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Forced To...Uh... By ABC de F Chapter One "You know me, I hate to give up," Eddie Kowalski said. "But we've looked everywhere ? twice and three times. You gotta figure that Mickey's long gone." "Not of his own accord," David said. "Maybe not," Eddie said, "but gone. I've got to call it a day, Davie. You gonna keep looking?" David sighed. "No, you're right. I don't know what happened to him, but we're not going to find him anywhere around here." "I know he's your best friend and everything, but everyone called it quits more than three weeks ago, and I just don't see the point anymore." "You're right, Eddie. I just know he would have done the same for me, and I couldn't give up on him. But you're right. I'm going to head back home, too. I appreciate you sticking this out after everybody else gave up." "Hey, bud, you'd do the same for me." He probably would. He and Eddie weren't as close friends as he and Mike, but they were friends and there was a code. David believed in that code, but there was also a time to admit that re-searching the area no longer made sense. He and Mike had gotten an apartment together near the community college. The idea of the school was that it was local and so inexpensive compared to State that they could live at home and commute, but both of them had part time jobs and they both wanted to be on their own. He got the idea of searching the internet two weeks ago. It had been more difficult than he'd thought it would be, but he found two situations that really made him sit up. Two years ago two guys, freshmen at the state university in Idaho, had disappeared, only weeks apart. They had grown up together and were best friends and roommates. Eleven months ago three guys in Missouri had disappeared. They, too, had been friends and were sharing their first apartment. Though none of them had started college their friends said they had planned to work a year and then start school. Now Mike. He'd taken the printouts to the sheriff who had read them carefully, made a couple calls, and said that because of both the time span and distance it was a coincidence. There were similarities, he admitted, but had learned from the phone calls that the two guys in Idaho were having "trouble" at school, and the three in Missouri were "rumored" to have been into drugs. Once he'd made his evaluation nothing could shake him from it. Mike thought he was wrong, and if he was, if it was a pattern, then somebody would probably try to make him disappear, too. Even if he believed that further searching of the area might be productive he wouldn't have done it without someone like Eddie with him. He rarely went anywhere alone anymore. He'd become vigilant, always aware of his surroundings. Nothing happened. When he saw the guy being beaten up in the student parking lot his first instinct was to look around. It was like a set up from the movies. But there was no one else in the lot, and so few cars that no one could have been hiding close by. He yelled, "Hey, what the hell're you doing!" The big guy hit the smaller guy hard, making him double-up and drop to the ground. He turned and looked at David. "Asshole," he said, and stalked off. Still suspicious, David approached the fallen man carefully. He was student age, and there were textbooks scattered on the ground near him. The bigger guy had turned out of the lot, heading toward a building entrance, not looking back. "You okay?" David asked, without getting too close. "Stay away," the fallen guy said. "You'll get blood on you." "I will," David said. He was wary, and had already determined to keep his distance. "Oh, shit, he's coming back," the guy said. David turned and saw the assailant walking back toward them. He felt a sting in his shoulder and turned back to the fallen guy. The turning made him dizzy. The bloody guy had a black pen in his hand, aiming it at David. He was smiling. Chapter Two Light taps on his head brought him around. He saw a man's face in front of him and immediately realized he was bound to a chair. "How do you feel?" the man asked. He was the assailant from the parking lot. "Who are you? What's going on?" The big man hit him, open handed but it hurt like hell. "You don't ask questions. You answer them," the man said. "How do you feel?" The man had a slight accent but not enough for David to identify it. "I want to know what's going on," David said. "Let me loose." "Asshole," the man said. He turned and walked from the room. David spent three days in the chair, without water or food, and when the man came back he didn't ask him any questions. "You're missing a friend," the man said. Internally, his brain jumped. Externally, David didn't respond and he felt so weak that he wasn't sure he could if he tried. "I'll reunite you," the man said. "It will be my pleasure. You'll even have the opportunity to do your friend a favor. But we need to get a few things understood before that happens." But Mike was alive! That was amazing news, and it made him ecstatic, more so because he had secretly thought that his buddy was dead. David could barely hold his head up so he could see the man. He tried to nod but his head only moved down, not up. "First, and most important, is that you are a prisoner and you will do what you're told. There are a thousand ways I can inflict enough pain for that to happen, but I'm always willing to try the simple way first. Agree. Do you agree to do everything you're told to do?" David made a small affirmative moan. "As an added incentive, if you disappoint me and force me to punish you, your friend will receive the exact same punishment. There will be lots and lots of pain, so if you have a brain in that head of yours you'll just do what I tell you to do, until we let you go. Understand?" David again moaned an affirmative. "Well, we'll see," the man said. "Let's get you fixed up." He left the room and David tried to get his mind to operate. His brain, and the rest of his body, needed food and water. He needed to move, though he anticipated difficultly with that, even when the man removed the extensive restraints. He didn't think about the things the man said concerning following orders and punishment. His primary needs were water and food, and his fitful thinking dealt with the information that his friend was alive. The man brought him a small amount of water and soft food. "Too much would make you sick," he said. "We start slow. Now, a shower and some sleep. Sleep sitting in a chair for three days is not real sleep." Chapter Three The man had to help him walk and actually had virtually carried him, but the sustenance and the shower invigorated him to the point where he could almost stand by himself. Still, when he hit the bed he fell immediately asleep. He awoke to an alarm clock and panic, frantically fumbling with the clock until he figured out how to turn it off. That exhausted him and he fell back asleep. Pats on the head aroused him. "Breakfast," the man said. He pointed to the bedside table, which contained a plate with scrambled eggs and a single piece of buttered toast. There was a small glass of orange juice. He was sure he could have eaten four times as much he was so ravished, but the meal surprised him by being filling. The man came back into the room. "Mike's okay?" "Ah, you forgot already. But that's to be expected. Let me remind you: You do not ask questions, you answer them. No punishment this time, but do not forget again. Understand?" "Yes." "Your friend is fine. As soon as you've recovered we'll have a little reunion. I'm looking forward to it," the man said. David wanted to ask for more information but held his tongue. "You remember about the punishment for not doing what I tell you to do?" David had to think for a moment, but then said, "Yes, I remember." "But let me remind you," the man said. "If you do not do what you are told to do you will feel great pain for a long time. Great pain. And your friend will also feel great pain, because of your disobedience. Understand?" "Yes." "No, you don't, not really," the man said. "But trust me. I'm very serious." "I believe you," David said. "There are thousands of ways to cause extreme pain and even fear and terror, you know. It's easy," the man said. "The human body is no match for what the human mind has devised." David nodded. The man smiled. "Okay. Get some more rest and I'll bring you some clean clothes and more food later." He turned and left. David's brain was returning to normal and in the next few hours he felt he was finally snapping out of it. His body was still slightly weak, but not like it had been before his recuperative sleep. He sat up, stood up, and sat down. It took some effort and drained him, but by lunchtime he was able to stand and walk a few steps. By dinner he could walk around the small room and even test the door. It was locked, which he expected. Dinner had been a decent sized meal, but the work of digesting left him sleepy and he was down and out less than an hour later. The next day the man brought him a large breakfast. "You're better?" the man asked. "Yes." "You should be. Back to normal by this afternoon. That has been the pattern." He saw David's puzzled expression. "It's good that you didn't ask a question. But to answer your unasked question: Yes, I've done this before. Many times. I thoroughly enjoy everything about it. So you are not the first to go through this experience. Even your friend was where you are now. But yes, I have seen others recover like you are recovering, so I know when you will return to your old self." David nodded, his mind full of questions that he didn't dare ask. Chapter Four He dreamed a lot that night, that he was in a hotel room without doors or windows, that he was home and there was a party in his living room but he couldn't seem to get out of bed to join the fun, that he was receiving some kind of award but that no one in the audience was paying any attention. The man brought his breakfast and the thought passed through his head that he could take the knife and fork and stab the man, only there was no knife, and the fork was the combination spoon-fork with short tines that you sometimes saw in inexpensive restaurants or as ultra-modern flatware. "You feel up to seeing your friend?" "Yes. Very much so," David said. "It has proven more efficient for me to prepare you," the man said. "Your friend is now called by the name 'Veronica'. She has breast implants and will be dressed in a very pretty short skirt and blouse. Plus high heels, of course, She's very attractive, as you'll see shortly, and very obedient, as you will also see. And yes, I know, you have a lot of questions about all that, but you know better than to ask them. Correct?" David was still trying to process the completely irrational things he'd just heard. The man said a lot of things but they only begged more questions. "Correct?" the man said firmly. "Yes," David said. "Yes," the man agreed. "Now we'll have our reunion. It will be very entertaining." He opened the door and beckoned David. "Turn right," the man said. David's legs held firm and he didn't feel at all physically out of sorts. Mentally, he was spinning in circles. What the hell was going on? "Stop," the man said. He moved around David and stood in front of him. He pointed to the ceiling. "Surveillance cameras, watched by my cousin. He was the one in the parking lot with the fake blood under his nose. I punched him in the stomach, remember? Not hard; I pulled my punch of course." He unlocked a door, and then waved David in. David briefly considered jumping the man but thought better of it and the moment was lost. The guy was well built, obviously worked out with weights, and David might not be 100% recovered. Even at full strength he could have easily lost the battle. And the man was confident. He'd done this before, he'd said, and was probably prepared for an attack in ways that David knew nothing about. David pushed the door open and walked into a large room. After the austere, almost underground bunker-like hallway the room was startling. But as surprising as the room was, it paled in comparison to its sole inhabitant. Mike - and there was almost no doubt that it was Mike - was standing next to a full sized bed, dressed in a short, dark blue skirt, blue and white blouse that revealed the tops of his breast implants, and blue-black high heels. He wore make-up and a wig, necklace and matching bracelet, and earrings ? and looked very much like a girl. He smiled self-consciously at David. "Mike," David said. "Veronica," Mike corrected. "I'm really glad to see you, David. Really glad." "Me, too," David said. He'd almost said "Me, too, buddy" but it stuck in his throat. "Why don't you hug your friend?" the man said. "After all, it appeared that she was never going to be found. I'll bet you're glad to see each other." David hesitated. He was intensely happy to see that his best friend was alive and well, but disoriented by what he saw. He was also embarrassed for his buddy, and didn't want to put him through any further humiliation. But Mike held out his arms and he walked forward and hugged him, He hadn't realized it until then, but his friend had lost weight and seemed slight in his arms. He gave his buddy a masculine pat on the back. "Veronica, dear," the man said. "Why don't you kiss David and let him know just how happy you are to see him." There was just a slight hesitation before Mike moved his red lips to David's. David jerked away. "That's okay," he said. "No," the man said. "Veronica wants to show you how happy she is to see you. You don't want to see her experiencing pain, do you? Kiss her." His voice turned hard on the last two words. David kept his lips pressed together and briefly kissed the lipstick covered lips of his best friend. "That's not what I'm talking about," the man said, his voice harsh and commanding. "You're making me mad, and our reunion has only started. Veronica, you know better. Now kiss properly, with your tongues in each other's mouth." Mike took the lead, wiggling his tongue around in David's mouth as he kissed him while David stood rock still. When they broke David wiped his mouth and gave Mike an intense questioning look. "David," the man said. "Take off your shoes." His instinct was to ask why but he didn't. As soon as his shoes were off the man said, "And your shirt." When he was bare-chested the man said, "Veronica," and Mike reached for David's belt buckle. David swung his hips away but Mike reached out and grabbed his arm. "Please do what he says, David," Mike said. "Please." There was fear and desperation in his voice, so sincere and so powerful that David couldn't help but respond. "Oh, Mike," he said sadly. "It'll be okay," Mike said quietly. "Just do what you're told. Please." David nodded. "That's so touching," the man said. "I like that. Okay, Veronica..." Mike undid David's pants, guiding them and his shorts down his legs and off his feet. "Please don't move," Mike said softly, looking David straight in the eye. David nodded. Mike lowered himself to his knees. He twitched when Mike took a hold of his limp cock and began stroking it, but stopped himself from pulling away. It was obvious what was going to happen, but David knew there was no way he would respond. Mike was obviously terrified of the man and had apparently experienced some of the punishment the man had talked about. Why else would he have agreed to put on girl's clothes and make-up and get breast implants? And why else would he be on his knees in front of David. David felt Mike's mouth slide over his soft organ. This is absolute insanity, he thought. God, when I get out of here I'm going to beat that asshole so bad he'll wish he'd never been born. "If you don't respond, David, I'll have to assume that Veronica is not doing a good job and she'll have to be punished," the man said. David felt Mike's head jerk. He started sucking harder. "Veronica is very pretty," the man said. "I know you still think of her as your best friend, but it will be so much better for both of you if you think of her as the lovely girl she has become. Only you can make her a success or failure, so we shall see how good of a friend you really are. She's very pretty, and she is eager to please you. Look at her." David didn't want to, but he followed the man's order. He saw mostly hair, the wig, though he caught glimpses of Mike's face. Only from that angle the face didn't really look like his best friend. It looked like a girl. A very attractive girl. "How good of a friend are you?" the man said. "Save her, David. She is Veronica." David felt his organ begin to grow. Mike's grip on his thighs relaxed a little and the bobbing of his head was less desperate. David continued to grow and his organ became fully stiff. Mike stopped with half of David's cock in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the warm member. David continued to stare at the apparently female head that moved in and out at his crotch. His erection would become visible, as would a pair of stretched red lips and a slight glimpse of small swelling boobs, and then all he could see for a moment was blonde hair. He willed himself to forget Mike and think of the figure at his feet as a girl named Veronica. All but one of the blowjobs he'd received in his life had come from a girl he'd dated who didn't trust the pill or condoms and had been deathly afraid of getting pregnant. But this blowjob was better. Veronica, as he tried to think of the figure kneeling in front of him, twisted her head, varied her speed and depth, and used her tongue in such a skilled manner that he was overwhelmed. The room was silent, the three of them all intently focused on Mike's display of oral skills. "I'm going to come," David quietly warned. Mike didn't alter his sucking. "I'm going to come," he said, louder. Mike's grip on his thighs tightened and his head moved faster. Oh no, David thought, realizing what that meant. He tried to hold back but it was impossible. Mike sucked faster, deeper and harder. "Oh no," he said out loud and let loose with a strong jet of come. Mike continued sucking as if nothing had happened. "Nooo," David moaned, shooting more short streams of come into his best friend's mouth. Eventually the sucking slowed and David eased back from his emotional high. Mike slid his lips off David's cock and sat back. David couldn't look at him. "Very nice, Veronica," the man said. "Very nice. David, help Veronica to her feet, and get dressed." David put out his hands, glancing at Mike as he did so. Mike took his hand and looked away. David dressed in the awkward silence. He glanced at the man and saw that he had a broad grin on his face. "A very successful reunion," the man said. "Most entertaining. Come along, David." He led David back to his room and locked him in. Chapter Five The man brought an unsealed pink envelope with the next morning's breakfast. Sleep hadn't come easily to David the previous night. He felt very guilty about being the object of his best friend's unspeakable humiliation. Half the time he berated himself for getting the erection, and half the time he knew that he had saved Mike from being punished. There was another factor, too. The blowjob had obviously not been Mike's first, which probably meant that the man had forced him to perform many times. And Mike's appearance as a female was just as obviously something that he had lived with for a while. It was thorough and convincing, and David felt that if he hadn't known Mike before hand he could have been fooled. David had also been kept awake trying to figure out why the man was forcing them to do such a thing. There was no doubt in his mind now that the previous disappearances he had read about were the acts of this man, and it wasn't a great leap to assume that similar things had happened to the guys in the news stories. For kicks? The man didn't hide his great pleasure in witnessing what had gone on, and had doubtless taken as much pleasure in making Mike into a girl and having him service him. Nor was it lost on him that none of the missing guys had ever turned up. It was only mental exhaustion that finally made David fall asleep. And now there was a pink envelope with his breakfast. The man stood over him, smiling. "The lovely Veronica has sent you a note, David," he said, nodding at the envelope. David picked it up and extracted a small folded sheet of matching pink paper. "Dear David, You have no idea how you've helped me. You are a true friend and I'm deeply grateful. Love, Veronica" If the note was meant to dissuade David from making trouble by refusing to do everything he was told to do it was affective. After lunch the man made David go down the hall to the same room. Mike was waiting. This time he wore just lingerie: a lacy yellow half-bra that pushed his new breasts up, a matching thong and garter belt, black stockings and high heels. The outfit gave David his first look at just how complete Mike's physical transformation had been. His body was smooth and hairless, and his waist firm and smaller than before. The stockings and high heels made his legs seem longer and more curved from thigh to knee to calf to ankle. "A real hottie, isn't she?" the man said. "Go and kiss her, and this time you should put as much into it as she does." The man's tone was firm, though not harsh. David turned his head to glance at the man and saw that he was smiling. He nodded toward Mike. When he got close Mike said, in a low voice, "Just go with the flow." It was a catch phrase of his and David smiled weakly and nodded to him. David tried to kiss what he saw, not what he knew he was seeing. What he saw was a beautiful girl, Veronica; what he knew he was seeing was his best friend dressed in girl's underwear. "Would you like to see Veronica's tits?" the man said. "They're very perky. Show him your tits, Veronica." Mike reached behind him and deftly undid the hooks. He hunched his shoulders and the straps slid down his arms. Perky was a good description. Not real large, they were round and firm, with prominent nipples. David didn't know how to react. Breasts on Mike were so out of place as to be unthinkable, yet if he thought of the person in front of him as Veronica the breasts were perfect. "Beautiful, aren't they?" the man said. "Go ahead and touch them. Veronica won't mind. I even believe she'll like it." David looked at Mike who nodded almost imperceptibly. He used both hands, lightly running his fingers over the flawless skin and then leaving them. "Not much for all the work we went through," the man said. "No matter. Take off your shoes and shirt." David had expected that and did as he was told. Mike then removed his pants and shorts. "Go around to the other side of the bed and pull the covers down," the man said. "And both of you get into bed. David, you can lie on you're your back. Veronica knows what to do." Mike sat next to David and began caressing his cock. As soon as it showed a little life he bent down and took it into his mouth. David couldn't watch. Seeing a female face and form would have probably helped him be distracted from the knowledge that it was Mike down there, but he just couldn't do it. He thought it would add to Mike's humiliation. When he was rock solid Mike sat up, and David watched him. He got a jar of lubricant and a hand towel. He spread the lubricant all over David's swollen organ and then wiped his hand on the towel. Pretending to kiss his ear and neck he whispered to him, "Don't worry about me. I've done this before. Just don't make him mad." Mike replaced the jar and towel on the headboard, pushed his panties down and off, and stretched out next to David. He pulled his knees up to his shoulders. "Well, what an invitation!" the man said. "Get between her legs, David. It would be rude to turn down a lady's request, and I'm sure you don't want to be rude to Veronica, do you?" What David didn't want to do was fuck his best friend. But the threats against Mike and himself were well crafted and there was no alternate choice of action. He hesitatingly placed himself between Mike's legs and moved up. He jumped when he felt fingers grab his hard-on. They directed his pole between Mike's smooth cheeks. He stopped when the head of his cock was barely inside. He knew he had to go through with it but couldn't make himself move. "Go on, David," Mike said. "It's okay." He took a breath and slowly pushed his hips forward. Mike was snug but not prohibitively tight. David moved his hips back and then forward, almost experimentally. The physical part felt good, but he felt like a bastard. He moved again and Mike wrapped his arms and legs around David's nude body. "Deeper." Mike whispered. Well, hell, David thought. He pushed forward and his entire cock entered the warm channel. The lubrication made it fairly easy but it was still a tight fit. He began to slowly thrust. Mike had said he'd done it before and since they had no choice David thought it was better that Mike had to do it with a close friend than that grinning son of a bitch watching them. He began to thrust his naked hips faster. The worst thing he could do is drag it out, prolonging their mutual shame. He shifted slightly, without even knowing it, and his belly touched Mike. It felt wrong and he looked down between them. Mike had an erection. He looked away quickly and lost his rhythm for a moment. What was that about? How damn bizarre were things going to get? He moved faster, thrusting his hips against his best friend's ass, creating a slapping noise. He was keenly aware of the erection and made sure to keep his stomach away from it. The legs and arms encircling him moved, the stocking covered legs sliding against him and the smooth hands caressing his back and gripping him. Mike began to breath heavily, and then moan in a barely audible voice timed with his thrusts. David moved faster, slamming into the snug hole. His cock swelled and he joined the moaning and panting. "I'm going to come," he grunted, about to lose it. "Yes," Mike said. David moved in hard, short jerks, his cock buried to the balls. "Ohhhhh," he groaned, and released. His cock twitched, shooting into his eager bedmate. "Well, well, well," the man said. "Compelling entertainment, to be sure. Compelling. Now, David, if you can get control of yourself enough to drag your cock out of Veronica, why don't you get dressed. On second thought, just get your clothes and you can go back to your room and shower." David looked at Mike. "I'm sorry," he mouthed so the man wouldn't hear him. Mike gave him a small smile and whispered, "It's okay, David. Believe me." Chapter Six David worked up his anger after the shower. He hated the man for what he'd done to Mike, for what he was making them do. He'd been afraid, he admitted, and concerned about his friend and bewildered and shocked, and he'd always hated the man, but now his feelings were a burning hatred and outrage. Later, he felt outnumbered, like the odd man out. The man and Mike were encouraging David's actions, though for Mike it was obviously because he was terrified of whatever punishment he'd experienced. But for whatever reasons it was still David who most objected to the sex stuff and didn't want to go along with the program. In a way, everything was focused on him. The man had a plan, and Mike went along with it because he'd been coerced into it. Then why the erection? That bothered the hell out of David and he couldn't figure it out. By the time the man brought his dinner David hard calmed down. He actually slept well that evening, which surprised him. The next day, at about the time the man usually brought his lunch, the man came and told him to follow him, that they were going to see Veronica. Mike was wearing nothing but panties, hose and heels. "Delightful little melons, aren't they?" the man said. "Go and kiss your lovely girl ? and play with her titties while you're at it. But first: shoes and shirt." David took off his shoes and shirt, and let Mike remove his pants and shorts. Though not hard, his cock wasn't as flaccid as it usually was. They kissed, and Mike's smooth hand captured David's cock. "Caress her perky breasts, David. And keep kissing," the man said. David did as he was told and the combination of sensations caused his cock to harden. "Kiss, kiss," the man directed. They kept making out. "As you no doubt know, David," the man said, "a girl likes to have a man's mouth on her nipples. A little sucking, some tongue flips back and forth. Let your experience be your guide."? David bent and kissed Mike's left nipple. From that angle he could almost forget he wasn't with a girl. Round, firm breasts filled his vision. "Umm," Mike moaned as David sucked and licked his nipple. "What a fun couple!" the man exclaimed. "Now, David, Veronica has a question for you." David looked at Mike and thought again that if he didn't know who it was that he was looking at he could have assumed it was a girl. "You're being given a choice, David," Mike said. "Would you like me to blow you, or do you want to fuck me?" "Neither," David said quickly. The man interrupted, "Ah, but the boner sticking out in front of you tells another story, doesn't it? Besides, 'neither' is not a choice. Choose one, David. It doesn't matter to me which one, but you must choose one." David felt boxed in. If he had to choose between the two, and he did, he didn't give a damn which one the man preferred. He wanted his friend to choose whichever would make it easier on himself. He looked at the pretty face in front of him, but it was blank and didn't give him a clue. A blowjob was pretty intimate and pretty humiliating, he thought. Coming in the mouth. When he'd been forced to fuck Mike his friend had gotten an erection. "Make love," he said. "So delicate," the man said. "Sweet, though. Okay, get in bed and you two can..." he lowered his voice "...make love." The man laughed. They followed the man's instructions, now issued in short phrases since they'd heard them before. They made out and caressed each other's bodies. David was already fully erect so after a minimum of sucking Mike lubed his cock and started to get in position. "Girl on top," the man said. "Cowgirl style. Yippee- Oh!" Mike straddled David. If he didn't look toward their crotches David could imagine a girl was on top of him. He tried to keep that thought in his head. Mike held David's cock straight up and slowly lowered his hips. It took more than a moment to get the cock aimed right, but when he did he lowered his body and sank down on the pole. David moaned and was immediately sorry. Mike put his hands on his shapely thighs and slowly moved up and down, riding the erection. He's done this before, too, David thought, as Mike moved around on his cock, leaning forward, backward, and moving his hips in a small, gentle circle. David watched his breasts bob. The man watched, too, delighted with the activity. He enjoyed seeing Veronica take the active role as much as he enjoyed watching David try to fight the sexual pleasure and finally give in to it. This is what friends are for, he thought, and smiled at his little joke. When he'd trained Veronica he determined that she had less of a problem with this position than the standard girl on the bottom fuck. He thought he understood why. Swallowing at the end of a blowjob had been the thing that led to her punishment. She had gagged and spit up the first time, and that hadn't been unexpected even under the threat of punishment. ? When she did it the second time she crossed the line, and the only thing he could do was set her straight. After that there were no more problems, even when it came to getting the breast implants. "Veronica, give David a nice juicy kiss," the man said. Mike bent low so they could kiss. "David, listen carefully. I want you to hold on to Veronica and turn over together so she's on her back." It was awkward but Mike helped and they switched to the missionary position without David's cock coming out. He began to slide in and out. "Nice move," the man said. David was excited and pumped quickly. In a minute they were both moaning and squirming around. "My little rabbits," the man said. They were so lost in the passion of sex that he didn't think they'd even heard him. "I'm coming," David groaned, rapidly slamming his hips forward and back. They both moaned as he experienced a strong orgasm. "Bravo!" the man said. "All right, let's get dressed and get you into a shower, David. Veronica will take care of herself." David was reluctant to leave. He dressed slowly and followed the man back to his room. Chapter Seven The cowgirl position was just one of half a dozen that Mike seemed to know well, and they tried them all, repeatedly, over the next three weeks. Blowjobs happened often, as well. David found it easier to get through the sessions by thinking of Mike as Veronica. Getting used to see Veronica helped, as did the fact that Mike looked so damn much like a girl. But more important was the fact that neither Mike or the man ever seemed to think of him as Mike. He was always Veronica to them, and sometimes he was Veronica to David. Like almost everything else, the first few times were the most difficult. After a while even the intimacy of sex was taken for granted, and with Mike apparently thinking he was Veronica that made it easier. David was still disturbed that Mike was being forced to be a girl, and that they were being forced to have sex, but Mike was too afraid to show any reluctance, and there was nothing they could do about it. David was also disturbed at how quickly he'd get an erection when he was in Mike's bedroom. *** *** At breakfast, sometime toward the end of the fourth week, the man said that he had some news for David. "Our lovely Veronica is no longer with us," he said with mock sadness. At David's shocked look he quickly said, "No, not gone like that. She's fine, believe me. Delighted, really. Just no longer here. I'm sure she'll miss you, as close as you were. You two really put on a great show. But it was time for her to move to the next level. Flowers and romance and a regular guy. Love blooms, David. Well, not yet, but it will. She'll be very happy, which I know because almost a dozen have gone before her and that's what happened to them." David was stunned. "That does create a little problem, though," the man said. "A void. You understand that?" "I don't know...No, I don't," David said, still thinking about his best friend. What was happening to Mike? "Well, we need a new Veronica. I was thinking 'Carrie'. How does that strike you?" David shook his head in bewilderment. "Yes, 'Carrie'," the man said. "As much fun as it was to watch you two going at it, I think it will be even more fun training you. In fact, I'm sure it will be. Bringing someone around to the point where they look beautiful and can please a man is always the best. I get off on that, I confess. And I'll be getting off a lot." He laughed. "And after you're trained maybe we can trap that friend of yours, Eddie Kowalski. He can be the new David, since you won't be David anymore. He looked like a horny fellow, and I'm sure that will turn out to be very entertaining." David stared at the man with disbelief. The man smiled. "Eat your breakfast, Carrie, and then we'll see about picking out a nice dress for you and teaching you about make-up. And don't fret. We'll have lots of fun, you'll see." The End Should I read this story? Others will be asking that, and your posted comments for this, and every other story on FM, will help them decide to take a shot, or skip it.

Same as Forced To ... Uh ... Videos

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This story could go into a number of categories including, 'Loving Wife', 'Interracial' and 'Non-Consent'. If you don't like reading from any of these categories you might want to pass on this story. Thank you to Mr. Wolf for editing this story and making it a much better read. My wife Amy and I were married for eight years. I managed the local bank and Amy was a stay at home wife. To be honest, she was hardly ever home. She belonged to so many organizations it was hard for me to keep...

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I was walking home from work one day when all of a sudden there was a hand over my mouth and I was being dragged. A blindfold was placed over my eye, tape on my mouth and cuffs on my wrists behind my back. I was placed inside a car. The ride seemed to last forever. I was so scared.When the car came to a stop I was pulled out of the car by my hair. I was kicking and trying to scream. I heard what sounded like a door being opened, I was pushed inside. I fell to the ground, the door was closed. I...

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Pussy Power

I learned at an early age, around ten, that I had a power over men, that I could have any man that I want and that I could get men to do what I want. At 12 I lost my virginity to a college boy. I had him believing that I was much older-that same summer I fucked a married man at a block party at my aunts house. I learned how to please a man and learned that I get great satisfaction from pleasing men. I learned that my pussy and my body could be used to control men. I learned how to give the best...

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My Outlaws Come To Stay Part 2

I looked round to the door of the spare room. Tina was in the process of bending over looking in her suit case. I could see her negligee riding up. I could see her ass cheeks. She bent right over and I could see her pussy. It glistened in the sunlight coming through the window. She looked a bit flustered and I imagined that she had been masturbating. As she was bent down she looked around and saw me looking at her. She gave a big smile and a wink. “Did you have a nice steamy shower Greg?”...

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You Meet the Nicest People in Irish Pubs Chapter

The ladies were quickly invited into the house. Their arms were full of snacks and wine. "Let's have a good time" were Valeria's words. I popped corks, and filled snack bowls. We toasted again, "To a Continuation of a Great Day!" Wine began to flow - snacks were consumed - and music played from the sound bar. Interestingly, Amelia finally spoke and asked, "Can we see the hot tub?" I took them through the kitchen, through a passage door to the patio, and there was the hot tub. I'd already popped...

2 years ago
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His name is Danny, he is 23. He also has a younger sister. That said sister is Ally, she's 18. He always fantasized about Ally. Ever since he saw her naked which had been by accident. Luckily, she didn't notice that he saw her coming out of the shower. But presently, he was almost nervous. His sister was coming to stay with him for two weeks. Their parents were going on a trip and they wanted her to stay with him among anyone else. He had quickly agreed, more or less thinking with his cock...

3 years ago
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Fucking Wife In Friend8217s House And Train

Hello readers, this is in continuation to my previous story posted on Indian Sex Stories. For first time readers,the link for the previous story is here: Now coming to the current scenario. This is different from the first story. This happened when we went for a trip to Poovar Kerala in 2014. We have had a baby now, but even after that she has maintained herself pretty well. We were travelling to...

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the dark side of me

I applied the dark black makeup to my eyes and put on my red lipstick, I was getting horny as fuck and was extremely ready for action. I'm a 15 year old love machine, as innocent as I look... And I have a fetish for way older men, that's why I was especially excited that my uncle was coming over for the week, my uncle Mike. I sat down on my bed slowly getting wet just at the thought of him slowly filling me with his hot penis... I tossed and turned as I let out another orgasm of the day and...

4 years ago
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Fuck orgy

It was a heck of an orgy. I was in The Palace Club, a swinging spot that was modeled after Plato’s in NY. The Palace offered some interesting diversions within its walls, and quite often it was crowded, especially on Saturday nights. This was one such crowded night. The Palace takes up two floors, the ground floor and a basement floor. Entering on the ground floor, you enter a lounge that looks much like a small bar. Except that some people are walking about, dressed only in towels....

2 years ago
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First Mate

It was so unfair; my first long space voyage as First Mate after my promotion and I had to draw Captain Walters as commanding officer. Ethyl Walters, the tough-as-nails commanding officer of the "Venture." had a reputation as being demanding. As the first woman ever to captain a Federation frigate, she had a lot to prove. But she had been proving it for the last fifteen years by making the lives of the men who served with her miserable. To make matters worse, Captain Walters turned out to be...

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Her Mothers LoverChapter 6

The weekend finally came and the night of the party Debby and Charisse slipped stealthily away from Greystokes to meet their escorts. "Thank goodness no one spotted us leaving - now our only problem is getting back in after the party's over!" Debbie giggled. "Let's worry about that when we come to it," Charisse said, "is that the boy's car coming now?" The red sports sedan slowed as it came towards them and dimmed its lights twice. "Yes, that's the gang!", Debbie said...

2 years ago
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Grace Fellates Frank

Frank stood, leaning slightly back against the wall. He was naked and his cock was half erect in anticipation. Grace knelt before him, her open mouth eagerly waiting a taste. The two dozen lit candles gave the aura of sensuality about room and emitted a scent which Grace found to be an aphrodisiac. Grace leaned in, rubbing her soft cheek against the side of Frank's cock. She moved slowly and deliberately towards the base of his shaft, letting her skin caress his head and shaft. When she got...

4 years ago
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Jealousy and suspicion are terrible diseases and I fervently hope that I am now cured. I know when the cure happened. I can tell you the exact date and even the time of day when I was cured. I remember it vividly. Telling my story makes me uncomfortable because it brings up memories I would rather leave buried. I don’t like to hold up the faults in my character for everyone to see. But I also feel that I have an obligation to relate the happenings of that fateful day in the hope that some...

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Moedertje toch

De belevenis waar ik u deelgenoot van maak vond plaats in oktober vorig jaar, en heeft een behoorlijke verandering in mijn leven gebracht.Eerst zal ik vertellen wie ik ben en hoe onze gezins samenstelling is.Mijn naam is Mariëlle, ben een 48 jarige best wel moderne vrouw, zorg dat mijn conditie goed blijft, kleed me graag modern en vrouwelijk, halflang kastanje bruin haar heb ik, afwisselend draag ik bril of contactlenzen, 175 cm ben ik, als ik de complimenten mag geloven zie ik er goed...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 140

Roseanne, Corry and their boyfriends were several minutes late. We were all still in the office in our meeting when they came. I had them wait in the lobby. Marcy continued with her meeting while I waited on the word that the North 6 was done their homework for tonight. Marcy had four of the six rental cars that were at the college picked up, now that the insurance company had settled with the students from the transformer disaster. One of those independent auto haulers had been contracted...

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Heaven and Hell Lucifers Daughter

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Choices  by  Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down,...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 5

I was approaching the shop, having changed/modified my school uniform quickly at home on the way. I was the only one in, so changing was easy, and I had made sure of packing a bag with jeans etc in for going home later. As I got near to the shop my stomach was churning with butterflies and also my fanny was feeling decidedly damp. As I turned the corner I noticed that the shutters were already down on the windows, an unusual thing at only 4 in the afternoon. As I got nearer, Mr R came out...

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Carl Me and the boyPart 3

Hi Please read Part 1 and 2 before as it has been a long while since I have written. EnjoyThe next day was Friday and our work in Cardiff for the week was done. We were staying that night and leaving on Saturday. We could have went home on Friday as we finished by lunch but Carl had other plans. He took Adam out while I finished, mostly cleaning the flat we were renovating for the final fit out. Some men came and delivered a big bed and some other furniture. The sight of them made me horny so I...

4 years ago
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I Love Thigh Boots

I love Thigh Boots This is the story of my love of thigh boots and the women who love to wear them, the dominance they radiate and how the very thing I love was the making of my dream. If you add to this my ultimate fantasy, to be totally feminised by a woman in boots you will begin to understand my dream. It all started when I was young in the sixties, in my teens. I started to notice that I was very attracted to women who wore knee length boots, the very sight of such a...

1 year ago
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Late Night Call

It was a Friday night and my husband was working late (as always), so I was home alone watching some horror movie on television. I remember it was raining outside and the thunder was very loud. So when the phone rang it frightened me. "Ring, Ring." I jumped, and proceeded to answer. "Hello," I answered in my sexiest voice. "Is this Sahsha?" the person asked in an even more manly, sexy voice. “Why, yes it is," I answered while looking over at the clock, which read 11pm. "May I ask to whom am I...

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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 29

Note: This is a work of Fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: This as a Novel 122. (Tuesday, December 17) Final Wedding Preparations Julia held Sharon by her right arm as they toured the wedding facility. She wanted to make sure that Sharon did not feel like a fifth wheel, as she did when...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 12 First Blood

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All Business Part 3

I felt flushed after the excitement of the convienence store. The feel of his fingers inside my still throbbing pussy, the look of the clerk as she had watched him pump his fingers in and out, and his desperately hard cock pressed into my back were all lingering in my brain as I returned to the car. As we left the parking lot, I wondered just how much longer he would deny me the satisfaction of his hard cock which was clearly yearning to be free of his constraining pants. I reached over and...

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My Wifes Boyfriend

I stood waiting patently at the airport arrival gate, eagerly looking out for the couple returning from holiday. Amongst the crowd, I saw them hand in hand. They waved to me and I waved back. Any onlooker would have assumed I was meeting a happy couple back from their holiday. Little would they know this was my wife with her long standing boyfriend! My wife, Sue looked radiant. She was wearing a cropped tee shirt. The movement of her breasts and the indentations her nipples made clearly showed...

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my evil black dick splits white pussy

your king read whole story and checkout my profile!Bride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the...

3 years ago
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Sex with my Sister

Hi ISS readers. I don want to reveal my name. This happened a week ago with my aunt’s daughter. I m 24 years and I m working as an engg. My aunts daughter is 22 and she’s studying for medicine in one hospital About her, she is really beautiful with a nice fat ass and she has got boobs, which will be protruding out of the churidar. This incident happened on Saturday in my home. Actually she’s my cousin sis and we can say like that. She stays in her college hostel which is near by to my home. She...

1 year ago
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Junes Private Graduation Party

That evening was one for the ages. June was so horny and decided that it would be sex all night. It would be a "no holds barred" evening.She carefully took off the silver dress that had driven me into frenzy at the Mexican restaurant. Now, she only wore her vibrating panties, black stockings and stilettos. Just looking at that outfit, got me highly aroused. I was in my boxer briefs. We got into bed and the party began. June whispered, "I want to do everything tonight and not miss anything. It...

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Amigo de mi papaacute

8Yo tenía 18 años y el amigo de mi papá, Alberto, siempre buscaba quedarse a solas conmigo. Desde pequeña recuerdo que el sr. Alberto entraba a mi casa con gran confianza de mis padres, pues venía a hacer reparaciones. Al terminar se sentaba a conversar y me decía que me acercara. Allí aprovechaba y me sentaba en sus piernas. Con gran disimulo acariciaba mis pequeñas nalgas y a veces deslizaba su mano por mi entrepiernas. Claro!!! sin que nadie se diera cuenta. Yo, inocente, creía que eran...

2 years ago
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Climate Control Ch 03

By rhinoman, aka rhinotoons, aka raginrhinotoons, aka raginrhinoman. Check out my other stories under these names. Part 3 – The Vine Withers Jason waited a few minutes for Cindy and Mitch to get into their bedroom before heading down the hallway himself. Outside their door he could hear the kissing and soft moans coming from Cindy. He grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned it. Good, not locked, he thought. I knew they’d be in too much of a hurry. He cracked the door open an inch and peered...

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Exposed and watched while changing in the dressing room

I was walking in New York City running errands and went into a very small, men's clothing store on Columbus Avenue. The store carries nice, affordable clothes from a French clothing designer and was having a 50% off sale. I entered the store and picked up a shirt when I heard (and then saw) the store clerk, a late 30s-something woman. She asked me what size I wear and told me that most of the store's clothing was subject to the discount. She was the only one working there and I was the only...

1 year ago
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Fem is much better and cuter

So there i was out at a party for some label bullshit. It was just another crappy drance club (why my record label would book the party at a dance club is a mystery to me). I was sitting in some little weird bed thing when this really cute guy come up to me and asked to join me. He was aout 5'6" and a total fem cutie. He started talking about how lame the party was and how their was no gay guys there. To which i said well their is one he says who? and laughed and said me silly. He gave me a...

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Fucking Trip From Ernakulam To Trivandrum

Hello, I’m back again with my stories. Yeah, I’ll be writing about my experience with one of my readers whom I fucked in Trivandrum. I work as a call boy and also do escort service. So ping me ladies and forget everything and enjoy it. So the story is about a lady named Reshma who works for an MNC in Kochi. Speaking of her, she is good looking and is just 29. Her husband is working abroad. She needed someone to satisfy her and needed privacy. She, after seeing my ad in Locanto contacted me for...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 86

An hour after that, almost everyone was gone. Joe fired Giovanni. I did try to talk him out of it, but this wasn't the first time Vanni had picked up a client's guest. And as an added bonus, Joe didn't have room to drive Vanni back into the city. "So how do I get home?" Giovanni yelled. "Ask the guy you spent the night with!" Joe slammed the van door and drove off. Giovanni looked beyond wit's end. I glance around; all of the boys were milling around the front door with us,...

4 years ago
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Become Slave In Public Train 8211 My First Public Femdom

Hello frnds mai sidharth ek baar fir se aap sabke paas apni naye real story ke sath hazir hu..Hope aap sab ne mere previous story my first femdom with unknown girl padhe hoge…Aur kai sare reply aur mail ke liye dil se shukriya…Jaisa ki maine bataya tha mere age 26 years h aur height 5-9 hai. Lund ka size 9 inch lamba 3 inch mota h…Ab bina time waste kiye sidhe story pe aata hu… Ye ghatna last 3 month pahle ki h..Mai delhi me rahta hu mere kuch relative bangalore me rahte h ..Achanak kisi...

2 years ago
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Deep Tissue

I don't cheat, okay? Let me say it again. I. Do. Not. Cheat. The same way I don't drink-drive or wear yesterday's underpants. It's a built-in rule and one that with a little forward thinking is never broken. I'm engaged now to Amanda and our relationship couldn't be stronger. It's built on honesty and it's built on trust, got me? We have a varied, healthy and satisfying sex-life and we don't screw other people. End of story. This is most reassuring when, for example, I end up talking to the new...

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Memories part two

One night, the first of many, Nadia told me that she felt cold, and would I mind going into her bed and keep mummy warm…..I must say that she was a very kind person, years after I found out that her dad, also a widower, had remarried, and Nadia and her sister Maria were victimized by their step-mum, and she would not do so to me….(but that’s another story).Nadia was much younger than my father, 20 years difference to be precise, and when he married her she was just over 18.I got out of my bed...

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Clare Part 1

Clare - The love trianglePart 1How my loving relationship turned into a love triangleI met Clare when she was 15, a slightly chubby teenager, when her parents moved into the house next door but while they were downgrading in size I was on my way to upgrade. I was running a Restaurant at the time but sold my business 3 months later and bought a large 5 bedroom house in the suburbs of town. Clare used to do the odd jobs for me to earn a bit of pocket money and I was more than surprised when she...

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Masters Present part 1

I have spent the morning wandering round the shops, still looking for the perfect birthday present for Master. I just can’t seem to find anything that really speaks to me. I saw some nice, very nice watches. Master has quite a collection and I love the way he looks in them. But I cannot afford the really nice ones and I know he is very picky about his watches, so that just won’t work.I’m sitting in the food court drinking my hot chocolate about ready to give up when I notice her. She is working...

1 year ago
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Murder Misstery Redux

Murder Misstery Redux © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did.... After faking her death, Maddy is enjoying her life as the mistress of the Parisian doctor who is turning her into a woman. The next few months were among the happiest of my life. Long, lazy mornings puttering around my apartment, fixing myself breakfast while I picked up French...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 17

Dusty, Suzan, Daniel, and Rachel all suddenly appeared on the pad next to Lori's home. The pad was large enough to accommodate five riders on horseback, but it was the four of them standing next to Dusty and Suzan's horses. Waiting while Dusty and Suzan took their horses to the stable, the four of them returned to the front of the door and knocked. "Lori seemed pretty excited when I called her, I wonder why," said Suzan as they waited "Bet she's discovered something new again. She...

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Chachi ki kunwari boor ko choda

Hi ISS Reader this is Dev from jamshedpur, this is my 5th story in ISS. Well who dosen’t know about me for them I am 31 year old married health person. My email ID :- and hai. Meri dilchaspi hamesha shadishuda aurato pe hoti hai jo saari pahanti hai . Kyonki saari me aurat kafi sexy aur khubsurat lagti hai jise chodne me bhi kafi maza aata hai . Whenever I make sexual relation with any ladies my first ambition is to make her satisfied with my cock. Till now I have fucked around 50 ladies (...

4 years ago
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My sister and I Part 2

For those of you who read my first story about this subject,the second better part has happened.Well this is a few years later as I am now 28 and she is 32,She is now married and has 2 k**s but they were both c-sections,thank god.My sister is now 5'6'' 132lbs with 36 c cup tits.Her husband and her came up from so cal to see my grandmother in the hospital.My sister's husband is a total tool,he works all the time and never shows my s*s any love unless he is horny and even then he only thinks of...

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The Fair Boss

Years ago I started the second job I’d ever gotten, Sales Associate at Hot Topic. It wasn’t prestigious by any means, but I chased after it pretty hard. I was 16, it sounded cool, and it felt like a supreme upgrade from ‘fry cook’. After the first three months I would find out if I’d be kept on past the Christmas season, rather than the other two people that had been hired. During the winter break from school I worked 14 of the 17 days we were out, covering for people’s shifts or being...

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Starting OverChapter 11 Merry Christmas Eve

The Christmas holiday came quickly, and soon it was December 23rd. As planned, everyone met at Mark's house at the appointed time. Dinner was delivered and quickly eaten. After enjoying some Christmas fun, the four teenagers were sent to bed in the basement family room with strict instructions to go to sleep and not stay up playing pool or talking. Shortly thereafter, the gifts were rescued from their confinement and placed under the tree. Trisha noticed that there seemed to be many more...

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handyman stories

My Handyman experience I Have lots of stories to tell you all, this is another i think you will enjoyI was asked to price a job for a letting agency who were looking after a small flat, the garden patio slabs needed to be dug up and replaced as they were loose and uneven, I viewed the work and gave them a price, the landlord agreed the price and we arranged to start the work the following week.I arrived at the premises and the tenant came out to introduce herself, a lovely lady i guessed was in...

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new best mate

it all started out as another friday night out on the drink with my best mate shane.both 20 years old and constantly horny we did the usual drink ,chat to girls , get rejected , drink some more and try again til closing time then stagger back to shanes place. we always went back to shanes dads place cause his parents were divorced and his dad was hardly ever there. he was usually out doin the same as us just at different anyway saturday morning arrives and im drifting in and out...

2 years ago
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English Girl At Home

Hayley’s flat seemed quieter than usual. She locked the door behind her and leaned against it for a long moment, her eyes flickering around the small, square living room. Nothing had changed since she’d left but it seemed different somehow. A little colder, perhaps. A little lonelier. She turned on the television to see an old black and white Hitchcock playing. With a sigh, she turned the volume up. She switched the radio on too.In her bedroom, she tipped her bag out onto the neatly made bed...

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The Prego Club Pt08

She moaned “Awwwww ughhhhhhh goooood good ohhhhh” “Damn Amy that looks so dirty but so good” a sweet young voice said. I opened my eyes to see a gorgeous young woman standing there beside the bed, she was tall and slim almost thin, model like, by far the tallest of all the girls in the club, nice round breast, perky dark pink nipples with small auroras, oval shape and very lovely face, wide thin lips, sparkling blue eyes, and long blonde hair. She could easily be on the cover of Teen or...

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Chubby White Pussyboy Ch 3

Anyways, the phone was ringing. I groggily answered it. "H-hello?" I didn't sound like myself. My throat was scratchy. That was when I remembered watching some BBC hypno trainer last night. With my dildo stuffed against my tonsils. Trying to deep throat it. "That how you answer me, pussy?" It was Reed's voice. "Who you talkin' to, babe?" I knew what he wanted to hear from me. And a large part of me wanted that too. A small part of me (even smaller than my clit!) wanted me...

1 year ago
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Diary Entries Of A Son8217s Lust For His Mother

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, narrated as excerpts from the diary. The excerpts narrate the secret thoughts, desires fantasies about various people in life. This story narrates the explicit incest between mom and son. Any person who is sensitive to close incest relations and doesn’t like such stories, please stop reading here. By continuing to read ahead, you agree that you are within the legal age limit and you are solely responsible for what you are reading, and neither the writer...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Kaho Miyazaki Gives some one on one instruction after school

The ultimate sexual fantasy for a boy is to have a sexy older woman teach him the art of making love. He spends his time day dreaming in class about that hot teacher and imagining her taking him in the back and sliding his pants off and pulling his throbbing cock out to suck on. He imagines she would slide her hands up and down his shaft and caress his balls as well as he looked down at her lovely face. And what if this day dream happened at the end of the day when all other students had gone...

1 year ago
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True First Time Bi

At the time this experience took place, in the summer of 2011, my room mate and I were both in our mid twenties. I had always considered myself straight. I had always had girlfriends, but had occasionally checked out gay, transsexual and bisexual porn and enjoyed it a lot. When I did watch gay porn, I always found myself attracted to slimmer, blond "twink" types. My room mate Matt and I are best friends. We had lived together for about two years. He is 6'2 with a dark complexion and black hair;...

Group Sex
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Femme NataleChapter 2

“Just tell me when and where” Janine said with disgust. Betty nodded, trying to keep her excitement in. It wasn’t the right time for celebrating, after all. “Our meetings are in the old Holiday Inn building. There’s one every Saturday” Betty explained. “I’ll be there” Janine responded tersely. After Mark left the house Friday night, Janine started feeling guilty about what she said- not anymore I’m not, she thought. She had assumed that Mark was blowing off steam by hitting one of the...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 14 Reawakening

Just before Labor Day, I was offered another promotion. I declined. Dave moved to another company and my new regional manager and the vice president were not willing to make any accommodations. They wanted me to move to Chicago. The answer was simply ‘no.’ My daughter was entering high school and I would not pull her away from her friends, her master, or her home. I realized quickly that refusing a promotion under the new management was tantamount to writing a suicide note. They had others...

4 years ago
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The Game

She paused momentarily at the entrance to his chamber. Trepidation and anticipation, mixed in equal parts, fought for dominance of her current mood. It was going to be good, she was sure of that, it always was. But what was going to happen? What was he going to make her do? What sort of ecstasy or humiliation were his commands and orders going to bring about this time? As she hesitantly reached for the door handle, a slight draft rustled its way along the corridor. When it found its way to her...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 371

"78 AND I'M TIRED!..." So well said... "I'm 78 and Tired" I'm 78 Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired. I'm...

2 years ago
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The New Boy In The Office Part 3

Things had happened so fast in the lives of forty-eight-year-old Ruth Edrich and eighteen-year-old Liam Tabram since Liam had started work at the company at which Ruth was employed, some ten days earlier.Since Liam started work, he had become infatuated with Ruth and, after a little more time, she had returned his affection and in a big way. The last two evenings, the colleagues with the big age difference had had sex, and Ruth had also masturbated Liam the last two lunchtimes in the local...


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