Mountain Misery free porn video

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Kelly and Tom met at the gym several months earlier. Tom, a trainer at the facility, was assigned to be her personal trainer. She was nervous at first about having a man be that close to her but her nerves were quickly settled when she found out that he was gay.

Kelly would not have been too opposed to a straight man working out so close to her though. Ever since early on in high school, Kelly was unknowingly acting like a cocktease. Even though she had only had sex a few times, from the outside you would think that she was somewhat whorish. Whether it be her tight clothing or her jokingly flirtatious behavior towards both boys and girls, she put on a persona that could not be farther from reality.

The two instantly became friends and spent a lot of time together. They had been planning this hike for several weeks. The plans were for them to go over Memorial Day weekend but a death in Tom’s family cancelled those plans. It was now July 14 and they were ready to start their adventure.

The heat of the summer was in full swing as the thermometers were pushing close to a hundred degrees while the clock passed noon. Tom and Kelly were drenched in sweat just minutes after exiting the car. Tom was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a white t-shirt while Kelly was in a white tank top and a short pair of black shorts. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail, with several strands of hair stuck to her shimmering skin.

“Ready to go?” she asked him after taking a drink out of her water bottle.

“Let’s go!” he responded

Tom grabbed his small backpack filled with supplies while Kelly placed her water bottle in her fanny pack and grabbed her bag full of food and water. They made their way on to the trail and started their journey to the top. After a few minutes, she stopped and emptied her water bottle onto her face, trying to gain relief from the heat. Normally, she would have been embarrassed to have water clinging to her white tank top and revealing the bikini top underneath her shirt but since Tom was gay, she made it a priority to turn around and laugh as she shook her small breasts at him. He almost doubled over laughing before she turned around and kept going up the mountain.

It took several hours (and several bottles of water) before the two made it to the top and at their campsite. Both were holding their shirts in hand as the weather required them to remove them. They took several breaks on the way to the top. Kelly was never one to take time out during a mission. Her goal was always to get to the finish as fast as possible while being the first person there. Getting to the top as fast as possible this time was not possible. She tried pushing herself but took her health into consideration and took her time.

It was around seven o’clock and the sun was starting to set in the distance when they arrived. Kelly pulled her shirt back on and sat down on the smooth dirt beneath her. She stared at Tom’s sweaty, ripped physique and could not help but lick her lips. She knew she could not have him and that only made him sexier to her.

“Hungry?” he asked her as he pulled sandwiches out of his bag.

She nodded and he tossed one to her. They quickly ate before relaxing for the first time all day. They kept their eyes up at the stars, watching them get brighter and brighter. She would occasionally look down at him while he was not looking and vice versa.

When Tom looked at her, he noticed her rubbing her shoulder and slightly grimacing. He got up and moved over and sat down behind her.

“Your shoulder hurt?” he asked as he placed his strong hand on her.

“It’s a little sore from the workout yesterday,” she said while he started lightly massaged it. “That feels nice; you’re great with your hands.”

“I get that a lot,” he said.

“I bet you make a lot of guys happy with them,” she laughed.

“If only you knew,” he said with a chuckle.

Tom continued rubbing the young woman’s shoulders as she stared up at the sky. The pain in her arm was gone but the massage she was getting felt beyond amazing and she did not have the desire to stop him. Once his hands finally got tired, he stopped and went back to his original spot.

“So, are you seeing anyone yet?” Tom asked her.

“No not yet,” she responded. “All the guys in town are jerks. Too bad I can’t find a straight version of you, I’d be so happy. So how about you? Any new guys in your life?”

“Still looking sweetie. I’ve had a couple one-nighters but nothing serious,” he said.

“You’ll find the right person soon,” she said as she took a drink from her water bottle.

“I think I just might, I’ve got a feeling it will be sooner rather than later,” he said with a smile.

They kept making small talk for another hour before Kelly started going through one of the bags and pulled out a change of clothes. She pulled her shirt back off and started undoing her bikini top while Tom watched on. She stopped and held onto her breasts.

“Are my boobs getting smaller or is it just me?” she asked.

Tom stood up and walked over to her, grabbed onto and lightly squeezed them. She giggled as his hands softly manipulated her chest.

“Seem fine to me,” he said with a smile.

Kelly started to grab for her other shirt but his hand remained grasped onto her chest, his grip getting tighter. She tried to push him off but he held on.

“For a gay guy, you really like feeling my boobs don’t you?” she asked as the smile on his face went away. “Ok really, let me go so I can get dressed.” Still, he held on tight. “Tom, what is wrong with you?”

“Why should I let go?” he asked her.

“You’re hurting me and you’re gay, you shouldn’t be grabbing me like this,” she said as he released one hand from her chest and put it on her shoulder.

“You honestly still think I’m gay? Are you truly that stupid?” he said as he pulled her close and stuck his tongue down his confused friend’s throat.

Kelly broke the kiss and slapped him across the face. “Stupid!? You pretended to be gay and you’re calling me stupid!? Why have you been lying to me you bastard!?” she yelled as she pulled her shirt on.

“Why else would anyone want to be close to you? I wanted to get a piece of your sweet ass and back in school, you wouldn’t give me a second look!” he yelled as she looked confused.

“I didn’t go to school with a Tom Jamison….who the hell are you?” she yelled.

“Jake Thomas-Patterson, your science partner in freshman year…you know, the one you called an ass hole when I spilled a beaker of water on your lap,” he said as she gasped.

“That was you?” she asked.

“Yes, you screamed out ass hole and everyone in that class proceeded to call me that like it was my name all year. I hated you so much, I wanted nothing more than revenge,” he explained.

“Your revenge was making out with guys in front of me?” she asked, still confused.

“Necessary sacrifices. It was all part of the plan to get to this point,” he said as he slowly walked towards her.

“Tom…Jake…whoever you are, we can work this out,” she said as she backed up and tripped on a rock, falling to the ground.

Tom stood over her with anger in his eyes. Kelly picked up a handful of dirt and threw it in his eyes before getting up and running away from him. She looked back to see that he was following her and closing up in a hurry. When he was close, she made a sudden turn that threw him off for a second. She picked up a large rock and threw it towards his face. Unfortunately for her, she missed and only infuriated him further.

Kelly kept making hard turns in an effort to throw him off her trial but he was too focused to screw up. The fear that ran through her was its most intense. She saw a dark cave up ahead and headed into it. On the plus side, he could not see his own nose in the darkness. The bad news…neither could she.

Tom slowed down and suddenly stepped on something soft. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and lit the area up. He aimed it down and saw Kelly lying unconscious on the ground with a giant bruise on her forehead. He looked up and saw that she smacked her head on a wall of rock. He put his phone down and grabbed her by the hair, dragging her out into the moonlit area. He looked around and saw that, with all the turns they made, they were only a few hundred feet from their campsite.

Tom walked back and retrieved his bag of “supplies”. In reality, it was more of a torture sack. Inside were ropes, lanterns, a lighter, a hunting knife, a small shovel and a pair of brass knuckles. He brought them all back to the cave and lit the two lanterns. He dragged her limp body back into the now-lit cave and used the ropes to tie her hands and feet behind her.

He left to go back to the campsite and came back with the bag of food and water. He took out a bottle of water and poured it onto her, trying to waken her. She slowly came too and shook her head hard. She tried moving but realized that she was bound tightly. Tom pressed his sneaker to the side of her face and stepped on her hard. When he let go, she screamed for help.

“Scream all you want Kelly, no one can hear you. You seem smart enough to know that…I guess I was wrong,” he said with a laugh.

“Let me go now you bastard or you’re gonna pay!” she screamed.

Tom knelt down next to her and ran his finger through her hair. “How am I going to pay you dumb cunt?”

She gasped as the last word left his mouth. Never before had Kelly Carlquist been called a cunt and she did not like it one bit.

“What did you fucking call me!?” she yelled as she squirmed around on the ground.

Tom stepped back and kicked her hard across the stomach which caused her to screech in pain.

“How about you shut up now!” he yelled. “You are going to get what you have coming to you.”

“I didn’t do a damn thing! It’s not my fault you couldn’t handle being called an asshole!” she continued trying to break free before he spit on her face.

“You did do many damn things. You are nothing but a flirtatious little bitch that needs a good teaching to,” he said.

“Flirtatious? I don’t flirt with anyone!” she screamed.

“So when you wear those tight shirts at the gym with no bra underneath, that’s not flirting? When you pretend to make out with your girlfriends at the bar, that’s not flirtatious?”

“I joke around with my friends and it’s more comfortable without a bra on. Besides, it’s usually just me and you and I thought you were gay,” she said.

“You thought wrong,” he said as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up. “If only you knew how much cum I’ve shot just thinking about you.”

“You’re a disgusting piece of shit,” she said as she spit at him.

Tom dropped her head and she slammed down to the ground, letting out a whimper as she hit. She closed her eyes as the pain of her first head injury intensified. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tom’s shorts down at his feet. She looked up and saw his massive eight inch cock in his hand. Not having been with many men in her life, Kelly had never seen a penis that big before.

“Please Tom, just let me go. I promise I’ll forget about all of this…please, for me?” she asked as he laughed.

“Miss goody two-shoes not telling on me? Fat fucking chance. I’m not buying your bullshit Kelly,” he said as he aimed his cock at her. “The smell of your sweat is really starting to piss me off…you need a good cleaning before I take what’s truly mine.”

Kelly was confused as to what he meant until she saw and felt a warm, golden stream flow onto her sweaty body. She gagged and choked as his putrid piss rained down her from head to toe. She made sure to keep her mouth and eyes closed so she did not accidentally catch any. When he was done, she opened up and almost vomited at the smell coming from her.

“You sick fuck,” she said.

“You have a big fucking mouth you know that,” he said as he grabbed her by the hair and set her up on her knees. “Open your mouth; it’s time to shut you up.”

“I don’t suck dick,” she said sternly.

“You do now, so open up,” he said as he pressed his dick against her cheek.

“And if I don’t?” she said with her teeth clenched.

“I’ll punch you in the mouth until it opens,” he said as he balled his fist up and held it in front of her eyes.

The scared brunette kept her mouth closed and looked up at him with a smile, almost daring him to do it. She tried to call his bluff but quickly learned that he was not bluffing. One stiff shot to her jaw caused her to shriek out in pain. Before she could gain her composure enough to close her mouth again, his thick member was half way down her throat. She could see the blood from her mouth dripping onto his balls as they slammed hard against her chin.

Kelly was in complete hell. She never had sucked a dick before in her life and as a matter of fact, thought it was the most disgusting thing a girl could do. Now she had one in her mouth; her throbbing-in-pain, bleeding mouth, against her will. She tried to fight him but with her limbs tied up, she could do nothing but feel his large cock slide in and out of her throat. She choked and gagged with each thrust and swore she would pass out soon.

Tom was only getting more excited as the sound of his member sloshing around inside her tight throat sounded like it was being played on a stereo system. It was a quiet night in the cave and the reverberation her muffled cries only made him happier. He pulled out of her throat for a few seconds and wiped the massive amount of slobber on his cock onto her sweaty forehead. She begged for him to stop but he quickly reinserted himself into her and continued face fucking her.

For several minutes, Kelly could do nothing but take the abuse in her mouth. She felt as disgusting as possible just by having his cock in her presence, let alone down her throat. She silently prayed that it would end soon and she could just go home and try to forget it. Suddenly, Tom pulled out of her and she started catching her breath again. She kept her eyes closed and was unaware of him jerking off furiously just inches from her face.

Kelly’s eyes shot open when she felt something thick and hot land on her skin. The next shot of cum hit her right in the eye and she screamed in pain. She hung her head low crying as more and more cum hit her now-not-so-pure face. When the last drop fell, he grabbed a handful of her hair and used it as a rag to clean any leftover cum from his dick.

The young woman felt like she was going to be sick as she looked down and saw sticky white globs fall from her face onto the ground below. She remained in place even when Tom walked out of the cave. In her mind, she was going to hell just for allowing him to do this to her. She closed her eyes again and cried for several minutes.

Tom reentered the cave and saw her sobbing to herself. He approached her with a stick he found outside and whipped her across the face with it. When she looked at him, he had the knife in his other hand. She was terrified that he was going to use it to murder her. He grabbed her shirt and cut it off of her body. Next off were the shorts and her black panties until she was completely naked in front of him. He pulled his own shirt off and tackled her to the ground. He held the knife to the ropes at her feet, cutting it away from her. He held the knife to her throat when it looked like she would kick him.

“I dare you to kick me,” he said in a threatening tone. “I swear you will regret it if you do.

He placed the knife down and started rubbing her clean-shaven pussy hard. She could feel but could not see that he had something around his hand. She fought him as she felt her clit being rubbed by the cold object. She kicked him in the leg several time. He swung his hand back and punched her hard in the kidneys. He held his hand in front of her eyes and showed her the pair of brass knuckles he was wearing.

Kelly was in more severe pain from the kidney shot than the concussion. His rough hand continued attacking her innocent pussy. She felt like he was going to rub her lips clear off of her body. This all resulted in the thing that defeated her most…dampness. She felt a warm, wet feeling seeping out of her crotch and onto her attacker’s hand. With all that has happened so far, this was most embarrassing of them all.

“Please fucking stop, Tom,” she begged.

Tom responded to her plea with another punch, this time in her stomach. She cried hysterically once again. As she squirmed in pain, she felt his cock beginning to press against her opening.

“I’ve waited too damn long for this,” he said.

She was in too much pain to even notice when he shoved his entire member into her moist pussy. When she finally realized what was happening, she slapped his back several times and screamed ‘no’ repeatedly.

He lifted himself up and took full control of her body by grabbing onto her waits and squeezing her bruised kidney as he thrusted hard in. Part of her wished that she would just die to avoid the torture she was suffering. She continued trying to kick him off as the sound of his balls slapping her asshole became more and more audible.

Tom, getting frustrated by her kicking, punched her again with the brass knuckles; this time in her sore shoulder. He punched her repeatedly, harder with each blow. When he finally stopped, he put his hand down on her clit and viciously rubbed it. He already hurt her physically and now wanted to torture her psychologically by making her climax during the rape. She hated how intensely pleasured her clit was causing her to be. She fought with every ounce of strength to keep an orgasm from happening but ultimately failed.

“Motherfucker!” she yelled through tears as her vaginal walls cramped up and released a massive orgasm around his monster if a cock.

Kelly’s body fully betrayed her as she came violently. Enjoying her torture, Tom hit her with another kidney shot as her body shook. Once her high came down, he pulled his cock out and rubbed it against her throbbing clit. He smacked it a few times before placing it back in and going back to roughly fucking her.

Tom grabbed her left leg and held it up straight to give him some more access. He placed his hand on her ankle and forced the leg down at a very uncomfortable angle. With each thrust into her swollen pussy, he pushed it farther down until it was pinned near her head. His strength was too much for her to overcome, but she still fought. She used her other leg to kick at him while he laughed.

“You don’t give up do you? For that, it’s time for something a lot more painful than a kidney punch.”

He pulled his member out of her pussy, balled up his fist and tried forcing it into her soaking wet hole. She trashed and squirmed as his fist slowly worked its way up her pussy. It took a lot of effort but after a few minutes, Tom fit his entire fist into his friend’s beaten down cunt.

He slowly moved it around as her mouth stayed wide open, gasping in pain every second. Luckily for her, he did not keep it in for long and roughly pulled it out. She screamed when she heard and felt the air in her crotch pop once he released himself.

Tom roughly flipped her over and pressed his cock against the last remaining hole that had yet to invade. Even with all of the torture she had suffered, Kelly still had enough strength to fight as his wet cock pressed against her virgin asshole.

“Only one place left,” he happily said as he inched his way in.

“No!” she screamed as her hole stretched farther than nature had intended.

It took some work and some extra spit but Tom eventually got all eight inches into her small opening. She felt like she would pass out from the pain throughout her whole body, the most of which coming from her asshole as he quickly thrusted in and out.

Kelly was rolled onto her stomach and had Tom’s entire weight slamming down into her ass. She buried her face in the dirt below and screamed out every expletive she knew. She did not know what she was trying to accomplish by doing this but she felt it necessary. The only thing it did was get Tom more excited, which technically is a good thing (the more excited, the quicker it ends).

Tom reached out and picked the stick back up and started whipping her in the back with it as he fucked her. She screamed bloody murder as each lash tore apart the perfect skin of her back. Each strike either left a mark or broke the skin. He continued whipping her for several minutes after each third thrust into her. Her back looked like it had been used as a cutting board by the time he was ready to finish.

He pulled out of her ass and flipped her back over. She screamed as the wounds on her back came in contact with the ground. He crawled onto is chest and forced his cock back down her throat. It only took a few seconds before he unloaded a larger amount of cum than last time directly down her throat. Her eyes went wide and she squirmed around as her ability to breathe was taken away again. He held himself still until the very last drop fell into her stomach.

Tom pulled out of her and stood above his victim. He laughed as she coughed and gasped for air beneath him. Before she could gather herself, he grabbed her by the arm and brought her to her feet. He lightly slapped her cheek before turning her around and throwing her into the very wall that knocked her out earlier and knocked her out once again.

While she lay knocked out once again, Tom grabbed the small shovel and started digging a large hole in the dirt. About an hour later, with Kelly still knocked out; he dragged her into the hole and started filling it again. She awoke just as the last bit of dirt landed next to her chin. Minus her head, her entire body had been buried underneath the dirt.

“What the…” she said as she fully became aware of the situation.

“Look who woke up,” Tom said as he held a bottle of honey in his hand.

He squeezed the bottle and covered her entire head in the sweet nectar. He softly rubbed the honey around until her whole head was covered.

“What are you doing?” she softly asked.

“Did you know that honey can attract many things?” he said, ignoring her question.

“Tom?” she asked, starting to get nervous again.

“One of the things they attract is fire ants, who are present on this mountain,” he said, circling around her head.

“Please stop joking around” she begged.

“Fire ants are no joke. Did you know that they are poisonous? And that a swarm of them could easily kill a human being,” he started to laugh.

“Tom, you can’t do this,” she said as reality set in.

Tom gathered his clothes and started walking out of the cave. He looked back at the sad woman in the ground.

“Too bad it has to end this way Kelly…I’ll tell your mother that you love her…because you sure as hell won’t be able to.”

Kelly could hear Tom laugh uncontrollably as the sound of his voice faded. She was powerless now; her life was in the hands of fate. She cried herself to sleep and had a nice peaceful dream. While she was asleep, her fate was decided. When she awoke, she learned of the decision.


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It’s always a treat to meet with and renew old friendships. My first stop was the Bar T to see Pete and Agnes. I had been down a lot of trails with both of them, and I was missing them badly. We spent a couple of days shooting the breeze and relaxing in the spring weather. I didn’t say anything, but Pete seemed to be preoccupied with something. And it wasn’t anything to do with the ranch. As far as I could see, everything there was running smooth as glass. I asked Agnes about it. She said...

3 years ago
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Mountain Getaway

It was a cold winter night at the villa Matt had rented for a week at a mountain lodge resort in Park City. That afternoon, Lucy had flown into Salt Lake and Matt had picked her up at the airport. Their greeting had been enthusiastic and gleeful. Lucy had jumped into Matt’s arms outside security for a warm embrace, and a long, lingering kiss. Lucy, a petite and curvy short-haired, brown-eyed brunette, wore comfy black leggings, a soft hoodie, and Ugg winter boots.Matt — a lean, broad-shouldered...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Mountain Top

You and I are at a mountain lake, its fall, the leaves are changing color, and the air is cool and crisp but not too cold. The leaves are brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red… The lake is calm and like a mirror reflecting all the colors. We decide to hike to the top of a mountain at the lake shore to get bird’s eye view of the surrounding area and the beauty of the season. The hike is not difficult but not easy either. It takes a good hour or so of hiking. You are in jeans, t-shirt, and...

3 years ago
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Mountain Release

This is the third chapter of a true story. It follows "Mountain Frustration" and "Morning Wood." Reading those first may help build the arousal.Meeting at the same small park as before made sense because of where we each live, but because both of us were married, I'd wanted to stay away from doing the same thing twice. No need to arouse anything other than my cock. Nevertheless, Darlene insisted that it would give us more time on what had turned into a warm and sunny May afternoon. When I...

1 year ago
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Mountain Justice

It is not really important who I am. I am just one of the many McGee clan members from down state. I wanted to set the record straight on exactly what started the unpleasantness up in Clay County a few years back. I know there was a lot of blood spilt on both sides these last few years. In all honesty, I have to agree it was probably all unnecessary. Looking back on it now, I think it was a combination of stubborn pride and some of those killing skills the Marine Corps tend to enhance in...

1 year ago
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Mountain ManChapter 6

Around about midnight, I got back to the cabin. As I was getting close, I heard Shadow start barking. Not his intruder alert bark, but the welcome home bark. I called out, “Yo, the cabin. Is anybody there?” A quiet voice behind me and to my left startled me, “It’s about time. I was about to take your dinner off the stove.” I looked her way but danged if I could spot her. “Lady, you’re good. Can I get down and take care of my critters?” She stood up from behind the fern she had been using...

3 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 10

“Mr. Reynolds?” I had been semi dozing and at the same time, reading the mail that Mabel had delivered the day before. I looked up at the nurse was standing at the door. That was unusual. The usual pattern was to come in and announce, “Knock, knock, can I come in?” after they were in the door and halfway to drawing another blood sample. But this was different. The nurse was still at the door, and I could see someone behind the nurse. She seemed embarrassed. “You have a visitor, Mr. Reynolds....

2 years ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 10

It was a week after the semester ended. I sat nervously in Principal Brecker's office across from her desk. Cat sat with me. While Skylar, Meaghan, and Aimee would give me fantastic reviews, I had no idea what the other freshmen girls would say or what the girls from any of my other classes would write. They seemed to like my teaching style and I thought they had fun but when it came right down to it, there was no way to predict. Brecker began, "Catherine talked to me a couple of weeks...

3 years ago
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Mountain Time

Thunder in the distance and a steady rain lulled us to sleep the night before. We’d opted to sleep in the king bed on the screened back porch where the cool, crisp night air assured peaceful sleep.Morning broke with blue skies and the promise of another pristine day in the mountains. Cloudless skies allowed the sun to bathe the mountain top with bright warmth. Yes, it would be a day to whatever we wished, or nothing at all.With my eyes still closed and my mind debating whether to wake or drift...

2 years ago
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Mountain Wolves of Passion MM Furry

My girl, coming right after Andrew, though her brown fur was lighter that it almost appeared red-fox brown. “Daddy!” Lily cried out hugging my leg tightly and I couldn’t help but giggle and ruffle her fur on her head. While my son, coming right after me with his dark lavender fur and hesitantly hugging my other leg. He got also a ruffle but made a playful pout about it, acting all tough and grown up. “Nothing wrong with love, Jacob.” I reminded him, finding Andrew in front of me who pressed...

3 years ago
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Mountain MakeOut or More

Picture this… taking a drive up to the mountains sharing a great meal at a restaurant with an amazing view… a few margaritas (tequila does great things for me!) Overall, a great start to a wonderful night, we climb in my car… you drive because I’m scared of the cliffs… you find a romantic secluded spot for us to park. There is Christmas music playing on the radio. I snuggle up next to you ’cause I’m cold, my Florida blood hasn’t yet adjusted to the temperature change. You wrap your arm around...

1 year ago
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Mountain Camp

©1999, All Rights Reserved When Jeff suggested going camping the weekend before Memorial Day, I was excited. I'd been cooped up in the city too long. Some greenery, fresh air and open space were just what I needed. By going a week before the season started, we hoped to miss the crowds. Jeff had bought a new camper shell for his pickup. This was to be its inauguration. I looked forward to it. I'm not a big fan of camping, mainly because I don't sleep well on the ground. We could sleep...

3 years ago
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Mountain Vacation

We arrived at the cabin and I immediately grabbed my fishing pole and headed down to the river. Mom yelled for me not to be late for supper as I hustled on down the path. After a few hours, and a cooler full of fish, I heard dad coming down through the brush to fish some with me before supper. Just as I reeled in another fish, I felt a push and I almost went face first down in the water. It wasn’t dad coming down the hill, it was Jessica and she was giggling at the fact that she almost...

2 years ago
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Mountain Retreat

A Novel By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** The bright sun was shinning through the bedroom windows as Angel started to stir. As the light shinned into her eyes Angel moaned her objection to getting out of bed, but she had to. Something is wrong with this picture. Not yet awake, but she knew that there was something different. Calling out,...

4 years ago
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Mountain Release

This is the third chapter of a true story. It follows ‘Mountain Frustration’ and ‘Morning Wood.’ Reading those first may help build the arousal. Meeting at the same small park as before made sense because of where we each live, but because both of us were married, I’d wanted to stay away from doing the same thing twice. No need to arouse anything other than my cock. Nevertheless, Darlene insisted that it would give us more time on what had turned into a warm and sunny May afternoon. When I...

2 years ago
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Mountain Girls Have No Rules 2

Mountain Girls Have No Rules – 2 * We left off with the twin girls Bella and Jennifer in the backwoods. Jen was holding my own shotgun loaded on me and telling me to take all my clothes off and lay down on the leaves. Jen decided she wanted to tell this part&hellip,. —- __I done loved to force Ben to do things. He was our boyfriend now and he was a makin us feel good. He was a good pussy licker, kisser and had a right nice cock to put in our pussys. After forcein him to hump me and then...

2 years ago
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Mountain Girls Have No Rules 3

Mountain Girls Have No Rules – 3 I couldnt believe my eyes&hellip,.they had drug their dead grandma up from the creek and propped her up sitting under a tree. Bella continues&hellip,.. Well Ben was real surprised, his eyes was as big as fried eggs. Lookie whos a here Ben, grandma. Well Ben just sat down and a stairin at grandma. She likes ta watch Ben. Lets show her some real good humpin. Jen grabbed Bens shotgun again and put her shells in it. She pointed it at Ben and told him ta git...

3 years ago
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Mountain Girls II By Blueheatt * We left off with the twin girls Bella and Jennifer in the backwoods. Jen was holding my own shotgun loaded on me and telling me to take all my clothes off and lay down on the leaves. Jen decided she wanted to tell this part&hellip,. —- __I done loved to force Ben to do things. He was our boyfriend now and he was a makin us feel good. He was a good pussy licker, kisser and had a right nice cock to put in our pussys. After forcein him to hump me and then...

2 years ago
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Mountain Girls Have No Rules 4

Mountain Girls Have No Rules- 4 Bella continues&hellip, This here is the part of the story I been a waitin ta tell. Ben and Amy come up with some new stuff to do, and it was a makin Jen and I real horney&hellip,.. —- Jen marched Amy and Ben in the bedroom a holdin that shotgun on them. Jen was a grinnin and a told them ta git naked. Now Jen and I may be twins, but Im an easy goin girl, but Jen is more of git r done kinda gal. We was a comparein dreams the other night about Ben. Mine was a...

3 years ago
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It was the first hunting year we ever went up together. She had her boyfriends, her smoking, her attitude; I had my girlfriends, my music, and my art. We very seldom saw eye to eye, being a few years apart, but for some reason, this year Shelly wanted to come to Maine with Dad and me for the week. I trekked up north every fall with my father; he hunted deer and I sketched landscapes. We'd done it every year since I was in junior high. What made my sister Shelly want to come this year was...

1 year ago
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Mountain ManChapter 5

I spent the next 20 minutes, erasing the signs from where we had broke the trail to get up to the cave. It was always harder to erase sign than to create a trail. During that process, I thought about what I wanted to accomplish. I didn’t want to hurt these yahoos any more than I already had. But I also didn’t want them to get any closer to the ladies. So, my main goal was to lay false trails and lead them off into the wilderness, preferably in the opposite direction. The farther, the better....

3 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 8

After a couple of days, Doc Stone asked if I was up to visitors. He said that there were a lot of people that wanted to talk to me. About what happened on the mountain. “Doc, if all I ‘ve got to do is lay here, at least having some company would be an improvement.” “Ok, Matt, but if you get tired or don’t feel good, you let me or the nurses know, and we’ll stop everything.” With that said, Doc Stone opened my door and called out to someone in the hallway. “You can come in now.” In walked...

4 years ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 2

I rented a truck the next day and moved out of my apartment and into the dorm. It took all day to pack the truck, unload it, drive it back down, and drive back up in my car. I didn't see much of anybody that day although I saw a girl who looked like she might be a student. I briefly saw Cat while I unloaded but she only waved and bustled toward wherever she was going. I had the basics like my couch, TV, computer, and bed in place and set up by the time someone knocked on the door at about...

3 years ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 3

Monday, the first day of class, went well though I was very surprised by the students and the students were very surprised by me. I would ask about it tonight. Cat came over to my apartment that evening. She slowly sucked on my cock. She looked extremely focused as if this was a most important job. I loved that kind of attitude! "Cat," I said. "Mmm," she said with a mouthful of cock. "Why didn't you tell me this was an all-girls' school?" Cat began to laugh which turned out to be...

1 year ago
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Mountain Drive

The rain stops as we drive up the mountain, and the thunderclouds begin to break up, allowing the bright silver moonlight to illuminate the car. Turning the final bend in the road the valley opens up below, the city lights a carpet beneath us. Parking the car we just sit there, looking out, smelling the wet night air, the stars are starting to shine through the open patches of sky, brilliant in the just washed night air. As you turn to speak to me, I have already turned in my seat to face you,...

2 years ago
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A Cousins Misery

By Dunchad© Sometimes it is really good having such a large family. After my recent accident on my motorcycle my family had been taking care of me. Especially my cousin Tabitha, she was one of the last cousins to come over and keep me company. But when she did, well things happened that I would have never thought to have happened before. For those of you that aren’t familiar with what I am talking about then I recommend you read my story title The Motorcycle Accident for more details. Well...

2 years ago
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You are a farmer, didn't use to be that way but alas this is what you've become and this is where you will stay so long as there are people keeping you away from your true calling. Of course it's not all bad, the isolation made things quieter for you, a chance to enjoy your favorite books, watch shows you enjoys, and hop on down to town to rent the latest movie you want to watch. You watch your favorite sport, go on YouTube to watch your favorite internet personality speak about their lives,...

3 years ago
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A Cousinrsquos Misery

By Dunchad©Sometimes it is really good having such a large family. After my recent accident on my motorcycle my family had been taking care of me. Especially my cousin Tabitha, she was one of the last cousins to come over and keep me company. But when she did, well things happened that I would have never thought to have happened before. Tabitha wasn’t the only cousin to make a late appearance. My cousin Stephanie just had her baby about two months before my accident. The baby was beautiful and...

2 years ago
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It was a Saturday night and my wife, Claire, and I were at a neighbor's party. Everyone was having a good time, drinking beer and wine and telling stories. It was pretty common for the same five couples to get together once a month or so, just to let our hair down. The party was at Ed and Sheila's home this time. As often happens, the topic of conversation eventually worked around to sex. It never seems to fail. Things hadn't changed all that much in the twenty plus years since we were...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 24 Deep Dark Depression Excessive Misery

Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark and Simon...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 2 Well what of it Itll be out of its misery

After we got into the car I twisted the ignition key, dropped the shift lever into drive and then pulled out merging with the heavy traffic. Remembering the small key I drew it out of my pocket and handed it over to Candy, who happened to be sitting 'bitch' in-between Dana and I. "I found this inside one of Creepy's jacket pockets the night you arrested him. With everything else going on I completely forgot all about it." I told her. Candy scrutinized the key closely, muttered...

1 year ago
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Sarahs First Fuck Ends in Misery

My best friend Cherri and I were on our way out the door when I accidentally bumped into Phillip Taylor, who happened to be the hottest, most popular guy in the school. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. When I looked at his face and realized who it was, my beating heart stopped and then began to pound. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “No, I’m the clumsy one.” “Everyone is a little clumsy every now and then,” he said, with a smile. “You’re Sarah, right?” I glanced at...

First Time
3 years ago
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Mountain Memories

Sometimes there are events in life that are short-lived but remain an important and wonderful memory. This is one of those memories. I have always loved the mountains. Not the barren western high country but the dense, tree-covered, misty slopes of the Great Smoky Mountains. There was and still is no better place to find solitude. The nature of my work allowed me a four-day weekend every six weeks. Many times each year I would load the car with camping gear and start the six hour trip to...

3 years ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 1 Arrival

Mountains of Rubber: Chapter 1, Arrival by jessicablank Dan walked up to the cafe, found an outside table, and sat down. It was early summer, a pleasantly warm day with a beautiful, clear blue sky. He looked comfortable, cool, and relaxed in the loose, cotton shirt and pants, and the slip-on brown loafers. The big smile on his face caught the waiter's attention immediately. "Good afternoon," the waiter said. "I'm Raoul, your server for this afternoon. Can I get you something to...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 1 Arrival

Mountains of Rubber: Chapter 1, Arrival ****** Dan walked up to the cafe, found an outside table, and sat down. It was early summer, a pleasantly warm day with a beautiful, clear blue sky. He looked comfortable, cool, and relaxed in the loose, cotton shirt and pants, and the slip-on brown loafers. The big smile on his face caught the waiter's attention immediately. "Good afternoon," the waiter said. "I'm Raoul, your server for this afternoon. Can I get you something to drink?" "Somebody's going...

2 years ago
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Mountain Man

My step-son’s school year was close to beginning, so we decided to take him and his friend to our cabin out in the woods of northern New Hampshire. While I loathe these vacations, I get the idea of family time, although I really don’t like giving up our own fun or losing time from work. One of the best features of the dating website that I use is that I get to watch my potential dates on a webcam. I have watched this one guy Ted, for a little over two years. He was a lot older than me and his...

3 years ago
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Mountain Air

My buddy, Ty, and I decided that we would take a week during the summer to ride our horses up into the mountains and camp to get away from it all. School had been really tough and I needed a break. So we backed our gear and headed out the back door. Our homes are near the national forest so we could just ride. We rode along ways, most of the day. We found a nice place to camp. It was very isolated, or so we thought. About a hundred yards from us was another camp, we happened upon each other...

1 year ago
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Mountain Storm

A fiction. the names of the participants are nothing more than figments of my imagination...The last couple month had been very hectic, with a series of new projects and programs to get up and running, so we promised ourselves we would get away to the mountains for a short break.We had hired a small unit overlooking the Capertee Valley. It was a two unit complex so there would be other people nearby, but the units were built in such a way as to maintain their privacy and retain their own...

3 years ago
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Mountain Party

"Damn, she cancelled. What am I going to do? I told the guys I would get a girl to wait on us this weekend." I wailed to my wife. My fraternity brothers and I were heading up to my cabin in the mountains to celebrate the upcoming wedding. Other than me, none of them had yet married. Mike was the lucky guy. He was getting married at the end of the summer to a wonderful woman. I was the "old married" man of the group. My wife Sue and I have been together since we were fourteen. I got her...

2 years ago
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Mountains in Hell

My two years in hell had been bad. Out of all the men I served with only three lived to leave. We patrolled the whole length of hell from the coast to the mountains. I have fought and killed every monster the mages have dreamed of. From water dragons to living plants and everything in between. I learned a lot about plants and animals too. My home had been a small farm in the mountains with eight brothers and four sisters. Besides the huge pile of furs and hides I had saved money and bought or...

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