Adventure In Zhor free porn video

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Welcome bold adventurer. This started as a story in the world of Zhor (a "universe" entertaining b&d tg fantasies - thanks overlord), then I turned it into an Adrift game, now it's a story again. The intro blurb of the game suggested that if being transformed into a female slave girl and engaging in sexual acts isn't something that interests you then you ought to stop playing now... likewise stop reading now. The game was quite linear despite my vague notion of having a slave master thread and a slave thread with Pohst either ruking the protagonist or being ruked himself. Sadly I ran out of steam. There remains enough narrative to make it a worthwhile read. Rather than rewriting the whole thing again in the third person I've left it in the second person form (which I don't normally use cause I find it weird) and connected the main actions and descriptions together. As a patch up job it's not too bad. If you look past the chunkiness' you may enjoy it. * * * Slave War of Zhor You are Visp, a proud and prosperous pimp, slave lord and pleasure house master of the city of Xeft. For the last few months you have been embroiled in deadly conflict with Yohsl, a rival crime lord, a war that you soon plan to win. At the moment you lurk in the shadows of the seedy alley, ignoring the smells and grime. This alley is like all the nameless alleys that zig zag and curve through the heart of the beggars quarter. The midnight bell tolls over the sleepy city. "You know for certain Yohsl will come through here?" you ask Pohst. Pohst, a lithe man with dark hair and darker eyes nods grimly. "Yes," he is Yohsl's most trusted captain, but tonight he is betraying Yohsl. He clutches the pommels of his short sword and dagger in calloused hands. "He goes to visit his new mistress." Pohst is clad like you in dark clothes and cloak. He is also wrapped in silk cloth to muffle noise and hide the gleam of metal. The finest back alley fighter you've ever known, he is all hard angles and wiry strength. You take comfort in the presence of your three men watching him closely. Suddenly Yohsl, a brawny tough who runs the cities rival gambling and pleasure house operations steps into the alley. He winds through the piles of refuse that clutter the uneven cobbled lane. As Yohsl passes you spring into action, Pohst and your men following close behind. You bring your cudgel down hard on the back of his head and he staggers then falls to the cobbles. You, Pohst and your men drag his limp body through the streets to your brothel. In case it is being watched you go down the dark stairs that lead to a basement and one of the secret tunnels to the Oubliette. You drag Yohsl to the podium and chain him. It is here that you plan on interrogating Yohsl. Candle light flickers upon the stone dias that lies at the centre of the oubliette. Candles, whips, feathers, harnesses, leather fetish wear, silken garments, thongs, corsets, stiletto heels and course slave clothes are laid about the dais. The air is heavy with the smell incense. Then you bring sniffing salts to rouse the man. His pained eyes open. "Visp," he spits with venom. "Right then, I think you need to tell me about your operation. Your plans, resources, men..." you say quietly as you pick up one of the whips and flex it's leather shaft. Yohsl seems unimpressed but you have no doubt he is afraid. He chuckles, "it seems I'm between a rock and a hard place. If I talk I lose everything. If I don't," he shrugged. "Try your worst," he states simply. You nod at his naked honesty, having expected as much. Yohsl is brave and will not willingly hand over his empire. You fondle the whip, considering your options. Torture is repugnant. Threats are useless. There is a better way... perhaps if Yohsl had a new master. You smile at the notion. Yes, there are other more subtle ways to gain the information you desire. After all you quite considerable skills in apothecary. You go to your ornate and highly carved teak desk and take out a vial. You brandish the vial melodramatically, suppressing the urge to laugh sinisterly. "You give me no choice... ruk serum." Yohsl licks his lips, perspiration on his brow. "Wait, perhaps we can talk about this?" "You had your chance for that," you say. He is stalling. You know with little doubt that being ruked will make him more pliable than the mere threat of being ruked. After all, this was the common fate You watch the fear in the man's eyes grow as you approach. "Last chance... mwahahaha," you laugh as you raise the syringe. He glares at you and you inject it. The serum enters Yohsl's arm. His eyes glaze over as the sleeping drug you combined robs him of consciousness. The transformation process takes three days, three days where you have been forced to wait and pace, unable to act. The formerly large man has now been reduced to a cute little slave girl, slender and large breasted girl. You have had your lash mistress Khali prepare the girl. As you ordered she is hogtied with her head down and her perfectly rounded arse high. She is gagged and small grunts of anger come from deep within her throat. Her freshly pierced nipples stand erect and her breath comes in angry gasps. Her pussy glistens smoothly, freshly shaved, as per your instructions. To extract any useful information she knows you must dominate Yohsl and awaken her innate slave urges. It takes time and skill to awaken the slave urge in a serum girl. You have the skill, but time is not on your side. The longer it takes to dominate this girl, the more time Yohsl has to change his operations and the less useful this serum girl's knowledge becomes. As Yohsl comes to consciousness she struggles against her bonds. "Not so big and tough now, are you?" you ask. Her eyes flash in response. She is hardly ready to call you master, her former male personality remaining strong. She seems upset that she is gagged. You remove the gag and the spits at you. "You will not make me talk," she says. You shake your head. "I think you will tell me what I need," you say. You reach across to the rack and lift the whip. As you stretch the leather between your hands you briefly entertain the notion of whipping some respect into the girl to dampen those rebellious fires. You have taken great relish in such actions before; however this does not appear to be the best way to make Yohsl talk. Clearly she is not yet responding to your advances as a serum girl should. You go to your teak desk. "What are they?" Yohsl asks as you produce a number of vials from the drawer and place them before her. You have quite a range of philters and potions to draw upon. "Passion nectar," you say placing your finger on the first, a wicked smile on your lips, "vaid ... sone ... khoom ... dhori ... as you know it is a lust potion. I understand you have used it on new slave girls in your own pleasure house. You will soon know intimately that when it is consumed it puts the female subject into an intense sexual heat." Yohsl's eyes widen in understanding. "No!" her bottom lip quivers slightly. The nectar will make her want to submit, but hogtied as she is she will be unable to act upon her desires, making them all the more stronger. You place your finger upon two more. "These are herbs of fullness ... pa- nerl," your say, rolling the R with relish. You lift the reddish tinted potion. "This particular concoction is my favorite and will cause your already large breasts to grow even larger." You then touch the bluish one, "This one will fill out your hips and buttocks. They are slow acting, but we do have time," you lie. She looks down at her body. Her breasts and hips are already quite well rounded, but to her they must seem immense. You caress another bottle. "Chadwor's Serum," you state, "expensive, but I think you are worth it. You know what this does," you ask. Of course she does, but you explain anyway, "Chadwor was a brilliant physician who disdained the whipping of resistant slave girls, especially stubborn new serum girls. This humanitarian fellow found an ingenious way to make a slave submit to her master's will, devising this serum which permanently alters a female's genetics to make her overly ticklish, especially in erogenous zones. I do so dislike using the whip but I do find a feather to be very amusing. So may you." You pause to let this threat sink in. Chadwor's serum was rare, but few who had seen it in action could doubt its effectiveness. The cost of the serum makes you reluctant to use it except as a last resort, but as a threat it is quite potent. "Female contraceptive medicine - slave bitters. The carrot if you will. I hear it tastes terrible, but it is better then becoming pregnant. With all the sex you will having I think ingesting slave bitters would be wise." You leave the idea of pregnancy floating in the room. Her eyes burn with anger and fear but she says nothing. "And the stick - the fertility drug known as slave honey. As you know it counteracts the effects of slave bitters and elevates the user's fertility for two to three weeks." She pulls against her chains and appears ready to launch herself at you. "And the last little bottle in my bag of tricks is Leth, the drug of forgetfulness. Highly illegal. It temporarily blocks any knowledge or memory of your past life as Yohsl from your mind, leaving your skills intact but you mind a blank slate. Even though the effects of the potion are not permanent, by the time your memories return your new serum girl persona will have firmly dominated your mind. A painless transition into your future life as a serum girl," you throw the vial up in the air and catch it, "but where is the fun in that?" you ask. You smile as you run your finger over the bottles. "I think we will start with the passion nectar." Ignoring her feeble protests you approach and hold Yohsl's chin, pressing the vial to her pretty lips. She struggles with all the power of her small feminine frame as you pour the contents into her mouth. You hold her jaw closed, gently massaging her throat. You see her swallow reflexively and then stand back to wait. The passion nectar is fast acting. Soon her breathing deepens and you see the fires of desire lighting her eyes. "I'll be back sooner," you state, "or later." You turn and leave. After all you need her to want you beyond reason, rushing things will achieve nothing. You leave the oubliette and walk down the tunnel. You climb up an old steel ladder that leads up into your pleasure house. Entering the premises your eyes pierce the opiate gloom; roaming the sultry and curvaceous table top dancers, probing the dark alcoves where well oiled women lounged in naked indolence, flickering upon the lamp lit balconies where sveltely lambent limbs curled and twisted in throes of passion. Finally your eyes settle on Khali the dancer, your current favorite. Khali is a beautiful natural slave and a talented lash mistress whom you acquired some time ago. You understand that she had a past relationship with Yohsl, but have never been able to determine precisely what this was. She has an arrogance about her gaze. She lazily dexes on the central stage, her pendulous breasts and supple loins encased in twists of sheer silken film. She moves with hedonistic grace, gyrating to the music, her diaphanous clothing swirling about her, her lithe body concealed beneath alluring and desirable. The girl crouches low, her supple hips swaying enticingly, a secretly seductive smile on her lips. You motion her to come to you. "I need your help with something." "The new girl in the dungeon?" Khali asks with interest. You hide your irritation at her lack of tact in public. Yohsl's capture was meant to be a secret, but Khali had already prepared the serum girl. "Yes," you say as you lead her. You climb down the ladder then look up to admire Khali as she follows. You doubt you will tire of this girls charms soon. When you return you note that Yohsl's pussy lips are wet and puckered and she quivers with yearning. Khali enters the oubliette and walks slowly around the tied Yohsl. Her brow raises. "Passion nectar?" she asks. You nod. "You've been very secretive about this one," she notes, "who was she?" "Yohsl," you state. Khali let out a whistle and walked up to Yohsl. "How the mighty have fallen," Khali noted. The lash mistress licked a finger slowly and placed it casually near Yohsl's nether regions. Her lips twitch in a smile. "Yohsl, do you remember me?" Yohsl looked back at Khali's face then at her hand and then nodded. "Yes. I-" "Do you remember how you once took me?" Khali asked. There was something cruel in her tone. "I - um -" Yohsl began. "Let me remind you," Khali said as she slid her finger deftly into Yohsl. The serum girl moaned as Khali gently probed her sensitive folds then indolently pushed back and forth. Yohsl's closed her eyes and she tensed for moment, unsure what to do. She let out a ragged breath and swallowed as Khali continued. "You were thick and hard and strong," Khali said. "Yes," Yohsl purred as she started to gently rock in rhythm with Khali's slowly thrusting fingers. "It felt good, didn't it" Khali asked with relish. "Yes," Yohsl purred. "It feels so good, doesn't it," Khali asked. "Yes," Yohsl agreed without conscious thought. Khali chuckled merrily as she withdrew her finger. It was slick with Yohsl's juices. "Lick this clean," she stated in a very matter of fact tone. Yohsl looked with confusion at the fingers thrust in her face. Khali traced the wet fingers about Yohsl's lips then down her chin and throat to her breasts. She playfully tweaked one of Yohsl's erect nipples then licked her fingers clean with feline economy. Khali smiled sardonically as she looked you in the eye, placed her arms on your shoulders and kissed you. "You give me the most wonderful presents," Khali stated. Khali's perfume and the salty taste of Yohsl's sex lingers on your lips after the kiss. "Did you want to watch or are you happy to let me have my fun alone with her." "I'll leave you alone with her," you say. Khali nods as you depart. A few moments later you stealthily return. Khali has blindfolded Yohsl so she is blithely unaware of your presence. You sit back watch the amusement. Watching Khali work is pure pleasure. After her brief playing with Yohsl's sex she slows down completely, fanning Yohsl's desire with the deft sureness that only a seasoned lash mistress can command. She gently caresses Yohsl's nipples, rubbing the nubs then licking them with slow sensuality. "You like that, don't you?" she asks. Yohsl breaths deeply and nods. "Yes," she admits. Khali traces a hand possessively down the girls body. "Did you know that it was I that shaved your new pussy?" Khali probed as her fingers massaged circles about the bald patch above the girls nether regions. "No," Yohsl admitted. "I think I prefer you like this," Khali stated as she reached about and stroked the serum girls firm buttocks. "Have you considered that you will spend the rest of your life like this?" Yohsl sighed despondently. "Yes. It's terrible." "Not if you embrace it," Khali coaxed, "it can be quite pleasurable." Her hand delved towards the serum girls sex to divert a moment before contact. As far as you know Khali has over fifty years experience in the role, but age is a relative matter on Zhor and she looks barely a day over twenty. You watch as she licks, tickles, kisses, nuzzles, whips, slaps, cajoles, fondles, massages and entices whilst keeping a steady stream of lascivious and sweetly innocent comments flowing. "Lick my breast," Khali orders. You watch with enjoyment as Khali has Yohsl blindly suck her breasts. The new serum girl is eager to please, hoping that her actions will be reciprocated and her desires quenched. "Good. Very good," Khali encourages as she withdraws her wet nipple from the girls mouth. You note that it is puckered and erect. Khali repositions herself and smiles. "Now suck my clit," she commands. Yohsl obeys. "You remember how you made me suck your cock?" Khali asked. "Uh-huh," Yohsl affirms almost incoherently between tongue lashings. "It fills your mouth. It has a musky, manly scent. A good scent. And the warm cum filling your belly is sublime," Khali explained then gasped. "Yesss. That's. It's. Very. Good." She shuddered as an orgasm wracked her body. You wish you could enjoin them in their actions, enter into the sex game they are playing, but it would be premature. Khali is female and Yohsl's experience with sex has been limited to females as far as you know. Introducing a male into the torrid mix could set things back, perhaps irrevocably. You grin as she Khali pulls her lethargic limbs to action, going to w rack of toys and plucking up a large black phallus. This is where she introduces the serum girl to a dildo. Fist Khali inserts it into her moist pussy then she places it before Yohsl. "Suck this." "It smells of sex," Yohsl states. "Suck it," Khali commands with fire in her voice and Yohsl quakes then quickly obeys. "Take it all the way in!" Yohsl mumbles something about the dildo as Khali pushes it in then pulls it back. "Now lick it," she orders. You watch as Yohsl licks. Serum girl urges, passion nectar needs, Khali's forceful personality and the raw sexuality of being tied and bound make Yohsl immerse herself in the act. "Good girl. Yes, that's perfect. Lick it. Suck it. Worship it. You know how men like it. Now do it." This goes on for some time until finally Khali takes the dildo away. "Open your legs." Khali instructs as she goes to the rack and collects another toy. "Wider," she says, slapping the girls thighs so she spreads herself. "Do you know what these are?" She gently pushes the toy into Yohsl's waiting pussy. Yohsl gasps. "No, but it feels very good." She shudders again as another is thrust into her pussy. "What is it?" she asks eagerly. Khali pushed a third into her. "Clench your muscles. Feel them inside. What do you think they are?" Yohsl squirmed and grinned, perspiration beading her brow. She wriggled her hips enticingly, clearly enjoying the sensation of the toys moving agout inside her as she clenched and unclenched the newly responsive muscles of her pussy. She swayed gently and her back arched. "They're really good," she noted between panting gasps. "Are they round?" "You're getting warmer," Khali agreed as she gently massaged the girls clit then started to slowly pull on the string she held. "Oh. Wow." Yohsl stuttered. "Slow. Down." Her breathing became ragged as one of the toys popped free of her puckered pussy. "They're." She struggled to talk. "Ben." Her strength seemed to flee her as another popped free and pleasure wracked her diminutive frame. "Ben wa balls," she cried as the last came free and pussy juices leaked down her legs. The constant orders and attention kept Yohsl off centre and allowed Khali to undermine her past dominance and reinforce her present submissiveness. Khali soon had Yohsl figuratively eating out of her hand, as she sucked upon the serum girls clit and lapped away at her inner labia with expertise. Looking at Yohsl you can see her defenses are fully down, you nod in the affirmative to Khali as you decide to make your move. You quietly unbuckle and kick off your pants, your impressive manhood standing erect. You approach Yohsl "suck this," Khali whispers as you bring your manhood to her lips. Yohsl smiles distantly, so engrossed in her own pleasure that she does not think about the command. She leans forward and wraps her warm lips around the head of your manhood. She rocks forward, her head sinking into your lap, her mouth taking the full length of your manhood. "Good girl," Khali encourages Yohsl as you smile appreciatively. At Khali's words she raises and lowers herself again, gradually building her pace. "Good slave," Khali encourages. A little moan of pleasure escapes between her eager sucking. She is inexperienced but very eager and she soon has you ready to explode. You let out a gasp as you cum, filling her throat and mouth with your seed. After a few moments you pull out. "What was that? It tastes wonderful!" Yohsl asks. "That was me," you state as you remove the blindfold. Yohsl's eyes widen as she stares at your manhood. "Did you like that?" She nods dumbly. "Are you ready for a brolling," you ask, looking Yohsl keenly in the eye. Her lower lip quivers with indecision, unbearable passion warring with a lifetime of masculinity. "Do it," Khali commands. Instinctively she turns herself about to allow you access. She sighed as she felt you firm manhood enter her warm tight pussy. Your hands gripped her rounded ass possessively as you push into her then slide slowly in and out of her throbbing cunt. She groaned desperately as her pussy throbbed with an approaching orgasm. This was already becoming second nature to her. "Good girl," you note as you brol her. "Yes," she moaned. Khali walks around in front of Yohsl, lies down and spreads her legs. "Suck me," she commands. To your amusement Yohsl obeys. You continue to brol her as she licks out Khali. After a few more leisurely thrusts you slide out of her moist pussy and press against her anus, your large head sliding inside slowly as she gasped. "Do you like that?" you ask with a chuckle. "Yes," she mumbles between slurps. "Yes what?" you grip the chain at her neck and pull. "Yes ... master," she said struggling with her newfound submissiveness and the urges of the lust potion. "Good girl," you say as you begin to ball her arse. Yohsl was falling prey to the insatiable urges of a serum girl and she knew it. You fondle her overlarge breasts which bounced with each thrust. "You like this, don't you?" "Yes master," she said as her tongue worked upon Khali. You slide out of her arse and back into her pussy. Her body began to tremble and her breasts heaved. Every muscle in her body tensed at once. All of a sudden she quaked letting out a bloodcurdling scream. However your thrusts did not slow down, rather they sped up. Her skin glistened with sweat and she took short jerking gasps of air. She trembled, released, trembled, released, and trembled as she cried out in unrestrained passion. You cum deep inside her warm pussy and withdraw. "Lick me clean," you order and she turns about and willingly obeys. As she completes you buckle up your pants.

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ADVENTURE IN MASSAICHAPTER ONEThere I was on a Nairobi airport’s concrete tarmac. I was happy and with a smile on my face I was ushered from the plane to a stretched Hummer. After all it was my Big-O birthday and I decided to treat myself to a forbidden pleasure of a sex safari. The decision was a simple one. If men can do it, so can women. Only that I had decided to do it one better. I chose a sex safari in Maasai Mara. Here I was bra-less, in white almost see-through, Marilyn Monroe’s halter...

1 year ago
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Adventure Of A Cheating Wife 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Neha back again for the next part of my adventure. I am really excited that you like the first part and I hope you will enjoy this one also. Please give your comments for the same on . So Ashwin was sucking my boob and was trying to take it completely inside. I loved the pain and pleasure. This feeling was so great, and I have never experienced such after my marriage. He was sucking it like he really likes my boobs. His other hand was pressing the boobs with the same intensity as he...

4 years ago
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 3

Hey there, everyone. It is Arjun and I am back with the third part of the story. For the new readers, I suggest you to start reading from the beginning for better understanding. Let’s get straight to the story. After the intense session in hot springs, I and my teacher Sneha went to a hotel to have dinner as we were quite hungry. The hotel was small but beautiful. The walls of the hotel were painted with animals and nature. The ambiance there will make you feel right at the forest. Relaxing...

2 years ago
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Adventure With A Police Woman

It was a sunny Sunday morning and I was getting bored sitting alone at home so I decided to go out and find some adventure. So I took my bike and started to drove towards Hebbal bridge as it was near from my place and it’s my daily routine to travel to my office in that route. As daily I see some female prostitutes be there while getting down the Hebbal bridge so I decided to go there and have some fun. But there were no female prostitutes there but two ladies police were sitting. Seeing them I...

3 years ago
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Adventure With One Hot Lady In Car 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I really like this site. Helping people to live others real experience as fantasy. Let me Introduce myself, name hardik, 23 age, 5’8″. Gujarati. I work in surat for an MNC, one of the most bold and attractive city of Gujarat. Here people are more fashionable than other cities. They like to show off. Its heaven for guys of my age. :P So let’s come to sex story. This happened some one month ago. I was bored at room. So went out to have some food. Was alone so I...

4 years ago
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Adventure Of Jeya 8211 Part 2 8211 Mission Siva

Hi,enoda peru siva…Nan college 2nd year b.Com padikiren..Enga amma, jeya.. Akka priya college 3rd year padikira..Oru annan velaiku poran.Enaku oru girlfriend iruka ava peru raji Enakum sex aasai iruku … But nan adha enoda control la vechi irudhen…Ellame nalla dhan poitu irundhudhu… Andha oru naal ah thavira..Oru nal enga annan oda phone la bf pathenadha pakkum bodhu dhan enaku 1st sunny full size nattukuchi…Apuram iruku ella frnds kita yum sex pathi discuss pannen… Sex books vangunen… Sex...

2 years ago
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Adventure with My Teacher

The beginningI was oblivious to anyone else in the classroom. Goosebumps covered my flawless chocolate skin. My fingers were numb, my hands were shaking, my teeth chattered, and it had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. The presence of my new teacher made my nipples tingle and warmth spread through my body. He is mine and I must have him, I thought. At least I think he is mine. When he came to my table, his features became more visible, I wanted to swim in his light blue eyes; his...

Straight Sex
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Adventure Explored

Adventure ExploredThey had gotten to know each other on the internet. They met and had a wonderful afternoon and evening exploring each other, getting to know each other, and pleasing each other. They had also talked about some of their other interests--BDSM in particular and found out they were both switches. This really piqued their interests and he told her later that week that he would like her to dominate him to which she quickly responded a "yes."A couple of weeks later when she has most...

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Adventure Night

Adventure Night I pick you up at 8 and have only told you to wear a skirt and button up shirt, you know enough to not wear panties. We get into the car and after a couple kisses head out to a local roadhouse for dinner. I ask for us to be seated in a booth across from the bar and we slide in across from each other. After a couple drinks our food arrives and as we are eating you ask where we are going next. I tell you it is a surprise but I am sure you will find it interesting. As you start to...

Group Sex
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Adventure with Lisa

So a long time ago, probably 4-1/2 years, I met a wonderful couple. I was single and they were looking for her first black experience. We hooked up when Craigs list was still allowing people to meet through their services. I won't use their real names, so they will be Lisa and Dave for this story.We decided to meet up and see how we clicked before anything came of it. It was actually a good time, no sex, just chatting and watching a Marvel Movie. Can't remember which one. We decided to then...

2 years ago
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Adventure in Singapore

The morning after the barbecue, James woke late. It was already light and he could hear sounds in the street outside the villa. Suddenly the events of the night before came flooding back and he felt a terrible feeling of dread. Ann! He had left her with that man… he struggled to remember the stranger’s name… Yes! … Daniel! As he raised himself, he became aware that Ann was lying beside him in the bed. She was asleep, her face wearing an expression of utter...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

1 year ago
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Adventures Of A Slut The Train Platform

I could feel the ac blowing my long brown hair gently over my shoulders; I could feel the leather of my handbag vibrating on my leg, as I glanced at my watch I realized I was late for work, as I squirmed in my seat to get my phone from my bag I could feel the hard steel of my pug stretching my intestine, I wriggled to get it comfortable again and answered the phone to my boss. She wasn't happy and wanted to know why I was so late, while trying to explain my problem boarding the train I...

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Adventurers Perils

(This is a teamwork project of unisol_gr44 and myself, Regin34. But we will welcome any other writers to join us, or even share ideas in comments or messages. Please don't forget to like any chapters that you find particularly appealing, it would mean a lot to us. Please do make comments for suggestions or simply to tell us what exactly you liked. Us writers live on feedback!) The lands of Pendor are a place where all, who are brave enough to take risks, have a chance for fame and riches. On...

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Adventurers Unity Academy

"Gods' Blessing! The president was HOT, wasn't she??", a young halfling shouts at you uncomfortably loud. As it seems, the brunette, slender halfling with curly hair was assigned your room mate. Before even telling you his name he is rambling about the president who had just greeted you in front of the academy in the course of a welcoming ceremony. Truth be told, he isn't wrong. The president, a Dark elf called Professor Sylynore, has impressive looks: long dazzling white hair, smooth pitch...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 07 In Search of a Unicorn

After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...

Wife Lovers
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Adventure Awaits

My name is Liane. By profession I'm an adventurer, a mercenary and tomb-robber and jack-of-all-trades. Or jill-of-all-trades, seeing as how I'm a lady. It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it, and it can pay off well if you're lucky. Course, I haven't been lucky recently. Right now I'm sitting in a dingy tavern without a scrap of coin to my name, hoping to pick up the local gossip and use it to find a spot of work. A bit about me. I'm a tomboy, with green eyes and freckles and short spiky...

1 year ago
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Adventure on a Topless Beach

In college my first girlfriend (I'll call her Karen ... not her real name) was probably the most sexually adventurous woman I've known in the 30 years that I've been sexually active (starting with her). We lived in a city on the Gulf of Mexico on the southwestern coast of Florida, and while we lived there the far north end of one of the barrier island's beaches was known as the "topless" beach. It was never officially sanctioned as a topless beach, but the authorities mostly left folks to...

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Adventures Leading to African Exploration Chapter 1

Introduction: Beginning in the U.S.A. but will get more intense African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. Id like some feed back please. katejeffdeanadventures at yahoo dot ca My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling...

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Adventures in Computers

*I want to try something I haven't before. I want to try to interact with comments. At certain parts of the story I plan to have the main character doing something like online chats or something of that nature. She would interact with the comments you say as if you were talking to her. Some of the things you say could influence certain changes to the main character as well. For instance, "Damn those are some big tits. But they could be bigger." May make the main character decide to augment her...

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Adventures of a Merchant Dance with a Demon

Adventures of a Merchant: Dance with a Demon by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels 3. Choices Notes: - Thank you to Hope Eternal Reigns whose editing so often causes me to embarrassedly exclaim, Doh! - The use of ~ around dialog designates it as something a den in the City of Glanlies... A tale untold is like jewelry unsold, precious and shining gloriously, only for its owner. With my writing contract not extended...

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Adventures of a Merchant Choices

Adventures of a Merchant: Choices by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels ...being continued... Greetings once more friends. At the end of my last tale I mentioned that it was time for me to spend some time in the now and I took my own advice. After a stay in Corels to visit family, I continued on to Elladoo Post for my first visit in a number of year. As it always does, the visit served to remind me of who I am, for people who knew you...

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Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys Adventure 1 Scott in Atlanta

Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note:  I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage.  I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock.  I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly.  However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it.  A few years ago, after...

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Adventures with Nina

Introduction: A sexually precocious boy is either being scared or blown by his insane sitter. Chapter 1 I was, to put it mildly, sexually precocious. By the time I was 13 years old, I was jerking off three or more times a day, and trying (desperately) to peak into the clothes of every female I got near. I sort of had a girl friend, Stacy, who was a year older than me. Our parents had been trading baby sitting since we were little, so we had been thrown together every week or so for years. We...

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Misadventures of a College Youth

Introduction: This has a rather lengthy opening scene before actually getting to the sex, so skip over this story if you want to jump directly into hardcore fucking, or jump to the end of the story. Misadventures of a College Youth Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group...

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Welcome to Misadventures! Anything can happen; we are simply observant beings who have become malcontent with society and seek to entertain ourselves by altering the existences of mortals. First, choose the mortal you would like to play with:

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Adventure With My Tenants1

Hi, guys, this is Raja again. Hope you like my previous stories.Yes, I had some adventures and I would like to share with you all. That’s why I’m again here and since I need to save this sex story, Indian Sex Stories is a good safe diary for me to save my memories. Please put your comments to I got more good comments and got some good friends too with girls and aunties which is going safe and good now. Liking to get more so email me if you need to share your friendship with me in 100% safe...

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Adventure After First Night

The next 2-3 days were spent with normal sex. We would talk for some time and gradually get into embrace and finally having sex standard positions (missionary and rear entry). But I wanted her to first feel fully comfortable and break out of her shy shackles before I ask her for something different. By fifth day I thought she was. All the guests had gone and I had prepared mentally for the actions that night. Once in the bedroom, she changed into a black satin nighty (has to be a sexy one)....

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Adventure Day With Five Men 8211 Part III

That Adventurous Day with five men in fifteen hours Part 3 By Lata. It is Latha continuing from where I left in Part 2. The paragraph below in the bracket is the last few lines of part 2 which I am repeating for the sake of continuity (When I was driving the vehicle I was contemplating all that happened from the morning. I was certain that night neither me nor my father in law can keep quiet when we are alone particularly with whisky at that time I was not aware that it is not just with my...

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Adventures of the exhibitonist girl part 2

Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...

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Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 10 How It All Ended

After my experience with Dan and Lisa, I wasn’t actively looking for another “hotwife” couple. Shortly after I severed ties with the two of them, however, I received a message on our swinging website. I had reached out to Phil and Danielle shortly before meeting Dan and Lisa. I was not only intrigued by the photos they included in their profile, but also with their sincere and articulate description of themselves.Danielle was just my type of woman: blonde and petite, and with an exquisite...

Wife Lovers
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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch4

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS' COLONY CH. 4SisyphusI thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my turn...

Straight Sex
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Adventures With Young Married Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 12 Compelled to Betray

Sam could not deny a sense of deep friendship as he saw the towering Cerberus standing there by the entrance. Even though it was a Mark IV, made obsolete quite a while ago with the Union military now using the Mark IX, it still was an impressive combat system. The fact that Charles was truly sentient made the Cerberus much more dangerous than any known main battle system in Sam’s opinion. Sam has just stepped out of a TMT booth and onto Treasure Island Plaza, right before the sky-reaching...

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Adventures With Traci Marcie And The Construction Workers

On the Monday morning following our exciting Saturday afternoon with Steve, Traci and I had to return to the mundane world of work. Traci was employed as a receptionist for a large investment firm. She spent her day answering the telephone, greeting clients and getting coffee or water for everyone but herself. She wasn't thrilled about her job, but she realized that her situation was the result of her own choices. While majoring in modern dance had been fun and  fulfilling, it hadn't been a...

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Adventures of Louise continuesAsian slut from Manila

It’s been a while since you (readers) have heard last from me (hubby came home for the Christmas vacation but has left again), so I guess it’s ok again to share my adventures to you all readers , as I had read most of your comments to hear more, well here it is …the adventure continues… Aaron used to pay me a visit once or two times a week after that first encounter (first adventure), I was excited and satisfied every time we would have sex in every corner of the...

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adventures with a familypart 1

If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...

2 years ago
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Adventures Of Just Married Couple Part 1

Dear Friends, This is the real story of a young beautiful married couple who is bold, beautiful and adventurous and very much sex obsessed. Like other all new open minded 21st generation couples, they are just entered the world of sex and were enjoying their youth, fresh body which was virgin before their marriage. This story narrates how their new marriage life started and moved to an un-imaginable corner which turned their meaning of sex and its pleasure. The whole reason of happening this...

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