "Well this is just great, he must be gay getting a hard on from another guy. Terry dear why don't you grab that shaft and stroke it for us, and while your at it, the two of you can do some kissing for the camera." We both looked at her in disbelief! "Come on sissy boys lets have a good make out session." With dick in hand, I stroked him off and Chris's lips met mine as Karen snapped picture after picture. "Very nice boys lets get those toungs working." My toung was all over Chris's as his hard on got stronger and stronger! "This is so great boys!" "Both of you sisies stand up! Terry dear I want you to get on your knees and show us how a good girl sucks a guy off!. "No way Karen, I can't do this!" " You get on your knees now and get busy or your both are going to jail. I'm sure we can get another cheerleader outfit for Chris as well." Chris Quickly pushed me to the floor and I sat up on my knees. "Please Karen don't make me do this!" The officer grabbed my hair and pushed my face right up to Chris's hard on! With no possible escape I slowly opened my mouth and Chris shouved his dick down my throat! "That's a good girl, now slowly work it back and forth, back and forth. Such a slutty cheerleader you are Terry!" I closed my eyes as I sucked off my best friend all dressed up as a cheerleader!'' Over the next couple minutes Karen snapped more pictures of my humiliation and punishment and Chris told me the unthinkable! "Terry, I can't hold it anymore!" I felt his stiffening shaft twitch again and again and then he began to shoot my mouth full of teenage cum!. "You better swallow every drop asshole!" Karen came over and grabbed my hair as I sucked Chris dry! Both girls laughed at me as Chris's dick went limp. Karen took a couple more pictures of me as I sat on the floor. "These are perfect dear I even have shots of the cum stains on your face and lips." Tears ran down my cheeks as my first sexual experience was not at all what I was hoping for today! "Very good sissy boys. Now lets have a little more fun before we call it even." The officer pulled Chris by the arm. "Now sweetie, I bet you would look great with a pretty outfit and some feminine polishing don't you think? "No, I don't want to be girl!" The officer pulled Chris's shirt off and quickly marched him into the bathroom and began to cover his naked body with pink cream! "Get out of my uniform asshole, I have to redo your makeup, we have some time to kill before Chrissy is ready for his." I removed the sweater and skirt and sat down only wearing my feminine underwear and pantyhose in front of Karen's vanity. Once again Karen covered my face with make up. "Your gonna love the prety red dress I have for you Terry. Your little scheme sure backfired on you didn't it, asshole!" After 20 minutes my makeup was complete and Karen went to her closet and pulled out a long sleeved silky red dress. She unzipped the back and invited me to step into it. Seconds later she was zipping me up the back and wrapped a 2" wide red patent leather belt around my waist and buckled it shut. The dress came above the kness and showed off plenty of my suntaned nylon covered legs. "Just look at you now, your prettier than half the girls at school." Karen sat me back on her bed and sprayed me with perfume all over and clipped red hoop earings onto my earlobes. It wasn't long before Chris walked into the room all silky smooth just like me. I watched Karen transform him into a girl with makeup and sexy Red hair. "You fuckin asshole Terry, look at me, I will be a laughing stock at school on Monday!" "Shut up Chrissy and slip these Black panties on." Karen handed him a pair of shiny satiny Black panties and it wasn't long before I watched my best friend put on a pair of Black Pantyhose. "Such a good girl you are Chrissy, you didn't put a run in your nylons." Karen laughed at him as she wrapped a Black padded bra around his chest and snapped the bra straps stinging him in the back. "Ouch! stop it Karen." "Such a girl you are sissy boy. Now lets get your dress so you can look as pretty as your girlfriend does." From Karen's closet came a knee length shiny Black dress with long sleeves. Chris stepped into the dress and Karen zipped the back of his dress all the way up to his neck! "Now sit your ass down so I can put your heels on." Chis sat next to me on the bed as Karen slipped a pair of Black ankle strap high heels on his nylon covered feet. "Just look at our blackmailers now! All pretty and all dressed up just like high school girl ready for a dance." Karen snapped more pictures of us and sprayed us with more perfume as the officer looked on and laughed. "Why don't we watch the two sissies dance for us Karen." "Hey, that's a great idea, on your feet girls." Karen and the officer pulled us off the bed and put us in the center of her bedroom. "Ok girls lets have a nice romantic slow dance shall we." I looked at Chris as he put his hands around my waist. Karen started the music and dimmed the lights as we slowly began to dance together!" "Very nice girls, you look great together all dressed up." Karen snapped more pictures as we danced in our heels and dress. "Please stop this Karen, I can't take any more of this!" "Shut up Terry, why don't you give your girlfriend a nice big hickie on her neck! " I sucked on Chris's neck and he then sucked on mine as we gave each other a hickie! "Very nice girls, now lets have some lip work!" I looked at Chris as I pulled him closer to me. "That's it girls lets get those toungs working." I closed my eyes and our lipstick covered lips touched. With all the silky clothes, perfume and makeup Chris felt exactly like I thought Karen would feel, and I was getting a hard on with all the silky touching and kissing! "Terry, what's the matter with you, are you enjoying this?" "I don't know whats happening Chris, I'm just getting so turned on by the way you kissed me and the way you look and feel." Both girls were laughing histericaly at what was happening. Karen walked over to me and felt the buldge in my panties! "Well Chris since you got your girlfriend all good and stiff why don't you get on your knees and show him how a girl takes care of a man!" I stepped away from Chris and everyone noticed my pantied hard on buldging under my dress! "Lift up your dress Terry dear so Chrissy here can experience his first blow job." I lifted up my dress and the officer pushed Chris over to me. "On your Knees Chrissy dear and get busy!" His eyes were filling up with tears as he got on his nylon covered knees. "Please Karen don't make me do this!" "You get busy right now you bastard, now pull down her Nylons and Panties."Chris's trembling hands lowered my Pantyhose and Panties and my bobbing dick popped out in front of him. One last time he pleaded with Karen as it was short lived. I grabbed his hair and pushed my manhood all the way past his lipstick covered lips! "Awe just look at Chrissy giving his boyfriend a blow job. I need some pictures of this." Chris tried to pull away as Karen snapped picture after picture. "Ohhhhh that feels so good, I moaned out!" Chris was sucking me off like a real girl and I was getting more and more turned on. Tears began to roll down Chris's cheeks as my dick stiffened up and began to twitch. Chris knew what was comming next as he tried to pull away, but he had no leverage on his knees. Seconds later I began to shoot gobs of cum down his throat again and again!!! I moaned out with great satisfaction for Karen and the Officer as Chris swallowed every drop! "Very nice Chrissy, you are now a compelte woman just like Terry. Maybe I'll have you girls over here on a weekly basis so you can perform for me!" Chris picked himself up off the floor as Karen and the officer ordered us to fix our dresses and look more presentable. "You girls were fantastic today! I can't wait to show all the cheerleaders how nice you girls look in your dresses and high heels." "Please Karen don't tell anyone about this!" "Well you don't have anything to blackmail me with now so shut up and sit you asses on my bed." Chris and I walked over to her bed and sat down. Why don't the two of make out some more while I talk with the officer." Once again we were forced to make out with each other dressed as girls. After a couple of minutes Karen ordered us on our feet. "Let me see your make up girls. Just as I thought you need some freshening up." Over the next 15 minutes Karen repaired our makeup and reapplied some more lipstick. "Ok you girls look great now, now get your asses downstairs!" "But what about our clothes?" "Shut up asshole, your wearing clothes more suitable for sissies." All 4 of us walked downstairs with the officer leading the way. "Ok girls you wait right here while I get the car." The officer left the house and we waited for her to return. "Karen where are our clothes at, we can't leave the house dressed as girls!" "Will you shut up sissy, you deserve everything your getting and if you tell anyone about this you'll have a hard time explaining everything when I tell everyone you wanted me to dress you up as girls for your own pleasure!" "Your a fucking bitch Karen!" "Yea, and you both are little sissyboys wearing pretty dresses and Pantyhose, just like teenage girls for my pleasure tonight!" The officer came back in, snapped her fingers, and ordered us out to her car. "I did you girls a favor by not bringing the sqaud car." We quickly walked out to the car and Chris and I were put in the back seat. Karen and the officer got in, started the car, and we drove off. Karen then threw a gym bag in the back seat with us. "Where are we going, to the police station?" "No, we told you we wouldn't take you in if you behaved now just sit back there and hold hands for a while." Chris grabbed my hand as we drove out of town. I was shaking and very nervous as I held Chris's sweaty hand! "Just look at our girls officer they're shaking like a leaf, they must be pretty scared comming out dressed as girls. Here, you girls can have a can of soda to calm you down a little until we get to the school. Karen handed us two straws so our lipstick would not be messed up and we shared the can of soda until it was empty. 10 minutes later we pulled into the back school parking lot in the rear of the building. It was pitch black and there was no one around. "Whats going on Karen why are we here?" "Just shut up and get out of the car assholes!" After exiting the car the officer escorted us into the school through a back door that was unlocked. Our heels clicked along the concrete floor of the school as we headed toward the gym. "Please Karen give us our clothes back and let us go!" Both girls laughed as they pulled us along. "Ok girls in here." Karen opened the door to the boys locker room and we walked in. "Over here girls and make it snappy! Now I want you to wrap your arms around each other." Chris put his arms around me and we pulled each other close. Without warning my wrists were handcuffed together and so were Chris's!" "What's goin on Karen?" Karen tied our ankles together as the officer kept us from falling down! Then our handcuffed wrists were tied to 2 poles with several pairs of pantyhose, and our feminine bodies were squeezed tightly together! "Karen let us go, please, what are you doing to us!" I watched the officer leave and Karen sat on the bench and crossed her legs. "I need some more pictures of you two crossdressing sissies." Karen snapped off countless pictures as Chris and I pulled at our binds. "Oh these are the best yet." Karen then began to spray us with more perfume and it wasn't long before the whole bottle was empty! "How are your little pantied dicks doing there girls, are you hard yet?" She reached up under our dresses and could feel our raging hardons! "That's just perfect girls, that little viagra I spiked your soda with will last for 5 hours or more." "Karen dear are almost done with these sissies!" Once again the officer joined us but this time she was dressed in jeans and a sweater carrying the gym bag. She came over and gave Karen a big hug as we looked on. "Well girls, I want you to meet my big sister Stephanie." "What! she's your sister?" That's right girls, I called her earlier in the week about the situation and she thought the two of you would make nice girls for everyone to see." "Oh my god Terry, she isn't a police officer, you asshole!" Both girls laughed histericaly at how they tricked us into dressing and acting like girls." "Yea, the uniform shop let me rent this for $25, boy was it worth it!" Our heads hung low as we were totaly out foxed by the two girls. "Well, we're almost done girls." Karen then threw our clothes on the floor next to us along with some used condoms and a couple crossdressing magazines!. Each girl got behind us and lifted up our dresses exposing our pantied botoms. "Now the two of you are gonna be spanked hard before we finish up here" Karen Snapped a wooden yardstick in half and handed one half to her sister. Both girls laid into us with sound smacks over our pantied bottoms! It wasn't long before our eyes were filling up with tears and we were begging for them to stop! "Don't you ever try and fuck with me again assholes, the next time I will castrate you both, I swear!" The spanking stopped and our dresses were pulled down. Tears were running down our faces as we lost all hope. "Now I want you girls to close your eyes and give each other one last deep 30 second kiss for me and then I will be done with you. "Do, Do You promise I cried out?" "Of course Terry now lets see one more kiss." Chris and I looked at each other, closed our eyes and kissed one more time. As soon as our lips touched something was pulled over our heads and was squeezed tightly to the contour of our face and head. I tried to pull away but I couldn't as Chris's lips were pressed to mine."Very nice girls, very nice indeed. That pair of total support control top pantyhose should do just fine!" With our heads in the girdle panty the girls quickly pulled each leg of the pantyhose behind us and tied them to the handcuffs! "Just look at our heros now!" All dressed up in high heels and a dress ready to greet the football team tonight when they arrive back from their away game. So Terry, your dad is still the head coach isn't he?" Both girls broke out in laughter as they grabbed their things and prepared to leave. "I wish I could see their faces when they check out your wallets and the used codoms laying on the floor. You girls will have some explaining to do." Both Chris and I mumbled as our lips were pressed together by the control top panty, we were trapped in their web with no way out. "I guess I'll see you girls at school on Monday. You can keep the dresses, shoes and undewear in case you two want to play dress up again on your own." Both girls walked away from us laughing and turned out the lights on us and our big plan! Hope you liked it, [email protected]

Same as High School Softmore Videos

3 years ago
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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart Chapter 1 It was 1971 and Halloween had come around once again and I was dreading it. It fell on a Sunday this year so I knew some time during the day my mom was going to tell me I would need to escort my brothers and sisters on their rounds tonight since my dad was working. I was in my freshman year of high school and felt that I had become too old to dress up and beg candy. I sort of regretted the candy part but I would probably extort some candy from my...

3 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 01

Author’s note: I started writing this a long time ago and enjoyed the way it was going (At least in my head). I’ve held off posting this first chapter because I wanted to get more done, but I’m curious to see if people are really interested in this story line before I go too much further. Please feel free to comment. I do read them. I also make an effort not to delete any comments that people make, as long as they’re not offensive. In other words, I’m old enough to take constructive criticism...

1 year ago
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High School Nurses Exam

Chapter  1 –        High School Nurses Exam or Welcome to Hell, Boys        15 Year old Jordan Haystack shifted anxiously in his seat as he awaited the mandatory nurse’s exam for freshman year of high school.  The knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter, and he felt sicker and sicker.  The line of boys in front of him looked just as terrified.  The boys filing out of the nurses office ahead of us kept their gaze fastened straight to the floor, their cheeks bright red.        It didn’t...

4 years ago
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High School Reunion Drinking Games 5th in the Golden Series

A few years ago I went to my twenty five year high school reunion. Coincidentally, I’d also begun a fitness regime about a year ahead of the reunion. I didn’t really do it for the reunion, but over that year the reunion date did provide some motivation. After all, the desire to impress a group of people that you shared five years of your life with in the distant past seems a common condition. Since I wasn’t famous or rich, the only avenue left to me to impress was through a regime of workouts....

4 years ago
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High School Reunion

All characters are over the age of eighteen.Finally walking off the plane from my first class seat on a Thursday evening, it feels good to be home. I’m back in town for my ten-year high school reunion. This time I’m going to be the one everyone’s jealous of. I’ve got the perfect job, making more money than I know what to do with. Well… being an accountant for a huge tech firm, I obviously invest my money to earn interest and make more money… but my point being, I’m far better off than all the...

1 year ago
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High School Sweetheart part 4 of 4

High School Sweetheart Chapter 4 By Lauren Bliss Sunday morning, I awoke to a breakfast of sugar smacks, and coffee. Mrs. Connolly seemed to always have her hands full, so it was no surprise that she fixed the family's morning meal by taking the path of least resistance. Still, I thought it nice that their whole clan, all eight of them, had breakfast together. Archie had stumbled in pretty late, well after we went to sleep, and it showed. He shoved his cereal into his mouth in...

3 years ago
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High School Pimp

I was only thirteen years old throughout most of my freshman year in high school. I was only four years old when I entered kindergarten and I had not failed any grades. I was a nerd and had no friends. I just didn’t fit in. High school was nothing like grade school I’ll tell you that. Then one day in March a senior boy talked to me. I thought that he was talking to someone else and turned around to look. He walked right up to me and then I figured that I was going to get beaten up. He...

3 years ago
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High School Fall Festival for Slut Wife Terry Webb

High School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 2High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 3High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 4High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 5High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 6High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 7High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 8High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 9High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 10High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb...

1 year ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...

2 years ago
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High School Part 5 Graduation

High School Part 5 - Graduation [In which Shaun's Mother helps him with his makeup, Jeff defends Shaun from two bullies at school, Shaun begins wearing high heels and gives Jeff a blowjob.] I was sitting at the kitchen table just after finishing breakfast this morning, buffing my fingernails and getting ready to put some polish on them when Mother looked over at me and said, "Shaun, your new clothes are really nice and make you look so much more attractive. But, and I hope that...

3 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 02

Author’s note: Thanks for all you kind words. I was surprised by how many of you were interested in this story. Here is the second chapter. I hope it doesn’t disappoint. JD. ********** The car ride was painfully quiet as we made our way toward my high school. My father was driving and to say he wasn’t happy with me was a vast understatement. Mom was sitting next to him and looked like she hadn’t slept much at all last night. I knew they were worried about me and I could certainly see why. I...

2 years ago
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High School New Friends New Experiences

Introduction: this is a partly true story Ah, high school. The best and worst times of our life, supposedly. I had been living in the south since I was 8, yet at age 14 I was still a bit of an outcast because I was different and not from here. Thus is the mentality of the town I grew up in in the south. My freshman year wasnt too bad, I did have a best friend who liked my same kind of music and understood my sense of humor perfectly. We met the year before in 8th grade middle school. We were...

2 years ago
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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5"...

3 years ago
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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart By Popov My name is Kitty. Well, it was Kevin until my sophomore year in high school. I was a member of the school's swim team and, a pretty good swimmer. I made it to our region's championship that year. As competitive swimmers I, and the rest of my team-mates, had to shave our bodies. No one ever looked forward to this ritual, but it was necessary to get that extra edge on the competition. This was a problem in the spring because most kids wore...

3 years ago
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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma: Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5" and weighed around 120 pounds. But, Kelly was Joe's...

2 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 6

The loss of the head custodian put a crimp in Hellboy's plans. With no head custodian to keep the brothel clean and orderly and no principal to hire his replacement, the whole brothel operation had to be put on hold until something could be done. Initially, Hellboy had been considering having the whores clean up after themselves, but that was going to cut into the revenue-producing fucking time. Besides, adult men were needed to haul around those heavy metal refuse containers that the school...

1 year ago
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High School Sweetheart part 3 of 4

High School Sweetheart Chapter 3 By Lauren Bliss It was prom night, and I was ecstatic. I was dressed in a pink, strapless, diaphanous gown that fell to mid thigh. The bodice clung to my developing curves, but the neckline was high enough to remain tasteful. My opera length gloves fit snugly around my arms. I wore my mother's pearls, and carried a small drawstring purse, while I paced nervously around our living room. Ela was there, dressed similarly. We stood for photos while our...

3 years ago
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High School reunion3

Logan maybe, he was at least smart enough to get good grades, Devon, on the other hand, was a complete tool and an absolute idiot. Unless he made it to the NFL, which he didn’t, there’s no way he achieved anything with his life. But it’s Logan I want to show up. He always went out of his way to put me down. He tried to act so manly, but honestly, his voice sounded so girly. I’m surprised Devon didn’t give him shit for it. Even though he was shorter than me, being the state champion in...

2 years ago
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High School New Friends New Experiences

"Aww man, there's no 'home room' in high school?" I exclaimed, disappointed because Chris and I always goofed off in home room. We checked eachothers schedules and compared them. "Damn dude, looks like we only have Science and Lunch together" Chris pointed out. He sounded as disappointed as he could...Chris wasn't the most emotional kid. He was a 'burn out child' as we liked to call him and slightly pick on him because of his hippie parents. Chris didn't mind though, he was...

4 years ago
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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

2 years ago
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High School Lovers0

Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quickly and quietly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters’ forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods, the cool November air kissed my cheeks even through the trees. Birds scarcely sang in the distance, most having...

3 years ago
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High School Lovers3

Family and friends Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quietly and quickly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods. A little about us, my sister and I are from (Mass-a-two-shits, yes I said that right, the state is...

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High School French Teacher

(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SEVEN Kirsty Sheraton was thirty-three years old, and had graduated from...

4 years ago
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High school days 2

"Well, that was what we agreed to Mom. I would share a sexy adventure of me and my friends and you would return the favor."I tried hard to maintain my composure, to keep from acting surprised that Mom would volunteer re-stating our previous "agreement". She could have easily dismissed that weak arrangement since neither of us really made a point about the rules of our sexy story exchange. Mom looked at me intently, as if trying to see if I would break-down and release her from this flimsy...

2 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 1

"Horsey" had started his business at an unusually early age! Not many boys become independent businessmen before they leave middle school. Of course, Horsey had a great mentor in his oldest brother, who was one of the most successful pimps in their housing complex. Horsey's brother ran a stable with women of all ages, starting with his mother who was 39 and their youngest sister who was 17. That brother had taught Horsey all he needed to know to keep his whores in line and how to extract...

1 year ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...

1 year ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...

4 years ago
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High School Hypnotist

Story Summary - Brad Taylor enjoys his work as a high school guidance counselor and hypnotist. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! Yeah, I have it pretty...

2 years ago
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High School Girls

High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Story by Jaana "Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, and their friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants them both nightmare and gift beyond price." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,...

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High School Again Ugh Ch 06

Author’s note: If you haven’t read the previous chapters then I suggest you don’t bother continuing until you do, especially if all you’re interested in is the sex scenes. There is one, but in order to keep the reader enmeshed in a story of this length most of this chapter is character and plot development. I think you’ll be lost and disappointed without the background the previous chapters supply. For those of you who have read the previous chapters and are willing to continue to read the...

2 years ago
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High School Girls

High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Storyby Jaana"Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, andtheir friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants themboth nightmare and gift beyond price."*** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex,female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! ***"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people withwhom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -...

1 year ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE THREE Moira McIver, the Principal of the school, had been standing near the...

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High School Flasher Club

High School Flasher Club I wanted to start a photography club in my high school but no one wanted to join. I was always considered a nerd and photography just wasn’t cool. Their loss. I got my sister to help me out. Natalie was a year younger than I was but she was certainly no nerd. In fact Natalie was part of the cool group. She was very pretty, well built, and quite popular too. At fifteen and in the ninth grade Natalie was always good to me. I was sixteen, in the tenth...

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High School Class Reunion

The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...

3 years ago
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High School Daysbynikkis©When I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her...

4 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 5

Bill paid a visit to the next man up the ladder in the loan sharking ring. Somewhat reluctantly, this man supplied the names and locations for four more of the men who actually made the customer contacts. This guy reported directly to Archie, so Bill learned that the loan sharking ring was not very thick and could be easily broken. There was nothing more for Bill to learn from him, so Bill sent him to the hospital with the usual complement of broken joints. By the middle of the following...

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High School Stud

It was 1980 and I was a senior in high school. There was a guy in my grade and we had gone to school together all four years. We both did sports and we both played football and basketball all four years.During our freshman and sophomore years we were also required to take physical education. Fortunately for me we both had the same PE classes all four semesters and back then everybody showered after practice as well as Phys Ed.  I don't know why the school seem to have stopped this unless they...

Gay Male
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High School Teacher Scandal

"Damn! You my sweet bitch, ain't you? You sure know how to lick some good pussy, girl."Megan raised her head from between Kathy's black thighs. She didn't make eye contact, just starred off into space, detached. A stray black pube was glued to her cheek and the musty stench of Kathy's muff filled her nostrils and mouth.Kathy stroked her blonde hair as she stared into her ice blue eyes. "You still missin' them football players, snowflake? Ha! Damn! They must've fucked you good. Why don't you...

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High School Undercover

Your career is stagnant and dull. Your name is John Doe and you are an investigative journalist. You are young, having just turned 23, and your pieces have earned you a few awards. But as of late, you haven't gotten any good subjects to write about. You've been relegated to beat coverage to pass the time, mostly because your editor isn't willing to pony up the bucks required to undertake a good investigative report in these trying economic times. Though the gig has been boring the last year or...

2 years ago
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High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb

To all those who follow my posts you already know I am very adventurous sexually. I often meet people directly from websites who respond to my postings or I often repeat similar adventures that work for us such as being a truck stop whore or being a bar slut or a beach cum bucket. All of these continue to work for me. But instead of posting adventures that are nearly the same as previous adventures, I try to keep it fresh by sharing new extremes I've tried. So yes I remain very active sexually...

3 years ago
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High School Cocksucker Outted another story

When I was 16 I slept over at Kyles a lot. Mostly I slept over because he'd fall asleep while we were playing video games and watching tv. It was up to me whether I stayed and slept or went home. Kyle is black about 6'2 and has a strong build. He has a white Mother (Molly) and a black father (Wayne). He has a sister named Jazyln who just entered high school. She has her mothers facial structure and a tight little body with breasts that seem to spring over night to about a large B cup. She was...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE TWO Hayley Statten was restless and bored, wondering why she had come to...

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High School Reunion

They met in their sophomore year of high school, shortly after they turned sixteen. Two loners who somehow found each other, Jim and Amy became fast friends and did everything together. They attended high school sporting events, dances and other school activities. Occasionally they would kiss, and maybe pet a little, but basically theirs was a platonic friendship. The night of their graduation, after tiptoeing around the margins for a long time, they finally consummated their relationship. All...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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High school days 1

When I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her 5'6" frame was gorgeous....

2 years ago
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High School Disco Dance With Kelly

It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

4 years ago
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High School Part 2 My Sophomore Year

High School Part 2 - My Sophomore Year [In which Shaun learns to cope with the aftereffects of his surgery, notices a few changes occurring in his body, and confides in his mother and Jeff.] While I'd been wearing panties and sanitary napkins during the summer, that didn't work for me when it was time to go back to school. My problem was that while I could control the flow of urine, when I had to pee I had to go, like, RIGHT AWAY, and I only had a minute or so to get to...

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High School Duke

High School Duke: I looked away from my physics midterm when the knock on the door occurred. Mr. Poole, my sharp as a razor teacher when it comes to science but dumb as a newborn when it comes to relaying his knowledge to his students, got up and waddled to the door. The girl revealed by the door’s opening was Penelope Sanders. She was a cute girl, shoulder length blonde curly hair with a pink headband, blue eyes partially hidden by a pair of black rimmed glasses, dimples, a button nose, and...

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High School1

It was just another day at school. I parked my car and grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat. I stared up at my High School wishing I was somewhere else. Its not that I was unpopular or anything, I was on the varsity wrestling team and was state ranked with college scholarships as a junior. I was 5’9” and weighed 145 and was about five percent body fat and the girls wanted me and I had been with most of them. It was that I could not have the one girl that I wanted most. The...

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High School Streakers

High School Streakers I own a diner with a unique position in the middle of town and with an entrance on both major streets. It almost happed by accident several years ago when the guy on the next block said that he was considering selling out. He laughed when he suggested that I could triple my dinning area just buy knocking out the far wall. He made so much sense that I made him an offer and he accepted it. That was almost twenty-years ago. Somewhere about that time a high school...

2 years ago
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High School Reunion

10 years have passed in a blink of an eye, but here I am again, walking the halls of good ol' Northwest High School. Our mascot was a polar bear wearing a cowboy outfit, seriously. I was looking forward to the reunion, actually, because there was one person in particular who I was hoping to see again. Nancy Narwood, my high school sweetheart, the girl who took my virginity, and the girl who became a cock loving slut. Nancy and I met our sophomore year and had been dating for over a year. We...

2 years ago
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High School Pimp

In high school, I picked up the nickname of Ram because I would ram every cunt/pussy I could. Being a three-sports-superstar made me very popular with the girls, and to be honest, with some of the female teachers as well. My good looks, athletic build, and reputation of having a huge cut cock helped also. Most of the guys were in awe of me and very envious.During my senior year, I got in serious trouble when I was caught taking money from a college alumnus trying to recruit me to an out of...

3 years ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FIVE Raquel Fuentes was taking little satisfaction from the fact that the...

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High School Alpha

Changing school is always a drag, meeting new people, having to join a new group of friends. And changing before the senior year is even worse. I would have a lot of girls wanting to be my prom date at my last school, but here? I'll have to conquer them all over again. I sigh as I walk through the open doors, the interior is very similar to what my last school looked like. I ask one of the security guards where the principal’s office is and he gives me the directions. When I arrive there I...

2 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 03

‘Hey John, nice game,’ Pamela Stevens said as I passed her in the hallway. ‘Thanks,’ I smiled. ‘Yeah, way to go!’ some guy added. ‘It was a team effort,’ I said, and it was the truth, but it was nice to be appreciated, especially after yesterday. Pop had heaped the chores on me for getting in late Saturday night after the game. I spent all day Sunday working hard, hoping he’d calm down. I even made dinner in hopes of making mom smile. It worked, at least briefly. I sighed to myself. ...

3 years ago
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High School Part 1 My Freshman Year

High School Part 1 - My Freshman Year [In which Shaun ignores the early warning signs of a serious medical problem - and later pays the price.] You know how it is when you wake up in the morning and feel a bladder that has filled up during the night and is signaling you that it wants to be emptied, and like RIGHT AWAY! So you shuffle off to the bathroom, lift up the toilet seat and stand in front of the bowl, holding your weapon in one hand and releasing a stream into the bowl -...

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