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Daniel's Nightmare 111 By Cheryl Lynn This forced feminization story may be downloaded for personal use only. No other use is authorized unless approved by the author. All regular disclaimers apply. Read previous chapters as this is not a stand alone story. If you do not like or object to forced feminization and behavior do not read. You have been warned therefore negative comments on content are not welcome. Constructive comments on plot, spelling and grammar are welcome at [email protected]. Daniel's Nightmare 111 Daniel sat in the backseat of the limo pinching his arm. "I know this part has to be a nightmare. The last thing I want is to go to another sleepover. I can't believe Auntie is making me do this after what happened the last time. Ouch! Dang that didn't wake me up. I'm still here," he thought. "Heather stop that fidgeting. This pajama party will be fun, I promise. There will only be young girls there. I spoke with Jennifer's Mother and she assured me that only three other girls will be there and they are only twelve years old. So they should be no threat to you. Remember, this is a good learning experience for you. You cannot learn to be a lady without conversing with other young ladies. When it comes to boys, all you will be doing is talking about them. As I remember, you'll play some silly games, do a make over on each other, listen to music and talk the entire time. It will be a fun experience for you. I packed a swim suit and change of clothing for tomorrow in your bag. I want to see a nice smile on your face when you arrive," Margaret said sitting beside him. To all outward appearances Daniel looked like any other teenaged girl. He was wearing a lavender cotton tee with a scooped neckline, white short-shorts, lavender crew socks and a pair of white Keds with pink laces. His hair was put up in a high pony tail. A fluffy lavender chiffon scrunchie held it in place. He was wearing light makeup that complimented his clothing. Lavender blended into pink eye shadow and a rich violet colored lipstick combined with a thin gold chain and several gold bangles on his wrist were the perfect compliment to his dress. The aroma of Tabu perfume permeated the air around him. He was embarrassed by his appearance as he was still not use to wearing feminine clothing. He felt every tug and pull of his bra and the tightness of the shorts hugging his bottom like a second skin. As he looked into the mirror before leaving the house, he shuddered at seeing visible pantie lines. When he was in boy mode, he loved watching the girls in tight pants with VPL. Oh the visions they conjured in his mind. Now he cringed at the sight. Making matters worse was his violet nylon panties could be seen when he bent over or moved. Another thing bothering him was the other girls at the pajama party. Unlike them, his tee stood out from his chest. Having "A" cup breasts and wearing a slightly padded violet nylon/spandex uplift bra made him bigger than anyone else. Daniel absent mindedly reached up and pushed an errant bra strap back over his shoulder. "Man! Did I do what I think I just did? That's so...so normal for a girl but I'm a man. I'm getting too much into this damn farce. Shit! This morning I even put on my own makeup with Auntie only helping me with the eyeliner. If it's only been a couple of weeks, then, what am I going to be like by the end of summer? I'm going to have to watch myself very carefully when I get back home. At least none of this is permanent. Crap! What about these damn breasts?" he thought as he cupped them in his hands. "They are way too real. A guy isn't supposed to have breasts. Dr. Richards says it's caused by some low hormones and that they'll be just fine by the end of summer. Boy I hope so. I can't see me going out and visiting my old friends with tits sticking out. We're here. Guess there is nothing for it but to go on in. Auntie swore to me that this party wasn't going to be anywhere near like the one with Jacob. I hope she is right about that," he thought as he got out of the limo. The house was a nice four bedroom ranch style. Jennifer's Dad had added a den in the back where they would have their party. Jennifer's Mom and Dad were in their early thirties and the image of middle class America. They seemed kind enough and left the girls pretty much alone. The only draw back was Jennifer's older brother Peter. When they were introduced, he immediately recognized her as that girl from the mall. Daniel wanted to die right there on the spot when they came face to face again. "Oh yeah, I know you. You're that pretty girl I met at the mall with your Aunt aren't you? Your Aunt letting you date yet?" he said with a big smile. "N...no...no not yet," Daniel replied blushing bright pink. Ooo "Oh gosh! I think my dorky brother really likes you Heather. You're that girl he was talking about. Are you going to go out with him? I guess for a boy he's okay. Like, I mean, you know. He's my brother so I don't see him the way other girls do. So, do you think you would like to go out with him?" Jennifer asked as they settled down in the den. "Eeeerrrrr, I don't know. Auntie Margaret said I was still too young to date," Daniel replied blushing. "Gosh, how did I get in this mess? She never mentioned having a brother. Of all people he has to be that one. I hope Auntie doesn't find out otherwise she might make me go out on a date with him. She kinda hinted at it that first time," he thought. "Come on Heather! Tell us what you think of Peter?" Linda asked. Linda was one of Jennifer's friends from school. She was a petite blond with a pretty smile. The other two girls at the sleepover were Janice, a perky brunette and Alice, a shy chubby girl wearing dark rimmed glasses. "Yeah, tell me what you think of my dorky brother?" Jennifer begged. "Oh, he's alright I guess," Daniel replied. "Come on girlfriend, you can do better than that. Do you like his ass? I think it's cute. Or maybe you're an eyes girl. His eyes have a dreamy look to them but I like his round ass better," Janice broke in giggling. "No, his lips. I bet he's a great kisser. Come on Heather tell us what you like about him," Linda added. "I....I guess he is kinda cute. I don't really know as I don't hang out with many guys," Daniel hedged. "I know how we can find out. Truth or Dare! You go first Heather since you know what I'm going to ask you," Jennifer yelled. The game of Truth or Dare was embarrassing but he got through it. Just to end the questioning about Peter, Daniel finally blurted out that he thought that Peter was cute and his big blue eyes his best feature. His one big mistake was telling the girls that, yes, he had kissed a boy. They all wanted to know what it was like and if the boy stuck his tongue into his mouth. Daniel wanted to block all that out of his mind but the girls were relentless in their questioning. Three of the girls made vomiting sounds when he described what it was like having a tongue thrusting into his mouth. He was in agreement with them on that point. After a few more questions, they switched topics to the latest boy bands for which he was very grateful. He was uneasy talking about boy bands but his mandatory teen idol magazine reading was a real help. He was saved from more questions, when pizza was delivered. "These girls can talk and ask the most embarrassing questions. None of my old gang ever talked that much in a whole week. I just hope they are finished asking me about boys, kissing and Peter," he thought as he ate his pizza. After pizza the girls decided it would be great to give each other makeovers. That was an experience Daniel could handle as he was probably the most proficient of the girls with makeup. His makeover was a bit difficult as the girls tossed the different colored makeup into a bag. Each had to reach in and pick a lipstick, nail polish, and shadow from the bag. Reaching into the bag, Daniel pulled out a blue nail polish, Cranberry red lipstick and green eye shadow. "These colors are so going to clash," he thought. Then he kicked himself for thinking like a silly girl. The makeover session finished with all the girls having a good laugh at the outcome, Jennifer's Mother brought in popcorn and sodas. She told the girls to make sure they removed their makeup before going to sleep. They put a DVD chick flick on and huddled into a circle to watch it. After the show, makeup remover was passed around. The final thing they did before putting on their pajamas was apply a mud pack. Green, white and blue faces stared back at each other laughing until tears came into their eyes. Reaching into his bag, Daniel reluctantly removed a green nylon and chiffon baby doll with matching bloomers. He had hoped that Margaret had packed his extra large tee or at least his pink satin pajama set instead of this femmi one. It had puffed sleeves ending in three inches of white lace, rounded collar that revealed way too much cleavage, full empire cut forest green nylon underskirt with pale green chiffon outer layer and three inches of floral white lace at the hem. The forest green bloomers had four rows of white floral lace across the bottom and matching lace at the leg openings. He was going to the bathroom to change, when Jennifer told him to go ahead and change right there in the den. "Look the door is closed so no one will see us change. Don't be a spoil sport, change in here with us," Jennifer said too which the other girls heartily agreed. Reluctantly, Daniel decided to change where he was. He stripped as quickly as he could and pulled on his baby dolls. During that process, he couldn't help but see the other girls as they were all standing nearby. Most had a bit of pubic hair but none shaped like his. They all had the beginnings of breasts but nothing compared to his. Since he could see them, they could see him. Daniel was worried for a few minutes that his secret was revealed since most of the girls were staring at him. "Darn girlfriend, you have a fantastic body. I just hope mine develops as nicely. Why did you trim your pubs like that?" Jennifer asked quietly. "Oh, that's something they did when I got my body wax. Madge at the salon said....said it was the latest rage," he replied blushing hotly. "You had your body waxed? Wow, that is just so way cool. I wish my Mother would let me get that done. She just started letting me shave my legs and pits. There aint no way she'd let me get waxed. Did it hurt very much? Did it make you cry?" Linda said. "I've never even been to a salon. My Mom just trims my bangs and split ends herself. Geez you're so lucky Heather," Alice piped up. When they had all gotten their pajamas on, Daniel was the only one wearing a gown. The others either had a large tee or cotton pajamas. As he stepped into his fuzzy slippers with a two inch heel, Jennifer's Mom came back into the room. "Alright girls, it's getting real late and we have the party tomorrow so see about getting some sleep. Is there anything I can get you before I go to bed? No, then you all get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning," she said. After she left, Jennifer passed out bedrolls to each of them and turned out the light. As Daniel was sliding into his bedroll, he thought, "I'm exhausted down to the very bone. I have never talked so much in my life and trying to keep my secret from all these girls just wore me out. I just hope they will let me get some sleep." Just as he thought sleep was taking over, Daniel felt a warm body slide close to him. "Heather," Jennifer's soft voice spoke, "Tell me what it's really like to kiss a boy and have his tongue in your mouth? Did it make your tummy all warm and fuzzy?" Ooo Daniel was the first one in the bathroom that next morning. As he placed his bag on the counter, he breathed a sigh of relief. "At last I have a bit of privacy. They kept me up all night talking and giggling. I don't think that I will ever understand the way girls talk. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't hop from one thing to another. One second they are talking about boys then its clothing then its boys and then some television show. Then they use all those cutsie phrases to describe everything. If it isn't "precious" this or "darling" that, it's all those "I love" or "to die fors" that drive me nuts. My bros back home never talked that much or like that. Shit! I can just imagine what would happen if I used the word "darling" when I talked about my baseball glove," he thought. He pulled out the large toiletries kit Margaret had packed for him and opened it. There on top was his calendar. There were twenty-eight lines drawn through the dates. "Oh crap! It's my time of the month already," he mumbled as he removed the pink rubber ball douche. Margaret had explained that girls his age had "menstrual periods" in which their uterus sloughed off its lining about every twenty-eight days. "Since you now have a vagina, you might as well experience your own period. Here is a calendar to keep track of the days. At the end of the twenty-eighth day, you will use a tampon and panty liners for the next five days. You will need to change out your tampon and pad every four hours. Actually, once you get in the habit, its no problem keeping up with. Besides, I think it will help you fit in with your new girl friends. Girls talk to each other about such things, you know. It will help you to better relate to them if you had your own to talk about," she informed him. As he stepped out of the shower, the door opened and Linda walked in. "Sorry but I just have to pee really bad," she said as she dropped her white polka dotted baby blue cotton panties and sat down. Daniel just stood there in shock as Linda peed. He couldn't see anything as her sleep shirt covered her groin. He realized that he was staring and immediately turned away. "Errrr....sure no prob," he managed to stutter. "Heather, like, you know, all us girls really love that you came over for our sleep over. It's not often an...an older girl would put up with us kids. Thanks," Linda said as she pulled up her panties. "Yeah....errr...thanks....I really lik...er love being with you girls...err..it was fun...err...for a change," he stuttered blushing beet red. As she started to walk out, she noticed the box of tampons and pads on the counter. "On your period I see. I just started having my visitor a few months ago. It makes me all crampy and achie all over. Does yours do that to you too?" she asked. "Ye....yeah....sometimes," he replied. Daniel couldn't believe he was having that kind of conversation with a twelve year old girl. Auntie had warned him that it would happen but Linda was acting like she was talking about the weather. "How could girls take such a cavalier attitude about that?" he wondered as she left. He quickly finished up and put on his bathing suit. He wasn't totally thrilled about appearing in public wearing a bikini but Jennifer's parents thought a pool party the ideal ending to a sleep over. The bikini was a florescent hot pink with a halter top and high cut bottoms that tied at the sides. "I wish I had a one piece. This doesn't cover much and there will be boys around. Peter would be bad enough but he's having some of his friends come over for the bar-b-cue. I've got to get Auntie to get me a one piece. I'll have to put my denim skirt on and not go into the pool," he thought as he looked at his reflection. While the other girls were getting ready, he wandered into the kitchen. He noticed the adults' busy preparing food and asked if he could help. Daniel was quickly put to work peeling potatoes for the salad. Mrs. Ives, Jennifer's Mother, told him how happy she was that an older girl would join the kids for a sleep over. Again, he felt a thrill of happiness just like when Linda told him the same. He couldn't explain that strange feeling but told her that he enjoyed the girl's company. The bar-b-cue and pool party wasn't the bad experience Daniel had feared. Peter had three of his friends over but they pretty much left the girls to themselves. While the guys were horse playing in the pool, the girls all sat out in the sun getting tans. Daniel wanted to keep his skirt on but the girls insisted that he couldn't get a good tan without taking it off. Reluctantly he took it off and as he was spreading sun tan lotion on his legs, Peter walked up with a great big smile on his face. "Golly Heather you look real good in that bathing suit. Why don't you come into the pool with us?" he asked. "Sorry Peter but I want to get a tan and talk to the girls," Daniel replied. He didn't want to offend Peter but he certainly didn't want to get into the pool with him either. Daniel felt a shiver run up his spine as Peter looked down on him. He could see Peter's eyes roving all over his body and it scared him. "I don't want some boy looking at me like that. I feel like a piece of raw meat with a vulture hovering over it. How do girls put up with that?" he thought as Peter finally walked away. When Roger came to pick him up Daniel was actually having fun. He was surprised to see Margaret get out of the limo. She came over and Daniel introduced her to Jennifer's parents. As she was talking to them, Peter came over and picked up Daniel's bag. "Here let me carry this to the car for you Heather," he said all smiles. "Oh, you there, don't I know you?" Margaret said. "Yes ma'am, I'm Peter Ives. Jennifer's brother. We met at the mall last week," he replied. "I...I can carry my own bag. It isn't that heavy," Daniel said trying to deflect his Aunts attention away from Peter. "Now Heather, darling, let this charming young man do his goodly deed for the day. Ahhh, yes, the young man who wanted a date with my niece," Margaret stated. "Yes ma'am and I still want a date with Heather if you would allow it," Peter said with an even bigger smile. "Well I wouldn't mind a gentleman caller under the right conditions. What did you have in mind Peter?" Margaret asked. "Errr...I thought maybe a pizza and movie. My Dad could take us and pick us up afterwards," he said after a second of thought. "That sounds like a proper first date. I'm sure Heather would love to go with you under those conditions. "Auntie Margaret!" Daniel hissed. "What's the matter Heather? You've been asking me to get out of the house for ages now. So what's the problem?" Margaret huffed. With everyone staring at him expectantly and seeing the look in his Aunt's eyes, decided to just let it happen. "Crap! I'm stuck having to go out with Peter now. Auntie Margaret isn't about to let me off the hook and if I don't agree, she'll find some way to punish me. Dang, I don't want to but she's giving me no choice," he thought. "Ahh, nothing Auntie. Errrr....I...would like to go to a movie," he stammered. "It's settled then. Peter it looks like you have a date. When were you planning on taking her out," she said with a smug smile. "This Friday would be just great. I get my allowance then," Peter replied gleefully. Ooo Tuesday at ballet class Daniel was smothered with a zillion questions from Jennifer and the other girls. Apparently word spread about his upcoming date with Peter and everyone wanted to know the details. Of course Jennifer knew all about it but wanted to know what Heather was going to wear and all the other girls wanted to know what he looked like, was she going to kiss him and all those other questions girls had about clothing and boys. The only thing that saved him from totally embarrassing himself was when Miss Stella told them to start their stretching warm-ups. The only thing on Daniel's mind that entire week was the fact that he had a date with a real boy. "I can't believe Auntie actually is making me go on a date with a real boy. It was horrible going out in public with Jacob but he was different. He was stuck just like me and didn't have any choice. This is so different. He's a real boy! What am I going to do?" he thought over and over. Another thing bothering him was the book Margaret gave him to read. "A Girl's Guide to Dating" wasn't one of those old fashion books that said not to kiss until the third date. This was a more liberal version that stressed safe sex. He wasn't surprised when his Aunt sent him into the drug store to buy a package of condoms. "Young girls can't be too careful nowadays. In my day, all we had to worry about was getting pregnant but now. Well, you can't be too careful. Get the package with the different colors that way you can match the color with your dress," she instructed. He had been embarrassed before but not nearly as much as when he went to check out. The clerk was an older teen but what made it horrible was that he was a he. When Daniel placed the box on the counter, the look the boy gave him made him blush all the way down to his toes. Friday arrived all too soon and Aunt Margaret had him getting ready at four in the afternoon. When he complained about the early hour as his date wasn't until seven, she retorted, "A girl's first date is one of the most important days in her life dear. It's right up there with getting the first bra, the first period, the first kiss you know. Look, here, I've bought you something that you need to help you remember all these important dates. I'm just sorry for not getting it to you much sooner. It's a diary that I want you to keep current. We don't have the time to begin filling out the details but we'll spend tomorrow on it. I'll help you get it started but you'll have to keep it up on your on. So let's get you into a nice hot bubbly bath for starters," she said. She stayed in the bathroom as he performed his pre-bath rituals making sure he did everything right. It still bothered him that she would watch as he did such personal rituals. She helped him shampoo and put steam rollers in his hair. As she was putting the last roller in, he said, "Please Auntie, I can do all this by myself now. You don't have to hover over me." "Oh I don't mind in the least darling. I just love sharing this experience with you. It brings back such beautiful memories. Now come along and let's see what you are going to wear tonight. It's got to be special and I think I know just the perfect outfit. It's such a beautiful summer evening. I think something light and frivolous is in order," she said with a giggle. "Light and frivolous indeed!" he mumbled as he waited to be called for his date. Margaret had gone all out and spared no amount of humiliation on him as she selected his lingerie, dress and makeup. "Since this is technically your first date with a real boy, I think white the appropriate color," she said handing him a pair of lace encrusted thongs, matching satin uplift demi-bra, wide lace garter belt with six straps, sheer ecru nylons and knee length heavily lace hemmed half-slip. With his lingerie on, she sat him down at the vanity and proceeded to apply his makeup. She used predominantly shades of pink finishing his look with a bright liquid looking pink lipstick. Taking the rollers from his hair, she bushed it out leaving a center part and swept the bangs across his forehead. She placed a pink plastic hair band to separate the bangs, sprayed a heady dose of Tabu perfume on and pronounced him ready for his dress. The knee length sundress was white rayon with pink polka dot decoration. The rounded collar just exposed the top of his breasts and tied at the shoulders with white satin ribbons. A pair of white leather thee inch spiked heeled strappy sandals, a multi-strand thin silver necklace, several silver bangles for his wrists and three silver rings came next. As a finishing touch, she put three inch silver hoops into his ear lobes. She reached into a drawer, rummaged around a bit then placed a bottle of hot pink varnish on the vanity counter. "Darling, be a dear and re-do your nails while I go get ready to meet your date and his father. Be careful and don't get any on your dress," she said then left the room. Peter showed up wearing a pair of tan slacks and a navy blue pull-over shirt. In his hand was a single red rose and a great big smile on his face. Daniel nervously thanked him and placed the rose in a vase. He rode in the back seat with Peter. A good space separated them while his Dad drove which Daniel was thankful for. They had pizza at the mall but Daniel could only get one slice down he was so nervous. The movie was one of those silly romantic comedies. Daniel jumped when Peter put his arm around his shoulders but didn't make him remove it. Soon afterwards, Peter got a little more daring by slowly moving his hand downwards to briefly touch the exposed skin just above Daniel's left breast. Without thinking Daniel reached up and pulled his hand away. He glared at Peter for a second then remembered he was supposed to be a real girl. So instead of punching Peter, he turned back to look at the screen. During the rest of the movie Daniel kept his knees pressed tightly together and his eyes staring at the screen. Peter for his part, just smiled but kept his arm around Daniel's shoulders. Towards the end of the movie, Peter was leaning against him. Daniel could feel his body heat and smell his Aqua Velva aftershave. The sensations Daniel was feeling were a strange mix of both attraction and repulsion. Peter was a good head taller than he was and his muscular arm felt reassuring. The masculine aftershave also gave him a sense of security. What bothered Daniel was the fact Peter was another boy and boys shouldn't feel that way about other boys. Daniel didn't dare to even think about the other emotions he was feeling about Peter in the back of his mind. Peter put his arm around Daniel's waist as they left the movie and kissed him quickly on the cheek just before walking out into the brightly lit theater proper. Daniel wanted to reach up and wipe the kiss off his cheek but didn't dare. Girls just didn't do that on a date and he couldn't afford to appear anything less than girly. So he did the next best thing and excused himself to go to the ladies and freshen up. The restroom was packed with other girls and women as Daniel walked in. He wasn't accustomed to waiting in line just to pee and it bothered him that each stall had at least three others waiting ahead of him. "It's a darn good thing I don't have to go that bad. Why don't these places put in more stalls?" he mumbled. "Yeah, aint that the truth dearie," the woman standing beside him said. "They never put in enough of them. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've almost wet myself standing in these lines. I'll tell you a little secret of mine when I know I'm going out. Wear a maxi-pad. It will absorb minor accidents." As they stood outside waiting for his Dad to pick them up, Peter plagued Daniel with questions about where he grew up, what school he went to, did he have any boyfriends then, what kind of music did he like and others teens usually ask each other. All the while they stood waiting Peter had his arm around Daniel's waist pulling them close. Peter's Dad finally arrived and none too soon for Daniel. "If I have to make up one more answer to his questions, I'm going to scream," Daniel thought as the car pulled up. Peter walked him to his door when they got back to Aunt Margaret's. Peter fumbled around while Daniel waited politely for his excuse to go inside. Peter finally got around to the inevitable and asked Daniel to go out with him again. Margaret specifically told him to accept if he asked him again, so with a forced smile, Daniel said he would. Peter's smile reached from ear to ear when he heard that and impulsively grabbed Daniel around the waist, pulled him into his body and planted a quick but sound kiss on Daniel's lips. It might have gone on longer but the porch light came on and Peter broke the kiss. "Well it looks like you had an eventful evening darling. You must simply tell me everything. I am just dying to know all the little juicy details of your date tonight," she said as he walked inside. All Daniel wanted to do was get out of his heels, change into something more comfortable and by that he meant less feminine and forget about his date. Margaret followed him into his room and while he changed, grilled him about every aspect of his date. She was more than pleased to hear that he wanted to take Heather out on another date. She was so pleased that she insisted Daniel keep dating Peter for the rest of the summer. If he didn't want to date Peter she was positive Jacqueline would be available. That pronouncement sent a shiver up his spine. As Daniel lay back in bed he relived that evening's experiences. "He tried to grab my boob! Then he kept his arm around me the entire time and kissed me! Why couldn't he just watch the movie? I still can't believe I let him kiss me right out there in front of my house. Where everybody could see me....oh shit...I could feel his dick pressing against my stomach. What kind of boy is......damn....he was acting the same way I did back when..." he couldn't finish the thought as he broke out in tears. Ooo Monday he was taken to Dr. Richards for his weekly hormone injection and blood work. He complained that the shots didn't seem to be working and that his breasts seemed more sensitive. "Look Doctor, my nipples are bigger than they were the last time I saw you. Are you sure these shots will help?" he asked. "Don't worry Heather, you are doing just fine. If I'm right your test results will show that a proper hormone level has been reached. Now don't worry your pretty little head over it. Like I said, everything will be just fine by the time school starts," the Doctor answered. The Doctors words didn't give him any comfort but they did ease his mind a bit. In just two weeks since he first saw the Doctor, his areoles had grown to the size of half dollars, his nipples always seemed to be erect and they were oh so sensitive. "She did say that in another three weeks everything would be back to normal but I don't know. These boobs seem to be getting bigger each week instead of shrinking. Man! I sure hope she's right. I can't go back home with tits," he thought as they left the office for his deportment lessons. Wednesday, Peter called Heather to ask him out for Saturday night. He wanted to take her to a teen dance club in town and would pick her up at seven. Daniel tried to hedge off the date by saying he would have to ask his Aunt and he would call back. Unfortunately Margaret was standing nearby and heard most of the conversation. "Tell him you would just love to go out with him again and sound thrilled," she instructed. Saturday morning Margaret took him to see Madge for a complete makeover. This time his hair was given blond highlights and a light trim. Full body wax, deluxe facial, manicure with one inch French tipped extensions, pedicure and professionally applied makeup were included. When Daniel complained about what she had the salon do, she said, "Darling, you are going out on a second date and to a dance party. You simply must look your best. You don't want Peter's eyes roving. You want him captivated by just you my dear. Since this is your second date with the same boy, I expect you to be much nicer to him. Last time you let him have his first kiss and he will expect more this time. I expect him to be so happy with your attentions that he will ask you out for a third date. When we get to the house, I want you to take a nice long bubble bath and don't forget to protect your hair," she stated. Margaret dressed him for his date after inspecting every inch of his body. Even though he had a fax vagina covering his genitals, standing nude while his Aunt inspected him still made him blush. For lingerie, she selected a matched set in sunflower yellow nylon and ecru colored hose. A yellow silk blouse with rounded cowl neckline and three quarter length balloon sleeves that tied off with bright yellow satin ribbons, a grey wool full skirt and yellow leather strappy sandals with a four inch stiletto heel completed his dressing. For accessories, a wide yellow leather belt with gold buckle was pulled tight around his waist. A yellow satin ribbon choker with cameo was fastened around his neck, white plastic bangles for his wrist and several rings were selected. He was given a yellow leather hobo purse that Margaret filled with his cosmetics, tissues, wallet, a spare pair of hose, spare pair of panties, tampons, condoms and hair brushes. Daniel stood nearby as she filled the purse blushing with embarrassment. "Man! I hope nobody looks in there," he mumbled as the bag filled. "If another girl looks in there she will see nothing that she doesn't also have in her purse darling. Spare hose in case you have a run and panties in case you have an accident. Just the essentials every girl has when going out. If Peter is the gentleman I think he is, he will not dare to get into your purse. Gentlemen are taught from a very young age to never ever go into a woman's purse, you know," she replied. Promptly at seven Peter picked Daniel up and his Dad drove them to the club. It was crowded and the music blaring when they entered. Peter found them a booth towards the back and once Daniel was seated left to get them drinks. The club had subdued lighting but not dark, the large wooden dance floor took up about a third of the space, the walls were lined with red leather booths and there were numerous tables and chairs laid about. Up towards the front of the club was the snack bar and soda fountain. Peter brought back two large slices of pepperoni pizza and large cokes. Again, Daniel didn't have much of an appetite as he was just too nervous. It was bad enough being out with a boy but he didn't know how to dance like a girl. He didn't think ballet steps were going to do the trick tonight. As much as he didn't want to dance, he had to when Peter asked him. Unfortunately it was a slow melodic tune and Peter pulled Daniel close into his body. Daniel wasn't totally ignorant when it came to dancing like a girl. He knew to put his arms around Peter's neck and somehow follow his lead while wearing high heels. Peter's arms were around Daniel's waist as they slow danced. The aroma of Aqua Velva filled Daniel's nose and the strong arms guiding him around the dance floor were reassuring. As the dance ended, Daniel was surprised to discover that they were dancing cheek to cheek and his fingers were running through Peter's hair. Realizing what he was doing, Daniel pulled his head back only to have his lips melding with Peter's. They danced to several fast dances after that and another slow one before heading back to their booth. Daniel was very confused as they reached the booth and Peter left to get them some more soda. During both slow dances he had felt very strange. Peter's cologne was intoxicating, the strength he felt being held close, the tickling sensation emanating from his nipples which were as hard as rocks but more importantly, the electric thrill that raced up his spine when Peter kissed his neck and then blew gently into his ear. Now that was a surprise and his happy mood confused the heck out of him. "Boys shouldn't be feeling like this dancing with another boy," he thought. When Peter returned they just sat and talked. He did most of the talking and Daniel just listened. They held hands while they talked and every now and again Peter would steal a quick kiss from his beautiful date. Daniel couldn't avoid the kisses, so he just grinned and bore it. As time passed, the kisses didn't seem to be that horrible. Daniel's bladder made its need known and he excused himself to go to the lady's. The room was filled to capacity when Daniel entered. The lines in front of the stalls seemed to be a million miles long. By the time he got into a stall, he was dampening his panties. "Crap! When will I ever learn that women need to go before they really have too? Good thing Auntie put a fresh pair of panties in my purse," he mumbled as he did his business. Finished, he waded through the crowd to the sinks and fixed his smeared lipstick. They were picked up by Peter's Dad around eleven. Daniel was exhausted by then and was glad to be going home. At the door, Peter kissed him deeply playing tongue tag. This time, Daniel didn't push him away but let him continue the kiss until the porch light blinked. The deep kiss had literally taken Daniel's breath away. Smiling he entered the house. Margaret seeing his smile wanted to know all the details right then and there. Daniel confessed his confusion but she told him that it was perfectly normal. When he protested, she made him tell her exactly how he had felt getting held by strong arms and being kissed. Did he get tingles up his spine when they kissed? Did little bolts of electricity radiate from his nipples as they danced? Her questions and his honest answers only confused him all the more. He spent a long time filling in his diary that night. Ooo To his surprise he saw Jacob in his next dance class. His hair was still tightly curled in that Little Orphan Annie style but he seemed thinner and somehow more girlish. He was wearing a hot florescent lavender leotard, pink tights and pink ballerina slippers. They didn't have a chance to talk as Jennifer and the girls rushed over and began their twenty questions about his date with Peter. As they went through their stretching and positions exercises, Daniel noticed that Jacob seemed to know all the moves. He also noted that Jacob had what appeared to be bigger breasts than he remembered. Daniel felt sorry for him but was in no position to either talk or help in any meaningful way. Bending at the waist, feet in the first position, arms outstretched and fingers waving to the music, Daniel had enough to keep his mind occupied than to worry about Jacob. After class Daniel went over to Jacob followed by the girls. He had hoped to talk to him alone but that wasn't going to happen. So he introduced Jacob to his friends and asked how Jacqueline was doing. "Errr....hi Heather. I....I'm doing okay I guess. Sam has been teaching me ballet but decided I would do better in a proper class. She...she also has me in a yoga class. Says I need to become real limber and more graceful if I...I want to attract the....the boys," he replied softly. Daniel wanted to ask more but Mrs. Hawthorne and Sam came into the room to get Jacqueline. Emma gave Heather a glance but Sam glared at him. "Why Heather, we haven't seen you around lately. Jacqueline has really missed you so much. She just can't stop talking about your sleep over and all the great things you two did. Oh, how rude of me. Are these your new little friends? I bet they would love to hear about your sleep over with Jackie here," she said grinning evilly. Daniel almost peed himself when Sam said that. He knew that she would be more than happy to spill his secret to Jennifer and the others. If she did that, he would be devastated. Fortunately, Margaret entered the room and saw them talking. "Emma, Sam how nice to see you again. I see you decided to get Jacqueline dancing lessons. Well, we must have a chat but I'm running late for an appointment. Come along Heather, I don't want to be late," she said giving Emma a stern look. "Auntie Margaret, Auntie Margaret, you saw. Sam threatened to tell Jennifer and the others all about me. You can't let her do that! Please, you've got to do something. You just have too," Daniel said as they got into the limo. "I'm sure Jacqueline's presents at the studio today was just coincidental dear. However, I will give Emma a call and see what I can do," she assured him. Tuesday, Jacob met Daniel as he arrived at the studio just inside the entrance. To Daniel's surprise, Jacob grasped him in a tight hug and kissed him right on the lips. Daniel pushed him away and looked around to see if anybody saw them. The only one there was Sam standing off in the shadows holding a camera. "Look girlie boy, unless you want me to tell those little rug rats in there who you really are, you will be very nice to Jackie here. Remember you're bestest friends and lesbian lovers at that. You tell that bitch of an Aunt of yours that you want to spend the night this weekend with my precious little sister or....well you get my drift. Don't think for one moment that I won't do it or that your Aunt can do anything to stop me. Now give Jackie a nice French kiss then go into class holding hands all nice nice like. And...don't tell her we had this little conversation either or it will go even worse for you," she hissed. "But...but Auntie Margaret won't let me. Not after what happened last time. She won't let me do that," Daniel argued. "Well sissy boy you had better figure out a way or I'll just have to have a powwow with your little friends in there. If nothing else, they will believe that you two are lesbian lovers once they see these pictures," she snapped. That evening over dinner Daniel broached the subject of going over to Jacob's. "Errr...Auntie Margaret...errr...could I go spend the night at Jacob's this Saturday," he managed. "I thought you had a date with Peter this weekend dear," she said. "Yeah, yes I do but it's for Friday," he replied. "I thought that after the last time you visited over there and what happened, you never wanted to see them again. I even called Emma and gave her a piece of my mind. So why all of a sudden you just have to go over there?" she asked. "Errr..aaahhh...Jacob...errr..he...he wants my help. Yeah, he needs me to help him get away from....from Sam. Please let me go so I can help him Auntie," he plead. "Help him? How can you help him?" she questioned. "I...I don't know but...but I feel really sorry for him," he replied. "If you insist but I don't like the idea. You shouldn't be meddling into their affairs," she said. "I know but he's a nice kid and...and I want to help. Maybe I can convince Mrs. Hawthorne to keep Sam away from him. At least I can try," he added. "Okay, but I'm calling Emma first," she relented. Friday's date with Peter was to another movie but it had been showing for awhile and there weren't too many people there. Peter took advantage of the situation and pressed his attentions on Daniel. Daniel for his part didn't fight back too hard and Peter managed to get to second base that night. While Daniel managed to keep his modesty, Peter did get to grope his "A+" cup breast and fondle a nipple through the nylon of his bra. Daniel left the movie with a big hickey on his neck and a slightly tender left nipple. In the lady's after the movie, as he freshened his makeup and straightened out his blouse, Daniel was more confused than ever. "I shouldn't have let him do that tonight but he was so demanding. So so masculine tonight. If I tried to stop him, people might have noticed. That would have been so embarrassing. I didn't mind the kissing hardly at all this time. It kinda made me feel all tingly inside. Then, his hand on my boobie and the feeling. Ohhh, I don't know what's happening to me. He's so strong, smells so good and so so, gee I don't know what's right anymore. Damn! That snit, he gave me a hickie. Now how am I going to cover that up so Aunt Margaret doesn't see? Darn him," he thought as he stood before the mirror. Aunt Margaret saw the hickie and was relentless in getting him to reveal all that happened. Instead of being mad like he thought she would be, she glowed with happiness. "Darling, I am so glad to see you developing into a young lady. I am really pleased that you found a nice boy like Peter. I still don't understand why you insist on going over to Jacqueline's house tomorrow. I just don't see any good come from it," she stated. "But Auntie I have too," he replied. "Well, it's on your head then whatever happens but you call me if you need me. I'll have Roger there in no time. Do you understand me young lady?" she said. Ooo Daniel wore his cotton navy with white pin striping square necked blouse and white pleated knee length skirt over to Jacob's. He carried his over night bag with his makeup, change of clothing, nightie and toiletries. When Mrs. Hawthorne opened the door, she looked as mean as ever. "Oh, so you just had to see my sissy son again did you? Well, come on in since you're here. Jacqueline is up in her room. I told Sam to leave you two alone just like your Aunt demanded," she said gruffly. Daniel hurried to Jacob's room hoping that he wouldn't meet Sam on the way. He arrived safely at his door and knocked then went in. He was surprised to see Jacob sitting at his vanity wearing just a bright red half-slip with four inches of floral lace hemming. He was applying a heavy coating of makeup. His auburn hair was tightly rolled in small blue rollers and a brown hairnet held everything in place. Jacob stopped what he was doing and turned to face Daniel with a big smile. Daniel's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Jacob's chest. Two firm elongated breasts with extremely large and thick nipples stood proudly attached to his chest. Jacob saw where he was staring and quickly brought his hands up to cover the mounds. "Mot....Mother...errrr....she got me these just after your last visit. The...they were actually smaller than these but....bu...but Sam wanted them bigger. I....I don't know where she got the stuff but she...she made them this big. Th...they're..."D" cups she told me," he mumbled as tears formed at the corners of his eyes. "Jacob I'm so sorry. The...they didn't look that big at the studio," Daniel replied still stunned. "I wore a minimizer for ballet. It's sorta like an Ace bandage with cups only much more elastic. It really mashes them down and it kinda hurts wearing it. Sam really likes to make me stay bare chested when I'm at home. Wants me to show off my assets she says. She also says that the bull dykes really love big tittied girls with large nipples. They like to stuff them up their pussies and ride 'em like dicks," he said breaking out in tears. "Gosh Jacob that sounds horrible!" Daniel said as he moved over to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. He didn't even realize what a girlish move he had made. Between his lessons from Miss Harris and the female hormones coursing through his veins, he was becoming very feminine. "Where is she by the way? I didn't see her when I came in," he asked still hugging Jacob. "I...I don't really know....but...I know she is up to something rotten and no good. Said something about fixing a special brew but that's all I know," he replied still sobbing. Daniel soon found out the answer to his question as Sam walked into the room without knocking. "Good thing for you that you showed up. Now it's time to have some fun so why don't you get out of those clothes," she ordered. "Look here Sam, you were told to keep away from us. Why don't you just go away and let us be. If you don't I'll call your Mother," Daniel replied. "Well my darling little lesbo bitch I'll tell you why. Momma took a couple of her sleeping pills and is now resting quietly. I doubt if you could wake her with a bomb. So you had better do as you are told or I'll make things a whole lot worse than they could be," she snorted. "Why...why are you doing this to us? We never did anything to you," Daniel asked. "Cause I feel like it bitch! Call it my revenge or whatever but don't get me wrong, I can be a whole lot meaner. Men taught me that. They taught me to be real mean. Now get those clothes off. I want to see some lessie action," she snarled. Daniel stared at her for a moment but seeing the crazy look in her eyes decided stripping was better than arguing. As he was stepping out of his skirt, he asked, "But why lesbians?" "Because I want you to hate women as much as I do men! You two are straight probably not a gay bone in your bodies and love girls. By making you the sex toys of dominant bad ass women, you'll wind up hating them. By the time I finish with you two, you'll hate all women as much as I do men. Once I get you two knowing how to please a woman, I'm going to set you up with a girl biker gang. You'll become their doxies. When you're not servicing them, I'll have you doing the guys. Guys like that Peter you are dating. Nice ones that you will suck and fuck to keep them rather than go back to those biker chicks. Now hurry up I have a prize for the two of you to share," she said venomously. Once Daniel was naked, she walked over to him with one hand still behind her back. "If I didn't know better I would believe that you were a real girl," she said as she reached out and touched one of his nipples. Daniel started to step back when she screamed, "Stand still! Spread those legs, I want a better look." Shaking in fear not wanting to piss her off anymore than she already was, he did as told. Sam walked up almost nose to nose, when Daniels eyes flew open in surprised shock. Sam stepped back laughing insanely, pointing her finger at him. "So how does it feel to have a big dick in your pussy bitch? From the look on your face, I'd say delighted," she said laughing. Daniel looked down to his groin and saw a large thick pink veined dick sticking out of his vagina. He could feel it pressing on the inside against his own hidden penis. "Wha....wha....," was all he could stammer. "Yeah, it's a double headed dick and you are going to play the double hump backed camel with my darling sister right now. I want to see a lot of action. Now move your ass over to Jacqueline, stick that into her pussy and start humping. While you are standing face to face, I want you to put a lot of tongue into it. Now move!" she screamed. Daniel moved over to Jacob. To his surprise Jacob was standing nude, his hair brushed out and made up like a harlot. He had a sad smile on his face as Daniel approached. Daniel looked down as saw the rubber dick bobbing up, down and side to side as he moved. "How strange is this? I have what I always wanted between my legs but now I am repulsed by it. She is sick, really sick and if I don't do what she demands then no telling what she is liable to do to us," he thought. They stood there face to face French kissing like there was no tomorrow while trying to get into a rhythm as they humped one another. Daniel despite the fear and humiliation was feeling strange almost like an out of body experience. It was like he was standing off to the side watching two pretty girls having intercourse. Watching them fuck was turning him on. The pretty girl's lipstick covered mouth felt so good sliding across his lips, the tingle of constant pleasure as the dildo slid along his own covered penis and the warmth radiating out of his nipples as they rubbed those of the pretty girl. These were the sensations he had always hoped to have as a man with a woman but he was the other pretty girl. He tried to imagine that he was in his male form enjoying the caresses but as soon as the vision happened it would falter and fade. He was watching two girls doing it, seeing a flash of pink as their hips parted and disappear as they clashed back together again. He felt a heat build up between his legs and a flash of sparks as he exploded in a feeling of well being and pleasure. That feeling of pleasure rolled over him like the tide coming in. As the final wave left him, Daniel opened his eyes and saw Jacob staring back at him. He tried to step away and break the contact but Sam's harsh command to stay froze him where he was. "I want to try something so you two stand still. If either one of you moves, I'm gong to beat the snot out of you," she said. Daniel felt a sharp biting pain in his right nipple and then in his left. He let out a gasp as the pain ripped through him as did Jacob. Looking down he saw what Sam had done to them and got weak in the knees. Hold steady. I just connected your nipples together with clamps. You can shuffle over to the bed and I want Jacqueline on top. I want to see some real action. Jacqueline, I want you to push up stretching those clamps and titties out as far as you can. I want to hear loud moans and shrieks of pleasure from the both of you. Yeah, smile like you are enjoying it. I want a lot of video of you two lessies going at it with relish. You don't do a convincing job and I'll pull your nipples right off," she spat at them. They were both dripping in sweat by the time Sam told them to stop. Sam removed the nipple clamps and as she pulled away flicked Daniel's swollen left nipple with her finger nail. "Not much there is there? Nothing like my sissy sister's. Bet you would love to have nice big nipples like her. Now wouldn't you," She hissed. When he didn't respond, she slapped him hard across the face. "I didn't hear you," she screamed. "Yes, yes anything you say but please no more. I can't take anymore," he replied. "Let me hear you. Tell me exactly what you want," she said. "I...I want big nipples like,,,,,like Jacqueline," he said as tears filled his eyes. "Good, I got that on tape. Let me see what I can do to help you," she said with an evil smile. Sam left them for a few moments and as they lay side by side panting in exhaustion and pain, Jacob whispered, "I'm soooo sorry." When Sam came back she told Jacob to get out of the bed but to keep the dildo inside him. Daniel looked up at her with dazed eyes as she bent over him. He felt another sharp pain in his nipples and guessed that she had clamped them again. Then he screamed as it felt like a burning flame had seared off first one then the other nipple. He passed out and darkness over took him. When he opened his eyes, Jacob was holding him. "I'm so sorry but I couldn't do anything to stop her. I wanted to, I really did but I couldn't he said. "My....my nipples.....wha....what did she do to them?" he gasped. "Just what she did to mine. She...she filled them with....I don't know...something rubbery. Don't worry, the pain goes away quickly," he replied softly. Daniel forced himself up onto his elbows and looked down at his chest. His nipples were at least an inch long and half and inch thick. They throbbed and burned but the severe pain was gone. "She's crazy! She can't do this! We have to call the police or somebody

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A Reward of Wishes III

A Reward of Wishes III By Bill Hart As I sat before the mirror, I brushed out my long silky hair. I was getting ready for my next date with Frank Carson; we were going to a party tonight that promised to be the highlight of my whole sophomore year. I smiled at the pretty girl being reflected by the mirror. Although I hadn't forgotten who I'd once been, I'd long since reluctantly concluded that the girl I saw there would be who I would see reflected back any time I looked into a...

4 years ago
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My Brother My Sister Part III

My Brother, My Sister Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II It was too much for me and I started to squirt hot semen, drenching my panties as he squeezed me harder. Tom grunted and pushed himself into me as far as he could; I was pushed hard against the kitchen counter as my brother's throbbing cock exploded deep in my ass. I felt the head of his penis pulsate against my prostate as he shot stream after stream of hot semen deep inside me. I continued to eject jets of come as...

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Lady In The House Part III

Lady in the House Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II Hot wet fluid suddenly soaked the tops of my thighs and the crotch of my panties. I felt stream after stream of his creamy seed shoot against my silken hosed thighs and being to slowly run down my legs. My crotch was soaked with hot sticky liquid and as I struggled to breathe I could smell the salty, slightly swampy smell that is associated with fresh semen. Eddie had ejaculated against me. He slowed down his thrusts...

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Long Lost Friend III

Long Lost Friend III By Teri Franken [email protected] Part II ended with Teri having Jack dress up in identical Victoria Secrets lingerie, they are both now dressed in powder blue panties, stockings, garter belt, stocking and black patent leather pumps. Jack is now called 'Mandy' and is checking out some new horizons.... Teri pushed me towards the bed and I fell backwards with her landing on top of me. The feeling of nylon against nylon almost put me on sensory overload! She...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Toothbrush Part III

TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...

5 years ago
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One Summers Day Part III

One Summer's Day, part III By- G.K.S (Sorry everyone, I didn't proof this. it's been sitting on my HD for a year. I feel like if I don't post it now, I never will...if you know what I mean. As always with my stories, if you want to see a part IV, then post a review! I only do continuations if the story gets reviews. After all...why continue a story that no one wants to read? I've got some sequels and continuations to some of my other stories on the way in the near future, so keep...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Angel S1 E3 Pilot Part III

Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part III of III

Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...

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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

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Martins Halloween Nightmare

"Martin's Halloween Nightmare" Martin's Halloween Nightmare is a short side story using the characters and world of Martin Hastings. An unusual story to say the least. It is not part of the saga itself. "Twisted" Martin sat at the table before the judge with his legal counsel. The courtroom was full of spectators as the drama of the judge's decision loomed in the closing statements of the prosecutor. Martin didn't like the way the judge looked over...

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Nightmare Moons Rise is More Erotic Than You Thought

Luna looked out over Equestria’s sleeping ponies and frowned to herself; there was almost nopony enjoying her beautiful night sky. The buxom alicorn mare was not happy about this. At first, she didn’t mind too much, but that was starting to change. Luna was feeling underappreciated, very few beyond the night shift were around at night, and even they spent next to no time marveling at her work. More often than not, foals that didn’t want to sleep would be the ones to marvel at her work. Luna...

5 years ago
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She pulled her loose flannel pajama pants to her knees then sat on the stool. As she flowed into the toilet the bathroom door opened and her brother stumbled in, his eyes half closed with sleep. A shock of fright raced through her, but when she recognized him, she shuddered with relief. Even though she was sitting on the toilet his presence was reassuring, she wasn’t alone with the demon anymore. His eyes opened fully when he saw her, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be up...

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The man in the nightmare

The man in the Nightmare. The nightmare came again. Laura moaned in her sleep and mouthed the words NO. NO. NO. In her dream she was in New Orleans in the French Quarter. HE was there smiling. A dark creole man about fifty. He walked towards her with an grin under a thin mustache that was as sharp as a carving knife. She tried to move but she couldn't. The ground under her feet was like grasping hands from a grave. He drew closer and his smile widened so she could see his crooked...

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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 04

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 04 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: Wes Craven: A Nightmare on Elm Street Victor Miller: Friday the 13th John Carpenter: Halloween Victor Salva: Jeepers Creepers Clive Barker: Candyman, Hellraiser CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘I got a few emails asking me why the Sheriff’s Office in this story was a little different from the one seen ‘Freddy vs. Jason.’...

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Daniels Nightmare II

Daniel's Nightmare II By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to reality purely accidental. Please read part I first. This story may be down loaded for personal pleasure only and no other use allowed unless approved by the author. Forced feminization and humiliation are strong elements of this story. There is sissy-on-sissy sex in this episode. If this is not to your liking, you have been warned. All constructive comments appreciated @...

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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 02

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 02 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween STEPHEN KING: It VICTOR SALVA: Jeepers Creepers KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Scream CLIVE BARKER: Candyman ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘There have been a few questions regarding the fate of Dr. Loomis at the end...

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Williams Nightmare

William's Nightmare This is a true account of a past ordeal that has dominated my life for manyyears now. I wish that the clock could be turned back and that it would all go away.I have never, ever told a living soul about this painful and humiliating periodbut feel that I must set the record straight in my own mind by sharing thepain with at least one other person. Only then can I try to forget. It is easierfor me if I write this story in the third person. A couple of names and veryfew...

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Nightclub Nightmare

Nightclub Nightmare (NC, Rape, MF/f, SM, D/S, Gangbang, Torture,Humiliation) Sharon Tu could feel her heart racing with excitement,as she and her other friends waited patiently in line to enter Da-Boom .The little Asian girl was literally shaking from the cold frosty air, the blaringsongs emanating from the club, and her own eagerness to quickly get inside.Although there were many rowdy teens hollering and laughing nearby, Sharoncould still feel the pounds and thuds of hip-hop music...

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Nightmare in the Gallery

Introduction: CAW 13 entry – Is a security guard every really secure? Jaleesha Johnson tied her black work shoes, stood up, tucked her tan blouse into her chocolate brown slacks, grabbed her uniform blazer and hat, and left her small apartment. There was always a breeze, albeit today it was a warm one for an afternoon in late October, as she turned onto Woodward Avenue. She counted herself lucky to be working in the largest city in Michigan, let alone be able to afford a small place of her own...

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Slumber Party Nightmare A Third Telling

I suppose the title requires an explanation, since I've never written stories called "Slumber Party Nightmare" or "Slumber Party Nightmare Two" or whatever else they might have been called. In October 1995, I downloaded a story called "Slumber Party Nightmare" from one of the Usenet newsgroups. The story was around 30K in length and the author was not listed. It was one of those stories that ended before I thought it should have ended, which consequently left open a lot of loose...

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Daniels Nightmare IV

Daniel's Nightmare IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of forced feminization. Please read prior chapters first. This may be downloaded for personal use only. All other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Standard disclaimers apply. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Daniel's Nightmare IV Daniel and Jacob sat huddled on the bed waiting to be either saved or abused. They just didn't know if help would arrive in time. Finally they heard the lock on...

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Frilly Pink Nightmare A Predators Punishment

"It's how we survive. How we improve." His voice was a cold droning between her ears, a probing of her patience. She tightened her smile, ran one hand through her greying hair. He watched the rain decorate the glass wall behind her, shining from the lights of the skyline beyond. Stomach cold and tight with anticipation, he steeled his singing nerves and continued with his speech as he had so many times before. "A predator is built to recognize weakness. It's their design....

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Nightmare in Terror

NIGHTMARE IN TERROR by Spanky de Bautumn Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto". But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go this far in the Bureau's plan to nab the world's most wanted and hated...

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Rescued from the Rain Part III

Part III As I sat my living room with Amy and her two daughters on the heels of what had just happened and with the knowledge that Amy had giving me control of her and her daughters for the weekend, my mind race from one sexual desire to another trying to find he best ones to do before the weekend ran out. Even though I had just cummed, the excitement of the possibilities kept my cock in a...

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World War III

‘We need some help here, Jack—a strike package and an extraction team—now!’ ‘The fast movers are eight minutes out—the helos almost thirty, Hal, ah, Mr. President’ ‘They’ll be dead or worse in five. We’re going in, we’re switching to Tac two.’ ‘Mr. President…’ The four star combatant commander knew that protest was futile. He’d known the POTUS since their first war together. He remembered fondly his first meeting with the then brand new lieutenant. He’d known then that he was...

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Coach John Part III

All of the characters are fictional and have no link to real people, and they are fictional, I also do not condone this behavior in real life it's fictional. Part III is in rough draft mode and will post here shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 12, Year-End High School Dance After the team finished practicing John and Tori remained on the field to "work on her swing." John offered extra one-on-one tuition to individual players on the...

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Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part III Isabelle’s thoughts were interrupted when she saw Darius stop mid-step, and poke his head back through the doorway. ‘Oh, and Isabelle? No more masturbating in the school toilets. In fact, no more masturbating anymore, full stop. You will let me, and only...

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Secrets Revealed Pt III

Part III – The Truth Tim and Fran woke up on Saturday morning. Tim wanted to play some more, taking advantage of a night in a hotel without Laura, but Fran had butterflies in her stomach. She had an appointment to face her worst fears. They tried to have breakfast at the Polo Grille inside the hotel but Fran ended up only with a cup of coffee. Tim managed to eat a little more but he was also nervous. He was torn—he was meeting with the woman he had loved, the woman who had let him go so he...

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The Chace McCartson Tale RW Chapter III

This is a rewrite of a story I had published here in 2012. This is an attempt of finishing it, taking over where it stopped in 2015 after I am done rewriting. It has re-checked and better English, additional scenes and lines, probably heading to a totally new experience altogether, as I took in consideration all the evaluation and comments I received back then. So, if you're new to this, please, don't go looking for the old ones that are still up, as it may ruin your reading. Some...

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Possessed Part III

PART III * * * Aggression had always been part of Nathan’s psyche and had led him into trouble, arguably had even led him here to his mental prison. But this aggression had also meant Nathan was a fighter. He’d taking beatings from his dad and bullies. He’d survived in youth detention by ensuring his anger was channelled right when it was needed, and used as a weapon. Without his violent nature he would never have lived on the streets, clawing his way to the front of a mass of homeless...

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New Family Secrets III

New Family Secrets III I had been laying tied to the bed, and Kara had been gone long enough for my erection to go down. When Kara reappeared she was holding a tube of something and a black plastic tube. “oh your hard-on is gone so we will have to start all over” she said with an evil smile as she dropped the objects on the bed and crawled between my legs. I thought she was going to start rubbing my cock, but she slid...

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